#oooo meme I like let's join in
just-art-scrolling · 3 months
Do you love the color of the bricks?
I was told about this meme and I am more than a decade late but am very much in love
it is also the reason I was like whelp I keep hearing about this tumblr thing let's see whats up
I have been told that do you love the color of the sky always pops back up and I'm looking forward to helping continue that problem
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scribe-of-hael · 1 year
What would happen if ES Optimus and Megatron ended up in the Transformers Prime AU?
What are the TFP characters reaction to a seemingly nicer Megatron?
In reality ES are pretty small since they kind align with g1 size! Its not their fault tfp are stupidly big. Tfp megs i believe is like 30ft tall, KO is about 21ft in comparison. But for their sake I'll bump them up to a tfp kinda height xD we grow during dimensional travel for science reasons.
ofc Tfp Optimus knows somthing up cause they are there and takes them back depsite knowing that one is a Megatron but clearly isn't his megs.
who's sus? Rachet sus ,because rachet is rachet and that is what he do lol the prime team are weary of Megs. But it comes very clear that this Megs isn't at all like theirs. Its kinda wierd for them to talk to him but God is ot nice to have a Megatron who's not trying to kill you. I think Arcee and Racehet are sus and weary. Which Meg i think would understand he's had to deal with this hesitation by others bots for a while of think.
How do I think the bots would be less inclined to avoid ES megs. The kids ofc! And megs knows how to talk to the kids and has some good practice with Moe and Robbie. He's acutally happy the kids (looking at Ralph and Miko , and eventually Jack) come to talk to him.
Seeing his gentle nature alrund the kids when their megs wouldn't even think twice about crushing them sets everyone at Ease.
Miko is fighting for a ride in his alt mode , she's so exicted. I think its adorable.
Bee , arcee , Bulkhead and yes you too raceht come around to Megs a bit.
Optimus is already very happy to see that yes, a megs can change. And he enjoys tlaking to him and the other op.
oh God I'm now seeing that tfp seeing megs might just fuel his thoughts of "My Megatron can change, I can help him change!" No sweetheart you can't and both ES megs and op agree that their megs is CRAZY.
don't let THE MEGS. MEET. PERIOD. DO NOT. it would such an epic fight let's be real. ES megs is just utterly disgusted that this who who he is here. Who he probably could have become the damage he caused. It makes Megs angery.
Though tfp megs is also disgusted that ES would change, give up the war and join Optimus of all people. The shame ES megs feels seeing Starscream get basically beat up by Megs. (Oof megs maybe you should properly apologize to your star because YEAH IT DOENST LOOK GREAT FROM THE OUSTIDE DOES IT?)
But when comes to TFP op, its a bit harder. Cause ofc tfp op is light hearted here and there but he's a very serious individual, he very much a noble leader and we don't get to many light hearted moments because of how serious the situation is in prime. But ES is extremely more light hearted, dare I say goofy, he's an old man/dad. Some of ES jokes go over tfp head but its ok. He gentle explains and TFP learns lol
See the difference in personality is one scene.
"Hey Optimus wanna see somthing funny?"
Tfp: No (being honest and not trying to be hurtful he just don't wanna that ok, but he seriosu )
ES: Oooo! Of course ! Is it the monkey video? I love that one ! (Interested, indulges even if he may not understand, he wants to see funny meme)
Optimus is having a fun time seeing different versions of himself while Megs is reminds ...right...I'm still bad most of the time in other universes and I still have alot to work on.
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ettaberrytea · 2 years
Oooo for the WIP Ask Meme tell us about Star Trek: Cardassia!
This is the one that I have over 20 outlines for that I was complaining about a few days ago. It is meant as a hypothetical new Star Trek tv show set right after DS9.
Major Kira, Quark and Jake join Garak on Cardassia. Kira is looking for answers to the identity of the dead version of herself that she saw in the episode “Second Skin,” and she needs to convince Garak to help access the Order’s subterranean archives. Jake is looking for answers to what happened to his dad. He's hoping that he may find stolen Bajoran texts that could help him bring his dad home. Quark is listless since Odo left and has decided, half out of the goodness of his heart and half out of desire for capitalistic world domination, to bring Quark’s to Cardassia and provide a means for the locals to trade salvage and labour for his merchandise. Garak, who feels that really he ought to end his life at what he sees as the rational end to his tragedy, keeps finding one more thing to do before his final event. He finds himself in an awkward friendship with Dr. Parmak. Dr. Parmak is in no position to help Garak, and frankly isn’t particularly sound of mind either, along with everyone else who survived.
Star fleet is offering “aid.” The Klingons are offering “security.” Everyone from con artists and fraudsters, to enterprising scholars of varying degrees of morality seem to suddenly have a reason to set up shop. Hundreds of Bajoran apostles show up to search for the lost orbs of prophecy. The surviving Guls, Directors, Archons and lesser government officials are all scrambling over each other to form government. At the centre of it all is the mystery of the sealed and booby-trapped Obsidian Order tunnels that still await the return of the late Director Tain.
Oh, and the protagonists manage to converse with Sisko at some point, who's still chilling with the wormhole aliens, and they go on a trippy, meta adventure to an American scifi film set in the 80s.
Most of this wip is just half formed ideas scribbled on various peices of paper. Here's a snippet of Sisko in the wormhole:
“Does this expanse go on forever?”
“What is forever?”
Sisko sighed deeply. He wasn’t sure how he was getting a headache without a corporal body.
“If I pick a direction and start walking, will I ever get to anything other than nothing?”
The misty form of Sarah frowned in confusion.  
sisko was pacing.
“The Sisko is disconcerted by our -void-“
“Yeah, you certainly could put it that way”
“The Sisko is having trouble assimilating into non-linear space”
“I don’t belong here.”
He started to run.
“The Sisko is of us. The Sisko must belong!”
“Let me out”
“The Sisko must un-tether himself from linear time.”
“Let go, the Sisko”
“Let go!”
As he ran, the light void turned to dark. Soon he was stumbling about, unable to see.
A light appeared in the distance before him. He ran towards it.
“Hello there.”
The voice was not like those of the prophets. It was grounded like voices on the temporal plane. 
Sisko looked around him and his surroundings created themselves as his eyes moved.
There was a long table of food before him. It was mainly sandwiches and sliced up fruit.
“Would you like some coffee? I just made a fresh pot.”
Sisko looked in the direction of the voice. A black woman in her mid forties wearing a dark purple robe and a large, matching hat that looked sort of like a huge, circular graduation cap. She held out a paper cup of coffee towards him. Sisko took it. 
“Thank you.”
“You seem lost. Are you an extra?”
Sisko frowned. “An extra what?”
The woman laughed. “I mean are you a part of the background characters?”
“The… where am I?”
“Craft services.”
“What sort of services?”
“You’re where the food is, honey. Where are you trying to get to?”
“I’m trying to go home.”
“Which parking lot?”
Sisko stared at her blankly. The woman furrowed her brow and came around to the other side of the table. “Are you not feeling well? Let me help you find the exit.”
Sisko perked up at that word.
“Please! I just need to leave.”
“Come over here. Do you see that sign taped to the wall? It’s got arrows. Do you see the one that says main exit? Just keep following the signs and you’ll get to the door you probably came in. Then turn left and you’ll be heading in the direction of the main gates. Do you want me to walk with you?”
“Thank you,” said Sisko. “I can manage.”
As he walked, he started to feel light like a balloon. The hallway started to meander much more than any earthly hallway ever would and it was alive, rippling and bending. He found himself upside down, gripping the floor tiles with his finger nails, his body like a sheet of paper in a breeze. The outside door appeared, floating in emptiness. He launched himself towards it, floating like on a space walk. His inertia carried him to it and he grabbed the door handle and struggled. It opened.
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nerdy-simp-7120 · 3 years
hi! if you're comfortable writing this, could i ask for a scenario? this has been in the back of my head for a while.
what would be the reaction of the brothers + dateables of watching mc play resident evil in the dimitrescu castle? who would be down bad the most
thank you! feel free to ignore this if you don't want to write this ofc
I love this ask (stan tall vampire lady). The only thing is that I accidentally turned it into a “how they feel about the game.” I managed to add in some parts with MC playing as well to make up for it
Update: I literally finished the request yesterday but my wifi went down and I lost everything  😩 😩
I also wrote this in the middle of the night so sorry if there are any errors! Enjoy!
Warnings: cursing.
How the OM! characters would react to you playing Resident Evil (Dimitrescu Castle edition)
Will not care at first
"I hold no interest in such trivial simulations."
His weakness? Being a simp for you.
He decides to look into the game a bit more in private later on.
Will lowkey practice the game
If you ever catch him playing it, do not say anything because he will stop immediately, deny everything, and might not ever do it again
With time, however, Lucifer will come to master the game.
Here comes the showing off.
When you're rambling about the game with Levi, Lucifer will join the conversation and you two will be like "wow, boomer knows something for once--"
Or when you're struggling on a part of the game he will be like, "hand it over"
Before expertly getting through that part.
Can defeat Lady Dimitrescu if you ask him to but be careful cause he might make you beg
sadistic bastard
or you can be a badass and show him your skills
Will be a tad shocked at how easily you handled it but won't let it show (okay Elsa)
Also proud though
Lucifer's internal monologue: “That’s right- show them how it’s done, Y/n.”
Will watch you play and cover his eyes during every battle
"wHAT IS THAT?!" at everything you come across
I hope you're good at playing one-handed because you'll have to use the other hand to hold his throughout the entire thing
Admires you're bravery but would never admit it
"You were horrible! ...N-nice job beating the game, not that I c-care or anything. You sucked anyways!"
Not even 10 seconds later...
"Can I watch you play again?"
Comes to find that the faces you make are adorable: when you're concentrating on a battle, when you win, find a valuable item, etc
He loves being able to see how you're feeling up close.
If you catch him staring when you take a break or something he'll blush and either ask you if you have a staring problem or that you have something on your face
He may or may not buy cheap merch (a tiny key chain of Lady Dimitrescu or your favorite character) for you, all the while spewing lame excuses
Please bear with him- he's trying.
Congrats, you just found yourself someone to discuss the game with
Is open to cosplay the characters with you
You two will have competitions to see who can beat the game faster.
You both also share theories with each other all the time
Or simply discuss the characters together
He purposefully stays quiet to hear you ramble on and on- dude finds it adorable
You two also sometimes argue debate over a character name or event in the game
Because while you have Resident Evil
He only knows Resident Devil
This is the equivalent of Devilgram and Instagram
I mean
They’re the same,
But a couple things were altered, y’know, to prevent copyright
So yes, there are definitely a few quarrels here and there
But all in all, it’s a fun gamer bud experience
Don’t tell him I told you but he thinks it’s hot when you show off your badass skills in a boss fight
He plays it on the lowkey.
Not because he’s embarrassed
But because he partially takes his anger out on the characters
During gory scenes, he imagines it’s him torturing Lucifer, fueling his determination to win
A calculated person, Satan is a smart player
But there are times when he’s particularly angry and he becomes a reckless one, jumping into fights impetuously
This is where you come in and beat the enemy for him
He may get angrier, thinking you are underestimating him
But, for the sake of the person he loves, he calms down knowing you didn’t mean to offend him
A small part in the back of his head also admires you for being able to handle the fight a ton better than he did
Congratulations, you just earned yourself the great Satan’s respect (resident evil-wise).
“Oh my, I never knew you were into such gory games! Does this mean you’re into blood play, because I know many things about--”
He may look carefree on the outside
But on the inside?
Let’s take a look, shall we?
Holy shit
What the fu--
Jesus christ, can you pull a move like that in real life?
He needs to be careful to not piss you off.
If you can handle this, who knows what you could be capable of?
Hold on.
Wait, you look so concentrated
Eeep! How cute!
Anyways, it ends with him snapping a bunch of pictures 
Keeps them for himself and may brag to his brothers about how he got some “special” shots of you
Obviously never elaborates on what the special part means to keep his dear siblings on edge because, what the hell, they want to know what these special shots are
Would not play the game because there’s “tOo MuCh BlOoDsHeD”
We all know he’s most likely seen his fair share of bloodshed
“What if the adrenaline gives me acne?”
He’s probably just bad at the game--
Verdict: Asmo is a simp and not afraid to flaunt it.
...Are you okay?
Do you think about homicide--?
Oh, that lady looks nice.
Huh, she’s 9′6″??
What’s her name? Lady Dimitrescu?
Not scared, just a tad bit concerned 
Poor Beel, concerned for Lady D :’)
Also, seeing the death’s of Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra hit different
Because he know what it’s like to lose a sibling.
Safe to say he understands Alcina’s pain when she raged about her children being dead.
Also concerned about how the gore could affect you
Because isn’t stuff like this supposed to traumatize humans?
Would support you regardless though
And thinks that you’re really brave for playing the game and still being able to stand strong
On another note, Beel decided to make small flower graves for the three sisters and Alcina because he’s adorable and kind like that
Likes the game but is too lazy to play himself
Regularly watches Satan play (or at least as much as he can before deciding it’s nap time)
I hope you enjoy Belphie using you as a body pillow and watching you play from now on 
Makes small comments here and there to help you out
“To your left... Oh, and open the window- yeah, that one.”
Will smirk, impressed, when you deal with the fights and win yourself without his comments.
“That’s my Y/n”
(Sorry I don’t know what else to put for him :’))
“Is this a human trend?” meme
Will watch excitedly and “oooo” whenever you do something cool
Be careful though, because the questions will not stop as you play
“What’s that? I see. What’s it for? How do you win the game? Who’s that character? Why can’t you do this? What about--?”
Diavolo, you’re awesome and all, but please
On the inside, is also one that might be a tad concerned about your mental health because doesn’t that gore traumatize humans?
Wait, you do this for entertainment?
Another warning: he will shower you in merchandise from the game
I am not above the fact that this man has a game room 
And he will try to master the game
Casually pushes all his paperwork over to Lucifer so he can play Resident Evil
RIP Luci
Unfortunately, Diavolo will have trouble grasping the game and how it works
You will have to explain many things to him
Good luck- he’s a bit of a boomer (but willing to learn) and may or may not get distracted staring at you
But anyways, he enjoys engaging in the competitions you and Levi have
Whether it be playing as well or simply watching
He just loves to see you happy
Oh my, what’s this?
Will watch you play
and constantly criticize how filthy the Dimitrescu castle is
“Do they have any idea how many rats this can attract?”
Barbatos, your weakness is showing.
Seeing you so happy while playing the game helps him relax from his daily troubles tasks
He rewards you with a pat on the head any time you beat a foe
When Diavolo goes over to the HoL or when you come over to play in he silently cheers you on in the background.
Is educated on the game and knows his shit as the only other human 
Maybe knows a bit too much of the game
You will later come to find out that, somewhere in his mass tangle of shady connections, he knows a developer
Might give you tips and tricks to get on higher levels
But never, and I mean never, challenge him like you would with Levi to see who can beat the game faster
Because he will beat you by a seconds on purpose, just to piss you of
all the while doing that dark, shady chuckle
But anyways, if you manage to finesse and beat him, he will be 
So confused
“I thought I did it all right, what went wrong...?” he thinks to himself.
On the outside, however, he’s smiling
Will hand over some praise to his little apprentice, but if you look carefully you will see a spark of annoyance
We get it Solomon, you’re a sore loser.
In the end, he will still leave somewhat impressed at your skillz
w h a t
Is a little scared
“Is this one of them video games you kids play nowadays...? Just kidding. What are you playing-- oh my”
Might try to figure out how to play
But alas, 
Simeon is yet another boomer
So he will have quite some trouble even figuring out how to move
And why does he hold the controller like that what
If you’ve seen that one picture of him holding his phone sideways you know what I mean
On another note, if you look through his poem book, then you may or may not find a few poems describing how amazing and badass you looked hustling the entire game
about to bomb this master hill
No literally is considering bombing the computer or whatever you’re playing on because wHAT IS THAT
He is just
This will give him nightmares for weeks
Apparently Alcina reminds him of Lucifer so he kinda
Hates her
Says he will protect you
--as he runs out of the room in fear
Irrelevant but the one he hates the most is fetus baby
Michael have mercy on this poor boy--
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@fangirl-and-stuff I told you I'd figure out a way to get this posted, feat. my best attempts at filling in the reaction memes.
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"BITCH ASS SNAKE OF A SPERM DONOR" IS THE FUNNIEST THING I HAVE EVER READ. Also- who else did you think it was gonna be??
I did originally plan for a long torturous death for him via hyung line feat. jungkook, but as I was actually writing the scene I decided I actually wanted (and fit the characterization better imo) yoongi to just end him then and there. Yoongi's line there is one of my favorite in the whole chapter
"Were you really going to sit there and let him talk about her like that? Cause I sure as fuck wasn't."
Truly, we stan.
When Jackson was introduced, I was skeptical bc wtf are you here and why do you want to help MC hmmmm???
And then when it cut to 8 years later and then seeing him gaslight and manipulate tf outta the MC... oooo it had my blood boiling
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The overall consensus on Jackson is, no one likes him. And that was kinda the point. So I did my job. [Insert spoiler-y things here]
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I'm glad that last scene worked the way I wanted it to, I was really worried about it. I kept sending little screenshots to my friends asking "does this make sense?? When it's written like this??"
I mean I knew we were probably going to touch on that this chapter considering it covers the entire decade they were apart but like it was still a pleasant surprise
Namkook is so precious to me. Jungkook is too precious for this story.
Okay also that part where MC was hired to find JK had me giggling bc in the way that no one could find him bc he left Busan was basically the same way why the boys couldn't find MC bc she left Seoul to Busan. Did that make sense? I feel like it made more sense in my head but hopefully you understand hehe
I feel like I had more to say but I'm gonna reread the chapter again to remember but with that being said...
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Happy and safe and healthy and secure is the endgame. It's just. It's gonna take a while. A very long while.
My dear author, I am so happy that you were able to finish this chapter and I am so excited to see how this story goes! I'm really glad I stumbled upon your story and I can't wait to read the scene of the aftermath of MC saying "I watched you close the door" I have a feeling it's going to be angsty in the best way. You go and rest that wonderful brain of yours, bestie... you earned it 💜💜💜
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Oh my word darling, this is one of the best reviews I've ever gotten 🥰🥰 I am so glad that you're enjoying it so much, truly it makes my heart sing. I hope the next chapter meets your expectations and that you love it just as much 💜💜💜
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sparklingpax · 4 years
TFP Group Chat Stories - Decepticons (#1)
idk, if y’all like this I might do it again sometime :)
And...now that I read this over once again...I apologize......
I hope you can tell who’s who lol 😹😹😹 I tried to make it obvious but idk if that worked lmao😅 also sorry for ooc-ness or anything too weird. I’m falling asleep as a finish this lolo so--
Social Rejects 🔥💀😔🚨🖤
I_Am_Your_King: Master!! Knockout needs assistance in the field!!!!
I_Am_Your_King: He found the relic!!!
I_Am_Your_King: It’s a sword!! 
I_Am_Your_King: @ Almighty_Space_CrackLord
SilentButDeadly: Hope you make it back in more than one piece :)
SilentButDeadly: :))
I_Am_Your_King: CEASE 
Fabulous_24/7: no need screams, breakdown just arrived
Fabulous_24/7: oop there goes bumblebee. 
Fabulous_24/7: @ SilentButDeadly bridge now
SilentButDeadly: gotchu ;)
Fabulous_24/7: tysm waves!! 
Hammer_Time: yh what Knockout said! :)
SilentButDeadly: Np :D
Fabulous_24/7: :3
SilentButDeadly: :33
Logic™: Interesting you say such a thing, Starscream, considering that you have the highest number of texts sent to this chat. 
Logic™: One would reach the logical conclusion that you are, in fact, the “spammer” to which you refer. 
< I_Am_Your_King has left the chat >
Fabulous_24/7: oooo salty saltyy
Hammer_Time: “hat you all”
Fabulous_24/7: lmfao ikr--grammer much?? lol
Hammer_Time: right 😂
Logic™: *Grammar
Fabulous_24/7: @ Logic™ ahh right ty ty ;)
SilentButDeadly: he’ll be back in five
Logic™: Based on previous experiences of this nature, I believe the time will actually be 10 minutes.
SilentButDeadly:  >:P 
Logic™: I am disheartened by this illogical and ultimately confusing response to my counter. Explain your actions, Soundwave. 
SilentButDeadly: >;^}
Logic™: I feel quite uncomfortable here for the time being. I am now going to mute you all. Good day. 
SilentButDeadly: victory 😎
Fabulous_24/7: Now who wants to start today’s meme-war?
Almighty_Space_CrackLord: Send even ONE meme and I will show you what disobeying my rules gets you.
Hammer_Time: He doesnt come alive when we ask for assistance in the field, but does when we threaten meme war. wow lol 
Almighty_Space_CrackLord: BREAKDOWN
Hammer_Time: Yessir, I was just heading out for a drive, actually. Bye, everyone. 
Fabulous_24/7: youre still mad about the system overload from our last war, my liege?
Almighty_Space_CrackLord: YES. GET OUT. 
Fabulous_24/7: master, might I ask if your caps lock is stuck again?
Almighty_Space_CrackLord: NO YOU MAY NOT & NO. LEAVE
Fabulous_24/7: Message recieved loud and clear, my lord, i’ll join breakdown. ttyl waves~
SilentButDeadly: 🔥✨
Almighty_Space_CrackLord: Now Soundwave, I have a new plan to capture that thing you found earlier. Let’s take this to our private chat.
SilentButDeadly: 👀👀👀
Almighty_Space_CrackLord: 😈
Anyway. lemme know what y’all think so I can guage whether doing more of these is a good idea. Trust me I have ideas lolol 
So with that I conclude this 3 AM idea of mine and hope it wasnt too stupid,,,,,,
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duawheat · 3 years
Tell me about your oc :oooo
She is a protector of bench trio so I already love her
oh how glad am i that you asked
alright first things first little backstory ms girl never had a family alright(i’m going off of the ppl live on the smp that aren’t a part of the lore hc because i like it) she lived her whole life as a kind of floater yk just sorta traveling and shit and never rly making any connections
she always hears about these wars going on in the far off dream smp and is like “hm not my problem they can deal with that shit on their own lmaoooo”
eventually she decides “hm ive been in this place too long gtg lmaooo” and heads off on a journey, she ends up finding a destroyed jungle base(!!!!!), she knows that this place is pretty close to the wars she’s been hearing about but thinks it’s destroyed enough that no one will be coming back to it and decides to stay there for a while until she’s ready to leave again
after a bit of staying there she comes back from some mining to find tubbo standing there rly confused because “why is there signs of life in my abandoned jungle base wtf” (this is like mid pogtopia vs manburg a few weeks before tubbos execution) and then he sees dua(my oc names are hard and she’s basically self insert so that’s her name) and they kinda just “spider-man meme” and then dua sorta hits him on the head with the hilt of her sword as fight or flight and knocks him out lmao
she then panics cause “i just knocked out a child why would i do that holy shit what do i do now” so she kinda just puts him in a bed and then makes tea for when he wakes up cause she is a little bit emotionally stunted
when he wakes up he’s all like “bro wtf you knocked me out in my own base” and she’s like “i’m sorry but also in my defense i’ve been living here for quite a bit and i’ve never seen you in my life”
eventually they both calm down and have tea together have nice long conversations and then dua realizes this kid looks like shit he’s got major bags under his eyes and he’s real jumpy and all in all the bitch needs a nap
so she forces him to take a nap until fully rested and then let’s him return home with a bag of her homemade tea mix.
then a few days later he comes back, they talk for a while again, and then she makes him take a nap and then he goes home. this routine goes on for a few weeks
that is until tubbo comes one day after his execution with a bunch of fuckin scars and bandages and shit from his execution and dua is pissed. she had literally decided this kid was her new little brother and now he’s hurt and she is angry, so she joins pogtopia in the war
in her time with pogtopia she doesn’t have much time to bond with tommy, he’s always with wilbur and dua is too focused on training, and on helping tubbo. she had heard a lot about tommy from tubbo though, and she knew that he was a good kid that she didn’t want to get hurt.
after the sixteenth dua tries to convince tubbo to turn down the roll as president, but he insists that he can handle it.
ok i feel like i’m rambling if you even read this far i can stop here or keep going if you want i have her whole story thought out to like doomsday if you want to hear the whole thing tell me i’ll keep going
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lilacofficial · 3 years
It's been two minutes. This is a whole ass movie.
"My goo is pumping." Ew.
Aw Slime. You're so sweet.
Oooo pretty timelapse.
That's true Quackity.
"Youre British to me." Aw.
Ah yes. Project all of your trauma and insecurities on the slime boy.
Party! Woo!
Good question Slime.
I'm loving but also I'm not loving these flashbacks.
He do be in jail. For now. Until tonight.
AW! Slime! You poor dude.
Lol. There you go buddy!
Your discs! 😂
True. I agree with Quackity in that one.
This dude is so depressed. Dang.
We know Slime.
DANG! That's a strong title card.
I don't know. Is it?
Ah yes. That is war Slime.
No. It's not.
Dang. Another strong title. Also yes the cinnamontography.
And Slime?
Ad time. I am shaking!
Oh yeah. I forgot he did all that stuff to force everyone to join Las Nevadas. 😮
Little slime room.
Tell him you love him. I know he's not going to but it would be so sweet.
He really said, and with that I'm out lol.
A White House lol.
Oh is that meme I just saw about this stream. The Sapnap in the middle in depression when the parents divorced meme.
"Look at this! I'm doing so good without you! I'm totally fine!" 👀
Punch him off lol. That was a joke.
Giant Benson!
Oh yeah there's Karl lore. I don't really know much about c!Karl
Sleeping Beauty.
Teaching someone something. 😂
Address it man.
Oof. There it is.
Good on c!Sapnap for trying to clear things up.
It's only been 23 minutes?!
This is going to go badly.
You might not WANT to start anything but it's a little late for that.
Not the sign! 😂
Looks flammable. 👀
Not yet.
Oh! He said it!!
This place is huge!
No DreamXD wouldnt allow it. You're guys aren't Tubbo or Tommy.
Aw Sapnap. I've never really watched any c!Sapnap so this is pretty cool.
Oof. They live together. 😬
Oooo. The library definently looks flammable.
Hi Karl! I also have like never watched any c!Karl lore either.
Karl. A bit distant there buddy?
The music. 🥺
Aw. Poor Quackity.
Rollercoaster house? Pog.
He straight up said no Sapnap.
Does he remember?
Oooo nice circle pond.
What a switch. *snaps*
The music. 👀 😬
Ah. Now I get the Sapnap meme. Poor dude.
This is insane.
You're not alone. Think of Slime!.
Do you smell that? That's smells like a bridge on fire.
Karl said lol. I'm out. I'm running away.
The stick is just like a finger wag. Good way to add some body language.
At least he said thank you for trying.
Well that went well. 😬
Oooo! Visit time!
Haha f you c!Dream.
It's was such a good idea to show what lead up to that stream. It really explains his mood.
Long blue popsicle lol.
No Slime!
I know what's about to happen. I saw some spoilers. My poor Slime boy.
Aw Slime.
He doesn't have it my dude.
Spider masher lol.
Oh my gosh.
I knew that was going to happen but my heart is still broken.
Oh. Is this present time? It says weeks later but maybe?
Ah. The new Quackity skin. Is the blue thing supposed to be a black eye bruise? Oh. Is it a tear.
This is ominous.
Aw! I didn't even realize it was him!
Not the flashbacks. 😭
And there it is! I also saw that spoiler but my gosh. My heart.
He was constantly in a silly goofy mood wasn't he? 🥺
Me bored and key smashing lol.
Aw. The hope in his voice.
I am currently clutching my chest.
Oh. Legacy.
Oop there it is.
His last word was legacy?! 😭
Did he dissolve?
Aw. Sweet to the very end.
Hey! Real Quackity!
Vegas baby!
Not me routing for Las Nevadas now just for Charlie.
Aw. That note. I am now officially crying.
I am shaking.
That was something.
That was amazing.
Great job everyone! Especially Quackity and Charlie.
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lordseochangbin · 5 years
songs id fuck y/n to
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sksksk this series name is so forward BUT it’s a meme so ;))))
a/n: i wrote this for @chanivity <33
you opened the door, accidentally interrupting chan in the studio.
“oop sorry-” you start before being interrupted
“no babe!! come join me, im live with stay”
the camera light turned shine bright and you and chan stare at each other in front of the camera until one of you eventually bursts in laughter.
“chan!!” you pout, slapping his shoulder.
“what?? you’re so cute wahhh” his eyes glow at how gorgeous you look today. wearing one of his t-shirts with thigh-high boots.
honestly your nerdy ass would never try this look but chan gave you just enough confident to make it absolutely stunning. you looked, by far, like most beautiful girl he has ever seen in his life.
“it’s chan’s room episode 198! im here with my gorgeous girlfriend and my baby stays!! best day of my life may i say” bang chan says as comments blast the side of his phone cause of your arrival.
“ok now we can play some music right?!” chan says
“oooo stay!! you guys think i should pick a song for you guys” the comments fill with positive vibes and you skim through bang chans playlists. chan leans back on his seat and starts to reply to comments as you scroll down his music.
“hmm..” you hum to yourself as you look through his music before stopping at a particular playlist that caught your attention.
—songs id fuck y/n to
your eyes glowed as you were about to open the playlist before being literally attacked by chan.
“no no no!! not that playlist hahaha” chans cheeks turned pink as he put his hand over the mouse and tried to close the application, however you protested.
“what do you mean?!! let me see it!!” you pouted, but chan quickly got your attention as he suddenly became all giggly and hyper.
“noooo babe, baby stays are with me right now”
the comments filled with words of curiosity, wondering what the playlist was about and how adorable bang chan was.
“well then, ill wait till your finished” you placed a hand on bang chans thigh under the table, giving it a risky squeeze earning you an alarming look.
“ok stay how are you guys doing—”
the vlive finally ended, chan quick to grab the computer mouse and close his playlist.
“nope!” you grabbed the mouse, hovering the cursor over the playlist.
“what if i play it....are you gonna fuck me to them?” you whispered.
“yes?? why don’t we give it a play?” you pressed the play button as swim- chase atlantic started to play in the background.
already your could feel his prominent member growing from the beginning on the song, it definitely had its effect.
“god, is this what you do at night when you’re not responding to my calls channie?” you said with an innocent tone. this triggered all of chans senses, making him go crazy at the thought of his late night fantasies coming true.
after hearing nothing but whines and moans from chan, whos jeans were now discarded on the floor, pumping himself up as the song goes on.
“...chan. im right here baby. make this playlist from ‘songs i would fuck y/n to’ into ‘songs i fucked y/n too’”
you placed yourself in front of chan, riding his thigh so fast that all you could hear was skin on skin. your nails digged deep into chans broad shoulders as his hands grasped tightly onto your waist.
the song playing made a big difference as the music set sensual thoughts into the air. the beat set the pace of how fast or how slow, and god was chan needy to go faster.
before the song could end you felt your high coming, as well as chan’s when he made that oh so familiar grunt as he feels you untangle upon him.
“you’re such a wet mess” he whispered before he could cum himself.
your mixed juices made the perfect taste for an encore. or perhaps a round two. as the song come to an ending you kissed chan’s sweaty forehead, his hot breath panting against your bare chest.
“so... what’s the next song?”
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
15x09: The Trap
The Road So Far:
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Sam and Eileen are trussed up at Chuck’s casino. (Sam, if you tried hard enough, you could slip those zip ties.) Chuck admits to Sam and Eileen that he’s been manipulating her this whole time to get close to Sam again. He couldn’t watch his favorite show and it was killing him (LOL, CATCH ME IN JUNE.) 
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Sam and Chuck are connected and it needs to stop. Chuck pulls out a scalpel. And then utters the eight scariest words of a Supernatural fan: “All good things must come to an end.���
Meanwhile, in the bunker, the bickering exes continue on their line of bullshit. Cas is expertly making Borax bullets while Dean tries to reach Sam, with no luck. Dean’s worried that there’s something wrong.
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Chuck wants to cut out whatever festers in Sam that won’t allow their wounds to heal. Eileen surreptitiously calls Dean. Chucks senses it and ends the call before it really gets going. Dean knows that they’re in trouble though and wants to save them. Cas calls Dean “stupid” (will the bickering ever end?!) and tells him they have to find the blossom in purgatory to trap Chuck.
Sam notices Chuck’s hesitancy to torture him and mocks him a bit. Um, maybe now’s not the best time to bring out Sam Fucking Winchester, okay buddy? Eileen joins in the mockery (#soulmates) and in retaliation, Chuck gets Eileen to do the scalpel digging for him. He likes to watch. The scalpel digging is very squishy. A+ work sound effects. 
Dean and Cas are in purgatory and there’s still very much a rift in their relationship. 
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Dean wants to split up but Cas makes it clear that that also is a stupid idea. Dean brings up possibly running into Benny while there in Purgatory….and I just want to sit a little and think about that was practically Dean’s first thought. He thinks of Benny, and the friendship they had. I am sad. 
With a simple “C’mon”, Cas wins the argument and they start walking together. Something tracks them from the shadows. 
Eileen continues to be forced into digging into Sam’s wound. Through the pain, he tells her he knows it isn’t her that’s doing it. He’s bleeding out though and things aren’t looking good. Chuck sits back and plays on his guitar. What a nice douchey touch that is. 
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Sam talks reason to Chuck, and while that pisses him off, he also heals Sam’s wound as much as he can. Chuck can’t understand how Sam can continue to be so defiant. He realizes that Sam still has hope --hope that Cas and Dean will save them, hope that they can still defeat God. 
*Coordinated Domestic Dispute to Draw Out the Monster Alert*
Dean notices a corpse that he swears he’s seen before. Cas tell him he’s wrong. He has an excellent sense of direction. Dean gets down to look closer at the body and the leviathan makes his move. Cas hand waves him away. They interrogate the leviathan. He tells them that there’s a blossom that grows from them after they die. Dean wants to end the monster right there but he tells them it takes months for the blossoms to appear. He knows a place. 
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Before they get walking, Dean asks the Leviathan about Benny. BRB STILL CRYING. Benny’s famous --and he’s dead. (Cas’s concerned look to Dean as he hears the news will haunt me forever.) 
Chuck decides to take Sam on a Christmas Carol adventure into the future, and shows him what life will be like if they win. 
April 17, 2020
Sam and Eileen are looking up cases in the bunker. Dean’s “resting his eyes” in the corner chair. Cas shows up with beers for all. Things look pretty great. They all decide on movie night and popcorn. HUZZAH! 
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Well, until Sam gets a call from Jody. Claire’s dead, from a hunt gone sideways. HURMPH. 
Back at the casino, Chuck tells Sam that’s just the beginning. He pulls out the time clock of doom.
In purgatory, Cas, Dean, and the other dude, are walking. Cas expresses his condolences about Benny. Their hostilities come roiling to the surface. Cas calls Dean out on not accepting his apology about Jack. Dean is pissy that Cas just walked away. The other dude, presumably, just wants one of them to shoot him with Borax.
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January 6, 2021
In the burned out wasteland of the future, Sam and Dean drive. Things are going downhill fast. They’re not saving people. Cas is gone. (CaS Is GoNe) The monsters are winning. 
Once at the leviathan blossom site, Cas quickly realizes it’s a trap. The leviathan tells him that Eve wants a piece of Cas for killing the alphas and taking the leviathan. Others attack Dean.
He comes to later. The place is scorched and Cas is gone.
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November 3, 2021
Sam’s prepping for another hunt. Dean’s giving up. Sam wants to know what’s up. “Ever since..,” he starts. Dean jumps into why he’s giving up. They’ve lost everyone. HE had to bury Cas in a ma’lak box. Bobby and Jody (and Sam) all have death wishes. Sam wants to go out swinging, like Butch and Sundance. “We lost, brother, we lost.” 
Our Sam can’t believe what he’s watching. 
Chuck swans into the scene. He claims he’s “just the messenger” benevolently sharing his knowledge of the future. Sam can’t believe that Dean would ever give up, but Chuck swears he’ll tell no lie, stick a needle in his eye. 
Dean stalks through the quiet woods, calling for Cas. He’s got just under a half hour left to reach the portal. In desperation, he pauses and centers himself. “Cas,” he begins to pray. “I hope you can hear me.” Dean calls Cas his best friend and apologizes for letting him go.
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And then this show gently murders me because Dean looks around warily and, seeing that the coast is clear, kneels to finish his prayer. On one knee now, he cries as he unpacks the terrible anger which he’d turned against Cas. “When things go bad, it comes out and I can’t stop it. No matter how bad I want to.” (I’m with many other viewers when I point to childhood trauma and parental neglect and abuse as one source for that deep anger.)
For I am DEAD Science:
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Further pushing me deep into the grave, Dean continues, “And I forgive you. OF COURSE I forgive you.” He apologizes and sends out a desperate wish that Cas will be able to hear his prayer - wherever he is. Dean wipes his eyes, sniffs, and pushes himself up with a quiet “Okay.” It’s time to move again.
Back to the future, Dean stews morosely at a table in the bunker when Sam enters with a bag slung over his shoulder. Sam’s going to take out the vamp nest - alone, if he has to. Dean shakes his head sadly, then drags himself off to go with Sam. “I guess I don’t have a choice, do I?” They head out, two broken down, hopelessly alone men. 
“It can’t end like this,” Sam insists. So Chuck has him flash forward in time again using the magic watch. 
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It stops on December 9, 2022. End of the line! 
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In Purgatory, Dean has just over two minutes left before the portal closes and there’s still no sign of--- WAIT WHAT’S BEHIND THAT TREE? 
“You made it,” Cas sighs in relief as he stands to greet Dean. Dean hauls Cas in for the T I G H T E S T hug. Very good content! I approve! They check in with each other. Cas reveals that he was being marched to go see Eve when he spotted a leviathan bloom. Cas dropped the monsters guarding him, and snagged the bloom which he adorably describes as “a little smooshed.” Dean validates Cas’s achievements! It is very soft! I am emotionally compromised! (I have watched this scene at least 10 times.)
Cas reveals that he heard Dean’s prayer. They exchange soulful, meaningful looks, and then head straight outta Purgatory. I look forward to your post-episode canoodling codas, everybody.
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In the future, Sam and Dean barricade the door in a ratty old hotel. They’re being hunted by……….JODY AND AU BOBBY! (Jobby? Body? Ugh, both of those are terrible.) Current Sam watches in horror as his future counterpart (and brother) fang out. They’re both vampires now! Oooo. Awkward. 
There’s a fierce fight. Dean chews Jody’s throat clean outta her body, hissing like an angry cat the whole time. It would be awful if there weren’t so many funny memes of hissy Jensen floating around right now.
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Sam wakes from Chuck’s vision which was A LOT. Chuck apologizes for the terrible ending. (All these ending narratives in this season are the result of 15 years of exhausted writers room shit talking, right?) Chuck reveals a couple of things. 1) He “powered down” Eileen in a closet while he’s talking to Sam which is just….GROSS. And 2) The heroic and free ending which Sam aspires towards is actually awful. Is dying as monsters really worth locking up Chuck? 
Safely back in the bunker, Cas and Dean prepare the spell with the leviathan bloom. Dean pauses, questioning Cas’s choice to take on the Mark trapping Chuck. Cas insists that Dean can’t take on the Mark again, and that the only choice is for Cas to take on that burden. Dean agrees, remarkably not insisting on damaging himself this time, and the spell is completed. It all gets sucked up into a sphere. Since Cas will contain the Mark, Dean or Sam will have to destroy it (thus sealing Cas’s fate along with Chuck’s).
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In the casino, Sam shouts at Chuck. “We will beat you. I will make it better!” Chuck sneers at Sam, and accuses him of playing fast and loose with the laws of nature and magic. There’s a whole lot the Winchesters can’t know about the universe, Chuck insists. Only he - God - can grasp it all. As one, the Supernatural audience collectively fake-coughs, “Billie!”
Chuck prompts Sam to reflect further on the visions. Was the worst thing truly the way the Winchesters died, and all their friends were decimated? Or was there something even WORSE which befell the world after Chuck got trapped? In horror, Sam realizes that monsters were taking over the world. Chuck affirms this conclusion. Without him in it, the world descends into evil. (Somewhere, on a wholesome farm, Garth is asking, “Hey, who are you calling evil?”)
While we’re all trying to unpack this latest revelation, Dean and Cas break into the casino. They free Sam from his chair. Eileen, still puppeted by Chuck, comes in swinging but Cas tackles her away. 
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Dean punches Chuck. Chuck punches Dean. While they’re exchanging blows, Cas rolls the bespelled ball over to Sam to smash and trap Chuck when….
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Sam falls to his knees. He can’t do it. He can’t trap Chuck knowing what he knows about the future. The ball rolls out of his fingers. 
Suddenly, light flashes in Chuck’s shoulder. The Equalizer wound in both of them is healed at last! All it took is for Sam to...lose hope. FROWNY FACE! Chuck crushes the sphere and destroys the spell. That’s two anti-God weapons down and how many to go in the next ten episodes? 
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Dean confronts Chuck and he is 800% bluster at this point, cosmos bless him. He insists that Chuck won’t kill their motley band. Chuck wants his ending too much for that. After all, the “drafts” Sam saw in his visions--
Chuck interrupts that thought. All the “visions” Sam had were Chuck’s memories of other, actual worlds where Sam and Dean made those awful choices and destroyed each other. That move, in Chuck’s mind, is inevitable. “Just like you, they didn’t think they’d do it, either.”
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Dean growls. “No. Not THIS Sam and not THIS Dean. So you go back to Earth II and play with your other toys. Because you will never get what you want.”
“We’ll see,” Chuck says, rather ominously, and poofs out.
Back at the bunker, Sam and Eileen bid farewell. Eileen’s been puppeted back to life and romance...and she’s not sure what’s real. (Where have I heard THAT before?) She needs to head off on her own for a bit.
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Sam kisses her so sweetly. “Now that was real.” She caresses his face lovingly before walking out. (I firmly believe we’ll see her again - next time on her own terms!) 
A shaken Sam makes his way to the kitchen where Dean and Cas are decompressing.
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Sam brings up the botched Chuck trap, and tells them he believes Chuck showed him the true future. Dean accepts Sam’s choice, and his calm acceptance is a balm to my fucking soul. What’s next? “We find another way,” Dean says.
Cut to Jack in the Empty. He’s taking in the non-sights when Billie appears. “It’s time,” she says, and Boris and I throw a giant party!!!
I Don’t Know Why I Get So Quotey:
I hate missing my favorite show!
Come on, Eileen
Stop being so stupid!
Chuck, you dick
“Okay let’s split up.” “WHAT?!”
You still think you’re the hero of this story. You still think you can win
The Dean who raised me, he’d never give up no matter how bad things got
I should’ve stopped you. You’re my best friend but I just let you go, ‘cause it was easier than admitting I was wrong
Sorry, kid. It’s a crappy ending. You and your brother deserve better. 
We know about your galaxy brain idea. How you think this story is gonna go
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churchyardgrim · 4 years
#2 from the d&d ask meme? it is a fantastic question
before they met their party, what was their main goal?
oooo excellent opportunity to plug my boy’s four page backstory that i just realized i never posted here!
tldr Silas wants to study a perfect immortal in order to defeat death, bc death insulted him once and he never got over it hghdfg
Silas Edelhart has a problem. That problem is death.
He was born to minor nobility, old money making use of their hereditary ambition to generate new money on the merchant routes, and he was lucky enough to not be his father’s preferred heir; he was allowed to take to academia, or else join some priesthood and curry favor with the lesser sons of other noble houses. He chose academia.
He was enamored with it. The libraries! The minds to learn from. The men. The women! The men. The only disappointment was that apprentice physicians did not get invited to many parties, something Silas was hard at work remedying when he was presented with an unwittingly significant patient.
A farm hand from outside the city had been delayed in reaching them for medical care, and his injuries - an accident with a plow, they were told - had gone gangrenous. He was insensible with fever, and would have lost the leg even if his people hadn't taken so long in getting him to the medics; as it was, despite amputation and efficient treatment for blood poisoning, he expired overnight, in Silas's care.
Silas was crushed. He had done everything right, double and triple checked his protocols, and still the man had died. “No one blames you, of course,” one of the senior physicians said to him, “these things simply happen.”
Maybe they ‘simply happened’ to other people, Silas thought bitterly, but he was better than that. He had decided the man would live, and his performance had been flawless! The terminity of a mere natural law to stand in the way of his will was intolerable. Incensed, Silas threw himself at his studies, dead set that it should never happen again.
Resurrection magic wasn't what he was after initially; he only wanted to keep the living where they were. But he found quickly that the popular consensus was that healing magic could only do so much, and most simply accepted its failures as they did any other misfortune. So he hunted out spells to wrench the dead back, hidden and fragmented in books his instructors only grudgingly let him read. Time would tell if they would be enough, however; none of the accounts of their use he had read gave any indication of the effects being permanent. It would be so embarrassing, to put so much work into defying death only to have his prize killed in a careless accident! He would not settle for anything less than complete immunity from death.
His practice only pushed him deeper into this conviction; plenty of his patients lived, much improved from treatment, but a few still died despite his efforts, reigniting his rage at death every time. He began to get a reputation for it, and some of his peers started tactfully funneling away those patients that seemed likely to die with or without medical care, to spare themselves his rants. Many of them thought his anger came from an insult to his skills, but this was all wrong; he knew his skills were exceptional, the failure was not his.
It is the gods’ fault, Silas decided. The gods had set this wretched law in place, to kettle and humble mortal creatures. But... no, the gods themselves are yet subject to death, have died in scores. So, death is a greater power than even them.
But in one book, ill-used and forgotten, Silas found mention of a god returning from death. A resurrection on a divine scale. And once that possibility had revealed itself, the hints between the lines of other books made themselves apparent; someone had performed that resurrection, exercised mastery over death in such a way that it left Silas’s mouth watering. How? How had it been done?
The next few months of frantic research and evasion - the concern from his tutors was enough to warn him that no one wanted him to go looking for this - led him eventually into the university’s vaults. To a broken-legged construct, dormant, containing a withered, desiccated hand. Not the hand of the godly resurrectionist, no, but the hand of someone who, certain books implied, might have been a devotee of that individual. A relic of a necromantic saint.
Silas stole it, of course he did. Made use of a debt owed by an engineer of the local guilds to repair the construct housing, and treated it as a treasured prize. Such mysteries, opening to him now with the artifact’s communion; he graduated quickly from books to practice, retreating into his own rooms to make frogs twitch and test ancient ideas on the animation of flesh. He took on fewer and fewer patients, withdrew from the society of his peers… for the most part.
Sera Mournleaf was brilliant. Sera Mournleaf was intense. And some days, Sera Mournleaf was the only thing that could distract him from his work. An elf with connections, she did him many favors in getting him subjects to work on, meat with which to test his theories, and had an insightful and sparkling mind with which to discuss the less publicly acceptable aspects of spitting in the face of death. So what if she stayed up later than him some nights, reading and rereading his notes. So what if every time she visited her aging human father she came back slumping with worry. He cannot expect things to be about him all the time!
Besides, he had little focus to spare for things not his research, now. He had been forced to take up the shovel himself, more than once, to find fresh bodies that would be more difficult to trace back to him - they keep a close eye on the university morgue, he learned better than to try that more than once. And he had had no small success, stripping corpses of their unnecessaries and stitching the most promising parts to one another, speaking to his prized relic with equal parts demand and prayer.
The results infuriated him at first. Lurching, wretched things, no better than flesh constructs, most of them had to be destroyed; that shriveled hand granted Silas holy fire as easily as it had clues to the resurrectionist arts. But he persisted, and grew to view them as necessary stepping stones towards a greater perfection. He grew more bold, more reckless, and felt himself forever on the verge of a cataclysmic revelation.
It was not to be. He was found out. The right word in the right ear brought the law crashing down on his shoulders, and he watched them burn his experiments with a guardsman kneeling on his back. It was broken, all of it, his research carted away in boxes (fewer boxes, maybe, then he thought there should have been), and Silas himself thrown in prison to scream his rage at the uncaring stone.
The trial was a farce. Somehow, Silas's family managed to find reason enough to pull half the lawyers in the city to his defense, while at the same time making it very clear that under no circumstances was he to darken their doorstep ever again. In the same two hour span his prospects went from life imprisonment to a mere slap on the wrist of exile, and then summarily informed that he had been neatly removed from the last will and testament of his every living family member. It was a very trying day.
At the end of it he was stripped of his qualifications, most of his wealth confiscated, and ejected from the city with his mouth sewn shut with wire; an archaic punishment for heresy, invoked here merely as sorry consolation on the part of the law that they couldn’t execute him outright. In the proper spirit of the thing, he should have left the stitches in place and let himself starve, and in deference to the bare truth of his crimes Silas endured it for three days before getting sick of the whole thing and cutting himself loose.
He had managed to keep his precious relic in its construct housing, the only thing worth bribing a minor official to sneak out of evidence lockup, and he quickly put distance between himself and wretched Misthaven, thinking nothing but bitter thoughts towards his betrayer. Selfish, horrible Sera; she had gotten cold feet, most likely. Come over all moral about what he had been doing, let slip to the magistrate that perhaps she knew who had been plundering the city's burial grounds at night. Well! She will just have to wait and see, won't she. Wait until he can begin his work again, reach as yet unseen heights of resurrection. Then he would return to Misthaven and enact some fitting revenge, on her and all those who had a hand in ruining him.
(Miss Mournleaf could have argued, the better part of a year later, that his unwitting parting gift was revenge enough. Babies scream like they’re being murdered, and the damn thing looks just like him. She left it with the nuns and got on with the business of saving her father.)
And so he wandered, working as a physician in small towns and middling cities, trying his damndest to reestablish his research in some capacity. But his funds never stretched that far, and neither did the patience of his neighbors; more than once he had to flee under cover of night, for misdeeds real or imagined. Most of these were unmemorable affairs, and only irritated him. Once, the mercenary paid to kill him proved a delightful match, in combat and energy, and the man made an affair of running away with Silas, and Silas ended up growing remarkably fond of Cassian Hellier, for all his unrefined brutishness. They still keep in touch, whenever either of them is in civilization long enough to hire a messenger to carry letters.
A decade passed in this fashion before Silas began to hear rumors. Travelers between worlds, fading in and out of unearthly mist, serving a genuine immortal. He seized upon these threads, passion alight again; a near perfect undead, far superior to the wretched things he had managed to raise back in Misthaven, yes. He would follow the travelers, seek out their master, see what, if anything, of the rumors were true. If they are... he would study, and learn, and replicate the results. And if not? Well, the corpse of even a lesser undead would be a beautiful thing.
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S3 E3
quarantine diaries: june 25 2020
season 3 episode 3: “Ye Who Enter Here”
based on this title imma just assume that this episode is gonna be hell aka Dante’s inferno
this dynamic between lexa and clarke is very beauty and the beast vibez with how clarke is give lexa ‘i wont see you’
“I can do both (hate lexa and herself) ” clarke said. We love a multi-tasker
“I want your people to become my people” ..”join me” Is lexa proposing a political marriage with clarke????
wow clarke used bellamy’s “kill me” line
clarke also said “Go float yourself”....let these kids say FUCK
Ice queen!! love matriarchy!
Yesssss Lexa you kick that guy off the ledge. this is what i like to see but also that could have really killed one of your people down below 
chill kane its just a med kit. but also watch they need a med kit but kane is like noooo 
i still dont like this relationship between bellamy and this girl bc who is she??  the writers really didnt put any effort into making me like her. Did you tell her how you injured your leg bellamy? Did you tell her that you got it trying to save clarke??
“There was no room at the inn” did pike just quote the Bible??
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but also this reminded me of this office scene
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look at the prince his fancy new clothes. lol when hes said “what you really want” my mind immediately when to spice girls
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Humpy dumpy sat on a wall. side note How did bellamy sense that Octavia was sitting up there like people dont naturally turn back toward the door they just went threw but i guess bellamy can just sense octavia’s vibez
aww look at bellamy being a supportive brother to octavia
Echo???? damn is my bellamy and echo ship still on??
Who is this assassin?? Highkey dramatic with that unwrapping of his weapons.
waht? Raven can crack the code now? since when? since fucking when?
Ugh again with this girl. its not like i dont ship her and bellamy cuz it looks like she makes bellamy happy but wtf the writers didnt build up the relationship at all so it just feels false to me
While on the topic of boos what ever happened to millers boyfriend?? Like they talked about it and now...what where is he?
i find it kinda funny how this grounder assassin has like primal weapons but has this kinda modern, cheap ass watch that you can buy at target or one that you would get at mcdonald’s. it could have been such a meme if the assassin pulled out this relic instead
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lowkey this grounder marketplace looks like star wars land in disneyland
Free food?! and kane gives her a patch but what good is that patch?? 
“Its up to the people.” we love a democracy except when majority of the population are idiots aka everyone on the ark
"aden is ready” so like do these people just base the next leader’s  readiness to rule on if they’re good enough fighters?? I guess that makes sense considering how majority of the population seem to be warriors. Lexa also mentioned something about a conclave..wtf is a conclave? 
look at lexa defending clarke against this baldy. damn she’s simping hard for clarke and its so obvious and yet baldy just suggested that she kill clarke.
also i cant help but laugh at the fact that when people finally meet wannheda they just see clarke. and ok sure she may do some badass stuff but come on dont tell me she doesnt look like a cinnamon roll
wait so what does bellamy’s girlfriend actually do? like is she an engineer or what??
yikes more neck deaths
“I’m not leaving my blade” neither would i octavia. also im curious on whether the grounders added the drawing of the gun when the space people came down with their guns because it seems like the space people are the only ones with guns that they would interact with (bc of the grounder lore surrounding guns and that they didnt seem buddy buddy with the mountain men)
ok clarke you pull that knife on lexa. but look at the intense eye contact damn. also that was such a dramatic knife drop. i gotta say that the background music during this was definitely a choice
also clarke can you please remove these ugly ass red hair extensions?
13th clan. huh? i dont like this. mostly because i dont like the world building and i just prefer bellamy and the rest of the spacers doing ‘whatever the hell they want’
ngl i thought that singer was clarke for a second. And i was like woah clarke can really sing?! but atlas it wasnt her. you know this made me think of all the other shows where they have that one musical episode...oh god i hope they do a musical scene later in the show. i would die happy. also did lexa really just hire a singer for this event?? 
How long is this assassin prepping like he’s been doing this seen the beginning of the episode?? who is his father, mother, brother, kin?? 
“how many floors”..”All of them” bitch if this mission were up to me everyone would be dead. but luckily its up to bellamy who always come thru
“Bear our mark.” when abby told kane that he should be chancellor it was more like i dont want to be marked so you should do it. jk also that’s not an honor that is a branding. and dont hate me but MARK-us because marcus kane. lol i dont care if you hate me that joke was for me. 
Yes bellamy you crash whatever this event is but also how the hell did climb up so fast! 
Are you kidding me echo? that two timing bitch ugh just when i rooting for her and bellamy she pulls this shit. 
the assassin is at Mount weather?! ugh. 
aww look at sinclair giving raven a pep talk
Oooo i called it Gina is dead. but the assassin really when for the abomin and not the neck..interesting choice. Why is this this assassin so much smarter than gina like he knew about that secret compartment and he had the codes also he got a tattoo with the codes. That’s some commitment!
you go sinclair. aww poor raven wabbling as fast as she can with that leg brace.this assassin must not be that good of an assassin if Sinclair can fight him off
Ofc they destroy mount weather. raven and sinclair were yeeted in that explosion
That stare that bellamy gave to Lexa and then that look between bellamy and clarke. ooo the tension is real
Also does bellamy know that this girlfriend just died or??? but i guess thats something that shouldnt be found out via radio
Who did Clarke’s makeup and hair or did she do it herself?? cuz it was definitely a bold choice. also the following image is not to mock clarke its just the most curse makeup image that ive seen and i love to share it with others
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lexa bowing down to clarke...ship???
Is that Emerson??! bitch
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existentialburden · 4 years
all!! please talk about your ocs!!!!
:OOOO I WOULD GIVE MY LIFE FOR YOU.... (for real thank you I’m super out of it rn, assignments have me fucked up) this is goin under a read more because I am going to go OFF
who’s friends with who? what are the squad dynamics like?
okay so with my ocs let’s start with C9 in general! the entire session has a sort of tense vibe with everyone together but it’s the type where they all know if they need to they can rely on each other. it’s just the situation making them all volatile.
for squads Aila has her moirail squad with two of my pal’s ocs, Lyla and Kodi, and it’s just all comfort there. Lyla and Kodi make sure that Aila doesn’t go off and fume by herself when she’s pissed off, Kodi and Aila make sure Lyla’s not just staying in the depression hive that is her room, and Lyla and Aila make sure Kodi doesn’t hide away and sew for hours when he gets upset. it’s mostly a “get the fuck over here and socialize instead of dwelling on every bad thought” crew but sometimes it’s just about sitting in the same room as someone else. and sending memes to each other. she also considers Dukkel a friend, but that vibe is more of a “Dukkel is manipulative and Aila is too volatile to be effectively manipulated” sorta deal. they hang out though and genuinely enjoy each other’s company so I’m counting it. she’s also pals with Joel (not mine)- she does think she has a crush on him? but she’s always real unsure of these things. either way she likes being around him and he likes being around her. that vibe is “awkward but in a cute dorky way”. also friends with Hurlii (also not mine) but they’re... dating?? hate-dating??? they both refuse to pin that down but they sit under the stars and vent a little bit to each other and get out their emotions and it’s cute. I’ve written about them cuddling before it’s adorable. her and Louise swap memes sometimes so y’know what that’s a friendship too. and she talks to a group of horrorterrors who gossip about her sessionmates with her. Aila has a lot of connections because she’s the Session Leader and also she’s tiny so everyone goes “:O a baby....”. sort of the same way you let your little sibling hang out with you and your pals because they get so excited about it.
Hope is friends with a DIFFERENT pal’s oc, Kori. their vibe is also comfort and chillin. Kori reassures Hope that no, not being able to talk to people is not bad and people don’t hate you. Hope listens when Kori talks about timeline stuff and helps her take precautions to soothe her anxiety. they’re also the alchemiter squad figuring out how to make new objects all the time. they stick real close. Hope’s also pals with Kodi! Kodi actually mediates between her and Aila. Hope can cut loose a little around Kodi and ends up with a surprisingly carefree attitude around him. things are a LITTLE awkward between them but they’re buds. Kodi keeps her in check. (Hope’s also friends with Lyla, kind of? they’re hate-dating but they are so soft for each other.) she used to go play poker with some SBURB constructs but :( no more.
Fantra is moirails with Panda (just assume if they don’t end up with their own list they’re a pal’s oc okay) and they vibe. there’s a little more flirting than necessary in their friendship and they DEFINITELY cuddle. they’re actually really adorable. again, I don’t know if dating counts, but Fantra’s dating Lyla and they’re cute but still sort of figuring things out. Fantra gives Lyla all the attention she asks for and it’s adorable.
Dukkel is sort of friends with Aila but I already talked about that. she doesn’t have a lot of friends other than Ails, actually. it’s. kind of sad? but he doesn’t really go out of his way to befriend people. she has more connections, just not... positive ones.
Mell is pals with Dott and they’re fucking chaotic. I adore them but oh jeez. Mell’s the Responsible One and she’s not responsible at all she just used to pick Dott up from parties and then hold her hostage to help redesign furbies. they’re great. actually, the entire alpha session is great because they’re all in a D&D group. Mell sometimes chats with Cole and thinks he’s alright but also a huge NERD and jokingly makes fun of him for it. Cole doesn’t mind because he is, in fact, a massive nerd. (also Mell ends up dating Lyla it’s a whole thing don’t worry about it they’re adorable)
outside of her session she’s friends with Orca in a sort of “hey this kid needs more friends. now they’re the designated little sibling of the squad” way. she teaches them cool new horrific crafts. Mell just can’t let them sit there when their two friends are busy smh come join in craft time and also here’s how to play D&D. it’s real nice!
Cole is dating Peri! they co-DM in oneshots and he fleshes out NPCs while she worldbuilds and it’s adorable. they’re soft and sweet and cuties. also chats with Mell as I said before!
ALTS: the session as a whole is messy. everything runs fine but it’s less a team and more a bunch of people forced to work together. they’re pretty good at doing things they don’t want to do, though, so gg.
Enny’s friends with Juli. Juli calls her out on her bullshit and Enny holds Juli accountable for her own messes. they’re more functional than they look. Enny is also friends with Kods (not Kodi. alt Kodi.) and they consider themselves siblings even if the specifics are a lil wild. they threaten each other but they don’t usually mean it. they care about each other. also they shared a creepypasta phase that tbh Enny never got over. she’s also kind of pals with Jess but in a “thank you for helping me keep these guys in check. in return I will not swear at you” kinda way and just. mutual understanding of being stubborn when it comes to working at things. 
outside of just the alt C9 crew (and delving into SPACE PIRATE TERRITORY): Enny’s also pals with Cece (yet another pal’s OC! the only pal mentioned that technically doesn’t work on the Official C9 Stuff but whatever I love him so much. all of the ones mentioned “outside their session″ are his <3!!!!) even though they stopped hanging out as much. Cece taught her how to paint and have a decent hobby and Enny appreciates it every day. their friendship is dear to my heart. makes me feel nice. Enny is friends with Tate too! they roomed together on the spaceship and even though they aren’t too talkative with each other sometimes that isn’t necessary. also kinda pals with Jody? they don’t hang out too much but Enny secretly thinks she’s a friend. they’re the short Light player squad. too curious for their own good. it got kinda hard for them to talk to each other in person because of an incident but Enny still thinks she’s cool and nice. and there’s Echo! Echo’s her friend and therapist who taught her how to talk about her feeeeelings. which is VERY important. everyone say thank you Echo. Enny enjoys his company and y’know it’s sometimes (SOMETIMES) nice to be totally open. hard but nice. well. it’s complicated. but thank you Echo. .....ENNY IS ALSO PALS WITH [REDACTED]. in “canon” right now they’re “rivals to acquaintances” but they have pet names for each other so what is the truth. they’re very cryptic and trade information but that means Enny’s actually very honest with him so they’re. adorable. they care a lot about each other and try to help each other when they need it. it’s so cute. I’m soft for them. they’ve always had a certain level of respect for each other and I VIBE WITH THAT. love me some respect and comfort in this house. also they totally cuddle.
Deuuuux is friends with Juli. Juli may be blunt and harsh in her humor but Deux vibes with it. she knows she’s just being snarky for the sake of being snarky. they hang out and it’s all very cool and fun. also pals with Kods, but that’s a LITTLE more strained. they still hang from time to time but it’s hard for Deux to tell when he needs his space. also hate-dating Jess but no, actually, they end up being like “wait this is stupid I don’t think I actually hate anything about you. which makes this just dating. ...heck yeah.” Jess keeps tabs on Deux’s volatile mental state and Deux makes sure SHE’S doing okay. like hey take a break. you deserve good things too.
outside of the alt C9 crew Deux is close with Wynn! they have a more sibling bond than anything else. found family. added onto this because Deux actually has a real squad, holy shit, is Echo! Deux is the Official Captain, Wynn made the spaceship they’re on, and Echo is the ship advisor. Deux goes to them when she wants a second opinion on things, which is a lot of the time. Echo is constantly side-eyeing Deux’s depression. it’s hilarious and I love them A LOT. SO MUCH. Deux and Wynn are also the ship chefs, though Wynn more so than Deux. I choose to believe they work on recipes together but that’s just me. Deux is also friends with [REDACTED 2], even if it was shaky at first. they bond over their annoyance at [REDACTED]- and they both get the feeling of being overworked and then looking over at other people goofing off. like damn, a little help here please? they’re so tired. Deux is so tired. someone give her a break.
West! is not C9, technically, but they’re still mine so :P. West is best friends with Fern and they game together. they like to try and fuck up games with West posing hypothetical glitches and Fern pulling them off. also they just hang out and it’s all fun times with them. West is also kinda pals with Alex- sometimes they hang and Alex gave West his old glasses for them to pop out the lenses and wear so that was cool of him. they just vibe and Alex thinks it’s nice that West appreciates their humor.
outside of their session they’re friends with Ulfort and Hazel! they’re a squad. Ulfort is the Responsible One, Hazel is the Bad Influence, and West is the Impressionable Chaos Enabler. I love them all. they goof and have a good time but also worry about each other and that’s real sweet. also Enny and [REDACTED] but in a parental figure sort of way so I’m only including it here and not in Enny’s- also because it’s only in certain aus. also only in certain aus is their friendship with Orca. they bond over similar excitable traits and they started out a little rocky but they’re friends!
Hazeee is also best buds with Fern! sure Haze is crushing on Fern but that doesn’t mean they aren’t pals. they support each other emotionally and also they’re totally both furries. like Fern COULD show her fursona to West and they’d support her but it’s not their interest so they don’t really know how they’re supposed to react so Fern and Haze get the fun of a mutual interest. Haze is also pals with June- xe’s Haze’s right-hand. June helps advise Haze and proposes new ideas and also teases Haze for crushing on Fern. it’s all in good fun though.
Fern is just pals with West and Haze and they’re both her best friends. no she will not rank them. she shouldn’t have to.
outside of her session sheeee’s totally in love with Ulfort and Rita. interacting with Ulfort she’s likes to try and make him flustered a lil bit. with Rita she’s much more shy about it. it’s so cute. she thinks they’re both very very pretty. this is still only in certain aus because otherwise they don’t interact... ...unless? hmu my boyyyyy show me the canon we could have had/can have [eyes emoji]
June is best friends with Alex. they thrive off their differences but June enjoys getting to just have FUN with Alex and Alex loves having support from June. they hang ALL THE TIME. they support each other and tease each other and make sure they know where the lines are. June’s also pals with Haze as mentioned above!
outside of xir sesh June’s pals/something else ;) with Orca. but like. only in certain aus. they’re. how do I describe this without getting into the aus. uh. they’re cute as hell okay? Orca spoils June and June lightly teases Orca and they’re adorable. they care about each other so so much.
Alex is besties with June and pals with West. yes he plays favorites :P.
Theo and Fate are best friends and found-family twins and they’re chaotic as a duo. Fate describes emotions to Theo and Theo describes colors to Fate and that’s adorable but Fate’s encouraging Theo to make horrorterror deals and Theo’s like what if I abused my god tier powers instead and it’s CHAOS. I love them so much. no one else they’re all they’ve got babey!
Luca is dating Elli and Julius (who are also dating) and they’re a squad all on their own. Elli and Julius are weebs and Luca makes fun of them for it but he’s the one dating them so rip. Luca loves them both so much but him and Elli have more of a “childhood friends” vibe (because they are) and Luca and Julius have a “flirt vs one very pretty boy” vibe (because that’s exactly what’s going on these aren’t vibes these are just what’s happening). they’re all ADORABLE. none of them have any other friends but specifically Luca doesn’t because he’s mine and he’s lonely. rip.
Orca is pals with/dating June as mentioned above! and pals with West! and friends with Mell!
I’m not gonna get too into the SBURB 2 ELECTRIC BOOGALOO squad because the friendships aren’t entirely fleshed out but Pistol and Spike are friends and Spike’s totally crushing on Pistol and it’s cute. they’re cute. I rest my case.
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anunvalidcritic · 5 years
                                                MOVIE REVIEW
June 27th, 2019 the year of our Lord (whichever one that may be) I watch a spectacular movie that I can truly say that the awards won were well deserved. Spider-Man was the first superhero I can truly say I looked up too and he’s super duper awesome my dudes. I plan on rewatching the movie again so I can complete this post.
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Man, this post is gonna be extremely long but it’s totally worth it!
“With great powers come great responsibility” - UNCLE BEN
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The love that his parents give is amazing.
I’m glad to see an ethnic spiderman its dope that he speaks Spanish and English.
I understand that Spider-man is a vigilante
“With accountability comes great accountability“ - JEFFERSON DAVIS
He didn’t have to do MILES like that lol
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LOL MILES needs to get his face off that window.
Ayyee black people really do that stuff with that chill talkin’ being all smooth and shiiii ROFL
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Damn his roommate just loves to study.
That is a lot of sweat tho
Haircut looks cool though if you ask me.
PETER droppin’ bops huh??
That was some freaky shit when that spider glitched though. It kinda turned into a thriller movie for a minute.
DAAAMMMNNN a normal person would be dead
“Stanton Island maybe but not Brooklyn!” - PETER
You better catch him!!!
he better not say you only get one of th…….. AAAHHHHH HE SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE FUCKING SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!
PROWLER got a lot of balls flyin’ up on him like that.
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Dang, these glitches remind me of when Vanellelope has hers. (I think her name is spelled wrong but it’s whatever at this point.)
You know whenever people make promises they sometimes are hard to keep.
WTF HE’S BLONDE!!!!!!!! WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ROFL “Yeah I think it’s a BANKSY.” - BYSTANDER
RIO is the sweetest mom ever.
PETER should not have gone out that way! MAAAAANNNNNN
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Boy, you better not jump off that building that black in you bette… LOL, HE TOOK HIS ASS RIGHT BACK DOWN!
damn, he messed up the hard-drive.
Aww, I love that ominous blue and red lighting… good symbolism.
Spider-Man for the last 22 years
blah blah blah workin’ hard and fallin’ in love
15 years past
buried Aunt May
Split up with MJ
Seahorses mate for life 
“Could you image a seahorse seeing another seahorse… and then making it work.” - PETER B PARKER
pizza is life
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“Adios” - MILES
DAAAMMMNN he didn’t have to do PETER B like that!
“Looks like a child dressed like spider-man dragging a homeless corpse behind a train.” - POLICE OFFICER
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Aye, I fuck with the song that was being played through that guy’s headphones even though I don’t even know what it was. 
“Why is your body another shape” - MILES damn that’s fucked up 
These fucking sweatpants man
“DON’T PLAY WITH ME.“ - MILES (black people love that line lol)
“You good with that Spider-Man?!“ - MILES
“In my universe, this place closed 6 years ago. I don’t know why.” - PETER B PARKER (Probably because the restaurant has a C rating)
Was lowkey waiting for a roach to crawl across something 
“Spider-Man doesn’t wear a cape.” - MILES (He doesn’t wear sweatpants either)
How tf did WILSON FISK get his BIG ASS INTO THAT CAR?!?!?!
lol his booty jiggled a bit hehehehehe
hold up this chick sound like Jessie from Toy Story…
WOAH either she a freak or she likes pushing people
“And I for one can’t wait to watch.” - DR. OC (WTF DID SHE JUST SAY!!)
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Aww, they’re having a bonding moment! 
Last 2 years
Joined a band
Saved her dad
Couldn’t save her PETER PARKER
Doesn’t do friends to save herself feeling.
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Oh, we’re getting a little WILSON FISK flashback.
Damn, why is she driving so fast…
Something like that was bound to happen I’m sorry to say. 
This dude really got some board shoulders.
Why does PETER B PARKER have on two different types of shoes?
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“Wherever I go, the wind follows.” - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
Year: 1933 
Job: Private Eye
Likes: Drinking egg creams and fighting Nazis (A LOT)
“Sometimes I let matches burn down to my fingertips just to feel something anything.”
Year: 3145
Has a psychic link with a spider that lives inside of her father’s robot.
Lost her father
Bitten by a radioactive pig 
Photographer for the Daily Beagle
Usually, when he’s not working like a dog he chasing a story
Likes to frolic and dance while doing it in his pants. 
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if stitch had a glitch lol
PETER B PARKER really puttin’ MILES on blast. 
This movie is back on their spooky ooky shit
Damn only if he knew his uncle was the PROWLER...
LOL, THAT MUSIC!!!!!!!!!
“This is a pretty hardcore origin story.“ - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
“We don’t pick the ballroom we just dance.” - SPIDER-MAN NOIR
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Of course, MILES dad is on the way
OH, FUCK!!!!!!
How the fuck you gonna be flying around without some type of bulletproof vest. DAMN SMH
Man, a kid should not be seeing someone die right in front of them. 
JEFFERSON didn’t deserve to find his brother that way. 
I’m glad they’re having a heart to heart to him. But that room is too small
“MILES the hardest part about this job is that you can’t save everyone“ - SPIDER-HAM
“Do animals talk in this dimension because I don’t want to freak him out.“ - SPIDER-HAM
Let the bodies hit the floor. 
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“A leap of faith” - PETER B PARKER
At least his dad came by to speak to him.
He had that boy fucked up again!
Man them taking the bus is really killin’ me
Bruh the waiter
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“Do you have a problem with cartoons?!?!” - SPIDER-HAM
PENI I’m sorry to say but your BUD FOR LIFE is gone.
MILES is a smooth criminal!!
I find it so cool that each time they jumped back into the portal it was reflected off of them.
ROFL “That’s all folks” “Is he allowed to say that legally?”
WILSON FISK always tryin’ to hurt somebody damn!
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MILES did that (with help of course)
C-Mobile = T-Moblie hehehehehehe
SPIDER-MAN for 2 days
Finally, finished his essay
Saved a lot of people
Spent time with his father
Got hit by a drone as well
Had a proper meeting with his roommate
Slapped his sticker where his dad won’t find it
Will always remember his friends. 
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“Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask. If you didn’t know that before I hope you know that now.“ SPIDER-MAN (MILES)
Y’ALL THERE WAS A GLITCH IN THE SYSTEM! Everything and I mean EVERYTHING! So thankful I was able to salvage a little bit of it back. I really do wish I was able to get what I said at the end because I meant it. :( 
EDIT: I was fast forwarding through the movie to get it off of my “continue watching” list and I discovered something at the end! So I’ll be making a bit of an edit. (This is a reminder that you need to ALWAYS STAY AT THE END OF EVERY MARVEL! (smh I made a rookie mistake))
James Blake has such an amazing voice
“I was gone for less than 2 hours.” - MAN
oooo the man’s name is MIGUEL 
Earth ‘67
“How dare you point at me!” - SPIDER-MAN
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squipy · 4 years
Dreaming descdents
Chapter 2
I woke up my head groggy. It felt like my world was spinning while my body smelt like Burt chicken. I rubbed my head trying to remember how I got here. All I could remember was me about to ask who these people were then I passed out. 
   I looked around not seeing anything out of the ordinary. All that stood was the bright sun,trees blowing in the wind,and a green bag. I tilted my head confused. I had never had a bag like this before. I observed the bag which wasn't an issue as it was rather small just a simple green backpack. He carefully opened it and was surprised  to what I found inside. Inside was a facemask with a smily face,some candy,a green t-shirt,blue jeans, running shoes that were painted black,and a laptop. 
  A smile appeared over my face as I wrapped the facemask around my mouth. I felt relaxed rubbing my check closing my eyes enjoying the relaxation. That was until I heard a loud voice "FUCK YEAH A KNIFE" they yelled. 
 I couldn't help but jump shaking in fear not even realizing that the others where still here. Brushing my long blond hair out of my face I observed the others. One of them supposedly the one who screamed about a knife had short brown hair,looked younger but wore what looked like glasses or goggles it was hard to tell. Another women walked up to the knife woman taking the knife out of there hand they wore what looked like a bandana around there head which  I was surprised fit around her curly hair. 
Bandana and knife woman looked  to be in an argument I took a shot in the dark and thought it was about the knife. My mind was trying to decide if I should try to break it up. I gulped walking over to the two angry women and pushing them apart keeping my head down not wanting to make eye contact "h-hey I don't know who you guys are but maybe don't fight just let the older one keep the knife for now ok" I spoke softly 
The knife woman looked annoyed as she looked at me " I just want the knife it was in my bag! " She spoke. 
   Before I could react I was grabbed by the hand supposedly to be moved but she suddenly retracted "OW what the fuck was that " she yelled rubbing their hand. 
My heart started pounding I hated hurting others. I threw my hands over my face shaking "i-im so sorry I don't know what happened " I said sacred on what would happen 
 Before I could rush off the bandana lady grabbed me pulling me close I closed my eyes in fear before I felt what was a hug? Confusion run though me but I had to admit it was warm and comfortable "hey no need to run off child there not going to hurt you. I'm meme by the way " she said 
I opened my eyes a little looking up relaxing a bit "menaal" he said moving out of the women's grasp. 
Looking at the others I had not even noticed the other person come up behind us they wore what looked like a hoodie with two small red hours sparking out. "Hey I hate to ruin y'all's therapy session but what is going on I just fucking heard y'all's whole conversation" they said 
I turned my head confused how could she of heard was I that loud I thought. While lost in thought I noticed meme shoot fire out of her hands "oooo pretty fire " she said poking the fire with her hand.
The knife woman shook their head blowing out memes fire somehow "I don't know what I just did but demon person is right " said the knife woman.
   Nodding in augment I started looking around the relic observing the statues. They all looked very heroic I wish I could be brave like that. With a sigh I went back to looking around before my body turned cold with the sound of deep laughter "all in one place how perfect" the deep voice spoke. 
I turned my head noticing the others do the same. Stepping back I noticed the others face what looked like a giant shadow. "who are you?? I will light you on fire " said meme getting in a fighting pose.
The horned person also joined in " I will fight as you thing   LETS GO " said the horned person 
The shadow simply just laughed "how cute now just stay still so I can KILL YOU" shouted the shadow their voice switching as it said kill. 
I quickly grabbed knife lady " WE GOTTA GO NOW WE CAN'T FIGHT THIS THING" I shouted rushing off praying meme and horned person would follow. 
Reluctantly they followed but not before knife woman did a kill motion across their neck. I looked over at the others "so anyone know who that shadow person is " I shouted. 
They simply shook there heads before rushing out of the woods. 
852 words
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ouranking · 5 years
Proclamation Of Love
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Alright hold up, hold up. I’m gonna let you continue your dash scrolling but I gotta say something first! I gotta talk about my girl @tanukihost! 
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Now I haven’t known Treasure for very long, maybe a month or so at best. BUT, I need you all to know just how much I love and adore this mun right here. Every time she is on my dash whether it be with in character threads, her good morning messages, or her meme vibes growing strong, It is an utter fucking joy. To show just how much I love and care for her, I’m going to confess my loves in bullet list format. So Buckle the fuck up. 
Her Characterization: Let’ me just say, it’s on fucking point. I literally hear Haruhi’s voice and absolutely everything she writes, whether it’s a long paragraphed plotted thread or it’s a simple crack thread filled with host club meme energy. Treasure get’s Haruhi and her motives and it shows so much in her writing. Honestly I’m not entirely convinced that Treasure isn’t secretly Haruhi behind the screen you know? Like that’s how on point she is. 
Writing Skills: Oooo fucking damn let me just tell you, It’s like a god damn work of art. Like holy fuck just the way she manages to craft these beautiful responses is just such a fucking talent. I am constantly finding myself reading along with a number of her threads because it’s just that good. Just the way she words things is just, oh man so amazing. I could only dream of having such an ability to pick out words to describe situations the way she does. 
Her Memes: Fucking listen man, Her brand is just HOT DAMN, she is so fucking funny and it never fails to make me laugh. Still to this day every time I look at her blog I burst into a fit of giggles. Because let’s face it we all knew that Tamaki has dumb bitch energy, but Treasure here not only had the guts to say it, but made it her brand and wears it as a fucking shirt. Every meme she produces is nothing but sheer comedic gold.
Her Personality: LISTEN UP! TREASURE IS A RAY OF GOD DAMN SUNSHINE. Every morning it feels like when she gets on, she comes on with such amazing positive energy! She is so fucking sweet and kind, and just such a joy to fucking talk to. She is silly and goofy in all the best fucking ways, but the first to proclaim her love for you in a way that really makes you feel special, it’s truly fucking unique. 
Misc.: Not only is she all the things that I stated above, but she is such a joy to fucking just come to and practically cry about Tamaki and she will sit there and listen to me and plot out random as things with me! To have that in someone is just nothing short of god damn amazing. I’m an awkward bean, so it was a sheer relief that she is so chill and accepting and not only willing to just listen to me babble, but join in! My favorite part of the day is just us screeching at one another about Tamaharu
In Summary: Treasure, my darling when you read this, I just want you to know that you are just so god damn amazing, and you really are loved here in the ouran rp community. We may be small but we are so full of love, and I hope that you know that. No matter what you are going through, I am here for you and always willing to cheer you on whenever you need it most. So please please know that I adore you and I am so glad to have met you. <3 
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