#oooh this was a very fun ask truly tysm!!!!!!!!!
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cyb3r-mutt · 11 months ago
Hihiii, what’s your favorite piece of poetry?? I just have a feeling you have something in mind.
Hiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! And this is such a lovely ask?!!!!!! I do actually have an answer!!!!!!!!! I actually really got into poetry a couple years ago so there’s lots that I love but I’m gonna say one of H.D’s poems called Fragment Sixty-Eight. There’s yearning and desire and mortality and ugh please just read it.
I just think her writing is so beautiful and like soul wrenching a bit, initially I was drawn to her stuff because she used a lot of Greek mythology references which I’ve always been interested in yeah just fell in love with her writing (Eurydice was the first poem of hers I read I highly recommend it too). She was also just a really cool person and she was bi too and yeah just very interesting
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undeadvinyls · 3 years ago
UHHHH UMMM UHHHH. TELL US ABT BETTY 🎤🎤🎤 what’s her personality like? what’s her relationship with her parents like? does she plan on becoming a zombie hero like them? Is that too many questions oops
personality? Well.. lemme say she's.. your typical edgy teen from the late 90s/early 2000s. she has a bit of emo thing going on even if it's mixed with disco and rock. Yes, i'm dead serious, that's what she calls herself. on the outside, she's really snarky, sassy and pretty much a mean girl. like the 2000s film. deep down inside her she has a good heart though, but never really shows it as she says that it's lame (as she calls everything and everyone like that) it's pretty much your ordinary teen angst mixed with sassyness and glimpses of good heart.
relationship with parents? OOOH time for a paragraph. so like, Electric Boogaloo is your typical overprotective father. he loves his little girl very much but he gets really overprotective over her, even with the smallest things, for example, when she's spending time with the other heroes as a sidekick, he's always worried they're gonna break her and get her injured. He is NOT a helicopter parent though, no. such a guy would never be a one; in fact he wants to give her as much freedom as she can have. he gets very cheery over her doing anything! last time Betty's music school organized a talent show, he started cheering for her loudly before she even started. so like, he's a very protective parent who means well quite well and supports his kid like a lot, and is so happy he could share his interests with her, but still, his overprotective and reckless parenting gets in the way like a lot, as Betty is constantly tired of it. Speaking of her, time for her perspective. She loves her father, she truly does, but she really doesn't show it, mainly due to him embarrassing her like a lot and constantly, that's where she gets her short temper as well. She hates the fact that her father still sees her as a child, when she's in fact 16. boogaloo gets it, he knows she's a teen and she has some personal space now and he can't control her unlife, but he sometimes feel bad that pretty much she got dragged into this hero mess and wants to protect her with all of his heart, even if she, still, knows how to fight back. but of course, he means no harm. it's absolutely just huge fatherly love for his daughter, even if it gets too big. Now, Dazzling Starr and Betty! I have to say, she has better contact with her mother than her father, mainly cause she's less of overprotective mother and more of "cool mom". of course, she's very cheery too, even more, she's like the most supportive mom on the block, but that gets out of the hand too, simillar to boogaloo. she's one hell of a proud mom, and thank to her, betty got her passion for music, but dazzling herself is a very loud parent who's not afraid to publically how much she loves her daughter, which well, embarrasses Betty as well. you could say she's not as overprotective as boogaloo, but she's WAAY more cheery than him. But just like Boogaloo, she loves very much, she just still, does not show it, as she thinks that such deep love is lame. sometimes she just wants to be left alone without her parents, but at least dazzling is always there to speak. she's not soothing nor comforting that much, but she has a quiet, rare side to herself which is here for her sweet thing.
future? zombie hero?? what she want to do??? well, she's actually a part of the team! the zombie heroes are in fact her weird uncles and aunties, with the exception of professor brainstorm, who's "grandpa brainstorm" and the imps, who are her little brothers and best friends. she's like... a sidekick for them, even if she doesn't want to be a one and would prefer actually having fun with her powers (electricity + sound manipulation) rather than doing boooring missions. when she grows up, she doesn't want to be a hero, she'd pretty much live like her powers aren't there and just use them for stuff like charging her phone. she wants to be a drummer, and she actually got a kick for that and a true talent. from her mom! she got the musical talent from mom!
damn i really wrote so much abeu tysm for asking sm tho!! made me happy
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imaginedanganronpa · 6 years ago
oooh, happy March break! may I request the drv3 boys (excluding kork, hoshi, and kaito) with an optimistic crush who they usually walk home with but one day they refuse to leave the school or what not because there’s thunder and it freaks them out? (Maybe squeaking and clinging onto them when it strikes??) aaah... I love rain but hate lightning, tysm ily!!
Thank you! My Break was absolutely wonderful :) I was a bit confused since you mentioned both thunder and lightning so I wrote the reader being afraid of both for safe measure, hope that’s okay! I relate, though. I, too, love rain but am scared of thunder so this was fun to write. Enjoy, and love ya too!
Author’s Note: I also wrote the whole thing and realized that maybe you didn’t mean the boys walking home with them, so I’m sorry for that. I hope you like it, anyway. That’s my bad.
Saihara Shuichi, Ouma Kokichi, Rantaro Amami, Kiibo & Gonta Gokuhara Walking in a Storm w/ An Optimistic Crush Who is Afraid of Thunder & Lightning!
Saihara Shuichi
Saihara loved you because of how inherently optimistic and kind you were. No matter what, you were always motivating andsupporting him unconditionally and he felt like he could truly be himself around you.Perhaps that was what made him fall for you, but how could he not?
He’s had a crush on you for a long time but was waiting for the perfect momentto confess. However, he didn’t want to ruin the beautiful friendship you twoalready had.
By far the best part of Saihara’s school-day was the end because that meant he got towalk home with you. When you walked together, you skipped happily by his sideand beamed at him with a bright smile. It always caused his cheeks to turn rosyand his heart to skip a beat.
But this afternoon, you weren’t nearly as cheery as usual. It started storming as class concluded and he figured that your mood swing had something to do with the weather; but he had no idea how right he was.
He walked towards your normal meeting spot and found you cowering by the window,bitterly staring outside. Your face looked different than normal and hecould instantly sense that something was wrong. Saihara used his Detective-intuition to read your expression and body language, and immediately his internal alarms went off.
“Hey, (Y/N), are you okay?” Saiharaasks cautiously, a bit surprised when you slink away from him cowardly. This wasn’t like you at all and he wondered what could have possibly gotten into you. He’s never seen you like this - you were always so upbeat and positive, it’s unusual for you to be this blue.
Out of nowhere, lightning strikes near the campus-grounds and a loud clap of thunder erupted in the distance, causing you to yelp and hide your face. Saihara connected the dots and then took a seat beside you on the ground. “So, you’re afraid of the storm, huh?”
You were silent, not wanting to admit to your weakness. But this was the Ultimate Detective you were talking to, and you knew he’d be able to see through your lies, so you obediently nod your head. A lighthearted chuckle escapes his lips as he offers you his hand and continues, “Come on.”
You start shaking your head, firmly standing your ground as you refuse to move an inch. “I am not leaving, Shuichi! The storm just… freaks me out.”
Truthfully, he did feel sorry for you and he was just trying to help. With all of Saihara’s experience in interrogating suspects, he’s become very persuasive. “Listen, I’ll protect you, okay? You can trust me, right?”
With a little push, he finally got you to follow him outside. First, he gave you his jacket to wrap around your shoulders and his hat to keep your head dry, and then he retrieved the umbrella he always took with him to school. 
You slowly walk beside him at first, extremely hesitant and nervous. You normally wait storms out if given the chance, but how could you say no to Saihara? By now, he has his arm wrapped around you and held you close, protectively.
Another lightning strike appears in the distance and you squeak, your grip around his arm tightened as you dig your nails into his pale skin, clinging onto him for dear life. Saihara lifts his arm to your head and pats your hair gently while whispering, “Shh, it’s okay, I got you.”
Each time it thundered or lightning strikes, you yelp and freeze in place while burying your face into Saihara’s clothes. He doesn’t mind, though, and simply holds you until you feel better. He was very patient with you and there was no rush for you to make it back, he was more-so focusing on your comfort-levels and making you feel safe.
Plus, he definitely wasn’t complaining about getting to hold you close. A fierce blush formed on his lips each time you brought him into another embrace. Seeing you so shaken up still made him frown, though. He hated seeing you like that and desperately wished he could take some of your anxiety away.
The two of you walked very slowly, but eventually made it to your home. Once you were there, Saihara stood on your doorstep and watched as you finally peeked up from his chest to see that you have arrived at your destination. He greets you with a warm smile and says, “See, we made it. I told you I would keep you safe.”
The rain was beginning to calm down and it hadn’t thundered in quite some time, so you stand there momentarily and embrace Saihara in a tight hug. “Thank you, so much, Shuichi!” You exclaim before leaning in to peck his cheek with a kiss.
When you do this, his entire face turns red and he begins stuttering. “O-oh, it was no p-problem!” He quietly scratches the back of his head and his eyes dart to the ground. 
Before you step inside, you whirl back around and catch him as he’s walking off, “Wait, I forgot to give you your clothes back!” Saihara stops in his tracks, still standing sheepishly under his umbrella and shrugs his shoulders. “Give them back to me tomorrow, you look cuter in them anyway!” He shouts before turning on his heels and half-skipping down the sidewalk.
Ouma Kokichi
You could always tell that Oumahad a soft spot for you. He treated you with more genuine kindness than most othersand often proved that he cared about you.
Truthfully, he’s never met someone who was always so optimistic and he found itendearing. He would pester you about what your secret was or how you could possibly stay so positive through anything, and all you could dowas brightly smile and insist that that’s just who you are. He didn’t get it,but he also loved you for it. 
Ouma loved you because you’re the only person whom he could never quite figureout and the only one who has ever made him feel weak, and he appreciated how genuine you were towards everyone. At times, he wished he could be more like you, but teasing others and raising Hell was just too much fun!
But he’d never admit that he had a crush on you. Although he made it quite obvious,anytime one of his or your classmates would point out his behavior andmannerisms, he would blush and feverishly deny the accusations. He was a good liar but not when it comesto you.
Ouma always looked forward to the end of the day because that’s when he got towalk home with you. In school, others were around and he felt like he had a reputation to keep up, but during your afternoon walks, you two were in complete privacy. More than once, he has vowed to make a move during this time when no one else was around, but he just can’t bring himself to do it.
Bounding with energy, he scrambles to your Classroom to find you nowhere insight. This was… strange, you usually met him outside of your Class when thefinal bell rang. Curiously, Ouma pokes his head into the room and sees you sittingin the corner with your knees pulled up to your face. You didn’t seem to notice him so he took this as an opportunity to scare you.
As confident and careless as always, he walks into your classroom as if he ownsthe place and calls for you. “(Y/N)! Come on, it’s the end of the day!” His sudden voice caused you to jump and yelp with fear, which isn’t the reaction he was expecting. Still, it made him smugly giggle. Just because he didn’t tease you as much as others, didn’t mean it never happened. This is still Ouma we’re talking about!
Afterwards, you shrink into a smaller figure and hide your face once more. He feels almost bad, like he just crossed a line that he shouldn’t have.
But even he wasn’t that oblivious, and he could tell that something was wrong. You were acting completely different than you were this morning. This isn’t the optimistic (Y/N) that he knows and loves.
Ouma stands right in front of you and started to bug you. “(Y/N), c’mon! We have to walk home~ slowpoke!” Before he could finish his sentence, a lightning strike cuts him off and you yelp once more, in a similar manner to when he spooked you.
That’s when he figured everything out. “You’re afraid… of thunder and lightning?” He was the last person you wanted to know about your fears since you didn’t want him to use it against you, but feeling defeated, you nod. To no one’s surprise, Ouma giggles and teases you about it. “That’s not scary at all!”
But he quickly changed his attitude when he realized how genuinely petrified you were; he’s never seen you this shaken up. Since he didn’t want to completely blow his chances with you, Ouma switches into a more sympathetic mindset and extends his arm to help you up.
“Hey now, don’t be afraid. We can’t stay here forever. I’ll walk you home and make sure you make it back safely, okay?” This isn’t the first time you see his softer side, and looking into his eyes made you feel like you could actually trust him this time.
So, you find yourself standing at the entrance of Hope’s Peak by his side. He has a small umbrella that he holds over you, not caring if he gets drenched or not because you’re his top priority right now. With a deep breath, you start pushing forward. He instinctively takes the lead and guides you, holding your hand as you walk through the storm.
Not long into your walk, another strike of lightning occurs in the distance followed closely by thunder, and you let out a small scream and instinctively clutch onto Ouma. The sudden move caused him to falter briefly and his face turned pink. 
He tried having a normal conversation with you to keep your mind off of it. Each time thunder occurred, you would grab onto him and bury your face into his clothes. Being the smooth criminal that he is, Ouma wrapped his arm around you and held you closely, savoring the moment.
You also squeaked at even the slightest sound. At one point, you accidentally stepped in a puddle and nearly jumped out of your skin, which caused him to burst into laughter. “You know, (Y/N), the sounds you make when you’re scared are adorable!” He chimes in tauntingly. 
But he stays beside you and continues protecting you. You kept your face buried into his body for most of your walk while Ouma held you close. Still, he was soaked by the time you made it to your house and a bit grumpy.
Once you finally arrived, he walks you to the door-step. He looked like a wet dog while you were perfectly dry, and pouts while complaining, “I thought walks in the rain were supposed to be romantic!”
Regardless, you were thankful for him. The kind gesture isn’t typical of Ouma and you repay him by kissing his cheek and hugging him lovingly. The storm was beginning to calm and you didn’t feel nearly as anxious anymore, something about his presence made you feel at peace. “You know, you’re not as bad as you say you are, Kokichi.”
He rolls his eyes in response, “Yeah, yeah. I’m still an evil Supreme Leader, I just like you.” He grins smugly, and now you’re the one blushing.
Rantaro Amami
It’s rare that Rantaro findssomeone whom he falls for so easily. He isn’t used to these feelings and gets quite flustered whenever he is around you, but he can’t narrow down whenexactly he fell for you or why. However, he feels a strong sense ofprotectiveness over you and wants to keep you safe from harm.
He loved your personality and how genuinely upbeat and kind you were. Rantarowas also a fairly optimistic and laid-back person, so your personalities neverclashed and instead you got along in perfect harmony.
He slowly walks towards your Classroom where you typically meet after-school, only to find that you were still sitting at your desk. This felt odd to himimmediately and he steps inside your Classroom hesitantly. Rantaro clears histhroat to announce his presence, which caused you to leap out of your seat.
“Don’t scare me like that!” You snap as you stare at him, wide-eyed. He freezesin place and switches into his paranoid brotherly-mode, reaching out his handcalmly. “I’m sorry, (Y/N), I didn’t mean to.” He sounded a bit hurt, genuinely not intending to scare you.
He’s never seen you this paranoid or shaken-up nor have you ever snapped at him before, so theoutburst catches him off-guard; he hopes that it’s nothing major and his mind races with possible explanations. As he inches closer, Rantaro tries taking yourhand and asks if you were ready to leave school yet, but you furiously shakeyour head and retract your body back into a small shell.
Thoughtfully tilting his head to the side, he then takes a seat in the emptydesk in front of you, sitting in it backwards and leaning forward. Suddenly,lightning strikes outside and you yelp, ducking your head into your arms; that’s when it allstarted making sense.
Rantaro gently smiles as he finally realizes what was happening. “Oh, so you’reafraid of the storm?” He asks, and a blush appears on your cheeks. “Well… justthe lightning… and thunder.”
He nods and then stands, extending his arm once again but you still refuse,insisting that you weren’t leaving the school until the storm settled. With asmall groan, he mumbles, “We could be here for hours, though.”
But, still determined to help, Rantaro pushes forward. He’d never force you to do something you’re uncomfortable with, but he knew how to handle these situations after growing up with his younger siblings. “We can’t get locked in the school, it closes soon. But I’ll walk with you like always and make sure you get home safely.”
You refuse at first, but he presses onward as he pinky-promises to protect you from the weather. What can you say? He was extremely persuasive and charming, so you soon find yourself walking beside Rantaro like always, only a bit more skittish than usual.
He gives you a jacket to wrap around yourself in hopes of keeping you dry. Thankfully, he brought an umbrella today and held it above both of your heads, with you two having to squeeze under it to make room.
Not long into your walk, thunder claps in the distance and you jump once again, covering your mouth as you squeak and close your eyes, freezing in your tracks and beginning to shake once again. Rantaro notices this and stops beside you, then gently takes your hand into his and squeezes it firmly and reassuringly.
This causes you to relax a bit and the green-haired boy continues holding your hand in a loving manner for most of the walk. While he does so, he talks about school and other things that happened throughout the day to try to keep your mind off of it.
But his attempt fails each time it thunders or lightning strikes. You continue to cling onto him and wrap your arms around his waist whenever you were scared, but he doesn’t mind. Rantaro smiles down at you, still feeling a bit helpless and wishing he could do more.
He does his best to protect you and breaks the hand-holding, instead using his hands to cover your ears, trying to muffle the sounds of the storm. It helps a bit, but you still nuzzle into his body because it makes you feel safe.
The two of you walk at a very slow pace, and eventually you become too freaked out and panicked to continue, stopping as your body shuts down and trembling on the sidewalk in fear. Rantaro whirls around and tries gesturing for you to continue, but you refuse and can only make a few weak, squeaking sounds of protest.
There wasn’t any other option, so he briefly sets his umbrella down and scoops you into his arms. The motion catches you off-guard, but you don’t fight it. You take over handling the umbrella as Rantaro carries you bridal-style for the rest of the walk, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks since the two of you have never been this close before.
The rain continues to pour, but you aren’t nearly as afraid of the storm as you were before. Even when it thunders or lightning strikes, you don’t jump as much. This feeling of being close to Rantaro filled you with comfort and you can’t help but to smile as you rest your head on his strong chest and feel somewhat at peace.
After finally making it home, he carries you towards the door and sets you down on the doorstep, letting out a sigh of relief. “We made it!” He says with a smirk, and you nod while pulling him into another hug. Rantaro reciprocates and places a quick butterfly kiss on your forehead, which brings you both to blush.
“Thank you,” you mumble, now feeling a bit silly for reacting the way you did. With him, you weren’t as afraid and you felt… calm. You two sat on the front porch, watching the storm rage on for awhile, but you were no longer afraid. You jumped every now and again, but Rantaro would just squeeze your hand in response to calm your nerves.
Kiibo loved you for your vibrantand optimistic personality. He strives to be more like you because he loved howpositive you were and wondered how someone could remain so preppy.
In the entire time that he’s known you, he has never seen you act out of turn. Fears were also not something that ever really came into conversation so Kiibo never would have guessed that you were deeply afraid of storms.
Members in his Class, specifically Kokichi, gave him Hell because they told himthat his feelings weren’t real and that there was no way a Robot could have acrush. He knew that they were genuine, though, and that his feelings werecompletely valid.
No matter what they said, Kiibo always met you at the end of the day becauseyou walked home together. It was part of your routine, but today was different. Not long before the final bell rang signalling the end of the school-day, an intense storm started brewing outside of the Classroom window. Kiibo initially thought nothing of it and carried through with your routine as normal.
After heading to your typical meeting spot, he found you blankly staring outside through the entrance doors of Hope’s Peak. His smile soon faded and with one scan, he could tell that something was bothering you and this unnervedhim because it wasn’t like you. Your knees quivered and your face looked extremely pale; the Robot as never seen you act this way before.
Cautiously, Kiibo walks towards you and asks if you are okay. Just by looking at your face, he can tell that you are far from it, and he becomes immediately sympathetic. He was used to your optimism and preppy personality, not this.
Before you could say a word, the storm flared outside and you heard a clap of thunder in the distance. Your hands bolted for your ears and you squeezed your eyes shut tightly, yelping in fear and gritting your teeth. Kiibo wasn’t sure what to do, and blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“Are you ready to leave?” In retrospect, it sounded a bit insensitive but that was completely unintentional. Still, you snap back at him and shake your head with trembling knees and hands. “No, I am not leaving or walking out in that!”
Kiibo could tell that he stepped on a sensitive topic and immediately softened, a gut wrenching feeling formed inside of him. He still wasn’t sure what could have possibly gotten into you.
“W-why not?” He stammers, still confused. Then, a bolt of lightning strikes outside and lights up the sky, once again causing you to quake in fear. That’s when he realized that your reaction was more serious than simply not wanting to get wet.
“Are you afraid of the storm?” Kiibo asks softly, and with a bit of a pout you nod your head. “I like the rain, but storms like this… just freak me out.” Honestly, he could understand where you were coming from; he could become broken or impaired if he got wet, and he had to be extremely careful in the rain, so he didn’t judge you one bit.
With a chuckle, he tries to lighten the situation. “Well, me neither! I’m a Robot after all.” This doesn’t invoke much of a response from you, but then Kiibo follows up the failed humor by saying, “But, I’ll still take on the weather with you and walk you home, if you’d like. That way you don’t have to be afraid or go by yourself.”
You aren’t initially convinced, but then he reiterates that the school will close soon and you can’t refuse to leave forever. So, with a bit of a groan, you take up Kiibo’s offer. 
Luckily for both of you, he had a built in function to handle the rain - almost like an umbrella that could shield you both from the weather. With a smug grin, he felt proud of himself and hoped that this would impress you.
Together, you walk very slowly and are careful to not step in any puddles that may shock Kiibo. He rests one of his cold hands on the small of your back and walks in silence, more focused on making sure that you are feeling okay. He is hyper-aware of your emotions in this moment and consistently runs a scan on you to see how you are feeling.
With each strike of lightning, you jump and nearly run to hide behind him, shakily cowering into his metal chest. He feels a bit frustrated since he wished that there was more he could do for you, when suddenly, an idea pops into his head.
He had built in noise-canceling ear-plugs that he could use on a whim, but they were adapted to work for humans as well. Thoughtfully, Kiibo hands them to you and insists that they should take away most of the surrounding sounds. You were a bit skeptical at first, but to your surprise, they worked! You can still see, of course, so the lightning still sends chills down your spine but they help ease your mind by a long-shot.
And Kiibo does his best to take your mind off of it. He rambles on about anything and everything but the storm, and several failed jokes cause you to smile at how innocent he was. You walk side by side with his umbrella-like shield protecting you from the rain, and subconsciously start holding-hands; neither of you realize you were doing it for quite some time.
Having him beside you made you feel much more content, even in the storm. You still let out a few stray squeaks and bit your lip at the sight of lightning, a bit skittish and paranoid even now, but everything he did for you and his company helped immensely.
Once you finally reach your home, you wrap your arms around Kiibo’s body and gently hug him. He blushes and his eyes flicker with static, which causes you to jump out of fear that the rain by have somehow gotten into his hard-drive.
But, no, he was just crashing from the sudden embrace. When he finally comes to, you thank him and cheerfully exclaim, “You’re my hero!” He shrugs this off with a bright blush, insisting that it was no problem at all. 
You let him into your home to wait out the storm so that he doesn’t get wet, either, since that would lead to very bad things for the Robot. Once it finally passes, you rush outside together and see a large rainbow appear right above your house. The sight was beautiful, and with that Kiibo turned to you with a happy grin.
“Wonderful things always come out of the bad, see?”
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta fell for you fast and hard,and he loved you for an abundance of reasons – mainly, he loved your positiveoutlook on almost everything. Being around you made him feel like a child againand he adored you for that.
His favorite part of the day was getting to walk home with you. Each time hedid, he had to bite his tongue before spilling out all his feelings for you. Hewould watch you walk beside him and warmly smile, thinking about how lovely youlooked.
At the end of every day, Gonta would hastily rush out of his Classroom and happily walk towards yourmeeting spot with excitement, knowing that he got to see you soon. On thisafternoon, though, it started storming right before school ended and he eagerly hopedthat this wouldn’t interfere with your typical plans.
Remaining hopeful, he spots you standing by the entrance of the building andstaring at the weather raging outside. “(Y/N)!” Gonta calls for you loudly butreceives no response.
Feeling a bit flustered he starts hastily walking towards you to find yourpale, flushed face. His heart sinks because he’s never seen you look like thisbefore – you always had a warm smile on your face.
He starts asking if you were okay, but you remain silent. Then, Gonta tugs atyour sleeve and gestures for you to walk home with him. “(Y/N) and Gonta walktogether, remember?”
That sentence catches your attention and you fiercely shake your head,demanding that you stay put. “No! I’m not leaving!” You refuse and put yourfoot down, causing the taller boy to frown and stick out his lip in a pout. You’ve never told himabout your fears before since that isn’t something you like to share with others,so you calmly recollect yourself and then mumble about the storm.
A sudden lightning strike caused you to jump into Gonta’s arms in fear, tightly gripping onto his clothes and burying your face into his large chest. This causes him to blush profusely, definitely not expecting the sudden reaction.
Storms don’t really bother him since he spent much of his childhood in the forest, so he doesn’t understand the fear but a gentleman doesn’t judge. Instead, he does what he knows best and vows to protect you from the ‘scary storm.’ “Gonta protect (Y/N)!” He exclaims confidently.
You know he has a heart of gold and good intentions, but you aren’t convinced that you want to walk in the storm. Still a little bit stubborn, you refuse to leave the school. But you can’t say no to his precious face forever, and he essentially drags you outside since the school would be closing soon and this wasn’t the time to be stubborn.
Unfortunately, he forgot to bring an umbrella that particular afternoon, but he promptly takes off his large jacket that will easily cover almost your entire body and drapes it around you like a cloak, covering your head as well. He scratches the back of his head for a moment while deciding how he should handle this situation when a light-bulb goes off in his mind.
“Gonta know!” He says happily before leaning forward and gesturing for you to hop onto his back. Then, he suggests that he gives you a piggyback ride so that you don’t have to walk in the rain.
He easily lifts you up off the ground. Before taking off, he adds, “(Y/N) can lay their head on Gonta to not look at storm.” Understanding what he was suggesting, you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck, tucking his long hair away and tightly holding onto his chest.
He does all of the work and trudges forward fearlessly. His jacket prevents you from getting too wet, although Gonta himself gets drenched. He really doesn’t mind, though; he’s used to it. 
Whenever the storm worsened and lightning or thunder would strike, you would squeak and shut your eyes firmly while hiding your face in his neck and shoulders. Your death-grip on his chest would become more intense, but he didn’t mind too much. You didn’t hurt him, and even if you did, he wouldn’t care.
Gonta is simply doing the gentlemanly thing to do because he could never let his crush walk home in the rain, especially when they’re scared. This also wouldn’t be the first time he’s given you a piggyback ride and you’re confident that he wouldn’t drop you.
The storm was intense so he has to fight against the strong wind as rain splashes onto his face, but Gonta is determined. If he could cover your ears, he would, because the thunder and lightning continued to cause you to jump and become fearful. It broke his heart to see you this scared, but he was doing his absolute best.
His long legs were being put to work as he rushed to your house as quickly as possible. Admittedly, he liked the feeling of having you cradled into his body and wanted to protect you for longer, but he could sense your fears and didn’t want to make you suffer. 
The sounds you made were pretty cute, though. He’s never heard someone squeak like that before, and it caused a small smile to form on Gonta’s lips. He could feel your body quiver each time the lightning strikes and you refused to look up from his neck, so he kept saying, “Almost there!” to reassure you that you would be home soon.
Somehow, though, you felt some comfort in his arms. You knew he would do everything in his power to keep you safe and you fully trusted Gonta. He went above and beyond for you and with him, like this, you didn’t feel as scared. You could relax a little bit and the storm didn’t faze you like it normally did.
The walk felt like it took forever, but you two eventually made it. He gently sets you down in front of your door and lets out a sigh of relief. His long hair was wet and sticking to his skin, and Gonta kindly takes back his jacket that is also soaking wet - however, you were completely dry, so it was all worth it.
Feeling peace now that you were home and no longer in the storm, you jump into his large arms and wrap yours around his neck, hugging him gratefully. He reciprocates as you thank him, but he shakes his head humbly.
“That’s just what gentleman do!”
- Mod Rantaro
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