#ooh love this take
egophiliac · 21 days
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was this anyone else's first thought, or
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myoonmii · 3 months
I think the downright most horrific and brutal detail in the show is that Kilgharrah actually used Merlin to make sure Arthur's death happened with the pretence of protecting him
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catliker49 · 4 months
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AAAHHH I am going insane! I have been finding it So difficult to think of things to draw so I may not post as much!! I apologise!
The outfit in this was based off of an Animal Crossing outfit Clown had posted for Wally a little while ago! I messed around with it a Little bit, haha!
I am still working on a style I like also! So expect a lot of changes!
Oooh... I have been thinking of drawing Eddie and Frank together at some point though! I also would really like to make a mini.. storybook type panel.. thingy mabobby.. I'm sure someone understands what I mean!!
I might post some sketches of what I do!!
Thank you so so much for the continuing support!! It really does make me Happy seeing tags people put on their reblogs!! AAH! I am so so Happy!! Thank you thank you thank you!!
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Leverage Redemption S02E04 The Date Night Job.
Bonus: Eliot's momentary 'Oh shit, I broke it' when everything locks down:
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kifu · 1 year
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Sappho. I wanted to know if I could under layer shading with markers. That failed. HOWEVER, I took a picture of my greyscale marker drawing before I obliterated every ounce of shading with grotesque color so that I could play with it digitally. I'm ecstatic. She is GORGEOUS.
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malk-with-tea · 4 months
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Some rough oc loops I made recently!
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jacarandaaaas · 9 months
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eileennatural · 1 year
sitting around emotionally compromised thinking abt how big and loud rick grimes' feelings are and by comparison how quiet carl is. sure, carl gets angry and picks fights but when is he loud or expressive? they have the same dynamic in almost all of their most devastating moments. after lori's death, rick is screaming, crying, rolling on the ground and carl is just standing there quietly and alone. when negan makes rick think he has to cut off carl's arm, rick is crying and begging and carl just quietly tells him to do it. when carl is dying, he's reassuring rick that he was a good father. hmm interesting
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psygull · 1 month
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First Snow (2006)
"Hey, they say it's gonna fuckin' snow down here this year, can you believe that?"
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ruumirmir · 6 months
Employee of the Month
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really, i dont think half of this should be taken seriously, HOWEVER:
I think loverboy's peakest babygirl moment in all of his career should be singlehandedly getting pantalone to invent the concept of "employee of the month" for the sole reason of having a workplace excuse to spoil and praise him without raising suspicion. 👀 Which I'll set in the timeline Before pantalone becomes the harbinger, and is just a fairly high ranking official at present.
(theres like a whole backstory ive cooked up that my moot is currently writing now so this entire post might make a lot more sense after my requested fic is out lmao)
like yeah,, pantalone eventually does come to realize and notice that Hmmm! This one man is a particularly diligent worker! His excellent workplace charm and wet puppy eyes have captivated me !
Perhaps a little shy to praise.
(lil bro is actively trying to avoid the spotlight in such a line of work)
Celestia knows how many hundreds of fatui are trained and raised in the soldiers way 🙄 With the Tsaritza's mercy the organization will rarely happen upon a handful of sparkly-eyed new recruits that can actually be COMPETENT with the brunt of the logistics, diplomacy and theoretical PAPERWORK that keeps the fatui running.
God knows that harbingers like Pantalone, Pulcinella, and occasionally Arlecchino NEED subordinates behind desks rather than on the field.
So the idea comes to pantalone on a fine sunny day with a stroke of genius !
because the work environment under each harbinger is so Different, you could categorize pantalone to (relatively) have the safest, and most boring work imaginable.
Definitely in which case, job motivation is very..... low. Well not anymore apparently,, in comes loverboy, newly enrolled in the fatui
with a personal vendetta against risking his precious life on the field, who damn well MAKES SURE his work merits and skills direct him towards a cushy job with good pay. and that eventually catches pantalone's attention, whos like
Wow! I wonder how i can get myself to play favorites in my department in broad daylight without it being suspicious... Hmmm...
And then on the first day of the upcoming month, out goes a notice to every subordinate, manager, accountant, secretary and etc etc, about a brand new system set in place! and would you look at that:
Loverboy nearly digs a hole and buries himself on the spot out of embarrassment when he sees a nice framed photo of him hung up at the Northland bank's noticeboard with nice bold letters saying
"Fatuus of the Month"
followed by a nice motivational speech by pantalone that goes a little too into loverboy's personal quirks rather than his excellent contributions to the bank.
Really, it might've only been a little over 1.5 years into his mandated fatui service, but he's already been sent off with a neat bonus.... a small material gift that pantalone bought him, and a strong surge of interest from his fellow colleagues/comrades.
So much for trying to avoid the spotlight :P
also pspsppspsps @eluxcastar would you like some loverboy thoughtposting
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babacontainsmultitudes · 10 months
*breathes in*
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catliker49 · 3 months
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Oh what to Paint.. Hmm..
This is very messy!!! But.. I think I like it like that! I have realised that its fun to mess around a lot more with my style! Even if that does mean I'm switching between styles day to day.. AH!
Remember, friends! Have fun with your doodling and take Good care of yourselves! Now I'm going to get a nice long rest.. Sleep well or have a very Nice day!
(Ooh! Also! In future I may have my signature as my regular one, with my Name! Rather than catliker49! So.. beware of that! haha :o))
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shivunin · 1 month
which of your stories are you most proud to have finished? are there any little details you put into your stories that you're particularly proud of? 💜
Hey, Mer! Thank you for asking c:
Hmmm taking this in two ways:
Proud to have finished as in, proud that I managed to finish it has to be Wander the Drifting Roads, which is one of my two long fics. I was editing while I was posting and caught up to the point I'd edited to, which caused me disproportionate stress haha. For a minute, I wasn't sure I was ever going to get that last chapter into a state I was okay with posting. I briefly considered walking away, but I am so glad I didn't!! It is still one of my favorite things I've written.
Proud that I wrote in general is probably Palimpsest, which 1) I still feel clever over the name and 2) that section of act 2 remains the crunchiest Dragon Age thing to me (it is just so!!!! *paragraph deleted*) and 3) I love writing from inside Fenris's head and I am very, very proud of how the fic came out in general.
*gets out the red string* okay so you know how there are a bunch of statues of people in random poses that don't really look like they're carved from anything? and how Solas froze a ton of people in Trespasser in stone? well, in my fic The Scourge of Sundermount, the Lavellan there comes across a left-behind remnant of Mythal's soul in a bit of the amulet Merrill used to bring her back and she becomes a sort of Medusa-esque figure, capable of (involuntarily) turning people to stone with a remnant of that power. I have a hard time reading that story because it is very sad, but I do feel clever about the details in the way I situated that AU.
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akechi-if-he-slayed · 2 months
listening to good luck babe for the first time n getting major pansmione feels
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pearlyellows · 1 year
which wizard with a secret are you? the squeakquel
it has similar style of questions as the first one with different answers and results
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bernardisgross · 5 months
i watched Doukyuusei (movie) for the first time today and.. and... i'm a changed person.. i feel like a brand new person...
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