#oof. moving is hard. why do i always do it at the last minute???????
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dragons-and-yellow-roses · 2 years ago
I had to wake up early to get a physical and now I'm fucking exhausted, and I could sleep until I have to go to work tbh but instead I'm going to be a responsible person and be productive. I hate being an adult
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charliemwrites · 1 year ago
I would PAY Simon to kidnap me and keep me as his pet
I love it so much
Please more when you get the chance (and bodyguard gaz, duh)
Hi! I have not been ignoring this ask, I was deciding what to gift you with. So, since no one has asked - I give you: reader’s reaction to the other two members of 141.
You warm up to Gaz the fastest. So fast, in fact, that Simon is almost jealous. You like Gaz because he seems like the only normal-ish one of the group. He seems genuinely a little apologetic that you got taken from somewhere and are being kept but, really, what could he possibly do in this situation? Nothing. Not against a guy like ghost. Never mind with Johnny on his team. And the cap…
Well, Gaz just tries not to stress you out. He talks to you not at you. Always says, “hi, how’ve you been?” And you’re so baffled by the normalcy of it that he instantly gets you replying and interacting. He makes everything about himself so non-threatening that you have no problem being in the same room as him right away. And he always brings you something. Not bribes, but things he thought you might like. A new ball of yarn, a grow-your-own mushrooms kit, a rock from the desert once.
When Simon asks, trying to get his envy under control you just shrug. “He seems nice.” And that’s that.
As for Price?
Simon hasn’t seen you this scared since he first brought you here. The minute you lay eyes on Price from around the corner, you’re skittering off. Simon’s baffled. It’s not instant tolerance like Gaz, or instant dislike, like Johnny. It’s almost how you used to react to him, but this is extreme even compared to that. He even warned you that Price was coming; you didn’t seem concerned at all before that moment!
He finds you tucked up in your room, decidedly off limits and safe. When he asks, you make a miserable “I don’t know” sound.
“Will you come down?” he asks.
“Can he come say hi?”
Simon figures he’ll give you an hour to calm down. Your eyes were huge.
Eventually you do creep out - though only because you need the restroom. As you’re padding out, intending to barricade yourself again, who turns the corner but Simon’s captain. Worst part is, he’s between you and your bedroom, blocking you in at the end of the hall.
“It’s alright, girl, easy,” he tries to soothe, but you’ve already pancaked yourself to the far wall, breathing hard. “What’s got you so spooked, eh?”
You make a high, distressed noise, curling down and into the corner of when he slowly moves closer. You try to summon up the will to react like you usually do, any anger or offense or something.
He gets within arm’s reach and you slide to the floor, tucked into a ball. He shushes you, nonsense words and promises that he won’t hurt you. He’s not even doing anything; hasn’t done anything. It’s just how Simon would act. You don’t even know why you’re scared.
When you feel scarred knuckles against your cheek you react on instinct, whipping up, mouth open. You stop before you even get your teeth on him, deflating in instant. Everything in you saying Do Not Bite Him.
“Oh? You wanna take a chunk outta me?” he asks, sounding amused. He brushes the backs of his fingers over you lips, offering. “Go on then, if it’ll make you feel better, wild thing.”
You shy away, but there’s really nowhere else to go. Price just sits with you for a while, crouched down, petting at your hair and cheek and even your neck.
“Can I at least see your pretty eyes?” he coaxes.
You blink, swallow thickly, and then force yourself to look up at him. Have trouble maintaining eye contact but manage. For a few seconds anyway.
“See? Wasn’t so bad, was it?” he chuckles, giving you one last pay. “Alright, I’ll let you scurry off now.” And then he stands, turns and walks away without looking back and you feel like you can finally breathe again.
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ladyelissarose · 2 years ago
———————— ☠️
Maybe it was it’s silkiness that had you intrigued, or the innocence it held amongst the darkness and death that has you reaching for it as if it were gold.
“Come on.. its o- OW! oof!!”
“What the hell are you doing Sergeant!?”
Now held up- off your toes by the collar of your bulletproof vest, your Lieutenant Simon ‘the-fucking Ghost’ Riley is holding onto it with both hands as his eyes scan your face with disapproval.
One hand of yours was on his wrist, while the other cradled your head, for you bumped it hard when he had picked you up from under the tank.
But your head was still sharp enough to hear the million questions in his head, so you cleared your throat while you pointed towards the tank,
“I saw a-“
“Why were you under the tank Sergeant?
Someone could’a run your arse over- if not fuck it for the damn position you were in.”
Ok maybe his bluntness could be tuned down but yeah he was right anyways.
Of course, as you were reaching for your found treasure, your ass was in the air while you were on your knees, bent down trying to get a hold of what had caught your eye under the tank.
Embarrassment washed over you as the vision of you in the position came clear, but it dissipated quickly as you pointed back at the truck, eyes not leaving Ghost’s as he still held you up and at his face,
“What was so important- you realize your stuff should’ve been in the heli by now because we’re leaving?”
Yes you knew that- and jokes on him it was already packed up in the heli right next to Soap’s bag on top of Price’s because you never liked yours on the floor of the heli.
Anyways, that’s why you were spending your last few spare minutes lurking around the base outside. And while skipping around you heard the softest squeak, which halted your moves and got you looking for the next sound like a crazy woman.
Your poor Lieutenant was still scolding your ear off and a few times here and there you were looking in his eyes trying to look attentive, but your ears were still catching the sound that had you curious at first.
Eyes looking back at the tank as you vividly imagined what you could do to get your prize once your Lieutenant let you go, had Ghost growing irritated at your visible ignorance, hence he started shaking you as he finally had had it with you,
“Ok that’s it Sergeant! You’re not paying attention and acting like a child! Get in the heli now!”
Your jaw dropped and your puppy eyes came out, you knew it was useless to argue with your superior, but you’d hope he’d show mercy at your saddened state.
But the damn Ghost didn’t budge.
Placing you back on your feet and like a disappointed father he pointed towards the heli with a hand on his hip,
“If your not in that thing by the time I count to five, you’re not going on a mission with Soap for 3 weeks and you can’t Uber pizza to base for a whole month-“
“Don’t make each punishment triple. Now go Sergeant- and sit where you know I’ll sit. Don’t move... or else.”
Your bottom lip jutted out in defeat, heart sinking as you no longer could get what you wanted. Like a child after getting scolded by your father- ‘Ghost’, you walked towards the heli with your head hung low.
Walking by and away from the tank was the toughest thing to do, but soon you made it in the heli, and sat where Ghost told you so. You’d have to have some steel ass balls to disobey his stern orders and do otherwise, but because you were you and no matter how it hurt, you listened.
Sitting by his favorite seat, you kicked your feet as you waited patiently for him to arrive. Soon you heard his thudding footsteps coming your way, not needing to look up because by now you’ve learned he sound of every single one of the 141’s unique footsteps.. and Lieutenant Riley’s was always light but had a soft ‘thud’ to it.. no matter how big and heavy he was, he walked like a confident deer, unseen or barely heard.
Your eyes were locked on your hands, playing with the fingers on your gloves that Price had gifted you, after you lost them while fishing. But soon a light but heavy plush plopped onto your hands.
“That’s for listening you bloody twat.”
Cold as ever despite doing the softest act by bringing you your prize, Ghost sat by you with a huff as he warned you supposedly threateningly,
“You do as much as touch me one bit, I swear I’ll geet-“
“It’s yeet-“
“Shut up Sergeant I’ll still toss his furry ass out-“
“But it’s a baby-“
“I warned you, now let me sleep. Oh and that thing stays in my office at base. You can come see it whenever but it stays there or around me when I’m out.”
You giggled and awed like an idiot in love yet you replied,
“Yes sir- and ah thank you Lieutenant!”
“Not a peep either-“
You shut your lip and squealed quietly as you cuddled your prize closer to your face, the kitten.
It was so soft and cuddly, white but covered in gray patches. It even reminded you of Ghost, it was perhaps all scratches and hisses.. but actually the softest, sweetest thing ever.
It purred in your hands as you cradled it close, and that made you the happiest soldier ever, how it found peace in one of the most broken people in the world.
How your Lieutenant knew about your fascination of the kitten under the tank was beyond you, and how his big scary self got it- but that’s why you loved the Ghost.
P.S. - Ghost wanted the kitten in his office because he found some sort of solace in it, like peace? And it reminded him of you, the way it found peace in him from the second he picked it up.
Plus he liked having you around too, for your presence helped him out in ways you didn’t even know. So, if that kitty was around, you’d be too.
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beezusvreeland · 1 year ago
a very good idea - chapter 11
summary: After your boyfriend cheats on you at a party, you break up with him, who tells you nobody else is willing to be with you like him. You decide to prove him wrong, with a little help from a new friend.
ship: miguel o'hara x f!reader
Chapter 11
It was Miguel’s last middle school dance. It was also the last time he would see several of his classmates, who would be going to different high schools next year. It was the ending of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. He should’ve been having fun, like he had so many times before, but that night was unlike any other.
Miguel fucked up. Big time. The truth is he didn’t even realize what he was doing until it was too late. He felt terrible for hurting people he cared about, especially because, for the first time in his life, just apologizing wasn’t enough to fix things. They never wanted to see his face again — which Miguel didn’t blame them for. There was a part of him, one he was sort of ashamed of, that struggled with the idea of not being liked by everyone. That had never been a problem for him. But life was changing. Quickly. He felt like he had gone through several phases just that week. He had a hard time recognizing himself those days. 
Instead of being at the gym, which had been transformed with decorations regarding the theme “A night to remember”, dancing with his friends and flirting with girls, Miguel was outside, sitting on a bench in front of school. The palms of his hands were covering his knees and he hung his head low, trying to recover from the sensory overload the celebration had brought him. It would have been better for everyone if he had stayed at home. Maybe it would’ve been easier to move on that way.
“Oof!”, Miguel heard someone sitting on the bench next to him. He didn’t move, not having it in him to interact with anyone else that night.
“Good thing I found you, I wanted to thank you for making this night less boring to me.” 
Miguel’s curiosity won and he jerked his head to the side. It was you. And you were smiling at him. And just like that, all the work he had been doing to not fall apart disappeared, his body going into its severe nervous mode. Usually he would do his best to avoid this, you weren’t in his friendship circle and mostly kept it to yourself so, at school, you ignored each other’s presence. 
It wasn’t easy, though. You and Miguel had several classes together and, every now and then, he couldn’t help but stare at you. You always sat in the third chair of the last row, close enough to the board to pay attention to the teachers, but not so much where you would stand out. With your several pens — as time went by, you would select a few to use each day, but still kept your full pencil case inside your backpack —, you were always taking notes, looking up very few times because you were so focused on the lesson. He loved how you always fooled yourself going to school with your hair down, just to put it up in a bun or a braid a few minutes into the first class of the day. 
Sometimes Miguel would catch himself wondering how he could start a conversation with you. He knew you were nice and so shy, your face and neck would always get red when you received any type of attention you weren’t used to, which already wasn’t much. But he also knew that the people he hung out with didn’t like you very much. Miguel didn’t understand why, but with time he learned that it was easier if he didn’t question it, so he did his best to ignore you instead. 
The only exception, the one excuse he had to talk to you without creating a fuss, was when he would tell you he forgot or lost his pen, could he maybe borrow one of yours? You always said yes. It made his heart ache of pain and happiness. He was always extra careful with your pens, he couldn’t risk the only opportunity he had to interact with you guilt free. 
In seventh grade, there was this one time where Dana, his then girlfriend, got the pen from Miguel’s table when he was outside filling his water bottle. When he came back and didn’t find the pen, the boy lost his mind, acting like he had just lost a crown jewel. Dana ended up giving the pen back to him and they had a huge fight — he was mad because she took the pen and she was furious with the way he reacted to losing an object that belonged to you. 
Seeing you at the dance was surprising, you never went to those things. Yet there you were, with half of your hair up and a few dots of glitter sparkling on your face. Looking at him.
“I don’t know what you did to make those girls so angry, but hell, it was very entertaining anyways”, you chuckled, opening your purse in search of something. 
Miguel wasn’t surprised the gossip had reached you, but it did bother him. He didn’t want you to think ill of him. 
“Well, you know, I was in one of the stalls inside the girl’s bathroom when Dana and Xina started arguing”, you undid your hairdo and started working on a side braid. Your boldness was strange to Miguel — as was your slurred speech.
“Shit”, he looked away when your eyes found his. “We already argued about it earlier.”
“Is that why you are here?”
“Sort of, yeah.”
“I always get so bored out here. I’ve tried bringing crosswords and books with me, but my mom won’t let me.” You turned to him and said: “The awful vodka O’Reilly thinks no one notices him pouring on the punch is usually my only source of entertainment”. 
“Are you drunk?”, Miguel couldn’t decide whether he was angry or amused.
“I don’t know, Miguel. Did you date those two girls at the same time?” Your eyes widened as soon as the words left your mouth. “Shit, I didn’t mean…”, you grabbed Miguel’s arm. “Fuck. I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, I get it”, is what he said, but all he could think about was the heat left from your touch on his skin. After a few moments of silence, Miguel said: “There was some overlap between my time with Dana and Xina. Dana and I hadn’t gotten back officially and then things with Xina…just happened.”
He looked at you, you were playing with the tulle of your lilac dress. It wasn’t right, he knew it, but seeing the serious expression on your face was the most painful thing to come out of that whole story. 
“It’s not an excuse or anything, I know I was wrong”, Miguel was quick to say. “I thought apologizing to them would make things better, but looks like it just made them worse. I’m not sure what else I can do.”
“They seemed angrier with each other than with you”, you said, still looking down. “It was like they were trying to argue who was more worthy of you.” You were lost in your own thoughts for a second, then you looked up at him: “What does that feel like?”
“To be wanted.”
Miguel wasn’t expecting a question like that. He wasn’t exactly surprised either, your sensitivity had been one of the many qualities you possessed. 
“I’m not sure how to answer that.”
“Try me.”
“I mean, you probably already experienced it, right?”
You scoffed. 
“Of course not. Isn’t it obvious?”
“What does that mean?”
You rolled your eyes, like you couldn’t believe him. 
“You know that everyone here thinks I’m the worst.”
“I don’t.” Saying that out loud made Miguel feel free. He wasn’t pretending for anyone’s sake, he really meant it. 
You, however, gave him a disgusted look. 
“So why is this the first time you said more than a few words to me in the four years we have studied together?”
It hurt to admit, but you were right. He knew it and he hated it. Four years of following other people and acting like that to fit in. What good did that do to him? Miguel ended up alone outside at what was supposed to be the most important night of middle school, anyway. 
His silence emboldened you. 
“So, yeah, people won’t even look at me, how would anyone want me?”, your voice was louder than usual, a result of the amount of punch you drank and the frustration you felt. 
He wanted to tell you that he had always wanted to hang out with you, that he would make up all these scenarios in his head and that he looked at you, he saw you, just not when you were looking. The words escaped him. 
“But you know, next year we are going to high school and what happened in middle school won’t matter anymore. The rules will be different.” You chuckled to yourself. “Who knows, if we end up at the same school, I might be the one ignoring you.”
“That’s fair, I guess.”
His eyes met hers and he felt like his chest was going to explode. That was another reminder that his actions had consequences. Miguel’s thoughts were that he was the worst and ruined everything. 
You started laughing. Hard. As sad as Miguel was, a smile appeared on his face.
“What?”, he asked, his smile widening.
You were laughing so hard that your eyes became glassy.
“Tell me, come on”, Miguel started laughing with you. 
Tears of laughter poured on your face. 
“Do you remember that time we were in the middle of a biology test and Mr. Watanabe’s phone started ringing”, you tried to catch your breath, your voice uneven with so much laughter. “And all of sudden he looked like a ghost, we thought someone had died, but his wife had lost his pet turtle inside their own house.”
“How could I ever forget Moony Turtle?”
“Such a perfect name, she was really old too.”
“I don’t remember what happened to her after, though.”
“Mr. Watanabe ran home and searched everywhere at his place. His wife was convinced Moony had run away, but in the end she was just chilling inside the pantry.”
They kept looking at each other until all the laughter went away. 
“But what about you? What do you think high school will be like for you?”
“Shit, I don’t know. Haven’t given it much thought.”
“Is there at least something you really want to do? Like…joining the mathletes or something.”
“The mathletes?”, he raised an eyebrow at her. 
“What? You are really good with numbers, formulas and equations”, you sounded genuine. “It’s not that crazy.”
“Uh, thanks? But definitely not that…”
“Are you afraid it’s going to ruin your reputation?”, you mocked. “You’re a very handsome guy, if anything, it will make people go crazier for you.”
His heart skipped a beat. 
“Do you think I’m handsome?”
You blushed, which made Miguel feel even better.  
“It’s not really a matter of opinion, it’s more of a fact.” 
Of course you would try to get away with it. Miguel didn’t want to ruin it by pushing you, so he just gave you a cocky smile and went back to the subject. 
“I want to make new friends in high school. That’s it, that’s what I want.”
He swore your eyes sparkled at that. 
“That sounds like a good plan.”
They were lost in the moment, until a car horn came from the street. A very pregnant woman came out of the passenger seat.
“Sorry to ruin the moment, Bubbles, but your niece is kicking the hell out of my belly, I really want pickles with doritos and tuna and I swear if you take another second, I might pee in my pants.”
“Who is that?”, Miguel asked, amused. 
“My sister, never been very patient, but I swear the pregnancy is making it worse”, you got up from the bench, so did he. 
“Bubbles, do you want your goddaughter to be born looking like a mix of pickles, doritos and tuna?”, your sister screamed. 
“Bubbles, your sister will pee in the car seat. This is the company car, we can’t have that happen again”, the driver shouted. 
“Again?”, Miguel asked, quietly. 
“Coming!”, you shouted back. You considered him for a second, then said: “Have a nice summer, Miguel”.
Miguel wasn’t sure if he had ever felt wanted or understood what it meant. But at that moment, he realized he did know that it was like wanting somebody. Miguel felt it with every fiber in his being: he desperately wanted you.
<<: chapter 10
>> chapter 12
all chapters
a very good idea playlist
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dirtj0b · 2 years ago
Just like, thinking about learning to interact with other people again after isolating myself for like five years. It's a long post and not important to anyone but me probably, so feel free to ignore it!
Hopefully this works, I'm so excited that they added an easier way to do the read more thing!! I like making long posts, but don't like making people read them.
Sooo... I work a job where I have very little interaction with other people, and it's graveyard shift. My bf doesn't like to interact with others either, so 90% of the time he and my room mate are the only people I interact with for extended periods in person.
This has been going on for about four years. I have pretty bad social anxiety as well, I'm literally afraid of people! I try really hard to move past it, but still... any time I have to talk to literally anyone, I am shaking and sweating and want to cry, even just ordering food or saying excuse me to move past someone. Can't even talk to my own mother without apologizing profusely and having a panic attack, it's bad.
This even extends to friends online! Or responding to things from people I don't know very well. I have a lot of trouble responding to comments on my tiktok, even though they're all super nice. I don't know why...
I used to go to karaoke and force myself to socialize and get up on stage. After I stopped working at the club, it became harder and harder to interact with people, and I learned that the only way to keep on top of the anxiety thing was forcing myself to do it in a fun setting. I dunno. But I wasn't able to do that anymore with my job, and a lot of my friends moving away...
I think, for one of my accommodations, I might ask if I can have one night off a month to go to karaoke with my sister, and see if it helps??
Anyway, the trip! I feel very spoiled. My mom, knowing I had these issues and needed a place to hide, got me my own room. I'm so thankful!!!! But I've been trying to hang out downstairs with everyone else as much as possible, because I missed my family.
I'm trying to also use this as an opportunity to re learn how to interact with other people. I've been talking to strangers and stuff. And you know what? For the most part, everyone has been super nice! Some people are mean, but... way more people are nice. It hurts when someone is short with me, but in such a large place with so many people, inevitably I talk to a nice person again in a few minutes.
I think it's helping! Last night, rather than hiding in my room, I stayed down with my family and watched movies and made stupid jokes. I feel annoying, and embarrassed, but I always do when I talk to literally anyone. I don't think I need to feel that way!
Another thing... I'm scared of children. I'm scared of like, everything! But the noises kids make hurt my ears, and they don't seem to give me any space when I need it.
BUT!! I've been interacting with my nephews a lot during the trip, and it's going well!! Actually, the older one (10?) gave me a little pep talk... they were trying to teach me to play four square, but I kept messing up and apologizing. I didn't know what I was doing, and I felt like I was ruining the game by not catching on fast enough.
Everyone else was kind of like ughhh and stepped away (I'm sorry ;~; ) and my nephew came up and was like, "you don't have to apologize so much, it's just a game. When you're going 'I'm sorry I'm sorry and then say 'I'm having fun, I promise!' I feel like I'm holding you at gun point or something" so we talked about it, oof haha.
I think me apologizing a lot and then trying to explain my issues to people is very off putting to them. I do it trying to be less awkward, but it only makes it worse I think! I am going to try to stop doing it, and see how it goes.
The apologizing thing is going to be really hard. I've done it my whole life!
My childhood was a bit rough, so I had to apologize a lot, and it stuck around when I got older. I have wanted to stop for years, no one likes it, but I just have this constant feeling that I'm doing something wrong when I interact with others. I can't shake it, so I have to actively force myself to not apologize and it's very difficult.
It ends up being a cycle I can't break out of, because if I don't apologize my brain goes "oh wow I'm so unapologetically annoying they'll hate me" but if I do apologize it adds friction to the interaction (and is probably uncomfortable for the other person!)
I'm making an effort now to not do it so much, even though I feel so painfully irritating. I don't know. This is going to be hard. How can I know I'm not making anyone angry?? I'm scared! But I have to try, because apologizing and explaining why I'm acting weird is so not working. I just want to interact normally, without feeling awful and embarrassed afterward.
I joined a voice chat with my friends the night before last and tried not to apologize a bunch, but I felt weird anyway. I ended up nodding off and left the call, but I was more embarrassed about just... joining in the first place even though they're my friends and they were nice to me. No one did anything to make me feel that way, I just always feel like that when I talk to anyone. Even my boyfriend, actually!
I feel like a Sim and every time I have a social interaction we both get a lil red - mark, ugh.
Anyway... I messaged my bf and asked if he wanted to talk on the phone today because I miss him, and he said he would let me know when he was able to talk. I suspect probably we will not get to talk in the phone during this trip. I'm sad about it, but I'm thankful he's messaging me!
YES I know I sound pathetic and shit, but listen. I'm trying my best to heal and improve, okay? I'm doing my absolute best. This is all I have! I don't want to spend my life too afraid to be around people. I'm lonely and I want to enjoy being around my friends and family instead of being afraid of them.
Everyone is trying so hard to include me, I don't want to let them down either. If I apologize and seem sad the whole time, they'll think I'm not having any fun, but I am!! I'm so fucking happy to be here, I'm so happy that despite everything they still invited me and wanted me to come. I'm thrilled that they're trying so hard to include me even though I make it difficult!!
I'm so absolutely lucky to have people in my life who love me despite my issues, and who know I can be better and fun to be around even though I'm all weepy and shit.
I'm going to make a second post about the how trip itself so far, but this stuff is a big deal to me... I just want everyone to know I'm trying!!
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risingsouls · 2 years ago
🦎 + Favorite Vegeta Moment and Worst Vegeta Moment?
🦎s for My Work Thoughts || Always Accepting!
[Do I have a favorite Vegeta moment? Canon wise? Uh. For badassery, his fight with 19. He finally became a Super Saiyan and obliterated that fucker. He worked hard for that moment and I was big proud of him...even if 20 minutes after he gets too cocky and gets his shit kicked in by 18 as is the Way of Vegeta. Plus it was his last decent sized win. I also really like when Goku trolls him on the lookout once he gets out of the time chamber. It's too funny.
Favorite like overall? Barring how Super kinda buries it and pretends it didn't happen and how fans misinterpret Buu Saga Vegeta entirely, I think overall favorite moment is him finally finally FINALLY conceding Goku is better than him at the end of the Buu Saga. That moment is him healing, him realizing he hadn't lived for himself or his own life as he obsessed over surpassing Goku, doing what Goku did to get stronger, instead of taking advantage of his freedom from Frieza and doing his own thing. It was supposed to be his moment of self-reckoning and actually moving forward with himself but...well, Super really likes to keep the obsessed with surpassing Goku thing alive. It's not as it could be, but they also continue to be wishy washy with Vegeta. But another convo that I'm sure I've rambled about before. Basically, i like this moment because it's him really healing for the first time and I love that. I disagree with the direction they go because I think that reckoning would bring about A LOT of shit that he never contended with and things he would question and want to change, but it's still a really great moment for him that I don't think gets talked about in the right way enough.
Least favorite. God can i just say 95% of the time he's on screen in Super? I'll pick something outside of Super, how about that? Hm...I'll keep the theme of character alone here. Going along with my favorite, I'll say Majin Vegeta because if you really dig in and think about it, for his character, it shows just how low and desperate he is. Is it badass and is the fight with Goku pretty badass? Sure. It was nice to see Vegeta be ruthless again to some degree. It was great to get to see him and Goku duke it out. However, there's always the looming OOF over the whole thing because a healthy Vegeta wouldn't have made that decision. A healthy Vegeta would have never allowed anyone to potentially control him, let alone give him a power boost. But he never healed from all his trauma, nor was he given space to, and his decision to do the Majin Vegeta thing shows it. Man was not happy or satisfied or content or anything else along those lines with his life and achieving his goals and it's honestly sad. So cool as the moment can be for shallow reasons, in depth, it's probably his saddest moment. And i guess that doesn't mean I dislike it, but looking at it from just as a character standpoint, that's his worst moment. Right up there with swearing off fighting after Cell. Hits hard.
Again sticking with the other response, I'll pick one that's more I hate it because it sucks. Trying to not pick from Super again uuuuh...God my first thought was letting Cell go perfect but I can't even hate that because it's so him 🤣🤣. Same reason why i can't hate getting his shit kicked in by 18; he deserved it. How is this one harder when the character was so shittily written lmao. I guess it's because so many of his moments I'm just like "welp that tracks" so I can't dislike it. I'll go with a Z movie. I hate how they wrote him in the Z Broly movie. Like I get he's feeling pretty down and out but damn. When has that stopped Vegeta? And I get this is saiyan legend coming to fruition and Broly is a monster but again I posit to you: when has that fucking stopped Vegeta? Man thought HE was the legendary Super Saiyan for a whole saga, you think he's gonna roll over and let someone ELSE take the title? Nah. Not today, Satan.
Tho Piccolo manhandling him by the hair is pretty fucking funny.]
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an-unloving-god · 5 months ago
Apollo: ...Sooooo.... that was a pretty big fight you had with your friend back there, and your mom. With a lot of harsh language too.
Ajay: Not my friend. Not my mom.
Apollo: Right, right. You seem pretty adamant on quitting this quest and leaving.
Ajay: I'm hot, I'm sweaty, I haven't bathed in three days, I have a head in my hands that's dripping blood on me, I haven't had a full meal since yesterday, and I'm feeling emotions I haven't felt in nine years. And I'm not talking to Luna.
Ajay: Really, I've accomplished what I set out to do and that was to make sure Jenny was safe. Whatever those three do now has nothing to do with me, I've got zero interest in this quest. The universe is stubborn and stupid, but so am I. I didn't need anyone then, and I don't want some big fix-it-all revelation about why I need anyone now.
Apollo: Oof. You're right. The universe is very stubborn. And sometimes it's also very stupid and makes mistakes...
Ajay: I since a "but" coming
Apollo: Buuut, what if the universe was also very sorry?
Ajay: ...Sorry?
Apollo: Mhm, sorry. For hurting you. For leaving you alone to defend yourself against a really harsh world when you were just a child. For making you think that you had to smother every part of yourself to survive. For never being there to ask if you were okay, or hugging you when someone should've. What if the universe is very sorry for the pain you had to go through?
Ajay: Even if it was, it won't matter in a few days. Emotions don't last forever.
Apollo: But it hurt then, it still hurts now, and that is what matters. You're in pain, and it's as simple as that. You don't have to rationalize it and hide it away. Your emotions use to play a big part in who you were as a child. I can't imagine that's changed no matter how hard they tried.
Apollo: So since emotions aren't the problem, then what is?
Ajay: ...Everything is so much, and I don't have anyone to tell me what I'm supposed to do or how to fix it. My guardians are gone- they were the only family I had left. I yelled at someone, probably hurt her feelings, I didn't mean most of it. My friends are hurt, my feelings are hurt, my head hurts.
Ajay: I thought that if I kept moving forward and dealing with everything, then it would all be fine and the pain would've been worth something. But now... I don't where I am, I don't know who I am or who I'm supposed to be, and I don't know what to do.
Apollo: Hmmmmm, then do nothing!
Ajay: Huh?
Apollo: Do nothing. Go nowhere. Be no one. The world really isn't spinning as fast as you think it is. The sun has been resting in the same spot for a few minutes now, I don't see why you can't rest here too. Maybe, when you're ready to move, you'll know what to do. And if you don't then I'm always here to help, and so is Jenny, her brothers, and your mother.
Ajay: Do nothing, go nowhere, be no one...
Apollo: Yup!
Ajay: ...Okay. I can do that.
Apollo: Good. You've been running for a long time, you know?
Ajay: Mhm.
Apollo: You deserve to rest. God's orders.
Ajay: For someone telling me to you sure are not letting a lot of resting occur
Apollo: Hey, I'll have your know that my voice very soothing and required for optimal rest! I could even sing you a lullaby with a lovely haiku
Ajay: Pfft, sure...
Apollo, watching Ajay sleep: ...Looks like I missed one... or two.
Luna: Good job. I probably wouldn't have been able to make them sleep so quickly.
Apollo: Magic touch
Luna: Magic touch, I'm sure. You have a lot more to apologize for and a lot more making up to do, Mr. Universe.
Luna: But I suppose I do as well.
Apollo: Yeah... we messed up, didn't we
Luna: Perhaps more than we knew. Nein would've known what to do.
Apollo: I guess we'll just need to learn from her
Luna: Maybe we do
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vinvantae · 2 years ago
oof please write a second part to ‘hooked’!! i loved it so much :’D
I would absolutely love to :) Don't write enough angst, lets get into it
Part one can be found here
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(side note: theres not enough gifs of these two fr)
warnings: unrequited feelings, angst, reader is an even bigger asshole, pierre is an asshole and Dan gives off ‘nice guy’ vibes at points sorry lol
"You know there's girls out there who aren't just using you, right?"
Daniel looked up from his phone as Max held out a drink to him, a pitiful look on his face - as once again you'd cancelled plans last minute with a I'll let you know if I end up being free later, knowing full well the Australian would sit around all evening just waiting for you to text him again.
"She's not-"
"You know she is, don't lie to me." Max said, sitting beside him. "She's into Pierre. But she knows she can get you to do whatever she wants."
The older driver sighed a little and placed his phone down on the table. "I don't know why she's got this hook in me."
"Because she always lets you think that someday there could be something." The dutchman explained. "Remember that event we all got invited to and when you asked if you wanted to go together she said 'maybe next time' even though she has no intentions of that ever happening."
"Do you think it's because of him?"
Almost on cue, Pierre stepped into the hotel bar with you trailing behind him - laughing at something he said, fluttering your eyelashes at him. The Frenchman didn't even look at you when you looped your arm around his - instead choosing to talk to Charles. Dan knew he should be bothered that you'd so blatantly ditched him last minute for Pierre but he couldn't get over just how beautiful you looked and couldn't believe the Alpha Tauri driver barely gave you a second of his time.
"I don't think she realises what she's doing to you is exactly what Pierre is doing to her. She's not innocent in this. She could easily let you off of the hook but instead she's keeping you close just in case she needs something." Max rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers when he realised Daniel wasn't paying attention to him.
Dan's eyes flickered across Max's face for a brief moment, knowing he was going to regret his next words. "I'm just going to say hi."
"You're an idiot."
He threw back the last mouthful of his drink before moving across the bar, putting on his trademark friendly smile. You didn't even seem surprised to see him, your own desperation for Pierre to pay attention to you melting into a pretty smile. When you let go of the Frenchman to give Dan a hug, he realised now Pierre seemed to think you were the only person in the room.
"y/n, amour, come here... your necklace." He placed his hand on your shoulder to extract you from Daniel's embrace, turning you to face him so he could adjust the dainty but expensive looking chain around your neck. "Looks so pretty on her, don't you think Daniel?"
Dan's jaw clenched a little - desperate not to let Pierre get to him, but the way he touched you made it hard. "Beautiful."
You placed a hand over the small charm. "Pierre got it for me, isn't he a sweetheart?"
“I’m sure you would have rather he had actually turned up for your birthday though, no?” The Australian countered, knowing you’d pulled the exact move on him not months before.
Dismissively you waved his claim off, eyes twinkling at you looked to Pierre. “He had something come up last minute, he’ll be there next time.”
Next time. Not right now. Maybe another time. All of the classic phrases you used to keep Daniel hopeful. The driver wanted to snap himself out of it, seeing you get what you gave should have been enough to tell him that you were just stringing him along but it only made him more determined to prove to you that he deserved a chance.
He did show up to your birthday. He always paid attention to you. It was clear to him that Pierre didn’t want you but he didn’t want anyone else to have you either. You were just some pretty thing that kept him entertained if he wasn’t swanning off with some teenage model.
“Y/n, since we’re both here. Can I buy you a drink?” Dan asked, his voice soft. “Pierre and Charles seem to have some stuff to catch up on.”
Pierre rolled his eyes, pulling you into his side - his tanned hand splayed across your hip. “She’s perfectly fine here. Besides, you’ve left your friend alone, that doesn’t seem fair. Why don’t you run along?”
Daniel let his eyes flicker to you, just hoping for once you’d put him above Pierre. But, and he shouldn’t have been surprised, you avoided eye contact - letting the Frenchman pull you in for a gentle kiss on the cheek, enough to make your cheeks flush pink.
“You know what, don’t come crying to me again when he ditches you for some random girl. He doesn’t want you, y/n.” Dan regretted opening his mouth as soon as he did, but he kept going. “Once you realise that I’d actually treat you how you deserve, I’ll be waiting.”
He didn’t even give you a moment to respond before he stormed off - leaving you, Pierre and Charles all speechless. The man beside you chuckled softly, tilting your chin up a little to look at him, before brushing his thumb across your jaw.
“Don’t listen to him, amour. I’m here with you right now, aren’t I?” He hummed softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You smiled, feeling a little weak at the knees. He was here. “I know, thank you.”
Max wanted to be smug as Daniel returned to the table, but as he friend slumped defeated into the seat beside him. He gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Sorry mate.”
Dan shrugged. “Knew what I was getting myself into. You’re right. It’s always going to be him.”
The Dutchman suggested getting out of the bar, finding someplace else to waste their evening away - earning a nod from his friend. You watched as the two of them left, chewing at the inside of your cheek as Pierre was once again not paying you much attention. Maybe Daniel had a point but even when the man you came with told you that he was heading out with some girl he just met, and that he was ‘so sorry, we’ll hang out for real soon. Promise.’, you wanted to believe him so badly.
Maybe it was a mistake to go to Daniel’s despite him telling you not to but there was nowhere else, no one else you wanted to talk to. As you wrapped your hand on the door, the look of surprise on his face almost made you feel guilty.
“Y/n, you’re here…”
You rubbed the back of your neck. “Pierre went home with another girl and-“
He sighed and folded his arms across his chest. “I told you. I’m not going to listen to you cry over him anymore, so if that’s what this is… you need to go.”
You should’ve gone. That was exactly what this was. Your heart was Pierre’s but instead you found yourself leaning in and pressing a kiss to your teammates lips - him not even missing a beat before he kissed you back.
Daniel pulled back, just enough to let his eyes flicker across your face with shock. “Tell me that this isn’t just to make him jealous.”
It is. “It’s not.”
His face lit up into a big smile before he pulled you inside, pressing his lips to yours once more. You wrapped your arms around his neck, sinking into it. Just because you didn’t have those feelings for him, doesn’t mean you could get them right? And maybe Pierre would finally see what he’s missing… right?
Daniel wasn’t naive, he couldn’t really believe you were just suddenly over Pierre but he would take whatever he could get. This was astronomical levels of stupid, but it was too late to turn back now. You were finally kissing him. It was all he’d wanted since he laid his eyes on you.
He just had to try and made sure it lasted.
Oof. Y/n is a bit of a cow isn’t she
Hope you enjoyed it regardless!!
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diavolosthots · 4 years ago
Felt like crying, so I came to you, my friend! Mc and Mammon went out shopping, specifically to buy gifts for his brothers, as an apology. When they get back home they are met with hostility. They berate Mammon until Mc screams at them to shut up, then rips into each of them for their treatment of Mammon. Then finishes with "Don't expect Mammon to stay here when he can live with me in the humanworld. I'm done with you. Mammon, lets go, you deserve better, love" and leaves w/ Mammon. Thank you!
You came to me because you felt like crying and that gives me two (2) things to think about. 1.) I'm apparently someone who people see as a tissue? 2.) My angst is just THAT good. Also! Apparently today is rain on Mammon day and I'm here for it not me avoiding my exam to write these things
Warning: uh.... Angst?
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“You know, I’m proud of you for suggesting this.” Truly, you were. Mammon was your favorite and you felt for him, but you also completely understood where his brothers came from. At first, it honestly annoyed you as well; the constant stealing, the lying… You tried blaming it on his avatar, but even then it doesn’t explain the lying that comes with it. However, you do realize that it’s a habit and it’s a habit that is hard to fix, so instead of constantly getting onto him like the rest, you tried to understand him a bit more and give him some life advice. So far, you have managed to get Mammon to give back all the things he has recently taken from his brothers, and some of them even got an apology. You’ll be working on how to properly apologize, though, because oof, that was a mess. 
And now? Now you managed to take a small trip with him downtown to at least attempt to make things better. Mammon is now, or at least today, using his own money to buy some things that his brothers would be fond of: a new vinyl player for Lucifer (non-cursed), a new Ruri-chan t-shirt for Leviathan, a neck pillow for Satan because lord knows he has some cramps back there with the way he leans over and down to read his books. Then some perfume for Asmodeus that he had been swooning about, a gift card to Beel’s favorite restaurant for the glutton, and a heated blanket for Belphie. You were proud, truly, that Mammon wanted to do this. As a matter of fact, he was the one who suggested it. “Maybe… uh.. I could… ya know… buy somethin’ they like” is what he said. You were just excited and agreed to help. 
Now you were going back to the house with a few shopping bags and ice cream almost fully eaten. You paid for the ice cream, as a way to reward Mammon, and you’re sure he’s secretly thanking you for that because some of these items truly did burn a hole into his credit card, which is partially his fault. “Lucifer deserves more than some random vinyl player.” his words, not yours. Also “satan needs one of them neck pillows that massage it, too!” again, his words. So yeah, some money was definitely spent on these items, but… once again, you were proud. “I think they’ll love everything, Mam. They’d be fools if they didn’t.” Hearing you say that made Mammon feel a lot better, honestly, and a small rush of confidence came to the surface “Ya betcha they will! Nothin’ but the best from the Great Mammon!” You just laughed. 
However, upon arrival, it was a different sight. As a matter of fact, you barely made it through the door before Beel was grumbling something about Mammon eating his custard, which is true, but it’s just a custard? “MAAMMMOONNN!!” and then there was Lucifer who appeared so fast you wondered if he was even real. He went on a whole rant about how irresponsible Mammon is and how another bill came in the mail that talks about Mammon’s debt. Satan and Belphegor teamed up to show empty hands, which left both you and Mammon confused, but then “do you see anything here? No? That’s because you sold our belongings, Mammon!” Mammon can be lucky that Leviathan was still holed up in his room because he just remembered that he also, at some point in the past, sold one of Levi’s figures. Asmodeus came last and honestly he wasn’t mad, he was just annoyed. “I saw you go through my things, Mammon. Nothing was taken, but it was still so incredibly rude!” 
Next followed a screaming match which was basically just Mammon trying to defend himself, trying to show the bags and apologize, but none of them would have it. It irritated you. Yes, they had every right to be mad because personal belongings should stay with their owner(s), but at the same time, they didn’t even give Mammon a chance to explain, especially after he’s been holding the bags up and attempting to apologize. “You’re so stupid, Mammon” “StupidMammon” “so irresponsible. You know better than that. Do you need another time out session, Mammon?” “I can’t believe you’d go through my stuff again!” by now your eyes were twitching and the voices echoing off the walls surely didn’t help your case. One more word and you’d snap, surely, especially since Mammon’s hand is now shaking and you grabbing it did nothing at all. “We would be better off without you.”
Ah yes, there it is. The final straw. The amount of anger boiling inside you right now isn’t even manageable anymore and you’re surprised that Satan, as the Avatar of Wrath, has yet to notice it. “Shut up! Shut up, Shut up, Shut up! All of you!” You yanked Mammon behind you, almost protectively and Belphegor found the need to laugh at it. “Really? You’re going to protect him?” Oh, there. That’s your first victim. “Are you really that dense, Belphegor, or is sleep still clouding your brain cells? That is your brother you’re currently making fun of and I don���t know about you, but I was taught that family sticks together, blood related or by choice. So how about you get your head out of dreamland, take this stupid heated blanket that he bought for you, as an apology, and wake up for a second.” yes, you did throw the bag at him and then you pointed your finger at Beel. You’d regret later on that you’re tearing into him as well because Beel means well at the end of the day, but still, he was also part of this. 
“You’re my least worry, Beel. Honestly you’re too caught up in your burgers and brawns to care for a second that your brother tries very hard to be liked by all of you. Sad, really.” you threw the card at him too. As a matter of fact, you threw all of the bags right in front of them. “And then Asmo.. oh my God, first of all, the world doesn’t revolve around you. Shocker, I know. If you were half as empathetic toward your family as you are obsessed with yourself, maybe you wouldn’t feel the need to always go party and drink your life away. Oh, I’m sorry, did that hit just a little too hard? Can’t be harder than the hangovers you wake up with on a regular basis.” You glared at him before turning your attention to Satan. “Honestly, if you weren’t such a baby inside I may actually be scared of you. You always complain about how stupid he is, how he needs to just learn, but you? What do you do all day? You hole yourself up in your room and read about worlds that you wish you could enter. News flash: you’d die before you had the chance to say hello. People don’t like self-proclaimed assholes. Mammon IS smart. He’s very talented, too, but you’re too far up in Shakespeare’s ass that you fail to realize that everyone has knowledge in different fields of life. Give me a break.” 
Satan was about to retort but you already moved on to Levi. “and you! Let’s be honest, if it weren’t for you wallowing in self-pity and fake depression, you would have absolutely no personality traits. What are you again? The Avatar of Envy? How about instead of being envious of others’ accomplishments, you actually start working on yourself. It’s truly pathetic that a couple millenia old demon’s only purpose in life is ramen and self inflicted emotional pain. Seriously, what are you? A pitiful loner? I can’t even begin to empathize with you in any way, shape, or form.” Your blood was boiling right now and maybe if they hadn’t attacked Mammon like they did, you would’ve felt bad about Levi’s sad face right now, but there was still one person left to deal with.”
“And you… beautiful, responsible, way-too-good-for-you older brother, Lucifer.” He’s been glaring at you this whole time, arms crossed over his chest but you stood your ground. You’re not quite sure how you managed, but you did. “You call yourself the best, the most responsible. You constantly say this family would fall apart without you, but that’s not it, is it? I think you’re just lonely. You force these six to be by you, to respect you and borderline worship you. Not because you deserve it…” you chuckled, shaking your head, “no. You’re just so sad that Daddy and Michael left you, mocked you, that you turned your sadness into anger and took it out on these six, but especially Mammon. Why? Because you see yourself in him. You call him your favorite brother, but it’s not because he actually is… he just reminds you of everything you used to be: fun, reckless, and feeling. Now you’re just cold, mean, and bitter. Don’t bother calling yourself the mighty first because without him you would be neither. Maybe if you pulled that stick out of your arse and actually tried to get to know your brothers, maybe you wouldn’t be so lonely all the time. Family, right? That’s what you want. How about you start acting like one.” 
You shook your head after that, grabbing Mammon’s hand and kicking the bags in front of you before dragging Mammon back out the door. “Those are for you, by the way. Not that you deserve them, but they’re Mammon’s way of apologizing for all the things you accused him of the minute he set foot into the house. Have fun. We’re going to the castle and, if we’re lucky, to a real home.” 
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lovelybarnes · 4 years ago
get the girl- p. parker
pairings: peter parker x reader, mentions of ned, betty, mj, and brad warnings: unrequited love (kind of?? implied), lotsss of pining and fluff, a little long about: requested! (DF4) “you fell asleep, i couldn’t move.“ + (DF31) “maybe if you stop staring at her and actually talk to her, you might have a chance.” a/n: been wanting to write a peter parker friends to lovers for a while, so thank you so so much for requesting this. i swear i don’t usually take this long?? i got carried away and it got way longer than i expected, i hope you enjoy! thank you for requesting!
peter thinks it’s hopeless. the cliche he’s stuck in seems cruel- no matter what the movies you (and, fine, yes, him sometimes) make him watch say. nothing that happens in them ever transpires to real life; beautiful girls don’t fall in love with their nerdy best friends and guys like peter parker don’t get the girl.
it’s fun to fantasize, though. and especially fun to look at you, particularly when you’re laying on his bed, oblivious to him standing in the doorway, observing as you twist your neck to get a good look at the polaroids he hung up on his wall. a familiar smile grows on your face when your eyes scan them, flickering to the polaroid camera you got him for christmas years ago.
you move to try to get a better look at them without standing up, glancing down when you feel a sharp edge poke at your skin. he watches as your eyebrows furrow in possibly the prettiest way possible and you pull out a polaroid from under you. and oh, peter is just now realizing exactly what that photo is and why it’s on his bed instead of hanging off the empty miniature clothespin that comes from the pack you thrust at his chest when you noticed the increasing pile of pictures on his desk.
he’s moving on autopilot towards you, the foot already halfway through the door used as a stepping stone to go to your side faster. he’s with you in less than three steps, tugging on your ankle and then tackling you as sensibly as possible, laying his whole body on yours. you oof, dropping the picture, having seen it for too little to really question it, and laugh breathlessly. “pete!” you wheeze, curling your arms around his back, one of your hands absentmindedly drawing figures through his hoodie and your other one inching up to his hair, already beginning to thread through the chocolate curls. “yes?” he hums innocently, furtively grabbing the polaroid you dropped and shoving it in the pocket of his hoodie before his arms wrap around your thighs.
“i told you if you keep doing that, one day you’re gonna get hurt,” you scold, looking attentively as peter leans his head against your chest. “me?” he questions, feeling you nod under his cheek. “uh huh, you. you’ll hit your head or something. for a spider-”
“spiderman. superhero,” peter corrects, you ignore him, “you are really clumsy.” peter huffs in dissent, letting a comfortable silence blanket over the both of you for a minute before he looks up at you. “what?” you ask, a smile brimming at the edges of your words. you’re so pretty, peter wants to say, but instead, he goes with a more best-friend-friendly question, “d’you wanna watch a movie?”
you nod at him, pulling your hands away from his head to play with the strings of his hoodie, “sure, what do we want to watch today?” peter’s eyes immediately light up, and you realize you never actually needed to ask. “fine,” you agree, trying not to grin too hard at the way his face brightens. “which one?” you request, watching his freckled cheeks flush pink in excitement, “sixth one. the best one, of course.” you smirk, shrugging, “right, don’t know why i asked, i basically know the movie word for word now.” peter can’t help but give you heart eyes at the knowledge of your knowing the script of his favorite movie. god, you really were the dream girl.
“‘kay, go make some popcorn and get everything ready while i go to the bathroom,” you request, tapping peter’s shoulder as a way to tell peter to let you out from under his body weight. he does the complete opposite of what you imply, however, nuzzling further into your chest and inhaling deeply. “peter,” you laugh, poking his shoulder again, “‘m comfy,” he mumbles, eyes closed. “pete, c’mon, i gotta pee and you’re lying on my bladder,” you whine, “also, don’t you wanna watch episode six of star wars while i eat popcorn and play with your hair?” you singsong. he’s suddenly moving his body off of yours to let you go, although not before pressing a sloppy- friendly- kiss to your arm, “hurry up.”
you giggle as you stand, stretching out your limbs and walking to the bathroom while peter watches you walk away. once he hears the bathroom door shut, he digs his hands into his pockets, fingers tugging on the polaroid he had shoved inside. a smile grows on his face without his permission when he holds it at his stomach, the light reflecting off of the smile that was printed on the picture. he traces a nail over your face, bright and open in the way that makes you gleam. it’s his favorite picture ever, the only one that managed to catch you so in your element, your natural halo of glow apparent in your outline. peter had scrawled the words best girl in red marker on the white space at the bottom- something he thought he could explain away easily if he had to. the picture had its own designated space on his wall, right in the middle so the importance was clear, but it was rarely actually up there, instead always next to him for inspiration when he was doing homework and on his dresser for when he couldn't sleep.
his lips quirk one last time at the photograph before walking to the wall where all the rest of them reside. he hangs it up, glancing at it once more until he turns to walk out of his room.
the movie is ready to play when you walk into the living room, and peter is in the kitchen making your popcorn. “it smells good,” you say in a greeting, sniffing the air and exhaling in satisfaction. peter laughs, “you do that every time we have a movie night.” you tilt your head at him, “do what?” he motions to you, “that. the whole smelling thing and letting me know how good it smells, it’s cute.”
your face heats when it slips out of his lips, pausing to absorb the words he doesn’t seem to have noticed he said. his back is to you, dumping the popcorn into a bowl for you. you can’t see it, but he’s freaking out, trying to think of an excuse if you decide it was too weird. you don’t do anything to imply that, though, just blink until the words dissolve in the air. “thanks,” you finally reply, as nonchalant as you can make it while you grab his m&ms. he hums in response, turning around to head to the couch, “star wars time,” he winks, making you grin.
you follow him as he heads to the couch, settling down next to him once he puts on the movie. the star wars theme starts, the tune fringed by peter’s humming. cute, you think, snuggling deeper into the crook of his arm and shoving popcorn into your mouth. “hmm, good,” you compliment, watching the scenes you’d seen so many times pass on the screens. you mouth along when you recognize the lines until your eyes feel heavy and they shut completely.
quiet thwips wake you up hours later, when the black of the night has bled the sky blue and the stars have littered over the clouds, the moon replacing the sun. you see that the movie is long over when you blink yourself awake, beginning to cuddle deeper into your pillow when you realize it’s too warm and hard to be a pillow. you are met with the vision of your best friend, lip tugged in between his teeth as he concentrates on something behind you. he doesn’t seem to notice that you’re awake, trying to remain as still as possibly while the thwip noises continue. he mutters a curse, scrunching his nose adorably before flicking his eyes to you. they widen when he notices you’re awake, dropping his hand. “what’re you doing?” you yawn, sitting up and away from the warmth of peter’s embrace. “uh- i just- the movie ended and you didn’t wake up, so i tried to get the remote, then i got hungry…” he scratches the back of his head awkwardly, scanning the room and you turn to observe, stunned to see the mess of webs and dropped items you weren’t sure how you didn’t hear. “oh my god, what the- did you try to get everything with your webs?” you ask in bewilderment, eyeing a bag of gummy worms open and on the floor, you snap your neck towards him to observe his burning cheeks. “um. yes,” he confesses, blushing harder. “why didn’t you just get up?” you question, looking back at the ruined living room, exhaling in surprise as you notice the remote on the ground.
“you... you fell asleep on me. i couldn’t move.”
you pause, tilting your head slightly to look at peter, “pete, god, that’s so sweet. but you really don’t need to…” you motion to the dropped items, “do all that,” you laugh. peter shrugs, and you notice the tips of his ears are red, too. “i didn’t want to wake you up. i know how much of a light sleeper you are.”
you feel like you’re melting, every single muscle in your body drooping in the loveliness that was peter parker. you weren’t sure how the boy was real. you suddenly drop yourself on him again, wrapping your arms around his burning neck, “thank you, peter,” you say into his skin. like a reflex, his own arms go around your waist, holding you securely so you won’t fall, “‘f course.”
a moment of quiet follows until peter’s stomach rumbles suddenly, making you laugh, “i think i’ve starved you long enough. you pick today. also, when did you get so ripped? your arms are so big--” peter cuts you off with a groan, dropping his head on your shoulder, “you had to ruin the moment--”
peter doesn’t know what it is with you (actually, he does) that makes you so distracting. you’re just waiting in line for lunch, standing next to mj and laughing occasionally when she says something. all you’re doing is standing, and maybe it’s peter’s boy-hormones combined with his spider-hormones that magnify every single perfect feature of yours, but he can’t take his eyes off of you. you’re so pretty. the curve of the smiles that pulls into your cheeks, the twinkle that remains permanent in the color of your eyes, the way you look in that skirt--
“maybe if you stop staring at her and actually talk to her, you might have a chance,” a voice points out from next to him. peter scoffs, ripping his sight away from you to turn to ned. “i talk to her all the time. she’s my best friend.” ned shakes his head and sighs, “you talk to her about star wars, you talk to me about star wars, how is that supposed to help you have a chance--”
“i have a chance,” peter mumbles, trying to believe it himself, “she knows that she and you stand at different levels of best friends--” ned looks offended, “different levels? what is that supposed to mean--” peter stares exasperatedly at his best friend, “it means i want to date her and i don’t want to date you--”
“that’s a little rude--”
“hey you guys,” you greet, sitting down on the seat in front of peter’s and patting the seat next to you for mj. she stares at you silently, and you frown, patting the seat harder, “sit.” you instruct. she sighs and does what she’s told. “what were you guys talking about?” you ask, picking up your small plate of cherry pie to replace the bowl of orange slices that you took from peter’s plate. “thank you,” peter mumbles, digging his fork into the pie the moment you set it down. you hum, stealing a cherry tomato from his salad.
“oh, you know. the usual, your friendship with peter,” the latter shoots him a look and you raise an eyebrow, “that’s the usual? a little strange, don’t you think?” ned shrugs, “did you know that you and i stand at ‘different levels’ as peter’s best friends?” peter nearly chokes on his pie, glaring at ned. you cock your head at peter, thinking as you steal another tomato, “i… guess i thought so? i’ve known peter since, like, preschool, and we tell each other everything.”
“everything, huh?” ned wonders, a sound of pain falling from his lips when peter kicks him under the table. “peter.” he hisses. mj narrows her eyes at the two boys, “what is going on with you guys today? you’re acting weirder than normal.” peter’s face screws up in confusion, looking to you for help. you shrug, “she’s right.”
“i usually am,” mj mutters.
“so what is it?” you query, popping an orange slice as peter cringes at the mere thought of the taste. “peter has a crush,” ned informs helpfully, oblivious to peter’s dismay, “i- i don’t-”
you blink, feeling mj’s elbow shove into your ribs as her own way to make sure you’re okay. you ignore her, and it tells her everything she needs to know. “it’s liz, right?” you guess, trying to mask the hurt on your face with a teasing smile, “i saw you looking at her the other day. she’s pretty.” “no! it’s not- i mean, yes, liz is pretty, but i don’t like her or anything- ned doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” peter rambles. “pete, you don’t have to be embarrassed, i’m just upset you didn’t tell me,” you lie. peter’s eyebrows furrow, “you’re just upset that… i didn’t tell you?” he repeats. you nod, biting into another orange slice. “just that?” he asks meekly. you cock your head at him.
“i just- never mind. it’s not liz,” he says, poking at his pie. “so you admit you have a crush?” you start with a fake smirk, jabbing at your best friend with your fork, “just not on liz?”
“i didn’t… i didn’t say that-” peter stutters. your eyes narrow at him, lip tugged between your teeth, “i’m gonna find out who it is by the end of the day.”
peter is unfortunately sure you will. he’s not subtle as is, but you’re never deliberately looking for the signs, which makes it a lot easier to hide his embarrassingly large crush on you. but now, you'll be paying attention to his every move, and knowing you, he knows you won’t stop until you find out what you want, unless he tells you to back off. but, does he want you to back off?
he pushes his tray away, suddenly not feeling so hungry.
you stay true to your promise, hanging off his arm for the rest of the day, observing the way he acts around some of your classmates, but somehow not noticing the way he blatantly refuses to look at you- which proves humiliatingly difficult; peter never realized exactly how much he turned to look if you laughed at the joke too, or to catch one of your smiles when you hear something funny or peter whispers a joke into the shell of your ear.
by the end of the day when you’re walking to the train station together, you’re groaning at him, putting your full weight on his arm as you tug at him. “who is it? is it betty? oh my god, is it mj? is that why you kept looking at her?” you ask excitedly. peter wants to tell you the truth: he wasn’t looking at mj, he was looking at you, because as much as he tried, he couldn’t pry his attention off of you, who just so happened to sit next to mj.
“not mj. not betty,” he replies, pulling you inside the subway and scanning for free seats. you trail behind him when he finds a spot, letting you take it as he stands in front of you. “not them… it has to be liz, right?” you pry, sighing when he shakes his head. “brad- it’s brad, right?” you grin, whining when he denies it again. “can you just tell me if i got them already? i’ve practically said everyone in the school,” you complain, “they do go to school with us, right?” at peter’s nod, you drop your head against his abdomen, “and you have not said their name yet.”
“peter,” you drag out, reaching out for his hand to pull it, “just tell me! i can probably set you up with them!”
“y/n, just drop it,” he sighs, and you sigh too, mumbling a fine before noticing an older lady standing at the door. you wave her over, standing next to peter and letting her take your seat. peter feels like his heart will pop out of his chest.
the bumps of the subway push you close enough to him to feel the thundering of his heart, and your eyebrows knit together in worry, “are you okay? your heart’s beating, like, really fast-” yeah and your hand on my chest is not helping- “‘m fine.”
“is it because of the crush thing?” yes, “because i’m sorry about annoying you about it so much, if you don’t want to talk about it, i won’t bother you with it. just know that if they don’t like you back, they’re insane, because you, peter parker, are a ca-”
it was like a rubber band snapping, and peter suddenly couldn’t help it anymore, pushing his lips against yours, effectively cutting you off and catching you so off-guard, you freeze for a second before reacting, pulling his jaw closer. you almost tug him back when he pulls away, before you remember you’re still standing on a crowded, moving subway, and while kissing your best friend had been all you wanted for way too long, you were absolutely going to miss your stop if you didn’t stop.
“i- i’m sorry, i just-” peter stammered, stepping back. “no! so, please don’t apologize, seriously, it’s fine, it’s, like, better than fine.”
a beat of awkward silence passed before the tube halted to the stop right before yours. “it’s you. in case that didn’t… come clear. you’re the person i like,” peter informs quietly. “really?” you ask, cheek already pulling in a shy smile. “really,” peter assures.
this time, you don’t really care if you miss your stop, and neither does peter, now that he knows that, sometimes, peter parker does get the girl.
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komoreangel · 4 years ago
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐜𝐬
pairings: childe, diluc, kaeya, albedo x f!reader (separate)
scenario: it’s reallyyyyy cold outside and you want your boyfriend to warm you up :) and maybe cuddle :) i mean what no its just soooo cold
genre: fluff so much fluff
wordcount: 1.6k (mostly albedo’s djkfsdjfnkd) 
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ok so this guy
he’s from snezhnaya which is like russia
its always cold there so he’s used to the below 30 temperatures
you however
like at all i mean you’re from mondstatd whens the last time it snowed here
so at first he might not notice that you are extremely cold
you two are walking around, being cute yk couple stuff
that is until you start shivering
“why are you shaking? are you scared of something???”
he’s not the brightest but we love him
“childe, im cold.” you bury your face in his chest to hide from the wind
“it’s not that cold out here, i don’t see why you’re being so dramatic.”
“it’s below 30 degrees! i’m going to get frostbite and die!”
ok so maybe you are a bit dramatic but YOU’RE FREEZING OKAY?
“hey ojou-chan, why are you so clingy all of a sudden-” you reached your hand inside his pocket to grab his hand.
holy crap your hands are cold
“hey wait don’t grab my- THAT’S MY SCARF!”
suddenly you were running away from him at top speed, his scarf in your hands
“come back here! what are you - oof-!” he had grabbed onto the edge of the scarf and pulled it back, you along with it.
you fell on top of him and you’re both wrapped in the scarf like every single christmas romance movie
“well now my hair is all full of snow.”
“you deserve it.” “HEY!” 
you get up and walk off to the side, taking his scarf with you
he follows after you, and catches up quite fast considering he’s got them long legs 
oh to be tall
he wraps his arms around you in a hug 
“still feeling cold?” 
so you two head for home and he promises that he’ll cuddle you all day to keep you warm
which is what you wanted in the first place ;) 
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diluc doesn’t get cold
not because of where he’s from or anything
but because pyro vision 
~natural body heat~ 
and unlike childe he would actually notice you withering away in the snow 
“y/n, are you alright?” 
“huh? yeah yeah im fine just a bit cold” 
suddenly you are being cuddled 
“you’re hugging me?” 
he doesn’t usually initiate pda often so it was a surprise
“you said you were cold. i’m simply warming you up.” 
you lean into his hug and notice that he’s actually really warm
like so warm you get sleepy
you’re so sleepy now that you think about it
and bonk
congrats dear reader
you have fallen asleep in diluc’s arms
he continues to talk on about venti’s drinking problem and how annoying kaeya is
he looks down and notices you sweetly dozing off in his embrace
and he’s so lucky to have you isn’t he
he smiles softly and sweeps you into his arms
carries you bridal style upstairs 
he’s about to tuck you into your bed when your arms begin to tightly wrap around his shoulders
almost like you dont want to let go 
“darling, it’s more comfortable in the bed,” he says quietly
“noo...” your voice is muffled by his chest and you sound tired 
he chuckles lightly 
“just lay down for a bit i’ll be right with you in a minute” 
you’re quiet, like you’re stopping to think
“if i lay down, will you cuddle with me?” 
diluc sighs
“yes i’ll cuddle with you, just please lay down? for me?” 
and who are you to resist that 
so you lay down and while it’s not as warm as him
its still really soft and you fall asleep in no time
he comes back to you sleeping, and not one to break his promises, he cuddles with you anyway 
at least you’re warm now 
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believe it or not, kaeya actually does get cold
i mean yeah he has a cryo vision, but that just means he isn’t affected by his own abilities 
or at least thats my headcanon 
if you’re shivering...he will not help you at first
no, first he’ll tease you about it
like imagine you guys have a mission in dragonspine
“oh y/n~ did you fall for me so hard you got frostbite?”
“you’re looking mighty chilled over there, need a hand?” 
you are this close to punching his arm
however because you want him to hug you and warm you up, you are going to stay on his good side 
he might prolong the teasing for a while
and after that while, he may or may not let you hug him
if he goes on for a bit too long however, he’d feel bad 
you aren’t laughing at his jokes anymore because you’re so cold
you just want to stop and sleep 
your steps become slower and slower
your vision is getting blurrier by the second
and after a while you just stop moving
kaeya turns to look back at you bc he notices
and then in a total cliche moment you collapse out of pure exhaustion
like the gentleman he is, he catches you before you land face-first in the snow
and in his mind hes like shit i let this go on too long
so he carries you around, looking for a cave you can rest in until you’re feeling better 
after maybe five minutes of searching he finds one
and he knows albedo is up here somewhere but he doesn’t want to risk you being in the snow for too long
he starts a fire and tries to lay you down near it, but you aren’t getting any warmer
so he puts you in his arms and just cuddles you 
the combination of body heat + fire is slowly warming you up 
and in about an hour you’re awake again
but you can’t move, because his grip on you is very tight
“kaeya? where are we?” 
he slowly opens his eyes 
“oh, just a random cave in dragonspine” he laughs a bit as he says it
then ofc he remembers you’ve just woken up from collapsing and is like oh right serious time ok
“are you okay?” he asks and this time he has a hint of concern in his voice
“yeah, i’m fine. i’m warm now too” you say as the fire starts to die down a bit
kaeya moves his arm in front of you to shift the firewood a bit 
“i’m sorry for letting you get that cold” he murmurs 
you adjust your position so you’re facing his chest 
“it’s alright, at least i can finally get some cuddles this way” 
you both continue to rest by the fire and decide you’ll head back to mondstatd in the morning
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because albedo is rather observant of most things
he notices your state right away
he immediately stops whatever he is doing and tends to you
“you’re cold, aren’t you?” he sits you on the table and feels your forehead
“albedo, its not a fever” you laugh. 
“no, if it was a fever you’d be burning up” he says matter-of-factly 
he walks to the other side of the lab and grabs his coat
“here, put this on.” 
you wrap the coat around yourself and start to get off the table
he rushes back and grabs your hands
they’re cold (duh) 
so then he thinks what can he do to make your hands warm
usually some mittens would do the trick
but he doesnt have any except for his own
he’ll do what he has to
anything for you 
so he slides his gloves off and offers them to you
“put these on, your hands are probably freezing” 
when you hesitate (because arent his hands cold now? you dont want him to be cold) he takes the initative and takes your hands to put the gloves on
he stands back and says “there. tell me if you get colder, okay?”
and tries to hide his flustered face because
you look so cute in his gloves!!! 
they’re his gloves and you’re wearing them ! 
he turns back to his work for a bit 
after maybe half an hour he looks back 
and you aren’t sitting on the table anymore?? 
he looks around
you aren’t anywhere?? 
thats not good
not good at all
he makes his way outside and doesn’t see you there either 
“y/n?” he calls out into the snow 
unknowingly to him, you had headed out about ten minutes after he turned around 
you went to go search for some starsilver, as you heard him muttering about it under his breath 
you were happily heading back to the lab, arms full of the stuff, when you heard someone shout in surprise
it sounded like albedo 
something must have happened to one of his experiments
you quickly hurried towards the lab only to find
nothing?? not even the man himself
there were footsteps in the snow leading away from the room, but you couldn’t be sure if it was yours or his
you decide to wait for him to come back, and set the starsilver near his workspace
after a while, he comes back in, looking stressed and worried
“albedo?” he looks up and breathes in relief 
“where were you, i came back and- mMf!” he rushes towards you and wraps you in a tight hug
“please don’t do that again” he says
“i got you some starsilver..”
he breaks the hug and looks back at his desk
“you went to get starsilver...for me?” 
you bury your face in his neck 
“yeah..i heard you muttering about it so i thought you needed some. it was colder out there than i thought, though” 
he pats your back soothingly, rubbing his hand in circles around your shoulder 
“let’s start a fire, that’ll warm us both up” 
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a/n: hi! wooh my first headcanon :) sorry if it was a little long, and i know some were a bit angsty and im honestly sorry about that! albedo’s got away from me sdkhjf but i hope you enjoy! and feel free to request a fic if you’d like :)
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ozarkthedog · 4 years ago
Tethered / C. Evans x Fem!Reader
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summary: After two months apart, Chris is finally home and he’s wearing that belt.
warnings: SMUT. 18+ only. rough oral sex. rough sex. asphyxiation. restraining with a belt. fingering. slight breeding kink. spanking. dirty talk. over stimulation. female ejaculation. basically, pwp.
word count: 2,369
author’s note: honestly, this was supposed to be a smutty little fic about his infamous red belt, but then it turned into so much more. also, for having not written anything in 2 weeks, I’d say I did ok with this.  *credit goes to gif owner.
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Lips were locked and bodies a tangled mess as you crossed the threshold with an “-oof.” Chris barely shutting the front door behind him with a callous foot.
The foyer was dark, dimly lit from the Kitchen light as it left just enough glow to illuminate your silhouettes. Chris pushed you against the closed front door, not caring about your pained whines when he slotted his body over yours.
Finally, you were alone after so much time spent apart.
“Missed you so much.” Chris admitted between rushed kisses, “Couldn’t stop thinkin’ about you. About this body.” His hand dove into your leggings and found your panties drenched. “About this sweet pussy.”
He leaned his forehead against yours watching as your face twisted in pleasure as he ground his palm against your tiny nub, “Can’t wait to feel you wrapped around me. Gonna split you open all over again, just like the first time.”
It’d been 2 months since you’d last seen one another and the tension was palpable. The car ride home from the airport via a car service was full of longing stares, playful touches and sneaky kisses as you sat in the back seat like anxious teenagers, desperate to get your hands on one another.
Your eyes slammed shut at his statement, knowing that despite the times you fucked yourself with the few dildos you owned while he was away, nothing compared to Chris.
He was right. It’d be just like your first time together.
He dragged you from your thoughts when he pushed two fingers into your sopping heat, tearing a broken gasp from your lips. His auburn beard scratched your cheek as he peppered kisses down your jaw. Your silky walls welcomed his digits, fluttering and constricting at the intrusion.
“Damn. Forgot how tight you can get, Darlin’.” His lips fit over your open ones as you let out a tiny moan when he scissored his fingers, spreading you open. The kiss was vicious, his tongue diving over yours with long, playful swipes. Your core clenching so hard his fingers faltered.
“That’s my Girl. Come on, lemme feel you cum. Give it to me.” He grunted, while thrusting his clothed covered hard on against your hip.
His command pushed you over the edge and you came with an abrupt shout, easily hitting your peak via another person after so long. Your body shook in his grasp as he eased away the aftershocks with soft, tender kisses.
You stared at him, relishing the way his eyes were blown wide having just seen you come apart so quickly under his touch. It took your breath away to be back in his hold again. To have him home.
His lips twisted into that dorky smile as you sunk down to your knees wanting to return the favor before he split you in two. 
“This belt. This fucking belt.” You laughed, slipping the thick red material through the shiny double loops. He wore this belt all the damn time. It simultaneously drove you mad and caused your pussy to combust. Of all the belts he could wear, he always chose this bright red one and you loved it.
Chris stared down at you in a stupor. “What’s the problem?”
You quirked your head, “Something about this belt drives me wild.”
Chris smirks at your admission but then his jaw falls when your fingers find their way inside his jeans and circle his length. His hips involuntarily jolting in your grasp.
“Fuck, it’s been so fuckin’ long.” He groaned as you pull his rigid cock from the confines of his jeans and playfully lick at his swollen crown.
He stared in fascination as you licked from base to tip before circling the bulbous head with your lips. His cock was heavy on your tongue as you swallowed him down and jerked the base with tight tugs. You rolled his balls in your left palm, clamping your thighs together to ease the ache whenever he let out a lewd groan.
You bobbed your head skillfully over his length eventually feeling his cock swell. You flicked his perineum friskily before pulling away, leaving him painfully on edge.
A deep growl resonated through his chest, “You’re playing a dangerous game, Sweetheart.”
“Then why don’t you punish me?” Your tongue poked out the side of your mouth, hoping he’d take the bait and fuck you on the floor.
He surprised you by shaking his head and dragging that god forsaken belt from his jeans before wrapping each end around his fists. “I’ll get to that sweet cunt in a minute. But right now, I want your mouth back on my cock.”
One moment you were sitting on your heels gloating and the next Chris had looped the belt around the back of your neck pulling you flush against his lower abs.
“Gonna punish that wicked mouth before I open up your cunt.”
His cock bounced in your peripheral as he held you close before easing up enough on the belt for his girth to find your lips once more. He gave you no time to adjust as he pushed his length between your lips causing you to sputter.
His hold on the belt barely gave you any freedom, only allowing you to pull off until your lips brushed his reddened tip. He let you suck on the crown momentarily until he forced his way back into your mouth when he tugged on the ends of the belt.
Your hands sought out his hips as he drove his thickness in and out nudging your tonsils with every pass. His grunts of satisfaction had your core quivering and the way his cock swelled whenever it hit the back of your throat had your eyes rolling with arousal.
“Missed bein’ on your knees for me, huh, Pretty Girl?” His mouth hung open as your debauched groans vibrated his cock in reply. “Missed havin’ my cock stretch out your holes?”
Your belly twisted at his words and then heaved when he pulled on the belt making you take every inch of his length. The breath in your lungs burned and the belt around the back of your neck dug into your skin as he watched from above at your pitiful struggles.
His brows pitched together when he felt your throat convulse, “Lookit’ you droolin’ all over my cock like a good little cock slut.”
You scratched at his jeans desperate to breathe, lungs sizzling aflame and just as your face started to tingle, he pulled free from your mouth letting you fall onto all fours.
You coughed out the stale breath from your lungs while Chris dropped to his knees behind you. He ran his hands over the curve of your ass before shoving the waist band of the leggings and your panties down your thighs effectively trapping your legs together.
Your head shot up with a shriek when Chris landed the belt onto your exposed skin before grabbing a handful of your behind. “Love this ass. Love watching it jiggle as I fuck you.”
Teeth nipped at your flesh causing you to call out his name in the dim foyer and push back onto his face with a soft whimper. His fingers found your core once again, tracing your slit from end to end before spitting onto your puffy mound.
Your arms buckled and your upper body fell onto the carpet with a whine as Chris spread apart your inner lips, “What a sight for sore eyes.”
He pushed two fingers through your glistening lips, curling his digits just right to make you see stars. Your body yearned as it instinctively pushed back, softly chanting, “More.”
“You think you can take my cock? Think it’ll fit in this tight cunt?”
You whimpered when he smacked his pulsating girth against your soaked core after removing his fingers, teasing your quivering opening with his throbbing cock head. “It’s going to hurt, Baby...”
You shook your head, not caring about the repercussions. You needed his cock, now.
He slowly pushed into your warmth as the foyer filled with debauched moans and low growls. Every inch felt like it lasted forever before he bottomed out, punching the breath from your lungs when he bumped your cervix with his massive cock. He stretched you so wide it felt like you’d split in two if he wasn’t careful.
He caressed the junction of your neck with tender kisses as he leaned over you, “So good to finally be buried deep inside you.”
He kept his hips still letting you relax around his girth until he felt you shift. The growing need to get fucked was consuming your body to the point of vibration once your core got used to the thickness. You wanted him to take you hard. Fuck you into the floor and make your voice hoarse.
He chuckled in your ear at your pitiful attempts of moving under him. He breathed in your scent, the one he missed waking up to every morning while he was away. He withdrew his cock slowly before slamming back into your heat with a heavy punch that made your body shove forward with a wrecked moan.
“Need it so bad, don’t you Darlin’.” He repeated his actions, making your cheek burn on the carpet as he fucked into you so powerfully your world spun. His grip was tight on your hips as he thrusted into your swollen core, leaving crescent moons in your flesh.
“I’ll take care of you. Make sure your cunt is molded back into the shape of my cock.”
His hips never faltered. The steady pace made your body surge with every drive. He reverted to curling his hands around your shoulders making you take every inch he was giving.
Still, you needed more.
You tried to buck your hips, not knowing why you were doing it but your body just needed something. Your hands slammed into the floor and you screamed out in confused agony. Your core was tight and ready to explode but you just couldn’t get there.
Chris stilled his hips watching your turmoil before reaching for the fallen belt next to him.
“Shhh. I’ve got what you need, Darlin’.” He whispered into the dim room while grabbing the base of your neck and hauling you onto your hands.
Your head hung forward despairingly, on the verge of tears when suddenly you felt the rough belt at the front of your neck. Chris grasped both sides again, pulling steadily until you were on the tips of your fingers. Your heart leapt into your throat feeling your neck compress at the odd angle but your belly strained immensely.
Anxious gasps echoed off the walls when his hips began to move. Picking up pace with every drive, sliding over your soaked walls and pressing against your cervix with fury and determination.
Chris tugged on the belt, using the momentum to fuck your body back onto his cock, grinning madly at your raspy, choked moans and the way your walls convulsed. Slick dripped down your tied-up thighs soaking your leggings as he molded your cunt around him.
“Like me fuckin’ into this cunt like I own it?” He grunted, snapping his hips quickly feeling your walls obscenely tighten signaling your oncoming peak. “Gonna fill this pretty cunt. Make you swell with my load.”
Your body bowed; the tension unbearable. Your neck pushed against the unforgiving belt until you exploded into a million pieces when your peak slammed through you. You squirted your release with a hoarse shout, soaking your thighs along with Chris’s as he rode out your orgasm.
Chris groaned sinfully as he felt your cum drip from his sack and smack against your ass with every pummel of his cock. He pulled on the belt savagely until you were slotted against his chest. Chris wrapped his right arm around your waist possessively as your knees buckled, threatening to give out.
His left hand held both ends of the belt keeping your head locked against his shoulder. His voice gruff in your ear as he pounded into you with a controlling force.
“Such a dirty girl takin’ my cock on the floor… like a good breedin’ bitch.” He licked up the side of your face making you whine. The over stimulation had your body thrashing as he kept an even pace, pushing through your folds with a punishing pace.
His left hand tightened the slack on the belt cutting off your sobs instantly. He withheld your oxygen for a few seconds, relishing the way your body locked up around him. Your mouth bobbed open like a fish, desperate for air the entire time.
He eased the tension with a teasing chuckle, “Something about watching you struggle makes my cock so hard.”
He cut your air off again, spearing into your swirling warmth while your hands scratched at the arm wrapped around your waist frantically. The pressure in your belly boiled. You were going to cum and there was nothing you could do about it.
“Lemme feel that cunt soak my cock one more time, Darlin’.” He urged, nipping at your jaw.
His hips stuttered for the first time, getting closer and closer to the edge with every drive. He wasn’t going to last much longer but he wasn’t going to cum without you.
Your mind started slipping from the lack of oxygen and the constant over stimulation. Your body was tired and beaten, but still the pressure in your belly was intent on snapping.
“Gimme that cunt. Cum all over me.” He demanded with a harsh slap to your mound and released the slack on the belt. His fingers slapped against your tiny nub over and over until your body lit up and you shook heavily in his arms, cumming with a silent scream that finished with a feral growl.
Chris grunted in your ear as you milked his girth forcefully. His cock swelled and flooded his spend into your awaiting heat where it welcomed everything he had to give.
Chris slipped from your body and lowered the two of you to the ground panting the final tremors of the ravenous act. Your eyes felt heavy and your body screamed, but you lifted your head to plant a soft kiss on his lips as he leaned over your spent body.
“It’s good to have you home.” You whispered, against his lips as he pulled them into a smile. 
“It’s good to be home.”
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wwilloww · 5 years ago
point of no return | PJM
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Smut. Fluff. Friends to lovers. Roommates AU.
WC: 10.2k
Summary: Both Jimin and you are determined to never act on the feelings you hold for one another. Instead, you’d rather shove it down, somewhere deep, dark, and inaccessible. So what do you get when you mix a broken furnace, an old victorian home, a little bit of jealousy in the club, and a need to keep warm together? A mess.
Warnings & Tags: Cursing. Reader is really freakin cold. Jimin sleeps in the nude. Spooning. Grinding. Obscene daydreaming about your best friend.  Sex dreams. Mentions of alcohol. Dancing. Jimin is a little jealous. Masterbation. Unexpected visual. Super soft makeout. Fingering. Orgasm denial. Sex. Slight power play. Creampie.  
AN: Oof! Finally! A Jimin fic! Thank you to @thatlongspringnight for guiding me through the last 6k of this fic, all written in one day and for being the most brilliant, queen of queens level beta reader. A big thanks to @triviasapphic too, for letting me use their likeness! 
This is very loosely based on this ask beautifully submitted by the loveliest @jinpanman for the milestone request party! 
©wwilloww Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without my permission.
point of no return 
“Fuckin’ shithead mutherfuckin cunt basket,” you hiss.
Nothing would turn it on.
You tried pressing the knob. You tried twisting it until your hand rubbed raw. You tried shaking it. You tried begging in your sweetest, most saccharine tone. You even tried giving it compliments.
“Have I ever told you how sexy you look with three coats of white paint? No?”
Fifteen minutes ago the antique radiator — so old it would probably be better in a museum of old technologies than as a functioning heat mechanism — stuttered to a halt and refused to turn back on.
When you had picked the house out with your best friend, Jimin, you’d loved it for it’s Victorian era charm. But now with the December cold creeping in through the thin window and your refusal to own more than one blanket you were shivering madly, teeth clattering cold. And wildly in doubt of your house hunting skills.
With a heavy sigh and slumped shoulders, you drag your comforter off of the mattress, wrap it tightly over your shivering shoulders, and pad barefoot down the hall. Instead of knocking, you just twist the door handle, letting the door swing open before you with a long, drawn-out squeak. You wince at the sound.
A dark figure sits up from the bed, squinting at you in the darkness.
“Is that—”
“It’s me,” you whisper. If it were anyone else, that response would be useless. But after years of friendship Jimin knows every tune and nook in your voice — the way it sounds when you’re upset, or scared, or — in this case — really fucking cold. “The heater broke.”
“What?” His voice is groggy and sleep-heavy.
“The heater broke. Can I stay here tonight?”
He scrunches his nose and wipes a hand across his face.
“Yeah, sure, uh—” He shifts a bit in bed and that’s when you realize he’s not wearing anything at all. You gulp. It’s the coldest month of the year and the fucker is naked in bed, nothing more than a top sheet thrown over his body, the rest of the duvet crumpled at the foot of the bed. Even though you know he’s one to sleep in the nude (“It invigorates your skin and keeps your body temperature regulated,” he had explained to you once) seeing it, in front of you, just the thinnest piece of fabric between you and your best friend’s junk is a whole other story.
As he moves, the sheet slips down, revealing his toned stomach, only visible by the moonlight flooding through the bay windows of his bedroom.
“Give me a minute to put something on?”
“Uh huh,” you mumble, turning around quickly to give him some semblance of privacy, your blanket whooshing out behind you.
You can hear him pad over to his dresser, just three feet behind you. You swallow hard as you imagine him, totally naked, so close to you. Literally within arms reach. If you could only—
“Turn around, I’m done.”
You peek over your shoulder before turning fully, only to see Jimin, now clothed in some pretty short black boxers, climbing back into bed. Blanket trailing, you shuffle after him, climbing into the warm bed from the other side.
You pull your comforter as tightly around you as you can, but you’re still cold. As you turn to face away from your friend, you can’t help but shiver, your shoulders shaking with the chill that’s settled deep in your bones.
“Can you stop shaking?” Jimin’s sleep-adled voice grunts from behind you.
“I’m too cold,” you whine.
“Come ‘ere—”
And before you know it, he’s wrapping an arm around your waist and dragging your body backwards until it meets his. He pulls the blanket up and slides in behind you, wrapping himself around your shivering form.
“Better?” he asks while you’re still in shock from the amount of contact he’s just put the two of you in.
“Mhmm,” you squeak out, even as your body continues to shake.
“You’re a liar,” he chuckles.
“I don’t know why you bothered to ask then,” you snap back, wrapping your arms tight around yourself.
You’re not sure if he sees this or if he’s acting on his own accord. You let out a small gasp as he tugs you even closer, his arm slipping under the blanket to press against the skin of your hip. He maneuvers you backwards, your body as limp as a puppet, while you lay there in shock (and a small bit of exhilaration). He presses the back of your body flush against his front and snakes his top arm up the front of your torso until it rests in the center of your chest, gripping your opposite shoulder.
You’re trapped in his arms, nowhere to move, nowhere to go. Only the sound of your combined breaths, his a little more slow and sleepy than your nervous pant. Trapped only with the idea of him so close, and the strange thing fluttering in your chest that only continues to grow bigger and bigger despite all the work you’ve done to push it away. All you can think about is the way he’s pressed up against you, only your thin flannel pajama pants and his even thinner black boxers keeping the most sensitive parts of your bodies apart.
When he shifts, nustling his nose into the crook of your shoulder, you swear you can feel something long and hard press up against your ass.
And suddenly the warmth that is flooding through you has absolutely nothing to do with the shared body heat. Instead it’s coming from someplace deep down — somewhere yearning and desperate — and also from that strange fluttering thing in your chest.
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All there is is white. You know somewhere far above you is an endless sea of stars, blinking down on you. But all you know is the grass beneath you and the swimming white sheets that float above and around you.
Someone’s laughing and you turn your face to see him — Jimin — beaming and reaching out towards you.
Somewhere in your mind you know it’s night time and that everything should be dark — and yet, everything around him is lit up and glows with a sourceless light.
Joy rushes through you and as you reach out towards him, he disappears and a new kind of light — warmth — appears behind you.
“I want—” you start to say, but his hand comes up to your mouth, silencing you.
“If you speak, you’ll break the dream,” he says. “Just enjoy it. Let me be here with you.”
Eyes don’t close in dreams, but you know you drift somewhere soft, the feeling of his body so close to yours and the precious rhythm of his breath tracing your neck.
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All there is warmth.
Too much of it, actually.
As your eyes blink open to the dark room, the remnants of some dream, lots of white, Jimin’s smile fall away from your consciousness. You kick your leg out into the freezing air and sigh as the coolness washes the heat from your body. Relief.
The warmth that hasn’t been erased, however, is sitting heavy in your lower belly, pooling and swirling and wanting.
You do your best to ignore it, knowing it’s probably some mix of the dream and the thing that you’ve kept hidden on the edge of your consciousness for too long.
You close your eyes again, wishing for sleep to come back and pull you away from these thoughts. Just as you feel the soft edges of another dream lapping at the edges of your mind, Jimin groans behind you and comes to press up against you again, his hand snaking down over your belly.
Eyes shoot open. There. Behind you. Right between the swell of your ass. You can feel his cock pressing into you, at full hardness. You gasp at the sensation, quickly slapping your hand over your mouth so as not to wake him. Slowly, you try to scootch away from his grip, but he holds you there, his arm only tightening when you try to move away.
It’s not that you don’t want it — you do — your body is singing with electricity at the thought of his hard cock against you, between you, inside you. God, if only. However, it’s the consequences, the unspoken question, the unanswered desires (the answer to which you may just not want to know) that push you away from him.
This is your best friend. The person you’ve always been able to rely on and trust. The man you know you can turn to at any moment and know there will never be a question dangling between the two of you.
Except for now.
As he slowly circles his hips against yours, the most delightful, breathy pants falling from his lips — so soft you can barely hear them — the question looms larger than ever.
Are you in love with your best friend?
However, here, his arm wrapped so tightly around your belly, it’s easy to sink into the desire. To equate the arrival of the question with the arousal rising in your body. To tell yourself this is just pleasure, this is natural.
Jimin’s palm is splayed out across your lower belly, pressing hard against you.
He’s rutting shallowly against you, moving for the sake of his own pleasure. A high note of satisfaction slips from his lips, before a name tumbles shortly after it into your ear.
Not any name.
Your name.
You choke on your own words as you understand it. Confusion rushes over you but it’s quickly replaced by adrenaline as his hand clenches and unclenches around your shirt and he shifts and stretches.
Jimin is waking up. Is he going to say something? Is he going to tell you he didn’t mean it at all? Will he run from you?
His body freezes as he realizes the position he’s in. Wrapped so intimately around you, his hard cock pressed against you.
“Shit,” you hear him whisper. “Shit, shit, shit.”
You squeeze your eyes closed and lay as still as possible as you feel him pull away from you. And then the bed dips just enough and you realize he’s leaning over you, checking to see if you’re asleep or not.
You smooth out your features, hoping he doesn’t catch that you’ve been awake this whole time.
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The December morning light is streaming in bold and warm through the window.
Your hand goes searching for Jimin, but all you find is an empty, chilled, pillow. There’s a good chance he’s already headed out for the day to see friends or to run errands and so you assume it’s safe as you tiptoe downstairs to get some water and some much needed coffee. Not that you slept much last night.
As you enter the kitchen, the earthy smell of fresh coffee hits you and you take a deep breath, inhaling the nutty aroma. There’s a full pot of coffee already waiting for you on the counter. You smile. Jimin has always been a considerate housemate, but to leave you coffee in the morning? I’m so lucky to have a friend like him, you sigh as you turn to the cabinet to grab a mug.
“Good morning!” an almost nervous, too-cheery voice sings out from behind you.
“AGh!” you cry, nearly dropping the mug you’re holding. Jimin’s quicker than you are though, and reaches out, just as it drops below your belly button. He’s laughing, his delightful giggle filling the light-painted kitchen but all you can think about is how close he’s standing to you, the mug brushing up against your stomach.
“Got it,” he grins.
“You know you can’t jump out at me like that!” you scold, trying to take the mug back from him. But he turns and goes to fill it up for you.
“I literally said your name twice before you noticed. Someone was too lost in dreamland.”
“Pshh, no, I — you need to be a little louder.”
“Can we talk about last night?” Jimin asks as he hands you a cup of coffee. “I, uh, I think there was an accident, I had a dream you were—”
You panic.
“Last night? Oh gosh yeah! I slept like a rock! Thank you for keeping me warm. I would have frozen to death if it weren’t for you.”
You smile as sweetly as you can at him.
He blinks back.
“I mean — uh, yeah, sure, I mean, you’re welcome but that’s not what I mean —”
“Nothing to talk about!” you chirp, already scurrying towards the stairs that lead back up to your bedroom.
“Hey! I’m trying to talk to you!” he cries as you pad upstairs, making a beeline for your bedroom as the coffee you’re holding sloshes around in the mug.
“Oof, well I’m already tired again, gonna take a nap!”
You sprint up the stairs and as you do you hear him call behind you.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it!”
It hits harder than you want it to.
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“Come on, princess. You’re taking forever!”
You’re back down on your bed, swaddled in all the blankets in the house you could find, scrolling through your phone.
“I don’t want to go!”
“Well I do!” The door finally swings open and Jimin stands there, all dolled up for the night out. He’s wearing tight leather pants that hug his toned thighs just right and a half opened black shirt that he’s still buttoning as you look on. Beneath his hands, his chest shows, the muscular planes simple and sheer perfection. A single silver earring dangles from his left ear, the other one filled with a variety of studs.
As you peek out of your blanket fort, you gulp as you take in his flawless appearance. He looks like straight sex, the darkness of his outfit highlighting every muscle and curve.
"You look nice," you manage to squeak, and Jimin blushes, his praise kink showing. "Those pants are..." Hot as fuck? More beautiful than the Mona Lisa? Just asking me to rip them off? Floundering for language, you just let your sentence trail off as he looks on, a pink tinge still dancing across his features.
"You wanna wear them?"
"Pfft, no," you lie.
“Are you planning on getting out of bed?”
"Well then, if you're not going to get out of bed and dress yourself I'll do the honors." Jimin stomps over to the tiny door leading to your closet and swings it open. He ruffles through your set of clothes, as disparate from a full flannel collection (one that you are quite proud of) to an evening gown that never got worn. Words you can't quite hear or understand tumble from his mouth in a stream of frustrated mumbles as he seems to be looking for something very specific. "Aha!" he finally cries out. "Here it is."
What he pulls out is not what you expected.
It's a simple piece. A light tan slip dress, one with a bit of a scoop to the bust. One that hugs all of your curves just right and sits low enough the weight keeps the dress exactly where you want it to be and high enough that your upper thighs are deliciously on display - something that simultaneously excites you and scares the hell out of you. You bought it on a whim, hoping it would help you embody your inner club girl (or "inner slut" as your friend Jungkook would correct you - which, if you were being entirely honest, was really what you meant when you spoke about going to the club.)
"That one? Really?"
"What, you wanna wear this?" He turns back to the closet before pulling out a second dress, this one long and emerald green and sparkly with a full slit up the side.
"No." You pout.
"Then what's the problem?"
"Ugh!" you cry, burrowing deeper into your blanket fort. "Itsmyslutdress," you mumble.
"Itsmyslutdress!" you mumble, but louder this time.
"Did you just call it a slut dress?"
You pop your head out of the warmth cocoon with a sigh.
"What does that even mean?"
"It is the dress I wear when I want to embody my slutty alter-ego. The dress I wear when I wanna get laid."
Jimin blinks a few times before turning back to you with a grin.
"Well--do you not want to get laid tonight?" he asks slowly.
You gape at him.
Even as best friends, even talking about your hookups, you never really talked about sex iteself. Everytime you brought it up, whether it was at the bar and you were ogling some tall, dark, handsome stranger as if some psychic had promised you he was your entire future, he always seemed to shut down. And yet, around your other friends, he was an open book. "Basically a sex expert," Jungkook had told you once. "A sexpert." He'd added, grinning.
But with you, sex was off the table. You were more open and vulnerable with him than you were anyone in your life - and he with you. But sex was just never on the discussion board for you two.
"Do you wanna get laid tonight?"
"Are you offering?" you shoot back teasingly.
"Of course," he says softly.
Your mouth drops.
Of course? Of course?!
"I mean! No! What? Wait? Can you repeat the question?"
"You said yes," you say slowly.
"What! No! I did not!"
Jimin is basically stomping his foot on the ground.
"You did!"
He looks almost angry and you're not sure whether to laugh at the softness with which he had agreed to fuck you - or to feel hurt by his quick change of mind.
"Did not!"
You break into giggles finally releasing yourself from your cocoon of warmth to sprawl out on the bed in a fit of laughter. Your little tirade is quickly shut down though as the silky fabric of the dress is thrown onto your face and you cough around the material.
"Get dressed. I don't want to be late," he says, his voice flat.
“It’s too cold for the slut dress,” you grumble in a last ditch effort, fabric falling into your mouth as you sleep.
“Then wear a fucking turtleneck and snow pants to the club,” Jimin says. “I don’t care, just please get dressed.”
The door slams and when you pull the dress away from your face, the room is empty again. With a sigh, you roll off the bed and begin to get ready for the night.
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By the time you pulled up to the dark, sticker-plastered doors of the club, Jimin had resumed his usually joyful and peppy demeanor, all memories of his little slip up erased from the night.
You knew better than to push him about it. You knew that he shut down when you called him out on these things in the past— like the way his eyes lingered on you for too long when you showed off a new bathing suit, the cute little stutter he donned when he was flustered by you, or the way he would basically run at top speed in any direction away from you when you emerged from the shower, nothing but a towel wrapped around your body.
As you are swallowed into the sea of dancing figures and booming bass, you feel his hand come to rest on your waist. Pushing further into the crowd, his touch is reassuring. Steadying. His way of keeping a hold on you without actually holding onto you.
He sees them before you do, and quickly grabs onto your hand, tugging you forward into the mass of swaying figures. Waving and yelling their names, the two of you tumble towards your friends. Jungkook and Raven stand near the bar, their faces lighting up when they finally spot you in the mess of strangers.
Raven embraces you first, his arms pulling you in for a tight hug.
“I wanna dance!” Jungkook says before you can even step away from Raven. Drinks abandoned, Jungkook has grabbed both yours and Jimin’s hands and drags you out to the dance floor.
The bass courses through you as your friends surround you, bopping and swaying to the barely understandable lyrics.
Jimin has always been a good dancer. A great dancer, actually. His moves range from absolutely side-achingly hilarious to -- dare you say it -- undeniably sensual.
He twirls you onto the dance floor, the two of you falling into your usual routine of swinging and laughing and kicking all around.
And as the upbeat and perhaps misplaced summer hit switches to a more sensual song he matches it naturally, letting his hips sway and glide to the rhythm. He pulls you along with him, twirling you more slowly. When you twist into his grasp, he doesn’t hesitate to take you into his arms, pressing you against him.
As his arms come to wrap around your shoulders, you can’t help but press back into him.
Raven winks at you and you grin back at him, shooing him and his teasing away.
It’s easy to fall into this. Easy to fall into the sway of Jimin’s body and the safety that comes with being pressed so close against him. You fit perfectly into his body, every one of your curve the antithesis to his. Like two puzzle pieces.
You let your hand drop down to his thigh, gripping it for stability as you sway your hips against his. The muscle tenses beneath your touch and you take that as an opportunity to roll your ass against his crotch.
He meets your movements, grinding back up into you, his hand dropping to your waist where he grips you tightly and guides your movements even further back into him.  
"We shouldn't be doing this," he whispers in your ear.
His body pressed against yours feels like the most natural thing in the world. The nights the two of you have spent in your kitchen, sliding around in socks and grooving to your favorite music, springing each other around your shared house — all of those hours, all of those years make it so when he moves against you he knows exactly what he’s doing and exactly what you want him to do. You move in tandem, as if you are sharing a brain, a story, a body.
You tilt your head up to him, nuzzling into his neck.
“Why not?”
“I-I can’t mess up.” He says, but he continues to sway at your back.
“You’re not messing up. I like this.”
As you reach behind you, letting your hand trail up beneath his shirt, you can feel him press into your touch. Chasing it, searching it out. But as your hand trails back down, fingernails scraping delicately against the skin, he seems to snap out of it and steps back from you, even as he keeps his hands on your hips.
You turn, trying to pull him back to you, but you see his brow is furrowed.
“Are you okay?” you ask.
“Just fine!” he says, just a little to cheerfully. “I-I just think I’m done with dancing for tonight.”
Even as he says it he pulls you closer to his chest.
“I’m going to get some drinks, do you want something?”
“You don’t want to dance with me?”
“I— uh— it’s not that.” He shakes his head.
“Please, come on, it’ll be fun,” you groan, tugging on his arm. But he stands firm and stiff. “Aren’t you having fun?”
“I don’t want to dance tonight. Just go on ahead.”
You look your friend up and down. Jimin was never one to turn down an opportunity to dance.
“Okay,” you say, painting a smile on your features even as your heart aches slightly at his rejection. “I just want you to have fun. Do you want me to come with?”
“No--it’s okay. I’ll be back, alright?”
You watch as he disappears back into the mass of people. You stand still, wondering What the hell just happened?
However, your thoughts are quickly interrupted as Raven reaches out to you, pulling you to him in a graceful spin.
“Distract yourself, darling,” he says with a chuckle. “He’ll come around, don’t you worry.”
Before you have a chance to process his words, Raven spins you out again in the crowd.
You stumble just a little bit, until hands come to rest on the dip of your hips, lingering there just enough to stabilize you. However, they quickly release you as soon as you are standing tall again.
“Oh, ah, thank you,” you half-yell as you turn around, attempting to raise your voice above the noise.
The man who stands behind you is undeniably gorgeous. Tall, with a dark lock of hair hanging into your forehead and the most beautiful smile.
“No worries, it happens all the time,” he grins at you. “What’s your name.”
You yell back at him, but when he can’t hear you, you step closer to him, pressing against his chest to speak your name into his ear. His hand comes down on your waist as you do, lightly.
“My name’s Hoseok. You can call me Hobi though. Care to dance?”
You grin up at him and nod. You’ve never been one to turn down a dance partner.
He takes your hand, quick to find the rhythm of the music.
Hoseok is a natural. As each song progresses, his dances become more intricate. He’s happy to lead you through them and you can’t help but laugh as he spins you around the floor while others are swaying and grinding. You’ve never had this much fun with a stranger, but as he moves against you, you can’t help but think of the way Jimin felt pressed so close to you earlier in the night. It’s just not quite the same.
It’s easy to get lost in him, in his beaming smile and witty jokes that he bends down to whisper in your ear. He compliments you freely, and you do the same in return.
As the night continues you and Hoseok dance closer and closer until he’s pressed deliciously up against your back. You find yourself lost in the sensation of being embraced by someone, even if it isn’t the person you’d want to be there.
“I hope I’m not being too forward, but do you wanna come home with me?” The man leans down, the husk of his voice brushing deliciously against your ear.
“I can’t.” You say, turning back towards him. “But thank you.”
“No problem,” he says, leaning down to chastely kiss your cheek. “Can I ask you a question before you go?”
You nod.
“Does your refusal have anything to do with the man at the bar who hasn’t taken his eyes off of us since we started dancing?”
He nods over your shoulder, back towards the bar. Through the crowd, you can barely see your friends, but as you reach up on your tippy toes you see them all gathered around, laughing and talking. And then at the edge of them is Jimin. He stands tall and proud and with an unusually grim expression on his face. But when he sees you looking at him, he quickly averts his gaze to his drink, which he is continually swirling in his hand.
“You’re going home with him, aren’t you?”
“Well, duh, he’s my roommate, I—”
“You should go for it,” he interrupts you.
“Go for it?”
“Go for it.”
“There’s nothing there,” you state, matter of factly. “We’re just really good friends!” You’re not sure why you tell him this, but there’s something soft in his eyes that spurs you on.
“Good friends don’t eye fuck each other all night.”
“We weren’t—”
“No need to explain it to me.” He holds up his hands. “But it seems like you have some explaining to do to him. Or at least to yourself.”
You sputter. “Psh! What! No! I’m just tired, Hobi, and if I had the energy I would be fucking you right here, right now, on the dance floor. It has nothing to do with Jimin. Nothing at all!” You realize you’ve got your finger poking into his chest and you quickly draw it back. “Sorry.”
“Well.” You put your hands on your hips, wiping the frustrated look off of your face. “I should go, I guess. It was nice dancing with you, partner. I’ll be the first to admit you got great hips.”
He’s laughing, and you’re not sure if it’s at you or with you, but when you extend you hand for a friendly fistbump, he meets it with all the enthusiasm in the world, pulls you into a hug, and is off on his merry way, off to find a new dancing partner.
Left alone in the middle of the floor, you kind of just stand there, mulling over what the stranger had said to you. Soon though, you feel a hand on your shoulder and you spin around to see a blank faced Jimin.
“I, uh, just wanted to check in on you.”
“I’m all good!” you chirp, perhaps too cheerfully. As you begin to make your way back to the bar, his hand comes to rest on your lower back and you shiver at the touch.
“So you’re not going home with him?” He nods back in the direction of the disappearing stranger.
“Why would I?”
“Well, you wore your slut dress, so I figured he was a contender.” He doesn’t meet your eye.
“I didn’t want to fuck him.” You stop, and turn to him.
He laughs, almost nervously. “Well I guess that’s an important factor.”
“Yeah, just a minor detail,” you shoot back, grinning.
“I guess it’s all for the best. Didn’t like the looks of him much anyways.
You giggle. “What? Are you jealous?”
“Are you sure?”
“I can’t be jealous.”
“Can’t be? Or aren’t?”
Jimin blinks back at you, an expression of utter surprise on his face. You know his answer in that moment, and yet — there is a kind of doubt that sits in you. That until he says it, it just won’t be real.
And still, he avoids your question.
“I think I’m gonna head home, do you wanna come with or head back with Tae and Raven?”
“I’ll come back with you, there’s nothing left here for me.”
“Great,” he says, a small smile on his lips. “Let’s go.”
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“My heat is still out,” you call.
You’re standing at the door to his room in nothing but your pajama shirt. When you’d gotten home Jimin was quick to wish you goodnight and sweet dreams and book it up to his bedroom. You had gone to your own room and changed into sleep clothes, only to climb into bed and realize just how fucking freezing your blankets still were.
But as you stand outside his bedroom, when you press down on the handle, the door is unusually locked. He never locks the door, you think.
You push down on the handle, jiggling it obnoxiously as you hope your best friend can hear you from the other side, and isn’t just ignoring you. As you rattle the metal handle, something seems to come loose within the door and all of a sudden the door is swinging open inwards and there’s Jimin, leaning against the backboard of his bed, legs spread, and--
“Oh no—”
Even as your hands flash up to cover your eyes, you know it’s too late.
You’ve already seen it.
It’s imprinted on your brain. The image of Jimin with his head thrown back, hand wrapped around his throbbing cock hastily pulled out of his jeans. He must have been in such a rush he didn’t even bother to pull his pants down. Instead, the leather pants are simply tugged down just enough from him to slip his cock out of them.
“What the fuck!” he yelps.
“Did I—interrupt?” You can’t help but burst into giggles, even as you keep your hands firmly clamped to your face.
“Yes! Yes, you did!” he says, scrambling for the sheet. He pulls it over himself and then does up his pants again.
“If it makes you feel any better you have a nice looking dick!” you squeak out from behind your hands.
He wipes a hand wearily over his face.
“You really wanna have a conversation about my dick right now?”
“See a dick, converse about a dick, am I right?” you laugh nervously.
“No, no, you’re not. It usually goes like ‘see a dick, forget the fact that you ever looked at a dick.’”
“You got a point there.”
The room falls into silence for a moment before Jimin coughs and speaks.
“You can take your hands away now.”
Ever-so-slowly you release your hands from your face, looking over at Jimin who looks — not upset, not embarrassed, not angry — but intrigued. He’s looking at you with a mix of curiosity — and something else. Something you can’t quite put a finger on.
“Welp, I better be going—”
“I thought you said your heat is still out.”
You turn back around slowly.
“...It is. But I can go. I don’t want to make you feel… uncomfortable.”
“You’ve never made me feel uncomfortable. I don’t know if you could.”
“I’ve definitely made you feel uncomfortable before. Like that one time I put peanut butter on your special pickles and tried to fry them—”
“Okay, okay, maybe in like, a superficial way. But not in a deep way.” He pauses. “You’re my best friend for a reason.”
You’re still standing in the doorway, and as he looks you over — gaging your reaction, reading your emotions, trying to understand what’s going on in that far-off mind of yours — he realizes you’ve got your arms wrapped around your torso, protecting yourself from the biting draft that drifts down the hallway.
“Come ‘ere. You’re sleeping here tonight.” He says it without hesitation.
You look at him, and then back down the darkened hallway, and then back at him, the warm glow of his bedside lamp painting his features gold. His cheeks are still slightly flushed, his chest peeks out of his loose button down. And perhaps it’s that image that draws you to him — or, what you tell yourself in that moment, the inviting warmth of the layers of blankets on his bed and the radiator that sits close by.
You climb into bed, quickly tucking yourself into the blankets and rolling onto your side, away from him. However, you can feel his hands reaching out towards you, pulling the blankets closer to you, tucking you in further to their addicting warmth.
“I’m uh, gonna read for a little bit, is that okay?” he asks.
“Yeah, course,” you say, your voice slightly muffled by the pillow you’ve stolen and burry your face into.
He rifles through the nightstand. Behind you, he shifts, getting a bit more comfortable and you can hear the comforting sound of pages turning as he begins to read.
Even as you close your eyes, sleep evades you. As much as you try to banish it from your mind, it seems as if the image of his thick cock is burned into your retina, the vein on the underside of it swollen and pronounced. All you can see in your mind’s eye is Jimin, lost in his own pleasure. His face scrunched, eyes squeezed shut. What would it be like to see what he saw, whatever it was that had him gripping his cock so tight the knuckles began to turn white?
“So do you usually masterbate without porn?”
It slips out before you know what you’re saying.
He coughs behind you, and it sounds like he’s choking.
Well, you think. Now that it’s out there I might as well just go for it. You flip over onto your otherside, face half hidden by the blanket.
“When I walked in on you — you were just… lost in thought. No video or audio or,” you nod at the book he’s holding. “Rip off of Half a Hundred Colors of Dark-White.”
He gapes at you.
“Why are you so obsessed with my masterbatory habits, hm?”
“I-I’m not! I’m just curious, like one would be when they accidentally catch their best friend masterbating. We all, you know, do it. I, myself, have a very lovely connection of multi-colored vibrators — all sizes and shapes and, uh, textures? And vibrations and settings and speeds and—”
“So you wanna talk about it then?” He’s still sitting above, looking down on you. He cocks an eyebrow at your surprised expression. “You didn’t want to talk about last night but you want to talk about how I get myself off?”
It’s your turn to gape.
“Uh, what? Last night, psh no!”
He readjusts his position so he’s facing you now, one leg bent and propped up, the other one folded beneath it. You do your best to keep your gaze focused on his face, and not on the prominent bulge that is now in your direct line of vision.
“So you weren’t grinding on my cock last night — or god forbid tonight at the club — But you wanna know about my masterbatory habits?”
You swallow and despite the chill air of the bedroom, you sit up, letting the blankets fall around your waist.
“I suppose that is what I’m asking.”
Heart pounding in your chest, you lick your lips. You know what you’re asking. You know where you’re pushing things. Everything about this next step terrifies you. And yet, it’s all you’ve been thinking about for the past 24 hours. Hell, the past several years.
You’d be lying if you said that last night’s dream was the tamest of the ones Jimin starred in. He haunted you. His image, his being, were everywhere you turned. Even when you were with other partners or one night stands, all you could do was compare them to Jimin. Were they as softly hilarious as him? Did they know your every thought, your every desire, like he did? Could they anticipate your mood before you even could? Did they fill you with that feeling of belonging and safety like he did? No. None of them ever did. You didn’t just crave Jimin’s attention, you craved his touch.
“You know, most friends talk about this kind of shit.”
“Do they?”
“Yes. They talk about sex. They talk about getting off. They talk about their interests and turn-offs and fantasies and--”
“And you wanna talk about this?” His hand lands on yours. You look up at him as he squeezes your fingers within his warm grasp.
“I-I guess I do. Sometimes it bothers me that we don’t talk about it.”
“Then let’s talk about it,” he says, a little bit more confidence slipping into his voice. He picks your hand up, weaving his fingers in between yours. The way he looks at them reminds you of someone looking at a beautiful vista or an undiscovered creature for the first time. There is wonder -- and also confusion -- in him. “I never wanted to make you uncomfortable. I never wanted to… turn our friendship into something that you didn’t want. Something that made you uncomfortable.”
“And I didn’t want to push.”
“Push me? Into what?”
You glance down at your hands. “I don’t know, something that you were disgusted by.”
“I could never be disgusted by you. It’s the opposite, actually.”
“Then why do you keep pushing me away? When I want to talk about things? When I want to be close to you?”
Jimin is silent for a moment.
“Because I’m never sure if this is just fun to you,” he says softly. “What if something happens and you realize you don’t want it in the way you thought you did?”
“And what if something happens and it’s exactly what I want?” One hand still resting in his grasp, you reach out with the free one to clutch onto his shirt. Not wanting to push too far, you make do with tangling your fingers in the silky fabric, twisting it around yourself until you are lost in it.
You don’t see it coming. His hand reaching up to yours, pressing your hand to his chest. Slowly, he slides your intertwined hands up until he can press your palm to his chest. Beneath the fabric you can hear the gentle thud of his heart beating, quicker than usual. And there, he just holds it. Mulling. Contemplating.
“It feels like I’ve been distracted…” He licks his lips as he considers his next several words. “...for weeks. Probably longer. I’ve been trying to hold everything in because it’s not supposed to be there. But the temptation to just give in… To just lean into the things that I want… It’s always there. It doesn’t go away. But--sometimes I can distract myself from it.”
“What is it that you want?”
His gaze flickers back up from your lips. The look in his eyes is searing. Burning. There’s desire there — one that’s all consuming — but something else too. He refuses to look away from you, instead roving over your whole face as if he’s trying to memorize it. As if when he speaks next he might forget you entirely. And that’s when you realize. It’s not confusion dancing in his eyes. It’s loss. He thinks he’s going to lose you.
“It doesn’t matter. I can’t have it.”
“You can.”  
“I can’t.” He squeezes his eyes shut, like he’s trying to hold back. “There— there are lines that once you cross you can never go back to.”
“Jimin, I want you.”
The words hang in the stilled silence of the room like lead, suspended and out of place. But you push on, and as you do, his grip tightens around your hands and he’s pulling you forward until you’re flush against his chest.
“And it’s not because of your monster cock -- although that’s like a really really great benefit that I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting--” Jimin raises an eyebrow. “Anyways, I want you for you. I think I’ve wanted you since I met you, but--” You glance down. “I’ve been too scared to admit it. Too scared or too dumb.”
Jimin raises your chin so that you are eye to eye. He’s so close.
“I’ve wanted you since I laid eyes on you.” He lets his hands drop to your hips, maneuvering you so that you’re fully straddling his waist as he sits up against the headboard. “I wanted you in my life, in whatever way that would be. I wanted you as my best friend and my inspiration and my home -- and to have you like that? I would never want to fuck it up.”
“Then don’t.”
“Simple as that,” he laughs, his hands coming to rest on your hips. He tightens his grip and you instinctively wrap your hands around his neck, tugging him closer to you.
“Simple as that,” you repeat.
The words hang in the air for a moment, filling the space of the bedroom. And then their sound is gone, leaving the air vacant of sound. The weight of what you’ve both just said crashes down upon you.
Simple as that.
“I want to kiss you,” Jimin whispers. “Can I kiss you?”
“Always,” you barely manage to mumble before your lips are crashing together. They begin clumsily, desperate. Teeth knocking together as you both scramble frantically for connection. For the missed years. For the gazes thrown across the hallway, quick and longing.
And then you find your groove. Just like on the dance floor, there is an unspoken communication to the way that you move together. Chasing and pursuing. Biting and pressing. You gasp as Jimin slips his tongue between your lips, swiping against the roof of your mouth.
It feels like forever and no time at all that you’re wrapped up in his arms, his hands climbing the height of your back as he pulls you as close as he possibly can.
As the kiss slips into gentleness, you feel him between your legs. He’s impossibly hard. You don’t know if it’s thought or basic instinct that leads you to press your hips forward, sliding ever so slightly along his length. You know you’ve done the right thing when he groans into your mouth. You do it again, this time swiveling against him. His hands snake down to your hips, fingers digging into the fleshy bits of your sides.
“I don’t think you know what you’re doing,” he groans against your lips.
“I know exactly what I’m doing.”
He kisses you fiercely and you let your hands wander beneath the silk of his shirt, tracing the planes of his skin until you’ve had enough and need more. You attempt to tug the fabric up, but he seems lost in your lips.
“Off, please,” you say when you can’t get it over his shoulders.
He grins at you and shucks it off in one go, tossing it onto the floor.
You lean back just enough to admire him like this, the planes of his chest glowing dimly in the light of the lamp.
“You’re so beautiful,” you murmur in awe.
He captures your lips again, his movements soft and dutiful. And then with all the gentleness in the world, he turns the both of you, cradling the nape of your neck as he lowers you down onto the pillows.
“I never thought I could have you like this.”
“Me neither. I-I don’t know if I can go back.”
“Don’t worry, darling. I already know I don’t want to go back.”  
You smile up at him, a feeling of warmth and love spreading through your chest. As he sits back, looking down on you, you tug your shirt over your head, tossing it to join his discarded top on the floor.
His eyes rove over your naked form, bare of everything except for the grannie panties you slipped on before knocking on his door. At the beginning of the night you wanted nothing but to make sure everything was thoroughly covered. Now you wish you had gone for something a bit more stylish.
Even as you think this, looking at him you know he doesn’t give a flying fuck what you’re wearing.
He leans down again, kissing you. He lets his weight rest just enough on you as he settles between your legs and you arch up at the dull contact.
As he bites down on your lip, you push up into him, searching for more.
“Can I touch you?” he asks.
“Please,” you gasp.
His hand comes down on your thigh, pushing you open just enough. And then, as he comes back to kiss you, he slips his hand down your stomach, fingers teasing at the waistband of your panties.
You can’t help as your hips buck up as he slips a finger down your folds. You’re already soaking, arousal quickly coating his finger.
“Shh, shh,” he whispers against your lips, gaze searching yours. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”
As the final word slips out of his mouth, he inserts the first finger into your tight entrance and you yelp in pleasure, the feeling of him filling you more sensation than you could imagine. Ever so slowly, he begins to pump it in and out before adding a second finger.
“I want to get you ready for me,” he murmurs. “If that’s what you want.”
“I want it,” you gasp as he presses against your g spot. “Please, I need it, please, Jimin, fuck me.”
“Patience, baby. I will in due time. But first I need you a little more stretched out.”  
When he adds a third finger, the pressure building deliciously in your abdomen, there’s nothing you can do to hold back the way your body jerks or the whine that slips through your lips.
“God, I never even imagined you would sound this desperate, this beautiful.”
As he continues to press against the soft spongy spot inside you, you squeeze your eyes shut, trying to keep control but quickly losing it.
“You thought about this?”
“Of course I thought about it.”
“Tell me what you thought about,” you pant, his fingers still working rhythmically in and out of you.
“The list is endless,” he murmurs. “I think about what it would feel like to fuck you. What it would sound like to have you call my name. What it would be like to have you cum again and again around my cock, and then walk out of here, with it dripping down your leg so that anyone who sees will know it too. To have you so fucked out and screaming that everyone in a ten mile radius knows exactly who is fucking you so well, who you belong to.”
“Ah!” you cry as your orgasm begins to build. “Jimin! I’m so close, I--”
And just like that, his fingers are gone from your clenching walls and you are left with a feeling of absolute emptiness drifting through you. He pulls back with a smirk.
“When you come, I want it to be around my cock.”
Your gaze flickers down to his crotch, where his dick is straining against the tight confines of the leather. “That just can’t be comfortable,” you say, your voice shaking even as you unapologetically eye his obvious arousal. “Please take them off. I’ll make you feel good.”
“You can?”
“I want to,” you explain. “I want to help.” You look up at him again and see that his gaze is dark with desire. “Can I?”
Slowly, he nods, and you reach out towards him, for the buttons to his jeans. As your fingers land on the cold metal of the button, his come down atop yours, popping the button open expertly.
As you slowly slide the zipper down, you swallow.
Everything about this feels right. There’s the sensation of a fire burning in your chest. It’s not just wanting his body. It’s chasing the feeling of electricity sparking through you every time he touches you. Chasing the want of his hands, his gaze, his everything focused on you. Something twinges in your heart. Even as you want these things, you know it’s not fair to ask them of him, to expect them of him.
He stands to slip the rest of his pants off and you realize he’s not even wearing underwear. You gulp as you watch him strip, his beautiful body soon revealed in the dim lighting. His cock stands at full attention, deliciously hard and poking against his belly.
“Are you sure you want this?” he asks.
“I want it more than anything.”
The bed dips underneath his weight as he climbs towards where you lay. He lowers himself above you, expertly balancing his weight so that it doesn’t crush you. With one hand, he reaches down to palm his hard cock, the tip red and angry with need. With his knee, he pushes your legs wide open, making room for himself and spreading you out before him. At a devastatingly slow speed, he lines himself up with your aching center.
“So wet for me, princess. You’ve always been beautiful to me, but spread out like this, just waiting for my cock? You’re a dream.”
“Please,” you gasp.
“Please what?”
As he comes to nestle his cock in between your dripping folds, you whimper with need.
All you can feel is his cock, his touch against your skin, the way his presence surrounds you and envelopes you.
“Please,” you whisper. “I need you, Jimin.”
He chuckles.
“You’re so desperate, baby. Tell me what you want.”
“Want you to fuck me.”
“My baby wants me to fuck her?” He slides slowly in and your back arches devilishly at the sensation of his fat cock stretching you open for him. He watches your facial expression carefully, not wanting to hurt you or push you too far too fast.
When he sees you relax just a little, he pushes in even further until he’s nestled inside you to the hilt. Once he knows you’re comfortable, he lets himself slip into the pleasure of you wrapped all around him. His eyes flutter closed, and he nestles his nose into the crook of your neck.
Gathering himself, he takes a deep breath, pushing up off of you so that he can better look down at you, your hair splayed on the pillow, cheeks warm with arousal, eyes wide in pleasure.
“God, you’re perfect for my cock. Like you were made to fit me.”
“Mmf, so big,” you groan as he shifts inside you. “Never felt this full before.”
As he begins to move, you gasp, hands coming up to cling at his back. The drag of his cock against the walls of your cunt is divine and you can’t help as your nails dig into his skin, raking down the planes of his back.
His eyes never leave your face, tracing your pleasure every time it flashes across your features.
“When I imagined this,” he pants, “I never even thought it could feel this good.”
He withdraws at a maddeningly slow pace, until just the tip of his cock rests inside your warmth.
“Please Jimin,” you gasp. “I need more.”
He smirks down at you. “More?” He gives a shallow thrust.
“More,” you groan, trying to push your hips down on him, anything to take him further into you. However, his hand quickly comes down on your hips, stopping all movement.
Leaning down to capture your lips in a feverish kiss, you gasp into his mouth as he thrusts into you with a great force. You cry his name as he bites down on your lower lip, the pace he sets brutal and exactly what you need. Each thrust rolls through your entire body, setting your nerves alight. When he gives a particularly hard thrust, your spine arches, hands slipping away from his back and coming to wrap around his wrists.
When he growls, you clench at the sound.
Your eyes flicker open in time to see his mouth gape and he groans when you do it again.
He answers your tightness with another roll of his hips, this time changing the angle just enough that it hits your g spot directly. You spasm around his cock, crying out as he continues to fuck you.
“You’ve ruined me,” Jimin gasps. “Nothing else, no one else is going to be like this. I wanna fuck this cunt until you can’t think of anything else.”
You start to respond, to tell him how much you want that, but his hand comes down on your clit, rubbing just gently enough that you’re yelping in a mixture of pleasure and overstimulation.
“I’m really gonna fuck you now, baby. I want you to touch yourself until you can’t anymore, okay?”
You nod, reaching down to your clit where your fingers brush against one another. You look down to see his cock rutting in and out of you, coated in your juices. As he withdraws his hand, he begins to pick up his speed.
The pace he sets reaches deep into your body, setting every nerve alight. You cling to him, begging him to fuck you harder. His cock seems to reach every single sensitive spot within you as rock your hips back up to his, meeting his every movement. He lets you now, lost in the feeling of your bodies moving together, seeking the same pleasure together.
When his pace begins to stutter, thrusts becoming long and rough, you know he’s close to his end.
“Baby, I’m going to come,” he groans. He begins to sit back up and withdraw, but you wrap a hand around his neck and pull him towards you, the other one coming to press on the dip of his hips.
“Come inside, Jimin.”
“I’m safe. I want to feel you come inside me. Wanna come with you.”
He groans at your words and lowers himself to you, letting his hips grind against yours in a tide of sensation. Each movement pulls you closer and closer to your orgasm until three words are tumbling from his lips and you are tipping over the edge.
He kisses you as you both ride out your orgasm, waves of pleasure washing through your body and into his as if you are connected on more than just a physical level. His lips are soft against yours, guiding you through your orgasm. Everything is breathless and wildly full, all at once.
Pulling back as his cock twitches within you, he peppers your neck with kisses, his plush lips pressing softly against the delicate skin beneath your ear.
“I love you, baby,” he murmurs against your skin.
“I love you too,” you hum, eyes fluttering blissfully closed as you tangle a hand in his hair, pressing him closer to you.
That’s how you fall asleep. Tangled up in each other, bodies meshed together until there’s no way to tell which way is up.
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You wake up wrapped in warmth. The kind of warmth that radiates from your heart, shining on outwards and into the room around you. And, as your eyes blink open, you notice it also radiates from the absolute furnace that clings to your back.
“Mmm,” the furnace grumbles, rubbing his nose against the soft nape of your neck. You can feel him press his lips against the top of your spine, his breath fanning delicately against your skin. “G’morning.”
“Morning.” You speak softly, as if any noise will break the memory of last night, his whispered affections against your skin as you drifted off to sleep still hanging in the air. Too loud and you will shatter and destroy the memory. The words of his confession still carved into your skin, your mixed pleasures riddled through your body, the song of his joy and laughter emblazoned into the room -- all of that, you think, will disappear if you move too quickly or speak too loudly.
However, that notion is quickly banished when Jimin rolls over and groans dramatically, spreading his limbs out until he starfishes over the entire bed -- including you. With a little grunt, he flips over on his belly, shimmying over to you. Pulling the blankets down around you, you gasp as the cool air hits your skin.
He’s quick to rectify this as he rolls onto you, resting his head on your stomach, blowing a raspberry into your skin. You screech in laughter and as the sensation rushes through you, tickling you.
It takes a minute or two before you calm down, looking lovingly down at the man who holds your heart and running a hand through his hair, brushing it off of his forehead.
“I love you, you know that?” he mumbles into your belly.
“Do you?” you giggle, doubt still riddled in your mind.
His eyes shoot up to yours.
“Of course I do. Is there any question about it?” You look down on him, worry in your gaze. “Oh, baby.” He’s quick to prop himself up on his hands, but still stays sprawled out atop you, his weight heavy and comforting. “I’ve loved you since I first saw you--” You open your mouth to tell him there’s no such thing as love at first sight, but his hand comes up quickly and covers your mouth, effectively shushing you. “--at least I knew I was going to love you the first time I saw you. I knew I was going to fall madly and deeply in love with all of your quirks and strange obsessions and deep passions and maddenly horrible humor. And I knew I loved you a year in, and every day after that.”
You look down on him, tears welling up in your eyes at his sincerity.
“Come ‘ere,” you say, pulling him up towards you. He crawls up your chest, playfully nipping at your bare breasts before settling against you. He kisses you. Lets you sink into the sensation. And then he pulls back and says,
“Aren’t you going to tell me you love me too?”
You don’t know if you’ll ever get enough of that dorky smile.
But you do know the tears threatening to spill over are rising from the deep, unnamable affection that rolls through your chest, finally released from silence. You want to call it love, and that is what you will call it, but there’s also something that goes so much deeper than the word itself. Something you know you will spend your whole life trying to explain to him.
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read more: masterlist 
Taglist: @taestannie @thatlongspringnight @spicykoreantatertots​ @usuallynervoussheep​ @hesperantha​ @myimaginationsrunningwild​@lucedelsole97​ @heichooou​ @jiminskth​
4K notes · View notes
hiraethenthusiast · 3 years ago
The Hollandairé | t.h.
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pairing: ceo!tom x ceo! reader
word count: 16k+
synopsis: exes cross paths on a big event. will they be able to forget each other's mistakes?
warnings: language, sexual innuendos, mentions of an anxiety attack (if you squint), talks about miscarriage, my favourite angst.
a/n: well, well, well im back from a very shitty writers block! look at me, writing angst with exes? oof. can you tell that i absolutely love angst and makeouts in the end? i was somehow inspired by 'idfc' by blackbear to write this fic lol. it took some time and ofcourse i went overboard with it, so hope you enjoy! don't forget to like and reblog! (i even made a moodboard kinda thing uwuwu)
"Conan I won't hesitate to knee you in the crotch if you don't stop pulling me off this sofa right this second" You tell your roommate, who is desperately trying to get you to go to a gala with him. Being a CEO brings its pros and cons. Pros being, you have a private jet, you're your own boss and you can shout at people with a reason. Cons being, annoyingly nice roommates. You had just shifted to a penthouse in downtown London with your friend Conan, because you refused to stay alone in this bigass house. (You tried living alone once, you were bored to death)
"Conan leave me alone yoo!" You said whining and hunching back into the sofa.
"Get the fuck up and get ready for the launch dude you promised me you wouldn't leave me hanging" Conan shouts over the voice of the t.v. blaring in the background. You pull you hand away from his grip and reach for the remote to shut off the t.v., focusing back on this tall red-headed figure in front of you.
"You know I don't like fancy shit." You grumble.
"It's YOUR fancy shit, get up Y/N." He says and reaches for your arms now, finally making you stand.
"Call Laura, I really don't want to go." You say pulling your phone out from your back pocket and handing it to him.
"If you haven't realised, your manager is the one who forced me to force you to attend the introduction of your fashion line" He fights back.
"- and Y/N. Hey, look at me. You've dreamt of this for how long? Almost all your life. And if you miss the chance to see your empire expand, it's gonna be devastating. You'll obviously miss the fashion show who's got the actual Rudy Pankow walking on a ramp, you'll also miss the opportunity to see people happy with YOUR work. Now get your ass up and get ready." He says and leaves the room, to get ready himself.
It's not that you don't want to go, you really do. Afterall, all of it is your hardwork. But the reason you're not going is because of that asshole. That asshole with whom you used to go out with once, the one who's current goal is to bring you down. The one and only, Tom Holland. You two used to date at some point, the ones who were in love actually, but the rivalry you two have got going on now has lead to you two knowing too much about each other. More than you know about yourself, the other knows it all. Small arguments turned into big ones, that eventually lead to the two of you leaving each other alone. You don't want to go because whenever you meet him, it all turns up into a big mess and your night is typically ruined, and you weren't in the mood for that, atleast not today. He's just a narcissistic bitch who thinks of nothing but degrading you. And that's the reason you don't want to go. Because you know if you talk to him one more time, these banters will persuade you.
But you do realise that you have to go. You have to go because you haven't gone to the last two launches for your perfume and swim line as well, and if you don't go today, Laura will actually end you.
So you just chug all your tea, leaving the kitchen with a grunt to go get ready.
"Hey Marco, can you send in that pantsuit I got done the other day? Look over for modifications if possible, although it looks great in just the solid colour, and please get it drycleaned." You tell your designer over the phone, to which he agreed and you go into your room to get your hair and makeup done.
"Wear a dress to the launch of your fashion line when it gets famous, yeah?"
"Pantsuits all the way Holland, you know I hate dresses."
"I know you do."
You remember the faint memory from over two years ago, that dream actually coming true, just without the person you dreamt it with.
You put your hair in a low bun with a middle part, giving you a classy formal look, and you do a almost non existent makeup look, only your eyes bold to accent with your outfit. Marco drops off the forest green pantsuit at your house, you giving it a twist with wearing a lace corset beneath the blazer.
"I look hot." You told yourself.
You and Conan leave for the event, you fidgeting in between 15 minute durations, Conan reassuring you that he'll be with you until the night ends.
That didn't last long. You lost Conan as soon as you entered the venue, so you occupied yourself with having conversations with other company owners, hearing how they're doing in the industry, blah blah blah.
"Do I look like I care?" You say to yourself.
You move ahead, only to cross paths with the one and only. He was wearing a cherry coloured perfectly tailored suit, adding a hint of Tom with the glasses. He looked good.
"And what do I owe this pleasure, Ms. Y/N?" He says, twirling his champagne glass in his hands.
"Look Holland I really don't have time for this shit, please take a goodie bag on your way home" You say with a bit of sass and start to move away, only to get your arm held back, making you bump in his chest.
"I see you wore the pantsuit you always wanted to wear at your event, angel " He says, making you pull away from him.
"Don't ever call me that again, and this is a warning." You were about to continue further with your answer, but you were utterly shocked to see the person in front of you.
"Is that the Y/N Y/L/N, in person, the one who's way too busy to answer my phone calls?" He says, making you laugh a bit.
"Jaeden?" You say, laughing heartily.
"In the flesh, tigeress." He says, doing grabby hands at you as an indication to pull you in a hug. You oblige and walk towards him and give him the biggest bear hug you've given anyone in two years. You pull back just to hit him on the chest once, playfully ofcourse.
"Tigeress. Oof haven't heard that in a while" You keep your conversation going on with Jaeden, while Tom is absolutely dumbfounded about whatever just happened in these past few seconds.
There's this hot guy named Jason or whatever, who calls you 'tigeress' and you aren't pestering him for calling you with a nickname but you definitely were ready to give Tom a piece of your mind when he called you 'angel'? Who is this guy?
Tom goes off to find Conan, who was situated at the bar downing a shot of tequila.
"Hey who's that guy Jason?" He asks him, pointing towards you and Jaeden in the middle of the hall.
"You mean Jaeden?" He says, biting onto a slice of lemon.
"Yeah whatever who is he?" Tom asks again, turning towards to bartender asking for a glass of whiskey.
"Why do you want to know?" Conan shoots back.
"Just curious. Can you just fucking tell me now?" Tom tries again, getting frustrated now.
"Chill dude. Jaeden used to work with Y/N a long time ago. He had this crush on her for like forever, but then Y/N went in for entrepreneurship and they were just not in contact with each other." He says.
"Crush huh?" Tom says, gripping onto his glass so tight that his knuckles almost turned white.
"Why do you look like you're about to murder someone?" Conan asks, getting concerned.
"Because I might." Tom says, grinding his teeth while forcing a smile.
The night goes by pretty smoothly, for you. You and Jaeden were clinged to each other almost the whole night, and then Tom watching you both from a distance, trying not to snap hard at people. He just took enough of it, he had to do something. He wasn't really sure why was he jealous, 'maybe because you love her' his heart said, but his mind crossing paths with a 'no you don't' in the middle. He was in a dilemma, but was mostly leaning towards his heart's side. He finally got up from his seat and walked towards you.
"Y/L/N." He says, keeping his composure.
"Yes?" You turn around to come face to face with him, laughing on something Jaeden had said.
"Board of Directors want to meet you on third floor. I was going that way only, wanted to inform you." He says.
"Oh okay. Jaeden I'll be back in a few. And tell me about that Mario Kart incident." You say, your laughter dying as you walk towards the elevator, motioning Tom to move as well. You both enter the elevator and you click the button for third floor.
"So Jaeden's a long lost friend, I assume?" He tries to small talk, failing miserably.
"Yeah, I used to work with him a long time back. Why do you ask?" You say, being the nicest you've been to Tom in two years.
"Just making small talk. So, exactly how long ago, you used to work with him?" He tries again.
"A really long time ago." You tell him.
"When we were dating?" He says, hesitating.
The elevator dings and you reach third floor, both of you moving into a very empty hallway.
"Why do you care Tom?" You say, making him frustrated even more.
"Because you're my fucking ex-girlfriend whom I'm worried about because that asshole has a mega crush on you" He says, making you jerk your head towards him.
"How many whiskeys have you had?" You ask him, because he was sounding oblivious that's for sure.
You turn around to open the meeting room to find it empty, making you glare at Tom once again.
"Why the fuck did you bring me up here Holland, where's the meeting?" You say, narrowing your eyes towards him.
"There is no meeting Y/N, the Board didn't show up this year, remember?" He says moving and fidgeting around the room.
"Then why did you bring me up here, dumbass?" That put him over the edge. He starts walking towards you making you take a few steps back, finally cornering you in the room.
"Because that guy is fucking flirting with you Y/N. That guy has been roaming around the whole night with my girl, touching and hugging my girl in front of me and you expect me to keep my calm? Huh? I don't fucking care okay? You're supposed to be mine and I was a jerk who let you go. I can't stand seeing you with other people. What the fuck is wrong with you Y/N, why did you leave me?!" He shouts at you, making your blood boil even more.
You push him back and stand in front of him, glaring as if you were going to rip his head off.
"No Tom, YOU left me, alright? I cried almost every night after that day when you left, and you didn't even have the empathy to give me a call. You, are too self-absorbed, and not me Tom. It was all you. I haven't been to even one of my launches just because I know you'll be there, you'll be there to put me down again. And why the fuck do you care about whom I talk to huh?" You shout at him.
"Why would I come to every single one of your launches Y/N?! To see you! To see the person who understood me more than I did, just to fucking see your face and calm my nerves!" He shouts back. He moves towards you and holds you chin to put your eyes at his eye level.
"Look at me Y/N. Look at me. Did we mean anything to you? Did I mean anything to you? Look at me in the eyes and tell me you never loved me. Tell me I meant nothing to you and I'll leave this second. Tell me that this was all a lie." He says, making your eyes water.
"You know I can't tell you that."
"Then why do you keep hurting me Y/N?! You hurt me so much! You left me when I needed you the most! I wanted you and you weren't there-" He shouts again.
"SHUT UP TOM, SHUT UP! Stop it! Stop! Please. Stop." You're crying hysterically now, hunching up in a corner trying to calm yourself down. Tom immediately sees it and runs towards you holding your hands and cradling them.
"Hey, hey Y/N. Look at me, look at me baby. It's Tom. Hey baby. I'm here, yeah? I'm here. Stop crying come on babe, please. Love, look at me. I'm here." He says, now running his hand over your cheeks wiping your tears.
"Go away. Go away from me." Is all you say, which makes his ears perk and brings water to his eyes.
He stands up and moves out of the room, closing the door just to hear you crying again. He sits down on the floor with his back on the door now, crying, waiting for you to say something.
"Please, open the door." He says, bursting into tears and hugging himself with his arms, wishing it was you.
Fifteen minutes pass by and you still haven't said anything. Tom misses you so much, and it was so fucked up of you to leave him like this. He was hurt, but he could never stop loving you. Ever.
"Losing you would be a nightmare that I'd beg to be awaken from everyday." You say opening the door, your eyes blood red, hair disheveled making Tom look at you, whose eyes were blood red too.
"I was pregnant, Tom." You tell him, making his eyes widen and holding your hand for comfort.
"The day-" You clear your throat "The day we fought is when we lost the baby. I was going to tell you I was pregnant that day, but then that happened." You were crying a bit more now, but still held you composure so you can handle Tom from now.
"The argument gave me too much stress and, and it was affecting the baby so as soon as you left, um, my stomach started aching really badly and, and yeah we lost our baby then. That's why I left." You say, you were crying on his shoulder now, intentionally ignoring his reaction because you knew it would hurt him.
"We, we- lost our baby?" He says, a bit shocked but choking on his tears. You remain silent.
"Hey, hey. Listen. It's okay. It wasn't your fault. It was mine. I shouldn't have fought with you. You were already really worried and I just added onto your pressure. I'm so sorry baby I'm so so sorry." He was full-on crying now, he sniffled in your neck because he was too afraid to show his emotions.
"It wasn't your fault Tommy, it was ours." You say, running your hand in his curls. The way you missed his chestnut curls. It was all good again, well atleast you hoped.
Tommy. That always brought butterflies in his stomach.
You talked everything out in the bathroom, while washing your faces and cleaning up. You both understood that everything was going back to normal, just like the old times. One conversation lead to another, and you spent two hours on the bathroom floor just laughing and having gossip.
"It's been a while." You say laughing, looking at your watch.
"Why did you say 'my girl' Tom?" You ask him directly.
"You called me 'my girl' in the conference room. Why?" You tell him, and he instantly remembers that he did do that.
"You're in my head almost everyday Y/N. Even when you're not supposed to be. It shouldn't have been this hard letting go, but it was. I still love you, even if you don't." He says, taking some tissue paper off the counter.
"Who said I don't love you?" You say, making his eyes widen.
"Wha- wh- what are you implying here?" He stumbles upon his words, making you laugh.
"I still love you, you goof."
"Y/N you have to be serious you're making me want things I can't have." He says wholeheartedly.
You say nothing but grab him by his collar and kiss him with full force. After two years, you felt those soft lips on yours again, reminiscing every moment you had missed in these past years. They felt the same, soft and plump, just as if they were made for you. They fit in with yours like a puzzle, that was meant to be solved by these two hearts which were tangled, but now, in a right way. Tom kissed back almost immediately, feeling your lips was like a dream come true. A recurrent dream in his mind. You both pull back to see red and puffy lips and give out a light laugh. He doesn't stop, he keeps leaving peppery kisses all over your face mumbling sweet words again and again.
"I missed you so, so much angel." he says leaving a kiss on your nose.
"I missed you too bubba." you say leaving a small peck on his lips.
"Let's go now, we've been here for almost two hours." You start to move towards the door, but get pulled back by your waist.
"Tell Jaeden to maintain distance, yeah?" He says.
"Or what?" You say in a playful tone.
"Babygirl, I think you've forgotten what I'm capable of." He says, kissing your neck.
"I think I have. And stop kissing me I look shit." You say, laughing.
"I really don't care. You still look hot and I'm trying not to kiss you senseless right now." He says leaving another harsh suck on your skin, which can hopefully be covered by your blazer.
"Are you going to eyefuck me all night or are you going to do something about it?" You say, now kissing Tom's sweet spot.
"Finish this event in the next half an hour. I'll see you at my house babe." He says leaving one last peck on your lips.
You both reach downstairs after fixing your makeup and hair, you reach upto the stage and and hold onto the mic.
"Thankyou all for attending the event. We look forward to having more business with you! Don't forget to post something about our line 'The Hollandairé' on your social media platforms and don't forget to tag us! We are, The Y/L/N's thankyou have a good night!"
He listen to you and smirks to himself, because you do do what you say.
"I'm going to name my first fashion line 'The Hollandairé' " You say making a banner with your hands.
"And I'll be right with you then baby" He says, kissing your cheek.
Looks like he kept his promise too.
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tagging some friends whom i think would like to read!:
@hollandslittlekoala @hollandsmushroom @leafy-holland @tomsoxytocin @scarletspideyy @t-lostinworlds
(pls do tell me if you don't want to be tagged further on!)
don't forget to reblog!
ilysmmmm. tpwk y'all!
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shozaii · 5 years ago
could I request some dabi, aizawa and hawks taking care of their s/o who is maybe sick or has had a rough day? 💕
(a/n): hello hello anon! ahh thank you so much for sending this in! always wanted to write for dabi too <3 enjoy, love! ❤❤
rough day.
pairings: dabi x reader, aizawa x reader, hawks x reader.
warnings: none!
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i’d like to think that dabi does care, and would even go as far as he could to show you that he does. maybe when you two first started dating, he would tend to be a little reserved, quiet.
well, of course he has the love. of course he has the affection. then again, of course he has to take time to ease himself with you - to give his all for his s/o.
a scenario; it was a long, long day of constant stress and pressure. it wasn’t like your body wasn’t used to this. you knew what you signed up for - might as well endure it, put your heart and soul into it when you can. after all, rest would always come later on.
or so you thought. it went even longer, the more you started thinking of your bed. more jobs, more deadlines within a day. more ruckus. geez, what was with the world today?
the world took most of your precious time, because by the time you stepped your foot into home, it was nighttime.
more like, the next morning.
you groaned, looking at the time. 
“babe...? your boyfriend called out in what seemed like a groggy voice. “damn, look at you. rough day?”
your figure sloppily fell into dabi’s chest, inhaling his enthralling scent. he let out a little ‘oof’ before saying, “you did, huh. come on, stinky. bath time.”
your arms have never felt this tired after so long, because when it reached out to punch him by the chest, it wobbled. “i have a name, you know.”
“yeah. stinky.”
“shut up.”
mans came prepared. doesn’t show it but he’s super duper aware of your schedule. doesn’t need to write it down, doesn’t need any reminder. on the dot. a fine gentleman indeed.
leads you carefully to the bath he prepared for you. he helps you scrub your back (i headcanon him being a master of massaging) he then pecks your scars/stiff areas. “seen this a lot on the shows. hope it works.”
yup, you both had a good laugh after that.
he then gives you your towels. offers to dry your hair because you nearly tucked yourself into bed while your hair was still soaking wet. 
even bought you your favorite dinner, and then chuckled softly when he watched you yawn as you rested your jaw on your palm. “bed.”
“wow. another way of saying, take me to bed, my dear prince,” his gosh darn attractive smirk appeared again. 
oh my god he is a sucker for you. 
when you both are finally on bed,  he pulls you close, peppering you with the last few kisses before you both fell sound asleep. the best part is that sometimes you two stay like that until the next morning.
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oh wow. let’s be real here, we have three wonderful gentlemen in this area. now aizawa is a little different. he knows what rough days are like, especially when he himself has gone through them. almost everyday. 
resulting in the yellow sleeping bag. 
but that does not stop you from caring for him. most nights when he returns home late, you treat him like a king because hey, he deserves it. he works so hard taking great care of his students, watching them overnight at the dorms (which results in no sleep). ah, the things you do make him so happy and loved.
so he vows to do the same to you. 
this time he was home earlier than usual - which was weird because usually you come home first. he checked every room, but to no avail. he tried calling you, but you didn’t answer.
okay, weird. where were you? maybe he’s been so used to seeing you return first till the point where he completely forgets about your schedules - basically anything you were doing. and damn does he feel terrible. 
which is why he decides to own up to it.
mans dashes through the apartment, getting the stuff that you like, ditching the stuff that you didn’t like seeing when you got back home, made sure he was wide awake for what he was about to see right in front of him - a representation of him (except that it’s not his son shinsou) or you, still in your best form.
.....maybe he didn’t need to think of the second choice. he was right with the first.
“my back hurts. so, so, bad,��� you whined softly as he walked towards you.
“come on, kitten.”
“you should’ve gone to bed, shouta.”
“unfortunately my senses told me not to.”
“but they tell you that everyday.”
“....today was different.”
he lets you sit down on the couch for a bit, worried that you might as well collapse and then fall into the deepest sleep. once that was settled, he lightly tapped your shoulder. “you rested enough. bath time.”
conversations stay light with shouta. he knows what it’s like to be tired, and to constantly have noise around him. at the same time, he doesn’t want you sleeping; hence the small talk.
“are you sure, love?” you asked him. “you know i can-,”
“too late.”
you laughed drowsily. oh, what a man.
he frowns when you were hesitant to take a few bites from the light supper snack he prepared for you. they were your favorite.
“eat up. then we could sleep for as long as we want. i’ll even join you and never leave.”
best wild card pulled out of his pocket because you chomped down on your snack.
i headcanon him to be a little scared when it comes to massaging his s/o, worried that he might hurt them, but when he does, it’s god-tier. his hands work like magic. your back pain was almost all gone in that instant.
the both of you were already pooped out, so at the same time, you headed to bed, finally landing on your fluffy pillows, taking it all in.
and right next to you was the man of your dreams.
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okay! two rough day scenarios, now for this majestic bird boy’s s/o who isn’t feeling well!
you weren’t at your best. your nose was runny, you sweat a whole lot. for a while you felt really really hot, so you put on your blanket. suddenly you were freezing COLD. pulled them back up.
gave up and covered one half of your figure. your headache was not getting any better and you used ointment/took a painkiller to get rid of the stinging pain on the top part of your head; but to no avail. it kept getting worse. 
the worst part was that you had to skip your work schedule, and you were really precise with it no matter what. but you just couldn’t when your body hurt as if tons of rocks were placed on your back. this was definitely not going to end soon.
lucky for you, keigo was taking a nap right next to you. he got up abruptly. “um, i had a nightmare. i was...falling down....oh my god, y/n, you are RED! what did you have?”
“i had the same thing as you dummy,” you replied with a different tone in your voice. “ugh, my head.”
“you’re sick, chickadee.” he placed the back of his hand on his forehead. “nothing.” he then did so on your forehead. “you are burning hot.”
“why thank you.”
“y/n, i love you but i’m serious. your temperature is soaring hot.”
“aw, man. i can’t ditch my schedule today.”
“in this house, a ‘schedule’ does not exist. you’re staying at home, and i’m going to spend the day with you. got that?”
you blinked a few times with your sore eyes, before replying with a sniffle. “okay.”
“good little birdie.”
and boY does he finesse his way to giving you the best treatment. 
he may or may not have learnt making chicken soup over the years he has been with you, so cue him making probably the best one for you. (we all know why he learnt this anyway)
feeling cold? gives you warm water for your sore throat. feeling warm? puts a little stand fan for you to take in all the fresh air. might as well even fan you with his wings because keigo loves being extra for his s/o. 
he sits with you and holds your hand. he doesn’t like seeing you like this - who does? all he wanted to do was to head out with you, hold hands, fly with you if he could, eat some yakitori.
no, no. must cure y/n first.
he’s such a cute lil baby 
he’d place the wet cloth on your forehead, and comes checking on you every 10 minutes while he’s out of the room. 
bath time? yes please. the right scents for your already blocked nose and to also prevent you from feeling dizzy from the stronger ones that you owned. even offers to wash your back 🥺
gives you his clothing because you look so darn cute in them. he breathes this huge sigh of relief when your temperature decreases from where it was initially. then proceeds to kiss your cheeks.
“keigo! you’re going...to...get...sick!” 
“i’m practically immune. so don’t worry.” he smirked.
you started feeling a little bit better, so you moved to the living room. but the pains were still there.
“y/n. these medicines would help. you came prepared.”
“that’s because i was worried i’d get the flu once again. i hate this.”
“come on. it’s fine, love. you will get back in action in no time. i’m here for you, aren’t i?”
the day ends with more cuddles, more kisses, chicken soup, laughter, little naps, and finally to bed. it was a long day, and you were feeling a lot more better. the fever died down even more, the pains reduced.
and it was all thanks to this lovely number two hero - more so - your lover.
“get well soon, birdie. i love you.” you heard before your eyelids sealed shut.
(a/n) : i. am. so. sorry. this took so long. ARGHH FORGIVE ME😭😭😭
but i do hope this is a wonderful read! 🥺❤
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thefanficmonster · 4 years ago
Valkyrae (Rae) x Reader (Gender Neutral) ft. Corpse Husband
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: In the most desperate of times, we may or may not be used to hearing the phrase ‘Beggers can’t be choosers’ which is exactly why Y/N’s found themself asking the most hopeless of cases when it comes to love and romance - Corpse, for help.
Requested by Xara. Hi darling! Thank you so much for this wonderful request you’ve sent me - I love writing for Rae (excuse my bi excitement, I’m just a HUGE simp) and I can’t thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to do so. Sorry it’s been two months since you requested this but here it finally is and I hope it makes up for the wait. Love, Vy ❤
“Corpse, I’m in desperate need for help.“ I don’t even bother with a friendly or even polite greeting. Being best friends for as long as we have, Corpse and I excluded the politeness that comes with phone calls a long time ago, especially when calling with an emergency. Though, let’s be honest, if I’m calling him on the phone and not on video chat like I usually do, it is an emergency.
“Given that you’re asking me, I can imagine how desperate you are.“ He has the audacity to laugh in response, causing me to roll my eyes. 
Now, don’t get the wrong idea - I love Corpse with all my heart. Him and I have been through A LOT together considering we know each other since we were teenagers. However, there are some instances in life when he simply doesn’t get me. Not that he doesn’t try to, he does and does so very hard, but he rarely succeeds. Trying is what matters, of course. Given that he is my only close friend, I can only ever turn to him with my problems though I try my best not to bother him too much, but when things get REALLY tough, I can’t help but go and vent to him. Luckily, he’s always been very understanding, but it may be because he feels like he owes me for all the times he has turned to me with his problems. I’ve tried to explain that he shouldn’t feel such a way, but that’s rather hypocritical of me cause I feel the same way.
Alright, enough digressing, back on track!
“Desperate doesn’t even begin to summarize how I feel.“ I sigh, plopping down on the couch in my living room, kicking my feet up on the coffee table as I cover my eyes with my hand. “Brutally miserable is, I think, the correct term to use here.“
I hear Corpse let out a quiet ‘oof’, one I think he hoped I wouldn’t hear. “And what led you to finally give in and ask for help, not that I can offer you much?”
I can’t help but snort at that, a snort that serves as a replacement to slapping myself across the face. “Rae texted me yesterday asking if I’d like to play Minecraft with her and I took THREE HOURS to respond! Not on purpose, I just couldn’t think of something good to say!” I know I sound like a whiney kid, but I think I’ve passed that threshold LONG ago. Of course, this whiney kid version of me only surfaces around Corpse and Corpse only. No one else is allowed to see me like this or that would legit be the end of any sort of pride I may have left in me.
“You mean you couldn’t choose between ‘Sure, I’d like that!’ and ‘Of course, I’d love to!’? Please say yes.“ Corpse already sounds disappointed and he hasn’t even heard the worst of it yet.
“No and sit tight, it gets worse. I...“
He cuts me off, “Wait, no, don’t say it. Let me guess - you turned her down? Keep in mind if you say yes I’m hanging up on you.”
I remain silent, pinching the bridge of me nose and cringing as hard as my facial muscles are willing to allow. I can’t say yes, not cause he’ll hang up but because admitting it makes it more real, and the more real it is the more depressed it’ll make me and I will go back to being a self-deprecating mess that refuses to be productive or properly functioning - aka ‘Whiney Kid Maximum’.
“I’m hanging up.“ Corpse says after waiting five seconds for my response that only comes in the form of dead silence which is more than enough of an answer in and of itself.
“No, please don’t!“ I squeak out despite my agony, “I’ll never break the cycle if you don’t help me, Corpse! I’m a hopeless case!“
“You’re a hopeless case with or without me, Y/N.“ He states, angering me ever so slightly. “Not only cause you really are, but because I have nothing useful to offer you. Not even a single advice. Even if I did, giving it to you would by hypocritical when considered how bad I am on this field myself. Hell, the very person you’re head over heels for is my personal matchmaker. If anything, you should be asking her how to swoon her...“ He pauses.
So does my brain.
For a second we’re both quiet, the silence on the line suggesting big plans are being developed - well, not on my end but still.
“Now there’s an idea...“ He mutters more to himself than to me.
“No!“ I shriek fearfully, “Please, if you love me even the tiniest bit, Corpse, don’t put me in a situation where I have to be alone with Rae! Not IRL not in a Discord call - not in ANYTHING. I close up and end up seeming unfriendly and rude because of my inability to talk to her like a normal human being! I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I just can’t do it! So please don’t make me.“
I maybe can’t read minds, but hell if I can’t at least have a rough guess of what’s on my best friend’s mind - I know he’s already scheming and coming up with odd solutions to my problem - some of which will cause me more problems but let’s not even mention those. That being said, I need to prevent him from actually carrying out any of his absurd schemes, otherwise it’s game over for me.
“Hmm, ok fine, but only cause I wanna spare you your own awkwardness. Consider it charity.“ He sighs, the disappointment even more evident now.
I sigh too, but I do so in defeated relief. It’s bittersweet, to be honest. “Thank you.”
“Don’t.“ He says sharply, “Don’t thank me. It’ll make me feel like I’m encouraging your behavior.“
Well, screw my feelings, I guess. I’m left on this battlefield alone, aren’t I?
Corpse hanging up the call confirms that I am, indeed, alone.
                                                             *  *  *
“Are you still in bed, for the love of God? It’s noon!“ Not only did he have the audacity to wake me up with his phone call, but now he has the audacity to judge me on my sleeping habits as well. Some darn nerve he has.
“What do you want, Corpse?“ I grumble out, groggy and now grumpy too. The last thing I need is the only person I can turn to turning on me. Especially not now. I don’t need his or anybody else’s judgement of me or my life, it’ll hurt too much.
“I want to know how long you haven’t showered, Y/N.“ He barks back, causing me to roll my eyes. “And when’s the last time you actually ate something healthy and nutritious and not just greasy takeout?”
“I showered last night!“ I straighten up and frown, feeling offended despite his questions being justifiable. I think that’s exactly why I’m pissed off, to be honest - he knows me and my habits too well. “And you’re just being hypocritical on the eating part!“
“Whatever.“ He mutters, allowing me to feel at least a tiny sense of victory for having proven him wrong, “Get your ass up and come play Minecraft with me, you need to be cheered up asap.“ He continues, much to my dismay. “And don’t even think about saying ‘no’. If you do, just remember, I have your address and a strong will to kick your ass into shape.“
“Into shape? We’re going to the gym or something?“ I’m honestly confused and intrigued now. Maybe the gym isn’t such a bad idea, I’m sure I could become really good friends with the punching bag.
Corpse sighs exasperatedly in a way I can basically hear him roll his eyes as well, “Not that kind of shape, Y/N. Just get on Discord, seriously, I’m worried about you.“ 
That sentence strikes a nerve. Something about that genuine concern in his voice reminds me that I still need to move on from focusing so strongly on just my failures, no matter how big or small, and keep pushing forward, if not for myself then for the people who care about me. For Corpse especially, seeing as how he’s sort of been my babysitter ever since my feelings towards Rae started to consume me whole and suffocate me. I don’t know how or when it happened, in fact I can best describe it as the Titanic: I was doing ok and then instead of hitting an iceberg the iceberg of feelings hit me and I started sinking. Corpse was there to offer me a hand to help me keep at least my head above the surface. He can’t pull me out of the water but he’s not willing to let go either. I’m afraid holding on like that will tire him out to the point of letting go of me completely, but I’m afraid of sinking too. You see my dilemma here, no?
“Ok, give me twenty minutes.“
I would have probably continued sleeping or just chilled on social media, refusing to get out of bed for at least another hour, but the debt I feel towards Corpse is stronger than the desire to be a slob so I motivate myself with every power my fragile mind can fish out of the void and push the covers off me, shivering at the drastic change in temperature around my body now that I’m exposed to the rather cool air in my room, my pajamas hopeless at providing me with any warmth.
Twenty minutes later sharp, I’m seated at my desk, in front of my computer with my headphones on, taking one last encouraging breath before entering the call where Corpse is waiting for me.
“Yo.“ I greet him half-heartedly, drawing invisible abstract patterns on my desk with my finger as if I’m avoiding eye contact with him IRL.
“Glad to see you haven’t lost your sense of punctuality at least.“ He chuckles, sounding a lot more pleasant and a lot more like my friend Corpse and less like sergeant Corpse Husband who was speaking with me on the phone earlier.
“Very funny.“ I murmur in my now common brooding manner, “Anyway, enough about me, how are you doing? Anything interesting happen since we last spoke?“
“You mean in the past ten hours? No, nothing interesting apart from that I managed to catch a few z’s.“ He replies as I join the Minecraft server, managing to get a smile out of me.
“Hey, that’s nice to hear! Good for you, Corpsie.“ I say, honestly proud and happy for him.
“Yeah, and just so you’re not calling me hypocritical on the topic of eating, I’m currently cooking myself lunch.“ He points out, now just straight up peacocking, “On that note, I got a pot on the stove so you’ll have to excuse me for a sec.“
“Please go. Don’t set your apartment on fire the first time you cook” I snicker, leaning back in my chair and fetch my phone to kill the time while he’s gone to tend to whatever attempt at a meal he has prepping in his kitchen. I feel bad for his stomach, and his kitchen, already.
“Corpse? Hi!“
Oh no. No, no, no, no, no - tell me that was an auditory hallucination and I didn’t actually hear that just now! TELL ME!
“Rae?“ I blurt out, almost falling backwards out of my chair, eyes wide, jaw hanging slightly.
Just then I get a text from Corpse:
Consider me dead and carry the convo. I know you’ve got this, Y/N
Oh that prick is gonna get it!
“Y/N? Hi! Sorry, Corpse didn’t mention you’d be playing with us, but it’s so nice to be hearing from you! It feels like it’s been forever.“ Rae replies, cheery and enthusiastic as ever, just like the absolute sweetheart she is.
With Corpse absent from his position, without his metaphorical hand holding mine, I’m metaphorically sinking and drowning. Maybe the drowning part isn’t so metaphorical after all, considering I actually am drowning in all the thoughts produced by my mind at the moment. A mind that’s going completely haywire, might I add.
“Hehe, well, funny thing, he didn’t tell me you’d be playing with us either.“ I chuckle anxiously, already breaking out in a nervous sweat. I solemnly promise to kill Corpse first chance I get, that way he’ll at least be dead for real.
“He set us up, huh? What’s his game, where even is he?“ Rae asks, properly confused as she should be.
All on-point questions, hun. And I can’t answer any of them logically.
“Um, you know, he’s off doing...something.“ And there go my conversational skills out the window, I hope they send me a postcard one day.
“Whatever, enough about Mr. Ominous. Tell me, what’s been keeping you busy?“ Oh crap, this is the question I’ve been fearing. Mostly cause I’m not prepared for it. “Actually no, let me rephrase: Why have you been avoiding me recently?“
‘Oh crap’ squared. Tripled.
“Whaaat? Avoiding you? Where’d you get that idea?“ I’m aware of my high pitched voice, but it’s not like I can do much to tone it down. Every part of me is in critical panic mode and rationality has accompanied my aforementioned conversational skills out the window.
“I don’t know, Y/N. Ignoring my texts, leaving me on ‘Seen’ and then declining my offer just to accept the same one coming from Corpse - can’t really blame me for finding it shady.“ She replies, her words making me wince and hide my face in the palms of my hands as though it’ll shield me from Rae’s brutal honesty and forthrightness. 
“I’ve been...bad at replying to everyone lately, nothing personal, I swear.“ Yeah, that sounded convincing, good gosh-darn job, Y/N!
“Why’s that?“ Something about her tone suggest she knows I’m lying and is just humoring me and my agony. I don’t know if to thank her for it or wish she’d just rip off the band-aid and confront me head-on. In that case I’d have only one of two options: freeze up or spill my guts. Honestly, I don’t know which is worse. “I thought you’d reach out to me, given you’ve found yourself in a pickle.”
I frown, confused and wary like I’m walking on thin ice over a pool of sharks, “Pickle? What pickle?“
“Corpse mentioned you needed dating advice.“ She replies simply as though it should’ve been obvious and as if it’s the most casual, regular and normal thing. Little does she know...
“Um, yeah, I guess you can call it that.“ I murmur sheepishly, my cheeks reddening.
“Who’s the lucky girl?“ She asks, the excitement now replacing the previous suspicion she was fronting, making me nervous as hell.
My heart skips a beat, “How’d you know I’m crushing on a girl?“
“Uh...“ She stumbles over her words, pausing to collect her thoughts and formulate a response, “Corpse told me!“ When the reply finally arrives it’s as high pitched as mine was earlier, suggesting something ain’t right.
I stay quiet, my mind and heart racing which is quicker. My leg is bouncing, my fingers are tapping the keyboard rhythmically as I rack my brain, pushing it to put the pieces of this enigmatic puzzle together, connect the dots.
When it finally does, I’m left with a horrific end-result, a realization that makes me go pale as a ghost, “He told you who said girl is too, didn’t he?” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. I keep the tone low so she doesn’t notice how shaky it is.
It takes her a few seconds to reply, but when she does I kinda wish she hadn’t, “Maybe...”
My first instinct is to excuse myself from the call, pack all my kitchen knives and drive to Corpse’s house but with my limbs having lost any and all feeling in them that is practically impossible. So, I settle for my second instinct which is hiding my face in the palms of my hands as though they can shield me from the immense embarrassment Corpse has set me up for.
“Listen...“ I start, not sure where I wanna go with this, “You don’t have to say anything, I get the hint. No need to bother with a gentle reje-“
“I like you too, Y/N!“ Rae cuts off my rambling with a melodic laugh, “I’m sorry, but you can be very oblivious sometimes, and I just wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine for a bit. Sorry if I freaked you out.“ Judging by her tone, she’s not sorry at all. In fact, she’s one step away from bursting out into laughter.
“Trust me, ‘freaked out’ doesn’t even begin to describe it.“ I sigh, exasperatedly, sinking into my chair alike a deflated balloon. “You and Corpse are gonna pay for that heart attack you led me to the brink of!”
This time, she doesn’t hold back, letting out the laughter she’s been holding back this whole time, “I don’t know how Corpse will do that, but could I pay my dues with a brunch on Friday?”
My eyebrows shoot up, “Miss Valkyrae, is this you asking me out on a date?“ I ask teasingly - aka with more confidence than I feel.
Please say ‘yes’. Please say ‘yes’. Please say ‘yes’.
“I don’t know, what do you think, Y/N?“ She asks, tone just as teasing as mine.
“Hey, I’m not as oblivious as you claim I am!“ I argue light-heartedly, “Does 2PM work for you?“
“Any time works for me.“ Rae replies, a smile blatantly evident in her voice. A smile that unleashes a flock of butterflies in my stomach.
And just like that, I have a date with the girl I’ve had a crush on for the longest time. It happened so fast it’s practically a blurred part in my mind, but one thing I’m sure will be crystal-clearly imbedded in my mind forever is that brunch on Friday. Just then, I get yet another text from Mr. Schemer himself.
That wasn’t so hard now, was it?
Some nerve he has, I swear to God.
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