#ooc: i am alive but i have girlbossed too close to the sun between class + working multiple jobs
pokebiologisthal · 10 months
Whoa it's Hal! How's it going bud? Keeping busy?
Like you wouldn't believe.... I swear it haven't ran around this much since I was part of Elita's squad.
I got a grant from an Unovan NGO (which I didn't think I was going to get since they took so long to give me an update) to study the effects of offshore oil drilling on deep-sea Pokémon. Which is great! But I ended up having to scramble because they needed me to use the money by the end of this year which, as you know, is coming up pretty quick. So I've been on research trips basically nonstop since mid-September. Lu is very happy about this. Spooks is not.
Also remember that shiny Skrelp I was rehabbing? She's friends with Lu now---they play in the ocean together a lot.
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