druidonity2 · 8 months
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Jaina of the blue flight and Varian of the black flight
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redtail-lol · 9 months
I totally forgot xenic on the poll so. All of these are nonexclusive or at least don't have to be exclusive
Tagging @accessmogai because I don't think I can ID right now
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Onyxian: An umbrella term for any relationships between xenic people and aporagender people
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Berylic: An aporagender person attracted to xenic people; APLX
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Zoistian: A xenic person attracted to aporine people; XLAP
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Zoisixyr: A xenic person attracted to both xenic and aporine people; XLX and XLAP
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Berypalline: An aporagender person attracted to xenic and aporine people; APLX and APLAP
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Apellistian: A xenic and aporine person attracted to aporine people; XLAP and APLAP
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Berylixyr: A xenic and aporine person attracted to xenic people; XLX and APLX
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Xyralline: A xenic and aporine person attracted to xenic and aporine people; XLX, XLAP, APLAP, and APLX
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renaultmograine · 5 months
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pinespittinink · 2 years
I was looking back at Bloodlines earlier for the first time in ages and just,,,,whatever i was on when i wrote this wip, i would like to channel it again. i was so intricate with each sentence
ꕥ  ꕥ  ꕥ  ꕥ
Victory cuddles against Enfriator as soon as Lady Perfoliata is gone. He feels as though a weight has been taken off his chest, breathing in the vacated space while exhaling deeply against her. Enfriator’s fingers pass through his hair, gently soothing over his scalp; he closes his eyes, head nestled over her heart.
“Is it true?”
He can hear the interior of her voice with the soft shell of his ear pressed against her chest, each sandalwood syllable resonating tenuously intimate and serious.
“Is what true?” he murmurs.
“You said you love me.”
She puts a hand beneath his chin, lifting his face up to hers. Enfriator looks as though she is hiding, attempting to conceal and collect while fortifications rise around her, but Victory can see through them, as though all her guards are made of glass. There is a telling trace of apprehension in her eyes, lingering like an onyxian lily bobbing at the surface of a pool.
“It’s true for me,” he says. “Is it the same for you?”
Enfriator pauses, the bricklayers fortifying her mind and heart laying aside their work. She looks at the boy with his head at her breast, his adoration for her spilling out of his skin as unfettered and pure as the sun. His wings are cupped around them both, gentle arcs of mother-of-pearl. Already she is so familiar with the feeling, the constant touch, long white feathers fanning under her back to curve slight over her shoulder. She rests so easy beside him.
She had laid down at his side in the arena, claws ready to tear into anyone who would touch him or take him from her, unwavering even in the indomitable face of the end. She does not want him to leave her, she realizes, not ever. Victory is looking at her with large, brilliant eyes. They are the same shining green of new things burgeoning vine-supple and true, and Enfriator presses a kiss to his forehead, searing her lips with a primrose promise; far more permanent, but no less tender for it.
“Yes,” she says, resting her cheek against his hair. “I think so.”
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el-grimlock · 2 years
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Onyxian Drake. Art for Hearthstone.
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succubuspuppy · 4 months
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on my onyxian drake
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cuma-lee · 5 months
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Onyxian Drake
She has a lot in common with her mother, except for the being killed and reanimated. But she is young still. -Maloriak
Time Lapse:
Will make a weapon next. Please suggest some
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tynik-snowfeather · 1 year
Beautiful Xaela
From the heights, idly spied One with eyes of emerald hue. Walking with a hunters pride, Handsome mien so noble and true
Strong hands, yet gentle gaze Skin graced with Onyxian scales Smile to set my heart ablaze As I study his lovely details
Crowned he in ebony tresses Dreams of them twined ‘twixt My fingers as he confesses His adoration, souls transfixed
Alas that when I open my eyes, My Xaela has quit this place Leaving me with butterflies Fantasies of his beauty and grace
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diguerra-moved · 5 years
Taloned paw reached to settle against younger to drag daughter closer whether she wished or not, only barely mindful not to catch sharp points against Nalice. Not so small was she anymore, no longer a stumbling whelp or gangly drake. A clever girl now. Cleverer than any other of Onyxia's brood. In another life she might have been proud. In another life she might have been a mother at all. "You have been busy." Crooning, snout bumping in sham of affection. "Tell me about it. Make me proud, dear."
VERY MUCH PROMPTED ASKS // send me ic asks guys
Another may have questioned affection that could so easily leave marks, smiles of too many sharp teeth, claws that do not much care who they cause to bleed. Another may have outraged at one who allowed offspring to fight, who demanded they prove worth if she is to waste even a minute hovering over them. Another, but not Nalice. All she has ever learned was that soft mothers, caring and kind and eager to give love free and unbound, only ever bred soft children, dependent and weak and unable to stand by themselves. A childish thing, to act needy and cry out for mother dearest’s attention; childish, but that even as whelp they had been taught would not be tolerated nor heard. Naught of wrong in having to earn mother’s affection, nothing to be questioned in receiving it only when and as she saw fit to give it. Onyxia made them strong; and were they not, would they deserve to live at all?
(When you are not fed love in silver spoon, you learn to lick it from knives.)
Indeed, there is contentment in even forceful manner would-be affection is offered, in interested inquiry, in blatantly offered opportunity to receive recognition for her efforts (for herself). All she did, Nalice did for them; for all of them to become masters of this world, as it is their right. 
“I have.” Begins, agreement certain in spite of apprehension griping at her; oh, what she intended to do was ambitious indeed, but she was yet in earlier stages of long term plan, plan that she knew not would please for certain. Yet if uncertainty is felt, it is carefully guarded within heart, deep beneath skin; weakness most certainly wouldn’t do, when all she wishes is to please. It is no herculean task, to be sure; Nalice has long learned that it is confident aggression that keeps her safest, that fear is invitation for an attack. “With what I believe will prove most advantageous to us, mother.”
“Granted all continues according to plan, I will soon have access to the Life Binder herself.” Would that she had the strength to take her down, would that she could do it and survive the wrath of the reds; suffering her presence in order to gaining her favor was all too unpleasant a task, but better still than risking on skin in truly damning manner. 
Red hued eyes have hint of expectant, nearly hopeful, as she watches for reaction, waits for it with bated breath. Oh, how she longs for hard earned pride at last. “As is, I have been successful in making her believe me unaffected by the so-called afflictions of our flight.”
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malaikans · 3 years
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Onyxian. An alternative name for mlm mlnb. Based on onyx.
mlm mlnb is also called asterosian, which is a combination of astroidian (mlnb) and erosian (mlm). Erosian is exclusive to black mlm, so it didn’t sit right with me that just anybody could use asterosian as it includes a term exclusive to black ppl. So this is one that isn’t appropriating erosian that anyone can use.
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druidonity2 · 7 months
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Thrall the Earthwarder and Anduin the light-infused Onyxian drake.
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mauvais-cadeau · 3 years
My perfectionist ass has been sitting on a wip for months and I keep going back and being like
“Oh the pacing is off I gotta add like 3 more scenes and 500 more words here before I can get to the rlly important stuff.”
Just let me post the first chapter already for fUCKS SAKE
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shleyyyh · 3 years
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DUDE OH MY GOOOOOD, Either I'm the luckiest sum bitch there is or they upped the drop rate. Got Onyxian Drake on my 15th try. Booooooom. YES. So fucking pumped!
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ruins-mourner · 3 years
YOOOOO I was just in dustwallow marsh levelling the falcosaur battle pets for the mount chains, and I was like, eh let’s just run onyxia’s lair for the hell of it, I didn’t really expect much cause I’ve done it a good number of times in the past and!!! My girlfriend can attest once I got to the second loot page I stopped talking and trying not to yell because it’s 3:am just intensely repeated oh my gods, because I got the onyxian drake after all these years! Second rare and coveted boss drop mount for me, first being the white hawkstrider from kael’thas during timewalking a few months ago, maybe 2021 is my year
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katieskarlette · 5 years
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Skarlette:  “Wait!  Come back and say hi to your Auntie Onyxia!”
Wrathion:  “Nooooooooo!”
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retrohearts-gaming · 5 years
Onyxian Drake🔥
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