erinchristmaselvis · 11 months
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I've been picking up the pieces of the mess you made.
Happy Birthday @onlyhereforangst 💜 
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tuckersdeslauriers · 5 months
talk shop tuesday: do you outline do you throw words at the wall or do you do a combination of the two when you write 👀 AND does it differ based on the type of fic you’re writing.
omg hi! i have never gotten one of these before hehe so thank you for sending my fave irate viewer!!! perfect timing bc i am Procrastinating™!!!!!
soooo honestly it very much depends on what i'm writing. if i'm in the zone and have A Big Idea, i outline - my outlines also vary depending on what's happening, but usually i like to have a broad strokes idea of where my story is going...plus if i have any dialogue thoughts, i'll jot those down. now that i am thinking about it i really never write down descriptors or interior thoughts directly into an outline, but there will be little lines here or there that i know i want to fit in. sometimes my outlines get too intense, and in a lot of those instances i have to hold myself back bc i'll just be. writing fic into an outline, which thereby makes writing the fic itself less fun. but either way, your girl loves a good outline.
if i'm writing like...a oneshot that's not long, i usually just say fuck it we ball and go in. there are some times (esp when i'm writing an idea that came from @timlucys brain) that i'll keep little notes, but that's usually just to remind me of the beats i want to hit or the specifics of the idea. normally with stuff like that, tho, i just go. i can't stop myself or i just start writing and then i have 5,000 words in front of me and i don't know what day it is. i remember a hand to take hold of the scene being this way 😂
but ya, tl;dr, i am an outline bitch unless i physically cannot have enough patience or care do so, in which case i am a "hey! sorry i disappeared for a few hours but i wrote an entire fic!" bitch.
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brizzlovesyou · 6 months
im bringing talk shop tuesday to obx bc why not SO. what is your favorite excerpt you’ve written & why 😘
THIS IS SO FUN omg thank you for forcing me to actually look in my docs for the first time in a thousand years 😭 the below excerpt is from the missing moments day from last jiara week.
it's my fav for a couple reasons. 1) because when i first worked on that fic, i hated it so much that i was convinced it would never see the light of day and 2) because from an author standpoint, this little section is basically the thesis statement for the entire fic and i think it's rare that i'm actually able to distill/condense something down like that. it's set after the bike crash in 3x05 and HEAVILY inspired by lizzy mcalpine's reckless driver and i really wanted to highlight the different ways that jj and kie approach and show love.
It’s scaring her, how JJ seems to think the only way he can help the Pogues is being the sacrificial bait. It’s always been part of his DNA but lately, it’s like he’s physically unable to stop. And Kiara doesn’t understand it because she would do anything to keep him safe.  She kept him from drowning, fought to keep him above the surface whether it was the unknown depths of the Atlantic or the equally troubling waters of his own mind. It was all the same to her - the risk, the reward. She cares enough to keep him safe, to yell at him about the stupid chances he takes. She loves him enough to pull him away from the edge. JJ, though? He’s bold, reckless. He’d set himself on fire to keep the Pogues warm, to keep any of them from even wondering what it was like to be cold. And she’s terrified for the day he burns too bright, when his wax-coated wings fly too close to the sun. Kiara’s wondered, plenty of times, why the fuck he’s like this. Never takes her long to come to the same conclusion: that her best friend has only ever known extremes, that he has no semblance of middle ground or a soft place to land, that he thinks love is supposed to hurt.  But she can know all this and still hate it.
shameless plug: you can find the rest of the fic here 💖
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wanderingsoul6261 · 2 months
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Credit for gif goes to onlyhereforangst
This has been a long time coming! I tried. Motivation has been poor lately so if this sucks, then I'm sorry. This is also poorly edited. It's midnight so please bear with me. Might edit at a later date.
Warnings: bullying
James Beaufort x Tailor!reader
It had been awhile since James or his father had heard from Y/N. James had been particularly nasty as he complained in frustration for her leaving so abruptly in the middle of his session. His father only listened, but had barely provided any insight into the matter. It was as if he didn't care, or maybe he just didn't care in the manner that James had expected, or maybe even hoped. The only sign of life that they had recieved from Y/N was an email apologizing for her behavior and that she would be out of office for several weeks, with all sessions being pushed back.
This had only upset James even more, and finally, some slight frustration from his father. James had hoped that maybe his father would finally act out and find a different tailor. But instead, he never did, and had only kept his patience while he waited to hear from Y/N, and James didn't even know how to feel in regards to that. Even Lydia was shocked, and neither twin could figure out their father's reasoning and change in attitude. Mortimer had always been used to getting what he wanted when he wanted, and right now, Y/N being MIA was a block in the road for their next line of clothing. But there was nothing James could do it about, no matter what he had to say.
How his father was even allowing Y/N to stay employed underneath them as one of their tailors still went unknown to James. Anyone else would have fired her and sent her packing, yet she still kept her job and with each passing say, it only continued to infuriate James more and more.
Nothing made any sense. His father wasn't making sense.
Y/N, definitely, wasn't making any sense.
Lydia had tried to conversate with James and get him to have the benefit of the doubt and to have patience. But when all he wanted was to have this suits tailored and get it all done and over with, he couldn't help but not have any patience. He couldn't help his frustrations as he waited day in and day out for a reply from Y/N.
Even when they finally heard from her, after what seemed like forever, it had only somehow pissed him off even more. James held grudges, and Y/N was no exception. He planned on showing her just how much of an inconvenience she has been to them.
Y/N was sitting in a chair when James had all but burst through the doors to the room. She had jumped in the chair, staring up in alarm at James as he walked in at a brisk pace, the door slamming shut behind him as he entered the room. His eyes found her almost instantaneously, narrowing to slits as he stopped, as if even taking another step towards her would fill him with a feeling of revulsion.
"Barely back to your job and you're already sitting. Didn't have a long enough vacation?" He sneered.
She frowned, almost shrinking in on herself as she took everything James gave her. Her eyes were dull, bloodshot eyes, cheeks red and eyes puffy. Y/N was the epitome of a disaster.
"There could have been more communication from you. Instead we all sat in the fucking dark waiting for you to move your ass so that we can finish this session. Your email back setting up this session was surprise enough, we all almost had a heart attack." James threw his hands up in irritation as Y/N kept her gaze to the floor. "What? Can't look me in the face because you know I'm right?" He asked. James finally walked around the room until he stood in front of Y/N, now forcing her to look at him.
She turned her eyes up to look at him. Her face portrayed no emotion as she stared at him, but anyone looking at her could tell something was off about her. James noticed it, of course, but he was so blinded by his frustrations that he couldn't find it in him to care, not that he probably would have either before she went and did what she did.
James watched she stood up, holding his furious gaze as he waited for her to say something. Anything. The tension in the air was thick, palpable, as they drowned in the silence between the two of them, waiting for one of them to say something. And yet he still couldn't get over the fact of how tired she looked as she finally opened her mouth to say something.
"Let's get started." Her voice was quiet, empty sounding as she turned away from him to get ready. He watched as she grabbed a suit and held it out for him, waiting expectantly for him to take it without uttering another word.
Somehow, that had only made him more frustrated.
"You don't get it, do you?" He exclaimed. Y/N stopped, the suit lowering slightly towards the floor, the pant legs threatening to touch the floor. James let out an angered puff. "You ignored us for several weeks with nothing else but a poorly explained apology. And even after that, nothing! You were radio silent, and how is that fair towards your customers?" Y/N took the scolding. She knew she could have handled it all better. She knew she could have explained it better to all of her clients, but most of them were actually very considerate, even without having to go too much into detail. "How is that fair to us? When we are probably one of your biggest customers to date? When we probably bring in most of your income?In yet I find it real fucking strange that my father is not angry and demanded for someone else."
"Careful. Your ego is showing." Y/N mumbled, but it was loud enough that James heard. She had turned and put the suit back on the rack. When she turned back to James, he had somehow appeared even angrier. How it was even possible, she wasn't sure, but he managed it quite well. "Listen. I do get it. But I'm not required by law to tell you all about my personal life." He went to open his mouth to say something, but she held up a hand, silencing him. "No. Its my turn to talk. You can tell yell at me for our entire session and we can not get stuff done. Or you can let me do my job, because I do have more clients to attend to after you if I'm going to be able to take up your father's invitation for dinner."
Now James was shocked, and she had taken a little bit of pride in doing so.
In their home?
Y/N caught on to his facial expression and let out an annoyed huff.
"Let me do my damn job." James looked at her and realized that not was she only tired now, but she was also angry. Good. He sneered at her before finally listening, and he had known then that if looks could kill, he'd be a dead man.
If James was being honest with himself, and he was, he was still angry with Y/N. That much was evident as he glared at her from across the table. Lydia had exchanged a raised eyebrow with him before deciding to ignore him and go back to her food.
But the glares had helped hide something deeper down. When he first met her, Y/N had piqued an interest from him, and that despite him being a bit of an hard ass towards her, he was curious. And that curiosity had led to a bit more.
Seeing her earlier during their appointment, she had been tired, that much was evident. He had thought that there might have been something else though, and whereas he had told himself earlier that he didn't quite care, he had later found that to not be the case.
Upon leaving once they were done earlier, he couldn't help but think back to her, no matter how pissed off he had been at her. He really wanted to know she had been gone for as long as she was. What had happened? Dare he admit that a part of him wanted to know if she was okay.
Even at dinner, she looked tired. Exhausted. Bags hung below her eyes and she spoke a tad quieter than she did earlier, but no one had seemed to mind. In fact, they seemed to welcome it.
The dinner, for the most part, was going well. Mortimer and his wife had opted to talk to Y/N about her progress and future projects. James watched, and despite her being tired, she had also talked to his parents with a bit of enthusiasm. Maybe it was all for show though, considering who they were.
"I would also like to do something small for you. It was actually my wife's idea." Mortimer looked at Cordelia briefly before at Y/N. "After we heard about your father a few months ago." James watched as Y/N froze, her body tensing up. His gaze moved around the room, from her to his father, to his mother, and back to Y/N before it repeated. Lydia was just as confused.
Y/N's eyes moved slowly to Mortimer, her food now forgotten, and she looked as if she would be sick. Just then, the anger left James, and concern replaced it. His gaze focused on her, surprised when she looked at him briefly, her eyes showing every emotion without a single action. Sadness. Fear. Anxiousness.
She looked back at Mortimer and swallowed.
"He was a very well trained tailor, and he definitely trained you to be one of the best, just as he was." It was James turn as he looked at his father, shock in his expression. His tailor? Was her father? The cogs started to work in his mind as he looked between his father and Y/N. Her father. His tailor. Her emotions. Abruptly leaving during their session all that time ago.
His heart stopped.
"After we heard he had passed due to complications with cancer."
The confirmation.
James drowned out the words as he looked back at Y/N. She looked as if she was going to cry, hearing it all again, like she wasn't quite ready for any just yet after her father's death. But then again, who would be?
James had watched as Y/N barely held herself through dinner. She looked like she wanted to run, but refrained from doing so as she didn't want to be rude to her hosts. The news had explained so much, and now, even more so after hearing all that, he felt like an ass.
James felt like an ass for treating her in the way that she did earlier. He should had known something serious had happened for her to be gone as long as she was, but was too blinded to even think straight. He hadn't been fair to her, and now everything in him wanted to make it up to her.
So when Mortimer and Cordelia offered Percy to take her home, James jumped at the offer of potentially going with her, surprising everyone in the room, but as he turned to her, his facial expression told her that everything would be alright.
taglist: @honethatty12 @lifeonawhim @ashamedtobewhitemanswhore27 @maryvibess @wheredidmyeyesgo @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @uniquexusposts @sillyfreakfanparty
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ruanbaijie · 7 months
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🌌 art (part 1)
[x] i'm sorry. did i come too late? by @artofalassa
[x] tgcf ghost king playing cards by @crimson-chains
[x] tgcf silhouette locations by @crimson-chains
[x] mdzs collage by @crimson-chains
[x] vampire gojo by @rice5x
[x] boring hua cheng headshot no. 239084 by @meru90
[x] dongfang qingcang, xiao huayao and shangque by @clj-art-blog
[x] ghosts of the old valyria by @innavjuzhanina
[x] harvest moon by @gabrielleragusi
[x] hua cheng by @roremy
[x] taxian-jun and his concubine by @mondaijo
[x] freedom. by @kozukeneo
🌌 art (part 2)
[x] jujutsu kaisen sushi restaurant by @pocketleslie
[x] till death do us part by @hellinglaozu
[x] i really want to get lost in my dreams.. by @ysd-2-0
[x] aziracrow by @alexiphale
[x] year of the dragon by @yuumei-art
[x] destiny meeting at dusk. by @xieliancore
[x] kings of ghost city by @fmd-art
[x] my comfort by @stasyanarts
[x] hua cheng by @yannacchattamou
[x] the yiling patriarch by @alin-linlinlin
[x] bingqiu by @sadbugbois
[x] it's you and me by @mochipong
🌌 edits
[x] i will never let go of your hand. i promise. by @morkofday
[x] iwtv episode posters by @fayevalcntine
[x] i shrink the world, nothing left by @half-lightl
🌌 gifsets (part 1)
[x] yi bang won + villain by @seamayweed
[x] queen charlotte + some of my favourite lyrics off maisie peters' the good witch by @danburys
[x] i know. i know. i'm so blameless i'm choking on it. by @everelore
[x] spider-man: across the spider verse by @antoniosvivaldi
[x] the first-year trio by @cal-kestis
[x] hen & karen wilson by @maddiebuckley
[x] the questing trio + cards by @yenvengerberg
[x] the 4 bases of intimacy according to geralt & yennefer by @dadralt
[x] mulan by @gloriapritchetts
[x] narnia by @maliagf
[x] my demon by @chaeyoojung
[x] lucy gray baird by @userghouls
[x] 🧃 + anthony bridgerton by @jakeyp
[x] crowley and aziraphale + gold by @ughmerlin
[x] love between fairy and devil + shades of (team jasmine) yellow by @jiaoliqiao
🌌 gifsets (part 2)
[x] and so the devil fell in love with a human by @muldery
[x] rose tyler by @muldery
[x] (alleged) causes of lesbianism: a peggy carter case study by @margarethcarter
[x] every night, i save you by @spuffygifs
[x] castles crumbling by @laylaeelfaouly
[x] it's the things we love most that destroy us. by @onlyhereforangst
[x] didn't write it - just happened so. by @richardgrimes
[x] jujutsu kaisen + tarot cards by @simoneashley
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rath-writes · 2 years
it is SO insane to me that after everything we’ve gotten for season 3 so far—the stills of jiara and their moments in the trailers. i actually feel their chemistry and how much they’ve grown closer and we haven’t even seen the season yet. this is mind blowing to me, like i look at all the gifs people have put together and the stills and everything we’ve gathered, and i’m like, wow they are so fucking powerful.
i feel this way and haven’t even watched the fucking season. this stuff isn’t even half of what we’re actually getting. send me to my grave after the season airs, for real.
anyways, here we are, after two and half years.
(gif creds to @onlyhereforangst)
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it’s been a crazy ride, everyone. thankful for all the friends i’ve made through this silly boat show and these two idiots in love.
see you on the 23rd!
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yrsonpurpose · 7 months
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me doing this right before the first f1 week is crazy lmao, but it's a good as time as any! finally with the rwrb related url and it feels better. i will still be reblogging and keeping up with f1, but probably not as much as before, so i felt the time for a change. you can still tag me using #iuserzoe in anything i reblog though :)
tagging some mutuals so y'all don't forget me skjfks........
@chrissiewatts @ninzied @mulderscully @roseapothecary @swearphil @henfox @river-coulter @onlyhereforangst @notspecialbabe @rachelsennot @noahreids @danieljradcliffe @alexshenry @renrapp @xiaoluclair @laurenkmyers @highwayhighness @callumsmitchells @kermitmitchell @makesomehistory
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indestinatus · 8 months
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artemisscabin -> indestinatus
hello, lovely people! this is sofia and @ indestinatus has always been my main URL since circa 2013. I intend to keep some other URLs as hyperfixations come, including old ones like this :)
past URLs: justlovely, sixofcrowx
gifmaker of: percy jackson & the olympians, taylor swift, bridgerton, shadow and bone, ncis (and other various topics)
writer of: ncis, euphoria, shadow and bone, gilmore girls (frequency may vary)
mutuals under the cut ♡
@likeanorangeonatoothpick @yenvengerberg @irish-trish @delicatefalice @thewintersoldierdisaster @b99peraltiago @onlyhereforangst @harmandmac @erinchristmaselvis @alghulnyssa @mrsmungus @capinejghafa @padme-amidala @kitsebastianconnor @phobebridgers @goldenachilles @ronsparky @perccyjackson @crowley-anthony @jakeyp @percy-jakcson @rosesradio @ayo-edebiri @youreonyourownkid @useragarfield @wallflowerlore @starcrssdluvrs
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allamericansbitch · 7 months
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Hi everyone! Here’s the newest addition to my Creator Shoutout Series ( february 4 - february 11)!  I want to appreciate editors and their creations that i love from the past week. To track this series or look at previous shoutouts, please check out the tag on my blog *creatorshoutouts.
the ballad of songbirds and snakes gifset by @olvias
paramore: favorite interview gifset by @userdanewhitman
rachel zegler gifset by @zeglyth
taylor swift: the tortured poets department redeisgn edit by @h-f-k
paramore: (one of those) crazy girls edit by @dykehayleywilliams
sharp objects gifset by @letthefairyinyoufly
the bear: natalie berzatto gifset by @4o4notf0und
paramore: grammy awards gifset by @vicspedretti
ayo edebiri on snl gifset by @lousolversons
sza: 2024 grammy wins gifset by @venka
paramore: 2024 grammy wins gifset by @craveoutro
saltburn: farleigh start gifset by @cinematic-phosphenes
yellowjackets gifset by @natscatorrcio
paramore: crave graphic by @jerseyghost
sabrina carpenter: feather gifset by @userdrama
abbott elementary: mr. johnson gifset by @sophsun1
paramore: this is why + themes of pettiness and revenge gifset by @georgesezra
the ballad of songbirds and snakes gifset by @onlyhereforangst
faye webster: kingston gifset by @killherfreakout
paramore: hayley williams + favorite tour outfits gifset by @paramooreee
saltburn: felix cotton gifset by @pedropcl
get out gifset by @torturedpoets
paramore: you first gifset by @itconsumesyou
boygenius gifset by @rosamundpkes
paramore: taylor york and hayley williams gifset by @rageisinourveins
paramore: this is why gifset by @antoniosvivaldi
tracy chapman gifset by @breathtakinglymiraculous
paramore: this is why graphic by @lovefortayley
severance: 1x04 gifset by @sheryl-lee
paramore: big man little dignity gifset by @userparamore
taylor swift: tortured poets department redesign edit by @treacherry
paramore: liar gifset by @thepunkpanther
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kiekiecarrera · 1 year
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Some more love for creators on this site, because you don't get enough love and attention and every single one of you is talented as shit and continues to make this place what it is.
A thread of some edits that made me feel insane recently 💛
Feel free to tag me in any fandom you see me reblog/like, I track #userreina
Jiara daylight set by @erinchristmaselvis
jiara cinnamon girl set by @erinchristmaselvis
jiara set by @erinchristmaselvis
Jiara sapling set by @lydiaas
Jiara ends of the earth set by @lydiaas
obx aka by @lydiaas
jiara blue set by @prophecysgirl
jiara set by @prophecysgirl
jiara stills set by @onlyhereforangst
obx s3 set by @onlyhereforangst
jiara show me what i'm looking for set by @onlyhereforangst
jiara glitch transition set by @logangarfield
jiara blue set by @katherineebishop
jiara kiss fanart by @goingfullpogue
jiara canon kiss fanart by @goingfullpogue
jiara soft fanart by @yukswl0v3
Underwater jiara fanart by @glizysstuff
shadow and bone outfits appreciation by @yenvengerberg
kanej in s2 by @yenvengerberg
kanej + fav object by @yenvengerberg
inej ghafa set by @genyazafin
kanej mastermind set by @barbie-movie
kanej purple and teal set by @padme-amidala
kanej + anne carson by @padme-amidala
kanej orange set by @djarin
malina gold set by @malinasource
shadow and bone women of color by @kitconnor
kanej f. scott fitzgerald set by @christophernolan
kanej in 2x03 by @witcherz
kanej + pink and blue by @chrrispine
kanej set by @katherineebishop
kanej glitch set by @kanejdaily
jake and amy set by @toplines
b99 bisexual text by @userblorbo
jake peralta set by @usergif
jake peralta in every season by @jakeyp
the bridgerton brothers as powerpuff girls by @bridgertonblr
everlark set by @romancegifs
captain america: the winter soldier set by @thewintersoldier
lydia martin gold set by @venuseda
wednesday season 1 set by @seance
literati blue set by @maliagf
robin annoying steve by @worldoffeelings
robin in 3x05 by @ronancedaily
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alphinias · 5 months
hi jordan! i was wondering if you know anything about free vpns? i'm trying to watch a show that airs in canada but it's not available in the us yet :(
Oh no! What show? Unfortunately I’m pretty useless at this kind of stuff unless I can just find someone with a mega or drive link.
@kiekiecarrera @erinchristmaselvis @whitetrashjj @smileymikey or @onlyhereforangst are more computer literate than me though so they might know if you want to ask them? Or maybe someone else will reblog or comment and help you out!
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silverskull · 5 months
Last Sentence Tag Game
@queseraone and her taggy-waggy-games...
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
“Just a little rest. That’s all,” he said, stretching his arm around her shoulders. “Meet you in the murder alley?” she asked, her words muffled and her eyes fluttering closed. “It’s a date.”
I can't tag that many people, so instead I'm calling on @onlymylovesurvive @thesedarkcafedays @onlyhereforangst @literali1110 and (on an un-chenford note, because I want to see inside her head) @starsarebleeding
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onlyhereforangst · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/onlyhereforangst/713395094035841024/forever-searching-for-the-smut-fics YES PLEASE I WILL BE THERE FIRST READ
ok SO how do we feel about jiara bike smut that includes details like:
kie’s arms dipping into the large loops of his maroon cutoff to trail her fingernails across his abs, reveling in the feel of the peaks and valleys accentuated by a nice glaze of sweat courtesy of the current heat wave. and if her pinky finger kept teasing the edge of his shorts every time the bike went over a stray rock in the road, well. she didn’t mind. and the stiffening in jj’s back told her he definitely didn’t mind either.
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ghostiewriter · 2 years
Hey girl I'm excited for Jiara I just got into the fandom marathon season 1 and 2 in about a week was wondering if you knew any other blogs about them and anyone who makes fan videos about them love everything about them JJ is my favorite seriously this feels like a better Bellarke not sure if anyone else sees the similarities in them maybe it's just me.
hiya bestie, welcome to the fandom!!! god there is so many good blogs and most of them will come up under the jiara tag but i shall tell you a few of my favs!
@alphinias was one of the first blogs i followed, plus she does some cute ass edits on instagram!!
@yellowlaboratory is one of the og writers (go read pltc!!) and she happens to be a wee delight too
@rae-of-fricking-sunshine is yet another crazy talented writer who is just a pillar in this fandom!!
@smileymikey was another one of the first blogs i followed and her fics are like comfort fics
@hmspogue is a crazy wee fucker but dear god her youtube edits really hit you in the heart
@whitetrashjj is another crazy good editor who does edits on instagram and posts about them on tiktok
some of my fav giffers also have to be @kiekiecarrera and @onlyhereforangst so i suggest giving them a follow
@jojameswinter is a wee ray of sunshine in the fandom so highly recommend her too
and if you want some seriously crazy good fanart, then i recommend @goingfullpogue and @yukswl0v3 because they are both just!!!
there is probably so many more people that i am forgetting rn but my mind is blanking and its 5am so qkwdbkjbkwqjdbqej
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usergif · 2 years
this might be silly, but what exactly qualifies as an animated effect? i looked through the tag, but all the gifsets are very different and it's hard to pinpoint what is the animated effect
hey! I would say an animated effect is any added element with motion! I say "added" bc obviously the scene you gif will automatically have some motion since it's from film/tv/games/etc. so think of things like text or shapes that you overlay on the gif that fly in from off the canvas, spin in circles, gradually change in size, or even wobble. I feel it's most commonly used for text. here are some tutorials on animated text effects:
handwriting tutorial by mxrisacoulter
animated typing tutorial by me
animated warp text tutorial by sashafierce/usergif
circular text tutorial by sashafierce
here are some gifset examples that mainly feature animated effects:
by onlyhereforangst (lots of zooming in, elements appearing or fading in, elements moving across the canvas)
by daenerys-stormborn (the text moves in from off the canvas and the arrows are "wobbly")
by smittenskitten (all of the big text in this set is animated and some of the shapes move too)
by jeonwonwoo (animated soundwaves)
by brawn-gp (the outlines wiggle)
by me (blinking shapes and shapes that "wipe" across the canvas)
by ivettel/percocet (advanced animation techniques for drawn lines)
by userhelnik (spinning text)
I hope these examples help!
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jojameswinter · 2 years
Oh my god.. the butterflies in our stomachs we’re gonna get in the first episode of season 3 when JJ is teaching Kie how to spear a fish I’m going feral I can’t do this he’s gonna be talking her through it all hot and sexy
I'm so, so excited about everything we've seen, but this fishing scene...I keep coming back round to that hug and it's making me so feral?!!!! Just watching the beginnings of that romantic connection is going to absolutely destroy me!!!! I mean ofc the crumbs were laid out beforehand, but S3 is a whole other level, that much is obvious by now.
It's just so sweet and lovely and rooted in friendship, but so charged and intimate and-
Oh god, I'm gonna die!!!!!!!!!
If it's him teaching her and that's a celebration hug after her catch I'm gonna-
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gif by @onlyhereforangst ❤️
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