#only the best hay and grass for them
godofthestupid · 1 month
I've been getting more and more letters from Shane
I'm not even trying to rizz him up(I'm doing that with the wizard but I fail miserably almost every time)
like look at him
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and then he turns around and is all like "why are you trying to be friends with me?" broski I don't know I just gave you some berries and now you're 'borrowing' pizza from the evil corp place you tell me
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tvickiesims · 1 year
Real Animated Pets - Goat, Sheep and Llama
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This project is our fruit of labour with @deedee-sims. I was looking for a way to have more "alive" pets in Sims 2 and approached DeeDee. Luckily for all of us, she liked the idea and helped me out with the most difficult parts. This project would not be possible without you, thank you DeeDee ❤️
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From the technical point of view all animals are custom collars for large dogs (and only large dogs). In order for them to work as on previews, you need to assign your dog a transparent fur (a brand new creation by DeeDee that makes dogs' fur completely invisible, included in the archive) and then pick an animal skin you want from the collar section. If you'd like to change the appearance of an existing large dog, be sure to buy it a desired collar on a community lot first! Dog's breed is also important, it can make chubbier or thinner animals. If your fur doesn't look completely transparent, be sure to uncheck all the fur accessories. I'd recommend using a default white no name breed (looks best with animations).
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We (especially DeeDee! ❤️) did our best making new animals move as smoothly as possible, but be aware that clipping is still present in certain animations. Also, these animals behave and sound like normal dogs. Hopefully we'll find a way to mute them in the future.
Animals come with a set of objects that are more appropriate for farm animals - new bed, toy, 2 "bowls" and deco hay. Objects have morphs and dirty states. Note that the feeders works like a pet bowl meaning they will randomly rotate but it won't prevent pets from eating normally.
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All animals come with original Sims 4 textures (1024x1024 for llama and 512x512 for goat and sheep), converted and tweaked by me. Animal colors are separated so you can pick and choose only the ones you want. Collection file for objects is included. I also recommend these and these Uldum rug add-ons (if you want other sizes for the hay overlay).
Polycount: Goat: 3793 Sheep: 3545 Llama: 7133
A special thank you goes to @platinumaspiration for the time and energy she spent explaining additional stuff to me ❤️
@atomtanned made cute llama recolors, here.
Compressed, clearly labelled, picture included.
Download at SFS
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UPDATE 10/10/2023
Changed pet toy animation to silent chewy one (thank you @vegan-kaktus and @executables-sims), the archive was updated but if you don't want to redownload the whole thing, here's only the updated toy.
UPDATE 12/10/2023
Added a new feeder - prarie grass converted from Sims 4 Horse Ranch. Now your new pets can feed on the fresh grass. Collection file was updated too.
UPDATE 17/02/2024
Fixed toy's thumbnail - it's no longer empty. Added a custom version for the hay rug, I'd recommend using a custom rug rather than ULDUM because it has no outdoor shadow (ULDUM can't be fixed). Updated the collection file to include new rug.
UPDATE 05/09/2024
Updated Prairie Grass Feeder to have smoother edges. It looks much nicer now.
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whoyacallinyellow · 7 months
Borrowed Time hurt me a lot omg- Now I offer you even more angst.
It's sad that Javier became the very thing in 1911 that he swore to destroy (working as a hitman for a tyrant government) but it would be even sadder if (as a part 2 ig of borrowed time) Javier and his love meet again but this time, he was there to arrest her and bring her to town to hang.
Borrowed Time II
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Javier Escuella x F! reader
Spoilers: major RDR1-2 events Content: 18+, low honor Javier, angst, betrayal, loyalty, dramatic, possessive, referenced/implied sex, canon typical events & violence, possible unintentional spelling mistakes, google translated Spanish Type: I-II changed to second pov (wc - 4133) / pc: pinterest a/n: i can feel this request in my veins, so here’s my mediocre yapping! live, laugh, angst 
Summary: Following the events of Beaver Hollow and your departure, Javier falls into work with Allende. After your reunion he reflects on his time with you, to only turn you in by nightfall. 
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It was a warm day in New Austin, the orange rays blanketing the barren dirt landscape, and not a cloud in the sky. Javier only imagined finding himself wandering these lands again, but yet he returned on what seemed to be borrowed time.
A few years had passed since he last saw you at Beaver Hollow. The man could not bear to show his face, the embarrassment of being wrong about Dutch was an ego check it say the very least. 
Yet your note lived in the far corner of his mind, a small cabin just north of MacFarlane's Ranch from his understanding. 
It did not take the man long to find it, local cowpokes cowered at the sight of the large Mexican outlaw sitting upon an even larger steed, interrogating them about a maiden. It was almost as if the best pieces of you resembled him, immediately reminding the folk of who it was he was searching for. 
Boaz grunted against Javier’s spurs, digging deep into the loose red dirt below. The sunbeams which crept through the dry pine trees created quite the atmosphere, allowing Javier to get lost in his head, even if it were just for a few moments of bliss. 
Despite the directions given to him, Javier hoped you had moved on after all these years, fled somewhere safer, started a new life, perhaps changed your name as well. Somewhere he would never find you. 
Boaz continued to race down the winding path, feeding Javier’s anticipation against the warm breeze. As it gusted past the side of his head, loose strands from his tied hair tickled his ears, merely reminding the man how badly he needed a haircut. 
The starving grass which bordered West Elizabeth held a yellow tinge, the land rolled and waved, flourishing with birds and wildlife. Javier reckoned he has not been to the area before, but you were not lying about how appealing it was— a perfect home for you two. 
Upon whipping around the corner, abruptly revealed a small cabin with songbirds singing to him in the trees. The place was quiet, cozy, and seemingly inhabited, with small smoke stacks exhausting from the brick chimney. 
Bringing Boaz to a halt, there was no sign of you— but sure enough a big black cloud skulked in the nearby pen, following you wherever you wandered like a burden. 
Javier stiffly slid off Boaz, his knees nearly giving out from under him as his boots crunched onto the dirt. The beast was grazing on hay as he approached the fence post 
After whistling and calling your shire a few times, Javier was promptly ignored, perhaps the slow and ominous brute heard the man call him el diablo one too many times. 
He was still a strong believer the only reason the horse broke for you was out of pity— you looked like a child struggling to climb him every endeavor. Maybe the beast had a soft spot for you, just like himself. 
But now the old shire was relieved from his saddle, serenading in the New Austin sun, not bothered to obey the envious man’s command. 
Javier leaned against the corral post, admiring what he could have had with you, the thought of being a family man loomed over his shoulders and displayed no signs of leaving. 
You and Javier ran together prior to joining Dutch, less for money and more for survival. Your past crimes covered bounty boards and train stations as a permanent reminder, never forgetting the wrongs that were written. That price only increased once Mexico inevitably caught wind of all the messy jobs in neighboring lands. 
He drowned and you sank with him, the price of his sins were bricks added to your back. Being his accessory, the government saw you as a pawn, smart and knowledgeable, if caught— Javier would come for you, and they would be ready for him. 
Those days were nearly from another lifetime. 
Now under Allende’s ruling fist, he offered him a twisted plea deal of sorts; protection at the cost of something the man held more dearly than life itself—you. Your capture was not about the money nor status, but simply a test of his loyalty to Allende; if Javier did this job, he’d do anything. 
The poor man’s convoluted loyalty never got him far, proving time and time again, leading him only to dead ends and false hopes. Charismatic attributes and big promises was something Javier foolishly gave everything to with a blind eye, something you always warned him about.  
Your voice could have made him leap out of his own skin. As he hesitantly turned towards you, his gut twisted into something mean. You were beautiful as ever, after all these years you waited for him— just like you promised. 
“Never thought I’d see you again, especially in the west.” You spoke again in disbelief, rag wiping your hands clean of a job he should have been doing. 
Your voice only lived in his memories, hearing it again nearly whipped Javier back into shape, feeling sick for your puppy love he desperately relied on so long ago. 
“Home sweet home.” The man swallowed dryly, throwing his arms out awkwardly and gesturing towards the open lands around you both. 
Before his thoughts could catch up to the moment, you ran to embrace him, flinging yourself into his arms with a long awaited kiss. Javier grunted softly against your lips, staggering back to support you, the extra attention only reminding him how saddle sore he really was.  
Just for a moment things felt normal, a feeling he was searching for since you split. He had a place in this cruel world once again, everywhere had a price on his head, no place to retreat to besides you— you were home. 
Perhaps he could head tail between his legs back to Allende, saying you disappeared. 
Maybe he could take you to Canada, or a tropical island— oh, anywhere but Guarma. 
We must leave,
Javier’s unsaid words pricked beneath his skin, prodding relentlessly at his deepest desires for redemption. 
Was all the man could choke out, the words exiting pitiful and weak, a near cry for help you assumed was just your bittersweet reunion. 
Leaning away you smiled coyly at him, admiring your lost cowboy;
Your time apart was not easy on Javier, his hardened stare and the chip on his shoulder now set in stone. 
The constant blazing sun of Mexico, along with surviving off rationed canned beans really took a toll on the man. His face was dull and lacking the usual pigment he wore so handsomely when Mr. Pearson cooked for everyone. 
Javier’s newfound demeanor only put emphasis on his sharp brows peeking from under his bowler cap brim, residing above dark cunning eyes, ready to match any cowpuncher who dared challenge him. 
Over Javier’s shoulder was where his mount rested, hoove digging into the dirt at the end of the cabin’s path. 
“—and Boaz?” You began after a shared silence, slowly approaching the overworked horse. 
“Still kickin’.” He uttered gently, a large hand scratching the back of his neck. 
Boaz never really liked you, or anyone besides Javier that is. It wasn’t until the gang hunkered down in Colter for the stubborn bastard to take a liking to you. 
The weather and unpredictable circumstances was not easy on the gang, including the horses, causing rations to be small among the mounts. 
You always carried treats in your satchel to gain Boaz’s affection, and your efforts would eventually succeed in Colter. You would secretly slip him sugar cubes every time you left the shack, he must have appreciated the extra attention. Javier barely recognized Boaz trotting up to him in the snow, you mounted on top wearing a proud grin. 
You wore a similar grin now, full of satisfaction and pride that he returned to you— with warmth flowing through him, his heart rapidly thumped in his ears, all the pent up feelings for you were reopening like floodgates. 
“What’a nice feller, huh.” You cooed to the mount after a slow approach. 
Showing no distress Boaz allowed your kind pats and rubs. Tenderly nudging you, the horse’s chops tried sneaking its way into your pockets, searching for the snacks you usually held after a long journey. 
“Ai, fácil!” 
Javier exclaimed, quickly guiding Boaz’s large snout away, the loving gestures nearly toppling you over. 
“Guess I’m glad he still remembers me.” You beamed, tipping your hat lower to shield yourself from the beating sun. 
“Or perhaps your donations, amor.” Javier quipped softly, his eyes wandering meekly. 
Something besides time passing seemed different about him, you could not quite pinpoint it. Javier was always a timid man at first when it came to his lover, maybe your time apart presented this old side of him. 
You knelt slightly, peeking under his sunken head which hung towards the ground. 
“Javier? You don’t look so good.” 
Your soft words managed to dig their way through his ringing ears, the man squinted his eyes tightly before swiping his lids with rough fingers. 
“Uh— maybe you oughta sit for a bit, I think you’re overdressed for this heat.” 
Your words broke through once again, giving a small tug on his poncho, his disoriented vision cluttered with black floating spots as you guided towards the porch. 
As his vision continued to warp, the cabin doubled and skewed while you put him in the shade. 
Javier knew you were speaking, your voice fading in and out irreguarly, piercing his ears every so often. 
The words felt like they were being consumed by the ocean, his head bobbed up and down as if he were drowning. All he could think about was Dutch’s screams over the storm and waves, as he was about to be consumed by the large void. 
But Dutch snagged him before being swept away, yanking him upon the tiny rowboat that threatened to tip from the added stress. Javier’s senses were waterlogged, rejecting the mean salty water from his lungs. As he gasped for air; the only thing he thought of was you. 
“S’alright, son, You’re not dying today!” Was the first thing he heard. He faded in and out of consciousness as Dutch beat the sea water out of him, his ribcage rattling under each and every smack. 
Javier sometimes wonders if Dutch should have just let him die, abandon him and allow the dark waters to engulf him whole, repaying his sins to his maker. Maybe his death would free you of your burdens. 
He felt like his time had withered before Dutch had saved him anyways. Being a prisoner in Guarma is what convinced him that he would never make it back to you, sealing the deal. Your previous words borrowed time scratched at his skin again, yearning to be acknowledged. 
“Ah well, I knew you’d come crawling back, you’re here for a reason.” You would always say to him after a particularly dangerous run with the gang. He would dismiss you with a mumble and a kiss, but always knew he was lucky to be alive as more of his brothers began to fall. 
Sometimes he would catch you talking to a disgruntled Arthur as he packed his horse. 
Upon inquiring about your words, Arthur being a somewhat vague man would shortly grumble; 
“Jus’ focus on the job, and returnin’ to your woman, Javier.” 
—and he always did. Javier knew you did not worry about him much, at least outwardly. But he did notice Arthur’s presence whenever trouble presented itself. 
“Javier— some water.” 
Your words along with a canteen dangled in front of him, the prior hallucination of a watery grave was almost enough to empty his stomach. 
Javier stared back towards your shire lounging in his corral, his mind once again wandering back to the life he could have had with you. 
In the midst of his tunneling vision, a lean coyote lingered through his gaze, stalking towards him, icy eyes sending daggers into his before diminishing. 
“Javier. Say something.” Your words were now much clearer to him, breaking through his consciousness, the ringing disappeared from his mind fog. 
“‘M alright.” He muttered, spitting out the bitter taste from his mouth. 
“I reckon you oughta take it easy, being an old man n’ all now.”
Javier frowned at you and blinked a couple times, jaw agape, processing the pun you made at his dismay. 
“Ha— so sorry, chica, ‘suppose I’m no longer the young buck you remember.” 
He replied sarcastically, his voice both bold and hoarse as he raised back to his feet, every step whining for rest. 
“Ride with me?” Javier suddenly asked as if nothing happened. It took you by surprise, he had just arrived after all. 
“Alright.” You obliged shortly after a pause. “Let me grab my belt.” You continued, motioning towards the missing holsters on your frame. 
“No need.” He cut you off quickly, his voice leaving traces of urgency. 
“Boaz is packed.” 
You eyed him up, watching the man shutter under your antagonizing gaze, how he hoped you were not suspicious of his intentions after all this time. But rightfully so, the man was yellow-bellied. 
But you had no reason not to trust him. 
You were not exactly sure where Javier was taking you, but for now his company was enough to keep you satisfied. The ride was eerily quiet, even for his standards, being a man of few words. 
After riding a little down south he brought you to a small mountain that overlooked Mexico. He perched you both on a small flat area, just in time for the sun to sink below the land. 
Javier stared over the horizon, he never really did think about how big the south was, yet how small he felt in comparison. A glimmer caught onto his peripheral, turning towards the shine was the pendent he had given you, when you both first started running with the gang. 
The feeling presented itself again, feeling so small in the world— you were the home he had been searching for since the gang's fallout. It was always you. 
He sank into his memories, a vessel of his former self was all that remained. 
You two were quite away from your newly shared camp, with all the members and leads, the moments you had alone became quite sparse. 
“What do you think, Javi?” Your sudden presence caught him off guard. 
“The gang?—“ he pondered your words, leaning against a shady oak. 
“I suppose they’re family for now, señorita. We’re much safer, and they’re good to us.” Javier replied, a hand brushing over the stubble on his jaw. You smiled gently with a nod, making your uneasiness all too obvious. 
“It’s just temporary, amor, once we have the money to get on our feet— it’ll be the two of us again.” He reassured, a polite arm sliding around your waist. 
Javier remembers the look in your eye, doubtful and full of sorrow, but you still trusted him, knowing he would never lead you astray. The same he thought about Dutch.  
Repositioning himself behind you, he dug a necklace from his pocket, draping it over your chest and clasping it. You fidgeted in surprise against his movements, gazing down at the beautiful silver pendant that glistened off the very same sun. Before you could say a word he planted a kiss on your lips, gentle and quick before mounting Boaz. 
“I promise!” 
He called out. After blowing a kiss to you, he was off to assist the gang. He didn’t have much money at the time, but Javier always knew how to make things work—
Oh how naive of him— bright eyed and lovesick, he wanted to make a woman out of you, settle down. That is, before Dutch’s plan captivated him. Which ultimately led to this mess, but who is he kidding, he never really had a chance anyways. 
Javier thought back with immense regret, wishing he was more romantic with you in a way, officially making you his chica earlier on, instead of prolonging it due to the possibility of death. He always feared that courting would further your heartbreak if something bad were to happen. 
It was his own unaddressed way to cope with the harsh reality of survival and being an outlaw, he always prioritized your safety over intimacy until joining the gang. When he looks back on it, your shared time at Horseshoe Overlook and Clemons Point were some of the best times of his life. 
Around that time of riding with the gang was when your relationship with him really began to evolve. The potential competition of other men drove Javier and his intimacy up a wall— his usual gentle lips ghosting over yours turned into small nips, and purple blotches he would mark on your neck late at night. A tight palm covering your mouth which muffled the moans of his name, words the man would kill to hear in such an uncaged manner. He entertained no confusion of who you belonged to; even if he did not make things official until that night at the lake.  
Javier had nearly forgotten the sun had already set, and he somehow had no recollection of it. He looked down at you, only in a thin shirt as you gazed longingly off the mountain side.
The final sunset you shared was simply a ticking clock for him. 
“Cold?” He whispered, words he could barely choke out. 
“A little.” You replied, big doe-like eyes staring up at him, holding so much love for the man. Love he was not sure he ever deserved. 
Forcing his gaze away quickly he arose, soles of his feet vibrating and pulsing with each step. After approaching Boaz his shaking hands freed his bedroll clasps, attention locked upon his rifle poking out of the saddle. 
His head spun, finally digging himself out of his trance. After returning to you, he draped the cloth over you coyly. 
“You okay?” You suddenly asked, your hush voice startling him, he sighed in despair. 
The words you said to him at Beaver Hollow replayed through his mind,
Leave with me. Let’s run away. 
But he could not get them out, his chest quivered under the constraint of his uneven breaths. 
“Course.” He managed to form the word, you nodded in contentment, fresh air filling your nose. 
His response would have to do for now, you decided to cut him some slack since he returned to you, after all. 
By now you knew him well enough. Some nights he would stay up and collect his thoughts before laying beside you. You always respected his space, he had his demons, like everyone else. Soon enough in your slumber  you would feel his protective arms drape around you, his steady breaths hitting the nape of your neck, tense body encapsulating yours— those were the nights you felt the safest, and knew he was going to manage just fine. 
Other nights Javier would stay up while you were by your lonesome. He always feared something would kill the both of you while asleep, reluctantly you agreed. But the man always let you rest, you needed it more, that is for putting up with him all day round. 
Your memories swam with always being coaxed to sleep, eventually giving into the soft lulls he would sing. A wordless agreement that there was no point for the both of you to be cranky and tired in the morning. 
—But there he sat, only to turn into the monster he swore to protect you from. 
“I love you, Javier.” 
Your words racked his brain, digging and clawing invasively into each one of his bones. Javier thought he imagined them until he looked over to find you staring this entire time. You knew there was something seriously wrong, but surely he would tell you within due time. 
Javier’s voice was lost, swallowing suppressed sobs down his dry throat, he nearly felt like he was drowning once again in the frame he called a body. 
Just like the days he would not say it back while pursuing a lead, with doubts he would not make it back to your arms— but he always did, it was the least he could do. It felt like lifetimes ago to him, how could the man choke out a te amo before sending you in? 
Instead, he planted a kiss on your soft lips, lingering there for a moment, knowing it would be your last. 
Looming below in the shadows, trailing to the border resided monsters he used to protect you from— two Mexican soldiers camped out by the tracks. Their lanterns flickering softly in the distance, patiently waiting for the man to arrive at the agreed meeting spot. 
Javier shivered, feeling like a young boy again. His eyes fixated on the stock of his rifle that Boaz held. 
Your breaths became shallow, harmonizing with the warm night’s breeze as you fell into a slumber. You trusted Javier’s judgment on setting up camp or heading home, you perhaps allowed yourself to get a little too comfortable. 
It all happened so fast for him, and there was no going back. Javier’s mind blurred as he rode, Boaz fussing and fighting under his control. His very own horse feared the  monster he had become, maybe poor Boaz thought he was Javier’s next victim. 
He rode fast— but not fast enough to flee from himself. 
A coyote lurked around the darkness, gazing at Javier from behind the two Mexican soldiers who taunted him, puffing on their big cigars from Uncle Sam.  
The coyote disappeared as Javier reached for his revolver, patiently waiting for the man to shoot him— but he never did. 
The soldier simply laughed, knowing Javier’s bark had no bite. While under Allende’s power, he was simply a coward a soldier would not even match out of pity.  
Soon enough the two men fled into the night, banter that could be heard a mile away through the ravines. Anyone could have mistaken them for sick hyenas. 
He could hear their stallions riding hard in triumph, with a new prize Javier held so close for many years, he watched the soldiers grow smaller and smaller over the uneven land until the darkness swallowed them whole, taking a piece of him along. 
The nighttimes ahead would find Javier in a one horse town saloon, nodding off more times than he could remember. His glass turned from full to empty until his vision doubled. 
Javier was not sure how many days had passed, the whiskey dulling his mind and senses, but the thoughts still ate him alive. 
Did you think he would come for you? Or would you be envious, spilling everything you could before meeting the gallows. 
Javier hid in his palms, knowing he got it all wrong— it should have been him. 
It did not take too long for the man to get kicked out from the saloon due to his drunken stupor, not even the bartender wanted his dirty money. 
Javier took Boaz to what he thought was east, the coyote returned to accompany him, lurking around on the monotone forest floors he traveled. 
The night breeze made Javier reminisce of the times at camp, the very same breeze that whipped through your hair as you would drag him off somewhere secluded, your mischievous grin reflecting off the summer night's moon as you snuck off into the bushes. 
You gave everything to each other— all for nothing it seems.
Javier sank lower into himself before eventually staggering off Boaz. It only took him a few unsteady steps to empty his bowels on the dirt path, elbows hoisting him up on his shaky bent knees. 
Peeking out from his jacket cuff was a scar he once wore proudly on his wrist. A scar he earned in some honky tonk town just because another man looked at you wrong. The mere thought of it worsened his nausea.  
All signs pointed to you, and you were gone because of reasons he barely understood himself— He feared he didn’t know what loyalty was anymore. Or what he stood for in fact. 
Your blind love killed you in the end, and it was his cross to bear. 
The sky was dark and dull, which was just as familiar as a bottle and a glass. Not a single star in the sky greeted him, leaving him to fester alone. 
The wind howled violently through the trees, causing the leaves to rustle and sway. A northern was quickly sneaking upon the lands of New Austin. 
His lone coyote joined him on a distant cliffside, coat black as sin, mocking the cowboy who lingered below. 
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junkdrawerfics · 1 year
Giddy Surprise
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Jasper Whitlock X Reader
Summary: You can't convince me Jasper doesn't miss having horses -> You have a surprise for Jasper. A furry, hay eating, clippity clop kind of surprise.
Word Count: 1082
Warnings: None, no beta, barely edited, I was really tired writing this, but I hope it's okay!
You are practically buzzing with excitement the second Jasper sets foot through the door. He can feel it all the way from the entryway. You don’t conceal it either, waiting impatiently for him in the living room, all but bouncing on the balls of your feet.
“Hey Jas,” you greet him with an absolutely giddy grin.
“Hello, darlin’.” He presses a kiss to your forehead like he always does, lips twitching into an amused smile. “How was your day?”
“Good, good, I have something to show you!” Patience really never was your specialty. Not when it comes to Jasper at least.
Originally, you had a big plan to reveal your surprise. You were going to pretend to read when he got home, let him get comfortable after a stressful day around humans, and then suggest going for a nice, mid-afternoon walk. That’s when you’d take him to his gift, and boom - surprise!
That plan went down the drain as soon as you heard his car pull into the driveway.
“What do you want to show me?” Jasper asks, already knowing you won’t tell him, but it’s worth the little conspiratorial look you give him.
“You’ll have to wait and see!” 
You take his hand and drag him into the woods, twisting and ducking between trees along a barely worn path. Jasper, being the patient saint of a man he is, follows along without complaint, content to just soak up the electric warmth of your excitement. You can’t even get a word out, that giddy smile never leaving your face, and Jasper can’t bring himself to look away.
He’s always loved the vividness of your emotions. Even when you were human, they would fill a room, your happiness like sunshine bursting through the heaviest clouds, your sadness like the weight of the air before it rains. He never could understand how one person could feel things so strongly. Not only that, but you’ve always been so unwaveringly positive, always smiling, always trying to love others the best you can.
Like this. He can’t imagine someone other than you being so excited about a surprise. Jasper doesn’t even care what it is. Your overwhelming joy is so pure, so contagious, he finds himself getting swept away in it, smiling like a fool.
It’s only when a familiar scent drifts past him that he drags his eyes away from you. You glimpse over your shoulder, catching the flash of recognition on his face, and your excitement only builds.
A few more feet and you break past the trees into a large field. Jasper comes to a sharp stop beside you, eyes going wide at the sight before him.
In the middle of the field stands a little stable, rustic and simple, with a gated fence stretching around the pasture. Right beyond the fence stand a small group of horses, grazing on the long grass without a care in the world.
You turn to Jasper expectantly. He looks completely stunned, lips parted, eyebrows shooting up. It almost makes you laugh, since he kind of looks like an adorable goldfish, but you smother it behind your hand. This was totally a good idea.
The idea started sprouting when Jasper first told you about his past. You remember the night, back when you were human. It took time to earn Jasper’s trust, but it was worth it, because that night he shared all kinds of stories about his childhood. It was the night you learned of his love for horses growing up, and how much he missed them.
So you got together with Emmett and Alice to design and build the stable. Emmett did most of the hard labor (you bribed him by promising to get Jasper to fight him again, since he was still petty about losing the last one), while Alice jumped at the chance to design the whole thing. Meanwhile, you focused on finding the perfect horses.
“The tan one is Whiskey, the appaloosa is Tango, and the chestnut one is Juliet,” you start, pulling the shocked vampire closer to the fence, “I was going to get just one, but when I was doing research, it said horses need friends, so I got three! It felt like a good number, and this way, we can go riding together!”
Jasper’s jaw clenches and unclenches rapidly.
He doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t know if there’s anything he could say.
When the two of you reach the fence, one of the horses lifts its head, ears swiveling towards you. For a moment, Jasper expects it to start running, as most animals do when they sense the predatory aura of a vampire. As soon as the horse lays eyes on you though, it gives a low snort and trots right over.
Right to him.
The moment the horse nudges its nose into his chest, something shifts in Jasper, like magic. The vampire loosens up, gold eyes practically glowing as he lifts a hand to rub its muzzle, the motion so natural despite the hundred of years he’s gone without being near one. The horse leans into his touch, head almost flat against his chest, ears flicking to the side as Jasper scratches his neck. A small, easy-going smile pulls at the blond’s lips, and you’re all but starstruck watching him. 
It's quite possibly the cutest thing you've ever seen.
“Do you like them?” You ask, barely above a whisper.
Jasper chuckles, ruffling the horse’s mane as he looks over at you, eyes warm, “Darlin’, this is the best surprise I’ve been given in a long time.”
You light up, “Really?”
He takes a step away from the horse, much to its displeasure, and wraps his arms around you instead, pulling you close. You stretch up to curl yours around his neck, humming happily when he leans down to kiss you. It’s soft, overwhelmingly soft, filling you to the brim with a fuzzy warmth. 
When he pulls back, he doesn’t go far, lips still brushing yours as he murmurs, “I’m certain no one has ever gone to such lengths for me. Thank you, sweetheart.”
“You are very welcome, mister. I'd go to the ends of the earth for you.” You give him another, chaste kiss, soaring on cloud nine. “Now! Why don’t you show me how to ride? I think they’re itchin’ to get out of the pasture!”
“It would be my pleasure, ma'am.”
Safe to say, you end up falling off a few times. Apparently the whole vampire grace thing doesn’t apply to riding massive, moving animals.
This came to me so randomly, and I loved it, and I don't think I did it justice, but I needed to just write it! I might re-do it, we'll see!
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bluegalaxygirl · 3 months
Canvas (Zosan X Reader)
Thanks to @mrstrafalgardwater24 for the request on the first part. again i'm sorry for the wait.
Plot: Kuina and the crew paint your baby bump.
Warning: Bad language, extreme Fluff, Violence and Pregnancy stuff.
Reader is Female, Zoro X Sanji x Reader, Poly relationship, established relationship. Kuina is 5ish and has blonde hair, your eye's and skin color. Reader is about 6 to 7 months along.
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You have no idea where Kuina got this idea but now that it's happening its hard to complain about it, you know the crew already loves your daughter and the baby still growing inside you but once the little girl mentioned painting on your stomach suddenly everyone wanted to do it all having different ideas of how to show their love and care for the baby. Its turned into more of a competition between a few of the crew member's so to stop any fighting and to let everyone have some fun Kuina decided to make into a contest lasting over the next week. Sitting on the deck of the sunny you can't help but smile as your daughter stands in front of you with several large tubes of different colored body paints, paintbrushes, plastic plates, pencils and paper all laid out on the grassy deck "Alright so the teams are, Luffy and Us opp, Robin and Nami, Chopper and Jibe, Franky and Brook and of course me and my dads" Kuina gives a big smile turning to her farther's who are next to her both giving her a confirming nod, Zoro can't help but smirk at his daughter taking charge as he sits cross-legged in grass facing his little girl while Sanji stands behind him mainly leaning on the swordsman's shoulder with hearts in his eyes. "Everyone will put their deigns down on paper and tomorrow we'll draw straws to see who goes first, i don't want anyone changing their designs after seeing anyone else's. We'll try and do one a day and if Mama needs a break then she gets a break" Kuina puffs out her cheeks making you giggle as Luffy, Usopp and Franky all bow their heads "Yes ma'am" the three say in unison making some of the other crew laugh seeing the hold the young girl has over her uncles. With a big smile your daughter starts handing out the pencils and paper letting the groups start to plan their designs and choosing their color scheme, "Hay wait a minute, who's going to judge?" Nami asks suddenly realizing, Usopp and Luffy are quick to look up from the paper their both sitting with to look at Kuina both realizing there isn't one.
Your daughter giggles taking a pencil and paper before rushing over to the bench your sitting soon followed by Sanji and Zoro "Mama of course" She states sitting down to you as you place a hand on her head and ruffle her hair "Hay thats not fair, of course Y/n is going to pick your design since your her daughter and partners" Usopp jumps up pointing his hand out at the four of you, Zoro lets out a chuckle letting a cheeky grin form on his face "Too bad for you long nose, just try your best then" Before an argument can break out you lightly slap the swordsman's arm then turn to the sniper "Your right, i would be biased so maybe we should have a point's system. Like 1 to 5 stars, I'll count them up so only i can see" You elbow Sanji slightly as he sits down next you his smile growing at the food reference you made "Oh my love thats so sweet" The cook sways slightly a blush appearing on his face making you giggle, Usopp sighs feeling more relaxed about things and nods his head along with Kuina who's happy that everything seems to be going well. Through the day the teams worked on their deigns most of the either measured your belly to work out proportions while others dragged you off to have a privet chat, it made you more curious about their designs since Chopper pulled you into the medical room and with the help of Jinbe placed a strange snail device on your stomach, they secretly talked before saying you could go while Brook and Franky did a lot of measurements even going as far as to get a drawing compass, a proctor and a drafter tool. None of them let you see their designs not even your own family who did most of their work in the kitchen discussing and some times arguing on what to do and coming up with an idea they could actually do instead of something big and complicated.
The next day came quickly and everyone was back outside eager to draw the straws and see what order they would be in, the plan was they would have the whole afternoon to do their work and then a photo would be taken before showing everyone who will then each secretly write down on a slip of paper how many stars which you would then count up and keep in a small book. Of course, you would be voting too but you made a mental note to not add your scores until the end as not to be tempted to add more or less to other peoples scores, with your pregnancy brain you will mostly likely forget what ever you wrote down the day before, last night you forgot what chapter you were up too in your book even though there was a bookmark on the page. "Ok, on three. One, Two… Three" Kuina yells as a member from each team pulls a straw out of your hand each a different length "Yessss" Luffy yells while holding the longest straw out of the bunch soon followed by Usopp who lifts his captain into the air as if they've won the whole contest "Calm down you two, geez" Nami sighs while pinching the bridge of her nose waiting for Robin to compare her straw with that of Chopper's and Brooks who were all the middle people "Looks like were going last" Kuina states holding the smallest straw, you thought she would be sad about it but instead she has a massive smile on her face while looking up at you and her two dads, Zoro nods sitting next to you on the bench and placing an arm around your shoulder "It'll give us more time to practice painting" the swordsman leans forward ruffling his daughters hair who groans and shoves his hand off earning a chuckle form her farther.
Sanji shakes his head while taking a seat on your work side placing his hand on your large stomach "If you ever need a break love just say so… I'll kick their asses out if i have too" The cook smirks, turning to face him you place your hand over his feeling your heart swell with love, you couldn't ask for better partners, the two are always so caring and eager to help you out when ever you need "Thanks darling" You whisper leaning in to place a light kiss on his lips which he happily leans into. "Alright gets get going, come on" Luffy and Usopp run over holding out their hands for you to take, in the past they would have just grabbed you and ran off but the first time that happened while you were pregnant with Kuina your two boys almost kicked them both off the ship and into the ocean then made them do all the chores and heavy lifting on the ship for a week, safe to say they learned their lesson. Standing up with the help of Zoro and Sanji you kiss the two goodbye before turning to your daughter who hands you your book and pen, placing a light kiss on Kuina's head you take the book and give her a looking look while running your hand over her cheek "See you later sweetie" With a wave to the others you head off with Luffy and Usopp who have already gathered what they needed and guided you to the aquarium bar. The once dim room was now light making it easier to see, a section of the large sofa lining the long fish tang was covered in a white sheet that flowed down onto the floor being held in place with white tape and two old tables on either side.
Luffy helps you get comfortable while Usopp sets up the paints and the paper they used to draw on, sitting down you sigh relaxing into the soft cuisines of the sofa "Do you need more cuisines? Water? Food?" Luffy asks hovering a little seeming a little nervous for some reason, taking his hand you give him a smile "A bottle of water would be nice but are you ok captain?" You look up at him with concern, Luffy gulps while rubbing the back of his neck "W-well, while Sanji and Zoro aren't here it's my job to look after you and.. I don't know what i'm doing, Usopp's here but.." The captain sighs looking over to his friend who is loft in thought while mixing colors together to get the right shade. Patting the captains hand you give him a big smile feeling your chest warm up at how much he cares for you and your health "Your doing great, if i need something I'll tell you, ok?" You ask getting Luffy to look at you, his eyes search yours before giving you a nod knowing your not lying to him, a large smile starts to from on his face before quick to rushing off to the bar area letting his arm stretch as to not pull you along. Letting out a little snort you can't help but start to laugh, your hand grips onto your belly as you lean forward finding the starching arm still holding your hand unbelievably funny, Luffy soon finds a bottle of water and rushes back over watching you wipe tears from your eyes before taking the bottle off him "T-thanks Lu" You giggle managing to calm from your laughing fit and let go of his hand, Usopp soon snaps out of his own little world and turns around going to speak when he see's the tears in your eyes, his body goes stiff in panic before lunging at Luffy grabbing his captain by the collar and shaking him "What did you do? Why is she gonna cry?" The captain raises an eyebrow at his friend letting his body be shaken back and forth "Usopp it's ok, Luffy made me laugh thats all" You reach out managing to stop the sniper from panicking.
With the room much calmer and Usopp apologizing to his captain the two get started on painting your belly, at first you have no idea what their making other than it being food related since Luffy kept saying how yummy it was going to look only to be hit by Usopp stating they can't eat it. The two kept you entertained or the next hour with banter, food jokes which lead Luffy to rush off for a few minutes to get snacks and the snipers adventure stories, it was so sweet seeing the long nosed man telling his obviously fake stories to your baby, It was also sweet to see Luffy look after you in a way he's never done so before, always checking if you needed anything, asking if your comfortable and helping you up if you ever needed to stretch. Two hours later they were done, after taking a photo and letting you have a look first they let the rest of the crew in to see the finished product "The great captain Usopp has created another fine master piece" Usopp smirks while pointing a thumb at himself clearly proud of his work, Kuina smiles wide while running up her uncle with big sparkling eyes "Wow, it looks so good" Chopper soon joins in on your daughters praising boosting the snipers ego more much to Nami and Zoro's dismay who both let out an annoyed sigh. Luffy groans with a pout some drool forming at the side of his mouth while laying on the floor his arm and head propped up onto the sofa next to you "It looks so yummy, now i really want cupcakes… Sanji" The captain whines while turning to look at the cook with puppy dog eyes only to be hit over the head by the cook "Don't you dare look at her like that and you can't have anything else, you've already had snacks" The blonde huff crossing his arms over his chest.
Letting out a giggle you look down at your tummy seeing the massive cupcake the two have done, the blue icing with sprinkles and a red cherry really does look yummy, the bow was also a very cute idea even though the two were slightly reluctant to use pink, no one knows what the gender is but the two are convinced it's going to be a boy. "Alright thats enough, lets vote so the two of you can get cleaned up, your both a mess" Nami sighs crossing her arms and handing out pieces of paper and pens letting each person write down how many stars "It really does look good Uncle Lu" Kuina gives the captain a big smile while handing you her piece of folded up paper "Thanks, it really does look yummy…. Quick let raid the fridge before your daddy finds out" Luffy whispers quickly passing you his piece of paper before picking your giggling daughter up and running to the kitchen, with a small laugh you watch as the cook makes his way over to you with a raised eyebrow handing you his piece of paper, all it took was one sorry look from you to know what was going on, in an instant the blonde goes from confused, to shock and then anger "Luffy, get your ass back here" Sanji yells with fury running off to stop his captain from raiding his kitchen and teaching his daughter bad habit's, with a chuckle Zoro plots down next to you and places his arm around your shoulders, the swordsman places his piece of paper on your lap before kissing your head which you lean into.
----- Team 2, Robin and Nami -----
The next day was Robin's and Nami's turn, again the aquarium bar was cleaned and set up so you could sit while they paint, luckily the paint was easy to wash off in the shower last night and didn't leave any residue so your stomach was a clean canvas for the two girls. Sitting down on the sofa you watch the two girls work together while chatting and filling you in on gossip you may have missed, it's a much calmer experience than yesterday which your glad for since after yesterdays antics your a little tired. As the two girls pause to get more paint you shift a little to rub your lower back only to feel two hands start to rub it for you, turning in surprise you see two hands attached to the sofa rubbing your lower back for you, knowing right away its robins doing you turn to the black haired woman and flash a thankful smile grateful for her kindness "We can take a break if you want" Robin smiles back putting down her paint and paint brush to clean her hands on a wet cloth, Nami quickly turns with slight concern not noticing you were unconformable but you don't blame her since you tried not to show it until now "Yes please" Pushing yourself up Nami is quick to rush over and take your arm helping you stand straight up "Do you want me to ask Sanji for some snack?" The navigator asks but you shake your head not feeling the need for food right now, starting to walk around Nami sticks next to you holding your arm while Robin continues with the paints and cleaning any mess they have made "I'm not an old lady Nam" You giggle taking the orange haired girls hand in yours happy to walk with her without assistance, Nami sighs before letting out a laugh gladly taking your hand and letting your arm go "Sorry"
Looking Nami over you let out a sigh wondering why she's so tense all of a sudden, before you can ask the navigator sighs seeing your giving her questioning eyes "I've never been in charge of looking after you while pregnant, i'm just… nervous that I'll do something wrong" Looking away from you Nami refuses to look you in the eyes even when you stop and take her chin bringing her face to look at you "Nami, your not doing anything wrong and i know you feel like you have too but you don't need to look after me, just because i'm pregnant doesn't mean i can't do things or tell you if i need something… Just having you around is helping me, your so caring and quick to jump to my aid either physically or verbally… mainly physically, i can't ask for anything else" You can't help but laugh at the last bit remembering how if someone made you cry or angry even by accident Nami would be so quick to hit who ever it is and make them apologies. The navigator looks up at you as you squeeze her hand in reassurance noticing the soft thankful look on your face, a small smile starts to spread across her lips while squeezing your hand back "I'll always come to your aid, if anyone hurts my girls their going to feel my wrath" The two of you laugh at her statement even though its true, all the girls on the ship feel the need to protect each other no matter what "I'm in safe hands" You hug the orange haired girls arm and lay your head on her shoulder as the two of you start walking again letting laughter fill the air.
Your greeted by Robin as the two of you get back to the sofa, the black haired woman sitting with one leg over the other while patting the place next to her for you to sit "Unfortunately were no where near done yet so to relieve your back pain i thought of an idea" Sitting down next to the woman you suddenly feel something press against your back that isn't the sofa, with a squeak you turn seeing 5 rows of hands with no wrists pressed into the sofa so you could lean back with comfort while so getting any benefits of a message. Letting out a laugh of relief you lean back against the hands, it's a strange feeling but as they start to lightly run circles over your back and shoulders you forget all about it "Thanks Robin, this is amazing but are you sure? i don't want you over working yourself" Robins sweet smile growls wider as she stands taking a plate of paint from Nami who has grabbed her own and kneels down to start working again " Thank you for your concern but I'll be fine, it's the least i can do for letting us do this" The black haired woman kneels down beside Nami starting her work again as you relax into the light massage revealing your back pain. Once the girls are done Robin takes a photo while Nami heads off to get the others, its clear now what the painting is and it brings a big smile to your face seeing the birds nest with flowers around it and three little eggs in the middle "Its so cute, my girls did so well" Sanji smiles wide while swaying from side to side, hearts appearing in his eyes making Robin giggle and Nami crosses her arms with pride "Three Egg's? Does that mean something?" Jinbe asks directing his question at Robin.
The black haired woman looks to Nami with a closed eye'd smile making the navigator blush and turn away "There were supposed to be five, one for each member of the family but… it would have been too small" Luffy is quick to run over and wrap his arms around the navigator trying to cheer her up with the help of Chopper and Kuina all telling her how good of an idea it was and that it's ok that it didn't work out that way. "Ah i see, so one for each parent" Franky states leaning down to look over the work, Brook stands behind him tilting his head to look around the cyborgs head "Its a lovely design, i'm starting to think ours is too sim-" Before the skeleton can finish his sentence Franky whips his head around an intense look on his face "Our's isn't simple" Zoro gives the two a cocky smile as he walks past them to sit next to you and wrap an arm around your shoulders "It doesn't matter if its simple or not" With a sigh you lightly hit the swordsman's secretly telling him to stop since you know where this was going, but he ignores you since Franky and Brook both turn to him with puzzled looks taking the bait with ease "Your not going to be the ones to win… I'm gonna win and there's nothing you can do about it… I have the judge on my side" That cocky smile gets bigger as the two growl at him, the swordsman's arm pulls you closer, so he can place a kiss on your head all while keeping his eyes on the two "That's not how this works" Franky yells with anger stepping a little closer, you would be scared it you didn't know he wasn't going to hurt Zoro, your too close to the green haired man so Franky won't risk it. Brook on the other hand tries to calm the situation down to the best of his ability soon having to get help from Robin and Sanji.
----- Team 3, Brook and Franky -----
Sitting once again in the aquarium bar you try not to laugh as Franky kneels in front of your talking to your stomach while Brook sets up everything on the floor, so they don't have to keep standing up. "This is very important little dude or dudette, were going to create the greatest masterpiece anyone has laid their eyes on but for this to work you have to keep as still as possible. I don't mind you moving around but please… i beg and plead with you to not push or kick towards us.. Ok?" The cyborg taps your exposed belly with his finger as if he's giving your baby a head pat before looking up at you with a big smile "Think they understand?" Letting out a laugh you place a hand on your belly and nod, with a sigh Franky leans back crossing his arms over his chest "And none of that either, you can't laugh or cough, this is delicate work" a pout forms on the cyborgs face making you throw your head back in laughter soon joined by a chuckle from Brook. After you manage to calm down and get comfortable the two start working on your stomach painting fine lines, Franky works on one said with Brook works on the other, its clear the two have been practicing in their spare time since their lines match each other perfectly, once in a while you would feel the baby shift so to stop the cyborg from panicking you would tell him about the slightest movement which he's quite thankful for.
Half an hour later you feel the baby getting fussy, its foot starting to press into your side, it doesn't hurt much its just a little uncomfortable and its probably best you get up and walk mainly to see if that will help the baby settle "Can we take a break?" You ask looking down at the two, Franky is lost on concentration his tongue peeking out the side of his mouth while Brook quickly look up at you and nods putting his stuff down before tapping the cyborg on the shoulder to get his attention "Of course, are you ok?" Brook asks standing up and offering his hand to you, taking his hand he helps you to your feet while Franky moves things out of the way for you "Yea, just a little uncomfortable, sorry the baby's being fussy" Brook shakes his head and links your arm with his while walking with you, its only now you realize someone always seems instant on walking with you, it makes you wonder if Sanji or Zoro said something or if your crew is just that concerned. "Don't be, its natural and you and your baby's comfort is more important… just don't tell Franky that" The skeleton whispers getting you to let out a little giggle, you know the cyborg cares but when he sets his mind to something its almost impossible to stop him, no wonder him and the captain get on so well. "So tiny" Brook whispers before a blush forms in his face realizing he said it out loud, raising an eyebrow you look between him and your belly noticing the tiny foot pressing into your side is now more visible than before.
Taking the Skeletons boney you lay his fingers over the foot knowing it won't move away now that the baby seems comfortable in this perspiration "I know right, its weird to think that one day they might be taller than me, stronger than me… i often wonder what adventures they might go on or what they will inspire to be, they have a lot of options and a lot of good teachers" A large smile forms on your face while looking up at the slightly teary eye'd skeleton as his fingers lightly run over the baby's foot "What ever they will be i know they will be amazing at it." Brook looks back to you with his smile getting bigger only for the moment to be interrupted by Franky "Hay be careful don't smug our work" The cyborg yells earning a sigh from the both of you, brooks hand is no where near the art work, but he removes his hand anyway and holds it up in the air in surrender. "The baby's settled now so hopefully it will be easier for you" You state walking back over to the sofa followed closely by the musician and being helped back down onto the sofa by Franky. Despite the design looking simple it takes almost three hours to do but once's its done and your handed the photo to see painting better your shocked at the thought and effort put into it. "I see you went for a mandala theme, it works perfect on her round stomach and the design also has pieces of each parent" Robin ponders once everyone has entered the room to have a look, Luffy and Chopper tilt their head in amazement and slight confusion while Usopp steps closer to get a better look "Its amazing, i can't tell whose work is who's and there's not a line out of place, no wonder this took almost four hours" The sniper states in amazement.
Raising an eyebrow at robins words you take another look at the photo before gasping in shock, Zoro is quick to rush to your side about to ask what's wrong but you turn to Brook and Franky with a giant grin that starts to hurt your face "Oh my gods, you didn't" A giggle leaves your lips getting the two to blush slightly and shy away a little, Zoro sighs in relief while placing a hand on your head "Don't do that to me" after shooting the swordsman a sorry look you see Kuina walk over to you and look over your belly also giving a gasp "Oh i see it now, Daddy your eyebrows are there and Dad so are your swords" Kuina pointing them out without touching the design, the two take a closer look noticing it too, Sanji's cheeks turn red as a smile forms on his face while Zoro flashes Brook and Franky a grin seeming to boost the two's ego's "Wait you said all the parents so where's Y/N?" Nami asks looking to the two artist's, Brook lets out a small chuckle since he did tell the cyborg that it was too subtle to notice, with a sigh Franky walks over to you and bends down while holding his palm out, the tiny hand inside his large one springs out before tracing over the image in different area's "We'll all the large curves mean hidden and the small circles surrounding them mean strength, so in other words hidden strength. The large flower like pattern means truth and these small things sticking out the stops mean joy, add that all together and its Y/n in a nut shell"
Your eyes tear up with his words as Kuina looks at him with stars in her eyes "You are such a sap" Nami giggle with a large smile on her face, Franky quickly turns to her blushing at her comment but doesn't have time to speak when you tackle him with a side hug "Oh Franky that is so sweet, i love it so much and thank you too Brook, you boys did an amazing job" You start to cry out of joy shocking the cyborg who puts an arm around you to try and comfort you, while holding his head back trying not to cry himself at your words, Sanji lets out a chuckle while taking Zoro's hand shooting his partner a cheeky grin which earns a cunning one from the swordsman both knowing there going to tease the cyborg about this later. Kuina giggles while rubbing your back happy to see how much love her mother is getting, she's soon pulled into the hug when you wave brook over wanting to thank him as well.
----- Team 4, Chopper and Jinbe -----
You took a day off from all the painting before letting the next two have their turn, as much as your enjoying all the love and care your baby is getting it made you tired so you spent most of the day sleeping, only waking up to eat. When ever you woke up you weren't alone either Zoro was sleeping next to you his arm around your waist and head on your chest or Sanji was reading with his arm around you letting you cuddle into his side as he quietly reads, sometimes whispering parts of his book he thinks the baby will like, then theirs Kuina who would be either drawing or reading a children's book to your baby while laying as close as possible to your belly. After your rest day it was finally time for Chopper and Jinbe to start their work, this was one of the most confusing to figure out from the start, that strange device they used on your belly days before along with only picking black and white as their color's made it hard to figure out what they were going to do. During the process you kept looking at your belly seeing them paint a big black area and then start adding strokes white "You ok? You look uncomfortable" Chopper asks with a concerned tone not liking the strange face your pulling, snapping out of your thoughts you look to the doctor, your facial expression instantly softens at seeing white and black paint spots on his cheek and blue nose "No i'm ok, just can't make out what your design is, with most of the others i could make it out at least half-way through" You giggle grabbing a damp cloth and leaning forward slightly wipe the paint of Choppers face.
Jinbe returns from the table with a cleaned off brush and more white paint going back to kneeling in front of you "I'm actually glad you can't tell what it is" You raise an eyebrow at the fish man who lets out a small chuckle with a large smile, Chopper lets out a small laugh too letting you whip the paint off his nose before speaking "Don't worry, it's going to be great, i don't know if we'll win but i know it will make you, Zoro, Sanji and Kuina happy" Putting the damp cloth down you lean back into the sofa, being kept in the dark leaves you a little anxious but you trust the two and know that they mean what they say "We would like the family to come into the room before showing the rest of the crew, i feel the reveal should be shared with the parents and sibling" Jinbe rubs your arm giving you a comforting smile, letting out a breath you relax and nod deciding to watch the fish swimming around in the tank while the two get back to work, the fish man is somehow amazing at calming you down even when your partners can't, you don't know if it's his experiences that make him that way or the fact that you see him as the jolly and kind uncle figure. Their deign was simple but still took about an hour and a half the two constantly looking at the sheet of paper in front of them along with a photo they kept out of your sight but you tried not to pry thinking it would be best to wait until your partners and daughter are in the room before looking.
Kuina runs up to you with a large smile seeming super excited to see what is so special that only the four of you get to see first, Sanji and Zoro walk in behind her both giving you a smile before looking down at your belly, all their smiles drop making anxiety well up inside. Zoro tilts his head in confusion along with Kuina who squint her eyes trying to figure out what it is but Sanji slaps a hand over his mouth, his eyes welling up with tears. Jinbe lets out a jolly laugh before handing you the photo they took of the painting along with the photo they have been hiding from you, your jaw drops tears welling up in your eyes at the first image of your baby, while the painting on your belly was enlarged only showing the head and chest, the scan of your baby was a full body one showing off his little hands and feet. "Oh, Jinbe, Chopper… Thank you" Tears fall down your cheeks as you look to the two who both have big smiles on their faces, Sanji suddenly breaks seeing you cry, tears fall down his cheeks as he rushes over to you, standing as quickly as your can the two of you hug each other "Oh my love, their beautiful" The two of you happily cry into each the cooks arms around your waist rubbing your back and crying into your shoulder while your arms wrap around his neck, one hand running through his hair. The scene makes Zoro and Kuina even more confused, seeing this Chopper walks over taking both their hands and pulling the two over to you "I managed to find a all ultrasound machine, it lets you see inside a person's body and maps out organs and stuff, but we used it to see the baby inside" Pulling away from Sanji you look to the two and hand over the photo in your hands but its only Kuina who takes it in slight shock.
Zoro wraps his arms around you placing kisses on your cheek down to your neck and to your shoulder before pulling away to cup your face "Sanji's right, their beautiful, I love you so much" the swordsman's voice is shaky, but he holds back the tears "I love you all so much" You whisper back placing a kiss on his lips before turning to Sanji who pulls the two of you in for a quick three-way kisses "You're amazing my love, I love you and Zoro, thank you both for another beautiful gift" The cook starts to cry again getting a small chuckle out of the swordsman who pulls the two of you back in for a hug. The three of you can't help but grin like idiots feeling giddy and overly excited about seeing your baby before its even born. "So.. thats my baby brother or sister?" Kuina asks still in slight shock as Chopper points out things for her on the photo helping her see the baby better, placing a hand on your stomach being careful of the slightly smudged art work Zoro moves out-of-the-way so Kuina can have another look "Sorry about your work" The swordsman looks to Chopper and Jinbe feeling a little bad at ruining their work but the big fish man chuckles walking over to pat the green haired man on the back "Its fine, we knew this would happen, were just glad you all love it" Chopper nods at his friends words watching as your daughter walks up to your belly with a smile placing her hands either side of the art work "Hello, it so weird seeing you before your here"
Placing a hand on her head you lightly stroke her hair feeling your heart swell with warmth at seeing how excited she is "We have one more surprise if you want to hear it" Jinbe smirks moving to stand next to Chopper who's still holding the photo in his hand "We know the gender of the baby, do you want to know?" Chopper asks with a large smile slightly bouncing on his feet in excitement, Kuina looks up at you silently begging to know if it's a boy or a girl while you look to your boys, Zoro places a hand around your waist while his other hand goes of Kuina's on your stomach giving you a slight nod while Sanji places his hand over his daughter other hand, his other hand going through your hair before resting on your shoulder "Its up to you love but.. i would like to know" The cook whispers his giddy smile getting even bigger, "Ok.. Yea, we'd like to know" You state looking back to Chopper who jumps a little with joy "You're having a boy" Kuina lets out a loud gasp before hugging your waist not caring that the paint will smudge on her face "Your so cute baby brother" Your heart swell once again as tears from in your eyes, Sanji is quick to kiss your cheek wrapping his arms around you and Kuina, he honestly didn't care if it was a boy or a girl but at least now he can start calling the baby his little prince, Zoro finally lets a tear fall but shoves his head into your neck while rubbing his daughters back hoping to hide it, he didn't mind having another girl but now they would have one of each, for some reason it made him feel like the family is complete.
It took a while for the four of you to calm down enough to thank Chopper in Jinbe, you couldn't help but pull the two into a hug, Chopper let you keep the ultrasound photo while he kept the photo of the art work knowing now he needed to show it to the crew. Unfortunately with all the hugging, crying and touching the once beautiful artwork was now nothing more than a gray patch, you felt bad but the two artist were just happy that they could do this for you. As Chopper and Jinbe let the others in you sit down on the sofa next to Zoro who grabs wipes ready to get rid of the large patch while Sanji pulls Kuina onto his lap next to you wiping off the paint thats covering almost half her face. "That's it? a gray blob" Usopp comments looking thoroughly disappointed after all the hype it got while Robin lets out a chuckle already seeming to know what has happened "Judging by everyone covered in gray paint i think it just got smudged right?" The black haired woman smiles walking up to Chopper who hands her the photo of the finished painting before bringing it back to the others, Nami and Brook are quick to gasp already knowing what it is while the others tilt their heads in confusion. Letting out a laugh you lay your head on Zoro's shoulder as he continues to clean the gray mess on your belly "You two were right, it's a boy" Luffy and Usopp quickly look over at you then back to the photo letting their gears turn until it finally clicks "I told you so" The captain happily cheers hugging the sniper who happily hugs back while cheering as well.
----- Team 5, Kuina, Sanji and Zoro -----
Its the last day and even though your excited to see what your family has planned your also kinda sad its over so soon, the art work everyone has done has been amazing and the experience has been a whirlwind of emotions but above all you've felt so much love, seeing your crew so happy and invested in your children and family life has made any doubts about bringing another child into this world completely fade away. Walking into the aquarium bar with Zoro at your side your greeted by a sweet sight, Kuina and Sanji are mixing paints hoping to get the perfect shade of the color they want and testing it on each others skin, your daughter dips her finger into the light blue paint she's made and rubs it on the cooks cheek who lets out a small laugh as she examines it. The blondes cheeks are full of different shades of Pink's, blue's and light purple's making you hold back a laugh as to not disturb the moment, Zoro wraps an arm around your waist while shoving his head into your shoulder trying to hold back his own laugh "Perfect, we have all the shades now" Kuina gives a big smile while grabbing a damp cloth to help her daddy clean on his face "If i didn't know what you were doing i would say you look sick" Zoro chuckles walking you over to the two earning a growl and a glare from Sanji "Shut it moss head, i don't see you helping" The cook snaps but his expression softens when his daughter finishes cleaning his face for him giving her a thankful look and a small kiss on the cheek before glaring back at Zoro who helps you sit down on the sofa "Helping? While your getting your makeup done, i'm helping our girl get comfortable"
Quickly standing Sanji grabs the grinning swordsman by the Kimono pulling him closer to growl at it, the two bicker back and forth while Kuina hops off her chair and makes her way over with a piece of paper in her hands completely ignoring her two dads. "Even though we know it's a boy know i did say that no one can change their deigns so i hope it's ok that we're using pink" Your daughter looks down at the paper on her hands unsure of how to feel about this but you place a hand on her head giving her beautiful blonde hair a few strokes "What ever you make will be amazing, your so talented plus colors don't have to be gender specific." A smile forms on your daughters face as you pat the seat next to you, placing the paper aside so you can't see it the little girl hops up next to you as you grab a hair tie and start tying her hair up not wanting it to get to messy "Thanks Mama". After tying her hair up Kuina gives you a smile before wrapping her arms around you, hugging her back you place a tender kiss on her head while rubbing her back, the two of you stay like that for a while enjoying each others company and warmth all while Sanji and Zoro are still bickering, the two grabbing onto each other but soon turns flirtatious, both picking on each other while making cocky complements. With a sigh you pat Kuina's back before letter her go knowing you have to stop your partners before their cocky comments turn sexual "Sanji, Zoro, come on already i can't wait any longer" Your laugh and voice gets the two to look at you, Zoro's grip that was firmly around the cooks tie loosens while Sanji lets go of the swordsman's Kimono.
The cook glances at Zoro looking from the man to his tie then back to the man giving him a glare since the green haired man hasn't let go yet, with a cocky smile the swordsman leans closer placing a light kiss on the blondes lips before moving to his ear "We'll finish this later" Zoro whispers slowly pulling away and letting go of Sanji's tie before making his way over to you "I'll get the paints" Kuina happily cheers rushing over to the table and grabbing the plate of mixed paints and some paint brushes while Zoro leans over you running his hands over your clothed stomach before starting to lift up your shirt exposing the skin underneath "So beautiful" He whispers while bending down to place his lips on yours, reaching up you place a hand on his cheek letting your thumb run across his skin as his lips move with yours, Zoro's hands move your shirt up and under your breasts tucking it into the underside of your bar so it won't get paint on it. Slowly pulling away from the kiss the swordsman gives you a loving smile before looking down at your stomach letting his hands run over it while bending down further to place a kiss just above your belly button, the sight makes your heart pound in your chest while tears well up in your eyes knowing how much he loves you and his unborn baby boy. Sanji is snapped out of his flustered shock by Kuina who giggles while pulling on the arm of his jacket "You should really take this off dad, you'll get it dirty" The cook quickly looks down at his daughter than to his jacket managing to come back to reality "Thanks sweetie"
Taking off his jacket and putting it aside Sanji starts turning up the sleeves of his white button down shirt, it doesn't bother him it gets paint on it but it would mean less washing later. Kuina happily makes her way back over to the sofa sitting down next to you as Zoro steps away to take off the top part of his kimono, the little girl can't help but let out a laugh at your flustered face that goes much redder when Sanji walks over taking his black tie off "You two will be the death of me" It slips out before you can stop it causing a squeak to leave your lips as you slap a hand over your mouth, your partners let their grins widen while looking you over with loving and mischievous eyes while your daughter throws her head back on laughter. Throwing his tie to the side making it land on top of his jacket Sanji steps closer letting his hand run over your stomach "Oh my love, you flatter us too much" leaning down to your ear the cook places a kiss just under it as your body stiffens knowing he's going to say something that will make you even more flustered "But if that does happen, i will be more than happy to give you mouth-to-mouth" Your face blows up red as you slap his arm starting to stutter but unable to form a sentence trying to tell the cook to shut up, Sanji laugh while kissing your burning hot cheeks ignoring your halfhearted protests and light hits on his chest and arms. Luckily Kuina couldn't here what was said mainly because she's laughing too hard, it's always a joy to see you so flustered since it's a rare sight and its something over her farther's can achieve.
Zoro lets out a chuckle with a shake of his head while grabbing a plate of paints and a paint brush "Alright, lets get started" The swordsman states getting the rest of his family to calm down enough to start, using Kuina's drawing as a guide your daughter paints on your side while Sanji and Zoro work on the rest, the outline made it every clear what their making bringing a smile to your face, a giant ribbon and down cutting diagonal across your belly leaving a big gap on one side, your daughter kept stepping away once in a while to look at it from a different angle and some times going up to Zoro asking him to redo a line. The swordsman didn't mind since he knows he's not that good at drawing but would often grumble under his breath having to redo a line several times to get it the right way mainly being mad at himself, reaching your hand down while trying not to move too much you run your hand through his green hair helping to calm him down which he gives you a thankful look for. Sanji's lines are neat and tidy, but he would always have a damp cloth wrapped around one finger, so he can run it under the line he's made making sure its perfect. With the three focused on their work there isn't any kind of conversation leaving the room in a comfortable and relaxing silence other than a few words here and there and at least one of them checking to see if you need a break. It didn't take long for them to finish all three stepping back to admire their work "Its almost done" Kuina jumps a little with glee happy to see it looking just the way she wants it too.
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A look of surprise crosses your face since it looks down to you "Really? It's already amazing" Your comment gets your daughter shaking her head while running over to the table and grabbing four different pastel colored paints, green, yellow, orange and purple. "Were gonna need your help for this one love" Sanji smirks holding his hands out for you to take as Zoro comes to your side the two helping you stand up, the swordsman stands behind you placing his chin on your shoulder placing kisses on your neck "Ok Dad is green and Daddy is yellow. Ready?" Kuina lifts up a paint brush covered in green paint, Zoro holds out one of his hands letting his daughter paint the palm of his hand as Sanji moves to stand behind you as well placing his chin on your other shoulder "What is going on?" You whisper but only earn a small laugh and a kiss on the cheek in response, once Zoro's hand is painted your daughter takes a different brush with yellow paint and starts painting Sanji's palm that the cook holds out for her "Don't worry baby, i know you'll love this" Zoro whispers placing a few more kisses on your neck which you lean into enjoying his touch "Ok make a heart" Kuina states putting the plate down before helping her farther's make a heart with their joined hands, she adjusts the thumbs to make it perfect before standing back to have a look. Leaning back into the two you can't help but smile now knowing what their doing, Zoro's other arm goes around Sanji's waist keeping you snug in between their arms all while trying not to smug their work since his arm is hovering over the painting on your belly.
Kuina moves her farther's hands into the perfect position before giving them a nod, In perfect unison your partners press their hands onto your belly and hold it there while peppering your cheeks and neck with kisses, lifting your hands up cup their cheeks pulling the two closer to you "You boys are too sweet" You giggle turning to look at Sanji who gives you a sweet loving look "Anything for you Mi Amour" The cook whispers his lips brushing against yours before locking fully, letting out a happy hum you lean into the kiss while stroking his cheek, after a few short kisses you turn to Zoro who has a smirk plastered on his face "I told you'd like it" Leaning in the two of you share a short kiss before fully locking lips hoping to draw the feeling of his lips against yours, as another happy hum leaves your lips the swordsman lets out a needy groan wanting more so you open your mouth a little, Zoro's tongue is quick to enter your mouth roaming around as your hand moves up to hair. Kuina lets out a sigh, she's glad that her parents are in love, but she doesn't want the art work to get ruined, the swordsman's arm is perfectly still but that might change if this goes on "You can move your hands now" Your daughter states managing to brake you and the green haired man apart giving the young girl a sorry look, slowly your partners lift their hands up and off your belly leaving perfect hand prints with their thumb and fingers making a heart in the middle, in the middle a strip of green and yellow meets blending together a little and making a very light lime color.
Zoro and Sanji give you one last Kiss on the cheek before stepping away to clean their hands while Kuina walks up to you getting a better look at the hand prints "This is an amazing idea, I'm guessing the next to paints are for me and you?" You ask getting your daughter to look up at you and nod "I know my hands a lot smaller, but we can make it work. I picked Purple for you and orange for me" The young girl picks up her plate again and grabs two more paint brushes showing you the colors, placing your hand on her head you ruffle her hair before offering your hand to her letting her paint your hand. As she paints you look over to your body's seeing Zoro cleaning up Sanji's hand with a damp cloth, the two don't speck but do share an intense loving look, the cooks the first to step closer placing a light kiss on the corner of the swordsman's lip earning a groan of annoyance from the man, with both their hands clean Zoro throws the cloth down on the table then grabs Sanji's shirt pulling him in before the blonde can react. Crashing his lips onto his partners the swordsman lets out a satisfied moan forcing his tongue into the cooks mouth who instantly gives up and melts into the kiss, his hands run up Zoro's arm and take the hand that is holding his shirt managing to pull it off and interlock their fingers. Your brought back to your daughter when she puts the paint brush down and turns to her dads going to ask for help painting her hand only to see the two kissing.
With another sigh she shakes her head "Dads please… Art first, kissing later" Letting out a laugh you watch your partners pull away and slightly pout at being scolded by their daughter, it's hard to say no to Kuina when she's so determined, so the two pull away from each other and walk over, Zoro takes the plate from his daughter and starts painting her hand while Sanji looks over your purple palm flashing you a sweet smile "That color suits you mi amour" The cook tucks some hair behind your ear while leaning in to give you a light kiss, you happily return it before looking back at Kuina who has now moves to your side, with the help of Zoro and Sanji you manage to make a heart despite the size difference, placing your hands on your stomach your daughter follows along as you wrap your arm around her shoulder keeping the little girl pressed to your side "Thank you sweetie, this was a great idea, I've had so much fun" The two of you smile at each other while pulling your hands off your belly leaving the art work complete. Kuina leaves your side to look at her work her smile bigger then ever as she bounces on her feet in happiness "It looks so good" She praises as Zoro chuckles lifting her up into the air and holding her close "Heck yea it is, my little artist" The swordsman nuzzles his daughters cheek before kissing it not caring that she's trying to push him away with a paint covered hand all while giggling her little head off. Sanji quickly grabs the camera taking a photo of your belly and placing it back on the side, so he can hold you, being careful of the arm work the cook holds you from the side wrapping his arms around your waist and under your belly while your hand comes up to meet his cheek so you can pull him into a kiss.
Zoro smirks at seeing the moment your having with the blonde cook so puts his daughter down and takes her hand "Come on lets get you cleaned up and then show the others" The swordsman states pulling her over to the painting table and grabbing another cloth to clean her hand off all while praising her work. With your lips locked with Sanji's you tilt your head back a little to get a better angle letting his tongue push into your mouth with no resistance, your tongues dance around each other as light hums and moans of happiness leave your lips, it warms your heart to feel how much love your family has for each other and the unborn baby boy they haven't even met yet, you can't ask for anything more. As you pull away Kuina flings the door open and yells out for the others that their finished, of course the first people to rush in are Chopper, Luffy and Usopp, your not sure if their excited to see the art or find out the results of the contest but it doesn't seem to both Kuina. "Arrr thats so cute" Chopper smiles looking up at your belly admiring your families work "I like the hand idea" Usopp comments patting your daughter on the head as she beams up with pride at the sniper. "Its simple but beautiful" Nami smiles walking in with the rest of the crew, Jinbe walks up to Kuina placing a hand on her shoulder with a proud smile "you have an amazing talent young lady, keep it up" His praise makes her eyes sparkle with glee her pride in her and her parents work growing by the second. "Perfectly gift wrapped, how thoughtful" Robin giggles making some of the others laugh too including you and Zoro, the swordsman grabs your book and pen handing it over to you while Kuina hands out pieces of paper and pens to the crew "I can't believe this is the last one, its gone so quick" Franky chuckles after writing on his paper and handing it to Sanji as Zoro helps you sit back down.
Once everyone has scored the last piece of work you add it all together in your book before pulling out a small envelope from another page "Do we get a prize?" Luffy, Usopp and Franky all yell their eyes shining like starts making you giggle even though your feeling a little bad "No, I'm sorry, there's are just my scores, I've been writing them down and put them in here so i'm not tempted to change my own scores, I've forgotten what I've put down already" The three pout only to be slapped across the head by Nami, placing her hands on her hips the navigator scolds them for not noticing, you never told anyone what you were doing but the others could guess since you didn't hide it. With all your scores down and Robin calming Nami down the crew looks to you for the verdict, reading through the scores you can't help but let out a laugh at how things ended up "The winners are Chopper and Jinbe while the rest of you all come in second" A large smile grows on your face as you turn your book around to show them the page, everyone is tied expect for the winner who won by 4 point. There's a collective "What?" full of different emotions, happiness, disbelief and confusion "I can't believe we won" Chopper cheers as Kuina tackles him in a hug the two laughing and cheering as Zoro picks the two up kissing the tops of their heads "Great Job Chopper and thanks again.. Thanks you too Jinbe" The swordsman puts the two down before turning to the large fish man who rubs the back of his head "Oh it was all Choppers idea" Sanji shakes his head placing a hand on Jinbe's shoulder "Still thank you, it means a lot"
Nodding you give Jinbe a smile agreeing with your boys, what they did was beyond sweet and thoughtful, you got to see your baby before it was even born and find out the gender something you couldn't do with Kuina, speaking of the young girl she walks over to you her hand gripping onto Choppers "I'm glad you liked it but i'm sorry you guys didn't win" The doctor gulps feeling a little bad about it but Kuina shakes her head and takes your hand with a big smile "I didn't really care if we won or not, it was really fun and made this week at sea go bay really fast… Did you enjoy it mama, it wasn't too much was it?" Your daughter asks with sudden concern, squeezing her hand you lean closer placing a kiss on her head "I loved every second of it and even though your baby brother was a little fussy at times i think he enjoyed it too" Patting the seats next to you the two hop up cuddling into your sides, your arms wrap around them holding the two close as Kuina places her hand over her hand print on your belly "I'm glad, i can't wait to meet him" Your little girl whispers, kissing the top of her head you nuzzle into her feeling your heart swell with happiness and love only for the moment to be broken by Luffy's loud yelling "I want a rematch" Zoro, Sanji and a slightly stressed out Franky who's going over your scores are quick to look at their captain with a glare "No way" The three yell in unison making Luffy groan with a big pout before flopping onto the sofa away from you, he looks up at the three with puppy dog eyes trying his best to get them to agree like how they do with Kuina, letting out a laugh your soon joined by the two at your sides and a few other crew members as the three groan trying to ignore their pouting captain.
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familyvideostevie · 1 year
a warm horizon
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this was the second most voted from this poll, hope you enjoy! springtime with steve | fem!reader, 1k
"I'm telling you, it swelled up to the size of a...a...golf ball. No, a baseball. Right on my wrist, which made it impossible to actually play baseball for like, two weeks. " Steve's hands gesticulate wildly as he pantomimes something much larger than a baseball appearing at the base of his thumb. You look down at where his head rests in your lap and she that his eyebrows are furrowed in genuine angst. "And it hurt. So, yeah, excuse me if I swat at a bee when I see one."
"Swatting at them just makes them mad," you tell him, leaning back on your hands and casting your gaze to the blue sky. You should have brought your sunglasses. Silly boy, you think. Afraid of bees, of all things. 
"Swatting at them gets them away from me for long enough to run back to the safety of my car."
The spring breeze blows through the now-green grass of the hill and catches one of the edges of your blanket, flipping it over. You can't bring yourself to move to fix it. "And you'll abandon me?"
"Sorry, babe," Steve says. You look down again to find him grinning at you. His eyes sparkle in the sunshine."They don't come after you like they do me. I'm like honey, or something."
You flick his nose and he swats at you as if you're the offending insect."No idea why, since I'm much sweeter than you."
Steve pouts and you laugh. "Brutal. You're hanging out with Dustin too much."
You lower yourself to your elbows and then your back so that you're just as sprawled on the blanket as he is. "S'what you get for abandoning me to nature, Steve." Huge, fluffy clouds amble across the sky above you. Everything seems more beautiful, more alive during the first few weeks of spring. Everyone laughs a little louder and walks around with a spring in their step. 
"I wouldn't actually abandon you," Steve says. "You might have to defend me, though. I'm serious, I think I'm allergic or something."
"I can do that," you say. "I'll protect you from the big, bad bees." Steve snorts. 
"Alright, alright, I get it. They're just bugs." You reach down blindly to slide your hand into his hair as a somewhat sincere apology for making fun of him. He does handle pretty much every other critter fairly well -- he is a little freaked out by butterflies but lets you stop him when you see one on your walks. He catches fireflies with the kids and even takes spiders outside if you ask him to. But your handsome, brave, incredible boyfriend isn't at his best this time of year. 
"How's your hay fever?" you ask, eyes closing to enjoy the sunshine. On cue, he sniffs. 
"Fine. The new pill I got at the pharmacy last week doesn't make me sleepy, which is nice." But then he sneezes. "Shit." He sneezes again.
"I have tissues in my bag." The weight of his head disappears from your lap and you hear him rummage through your things. He'll be fine in a few weeks when everything stops blooming but until then you try to carry around anything he might need.
"Don't open your eyes," he says. "This is gross." It sounds more like "gwoss" as he blows his nose. 
"Oh, you think I don't find my snotty boyfriend cute?" Steve ignores you and settles back on top of you, his head higher up on your stomach this time. He likes to feel you breathe.
"Spring is bullshit," he says without any real venom. 
"It's not all bad," you chastise him. "The sun is nice. Your hair will get lighter if we spend enough time out here."
He hums. "Well, I do get to see more of your legs." You feel his hand squeeze your thigh. 
"Steve!" He's impossible. You tilt your chin so you can see him only to find him grinning up at you just like before, only now his nostrils are a little red. He is still so handsome it makes your chest ache. "You know very well you get to see them whenever you want."
"Don't I know it." You look away but feel his eyes on you still.
"You're extra pretty in the spring," he says. "Just...happier. Lighter." Your face feels hot. It's disarming, sometimes, the way that Steve talks about you. Not only to you with compliments, but to other people. He tells old ladies in the grocery store about promotions you get at work and loudly sings your praises in rooms full of people. You took him shopping last week and when you came out of the dressing room in a new pair of jeans he asked the sales girl how she felt to have the prettiest girl in the world in her store. 
He's embarrassing and you love him so much. 
"You're extra pretty in the spring," you fire back. He reaches for your hand. 
You squeeze and he squeezes back. "I guess we're the greatest looking couple alive."
"Guess so." You wonder if you could fall asleep out here. 
"What do you want to do for the rest of the day?"
"We're on pickup duty at 4," you remind him. "But I'm happy to stay here for a little while longer." From your spot on the hill, it's easy to imagine that the rest of the world doesn't exist. It's just you and the boy you love on this blanket, enjoying each other's company and the warmth of the sun after a long winter. There are things you have to do, of course, and other people you love who you want to see. But it's nice to pretend, even for just a little bit.
"Me too," Steve says softly. 
thank you for reading <3 reblog, send feedback, masterlist here!
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dreamauri · 1 year
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♪ — 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗦𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧𝗔𝗟 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗦 - part seven charles leclerc  x  fem! driver! reader (angst) “… forgetting is troublesome especially when you used to be enemies.”
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( fic master list | general master list ) ( requests ) ( previous | next )
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It was certainly a miserable feeling. Waking up alone when you have become so used to the man you shared a bed with everywhere you went. Muffled sobs echoed in the room no matter how much you tried to cover your mouth or quiet down. You didn't want to wake up.
You'd been jolted out of your sleep, skin drenched in cold sweat. You couldn't get the image out of your head nor get your sobs to silence as you quietly walked through the room to the washroom where the locked door would cut out any noise to protect the sleep of the Monégasque on the queen sized bed.
"is he going to be okay? i—is he going to be okay? . . . please talk to me. please tell me he's going to be okay." you sobbed in your hands as you waited in the pitlane, the rain pattering on your helmet as you sobbed in your palm.
you wouldn't have been alone had Jules been here to comfort you. The vivid memory of watching him crash out at only your third ever grand prix was horrifying. Especially after starting your short lived friendship.
But that wasn't all.
"are you okay? y/n? y/n, are you there? can you hear me? it was all to hazy. was the sky grass? or were you upside down? everything was blurry and muffled, your body was numb, and your throat was sore. "y/n, you copy?" "i'm— i'm just going to take a little nap." your hushed voice promised over the radio as you pulled your glove off to reach up, or apparently down, to touch the grass.
After being demoted mid season in 2016, to make space for Max verstappen at red bull, you were scrambled to say the least. Sauber was not the best to you in 2017. Neither was Ferrari in 2018. The post redbull struggle was real.
Even more than ever after your crash at the Mexico gp during fp1. You were sent to the hospital with a brain injury, a few fractured ribs and fractured ankle. You remember how everyone was sure you were done for. You couldn't stand on your own, more or less even hold a glass of water without violently shaking.
What ticked you off the most was you remember seeing Charles' Sauber in your side mirrors before colliding with the wall.
You traced the surgery scar on your ankle as you sat on the floor, biting on a towel to mute the cries. Your attempts to stay quiet were all in vain. Charles was up from the moment he heard you shuffling in your sleep on the couch. He'd followed you to the bathroom after you shut the door.
He wanted to comfort you. To hold you again. "I wish everything could just go back to the way it was." His heart clenched hearing your words, leaning his head on the door tired. "Why can't you just come back. I don't want to be here. This is wrong."
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"Every fucking time!" You slammed your hands on the steering wheel. "Fuck I hate this." "Alright Y/N, cool down."
"FUCK! FUCK!" With a rough tug and an angry scream, you slammed the steering wheel on the asphalt. "I HATE THIS, I HATE THIS, I HATE THIS. FUCK FUCK FUCK!" "It's a red flag—" "OH REALLY? REALLY?! I WOULD'VE NEVER GUESSED."
With a quick and angry tug you pulled your gloves off and climbed out the car. You kicked the tire that had not been drilled in well and had caused you to spin out on turn 9, copse corner.
Wrestling with your helmet, you pull it off, drop kicking it in anger. You wanted to throw glass, slam a vase, rip paper, break something, anything. Your blood was boiling and you were going to snap at any moment.
You didn't return to the garage. Heading straight for the motorhome, your dad joined you on the walk back. "Non hai notato la gomma? Avresti potuto dirglielo." [you didn't notice the tire? you could've told them] "stavo tornando alla fossa. non sarei riuscito a uscire da quell'angolo." [i was on my way back to pit. i wasn't going to make it out of that corner]
"vai a prendere le tue cose così possiamo andarcene." [just go get your things so we can leave] You complied with a huff, stomping out of your driver's room after stuffing all of your stuff in a bag. "Y/N." Looking up to see Charles. Of course you would. "Où vas-tu?" [where are you going]
"Leave us." Your father pulled you away from your bicep, dragging you along from your bicep. You looked back only to see Charles' disappointed face. You tried to turn around and reach out to him only to be tugged back.
The ride back was quiet. Your dad made you stay with him at his hotel till your flight. You sat at the window while he argued with someone in Spanish, probably your mother. A deep sigh escaped your lips as you hugged your legs, leaning your chin on your knees.
You were regretting this; calling in your father, letting him be in control. But he was your father, and it was your mistake calling him in. No matter how much you wanted to go back to Charles.
You were beginning to learn how much you loved him, how much you needed him. You wanted him to hold you and kiss you the way he does.
"It's you, Carl." Your hushed voice was weak and hoars. Charles who had been sitting on a chair against the wall had rushed to your side immediately. "Why are you crying? Your ruining your pretty eyes." Safe to say the anaesthetic was doing it's job. You gently ran the back of your finger on Charles ( or Carl as you thought he was ) 's cheek, wiping his tears. "How come you always find me?" You giggled weakly. Charles held your hand gently, leaning his forehead on your knuckles. "I know someone who has that same exact shirt. I had one as well." You pointed at his top, the Sauber logo with the sponsors filling in the empty space. "His name is Charles. He's really pretty. But a pain in my ass." "Pretty?" Charles chuckled weakly, wiping the fresh tears. "Yeah. He has beautiful eyes . . . kind of like your eyes. But I promise you have the prettier ones." "Do you . . . like Charles?" "No. I like you."
You closed your eyes with a short sigh. The memories were becoming more frequent. You could almost put puzzle pieces together, string out the story. But you weren't becoming any more . . . normal. You didn't even know what was normal at this point, but you wanted to be the 25 year-old woman everyone thought you were.
This . . . "you", she needed to leave. You were causing way too many problems. With your team, with your husband, with your family, yourself as well. It just wasn't right.
"Voglio prendermi il resto della stagione libera." [i want to take the rest of the season off] You called through the room. "continua a sognare." [keep dreaming]
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
Regret regret regret, you felt as you walked through the airport. You wanted to dump your dad. You were pretty sure you could easily find Max ( cause who doesn't paint their private jet team colours and put their lion logo on the jet's tail? )
But you couldn't just leave your dad like that. No matter how much he was unlikable or how much you wanted to go back to your husband, he was still your father. You respected him ( to a certain level ) and feared him. Maybe 25 year-old you could. Maybe you were just a coward.
Maybe? You are.
"I wanna go home, to Monaco." "non essere un bambino, that's not your home." [don't be a baby] You groaned. How much more can you take?
You tucked your hands under your armpits as the plane took off, bracing yourself with shaky breaths.
"We're gonna fall— we're gonna—" "Hey hey, we're okay." Charles held your hand, kissing your knuckles. "We're flying. We're going home." He assured you with his charming smile. He pulled your head to lay on his shoulder, kissing your temple. A laugh rocked through his chest as you gripped onto him for dear life. "Oh, amour." [love]
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
"Its five in the morning, who's knock-" To say your younger brother in law, Arthur, was surprised and confused to see you at his door with a awkward smile was understandable, especially since your family and Charles had been looking for you around the planet for the past two hours.
"Sorry, I need a place to hide."
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redeemers-and-dragons · 5 months
Redeemers: Greenest in Flames! Part 4
Temple Bell: RING. RING. RING.
Narration: The Temple of Chauntea is a large square building, made of fieldstone with a peaked slate roof. One of its two bell towers rings, catching a gleam of moonlight every swing, a cry for help. Several groups of masked men and kobolds surround the building, seeking to force their way in, or force the trapped townsfolk out. Jaune and Adam peer over the cobble stone wall that borders the sacred grounds to the south.
Jaune: *Holds onto his holy symbol, stemming his anger at the sight of a religious sanctuary being flagrantly defiled this way.* …What’s the count?
Adam: Two gray masks and six kobolds at the back door. Looks like they’re trying to start a fire.
Neon: *Slinks her way to their sides from the left.* I also got two gray masks and six kobolds with a battering ram at the front doors. There is also a really creepy guy with a white mask. Looks like the boss.
May: *Drops down from a tree from behind them* I also count a wandering parade of three gray masks, ten kobolds, and two guard drakes. Should be coming around the corner… now.
Narration: *On May’s que, a trio of men in masks slowly lead a procession of chanting kobolds, all either stomping their clawed feet and spears or banging their shields with their fists and blades. On either side of the line of kobolds prowls two dog-like reptile creatures that snap, growl, and foam at the mouth, wanting to tear apart anything that even looks their way.*
Gray Mask: *Beating a hand drum.* Do not be fooled by your false idols! Their promises cannot protect you anymore than these doors can. Only the Dragon Queen can spare you now…
Kobolds: Break. To. Bits! Burn. To. Ash! Break. To. Bits…!
The Party: *They watch as the procession turns the corner again, taking their chants of violence with them.*
Adam: Outnumbered 8 to 1. You don’t need to be a seasoned general to know those are unfavorable odds.
May: We just need to get the civilians out. By my calculations they’ll circle the church every eight minutes. That’d be a four minute window at best before the rest discover us attacking one side.
Neon: Well we better attack quickly, because I’m not totally confident in that front door holding for long.
Jaune: *He studies the group of invaders at the back piling hay and dried grass at the bottom of the heavy wooden door, thick smoke rising to the night sky* Alright, then here’s the plan…
Narration: *Caught up in their task of tending to the fire by the back door, many of the kobolds failed to notice the elementally charged crossbow bolt that zipped past them, striking the tinder pile. The resulting explosion sent a shower of burning debris into the air, accompanied by a thick cloud of blinding smoke that engulfed the area, leaving the kobolds and masked men disoriented and struggling to breathe.*
Gray Mask #1: *Cough! Cough* What the hell?
Adam: *Charges in from out of nowhere, shoulder checking the masked man flying straight into the wall of the temple so hard, you’d swear he cracked the stone.*
Gray Mask #2: *Coughs as she draws her hand crossbow on Adam, but has it immediately knocked out of her hand by a nun-chuck.*
Neon: *Spins her nun chuck and hits the Gray Mask right in the jaw, knocking her mask off, then immediately roundhouse kicks a kobold.*
Jaune: *Charges in and shield bashes a kobold then raises it against the spear of a different one, fending the kobolds off until the masks are dealt with.*
Gray Mask #1: *Coughs blood as he stumbles back to his feet, raising a poisoned dagger. Before he can strike, a crossbow bolt nails his arm to the wall. Before he can yell in pain, Adam knocks his head against the wall again, causing him to slump.*
Adam: *Grunts and wields his massive great sword in two hands and slashes through two kobolds in one swipe.*
Gray Mask #2: *Draws a hand ax and swings at Neon*
Neon: *Catches the arm and judo throws the woman over her shoulder*
May: *Runs up and hits the woman with the butt of her great crossbow, knocking her out.*
Jaune: *Gets stabbed in the arm by a kobold’s spear. He uses his sword to cut the spear in half and kicks the kobold back into the squad.* SLEEP! 
Kobolds: *The kobolds scramble to get back on their feet, but the spell has been done. Jaune points his sword at them, commanding them to sleep. Almost instantly, the kobolds start to drool and yawn, falling into a deep slumber before they even make it on their feet again.*
Jaune: *He can barely take a single breath before he orders the team back into action. There just wasn’t any time to waste now.* Adam, get the door.
Adam: *Nods before thrusting the tip of his great sword along the hinges of the thick wooden door. With a show of effort, the minotaur managed to pry the door out of the doorway, causing an uproar of screams and cries of terror from inside.*
Woman: They broke in!
Man: Get the women and children away from the door!
Jaune: *Runs in, weapon holstered and holding up his Talisman of Boldrei.* It’s okay! We won’t hurt you!
Preacher: *Signs a religious symbol in praise.* Oh thank Chanteau, a paladin! Are you here to rescue us?
Jaune: Yes. But we have to go, now! We’re going to the keep! Come on!
Narration: *The preacher urges the rest of the people in the temple to follow Jaune outside, and they obey as quickly as they can. Unfortunately, there were quite a few elderly and injured people amongst the crowd, making evacuation very time consuming. The front door began splintering and cracking under the battering of the invaders, and the chanting of the procession was coming closer towards the back of the temple.*
May: *Peering around the corner at the oncoming mob of hostiles. She dips back and grabs the discarded mask from the ground and a black coat from the unconscious woman, putting them both on.* Contingency time. You think you can out run a couple of drake hounds?
Neon: Please, leading things that want a taste of me on a chase is, like, my specialty. *Takes a quick moment to stretch her legs.*
Narration: *Just as the large group of masked men and kobolds were halfway to the back of the church, they were suddenly halted by the sight of a tabaxi sprinting across their path, and then jumped right on top of the stone wall surrounding the church* Wow! Didn’t know the Ugly Parade was in town! *Laughs and winks as she drops down out of view on the other side*
May: *Limps out in her disguise, bloodied and holding herself up against the side of the temple. She points to where Neon had run off to* What are you doing?! STOP HER! *Crumples down to her knee*
Narration: *Without waiting for an answer, there was a loud roar and the pair of drake hounds burst forth and bound over the stone wall after their prey, followed by the mob of kobolds that were excited for a hunt, and lastly followed by two of the gray masks giving orders to give chase. All that was left was one Gray Mask that rushed to May’s side.*
Gray Mask: *Helping May to her feet* What happened? How did they…? *Anyone could recognize the moment of realization in the man’s eyes even through his scaled mask. It was the very moment he saw the stream of villagers escaping through the back of the church, and also the second before May slit his throat with a knife.*
May: *Covers the man’s mouth with one hand, and wraps an arm around his waist to pull him back around the corner with her before any of the other’s saw. She leaned him up against the wall before taking off her mask and helping with the evacuation.*
Adam: *As the invaders were making headway on the front doors of the temple, he would lift up entire pews and stack them right in front of it to slow them down.* We don’t have much time, Knight!
Jaune: *Ushering an old lady out* This is the last of them! We can-
Narration: *The front doors of the temple managed to be broken open with a loud crash, allowing a man in a White Mask to push his way in, along with a couple kobolds following in behind*
White Mask: You dare stand against the might of the Dragon Queen?! Infidels!!
Adam: *Hefts his great sword* I’ve been called worse.
Jaune: *Draws his long sword* You defile sacred grounds. Drop your weapon or redemption will be out of your grasp.
White Mask: *Draws a large dagger shaped like a jagged icicle* The only thing I wish to grasp is your frozen heart! *Swings his blade, sending a magical spike of ice towards Adam*
Adam: *Tries to duck out of the way, but his large frame was an easy target. The icicle sunk into his shoulder, then shattered into crystalized fragments that rained onto Jaune before he could raise his shield.* GAH!
White Mask: *Smirks* Can’t handle a little bit of ice-?
Jaune: *Channels Divinity* Rebuke the Violent!
White Mask: Huh-? *Before the man had a chance to respond, a brilliant, radiant light emanated from Adam's wounded arm, and gleamed onto White Mask's own arm, aligning perfectly with the spot where the spell had struck. In an instant, the masked man's arm erupted into a blinding explosion of searing, radiant burns.* GAAAH!!!
Adam: *Roars at the top of his lung and charges forward, dragging his great sword into an uppercut that slashes right through the middle of the White Mask and sends him flying up towards the ceiling before landing in a bloody heap on the pile of pews by the door. This sight alone was enough to send the kobolds retreating right back through the front entrance.*
Jaune: *Runs to Adam’s side* Adam! Are you ok?
Adam: *Looks down at his frostbitten and badly slashed arm* Heal it later. We have to move.
Jaune: *Still looks worried but nods as the two of them rush out the back*
Narration: *It took a few minutes for Jaune and Adam to catch back up with the refugees, now hiding by the river with May.*
May: *Looks at Adam’s arm* Shit, what happened to you?
Adam: It’s just a scratch, I’ll be fine.
Jaune: *Sighs* We’ll heal it later, right now-
Narration: *All of a sudden the sound of rustling bushes came from behind them, causing all three adventurers to turn their weapons on the source.*
Neon: *Limping out* Jeez, not even a hello for your favorite girl?
Jaune: Neon! Did you get hurt?!
Neon: No big whoop. Guess those ugly lizard dogs were a little faster than I thought, but I gave them a few good kicks and then the slip. We get everyone?
May: *Nods* Yes. We managed to get everyone out, and then some. *She gestures to a pair of townspeople keeping a hold on the once masked woman they had knocked out in the initial fight, now trying to curse through a gag and pulling at the ropes that bind her hands.*
Adam: You took a prisoner.
Neon: The heck you bring her along for?
May: I figured it was time for us to start getting some answers. This group is clearly well organized and highly motivated by some sort of cause - it's imperative that we know who we are dealing with.
Jaune: *Takes a moment to take in this new development.* May is right. We are not dealing with regular raiders here. When we get back to the keep, we need to interrogate her for whatever information we can get.
Neon: Well, Detective. Who’s gonna play Good Cop and Bad Cop?
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verbenaa · 6 months
to eden | chapter three
𝓈𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: “Well, your seduction technique needs some work if it’s something you’ve been working on for longer than this evening.” Rin manages, resisting the urge to run her hands through his silken curls, fingers instead curling into blades of grass. 
“Does it? It certainly didn’t take much convincing for you to agree to be here tonight. And,” Astarion looks up at her as his hands run down the curve of her waist, one anchoring itself on her hip as the other travels farther south. “I remember those delectable little sounds you made as I drank your blood the last time.”
✧· · ─── ·✧· ─── · ·✧
𝓅𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Astarion x F! Tav
𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔: E
𝓌𝑜𝓇𝒹 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓃𝓉: 6,756
𝓌𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Dirty talk, vaginal fingering, cunnilingus, vaginal sex
𝒶/𝓃: Hi! Welcome to chapter 3, or the chapter where I wrote 6k of smut in a week. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter, and please enjoy the bit of Astarion POV that lives at the very end :). Let me know your thoughts down in the comments, and as always, reblogs and likes are so greatly, greatly appreciated! LOVE YOU ALL!!!
ao3 here
Astarion's words to her ring in her ears, ricocheting around as the scene replays in her head, her footsteps light over the loamy earth as she passes tree after tree on her way towards a small clearing in the forest ahead.
“Just you and me and—well, maybe a little death? Figuratively speaking.”
Despite that Rin knows exactly what Astarion means with his little play on words, it still takes her a moment to fully process the sentence, mind drawing a blank as she mentally calculates the fact that Astarion—eternal pain in the ass and the unfortunate recurring subject of her recent dreams—is suggesting that the two of them enjoy a nice roll around in the hay.
She reaches out to grab the wine bottle from his hands, bringing it to her lips to take a sip as she lowers her lashes coyly, hoping the bottle will cover some of the flush rising to her cheeks as memories from said dreams flit around in her mind’s eye—imaginings of his lips and hands and oh-so-sharp fangs.  
Astarion’s not wrong, she realizes as she holds back a grimace—the wine is decidedly awful, even by her own relatively lax standards surrounding any and all things alcoholic.
She should say no. It would be crossing a line that Rin doubts they could ever come back from, at least not if she wanted to maintain the somewhat shaky balance of companionship that they had recently discovered. Her improper dreams about him notwithstanding, she still considered Astarion to be firmly in the realm of ‘occasionally enjoyable to be around but still questionable at best’.
But on the other hand she can’t deny her attraction to him, something her subconscious seems to remind her of with growing frequency—perhaps if she agrees to this, she can get it out of her system, get him out of her system so that he will no longer haunt her thoughts and dreams.
Besides, Astarion was quite attractive, all things considered. And good with his hands, at least presumably. Rin had certainly seen him pick enough locks to know he had an adequate amount of…finesse.
Rin sends a playful wink Astarion’s way, her decision made.
“How lucky for you that ‘little deaths’ are my personal favorite kind.” She takes another small sip of his wine as she surveys him and the seductive look painted on his face, lips somehow looking more plush than usual if that were even possible. 
“Is that a ‘yes’ then, darling?”
“If it was a ‘no’ do you think I’d still be standing here?” Rin gives him a roll of her eyes to add a little bit of normalcy back to the situation. “I’ll see you in a little bit, then.” 
“Indeed you will, my love. Indeed you will."
Absolute idiocy. Rin takes a deep breath as she desperately wishes she had brought another bottle of wine with her, if only to have something else to focus on as she walks to where she knows he is waiting for her. Instead she busies her hands with picking at the hem of the blouse she wears, forgoing any stays underneath, her breasts instead brushing against the soft white linen with no barrier.
She doesn’t know what she is doing.
She wants to tell herself she doesn’t know why she even agreed—it’s much easier to feed herself a lie that there is no underlying reason she picked him over the others, especially when his offer was far from the only one she’d received tonight.
But there it was again, that same feeling rising up once more that Rin had felt the night he asked for her blood and every time since that he has drank from her, his lips licking and sucking against her skin. That same feeling of so desperately wanting to be wanted—needed—ringing in her ears and pressing into the space between her eyes, that strange pull towards him she had no real explanation for.
Clearly, she was only interested in self-sabotage. And sleeping with Astarion was the surest way to the hells, as far as she was concerned.
Rin sighs as she continues walking, dragging a hand through her unbound hair as the sounds of the celebration behind her grow dimmer with each step, a small blessing. It was bad enough that everyone will know what exactly they are getting up to this evening when they notice the two of them missing.
The last thing she needs is for everyone to have to hear it happening, as well.
It was already enough of a humiliating experience each and every time one of her dear companions made a point to draw attention to the marks on her neck that never seemed to fully heal; ranging from Karlach and Shadowheart’s teasing remarks to Wyll and Gale’s disapproving gazes. 
At least Lae’zel seemed to bear it no mind—though as long as it wasn’t the githyanki’s neck on the line, Rin supposed, Lae’zel had no reason to care about what she did or did not do with her body so long as she maintained her focus on the tadpole.
With little ceremony Rin steps into the clearing, taking in the break of the trees around her. Moonlight pours in from above, the milky rays incandescent as they illuminate the verdant carpet of green on the ground. The smallest of violets growing up in between the long blades of grass, their purple blooms tiny dots of color. 
Finally, she lays her eyes on him, half dressed—because, of course he is—and Rin resists the urge to roll her eyes as he leans against the moss-covered bark of a nearby tree.
Astarion languishes in the moonlight reflecting off of his bare skin like some sort of God fashioned out of the purest and most pristine marble, and sure to be just as cold to the touch. 
He was undeniably beautiful, her chest constricting at the sight of him.
His claret eyes swivel to meet Rin’s own, a carnal seductiveness in them making the dark red irises practically glow.
“I’ve been waiting for you, you know.” There’s already a touch of impatience in his tone that brings a pleased smile to her face, Astarion’s frustration at being made to wait for her presence marring the captivating visage he had put on for her.
And wait, he had. Rin had made sure he would have to, after all. She may have agreed to fuck him, but she would rather be struck down by Shar herself than have it look as though she was too eager to be here with him.
“You’re not the only one who propositioned me, you know.” She calls from across the clearing, keeping her chin up despite the nerves she feels building up ever so slightly as the reality of what she has agreed to begins to set in.
Rin musters her courage, putting on the most unaffected expression she knows how and hopes that it shows over the slight warmth she feels rising in her cheeks.
“Oh, I’m sure not. You’re far too beautiful to be left alone on a night like this,” His smirk is maddening, the confidence in it making her want to slap him as he strides towards where she stands next to a tree full of night blooming flowers. 
“I thought you didn’t give compliments, Astarion.” A raise of her brow is all she gives Astarion as he saunters nearer.
“I’ll make an exception just for you, darling.” They are velvet-smooth words, honed with precision to bend her to his will.
The blush on Rin’s face grows, and she hates the way her stomach flips at his compliment, though something in her questions the sincerity of it. 
She doesn’t need him to tell her of her beauty, she’s gotten away with plenty using her confidence in them over the years. But hearing the words come from his lips, sincere or otherwise, has her slight exasperation towards him breaking with the tiniest of cracks. 
Astarion stops only a hair’s breadth away from her, filling her space with his presence. He raises his hand slowly towards her upturned face, and when his fingers finally touch her she withholds the small exhale of air that threatens to leave her lungs. 
“I’ve been waiting since the moment I set eyes on you, you know.” His hand brushes against her cheek, stroking over the freckles that scatter across her skin. “Waiting to have you.”
This is the first time he’s ever touched her like this so openly and despite herself she feels a small flash of wanting kindle deep in her belly at the feeling of his cool fingertips, his touch delicate against the planes of her face.
“You don’t have me yet.” She keeps her voice steady despite the warmth waking inside her, eyes narrowing slightly as he cups her cheek.
“Don’t I? You’re here, aren’t you? And I don’t think you want to talk. I think you want to be known. To be tasted.” More svelte words, like something she’s sure she’s read before in a storybook. 
“And what do you want, Astarion?” Rin raises her brow in question, the expression of seduction on Astarion’s face setting her off-kilter.
“What do any of us want? Pleasure. Yours. Mine. Our collective ecstasy.” Astarion keeps his voice low as he leans in, tilting his head ever so slightly to take in the expression on her face. “That’s what you want, isn’t it? To lose yourself in me?”
Rin feels her heart stutter at the full brunt of his sensuality, those honeyed words carving a place deep into the recesses of her mind. This Astarion was so different, such a stark contrast to the version of him that had become her standard.
Rin isn’t positive she likes it. It just doesn’t feel like him.
“What I want is a little fun.” She takes a step away from him, her back meeting the trunk of the tree as he follows, stepping into her space once more.
“Then let’s have some fun.”
Astarion’s arms find their way to her waist, sliding around as he presses himself closer to her body. Instantly, Rin remembers that moment in the cave, when she could think about nothing else but her wish for his hands to be on her skin instead of the thick leather and metal of her armor.
Astarion’s hands find the bottom of her shirt and he lifts it off of her form, tossing it to the side without a second thought. His eyes skate down Rin’s newly exposed skin, her nipples hardening in the cool air of the night. He drags a hand from its place at her waist to palm at a full breast, weighing it in his palm.
“Who knew you were hiding such lovely breasts hiding underneath all those drab tunics of yours.” He muses as his thumb brushes over her nipple lightly, it pebbling under his touch. 
Rin’s swallow is audible, mouth held closed on a gasp she refuses to release as that single touch drives heat straight to her core. 
“Any other surprises you’ve got hidden, darling?” Astarion tweaks the hardened peak as he says the words, his face nearing hers as his other hand comes to lift under her chin, tilting her face up towards his own.
“You’re a decent rogue, I’m sure you can find anything I may happen to be hiding.” Rin whispers the words, her eyes moving to his plush lips, now only inches away from her own as her breath stutters in her chest.
“Oh, I’m confident enough in my abilities to assure you I’ll be able to find everything, darling.” Astarion’s smirk is the only answer she gets before his lips press against her own. 
The first touch of his lips on hers feels electric, her eyes sliding shut as her arms find their way around his neck. Rin lets her fingers tangle into the soft curls at his nape, deepening the kiss as Astarion pushes his thigh in between her own.
He runs his hands up and down the curve of her waist as Rin savors the feeling of his lips again her own, caressing her bare skin as he kisses her. It’s not long before she feels Astarion’s hands brush lower, past the line of her waist and over the swell of her hips, reaching down to her thighs before grabbing at them from below.
He lifts her with surprisingly little effort, the bark rough against her skin as Astarion controls the kiss, his lips moving against her own before nipping at her bottom lip. He soothes the bite with a lick, asking for entry and Rin eagerly complies, lips parting and tongue meeting his own halfway. She can taste the faintest tang of iron on his mouth as their kiss grows hungrier, her breasts pressing hard against his chest.
Astarion pulls his lips away from hers only to kiss a line to her jaw, mouth brushing lightly along the lines of her face and down the skin of her neck as his tongue licks over the still healing marks from his last feed. His hips press into her own, the beginnings of his erection hardening as he pushes into the space between her still-clothed thighs.
“Eager, Astarion?” Rin teases as she rolls her head to the side in invitation, her hips canting against his own slow rolls against her core.
“Who wouldn’t be with such a lovely little treat in their arms?” Astarion’s fangs brush against her neck, not hard enough to break the skin but enough that Rin can still feel the sharpness of the points as they drag. Gooseflesh covers the skin of her arms, nipples hard against his chest as a shiver runs through her and a small noise breaks free from her throat. 
He knows how much she likes it—the bastard—his smirk obvious against her skin as his mouth continues to press small kisses along the column of her throat.
Astarion backs her away from the tree, his hands holding firm as he directs the two of them instead towards a spot of grass nearby, settling onto his knees as he lays Rin down against the tapestry of green.
Astarion’s hands still hold onto her thighs as he kneels between her open legs, looking down upon her in the silvered beams of moonlight that shine through the canopy of trees, her hair strewn around her like a shimmering golden halo amongst the violets.
Rin lets her fingers drift out towards him, the warmth of her palms pressing lightly against the coolness of his skin as she brushes them against the hard planes of his abdomen, fingertips dragging up over his chest with a surprisingly delicacy. She brings her gaze up to meet his own, and it takes all but a moment of their eyes meeting one another’s for Rin to be momentarily taken aback by what she sees there in the depths of his claret eyes.
Astarion’s gaze is like tempered flame, the fiery passion that should be there smothered as if being held back by an imaginary grate, unable or unwilling to reach his eyes. Her brow furrows as she steals her hands back from his skin, opening her mouth to say something—anything—to him, but Astarion is faster, ending the moment from her before she can fully figure out the words that need to be said.
“Now, my darling, let’s get to the fun part.” That look in Astarion’s eyes is gone, hidden, replaced instead by a smirk as a hand slides along the outside of her thigh, reaching up to grasp at her at her breast as he lowers his head to the other. A finger circles her nipple as he blows air onto its twin, relishing in Rin’s intake of breath.
“Astarion,” Rin starts, slightly breathless. “Are you sure you want to do this? It’s okay if you don’t. Really.”
He stops, frozen above her as if his mind was still catching up with the words coming out of her mouth, breath barely coming from his lungs.
“We can go back and just pretend this never happened. No harm done.” She speaks in a rush, hands hovering in midair as if in surrender.
Astarion exhales against her chest, his breath finally returning as if alive once more.
“Well, darling, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want this, now would I?” His eyes narrow as he looks up at Rin from his place at her chest, hints of familiar agitation tainting his words. “I could have easily found a drunk tiefling to take to bed instead and it would have been far less troublesome than seducing you has been.” 
Rin’s retort dies on her lips and instead turns into a moan as Astarion brings his attention back to her breasts, taking her nipple into his mouth and running his tongue over the bud before sucking. He has her back bowing, pushing her chest closer to his mouth as his other hand thumbs at its twin.
“Well, your seduction technique needs some work if it’s something you’ve been working on for longer than this evening.” Rin manages, resisting the urge to run her hands through his silken curls, fingers instead curling into blades of grass. 
“Does it? It certainly didn’t take much convincing for you to agree to be here tonight. And,” Astarion looks up at her as his hands run down the curve of her waist, one anchoring itself on her hip as the other travels farther south. “I remember those delectable little sounds you made as I drank your blood the last time.”
He brushes over the fabric of her pants, hand cupping at her still covered wetness before rubbing lightly. Rin knows can smell her arousal, her hips bucking into his hand instinctively. 
“I can tell just how excited you are to be here, underneath me.” He circles his fingers over the apex of her thighs as Rin sends an impertinent look his way, though the fire of it is dampened by the pleasure beginning to run its way through her veins. 
The hand between her legs finds its way up to the waist of her pants, fingers grabbing along the band as he pulls. He works them down her legs with an almost sinful slowness, as though savoring the sight of the last real bit of armor she has sliding off her body, leaving her clad only in a simple pair of underwear.
Astarion looks down at Rin, eyes surveying her form below him from her pinked cheeks to her peaked breasts, a flush spreading across her chest with every second his eyes linger. Red eyes follow the line of her body down lower, over waist and hips before taking in the tiny triangle of fabric covering the only part of her still secret to him.
His fingers grab onto the sides of her underwear and the way it clings to her center is downright lewd, her wetness darkening the gusset as Astarion pulls them down her thighs.
“And to think I’ve not even started yet, love.” He makes a show of holding them up and looking at her panties once he has them off her body, a smug satisfaction written over his features at the arousal coating the cotton.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Astarion. It’s just been awhile.” Rin averts her eyes from him, words a huff despite the flush of her cheeks, the color visible even under the darkened sky above.
“Darling, I don’t think for a minute that just anyone can get this kind of reaction out of you.” He throws her underwear aside with a flourish of his wrist, the small scrap of cloth landing who knows where. “I think that, despite that smart mouth of yours, you’ve been wanting this. Now, let me see you.” 
Astarion’s hands come back to rest on her legs, and Rin parts them for him as his thumbs brush circles on the soft skin there. He looks at her once more, her dark lashes low over eyes swirling with lust and core glistening with want. 
Cool fingers draw teasing lines up the inside of a thigh, heading towards the place he knows she so desperately wants to be touched, even if she’d never admit it.
“Tell me, my darling bard, have you dreamed about me?” His voice is like dark honey as Astarion finally touches her, his fingers parting through her wet folds to gather her slick on his fingers. “Dreamed about this? About all the things I’m about to do to you?”
Her head falls back onto the violet strewn grass, a small gasp falling from her lips at his touch. The blush on her face deepens as she only grows wetter with every slow pass of his cool fingers on her most intimate place, skin warming with every passing moment.
“What is it? Nothing clever to say now?” Astarion taunts her as he lowers his head to press a kiss to her lower belly, Rin’s hips jumping at the contact. He chuckles against her skin as his finger traces around her entrance, a low groan escaping his lips at the evidence of her arousal he finds there.
“I haven’t the faintest idea of what you’re talking about.” The words come out far weaker than Rin would like, the last vestiges of composure she has disappearing with every brush of his fingers.
“Convenient how you never seem to know what I mean when it counts.” He presses the finger teasing her entrance inside, her soft moan music to his ears as he pushes in to the knuckle. There’s no resistance as he pumps his finger experimentally, dragging it out before settling back into her warmth.
“Gods, darling, you’re absolutely soaked and I’ve barely even touched you.” He curls his finger deep inside, pressing against her walls, and Rin is suddenly unsure if anyone has ever made her feel so good with such little effort before.
Astarion takes his time with her, fucking her with his finger as he finds the perfect spot to caress deep inside her with almost alarming ease, drawing cries from her throat as he works her body.
Rin keens when he pushes inside with a second finger, that sweet stretch alighting her walls as he moves them faster, intent to draw out her pleasure with practiced hands.
“I can’t help but wonder if this part of you tastes just as sweet as your blood.”
Astarion's head lowers between her legs, his tongue flicking out to brush against her clit. Rin cries out at the feeling, hands coming up to grab at his hair as her hips buck, Astarion lapping at the small pearl with broad strokes while his fingers piston in and out of her. 
His fingers move fast as he licks at her slow, the duality of the motions driving her to the peak, the fire inside her roaring as he curls those fingers once more into that spot, sending her hips bucking.
She comes apart with ease on his fingers, her body tightening around him as her  back arches, cries leaving her lips like birdsong. Delicate fingers tighten in his hair like a vice as she rides his face, hips moving in a desperate rhythm to the cadence of her orgasm.
Astarion eases her through it, fingers slowing their thrusts as her body tires, breath heavy with the effort as she comes back down, her entire being ever so slowly finding its way back to itself.
The hands in Astarion’s hair loosen, fingertips instead brushing through the strands with a soothing motion, though she’s unsure which of them it’s for. 
“Gods, Astarion…” She throws an arm over her eyes as he eases his fingers out of her, pressing one last kiss to her inner thigh before moving up her body to hover above her on an elbow.
Rin opens up an eye to look at him, swallowing down the night air as the arm over her face comes to wrap around his neck. She pulls him close, pressing her lips softly against his own, barely a brush. 
She can taste the hint of herself on his glistening lips and when Astarion kisses her back, harder this time, she flicks her tongue out to lick along the seam his mouth.
“Can I touch you? Taste you?” Rin pants the words, her lips still on his as she comes down from her high, a hand wandering down the expanse of his chest towards his need pressing against her. She stops her hand at his waistband, fingertips caressing the skin there as she looks up into his eyes, biting her lip as she waits for his permission.
He stops for a moment, his lips no longer moving over her mouth as if the question of her wanting to pleasure him in return confuses him, his veil of confidence slipping for a single moment as he considers. 
The mask is back almost as quickly as it falls, a sensual smile finding its way onto his lips instead as he leans away from her. 
“Be a good girl and maybe I’ll let you next time.”
“Oh? Next time, Astarion? Enjoying yourself that much already?” Rin ignores the way her empty core clenches at his words.
“Darling, there’s so much I want to do to you that a single night will never be enough.” Astarion’s hand slides over her breasts and down once more to reach between her legs, brushing over her clit again with practiced fingers. 
“We’ll see about that.” She sighs the words, eyes falling shut as he draws tiny circles, the beginnings of pleasure building once more.
“Are you ready for me, darling?” Astarion’s lips brush over the skin of her neck, leaving a trail of kisses over her throat towards her collarbone.
“Very.” Rin grinds her hips into his still-clothed erection, anticipation building at the prospect getting to feel his skin on her own in full, of finally getting to experience the sensation of him inside her.
Astarion leans back from her as he rids himself of his pants, stripping them off his pale limbs with an elegant motion before tossing them to join the pile of their clothes lying somewhere nearby. 
Emerald irises scan Astarion, the full expanse of him on display for her—from the points of his ears and curling locks of white, down over the lean muscles of his chest before landing on the thickness of his cock. 
“Like what you see, my dear?” He leans back over Rin, his body gliding over her own until his hips hover above her parted thighs. 
“Decidedly. Though I rather think I’d like to feel exactly what it is I see.” Her tongue darts out, wetting her lips as Astarion settles between her spread legs, his hardness against her center. 
Astarion slides his length through her slit, the head of his cock brushing up against her clit before moving back down to press at her entrance instead, the length of him coated in her slick as he waits there, hips unmoving. Rin whines in frustration, hips rolling in a desperate attempt to take him fully inside her.
“Impatient, are we?” Astarion pulls his hips away from the center of her, smirking as Rin shoots him a look of indignation.
“You know, it’s very rude to make a lady wait, Astarion.” She manages a prim sigh, lashes fluttering in his direction.
“A woman you may be, but a Lady you most certainly are not,” Astarion’s grin is positively wicked as he pushes his hips back to the entrance of her sex. “Last time I checked, Ladies do not let vampires fuck them out in the middle of the woods.”
“Well it’s a good thing I’m not a Lady, then, so that you can get on with it.” With short thrusts Astarion is back to teasing, pressing in with the smallest bit of pressure before pulling back out much to the dissatisfaction painted on Rin’s features.
“I’m going to have to teach you how to take your time, aren’t I, pet?” Astarion tsks with an almost playful disapproval before he finally begins to push his cock deeper into her body. The feeling has Rin’s head spinning, his hardness stretching her inch by inch as he slides inside.
“Gods, you’re tight.” Astarion’s voice is thin, eyes fluttering shut as he continues his way into the warmth of her body. 
“I wasn’t lying when I said it has been awhile. Sex has been—“ Rin breaks off with a low moan as Astarion bottoms out. “unfortunately low on my priority list.”
“Well, I suppose we’ll have to fix that then, won’t we?” He’s fully seated inside her cunt as she adjusts to the sensation of his thickness filling her, the slight burn a pleasurable one.
“Oh, come on! Please, Astarion.” Rin moves her hips against his own, trying to create some sort of movement, friction, anything as he sits inside her unmoving, peering down with a smirk on his lips.
“Well, since you asked so nicely.” Astarion pulls out of her until only the tip of him is left inside, a whine leaving her throat at the slide of him against her walls. He pauses only a moment before pushing back in with a hard thrust that has her gasping as he presses in as deep as he can.
He starts all over again, cock sliding out with aching slowness before thrusting once more, the glide of him easy—sinful—with her wetness. Rin looks at him, gaze fevered and lips parted on a moan as he teases her with deep, slow thrusts that he knows are not nearly enough to sate her.
“How do you want my cock? Speak up, sweet thing.” His words have her eyes moving up to his own, the blush on her cheeks and chest deepening. 
“Faster, harder,” There was no sense in playing coy with what she wanted, not now. “Both.”
“Your wish is my command.”
Astarion gives Rin exactly what she wants; the heady, sleepy speed of his previous thrusts long forgotten as he instead quickens his pace, moving in and out of her body with quick rolls of his hips into her own. He braces himself above her, cock dragging against her walls as she loses herself to euphoria.
His thrusts hit deep, both of them moaning at the contact as they writhe together, Rin’s legs hooking around Astarion’s waist as she takes him deeper.
“Is this what you wanted, to be fucked like this?” His words are as rough as the ground beneath her back, thrusts not stopping their momentum as he leans down to speak the words into her ear, tongue licking at the shell of a pointed ear. 
“I wanted whatever you’d give me, Astarion,” She feels laid bare as she speaks, her arms wrapping around his neck to bring him closer, back arching into him as she nears completion once more. “But what do you want?” 
“What do I want?” His hips lose their rhythm at her words, stuttering, as he stares into her fevered gaze. Rin looks into the deep crimson of his own, seeing the absent heat she had searched for earlier kindling to life as Astarion finally seems to hear her words for once.
“Yes. Please. Tell me what you want.” She tries to match his rhythm, hips meeting his own as best as she can follow, fingers digging themselves into the curls at the base of his neck as her head bows backwards in pleasure, a moan falling from her lips as he suddenly changes the angle of his cock, pressing against her sweet spot with every thrust. “Fuck me, feed from me. Anything.”
Astarion’s eyes draw from her blissed out expression to the newly exposed stretch of skin, the column of her throat inviting him to bite down and taste the essence that runs in her veins just underneath soft skin.
“I think I’ll take you up on that offer.” Astarion’s lips come to rest on her skin and he licks a line up the column of her throat, pressing a quick kiss to what was becoming his favorite spot before biting down, breaking through her flesh. He wastes no time, sucking greedily at her blood as his cock hits deep inside of her cunt, the dual sensations drawing moans from both of their lips. 
Astarion can feel her body clenching hard around him, hot and wet, her orgasm close at hand. His tongue licks and sucks at her blood as he pumps his hips harder, a hand snaking down her stomach to press at her clit before rubbing softly. 
“You can come for me, can’t you, darling?” He props himself up on an elbow, looking down at her, hair strewn around her messily as moonlight brushes against her skin. 
Her eyes open to look at his, and he can see the fevered pleasure in the depths of the green as she nods her head, her words replaced with small sighs that fall from her lips instead.
“I want to watch you as you fall apart.” His head bends down to suck again at the blood leaking from her neck, their moans filling the air in unison as he drinks and drinks, hips never stopping their rhythm as he buries himself inside her.
All it takes is a few more gentle turns of his fingers over her clit and another pull of his mouth at her neck to send Rin over the edge, her body clamping down on his own as she comes hard. Astarion fucks her through it, pushing deep as he finds himself lulled into the pleasure of her orgasm washing over them both, her hips rutting into his own as she chases her high. 
Her fingertips grip at his shoulders as she rides it out, and when Astarion feels confident she’s been sated he drags his fingers from her center to instead brush a stray strand of hair away from her face, head bowing down to chase more drops of her blood as it runs down her neck and onto the ground below.
“Don’t stop. I want you feel you come too.” Her hips keep up their own tempo despite the haze of her orgasm weighing down her body, and the sound of her begging has his cock driving harder into her own once more.
“You didn’t think I planned on not taking my own pleasure, did you, darling?” Astarion speaks into her bloodied neck, mouthing at her still-leaking skin. 
“Show me, then.” Rin’s fingers run through his hair as his forehead bows to her shoulder. Something in her words that he doesn’t understand has him chasing his own orgasm, thrusts turning sloppy and hips snapping against her own as he gives himself over his own pleasure.
With a final thrust he lets go, come leaking from his cock deep inside of her as he moans into her skin. His hips pump against her own, slowing down only once he has emptied himself fully in her warmth.
Astarion all but collapses on top of Rin, a contented smile on her face as her hands still run through his hair as he works to catch his breath. 
Slowly, Astarion manages to lift himself off of her and pulls his softened cock from her body, his come spilling out of her and painting her thighs with milky white. He looks at the sight for a moment before turning towards the pile of their clothes nearby, reaching over to pull out something to clean them both up with.
Rin accepts the cloth from Astarion, wiping his spend from between her legs before reaching over to grab her long discarded tunic and panties, pulling them onto her body before flopping back onto the earth, limbs boneless.
Astarion follows her lead, black pants sliding back onto long legs before arranging himself with far more grace than Rin had managed, reclining back casually.
“Was it all you had hoped for, darling?” He turns to look at her from where he lays next to her, his body no longer touching her own but his confidence remaining.
“You have no complaints from me.” Rin turns on her side to face him, the afterglow still warming her as she watches his eyes flick up stare up at the sky swirling far away. “And yourself?”
“Just as perfect as I knew it would be.” His eyes still don’t leave the sky above, clouds drifting lazily across the moon and stars.
“This really is quite a pretty place you found.” Her eyelids feel heavy as they slowly flutter shut, unsure of whether the sex or the blood loss is to blame for the sleepiness that settles over her body.
“Yes, well, only the best and all that.” His hand cuts through the air with a dismissive motion as Astarion fails to imbue the words the amount of warmth they should have, stilted in a way that she can’t quite put her finger on. 
Later, Rin will blame it on being just exhausted enough, mind still too addled from his fangs in her neck to decipher his tone and instead convince herself she simply heard him wrong before sending the memory away to the back of her mind where it can no longer bother her.
But for now, she gives a quiet laugh before sighing a soft “Goodnight Astarion” across the space between them as she lets the sleep pulling at her mind take over, pushing her into what she can only hope will be an easy, blissful sleep.
✧· · ─── ·✧· ─── · ·✧
He feels…less for her than he should. Something, at the very least, but still not the sentiment he should feel as he leans against the thick trunk of a tree, watching Rin’s chest move in and out with calm breaths, sleep long since taken over. 
It had worked, his little plan, just as he had known it would. 
Astarion may not consider himself much of a planner—he preferred action over long, drawn out, and over-thought strategies—but if there is one thing he knows of himself, it is that he knows how to play to his strengths. 
And seduction—sex—was nothing if not one of his strengths.
He doubts carrying on his plan will be terribly difficult either. She was already eager enough to jump head first into bed with him, she’ll easily find her way back again with little prompting the next time.
She was a good lover, better than he had expected. So much more pliant and willing than he had ever thought she would be, all lush curves and soft skin, elven grace and human fragility wrapped into one. 
He enjoyed himself, far more than he had thought he would be able to.
She was an easy target, beautiful and lonely and all too quick to destroy those ever-present walls of clever words when given the smallest bit of affection, replacing them with a surprising softness and vulnerability in their place.
An errant thought briefly enters his mind, a small voice that says he is not worthy to see such things—unworthy of her vulnerability and whatever sort of twisted, misplaced affection it was that she seemed to have for him.
Astarion pushes the voice out of his mind, brushing it away with a quick and thorough shove and a forceful No.
What mattered was his plan. 
He would feed into that affection, give her the attention she so very clearly craved, the praise she tried to hard to pretend she didn’t want, and in return she would fight for him. Protect him. 
From the tadpole and from Cazador.
And then when it was all over, if he still stands as a member of the living—or whatever version of alive it is that applies to him, his mortal soul long gone—he will leave them all and disappear into the ether to live out his life in the darkness as he so wishes, finally free.
Astarion can see the beginnings of dawn breaking on the horizon, that subtle lightening of the sky from indigo to the hazy pinky-orange of dawn as the stars wink out of existence for their daytime rest. Soon the sun will warm his lukewarm skin once more, its rays beaming down on his cold, undead body as he basks in its gift.
He stands, arms outstretched, ready to welcome the sunlight for as many days he has left, however few they may be.
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skyyguy · 2 months
"do you like it here with me?" with the ship of your choice!
This took me way longer than it probably SHOULD have but. Y’know.
The trees rustled softly around them, the breeze slight and comforting, bringing the smell of a warm autumn day, apples, and hay with it. Curt leaned his head back on the tree trunk, aware his back would punish him later, but being far too content to move. He was slumped against the tree, Ken’s head on his stomach, the rest of his sprawled between Curt’s legs. They were watching the Egan’s horses munching happily away on the grass at the edge of the orchard, occasionally finding an apple to devour. They’d been there for over an hour.
“Hey, Curt?” Ken’s voice disrupted the silence, but Curt didn’t mind. He loved Ken’s voice.
“Hmmmm?” Curt hummed, sleepy in the afternoon warmth. Ken shifted slightly, one hand coming up to rub at Curt’s thigh, right above his prosthetic. Curt melted a bit under the touch, blinking open his eyes to peer down at Ken. Ken had his head bent to look up at Curt, throat pushed out as he stared at him upside down.
“D’you like it here? With me?” Ken asked, trying to keep his voice quiet so as not to disturb the day’s peace, but there was something in his tone that had Curt on alert.
“You think I’d be here if I didn’t?” Curt replied, kindly, cupping the side of Ken’s face, his thumb tracing his cheekbone. Something passed through Ken’s eyes, but Curt couldn’t name it.
“Well, I mean… I dunno…” Ken stammered out, looking away from Curt’s face to fix his gaze on the horses, “I guess I mean… Y’know, more… long term…” he trailed off, squeezing Curt’s thigh slightly.
“Kenny, babe,” Curt started, confused, “we’ve been together nearly two years, now, I’d call that pretty long term,” he said slowly. Ken made a small, noncommittal noise, collecting his thoughts. Curt let him think, watching him.
“I just…” Ken started before trailing off again, “two years doesn’t seem like that long…” he finished, sighing and closing his eyes. Curt tilted his head to the side, looking down at him, sliding his hand from his cheek to his throat, thumb rubbing along his pulse point, before continuing down to rest over Ken’s heart.
“Ken, babe, are you asking me to marry you right now?” Curt asked softly. Ken clinched, but he didn’t move away and he didn’t open his eyes, despite the flush on his cheeks.
“Yes. No. Maybe? I don’t know!” Ken whined, putting his hands over his face.
“Well, if you are, you should already know the answer,” Curt replied, tempted to drag Ken’s hands away from his face, but instead opting to place kisses on his fingers, knuckles, backs of his hands. Ken made a small noise, a questioning noise.
“Yes, baby, the answer is yes. It’ll always be yes,” Curt muttered, breath hot against Ken’s skin. Ken swallowed hard before pulling his hands away, sitting up suddenly, and twisting around to put his knees around Curt’s hips, eyes wide and sparkling, like he genuinely hadn’t expected that response but it was the best sentence he’d ever heard.
“Really?” Ken asked, voice barely above a whisper as if afraid that if he spoke too loud, it would ruin some sort of illusion and Curt would leave him.
“Why’d’you sound so surprised?” Curt grunted, one arm grabbing Ken’s chin, the other his waist, “don’t you know how crazy I am about you?” Curt asked softly, rubbing his rough thumb over soft lips. Ken blinked at him, eyes lustful and excited, before he lurched forward and kissed Curt, hard and passionate and emotional. Curt was more than happy with that, unexpected as it may have been, and he groaned and sighed into Ken’s mouth, lapping at the others tongue, his teeth, his throat. Ken pulled away, feeling slightly dizzy, both men breathing hard— and their breathes weren’t the only things hard just then— and stared at Curt.
“Will you marry me?” Ken breathed out, chest heaving against Curt’s also heaving chest. Curt’s face broke into a bright grin, eyes shining with delight and lust, a laugh bubbling out of him. He pulled Ken back into a kiss, this one much softer, more gentle, savoring and passionate instead of hungry and hard.
“Thought you’d never ask, doll.”
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briar-ffxiv · 6 months
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— B A S I C S
Name: Briar (the) Redfeather Nicknames: 'Rose', 'Little Fox', 'Wildling' Age: Early 20s in ARR, probably nearing 30 by Dawntrail (depending on timeline) Nameday: 21st Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (not that he knows exactly. He just knows the month) Race: Half-Elezen/Half-Hyur (Padjal bloodline through Hyur) Gender: Non-binary, masculine leaning (born male, prefers he/they) Orientation: Demiromantic Greysexyal Profession: Healer, Shepherd, Warrior of Light(depending on the 'verse)
— P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
Hair: strawberry blonde, almost rose gold with lighter gold highlights due to the sun. He has 3A curls, although when kept short the curls are less noticeable. Eyes: warm moss-green flecked with gold Skin: naturally quite pale, faint golden tan from the sun and tons of freckles everywhere. Tattoos/scars: no tattoos. Leaf birthmark on his right shoulderblade. Plenty of scars, including the slice from a spear on his left cheek, burn scars on his left shoulder and back, and rather heavily scarred palms and undersides of his fingers due to a nasty injury to his hands
— F A M I L Y
Parents: His mother was named Saule (Willow) and her family was from Dravania, but sought shelter in the Black Shroud when Saule was very small. His father was known as Ciro, officially U-Ciro-Tek before he was disgraced and exiled from being a Padjal. Siblings: Briar was an only child, as was his mother. Grandparents: Briar knows nothing about Ciro's parents, other than they died some years before he was born. Saule's father died before he was born. His grandmother died when he was under two so he has no memories of her. In-laws and Other: As far as Briar knows, his only living blood relative is E-Rani-Tek, Ciro's older brother and a Padjali pariah. Pets: Briar has a terrible habit of adopting many a creature, although if they are wild-born his goal is always to return them to the wild. Currently, he has a small herd of sheep, a flock of chickens, three Chocobo (one grown, two chicks), a dog named Jack, and a unicorn friend named Whinny. (And a lot of little forest friends that take care of themselves but visit often.)
— S K I L L S
Abilities: Despite normally not eating meat, Briar is a skilled archer, hunter, and tracker. He is an avid gardener. He has a knack for animal handling. He has a decent, if untrained, singing voice. He knows a lot about herbal medicine and non-magical healing. He rides quite well. Hobbies: Briar loves a good book, particularly romance. He loves beekeeping. He is quite skilled in many kinds of fibre arts, including weaving, spinning, and sewing. He likes to draw as well.
— T R A I T S
Most Positive Trait: Briar is a very kind person. He always gives the benefit of the doubt. He does his best to settle things without violence if he can. He forgives often and tries to be empathetic to everyone he meets. Most Negative Trait: Briar can definitely be naive. He forgives when he shouldn't. He has a very hard time understanding why anyone would be cruel. Sometimes he simply doesn't get it and it puts him at a disadvantage with people more than willing to take advantage of that.
— L I K E S
Colours: Blues, greens, golds. Smells: Fresh-cut wood. The smell of rain on grass. Hay. The smell of clean, well-oiled leather. Honey. Textures: Silky fabric. Soft wool. Supple leather. Smooth wood. Drinks: Various teas, often floral varieties. Soft spot for juices. Loves the rare treat of hot chocolate.
— O T H E R D E T A I L S
Smokes: He doesn't. Drinks: He is not against a glass of something fairly light in safe company but left to his own devices, Briar doesn't really have the urge to drink. Drugs: He doesn't. Mount Insurance: He would have no idea what that is, but he does have a unicorn he rides in the Black Shroud, but normally prefers his own feet. (Once he's officially in the steppes, I might get him an actual house.) Been Arrested: Detained by Wood Wailers more than once, but not officially arrested.
(( Art is by @shadesofblades / @coffeehands! ))
Tagged by: @thefrostflower @tripl3cast @sundered-souls - thank you all! <3
Tagging: @shieke @valdiis @shadesofblades @midnightmagicks @bloodredhands @prettygayway @avaritia-ffxiv @calico-heart @thefrostflower @starrysnowdrop @ahollowgrave @naejlas-axe @cadrenebula @skyysinger & anyone else that wants to do it!
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thegreenhordes · 6 months
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Content Warning: Self Harm, Blood (please inform me if I missed anything.) Only one picture after the cut.
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Field Guide to encounters with The Glow, Part 2: Type 2 Infected AKA Watchers Where Growlers are physically aggressive right off the bat, attacking with blind hunger and brute strength, the Watchers are stealth hunters. They enjoy toying with their prey, watching from a distance and following their target, sometimes for days, before striking. And whats' worse? Unlike the Growlers that can be skirted around if you're careful and quiet, the Watchers have fully functioning eyes, often with better eyesight than before infection.
Most Watchers have been observed to see well in the dark, scanning dimly lit or pitch black rooms for a potential meal. On top of their good eyesight and careful hunting strategy, the Watchers consume more than meat, often grazing on grass or hay or fruit if a meaty meal isn't immediately available. On occasion they might outright avoid hunting entirely if they've gone more than two days without consuming part of a natural pony diet. The idea that perhaps the infected isn't entirely gone, mentally, has been posed as a possible cause for this behavior. Behaviors supporting the 'Trapped Ego' Theory, as studied by Princess Twilight and a Colleague after the first Watchers appeared: . Prone to return to areas they once frequented, such as their favorite dining places, shops, or the homes of friends and family. . Vocalizations sometimes resemble attempts at speech, the most common confirmed and recognized words being 'Help', 'Please', and 'Scared'. . Sobbing noises while consuming flesh, or screaming in distress as they attack a victim. . One survivor account describes a Watcher they once knew as their spouse actively protecting them from other infected, before loosing this alleged self-control after two weeks and attacking them. The Survivor later vanished, and was suspected to have been bitten in the aforementioned altercation. The story remains unconfirmed, and no others have come forward with similar tales. Surviving a Watcher: If you find yourself being stalked by or actively attacked by a Watcher, do the following. Stalking procedure: . Avoid traveling familiar routes, mix your schedule up to keep the Watcher in the Stalking Phase for as long as possible. You're stalling for time, so play it smart. . DO NOT MAKE EYE CONTACT OR LOOK IN THE WATCHER'S DIRECTION FOR MORE THAN FIVE SECONDS. It will assume you are unaware of its presence so long as you don't acknowledge it, once it knows you are aware all bets are off. . Travel in groups of three if possible. You are less likely to be attacked while in another Pony's presence. They are fast and vicious, but they aren't nearly as hardy as Growlers and will avoid a fight if they can. . While this is unpleasant, carry meat with you. It can be used as a temporary distraction and could very well save your life. Active Hunting procedure: . Go for the eyes, this can blind and possibly kill them. . If unable to attack the eyes, do your best to cripple their legs. Watchers can't attack if they can't walk. . Carry long melee weapons such as makeshift spears or staves with you, keeping your distance from their mouth is key and a long-range weapon does wonders for this. . Open spaces are often a death trap with Watchers, try to lure them into an area where you can break line of sight, then run like Tartarus is on your heels. . If you have the luck to be near active settlements or camps with large groups inhabiting them, run and stick with the crowd. This can often break the Attack Phase, as fighting a large group of ponies is something they actively avoid. Have you detected a Watcher in the area, but you haven't been seen yet? Hide, simply hide and stay out of sight until the wheezing and the crying stops. You cannot sneak past a Watcher as easily as you can a Growler, and it isn't recommended you try.
Watchers are solitary hunters, but can sometimes be found in crowds of Growlers, especially when said Growlers are riled up and active. Growlers have a strangely acute perception of the Watchers, and unlike their usual habit of attacking other infected they will actively avoid standing within three feet of a Type 2.
Special Notes: Self harm has been noted among every observed specimen. If left to their own devices Watchers will commit acts of violence against themselves, sometimes with extreme prejudice. The ripping of wings from the body and destruction of horns are two major acts. Why they do this to themselves is not fully understood, but Princess Twilight says it only strengthens her theory of the Trapped Ego.
Due to the fast progression and early signs of violence, first stage infected are to be killed if found in the wild. This has been mandated by Celestia herself, who unfortunately has been personally dealing with an unusually high number of Watchers in the infected zones of Canterlot. Communication is not worth the effort, they are too far gone, it is too late.
is it?
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souplover-69 · 8 months
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passed this old barn on the way home today.
made me think of the old hay barn on my great uncles farm in the mountains. western NC only about 10 minutes from the tennessee line. on the back side of the barn was where calves were often born. i can still remember the smell of the hay, the way stray rocks from the kicked gravel felt under my feet, the way the breeze blew in. i remember the way the air felt fresh there even in the middle of summer. the way my boots were always a little too big so i’d have the chance to “grow into em” and the feeling of climbing all over the barn around over and in between the old tractors fumbling every where chasing kittens and trying to convince my uncle, aunt, or mom to let me take one home if it didn’t scratch me to pieces first. my great uncle would tell me all kinds of story his dad had told all of them, and my uncle would always swear he was full of it til i asked, then he’d say it was true til i got older.
my best memories of my childhood were following my uncle and great uncle around the farm where ever they went. we’d go all through the pastures, and they’d tell me all about my families history. teach me all about the plants and wildlife and different ways of fishing in the creek. one time my uncle put on a gilley suit while we were fishing while i was in the creek and jumped out at me from behind some tall grass when i was climbing up on the creek bank and i screamed and fell in the water because i thought he was bigfoot.
here i am now still hoping i’ll get to move up there someday.
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lucystark12 · 27 days
little sneak peak of things to come because i feel bad that i haven't updated in a week 🫶
i'll finish the third chapter soon- this is gonna be a long one for sure so just bare with me-
“Hey.” Mike says, leaning over and speaking quiet enough so that just Will can hear. So that just Will can hear. Will would wonder how he could be so lucky, but he knows he isn’t, because something is wrong. “Sirius.” Mike says, pointing up. 
Will, slightly dazed, responds “What?” 
“Brightest star in the sky.” Mike says, letting go of his hand in favor of rolling over to talk to him, their faces only inches apart. “There’s a Greek myth ‘bout him too. Fell in love with Opora, a goddess, but 
“He couldn’t have herhim.” Two voices overlap as the last words come out of his mouth, Mike’s, and the same voice from the last dream. His. Will stands up, leaving the younger version of himself laying on the grass, cheeks flushed. He looks around expectantly, waiting for the vines to come back and wrap around him the same way they did the other night. He waits to have to fight them off again, but they never come. “So he made people suffer. Because he wasn’t loved. That’s you, Will. They don’t love you. He doesn't. And he never will.” Suddenly the voice is behind him. Will spins around, staring him in the face for the first time. Vecna. The person terrorizing Hawkins. The one who had started this, done this to him. He feels himself cower, much to his own regret. He always hoped that one day if he came face to face with the voice who spoke to him back in the Upside Down, the one who nearly drove him crazy with the constant taunting and teasing. This reptilian mummy was the one who had done it. And here he was, clutching the back of his neck like a lifeline instead of striking, punching, kicking, anything. 
“I… no. That’s not true. He’s my best friend.” Will says, devoid of much else to say or think. Vecna laughs
“Oh is he now? Where were the letters? Why didn’t he call? He doesn’t care, Will. I was like you as a child. Now look.” Vecna says, snapping his fingers. As he does, the whole scene shifts around him, the grass turning to metal beneath his feet, his peripherals reflecting desert hay around him instead of the darkness it did just before. Suddenly, he’s sitting, words pouring out of his mouth before he even realizes it’s happening, because he was just dropped into this moment. 
“You feel like a mistake.” He says naturally, a continuation of the sentence,  before realizing this isn’t where he’s supposed to be. “Wait… no. What?” Snapping out of it, Mike drops the painting into his lap, meeting his eyes. “No. Shit. This is wrong.”
yes that is a marauders reference shhh
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bunposting · 8 months
Turns out an 80% hay diet - which House Rabbit Society purports as part of what they consider to be the only humane diet for rabbits - may actually be in and of itself actively harmful to rabbits.
Post directly copied from MMC Farmstead on Facebook:
"This is what the back teeth and cheek of a rabbit who was feed a 80% hay diet looks like.
the dental spurs caused by the hay are razor sharp and sliced groves into the inner cheek and tounge.
Every bite this rabbit took was agony due to how a hay heavy diet unevenly wears the teeth and causes malocusion.
Pellets are formulated to help prevent this by being the correct hardness. A healthy well bred rabbit does not require any thing special to keep teeth in check they file them down naturally in a motion referred to as " Bruxing".
This is one of many reasons why Hay should be restricted in Rabbit diets , and is not nessicarry when fed a properly balanced complete pellet .
We do not recomend Feeding hay to rabbits as a staple.
Hay is for enrichment and medicinal/transitional use only.
Hay dilutes the nutrients already in a balanced feed regimen, causes dental impaction, tooth spurs, abscesses. Its difficulty to chew causes mechanical maloculsion.
Hay from a nutrition perspective is not easily defined as a base nutrient , with the levels of protien and quality of other nutrients dependent on the individual harvest .
Hay is also a vector for disease, coccidia, mites, RHDV2, EC ,And many other vectors are carried into the Rabbitry on hay.
We also Run bunclub which is an educational group here: Bun Club
references :
2017 Shape Variation in the Craniomandibular System and Prevalence of Dental Problems in Domestic Rabbits: A Case Study in Evolutionary Veterinary Science
Vet Sci. 2017 Mar; 4(1): 5. Published online 2017 Jan 24. doi: 10.3390/vetsci4010005 PMCID: PMC5606619 PMID: 29056664 Christine Böhmer1,* and Estella Böhmer2 Patrick Butaye, Academic Editor https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5606619/
" Hay seems to be the most mechanically challenging food as it is tougher and stiffer than pellets ......... [70]. It requires more chews per gram to be processed which results in longer chewing bouts compared to pellets and carrots. This means that over a longer period of time the teeth are predominantly axially loaded due to the elevated bite force. If we take into consideration that hay with a lot of hard stems has reduced nutritive properties and potential limits on digestibility, then rabbits eating predominantly hay need to consume large quantities to meet basic metabolic and nutritional demands [70]. All of this promotes retrograde tooth elongation and incursion of the apices into the adjacent bone (most common finding in malocclusions) [1]. Furthermore, hay also promotes periodontal diseases (impacted food) and, therefore is not the best nutrition for rabbits [31]. Grasses and other fresh plants, however, are abrasive, but relatively soft and, thus, can be ground down with relatively low axial load of the cheek teeth as the primary strain on the (pre-) molars occurs in a more physiological laterorostral direction with the aid of the shearing power stroke"""
"Considering additionally that hay is more resistant than fresh grasses, it seems logical to develop further the hypothesis that pet and breeding rabbits had to develope stronger jaw muscles and secondarily larger axial bite forces than their wild counterparts to be able to crush their unnatural food more effectively. This might be supported by a shorter skull and more vertically oriented muscle fibers whereas a longer skull with a more anteriorly positioned masseter muscle (as seen in wild rabbits) reduces the vertical bite force due to a greater distribution of bite forces on all cheek teeth. As teeth at the rear of the dentition generally exert higher bite forces than the more rostrally positioned teeth, this might be an explanation for the found tendency of the cheek teeth to shift caudally in the group of the domestic rabbits. Furthermore, the presence of stronger muscles may explain the more salient appearance of the caudoventral part of the masseteric fossa (mandibular angle) in pet rabbits, as in different mammals (re-)modeling of the mandibular cortical bone has proven to be associated with oral processing of tough food (reviewed in [70]). This research has shown that especially a postnatal variation in diet-related jaw-loading patterns had a marked influence on the masticatory bone formation, leading to morphological variations between sister taxa in the long term [70]. With age, however, plasticity decreases. Based on this, rabbit breeders feeding predominantly pellets and hay seem to promote malocclusions in adult rabbits unknowingly as the masticatory apparatus of the weanlings is exposed to unphysiological strains that may result in changes of the skull morphology."
Genetic and environmental factors influencing tooth and jaw malformations in rabbits
Korn, A. K., Brandt, H. R., & Erhardt, G. (2016). Genetic and environmental factors influencing tooth and jaw malformations in rabbits. Veterinary Record, 178(14), 341–341. doi:10.1136/vr.103293
<- this describes tooth morphology but also makes a strong case to increasing rabbit calcium levels as I have stated in earlier posts. all these rabbit were fed with free choice hay . latter studies showed a correlation between hay and instance of tooth issues when rabbits were fed a limited diet."
Pictures mentioned in the post added below 👇
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galaxyedging · 2 years
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Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: Smut. Consensual non-consensual role play. Handcuffs. Language.
Follow on from this.
Dressing Down
The farm was eerie in the moonlight. Before the outbreak, you had just been old enough to get into scary movies. It was strange that despite all the things you had gone through. All the horrific things you had witnessed. Those same horror cliches still chilled you. The full moon, the abandoned barn, the high grass. They all added to the fear shooting up your spine. 
With years of muscle memory behind you, you easily made it to a good hiding spot. Low and slow, listening out for any tell tale sounds. All you had to do was make it the rest of the way to the house and you'd be safe. 
From your vantage point, the coast was clear. There were a few places you could hide to cross the forty feet between you and the porch. Even in the brightness of the full moon, the crates should give you enough cover to evade him. The ground was soft under your feet, luckily it wasn't dry enough to make too much noise. 
With fifteen feet behind you, you took a good look around, still no sign of him. Another ten down, still quiet. With fifteen to go you threw caution to the wind. Pushing off from your hiding place you launched yourself into a sprint. With less than ten to go you saw the glimmer of moonlight on metal coming from your right. Sliding to a halt, you dug your heels in before spinning on them. As quick as you were, you still lost valuable time. Time that allowed him to get within reach. His hand came up to your shoulder, only to come away with a piece of your flimsy outfit as your feet finally got traction. Adrenaline surged through you as you surged for the tractor. 
The helmet reduced his field of vision significantly. Disappearing behind the tractor would give you enough cover to lose him. Just as you reached past the back wheel, he caught you. One large gloved hand shoved between your shoulder blades, slamming you forward on the seat. His hips pressed against your ass to further pin you as his hands pushed your shoulders down.
"You shouldn't have run. All you did was piss me off." Hunter growled as he held you down. "I have to think of a plan for what to do with you but I can't think straight while I'm all worked up."
Thick, gloved fingers dug into the flesh of your thighs before trailing up the inside. 
"I wonder what I could do to clear my head." He asked, voice dangerously low and thick with arousal. 
Two figures sliding in you from behind told you he had an idea.
"Fuck. Joel." You groaned, nails clawing at the tractor seat beneath your chest.
His free hand came up to squeeze your throat. "What did you call me?"
"Sorry. I mean, Hunter." You tried to back track. 
"You've forgotten my name. That won't do. How about I make you say it so many times that it stays in your head?" His fingers curled up inside you, bringing you up to your toes as he pushed deeper. "Jo..Hunter!" Your back arched as you called his name.
"That's more like it." The cocky grin was clear in his voice.
Taking advantage of his moment of hubris, as he pulled his fingers back out you managed to push him off before sprinting for the barn.
The hayloft was your best chance, there was a ladder propped up outside against the window that you could escape down. If you could get up there. The older wooden ladder creaked in protest as you made it about six runs up before Joel's arm came around your waist, snatching you from the ladder and launching you into the nearby stack of hay. The impact wasn't hard but it was enough to wind you slightly, giving him enough time to pin you with his body once more. 
"I better give you a reason to stay inside." With that the barely there cosplay was ripped from your body leaving you naked. "Wouldn't want anyone catching a glimpse of you like this or…" He tutted "...seeing how wet this has you. Has the thought of me taking what I want from you got you this worked up? You nasty little whore." The rough material of his gloves dragged across your nipples as he palmed your breasts, squeezing them harshly. You bit back the moan that threatened to escape. One of his hands left you to adjust the bulge in his flight suit. The moment of relief it brought him proved distracting enough for you to put the hand on you into a hold. The threat of pain if he moved against it, was enough to move him out of your way and give you a small head start. It was enough to get you out of the barn but all too soon you were face down in the dirt with Joel straddling your ass. 
"Staying fucking still!" He had a fistful of your hair as he tried to grab your hands. Both of them were clawing at the dirt, trying to get purchase to pull yourself out from underneath him. One by one, he caught them, bending your arm behind your back, he shuffled forward to pin them between your body and his strong thighs. 
"Guess I'll be needing these." Before you could work out what he was talking about, he was securing your hands with handcuffs. 
The whole hunter/prey, consensual non-consensual thing, you had talked about, Joel never mentioned handcuffs.
"You remember your safe word, Baby?" Joel softly stroked your back as he spoke. It sent little sparks of pleasure up your spine. They cause you to moan out your answer.
"Good." He climbed off you, positioning himself between your legs, he pulled your hips up. Your arms were behind your back, your tits were pressed to the ground along with your parted knees and your ass was in the air, your dripping pussy on display for him. "Fuck. How did an old man like me get so lucky?" Joel marvelled.
"Hunter is younger than me." You teased.
"Right." He chuckled. "No pressure but if you did move in with me, Hunter could fuck you more often."
"Or I could stay where I am and Hunter, or you, will fuck me as often as I like because you can't stay away from this tight little cunt." You were goading him now, this wasn't the time for feelings, you needed him to pound you into the ground.
"So that's how you see it? Are you sure it's not you that can't keep away from my big, fat dick? Hmm? Biggest I've even taken, Joel. I can always feel you so deep. You stretch me so good. I love how you fuck me so hard." He mocked.
"I can stay away from you longer than you can from me. I think I'll start now…" you lifted your shoulders from the floor. 
"No, you fucking don't." He pushed your back down, he hand stayed on your back as the other freed himself from his suit and lined up with your entrance. "You're going to stay here and fucking take it." He filled you completely on the first thrust.
Your nails scraped up his forearm as you adjusted to the sudden stretch. Any noise you would have made caught in your throat along with your breath. He really was big. Size didn't matter to you. There was still skill needed to get you off. You still couldn't decide if it was lucky or unlucky for you that Joel had both. The man could have your eyes rolling back and your toes curling in minutes. 
"See how well you take me? You want it so fucking bad." He pulled his hips all the way back before slamming back home. Long, drawn out, sharp thrust landing perfectly where you needed them. 
For a while all you could think about was the weight of his cock between your legs until you managed to spit back. "No, I don't. Stop." 
Even though you had talked about this thoroughly Joel still stopped dead instantly. 
"Is this still part of it?" He muttered closer to your ear.
"Yeah." You blushed. "If it's okay with you."
"I want to make you happy but is it okay if Hunter does this part?" He squeezed your hips gently as he spoke. His thumbs traced circles on your soft skin.
When you voiced your consent, his grip on you turned hard. "Fuck. That's it. Take it. This little cunt can't get enough of me. So tight around me. I might keep your for myself, fuck the reward." His pace picked up. Every jolt of his hips shoved you into the ground. Your body was soft and pliable for him. You were just like a disposable toy for him, as if he was just using you to jerk himself off. Heaven help you, you loved every minute. Joel was becoming near feral at the sight of him disappearing into your wet heat.
"Fuck. I can't…" He pulled out of you. The helmet was tossed across the yard, you were rolled onto you back. The position had your arm feeling uncomfortable until Joel lifted your hips clear off the ground. He slid back inside you. "...that's better. You can look at me all you like because you are mine. And I can see that pretty face acting like you don't want to come around my cock. I know you do. I can feel you fluttering around me. You pathetic little bitch, you couldn't not come even if you wanted to."
"You'd get off either way, you bastard." You spat.
"Yeah, I fucking would in this hot little hole. Want you to gush all over me though." The shock of his spit hitting your pussy almost pushed you over the edge. His thumb stroked your clit as his cock hit something special inside. The build up of pleasure was like nothing you'd felt before. Maybe it was the adrenaline from running from him or the weird mix of shame and satisfaction of fulfilling two of your fantasies. Either way the orgasm that hit you was something else. It was as if a dam broke. Everything flooded you. The ecstasy of your release. The happy chemicals of your brain. Your emotions. After decades of being on your guard, having someone you could trust to be completely vulnerable with was overwhelming. Your release flooded you, literally, you'd never squirted before now you were dripping over the two of you.
Joel was barely able to pull out before spilling onto the dirt below you. "Fuck, Baby. Remind me to keep this suit. After I clean it." He was looking at the wet patch over his crotch and thighs.
A tremble set under your skin. Joel notice and wrapped his arms around you. "Cold?" He undid the cuffs as you answered.
"No, adrenaline, maybe? I think. That was…." A smile spread across your face. 
A matching one crept across Joel's. "Yeah it was."
"I'd say let's get you inside before someone sees you but I doubt you'd care." Joel teased as rubbed the goose flesh from your arms.
"Nope. I wouldn't care who saw us like this. Maybe some of those women circling you like vultures will get the message." 
"Do I detect a hint of jealousy?"
"Hardly. You know where you have it best. You on the other hand. If I walked down the main street of Jackson like this you'd be ready to brawl with everyone that looked my way." 
"Honey, I'm ready to do that when you are fully clothed. I damn near ripped Tommy's head off when he looked twice at you wearing a dress at Maria's birthday."
"What? Tommy was looking my way? Maybe I can trade you in for a younger model?"
"Don't even joke."
The banter had given you enough time to rise to your feet. "Hey, Joel? Is our bet still on?"
Before he could answer you bolted, as best you could while trying to bare chest some support, up to the porch and to the safety of the house. "I won!"
"No, I tagged you before you got to the house."
"No, you fucked me before I got to the house. Not once did you say tag."
"It was implied."
"Nope. I won."
"Fine. You won. I won't ask you to move in with me again."
"Not even once?"
"Not even once."
"That's a shame. I might have said yes this time."
"Is that so?"
"Maybe. If we have some ground rules."
"I'm listening."
"One, no interfering with my patrols. I can make my own decisions and threaten people myself, if I need to."
"Fair enough. You know it's only because I care, right?"
"Yes, that's the only reason I've allowed it this long."
"What's two?"
"Hunter gets pulled out of the closet once in a while."
"I could get on board with that. Maybe you could dress up for me once in a while too?"
"Hmm. What did you have in mind?"
"Have you ever heard of Curtis and Viper…?"
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @graciexmarvel @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass
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