#only taylor could be TWIRLING and her hair be perfect
alltoofuckingwell · 3 months
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THE ERAS TOUR: June 13 - Liverpool, England
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uglypastels · 7 months
The Boy is Mine (Z's edition) // e.m.
a/n—guess who's baaaaack. Yeah, I didn't expect it either, but a long and lonely day and some scrolling through this hell site made me stumble upon a few posts that actually made me excited to write again, so here I am.
This fic is a part of @carolmunson's blurb challenge. I had so much fun writing this, and thank you so much, Carol, for sparking that inspiration back in me.
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word count: 2.4k
warning: a LOT of fluff. Eddie and reader being menaces towards each other. teasing. playfighting. slight spanking. innuendos and suggestive talk. Swearing. possibly rusty writing as this i haven't written anything in months (i think that's it??)
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He was sunshine, I was midnight rain -Midnight Rain, Taylor Swift
The downpour came completely out of nowhere as if someone up in the heavens was throwing buckets and buckets of ice-cold water at the same pace. The entire morning had been a perfect summer’s day, bright and sunny, warming up the ground underneath you, toasting all rooms and cars. It’s what made you want to go out in the first place. You had enough of sitting on the couch every weekend and practically dragged Eddie out of the house by the sleeve of his baggy sweatshirt. 
Now he was the one hauling you back inside, both of you looking like a pair of drenched cats. 
‘I swear to God, if you don’t get your ass over here right this second!’ He shouted through the rain, his hair sticking to his face, water dripping down onto the floorboards of the trailer. He just ran inside, holding an arm out to keep the door open. 
‘I’m coming.’ you said, with none of the urgency that Eddie held in his tone. The rain, while cold, felt nice and refreshing against your face. Taking a deep breath in, you let the summer night air fill your lungs, almost forgetting about your impatient boyfriend who was standing waiting for you on the threshold. He called out your name, but you weren’t listening.
‘I’m serious, sweetheart,’ Eddie leaned against the doorframe, growing tired as he watched you twirl around in the rain. ‘If you don’t stop and come inside right this second, we’re gonna have a problem.’ 
‘I really doubt it,’ you shouted back, making another turn on your heels as the rain caught your cheeks. You couldn’t quite explain what made you act like this, but it was a freeing feeling to just stand outside and let Mother Nature weep her sweet, sweet tears.
‘Oh yeah, and why’s that?’ Eddie challenged, a smirk pulling at the corner of his lips. 
‘Because you’re too much of a pussy to come outside and get wet again.’ It was a known fact that Eddie hated rain or water in any form, really, touching him. If there was a way for a person to take dry showers, he would be the first in line to try them. There was something truly unexplainable about him but truly endearing, so who could blame you if you poked fun at the way he groaned when he couldn’t dry himself off properly after a swim or moaned about his hair being a mess?  
Even from the distance of the driveway and the gloomy twilight as the sun set, you could see the blank stare he was sending your way; that are you shitting me right now glare only he could provide so casually and yet charmingly. 
You poked your tongue out teasingly at him as you twirled around once more, arms spread wide open to receive another bucket load of rain on top of you. 
‘C’mon, you’re gonna get sick!’ your boyfriend made another attempt at getting you inside, but if you were one thing, it was stubborn. All spun out, you leaned against the hood of his van. Perhaps a bit too provocative, with your chest forward, as you took deep breaths. You weren’t sure how soaked through your shirt was yet and if the water made the material see-through, although, seeming from Eddie’s reaction, it just might have been. You had closed your eyes but dared to shoot a glance up at him briefly and just about caught him cursing to himself. 
You had spent most of the day driving around, stopping here and there to grab something to eat, but it had been right as you decided to stroll past Lover’s Lake that the clouds formed above your heads, and the rain started to fall. Eddie, ever the romantic, ran back to the van like a startled alley cat, quickly disappearing into his comfortably, dry enclosure, and he had run just as quickly back into the trailer once you got there. Overall, besides his hair, he suffered minor damage. His clothes were already nearly fully dry again, but the rain had only gotten worse since then, and there was no way he would—
Your boyfriend cursed again, shaking his head in amusement, as he pulled his sweater over his head and threw it behind him to the ground. You knew as soon as he made that one step past the threshold. You were fucked. 
‘Don’t you dare,’ he said the second he saw you hesitantly step back. Ironically, his threat spurred you on to keep moving, and before you knew it, the two of you were making laps around the car through the muddy ground. 
‘C’mhere you,’ Eddie said, and despite your best efforts, you both knew it was inevitable that he would eventually catch up to you. You shrieked out as your feet suddenly left the ground, and you were hoisted up over his shoulder. 
‘Eddie!’ you hit him on the back, getting bumped up and down as he walked proudly to the trailer door. ‘Put me down!’ 
‘Just so you can run away again? No way, princess,’ he chuckled, adjusting his grip on you, making you bounce around even more. His hand rested on the back of your bare thigh, the shorts you were wearing that day doing a not-so-tremendous job of covering you up. God, the walk up to the trailer had never felt that long.
‘Edmund Lorenzo Munson,’ you stated, ‘put me down– ahh!’ you squealed as you felt the sharp snap of his hand against your ass. ‘You did not just do that!’
‘You bet I did,’ and to prove his point, he did again, this time a little harder. ‘I told you it would only mean trouble for you if you stayed out there.’
‘Don’t be so dramatic,’ you rolled your eyes just in time before he put you back on the ground. The trailer was warm from a long, sunny day, and the usual ambience of the clock above the TV was overruled by the harsh tap-tap-tapping of the rain on the roof. 
‘Oh, I’m dramatic,’ Eddie scoffed, ‘says Miss Let-me-run-around-in-the-rain-until-I-catch-pneumonia.’
‘Ok, first of all,' you held up a finger. ‘That’s not even true. I was out there for about five minutes, so don’t be like that. Second,’ you pointed up a second digit. 'That was dramatic. And third…’ You had finally let yourself look down at his naked, rain-soaked chest. ‘Actually, never mind.’
‘No, no, finish your thought, princess.’ His arms twisted around your waist, swaying the two of you from side to side. His lips were stretched in a wicked grin. Perhaps you were making him forget the state he was in and that he was, in fact, supposed to be mad at you, at least a little bit.
‘You know what, I suddenly forgot what I wanted to say.’ You shrugged and slipped out of his hold, reaching the couch. Once sat, you had the perfect view of your boyfriend, who stood towering over you in nothing but his ripped jeans, arms now crossed as he shook his head in disbelief. His rain-kissed skin was shimmering in the room's low light, and his hair was once again drenched, with curls still dripping water onto his shoulders.
‘Why am I not surprised by that,’ Eddie’s smile persisted as he looked you up and down, a line of worry crossing his brows. ‘I’ll get you some dry clothes.’ And with that, he turned around but did not even take three steps before a small pillow hit the small of his back. But Eddie, accustomed to your hijinks as well as you were to his, barely flinched and affectionately put up his middle finger. 
‘Love you too!’ you shouted after him, already peeling off your shirt. Now that you were inside, the room's warmth started tingling your body, and the dampness of your clothes felt suffocating. Not that you would ever admit to the goosebumps rising on your arms—no, not to Eddie, at least.
A few seconds later, Eddie returned wearing a black t-shirt and sweatpants and holding a stack of fresh clothes for you. He threw them at you one by one, but with some effort, you caught everything despite his terrible aim. You then considered throwing your wet clothes back at him, but the poor boy had suffered enough, so you quickly got dressed. In the meantime, Eddie headed over to the kitchen, looking for something in the cupboards.
‘I was going to suggest making something to drink to warm us up,’ he answered before you even got the opportunity to ask, ‘but it seems I run out of, like, nice cups.’ Nice,  in this case, really just meaning “clean”. He looked around some cupboards while you walked up to him, wrapping yourself around him and looking over his arm at the pile of dishes.
‘There, I used that one this morning.’ You pointed at a mug that had once been clearly hand-painted by a kindergarten Eddie. The wonky blots of colour almost matched the inside, which was stained with coffee remnants from that morning.
Eddie picked it up, hesitating, ‘you sure?’
‘Yesh, of course, just rinse it off, you dork.’
While Eddie got busy making what you hoped would be hot chocolate, you busied yourself by looking through the other cupboards for something to eat. ‘Do you have anything sweet in here?’ You were still looking around the shelves when Eddie pulled your chin in his direction and pecked a kiss onto your lips. 
‘I meant more like cookies or something, but thank you.’
‘Yeah, I think we got a pack of those iced biscuits around here somewhere.’ Indeed, on top of the highest shelf, which he knew you wouldn’t be able to reach, there was an unopened pack of sugar-vanilla-icing-coated cookies. By the time Eddie handed you your mug of hot chocolate, you had already eaten two, dipping your third one in the drink. Knowing Eddie, he would have already poured in some colder milk for you, leaving you with no need to be hesitant on your first sip. The beverage warmed you up from the inside, and you couldn’t help but let out a satisfied sigh of relief. 
‘What?’ you looked up at Eddie, feeling his gaze on you, but as soon as you addressed him, his eyes focused on his own drink.
‘Nothing.’ He leaned casually against the counter.
‘No, no, you were clearly thinking something so just spill it out.’
He made you wait by taking one long sip of his hot chocolate (extra cinnamon). He leaned forward to grab a cookie, but you quickly pulled them away, knowing he was trying to prolong your wait for an answer. 
‘Fine,’ he smiled, ‘I was just thinking that you’re so fucking cute when you’re stubborn.’
‘Try again, loverboy,’ you replied, unimpressed. 
‘It’s true!’
‘It’s not, and we both know it,’ you glared at him with narrowed eyes. ‘So just tell me.’ 
‘It was, actually,’ he stole the cookies back from you, taking one. His eyes never left yours as he scraped the sugary vanilla icing off the top with his teeth. You both tried keeping a serious face, but that was simply never an option for the two of you. It was just the question of who was first to break. 
You kept looking at him with your unimpressed and unconvinced look, trying hard to push back the smile, much like he was most likely. 
‘Ok fine,’ he bit into the biscuit. ‘I was just thinking, I can’t believe that you even make your biscuits wet. Like, that is actually horrid.’
‘Are you fucking kidding me?’ You laughed, exasperated, finally cracking down on your serious look. ‘Eddie? Seriously?’
‘Yes! I mean, look at it,’ He pointed at the cookie you just pulled out of your drink. Half of it was darker as it soaked up the liquid, the icing slightly melting off, too. ‘It’s all soggy and gross, and you like that?’ 
‘You need to get yourself checked out, Munchie.’ You bit into the “soggy and gross” biscuit, enjoying the chocolatey infusion of the baked good. 
‘Very funny.’ He slurped his hot chocolate until he drained the last sips out of the mug and placed it down on the counter, nearly pushing off a stack of plates. You weren’t far behind him, finishing your own drink and placing the dish back as well. The two of you were shuffling around the small kitchen space, manoeuvring past each other until you wrapped your arms around him, engulfing him in a tight embrace. Eddie kissed the top of your head as you murmured a sweet “thank you”.
‘For what?’ He asked. 
‘For everything.’ You said against his chest. ‘Taking me out today, the hot chocolate, making sure I don’t die from pneumonia.’
‘Well, it’s still early.’ He corrected your last point, and you let your teeth grace over his chest, nipping him lightly. 
‘Ow!’ he laughed through his shock and pain. ‘Did you just bite me?’
‘No.’ You said, mouth right against the fabric of his shirt. 
‘No,’ Eddie mimicked your mumbling, pressing his face against your hair. ‘God, you’re so annoying.’
‘Am not!’ you gasped. ‘You are.’ 
‘I am?’ He raised his brow, and stupidly, you agreed.
‘Ok, fine.’ and so, you were up in the air again. ‘I’ll show you just how annoying I can be.’ With you over his shoulder once more, he brought you into his bedroom, dropping you into free fall down onto the mattress. You bounced as the springs creaked underneath. 
The room was a mess, and you had to push an abundance of random objects off the bed as you made your way to the top of it. Shirts, underwear, folders, guitar picks, pencils and books all fell to the ground. Eddie got onto the mattress, too, falling to his knees upon it and slowly making his way to you. You were all too aware of his tactics, knowing he was trying to take the slow approach to tease you. So, instead, you tried to make yourself a bit more comfortable, propping up the pillows for a better headrest. Picking one up, you noticed the little brown notebook lying there. 
‘Dear Diary,  God, Harrington is so hot. I swear I just want to take his big fat—’ You started making up things as you flipped the pages, but before you could read into any of the actual lyrics or campaign ideas that Eddie had jotted down, he ripped the notebook out of your hands and threw it across the room, falling somewhere onto his desk into a pile of cassettes. 
‘I hate you.’ He said with a smile, his hair now tickling your cheeks as it dangled down in semi-wet strands. 
‘Hate you more.’ You pulled him in by the collar, kissing him passionately, continuing your chaotic yet perfect day until the late hours of the night.
the end.
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my own analysis on the challenge - i feel like "my Eddie" is different each time I write him, even when writing for no particular au, but I usually I do try to make him a little bit goofy and awkward, always in on the joke and hyper and just.. .cute, ya know haha. I also always love to add in random ideas about him, so that's how we get hydrophobic!eds here, but he's also totally got a major sweet tooth, and yes, his middle name is Lorenzo. i don't make the rules.
I also feel like setting the setting as a "romantic" night will really show what people consider romantic in terms of personal preference, which should be super interesting to read.
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thank you so much for reading!
if you want to check out more of my writing, feel free to do so here
and all the other stories from this challenge are somewhere around here
and if you enjoyed this fic, please remember that the best way to support writers is to reblog and comment <3 and my inbox is also always open if you feel like talking more :))
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kirimoochi · 1 year
hellooo!! i'm a silent reader of yours and i really enjoy your kazuha fics ( i love him with all my heart and you just fuel the fire even further and i'm so thankful)
i'd like to request a reader who's asking kazuha to break up with her for a day (as a joke) so she could experience speak now taylor's version with a "broken heart"
thank you sm and stay hydrated <33
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₊˚ ᗢ kazuha x gn!reader, modern au.
⤷notes; this request seemed too perfect with socmed texting so I had to include it in!
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Opening your door, you come face to face with a familiar platinum-haired man. He stands in front of you with flowers in hand. Dressed in the familiar caramel sweater you knew, he opens his arms wide for you. A silent gesture asking for you to jump into his arms. He tries to hold back a smug expression but he feels it creep up on him the longer he stares at you. 
You rolled your eyes and moved close to him, wrapping your arms around his waist as he exhales. “Starling, you truly wound me sometimes. To think you wanted to break up just to listen to a song…” He peers down at you, kissing your forehead, “You can be quite mischievous sometimes.”
“Well, how else could I get the full experience?” You grin, pressing your lips against his cheek. He tries not to feel swayed by your actions, though the redness on the tips of his ears beg to differ. Even in this strange predicament of winning your heart back, he is all the more infatuated with you. 
“Besides, I get to see my ex try to get back together with me. Charming, isn’t it?” 
You let out a small yelp as he picks you up by the waist, twirling you around. You hold onto him tight, burying your face into the crooks of his shoulder. He still grips the bouquet in his other hand, keeping it close enough for you to smell its sweet scent.  “You think that’s charming? I had to rush to a nearby flower store to get your favorites.” 
“Yeah, but I got to listen to the song!”
He sighs once more, although it doesn’t sound as annoyed as it should. It seemed rather relieved in the sense that in his two seconds of panic, you only wanted to listen to a song. The very song that he showed you in the car. He would have preferred it if you asked him to listen alongside you. He was the one who brought up the album to you. Resisting the urge to flick your nose, he continues to smile. He thought you knew him a bit better. 
“Of course you did. I hope you enjoyed the hour you spent listening to it because we’re going on a date,” He takes your hand, leading you out of the door. “I have to win my so-called ex back, so why don’t we go to your favorite restaurant?” 
“Really?” Your eyes beam. 
“Yes, of course,” He drags you to his car, your heart skipping a beat as you stare at his outfit. It was plain and simple. Though not by too much. He accessorized well today with a few bracelets and a necklace but it felt comforting and home-like. It was just the way you liked it. 
Before you could open the car door, he stops you, his hand placing itself on your cheek as he smiles. He leaves you speechless when he wordlessly gives you a kiss, your eyes widening in response.
“We can listen to the rest of her songs in the car.” 
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attic-club-sandwich · 5 months
I Can See You
mammon x shae
18+ Only; Minors DNI
cw: afab!MC, self insert. Lots of heavy kissing, making out. A little bit of dry humping.
Summary: Shae has been crushing on Mammon for a quite some time now, and she gets butterflies every single time she’s around him. One day at RAD, she passes him in the hallway on her way to class, accidentally brushing shoulders with him. They share a brief glance, faces flushed, before muttering a quick apology and hurrying off. Shae spends her next class daydreaming about what could have happened if she had just gotten the courage…
A/N: This is another song fic inspired by "I Can See You" by Taylor Swift. I thought it was a perfect song for another Shae and Mammon fic and the thought was bouncing around in my head for so long lol I hope that you guys enjoy! If you like this one, please check out my other song fic, Dress. It's my baby. I'm so proud of it. (this is me begging you to read it).
Tag List: @amberrskiies, @obey-me-posts, @sassykattery, @delphi-dreamin, @flemmingbamse
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Shae’s heart is still beating hard in her chest. She can still feel the touch of Mammon’s shoulder against hers; the brief glances they stole at each other and the cheeky wink he gave her as they passed. Her freckled cheeks are flushed crimson, and she knows that Beel and Belphie can see this as she slips into the seat between them in their last class of the day. Surprisingly though, they don’t say anything about it. At least she doesn't think so. She’s not really paying attention at the moment.
She can’t remember when class actually started, completely blocking out the professor’s voice as he goes on about some sort of chemistry equation up on the board. Honestly, she’s got more important things on her mind right now. Her fingers twirl a strand of dark hair that frames her burning face as she thinks back to the brief moment they shared in the hallway. The Avatar of Greed tended to be completely oblivious to certain things…her feelings included. Suddenly, she’s not sitting in the classroom anymore. Instead, she finds that she’s landed back in that very corridor, other demons brushing past her in slow motion. She almost loses her balance as she suddenly finds herself surrounded. It wasn’t long before she felt the familiar sensation of a shoulder bumping into her. Quickly, she spins around to see Mammon continuing to make his way to his next class. Where is he going? Why didn’t he stop? Didn’t he see her? A pang of longing burns in her chest as she stares after him, trying to formulate her next step in her head. 
You brush past me in the hallway and you don’t think I can see you, do you? 
His tall frame disappears into the crowd, leaving her standing in place, clutching the strap of her bag hanging from her shoulder. Feeling frozen to her spot, Shae forces herself to take a step forward. Everything in her is screaming to go after him. To make her move. Finally, with a burst of courage, she pushes through the rush of RAD students. She begins following the direction that Mammon disappeared in, her eyes wide with anticipation of seeing him again. I’m not missing my chance with him this time, she thinks. When she makes her way out of the crowd, she spots him. He’s standing down at the end of the hall next to his locker. He’s fixated on his D.D.D., unaware of her piercing violet gaze on him. Her heart begins to beat fast again as he glances up from his phone, finally noticing her hesitation from down the hall. His golden gaze meets hers, and a slow smirk begins to form on his face. He slides his D.D.D into the pocket of his uniform pants, which are wrinkled and unkempt. She remembers Lucifer lecturing him about it before they left this morning, but she can’t help but adore that about him. He leans back against his locker, thumbs hooked into his pants pockets. His eyes never once left hers…almost like he was waiting for her. 
I can see you, waiting down the hall from me. 
Shae’s body seems to move on its own. She slowly approaches him and is taken aback when he gives her a quick wink before turning away and disappearing around the corner. Shae swallows hard, confusion and anger beginning to bubble in her chest in place of the nerves. What the hell is he doing? Was he not just waiting for me to come over here? Quickly, she sprints forward to chase him down. He always pulled shit like this. She rounds the corner when she bumps into something- no; someone. Someone who she can recognize by only the scent of his cologne; the half done up yellow tie and unbuttoned uniform shirt. She glances up at him, knowing her face has to be burning red. “H-Hey. Found you…finally.” She breathes nervously, her voice betraying her by trembling slightly. She waits for him to say something, but he only mumbles a brief, “Quick, come with me.” before grabbing her hand and pulling her with him into a nearby supply closet. Mammon closes the door quietly behind them, and finally turns around to face her. “Sorry, ya gotta be sneaky ‘round here. Never know who is watchin’ us.” He shoots her a smirk once more as he begins to move towards her. Shae’s hands are shaking as he gets closer. It’s not a very big closet, so he reaches her easily within a few strides. She’s face to face with him now, causing her to tip her head upwards to meet his gaze. Her hands are wavering as she finds them moving on their own, the deep desire to touch him taking over her thoughts. 
What would you do if I went to touch you now?
Her hand reaches up to rest on his cheek. It’s warm and she watches as his tanned skin begins to redden. “Yo.” he mumbles, nuzzling his cheek into her hand. His eyes flutter shut briefly, relaxing into the sensation of her soft hand resting on his burning skin. Shae giggles, grazing her thumb across his lips. He opens his mouth to catch her thumb delicately between his teeth, causing her to blush again. “You’re just teasin’ me, yanno?” This time Shae smirks as she slowly moves her face closer to replace her thumb with her lips. Mammon inhales sharply at the impact, slowly wrapping his arms around her as he returns the kiss. Shae lets out a small moan as the kiss deepens, and Mammon begins to back her up further into the closet. His lips are moving fiercely against hers now, and his hands are roaming up and down her sides, where they finally fall and rest against her hips. “Damn, Shae. You drive me crazy.” He breathes in between kisses, feeling her moving her hips so they are pressed firmly against his own. “Then do something about it. I won't tell.” She teases, reaching up to run her fingers through his now sweaty, silver bangs. 
I can see you up against the wall with me. 
With a growl, Mammon hoists Shae up so her legs are wrapped around his hips and her back is resting against the wall. His hands are holding her up by the underside of her thighs and he continues to kiss her feverishly. Between breathless kisses and heavy panting, his jacket is thrown on the floor. At some point, his tie is also loosened by Shae’s shaky fingers and his uniform shirt is fully unbuttoned, exposing the flushed, tanned skin of his chest. Beads of sweat are pooling in his collarbones as the temperature in the closest seems to drastically increase. Shae’s jacket is also tossed aside, and Mammon has unbuttoned her shirt, exposing her lacey, purple bra. He moves down to kiss her chest, and nip at the exposed flesh of her cleavage, savoring the small gasps and sighs escaping her lips. As he licks and nips at her chest, she feels a hand run up underneath her skirt. The feeling of his rough fingertips grazing over the soft flesh of her thighs cause her breathing to grow heavier and heavier. 
His white hair tickles her nose as he takes his time sucking purple bruises onto the pale skin of her breasts. Shae gasps, tightening her arms around his neck as she feels the sensation of his teeth grazing against her nipple. Apparently he had moved her bra out of the way at some point. She honestly didn’t care as he took the tiny bud into his mouth, sucking feverishly. “M-Mams…please…” she whines softly, running her fingers through his hair. He glances up at her briefly before finally releasing her nipple. “That good, babe?” he smirks, bringing his head up to rest his forehead against hers. Nodding, Shae takes the opportunity to place another kiss against his swollen, red lips. “Fuck yes, more than good.” Mammon chuckles, a mischievous glint shining in his half lidded golden gaze. “Just wait ‘till ya see half the things that haven’t happened yet. I’ve been waitin’ for eternity for ya to chase me down like this.” She can feel his hardness as he begins to grind into her, chasing the friction that they both desperately crave. Shae rolls her hips back into his, and gasps as he frantically ruts against her. Their soft moans fill the tiny closet, and Shae is almost sure they are being quiet enough. At least she thought so, until they were interrupted by hard knocks on the closet door. 
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“Shaelynn…” “SHAELYNN!”
Suddenly, Shae is staring point blank into the face of her professor. “U-Uh, y-yes?” She stammers, still feeling heat pooling in her cheeks as well as…other places. “You’ve managed to doze off for the entire class. Are you feeling alright?” The demon asked, a look of concern showing on his face. She couldn’t blame him for being worried, it wasn’t like her to just start daydreaming for an entire class period. “Y-Yes, i’m fine. I’m Sorry, I think I must be coming down with something…” she muttered, gathering up her bag. Thankfully, most of the class had already left, and weren’t there to witness her embarrassment. “Well please go home and get some rest. I won’t let it slide again.” Shae nodded harshly as she practically sped out of the classroom. “I promise it won’t happen again!” 
As she left the classroom, she once again bumped into someone. She glanced up, her face still burning red from embarrassment - amongst other emotions. “M-Mammon?!” She squeaked, clutching her bag strap to her shoulder. This was the very last (and also the very first) person she really wanted to see right now while she was in this state. “Yo. I Heard from the twins that you were fallin’ asleep in class. I’m supposed to be lookin’ after ya and here you go causin’ all sorts of trouble!” As he stood there lecturing her, the only thing she could focus on was how she didn’t think her face could get any hotter. Of course the twins were in class with her, they witnessed the entire thing…and of course they would go blab to Mammon about it.  “So, ya wanna tell me about what’s goin’ on with you today? Belphie would only give me a stupidly annoying smirk when I asked about it. ” Laughing nervously, Shae brushed her hand against his as they began to walk down the hallway together, ready to head home for the day. But she really didn’t want to go home just yet…this could finally be her chance. She let out a small chuckle, “You wouldn’t believe half the things I see inside my head.” Mammon glanced down at her, clearly confused. “Whaddya mean?” This time it was Shae’s turn to smirk as she began to pick up her pace. He gaped after her as she spun around to face him, “I’ll meet you down at the end of the hallway!” 
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Girl At Home
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AN: Had an idea a couple days ago to do a one shot based off and or inspired by a Taylor Swift off each one of her albums. And yes, I know that is isn’t Taylor’s version but I actually prefer the more stripped down version of girl at home. And don’t worry, Holy Ground will continue to get regular updates :)
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff and Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: Natasha has a girlfriend but that didn’t stop her from going after you.
Words: 715
“What are you doing after work today?” Natasha asks during your lunch break, easily sitting on your desk without a second thought.
“Nothing, probably going to spend the night in.” You say, trying to keep the annoyance out of your tone.
Natasha Romanoff had been pursuing you, ever since you started at Stark Industries as an intern, eight months ago. Even though you weren’t an intern anymore, you still felt like an outsider in the company.
You blamed feeling like an outsider on Natasha, you could never fully relax at work, not when she was always trying to get you alone.
You remember the first time you met Natasha, you were working as an intern under her at the time. That was the worst, constantly having to deal with Natasha’s not so subtle hints and her sexual innuendoes.
But what could you do? Go to HR? You’d probably get laughed at, because who would believe you over her?
The funny part was that, if it was any other situation you would have said yes, attraction wasn’t necessarily the issue. No, the issue came in the form of Natasha’s girlfriend Wanda.
You hated Natasha for going behind Wanda’s back, while you have only met her a handful of times, you could tell that she didn’t deserve any of it.
It hurt you, watching the couple’s interactions, not out of jealousy but rather guilt, for being a bystander. Natasha would be so sweet too, cooing at her and stroking her hair whenever Wanda stopped by. Acting like the perfect girlfriend you knew she wasn’t.
Natasha had a way of making you feel like the other woman, like her dirty little secret which was absolutely ludicrous, considering you never did give into any of her flirting.
You thought about telling Wanda, but you were scared, of being blamed even if it would be misplaced, of being seen as some sort of homewrecker. So you stayed silent, right in Natasha's back pocket, right where she wanted you.
“Or you could go get drinks with me.” Natasha suggests, taking a pen off of your desk and twirling it around with her fingers.
“Does Wanda know that you’ll be home late?” You bite back, all you really wanted to do was order take out and watch reality tv from your couch with a bottle of wine.
“What Wanda doesn’t know won’t hurt her.” Natasha says dismissively, waving off your concern. You glare at her, the back of your pen had found its way to Natasha’s mouth, who was biting on it seductively.
You reach up and snatched the pen from Natasha’s hand. Annoyed and flushed from the sight of Natasha chewing on your pen.
“Go home to your girlfriend.” You say flatly, packing up your things, making a show of ignoring the red head perched on your desk.
“Can you at least look me in the eyes when you deny me?” Natasha says, reaching out and taking your chin in her hand, her grip tightening, forcing you to look up at her.
Your cheeks burn at the proximity of her, you could smell her expensive perfume and feel her hot breath on your face.
She leans in closer and you think she’s going to try to kiss you. You panic, because if she does you aren’t sure if you’d be able to push her away.
Kissing you isn’t Natasha’s goal, you’d just push her away and then what would happen? No, she wants to break you, force you to succumb to her, she wants you to be the one that gives in.
Instead Natasha places her lips right under your ear, kissing it softly, sucking on it before nipping at your earlobe.
“Forget getting drinks with me, let me come home with you.” Natasha says softly, her hand pulling at your shirt, until she can slip it under and finger the strap of your bra.
It would be so easy to say yes, so easy to grab her hand and let her do whatever she wants to you. But you can’t, because no matter how much Natasha makes you feel like you’re the other woman, you’re not. So instead of pulling her in for the most heart stopping kiss of your life, you push her away.
“Tell Wanda I said hi.”
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eideticmemory · 4 years
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You met Chip Taylor just a little bit too soon.
Word Count: 1.4k.
Warning: 19 year age gap, roll with it 😎
Admittedly, you did look fucking fantastic that night.
But, atrract-a-forty-year-old-celebrity fantastic? You don’t like to hype yourself up that much. It’s his fault. He caught your attention. He hyped you up.
Whispered a gentle, “Excuse me?” as you were speaking to a friend, completely oblivious to the man walking up behind you.
Your friend raised their eyebrows, focused on Matthew with their mouth hung open, just a little. The expression silenced you completed, mid-thought, and you turned around, slowly. You came face to face with his chest first, perfectly pressed in a nice suit. You had to tilt your head up to see his face. And fuck, what a pretty face it was. Scruffy, but balanced by that perfect mess of curls on his head.
And if you thought you were smitten, Matthew . . . Matthew knew the moment you looked at him, that he’d never made a better decision in his life.
“Hi . . . ” was all you could say. Hi. Really? Hi?
“Hi . . .” he replied. And you felt a bit better, knowing he was at a loss for words, aswell. “I’m Matthew,” he smiled. A goofy smile. You heart did a hop, skip, and a jump.
Where the hell did you come from, Matthew?
You shook the hand that he had offered you, and it was big that your hand completely disappeared in his.
“I’m [y/n],” you smiled back.
You wish you could say that was it. That after that is was nothing but happily ever after, no nerves, no anxiety.
But, Matthew, fucking Matthew, with his perfect face and his perfect voice and his perfect . . . everything to it upon himself to ask for your number, ask you on a date, call you to say goodnight. All in one night.
And you knew nothing about him. Nothing except for these butterflies in your tummy and a gnawing, aching feeling that . . . for the first time in your life, you felt love at first sight.
“Help,” you begged your friend. Your closest friend, they must have the answer, right? Luckily, they did. Told you he was Matthew Gray Gubler, actually. Not just Matthew. Gray Gubler. Get it right.
You googled him. You got so wrapped up in the Criminal Minds, Dollface, Newness mess that you completely skipped over the whole, born in 1980 thing.
“I heard 68 kill is good,” your friend shrugged. “It’s on netflix.”
“Cut it on.”
“You sure?”
“Yes,” you nodded. “Wait, is there a reason I should not be sure?”
“Okay, I’m putting it on before you go into full panic . . . just watch the dude, okay? Maybe you won’t like him so much afterwards.”
“Oh, yeah!” You panicked. “That helps, thanks!”
Oh, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
“He’s shirtless!” You exclaimed.
“He’s hot.”
“Look at him.”
Wait, wait, wait.
“He’s looking at her boobs! I don’t have any boobs!”
“[y/n]! Please!”
So, you suffered in silence. Suffered. He’s so pretty. He’s gorgeous. What the fuck? And this hot ass woman is slapping him and choking him.
“Okay,” you breathed. Took in a deep breath, “Okay, it’s over, he has a shirt on now.”
“He’s still hot.”
“Would you please.”
He is still hot. Sweating through a grey shirt with the hem tucked into those tight jeans. He is beautiful. It’s sappy. But it’s all you can say.
Oh, great, hot lady’s back. With guns.
Oh, wait.
Wait, wait, wait.
“No!” You shout, attempting to cover the sounds of Matthew’s groans and grunts from the TV. You closed your eyes shut, covered you face. “Turn it off!”
“Are you sure? She is fucking the life out of him, wow.”
The TV went silent and you uncovered your face. But, your friend had only silenced the movie, and you watched. Watched Matthew’s lips move against hot lady’s like metter against warm bread. Watched. Focused. Couldn’t catch your breath. Watched. Wanted it to be you.
Hot. He’s so hot.
“Turn it off.”
You woke up on Sunday — date day — way too late. Way too late, Matthew was supposed to pick you up in an hour. An hour! And if you’re late, it’s his fault. It’s absolutely his fault. For being gorgeous, and kind, and texting you every day just to make you as comfortable for today as possible. Telling you goodnight, and telling you he’d see you tomorrow. And for . . . haunting your dreams, all night, every night, with his lips like butter on warm bread.
You showered, quickly, fixed your hair, quickly, got dressed, quickly. Everything was quick. Panicked. Rushed. Then, you open the door and saw Matthew’s face. The flowers he brought for you. And time slowed down.
He had brought hot dogs and chips in a little pinic basket. One of the perfect ones, made with wicker, with the plaid table cloth on top. The park was isolated, private, romantic. Smelled like fresh flowers and clean cut grass. The meadow of it was surrounded by flowers every color of the rainbow.
Matthew set your pinic up right in the center.
“You’re a romantic, I see,” you giggled, sat beside him on the table cloth, which shielded your clothes from the soft grass.
“Only when . . . I really, really like someone.”
You blushed.
“That’s you, by the way,” he added, followed by a cute chuckle.
“I figured,” you nodded, and you stared at him for a few seconds. He stared at you. Both of you felt like you could do it for hours.
But, instead, you ate. You talked. You laughed. A lot. The old man had a sense of humor, and he joked about being too long to lay on the table cloth.
“You’re like an extra long slim jim,” you joked.
“Exactly what I was thinking,” he cackled.
As you were sat cross-criss beside him, he absentmindedly put his hand on your knee as you two laughed.
Your breath caught in your throat, and you had to gulp to rid yourself of the ache. It couldn’t have hit you at the worst time — the thoughts, about his lips. Butter. Warm bread.
You were a little shy the rest of the day, just a little. Had a bit of trouble looking him in the eye. But, Matthew’s got this way of talking you out of your shell, every time he opens his mouth.
You were sad to pull up in front of your place. Sad to know the date was ending, and you two would be dramatically separated.
You both knew it would only be for a few days, though. Neither of you could handle any longer.
You stared, at each other, you stared again. The light catching him through the windshield of his car like a halo. The light accentuated his eyes, his nose, his lips. Soft lips. Looking at them. It made your mouth water.
So, you licked your lips, and leaned in. He leaned in, like he’d been waiting. And waiting, and waiting, and waiting. You took his face in your hands and kissed him gently, your fingers twirling the ends of his hair.
It was a good kiss, your first kiss. The perfect kiss. But the second one . . . the one you had after the initial rush had set in, after you found out his lips really were like butter. Soft, on warm bread.
That kiss was better.
He finally put his hands on you, and that was when you unbuckled your seat belt. You crossed the dashboard, just to perch yourself in his lap.
“Oh, wow, okay, wow,” he rambled, overwhelmed, and blushing underneath you.
His body was warm, and he pulled you against it as your moved your mouth on his.
“I would’ve . . . mm . . . I would’ve given you . . . a better — date — for this.” Matthew said, between kisses.
You threw your head back at laughed. “Today was perfect,” you told him, his jaw between your thumb and your fingers. “Absolutely perfect. Thank you.”
“No, thank you,” he planted soft kisses on your jaw.
“Oh, you’re just saying that because I’m on top of you.”
He giggled, grazed his lips against yours, as he ran his thumb over your temple, “You’re a good kisser.”
You couldn’t help but snickered to yourself, “Yeah . . . so are you.”
Then, you were back to it. Back to him, to pulling him close and sticking your tongue in his mouth. Completely unaware that you two were being watched.
From the window, you friend shook their head, pursed their lips, “Fucking 68 kill.”
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imaginationjunkie · 3 years
Dancing with our hands tied
Jason Todd x Reader
It’s kinda soft
Thought of these songs while writing, so give them a listen while reading!
Note: Jason’s 25 and the reader is 21
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I was always a fan of the over the top charity galas Bruce Wayne threw. The elitists in their flashy riches, extravagant decorations and endless varieties of food, and a certain Wayne brother in a suit. It was all very amusing to witness.
I felt like a princess walking down the stairs with Tim every time, who refused to ever get an actual date. So I’d been stuck being his unofficial date for the 5 years that I’d known him. Not that I minded much; he was my best friend after all.
I chose a simple flowy dress tonight, blood red in color, silky like water. The subtle eyes that followed me through the evening didn’t go unnoticed.
But my eyes followed just one sight. A sight that erupted the unwanted greenness of jealousy as I sulked in a corner, celebrating turning 21 recently with a champagne flute in hand.
I felt him before I saw him. Warmth soothed my skin at his presence, despite the fact that I was unfairly mad at him. It wasn’t like he was my boyfriend.
Easier to say than do, and thus all the salt in the world seemed to be in my tone as I spoke first.
“Where’s your date?”
Jason Todd’s eyes might’ve been cool blue, but the feel of them didn’t match the description. The side of my head felt like it would burst into golden flames under the intensity of his stare.
But they were the good kind of flames, the best kind of flames. It was almost miraculous, the way I managed to keep my calm.
“She bailed, something about her sick grandma,” was his soft response.
“What’s with the tone?” He leaned closer, hot breath teasing my cheek. Jason had gotten awfully bold since the first time we met, when he couldn’t even look into my eyes straight.
“Is it jealousy I sense?”
I tried to be subtle about my sharp inhale. Judging by the stutter of his lips as he suppressed a smirk, I failed.
But why hide anymore? I was never one to hold back anyway.                                                                                                                          “Yes, it is.”
It was my turn to take his breath away. I turned my head, challenging him with my stare. But I was too tangled in his game to play in charge. He had me, and he knew it. Right?
A smile filled with swirls of mischief and satisfaction designed his lips. Yes, he definitely knew it.
It caught me off guard, the unfiltered beauty of it. Of him. Watching Jason Todd smile, really smile, was not for the weak hearted.
“Then I think you’ll be happy to know that she wasn’t a date. Just a friend.”
Eyes the color of a swirling blue sea, a face handsome enough to cause heartache. Why’d it take me so long to realize that I could never resist him? Not even in a million years. Not even if Ryan Gosling came offering himself to me.
A little too far?
Maybe, but it’s true. What to do?
I was just about to walk away from him, refill the empty flute of champagne to bring back sparkle to my uneventful evening. A large hand wrapping around my wrist stopped me.
“Let’s dance,” he said with the softness of tulle, pulling my frame closer to his larger one. Close enough to smell his cologne. Like a creep in the street, I subtly took a slow sniff of it.
It’d never stop amusing me, how a man who seemed as rough and rugged around the edges as he did had so much softness in him.
And smelled so. damn. good.
“M’kay,” I agreed, following as he led the way to the ballroom. Or so I thought.
“I thought you wanted to dance?” I inquired, looking back at the flashing dance floor full of people we left behind.
“I do.” His eyes twinkled as he looked back at me, still walking to God knows where with my hand in his.
“We literally just crossed the dance floor, where else on earth do you plan on taking me dancing?”
“Who said anything about a dance floor?”  Jason smirked, coming to a stop in the garden behind the manor.
Even though it was off limits to Bruce’s guests tonight, the garden looked particularly beautiful. Strings of fairy lights decorated the flawlessly kept greens and flowers, courtesy of Alfred. The pool lights were on, and a surreal soft blue glow lit up the water.
It matched Jason’s eyes.
But that wasn’t all. Long fingers tilted my chin up, and a gasp reverberated the air as my eyes met the mystical view. Stars glittered the midnight canvas endlessly, and in the center of it all sat the full moon like a queen.
She was regal tonight.
My mouth was slightly open in awe, and Jason’s fingers on my chin softly closed it as he chuckled.
“I’m guessing you like the view?”
“Like it? I might as well marry it!” I exclaimed, eyes wide with glee as I gripped his shoulders.
“Dick used to bring his, ahem, lady companions to charm them back when I was Robin. I’d always barge in and interrupt to interrogate about the last woman I saw with him,” he laughed while recalling the memory.
“Did it work?” I smiled back and stood closer to him, the fronts of our bodies slightly touching. My hands had come down to rest on his chest now, and while my eyes were up roaming the sky, my soul’s attention was solely on him.
He shuffled with something in his suit pocket. “Did what work?”
“Dick’s method of charming the ladies?”
“Judging by the walks of shame Alfred and I had to witness every morning after each Wayne gala, yes. It very much did.”
I felt Jason put something in my ear, and finally looked down from the stars to his eyes in confusion. It was an airpod, and I watched silently as he put the other one in his ear.
“I promise I’m not a creep or anything, but I stalked your Spotify playlists and found one titled ‘dancing under the stars’.” He confessed. In a very un-Jason like manner, he looked almost sheepish.
He didn’t look at me as he pressed play and pocketed his phone. Almost immediately ‘Dancing with our hands tied’ by Taylor Swift came on, and he took my hand in his.
Tingles shot up the pit of my stomach as his free arm wrapped around my waist, fingers resting on my hip. We swayed in beat to the music in our ears, eyes on eyes.
I, I loved you in secret First sight, yeah, we love without reason Oh, twenty-five years old Oh, how were you to know,
The lords, and anyone who knew me actually, knew how big of a swiftie I was. The fact that he had put in the effort to pick the absolute perfect song to dance to had to be the most romantic thing that ever happened to me.
I was completely mesmerized. Guys like this only existed in the encasement of my stash of romance novels; but time and time Jason Todd had proved that idea wrong. Every one of his gestures, one after the other, seemed to catch me off guard more than the previous one.
“Wanted to do this since I was 17,” I breathed the fresh air in, craning my neck to rest my chin on his shoulder. This right here was all I needed to relax. This was my very own customized form of peace.
“Yeah, Tim let it slip when he got drunk on your birthday and started blabbing about how you’re growing up in front of his eyes,” he laughed and pulled back to twirl me.
I crashed back into his chest softly, grinning at his revelation.
“It’s so hard to believe you guys are best friends, that Timmy’s actually capable of having normal human conversations other than his usual nerdy blabber,” Jason continued, pulling me even closer to him while dancing.
No objections were made from my side as I obliged (obviously), staring up at his eyes.
They were like an oceanic maze, too easy to get lost in. Too dangerous to get lost in.
“He’s a good friend. Awfully robot-like at times though, and he always smells of coffee.” I breathed with a chuckle as the air around us got intense.
The gold of the fairy lights hit his eyes, making them shine brighter than the stars above I let my hands grip the hairs on his neck, watching carefully as he took a sharp breath in response.  
If there was something Jason and my relationship, whatever that it was, didn’t lack, it was moments like these. Moments where we had a conversation with our eyes, expressing how much we wanted to kiss each other, how much we wanted to stay frozen in the present and relish in the feel of our undeniable chemistry.
It had been going on for way too long, and even Tim was getting tired of us not taking the leap of faith.
Initially he was pretty against it, but when he saw exactly how much I felt for his brother, his blessings for us suddenly started pouring in.
“Uhuh,” Jason hummed. An electric sensation buzzed the air around us as the chorus hit, and all the space between our bodies vanished. Butterflies went haywire in the places of my body he touched. He was everywhere.
But we were dancing Dancing with our hands tied, hands tied Yeah, we were dancing Like it was the first time, first time
“Stop me if you don’t want it,” he harshly whispered, brows furrowed and eyes clouded with desire as he tucked a few loose strands of my hair behind my ear.
“I do,” I whispered in response, knowing exactly what he meant.
His breath hit my lips, forehead fell against mine in a moment of desire and the next thing I knew, he was kissing me.
It was needy and rushed and a thousand other adjectives, but it was my most perfect kiss. It would always be my most perfect kiss.
Jason’s muscular arms encircled my waist as he pressed me up against him, gripping my sides and lifting me to stand on his feet. My own arms wrapped around his neck, and a sneaky stutter of a moan escaped my lips, earning me a groan from him.
Passion burned us under the cool night air as we kissed and kissed and kissed, all thoughts of oxygen forgotten in our haze of need.
But even our passion couldn’t defy nature. We pulled back to breathe in as much air as we could, but instead of diving back in towards each other’s lips like I expected us to, Jason simply stared at me with eyes that now looked navy from being hooded.
It was a stare of a few seconds that seemed like hours as his thumbs brushed the side of my face. The fire of need from a while back was gone, but the desire wasn’t.
We both tried to calm ourselves, but an unstoppable part of me leaned up to press a kiss on his cheek. He blushed.
“Wanted to do that since you were 17,” he said cheekily, hands tracing my back as we now let ‘Wonderland’ by Taylor amuse our ears.
“Liar,” I grinned. “You couldn’t even look at me back then.”
“Yeah, because I’d do this if I looked at you for more than 5 seconds. I had no plans of going to jail for getting handsy with a minor,” he replied, leading us to the wooden benches Bruce had installed in the garden a few weeks earlier.
I lifted a teasing brow, masking my shock at the fact that he wanted to kiss me even back then.
“And how’re you so sure I would’ve let you get handsy with me? For all you know I could have kicked you in the balls myself.”
“Don’t act coy, you could never stop staring at me when you were over,” he smirked, sitting down on the bench and pulling me to his lap.
I hesitated for a second, my brain getting lost in the fact that after months of banters and unbelievable tension, interruptions and two sided pining, I was finally in this position. Where we were able to be open about our want for each other.
Sensing my hesitation, his smirk dropped. “This is okay right?”
I snapped back to reality, taking his nervous expression in. Yes, this was real. And I wouldn’t waste a second of the time God gave me with Jason. I smirked and ran my fingers through his dark locks, making him close his eyes.
“Of course it is, just thinking about how long it took for you to man up and kiss me,”
“Excuse me, you could’ve-”
I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. He responded almost immediately, putting his hand on my hip as I sat sideways on his lap. Unlike the first one, this kiss was sweet and slow. We were cherishing the night with it.
“About damn time, I thought all my teeth were gonna fall out due to old age before Todd here grew some balls,” the sudden voice of a certain sass filled Wayne interrupted us.
My magical night with Jason ended with him running after his kid brother Damian, teasing him about kicking his ass.
But that was okay, because I was happy. Jason was happy. The long wait for him, for us, was worth it.
Even though he gave off the impression that he couldn’t care less, I knew that the reason he hadn’t made a move was because he wanted Tim to be completely fine with us being a thing.
Alongside being friends with Tim, I became friends with his brothers and Alfred over the years. I knew of their nightlife, and everything that went on behind the polished doors of the Wayne Manor. I knew Jason well enough to know that his tough posterior and damn care attitude was just a facade.
Being with Jason wouldn’t be a walk in the park, and I knew that too. He was reckless and intense, impulsive and careless.
But he was also sweet and passionate, and his love would brand you like a tattoo with it’s depth. I was willing to give my 110% to make it work with him.
Because even fairy tales take sacrifice and effort to get a happy ending. And I’d do about anything to make sure I earned mine.
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
You Belong With Me
Chapter 5 of In Breakable Heaven!! 
Summary: Penelope has a Halloween party!
Warnings: none 
Word Count: ~3100
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You woke up slowly, not realizing you were on the couch with another human. As usual, you tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but instead of landing on the other side of your bed you land squarely on the floor between your couch and coffee table. Spencer shifted on the couch to look down at you as the two of you burst into laughter.
“Are you okay?” He struggled to get the words out through the laughter. 
“Yeah. Yeah I’m fine.” Finally managing to stand up, you grab the trash from the night before and throw it out. Spencer grabs the dishes from behind you and loads them into the dishwasher. You are about to offer Spencer some breakfast when he breaks the silence.
 “I should probably get going, but, uh, I can’t find my phone.” You can’t help but smile at the dejected look on his face.
 “It probably sunk into the couch, here” you hand him your phone “You can call it while I look under the cushions.” He takes your advice, dialing his phone and holding yours up to his ear.
 “It’s ringing.” You can hear it begin to vibrate as you remove cushions from the couch. “Got it!” You hold the phone up victoriously, answering the call. “Hello Doctor. What can I do for you?” You can’t help but tease him a little. He hangs up your phone, trading it for his. 
“Thank you. I really do have to go, but I’m really glad I got to see you again.” “Me too. I mean, I don’t have to go. I live here. I just meant I’m really happy I got to see you again too. And now you have my phone number, so we can talk more!” You force yourself to stop rambling before you say something even more embarrassing. 
He just grins at you, glad to not be the one rambling for once, and waves goodbye as he says “I’m looking forward to it.”
 Around 4 PM a couple days later, you get a text from Spencer. You two had been texting pretty consistently since he left your apartment. But this text feels like a birthday gift from up above when you read the five simple words. Not that you would tell him today is your birthday. That would be weird to just randomly bring up.
 From Spencer: “Are you busy right now?”
 To Spencer: “Nope. I just got back from the bookstore.”
 It takes what feels like eternity for him to respond. Unbeknownst to you, he is pacing his apartment, working up the nerve to press send.
 From Spencer: “Do you want go see a movie? There’s a new Scream that just started in theaters and since Halloween is right around the corner, I thought it might be fun.”
 You can’t help but squeal a little when you read and reread the message.
 To Spencer: “I would love to! I love Halloween.”
 From Spencer: “Great, I can pick you up at 5?”
 To Spencer: “See you then”
 You instantly drop what you were working on to get ready. You have to pick out something to wear that says you’re interested but isn’t too much for going to see a movie. You decide on a pair of dark wash jeans, black combat boots, and a light sweater that ties in the back. It’s cute, comfy, and very fall. Just as you finish your mascara, you hear a knock on your door. You grab your purse and swing it open to find Spencer standing there in a black button up, dark jeans, a maroon cardigan, and of course, black converse. He looks incredible. You can feel the blush on your cheeks as he looks at you. “Ready to go?”
 “Yep, just let me grab my keys.” And with that, the two of you are walking back down to his car. You arrive to the theater 15 minutes before the movie, the perfect amount of time to get some snacks! You insist on buying the popcorn and sweet treats since he bought the tickets. You make your way into the theater and see it’s mostly empty except for a few people in the back. You find two seats in the middle and sit down. You’re honestly a little nervous because even though you love scary movies and haunted houses, you still get freaked out pretty easily. The scare is why you love it, but also why you’re nervous.
 “Are you okay?” Spencer’s question cuts off your train of thought. 
You decide to answer honestly “yeah, I love scary movies. I just… get scared… Wow that was stupid.” You can feel the blush creeping up again as you try to come up with a better way of describing it.
 “That’s not stupid at all. It’s really all because of adrenaline and other fear induced hormones. It is common for people to seek out adrenaline inducing situations because the brain itself won’t determine how much danger you are in. It only recognizes the fear and produces adrenaline to combat it.” You inadvertently cut him off when you hug him, muttering a quiet thank you. He’s too distracted by the scent of your perfume to continue on about adrenaline.  
 Ten minutes in and the movie hasn’t been that bad yet. You can’t tell if you’re disappointed or glad you aren’t screaming like crazy. Just as you let your guard down, there’s a jump scare that has you grabbing Spencer’s arm for safety. He laughs, seemingly unfazed by the cheap scare, and shifts so he is holding your hand. “Just squeeze my hand when you’re scared” he whispers in your ear. You feel the butterflies again as you nod at him. You squeeze his hand on and off throughout the rest of the movie, blushing when his thumb starts to rub circles on your hand.
 When the movie is over, the two of you decide to go across the street to a diner for some real dinner. You are right in the middle of eating breakfast for the third time that day when both your phones go off. Glancing down, you see a text from Penelope.
 From PG: “Y/N!! I am having an impromptu Halloween party and I do not want to hear it that you are too busy. Get your butt over here by 9!!”
 To PG: “You got it! Costume?”
 From PG: “Of course! I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
 You look up at Spencer “Penelope’s party?” You immediately try to think of a costume you can pull together from what you’ve got at home. It’s already October 27th, but you hadn’t planned a costume yet. 
“Yep, I guess I have to go find a costume.” Spencer replies, running his hands through his hair. 
“Same here. I have no idea what I’m going to wear.”
 “I can drop you back at your apartment if you want? So you can get ready.” You sigh, he is obviously right but you were hoping the night would last a little longer. 
“That would be great, thank you.” At least you know you’ll see him soon.
 Getting ready goes a lot easier than you anticipated. You pull together a young, country Taylor Swift costume with denim cutoff shorts, cowboy boots, a cowboy hat, a navy tank top, and a matching flannel. You decide to grab your acoustic guitar just to add to the look. It’ll work. You finish your makeup and leave in a hurry. Penelope is not one to be kept waiting.
 You get to Penelope’s apartment at 9:02. “What took so long? I thought you would be right over after I texted.” She scolded as she opened the door.
 “I wasn’t home, so I had to go home and throw together a costume” you laugh as she looks you up and down, doing a little twirl. She looks you in the eye before confirming your costume “Country Taylor Swift, not bad.”
 “Why thank you! Might I add you make an incredible vampire!” You say, lifting your hat off your head. Penelope just rolls her eyes and opens the door wider for you to come in. You immediately spot the rest of the team as other the other guests. Emily, Derek, JJ – who brought Will - Hotch, and Rossi. You didn’t know them all that well, but apparently you made a good impression since you were invited back. You aren’t sure if Spencer has told them anything about the two of you hanging out, so you decide not to say anything either. Instead, you admire everyone’s costumes.
 Emily is dressed as Black Widow in a tight all leather getup. Derek matches Penelope’s vampire costume, something you are sure she made him wear. JJ and Will make an adorable Mr. Incredible and Elastigirl. You are still trying to figure out Hotch and Rossi’s costumes when you hear them arguing. “I am very clearly a chef. Look at my hat.” Rossi says as he emphatically points to his head.
 “And I am from Men in Black.” Hotch declares. You are sure he is glaring from behind those sunglasses. They all turn and greet you when you get close enough.
 “Who are you dressed as?” Derek asks as he looks you up and down.
 “She’s clearly a young TS. The only thing missing is the signature curly blonde hair.” JJ looks shocked that Derek couldn’t put that together.
 “Ooh, since you’re dressed as a singer, you have to go first in karaoke. We can’t start until everyone is here though. Penelope’s rules.” Emily declares.
 “I guess I need a drink then!” You laugh as you head to the kitchen. You pour yourself a glass of white wine, not understanding how anyone can enjoy the vinegar like taste of the red, and walk back into the living room.
 You immediately spotted Spencer. He was wearing a loose white button up with puffy sleeves, a black vest, black jeans, and he had a red bandana tied around his head. Plus, he was carrying a prop sword. The converse didn’t really match, but you could still figure out the look. He was the dorkiest pirate you have ever seen and you loved it. Derek was giving him a hard time, but before you could do anything Emily was pulling you over to the karaoke machine.
 “It’s time to start karaoke!!” She was clearly a little tipsy, but you did not feel nearly drunk enough to sing in front of these people. You downed your wine, earning some whistles, and put the glass on the coffee table.
 “Emily! I have no idea what to sing.” You tried to protest.
 “Nonsense, you can sing a Taylor Swift song.” JJ chimed in “Something from an old album since your dressed country!”
 Emily immediately started a song before you could protest anymore and you were singing almost immediately.
 You’re on the phone with your girlfriend, she’s upset.
 ‘At least it’s an easy song to perform’ you thought to yourself, having done it what felt like a million times. But they don’t know that. Before you knew it, the girls were all singing the end of the song with you.
 Have you ever thought just maybe, you belong with me? You belong with me.
 You chanced a glance at Spencer as you finished the song. You refused to look at him before that, knowing he would make you too nervous. Before you had a chance to comprehend the look on his face, Derek inadvertently interrupted the moment “Y/N you’ve been holding out on us. That was great!” He said. The others joined in on the praise as you turned red. You managed to squeak out a “thanks” before retreating to fill your wine glass. Spencer met you in the kitchen.
 “That really was an amazing performance. You should consider switching careers.” You laughed at his comment, it was pretty comical considering your side hobby. “No really. You would be amazing.”
 You turned even redder with the compliment. “Thanks Doc, I appreciate the confidence boost.” You almost told him then and there, but ultimately you were being called back to the living room to hear Rossi sing Bon Jovi.
 The night continued much the same until Penelope broke off into the kitchen. You were going to follow her, but Rossi pulled you back into a conversation and you missed the chance. Soon enough she was returning with a huge birthday cake. At first, you were shocked. Then you realized she was the Penelope Garcia. Figuring out someone’s birthday is child’s play to her.
 Then you were shocked again, because everyone was singing to Spencer. Apparently it was after midnight and his birthday is October 28th.
 Once everyone has a piece of cake, you walk up to Spencer hitting him on the arm, “Why didn’t you tell me today is your birthday?” 
He deflects the question easily.  “Today only just started, so I really didn’t have time. Plus you haven’t told me when your birthday is.”
 You instantly freeze at that. You can’t possible tell him your birthday was yesterday. That would be so awkward. He immediately senses the tensions and asks “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
You practically run out of the room calling “yep I’m fine, all good, 100% a-o-kay.”
 Spencer, confused by your quick exit, decided to look at your license to figure out your birthday. Maybe he could surprise you with something. Realization dawned on his features as he read the date, seeing that your birthday was yesterday.
 You were relieved when Spencer didn’t chase after you to figure out exactly why you practically sprinted away from the conversation. You decided to just enjoy the rest of the party.
 Around 2 AM everyone was heading out. You hung back a little since Spencer hadn’t left yet, hoping you’d be able to walk out with him. God, you feel like a teenager again. Secretly crushing on a guy who clearly only likes you as a friend. Ugh.
 “Y/N!” You break out of your pitying thoughts to see Penelope and Spencer standing in front of you. Great. How long were you just staring at the ground? “You okay?” Penelope asks, looking at you with clear concern.
 “Yeah, I’m just tired. You threw quite the party!” You tried to joke to clear the air. “Thanks for inviting me, Pen.” You hugged her as you looked around for your purse, grabbing it off the chair. Spencer has been staring at you with a contemplative look on his face during the whole encounter.
 “I’ll see you soon, right?” You looked back as you opened the door. “Of course, my lovely!” Penelope smiled as you and Spencer left, him calling a quick goodbye as he walked out after you. You didn’t say anything until you noticed Spencer was walking towards your apartment with you.
 “What are you doing?” Ugh, real subtle. What kind of a question is that?
“Walking you home. It’s my birthday, you can’t say no.” You rolled your eyes at his playful tone, but there was something serious in his eyes. “Why didn’t you say your birthday was yesterday? We could have celebrated!” He seemed genuinely confused.
 “I don’t know. I guess I’ve never been the kind of person who does well with all that attention. My birthday was never a huge deal growing up, so I haven’t really made a big deal out of it now. Pen wanted a Halloween party, not a birthday party. I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it.” You couldn’t make eye contact with him. You’ve never really talked about these insecurities with anyone.
 “First of all, she clearly didn’t mind having a party for both because she had a birthday cake for me. I am completely sure that she would have decorated it for both of us had she known. Second, you deserve to have people make a big deal. You are an incredible person, Y/N. You are extraordinarily kind, selfless, and beautiful.” He pauses for a second before pulling something out of his bag. “I didn’t know your birthday was even in October, but I bought these a few days ago. I was going to give them to you after the movie, but then Garcia called and we split up. If you don’t like them I can take them back I just thought since you twist your earrings around so much, maybe they were bothering you and maybe a new pair would help. Penelope actually helped me pick them out, although she doesn’t know that. She just mentioned how she thought you would like them when we were at the farmer’s market.”
 Tears sprung to your eyes as you realized how much thought he must’ve put into this. You couldn’t help but throw yourself into a hug whispering “thank you, Spence. That is so thoughtful.” He rubbed your back until you stepped back from the hug. You opened the box to find a pair of dainty white gold earrings. One was a moon and the other a star. “They are beautiful.” You whispered into his ear as you pulled him in for another hug.
Stepping back again, the two of you made your way to your apartment. Upon arrival, you confessed, “I actually have something for you too. It’s upstairs though, so you have to come inside.” He smiled as you pulled him into your building.
 “I obviously didn’t know your birthday is today, but you told me about breaking your watch and when I saw this in the store window I thought of you and it just looked perfect.” You watched as he slowly opened the watch box, pulling out a simple brown leather band with a white watch face surrounded by a silver casing. It honestly screamed Dr. Spencer Reid. The watch face isn’t too modern and the leather band matches his satchel.
 “Y/N, it’s perfect. Thank you.” He closed the box, hugging you to say thank you. Looking into his eyes, you realized with 100% certainty you are falling for Dr. Spencer Reid. “Let’s go to sleep” is all you can say in response. You pull him into the bed and snuggle as close as you dare, too afraid to say anything else when you don’t know how he feels. The two of you drift into a restful sleep, not even bothering to change from your costumes.
 You wake up due to the muffled voice of Spencer in the kitchen. You can smell the coffee, so you quickly change into some pajamas before walking out to join him. He glances at you apologetically while you pour the coffee into two mugs, adding equal amounts of sugar to both.
 As soon as he hangs up, he’s hugging you goodbye. “I’m so sorry, we have a case. We are supposed to be at the jet in 30 minutes.”
 “Don’t worry about it Doc. Go save the world.” You decide to listen to Superman on repeat for an hour while you clean.
tag list: 
@mac99martin​ @goldeng1rl8​ @eevee0722 @l0ve-0f-my-life @haylaansmi @dinonuggets15 @laurakirsten0502 @green-intervention @burnin-passion @takeyourleap-of-faith @secretpickleprofessordean @awkwardnesshabitat
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peeterparkr · 4 years
perennial;tom holland|sixteen.
chapter sixteen: coneflowers
↳ flower meanings: justice
chapter summary: fragile box, please handle with care. 
pairing: tom holland x y/n
warnings: angst but not for tom and y/n :) , mentions of sex, timmy, cherry, fluff. 
word count: 11.6K
previous chapter next chapter   perennial masterlist.
perfidy  ( series masterlist)
I know it took me forever to write this, I’ve been having a hard time, my dog passed and I have been grieving, however, somehow I found the strenght to write. 
I know, it’s long. I know, I’m too descriptive.idc :) I liked it. it’s my writing and i’m sharing it with you, hope you enjoy it. 
thanks to @erodasghosts​ for being a real one and helping me out. 
btw stop sending anon hate it’s getting tiring 
tags aren’t working, please leave feedback asdakd listen to taylor swift 
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Someone once said, to never fall in love, everything that falls, breaks. Y/n knew she was fragile but she’d broken enough to know she couldn’t break again. She was but pieces now. However, she could mend it with love. 
There is always that inexplicable feeling of joy when you get to wake up being held by one’s love, it is believed to be one of the most pleasurable moments, or at least it was for y/n to ever think of. If not the most pleasurable one. You can always long to go to bed with someone, but to wish for someone’s mornings, when they have a new day, talks about the most intimate act of all. 
She was usually the one to wake up earlier than him, usually watching as the sun would creep in from the window to warm his cheekbones. So peacefully as he was far away, dreaming. Golden streaking under his lips. 
Y/n always wondered if he ever dreamed of her. Often dreams are senseless, and fun, however dreams can turn into nightmares. 
Nightmares which would disappear whenever she was close to him. 
As usual, she had opened her eyes before him. How could anyone doubt them? She inquired to herself, her fingers delicately traced his skin, as he was away in his own world. 
There was no feeling of storms approaching and if it did, she knew she’d be able to dance with him. And they would bloom again. Though they were not right now, they would eventually. 
 “Y/N?” He said sheepishly, an eye half open. 
Y/n jumped, slightly startled. 
She smiled, “good morning.” 
And it was a good one. 
“Are you watching me sleep?” He asked, chuckling as his arm tried to bring her close. 
She blushed, and placed a kiss on his nose, “I—I got lost….in… your eyes?” 
He scoffed, “my closed eyes?” He laughed, trying still to open one eye completely. 
“I—was thinking and your face happened to be the view I had,” she said. 
“The only view you need,” he smirked, nuzzling into her hair. 
She rolled her  eyes, placing soft small kisses around his jaw. 
It is never easy to understand why the heart chooses what it chooses. If someone dared to ask she wouldn’t have the answer. Maybe she did. 
She could tell them about the fact that she was herself, and how she wanted to see how his eyelashes shined against the moonlight. How his silences spoke to her more than words. Or how her body was tattooed by his kiss. How after everything, they wanted to fight for their love. 
“Go back to sleep, love,” he said. “We don’t have to be awake.” 
She rolled her eyes, “no,” she stated before gluing her lips to his neck, kissing her way across it. 
“Oh,” he chuckled and she felt the vibrations through his neck. “Or you can… do that.” He lifted his head slightly, allowing her to get her lips on the sweet spot he loved. 
She giggled as she continued. 
“I think I can get used to this,” his eyes fluttered open. 
Love is not something that has a formula, there is no reason as to why someone loves someone. But looking at him, maybe she could think of some reasons. 
To the world, and the world being the people in the house, they were the enemies who had turned into lovers. Y/N knew better, they were lovers who had tried so hard to fool the world into believing they were enemies that they ended up believing it. 
“Hm, you must,” she warned him, now moving her lips up to the corner of his, he blushed and finally watched her. 
“Oh, will it be like this?” He smirked and finally managed to open his eyes, he tried stretching out but his hands were too eager to hold her again. 
“Maybe,” she chuckled. 
Had they not had those moments alone all their life? A certain calmness they shared whenever no one was around, and even when they would mock and bicker, it would be a strange familiarity. Was he not able to make her laugh? And cry? And feel every emotion. Every single one of them, and one who is powerful enough to know how to break you but chooses to love you instead and heal you is incredible. Someone who tried to mend the delicate parts. 
Being enemies had only shown them they could love each other even on their worst sides. And it had built them up, in a good way. They would have fun, competition. Even after all their battles, she found peace in him. Besides they both knew they didn’t need each other but they chose each other. They were not meant to be but damn, did they fight for each other. 
She finally caught his lips in hers, as he managed to turn her around and deepen the kiss, his arms embracing her as close as he could. She knew no one understood how they could be so in love after everything. 
Y/N guessed no one would understand, how after everything her eyes still shined when he smiled at her. How she wanted sunrises and sunsets, and the fun that might come in between. And to write a new story, one that the world didn’t have to know. 
“Every morning?” He asked her, after pulling away from the kiss. “Is that a promise?” 
She bit her lip, “Not every morning.” 
He frowned. 
“Some other mornings I might not kiss your neck, maybe your forehead,” she giggled. 
He chuckled, as he blushed, “Oh, I like that idea.” 
“Hm, you do?” She grinned. “How about…. Your ear?” 
He smiled, “I like that, too.” 
“Uh… your jaw.” 
“Yes,” Tom confirmed again. 
She kept watching him with mischief, “uh… how about your chest?” 
“Hm…your shoulder?” 
“Y/N, let’s just agree that I like your lips on any part of me,” he laughed before getting his own lips caressed on her neck. “Though I like them better on mine.” 
Maybe that had been her mistake, to try and get everyone to know a story that only them seemed to understand. Though they were always trying and running and hiding. As if they were merely prays trying to be hunted and they were scared of the very next roadblock, the next needle that would pop them.
“Hm, good, and I like yours,” she agreed. He served as a great blanket,she thought before pulling him to a deeper kiss. 
And yet they’d have each other at the end of the day, and a kiss to look up to as if it was the first time.  There were no other two people so different and so impossible for everyone else but that worked together so well. They saw their truth in each other, and though it was stupid, it was real. 
Y/N loved Tom because she didn’t need a reason for it. And she wouldn’t feel guilty every time he told her he loved her, she did not have to. And she had not given up because she knew Tom turned everything bright, that was his goddam gift and curse, he turned everything golden. Midas touch that sometimes turned things into gold when they were not worth turning into. 
Even them, who were so broken, he managed to make it perfect. 
Because they were them. No one else had to understand and though she knew they had been waiting for explanations the night before she did not have to give them any because she did not want their point of view. She only wanted Tom’s. And his, it was looking so bright. 
She pulled away this time, “hm are we supposed to tell them?” 
“Hm,” he kissed his way down to her neck and then to the valley between the slight cleavage that could show a bit of her breasts. “Probably.” 
“I guess they will ask for an explanation,” she said, as her hands landed on his hair, twirling her fingers around it. “I mean, James saw me on the verge of killing you yesterday and today you are—“
Tom chuckled as he looked up. “Right, they looked very confused yesterday.” 
Y/N grinned, “wouldn’t you be, idiot?” 
“Not with us, no,” he admitted as he rolled off, now resting his head on his hand, watching her. 
“Why not?” Y/N frowned. 
He laughed, as if it was rather obvious. “We’ve been doing this since we were kids, idiot,” he remarked the nickname. “Fight to death, then be friends for five minutes,” he chuckled as his hands traced up her body. “Except this isn’t—friendship, or not the PG-13 version of it—“
“This is definitely not the PG-13 version,” she agreed. “But this isn’t friendship.” 
“No, and it won’t last five minutes,” he smirked as his eyes turned with lust at her. “Forty-five maybe?” His eyes were burning with lust as he kept kissing his way down.
“No,” she rolled her eyes, giggling. “Not right now, Thomas.” 
“Why not?” He looked up with mischief.
She chuckled, “what would they say if they heard us?” 
“Do we still have to be alone for us to work out?” He questioned. “Didn’t we agree on not—being secretive?” 
She bit her lip, “No, but… I am not exactly fond of the idea of them listening to us have sex.” 
Tom had made a point. And it was the point that they both knew it, it’s always been that way, Rome, New York, now his room. What a magical place it was when they were alone. Getting away to be happy because nobody wanted to see them tumble down. 
He laughed, “Oh, I—well, we don’t have to be—uh, I thought we could-“
“Easy, Tom,” she said then, rolling her eyes. “I think I also told you I want to slow things down.” 
He paused, “right—But you—“
“I know,” she gulped. “I know I can’t stop myself but we both get to put boundaries, and— I need to sort things out.” 
“Yeah, right, right—“
“But—that doesn’t mean,” she coughed. “That I don’t love waking up to you.” 
He watched her with a smile. “I know, I know,” he kissed the corner of her lips, more sweetly now and rolled off. “So, are we going to tell them?” 
“I believe we—“she chuckled. “Maybe they’ll assume we are—in a good place.” 
“Yeah, I mean—“ 
“I just—“ she sat up, Tom watched her, still laying down. “I need you to—understand something, I’m—Please just bear with me?” She asked him. “I don’t want to lose this, so—“
He was calm, even smiling as he watched her, his hand reached to her hair, slowly stroking it. So different, neither of them waiting to attack.
“I—“ she didn’t know how to put it in words. 
“No, no, I get it, calmer, I know you need time to figure out your thoughts but I’m here—“he said. “We need to figure it out, slowly, and talk to people. Cherry, Tim.” 
“Yeah,” she sighed. 
“Yes I know, ease your thoughts. You always have something in your mind but we agreed on figuring out how to soothe your mind.”
“Yours too.”
“But we have each other, don’t we?” He asked, a calm soothing smile. “We are figuring it out, together.” 
She beamed. “Yeah.” 
“I like this new us,” he pointed out. 
“What? The talking ones?” Y/N laughed.
“Yes,” he smirked. 
“Thought you’d be more fond of the ones that ignore everything and make out,” she sassed. 
“We can talk about it and then make out and other stuff, darling, they don’t cancel each other out, I like talking.” 
“I hate it, I barely know how to speak my thoughts.”
He chuckled, “that’s not true, idiot.” 
“No, but it was easier painting each other as villains,” she pointed out. “And we could’ve left it all behind and make out... and yet.”
“And yet, we spent all night talking.” 
They had. Figuring out why they worked, and it made sense. The flowers had never dried, not theirs, at least. Y/N had finally accepted it to herself, mostly. That they would work out not because they wouldn’t have any battles but because they would win them, if they were together. 
They didn’t blame each other, but they both assumed they’d hurt each other and they wouldn’t forget it. To leave it behind would let the wounds open, to acknowledge them would let the scars heal. 
But they both knew they weren’t going to now. That was the difference. Both of them would excel on trying to be the best for them. 
However, both of them knew that it wouldn’t be easy, and that’s why their decision was so strong. 
“How are you feeling now?” He asked. 
Not empty anymore, she thought. “Confused,” she admitted. 
She had the right to be confused. Her heart had been juggling with different emotions over the last 72 hours, a rollercoaster of emotions that didn’t quite mix. She still had her own words circling in her mind, about past wounds. About the kiss she’d seen. Though she knew it hadn’t been Tom. 
That was a difference, and yes, it hurt. But Tom had not been the one to kiss cherry. Tom had not kissed Cherry to hurt y/n. 
The kiss had been a mistake. And y/n knew she could forgive mistakes. 
That was the one difference between after Rome and this. This hadnt been a thought out plan. 
“Is there anything I can do?” He questioned, holding her hand. 
She looked at him, not really. But now at least she didn’t question whether he loved her or not. She knew he did. 
The thing is. She hadn’t seen the kiss coming, and that’s what had shocked her the most, and now she was starting to come back from her thoughts. 
“No, I just need to rest,” she said. “I think my emotions just need a break.” 
“We can have a break today,” he said. “I thought we said we would have it.” 
But she couldn’t have it, not yet. 
The decision they’d taken wasn’t permanent, just for now, at least.  Filming and then they’ll figure it out back in London, though she was slightly scared because he would be away to film, again, and she’d be left alone. But not lonely now, that would be a huge difference and she’d be looking forward to seeing him again. And she wouldn’t have to worry about the heartbreak now. 
“I guess,” she plopped back on next to him. 
“This week has been so stressful,” he pointed out. “I’m exhausted.” 
They were exhausted, both of them, from being adorable to the heartbreak, to the fight to making up and then fighting again and then talking, and talking. 
“We made the right choice, right?” She asked. Because she was sure they had but maybe it was just both of them being exhausted of feeling. 
“Are you having second thoughts?” He asked. “We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” 
“No, I do,” she said. “I think it’ll also be easier to talk to each other.” 
“Yes,” he smiled slightly. “In the quiet and peace of this very room.” 
She looked around. “It needs stuff,” she smiled. 
“Stuff?” He grinned. 
“Yeah, it’s too—plain.” 
“I’m sure we will take care of that,” he pulled her close. “I’m sure the Polaroids you’ll take will be the perfect decor. But—Look, see over there? Vinyls.” 
She laughed, “having them on the floor isn’t exactly decor.” 
“It’s art, darling, it turns you on,” he mocked. 
She laughed, “ah, right, it does.”
“But you’re right it’s plain,” 
She nuzzled close to him, “yeah.” 
“So more vinyls, right?” 
“And the Polaroids…?” 
She grinned, “yes.” 
“I actually,” he coughed. “Have some.” 
She glanced up with curiosity, “the ones I gave back with the box?” 
He chuckled, “yeah,” he glanced over. “Dude you really said let’s wreck this man’s emotions didn’t you?” 
She pursed her lips and cupped his face, “why?” 
“You literally—made a dvd,” he reminded her. “With videos of us?” He chuckled. “Like—you really said: ah yeah, fuck him, let’s remind him that we’ve done this before and that we transformed it into a relationship, and then you—Fucking saved the beer cap from that one time we—“ he cleared his throat. 
“Yeah when we first hooked up. And that controller from the first kiss—“
“I’m surprised,” he admitted. “Are you a kleptomaniac?” He laughed. 
“Maybe? I don’t know,” she admitted. “It’s just—“
“They remind you of moments, right?” He questioned, 
“Yeah,” she sighed.
He looked at her, “why did you give them to me?” 
“Because—“she paused, “I know what I said in the script, and I know it was awful but I also—wanted to show you that I had written another story, you know? That that story was the one that made us and built us up and that I’ve been—Though it’s stupid, trrasuring it?” 
He stayed quiet. 
“I—Did I give you the letter, too?” 
“Yeah—I just—-you don’t know how many times I drowned going back through the memories, trying to figure out the puzzle. When—back in Rome it was my way of bottling up, as if keeping it in a box meant keeping my broken heart in a drawer?” 
He nodded. 
“But I—After we—I don’t know when we were with that whole enemies with benefits things and we kind of—Broke up? Can we call it that way?” 
“Uh… When was this?”  
“When—“she chuckled. “I—Well I was scared because all of sudden you were getting all coupley—I mean you bloody made me have breakfast with your parents and made me hold your hand the entire time.” 
He smirked, “Yes.” 
“Well, after that—You learned Tim had kissed me, which by the way, he did—I wasn’t—“ 
Tom rolled his eyes, “Yeah, seems—believable, but—Why did you—-Why did you suddenly just say no? Like—I was the one to kind of suggest—a relationship?”
“That was not suggesting a relationship,” she laughed. “Tommy I love you but your way of—“
He scoffed, “I—Okay, but what about that day?” 
“I was so confused because I—I finally opened up that box and it was like—as if—As if I—“
Tom seemed confused. “As if you opened your heart?” He said dramatically. He seemed amused. 
She rolled her eyes, “yes, Tom, and you should start getting used to that, all my metaphors.” 
“Sorry, I forget we are dating and that now I can’t mock you,” he confessed. 
“No, you can mock me but….” 
“Right but then I have to kiss you?” He grinned, leaning over.
She pushed his face away, earning a glare. “Ew, no.” 
He laughed, “What?” 
Y/n nudged him. “No, but like—I did it as if it was—I don’t know—But like that box?” She said. “I wouldn’t mind having that dress hanging around until… It hurt, like, all of my—Like I only boxed them when it hurt.” 
He remained quiet. 
“And then… It just… I couldn’t keep boxing it away, you know?” 
“And why did you give it to me?” 
“Because when—after the engagement party,” she started, “I guess it was—“
“Did you want me to see the heartbreak?” He asked. 
“No,” she shook her head. “I realized I boxed it because everything boxed is a good thing. None of it were—sad memories. I didn’t box the yellow flowers you gave me—I mean I didn’t have them but, I boxed the one you brought after prom, what I mean is that I only stayed with the good things? If that makes sense?” 
“Yeah, no I guess it’s—“
“And I gave them to you I guess as a lame excuse of trying to—Be like—Hey we have a lot of good things because we often try and forget that.” 
“Right,” he coughed. 
“And I think we shouldn’t, you know?” she said. “Like yes, we’ve been talking about the bad parts, but we also have a lot of good ones, you know?” 
He smiled.
 “What—what did you do with it?” She asked.
“It’s back home,” he said and then smiled. “Which could be your home when we come back, too…” 
She rolled her eyes, “So good for taking things slow.” 
He peppered her with soft kisses across her face.
“Tommy,” she giggled. 
 “We will talk about it, you know, eventually….” He reminded her,
“Yeah, I know,” she grinned. “No—but, yeah, that box, I have—“she pinched the bridge of her nose. “I thought you would burn it.” 
He chuckled, “I—honestly I did think about it, like when you did, burning the flowers right in my face.” 
“I was broken-hearted and petty,” she said. 
He chuckled, “it was aesthetic.”
“You’re an idiot.” 
“Am I wrong? Don’t you do everything for it?” He teased. 
“Oh, yes, I cried for months just because it would be aesthetically pleasing,” she snapped, pushing herself far from him. 
“I’m joking, hey, I’m joking,” he pulled her back to him. “Can we go back to decorating matters?”
“Ah, please, I know you’re dying to change this stupid room with your polaroids, and… maybe flowers?” He smirked. 
Y/n rolled her eyes, “you’re so stupid, yes,” she grinned before kissing him sweetly. “There’s—also, do you have some clear space for my clothes—?” 
“Yeah, I think,” he gave it a thought. “Yes there’s plenty of space, your clothes will be safe.” 
This was what she needed. Those little conversations about being normal, not about their past or not about how much her heart was breaking. 
“Hopefully they’ll stay there all the time,” he added. 
She raised her brows in confusion. 
“Oh please darling, it'll be better if we wear no clothes at all,” he suggested so smoothly, y/n thought she would melt. 
“You’re an idiot,” she blushed, giggling softly. 
“You love me,” he stated smugly. 
She grinned, “yeah, I do.” 
It was time for him to blush, and kiss her, gently. Leaving soft tray of kisses across her face. 
She smiled, “So, how about I— tell your brothers and you tell mine,” she suggested. 
Tom laughed, pulling away nervously , “are you trying to get rid of me?” 
“What? No!” She was clearly confused. 
“Look, y/n, love, darling, princess, angel—“ 
She rolled her eyes with a knowing smile, “what?”
“I love you but I don’t think I have the balls to tell your brother you are moving in,” he said. 
She laughed, “why not?” 
“You’re really asking?” He cackled. “Didn’t you hear him last night?” 
Ah, she had. James said: I swear to god, if they have make up sex I’ll kill him. 
“I mean,” she laughed, “he wasn’t wrong, he did say that we had make up sex—. That’s kind of—“
“No, no it’s not what happened,” Tom cleared his throat. “I mean, yes a little, but it wasn’t that, like, we talked, a lot and we got to many conclusions.” 
“Yes but we still—“
“So what? He said he would kill me!” He laughed. “The fact that it did happen—I mean he doesn’t know it happened but—“
She giggled, “but what?”
“I am not risking being killed by your brother.” 
“You are not going to tell him that, you’re going to tell him I am moving in,” she reminded him. “Not the… sex part.”
“Please, but telling him you are moving in is basically telling him we are going to have sex on a daily basis.” 
She raised her brows, “we are not—“
“You can’t keep your hands off me, dumbass, he will know.”
“I am not, but—That’s beside the point, I am not moving in because of that, did you really think—?”
“I know you—I know it’s not because of that but this is James we are talking about—He will assume.” 
It was only partly why she was moving in. No, not the sex but to be with him. They’d work it out together and being together more time would help. Besides, she knew that she had to get rid of Tim. Not because of Tom’s jealousy, no, but because Tim had too much power in her mind and she did not know if she was strong enough to stop him. It wasn’t that Tim still had her feelings, no, but she had to know who she was without Tim, and who she was with Tom. She liked the version she was with Tom, the kind of person who was willing to see the best and try and show the best. Y/n liked who she was around Tom now. This version, the one that was willing to make her most complicated thoughts less complicated. The one that smiled when waking up, the one that smiled after a kiss. 
Y/N didn’t need Tom, technically. She knew that she could be fine in an apartment on her own, but she wanted him. And her wishes had become so strong they’d turn into a necessity. Her body was tattooed with him, her heart had his name carved. 
Her time away from him had been only a proof that she’d come back to him. Maybe he was an addiction. Maybe she was young and stupid, but she knew him too well to know that it was better to keep him around than to be away from him. 
Tom was a part of her, and trying to deny it would only bring her down. So she’d said yes to his proposal to move in. Because she knew it wasn’t a proposal that came from fear, it had been a proposal that had come from passion. 
The sky was clear. After the storms. They didn’t have to dance under the rain because she’d finally punched the hole through the roof. They’d come back to each other. 
Though they could assume that she’d take revenge over his mistake, and he could take his own, neither of them would, because why would they ever break what they love.
And she wouldn’t because they’d be chasing shadows and she didn’t need that. 
Maybe they had to drown together, or understand they’d both drowned.
But the water, though still slightly altered, was swimmable, because she had him. And that’s all she needed right now, he was the only answer to the many of her questions. 
“Well, if he assumes it,” she chuckled, “it’s on him. Besides, if he assumes it that’s gross, why does he assume his little sister is having sex?” That made him laugh, “besides, I don’t care. It’s our decision, they don’t know about us.” 
There was something about them that they managed to see each other. 
“They do know us,” he pointed out. 
“Yes, separately, they don’t see this,” she pointed out. “I think they don’t fully understand us, and honestly, I don’t need them to.” 
Tom tilted his head. 
“Eventually they’ll see it, but I think they do, already, they just have this version of us, and we do, too, but I think we—“
“We are more than that, yes,” Tom agreed. 
“They don’t know about the things we do, they don’t know about the I love you’s.” 
He closed his eyes, “did you just fucking quote One Direction?” 
“They don’t know about the up all nights—“ she sang. 
“Stop. You’re ruining this.” 
“They don’t know—“
“Shut up, I love you but you should stop,” Tom laughed. “No—I hate you.” 
“I hate you, too,” she grinned, leaning down to kiss him. How marvelous, her enemies to lovers story had turned out. 
“Are… we avoiding going out and facing them?” He asked in between kisses. 
“Hm. I think so,” she admitted. 
They would have to face them, and so they, though they’d rather stay savoring each others’ words, they went to the kitchen, where they would be received with their spectators. 
Sam, James and Clark. There was no sight of Harry, y/n noticed. 
They froze when they saw them. As if with a word they could destroy each other. Y/N didn’t like to think of them so fragile but she understood where they came from. 
“Hello,” Tom was the one to break the silence. 
They didn’t answer. 
“Good morning,” y/n was next. 
Clark smiled, “good morning!” He greeted them. “How did you guys sleep?” He had a mischievous and knowing look on his face. 
“Fantastic,” Tom said. 
Y/N smiled, “Good, how about you guys?” 
“Ah, slept next to an idiot, but it was lovely,” he said. 
James glared at his fiancé. 
“Ah, me too,” y/n grinned. “It comes as a surprise, does it not? How incredibly soothing it is to sleep next to an idiot.” 
Tom chuckled and eyed their breakfast, as if trying to decide what he would have for him. Sam watched them with irony. 
“Surprising indeed,” Clark answered. 
“What?” James asked. 
“You wouldn’t know James, you are the idiot in the relationship. “Where’s Harry?” Y/n asked with curiosity. 
Sam smirked. “Not here.” 
Tom stole a piece of bacon from Sam’s plate earning a glare from his younger brother. 
“Not—?”Y/n frowned, very unaware of the situation. “Alright—uh, what can I have for breakfa—“
“Alright that’s enough,” James interrupted. “You guys are going to act as if nothing happened?” 
Tom took a deep breath, “good morning, James.” 
“Good morning?” James mocked. “Good morning? That’s all you have to say?” 
Tom chuckled, “sorry, how did you sleep, James?” 
James was losing it. 
“Are you kidding us?” James asked. “You—y/n almost murdered him yesterday—“
Y/N chuckled, “so? You pretended to be straight for fourteen years. And now you’re here engaged to a man, we all pretend to be things we’re not.” 
Clark bursted out laughing. 
“What the fuck,” was all James could say. 
Clark placed a hand on his shoulders, immediately James calmed down. “Jamie, love we talked about this—“ 
“I’m—You guys just—“ James couldn’t even speak.
Y/N sighed, rolling her eyes, “it’s none of your business, James, but if you must know, I made out with him for 10 hours straight and forgot about it.” 
Tom was the one to freak out now, “no, no no—We didn’t—No, we—we talked okay?” 
Y/N laughed, “yeah—Fine.” 
Sam rolled his eyes, “I think what James here means is that we are tired of not knowing how the hell to act around this and we need an update.” 
“Yeah. So about that,” y/n said. “First, I need you to understand that this is between Tom and me,” she cleared up. “Whatever we are going through, we don’t need you to meddle in, and we don’t want you to take sides or whatever, because there is no sides here, this is not y/n versus Tom, this is not a prank war, this is not—“
Tom cleared his throat. 
Y/N closed her eyes, “we came into a realization that we—no, we’ve always known who we are when we are together. We know each other, and we love you guys but this is our thing.” 
Clark smiled and then turned to James as if telling him: ‘I told you so’. 
“We—“Tom was the one to speak now. “I think what she’s trying to say is that we don’t want you guys to be worried about it.” 
 “Yes,” she said. “And...You guys all know us, we know, I know, James, I know you know me and want to protect me, however you guys barely know who we are together,” Y/N continued. 
James watched them, “We only want what’s best.” 
“Yes but how do you know what’s best for us?” Y/N asked. “And it’s… Look, I’ve never meddled in your relationship with Clark, I barely even knew about it and look at you guys.” 
“Yes but you guys-” James tried to intrude again. 
“We know,” Tom said. “We know, though it’s not perfect, it’s our relationship, and…” Tom took a deep breath. “Yes, you’ve been witnesses to the bad parts, and only the bad parts, but… we… We also have some very good ones, like back in New York, Rome or just this morning, and maybe that’s on us, because we’ve always feared about it and… We’ve always been so…” 
“Yeah, what we thought was that we… We are so scared of the outcome that we’ve always shielded ourselves by being alone, and we don’t have to,” y/n finished his sentence. 
“And yes, it’s not perfect, but it is the best that has happened to us and though it’s hard to believe we've brought the best of each other..” Tom cleared his throat. “We have.” 
“Yes, I know it’s hard to believe but I love the y/n I am when this idiot is around,” she admitted. 
James was listening now, Clark couldn’t help but smile and Sam was, honestly, just confused. 
“We’ve overcome the worst heartbreaks and we both know each other’s worst and we are willing to bring the best,” Tom said. “We are willing to work it out and step out of the idea we have of each other because we also know we are trying to become our best versions.” 
Sam nodded, “Cool, now, can we just please be aware of your relationship status? Though we won’t meddle I think we’re very involved in this and might as well—you know, be aware.” 
Y/N and Tom looked at each other, it was weird why they felt so insecure about it yet there was no reason to. 
“She’s moving in,” Tom announced, firmly but regretted it instantly. “Uh—Just—“
The room was incredibly quiet. Of course they had expected this, they had been on the verge of breaking up right now and this outcome was nothing of what they had expected. 
Y/N nodded, that’s all she could do. She walked closer to Tom. 
James took a deep breath, Clark held his hand, knowing that James was probably about to lose his shit. He didn’t. 
James didn’t look at Tom, he looked at his sister, who only reached out for her lover’s hand, now uneasy and kind of sweaty. 
Sam wanted to roll his eyes, and not because he wasn’t happy. He wasn’t sure why. 
Y/n thought  she knew what they were thinking, that they were completely crazy. That they wouldn’t last. That it was just another stupid idea. Like back when they were children and they had decided to play at the tree house together and five minutes in y/n had climbed down crying because Tom had said something mean. Or that one time when they had gone to the movies when they were younger and said they would share the popcorn and Tom had ended up with the bucket on his head. 
Like the old times when they always said they would be fine and then five minutes later they’d be at each other’s throat or on top of each other trying to hit the other. 
Y/n thought they were thinking that. And they probably were. 
The difference was that she didn’t care this time, because she knew that this time probably, yes, she’d be on his throat, but with her lips tracing its way and if someone was on top of each other, well, she would… really like that. 
“Alright,” James said, finally breaking the silence. 
That was new.
And everybody was confused. 
“Just know, that this is my sister, Thomas,” he added. “Please just stay five feet apart at all times. Separate bedrooms.” 
Tom chuckled nervously, he was sweating. He would actually take that in mind, he tried to walk away. He wasn’t sure why he was scared of James, it’s not like James would hurt him. Maybe it was a matter of trying not to disappoint him. 
“No, thanks for the suggestion,” y/n smiled. “But I’m good. He’s a good pillow.” 
James wanted to ask a million questions, and he only was squeezing Clark’s hand. Clark thought he would end up losing it. 
“So—breakfast?” Y/n said with a smug smirk.
Sam kept watching them with curiosity.
“Just—Just—“James was startled, y/n could tell, “I—“He was warned with a glare by Clark. “I need—I need to know, please, I just—how the hell—How did you guys even go—from—?” 
“From what? Enemies to this?” Y/N questioned. 
“That I can answer, she flirted once for 20 seconds and  I became obsessed with her,” Tom said and then laughed. “No, I’m joking, well, no—Not really, but she kissed me once and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.” 
Y/n smiled. “Yeah, he smiled at me once and that was it for me, also, I’m attracted to stupid. And he happens to be—“
“No—“James tried to say something but y/n interrupted him again. 
“Ah okay, well we flirted at some bar once and we—“y/n started. 
“Danced! Yeah, to that song from Risky Business!” Tom didn’t let her finish knowing damn well that hadn’t happened but he would not let her say they had flirted and hooked up and ended up with this. 
“Ah, yeah, but that didn’t happen until after—“
“I flirted with you on set,” Tom reminded her. 
She grinned,”that was flirting? Well, okay yes—“
“No, I didn’t mean—,” James tried speaking again.
“Ah sorry,James,” y/n laughed. “Right so—In his car—“
“We got pancakes at midnight,” Tom interrupted yet again. Did she want him dead? 
“And then I held hands with her having breakfast once and I realized I wanted to wake up every morning to her,” Tom said. 
Y/n glared, “that’s—“
“Yes, and we danced to that song from Dirty Dancing and she ended up madly in love with me.” 
“Yes and then on the plane—“y/n continued with a smirk, she was mocking him. She clearly knew what she was doing. This was Tom and Y/n in their splendor. She was teasing. 
“Yes we had a date,” Tom glared, interrupting again. “And then we danced in the middle of the street in New York..” 
“Why the hell is there so much dancing,” Sam asked.
Y/n laughed, “yeah, dancing.” 
James rolled his eyes, “I don’t care about whatever happened—“
“That’s the thing, James,” y/n said. “I know you’re asking how the hell did I turn from almost murdering him to now moving in with him, and that’s exactly the explanation I’m giving you. All those little details in our relationship? That’s what led us here.” 
James took a deep breath. Clark brushed his back trying to soothe him. Y/N knew they weren’t exactly happy with this, but this was it. 
Even last time she was nervous about it. How would they react, and how they feared they would respond. But why did it matter? 
Though she knew that they would be supportive, no matter what. They would be supportive. It was not then that mattered. 
She knew her mind could easily be manipulated by someone else. Someone who was not at that house. 
Y/N and Tom both expected James to say his infamous words ‘I’m happy you’re happy.’ Which would mean he didn’t agree. 
He didn’t, instead he said, “Dont’ fuck it up, please, I love you both too much and I really want you both to be happy, and if you guys make each other happy then don’t be fucking stupid.” 
They had his approval, not that it mattered. 
Sam had been quiet. Dangerously quiet.
Y/N knew not to push him. 
They had breakfast, and it had been calm. Clark had been kind enough to change the subject of conversation and brought the subject of the wedding though James had been reluctant. They did talk about it, and Tom had tried to make some points on it by recalling that he’d been the one to introduce Tom and Clark. 
“Introducing me to the love of my life won’t redeem you from even holding my sister’s hand, Thomas.” 
But though the sky was clear, y/n knew they had to drive to the storm, the difference this time, they’d go together. 
Y/N had given it a thought, she was not sure how she would talk to Cherry. She was going to...eventually. 
“Y/N, can I talk to you?” Sam had asked as y/n and Tom were splashing water at each other while doing the dishes. 
Tom glanced at his brother. 
“Alone?” Sam remarked. 
Y/N chuckled, “Yeah, sure.” 
And she left with him. Tom didn’t know what that was about. Though he knew he didn’t have to worry, one because Sam would get y/n against him, not that he had to, and besides y/n had made sure to make Tom know that she wouldn’t let their relationship tumble down over little doubts and fears. 
Sam wouldn’t give her any. But he knew that there was something bothering Sam, he wondered what. But if it was a problem with Tom, he would’ve talked it with him. 
Tom never really understood Sam and y/n’s relationship, it was very peculiar and fun, he knew. He knew y/n trusted Sam with her life. And Sam trusted her with his. 
It took him a while, he’d seen them talking far away. 
“What’s--up with them?” Tom asked James and Clark who were on their way to go out, Clark explained they’d go tourist. 
“Dunno, maybe he’s trying to bring some reason to y/n and try and convince her not to date you,” James joked with a smug smirk. 
Tom scoffed, rolling his eyes, “You’re really hating this, huh?” 
Clark nudged James, “No, he doesn’t, he’s just being a bitter asshole, like the big brother he was to be.” 
“Yeah,” James confirmed. “I hate any guy who dates her, she may be a pain in the ass but no one deserves her.” 
Tom was slightly hurt by that, though he agreed, he knew James had never been this reluctant as when she was dating Tim. Tom faked a laugh anyway.
Clark glared at James. “You’re doing exactly what I fucking told you not to.” 
“Please,” James grinned. “Tom perfectly knows I’m joking, they’re so bloody meant to be it’s making me sick, but I still forbid you to even fucking hold her hand,” he said as he put on a jacket. 
Tom was slightly calmed by that statement. “‘Lright.” 
“But no, I wouldn’t worry about Sam, Sam is probably talking about a theory he came up about something, he was watching Sherlock last night, I think so… You know how he is.” 
Tom chuckled, “right.” 
“And they haven’t seen each other in so long so he just probably took the chance.” 
“Right,” Tom said, and it did make sense. 
Clark and James left, eventually after telling Tom their plans. Tom was still slightly nervous. 
When y/n came back, her eyes were distraught and distracted. 
“Everything okay?” Tom asked, quickly. 
She licked her lips, “Yeah, yeah, we…” 
“You don’t seem alright,” Tom pointed out. 
“Yeah, I… No,  don’t worry, Sam just…” She nodded to herself, as if she was figuring out her thoughts on her own. 
“You sure?” Tom pushed. 
Y/N only nodded before walking away
Sam was walking by too, “Don’t worry, let her… sit in her thoughts.” 
“What did you say to her?” Tom asked. 
“Nothing that prejudices you, don’t worry,” Sam said. 
Y/N needed some clothes and to start packing. y/n was quiet for another moments, and then asked to go to her flat, she wasn’t distraught anymore. Tom and her talked again, he didn’t push the Sam subject, but they talked, apparently it was something they were doing now. While in the car, just like they had in the morning, talking, calmly. With a few jokes in between. 
Y/n didn’t know how, probably Tom either but he was teasing, like old times. Both of them making fun of each other, remembering. 
“You sure you want to do this?” He asked as they were climbing the outside stairs to y/n’s apartment, he reached for her hand to stop her. 
She looked back, she wondered how their silhouettes looked, very Romeo and Juliet probably. Romantic. 
“Do what?” She asked, “go upstairs?” 
“No, dumbass,” he chuckled, as he took a step forward but she was still ahead. “Move in?” 
Honestly, she did have some doubts, that had nothing to do with Tom, and nothing to do with her apartment. Y/N had doubts on herself, not with Tom, but she—still was unsure on how she would feel when they would have to leave, eventually. Back to London. She was doubting the process of going back to London. And moving in with Tom meant she’d eventually have to. Or—what if she had to stay? How would she find another apartment—or would she have to move in back with Emma and Tim? Would Emma even stay in LA? And would Tim? 
No worries with Emma but—Tim. 
She’d worry about it later. 
“Yes,” she smiled as she pulled his hand, he climbed to the same step. “I’m sure, besides, it’s not like I’m moving in today, I’m just—getting some clothes,” she reminded him. 
“Are you sure?” She asked. Maybe he hadn’t asked because of her but because of him. Maybe Tom was second guessing the proposal that had come in so abruptly. 
Y/N had not initially answered when he had asked, after all, he had blurted it out in a very compromising position.
“What?” she had asked. 
“That—was stupid wasn’t it?” It had been. But, really, y/n was used to his stupidity. 
And they had remained quiet on the ride. Tom had been so embarrassed for even daring to think of it, let alone asking it. 
Tom had tried to cut the silence. “I—“
“I just—“she laughed as she interrupted. “So—I was—you know, on top of you and you thought—Yes, I want to move in with her, that was what was going through your mind?” 
Tom turned red, “I—no—“
“Your mind was elsewhere while we—was it that boring—?”
“No!” He coughed. “I—No, nothing like that—No, I just—It was on my mind before it happened and—“
“It was on your mind?” 
“Yes. You mentioned how you had to move out and I couldn’t help but think that—I—forget it, it’s stupid.” 
“It’s not.” 
She had paused. “How crazy would it be? Like—Even in New York we had to get rid of the other room because—“
“Yes but—This is months—“
She paused, “right.” 
“I mean—I would love to,” he admitted. “We could—I dunno, waking up to you every morning sounds like a dream come true.” 
She only smiled shyly. 
“But no, it’s stupid right? Uh—should we go for something to eat?” 
“I—no—I actually did mean it,” he confessed. “I do mean it, it wasn’t the heat of the moment or whatever.” 
“You’re asking me to move in with you?” She questioned. As if trying to make him realize what he was really offering. 
“Yes, I am,” he had said firmly. “I—just think about the perks we would have.” 
“Oh, no, I know about those—“she sassed, chuckling slightly. 
“Like—we could drive together to set all the time and you could—Uh, there’s this room that you could use to write? Yes—and uh, we don’t even have to be on the same room, when James leaves you can take the room he was sleeping in.” 
She was amused, and watched him with a smirk, “so, roommates? Is that where we are standing now?” 
“No—But if you think it’s soon—“
“It is soon,” she pointed out. “But when have we ever—been good with any timing in our relationship?” 
He chuckled nervously, “true—But I mean—if it’s too soon then we don’t have to sleep on the same bed.”
She only watched him. 
They did go to a drive thru, and stayed quiet again. Tom had been so nervous about it. And he knew y/n didn’t believe him that he actually was offering it to her. 
“So, want to be my roommate?” He offered as he’d drove home, they had stayed at the car, sitting on the trunk, probably because neither of them wanted to face everyone in the house yet. 
“I—have been thinking about it,” she admitted. “But—being honest.” 
“I don’t think we could stay in separate rooms,” she recalled. “I—I mean—“
“I—I—it’s cause, I know it’s soon but that way you don’t have to find another place, and—“
“No, no—I—like the idea but—“
“But… Are you seriously offering being… roommates?” 
He coughed, “Roommates who kiss occasionally.” 
She rolled her eyes, “Uh-huh.” 
“Look I… I don’t know, I… Ideally, you could move in and we’d be sharing a room,” he hesitated. 
“So coupley,” she joked. 
“I thought we… were that?” He questioned. 
She gave him a smile, “Well, yes, that’s why I figured we can’t be in separate rooms, and honestly even if we were I know I’d crawl my way to you.” 
He watched her with curiosity, as if he couldn’t quite understand why she was asking if he was sure. He was, and it didn’t matter if they moved in or not, she was his home, as cliché as it may sound. And it was exciting, though a bit scary, he was sure of it. 
“Yes, I’m sure,” he grinned. “Why-wouldn’t I be?” 
The sun had posed on her lashes as she dedicated him a very shy smile. Tom wasn’t scared anymore. Though they’d started in a very cheerful spring and ended in New York for a very nice summer, the autumn was now their very best. A breeze made her hair fly, and they kept their way, Tom could only smile at the way the sun made its way through her face, as if it was made to shine on her. 
Tom knew they had to still mend each other’s hearts, delicately. But they had each other for so, and the future looked bright. Just like the sun in her face.
Y/N opened the door to the apartment, and Tom feared just a little, that their incredible drea would tumble down if Tim was there. He… wasn’t. 
Was it selfish to think that he somehow knew y/n would eventually come back to him? Was it that selfish to have that feeling so strong? He had thought about it, all night. A love so stubborn that they’d find a way to each other, even pretend to hate just to have a reason to talk to each other. Maybe they were young and knew nothing about love and it was stupid, but they knew everything about each other. 
He knew they’d be able to talk about the rain, they’d danced enough under it to know they would see it bittersweet. Maybe it wasn’t selfish to think she’d come back, because he knew he would, too. 
Y/N walked in and stared at the couch, curiously. There were a few clothes here and there. 
“What?” Tom asked. 
“I didn’t see the car,” she pointed out. She headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge, getting out two beers, handing him one, “I guess they’re not here… the place is…” She shook her head as she frowned. “Nothing.” 
He knew it meant something, but if she didn’t want to share it then it meant she didn’t want him to know. He didn’t push it. 
He followed after her into her room, he sat on the bed and looked around. Her room was so… her. She always managed to make things hers, as if she had this mystical touch to transform everything into beautiful things. He always wondered how she did it, how she managed to turn the not so nice apartment into something liveable. 
Maybe that’s why she hadn’t broken up with him, because she’d even turn her heartbreak into something beautiful.
There was something beautiful in them, fragile things often tend to be the most expensive and the things you care for the most. He looked at the flowers, dried out now but decorative. Pretty. 
Her camera, some writings, polaroids. She was looking through her clothes, and Tom only remembered when she was packing back for New York. But she had boxes now. 
He beamed as he then walked through her room, he could still smell the perfume from the flowers hanging. All of them were yellow, or some tone near yellow. She had maps, also, with some places circled. He saw her notebook that she took to set, the script with scribbles and his name circled. Flowers sketched around it, he smiled. 
But there was a noise heard outside, a laugh? 
Both Tom and y/n frowned and tried to peek through the door, and then a view they had not expected. Emma’s laughter echoed through the apartment as she made her way to the kitchen, topless or her bare back gave away that impression, with Harry following right behind wearing only a pair of boxers, harmonizing his laughter with his, as he ran to her and hugged her from behind, kissing her bare neck. 
Both y/n and Tom widened their eyes as they turned to each other, with surprise. Tom quickly rushed to close the door, Y/N did the same as they quietly closed her bedroom door. And as soon as they had, they both tried not to laugh. 
“Oh my god,” both of them whispered, red from embarrassment, still trying to contain their laughter. 
“What the fuck?” Tom asked, happy for his brother, but also very uncomfortable. 
She snorted, “I don’t know,” she answered quietly. “Oh my god?” 
“Do you think they fucked?” Tom asked. 
“That’s your brother!” She playfully smacked his arm, giggling. “But… Oh my god, they totally did.” 
“Oh for fucking sure they did.” 
“That’s why Harry wasn’t—oh my god?”
“I… oh my god,” Tom pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“I saw her boobs,” Y/N laughed, a bit too loud and Tom quickly covered her mouth. 
“Shut up, idiot,” He said. “They’re like fucking deers, they’ll be startled!” 
Y/N couldn’t stop giggling so instead she buried into his chest, expecting the shirt to cover the sound. 
“I… Okay, but…” Tom smirked. “Do you think they pulled a ‘Tom and y/n’ and just…?” 
“I mean,” she chuckled. “It’s an effective method. 
Tom chuckled. “He fucking judged us yesterday—?”
“Yes but I guess he saw us and went: huh that worked for them?” 
Tom cackled. “I can’t believe Emma would give in—“
“Oh, so you—“she frowned. “Emma wouldn’t but I would?” 
Tom knew he had fucked up, as he often does, cause he’s a man and an idiot. “Shit—No—I didn’t.” 
“Am I that easy to persuade?” She asked. 
“No—I don’t mean it, like that, I just mean that—“
“That Emma wouldn’t be up for makeup sex but I would?” 
“You have—been up for—,” he stated. “Look—I didn’t—“
She chuckled, “so you think you are in control of it?” She pointed out. 
“Psh, I know you can’t resist me, darling.”
She smirked, “Tommy, please.” 
He gulped, “I—okay, no I’m not but I didn’t mean it like that.” Tom rolled his eyes, chuckling. “Fine, you can do whatever you want to me, I give in.” 
“You’re such an idiot.”
“Harry!” And a giggle was heard from outside. 
Tom closed his eyes. “Wait—Please—please tell me they’re not going to—Go for it, again.” 
Y/N looked up. “I—I—Hope not?” She was scared. 
 “Are we trapped?” Tom asked. 
Y/n chuckled, “seems like we are.” 
“Great,” Tom sighed as he plopped on the bed. “Do you think she—forgave him?” 
“Shut up, you’re an idiot,” they heard Emma yell.  
Y/N listened and nodded before sitting beside him, handing him his beer “Dunno, but did you hear? Poor thing she’s bloody in love with him.” 
“She called him an idiot,” Tom pointed out, confused..
Y/N chuckled to herself, watching him comically, she smirked before drinking from her beer, “I know, dumbass.” 
Tom frowned, “So, she is mad right?” 
“Oh my god,” she pinched the bridge of her nose. “You’re an idiot.”
He was an idiot. 
Tom, even if he would not dare to say it out loud was slightly jealous of his brother. In a weird way. In a way that Tom aspired to be the most adorable couple and Harry and Emma had always been 1st on that place. 
Tom knew Harry and Emma specialized on being adorable, hence why Harry would not stand Tom and y/n. 
They were such different couples. But there were a lot of similarities, Harry and y/n were very alike, very reserved. Tom and Emma were also very alike, so open and so cheerful. 
But Harry and Emma had more in common, they were very different in the way they approached things, which often came as a blessing and more often than not, it was not a blessing. They were so stubborn. 
Which was the difference with y/n and Tom who were so different, y/n was so into her world, calmly escaping in films, music, clothing, pretty things. While Tom escaped with the gym, golf and parties. 
Y/N loved quiet, Tom loved loud and yet. 
They were there, locked in y/n’s room and though there probably were a million other things to do, they both laid down with their feet resting against the wall. Trying to ignore Harry and Emma who god knows what they were doing. Talking about everything and nothing at all. 
Hands playing with each other’s hands. 
“No, but like—Mr. Darcy is just—“y/n sighed, dramatically. “He is a dream come true.”
Tom chuckled, “He’s emotionally unavailable.” 
“Yes, he is an idiot,” y/n pointed out, “which—of course , it makes sense I’d fall in love with him.” 
“I don’t understand why—Like, okay, the actor is handsome but—“
“Oh my god Thomas, no,” she interrupted. “I mean yes but it’s the story.”
Tom laughed. “The story?”
“It’s enemies to lovers,” she said as if it was obvious enough already. 
It’s fair to point out now, Tom was very dumb. “What?” He proved it with that. 
“I—“She chuckled. “Tommy, okay—So it’s—enemies to lovers who love each other but they don’t give in because of their misconceptions of each other.” 
“Yeah, it’s in the title—pride and prejudice,” he remarked. “So what? Why do you love it so much?”
Y/N looked at him as if she was reconsidering every life choice she’d ever made. “I—It’s ironic, even, Thomas.” 
“What is?” 
“What were we before we dated?” 
“I—“she chuckled. “No—I mean.” 
“We were enemies, Thomas.” 
Tom then realized how stupid he was. He closed his eyes as he finally made the realization. “Oh.” 
“Yes—Oh, dumbass.” 
“But—Okay, I thought we would be more like Mr Bingley and Jane” 
She laughed, softly. “Please, you’re not nearly as adorable and you were just as emotionally unavailable to me half your life.”
“I was—Okay but like—I—I thought.”
“No, those two out there? They’re Bingley and Jane.” 
“Oh, makes sense...so, you and I are Mr. Darcy and Lizzie?”
“No, we are idiots.” 
Tom nudged her. “Yes, idiot but I meant—“
“Hm are we?”she questioned. 
“You’re just as stubborn as she is so,” Tom smirked. “I love you most ardently.” 
“You have bewitched me body and soul,” she proclaimed. 
“I think we are like them, even better,” he grinned. 
“No, I love you but no, we are not,” she smiled.“However, I do wonder how Jane and Bingley are doing.” 
Tom laughed. “I am pretty sure we are good to go out, are you ready to go? Packed enough for some days at least?” 
“Yeah, almost,” y/n said as she stood up after kissing his cheek. 
Tom watched her, “what did you and Sam talk about?” 
Y/N paused, “Stuff.” 
So she didn’t want to tell him, why? Tom coughed, “Uh, but are you okay?” 
“He… just made the type of questions Sam usually makes, you know, the one that… makes you think” y/n said and then took a deep breath. 
“Oh, those are… dangerous,” Tom pointed out. 
She turned to him,“I know-We agreed on talking, but let me just figure this one out and then I can tell you.” 
“Should I be worried?” he asked.
“No, not you,” she said. 
“Someone should?” 
She chuckled, “I… No, but… It’s just…” 
Tom only watched, still nervously and anxiously sitting on her bed. 
She smiled at him and dropped what she was doing, she walked over to him and wrapped her hands around him, “trust me, you don’t have to worry,” and she kissed the top of his head. 
Y/N picked up some of her stuff, as she’d walked out, she made sure neither Harry or Emma were around, they did not have to know they were there. Tom followed after helping her with some more stuff. But just as they were making their way, two doors opened, Emma’s and the front door. 
And then the flat was too crowded. 
Too crowded. 
Tim had walked in with Cherry following behind, stopping abruptly as they’d seen the other two couples. Emma was probably debating whether to watch the couple who had been already inside or the one just coming in. 
Emma felt this one familiar feeling, like she could hear sirens and she could see the red fire burning all the flat, like when she’d seen her own engagement party tumble down. Her skin scorched as the flames grew stronger. 
Harry felt it, too. Glass shattered for him, and now if he walked any further, he would shatter. Both of them were tired of this. Harry didn’t want to feel this fragile but he couldn't help it. 
Everyone remained frozen, as if they knew they were in a minefield and any further movement would break them all apart. Tom’s only instinct was to reach for y/n’s arm, as if he was protecting her. He only looked at her, trying to figure out what exactly was going through her mind. 
Y/N’s expression was very hard to read, but she gripped on tight to the box she was holding. Her skin was blazing, too, Tom could tell. Was she angry? Disappointed? Had her heartbreak come back? 
Was she mad at him or Tim? Or Cherry? Her sight was focused on those last two. Her breathing was fractured. 
Everyone remained completely still. 
Waiting for someone to shatter the utter and raging silence still lingered in the room.
Tom was the most scared one. But Tom only glared at Tim, whichever his intentions with Cherry were, were probably not good. And he was angry not only for y/n, but for Cherry. Tom was well aware of the power Tim held with vulnerable people and Tom could tell Cherry would be vulnerable right now. 
Tim opened his mouth but nothing could come out, he glared back at Tom. Tom tried to fight the urge to punch Tim in the face. Because probably Tim was judging y/n and Tim would probably try and persuade y/n into thinking this was a bad idea. 
Tim eyed the box up and down, then looked at y/n. 
“Please, for the love of god, do it somewhere else, whatever the fuck you’re doing, don’t do it here, don’t ruin my day,” Emma finally spoke, out loud. It’s fair to point out, they were dressed now. Fully dressed. Tom assumed they would go out. 
Harry only glanced at Tom, as if warning him to listen to Emma. 
Tom sighed. 
Tim glared at Emma. 
The next movement was made by y/n. She only walked past Tim and Cherry, ignoring them. 
Tom was… surprised. 
“Y/N, can I talk to you?” Cherry’s voice had barely come out of her mouth, as if each word had physically pained her. 
Y/N stopped, glared at Tim and then turned to Cherry. “Sure.” 
No one had expected that from her. Especially Tim, he thought y/n would have only ignored her and just escaped. Tim didn’t know this, but y/n didn’t blame Cherry.
“Not fucking with this,” Emma dragged Harry out the apartment, they didn’t fucking need this drama. And they wouldn’t deal with it. She snatched the car keys from Timmy and kept dragging Harry. “Good luck,” she warned to y/n. 
“Bye,” Harry whispered led to them. 
Y/N watched them, Tom swore he saw her smile a little, but it was quickly erased as she turned to cherry. “So?” 
Cherry blinked, also baffled by y/n’s positive answer. 
“Right now?” Y/N asked. 
Tom only watched them. 
Cherry gulped, “Yeah, yeah--” 
“Here?” Y/N questioned. 
“I... Don’t know,” Cherry said, but she was speaking carefully. Terrified of y/n. Not that her cousin would be harsh on her, but y/n’s blank expression was enough to scare her off. 
“Your mum’s cafe is only a few blocks away, we could walk there,” Y/N suggested and then walked back to the flat, leaving the box on the counter. She gave a reassuring nod to Tom. 
Tom wasn’t scared of Cherry, it’s only fair to note. Tom was actually calm;  they could talk, but he wondered what Tim’s twisted mind had planned this time. Why the hell had Tim brought her here? 
Tim coughed, “are you guys sure?” 
“Why the fuck wouldn’t I be sure, Timothée?” Y/N questioned. “It’s my cousin, I should speak to her. None of your fucking business.” 
Tim frowned, she’d never spoken to him like that. 
Tom smirked, just lightly. 
“Of course,” Tim hissed. “But—“
“But what?” Y/N snapped. “You’re good to go, Cherry?” Cherry watched between everyone, she then directed a single glance to Tom. She was hurt, and Tom recognized that face. Not from Cherry, Cherry had the same face y/n had when he’d shown up at her house to give her the yellow flowers. The same damn face, so hurt. 
“Do you—“Tim pushed. 
“Oh my god, fucking leave her alone,” Tom interrupted again. “Can’t you for once fucking leave her alone?” 
Tim scoffed, “you’re one to talk?” 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “I—I’m not even going to—“ she left, Cherry carefully followed behind. 
Tim seemed stressed. 
Tom was angry, he was about to go back into y/n’s room, when Tim spoke again, “Why the fuck does she get back to you when you’re always the shittiest to her?” 
“I’m not going to fucking argue this with you,” Tom snapped. “I don’t even want to bloody ask why the fuck you brought Cherry here?” 
“How the fuck was I supposed to know—?”
 “No, fucking no, I dont bloody care and you know what? Also fucking leave Cherry alone I know your thing is going after vulnerable girls or whatever the fuck but—“
“I’m not—“
“Fucking stay away from them, both,” Tom warned. “Cherry doesn’t need a manipulative fucker like you.” 
Tim watched him with repulsion, “You do realize you hurt them both by doing exactly the fucking same? You were a piece of shit—“
“And are you fucking taking advantage of that? Are you going to bloody antagonize me again?” Tom barked. 
“You bloody antagonize yourself!” Tim yelled at him. “Like are you fucking serious? You really just fuck everything up, it’s so incredibly stupid. I am really just impressed by it.” 
“I know I fuck up, but I own it! You have no business in my relationship with y/n—“
“No, I know that—“
“And I don’t want you to fucking come close to her, You never bloody admit what you fucking do, you just fucking paint yourself as the hero when you know damn well you are manipulating them, and you are doing the same thing with Cherry?” Tom blurted, he knew that if y/n was gullible and vulnerable she didn’t even come near to Cherry. And Tom did care for Cherry, in his own way, and Tom did not want to see it again, Tim being painted as the hero. 
“Doing what?” Tim had his posture hard enough, arms crossed with his eyes burning with rage. He did not stand him. 
“For fuck’s sake, you don’t even see it?”
“What I see is you slept with y/n’s cousin and fucking tricked her again, both of them,” Tim snarked. “You were not here. You always come back when she’s doing better—You we’re not here when she was crying, she was so destroyed, yet again.” 
“Ah, yes I was living rainbows and butterflies,” Tom rolled his eyes. 
Tim could not believe Tom dared to be sarcastic. “You made a fucking mess yourself, the script wasn’t even that bad for starters and you were the one to ruin Emma’s engagement, only because you fucking assumed y/n loved Harry. Which is the one most stupid thing you’ve ever done in your life,” Tim continued. 
Tom only clenched his jaw. 
“You decided to make everything big as you always fucking do and not talk, because you—“
“How many words did she not get from you? Did you not bloody tell her I am her—what was it—perfidy?” 
Tim stayed quiet. 
“I’m not saying I wasn’t shit but you painted me as a—monster, yes that’s the word she used. I admit I broke her heart, but you don’t bloody know a thing about me and y/n—“Tom was fuming.
“I didn’t have to.” But Tim seemed cold now, and he was hearing it, 
“Why don’t you bloody realize it? Yes I’ve hurt y/n, but you’ve hurt her too much, too. She feels so guilty, you’ve managed to make her feel guilty for not loving you—That's why she does all of this—I—I can’t deal with this, there’s no bloody point. And I meant it, stay away from Cherry.” 
And Tim wasn’t in love, but he did fall, and until then he finally broke. Had he been breaking y/n all this time? 
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captainsimagines · 4 years
“I Could Fall in Love”
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Happy Valentine’s Day!
I hope you enjoy this little drabble as much as I enjoyed writing it. Cutting it close to midnight on Valentine’s Day but hey, it still counts. xx Moni
Warnings: none, simply fluff!
Word Count: 3000+
Song Fanfic: Listen and enjoy!
     It wasn’t that you hated Valentine’s Day, you just didn’t see it as purely romantic. In your opinion, it was supposed to represent so much more than just romantic love. Friendships, beginnings and endings, the actual historical event, elementary school card giving, baked goods, and a nice dinner for either yourself or in the presence of others. So, no - you didn’t hate it. In fact, you actually quite enjoyed the giddy feeling of seeing other couples go all out for a single day, the sweets that were always available, and the awesome discounts. 
     “Come with us!” Natasha whined, filling up her glass with some oat milk and passing Steve some utensils at the same time. She wasn’t whining excessively, as that wasn’t in her nature, but she did raise her voice as her tone shifted from playful to annoyance. You rolled your eyes and chewed on your bagel, shaking your head dramatically. You plastered on your best grin, but it was overpowered by the massive chunk of bagel in your mouth. So you sat there, stupid bagel-filled grin covering your face, and tiny giggles threatening to escape as Natasha’s face also dropped into a silly one. 
     The rest of the crew was planning on attending a private Valentine’s Day party hosted by a close business partner of Tony’s. It sounded like a lot of fun and a perfect excuse to dress-up, but you had a tiny mission to go on before it. It was not a ‘mission-mission’ so to say- more like a ‘get in, get out, this will literally take two seconds and I could do this any other day’ type of mission. Natasha had given you such a disapproving look when you told her what your actual plans were for tonight, but she expected nothing less. You always had something else up your sleeve. 
     And that you did. 
     Since your mission was a quickie, you would be able to return to the compound before everyone else and bake your special pink cupcakes they all knew and loved. A sweet mixture of vanilla and strawberry, no flavor overpowering the other. You had recently perfected the recipe, only having Natasha and Bucky taste the final product, and because of their genuine surprise and praise, you were ready to bake dozens for everyone proudly.
     She finished her glass and went to wash it. “Still, I think you’re missing out! I hear the food is gonna be great!”
     You shrugged, “Eh, we have food here.”
     You heard Natasha release a tiny scoff, “Please tell me your actual reason before I laugh too loudly and wake everyone up.”
     “I swear, I’ve been putting off this mission for so long that tonight just seemed like the perfect time. Everyone’s occupied- I don’t know. I mean, criminals gotta get laid too, right?”
   ��  Natasha snorted, “That’s very true.” She eyed you suspiciously while drying her glass. 
     “You know, you and Barnes are the only one’s not attending. Obviously, his excuse is that he’s literally on a mission right now but you see my point.”
     “No, I don’t see your point.”
     Natasha smiled, as if secretly knowing your other very valid reason for not attending the party. “We all have dates. You know that if he were here you would be going with him, even as friends. But since you would literally be the only one of us without a date, it seems reasonable you wouldn’t want to attend.”
    Okay, she hit that spot-on. 
    You groaned and lay your arms across the counter dramatically, “Stop, it’s scary how right you are all the time.”
    Natasha laughed and rounded the counter, going over to pat your shoulders. “I’m not making you go. Don’t worry. Just give yourself some self-care and I’ll see you tonight to let you know I got home safe.”
     You nodded and waved goodbye to her, ready to finish the everything bagel you had abandoned. 
          Bucky wasn’t one to dress-up for a night out anymore. He just didn’t have the motivation to do anything unless it involved stake-outs, knitting, painting, and binge-watching some stupid series you were watching. It always happened the same way, too. You would be casually chilling in the main common room of the compound, barely starting the first episode of a new series with stacks of junk food ready for your eager taste buds, when Bucky would randomly come in and ask what you were watching. And the next thing Bucky knew, you two were discussing the hidden elements of The Crown and debating whether a scene actually happened the way it was portrayed. By God, how much Bucky absolutely detested Prince Charles. 
     And you were so determined to knit that sweater for Natasha by her birthday that you came to Bucky’s room five times a day now rather than your usual three. But Bucky was extremely patient, helping you hook the remaining yarn that kept falling off your needles. Each time you pouted over the ‘horrible knot you made’ or when the yarn would tangle, Bucky would grin and tease you about, his stomach twisting pleasurably.
     And each time he would reach over to help you fix it, your heart fluttered ever so slightly. 
     Bucky had actually planned on taking you to that Valentine’s Day party but his mission carried on longer than it was supposed to. Rather than returning a day before the party, he would now be returning towards the middle of it. He wondered if you were still going to go, but he highly doubted it. Not because you had told him explicitly, but because you had joked that if he wasn’t able to go, then ‘why would you bother?’. 
     To see you in that red dress you had jokingly placed over your already clothed body and modeled for him - Yeah, he absolutely hated he was missing this party tonight. 
     His mission had just ended and he was currently on the flight home, resting in his tactical gear but with the headphones you let him borrow in each ear. He chuckled lowly, realizing that most things he had in his possession, whether that be the headphones, hair bands, lotion, and Spotify account, all belonged to you. It brought him some comfort as he fixed himself in his seat, settling on your ‘Love me please?’ playlist to match the special holiday. 
     Lovebug by the Jonas Brothers. Tonight by FM Static. Oh, dozens by Taylor Swift. You’ll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins. And a whole lot of Selena songs. 
     There was one song that caught his attention, as if the title spoke to him. It just made sense. He clicked it, surprised by the upbeat beginning and rhythm of the drums, finally closing his eyes as he heard the melody from the acoustic guitar. 
     He lost count of how many times he replayed that one song as his plane touched land. He quickly woke himself up and gathered his things, ready to jump into a warm shower and watch an episode of The Crown behind your back. The drive to the compound was short and he entered the living quarters somewhat alert. There were no sounds his super soldier ears could hear besides the clicks of keyboards by overtime workers and computers humming. Kind of sad and joyful at once, Bucky realized he was alone for the first time in a long time. Maybe he would try that face mask you had urged him to buy tonight. And those very comfortable pajamas. 
          Ever the procrastinator, you never did go on that mission.
     You were humming along to your Valentine’s playlist as you cracked the eggs into your bowl. You stirred quickly, bowl in your arms and a strike of flour along your unknowing cheek. You had your earphones in, enjoying the solace of such a peaceful night. The mix was coming together nicely and as you waited for the oven to preheat, you took out all of your cupcake supplies to set on the kitchen counter. 
     You could have sworn you heard some noises a few doors down so you took one earphone out to listen closely. At first you heard nothing, but you could have sworn you heard the likes of a toothbrush tapping against a bathroom counter. But as you stood there comically, bowl in your arms and whisk held up like a weapon, you settled on no disturbance. 
     You set the bowl down quietly and ran over to the door, looking down the hallway. Once you saw it was completely empty, you couldn’t contain the grin that spread across your face. You raced back to the kitchen and called for Friday. 
     “Friday? Could you please connect my phone to the living room speakers, please?”
     You scrolled through your playlist and settled on a song that would for sure damage your vocal cords but delight you nonetheless. 
“I could lose my heart tonight
If you don’t turn and walk away
     You swayed around the kitchen as you traveled to grab each new ingredient, singing at the appropriate level the song called for. 
Because the way I feel I might
Lose control and let you stay
     Bucky had just finished brushing his teeth and putting a warm pair of socks on when he heard Friday play the exact song he had been listening to for the past two hours. At first he wondered if Friday had mistakenly connected his phone to the speakers but realized his phone didn’t even have the Spotify app open. He quickly walked down the cold floors of the hallway, his warm socks somewhat doing their job. He stopped at the living room entrance and leaned his shoulder on the doorway, beaming with a huge grin. 
Because I could, take you in my arms
And never let go
     You twirled around and used the whisk as a microphone, and to both your and Bucky’s surprise, hit every note perfectly. Bucky knew you were a great singer and although he would never admit it, he had heard you singing in the shower quite a few times. It was impossible not to at the level of volume you sang, but each time he would come into your room to grab something random or to ask you a question, he would sit outside the shower door and listen to your angelic voice as it sailed through the steamy air and into Bucky’s ears. But here you were, belting out the exact song Bucky had just learned all the lyrics for on his way home.
I could fall, in love, with you
     It was in that moment that Bucky realized he was in his ‘comfortable pajamas’, which consisted of a loose long sleeve and bottoms set, with a nice dark blue color and white stitching along the pockets and buttons. But the sleeves, incredibly so, were far too long for his arms so he would crunch them up in his palms. And his socks had stripes on them. But he remained still on the door frame, watching you sway to the music and enjoying the scent of your first batch of cupcakes already in the oven.
I could only wonder how touching you
Would make me feel
     You halted immediately when you saw his tall form resting on the door frame, a giant grin plastered on his newly shaven face. You yelped in surprise, putting down the whisk and patting your hands on your little green apron. 
     “Bucky, oh my god! Say something if you’re going to enter a room!”
     Bucky just shrugged, walking over to the kitchen counter, eyes never leaving yours. He leaned over and placed his chin in both his palms, smiling as the music continued playing in the background. “I like this song.”
     You squinted at him, “You know this song?”
     Bucky nodded, holding his hand out now for you to take. “Like I said, I like this song.”
But if I take that chance right now
Tomorrow will you want me still?
     You reached over hesitantly and let Bucky lead you over to the carpet. He wrapped one arm around your waist and rested the other higher up on your back. You wrapped your arms around his neck, allowing for his large frame to sway you both to the rhythm of the song. 
     “Nice pajamas.”
     “Shut up.”
     The room was dimly lit, cupcake aroma circling you two, and his snuggly pajamas seemed to also provide you the warmth you were previously getting from the oven. You smiled up at him, low giggles emitting from your lips. He did the same, enjoying the feel of your body pressed up against his. 
So I should, keep this to myself
And never let you know
     “When did you get back?” you asked, reaching up to touch his shaven cheek. You were undoubtedly curious about the feeling.
     Bucky let you roam your hand all over, “About an hour ago. I didn’t think anyone was here.”
     You chuckled, “I am! I told you I wasn’t going to bother going to that party if my plus one wasn’t coming!”
     Bucky lifted his arm and twirled you slowly, happy that you followed his lead. “So, I’m your plus one now?”
     You rolled your eyes, “Always.”
I could fall, in love, with you
     “How did you even hear about this song?” you asked, hands now resting comfortably on Bucky’s chest. He had his arms wrapped around you, hugging you to his chest as you two swayed. 
      “We share a Spotify account, doll.”
     “Yeah, but it’s a love playlist. Were you just in the mood for some ballads and stumbled across this one?”
      “Exactly. It’s quite the tearjerker.”
And I know it’s not right
And I guess I should try
To do what I should do
     He looked so relaxed at this moment, fresh and calm, enjoying the dance he pulled you into. He was resting his chin on the top of your head so you felt his little puffs of air escape his nostrils. And as he breathed in, you could feel his chest rise and lower below your palms. You were tempted to reach up and grab his face, pull him into yourself and share a sweet kiss, but you decided against it. For some reason you knew that this was different. You had snuggled before during naps or binge watching, but they never had a romantic undertone. And if you acted upon your desires, you were frightened it just might ruin your friendship. It took you two years to build up such a rapport with this man, and dare you say you were extremely proud to harbor some of his deepest secrets, and him yours. But his breathing calmed you immensely, as if the gentle rhythm was enough to put you to sleep, and you wondered if he was thinking about the same thing. 
But I fall in love, with you
So I should, keep this to myself
And never let you know
     Bucky seemed to hug you tighter as the lyrics encircled the room. Over the last few weeks he had felt a shift in your relationship, where sharing food was no longer as innocent as it seemed, barging into each other’s room was not seen as drastic, and partaking in each other’s hobbies was never a bore. Steve had commented on it before, asking Bucky if there was something between you two. And Bucky confided in both Steve and Sam, hands pulling at his hair as he paced in a safe room and his friends sitting patiently on the lone couch. They let him act out his worries in peace, and once Bucky tired himself out they both explained how he should ask you out or how to bring up the topic with you. Bucky listened intently and pushed down the tiny voice in his head that joked about Steve being the one to give him romantic advice. But if he ended up with you on his arm after this little pep talk, it would all be worth it. 
     But now the song was coming closer to its end, and he knew that if he didn’t act now then he probably wouldn’t have the courage to bring it up ever again. He leaned down to your left ear, and whispered the lyrics to you. In Spanish. 
Siempre estoy soñando en ti
Besando mis labios, acariciando mi piel
Abrazándome con ansias locas
Imaginando que me amas
Como yo podía amar a ti
[I am always dreaming of you
Kissing my lips and touching my skin
Anxiously hugging me
Imagining that you love me
Like how I love you]
     You knew Bucky knew several languages. You knew. But it made you incredibly excited and hot that he specifically knew Spanish. He spoke in such a gentle manner, breath hitting your skin and voice practically drowning your mind. It was all foggy for a moment, but you quickly refocused your attention on his face. 
     “Oh, wow.”
      Bucky smiled, “What?”
     You scoffed and swatted his chest lightly, “Don’t ‘what’ me! You just confessed you like me!”
     Bucky pushed you away for another twirl under his arm, but kept you at arms length once you turned around. “No, I confessed I love you.”
     You stumbled slightly, staring at him with wide eyes. You thought about how absurd that confession was, but as quickly as that thought entered your mind, it left - because let’s face it, you did know each other for over two years and were best friends. This was right. This felt right. 
     “You love me?”
     Bucky breathed in deeply but your reaction didn’t change his mind. It was now or never. “Yeah, I do. Seemed like the moment to tell you.”
     You grinned, pushing your body forward to be engulfed by his strong arms once more. “And to think you could have just told me at this damn party when I was looking all hot without freaking flour on my face.”
     Bucky let out a loud laugh that originated from the pit of his stomach and reached his hands up to your face. He pulled you in and kissed you sweetly, the taste of your lip gloss driving him wild. He tasted like toothpaste and chapstick, a perfect combination for your superhero. 
     “I love you, too.” Bucky let his eyes close in complete bliss. 
     You could have stayed like that forever, but as you left his lips and looked up at him, you suddenly remembered you never set a timer. 
     You pushed Bucky away, your sudden strength sending him backwards onto the couch. “My cupcakes!”
      And as you rushed to pull the burnt tops from the oven, you could hear Bucky slide off the couch and hit the floor, his laugh louder than the speakers. 
I could fall, in love
With you.”
Happy Valentine’s Day. All the love. xxMoni
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got-svt · 4 years
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it could’ve been you
summary: it’s jinyoung’s engagement party and you find yourself wondering what could’ve been if you had said yes to his proposal years ago.  pairing: park jinyoung x reader (+ some platonic!jackson x reader) genre: angst word count: 2076
part of my tales from the lakes series inspired by taylor swift’s champagne problems
Jackson had been kind enough to ask you to be his date for tonight. “As friends, obviously,” he quickly added once he noticed the panicked look in your eyes. He insisted, claiming that you needed a bit of extra support if you were to make it out of that party in one piece. Maybe he was exaggerating, but you knew he cared for you. So, as you rolled your eyes and lightly hit his chest at his antics, you agreed. Jackson clapped his hands together and gave you the biggest, most reassuring grin he could muster, “Great! I’ll pick you up at seven.”
You didn’t tell him, but you were grateful. 
Because as you stepped inside the lavish restaurant that Jinyoung had rented out for the occasion, you became vaguely aware that all eyes were on you. You smoothed out the non-existent creases on your most expensive outfit as you avoided their eyes. Jackson sensed your anxiousness and took your hand in his, leading you away from their judgemental gazes to a table where Yugyeom and Bambam greeted you with a smile.
“Yn!” Bambam engulfed you in a bone crushing hug, “I’ve missed you so much.”
You let out a breath as he released you from his grip, “I’ve missed you too.”
“We saw each other last week,” Yugyeom said, looking at you and Bambam in confusion, “what are you talking about?”
“A week is too long.” Bambam joked, gently bumping his hip into yours.
Yugyeom was about to open his mouth to retaliate when people started crowding around the large entryway, catching all of your attentions. All four of you make your way to where everyone else was, meeting up with Mark, Jaebeom, and Youngjae in the process.
“What’s everyone gathered around for?” You asked to no one in particular.
“The man of the hour has finally arrived.” Mark replied, but his eyes were elsewhere, and you couldn’t exactly blame him.
Jinyoung walked in, handsome as ever, hair swooped back and in a fitted black tux. All smiles, eyes crinkling as he looked around the room. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight before it clenched as memories of him dressing that way for you entered your memory. 
Beside him was the most beautiful woman you had ever laid eyes upon. You had never seen her in person before, only on a screen as she acted alongside Jinyoung in several of his dramas. You hated to admit it, but she looked more radiant in real life. The cameras did not do any justice to her already perfect skin, shiny dark hair, and adorable button nose.
You forced yourself to look away when everyone in the room called out for them to kiss.
That could’ve been you.
You had been there for him since day one. 
From the day his family moved into your neighborhood, into the house next to yours. He was the one to approach you first, to the shock of those you tell the story to. It wasn’t that Jinyoung was awfully shy or terribly picky, he just usually preferred his own company to that of others. But when ten year old him saw you at tumbling around in your front yard, something in him knew he had to talk to you.
You had been the one to encourage him to audition at JYP, recognizing his talent even before he did himself. You helped him practice in his bedroom, learning choreography and singing songs alongside him. And when you tackled him with a hug at the news that he passed the audition, warmth and happiness radiating from your body, he knew he loved you. 
You were the first person who was able to sneak into their dorms. It was almost midnight and you wore anything you thought helped conceal your identity: sunglasses, a mask, and a hat. He met you at the backdoor and immediately ushered you inside, introducing you to the people that would, alongside him, eventually be got7.  The members immediately loved you, which in turn only made him fall for you more. 
You were there at the front row during got7′s very first concert. A sign in your hand that declared your love for him. He spotted you in the crowd immediately, heart jumping as he read the sign, which caused him to stagger on some of the lyrics he was singing. You and him had been friends for years. What exactly gave you the courage to be the first one to confess, he never figured out. But he was grateful nonetheless when you met him at his dressing room with a kiss. 
You never would have thought that someday you’d have to watch him get married to someone else. 
Jinyoung never thought that you would actually come, especially given your history. Truth be told, the invite was more of a courtesy rather than an actual invitation. You were no longer lovers, now reluctant friends. If it had not been for the rest of the members, he would’ve lost contact with you altogether.
Still, his feet seemed to have a mind of their own when they lead themselves straight to you— skipping his family and friends. He tried to tell himself to turn back, maybe talk to his future mother-in-law instead. But it was too late, he now stood a few feet in front of you, hands in his pockets with a small smile on his features, “Hi.”
“Your bowtie is crooked.” 
“What?” He uttered out, eyes alight with confusion. 
You let out a small chuckle and pointed at the black fabric, “I would fix it for you, but you know—”
Jinyoung looked around the room to see some of the guests watching the both of you, quickly looking away once his gaze met theirs. His hands left his pockets to fix his bowtie, “Ah. I see. Thank you.”
You both looked down, as if the soles of your shoes had suddenly become a point of interest, completely unsure of what to say. The rest of the members always made it a point to no longer leave the two of you alone, for fear of tension and the unavoidable awkward silence. Yet here you two were, without Bambam, Jaebeom, or anyone else to save either of you. 
“What happened to us?” You asked once the silence became too deafening for you to bear.  It was never this hard for you two to hold a conversation, more often than not people would have had to physically restrain you from talking. Now, you couldn’t even look at each other in the eyes. “How— why did we end up like this?”
For a brief moment, quicker than a flash of lighting, his guard went crumbling down. For the first time in years, he let you see the effect you truly had on him. His tone was calm, but not devoid of emotion.  Jinyoung wanted you to hear the sincerity, the vulnerability in his voice, “You said no.”
Jinyoung had spent months preparing, but he always knew he wanted to propose. He rented out the restaurant you had your first date in, where you spent each and every one of your anniversaries. He brought a bouquet of your favorite flowers and bought a brand new suit. He asked help from his family, his members, even JYP himself. He spent several nights composing the perfect speech, sacrificing sleep for endless revising. 
But he should’ve known something was wrong when your hand slipped from his as he lead you through a slow dance. When you just picked at your favorite food instead of eating. When you could only give him curt replies to his stories and questions. His mother’s ring was in his pocket, but it started feeling unusually heavy. He assumed it was just his nerves getting the better of him. 
Jinyoung knew something was wrong when you stopped him from getting down on one knee. When you said no before he could even ask. 
“You never gave me a reason, you know?” 
It had been three years since he proposed to you, well, tried to. Yet he still couldn’t figure out what prompted you to say no. You had always been on the same page as him, in fact that was what he loved about your relationship the most. Were you just not ready? Or was it because you couldn’t handle being married to an idol? But he would’ve waited, and he was fine with keeping your relationship a secret. He may have even preferred it that way, and when you left him standing that faithful night, he began to question everything he thought he knew about the both of you. But that was years ago, all he wanted now was an answer. For you to give him one good reason.
“I still can’t.”
All the guests had gathered around the center of the room. Chairs and tables had been moved to the side for a makeshift dance floor. The string quartet began playing, the notes guiding Jinyoung as he lead his fiancee in the most elegant waltz. Their happiness undeniable as they glided across the room like they were always meant to dance with the other. Their eyes glued to each other, uncaring of the tens of people watching their every move. 
“That could’ve been you.” Yugyeom whispered, earning himself an elbow in the stomach from Jackson. He doubled over in pain before letting out in a strangled whisper, “Sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”
But he was right, it could’ve been you.
The one who wore his mom’s ring on her left ring finger. The one he twirled around the room, earning everyone’s quiet swoons of adoration. The one who gripped his hand tightly as they become illuminated by the soft glow of the chandelier. The one whose picture he carried in his wallet. The one he whispered ‘I love you’ to as he ended the dance with a dip, drowning out the room’s applause with a kiss. 
It should’ve been you.
But you said no, and you could give neither him nor yourself a reason. Maybe you couldn’t handle the life that came with being married to someone like him. You weren’t an idol, nor an actress. You were an outsider and no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be in. Maybe you just weren’t ready to get married. You were so young when he attempted to ask. Maybe you didn’t want to get married at all. The thought of marriage hadn’t even crossed your mind until he started getting down on one knee. Or maybe you were just afraid. Afraid that you weren’t deserving of his love. Afraid that someone else would come along and sweep him of his feet.
And someone else did come along because here she was in front of you, wrapped up in his arms, blissfully unaware of exactly how lucky she was to be with him. 
“I should go.” You muttered, though it was directed at no one in particular, unsure if anyone had even heard. But Jackson did. 
“You sure?” He asked,  “Let me give you a ride home at least.”
“No, please, stay.” You protest, shaking your head furiously, “Enjoy the party. I’m sure Jinyoung will be looking for you later.”
“Yn—” Jackson protested, gripping your wrist to stop you from leaving. His gaze was intense, almost challenging. But you had known him long enough to grown immune. 
You try to shake his hand off, offering him a smile to convince him you were fine with leaving alone, “It’s okay, I’ll just take the train. Or get a cab”
He stared you down, eyes scanning your face as he searched for any sign of reluctance or uncertainty, but he eventually let out a sigh when he realized there was no stopping you. “Text me when you get home, yeah?”
You nod, reaching up to hug him before whispering, “Thank you.”
The rest of the members said their goodbyes with a hug, promising to see you soon. You knew they meant it. 
As you went to the exit, something in you begged you to turn around, to give one last look around the room before you left. And so you did, only to find Jinyoung already looking back at you.
“I’m sorry.” You mouth, unsure if he could even see it.
But he smiled, giving you a small nod before he turned to face his fiancee; turning away from you.
148 notes · View notes
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Five times Jo asks Alex to dance and the one time she asks someone new.
The first time Jo and Alex ever dance together, they’re just friends. It’s new…their friendship. Alex isn’t exactly sure what to call it, in the space of two weeks she went from the annoying intern he was happy to keep as nothing more than a work colleague to the person he spent most of his time with. In the last week, she’s spent more nights on his couch than at home and they’ve grabbed dinner together every day. It’s funny they seemed to have fallen into this pattern without any real thought, it was the day after Ben and Bailey’s wedding they’d become inseparable, she’d sought him out at the end of shift insisting she needed pizza and beer and that he was paying thanks to the raging hangover she was sure was his fault.
He didn’t hate it...having her around all time that is. Which surprised him, it had been a long time since Alex had genuinely enjoyed being in someone else’s company for such a long period of time. Even now when Jos’ has one too many beers and is singing along loudly (and out of tune) to Taylor Swift (not Alex’s choice of course) he finds himself happy just to sit and watch her.
“Oh this is my favorite Alex, come dance with me,” Jo calls from where she’s spinning around in the kitchen. She’s reaching out for him, her warm hand against his forearm pulling him towards her.
“I don’t dance.” Alex protests, remaining firmly in his seat. Shaking his head as she continues to pull at him. He tries to keep his smile at bay but he’s secretly amused by the way she attempts to give him a puppy dog look.
“Don’t or can’t?”
“Both…whatever answer gets you away from me.” He grumbles, trying to remove her grip on his arm but she’s quick, tangling their fingers together and giving him another tug.
“Come on Alex…everyone can dance. Just one dance…pretty please.”
He groans but drops his beer bottle down on the counter and follows Jo back to her makeshift dance floor.
“One dance…and you’ll leave me alone?” He asks, cocking his head to the side as he sets one hand on her hip, the other still gripped in hers tightly. He doesn’t know the song well but he finds himself slowly swaying to the beat.
“I won’t bother you until at least tomorrow.” Jo reasons, smiling softly, a triumphant glint in her eyes that makes Alex think he should stop letting her get her way.
Alex's breath hitches as Jo lays her head against his chest a moment later, he’s sure she can feel the way his heart pounds in his chest. They stay that way for the rest of the song, just swaying back and forth and Alex is surprised to find himself actually enjoying holding Jo so close.
“See… dancing isn't that bad right?”
He pulls her closer, tighter until her chest was pressed flush against his. “No…no you're right, this is pretty good.”
The second time they danced was a couple of years later. They’ve just finished furnishing the loft, and Jos’ even surprised herself with how it had turned out. It really felt like a home…their home.
“I know you’re gonna say a record player is pointless, but it looks cute and before you laugh they were on like every Pinterest board I saw so we have to have one.” Jo reasons, hoping this wouldn’t turn into another disagreement as the throw pillows had. Apparently, because it looks good isn’t a good reason to spend money on Alex’s book.
Secretly she loves every argument/discussion they have. There's just something about them discussing their home, her first proper home that fills her with such joy.
Setting up the record player was easy. Jo had found it a nice home against the window of what she’d marked out to be the living room. She’d even picked up a few old records from the store, Elvis, The Beatles, even Ella Fitzgerald.
She set the record on the turntable and brought down the needle, then closed the lid. There was the crackle of static as the vinyl began to spin.
She reached for his hand during the first verse. “Dance with me?” Jo suggested her voice barely above a whisper. “I know you hate dancing but indulge me this one time.” She insists as he reluctantly places his hands in hers, allowing her to pull him in, their chests brushing up against each other as his hand finds her hip and he holds her against him warm and steady.
They sway like that for the duration of the song and Jo takes the time to scan their newfound home. It's everything she'd hoped it would be and more. She feels Alex's hand fidgeting over her spine as the song comes to an end as if he's contemplating ending their dance before she feels his fingertips drift lower, coming to rest on the small of her back.
“You’re happy right? I know you kinda hated this place at first but…”
“I’m more than happy…” He whispers, leaning back as he brings one hand up to rest against her cheek, brushing the loose hair from her bun behind her ear gently. Jo relaxes against him, letting her worries go at his reassuring words. “I’m home.”
The third time they dance together, Alex surprised them both by being the one to ask Jo to dance. They’re at their makeshift engagement party that the kids on the peds ward had insisted on having when Alex informed them all they couldn’t attend the wedding. It felt kinda surreal, to see various hospital staff all filter in as a handful of his patients gather in the family room. All these people gathered to celebrate him and Jo. He’s not sure how he’d ever got so lucky.
“For everyone who doesn’t know Dr. Alex and Dr. Jo are getting married this weekend…” Kimmy announces, tapping the microphone on the makeshift stage as everyone turns towards her. “And all of us here just wanted to wish you both a huge congratulations.” Alex feels a surge of emotion, as Jo wraps an arm around his waist resting her head against his shoulder. Her eyes were a little watery, maybe she was feeling just as overwhelmed as he was.
“So I thought I’d sing a little something for you both.” Kimmy grins, and Alex gives her a small nod, rolling his eyes as the familiar tune from Beauty and The Beast begins. Now it makes sense why she’d been practicing it all week.
“Think we should dance?” He asks, turning towards Jo.
“You wanna dance? You never wanna dance with me.”
Alex furrows his eyebrows at her statement, wrapping an arm around her waist, swaying them gently, “I never wanna dance full stop but with you…with you it’s definitely bearable.”
Jo rolls her eyes “Charming.”
Alex just chuckles as he takes a step back, keeping his hand firmly in hers. When their arms are outstretched, he tugs on her hand until she gets the memo and twirls back toward him. Alex catches her by the waist, grinning down at her as she laughs warmly.
Cheers erupt around them but Alex can’t bring himself to tear his gaze from Jo. She’s gonna be his wife and he for one can’t wait.
“I aim to please” He mutters before pulling her in closer, pressing his lips to hers as a few groans from the younger patients sound.
The fourth time they dance is a given. Their first dance as husband and wife, sure it's not the reception they planned but Avery's penthouse with everyone they care about most in the world feels as close to perfect as you can get.
“Come dance with your wife.” Jo cries as she makes her way through the crowd, reaching out for Alex who’s taken a seat at the kitchen island. He’d been enjoying a moment to just watch everyone around him. Days like this full of love and happiness were kinda rare to find.
“Jo, you know I hate dancing.” He whines but he's already on his feet, allowing her to guide him back through the crowd. He’s not gonna deny her today, not like he ever denied her before either.
She just smiles, and god it makes his heartache knowing that’s the smile he’s gonna wake up to every day for the rest of his life. “I know you say you hate dancing but I think you secretly like it.”
He turned his hand over in hers, wrapping his fingers around her palm before pulling her to him by the waist. Jo’s free arm sliding up to his shoulder as they spun slowly.
“Thank you…”
“For what?”
“Dancing with me even though you hate it.”
He holds their joint hands in the air, letting Jo turn herself away from him. She’s only out of his grip for a split second before she twirls back into him. He catches her, tips her backward until her hair is dangling down over his knee.
“I’ll always dance with you,” Alex whispers, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips before helping her stand straight again. He can hear the buzz of the party around them, see the bright light of flash go off somewhere as Jo wraps her hands around his neck, hiding her face against him.
“Should’ve put that in our vows.”
He’s not sure how long they stay like that, arms wrapped around each other swaying to whatever song is playing whether a slow dance suits it or not. They might be in a room full of their closest friends and chosen family but neither one can focus on anyone else.
“It’s funny…” Jo mumbles after a while, lifting her head so she can meet Alex’s gaze.
“What’s that?” Alex asks, his thumb tracing a soft pattern against the small of her back as her left hand sorts out his.
“In those lifetime movies, I used to watch. You wait the whole movie for the couple to kiss in the last five seconds and then you just assume that they end up together…in reality, it’s probably never a happy ever after.”
Alex frowns, he’s not quite sure what Jo was getting at but if she was doubting what happens next she shouldn’t. If they could make it through today and still end up married and all in one piece then they could make it through every day that came next.
“We don’t have to worry about that.” He smiles, the hand still clutching hers lifting a little higher so she can see the light catch against her wedding set as he runs his thumb across them.
“No, we don’t.”
The last time they dance together is a couple of days before Alex leaves. He seems to have thrown himself into work the last few weeks. He’s so busy he’s almost never home. They’re like ships passing in the night and Jo’s not ashamed to admit she misses her husband.
“Come on…” She mutters, turning the radio up slightly so the music can be heard over in the kitchen, holding her hand out to Alex who’s been staring at various charts since he’d arrived home in the early hours of the morning.
“Not now Jo…I’m exhausted okay?” He sighs brushing her hand away as he turns back to the pages before him.
Jo shakes her head refusing to take no for an answer as she carefully takes the documents from his hand. Setting them down on the table. She cups his cheek, turning his face towards her. “One dance. Come on.”
She watches the internal argument he’s having with himself, his eyes refusing to meet hers.
“Alex you promised…you’d always dance with me...for better or worse...till death do us part?”
He tenses at her words closing his eyes, but before Jo can even question it he’s up, slipping his hand into hers, leading them towards the empty space between the kitchen and the unused dining table with a frown.
“I know Mr. Grumpy…you hate dancing, you've told me before.”
“That’s Dr. Grumpy to you.”
Jo drops his hand only to lift her arms around his neck and Alex sets his hands loosely on her waist.
“I love you.” He breathes after a moment. He leans his head over her shoulder and drops a kiss to the side of her head, wrapping his arms tighter around her waist.
Jo smiles softly at his words as Alex presses her hand into his chest, over his heartbeat. They're gonna be okay, she's sure of it. They hold onto one another, dancing slowly as the song continues.
“I love you too, Dr. Grumpy.”
They keep swaying even as the song ends and another begins, Jo can’t remember what song had played next, but she knows they’d danced to it anyway.
Jo didn't dance much after Alex left. Didn't do much of anything that reminded her of him. She’d got rid of nearly every trace of him. She’d gone into survival mode and removed every last reminder of him from her life. That is except for the few things she just couldn’t bear to lose.
His shirt…the first one she’d ever borrowed. Back when they were just friends and she was crashing on his couch after one too many beers. The same shirt that’s now hanging loosely off her shoulder as she tries to tidy up after her rambunctious toddler, who’s currently making a mess pulling every record out from its cover and onto the floor.
Their wedding album hurt too much to keep. She couldn’t skim the pages without feeling sick. But she keeps one photo…she can’t not. There’s one photo taken at their wedding reception, Jo wasn't even aware of it being taken at the time. She's mid-spin, her hair fanning out around her, hand clutching Alex's tightly above her head. She looks so happy and carefree in that photo but that's not the reason she kept it, no she kept it because of the way Alex's looking at her in it. Like she was the only one in the room. He looks at her so intently that just the photo sets a fire deep inside her. No matter how painful the ending was, she knew how truly loved she was by him.
“Mommy…princess dress?” Luna asks, pulling the worn photo from its hiding space in an old record sleeve. Of course, she's found it, she’s into every draw and cupboard she can reach these days. Her eyes shine as she shakes the photo in Jo's direction.
“Yeah, mommy had a princess dress,” Jo agrees, lifting Luna up from the floor and settling them both on the couch. She’s too young to know that it's a wedding, too little to ask who the man holding her mother is. She was just excited that her mom looked like one of her favorite Disney characters. Jo stares down at the photo, it's not lost on her that she's sitting in the same spot the dance took place.
“Hey, Lulu?” Jo hums, pressing a kiss to the little girl's hair as she wriggles in her lap. “Shall we have a dance party?”
Jo hasn’t had much time to dance these last few years, hadn’t had much desire too but as she stares down at her daughter she suddenly feels the urge to dance again.
Luna nods, as Jo lifts her up off her lap before turning towards the old record player in the corner. She wipes her hand across the dust that’s settled on it before opening it up, taking a second for the slow melody to filter out. When she turns back Luna is already twirling around, her tutu flowing out around her.
Jo laughs as she lifts her baby girl up onto her hip, spinning them both. She throws her head back laughing as Luna squeals in delight, ordering Jo to keep spinning until they're both dizzy and their giggles drown out the music.
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Sound Proof
okay so this fic was from Wattpad and I found it in my google docs so I’m just gonna upload it here for ya’ll lol. I didn’t tag, I wrote this a while ago let me know what ya’ll think!!!
Warnings: Smut.
With dancing, came immense concentration and a lot of cardio.
That was all okay for Damara. She wore her silk pressed hair back into a pony, simple Polo Ralph Lauren hat on to keep her edges slicked back, high waist thin grey leggings, all white cropped tank, and matching white Vans. Damara held onto the aluminum double bar Ballet barre, studying her glistening reflection within the wall mirrors that covered every single area from floor to ceiling. 
Her chest rose and fell, right hand coming up to rub sweat off the tip of her nose. She had thirty minutes down, only twenty more to go. Being a pro dancer was fun when you posted tutorials on Instagram and YouTube, but when it came down to touring internationally and getting a chance to perform at Coachella, dance became a full time job.
Damara stares down at her version three iWatch, allowing herself to become consumed with the breathing app. She watched it expand with every breath, then declined whenever she exhaled. After her breathing returned to normal, Damara pulled up her iTunes playlist again, choosing to go sensual with a little bit of flash dance routine.
The instrumental to Kendrick Lamar- Love.
This song was always a warm up for her because it got her ‘in the mood’. She could feel the want and need behind the beat and his words. Damara snakes her hands up her frame, sliding slowly from the cuff of her ass, to her lower back, and lightly up and over her shoulders, forearms pressing into her large D cup breasts. 
One thing is for sure, Damara could move her torso like Shakira, body rolling and ticking to the beat with perfect harmony. Doing a sudden spin on her tiptoes, Damara Lowers herself to the polished flooring, arching her back off of the surface with her legs spread into a V, before lifting her lower half off the ground to do a series of air kicks like she was back in an 80s workout video or like she was in Kanye West’s video for Fade instead of Teyana Taylor.
She turned over onto her hands, hitting a side to side split perfectly before lifting from the ground to walk seductive and tantalizing towards the middle of the dance studio.
That’s where it began, the sweatiest most bewitching dance yet. Her hands cascade everywhere, eyes closed to take in the beat with heightened hearing. Her hands rubbed along the outline of her pussy in a teasing manner. Damara was so shameless when it came to dancing provocatively. She twirled and made an S with her body like a snake, body in sync to the beat. The sultry look in her eyes could trap you like Medusa. You would think she danced to one of Prince's songs from the outside looking in. 
The song came to an end, Damara lifting her shirt over her head and tossing it in the corner, picking up her gallon water bottle to take a huge sip. She wiped at her mouth with the back of her hand, feeling the burn in her curvy waistline from all the crunching and belly rolling that came with dancing. Her gluteal muscles were on fire as well, causing Damara to admire her ass in the mirror, sweat staining the crack of her ass over the fabric. 
Finishing up, Damara grabs all her things before leaving the dance studio at the gym she finally snagged a membership for. The gym had two sections: one for premium guests who had VIP access to the soundproof workout rooms or standard. Sadly, Damara was standard. She always wanted to workout in the soundproof tinted glass rooms like all the extremely fit individuals did, but one look through those glasses at the equipment housed within would make you withdraw with fear. Her personal trainer had stressed for her to go VIP, bribing her with access to the ice bath room and luxury pool where you can watch the LA skyline like you’re in a hotel.
She made a left at the end of the hall, walking with her shirt and towel over her shoulder to the main gymnasium area full of musky people and terrible workout music. Even though Damara did a one hour session of dancing, she couldn’t help but to gravitate towards the stair master for a good fifteen minute burn. Once there, Damara climbs the stairs, beginning her workout on nine speed, instantly feeling the ache. Her eyes scanned the area, finally landing on a group of women huddled around one of the sound proof workout rooms for VIP gold card members. 
She let out a tired chuckle, shaking her ponytail clad head before pausing to drink some water. Of COURSE they would all salivate over some random ass man instead of working out, because that’s what gyms are for these days. On queue every day Damara comes to the gym, once the clock strikes 8 pm, a hoard of women suffocate the glass, fogging it with their heavy breathing and wetting it with saliva from their wiggling tongues. Damara would have been one of them if she listened to her group of girlfriends who didn’t come in tonight. Supposedly, there is this fine ass man that comes to the gym every day, around 8 pm. Damara never seems to catch him, and even if she did, no man was that fine to act like a hyena over. He couldn’t be that sexy.
“Ooo, girl, let me get off this got damn treadmill he back again!” Damara turned to find a short, slim, mocha skinned girl with a track runners body ogling the group of women, her friend who looked like she could be her sister, biting her lip.
“I wonder if he’s doing the pull ups right now, fuckk. You know his dick stay hard when he working out.” 
The other girl laughs, “I just want to suck it. Just give me one good time!” 
Both women laughed while Damara tries her best to work out and ignore them. But to her surprise, she couldn’t focus. Not because of the talking, but because she wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Maybe after this she could rub it in her friends faces that whoever this guy was, wasn’t about the hype after all.
Defeated, Damara stopped her workout, quickly lowering herself off the machine and towards some spray and paper towels to wipe away her sweat. Tossing everything, Damara makes her way towards the sound proof workout room straight across from the men’s locker room. 
Here she was, and yet just a few minutes ago she was laughing to herself at how ridiculous it was to come to a gym and stare at a man for two hours. Wasn’t no man fine enough for that.
The glass window straight ahead had about seven ladies standing in front of it, whispering and admiring at what looked like absolutely nothing to Damara. It was so dark she couldn’t see a thing. As she got closer, at first, all she could see through that glass was the usual workout machines of all types and weight racks. Just before she could walk away, he started lifting those weights. Suddenly, as if pulled by some type of force field, Damara turned into a fan girl with glossy eyes and a watery mouth. He had to be the one her friends were talking up. There is no way he couldn’t be the one with how fine he is. 
“This must be your first time noticing Erik.” 
Damara turned to the lady who looked to be twice her age standing next to her.
Damara didn’t respond, she simply looked back at him through that tinted glass. He was so fucking sexy that her jaw dropped; literally. Erik was definitely the one her friends were juiced up over. Not the juice you drink, but the drip from that pussy when she hungry for a nigga as damn fine as he is. 
Erik had been bench pressing weights and she couldn’t get a good enough look at him until he lowered the weights. Yeah, when he was laid out on his back, sweaty muscles moving as he lifted 280 pounds over his head he looked good, but GOD once he stood up was she slapped with his looks.
Erik was wearing sweat shorts that dropped low around his waist, a damp sweat top and a pair of Nike Air Max Trainer 1s on his feet.
His braided back dreads were damp from the perspiration; it really set off his caramel complexion.
Erik returned his weights to their respective places and stood facing that mirror with a bottle of gatorade. Damara could really see how perfect he was. Fine wasn’t even the word, it was so much she could say about him. The look in his eyes, the way his muscles moved in conjunction with him, the smoothness of his skin, the hairstyle that compliments him very well, and let’s not forget those lips. She figured he got many compliments on his lips, as beautiful and suckable as they were. That thick erection he was sporting was an added bonus. All she could see was herself lowering onto it and rocking like crazy, like she was riding a horse. When she returned to reality from her lustful daze, she noticed her hands were flat against the glass, jaw STILL dropped, and her nipples tender and hard practically clawing at him. They were so hard that they were hurting, and the feeling of his lips pulling and sucking and licking on them would have been exactly what she needed, just pull her shirt down and suck em.
All of that talk and fantasizing in her head, ironically made his eyes meet hers. Damara swore she thought those big, dark eyes could see her and only her. The lady she ignored next to her smiled, like she knew what Damara was going through. She did, that’s why her and the others were still there.
Feeling a little foolish and embarrassed by her behavior, Damara asked the lady next to her if Erik could see them or was it one of those half way windows.
“Girl, he can see us alright. That’s why his dick is so big and hard poking through those shorts. He sees something he likes.” 
Damara looked back at him, and right then like a spark had been ignited, he smiled a little at her with dimples, then winked before downing the rest of his gatorade. Damara could feel her knees buckle, body so nervous. She decided it was most definitely time to bounce. That night, Damara never told her girls about seeing the living legend, but she did go back the following day, a Wednesday, to stare him down at that window again. She purposely went there alone to have him to herself. It was crazy how obsessed he became.
After about a week or so of admiring Erik through that glass, Damara decided to take it up a notch and use the adjoining women’s workroom; yeah, like she could actually bench press any of the equipment in there. Getting into that women’s workroom meant that she had to become a gold member. The upgrade was about 20 dollars more, which landed her to about 80 dollars a month; great.
She felt like she’d been walking the yellow brick road to the emerald city. Opening those double glass doors to her new sanctuary,  she could smell musk no longer, only fresh air and a cool breeze. The music was even better in there, sicko mode playing low through the speakers. It was approximately 7:50 pm, so she knew Erik would be arriving soon. 
At about 8:15, a little later than usual, Erik pulled open the doors and walked into the men’s workroom. He had his dreads crinkled and messy, a pair of Beats solo 3 in black with gold trim over his ears, black Nike pro training top that clung to his body like it was two sizes too small, matching black shorts that hung low on his hips with the waistband of his compression pants peeking through. He hadn’t immediately seen Damara on the other side since she was in the corner tugging on the pull ropes that she couldn’t make budge. She didn’t really know what to do. If she popped out of nowhere near that window, she could scare him to death, and he’d be mad. He looked like the no nonsense type too. 
Damara decided that hiding wouldn’t fix anything so she came out into the open to do some yin yoga poses that helped stretch her body. Sitting Indian style, she started with the butterfly, bending forward while gripping her shoes. The stretch made her moan, all the tension in her back disappearing. Next, she decided on the dragon, bringing one foot forward in a low lunge, stretching out her glutes and back again. Admiring herself, she liked the way her ass looked in the tinted mirror, and apparently so did Erik. Her heart dropped to her stomach like she’d been on the tallest roller coaster, her eyes reverting towards the ground. Damara could feel his eyes on her still as she lifted from the ground, rolling her neck. With one hand on the back of her neck to stretch the muscles, her eyes met his again. That same slight smile graced his face again, almost innocent, but those eyes were dark and sultry, like hot coal.
The heat turned down just a little, Erik walking away leaving Damara a flustered mess.
He started out with a little cross training. Damara watched from her workout mat in between doing crunches. Next, he pumped a little iron. She noticed how he enjoyed admiring himself when he lifted weights. The veins in his arms would bulge so much it looked like they wanted to break the surface of his skin. She could see his mouth slightly opened, concentration set in his features, and she just knew he was making those grunting, straining noises that guys make when they workout. Watching those muscles flex and bulge like that made her weak in the knees again. She liked the feeling. When he lay on his back to do the leg lifts, that’s when she lost it in a major way. The weight Damara had in her hand to do Russian twists fell down on her shoulder. She screamed out without even knowing it. All she could feel was pain beginning to throb in her left shoulder, and she laid back on the floor massaging it with a whimper. Unfortunately, at that time Erik was the last thing on her mind. When Damara got enough nerve to look at the window, Erik was pressed against it looking at her. He mouthed to her since it was sound proof, “You aight, Lil Mama?”
After Damara figured out his words, she nodded and gave him the okay symbol with a tired smile. Erik stares at her for a few seconds, scanning her frame in that PUMA workout suit she decided to wear, then moved on to the leg machine again. Damara liked the way he scouted her, and that made the pain in her shoulder go unnoticed.
Throughout their workouts, they would peep each other, and he liked the attention she was showering him with. There he was again with those pull-ups, directly facing her with intimidation in his eyes. Somehow, he had lost his shirt along the way, sweat pouring off his body like he’d been doing push-ups in the rain. 
Damara’s workout suit was almost see-through and hugging all her curves, and he definitely paid attention because his erection was good and hard, tenting the front of those black workout shorts like wild. Damara wanted to think it was solely her making those pants tent like that, but working the hell out of those machines may have played a role in it. She’s good, but not that good.
The more she looked at Erik, the more she wanted to taste him, feel him pressing into her throat. 
Damara looked down at her iWatch and realized it was minutes to closing time, but she couldn’t leave that room, let alone that window. She hated to leave because he was worth staying and getting caught with. Knowing the kind of man Erik was, he probably got a kick out of the chicks staring his fine ass down, then going home to his equally fine ass girl. That was the kind of luck Damara had: finding the juiciest man on the planet, but not able to land him because he was taken.
Damara suddenly had a lightbulb moment. Erik was a gold member, with a passkey to leave the gym if he ever got locked in. Damara could lie and say she lost her passkey, having to go to him to get out...or to get off! Shit, lord knows she needs that, it’s been way too long. Suddenly, Erik made a move she hadn’t been prepared for. He stepped away from the weight trainer and approached the window again. Damara couldn’t move, couldn’t muster a speech, all she could do was watch him approach her with that sweaty, perfect body. Maybe not so perfect to some because it was littered with tiny raised scars, but to her it was absolutely perfect. Man, the closer he got to her, the hotter she got. In all her orgasmic nonsense with a pussy so wet and probably creaming her panties, it soon dawned on her that he probably approached her to ask her why she’s still there; that maybe he was tired of being stared at as if he were a zoo animal. Damara got scared and backed up.
Erik backed up a bit, confusion on his face before chuckling, giving her a head to toe view of him, then he got busy. His eyes stared into hers as he massaged that massive erection up and down through his pants. Damara could feel her nectar elevating within her core. Then it hit her, he was about to give her a private sex show. Was she about to bounce? Fuck no, she stayed and watched everything that pretty nigga did.
When his erection got hard and thick within his pants, he let out a fucking dazzling smile that could make her cum right there. No man had ever smiled so wickedly at her that her panties got wet; then again, she’d never met Erik. His pecs were mouthwatering to the point of drool, contours and ripples were everywhere. All her nasty little tongue wanted to do was lick, lick from his collarbone to his abs and continue south. Her hands shook as they clutched her chest, feeling her nipples brush against her fingers. All the while, her eyes never left his.
Bending to remove his shoes and socks was a chore because that delicious dick was in the way, but he managed. His fingers beckoned Damara to get closer. Damara knew he was going to slide his pants down next, the nigga was clever with his seduction. She moved back to that window, and watched him slide his shorts to his hips. His dick bounced out, sprang to life, and she dropped to her knees, wondering how all that would feel stroking her insides. He was real heavy, the type of dick where the tip and about two inches could only fit in the pussy. The type of dick where you would push him away while he blew your back out from getting too deep. The type of dick where you had to use two hands to jerk while you sucked; you really gotta be a pro to suck a dick like that with no hands, not to mention ride a dick like that.
Erik bit at his plump bottom lip, massaging it with his tongue while his hand massaged that long pole; that damn snake. The more he stroked, the bigger and bigger it became within his hand. He strokes that beautiful dick until he was about ready to nut. He mouthed at her through that sound proof glass, 
“I want that throat.”
His muscles tensed, he squeezed it harder, and playfully rubbed it against the glass directly where her mouth was. She swore she could taste him, feel him sliding it between her lips and forcing his inches into her. Erik stroked it so hard that she could see the moisture forming on his tip. Damara couldn’t help herself, she had to reach between her thighs and stroke her pussy to match his tempo. Damara pulled her suit down, revealing her drenched sports bra and panties to him. She didn’t want to waste any time the way her fingers made its way to her panties, pulling the fabric to the side to reveal her wet sticky treat. The more he stroked himself, the deeper her fingers slide into her valley; all three of them. When Erik dropped to the floor, she scrambled to see what he was going to do next. It was fucking outrageous! That pretty ass nigga got on his back and moved his hips up and down like a bitch was on top of him. Damara screamed in ecstasy over the sight of it. Her fingers went deeper and deeper like she was trying to scoop her cum out the pussy. She turned around and arched her back, rubbing at her clit with one hand while fingering herself with the other. He pumped hard and long, perspiration dripping from him, muscles tensing. Damara just knew he was going to explode on the floor instead of her which was a damn shame. No. No fucking way. He turned over on his stomach, and did push-ups, pumping those hips and dick into oblivion. He still hadn’t cum for her yet. His arm shook when he did his one-handed push-ups, dick throbbing in his other hand. She felt her orgasm building deep in her belly, her legs shaking from muscle strain and intense pleasure. That was the grand finale, watching him cream into his own hands while staring her down. 
Damara screamed out, Cumming on her fingers with a shake of her body.
He returned to his back and pressed out so much cum that she almost fainted from the orgasm he gave her. When her breathing returned to normal, Damara looked into her hand, now covered with so much of her own thick moisture that her fingers were sticking together. Then she glanced up at him watching her with a sweet smile on those wonderful lips—his erection was still in his hand and still harder than boulders. 
The windows were nice and steamed by the time he and Damara finished. She watched him grab the rest of his belongings and headed for the showers. Damara took off as well, figuring that was all she’d get from him. 
Damara made her way to the showers herself, letting her plan go. At least she got a good show from him so she was thankful. 
While in the shower, Damara couldn’t help but smile as she wet her body under the steamy water. She struggled to fight the urge that this was it and probably her last sex show a man would ever give her and he didn’t even touch her. Damara allowed the warm water to trickle down her aching joints and relaxed. Her body mitt delicately encircled her breasts, pretending the sultry touch was Erik’s fingers, sucking on them gently before making a tongue track down to her core. She shuddered in waves of heat. Her body trembled, spasms, taking her mind off the pain from her injured shoulder. She completely gave in to pleasure and let the most tremendous orgasm hit her like no other one had ever before...well, until Erik happened on the scene. 
“Damn, girl.”
The words came from nowhere. Damara assumed they had been in her mind. Nonetheless, her eyes opened and she twirled around to see if anyone had come in. There Erik was, standing directly in front of her. Damara tried reaching for her towel but Erik snatched it from the railing before she could get it.
His cool, seductive voice melted into her horny spirit. 
“Imagine how big this dick would be if I would have been standing right above that ass, watching you finger that pussy from the front. All I could see was that phat ass shaking and quivering to some sexual fantasy. Was it about me?” 
Damara couldn’t speak. All she could do was look down at the towel around his midsection, sporting a killer of an erection. Her mouth opened, her voice cracked. 
“I...I, uh…”
“It’s okay, babygirl. I already know that ass was thinking about me. How could you not after the show I gave you.” 
Erik moves toward her, one step away from entering the stall with her. 
“You liked that show I already know that shit. I already know I got you”— he slapped her pussy, then reached around to palm her ass roughly, smacking each ass cheek causing it to sting—“hot enough to want more, right? You should anyway since I gave you a little taste of what the fuck I got,” he pulled his towel off and entered the stall.
It was different from having that window in between them both, Damara covering her nakedness with her arms. Erik pulled them down.
“Don’t you dare cover up a fucking thing.”
The grip on her wrists were so tight her hands shook.
“So, you just walk in women’s locker rooms? What if I wasn’t the only one here?” 
He chuckles, letting her wrists go, “And? I don’t give a fuck about that. It’s okay for me to do whatever I fucking please in here.” He kisses her cheek. “I’m Erik—“
“I know who you are, Erik. Every woman within a five-city radius knows who you are.” 
“Yeah? And who might you be?”
“Damara; nothing exotic, nothing romantic, just regular old Damara.”
“Not from where I’m standing, girl. You are so fucking sexy. I bet you taste good too, I know that pussy enjoyed me pleasing you.”
“It did, I can still feel it.” She lets out a moan.
“Well then that pussy won’t mind if I please you again?”
Damara relaxed, his hands covering her breasts, much the same way they did in her daydream. He stroked the tight tips with his thumbs, then replaced them with his lips. She was right, that mouth was made to suck on some titties. Erik sucked them ferociously, licking them like they were candy. Her head reared back as he sucked like he was trying to milk her. Her back arched off that wall, his arm circling her waist and pulling her close.
“So, you want everything, huh?”
“Every single drop.”
Erik’s muscles tightened around Damara; their bodies pressed against the wall. As the water continues to drench them, he lifted her into his arms; her legs hugged his hips. She felt the tip of that delicious dick play with her opening, tease it, rub up and down on it. She faces him, staring into those delicious brown eyes of his. 
“It’s almost closing time, I couldn’t leave yet without a little taste.” 
It definitely wouldn’t be a little with how big he was. Damara prepares herself for the surprise, her pussy clenching and quivering on its own. Erik takes his fingers to caress her clit, taking a single finger to tease it with a flickering motion. Damara kept a firm grip on his neck, pressed against the shower wall. 
“I’m playing wit that clit good, huh?”
She responds with a bite to his shoulder, her pussy jerking in his hand. Erik brings his fingers to his mouth, spits on them, then brings them back to her clit. He was very generous with his spit, making her pussy extra sloppy. Clearly with him still going at it on her clit he aimed to make her cum this time with his own fingers. 
“Ok, you working my clit,” she felt him take his dick to finish it off, rubbing her clit in circles. The smoothness of the tip of his dick hit every sensitive spot on her clit. 
“Make that pussy cum,” she edged him on.
His hand came down to grip her ass while he worked, her body shuddering, legs securing around him even harder, moans echoing off of the shower walls. 
“Shit, fuck, damn…”
She could feel the sensitivity in her pussy too.
“Open up for me.”
Damara opened wider, Erik bringing his dick to her pussy. He pushed his way in slow, only by a few inches before she clamped up. Her guess was correct, he was too much to take. Damara was scared now, she didn’t know if she could go through with it.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking big,” her eyes grew wide.
“Ha, You knew that already when you saw me jerking it.” 
“I’m too tight.”
“So?” He moves his hips, teasing her walls to let him in further. Her body crunched, hand to his chest. Was she fucking a monster dick or what? His shit was too damn much.
“Chill,” her eyelids fluttered. She wouldn’t be able to stand.
“You’ve been eyeing me all fucking week, teasing me and shit and now you wanna cry about how big my dick is?” 
He kissed at her neck, causing her to moan and rub her wet face against his. She brought her hands to his biceps, squeezing them tightly. 
“Be gentle, okay? It’s too damn big.”
Erik takes that invitation, gripping her hips firm before pressing himself in inch by inch, pausing in between. Each time he entered her it felt like he was ripping her a new hole, but it felt so full in a good way. Along with the pain came a shock of pleasure. The vein on the underside of his shaft rubbed smoothly at the floor of her pussy, a new sensation she had never felt. It curves at the tip to hit her g spot, swiping it each time he moves his hips.
“I don’t think I ever had a dick this good,” she hissed the moment he fully entered her. 
“I already know you didn’t with all that crying you was doing.” He pulled out to the tip, purposely, to make her feel every inch again. Erik pushes back in, watching the way her face went through a series of confused and unprepared emotions. It was time to pick up the pace now. Erik started off slow, his strokes growing and her moans. Damara held onto the rails along the walls of the shower, watching with astonishment how Erik’s dick fucked her.
“Oh, oh, omg,” she shook tremendously, a single hand clawing at Erik’s chest. He simply fucks her with deeper strokes, reminding her what came with every inch. Clearly he had a fetish for making women cry from how big he was. That rock hard body came with a huge package. 
“Are you fucking kidding me!!!!!” She felt a rush of pressure forming in her lower belly, so big it pushes Erik’s dick out, a fountain of liquid pouring. The more she clenched, the more it flowed. Damara couldn’t control it and it shocked her. No way, this nigga made her squirt and for the first time ever. She’d always tried to make that happen for herself but it never worked so she would give up. 
That seemed to fuel Erik even more, he brought one of her legs up into a split, entering her body again. This time, he flexed his abs, bringing his dick into even more of a curve, really hitting her spot. Erik knew what he was doing, he wanted to see the reaction again.
“Come on, take this big dick,” he held her leg up even if it shook.
“Ah, fuck yes, shit it’s happening again!!” Before she could relax, here she was, squirting again but Erik stayed in. He smiled, slamming her so hard with his dick that she could feel it in her stomach. At this point, Damara might as well lose count of how many orgasms she’ll have. 
It was true.
Damara has missed two days of the gym for a reason. 
She couldn’t get out of the damn bed the morning after her and Erik had sex. Her pussy was sore and sensitive, inner thighs shaking when she stood from the bed. Damara didn’t bother exchanging numbers with him, unsure if she would even be able to take him up on a second chance. Deciding to be a big girl, Damara went to the gym for a dance session. 
She stood in the mirrored dance studio wearing a leotard colored bronze, a pair of sweats on and her hair in a messy bun with her vans. She skimmed through her playlist on iTunes, adjusting her AirPods to her liking.
Damara had to squat ballerina style to stretch her thigh muscles, bringing her leg up to extend the muscles of her inner thigh. Rolling her neck, she turns from the mirror, deciding to dance to a Nicki song. Once she got in the groove with the tempo, she started her routine. Her body moved like magic. The mirror wasn’t her own audience anymore, Erik was standing at the door watching her closely. He didn’t make a move, his eyes following her skillful moves along with her dangerous body, I mean, Damara was thick. Even through her loose fitted sweats he could tell. Now that Erik got a good look at her, he recognized her from Instagram.
She was pretty popular on social media for her dancing. Erik watched a few of her videos from time to time, loving the way she moved. She had this way of letting you know she was sexy from the look she gave in the camera when it followed her body. It was as if she was daring you to touch her, let her throw it back on you and see if you can catch it.
Damara finished off to her first song, bending over with her hands on her knees to catch her breath. She paused her music, picking up her water to take a long sip. After recapping it, Damara’s eyes sweep the area, landing on the door and seeing a familiar face waving at her. 
It was him, the big dick nigga that had her on a two day hiatus. He looked to be arriving at the gym because he didn’t look worn out just fresh with a bomber jacket over top of his workout gear, beats over his ears and shades on. 
“Mind if I come in?” He mouthed.
Damara caught her breath before smiling, motioning for him to enter. He finally stepped through, dropping the duffel bag that was on his shoulder.
“Why ain’t you tell me you were a dancer? You ain’t so average.” 
“It’s kind of hard to do that when you were balls deep in me.” She mouthed tiredly.
“You talk hella bold but when I’m in there I have you running though.” He removed his shades, blessing her with his brown eyes.
“Mind if I watch? I got all day.” Erik removed his jacket.
“Fine with me,” Damara was okay with it, she had eyes on her with dancing almost all the time.
“She plugged her phone into the wall Bluetooth, settling on dancing to some pussy popping music from her freaky playlist. Yes, this was absolutely purposeful.
Right off the back, Megan Thee Stallion Freak Nasty began playing. She started off with a routine she already had to this song. She poses, hands rubbing down her frame before squatting down with a grip on her knees while swaying her hips. She did a turn, one hand in her hair with the other on her ass. Once the beat dropped, she got into the groove with a sexy hip hop routine that involved a lot of footwork and ass shaking. Her ass shook alright, like a goddamn tidal wave straight from the sea. She bounced in a circle, spreading her legs wide before landing into a perfect split that deserved tens across the board like she was a gymnast. 
Erik was impressed, and so was the huge dick that jumped happily in his compression briefs. She was clearly giving it her all, impressing him. He could fuck her ass royally with his dick, congratulate her for the little talent show. She was on the floor again, doing a perfect side split, her eyes moving from the mirror and zeroing in on his erection. She must have known that he was turned on because her eyes didn’t move from his crotch the entire time she grind, bent her body over, and twerked her ass. 
“You think that pussy can handle this dick today?”
She stops moving, hyperventilating before pausing her music.
“Nah, keep that playlist rolling, I want you to dance on this dick.”
She looked at him. He looked at her. She whispered, “okay, I admit it. You’ve got too much dick for me.” 
“Girl,” He wasn’t trying to hear that.
“I’m serious, I need to be able to move not walk like a cripple.” 
“It’s a gift,” he smiles wide.
Damara walks over to the mirrored wall, holding onto the bar before stretching her leg all the way up to her head. 
“See, you preparing yourself already.”
Erik began to approach her, Damara bent over with her head between her legs, looking from behind. She could see Erik making his way to her, the feeling in her stomach making her nervous. Damara lifts back up, grabbing a towel to wipe her neck off. Here he was now, fully enveloped in her personal space with his hands on either side of the bar, chin resting on her shoulder.
“I mean, you really got that shit up there, huh?” He was referring to her leg.
She chuckles, “Chill out, monster.”
“Monster? Hm,” Erik turns Damara around, his eyes scanning her heaving chest, “Well, it is October.” 
She smiles, licking her lips before looking at his, “You plan on scaring me again?”
Erik takes his thumb to stroke her chin, “I thought you were afraid of big, bad things?”
Damara swallows spit, eyes fluttering. She grabbed the bar on either side to brace herself.
“You ain’t know? This is my favorite time of the year.”
Damara places her hands on the back of Erik’s head, pulling him down to meet her lips. They kissed, Erik’s hand on her hips now, pulling her off and against him. The next song that played was dvsn- With me.
“C’ mon,” Erik kisses her again, their full lips in French kiss mode, “dance on me.”
Damara takes her time to work her hips into the slow beat, Erik easily matching her movements. She was impressed, turning now, dipping forward with her ass against his crotch, twirling her hips in a hypnotizing circle. Erik places one arm across her chest, his face buried in her hair, Damara turning to face him slightly while she moved her hips tantalizingly slow against him. 
“Mm,” Erik looked her frame up and down.
Damara turns, on her knees, arching back before rolling her body forward, grabbing Erik’s legs as she began to rise while her hips moved from side to side. She went to her tip toes then, one leg cleanly rising to rest on his shoulder before she arched her back, jumping up for Erik to catch her. He does, twirling her around before slowing down as the song slowed, their eyes meeting. 
“Wow,” she spoke breathlessly.
Before she could stop herself, Damara places her lips against his, Erik bringing her to the floor. Between frantic kisses, Erik undressed her, her naked sweaty body warm against his. She moans, arms around his neck. Erik takes his fingers, slipping inside to get a feel and taste.
“You taste just right,” He sucks slowly on his fingers before taking those same fingers to rub her nipples. 
“Fuck,” Damara pushes Erik down to the floor, her hands moving quickly to undress him. She needed him no matter how big he was. The sight of him again almost knocked her out. Damara grabs his dick, licking her lips before sinking her mouth over him. Erik instantly palmed the back of her head, biting his lip and saying how much of a good girl she was.
Damara sucked like her life was at stake, spit covering her hands and chest. She couldn’t fit him all in her mouth but she did her absolute best. Erik pulls her mouth off, watching the string of spit connect with her lower lip.
“Climb up, Baby girl.” Erik motions for Damara to come to him, Her legs straddling him on either side before her arms grabbed his shoulders tightly. She tried to prepare herself but the moment Erik slipped inside again she squeezed his biceps with her nails. Erik hisses, taking his hands to grab at her waist to keep her still. He started fucking up into her at an even pace, the pressure within her too much. She could feel the shit in her spine. Damara looked back at it, eyes closing in sweet pleasure before looking down at Erik’s smiling face.
“God, please keep fucking me.”
Erik grabs her ass, anchoring his hips before picking up the pace. The scream from her was so loud it bounced off the walls. 
“These walls ain’t sound proof, Baby girl.” 
She couldn’t move or control her cries. Erik was deep within her guts. Damara begged for Erik to keep going over and over, a series of please and I need more escaping her mouth.
“You gonna squirt on me like that again?” He bit his lip, raising his brows in a rude manner to initiate a response from her, “I said is that what you’re gonna do?!” 
Damara snapped, squirting like he asked. Erik slaps both her ass cheeks for that.
“Good girl, I know you got more for me.”
“Yes, Erik.” 
She froze, mouth suspended open before cumming again. Within seconds?
“Mhm,” he fucked up into her at the same killer pace, “mhm...mhm.”
“STOP!” She cries out, the urge to cum right there.
“Stop it, I’m gonna cum again!”
“Girl, shut up and cum.” 
Erik was close himself.
“Shut that crying up and cum on this dick.”
She went silent, body trembling before cumming for a third time.
“Oh my God,” she cries.
“You gonna let me cum in that mouth, Baby girl?”
Erik bounced Damara a few more times before slipping her off, standing to his feet quickly while she stayed on her knees. Damara opened wide, waiting for his treat. He jerked his big dick, grunts deep and eyes low and dangerous. After three pumps the cream spilled, Damara’s tongue ready. He tasted so damn good. 
“All of it, I’m not playing with you.”
She grabs his dick, licking and sucking all of it off.
“Good girl,” he puckered his lips down at her, mouthing a kiss. She almost fainted.
“You gonna have them thirsty bitches mad”
Damara didn’t care.
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mcufox123 · 3 years
Synopsis: You and Wanda Maximoff are best friends. The story sort of follows the song Fearless by Taylor Swift. This is set after Captain America Civil War.
Warnings: Fluff I guess lol
Authors Note: This is my first fanfic about Wanda. I have never really wrote one before. If there are any suggestions please let me know!
Word Count: 3010
I do not own any of these characters or the songs.
You had been around the avengers now for almost 2 years. Captain America had found out about your earthly abilities and recruited you as part of his team. You weren’t too sure what you had gotten yourself into, all that you knew is that you just joined the most awesome superhero group the world has ever seen. Except for, of course, the superheroes in Sky High. After moving around undercover it was nice to have a team, a family that cared about you. You had also become best friends with the Scarlett Witch, Wanda. How that name made your head fog up and the butterflies in your stomach go wild. She was perfect, but she was your best friend. You guys had shared many road trips together undercover, as well as late night Netflix marathons that included lots of ice cream. She had been your person to lean on when you found out that your sister was missing as well as your team partner when faced with a new mission. Whenever you moved to a new hotel you and Wanda would always volunteer to share rooms because no offense to the others, but they didn’t flow with you the way Wanda did.
It was about mid-September, and you were on a mission to collect some files from an agent undercover as a Hydra follower. The mission had been a success and you retrieved the files with a few days to spare in your Maine Air bnb which was hidden in the forest. Natasha was attempting to cook a pasta dish for dinner and from the looks of it, it was not turning out well.
“Hey Steve, I’m going to drive into town and get some Chinese food incase plan A doesn’t work, text me everybody’s orders.” You told the man who was reading a book on the lounge chair outside of the kitchen.
You heard him laugh before he asked, “you think she’s going to mess up a simple pasta dish?”
“I don’t think, I know,” you said as you walked towards your room. Wanda was just getting out of the shower. This is a normal thing as you both share a room every mission, but your breath still hitched as your eyes landed on her. You quickly made your way towards the bureau to grab a sweatshirt while talking to her over your shoulder, “Hey I'm going to drive into town to grab some food for dinner, because knowing Nat, she will burn the pasta and I don’t feel like cooking a second dinner tonight.” You told her.
She grabbed her clothes before walking back into the bathroom to get changed, not before calling out “Sure give me 10 minutes!” with a smile on her face.
You left the room feeling flustered in all sorts of places. You walked back into the living room where Steve still sat on the couch. “I'm headed out, don’t forget to text me. I know Nat’s order but get Sam and Bucky’s too. Oh, also tell Wanda I'm in the car.” You said before grabbing the keys and walking towards the door not even waiting for a response. You hopped in the SUV on the driver’s side before putting the keys in the ignition and playing some music. This always helped to calm you down from everything. As you waited you figured you would help clean up the yard. You pointed your hands out the window before beginning a sweeping motion that collected all the leaves and sent them through the air. You’re not really sure where the leaves ever go but it always makes you feel better to see a clear ground. You then closed your eyes and begin strumming your fingers to the new country song that was playing on the radio before you heard a knock on the window. Your eyes shot open as you turned to see Wanda in some jeans, a white t-shirt, and a green jacket with a black cap on her head. Slowly you rolled down the window.
“Hello, miss, what can I help you with?” you asked in an innocent tone. You knew what she was about to say so you had to try your hardest to keep a straight face.
“Move over Y/N, we all know you’re a horrible driver and have done damage to multiple cars, which Steve is not happy with because our budget is tight.” She said while giving you an unamused look in her eyes.
“But I never get to drive! And this place is only 10 minutes away, and I promise both hands will stay on the wheel.” Even though you secretly wanted her to drive. She didn’t even try to fight you anymore, just flicked her hand and you were suddenly in the passenger seat and she was climbing into the driver’s seat. You give her an ‘are you serious look’ as she just smiles and starts backing the car out of the driveway. The two of you drive along the beautiful fall foliage while singing some of your favorite tunes, both being wildly off key. You finally pull into the strip mall and find a parking spot. It’s a crowded strip mall, with what seems to have a food truck night outdoors. There is live music and people walking from truck to truck grabbing large takeout containers. Your eyes instantly light up at the market street lights and the live music.
“How lucky is this? This is totally awesome! Can we please hangout for a little? Please? Pretty please?” you ask like a five-year-old as your eyes continue to scan the scene. Wanda just looks at you as something crosses over her eyes. Something that you haven’t seen before. “I’ll text Steve and tell him we will be a little bit late. Please? We never get to do anything normal anymore!” you beg.
“Fine,” she sighs defeated. “but your telling Steve, I don’t feel like him being upset with me because he had to eat past 7.”
“Totally worth it.” You say before pulling out your phone and sending a quick text to Steve. His only response was an ‘ok, but also hurry up, Nat just threw away the only jar of sauce left.’
You smiled before turning to look at Wanda. She’s running her hand through her hair before putting the baseball cap back on, absentmindedly making you want her but you knew not to cross the line. “You ready?” she asked, and your only response was a nod. You both decide to divide and conquer to reach all of the food trucks in a record-breaking time. You each decided to get a few platters from each Truck as well as the samples for you both to eat while enjoying some live music.
As you find a table you are loving the normal feel of this whole event, and the fact that Wanda is here with you to experience it. She looks over at you smiling as she catches your eyes across the crowd. She walks over towards your table and sits down. “What are you so smiley about?” you ask her.
“This was actually really fun. I’m happy we got to do this. And this band is awesome!” she says looking at the people up on stage. You still can’t take your eyes off of her though. You never have seen her this relaxed outside of the comfort of the hotels. She is always on high alert that disaster can strike at any time. But here, she’s smiling, and her nose is doing that cute scrunchy thing that she does when she’s happy and her beautiful emerald eyes are sparkling as she continues to watch the people dancing. You quickly glance away before she can catch you staring. The last thing you need is to lose this amazing person because of some feelings.
“I wish I learned how to dance, or at least had some rhythm in my body.” You say as you watch somebody twirling around on the dance floor. You sat there for a while having small talk and eating the array of sample food while enjoying the music. Just as Wanda is about to say something your phone starts ringing, its Nat. You show Wanda the caller before giving her the one-minute symbol and pressing the phone to your ear.
“Hey Nat, what’s up?” you ask casually even though you know what she’s about to ask.
“Do you guys think you could pick up some food on your way home? I may have ruined the pasta.” She quietly says in embarrassment.
“Of course!” you say, trying so hard to keep your laughter back.
“And Y/N can you hurry? Bucky just woke up from his nap and we all know what happens after a nap if there is no food.”
“Of course, Nat! We will be home in 20 minutes!” you say as you hang up the phone. You look at Wanda who is just twirling some hair around her finger. Something that you learned she does when she is feeling nervous.
“You all, right?” you ask her. She’s quick to snap out of it though and look at you with a smile.
“Never better! Let’s head out before Bucky blows a gasket,” she says while getting up. You have the oddest feeling however walking back to the car. You ignore it though, not wanting to ruin the fun night you just had. The car ride back was quiet, the only sound being that of the music playing in the background. “Hey, do you think we can go for a drive tonight?” she asks. This wasn’t a new thing, when one of you felt overwhelmed or stressed you would both hop in the car and drive around whatever city you were in taking in the sights around you.
“Yeah, sure everything ok?” you ask for the second time tonight. You were starting to get worried that maybe you stared a little too long or blushed a little too hard at something she said. You worried that she was in her head again about her family, or her powers. You wished to be able to take the worry and stress away from her and make it disappear like you were able to do with the leaves earlier. You knew that she had to figure this out on her own. So you gave her the space she needed to think. The rest of the ride was quiet.
You finally got home and grabbed the food, neither of you saying a word which was odd, but you didn’t push it. Sometimes Wanda just needed to breathe and think. You walked in the door saying, “IT’S DINNER TIME.” Then laughing maniacally as Esma does in Emperor’s New Groove. Everyone knew the reference because you made them watch the movie countless times on movie night, so you got a little chuckle from Bucky, while Nat, Steve, and Sam looked at you with crazy eyes.
“Damn Y/N, are you sure you’re not a bad guy because that laugh was creepy.” Same said eyeing you up.
“Ha ha ha, very funny Sam, but no, otherwise I’d have poisoned the food.” You say with a smirk. You watched him freeze in terror
“Which she did not, I can assure you,” Wanda said setting the food on the table as everyone gathered around. Sam still eyed you suspiciously. You could still smell the burnt smell of the pasta but decided to leave Nat alone about the failed dinner, as I'm sure Bucky or Sam already teased her about it. Dinner went on with the usual catchup on the mission, what everyone did that was well and what everyone did that could have been better. Then it turned to what was coming up and where you would be going next. And then it turned into a casual conversation about which TV show was best. The whole time Wanda was almost silent, only adding to the conversation when someone directly talked to her. This had you very worried. You did not want her to start closing everyone off again.
After dinner was cleaned up you hopped in the shower before your drive with Wanda. Wanda however stayed in the kitchen talking to Nat and Steve.
“I'm going to tell her tonight.” Both Steve and Nat whipped their heads to look at the petite brunette.
“That’s great,” Nat finally said after a few minutes. Her smile grew as did Steve. Wanda was in love with you, and you had no idea. Steve and Nat had been the only people that she confided in and coincidentally so had you. They knew that the confession was only going to have a great outcome, but they were sure to keep their mouth closed about it.
Wanda went on to explain her plan to them until she heard your bedroom door shut and watch you come out with wet hair, wearing your most comfy clothes. You smiled at her as you walked out and gave a quick wave before heading out of the door. You knew just to hop in the passenger side this time because you were a bad driver but also because you knew on drives like this Wanda liked to be in control of something in her life and it was driving. As the drive began you took in the sight again of beautiful Maine. It had rained during dinner and the sight before you was one not even a picture could do justice. The pavement was still wet, and the autumn leaves were slowly falling down all around the car. You guys sat in silence, the only sound being the radio, and you know this is what she needs.
Wanda had always told you that she never felt like she could ever organize her thoughts. There was always the commotion of having powers and saving lives. She never had a time to just sit and organize her thoughts. That was when you both decided to take these drives. You agreed that nobody had to talk, instead just be there for the other person. Let them have control of the music, the car and the direction. In this moment though, you couldn’t stop looking at her. She was beautiful, even when she was freaking out. You were getting so caught up in the moment and her that you hadn’t realized the street had come to a dead end and you ran out of road. She turned off the car and just sat there. You looked out the window and you were on a cliff that was overlooking the small town. It was amazing. You must have sat there for an hour in silence. Wanda was fidgety the whole time but never said a word. You wanted so bad just to reach out and hold her, but you didn’t want to push the limits. Whatever she was going thru, it looked like a war was going on in her head, it was awful. Just when you think she is finally about to talk she turns the car back on and begins the drive home.
As you pulled into the driveway Whitney Houston’s “I wanna dance with somebody comes on the radio.” You instantly smile. This was your jam and right away distracted you from the beautiful girl sitting next to you. Little did you know she was staring at you in awe. You made your way out of the car and you were still singing the tune of the song but now you were also dancing around ridiculously in the driveway. Soon enough Wanda was also dancing, and you were both twirling each other around. After a few moments of the silliness, it began to rain again. You didn’t even care though; you were actually having more fun splashing in the fast-falling rain. You both began dancing closer and closer to each other before your faces were inches apart. You both looked at each other intensely as if asking each other with your eyes ‘are we really doing this?’ Your hands begin to shake as she pulls your foreheads together. Just then you close your eyes and feel a soft pair of lips against yours.
The kiss was everything you ever dreamed it would be. Your mouths moved flawlessly together, and for once in your life you felt fearless. So much held back emotion was put into that kiss from both of you. You finally pulled away breathless. Your foreheads still touching.
“I love you Y/N. I love you so much that it hurts to be away from you. I love you so much that I’d go to the ends of the earth for you. I have for a while now. And I don’t ever want to let you go.” She says, before you interrupt her, she continues. “Tonight, with you, was perfect. I almost told you when we were at the food trucks, but I wasn’t sure. Then I got into my head thinking about if you didn’t feel the same way. So, then we went on the drive and I almost told you on that cliff too, but I chickened out and the…” but before she can continue you kiss her again.
“I love you too, Wanda. I always have and I always will.” You say softly looking into her beautiful emerald eyes. She gives you one of the smiles that scrunches her nose. You could stay in this moment forever, with you in her arms staring at each other. You’re interrupted, however, by the rain coming down much harder now.
“We should get inside.” You say before taking her hand in yours and walking to the door. You give her one more kiss before opening the door to the house. As you walk in Steve and Nat are there smiling, obviously having watched the whole thing from the window.
“Shut it you two.” You and Wanda say at the exact same time. You take Wanda’s hand and guide her to your room not wanting to share her for the rest of the night.
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creampuffqueen · 3 years
Just Like This | Chapter Two
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a/n: Hey friends! It's been a hot second, but here's chapter two! This chapter is about a high school football game, but written by someone who has never attended a high school football game as a student (I was always performing haha) I also have no idea how football works and yet wrote Rayla explaining it to Callum! So please forgive any inaccuracies lol. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Word count: 3846
Warnings: Dirty jokes/innuendos, language
Read on Ao3
Friday, October 5th, 2020
Callum’s house, 6:02 PM
Rayla leaned on the horn of her car with a snicker, face splitting into a wide grin when the front door of Callum’s house opened. He was still putting his jacket on, and his mother followed him out, fussing.
“Have fun!” Sarai called as Callum clambered into the passenger seat, face red.
“Bye Mrs. Prince!” Rayla shouted back, waving goodbye as she put the vehicle in drive. Callum just groaned, putting his face in his hands and shaking his head.
“God, my mom’s embarrassing.”
“No, it’s sweet,” Rayla assured, “At least you know she cares.”
Callum quirked an eyebrow, but didn’t press at the statement hidden in those words. Instead, he turned his gaze out the window. “This isn’t the way to school, Rayla.”
“Duh, I’m not stupid,” She snarked back, “We have to go pick up Andie and Callisto. I just didn’t tell your mom, because technically I’m only supposed to drive with one other person, but I don’t really care about that rule.”
“Fair enough.” Callum opened up the glovebox, rifling through all the trash to find the CDs stored beneath. Her car was old enough that the radio still used CDs rather than just connecting to a phone. He found one that seemed good, and put it in the player.
At the next red light. Rayla took her eyes off the road to glare at Callum with full force as Taylor Swift’s voice filled her little car. “Where did you even find that?”
Her best friend gave a knowing smirk. “It was actually at the top of the pile. Which is weird, since you supposedly hate Taylor Swift.”
The light turned green, and Rayla was forced to look away, though her ears still burned. “I never said I hated all her music. Just the new stuff.”
“Oh, so you’re a country Taylor fan?”
“If you don’t shut up and change the music before Andromeda gets in this car I swear to god I will throw you onto the concrete.”
Callum responded by nonchalantly tossing his legs onto the dashboard. “What, like we don’t all already know you’re not as badass as you pretend to be? You’ve got a reputation to hold with us?”
“I hate you.”
He dragged a hand through his fluffy brown hair, leaning further back in the seat. “No, you love me.”
Rayla gave him her middle finger, even as her face seemed to suddenly catch fire. If only you knew.
Thankfully, she pulled up outside of Andromeda’s house just in time. The other girl could diffuse some of the sudden tension, and maybe in a few minutes Rayla could look back at Callum without her head going all fuzzy.
“Hellooooo fellow sexy people!” Andromeda crooned as she plopped into the backseat, “How are we all feeling this fine evening?”
Glancing behind him, Callum’s eyes widened at the other girl’s outfit. She was completely decked out in the colors of Katolis High School, red and gold covering her entire body.
“I thought you were just wearing that getup for the first game?”
Andromeda shrugged. “Why not for every game? It’s fun.” She tugged at the red and gold jersey emblazoned with the number eight, then twirled her silvery hair tied into two pigtails with red ribbon.
“Let’s go get Callisto,” Rayla suggested, pulling out of her friend’s driveway.
“Perfect,” Andromeda replied.
As they drove, Rayla continued to speak, “Ground rules: you and Callisto keep your hands to yourselves in my car. I don’t care what you do at the game, but I’m not having any bodily fluids on my nice seats. Am I clear?”
“You and Callum with your ground rules,” The other girl sighed, “But fine. You two clearly think way worse of us than we actually are, though.”
Rayla and Callum shared a grin between them. Andromeda and Callisto were great on their own, but ever since they’d begun dating freshmen year they’d starting getting all handsy. Rayla knew, because Andie shared everything with her, that they hadn’t gone all the way, not yet.
Key word: yet.
And god help her, they were not going to complete their yet in her backseat.
It wasn’t long before they pulled up to Callisto’s house finding them similarly decked out for the Friday night game.
“Well now I’m feeling underdressed,” Callum snorted, glancing at the couple behind him. True to their word, they were keeping a perfectly respectable distance, but everyone knew it wouldn’t last.
“You’re wearing red,” Callisto suggested awkwardly, gesturing to his read scarf. “Just not the right shade.”
“I’ve got extra ribbons for my hair, if you want some, Rayla,” Andromeda offered.
As they pulled into the stadium parking lot, the sun rapidly setting behind them, Rayla turned back to her friend with a grin. “Yes please. You’re so good at hair, Andie.”
The group piled out of the car, Callisto and Andromeda holding hands, as expected. Callum turned to her with a smile and offered his arm. Nudging his side affectionately, Rayla hooked it with her own, desperately trying to keep her face from reddening.
Soon enough they were inside the stadium, and Callum had let go of her arm to pull out his phone and ask where the rest of their friends were. Rayla’s phone buzzed, probably from the group chat, and she opened it up to find where Claudia, Ram, and Skor were sitting.
Claudia: We’re on the far right of the bleachers
Claudia: Kind of near where the band is sitting. We’ve got a really good view close to the top
Ram: Hurrrrry
Andromeda: stfu ram, we’re coming
Ram: If Callisto’s with you then you’ll certainly be coming ;)
Andromeda: I’m going to obliterate your tiny twig ass
Claudia: ANYWAY
Claudia: My friend Nyx from theater class is here, is it okay if she sits with us? Maybe not for the whole game bc she says her friends are coming but just for the start
Their small group began to make their way to the far side of the stadium, where Claudia said they were, while Andromeda still had her nose in her phone. Probably insulting Ram, if Rayla had to guess. The idea of another person staying with them bothered her, if she was honest. They already had their friend group; they didn’t need to add anyone else.
Callum: Yeah sure, it’s fine
With a slight sigh, Rayla followed her friends up the steps of the bleachers until Claudia came into view, standing up and waving. Callum bounded up the stairs, a wide grin on his face. When he reached her, Claudia gave him a quick hug, then released him to reach for Rayla.
“Everyone, this is Nyx!” After hugging everyone, Claudia turned towards her other friend to introduce her. Nyx was sitting casually on the metal seats, and she gave a cheerful wave.
“Hi Nyx,” Everyone seemed to chorus in unison, making the other girl chuckle slightly.
Soon everyone had settled onto the metal bleachers, waiting for the game to begin. Tonight they were going against Neolandia, a longtime rival. The other school had a bit of a reputation for playing dirty, and everyone had resolved to keep a sharp eye out during the game for any instance of foul play.
But every thought about the impending football game flew from Rayla’s head as Callum leaned against her side, his soft hair brushing right below her eyes.
“Aren’t you cold?” He asked, giving a pointed glance to her bare arms.
“I probably will be later,” She admitted, taking in her outfit. Jeans, Converse, and a red and gold t-shirt wouldn’t do much to shield her from the cold when the sun went down.
“Just tell me and I’ll share my jacket,” Callum promised with a good-natured laugh. Rayla’s eyes widened a bit. Was he serious?
She was jolted from her thoughts by a sudden tap on her shoulder. Andromeda sat behind her, several hair ties and various ribbons clutches in her hands.
“Braids or pigtails, Rayla?”
“Er…” Slightly unsure, she took one of the red ribbons from her friend’s hand and twisted it slightly in her own.
“Braids,” Callum finished the sentence for her, “Your hair looks good in braids.”
“It really does look good like that,” Andromeda hummed appreciatively, dragging Rayla to sit closer to her so she could brush her fingers through her silver hair.
With the motion of Andromeda rhythmically combing her hair, Rayla allowed herself to relax in the familiarity of her friends. All around her they talked idly, Claudia’s snort-laugh punctuating sentences, Callum’s voice cracking providing plenty of entertainment.
The buzzer rang to begin the game just as Andromeda tied off the second braid, flicking both of them over Rayla’s shoulders so she could see them better.
“Oh, they’re so pretty!” She leaned back to give Andromeda a hug. “Thanks, Andie.”
“GO SOREN!” Claudia screamed suddenly, causing Rayla to nearly topple backwards into Andromeda’s lap. Everyone around them flinched, and they got a couple dirty looks from the other spectators.
Claudia didn’t seem to care, though. She was standing, cheering ecstatically for the blob moving down below, who must have been Soren. At some point she’d acquired pom-poms. From where, Rayla had no clue.
Callum and Rayla shared a look, neither of them lasting very long before bursting out laughing. If Claudia noticed, she didn’t show it, and kept cheering in the stands for her older brother.
“Woohoo!” Andromeda pumped her fist, though she didn’t stand up and join the junior girl. Instead she scooted over on the metal seat to sit next to Callisto, nearly tossing herself in their lap. Her partner just rolled their eyes and wrapped an arm around Andromeda’s waist.
Claudia’s cheering eventually faded into the background, letting Rayla focus on the field. They were rapidly taking yard lines, but it was only the first quarter. Things could change. Though she sure hoped not; if they were going to lose a game to anyone it had better not be Neolandia.
Then, on the next play, someone tossed the ball high and far, and Rayla was on the edge of her seat, and it was getting closer and closer to the endzone-
“TOUCHDOWN!” Claudia roared, sweet demeanor evaporating in the spirit of the game. “WE GOT A TOUCHDOWN!”
“We got a what?” Callum glanced up from his sketchbook. Both Rayla and Claudia whipped around to glare at him, neither realizing he’d brought it out. In an unspoken agreement, Claudia distracted him with a piercing stare, giving Rayla just the opening she needed to snatch the book from his hands.
“Hey!” The other boy yelped, but it was too late, and Rayla was already sprinting down the steps of the bleachers, sketchbook in hand.
“You’ll get it back after you watch the game!” She shouted from below, sticking her tongue out to blow a raspberry.
“Oh, very mature Rayla!”
“Come watch the game!”
His pout was absolutely adorable, and Rayla flushed at the thought, waving the stolen sketchbook high in the air. “Come watch with me!”
Finally, he relented, though not without a fair amount of complaining and cursing as he traipsed down the bleachers to get to her side.
“You are an evil person.”
She giggled, tucking the book under an arm. “I’m the weirdly sexy villain on a kids’ TV show.”
Callum just sighed. “Not funny.”
“Excuse you!” Rayla shot back, giving a dramatic wail, “I am the funniest person in this entire school!”
He made a weak grab for his sketchbook, but Rayla simply danced out of the way. “Nuh uh, no sir. You are going to watch the game with me.”
“But I don’t even know how football works,” Callum complained, gesturing to the field. The timer was paused, and Katolis was ahead, though not by much. It was going to be a tight game.
“Then I’ll teach you. And you’ll have fun, and learn to enjoy football, and we can all be a big happy friend group and you won’t have your face buried in a sketchbook.”
“For the record, I like having my face buried in a sketchbook-”
“Nonsense!” Rayla exclaimed, “You’re going to have fun. Without this old thing.”
“Alright, alright,” Callum sighed, “I’ll put it away. Can I please have it back?”
Rayla finally relented with a triumphant grin. “Let’s go back up top; you can see way better. Plus we’re near the band so we get to hear their stand tunes up close and personal.”
They arrived back at their seats just as the timer started again, and Rayla began her intense rundown of the inner workings of football. Callum tried to pay attention, but she could tell everything was going right over his head. Finally, she just settled for, “Cheer whenever our side is cheering, and you’ll fit right in.”
In the time it took to explain the first quarter had nearly ended, with Neolandia pulling ahead. Claudia was doing an elaborate pompom routine to rival the cheerleaders down below, even involving Nyx for parts.
“Gimme an S! Gimme an O! Gimme a R-E-N! What does that spell!?”
“Soren!” Nyx finished, and Claudia waved her pompoms triumphantly. Rayla watched them both with slightly piqued interest, flicking her ribbon-braided hair back and forth over her shoulder.
“Rayla, Callum-” She was pulled from her thoughts by Skor’s booming voice as he walked near them. “First quarter is over, we’re going to get some snacks. Come with?”
“I’m starving!” Callum chuckled, “It’s definitely time to stuff my face with junk food.”
“There’s the football game spirit!” Rayla cheered, clapping her friend on the shoulder. “Let’s go consume sugar-rich foods in unhealthily excessive portion sizes!”
The small group left Nyx and Claudia to their pompoms, and Callisto and Andromeda to… whatever it was they were doing. Perhaps trying to fuse their faces together? Whatever it was, it was gross and making everyone want to leave for a minute.
Beneath the bleachers was crowded with students and parents alike. Callum linked one hand with her, offering the other to Ram, attempting to keep from losing their group in the crowd.
It was a struggle to keep her face neutral. All her thoughts suddenly surged away from her head, instead focusing on that single point of contact. Were her hands sweating? God, she hoped they weren’t. She hoped she wasn’t the only one feeling too many emotions to count.
In the line for the snack bar (or, what she hoped was the line, as it was too crowded to properly tell) Callum didn’t meet her eyes, but his grip was firm as he pointed out the menu. Ram and Skor stood nearby, having foregone holding Callum’s other hand. Rayla wasn’t sure if she was happy for it or not.
“If we pool our money we can get a hot dog for everybody,” Skor suggested, “And maybe some popcorn too.”
“Yeah,” Callum agreed, “Let’s get a few popcorns and we can all share in pairs. Like you two, Claudia and Nyx, me and Rayla, and then the two leeches.”
“If they ever come up for air,” Rayla snickered, and she was greeted with Callum’s resounding voice-cracky laugh, and he truly turned to meet her eyes.
“Wanna bet they’ll eat it out of each others’ mouths?”
Rayla pretended to gag, “They’d better not.”
“Oh! Wait! They’ll eat the hot dogs like in the spaghetti scene from Lady and the Tramp!” Ram snickered, and his suggestion was met with varying levels of disgust.
Finally, it was their turn to order. As they all gathered up their food Rayla could hear the buzzer on the field and more cheering from their side, so she hustled her friends back onto the bleachers.
Just in time, too. On the field, the ball flew into the endzone, and the entire Katolis side erupted into cheers. The band started playing a tune, and the cheerleaders began a mini routine.
“THAT’S MY BROTHER!” Claudia screamed over the roaring of the stadium, bouncing so hard Rayla wondered how she hadn’t simply flown away yet. Andromeda was standing on her seat to cheer, Callisto’s arm wrapped her around her waist to keep her steady.
“Gold! And red! We’ll knock ‘em dead!” On the edge of the field, the cheerleaders chanted carrying it throughout the stands. The band kicked into a higher gear, playing the school’s iconic fight song that had everyone clapping to the beat. Out on the field, Rayla could spot Soren’s blond head among the other players, pumping his fists in triumph.
“So I’m assuming we did something good?” Callum shouted over the din, wading through the throng of people to sit back down on their metal seats. One of his hands was still attached to hers, and Rayla had no intentions of letting go any time soon.
“Yes, dummy!” She giggled back, pointing to the scoreboard. They finally were able to reach their seats, and plopped back down while the cheers began to fade. Callum had been holding one of the bags of popcorn, and he placed it between them so they both could share. Ram and Skor passed out the rest of the food, and the group all relaxed once more.
When the game was finally up and running again, Nyx turned away from Claudia’s intense one-woman cheer session to face Rayla and Callum, plopping pieces of popcorn in her mouth. Her eyes, one blue and one amber, honed in on Rayla in such a way that an embarrassed flush crept up her cheeks with little warning.
“You two look cozy,” She remarked with a smirk. Rayla’s face burned hotter, and she resisted the urge to scoot away. Callum blinked in surprise, glancing between Rayla and Nyx.
“Callum’s my best friend,” Rayla replied, though it sounded lame, even to her. “We’ve always been close.”
The other girl just smiled broader. “It’s so cute. At least you guys are way more subtle than those two over there.” She gave a pointed glance behind them, and Rayla didn’t even have to turn to know that Andromeda and Callisto were making out. Again.
“Oh, uh, we’re- we’re not dating…” Callum said awkwardly.
“You’re not?” Nyx blinked up in mock surprise. “I mean, you’re sharing a popcorn, she’s practically in your lap-”
“I am not!” Indignantly, Rayla shot a glare at the other girl.
Nyx just rolled her eyes. “Whatever you say, lovebugs.” Reaching for more popcorn, she turned back around in her seat to chat with Claudia some more.
“Well, she’s something,” Callum muttered under his breath, “Going out and assuming things.” He met Rayla’s eyes, then looked away just as quickly, like he hadn’t meant to be heard. “I mean, us dating?”
Rayla’s whole face was on fire. Scratch that, her whole body was on fire. Was she having a panic attack? Is this what a panic attack felt like?
“Crazy, huh?” The words came out of her mouth before she could stop them. The two teenagers shared an awkward laugh that did nothing to lessen the tension, then went back to eating their popcorn.
Rayla didn’t have much of an appetite anymore.
The rest of the game was a blur she hardly remembered, points and scores blending from one to the next. On the outside she was smiling, laughing, cheering. On the inside she was empty.
Before long the last buzzer had rung, and Katolis had won the game by the skin of their teeth. The band played their final tune, and everyone began to vacate the stands.
With the crowd that had come to the game, it took a while to make it back to Rayla’s car. They said their goodbyes to their friends while they walked their separate ways, promising to see them again on Monday.
It was pretty late, nearly 10:30, so the chatter that had filled the car on the way in had lessened now. Andromeda and Callisto were even talking, rather than engaged in a lip-lock. In the passenger seat, Callum once again had his feet up on the dashboard, and was sketching by the light of the stadium floodlights as they waited their turn to leave the parking lot.
When they finally exited, the talking stilled even further. There was no sound in the car save for the radio, and the quiet scratching of pencil lead on paper.
Callisto was dropped off first, Andromeda not too long after. And then it was just Rayla and Callum, alone once again.
She pulled into his driveway and put the car in park, letting it idle while he gathered his things. He reached for the door handle, but something stopped him. He turned back to face her.
“Rayla, I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” She echoed, “For what?”
Callum scratched at the back of his neck. “For making things all awkward. You know I’m not good being put on the spot like that, but I just made things worse and I’m sorry.”
“You mean about Nyx?”
Rayla shrugged. “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for. It’s her who should be sorry, assuming and being an ass and all that.”
“Still.” Callum glanced down at his sketchbook, still open. After a moment’s hesitation, he reached down and tore out the page. Rayla only had enough time to furrow her eyebrows in confusion - Callum never tore out pages of his sketchbook - before the page was in her hands.
It was a picture of her. She was smiling, and her hair was braided with ribbons. It was a picture of her just tonight.
“You’re my best friend, Rayla.” She glanced back up to see Callum’s earnest expression as he spoke. “I don’t wanna let something stupid come between us. Whatever Nyx said doesn’t matter, okay? We know what we are.”
“Yeah,” Rayla said, punctuating the sentence with a half-hearted laugh.
“Okay,” Callum chuckled, “Glad we’re on the same page. We communicate, you know?” His grin was real as he stepped out of the car.
“See you on Monday, Rayla.”
She waited for him to reach his front door, making sure he got inside safely, before she pulled away. She was so exhausted that she drove all the way home nearly in a daze (which would have been way more unsafe if she hadn’t just been driving through a neighborhood).
It wasn’t until she was back at home in her own driveway, car turned off, that everything truly hit.
If he hadn’t been clear before, he was crystal now. He may as well have outright said, ‘I just see you as a friend and I’ll never see you as anything else’. Maybe being so upfront would make things easier, and keep her from clinging to stupid, false hope.
Rayla refused to let herself cry. Don’t cry, not over him. He’s still your friend. Take what you can get.
So she got out of the car, went inside, and went to bed. And maybe she cried, just a little.
No, you love me, he’d said with that adorable little grin of his.
Okay, maybe more than just a little.
a/n: AHHHHHH I feel bad for Rayla and I PUT HER THROUGH THIS PAIN. They never even got to share Callum's jacket because Nyx made things awkward :(
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2manyfandoms2count · 3 years
I love you (not) - Chapter 11
I'm back! Almost a month late, but exams got in the way of @marichatmay (how inconsiderate of my uni to hold them at this time of the year, really) The updates should be more frequent again, especially since I've got at least a couple of chapters planned that combine two prompts! Hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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Chapter 11: In which, to quote Taylor Swift, dancing is a dangerous game
Marinette hummed happily as she inspected the dress on her mannequin.
Without tooting her own horn, it really was some of her best work; she'd chosen an asymmetric cut for it, slightly shorter in front, so the silk fabric teased the top of her knees. It was light enough that it could expand like a corolla if she twirled, but the shape of the skirt prevented it from hitching too high (one had to remain classy).
She was so pleased with the result. She'd fallen in love with the velvet lining of the cherry blossom pattern fabric when she'd stumbled upon it at the Marché St Pierre over a year ago, and had bought it on a whim. It had been safely sitting at the back of her fabric case ever since, for lack of a worthy project. She’d looked at it longingly every time she opened the box, hoping inspiration would strike.
She didn’t know if it was the upcoming class party, her strangely giddy heart, or the lovely late spring weather, but something in the air had titillated her creativity, and here she was, the proud owner of a beautiful dress, perfect for any occasion.
And what an occasion the class party was turning out to be. What had started out as a lowkey plan to celebrate the approaching end of the school year and the end of the brevet, had developed into something much bigger when the class had started discussing where to hold it, and Chloé had ended up suggesting the Grand Paris restaurant with a seemingly exasperated sigh. Marinette had seen her small smile when everyone had thanked her, though, and had made a mental note to suggest that they found a small present for her before the party.
Alya had been shocked when she’d voiced the thought aloud, asking if Marinette was feeling feverish, but her friend had shrugged the comment off. She just felt very light and breezy for some reason, and nothing could knock her off her air path.
She sighed contentedly as she put her pins away and opened a window to let the warm spring breeze in. This would do nicely. Even if she wasn't going to directly pursue Adrien, she was sure he'd notice the quality of her garment. And then, if he asked her to dance like the last time they’d been to a party at Chloé’s...
Oh, but what if we do dance like last time , she froze at the thought. I haven't made any progress in dancing, and even though I managed to not faceplant in front of him last time, I'm not sure that my luck will withstand a second time - what if I step on his feet? What if I knock into him and break his nose? Then he will hate me, his whole modeling career will be ruined, and Gabriel Agreste will make sure I never become a designer, and Adrien and I will never get married, have our house, three kids and our hamster named-
The lack of oxygen from her hyperventilating made her lose her balance and she caught herself on her desk. She breathed out slowly, relaxing as her eyes met Chat’s on their picture from the Café des Chats. She needed to stop catastrophising. It wouldn’t be a good idea to dance with Adrien, not while her “relationship” with Chat Noir was still "going strong”. She caught herself wondering how out of place it would be to invite him along to the party (it would definitely give her an excuse not to dance with Adrien), but promptly waved the thought away.
She went up to her computer and pulled up a dance tutorial to get her mind off of things. Just to be on the safe side.
"One two three, one two three..." She tried following the waltz steps, pretending to hold someone in her arms.
She felt a little stupid, but quickly brushed the feeling away. It wasn’t like someone was going to see her. She closed her eyes and let herself be carried by the music, picturing the movements in her head. It was easier this way.
“I must say, Marinette, you have excellent taste in music. Oh! Whatcha doing?” Her eyes flew open at the sound of a familiar voice and she stumbled backwards, crashing into her mannequin. Had she somehow invoked Adrien? A quick glance at her window and the smiling, masked face dangling upside down from it answered her question. "It really drags a cat- woah there, careful Princess!”
Chat leaped inside as his smile melted into a concerned frown.
“Would you stop sneaking up on me like that?!” She cursed as he helped her up, not admitting that she was actually kind of glad to see him. It had been a while. She immediately straightened her mannequin and started dusting off the dress.
“But where’s the fun in that? You’re cute when you’re dancing.” He felt his cheeks pinken, on par with hers at the compliment.
“Yeah, well, um…” She stammered, occupying herself by frantically checking for any sign of damage. “You could have ruined my dress!” She huffed.
“Ooh, is that what you’ll be wearing at Chloé… Bourgeois’ party?” He caught himself before he could sound too chummy about Chloé, but his face lit up as he turned around the mannequin to inspect it.
“What do you know about that?” Marinette crossed her arms and squinted suspiciously at him.
“Oh, nothing much,” he gulped, remembering how attentive to detail Marinette was. “I just heard about it through the grapevine, you know? I kind of keep a tab on events involving the Bourgeois, they tend to be at high akumatisation risk.”
“Clever kitty,” Marinette whispered under her breath.
“What was that?” Chat smirked.
“I said, that’s fair.” She cleared her throat.
“Right.” He nudged her. “Anyway, this dress is gorgeous, you’ve done an ameowzing job on it, Marinette.”
“Thanks.” She bit back a giddy smile, and cleared her throat. “What are you doing here, anyway?”
“I…” Chat hesitated. He wasn’t sure, really. He’d been relaxing in his room, gazing at his ceiling, when he’d suddenly felt an irrepressible longing to see Marinette, and had promptly been on his way. He wondered if he could invoke his right to want to see his girlfriend, but decided it probably wasn’t for the best. They hadn’t seen each other since their encounter at the flower shop (well, of course they had, but she hadn’t been aware of it), and the part of him who was still hellbent on ending this absurd arrangement was convinced that a bit of progress towards a potential breakup had been made; blurting out defining relationship terms would definitely not help go down that road. “I was just in the neighbourhood, so I thought I’d pop in and say hi! I’ve missed you.” He felt the tip of his ears warm up at his words.
“I’ve missed you, too.” She looked at her feet bashfully and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
Both remained silent for a moment while the waltz music kept playing in the background, unsure what to say next. The silence was interrupted by a loud ad for Tsurugi cars on Marinette’s computer.
She jumped and went to close the tab, but Chat Noir caught the name of the video before she could do so.
“A dance tutorial?” He tilted his head inquisitively, and she froze. “What’s this for?”
“Well, I know it sounds stupid, but… I’m a little worried about the dancing part of Chloé’s evening.” She admitted, knotting her hands together.
“But you’re a great dancer!” Chat’s exclamation came out like a cry from the heart. “I mean, I suppose. How could you not be? You’re Marinette Dupain-Cheng! You can do anything.”
“Thanks, Chat.” She flashed him a bright smile, making his heart skip a beat.
“I’m only speaking the truth.” He bowed, and decided it would be for the best for him to change the subject, before he went down the ‘Marinette is amazing’ rabbit hole. The rant could easily last for a long time. Thankfully, the video came to his rescue. “You know, though, I hear kids these days don’t really waltz anymore,” he said conspiratorially.
It was true; even though his father had been adamant about him taking ballroom dancing lessons, claiming every respectable young man knew how to dance, Nino had been almost uncharacteristically mocking about how he’d danced with Marinette at Chloé’s first party when they’d discussed it later (he’d had to gush about how great it had been to dance with his good friend), advising him to update his dancing style. Adrien had therefore looked it up, and had found out that Rock’n Roll dancing seemed fairly popular still, and his father had approved the suggestion to add it to the acceptable dance list. He wondered if Marinette also knew how to dance it.
“I know people who still waltz,” Marinette replied, defensively crossing her arms in front of her chest. “And so what if it’s a little old-fashioned? I don’t see what’s wrong with it.”
“It’s just not very twenty-first century, is all.” He shrugged, although he wanted to scream that he agreed with her. He was mildly afraid that she’d see that two of the people she knew who appreciated waltzing were blond guys with green eyes, about the same height and build, and absolutely fantastic, funny and well-dressed, and that she would connect the dots. He wasn’t sure Ladybug would be very pleased if his identity was leaked over a dance, no matter how trustworthy Marinette was.
“Oh yeah? And what would you suggest, then?” Marinette cocked an eyebrow.
“Ever heard of Rock’n Roll?” he asked.
“I don’t live under a rock, you know.” She rolled her eyes. “Pun unintended.”
“And do you know how to dance it?” He took a step forward.
“I know the basics.” She shrugged.
“Would you like to practise? Just in case it turns out to be useful at Chloé’s…” He trailed off, trying to hide how excited he was at the prospect of dancing with Marinette again.
She wrung her hands together and pondered her options. It would be pretty stupid not to seize the opportunity, plus, she’d always kind of wondered what it would be like to dance with Chat. She didn’t know where the idea came from, although maybe their late night patrols in the moonlight played a part in it. “Are you sure you don’t have more important things to attend to?” She looked up at him.
“I’m free as a bird.” He grinned.
“Okay, then.” She found a playlist and launched it. “Show me what you’ve got.”
Chat Noir extended his hand and she took it. He pulled her in a little closer, twirling her in and back out before swinging their hands in rhythm with the music.
“The real pros trace little hearts to the beat, because your heart rate actually changes to match the tempo of a song,” he confided, before taking her other hand.
They met chest to chest a couple of times, then lifted their arms over their heads, letting go of one hand. Chat’s gloved hand hovered over Marinette’s arm as they moved just out of reach of each other, giving her goosebumps. Her breath hitched slightly, and she was fairly sure her complexion was now a couple of shades redder. Chat didn’t notice, or pretended not to, twirling her again, then taking her other hand again to go through a series of passes.
Marinette was impressed by how smoothly he led her, how natural it seemed to be for him. He smiled casually as they danced and she relaxed, effortlessly falling into rhythm with him.
As the end of the song approached, Chat got more confident that she could take more complex moves and picked up the difficulty. Marinette was slightly dizzy from all the twists and turns and was thankful for the pause he gave her after a string of moves. They stepped to the rhythm, her back to his chest, for a couple of beats longer than was traditional. She wondered if he’d sensed that he’d reached her limit.
“Hey, Marinette?” Chat’s breath tickled her ear as he whispered in it.
“Yes?” She looked up at him. Their faces were mere inches away; his gaze had an intensity she’d rarely seen him sport. She couldn’t deny it was a good look on him.
“Do you trust me?” His voice was slightly hoarse from the exercise.
“With my life,” she breathed, her eyes mindlessly landing on his lips. “Why-aaaah!”
She yelped as his hands dropped to her waist and he picked her up, then flipped her in the air.
He caught her before she landed, but her surprise made her fall more heavily than she would have with more notice, a loud thud echoing with her pulse in her ears as the song finally came to an end.
“Hmm, you should really rehearse that last move before the dance, you weren’t very light on your feet…” Chat bit back his laughter.
Marinette was about to punch his shoulder and yell at him to never pull that kind of thing on her again, unless he wanted to become cat food, when Sabine’s voice sounded from below.
“Marinette? Is everything alright?”
“Ah, er, yes Maman! Everything’s fine, I just knocked over my mannequin again!” She called out, frantically starting to push Chat up her stairs, towards her skylight. “You need to go, she can’t know that you’re here,” she added in hushed tones. If Sabine found him there with her… Well, Marinette had managed to convince her after the very first lunch that Chat and her wouldn’t work out, and she knew her mother had taken her word for it; she wasn’t so sure how she would react if she discovered that things were serious enough that he came around and danced in her room with her. Not that it was romantic in any way, but she knew what it could look like from the outside.
“Okay, okay,” he chuckled, “no need to be so pushy.”
“Consider it your punishment for almost giving me a heart attack,” Marinette shook her head. Her next words reassured him that she held no grudge. “See you later?”
“I’ll definitely cat ch you around, Princess,” he winked as he quickly kissed her hand. She rolled her eyes, but smiled nonetheless. “By the way, I’m sure you’ll do great, whoever you dance with.”
“Thanks, Kitty.”
As she returned inside, she reflected on their synchronicity, and wondered if it was all down to the couple of years of fighting side by side, or if something bigger was at stake, allowing herself, for the first time since it had happened, to think about her first kiss for a little more than a couple of seconds.
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