#only structural questionable part is the base of the tail
snowpuff79 · 2 months
Outta town, had to abandon the Tiny Manticore sculpt half finished .wahhh it's been weeks x( !!!!!! I didn't finish the fluff or even bake the nails!!!
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sothasil · 2 years
hello my good friend and keeper of khajiit knowledge. I have an inquiry for you. How do khajiit babies start out? I've heard they all begin as kittens, which does make sense for most of the furstock, ease on the alfiqs, but I'm having trouble like. making logical sense of it (which I know is dumb for tes lore) and I was wondering if you had thoughts on the subject?
My biggest thing is just the sheer differences that would have to happen in the first few weeks/months/years (however long it takes for a furstock to develop in it's entirety) for the variances between just plain skeletal structure. Because if they all start as kittens, so four legged digitigrades, I cannot imagine the shift to two legged plantigrades makes for a pleasant infanthood. It's growing pains turned to full blast! There's gotta be differences in newborns between four legged and two legged and digitigrade vs plantigrade, and maybe they just start kitten sized, but not actually kittens?
sorry if this is a bothersome ask, you just know so much about khajiit/have amazing world building for them and I figured you could solidly set this into my brain besides just handwaving it and going "it's moon magic!" like everyone else has done rjgtkgjf
Hello Chance! I'll be answering this ask publicly just in case other people are interested - if you'd want it not shared, please say so and I'll lock RBs.
The short answer to your question is we don't know. Khajiit children, or depictions thereof, do not exist in TES. So strictly canonically speaking: we have nothing.
The longer answer: I have had the exact same train of thought before and came to similar conclusions. Not only do khajiit of all shapes and sizes have to grow into these shapes and sizes, but any shape of khajiit has to uh, get pushed out of any other shape of khajiit... For my own headcanon I have solved this with two ideas. The following is all headcanon!
The first thing: the furstock of the mother will in major part dictate how many babies they can have in a single litter. In real life biology, humans have it very complicated, because our hips, made for walking upright, work poorly to give birth. Following this, I think the more humanoid a khajiit is, the less babies they can carry at once.
In my own Khajiit OC families, this is why Ma'Jahrann only has a brother and they are both single litters, because their mom is an Ohmes. But the mom herself (Elaahni) is one of half a dozen litter-sisters, her mother being Alfiq-raht.
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The second thing: all khajiit are born as tiny shapeless cat beans. The younger they are, the more khajiit look like each other in terms of furstocks. Some eventually stand upright and others do not. Here is some concept art based on this idea I did for Beyond Skyrim.
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On top of growing into their adult body plan, I made them also grow into their coat, with some more humanoid furstocks staying relatively hairless for a khajiit (see my Ohmes concept art). While this makes for rapid, weird growing, this is arguably the case for many animals including humans, who go from quadrupeds to bipeds pretty fast!
For BSE, instead of doing a model per furstock for children which would be a hefty amount of work, we decided on only three at around the same young age as vanilla kids, to "sum up" all furstocks with three yet less defined body types: a quadruped very catlike one, a digitigrade fully furry one with a long tail, and a plantigrade type with a straighter neck; allowing for variety with limited ressources.
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For my own OCs again - some older drawings I did of Rezad and Rakkan show them as having short legs and a very catlike baby shape, despite both of them being bipeds, Cathay and Cathay-raht respectively. Again, because as babies, their body plan is more muddy.
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Rezad and his dad, both Cathay
This being said - I hope this is inspiring, but again, all headcanon! As with any unexplained lore area, it's your freedom to make your preferred takes out of it :) Cheers!
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eyeofnewtblog · 3 months
So, my dad does a bridge school at the university he teaches at (his is held in January and is a 4 day refresher course for professionals) but honestly, any one young who is interested in civil engineering…making popsicle stick bridges is where it starts.
The number one question is always “how much stupidity/natural disaster can you build against with the budget you’ve been given” and then the construction workers get to the design and go “oh fuck this engineer, he’s never spent a single day on the job site”
One, female engineers are always eager and encouraged early on, but then they run into the Good Old Boys Club. My dad is in the Club, kind of, but he literally married a female engineer back in the 80’s and is pretty upset when women drop out of the major or (like my mom) constantly run into issues where misogyny is a major factor (screaming tantrums out of a 50+ man) in upper management.
Two, construction workers who are handed the materials list and the blueprint are 90% of the time complaining about the fact that while they’re given the most “efficient” design for structural integrity and materials, they’re going to be labor intensive to either maintain, install, or repair.
Take the 2002 Volkswagen Beetle. What fucking engineer decided to put the steering fluid pump line OVER the timing belt? It DOES make the engine more compact. It does. It also requires, as part of regular maintenance, that you UNPLUG a line that is an absolute bitch to reconnect, and should only require maintenance or repair once every two years, to be disconnected JUST so that you can replace a belt that needs to be replaced “as needed” which really just means once a year if you buy the cheapest replacement.
And engineers DO THINK ABOUT THESE THINGS. Their job is to weigh costs of maintenance, repair, sustainability.
But the reality is that if they get paid big bucks to come up with “the most efficient design” they’ll also, as part of their licensing, be required to report the drawbacks of said design.
To be fair, some inefficient aspects only pop up after manufacturing the product. But the fact remains that corporations deliberately ignore stated engineering concerns or warnings based on aesthetic, planned obsolescence, etc. That, or manufacturing costs cause corporations to deliberately ignore engineering manufacturing requirements for a design from the very start.
Or! Plus, there really is a more efficient design and the market hasn’t caught on yet! This happens with aftermarket car parts a lot.
I guess long story short, I’m very happy that these girls are getting to test out legit bridge designs and that they have the same experiences my dad gave me and my sisters (every single science experiment issued by a teacher was met with “do you wanna build bridges or test concrete? A shrug is not a choice, here’s a quarter, heads for concrete tails for bridges.”) and while I have absolutely zero interest in building bridges or testing the strength of concrete as a living, I’m really glad that someone is making it an interesting group project for young people. I’m also glad that I was raised by engineers and am capable of thinking logically about structural integrity and cost management.
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p5x-theories · 8 months
Since we have all these new party members, how would you rate them and their personas’ designs? Are they all hits or are some of them misses? Give the people your thoughts! *holds up microphone patiently*
Aw, I'm touched you want to hear more of my thoughts on the party member and Persona designs! Alright, sure.
Same as the last posts, I do really like all the newbies! Actually, this might be some of my favorite Personas yet, in particular.
And same disclaimers as last time as well; For thieves, I'm just commenting on what the design looks like it's doing/trying to do, and whether I think it works and I like it. For Personas, I'm not really taking into account how well they do (or don't) represent the figure they're supposed to be, just how well I think the design gets its concept across, and does (or doesn't) match its thief.
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Starting out with Bui and Apseudes!
I love Bui's whole vibe, honestly. It feels lightly sci-fi/futuristic, and a little unreal, which is perfect for a teammate who's based on their video game avatar rather than their real real-world self, without being too much. My favorite part is easily the rollerskates! She gives me a vaguely Jet Set Radio Future vibe with them, though I wouldn't say she literally looks like a JSRF character, haha.
I do wonder about those... hair decoration... bunny ear things she has going on? She has them as Yui as well, but I'm very curious if that's a game thing or just a distinctive detail they chose to give her. It's not a problem, per se, just slightly strange in the way where looking at it, I feel like I want an answer for what it is/does? Same with that partial ring/collar thing that floats around her neck. It looks kind of unreal/sci-fi, sure, but it can look a little strange if you focus on it, and raises that same "what does this do?" question for me.
As for Apseudes, I do have to say, I love that it also mirrors her weird hair decoration/bunny ear-shaped things. Also, big fan of the hexagon half-dome thing, and the whole hydroelectric arms and legs thing she has going on. I'll admit, she looks notably more sci-fi than Bui, but I think they get away with it, because she also sort of looks like a power plant or something, which kind of goes with Bui's tech (as a power source), and also clearly reflects Apseudes' element.
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Next, Puppet and Nemertes!
My favorite parts of Puppet are probably her visor, that strap thing going around her back and the little forked (almost coat tail-like?) thing around her waist that it appears to hook onto, and the thick, kind of water shoe-like soles of her shoes. Especially with her "weapon", she immediately gives the kind of sea explorer vibe I'm sure she's supposed to, so I think they're very successful on that front.
I do think her design can come off as just a tad boring overall? I think the grey on black isn't the best for helping someone to immediately notice the details. But we don't know her that well yet- this might honestly be fitting for her, for all I know right now! I think the only thing I actively dislike about her outfit is the sort of... grey fabric thing stretched over her chest that ends like halfway over her breasts? It just looks weird to me, like if her shirt was riding up or something, haha. But that might just be my personal opinion, I don't know if that's really a problem.
(My biggest question about Puppet is actually why her codename is Puppet, honestly. I really like it as a codename, I just wish I had more context for it!!)
Now, Nemertes compliments her sea explorer vibe perfectly, as far as I'm concerned. She does admittedly look a little more like a car wheel than a submarine, but the sea creature-theming and water around her more than makes up for it, at least for me. That's definitely my favorite part of her, actually- the tail and fins, along with those pink eyes (or eye-like) structures, and the shape of her head. Those pink eyes, along with the silvers and whites on her, also help to make Nermertes stand out actually a bit more than Puppet does, which ultimately makes sense when you consider Puppet spends basically all her time inside her Persona as a navigator.
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On to Riddle and Daeira!
I really love Riddle, she's cute, immediately comes across as a prospector/miner (which, while this joke was probably not intended, makes it really funny that she's the youngest minor on the team), and also still feels entirely competent despite being much younger than the others, especially with all the machinery she wields. My favorite parts of her design are probably her mask (which doesn't make me think "miner" on its own, but somehow really works with the rest of the outfit), her clunky boots and gloves, the double collar going on (probably a shirt underneath the suit), and the puffy sleeves and shorts.
There's really just one detail of her design that bugs me- the weird gap between the tops of her socks and the end of her shorts. It's certainly not as bad as it could be, because her skintone at least isn't a major contrast that draws your eyes to this random bare skin on her thighs (as opposed to Violet in P5R, who does do that), but it still just feels unnecessary. I guess maybe it helps sell the idea of her shorts as shorts instead of pants, but... I don't know, it just bugs me a bit I suppose.
Daeira, then, is interesting because her colors are different from Riddle's (a lighter pink, more orange instead of yellow details, and then a dark blue instead of dark brown), but it still works with Riddle overall. I think it's because of two main things: 1) the pink and orange make Daeira feel a bit brassier, which matches the vibe of an old-fashioned prospector/inventor's big robot that she pilots around, and then 2) it makes Daeira feel a bit more like a big robot toy. I wouldn't say they're the best aesthetic match of the entire cast, but they definitely work together better than it feels like they should.
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Last but not least, Sepia and Gorgyra!
Sepia's the one thief out of these four that I don't feel like I can immediately get a beat on what they were going for. He sort of has a gentleman... highwayman... vibe to me, maybe? It feels vaguely cowboy-era to me, and yet I wouldn't call him a cowboy. And the super fluffy cape collar seems to just throw off anything I'm thinking, haha. I like the design (other than maybe the extent of the cape fluff), I just can't quite read what the intention with it was. Maybe he's meant to be some kind of charlatan? He sort of gives the impression of someone a bit overconfident, but maybe not entirely infallible... I'm not really sure, though, so I think whatever the goal was could have been a bit clearer.
I do like the silver/copper lining on his outfit, though, and the hints of purple that are kind of subtle compared to the red gloves and tie (despite the fact that even the red gloves and the tie are desaturated compared to the other thieves). He does absolutely feel like a teammate who would use curse skills to me, even if I don't know exactly what's going on with him.
Sepia aside, I love Gorgyra's design. The pointed glass bottle shape, the scrolls of pink-purple text wrapped around it, the huge hat, the glasses and grin. It's so fun and distinct! It feels like some kind of literature wizard, but also that grin makes it seem just a bit less than trustworthy... I'll admit, I don't quite understand how all this is meant to go with Sepia's outfit, but they do at least share a similar color design (though with Gorgyra being lighter overall), so against the odds, they manage to feel like they go together anyway.
Aaaaaand that's everyone! I do really like these four, my individual nitpicks aside. I wish we got to know them better in this beta!! But I suppose that's something we'll have to look forward to in the future, at least.
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spencerrussell · 1 year
Discussion Leader Presentation
Coldplay - The Scientist :
“The Scientist” by Coldplay is a song which dives into self-reflection, introspection, and the overall desire to go back in time to fix past mistakes. In an interview with the lead singer of Coldplay, Chris Martin, he explained that “It’s weird that whatever else is on your mind, whether it's the downfall of global economics or terrible environmental troubles, the thing that always gets you most is when you fancy someone.” He went on to say that the song is “just about girls.” In this way, it explores themes of love and loss as well as the constant search for meaning in one’s life. The lyrics convey a strong sense of regret and longing and allows the listener to contemplate the consequences of their actions. This is how this beautiful song continues to resonate with so many people emotionally. 
The music video is known for its reverse narrative which uses reverse motion throughout its entirety. This was not the first time reverse motion was used in a music, as it is seen in The Pharcyde’s music video of “The Drop” in 1995 as well as Danny Wilson’s “The Second Summer of Love” in 1989. The use of reverse motion in this piece is really meant to be, since it describes Martin's wish to turn back time both visually and through the lyrics. It portrays Chris Martin moving backwards in time and eventually leading up to a frightening car crash with his girlfriend. This music video was also awarded multiple MTV Video Music Awards including best direction, best group video, and breakthrough video of the year in 2003. 
Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you, tell you I need you
And tell you I set you apart
Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions
No, let's go back to the start
It's clear in the first set of lyrics that Martin wants to start over with his girl and regrets parting ways. He also reinforces his feelings by describing his willingness to tell his deepest secrets in return to be in love again.
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Louis Althusser, Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses :
Both Coldplay’s “The Scientist” and Louis Althusser’s writings on ideology and ideological state apparatuses explore themes of introspection, self-reflection, and the influence of societal structures on individuals. While they may approach these themes from different angles, they both touch upon the complexities of human existence and the role of ideology in shaping our perceptions as well as our behaviors. Martin describes feelings of complexities in his life by clarifying his frustrations with the way his relationship fell apart and how the same situation is replayed in each attempt he makes. In mentioning "heads on a science apart," Martin emits the message that by looking at their relationship through a logical sense may evoke the feeling that it may never work, just as scientists analyze in a logical manner.
Runnin’ in circles, comin’ up tails 
Heads on a science apart
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Karl Marx - The German Ideology :
Karl Marx’s “The German Ideology” also shares similar themes to “The Scientist” by Coldplay in the way that both dive into critique of social structures and introspection. Although they may approach these themes from different perspectives (music vs. philosophy), both pieces touch upon the complexities of human existence as well as the influence of ideology on individuals in society. 
“Consciousness can never be anything else than the conscious existence, and the existence of men is their actual life process.” (Marx 656)
I feel as though this quote from Marx represents how one can only learn his mistakes through his own life experience and that the existence of one's ideology is based on the process of their direct actions. Both in the lyrics and the music video, I think Martin's piece is parallel to this thinking.
The Beatles - Yesterday
Written and performed by Paul McCartney, Yesterday was first released in 1965 on the Beatles album Help! and reached number one in the U.S. Charts that year. With over 2,200 cover versions of the song, it stands as one of the most covered songs in the history of recorded music. 
Although there is no music video to this song, this live performance by the Beatles at Studio 50 in New York City is still important in music today as it was extremely high production at the time. While it is an emotional song, the mass popularity of the Beatles was is quite evident by the constant yelling of fans throughout the act.
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“Yesterday” by the Beatles is similar to “The Scientist” through its ability to describe lost love, self reflection, along with a longing for a different outcome of the past. Both evoke a strong sense of consciousness, nostalgia and the desire to go back and change how relationships or experiences turned out. Martin and McCarthy share a similar message in their attempts to return to their former feelings and ponder as to how their actions may have soured the relationship. While the Beatles “Yesterday” displays a slightly different style of music, both pieces equally resonate with the listeners who can relate to these emotions and experiences conveyed by the artists.
All my troubles seemed so far away
Now it looks as though they're here to stay
Oh, I believe in yesterday
The lyrics of the hook, "Oh I believe in yesterday," are used to describe how McCartney wishes to go back to the troubles of his past relationship instead of remaining by himself and reflecting on how it could have gone differently. He then goes on to reflect on his own actions and wonders why she even walked out,
Why she had to go
I don’t know, she wouldn’t say
I said something wrong
Now I long for yesterday
Discussion Questions :
Are feelings of self-reflection, introspection, and critiquing social structures still relevant in a lot of music today?
Both songs use metaphorical language throughout the lyrics. What do these metaphors reveal about the artists' perspectives on life, regrets, and the human condition? How do they challenge or reinforce societal norms and expectations?
What personal lessons or societal critiques can listeners take away from these songs? How do they inspire or discourage us to reflect on our own lives and the world around us?
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wolfgirlclit · 2 years
For the OC tech ask game: 2, 15
What you had taken to be an artistic recreation of the deity in this ancient temple, deep in the bowels in an abandoned structure in the mountains, chuckled at the questions murmured into the air.
The gemstones which hovered around the body, forming clothing made of shards of diamond and ruby and sapphire and lapis all tinkle as Iraetolin re-inhabits her old physical form to answer the questions which intrigued her.
"Our devices are an interesting blending of raw energy manipulation and physical machinery." An stretched obsidian limb forms above it a figure looking similar to the one made of obsidian and jewels, but fleshy for the most part. It's navy right arm unwinds itself in a myriad of threads, reforming and adjusting, shifting its shape before returning to normal. From its palm spreads a panel of light which both hands interface with.
"Our computers are more or less magically linked to our minds, which are used for storage as well, but unlike your internet, they are only connected when transmitting data between individuals. We haven't yet grown to need such a network. As far as what my lockscreen is... we don't have them, but if we required them..."
Another obsidian sculpture with pigment mapped onto it forms above her hand, for surely this can be none other than the Scorpion Mother, Iraetolin. This one shows the Mother, obsidian but managing to control and shift the more monstrous aspects of her appearance, with her arms around a femme elf of dark violet skin, long silver hair, and brilliant eyes, the pair of them hugging a smiling younger masc elven figure of a much lighter than the other too, yet still dark, bluish-purple skin, four pupils per eye, and curious markings. As the figures rotate above her palm, the younger man's back is revealed to have markings of a massive scorpion tattoo running down his back, the tail of the scorpion lifting away at the base of his spine, becoming a three dimensional stinger of floating obsidian which wraps around his waist like a belt. Also revealed is a much smaller child, about a third the age of the elder, clinging to his leg, with fingers which are disjointed floating bits of obsidian, as are their hands up to the wrist.
"An image of my beloved wife, our sons, and myself."
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cboffshore · 2 years
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Taking the phrase body of water to new heights - and depths. This is "The Altruist."
We're at the finale now, and there's only one way to end it.
A fun fact: Nya's sacrifice at the end of Seabound is the only scene in Ninjago to have ever made me sob. Sure, other scenes have come close - Garmadon's sacrifice and the post-Cole's-fall mourning scene come to mind - but Nya's funeral had me weeping like I was there. I think it was because I'd grown up relating to her, and it was a volatile time - I was less than a month away from graduating with my first degree. We were both moving on in our own ways. It was one hell of a hit, honestly. Deep down, I think I knew it wasn't going to last (and then Crystalized rolled into town), but in that moment? Ouch. Even now, knowing what happens after the Seabound finale, the last two episodes still get me. Initially, I condensed the emotional experience into the original version of "The Altruist":
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Looking back now, I am happy with this. But - as we've established during this series - I can do better. And I wanted to do better, but I wasn't totally sure how until very recently.
A few months ago, I got my hands on the Water Dragon set. It was a total fluke - when I first tried to buy it (in-person, of course, because that's half the fun) shortly after the Seabound wave release, my local store told me they were sold out and unlikely to get any more, ever. This was last year. Recently, I ended up popping into the store just for fun, and imagine my surprise when I approached the Ninjago shelf and encountered a stack of at least five of the sets. Reader, I have never grabbed a box so quickly. I built it in two sittings, enjoyed the greatest play function of all time (aka using the insanely long tail's momentum as a whip to repeatedly knock the included Kalmaar figure off of the table), and realized that the wing pieces were the inspiration I'd been looking for.
Now might be a good time to confess that this is the first piece I created for this remaster series. Everything else - the KPS, the other revamps and overhauls - followed this. Being based on a preexisting set of ideas and very few visual sources, this process was simple, but there's still a lot going on.
The moment I unboxed the wings in the set, I envisioned a high-low skirt and waterlike train structure. As such, nearly every element of this base design is derived from an overhead shot of the dragon set: palette, the navy velvet skirt overlay and bodice, and the scalloping on the edge of the skirt.
From the original version of "The Altruist," I preserved a few key principles: the general flowiness, the high neckline, and the simplicity of any accessories. I ended up cranking up that last one - there are no shoes, headpiece, or jewelry. All of the focus is on the body to reflect the base mechanics of Nya's sacrifice.
The water motif runs deep in this one for what I hope are obvious reasons: seafoam on the underskirt/leg wrap to suggest waves, glitter on the overskirt to suggest a rushing current, and pale hints of seaweed green for a little contrast.
In terms of character symbolism, the form here does most of the heavy lifting. Another fun fact (this one doesn't involve crying): part of my design philosophy for every outfit I draft is that I ask myself the question, "If given the opportunity, would the base character actually wear this?" and commit if the answer is yes. This is one of the few instances where the answer has been no and I've chosen to continue anyway. Nya, famously, is not into wearing big dresses. This would piss her off. However, the layering here acts as a summary of the slow. tragic loss of self that her sacrifice leads to. The dark blue seafoam leg wrap and gray mesh sleeve, which are the most-buried layers, are components she'd be okay with wearing. The wave-inspired bodycon underneath counts as a dress, sure, but it's certainly closer to most of her default pre-ninja outfits, so it's all right. The massive train and velvet overlay, however, are decidedly not something Nya would be comfortable in. In the series, the only time Nya's ever shown as comfortabe in a giant skirt is when she's literally possessed in the Skybound finale - when she's literally not herself. Here, the giant skirt is overwhelming and acts as a parallel to the way she slowly loses herself over the next year.
It's been wonderful being able to go back and revisit the works that got me started; looking at this remaster series and my originals side-by-side is mindblowing to me. When I entered this fandom 12 years ago, I never envisioned myself doing much in the way of creative engagement. When I tentatively began interacting with the online community and doing my own writing, I thought that was as far as it would go - and now this art is one of my most consistent hobbies. And people like it! That's wild to me. (Side note, I also apparently became so confident in my writing that my enthusiastic tags on AO3 earned me a two-week shadowban on my most recent work - that's gotta mean something for my self-esteem, right?)
I'm about to step away from Tumblr for a little while over winter break. In the meantime, though, I'm working on another mini seasonal series that I hope you'll all adore; I'll also be planning out carrying over my Twitter work. No definite timeline on that yet, sorry - have the last bonus wallpaper instead.
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As always, thanks for sticking around! I hope this was as special for you as it was for me.
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digicarotene · 9 days
How to Build a Winning Digital Marketing Strategy for 2024
In 2024, the digital marketing landscape is set to evolve even further, driven by new technologies and shifting consumer behaviors. For businesses, staying ahead of these changes is crucial to building a successful online presence. Whether you’re a startup or an established company, a well-rounded digital marketing strategy is essential for growth and long-term success. Here’s how you can build a winning digital marketing strategy for 2024.
1. Understand Your Target Audience
The foundation of any successful marketing strategy starts with a deep understanding of your target audience. In 2024, leveraging data analytics tools can help you gain insights into your customers’ behaviors, preferences, and pain points. This information allows you to create more personalized and relevant content that resonates with your audience, which is crucial in today's highly competitive market.
Pro Tip: Create customer personas that outline key demographics, interests, and buying habits to guide your strategy.
2. Embrace AI and Automation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation tools will play a big role in 2024 digital marketing. AI can help streamline tasks such as content creation, customer support, and data analysis. Automated email marketing campaigns, chatbots, and predictive analytics tools not only save time but also deliver personalized experiences at scale.
If you’re looking to implement AI-driven tools in your marketing strategy, Digi Carotene, the best digital marketing agency in Hyderabad, specializes in integrating AI solutions that drive growth and improve customer engagement.
3. Leverage Content Marketing
Content remains king in 2024, but the approach is changing. High-quality, value-driven content that addresses customer needs and provides solutions will set you apart. Incorporating various content types—like blogs, videos, podcasts, and infographics—will help you reach different segments of your audience.
Short-form videos on platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts continue to be highly engaging, while long-form content such as in-depth articles or white papers can build authority in your industry.
4. Prioritize SEO for Voice Search
With the rise of voice-activated devices like Alexa and Google Assistant, optimizing your website for voice search is more important than ever. In 2024, focus on conversational keywords and long-tail search queries that people use when speaking to their devices. Structuring your content to answer common questions will also help you rank higher in voice search results.
As the best digital marketing agency in Hyderabad, Digi Carotene helps businesses optimize for both traditional and voice search, ensuring that your brand remains visible in this evolving SEO landscape.
5. Capitalize on Social Media
Social media platforms remain an essential part of any digital marketing strategy. In 2024, the focus will shift toward more authentic, community-driven content. User-generated content, influencer partnerships, and interactive features like polls and live streams will help businesses connect with their audience on a deeper level.
Whether you’re focusing on organic growth or running paid social media ads, it’s important to tailor your approach based on the platform and audience. Platforms like Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok each have unique dynamics, and understanding these can boost your engagement and ROI.
6. Invest in Paid Advertising
While organic growth is important, paid advertising is crucial for reaching new audiences quickly. In 2024, expect paid ad strategies to rely heavily on personalization. Platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads now offer more advanced targeting features, allowing businesses to create highly relevant ads for specific audience segments.
With Digi Carotene’s expertise in PPC and paid ad strategies, we ensure that businesses maximize their ROI by creating tailored ad campaigns that target the right customers at the right time.
7. Focus on Data Privacy and Compliance
In 2024, consumer data privacy will be more important than ever. With stricter regulations like GDPR and the CCPA, businesses must prioritize data protection and transparency. Ensure your marketing strategy includes clear opt-in forms, privacy policies, and ethical data collection methods.
At Digi Carotene, we help businesses navigate these regulations, ensuring that your digital marketing practices are not only effective but also compliant with global data privacy standards.
8. Measure and Optimize Performance
A winning digital marketing strategy is never set in stone. Continuous monitoring and optimization are key to staying relevant. Use tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and CRM platforms to track the performance of your campaigns. Regularly assess what’s working and what’s not, and adjust your strategy accordingly.
By partnering with the best digital marketing agency in Hyderabad, Digi Carotene, businesses can access advanced analytics and reporting tools to stay ahead of the curve.
Building a winning digital marketing strategy in 2024 requires a mix of creativity, adaptability, and data-driven decisions. By understanding your audience, embracing AI and automation, optimizing for SEO, and staying compliant with data privacy laws, your business can thrive in the digital age.
At Digi Carotene, the best digital marketing agency in Hyderabad, we help businesses craft and execute digital marketing strategies that drive real results. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing strategy, we have the expertise and tools to help you succeed in 2024 and beyond.
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vidainstitute · 16 days
10 Key SEO Trends You Can Learn from the Leading Digital Marketing Academy in Raipur
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Voice Search Optimization
Did you know that voice search is so popular? Smart speakers and virtual assistants, like Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri, have changed how we look for info online. To optimize for voice search, focus on natural language. Think about how people talk! It’s about using long-tail keywords and question-based queries that your content answers directly. The leading Digital Marketing Institute in Raipur shows how schema markup gives structured data to help search engines better understand voice queries. You’ll even get hands-on practice optimizing FAQs & using natural language in your overall SEO plan.
2. Mobile-First Indexing
Google now cares more about mobile sites than desktop ones! So, having a mobile-friendly website is more important than ever. The Advanced Digital Marketing Course in Raipur teaches learners how to make designs that work well on all devices. We’ll cover things like making images and videos mobile-ready, speeding up loading times, and creating easy navigation for phones. Plus, there are strategies to test & boost mobile usability so your site meets high standards for performance.
3. Core Web Vitals
Core Web Vitals are special measurements Google uses to check how users experience a website. These include Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). LCP tells us about loading speed; FID focuses on interactivity; CLS looks at visual stability. At the Digital Marketing Academy in Raipur, you’ll dive deep into optimizing these metrics for better page performance and user happiness! You’ll learn to use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights too!
4. E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)
E-A-T is important for SEO! It stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness — super crucial for websites covering sensitive info like health or finance. Google uses E-A-T to check if content is good quality and credible! The Digital Marketing Institute in Raipur teaches how to build E-A-T by creating well-researched content. You’ll also learn how to show off your credentials and gather backlinks from trustworthy sources.
5. Content Experience
Content experience isn’t only about great writing! It’s about making the content engaging & unforgettable. This trend covers how we present our content — like format & design — and interactivity too! The Advanced Digital Marketing Course in Raipur teaches techniques to enhance content experience — think visuals that grab attention & user-friendly layouts! You’ll also find out how to optimize content across devices so users enjoy a nice experience everywhere.
6. Artificial Intelligence & SEO
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing EVERYTHING in SEO! It helps analyze data better & makes personalized searches easier. AI tools can assist with keyword research, optimizing content, & seeing upcoming search trends! At the Digital Marketing Academy in Raipur, you’ll discover how to use AI tools to take your SEO strategies up a notch!
7. Video SEO
Video is HUGE right now! It’s key for engaging users & driving traffic too! Video SEO means optimizing video content so it ranks high in searches. This involves adding relevant keywords in video titles & descriptions while making sure they load fast and are accessible too! The Digital Marketing Institute in Raipur offers training on video SEO tricks — how to create exciting videos that draw viewers and optimize their visibility!
8. Local SEO
Are you a business aiming at local customers? Local SEO is just what you need! It helps improve your online presence so people nearby find you easily when searching online! Key parts include polishing up Google My Business profiles & using location-specific keywords effectively! The Advanced Digital Marketing Course in Raipur shows best practices for local listings — how to gather reviews & use local content too!
9. Structured Data & Schema Markup
Structured data helps search engines understand your website better! Using schema markup improves search results by showing rich snippets or knowledge panels which can lead to more clicks! The Digital Marketing Academy in Raipur teaches how to apply structured data correctly with practical examples — all while ensuring everything works well with tools like Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool.
10. SEO & User Experience (UX)
SEO goes hand-in-hand with user experience (UX)! Search engines now favor websites that offer excellent user experience — easy navigation, quick loading times, and mobile-friendliness all matter here! The Digital Marketing Institute in Raipur focuses on combining UX ideas into your SEO work. You’ll learn about boosting site structure and speed while ensuring everything responds nicely on different devices.
Keeping up with SEO trends is super important for being competitive online! If you’re eager for detailed knowledge on practical skills related to SEO — check out VIDA by Vaya Media — it’s among the Best Digital Marketing Institutes in Raipur! VIDA provides an awesome Digital Marketing Course filled with cutting-edge strategies for mastering SEO! Joining their Advanced Digital Marketing Course will help you shine bright with expert insights plus hands-on experiences that make a big difference today — whether you’re just starting out or refining your skills — VIDA gives you all the tools needed to thrive out there in this digital space!
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avisionins · 1 month
Introduction to Begin LIC Assistant Exam for Beginners
So, it is very challenging for beginners to start preparing for the LIC Assistant exam. Certainly, following an appropriate approach and guidance can definitely let you take control of this journey. Professional assistance via the best LIC assistant coaching in Kolkata is going to assist you in making head and tail of this examination to prepare efficiently. This blog will help you understand the LIC Assistant exam, and it is surely going to set the ball rolling for you.
About the LIC Assistant Exam
The Life Insurance Corporation of India is the body responsible for the LIC Assistant examination, which is for the clerical posts. It is one of the most demanding examinations amongst all the insurance exams, as it opens the doorway to a stable and rewarding career in the insurance sector. The LIC Assistant exam is based on two main stages: the Preliminary Exam and the Main Exam and concludes by testing the linguistic capabilities of the candidate.
Prelims Examination- This examination is made up of three sections: Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability, and English Language.
The mains Examination- comprising the sections Reasoning & Computer Aptitude, General/Financial Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language. An insight into the pattern of the examination is really essential for the beginner for sorting out the things for an effective preparation.
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Guidance for Beginners LIC Assistant Exam
1. Know your Syllabus -
Before you start the preparation, one needs to understand the syllabus completely. Knowing what topics each section comprises helps the candidate to concentrate his efforts in a manner where they are most required. This will also allow you to create a structured study plan that covers all areas systematically.
2. Study Plan:
Only after you have familiarized yourself with the syllabus, create a chalking-out study plan, where your preparation is spilt into little, comprehensible parts. Allocate specific time slots for each subject, ensuring that the entire syllabus is well covered way ahead of the actual date of the examination. Your study plan should also include time for revision and practice tests.
 3. Basics First :
Hence, as a beginner, you have to focus on building a very strong foundation. Get the basics of all the subjects clear and then proceed only to the higher end. In this respect, the top online coaching for LIC assistant will come to your help. Clarification of the concept by expert instructors can make all the differences in getting those extra bits of information so important for preparation.
4. Practice Mock Tests:
Practice forms an integral part of any competitive examination. It would help you not only learn what you have grasped but also increase your speed and accuracy. Use the mock tests, some previous-year question papers, and some online materials for practice to test your knowledge, and notice the areas that you need to improve.
5. Make Use of Online Resources:
In this digital era, nowadays, there are loads of online resources that can help you in your preparation. Best online coaching for LIC Assistant offers free learning tools, including video classes, e-books, quizzes, and interactive sessions conducted from your home. Such will greatly help the working class or people with less time.
6. Stay Updated with General Awareness:
The General/Financial Awareness section of the examination necessitates the applicant to be very well in tune with current affairs, especially pertaining to the banking and insurance sectors. Have a daily reading pattern from newspapers and keep a continuous track of news through various news portals and apps compiled specifically for current affairs.
7. Join a Coaching Institute:
A coaching institute will make a substantial difference to the preparation of many aspirants for the better. It would ensure structured learning and proper guidance by experts and would adopt a disciplined way of studying. They should also have scheduled mock tests, which will ensure expert progress checks and invaluable confidence-boosting opportunities.
This journey on which you will embark immediately to escalate your preparation for the LIC Assistant examination could be pretty challenging, but you can easily do it if you follow the right strategies and support. Best coaching for LIC assistant in Kolkata provides a professional guide, which helps build up comprehensive study materials and a specialized learning atmosphere for success. Engage in the tips from this blog and be assured, project a success career with LIC.
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digiticszombie · 2 months
How Voice Search Optimization Will Dominate Digital Marketing Trends for 2024
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The rapid advancement of technology continues to reshape the landscape of digital marketing. Among the most transformative innovations is voice search, a technology that has gained significant traction and is poised to dominate digital marketing trends for 2024. This shift necessitates a strategic adaptation by businesses and marketers, particularly in areas like Austin, Houston, and San Antonio, where the competition is fierce. Understanding how to optimize for voice search is crucial for staying ahead of the curve.
The Rise of Voice Search: A Game-Changer for SEO
Voice search is becoming an integral part of our daily lives, with more people relying on voice-activated assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. This trend is reshaping the way people search for information, making it essential for businesses to adapt their SEO strategies. For instance, an Austin SEO agency that focuses on local optimization must now consider how voice queries differ from traditional text searches. Voice searches are typically more conversational and question-based, requiring content that answers specific queries in a natural, concise manner.
Embracing Digital Marketing Trends for 2024: Voice Search Optimization
One of the most significant digital marketing trends for 2024 is the emphasis on voice search optimization. As more users turn to voice-activated devices for quick answers, businesses must optimize their content to meet this demand. This involves creating content that directly addresses the types of questions users might ask their devices. For example, a business offering SEO Content Writing Services should focus on developing content that answers common client inquiries in a straightforward, conversational tone. This not only enhances the user experience but also improves the chances of appearing in voice search results.
The Role of Local SEO in Voice Search Optimization
Local SEO is becoming increasingly vital as voice search grows in popularity. Users often rely on voice search to find nearby services, such as "social media agencies Houston" or "social media marketing San Antonio." This makes it crucial for businesses to ensure their local listings are accurate and optimized for voice search. This includes using long-tail keywords and phrases that reflect how people speak naturally. For instance, instead of just targeting "social media agencies," a business could optimize for more specific queries like "What are the best social media agencies in Houston?"
Content Creation for Voice Search: Best Practices
To capitalize on the voice search trend, businesses need to rethink their content creation strategies. The key is to focus on creating high-quality, concise, and informative content that aligns with the conversational nature of voice searches. This includes using structured data and schema markup to help search engines understand and categorize content better. Additionally, businesses offering social media marketing services should consider incorporating FAQs into their content, as these are often directly related to voice search queries.
The Impact on Social Media Marketing
Voice search is also influencing social media marketing strategies. As more users interact with brands via voice-activated devices, social media platforms are integrating voice features to enhance user engagement. For example, businesses in San Antonio offering social media marketing services can leverage these features to create more interactive and engaging content. This can include voice-activated ads or content that encourages users to ask questions, providing a more personalized experience.
In conclusion, Voice search optimization is not just a trend but a necessity for businesses looking to stay competitive in 2024. By understanding the nuances of voice search and optimizing content accordingly, businesses can improve their visibility and connect with a broader audience. This is particularly important for local businesses in Austin, Houston, and San Antonio, where the competition is intense. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, staying ahead of trends like voice search optimization will be key to success.
Q: What is voice search optimization? A: Voice search optimization involves optimizing content to appear in voice search results, focusing on conversational keywords and natural language.
Q: Why is voice search important for local businesses? A: Voice search is crucial for local businesses because users often search for nearby services using voice-activated devices, making it important for businesses to optimize their local SEO.
Q: How can an Austin SEO agency help with voice search optimization? A: An Austin SEO agency can assist with optimizing content for voice search by using local keywords and creating content that answers common user queries.
Q: What are the best practices for optimizing content for voice search? A: Best practices include using natural language, focusing on question-based queries, utilizing structured data, and incorporating FAQs into your content.
Q: How does voice search impact social media marketing? A: Voice search impacts social media marketing by encouraging more interactive and engaging content, such as voice-activated ads and content that responds to user queries.
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digital-mathur · 3 months
The Impact of Voice Search on Digital Marketing
Voice search has emerged as one of the most transformative trends in the digital landscape over the past few years. With the rise of virtual assistants like Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri, Google Assistant, and Microsoft's Cortana, voice search has rapidly gained popularity among consumers. As technology continues to evolve, the way people interact with their devices is changing, and voice search is becoming an integral part of everyday life. This shift is having a profound impact on Digital marketing, reshaping strategies and tactics that businesses must adopt to stay competitive.
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The Rise of Voice Search
The proliferation of smart devices and advancements in natural language processing (NLP) have significantly contributed to the growth of voice search. According to recent studies, over 55% of households are expected to own a smart speaker by 2022. Additionally, it is estimated that by 2024, the number of digital voice assistants will reach 8.4 billion units – a number higher than the world's population.
Voice search offers several advantages over traditional text-based searches. It is faster, more convenient, and allows for hands-free operation, making it ideal for use in various situations such as driving, cooking, or exercising. Moreover, voice search queries are typically more conversational and longer than text queries, reflecting how people naturally speak.
Impact on SEO
Voice search is fundamentally changing the way search engine optimization (SEO) works. Traditional SEO strategies, which focus on short, keyword-based queries, must adapt to accommodate the longer, more conversational nature of voice queries. Here are some key areas where voice search is impacting SEO:
Long-Tail Keywords: Voice search queries are often longer and more specific than text queries. This means that digital marketers need to focus on optimizing for long-tail keywords and natural language phrases. Instead of targeting "best restaurants," marketers should consider phrases like "What are the best restaurants near me?"
Featured Snippets: Voice search devices often read out the content of featured snippets, also known as position zero in search results. To capitalize on this, marketers must optimize their content to be concise, informative, and structured in a way that makes it easy for search engines to extract and display as a snippet.
Local SEO: Voice search is heavily used for local queries. Users often ask for directions, nearby businesses, or local services. Ensuring that a business’s local SEO is optimized, including having a complete and accurate Google My Business profile, is crucial for capturing voice search traffic.
Mobile Optimization: Since a significant portion of voice searches are conducted on mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website is essential. This includes fast loading times, responsive design, and easy navigation.
Content Strategy
Voice search is also influencing content creation and strategy. To effectively engage with voice search users, content needs to be more conversational and tailored to answer specific questions. Here are some strategies to consider:
Conversational Tone: Since voice queries are more conversational, adopting a conversational tone in content can make it more relatable and accessible. This involves using natural language and phrasing content in a way that mimics how people speak.
FAQs and Q&A Formats: Creating content in the form of frequently asked questions (FAQs) or Q&A formats can directly address the types of queries users make through voice search. This not only improves the chances of being featured in snippets but also enhances the overall user experience.
Structured Data Markup: Implementing structured data markup, such as schema.org, helps search engines understand the content better and increases the chances of it being featured in voice search results. Structured data can provide context to search engines, making it easier to match the content with relevant voice queries.
Advertising and PPC
Voice search is also reshaping the landscape of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. While voice search ads are still in their early stages, they present new opportunities and challenges for digital marketers:
Voice Search Ad Formats: As voice search continues to grow, search engines and platforms are experimenting with new ad formats tailored for voice queries. This could include sponsored voice responses or voice-activated prompts that encourage users to take specific actions.
Ad Targeting: Voice search provides more contextual data about users, such as their location, preferences, and intent. This allows for more precise ad targeting, ensuring that ads are relevant and personalized.
Ad Copy: With voice search, the traditional text-based ad copy may not be as effective. Instead, marketers need to focus on crafting ad copy that is conversational and resonates with the natural language used in voice queries.
User Experience and Engagement
Voice search is redefining user experience (UX) and engagement. It requires a shift in how businesses approach their digital presence and interact with users:
Faster Load Times: Voice search users expect quick and accurate responses. Ensuring that websites load quickly and efficiently is crucial for retaining users and providing a positive experience.
Simple and Clear Navigation: Voice search often leads users directly to specific content or answers. Having clear and intuitive navigation helps users find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Multimodal Interaction: As voice search becomes more integrated with other forms of interaction, such as visual search and augmented reality, businesses need to consider how these modalities work together to create a seamless user experience.
The impact of voice search on Digital marketing is profound and far-reaching. As more consumers adopt voice-activated devices and become accustomed to using voice search, businesses must adapt their strategies to stay relevant and competitive. This involves rethinking SEO, content creation, advertising, and user experience to align with the unique characteristics of voice search.
By embracing these changes and optimizing for voice search, businesses can enhance their visibility, engage with users in more meaningful ways, and ultimately drive growth in an increasingly voice-first world. The future of digital marketing is undoubtedly intertwined with the evolution of voice search, and those who adapt early will be well-positioned to thrive in this new landscape.
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softssolutionservice · 4 months
The Importance of Voice Search Optimization for SEO Strategy
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve requires adapting to the latest trends and technologies. One such trend that has gained significant momentum is voice search. With the proliferation of smart devices and virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, voice search is becoming an integral part of how users interact with technology. For businesses and digital marketers, incorporating voice search optimization into their SEO strategy is not just an option—it's a necessity. Here’s why voice search optimization is crucial for your SEO strategy.
1. The Rise of Voice Search
Voice search is no longer a futuristic concept; it is a present-day reality. According to recent studies, over 50% of all searches will be voice-based by 2024. This shift is driven by the convenience and speed that voice search offers. Users can simply speak into their devices rather than type, making it easier to search for information on the go. As a result, optimizing for voice search is essential to ensure your business remains visible and accessible to this growing segment of users.
2. Changing Search Behavior
Voice search queries differ significantly from traditional text-based searches. When using voice search, users tend to ask questions in a more natural and conversational manner. For example, instead of typing “best Italian restaurant Ahmedabad,” a user might ask, “What is the best Italian restaurant near me?” This shift means that businesses need to optimize their content for long-tail keywords and natural language queries.
At Softs Solution Service, we emphasize the importance of understanding these changes in search behavior as part of our SEO training. Our SEO Course in Ahmedabad covers the nuances of voice search optimization, ensuring that our students are well-prepared to tackle the challenges of modern SEO.
3. Local SEO and Voice Search
A significant portion of voice searches are local queries. Users often use voice search to find information about local businesses, such as store hours, locations, or services offered. For businesses, this means that local SEO has become more critical than ever. Ensuring your business is optimized for local search can greatly enhance your visibility in voice search results.
Our SEO Training in Ahmedabad at Softs Solution Service includes comprehensive modules on local SEO. We teach our students how to optimize their Google My Business listings, use location-based keywords, and ensure their website is mobile-friendly—all essential elements for capturing local voice search traffic.
4. Featured Snippets and Voice Search
Featured snippets, also known as position zero, play a vital role in voice search. When users perform a voice search, virtual assistants often read out the content from these snippets. Therefore, securing a featured snippet can significantly increase your chances of being the answer provided by a voice assistant.
Our Online SEO Course and Online SEO Training programs at Softs Solution Service delve into strategies for capturing featured snippets. We teach techniques such as structuring content to answer common questions, using bullet points, and creating high-quality, authoritative content that meets Google’s criteria for snippets.
5. Mobile Optimization
Voice search is predominantly used on mobile devices. Ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly is a crucial aspect of voice search optimization. A mobile-friendly site not only improves the user experience but also positively impacts your SEO rankings.
At Softs Solution Service, our SEO Course includes detailed training on mobile SEO. We cover responsive design, page speed optimization, and mobile usability—key factors that influence both traditional and voice search rankings.
6. The Importance of Structured Data
Structured data, or schema markup, helps search engines understand the context of your content. By implementing structured data, you can provide search engines with additional information about your website, which can enhance your visibility in voice search results.
Our IT Training Institute in Ahmedabad and IT Training Center in Ahmedabad offer advanced training on structured data. We teach our students how to implement schema markup effectively, helping their websites stand out in voice search results.
7. Enhanced User Experience
Voice search optimization goes hand-in-hand with providing an excellent user experience. Fast-loading pages, easy navigation, and relevant content are all critical components of a user-friendly website. By focusing on these elements, you not only improve your chances of ranking well in voice search results but also enhance the overall user experience on your site.
Our SEO Course in Ahmedabad at Softs Solution Service emphasizes the importance of user experience. We train our students to create websites that are not only optimized for search engines but also provide value and a seamless experience to users.
Voice search is transforming the way users find information online. As a business or digital marketer, adapting to this change is crucial for maintaining and enhancing your online presence. By incorporating voice search optimization into your SEO strategy, you can improve your visibility, attract more traffic, and stay ahead of the competition. At Softs Solution Service, we offer comprehensive SEO training programs, including our SEO Course, Online SEO Course, and SEO Training in Ahmedabad. Our courses are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the ever-changing field of SEO. Join us at our IT Training Institute in Ahmedabad and take the first step towards mastering voice search optimization and securing your future in digital marketing.
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droctaviolovecraft · 4 months
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ANM-122: Big Boy Lizard (art by Viper11)
Subject Classification: PH-01-122
Damage Type: Allgemein 💀
Risk Level: STERBLICH ⚫️
Anomaly Type: Prehistoric
Discovery Classification: Captured (01)
Department: Base 12
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Maicon
Identification: Big Boy Lizard
Containment: ANM-122 is to be kept in a level 4 containment cell, reinforced with steel and concrete. The cell must be monitored by security cameras and motion sensors. The cell door must be locked by an electronic and mechanical locking system, which can only be opened by two Level 3 or higher personnel. Containment must be cleaned and inspected weekly by a level 2 cleaning team, accompanied by two armed level 3 security agents with shock weapons. Any damage to the structure of the cell must be immediately reported to the Responsible Researcher. Any attempt by ANM-122 to escape must be contained with lethal force, if necessary, and immediately reported to Base Command. No personnel are allowed to enter the chamber without prior authorization from at least two (2) members of the research team of level 4 or higher. Any interaction with ANM-122 must be conducted through remotely controlled drones, equipped with firearms and explosives.
ANM-122 must be fed once a week (every 5 days) with a carcass of a large animal, preferably bovine or equine. Any sign of aggression or hostility from ANM-122 must be responded to with lethal force.
Description: ANM-122 is a bipedal humanoid entity, approximately 3.80m tall, weighing 1 ton and 200 kg. The creature demonstrates human-level intelligence and relatively rapid regeneration and adaptation, being able to walk quadrupedally. It has four horns, black blood, and four red eyes, in addition to a bony shell on its back and a pair of extra arms than normal tetrapods. Part of its tail has been torn off and does not regenerate, seeming to view the escape from its containment as a game, as after being contained, it will remain "calm" for 10 days before attempting to escape again. The creature sometimes responds to researchers' questions but prefers not to reveal its name or origin. The creature shows a preference for human or anomalous meat and shows disgust at the mention of the name "Purple". 122 has bones made of a material that appears to be originally made from something unknown, possibly extraterrestrial.
ANM-122 appears to be, after advanced studies, a mutant specimen of saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus). ANM-122 has an intelligence and speaking ability comparable to that of an advanced human being, being able to communicate in few languages; broken English and Portuguese, and Australian aboriginal. ANM-122 demonstrates an extremely arrogant, aggressive, and sadistic personality, claiming to be the "King of Reptiles" and the "Supreme Predator", expressing a deep hatred for humanity, considering it an inferior species and unworthy of existence, sympathizing solely with other crocodiles and reptiles.
Note: The anomaly demonstrates the ability and skill to control any reptiles at long distances, turning them into its minions. This ability also extends to reptilian anomalies.
The creature also shows abnormal interest in other ANM objects, especially those of biological or reptilian nature, such as ANM-134, ANM-077, and ANM-017. Frequently requests or demands to be transferred to the same facility as these objects, in order to "challenge" or "dominate" them.
ANM-122 was captured by the Foundation in 20██, after a series of attacks on coastal cities and ships in northern Australia, resulting in hundreds of deaths and significant material damage. A Foundation hunting team, supported by Australian military forces, managed to locate and immobilize ANM-122, using a combination of heavy weapons, explosives, and strong tranquilizers. ANM-122 was then transported by air to Base 12, where it was placed in containment. Since then, it has attempted to escape several times, causing injuries and deaths to several Foundation personnel, as well as damage to the Department's infrastructure.
History: Results have shown that ANM-122 has a unique physiology and psychology, which make it a potential danger to humanity and reality. ANM-122 has also demonstrated the ability to regenerate from serious injuries within minutes, as well as to adapt to different environmental conditions and threats. ANM-122 has also demonstrated a playful, sadistic, and manipulative personality, which leads it to provoke and attack Boitatá employees, as well as to try to escape from its containment. The creature seems to have knowledge about other anomalies and about the existence of an entity called "Purple King", which it hates and fears.
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thejournaljunction · 11 months
The Impact of Voice Search on SEO Strategies: A Sonic Revolution
In the world of digital marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), staying ahead of the curve is paramount to success. One of the most disruptive trends in recent years has been the rise of voice search. With the growing prevalence of voice-activated devices like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, as well as the incorporation of voice search features on smartphones, the way people search for information on the internet is evolving. This shift has profound implications for SEO strategies, making it a topic worth exploring in-depth.
Voice Search Demystified
Before delving into the impact of voice search on SEO strategies, let's first understand what voice search is. Voice search is a technology that allows users to perform searches or initiate actions on a device using spoken language. Instead of typing a query into a search engine, users simply ask a question or give a command, and the device provides a spoken response or displays relevant information on the screen.
The Pervasion of Voice Search
The adoption of voice search has been astonishing. According to a report by Adobe Analytics, voice-assisted devices were found in 32% of American households in 2017. Fast forward a few years, and that number has surely increased. With the integration of voice-activated personal assistants in smartphones, smart speakers, and even cars, voice search is becoming an integral part of our daily lives.
The Impact on SEO Strategies
So, what does this mean for SEO strategies? Here are some key insights:
Conversational Content is King: Voice searches are typically longer and more conversational than text searches. People tend to ask complete questions or phrases when using voice search. This means that content creators need to focus on producing content that answers these questions naturally. Long-tail keywords and informative, user-focused content will become even more critical in SEO strategies.
Featured Snippets Gain Prominence: Voice search results often rely on featured snippets, which provide concise answers to user queries. SEO professionals should aim to optimize content to secure these coveted positions. Structured data and well-organized content can improve the chances of being featured in voice search results.
Mobile Optimization is a Must: Most voice searches happen on mobile devices. Therefore, it's crucial to have a mobile-friendly website with fast load times. Mobile optimization should be at the forefront of SEO strategies, ensuring a seamless experience for voice search users.
Local SEO Becomes Paramount: Many voice searches are location-based, with users seeking information about nearby businesses or services. Optimizing for local SEO, including the use of schema markup and Google My Business, is vital for businesses looking to leverage voice search for increased visibility.
User Intent Takes Center Stage: Understanding user intent is essential for effective voice search optimization. SEO professionals should focus on creating content that not only answers questions but also fulfills user intent comprehensively. Anticipating what users want and delivering it clearly is key.
Keep Up with Technology: The voice search landscape is continually evolving. SEO professionals need to stay updated with the latest voice search technologies and trends. This may include adapting to new devices, platforms, and evolving voice recognition software.
Voice search is more than just a passing trend; it's a significant shift in the way people access information online. SEO strategies must adapt to this new landscape to remain relevant and effective. By focusing on conversational content, mobile optimization, and understanding user intent, businesses and content creators can thrive in the era of voice search. Embracing this sonic revolution will not only improve search rankings but also enhance the user experience, which is at the core of successful SEO strategies in the digital age.
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techiesinfotech · 1 year
Voice Search SEO for Ecommerce Stores
In an era where convenience reigns supreme, voice search has emerged as a game-changer for ecommerce businesses. Imagine effortlessly navigating through the digital aisles of your favorite online store, simply by asking your device a question. This isn't just the stuff of science fiction; it's the future of online shopping.
In this blog, we'll delve deep into the world of Voice Search SEO and explore how ecommerce stores can harness this technology to boost their visibility, engage customers like never before, and ultimately, drive sales. 
The Rise of Voice Search
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In today's digital age, voice search is emerging as a transformative force in the way we interact with technology. With the proliferation of virtual assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, voice search has transcended novelty to become an integral part of our daily lives. Its convenience is undeniable, allowing users to effortlessly access information, make appointments, and even control smart home devices with just their voice.
As voice recognition technology continues to advance, businesses are seizing the opportunity to optimize their online presence for voice search. Search Engine Optimization strategies are evolving to cater to the conversational queries users pose to their devices, ushering in a new era of search engine optimization. In this fast-paced evolution, the rise of voice search promises to reshape the digital landscape, providing both challenges and opportunities for businesses and content creators alike.
Understanding Voice Search SEO
Voice search SEO is a critical component of modern digital marketing. With the surge in voice-activated virtual assistants and smart speakers, optimizing content for voice search is paramount. Unlike traditional text-based queries, voice searches tend to be more conversational and question-oriented.
To succeed in this landscape, businesses must focus on natural language content that answers user queries concisely. Long-tail keywords, local SEO, and structured data become crucial for voice search optimization. Additionally, mobile optimization and fast-loading pages are imperative, as many voice searches originate from mobile devices.
In essence, understanding voice search SEO means adapting to the changing ways users seek information, embracing a more conversational and context-driven approach to content optimization.
Optimizing Ecommerce Sites for Voice Search
In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, staying ahead of the curve is essential, and optimizing for voice search is no exception. With the growing popularity of voice-activated virtual assistants, consumers are increasingly turning to voice search for their shopping needs.
To tap into this trend, e-commerce businesses should focus on natural language content that reflects how consumers speak and inquire verbally. Long-tail keywords that mirror conversational queries become vital. Additionally, optimizing product listings for local SEO and providing structured data to search engines can improve visibility in voice search results.
In the realm of e-commerce, optimizing for voice search is not just a trend; it's a strategic imperative that can enhance user experience, drive traffic, and boost sales.
Long-Tail Keywords and User Intent
Long-tail keywords are the unsung heroes of modern SEO, as they play a pivotal role in aligning content with user intent. Unlike broad keywords, long-tail keywords are more specific and reflect the nuanced queries users make when searching online. By focusing on long-tail keywords, businesses can better understand and cater to the precise needs of their target audience.
User intent lies at the core of effective long-tail keyword usage. These phrases often capture the specific questions, problems, or desires users have, allowing content creators to provide more relevant and valuable information. This alignment between long-tail keywords and user intent not only improves search engine rankings but also enhances the overall user experience, leading to higher engagement and conversion rates.
In summary, long-tail keywords are a potent tool for deciphering and addressing user intent, making them an indispensable asset in modern SEO strategies.
Local SEO and Voice Search
Local SEO and voice search are becoming inseparable in today's digital landscape. With the rise of voice-activated devices and virtual assistants, optimizing your local business for voice search is imperative. This means focusing on long-tail keywords, natural language, and mobile optimization to ensure your business appears in local voice search results. Voice search users often seek immediate solutions, making it essential for local businesses to provide accurate, up-to-date information. Embracing this trend not only boosts visibility but also enhances user experience, ultimately driving more foot traffic and conversions for local businesses.
Voice Search Analytics and Tracking
Voice search analytics and tracking are crucial for businesses looking to stay ahead in the digital landscape. By monitoring and analyzing voice search data, companies can gain insights into user behavior, popular voice queries, and emerging trends. This information allows for more effective content optimization and marketing strategies tailored to voice search. Furthermore, tracking voice search performance helps in refining SEO efforts, improving website rankings, and staying competitive in an increasingly voice-centric search environment. It's a powerful tool for staying connected with your audience and adapting to their evolving search habits.
Embracing voice search SEO is no longer an option but a necessity for Ecommerce stores looking to thrive in the digital age. As we've explored, Techies Infotech can significantly benefit from optimizing their online store for voice search. By providing user-centric, conversational content and ensuring technical readiness, Techies Infotech can enhance its visibility, user experience, and ultimately, its bottom line. In this era of vocal interaction with technology, adapting to the evolving search landscape is not just a strategy; it's a commitment to meeting the ever-changing needs of customers and staying at the forefront of the Ecommerce industry.
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