#only snuff i watch is puppet snuff
technoguaranteed · 5 months
i think you’d find that kind of forum on rotton .com or whatever it’s called. didn’t they have a place to bet on when celebrities would die or something like that? i mean either way seems like a thing they would have
fuck i dont know. i just use newgrounds all day i dont go on those sites. not even ironically.
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
I need to get something off my chest and this only became clear to me 45 seconds ago. 
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say the following. 
I am DEEPLY traumatized. 
For me, the trauma from losing my older brother to terror really never went away but it definitely became bearable. Life was going on. 
But then it came to an immediate stop on October 7th, 2023, the day my heart was ripped from my body over and over. 
So what happened 45 seconds ago that made me realize this? 
A friend of mine reached out. He produced a movie that he’ll be screening in synagogues across America on Tisha Beav, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, a fast day that starts in a few hours. 
He sent me a private link to watch the movie. He promised me it had no gore, no atrocities, and that I’d be safe watching it. 
I started the movie. I forced myself to keep watching. 5 minutes. 10 minutes. 15 minutes. 
But then I asked myself why I was doing this to myself and I stopped the movie. 
I simply could not. And no, there was no gore, no blood, just a whole lot of unbearable tragedy. 
The movie had many people, heroes who told their story from that dark day. There were many positive messages in the movie and I totally see what they were trying to accomplish with this movie. 
But I simply could not keep watching. 
This isn’t behind us yet for us to look back at it. We are still in it! That day hadn’t ended. The mourning and devastation hasn’t ended. 
Our national suffering hasn’t ended. 
This entire country is traumatized. The government will have to spend BILLIONS after this war to deal with the PTSD of this entire country. Tens of billions.  
I still find it hard to register that October 7th happened. That thousands of Gazans, and I chose that word carefully because it is an absolute lie to say it was only Hamas terrorists, came in and massacred families. And while they did it, as many survivors have attested, they laughed. 
A few survivors have said that among all the bloodshed and cruelty, the part that sent shivers down their spines was the laughter. 
As these animals raped and beheaded men, women, and children, as they burned families alive, they laughed. Hysterically. This for them was the highlight of their life. 
But I can’t watch a movie about it because we’re still in it. 
We are doing everything we can to teach our enemies a lesson that gone are the days that you can just massacre Jews and not pay a price. They must pay a price big enough that they will know that they made a very big mistake on October 7th. 
Our enemies need to bleed enough that they can no longer say that they’ll do 10/7 over and over. They need to fear Israel. They need to know what happens when you invade our country and murder our people. 
In any normal society, the entire world would stand behind anyone trying to eliminate that evil. And you know what? They would. They’d stand behind anyone, anyone except the Jews. 
I’m going to say this as clearly as I can and yes, I am speaking from a place of pain, unbearable pain, pain and trauma, but I still have to say it. 
If you are calling for Israel to hold its fire before eliminating and obliterating Hamas, you are making a clear statement, “I know full well what they did on October 7th, 2023, and I am completely ok with them doing it again and again.”
That’s what a ceasefire with Hamas means. 
I have not gone down there to see the houses and cars burned to a crisp, to smell the death in the air. I couldn’t. I still can’t. 
I can’t watch or read about the atrocities. I block anyone who sends me that horror. From my perspective, those are snuff films, with one small difference. The atrocity in those films? The victims are my family members. 
Until Israel’s enemies, Iran’s puppets are a thing of the past, it is not only Israel’s right to eliminate them wherever they are, it is Israel’s responsibly! Its responsibility to its citizens. Its responsibility to those families. Its responsibility to the world! 
What Hamas did on that day, and I mean this whole heartedly, is the cruelest barbarism the world has EVER known. Ever. Yes, ever! 
There are many Holocaust survivors who were interviewed after 10/7 who all said the same thing. “Even the Nazis didn’t do this…”
The Nazis drank themselves to sleep. Deep down they were ashamed. Hamas live streamed it and is deeply proud of October 7th.  
So let me very clear. There is not ONE, not ONE other country on this planet that would have to justify a war like this after a day like that. Not one. 
Except Israel, the only Jewish state. 
I am far from being able to watch movies about October 7th. Maybe I’ll never get there. I’m unable to hear the stories, watch the videos, or even see the pictures. 
Every time I accidentally see anything about that day, I am retraumatized! 
So yes, I know we will win this war and I know things will be ok but I am far from there. I am far from being ok. This country is far from being ok.  
And the salt on the open wound is the fact that we can’t do what we need to do to eliminate the threat on our borders and ensure that 10/7 never happens again, because every step of the way, the global community puts wrenches in our wheels. 
“Proportionate response”? What’s proportionate to murdering 1200 innocent people in their homes? What’s proportionate to raping mothers in front of their children and children in front of their mothers? What’s proportionate to beheading babies? There is no proportionate response to such barbarism. It doesn’t exist. 
“Indiscriminate killing”
Such lies! 
“Don’t go into Rafah or else!”
The lies don’t stop. The deception never ends. 
Israel eliminates tens of terrorists. Hamas calls them kids and the world eats it up! 
The aftermath of 10/7, which continues till today, is almost as hard to believe as 10/7 was. 
There are two sides in this war and there is no option C. 
Israel who fights to live in peace and to remove the animals who raped our children from this planet before they do it again, but next time, it won’t only be Israel. 
Hamas who did what they did and aim to do it again and again. 
Those are your only two choices.  
Remaining silent today is the equivalent of witnessing first hand what the Nazis did and turning a blind eye. Remaining silent and neutral in this war is immoral. 
Defending Hamas or demanding Israel cease its fire and not finish the job is immoral. 
Giving Israel anything but your FULL support is immoral. 
And let’s say it as it is. Enough with the charade already. If, after October 7th, you don’t stand with Israel, you are actively encouraging Hamas to do it again. You are actively condoning the murder of Jews and encouraging them to do it again.  
If you don’t stand with Israel now, in our darkest hour, you stand with Hamas and pardon my French, but if you stand with rapists, murderers, and pedophiles who take pride in their “work”, well you are a terror-supporting, Jew-hating, mass murder-condoning piece of… and you will be remembered in history as such. 
I am deeply traumatized and the truth is, for this country and the Jewish people, trauma is the new normal because we are all traumatized. 
Anyone who knows what happened on October 7, 2023 should be deeply traumatized. 
Stand with Israel when we need you most. Do what you can to help. We won’t forget it. 
If you don’t, history won’t forget it. 
Tonight begins the 9th of Av, as I said, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar. I’ll be going to the western wall to pray. 
For 45 years, I fasted on this day but deep down, I didn’t really feel the pain we are supposed to feel on this day. How can I authentically mourn the destruction of a temple I never saw and find very hard to relate to?
This year, I will feel it in spades! This year, we experienced an entire year of the 9th of Av. 
This year, we are fasting under the very real threat of our enemies murdering us again like they always have. 
Iran threatening to attack on the 9th of Av. They know what they’re doing. They know that this day is our most vulnerable. 
So tonight, I will begin my mourning and my fasting with a gaping hole in my heart and a deep prayer that God make this our last 9th of Av. That one year from now, we will dance again in the streets of Jerusalem and the prophecies of the Jewish people coming home will all have come true. 
Tonight I will try to embrace the pain and hope it’s not too unbearable. It will be. I know that. 
But tonight, for the first time in my life, the 9th of Av will be what it was supposed to be, a day on which we mourn and remember what our enemies did to us over and over. 
Tonight, this year, it won’t be hard to feel it. 
The only thing that’ll be difficult this year is to bear the unbearable pain that we feel as a nation. 
I wish you a meaningful fast if you’re fasting and if you’re not, spend a few moments to reflect on our history, specifically as it pertains to this day, the 9th of Av. Maybe even say a little prayer that we get past this. It can’t hurt. 
The Jewish people need the strength to get through this dark time in our history. We’ve been through worse and came out on the other side, but getting through this will require real strength and dedication. We need all the prayers we can get. 
Have a meaningful 9th of Av. I know I will.
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You know, I just realized: While Ultrakill *kinda* has an overarching story, each layer tells its own, self contained story (save Gluttony, Heresy, and eventually Treachery), and each of them tie back to the whole story of Ultrakill.
Prelude is, well, the prelude. It tells us the story so far: Mankind is Dead, Blood is Fuel, Hell is Full. It’s a factory before Hell, extracting things out of Hell, and Hell is so full its denizens are escaping. Still, there are other machines such as Swordsmachines venturing within to acquire fuel. There’s no people manning anything here because mankind is dead. It’s pretty standard all things considered.
Limbo is also somewhat self contained. It’s more a Twilight Zone “god that would be fucked up, anyway-“, but parts of its story are important. It tells us about the actors in the story of Ultrakill. It introduces us to some of the key machines, demons, and even foreshadows Gabriel. All while Humanity is caught in a Limbo in the middle, stuck in a prison poorly disguised as paradise, while the real actors roam free and wreak havoc in the Garden, all the while Heaven remains distant. Moreover, the setting is just an interesting portrayal of Limbo as a whole.
Then, we get to Lust. This tells the story of King Minos. The city he built, the home he tried to make within hell. One dedicated to peace and love, doing away with atonement and just trying to move on and protect what they had. It also showed his punishment. How his city lay in shambles and his corpse puppeted around to terrorize his people. Slander to his very name.
Gluttony is part of a 3 part story. While the other acts tend to tell stories of the past, of what has been, Gluttony, Heresy, and I expect Treachery tell stories of the present and the future, with the main character Gabriel at the center. A pulsating, disgusting place, yet Gabriel still has the pride to revere it as an insurmountable palace all to his own. Hell watches through disgusting eyes with its beating heart, but does nothing. Gabriel’s doing its job for it quite well. Of course, his defeat exiles him from his palace, and you can extrapolate from there.
Greed then tells the story of King Sisyphus. His successors, and their continued resistance. Contrasted to Lust, a sad shadow of what it was, barely marred yet empty of the love it was meant to display, Greed instead displays the brilliant ruins of the conquest it acquired. One of the few layers with actual sunlight, and the sands and buildings are just as golden and brilliant. It wasn’t crying because it was over, it was smiling because it happened. It didn’t mourn the distortion of Sisyphus’s insurrections, it celebrated how powerful they had become. And unlike Lust, it doesn’t end with fighting Sisyphus’ punishment. It ends with defeating a rival successor. V2. One of the very things finishing the job Sisyphus started when rising up against Heaven.
Suitably, Wrath follows by telling the story of Heaven. It introduces every enemy related to Heaven that isn’t Gabriel (Virtues, Ferrymen, and Idols), as well as display his form and his kindness across the ship you venture through. The only kindness Heaven ever gave Hell. The flooded Styx showed their neglect, letting Hell flood over with souls desperate for salvation. It showed the few achieving salvation and holy connection through faith, and yet were still kept in Hell despite being worthy, in the Ferrymen. It showed the souls of Humanity who have already proven their worth, and yet are still punished as discardable, menial slaves in the Virtues. It showed the devotion to god, the christening of the unholy demon and the love it can hold and give, a pure display of the good of god, and how Heaven would not hesitate to snuff it out in a moments notice, all shown in the Idols. It showed the sheer danger neglect could bring in the Leviathan. And it showed the one angel who actually cared. Who lent a helping hand, who tried to bring redemption to those who wanted it, and rest to those who needed it. And how none of it meant anything, because Heaven still neglected.
Heresy is more of Gabriel, how his loss is Heresy and yada yada, we don’t CARE about Gabriel here.
Because we are at my favorite. Violence. The ultimate monument to and punishment for its sin. Each level a story of its own in the Saga of Humanity.
The first, an empty canvas, letting the stains of violence shine bright and brilliant as it acted as a twisted prison for the violent. A maze that would madden one to strike themselves, their compatriots, and the very walls of their prison down to escape… the Minotaur did break a lot of walls, did it not? And it was a gift, a monument to the cruel neglect and punishment humanity can bestow upon one another, and the same man who was given the chance to redeem himself chose to continue the cycle he trapped himself in… cycles are important here. Like getting lost in a maze.
Layer 2, a display of war. Of the Violence Humanity commits against themselves and nature. Rivers of blood running red, trenches, barren land, and toppled architecture all around. Repurposed as a battleground. Trampled underfoot. With those who wished to forsake war or were caught in the crossfire strapped to coffins as they mowed down living souls with lead, bled dry for violence.
Layer 3, the madness violence brings. The way it will bring you to harm anyone, even your allies or yourself. This is shown through the blood trees that you feed (inspired by the suicide trees), as well as the madness idols that make enemies fight each other.
And finally, Layer 4. The true display of why War is the Ultimate form of Violence. The Earthmovers are beautiful, antennae to heaven. They hosted towns of people, houses and homes, it had a beating heart and veins, and a functioning mind. And it was made to slaughter. En masse. Something that could have been so beautiful, something that was a testament to what humanity was capable of. Made for more violence. And it was self sustaining. It couldn’t be turned off. And even if it was destroyed, there were dozens more ready to take its place.
Even if you sought redemption, or to at least escape punishment, you’d be trapped. Lost in a labyrinth of your own making, your violence spilling out of you brilliantly onto the walls and floors and ceiling, as you rotted in a disease ridden trench, your monuments falling around you as you beat your fellow man to death with your bare hands, while fire rained down upon you in the form of the centaurs’ arrows, their forms shining like antennae to heaven. It is a labyrinth of your own making. And you will keep getting lost over and over again as you fuel this Null Ouroboros.
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allycat75 · 9 months
Let me ask you, Boston Dumb Fuck, does your ass hurt from straddling the fence for so long?
(Speaking of which, saddle up, this is a long one)
So, is this some Gemini Mercurial thing? Help me out here:
You go after David Duke, but have no problem with, at the very least, appearing to fuck a racist Nazi
You will go to a BLM march, but have no problem with, at the very least, appearing to fuck a racist Nazi
You claim to be a feminist, and love love, but treat her like shit whenever you are forced to be around her (we know because you are only around her when there are required pictures to be taken, nothing organic)
You claim to be a feminist, but for V-day, to celebrate your love, you dump the most ridiculous set of about 25 pictures (photshopped or not), making you look like a creepy uncle and her like a scheming Lolita, and absolutely no chemistry
You claim to be a feminist, but for V-day you release a snuff film disguised as a dumb face puppet video, where you are holding down your beloved with your hand firmly across her nose, as you laugh maniacally in the background, while you proceed to shove a camera down her throat. And do you have a buddy with you? Weird, but it is interesting you never seem to be alone with her.
You claim to be a feminist, but you post a video where you proudly declare taking away your sweetheart's agency because she didn't want you to post it, but you thought it was "cute" so you did it anyway. And by the way, it was much more humiliating for you- so she didn't know how to play Mario Kart. It's Mario Kart, you 42 year old man-child. Not like you were watching Jeopardy!
Side note- don't dare post ANYTHING for Valentine's Day this year, since this charade seems never-ending. You proved your point last year and it is a capitalist construct, anyway. I can only imagine how bad you will look in them this year considering your almost depleted soul. You may not be able to run out of the car fast enough this time after kissing her chin when the person in the passenger window yells "cut".
You love tradition and cherish all that bullshit, but are willing to make them meaningless for this stunt. Yeah, I can see how special pumpkin carving, apple picking and dressing up for Halloween are to you!
You want someone who is humble and hate arrogance, but you are with someone who thinks she is such a good actress she didn't need to go to school for it because she has natural talent. Spoiler alert- she really, really doesn't! I am sure the acting teachers in your family are thrilled with that one.
You value your family, but are willing to use your precious time with them to show off your new plaything and force some of them to follow her on SM, including your underage nephew, only to have her "leak" her tantrum shower porn video to her followers (also wasn't there something about wanting someone who was mature? I don't know, you have said so much nonsense, it is hard to tell what is real or fake, right?)
You declare yourself to be an alone guy and your dog is your soulmate, but then you kinda sorta have two ceremonies with your Portuguese wifey, flaunting that cheap piece of metal strangling your left ring finger. I am surprised it hasn't turned it green, but maybe you don't have it on long enough for it to do any harm. Also, here's a hint, even though pictures with her and Dodger were most likely altered, he don't like her at all! But at least you get to call someone your "wife"; I remember you talking about how special you thought that was, too.
You don't like liars and you don't like manipulation. But what you selfishly mean is that you don't like being lied to and you don't like being manipulated, because you have had a hell of a time perpetuating those acts on the general public and your fans, now mostly former fans. You know, the ones who saved you from the dick pic embarrassment. The ones you said meant so much to you. You may find out how much they mean to you when another of your movies tanks and have a hard time finding more work. (Another side note- what the fuck was that "Guard the Pussy" meme thing all about that was on the same photo roll as the dick pic? Is it that you are here to guard the pussy or is more of a warning that you are here, so ladies, guard your pussy? Well, nevermind, maybe you were always gross).
You suffer from anxiety, but you have no problem being a crazy maker, or paying people to make people crazy on your behalf. He attended the party. No he didn't. The wifey was there. No she wasn't. She stands just below his shoulder. No wait, they are cheek to cheek with no shoe height difference. Where is his arm? That picture is old. That's not his tattoo. How can he look so different in just three days? She supports him at his premiere. Then why does he (and his co-star and director) look pissed. She is only mentioned in online articles, not print. They started dating during the pandemic (when she was 23). No, she was dating someone else at the time. He said he was married. He bought her an expensive Cartier ring. No, that was borrowed, she wears the ring she tried to fool everyone with on the first pap walk. Oh wait, she only wears it when people are looking. He got married in Concord. No, Cape Cod. No, LA, No, Upstate NY. There was an NDA at the ceremony, but select people are allowed to talk to Condé Naste publications (online, of course). But it doesn't matter unless the reps also confirm because apparently his whole life isn't under his control. But because he is doing such a bad job means he is telegraphing this is fake. But a lie, even one told badly, is still a lie- it's just an added layer of mindfuckery. And why did he do this? Was he promised a role? Was he coerced? Blackmailed? Tricked? Was it hubris? Is he in danger? Broke?
So you don't do any permanent damage on that fence, BDF, you may want to pick a side, because currently you are a fucking hypocritical, almost soulless, misogynistic piece of shit! Get some serious help because you have really poor decision making and coping skills to crash and burn your life so magnificently in such a short amount of time! That part is on you, no matter who forced you to sign whatever you signed. Do better as you try to rebuild! Please!
Have a nice day! 👋
PS- there is so much more I could have included; how you are happier than you have ever been, but look sicker than some dying people, don't even recognize you in your life and use weed to disappear further; the whole egoic narrative and how it led you astray from anything real and true; and don't get me started on your unchecked, entitled, white male privlege. But unlike you, I value the things in my life outside this curated SM world- a great job I put effort into everyday because people need and appreciate the effort and that allows me to put a roof over my head and get the bills paid every month (a luxury I know many don't have), great friends who tell me when I am being an asshole as well as when I am being awesome and a family I would never take for granted and use for cheap and insincere gestures. I would much rather spend time in the real world. It is a marvelous place when you don't put your fate in someone else's hands. I hope you get the opportunity to try it soon.
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enddaysengine · 2 years
Melione (Greek Goddess)
Are we going to roll with what is trending? Yes. Yes we are. Let's watch the trailer.
Games covered in this post: Geist: the Sin-Eaters, Pathfinder 1e & 2e, Planescape, Scion (after the break). 
**HADES 2 spoilers incoming**
Supergiant games has revealed that the protagonist of Hades 2 will be Melinoe. Zagreus was an obscure deity from the Orphic Hymns and Milone is very much the same… except even more so. We at least have multiple sources on Zag, but as far as I can tell, we only have one text on Melione, which is short enough I’ll quote it in full: 
I call upon Melinoe, saffron-cloaked nymph of the earth, whom revered Persephone bore by the mouth of the Kokytos river upon the sacred bed of Kronian Zeus. In the guise of Plouton Zeus tricked Persephone and through wiley plots bedded her; a two-bodied spectre sprang forth from Persephone's fury. This spectre drives mortals to madness with her airy apparitions as she appears in weird shapes and strange forms, now plain to the eye, now shadowy, now shining in the darkness — all this in unnerving attacks in the gloom of night. O goddess, O queen of those below, I beseech you to banish the soul's frenzy to the ends of the earth, show to the initiates a kindly and holy face."
This is complicated and I’m just doing a quick read, so fellow academics please forgive and correct me if I get something wrong. 
It is absolutely clear from this passage that Melione is the daughter of Persephone, but who her father is is a bit more debatable. While the text specifies Zeus, lots of chthonic imagery is involved and Hades/Pluto is mentioned. Different groups of Greeks syncretized Zeus and Hades at different times to different degrees. While most modern people know them as separate gods, some groups (like the Orphics who wrote this hymn) viewed them as aspects of one deity. Others gave Hades a “Zeus'' alias because he was ruler of the Underworld. So depending on the story you want to tell, Melinoe's father could be Zeus, Zeus pretending to be Hades, Hades, or both as a single deity.
The other non-obvious bit from my readings is that the “saffron-cloaked” reference indicates Melinoe is a Moon Goddess. If you watched the Hades 2 trailer, you probably noticed she wears a crescent moon diadem and is trained by a Goddess who is most definitely Hecate, the only other saffron-cloaked deity in the Orphic Hymns (although the epitaph is associated with other deities elsewhere).
 As a chthonic deity, Melinoe also gets associated with the dead, in particular ghosts. She has a terrible and fearful appearance from being the embodiment of Persephone’s, which combined with the darkness motif, makes Melinoe a goddess of nightmares as well. Again, all this is seen in the trailer with Melinoe’s ghostly arm and eyes.
So while we don’t have a huge number of sources to play with, there is still enough for Supergiant to bring Melinoe into their game. And if they can do it, so can you!
General RPG Info
Allies: Hecate, Persephone
Enemies: None
Temples: Caverns, entrances to the Underworld, graveyards
Relationships: Hades (father?), Macaria (sister), Persephone (mother), Zagreus (brother), Zeus (father?) 
Worshippers: Diviners, necromancers, psychologists, the wronged and oppressed
Minions: Ghost, nymphs 
Geist: The Sin-Eaters
Melinoe is a perfect deity to use as the basis for a Kereboi (if you don’t play Geist, that’s a big, nasty ancient ghost). 
Description: Melinoe appears as a giant woman, who alternates between radiating blinding light and shadow so dark it snuffs out all lights. Her six arms are not attached to her body, instead they float around her, the bones within visible through their ectoplasmic outline. 
Virtue: Kind
Vice: Wrathful
Attributes: Power 15 Finesse 15 Resistance 15
Influences: Domain 5, Fear 5, Rage 5
Corpus: 30
Willpower: 10
Initiative: +30
Defence: 15
Speed: 35
Size: 15
Numina: Chthonic Darkness*, Domain Sense, Engulf, Enforcement, Hallucination, Olympian Light*, Puppeteer 
Manifestations: Avernian Gateway, Discorporiate, Emotional Aura, Empower Ghost, Image, Materialize, Possess, Twilight Form 
Essence: 50
Ban: Most obey the Old Laws of her Domain
Bane: A thunderbolt tempered in one of the Rivers of the Underworld
New Numen - Chthonic Darkness: By spending 3 Essence, the ghost can snuff out all light for the Scene. Mundane lights cannot be relit, magical lights require a Clash of Wills. 
New Numen - Olympian Light: By spending 1 Essence, the ghost shines bright with the light of the heavens. The victim contests with a Dexterity + Stamina + Supernatural Tolerance roll. If they fail, they suffer the Blinded (Both Eyes) Tilt for the rest of the Scene.  
For Pathfinder 1e domains, I’m avoiding alignment-based domains on purpose. I’m also going to consider Melinoe a demigod and give her four domains/subdomains. 
Domains: Darkness, Death, Madness, Nobility
Subdomains: Leadership, Moon, Nightmare, Undead
For Pathfinder 2e, things are a bit more straightforward since we’ve done away with subdomains and everything’s just a domain.  
PF 2e Domains: Darkness, Moon, Nightmare, Undeath
Placing Melione in Planescape is easy at least - she would be found in the Grey Wastes with her mother or visiting one of Hecate’s two realms on the Grey Wastes and Baator. Faction-wise, the Bleak Congress and Dustmen are natural fits for her followers. The Revolutionary League and Mercykillers could also work for followers who seek to avenge the wronged and the abused.
I think an interesting twist to Melinoe would be if she is also worshipped by aberrations and dragons due to her frightful description. So if you are running a Greek-themed campaign, perhaps you have some chthonic beholders who worship Melinoe alongside the ghosts of their ancestors? Given Melinoe’s association with ghosts and darkness, I would toss in shadows, spectres, and wraiths alongside her minions as well. 
Making Scion stats for Melione is pretty straightforward. Judge and Passion (Rage) are there because Melinoe was birthed from Persephone’s anger over the injustices against her. I'm also writing Melione as a Guide since they are easy to make and I absolutley love Guides. 
Callings: Judge, Leader, Liminal
Purviews: Darkness, Death, Moon, Passion (Fear, Rage)
Melinoe (One-Dot Guide) 
Asset Skill: Occult
Guide Stunt (1-3 enhancement): Gain an Enhancement equal to successes spent to the next action you take in the current session to deal with a ghost. 
Final Thoughts
This is a new type of post for me. Hopefully you find it useful and informative. Got another one planned for Zag and Mel’s sister Macaria which should be up on my Patreon in the next few days. 
Athanassakis, Apostolos N., and Benjamin M. Wolkow. The Orphic Hymns. Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 2013.
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worstmombracket · 1 year
Thank god you included Bro Strider. Imagine hating your son so much you refuse to acknowledge what he is to you while raising him from birth. Imagine refusing to touch your baby directly so you use a puppet to feed him instead. Imagine deciding the best way to train him to survive the apocalypse is to throw his toddler ass off a roof. Imagine throwing him down the apartment stairs so often your son makes it a reoccurring “joke” in his comic. Imagine having cameras all over the apartment watching your child’s every move, which are hooked to livestreams on your puppet porn website. Puppets in the shower. Puppets in the blender so your son can destroy them for snuff films. No food in the fridge, just a dangerous pile of swords. It clearly doesn’t dispense water either, since the ice maker is full of cherry bombs. I could go on, but you get the point.
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Holy heck that’s what he does wrong??? I just thought he was neglectful and gross I’m only on act 5 act 1 wadda hell???
Uh b-bad dad… propaganda???
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A cinema with 5 rooms that tends to show basically whatever they can get their hands on (mostly budget horror movies). Each room has an issue associated with it. You can’t open the door to room 1 if the projector is on unless you want to go straight to the pride circle of hell. Room 2 will occasionally show footage of an extremely gorey game of would you rather instead of the intended footage. Room 3 has a good chance of the entire audience being possessed that the ushers will then need to get the manager to deal with. Ushers leaving room 4 will occasionally get sent to the shadow realm, permanently if they don’t reenter room 4 before the shadows get them. Ushers cleaning room 5 have a slim chance of being forced to watch a snuff film featuring a former worker being mutilated. Yeah, you don’t want to work here
Leslie Stone (He/Him)
A lanky butch woman who has lots of tattoos, piercings, and who you can often find in the most tacky “Woman want me, fish fear me” shirts known to mankind. He seems stand-offish and reserved, however if you get to know him, you’ll soon learn why he’s like that. It’s more than a little stressful running a haunted theater, especially when the demons want your employees dead. Luckily, his lovely wife is just a store over when he needs a break, and he’s got his bees at home.
Liam Bumgardener (They/He)
A former employee that still technically works there. They easily run the projectors in room 5, although no one’s ever seen him on the way in or out. The only people there who know what he looks like, or even who he is, are those ushers unfortunate to fall to his mercy when they show their fate on the big screen. Their neck was stretched out farther than their body should allow to the point their entire spine came out. A metal brace keeps them upright with a projector camera shoved through their head and the lens replaces their eye. He seems to have almost totally lost it, and no one wants to get close enough to see if Liam is still in there.
Greyson (It/its)
Room 4 keeps this little menace contained, but what is Greyson? Well, a shadow obviously, but those who’ve seen it only see the shadows of people that it puppets. While trapping its victims it acts polite yet stubborn, but the second its ruse is found out it becomes erratic and violent. It often attempts to guilt its victims to stay with it, crying about how it's so lonely. Those who escape him often attempt to go back out of pity, but the only person seen again after that was Liam, and look what happened to them. Whatever can be believed about Greyson is that it’s that it’s too dangerous to learn more about.
Silas (He/She)
The mysterious ‘owner’ of the cinema. No one’s ever seen him, not even his own employees. However, there are rumors of her being the reason for the cinemas possession. It's joked that the possessions in room 3 are him needing to talk with the manager about business topics. This is unfortunately not too far from the truth, however the manager refuses to talk about the things she’s told him. It’s said he controls the demons in the cinema, but they both seem to act regardless of his desires… or are they doing exactly what he wants?
YEAHHHHH FREAKY CINEMA I LOVE THATTT Also he/him butch Leslie is so incredible I adore him
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mushroom-for-art · 1 year
Another shadow form because op still doesn't know how this story will end lmao so just putting May through the suffering. She found you.
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Full corruption
Pain seared through her thigh as the crystal plunged deep into her flesh cutting through muscle and joining with the bone. She had cried out in agony feeling the blood start to trickle down her leg as it shook, she couldn't feel her toes anymore.
It's corrupting touch quickly spread through her as she'd struggled to stand whimpering at the pain as the wound deepened weeping more blood as tears fell from her eyes. She looked around for any aid any assistance spotting the dark hued mewtwo watching her with his glowing shoulder.
She'd fallen...why didn't he catch her? He could've easily grabbed her with psychic stopped her before the crystal even touched her skin. He, he was her friend wasn't he?
She closed her eyes for the pain unable to think properly as her thoughts swirled.
'It's quite obvious," a voice like hers chirped in her head, "it's because he doesn't actually care," the voice started to laugh, "no one cares about you! Not really!" It's laughter became purely manic as she slipped deeper into her own thoughts.
It was right... Matt didn't care he'd left he'd hated her... Darkness hadnt stuck around either... And Syn... He didn't see her as worth saving did he?...huh...she really didn't have anything left...
It opened it new eyes scelara consumed in blackness that spread over the pupils. The puppeted body shifted.
It was hungry.
She's not home end
So I dunno if I'll go with this but there was an ending idea where due to circumstances Syn notices May could very well be impaled by wild Synergy and allows it to happen probably he either thinks it'll give them something to bond over and/or because she rejected his corruption so like well /I/ didn't cause this directly so she can't be mad. May at this point only has Syn, she'll have had a falling out with Matt and though her and Darkness aren't on bad terms she knows really they're not close and she's not there and when she realises Syn just, let it happen she mentally spirals. Much like how his is intrusive thoughts the crystal does the same pushing at her spiralling pushing her deeper and deeper in despair so she just gives up. This is the depression ending of the stages of grief thing where she just falls into this depressive state trapped in her own mind and the crystal just grabs her and snuffs her out claiming it's new body because she's got nothing to fight for anymore no reason to resist. So Mays gone entirely, only the crystal and it's want for power remains and in turn they just go feral hiding out in spooky caves with more crystals growing out her skin much like with Syns body horror art. So far only on her injured side but it'll gradually shift over.
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wandererintheocean · 1 year
How FNAF’s minigames mirror the story themes
The FNAF arcade minigames have been used to tell the lore ever since FNAF 2. But thinking about them, I’ve found there’s more to them then that.
In FNAF 2, we get the Save Him and Save Them minigames, where all we can do is watch as the Purple Man succeeds in murder, and stops those who would prevent it. In Pizzeria Simulator, we not only bear witness to him killing, but we play as the puppet. It fails to do the one thing it was built for, and is destroyed as it curls up beside the body of the child it was supposed to protect.
Then, when we thought we were rid of him (yes, I’m aware about the mimic, but it merely replaces Afton as the Big Bad), he not only comes back, but does something even worse. He violates the mind of a young woman, and makes HER kill children. This story is shown to us in the first Princess Quest, where the Princess lights the the torches, leading her to be consumed by Glitchtrap. The darkness snuffs out the light.
But in Princess Quest 2, the Princess gets a sword. She can fight back, exactly as we can in Security Breach. Even though they didn’t deserve it, smashing the animatronics is a far cry from waiting for them to come you. Further more, the three star ending gives you the option of purging Afton from the Pizzaplex’s systems, saving Vanessa in the process. And we do all this by playing a minigame, which we were passive observers in before hand.
Now, with Ruin, saving someone isn’t a side quest. It’s the primary objective. This is what I feel is the deeper meaning behind Gregory’s line of “don’t give up on me yet”. Keep the little bit of hope alive.
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eddysocs · 1 year
Volumes (Amara x OC)
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Summary: Chuck wants to do away with humanity, but Amara has grown fond of humans, one in particular, so Chuck will just have to start with her.
Word Count: 1,001
Warnings: Angst, threats of violence
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Chuck didn’t have to lay a finger on her in order to kill her. Both he and Amara knew that, yet he’d chosen to take her hostage, holding an angel blade across her throat, barring her against him. He could have just snapped his fingers and it all would have been over, but to him this was personal, as if it were some sort of betrayal. Maybe that’s how he saw it. But that’s not how Amara saw things.
Lena had been a wake up call to Amara, a light within the darkness she was made of, and lately, her very reason for being. Now it was left to her to save her light before her brother could snuff it out. With Lena as his prisoner, Amara froze, unsure of her next move. Chuck wasn’t often entirely ruthless, but he was smart and calculating, so she’d have to take that into consideration. This wasn’t about killing Lena. If it was, she’d be dead already. What Amara had to figure out was what this was really about for him.
"Let her go," she finally said, her voice rumbling low as she conveyed the threat behind her words. Let her go and this doesn’t have to end in blood. Chuck shifted the blade in response, now angling its tip upwards, pointing it directly at her throat. He could run it through and leave Amara to watch her sputter and gurgle her way to a slow death, drowning in her own blood. Part of him wanted to. He’d love to see his sister fall apart at witnessing the death of her beloved human. Humans were his creation, not hers, and he’d never been one to share.
"You’d like that, wouldn’t you," Chuck finally said. "Humanity is mine, Amara. When it comes to them, I can do anything I want. All you can do is destroy. That’s all you’ve ever done. And yet you wonder why I locked you away, why I wouldn’t let you play with my toys?"
Amara let out a dry laugh. "Humans aren’t toys," she argued. Chuck cocked an eyebrow. This was the stance she was going to take? Surely not. But Amara didn’t waver. She’d meant it. She was ultimate power and destruction personified and yet she cared about life forms far beneath her. "You may have created them, but they’re not your puppets, Chuck."
The way she had said his chosen name, it stung a little. It was the most human part about him. He wasn’t Light, wasn’t God, but Chuck, a dreadfully human moniker which had been entirely of his own choosing. She really knew how to rub salt in a wound, but all he wanted was to start fresh, recreate everything in a new image. He couldn’t do that if Amara was unwilling to help him. She couldn’t have any attachments. And she may hate him for a while, but he had infinite amounts of time on his hands, so what was he waiting for?
He pressed the blade closer to Lena's throat, now pricking her skin and drawing blood, which trailed down her neck. Amara held her ground. Did she not believe he’d do it? Kill her in cold blood? How foolish. She should know him better than that.
Chuck removed the blade from Lena's throat, her hand reflexively going to the small wound to cover it. So delicate, humans. If he wanted Amara to ever forgive him, he better make Lena's death a quick one.
Just as Lena let go of her mounting fear at her own seemingly imminent demise, Chuck moved to deliver his final —fatal— blow. Lena had barely any time to react. She’d only glimpsed the blade as it caught the light. The same one that had been at her throat was now speeding towards her heart. This was it. Lena braced herself for whatever death would bring, but it all came to a halt with a scream.
This was no horror-movie-heroine scream, but something altogether more guttural, a blood curdling noise that in and of itself felt like it had the power to kill. Lena covered her ears, but even that could not drown it out. The mere force of it sent ripples through the air strong enough to actually feel as they made their way past her. It was then she realized this sound, this inhuman warning call, it was coming from Amara.
When it finally ceased, the silence somehow felt more deafening than the scream itself. Lena had fallen to her knees, shaken, but alive. Chuck was gone, the angel blade dropped in the dirt a few inches from Lena. That feral, banshee cry had been her saving grace. However Amara had managed it, Lena found herself eternally thankful.
With the threat gone and the dust settling, Amara ran to Lena, clutching her up in a hug and pulling her to her feet. Lena clung to Amara as she regained her footing, her arms around her waist, her cheek pressed against Amara's chest as she tried to stop the tears from falling. Amara held her tighter with one arm, while she brought her other hand up to Lena's hair, stroking it in a reassuring manner. "I will never let him hurt you," she promised. The calmness in her tone held an underlying ferocity and protectiveness to it that, had Lena not known her better, she would have found frightening.
Finally, Lena let out her tears. Soft sobs were now the only sound in the clearing where the two of them stood and Lena thought for a moment that perhaps this place would forever be silent because of Amara. Maybe that was as it should be. When her tears began to dry, Lena looked up at Amara. "Take me away from here," she said. Amara smiled softly, nodded and kissed the top of Lena's head. In a blink, they were gone, just the supernaturally disturbed land was left behind, a marker of a showdown where love had triumphed over hate.
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @fawera, @themaradaniels, @that-demigirl, @iloveocs, @bossyladies
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eldritch-muppetshow · 2 years
so a while back some of my friends and i held a watch party for the muppets wizard of oz because i wanted to see if it really was as much of a trainwreck as a lot of people say it is. here is me finally documenting my thoughts
- the r&b opening number has made a home in my brain and will live there forever because i had to listen to it repeatedly when i was trying to get the movie set up
- this movie is weirdly horny for a muppets production. and i know the muppets have made plenty of risqué jokes before, but it was pretty uncomfortable to experience in this adaptation of a children’s story
- miss piggy plays all three witches, which could be funny but the movie takes this plot point weirdly seriously and it never really makes any jokes about it
- there’s a moment where dorothy has to carry toto (played by pepe instead of a muppet dog, he’s not even dressed up like a dog he’s just pepe), but ig his puppet is p fragile because dorothy carries him like (to paraphrase my thoughts on the matter) “he’s delicate groceries instead of her beloved pet”
- gonzo/tin thing is the best part of this movie, because he’s gonzo and he’s got a pretty cool puppet design
- this movie features its own original music instead of anything from more popular oz adaptations, but the only two i can remember are “the witch is in the house” (because it’s the catchiest song in the movie, fight me on this) and the opening song
- there’s a scene where johnny fiama and sal are supposed to be parodying apathetic film directors but (because they’re trying to film dorothy getting her feet cut off for the slippers) accidentally come across like they’re making a snuff film. what made this even more awkward is that this was at least one of my friends’ introduction to them as characters.
- a crowd of muppets beats up/tramples scooter for no good reason
- the poppy fields are replaced by a nightclub that serves drugs. i’m only barely exaggerating for comedic effect
- there’s a cameo from quentin tarantino that comes right the fuck out of nowhere and implies that this movie is all an in-universe movie pitch. it never comes up again.
- tbh the most fun i had while watching this movie was playing “spot the obscure/rarely-used muppet”
- oh i almost forgot the part where kermit and gonzo get dismembered. they’re fine because they’re the scarecrow and the tin man, but it was horrifying to watch even when i knew to expect it
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wack-ashimself · 10 months
So I have seen some shit...
Real life and fictionalized.
Some of the most graphic things you could imagine. I once read a fictionalized movie's wiki....that was a rape/snuff film (thank every god I never saw it). Only found out about from top 10 list of most audience freaking out movies.
ANYWAYS, I can deal with that. Because that's...the world (sadly).
BUT shows where you get into their heads. the heads of psychos, and watch normal people go insane from them?
I'm just saying I am watching killing eve's season 2 finale, and HOLY FUCK. She broke her. You watch a sane person turn insane from a psychopath. Think of the joker, but more on the killing than the jokes.
2 more seasons. I wonder how they are gonna keep this up....take down the 12? The government? Each other?
All I know is when you see the psychopath realize she had been duped into killing someone, it looks to be the first time she partially regretted it, if only cuz she was a puppet; who knows what she wanted to do.
I actually feel bad for psycho killer. I mean, she doesn't feel anything except obsession. Not good or bad; just something to silence the boredom. She truly isn't human. I ain't saying her actions are fair (hugging the girl then throwing her in front of a TRUCK?!), but I understand them...
(and that's why I hate these shows. Why should I want to understand someone so broken? It humanizes evil. But..I can't look away. I have seen so much entertainment, when something is ACTUALLY unpredictable, I must watch if only cuz I'm bored ;) )
<This is def one of the most violent BBC show. Damn.>
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cell1613 · 2 years
I’ve been getting a bit more into some Dark Fantasies lately due to SOMEONE making me horny about death (well, more than one someone actually, but the main culprit knows who they are) and so I decided to take a crack at writing snuff. There’s also medical kink, blood, bondage, and kidnapping, because it’s still me. The main character is also trans which means he’s a boy with a pussy. Fun stuff!
A new doctor sets up shop in a residential neighborhood. The boy across the street notices him pulling into work one day and strikes up a flirtatious conversation. The doctor is amused but dismissive, but the boy isn’t quite content and sneaks around the building to see if he can satisfy his inner voyeur.
He hops the fence and finds a row of bushes through which he can spy a large window that leads directly into the doctor’s examining room.
The first patient that arrives makes the boy’s pussy drip. She was all curves with a low-cut blouse and long blonde hair, and the door was hardly locked behind her before she was kissing the doctor hard on the mouth.
The boy watched from the bushes, his hand slowly creeping down his pants as he began to stroke his clit, growing wetter and wetter as he did.
The doctor backed the woman up against the examination table, lifting her onto it and pushing her skirt around her waist to reveal the bare pussy beneath. He freed his own cock and drove it inside of her in one fluid motion, not bothering with foreplay or prep. Her mouth opened to scream, but before she could let out a sound he clamped one hand over her mouth and the other over her throat, squeezing down hard. Her whole body shook as he continued to pound into her without letting go. She tried to suck in oxygen through her nose, but his grip on her throat tightened until she couldn’t breathe at all.
The boy in the bushes felt himself edging closer to orgasm as he stared in wonder at her convulsing form. He wondered when the doctor was going to let her breathe again and then started to wonder if the doctor would at all. It was this thought that drove him over the break, and he came hard, desperately stifling his own noises with his free hand.
Inside, the woman’s convulsions, were slowing as she began to fade from consciousness. Once she had gone completely still, the doctor removed his hand from her mouth, but kept the tight grip on her throat that was depriving her brain of oxygen. She was completely limp in his grasp, like a puppet without strings, as he pounded into her carelessly. He finally came with a long, hard sigh, his hips pushing forward as far as they could as he leaned in and bit the woman hard on the neck, just above where his thumb pressed into her skin.
As he relaxed his grip and let her fall back onto the examination table, the boy in the bushes could see that her chest still rose and fell weakly, and he surprised himself by feeling a surge of disappointment. Whether he let out a noise or whether his luck had just run out, he couldn’t tell, but at that moment the doctor turned and caught sight of him in the shaded bushes through the window.
The boy froze in place, caught between fear, embarrassment and arousal the doctor looked down at the boys, still exposed and dripping pussy, a slow smile spread across his face, and he didn’t bother to tuck away his cock as he grabbed the woman by her hair and dragged her off the table and onto the floor. She gave nothing but the barest twitch as her body hit the linoleum, and her face was entirely slack as the doctor maintained his grip on her hair and pulled her up slightly, giving the boy a good look at her neck and bare chest.
The boy never saw where the doctor got the scalpel from. He only saw a flash of metal as a blade was drawn across the blonde woman’s throat, and the red of blood gushing down her skin and dripped onto the floor.
It was then he tried to make a run for it, but was quickly tangled in the branches, and by the time he made it back to the fence, the doctor had caught up with him. He had always been a scrawny boy, and it was no trouble for the doctor to clamp a blood splattered hand over his mouth and nose, and drag him back inside before he could even get out a proper scream.
The doctor carefully stepped over the dead body and the growing pool of blood as he maneuvered the struggling boy over to the exam table with ease. He grabbed the boy by the neck and forced him onto the table before using his freehand to retrieve a strap from some hidden pocket beneath the table and secured the boys leg to it, repeating the process until he was completely helpless and restrained spread eagle.
The doctor smiled at the boys terrified expression and ran a finger softly across his lips, leaving coppery tangs of blood in their wake. The other equally drenched hand snaked down between the boys legs and pushed inside of him with far more ease than the boy would’ve liked.
The doctor alternated choking him, and covering his nose and mouth with his freehand, as he played with the boy’s clit and fingered time, roughly, pulling several orgasms out of him and nearly knocking him unconscious in the process.
He placed his hand over the boy’s mouth and nose one last time, pressing down harder than before.
“This is it.” He whispered with a grin, and the boy began struggling twice as hard, his pussy gushing as he did so. His struggles grew weaker and weaker, his vision dimming slowly until the doctor removed his hand at the last possible second. In the same movement he snagged an oxygen mask and placed it over the boys face, telling him to breathe deeply, as if he had any choice. The boy gasped and coughed, sucking in grateful lungfuls of air, paying no mind to what it was tinged with.
Before he could come out of the fog of oxygen deprivation, the anesthetic had taken effect, and he was limp and unconscious.
The doctor pulled the blinds shut and flipped off the lights, calling his secretary to let them know there was a cleanup needed, and that he’d be taking the rest of the day off.
He slung the boy over his shoulder and took him outside, bundling him quickly into the trunk of his car, mask still in place to ensure he’d remain sedated for the ride.
The doctor had an excellent office, but his home had so many more fun toys and traps. He couldn’t wait to play with his new toy. He was going to take his time with this one.
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feralreason-a · 3 years
"What is this DSAF you speak of?"
DSAF = "Dayshift At Freddy's". It's a fangame trilogy of RPG-ish visual novels where, as the title implies, you work the Dayshift at Freddy's™. The games are a lot of fun, and also pretty expansive in the choices you can make (the second game has like 20 endings — that's not an exaggeration). You can work as a regular employee, you can help Afton kill kids, you can stop him, you can be worse than him. The series is known for having its own lore (so you don't have to worry about being up to snuff with FNAF's), and being a sort of role reversal AU regarding the diner. I love the lore a lot, hence why I RP as its version of William Afton. And I recommend playing them if this sounds like something you'd be into. *dab*
If you are interested in playing them yourself, you can download all three games together here. If you'd prefer to watch, I recommend this channel for no commentary + all the routes. I know D.awko has a playthrough too, as do others if you prefer commentary.
Also if you like DSAF, check out Dialtown by the same developer!
Content Warning Stuff + Tips Under the Cut:
- CW/TW stuff: no jumpscares but there is creepy imagery and sound. Uncanny valley, creepy art, teeth. There are also themes of abuse, trauma, memory loss, stuff like that. Also typical FNAFisms like murder and blood, and typical adult content like drug use. An optional boss fight in 2 involves close up photos of a isopod, and the end of good route in the third game has some "S.mile D.og" esque imagery.
- The first game is the most not-serious, so your choice in ending doesn't matter. Recommend playing the second game’s Good or Perfect endings before the third, or you’ll be a bit lost.
- ***Save often.*** There are loads of ways to die or get fired lol.
- If you're having trouble with the springlocks mechanic, try adjusting your mouse's dpi.
- Don’t stress over the puppet timer in 2. It only goes down when time passes, and only certain actions make time pass.
- If you are planning to get the Good ending in DSAF 2, name yourself "Jack" and make sure to ask Peter about springlock suits near the end for an extra or two.
- To get the secret lore thing in 3, you have to upgrade the office twice, then go to the office in the actual gameplay segment.
- the passwords on the PC are all uppercase. This drove me nuts trying to solve it because I was doing lowercase.
- Make your choices wisely. You kind of get locked into being good or evil once you decide to go down that path. Recommend making multiple saves.
- Go to V e g a s
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dihalect · 2 years
saw thoughts
adam: *exists* gabriel urbina w359: someone put that man on a space station or so help me god
i. i understand the "adam is so gnc i want to be him" thing now
@nekropsii was sooo right about the saw references in the striders and the cherubs, goddamn. gonna be stewing on this for a while, but rudimentary thoughts (incl. saw spoilers) under the cut
ok obviously, caliborn is the john (the killer)'s puppet façade thing. he thinks of himself as a puppeteer, yes, and he's got the cheek swirls. not to mention that one can draw a connection between his "SPECIAL MIND" and john's inoperable brain tumor.
plus, both the killer and caliborn are marked by serious immaturity in addition to their sadism.
but caliborn (and calliope, i guess) are also coded as the killer's victims. the biggest link here is the fact that they're chained in place, and caliborn has to gnaw off his own foot to escape their room.
of course the master-puppeteer thing makes me think of dirk. but one would think that dave's bro, who was under the influence of lil cal, would've had more of a puppeteer thing going than dirk. maybe dirk needed to adopt that schtick because he didn't have cal around to fill that role....? idk.
oh christ almighty, the cameras around the apartment. constantly watching for puppet snuff material. god.
rrnfngjfdhhdgg i need to reread dave's first appearances in this light. i've seen people compare them to a horror movie but god Damn. the lens of this movie just adds so much to that.
there's gotta be some connection between dave's photography (namely his reminiscing on his selfies) and adam's photography. forced to fight with himself, like lawrence was forced to try to kill adam? idk, that doesn't quite fit.
notably, there isn't really a parallel to alison and diana (lawrence's wife and daughter), or to the cheating thing. it's just the guys. maybe you could draw some sort of connection between alison and diana and calliope?
on that note. i'm thinking about how tapp was convinced that lawrence was the killer, and was watching him because of it. i feel like there may be a connection between the trolls watching the kids and john + tapp watching lawrence and adam. in particular, karkat thought the kids were responsible for the mistake that screwed up both of their sessions. when in fact it was karkat's mistake that had caused the tumor. idk i may be reaching on this one
also. adam noooooooo :(((((( and i may have a new interest now. oopsie daisies.
recall that caliborn is a lord of time. at some point, someone (i think alt calliope?) notes that only a powerful time player could've conquered all 15 of his planets in time. contrast this with the killer, who of course has limited time to live because of his cancer, and all of his victims, who are given only a couple of hours to try to escape.
oh man how did i forget TAPP'S NECK SCAR. it's honestly a small detail in the film itself, but the strider connection is huuuuge. my initial thought is that, well, tapp got that scar from a traumatizing incident, after which he was discharged from the force and fell into a spiral, obsessed with catching lawrence. obviously, neck scar = dirk in my mind. specifically, i'm thinking of ultdirk's obsession with controlling the narrative. the parallel isn't one-to-one, though.
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theallseeingeyegm · 3 years
"I hate this fucking town. Everywhere you look, the weak are getting preyed upon by the vicious. You stand up for one and they stab you in the back to steal your shit. Neon City was always like this... The rain and the mist acting in harmony with the filth that lined the streets... It's not just the criminals that make this city bad. The bad cops that turn a blind eye, the shadows that watch your every move and do nothing to stop it, the greed in the hearts of mortal men... This whole damn city is rotten to the core. That's why I left the force, ya know? My wife nearly kills me and puts me in a coma for 6 months, not a single arrest. Go to find my partner was bought out by my brother. My wife merely a literal puppet to some weird voodoo magic nonsense that no one believes could exist."
Wednesday took another long from his cigarette before crushing the cherry with his fingers to snuff it. His right hand reaches into his coat, revealing both a flask and a flash of the silver handle of his auto revolver. The soft tinking of brass catches your ear as he pulls out the flask and offers you a sip, "no one believed me. They still don't. Magic. Monsters. Gods. It's real shit and we're in the thick of it. I was never really a God fearing man growing up, but after losing my wife and son; after being put in a coma and losing my eye, you gain perspective. You gain wisdom. I only saw part of the picture, but now I'm awake and it only makes me hate this city more." He pockets the flask again, popping open another pack of cigarettes and fiddles with a gold Zippo, "the only difference," he says between a drag, "is I can finally do something about it. Besides, what is a man to a god?" You see his left eye, scarred around the socket though filled with a golden flame...
Monologue for Detective Avery "Wednesday Murdoch, the Rift of Odin for Breaking Neon, a City of Mist Garage campaign.
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