#only reason I don't block the anon is because I don't trust the tumblr to not have that block everyone who ever sent an anonask >_>
I’m not trying to attack you, but do you know that proshipper means someone who supports and romanticizes pedophilia, incest, and abuse? Your reblog on that post seems to read that you think antis just hate on people for having ships they don’t like. But it’s completely different than that. Just looking on the proshipper side of Tumblr and the internet and you can see people happily shipping children and adults and making nsfw content of such things.
i appreciate that you're not being outright hostile, but i have to say, that on its own put you above basically every anti i've interacted with.
i understand where antis are coming from, i really do. there are a lot of things on the internet that make me deeply uncomfortable, including the minor/adult ships that you mention. i don't want to anything to do with those kinds of ships and i would be happiest if i never saw them again. which is why i'm proship.
nine times out of ten, if i see that kind of ship brought up on my dash, it's because i was following an anti without realizing it, and they brought it up unprompted and untagged, to talk about how bad it is that they exist. they are the ones putting that kind of content in front of my face and making it harder to avoid.
the thing about people who ship those ships is that they're generally very aware that not everyone wants to see that kind of content, and so they tag it. they make sideblogs to talk about it. they don't go out of their way to shove it in people's faces. that means i, and everyone else who doesn't like it, can avoid it.
what antis want is for it to not exist at all. they want the tags to be purged and blocked, and for anyone who uses those tags to have their accounts deleted. and sure, that might get rid of some of it, but do you know what would happen to the rest? it would stop being tagged. people who don't want to see it wouldn't have the tools to avoid it. this isn't just a hypothetical, that's what's happened any time a fan space has tried to do that.
that's not even getting into the rabbit hole of what should be banned and what shouldn't. obviously any content that depicts real children or real life abuse shouldn't exist and shouldn't be allowed to be posted, but basically any platform that people use already enforces those policies, and there's not much of a slippery slope to go down there. if it involves real living breathing people being abused, it's bad. end of discussion.
but the same can't be said for fiction. ask ten antis for a specific list of all the content that should be banned, and you'll get ten different answers. what about kink? what about roleplay? what about horror and murder and anything that involves fictional characters being graphically tortured? what about people using art to process terrible things that have happened to them? what about art that uses dark themes as a horror element? if you just want to ban anything questionable to anyone, that's the line of thinking that gets any mention of lgbt existence banned. and again, this isn't just a hypothetical, this has happened before, and that's generally where it leads.
i know, from personal experience, that antis do, in fact, send harassment to people just for shipping things they don't like. i've gotten accused of absolutely vile shit for shipping two fictional characters who were both consenting adults. i've seen ship wars turn into moral battlegrounds, over ships that an average person wouldn't bat an eye at.
the thing about "romanticization" is a whole other can of worms. the anti logic goes like this: if someone sees something (even if it's very obviously fictional) in a positive light enough times, they will start thinking it's okay in real life, and go on to hurt real people. the problem with that is that it's just. blatantly untrue.
if it were true every horror movie fan would be a serial killer, every person that studies dark media would be an unhinged psychopath, and everyone who is into ddlg would be a pedophile. but they're not. they just aren't. people have directed movies just as fucked up as the darkest shit on ao3, and are still capable of being normal human beings who know right from wrong in real life.
even if someone is that impressionable, scrubbing away the existence of every piece of questionable content isn't going to solve their problem, because they're still going to be vulnerable to con men, scams, and cultists. the only thing that would actually materially help someone like that is developing their own morals and critical thinking.
children are also more impressionable, and there's a lot of content that's not suitable for them, but that doesn't mean that content shouldn't exist. it just means that they should stick to spaces designed for them (which most social media sites, tumblr included, are not) or, if they're old enough to be responsible for their experience online, they, or a trusted adult in their lives, should block and filter out things that they aren't comfortable with.
which is what everyone on the internet should be doing. it's what i do, and it's made the internet a much more pleasant place to be. and it's why i sometimes worry for antis mental health, especially teenagers, because they're being told it's right and moral to seek out content that makes them uncomfortable and to engage with the people making it. and that's just. really bad. it's not good for the creators that they're harassing obviously, but it's also really bad for them! it's not healthy to seek out things that make you feel bad, and it's a terrible internet safety lesson to teach minors that it's okay for them to seek out and engage with people making adult content.
individual harassment and crusading is never going to succeed at removing dark content from the internet. it just isn't. at best you might get a small percentage of people who create that content to stop sharing it, at worst you're just going to make people stop tagging it, and either way, you're exposing yourself to things that make you feel bad, when you don't have to.
if you want to materially change the type of content you see, you can. the block button is your friend, use it liberally. same with content filtering and tag blocking.
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devilscreekballad · 2 months
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You asked me to use that crap for my writing. That is an insult.
And, anon, no, it will NOT help me 'do a scene', because it doesn't know -how-.
And 'insecurity' really? That's the best buzzword you can think off? About what, anon? People like you saying that a glorified autocorrect, bloated applied statistics stealing from other artists is equal to the work, the research, the care we put into our works?
Come off anon and say it to my face. Come on, come off anon.
And knowing the kind of car you admire I'll rather stick with the horse than that clunky dumpster that won't last a single april shower you deem the ultimate car.
PS: Also, that shit's is dying already as, surprise, it isn't the amazing thing rich techbros made it out to be, but another resource gobbling scam meant to make the already rich techbros richer by buttering up guys like you.
You really ought to stop falling for those scams if you want there to even be a future.
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adoseofdidreality · 11 months
also my blog name wasnt to pretend to be you but to make fun of your username because i think "a dose of did reality" (or even a "a DIDose of reality") is funnier than didadoseofreality
genuinely just replace the word DID with "the shot" or something wild and "a dose of reality" can become a really clever pun for antovaxxers. i think if the op is actually an antivaxxer they can steal that idea and try to come up with a better primary title to be followed by the subtitle "a dose of reality" :P
it would all be really silly shouty lies by an old man/woman/erson who's scared of The Furries Oh my Gosh!!! and it's hillarious
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pamicakery · 2 months
₊✩‧₊˚౨ LOA IS EXHAUSTING ৎ˚₊✩‧₊
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Let's be honest.. We have been trying to force ourselves to affirm, visualise and it's been years that we are waiting for our manifestation. We can't even manifest in field we used to success, we try more and more techniques but fail again and again. We got depressed, exhausted, sad and we want to give up. We see success stories over success stories. We see tumblr Loa blogs coming and deactivating.
You want your Sp? You are chasing after them.
You want your job? You're distributing resumes everywhere waiting for an answer.
You want your ideal body? You are avoiding mirror.
You are affirming that you are that bad bitch that gets everything you want? You're crying and asking every Loa blog how to manifest this with many accounts or on anon.
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The error is not the world. You are. Well.. Said like that is harsh but let me explain.
You are manifesting with ego.
You want to manifest with logic, reasons and known pattern. You are not using the subconscious mind but your ego. You want to convince your Rational ego that you have that body that you don't have, that your boyfriend is this guy who blocked you, or this job that you don't have. Let's put it like this :
🧸: I have my ideal body!
🧠: No you don't look at the mirror you are the same.
🧸: I swear I have it!
🧠: No you don't, you don't work out or diet.
🧸: but I have it.
🧠: Why are you avoiding mirrors if you have your ideal body?
🧸: Because... I don't have it yet but it will come soon!
🧠 : Who told you you don't have it?
🧸: I see it in the mirror.
🧠:So you don't have it, I was right.
🧸:Yeah you are right, I don't have my ideal body.
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Why are you relying on a rational person to prove a miracle?
You are more stressing out and forcing yourself to visualise more than anything.
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What you should do then?
🎀 When I mean nothing, it means relying on the miracle person to prove the miracle. Make it easy for yourself. You can speak to the subconscious mind, who doesn't have any limiting belief, agrees with you, prove you right, show you and tell you what you want and believe in you and will do anything for you.
🎀 Your subconscious mind is not your bitch, your whore or your slave. It's your best friend. You don't need to tell it everyday :
'' Make me breath ''
'' Make me walk ''
'' Make my heart beats ''
'' Digest my food ''
. It takes care of everything but you prefered to listen and talk to your ego instead.
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Let's put it like that :
🧸: I have my ideal body.
🎀: Yes you have and you are so beautiful.
🧸:no... I still have the same body.
🎀: what? Of course not, in your 4d you have it!
🧸: Really ? But in the 3d -
🎀: I've finished the painting in the 4d, let me start sketching here so you can see it too. It Will be beautiful, trust me.
🧸: But what if it doesn't come.
🎀:You have to trust me, because I trust you when you tell me how's your life is going in the 3d. You're my eyes, remember?
🧸:Okay then, I trust you.
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It's like someone ordered a commission for a cake. The person told how exactly they want their cake okay? With detailed. So now it's for the baker to catch up to do the exact replica of the cake. But if everytime the customer calls '' Is the cake is finished yet? '' or '' You won't make it in time '', the baker doesn't have time to bake so when the day will come, there will be nothing on the table.
If the customer trust the baker, and let them cook, the baker will be more concentrated on the cake and will give a stunning result.
You need to trust the subconscious mind and let it work. Your only job is to know what you want and how would you feel if you already have it. If you want to send a reminder to the subconscious mind, send it the feeling of already having it.
🩷know that your subconscious mind is your best friend, if you trust it and enjoying in advance because you know it will bring your the best results it will thanks you with your desires.
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toxicanonymity · 2 months
For context, a tumblr account has been posting anon hate for the past week or so, mostly toward writers. A parasocial hater of mine discovered the account and has been going to town. I posted this after they invoked Israel as an analogy. Yes really.
Obviously I am disgusted by what I just read, and floored that anyone would post such a deranged analogy in the interest of stirring up fandom drama. I'm very sorry to everyone who has been attacked and everyone who has witnessed all this. Others have posted about the situation as a whole, and I'm not sure what I could add. But I want you to know many of these "confessions" are from one individual who has been fixated on me (and probably others) for weeks if not months. I already had the following in my drafts:
warning: please don't read this if you're sensitive to hate or could be triggered by the trivialization of real abuse. (edit: they went on to trivialize genocide too but they'll pretend to be different people). there's also a really gross anatomical reference.
the screenshots are all after I blocked them.
I normally don't address things like this, but that's because I'm trying to keep it off your dash and off my blog (for several reasons including not wanting to give the hate a larger audience). Normally I block/delete. But thanks to a blog dedicated to posting anon hate, some of this is already on the dash, and I thought some additional context could be illuminating.
a couple weeks ago, this person chimed in on my non-fandom post, and their comment made me uncomfortable. I checked to see if they followed me and they didn't, plus their blog tagline was antagonistic. I was confident they weren't being earnest. I replied, pointing out my issue with their comment and asking them to keep their thoughts to themselves rather than coming at me from a sideblog. I thought they must have followed me from a main account since they somehow found an untagged, unreblogged post without following me. But I now realize they were simply hate checking my blog.
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(Blocked the burner too)
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They were saying this last bit preemptively - I've never talked about stalkers here. I didn't include all their anons, just enough to show they clearly out themselves as being the same person. In other "confessions," they make repeated references to a former fandom writer they idolize (not me) who they also posted about on their blog.
I won't be dropping this creep's url in this post, but I had never heard of them. This week they have repeatedly changed their url, display name, and blog appearance. Their writing is recognizable and I believe they are responsible for the unhinged asks preceding katy's departure from tumblr. They also made a rude comment on her post.
This may only aggravate them. I expect them to hurl any lies and accusations they can think of toward me. They will act like they're laughing and amused, too. You may recognize their tone. I want to trust this fandom not to believe and repeat anything they hear, but unfortunately my experience in this fandom leaves me pessimistic.
I can only hope people use common sense at this point.
Note - I know I'm normally really private about everything, but you're welcome to share this. Their lies are already out there anyway. Also feel free to DM me and I will tell you what you want to know.
Update: the anon-hate account referred to above has deactivated. It was named pedgeconfessions. It wasn't the first to pop up this summer and may not be the last.
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p-redux · 4 months
Had no idea cherylecheryl was bootsaucepunk but makes perfect sense as both are pathetic, nasty, malicious bullies. Thanks for the interesting info.
Hi, Anon. Sorry it took me a few days to put this together. This post is gonna be a long one. So, grab a beverage and get comfy.
For those who don't know, Tumblr blog Bootsaucepunk has been around for years and has cemented a reputation as a Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe hater. As far as her being the Instagram troll cherylecheryl, well, we know Bootsaucepunk's name is Cheryl. How do we know this? Because she OUTED HERSELF and her FULL NAME, Cheryl N. on her OWN, now deleted Twitter account. Everyone who was around back then knows Cheryl's last name, but I won't post it in its entirety since not everyone may know it. Cheryl doxed HERSELF, and I'll show you how down below, but I won't repost her last name for obvious reasons. After Bootsaucepunk revealed her own identity, of course, people easily found her info, including that she's from New Brunswick, Canada. But this is because SHE HERSELF posted her full name and a pic of herself on her Twitter account. Here's the backstory of how she DOXED HERSELF a few years ago...
Bootsaucepunk gloated that she would repeatedly harass Sam on social media, he would block her, and then she'd create new accounts. She also badmouthed Caitriona Balfe, her husband, Tony McGill, and bragged that Cait blocked her too. On the left side of the screencap below, you can see her as Bootsaucepunk talking about Sam reporting her to Twitter, Twitter suspending her accounts, and then she would create new ones. She even joked that she's playing "whack a mole" with Sam. Harassing Sam and Cait is a GAME to her. On the right side of the screencap, she posts a LONG diatribe talking crap about Cait, after Cait blocked her. 👇
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Bootsaucepunk continued to boast that Cait blocked her and showed the proof of this. 👇 I've also attached the PROOF that Bootsaucepunk is Cheryl N., provided by HER. 👇 You can see that Bootsaucepunk is asked by another hater, Cant-Resist-Temptation, what Bootsaucepunk Tweeted that caused Cait to block her on Twitter. And Bootsaucepunk replied by posting what she said to Cait WORD FOR WORD. Basically, Cait blocked her for talking shit about her husband, Tony McGill. The thing is those EXACT words were posted on her real life Twitter account, CherylN_____89 (now defunct). 🤦‍♀️ Either she didn't think people would make the connection, or she was so arrogant she thought no one would call her out. (Click on the screencap to read it better). Oh, and notice in the second paragraph, Bootsaucepunk takes the opportunity to continue to talk negatively about Cait.
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Let me show it again so that everyone is VERY CLEAR that Bootsaucepunk posted on Tumblr the Tweet that got her blocked by Caitriona Balfe (she's responding to another hater, its-mootpoint). 👇
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And it is VERBATIM what Cheryl N. posted on her then Twitter account! 👇
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AND Cheryl/Bootsaucepunk was either dumb enough, or arrogant enough, or both to post it on her Twitter account with her FULL NAME and REAL PICTURE. 🤦‍♀️
After that, everyone in the fandom knew EXACTLY WHO Bootsaucepunk was on Tumblr. Bootsaucepunk tried to say that the pic she used on her Cheryl_____89 Twitter account wasn't really her. But, after she posted her full name, the fandom had no problem finding her on social media. 👇 Obviously, the avi pic on her old Twitter account is from YEARS ago, so she looks younger, but the pic matches her Facebook account. There is NO denying it's the same Cheryl N. And I have other pics of Cheryl N. from N.B., Canada proving this. But Tumblr only lets you post 10 pics or collages total. I'm not posting her full face, she did that all on her own, but trust me, it matches the pic SHE POSTED as her avi on her CherylN_____89 account. Same face, same person, no room for doubt. Bootsaucepunk IS 100% Cheryl N. from New Brunswick, Canada.
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Again, this is NOT ME doxing her, SHE handed her identity to the fandom on a silver platter...and MANY other people in the fandom then called her out publicly as Cheryl N., and as a Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe hater. Here is just a small sample. 👇
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Cheryl deleted her CherylN_____89 account on Twitter, but we know the approximate date when she posted the Tweet that got her blocked by Cait...because another person responded to her on February 12, 2020, calling her out for the Tweet. And also chastising for touting herself as a journalist. 👇
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Guess WHO else was stirring the pot, harassing Sam, right around the SAME TIME on Instagram? 👇 Instagram troll, cherylecheryl commenting on an Instagram post, stating that besides trolling Sam on Instagram, she would also troll Sam on Twitter. That particular cherylecheryl comment was dated March 20, 2020. And CherylN_____89 was called out on Twitter by the account Fans of Sam Heughan on the SAME DAY--March 20, 2020!
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Instagram troll cherylecheryl has DIRECTLY harassed and bullied Cait, Tony, Sam, and EVERY woman Sam has ever dated. This is well documented for YEARS. But here's just a small sampling of cherylecheryl harassing Sam's ex, Anna Modler and most recently, the Brazilian fan who got a pic with Sam in London, and inadvertently posted a video of Sam and rumored current date, Sarah Holden. 👇
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And those are the MILD comments, she's said some horrible stuff to Sam's ex, Mackenzie Mauzy, Gia Marie, as well as many others.
Something else that's of note. An ex-shipper who got sick of Cheryl's bullying, DMed me and showed me cherylecheryl's Instagram account and something very interesting on it. Here's the content of cheryelcheryl's Instagram account. 👇 It's all faux shippery Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe pics. Fake, fake, fake, fronting as a shipper, yet we KNOW all the crap she's said to Sam and Cait, and about them. The cognitive dissonance is staggering. And she also follows all the hater accounts that mock Sam's dates and Cait's husband, Tony. Her oldest post is dated January 10, 2022, in it, she attacks another fan, she attacks actress Hannah James directly, and boasts the fan blocked her. BUT, if one checks her account info, it shows the account was started in March of 2018! It's not logical that she created an account in 2018 and didn't post anything until 2022. No posts at all for 4 years? NOPE, she obviously posted from 2018 to 2022, and then DELETED posts that would identify her as Cheryl N. This is also why the account shows she's changed her username 2 times. Lemme guess? Was it originally CherylN_____89? 🤔😊 👇
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For those saying cherylecheryl isn't Bootsaucepunk, um, I just PROVED to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bootsaucepunk IS Cheryl N. And Cheryl N. has an extensively documented history of saying horrible things about Caitriona Balfe, her husband, Tony McGill, Sam Heughan, and EVERY woman he's ever dated. Cherylecheryl on Instagram has an extensively documented history of saying horrible things about Caitriona Balfe, her husband, Tony McGill, Sam Heughan, and EVERY woman he's ever dated. And I showed you in a screencap above that cherylecheryl on Instagram talked about going go harass Sam Heughan on her Twitter account. Just like Cheryl N. aka Bootsaucepunk. Gee, what are the odds that there's another Cheryl who's a horrible troll and isn't Cheryl N. aka Bootsaucepunk? C'mon, now.
Regardless, there is NO doubt WHO Bootsaucepunk is = Cheryl N. And not only is she a Sam hater, but she's also a Cait hater. Let that be known to newbies who aren't aware of the history. I'm shown accounts who claim to be Cait fans but they associate with Sam hater accounts who interact with Bootsaucepunk, comment on her posts, let her comment on their posts, and mutually reblog. In your disdain for Sam, you're inadvertently commiserating with a Caitriona Balfe and Tony McGill hater.
So if the hill you want to die on is proving that Bootsaucepunk on Tumblr isn't cherylecheryl on Instagram, that's on you. BUT, do not forget that Bootsaucepunk IS a PROVEN Cait hater. There are MANY other examples of her hate toward Cait, but the ones I showed you up above should be enough to distance yourself from her. Make NO mistake, Bootsaucepunk hates Sam Heughan AND Caitriona Balfe, and has gloated about her disdain for them BOTH for YEARS. There's no justifying or excusing Bootsaucepunk/Cheryl N.'s behavior and anyone who associates with her is guilty of condoning such behavior.
I rest my case, your honor. Case closed, Edith.
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anangelinthepit · 24 days
Also this fanbase is so divided it’s not even funny dude
I'm glad you mentioned this. I'm not new to the fandom but I'm new to tumblr, like I've been here less than 2 weeks lol. I haven't interacted with many people yet and I really want to but I've just been minding my own business and reading fics (yours is great by btw).
Regarding the division: I feel like the new kid in school standing in the cafeteria trying to find a table. I don't know which faction or clique to sit with or if they'd even want me around. What if I sit at the "wrong" table that other cliques hate and I get shunned because I'm unaware of any previous beef or drama? I guess the point I'm trying to make with my word vomit is, this community is very overwhelming if you're new. I see the negative and toxic things, but I also see some good people I think I want to interact with but I'm afraid and intimidated. What if I unknowingly follow 2 people who are beefing and I get blocked or something? I know that sounds silly and that's not how anyone should feel in a fandom community but it is how I feel. Sorry for dumping all of this on you but you seem like a safe space.
Well, Anon, I'm always a message away if you ever want to talk. My blog is 100% a safe space, and I'm happy you felt comfortable enough to share this with me. I do apologize for waiting hours to answer yours. Tumblr and I got beef for some odd reason. 🤦🏾‍♀️ yes, the Bo fanbase is divided, but you did a pretty good job of picking out the rational side. We don't judge, only support. The number of friends I've made on here is amazing, and tbh I would trust these people with my life more than I would than the people I see on a day to day basis. That says a lot.
Anyway, “new kid in school” Welcome to the cult, and you're always welcome to sit at my lunch table. I hope you see this soon and reach out to me in messages.🩵
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tmntkiseki · 5 months
Originally, I wasn't going to go public about this...
But I realized something yesterday: Suffering in silence is stupid. While it is true that there are a lot of horrible people on the internet, there are also a lot of incredibly kind people--people who may be complete strangers to you, but are more than willing to reach out a helping hand if you let them know that something is wrong, and I'm tired of pretending that everything is fine around here when it's not. So here we are.
The short version is this: Ever since I disabled anonymous asks back on the 6th of this month, I've been repeatedly stalked and harassed by an individual I've taken to calling Troll-san. Why Troll-san? Because I'm an older internet user, I've been active online since the mid-2000s, and that's what they are: a troll, and they've gone through so many URLs at this point that I have nothing better to call them.
Troll-san primarily harasses me through my ask box, but they've occasionally attempted to do what they've been doing through reblogs on my posts as well. I will give them credit where it's due because they've been incredibly persistent; every time I block one of their URLs, they proceed to delete and then remake it in order to circumvent the block feature and continue sending me more hateful messages. This also has the side effect of making reporting their behavior incredibly difficult, and that's assuming that Tumblr staff decides to even try doing something about this. (And I do not trust Tumblr staff at all.)
This is one of the only asks I made an effort to take a screencap of, sent not too long after I made my post on Friday regarding my recent ER visit, and let it be said that this is FAR from the worst message they've sent me. (They have, in fact, sent a couple of asks telling me to kill myself.)
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So, at this point in their little harassment campaign, I can confirm a few key details about Troll-san.
This is indeed over the fact I disabled anonymous asks. I'm not particularly special for disabling them since so many Tumblr users do it, but presumably the reason Troll-san is so wound up over it is that if they're having a bad day and feel like being a dick someone (me), they can no longer send rude asks and avoid the consequences for it by using the anon feature. (In fact, that's the entire reason why so many Tumblr users disabled anons in the first place! Because people were abusing them to be assholes!)
I am definitely not their first victim. I did some digging around yesterday and can confirm that there is at least one other user who has also been harassed by Troll-san, and there are likely more people who may have/are dealing with the same person.
Even though Troll-san has been constantly deleting and remaking their URLs in order to bypass the block feature and continue their harassment, I am about 99% positive that their primary URL is grandangelkitty. It's one of the only URLs that they haven't deleted and remade at some point, and the other user who was harassed confirmed it was one of the URLs that they had to block. Whether it'll still exist by the time anyone reads this, I don't know, but I figured it was worth mentioning.
I realize that by acknowledging what's going on, I am potentially inviting yet more harassment and allowing this situation to drag out even longer than it needs to, but A) cyberbulling is never okay, and knowing I'm not the first person to be harassed by this particular individual makes me more angry than knowing I have to put up with it at all and B) I've never been afraid of Troll-san. They lost all my respect when they ignored my first block and I had pretty much lost my ability to take them seriously by the time they remade their URL for the fourth time. I just wish they'd learn their damn lesson already that no means no and that being horrible to strangers online is going to result in them making enemies rather than any friends.
I did finally reach out to a couple people online regarding this ongoing fiasco and while I won't be naming anyone specific; thank you all so, so much for your kindness and support. I was originally quite content to try and deal with this problem on my own, but I find so much comfort and renewed energy in knowing that I'm no longer alone and that there are people who do have my back. I'm not at all weak for having to ask for help; in fact, I'm all the stronger for it.
I am hoping that by finally acknowledging what I've had to endure for the last week that not only will I be helping to protect more users from this person, but that they'll finally get the message that this kind of behavior is not tolerated in this community. For anyone who has read this far, please, stay safe and I hope you have a good day!
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Taking a break from retirement. I don't follow this blog (because the posts here can get a bit too intense sometimes), but when I get bored and miss StarKid (or check if my anon posts got published or reacted to), I do read the posts here. Here’s what I think about the current posts I’ve read.
Why do people who apparently dislike or hate Robert Manion still talk about him, even though the events happened a few years ago? Please ask yourselves this. Sure, he committed his wrongdoings back in 2020 and/or 2021, but is three years not enough to stop talking about it? People generally know his actions were bad. Even those who don't know him or know nothing about SK understand that harassing someone romantically and sexually online and saying insensitive or uninformed things is wrong. (If I miss something or I'm being vague about it, it’s because I avoid that Robert topic and vaguely remember what he actually said online. I don't care to read about them again because I know what's right and what's wrong.)
I don't even hate Robert, probably because I left the fandom when he joined. When I came back, he was no longer a part of SK.
To those who are new, please read Robert's fandom wiki page and look up information online about why he left and the controversies surrounding him in SK’s past. There’s no need to add to the discourse about someone whom StarKid carefully mentions online because of what happened—trust me, there’s already more than enough awareness about it online.
I remember they did not even tag Robert in their IG post about the Twisted anniversary, but they did post his character's photo. Joey briefly mentioned him while talking about TGWDLM or BF during the CC Kickstarter livestreams.
Note, expressing that you miss or wish Robert had stayed because you enjoyed his performances will likely attract replies about what he did, and they often repeat the same things. It’s probably best to avoid this.
He was a good and funny performer, then he made some mistakes, and he left SK.
And yes, Robert still talks and works with Jon Matteson and maybe a few other SK members. They probably made amends. Deal with it. It's their lives and friendships.
P.S. I block Robert Manion tags here on Tumblr, but I’m still curious why he is still discussed by fans as a person and what he did, rather than just as a performer. I can understand fans talking about his past creative work with SK, like how good of a performer he was and about his characters.
P.S.S. This is not an invitation to add more discourse or anon posts about him. If you want to react to this, there’s a comment section under this post and I might reply.
Will there still be a lot of discourse/posts about Rob’s actions in the next 5 or 10 years? Hopefully not, as we all get older and the active and older SK members will be in their 40s or 50s. Heck, they might even talk about him again and maybe open up about what he did (again) as a reflection, kind of like a deep-dive history documentary, when SK reaches their 20th or 30th anniversary or something.
I could say more about this but I'm just gonna say the biggest on my mind after reading this
I think a big reason people still talk is actually to inform fans who don't know, also it can be hard to seperate his performance from him, art vs artists
For you maybe not since you weren't part of the fandom while he was here but for many people he was MASSIVE part starkid and loved by many
Just because it's been 3 years doesn't mean people have to stop talking about it and should only think of the good parts of him, again it's pretty hard to do that
Also "note, expressing that you miss or wish Robert had stayed because you enjoyed his performances will likely attract replies about what he did, and they often repeat the same things. It's probably best to avoid this" what are you getting at here? First off although I can understand being nostalgic for before this all happened sure I'd honestly hope no one who knows what happened actually truly wishes he stayed, he sexually harassed someone in starkid, I don't think he should stay in the same company as the person he harassed. Second yeah people commenting about what he did are going to repeat the same things? Bc they are explaing what the bad things he did were? You can't add on or makr stuff very different when explaing what the bad things someone did were.
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northern-passage · 1 year
honestly same...I also only stick to reading the same ifs I've been reading since like 2 years ago + as a disabled lgbt person this community has gotten to toxic to interact wth tbh
hmmm putting this under a read more but here's some ramblings about my personal experience as well as some advice if anyone wants it
before i started writing tnp, when i was just a reader, it was very easy to curate my space and avoid a lot of the nastier people (especially back when the forums were the main space for people to talk about IF. i didn't go on the forums at all) and i was very much outside of the fandom and followed only like one artist whose recommendations i started off with before finding more stuff on my own.
once i became an author though it is impossible to avoid certain groups of people and it's really hard to hold on to that comfortable space. over the last like 3 years now my audience has definitely changed and dwindled a lot due to my.... Big personality but before that i had to endure a lot of harassment, people stalking me, people harassing my friends just for being my friend, almost constant transphobia and racism, and even now i still have people that seem to just camp in my inbox waiting for any opportunity to try and hurt me/get a reaction out of me.
i've been pretty open about all of this stuff happening too which most people also don't like, though that seems to be pretty standard across any fandom when you try to talk about how bad they are. i'm never really surprised when other authors delete without any warning or they just slowly stop posting and never come back. it's definitely something i've wanted to do more than once and still think about sometimes. even now after finally seeming to find my "niche" and a more understanding audience, it's really hard and i struggle with finding inspiration and motivation because of how people have treated me.
unfortunately i think it's always been this way, it's the nature of sharing work online and especially with IF feeling so "collaborative" people really feel entitled to it. and i also see readers facing this same kind of harassment, too, so it's definitely not just an author problem.
my advice is to just block and ignore people as best you can and just stay in your own little bubble with your friends or at least people that you trust. if you're an author going through any of the things i mentioned then just know there are a lot of other authors that have had to go through it, too, and that you should also just block and ignore to the best of your ability. just because you're an author doesn't mean you have to tolerate it. i used to respond to a lot of messages which is why i feel that a lot of my harassment lasted for so long, because they thought it was "funny" to upset me, but the more you respond and give them attention the more they'll keep doing it. so just block anons and move on (i know i make it sound so simple. trust me i used to be really bad about it, now i try to take at least a day or two before responding and usually by that time i realize how stupid it is and i just delete it without any fanfare)
at the end of the day though it's your decision, and your well-being comes first before anything else. i say this to both authors and readers, there's no reason to force yourself to stay in a place that makes you uncomfortable or is triggering. sometimes it's better to just let go and move on, though i know that's easier said than done. i'm a prime example as someone who still logs into tumblr daily despite trying really hard not to do that.
and i'm not saying to give up on your work, but rather that writing privately is always an option, and it's what i've been doing now with my other projects ever since i took siren's call down. i know the desire for outside validation can be overwhelming but i think it's important to remember that you should be writing this for yourself first and that there's no harm in keeping your work private until you're ready. tumblr is fun but there's also a lot of problems that can be difficult to deal with while you're also trying to keep motivation and creativity up to write your story, and it can be really discouraging.
like i said, your first priority should be yourself, and if you have to step back away from tumblr/fandom then you should & you shouldn't feel guilty about it.
all of that to say that there are nice people out there, too, i've made really good friends here and i really value their friendship and their understanding, especially when i was going through the worst of it. and there are a lot of readers who have been very kind to me and that have sent me very nice messages and drawn lovely art over the years and i always try to focus on that over everything else.
it can be really easy to get overwhelmed by all the negativity and hostility which is why it's so important to find your people and be supportive of each other.
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"And I genuinely don’t think either of you understand HOW Zelda turns back to a Hylian at the end of the game.
I’m sorry but these are exceptionally poor analysis and criticisms of the game and it’s cut scenes." As the anon who wrote the ask who started this, I'll just say... nah. Also, pro-tip, don’t be angry, eat a banany. 🍌 You say that all the elements give a lot of insight into Zelda, her relationship, and all that… and then just explain it in the most barebones accusatory way possible, instead of just giving a polite counter and constructively explaining WHY you disagree. Since you apparently just wanna be angy that someone doesn’t like what you likes, and explains why they criticise it, I don’t think there really is a point to argue.   Honestly, my best tip is: Eat nanner, shhhhhhh, touch grass, go sleep. Move on. Ps: Banana’s are the worst.
Also, lemme add, add some spice to your salt: “It reveals Zelda’s feelings for Link which have clearly significantly changed since Breath of the Wild.” I did not feel like they changed much at all, Zelda still feels like she’s simping for Link hard, it's just a few years later now. 😜 Extra bonus: Yeah we know why Zelda got turned back into a Hylian with no repercussions. Bc it had to happen, bc reasons-McGuffin.
Yeah, sorry this thing escalated on your ask anon. It got significantly worse after that, so I did block the person because at some point it becomes clear they were having an argument with someone who was simply not in this virtual room and might probably not exist at all anywhere, so there was no point in engaging with a brick wall who was hurling insults based on half a paragraph taken out of context. Pretty sad way to use your free time or deploy love for the media you enjoy, but! To each their own I suppose.
But yeah, I did look it over to see if I missed something, because somebody's tone being inacceptable doesn't mean their arguments also are, but. Yeah. Zelda had her arc of going from being cold and angry with Link to learning to rely on him in Breath of the Wild already, and then literally holds the fort for a hundred years just holding on to the desperate trust that he will arise and become a hero and be capable of defeating the scourge if only she can buy him as much time as she can, which is *crazy* devotion-wise (and also active! in TotK she mostly talks about how much she trusts Link --I guess she turns into a dragon to restore the Master Sword for him, but again I don't believe she really has any other choice and it's not a struggle she must maintain over a hundred years always relying on her own resolve all the way through, so it doesn't translate as hard in my opinion). It's literally her affection for Link and her urge to protect him that awakens her powers! This arc worked great in Breath of the Wild! But TotK loves nothing more than to rethread every character's arc, except again, but less compelling and complicated and without emotional rises or character changes.
Also: a kind tumblr user out there who did not play any game but TotK, believing the marketing that you could basically jump in blind, pointed out to me that there is *no way* to catch onto any of that complexity of their relationship if you haven't played BotW (not that I think it particularly helps). Same deal with the parental thing: they did not bring up the relationship between Zelda and her dad at any point, which makes it a non-information for newcomers. While it is fine to lose some degree of nuance and be a little confused if you jump in a second videogame after the first videogame, you still need to provide something for people to hang onto, and, as I feared, the refusals to expand on BotW backstory didn't seem to help the newcomers familiarize themselves with Hyrule particularly well. Even in extremely well known IPs, it is important to re-establish the bases: jedis are sensitive with the Force, the Ring corrupts its bearer, etc etc. And this was not particularly well done here (for example: it is never explained that Ganondorf is a sorcerer on top of being a Huge Guy that will break your spine with a punch, which makes the appearance of Puppet Zelda *before* he grabs the stone extremely confusing --this relies on pre-assumptions about Ganondorf and a familiarity with the series and its tropes to make any sense, and this is yet another example of what I mean by: this game is awfully self-referential while not really standing on its own two feet).
As for the argument that Zelda was returned to a hylian because of Rauru's arm, Rauru again but ghost (??? hello again?) and Sonia (??? WHY are you here) are actually using recall on the Secret Stone? It's a cool headcanon, and honestly that would have been great and made sense (I mean, a little empty thematically again but at least a cool setup and payoff), but I see nothing that supports that in practice beyond that the power deployed is the color of gold, which, yes, is the color of Recall, buuuut it's also the color of Light and good things and the Triforce and divinity and a billion other things.
If this was what we were meant to take away, then: 1) the actual particles and sound effect of Recall should have been used instead of a vague halo of magical sparkles and 2) the Secret Stone should have hovered and glowed above her chest Laputa-style (thinking of Sheeta from Castle in the Sky, which I'm 99,9% sure was the visual inspiration anyway).
This does not happen. If them using Recall was the intent, then it's badly conveyed. But I see no textual reason to believe this is what's going on.
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oceangirl24 · 16 hours
Why Am I Blocked?: An Ask Answered
For those who have come to Tumblr via my AO3 profile or by other means looking for an answer to this question, I'm compiling the answer here along with the links to the original answers.
I hope this will help anyone who have found themselves blocked from commenting on AO3 and occassionally FFN.
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Anonymous asked: I'll admit i was very angry and hurt that i was on your block list until i read your user profile. sorry you got bullied and harassed by this person. now i'm kinda of nervous of who she is because i don't think i could take 16 months of bullying.
I debated overnight if I should answer this. I am going to respond so that my readers understand what's been going on.
This ask is very typical of the type of thing the person who harassed me, and plagiarized Autumn in Philadelphia does. Since she found out about the link to the report, she has sent readers and has impersonated readers to get the link to that report which details not just the plagiarism but also her harassment.
I have had mutual readers gain my trust, participate in my BMW discord server, and pretend to be supportive through this ordeal all while relaying information to her.
She has also used her readers from other fandoms to try to do the same.
This is why I preemptively block readers who gush over her or indicate that they are in private communication with her (all of this is public information on her stories that I found while compiling my report).
Why is this ask typical of her methods to gain access to me and the report?
There is no indication to which user profile this information is on as those of you who follow me know I post on three sites.
I would think if this ask was by a legit reader and not by her or one of her friends (she is blocked on every single site I know we share as are any associates of hers that I'm aware of) I would think the reader would want me to know who they are so I can directly address them and the site they are on.
Which I would do privately.
The fact that immediate concern is about who she is also bothers me. I would assume once I named the person, they would want proof in the form of the link to the report.
That will not happen.
If this ask is from a legitimate reader or follower, then I really am sorry you've been caught in this.
To be clear: I am not upset with anyone who follows her or interacts with her works. This issue should have stayed between us but she chose to bring others into it and use them.
Even if you have been a part of this with her, I'm honestly not upset with you. I know how manipulative she is. I'm sure you thought you were helping a very sweet loving Christian writer obssessed with Jon and Shawn (aren't most of us obssessed?).
I fell for it myself. Hard.
I care about all of my readers very much, but it has come to the point where I have to protect myself.
If this is not a legitimate ask and you are doing this on her behalf or she's gotten another account, then we now stand close to 20 months of harassment.
To my readers, you know where to find me and how to interact with me that is not AO3.
I thank you for sticking with me through all of this and for supporting AiP, whether you comment or simply just read as I post.
I appreciate you more than I can say.
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Anonymous asked: Hi, im the anon from last night. I only found your stories recently. I had no idea who you were. I have no clue who bullied you I wasn't actually expecting you to tell me. I'm pretty new to the fandom (writing since 2023). The reason I said I was nervous because I had a bad experience with a user in a previous fandom who falsely accused me of sending them hate, and they still do it occasionally. That's why I don't post links of my bmw fanfics to Tumblr. Again, I'm sorry that happened to you. I know you're going to have your guard up, but there are people who genuinely don't know what was going on. Also I wasn't expecting you to unblock me. I was just relieved it wasn't anything I done or that you disgusted by my writing. I won't bother you after this. I just wanted to clear things up.
Oh, I see.
If you are who I think you are then, you recced one of her works in a space we share. That place was one of the sites she tried to get a foothold in the fandom and was never able to and resented my presence there. It was also one of the places she focused her harassment until the report went out. Then she left and started on other sites.
Obviously, I overreacted when I saw her name come up and my instinct was to block everywhere just in case.
I apologize for that. I am really sorry.
I'm also sorry that you've had to deal with your own situation. I know how much these things mess with you. 🫂
No, I don't have any issues with you or your writing. And you haven't done anything. This was just an unfortunate coincidence.
I've unblocked you in both places. Best of luck with your writing and belated welcome to the fandom.
I hope to see you around.
I really do.
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Anonymous asked: Thank you for unblocking me :) Also,I want to say sorry about the recc list. If I had known about your situation I wouldn't have done it. Anyway, I'd like to be more of an active member of the bmw fandom one day. But for now I'm gonna keep my tumblr private.
You're welcome. 😊
There's no way you could've known about the situation. And all of the other recs were solid choices. ❤️
Totally understand about keeping Tumblr private. There is also the Discord server if you're interested. You are most certainly welcome there. There's a section just for fanfiction writers, too.
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I hope this clears things up.
Much love,
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roguemonsterfucker · 10 months
The mystery of the blocked anon has been solved.
Weirdly, I actually guessed right about who they were based on their description but I didn't think it could be that person because I blocked them and their sideblogs months ago. So it was surprising that they only just now noticed lol.
Anyways, I have a general idea of why I probably blocked them even if I don't remember exactly what prompted it. I won't go into it all here.
The end result is that I still don't feel comfortable unblocking them. Even if I can't remember my exact reasons for doing so, I'm going to trust my past self's judgement and not risk further distress by unblocking them.
And so I'm making this post to let everyone know: Don't do what they did. Don't message me asking why I blocked you. I indulged this anon but honestly I shouldn't have done so.
If someone blocks you, please respect the block and move on.
Yeah, it sucks, I know. I've been blocked by a lot of people. People I used to consider tumblr-friends, people I've never even seen before, people who used to follow me... It's awful to not know why. Believe me, I understand the curiosity and even the pain.
But tumblr, for many people, is something we do for fun. And if another user is making tumblr less fun, then it should be a perfectly reasonable thing to block that person. You don't need a big reason for it. If someone is causing you any stress or taking away any of your enjoyment of tumblr, just block them. It's fine. You don't need to justify it.
And so in return, when you are blocked, please just leave the person alone. Trust that they had a reason and don't cause them further stress by asking for an explanation.
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proendovents · 2 months
I used to have a... well, I say friend, but I mean that really tentatively. like, we had a qpr at some point i think? idk. anyways, the only relevant thing here is that we're not friends anymore.
So, I've known for a while now (2+ months) that this ex-friend is plural. And I mean, I felt safe talking to them about things. I mentioned how I thought there might be a chance that I'm plural (not what this is about though. that's its own thing) a few times. idk why, but I never once brought up my tulpas (bc I don't personally include tulpas as part of my potential plurality. if u do tho, go off ig). Ig my gut was telling me I wasn't totally safe with them.
Anyways. Few weeks back, I found out they were anti-endo through overhearing a conversation they were having with someone else about the topic. So, as soon as I safely could, I sent them an anon ask on their Tumblr telling them exactly why I was blocking them everywhere. Discord? Blocked. Tumblr? Blocked. If I find them anywhere else ever? Blocked.
And, like, it sucked, knowing I had just dropped someone I thought would understand, someone I thought was my friend, but it really wasn't all that bad. But I thought that would be the end of it. I block them everywhere and make active moves to avoid them and any interaction with them.
This person messages one of our mutual plural friends (who I'm pretty sure is proendo or endoneutral) at around 10 pm, which is the time that mutual friend goes to bed. So yk, disturbing the sleep of someone you say is your friend and possibly fucking up their meds? Not cool. And they used that friend as a middleman to tell me they wanted to talk. I asked the friend to (as politely as I could considering how reasonably mad and upset I was) tell them that I will be maintaining the boundaries we've both set up and I will not be breaking that boundary now.
And you'd think "oh, ok Anon. what that person did was rlly shitty of them, it's totally fair that you're upset and feel the need to vent. have you gotten it all out of your system?" wouldn't you? Well that's where you're wrong again! This person messages my ex-girlfriend (who is still one of my closest friends btw. love u lots lulu. hope u never see this ever) to get to me! Like, messaging one person in an attempt to get around a block is just petty and pathetic. Messaging two people to get around the block after already being told that the person you're trying to contact does not want to speak to you ever again is just plain selfish and cruel. I know damn well if she'd been the one doing the blocking, she wouldn't appreciate it if I had done that. God, the lack of respect for others.
And they apologised. apparently. I don't believe for a second that it's sincere because I have trust issues, they've already betrayed my trust, and I know my bestie well enough to know that she scolded them until she got an apology for me. Here's the word for word quote from my bestie's DMs where she relays news of that "apology" I received: she says "she's sorry and she'll leave you alone"
I just wish I didn't have to cut them off. They were nice otherwise, but I'm very proendo while they were very much the opposite. I kinda wonder how they'd feel if they knew that part of my suspicion of my own plurality is endogenic.
:( I’m so sorry anon
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dumplingsjinson · 9 months
(don't mind me if we've moved on, I'm just a simple follower with my bindle, showing up late to the party)
I'm by no means going into relationship counseling for my degree BUT I do work at a psychiatric hospital for raw experience (I work FL, baker act laws an all, very, uh special compared to other involuntary laws anywho-) and my physical degree is in research for broad psychology.
With that being said, let me be as brief as possible. I'm super proud of you for speaking up to this guy, a good handful of my patients can't even do that and they end up with me short-term because they said the wrong thing to the wrong person (oh FL, and your special wording) or another involuntary placement happens (ex-parte or marchman) because not all relationships are great or have boundaries or what have you.
(Also again, not 100% my forte here, but I've been burned in real life to the point that my two extremes became "study the human psyche like a bug" and "study the human body like a bug" but in a villain origin story sort of way, and I'm almost done with the psyche part, I'll be a real villain with the other part, not the point-). I did kind of scroll past some of your other vents about this and skimmed them so forgive me, I lack the attention span for things. I want you to know that your concerns look valid, and some of your friends (not us) also seem concerned (and some of us, here, also have concerns). You have a decently broad support system and you're using it in such a good way, don't let anyone take it from you (block out the haters. Spoons, CDs on the glasses). The reason we get suspicious from past things is also 100% valid, we've been burned (or however you personally want to describe it) before more likely than not. I'm not here to tell you to break up with your significant other immediately if there's no reason for it. You're allowed to be suspicious. But you're also doing great by working up this courage to speak up, that's one of the hardest steps. I know for me, speaking up in some situations (even coming off anon sometimes, I'm also super anti-social and I picked psychology as a degree, research as a pth and a psych hospital as a job, which is the most social thing I could find, 0 stars) often feels like those movie scenes with intense fear and anxiety, almost fishbowl-like, y'know what I mean?
Make yourself come first at the end of the day no matter what. You don't have to have main character energy in the sense that you own everything and get away with everything, but you should make sure you do things for you, not to keep the peace. If you're not happy, you've got a support system from what you've demonstrated, you can do anything with that. If you think something is amiss, trust that feeling, investigate safely, draw your own conclusions because obviously you know more than your devoted tumblr followers because we do not live in your head (that'd be weird, a constant party I'm sure, but still weird).
I personally don't know the full story, so I don't want to dictate your decision and I'm just some girl on anon who's crying over a piece of paper from a university, I've got my own life struggles beyond my piece of paper that I probably could've bought off Amazon if I were smart (alas, am not, went to school instead; I could probably solve my other struggle like that too right? anyone know a good neurologist I can buy off Amazon at this point. Mine completely forgot which patient I was LMAO she keeps asking if I'm her chronic TBI patient like bro? huh? so I'm back at square one with 0 treatment because of her stupidity, maybe worse because of how it happened, anyway this leads into my next point). A little venting only hurt people who want to be mad that they didn't blacklist what they don't want to see, a little venting might help you think straight, do what you gotta do so you can do what's best for you. This bubble is your world, not his, not mine, not some other anons, not another tumblr user's.
Like I said, I'm not very social, this is my anon two cents worth. My psych charcuterie board, my social interaction for the week. Time to fuck back off into the woods into my witch cabin once again, recharge, cause psychic damage to someone to balance out this anon, y'know, girlie things. (I said brief earlier and gave you a thesis I'm so sorry LMFAO I do that a lot).
First of all, I am very honoured you're out here writing out a thesis for me LMAOOO.
This was a really entertaining read I'm ngl, and I'm a little at a loss for what to reply with so excuse me for my brevity but thank you so much for the encouragement.
Ever since getting into this relationship, I feel like I've wracked up the nerves to communicate my needs and confront someone when something's gone wrong, or when something's irking me. The anxiety, or the want to get rid of that anxiety, is what drives me to do what I never thought I'd do. I'm starting to realise I'm someone who cannot let something sit on my chest or it'll absolutely suffocate me, so I let that be the driving force of getting me into action.
My brain basically works like this now: "We need to alleviate this anxiety now by talking with them. Is it nerve wracking? Yes. Does it feel like you're gonna die? Also yes. But could you let this sit on your chest for any longer than it already has before it actually fucking kills you? No. So just fucking do it and don't look back."
And yeah, my support system on both here and within my own friend group has helped immensely, I don't think I would have been able to do this alone.
Obviously, the mix of opinions and advice can sometimes make me feel a little bit muddled up on what to do, but I do end up taking some of the advice on board, mixed with my original plan on what to do, and it's full steam ahead after that.
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nightmaretour · 11 months
Lmao I'm the anon from before and I don't even know socialorganism. You probably won't believe that but lol whatever. They have more of a logical point on their blog than you do though anyway. Your post from a while back about the glasses thing showed up on my "for you" page. Ive never interacted with you before and I'm on anon because I've seen people get dogpiled and accused of "violence" for just passively disagreeing with someone in the cripplepunk tag. Don't worry though, I'm blocking you after this. I don't want your poorly informed bs opinions on my dash anymore.
I thought your reasoning didn't make sense, because glasses still fit the definitions you're giving. Your definition given also just outright excludes ambulatory mobility aid users because they can't still "move" without the aids. I actually know people IRL who call their glasses mobility aids and my question was motivated by that, yet these people don't exist in your world? Im sorry it's just really weird.
You also can't just say they aren't mobility aids if you don't use them or need them that way. It doesn't really back up your point. My friends who call them that cant move without them. It's like saying, "a cane isn't a mobility aid because you can limp without it! I can limp without my cane so that means all people can! You don't NEED it to move!" like that sounds ridiculous. That's what you're saying about glasses. That's what you sound like.
The people disagreeing with you are physically disabled, so it doesn't make sense that you think a word is being "taken" from physically disabled people by other physically disabled people to discribe something they have an experience with.
Like I'm sorry but I'm gonna trust my friend saying their glasses are just as much of a mobility aid as their rollator. If I listen to you, I ignore the way they talk about their needs, and making them change a word they use to discribe something is hard because they have autism. Who stands to be hurt more by that? It's more like you're taking it from the people who need their glasses to be respected and thought of as mobility aids because you're the one saying "you can't say this". the only one thinking it changes the definition is you. Your response to my message didn't make literally any sense.
You are genuinely such a loser. It's so obvious that you're the same person, I already saw you comment using this same alt account that you made just to continue a stupid argument that I want no part in.
Get something better to do than harassing brain damaged cripples with paralytic disorders and epilepsy. I already told you that I physically cannot handle much stress right now and you are endangering me. I'm gonna report you to Tumblr for block evasion and harassment anyway so have fun with that
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