#only look at the bold if you want the apps 😭
anqelically · 1 year
THANK YOU DREAM MWAH <3 <3 i hope you’ve been doing well, i’ve missed you fr !! i guess this is a little tutorial if you/anyone wants to know (no one does but that’s okay)
i used google to find the picture of the nintendo and then used picsart to get the polaroid png. after that i went onto pinterest to find the pics of yuna + the city. then i used ibis paint to put the pictures in + to sign the polaroids !!
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i used phonto for the “welcome to ava’s blog”, then picsart again for the los/ver sticker + the cat with a wand <3
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sjhhemmings · 7 months
“Give me a hug?” Pt.1
brian zvonecek x fem!reader
a/n: bear with me since this is my first one-shot sorry if it’s bad! also i didn’t really expect this to turn into a two parter so i’m sorry 😭😭. (also also i’m super surprised since i’ve gotten a lot done with my account organization tonight so yay me!?)
warnings: swearing, possible bad grammar, the fluffiest fluff to have ever fluffed, and more fluff. (+angsttt)??, anything i missed
sorry not sorry hehe
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“Give me a hug?” you ask patiently in front of Otis who was in the middle of reading a book in the common room.
You feel everyone’s eyes watch you after your bold request but you don’t care because your eyes don’t once leave Otis. He looks up after a few seconds and glances around the room before standing up.
“Course.” is all he says while wrapping his arms around your torso as your arms find their place behind his neck. Taking a deep breath in you inhale his signature cologne and close your eyes.
This is your happy place. Right in his arms. You figured this out early on in your relationship, every time you have a bad day, or a bad shift, all you have to do is ask Otis for a hug and it helps for the time being. Of course everyone else was judgy in the beginning but now it’s apart of everyone’s routine.
They walk in, get a cup of coffee, get some breakfast, either get a call or sit and watch TV for a little bit, then you ask Otis for a hug, and the day continues.
After a few seconds you step a way and give him a smile. “Thanks,” is all you say before walking back out to the app floor to which he responds with a nod and sits back down to continue reading.
A few hours later Otis comes to find you sitting on the back of the ambulance and stands between your separated legs.
“Hi” is all you say as he grabs your hands and holds them gently.
“Hey, what do you want for dinner tonight?” He asks while lazily grazing the back of your hands with each of his thumbs while looking into your eyes.
“Umm, anything is fine what were you thinking?”
“Ah, spaghetti?”
“Do we have stuff for spaghetti?”
“Shit you’re right. We haven’t gone to the store.” He drops his head back in irritation which makes you giggle.
“I can go tonight when we get off.”
“No, no, no, it’s been a rough shift and I just wanted you to relax, you shouldn’t have to go to the store.”
“But you don’t like going and I can be really fast.” You say wiggling your eyebrows in amusement to appease his protest.
After a few seconds of mutual giggling he squints his eyes and makes the exact request you specifically forbid last night.
“What if we just order in?”
You give Otis a ‘seriously’ look before you just gave in and nodded your head.
“Yes! I can order in from that one Thai place you like!” He says cheerfully.
“Okay, but this is the last night then we’re not ordering in for a month.” You say strictly solely because the two of you have ordered in too many times in the last 3 weeks and you both need a cleanse.
“Scout’s honor.” He says holding up three fingers which makes you giggle.
“C’mere” is all you say while pulling him closer meeting your lips with his.
The kiss was slow and sweet so after a few seconds when he tries to back away you pull him in again and place 3 seperate quick pecks on his lips before you truly pull away.
“Otis! Come help!” You hear Cruz yell for your boyfriend and you roll your eyes. By the tone of Joe’s voice you know he’s only calling after Otis for something stupid like to break a tie in a game or something.
“Catch you later?” Is all Otis says with a raised eyebrow as you watch him walk away back to the common room.
You continue watching him walk away but your heart feels heavy and you don’t like that.
“Wait!” you shout as you catch up with a now stopped Otis who turned around confused wondering what the matter is.
“Give me a hug.” Is all you ask standing barely a foot a way from your boyfriend who now is the one to give you the ‘seriously’ face.
You raise your eyebrows and open your arms impatiently as he playfully rolls his eyes and picks you up into a big bear hug spinning you around saying “You are so demanding you know that right?”
Once he sets you down with his hands resting on your hips, the statement he said finally sunk in making your heart drop.
“I love you, моя любовь (my love)” Is all he says while pulling you into a real hug and squeezing you gently.
You exhale deeply while closing your eyes and thinking about what he said. The hug provides little to no effect as to what it normally does and you pull away unsatisfied. Does he really think you’re demanding?
“I love you too…” Is your only response after a few seconds watching him walk back into the firehouse.
The rest of the night went smoothly as you tried to push his perception of you out of your mind but when you layed in bed that night you reflected. As you were remembering all the times you asked for a hug, or anything for that matter, you never said please. You were never nice or polite. Always demanding. So when you were thinking about your next shift, you decided you would no longer demand anything from him. Even if it made your heart twinge as you thought about no more hugs unless he initiated them, it was for the best. He doesn’t deserve to be with someone who wasn’t going to respect what he wanted or felt, so you were no longer making any demands.
During your next shift Ambulance 61 was immediately sent out onto a call to which you quickly found out that the patient was DOA. Since you missed breakfast you arrived back at 51 at about the time you would ask for your first hug which made your heart hurt, but when you stepped into the common room you walked right past Otis got a cup of coffee, and walked right back out.
No one really said anything, It’s not like you were avoiding Otis or that the two of you had some crazy tension, you just skipped the fact that you would ask him for a hug. Now to distract yourself you took yourself out to the ambulance to restock and repack anything you needed.
But about an hour later suspicions started to rise.
“Is it just me or does it feel like I forgot to do something today?” Herrmann questioned out to which majority in the room agreed.
“I mean I wouldn’t say I forgot to do something but I definitely feel like something is missing…” Gabby said in response as they all thought about what they could have missed in their normal routine.
“Oh! has someone checked to see if the milk is expired?” Cruz asks as he made his way to the fridge.
“No, that doesn’t seem like that’s it Cruz.” Otis said in response to his best friend.
“When was the last time we put gas in the trucks?” Lieutenant Casey asked taking a sip of his coffee.
“On the last call,” Herrmann said back.
“Is it anyone’s birthday today?” Gabby asked knowing that’s probably the one thing they’ve all forgotten.
“No, I just checked the calendar and there’s nothing for today.” Casey then said in response.
“Well I’m stumped.” Severide said as he flipped the page in his newspaper since he really didn’t care that much in the first place.
A few people chuckled at his nonchalance towards the matter then sat in an anxious silence as to what could they have all forgotten.
“It’s not expired guys!” Cruz finally said out to no one in particular to which no one in particular replied.
“Wait guys, It’s 10:34…” Mouch said as everyone looked at him confused because what significance does 10:34 hold?
“10:34?” Stella asked in response confused.
“It’s 10:34, and you know what hasn’t happened? Y/LN asking Otis for her daily hug.” Mouch stated as a matter of factly.
Herrmann scrunched his face thinking if that was what hadn’t happened today but it didn’t really click.
“Really?” Herrmann said doubtfully.
“Yeah, It makes perfect sense. Y/N always comes and asks Otis for a hug between 9:45 am and 10:00 am. Always on the dot one way or another, even with unexpected calls and stuff it happens everyday.” Mouch says trying to convince everyone.
Otis sat in his seat thinking about what Mouch was saying and it made perfect sense. Thats what hadn’t happened today.
“Mouch, I mean I wouldn’t get to worked up over that, she probably forgot and will probably come in here sometime soon and ask.” Herrmann said trying to come up with a reason as to why it hasn’t happened.
“No, Mouch is right. She doesn’t just “forget”. It’s happened everyday in that time frame for the whole time I’ve worked here, and that’s like 9 months now.” Stella said halfway at Herrmann and halfway at Otis.
“Otis what’d you do man?” Gabby says as a joke which obviously shook Otis because he sat in his spot white as a ghost.
“I didn’t do anything I don’t think. But Mouch is right, there has not been a day I haven’t given her that hug between that time frame for like years now.” Otis said rubbing his chin worriedly.
“Hey man, I wouldn’t worry too much about it okay? She’ll be in here on her own time to ask for that hug.” Herrmann says lightly tapping Otis on the arm and walking towards the kitchen.
“No, I’d be worried. Did you forget to do the dishes? Because that’s what Trudy messes regular routines up for, you know one time..”
“Mouch! Leave the kid alone it’ll happen.” Herrmann says in a warning tone at Mouch who put his hands up in surrendering manner.
“I’ll bet you $50 that you should be worried Otis.” Cruz said in a not helping tone at both Otis and Herrmann.
“$150 he’ll be fine.” Herrmann says back.
“Stop! I’m just gonna go talk to her now okay?” Otis said standing up from the table in the common room when at the same time the bell rang.
“Ambulance 61, GSW”
“I guess not.” Otis said sitting back down and sighing.
“Better start figuring out what you did,” Casey said lightly squeezing Otis’ shoulder and giving him a shit eating grin.
Pressing his lips into a line Otis began thinking of the night before…
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kairiscorner · 11 months
OMG IF YOU WANT PLS DO WRITE THE FIC ABOUT MIGUEL SEEING OUR THIRST TRAPS 😭 salamat talagaaaa wala na kasi akong maisip maliban kay miguel
HELLOOOOO, OFC I WILL ANON, I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS HEHE this is another excuse to make more text fics bc it's starting to feel fun for me LMAO <333
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
is it not for me? – miguel o'hara x reader (reacting to your thirst traps)
a/n: kind of suggestive shit underneath the cut, sorry if you don't like it, you have every right to scroll away ^^
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after getting used to the controls and operations on social media and understanding the basic goal, or lack, of it–miguel had begun scrolling through his feed like you and lyla directed him to do. he scrolled and scrolled through the endless photos, videos, and posts sent his way by the very strange algorithm of the app. he still hadn't found the right thing for him on social media and he honestly wouldn't be here if you and lyla didn't force him to try it out so much, but when he least expected it... he happened upon your account.
he saw a photo of your back, it was you taking a selfie in the mirror with hardly anything covering your back. your behind was in full view but covered up, the lighting was dim, save for the flash of your phone's camera. the caption read: "for m, hoping you'll enjoy this three-course meal 🍓"
...that did something to miguel. it set some sort of feeling off of him, something that urged him to not just click like, but to comment right then and there: "who the shock is 'm'?" but if only he knew how to comment; all he knows how to do is click like and scroll.
he clicked the like button, unsure of how to feel about that very... eye-catching photo of yours. he tried shaking the feeling off, but he just couldn't; he couldn't stop thinking about it. he scrolled back up to see who else liked your photo, it took him a few tries to figure out how to do that. he also saw a few of the preview comments, complimenting your looks and tagging their friends who had 'm' in their names–joking that the photo was for them.
it pissed miguel off that these people could think your photos were for them, when you promised him you were all his. it damaged his ego slightly, but he figured these people were just douches, simple as that.
...but he needed to be doubly sure, so he click on your profile and looked through the posts you made. you really did love showing off your behind, it seemed like you were incredibly proud of it; miguel's totally in love with your ass, don't get him wrong, bur to know other people could see it and get to revisit the sight of your ass? oh, that made him feel a bit of a stinging pain in his chest.
he hated that feeling, where he felt like you were sharing intimate bits of yourself when you kept reminding and telling him you're all his. that, and as he scrolled through your comments, he saw a lot of people who not only loved your photos and sent you many compliments, but many who told you to get off the platform–many also catcalled you in the comments, too, much to his disgust.
"can't even keep this shit in real life, what losers." he muttered under his breath as he felt his anger rise as he kept scrolling through your comment section. he had gone through almost all of your posts, memorizing all the details of your posts and how you looked in them, feeling his face and chest flare up in a fit of heat as he looked through them all one by one. he sighed as he noticed you were a little too bold in these photos, in his opinion. he didn't want you to jeopardize yourself, seeing as how there were a lot of creeps on your account, he wanted to bring it to you attention.
hence, he messaged you all about his concerns.
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"for... her mother?" miguel repeated to himself as he reread your message to him. he sighed, not believing your excuse one bit, believing you directed it to someone with an 'm' in their name, like him, but he decided to play along for now to get you to fess up eventually. that, and he doesn't think you'd wish your mom would have a lovely three-course meal with your ass picture, but he did see that you took pictures of food afterwards, so... it was plausible. but you were not off the hook yet.
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he sighed as you laughed at his attempt at guessing who that post was for, who 'm' was. he felt a little embarrassed, a little ashamed he thought it was him, but then he thought of who would be closest to you, had 'm' in their name, and would enjoy the three-course meal that was... you already know what. he sighed as he typed and retyped his message after deleting the previous one, trying to get himself together after outing himself as being a little expectant that those thirst traps were for him.
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he finally messaged you, trying to sound stern over text, but he was completely ignored by you when you sent him a selfie of your bottom half, with little letters on your bottom that read: "good????? bad????? should i get em....."
fuck, you baited him again.
he felt his cheeks grow hot and his breath hitch in his throat as he stared at your photo for a second, hoping you wouldn't post this, that this could remain as just a little thing between you two. but then again, he couldn't control you, so he'd just try to respond back–seeming unfazed. hopefully.
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he was so easy to please sometimes.
moral of the story?
miguel loves your ass and wants to beat up the creeps in your comments section, while making it known to both you and the world that your ass is all for him–nobody else.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @fiannee @fictarian @yuridopted0 @arachnoia @meeom @ophanimgold @melovetitties @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @popeheywardssecretgf
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anitalenia · 1 year
hiii i was wondering how you get ur post texts to be pastel pink :) instead of this hot pink
Hiii 💕💕 okay so it actually has to do with coding 😭 I’ll try my best to explain. So basically, I go to this website ( https://jsfiddle.net ), this is where you can make any color text you want.
Step One: So, once you’re there you’ll see this screen, I’m on mobile so it might look a lil different.
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Step Two: Once there, you’ll go to the right side where the text boxes are.
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Step Three: In the top box, you’ll want to type in whatever text you want to make a different color.
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Step Four: Next, where the red and green color dots are, click on the red dot. This is going to be where the color starts. You can make the text whatever color you want.
note: you can make your text gradient, as in two different colors. I make my text just one color ( that pale pink color ), which means both the red and green dot must be the same color. For gradient, the red and green need to be whatever two colors you want to make gradient. For example, if you wanted to do yellow and purple gradient text, change the red to the color yellow and the green to the color purple.
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*FFE5FA is the color of my pink text.
Step Five: After you’ve changed the color, hit the run button in between the text boxes.
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Step Six: Once you’ve hit run, the text box below will generate the coding for your colored text.
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Step Seven: Once it’s there, you’ll want to click on it and hit the ‘select all’ button.
note: I am using this on an iPhone, so it may very on a Samsung or computer. Just make sure you copy the whole thing of code
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Step Eight: Once you’ve hit select all, hit the copy button
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Step Nine: So now the text should be copied to clipboard and available to past where ever you want. After that, and this is an important detail or else it won’t work, you have to go to Tumblr Online, not the app.
Step Ten: Once you’re on tumblr, go to make a new post.
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Step Eleven: Once you make the next post, you’ll want to go to the top right corner and click on the settings icon
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Step Twelve: You should see a screen like the one below. At the bottom of that pop up where it says TEXT EDITOR, the icon next to it should say Rich Text.
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Step Thirteen: Click on the Rich Text box, and options should pop up saying, Rich Text, HTML, Markdown
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Step Fourteen: Click the HTML option
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Step Fifteen: You should see this screen next
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Step Sixteen: You’ll want to paste the HTML code you just copied next to or after the code already there like this
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Step Seventeen: Okay then you’ll want to make sure it’s saved as a draft
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note: if you go to your drafts first and then create a new post, then it should automatically have the save as draft option at the bottom. It’s quicker than doing it like normal and having to select save as draft.
Step Eighteen: It should look like this now
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Step Nineteen: Congratulations! You’ve done the hard part. Now go back to mobile or the app because it’s easier for these next steps in my opinion.
Step Twenty: In the app, go to that saved draft and make the text bold if you so choose, it makes it stand out more that way
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Extras: you only need to make one colored text when you make a post, which means you don’t need to go through that whole process for each line/word you want to make colored.
— just type whatever words you want colored next to the already colored text, then move it down a space.
— however, once you delete that line of colored text it cannot be recovered, you’d have to go through this process again.
ANYWAY, I hope this helped. I tried to make it as step-by-step as possible. 😁😁💕💕
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crowlipso · 1 year
Okay first off, I just gotta apologize if you've already received like three similar asks (I was tryna ask you on my phone but each time I went to submit the ask, my app crashed so if you received them already PLEASE ignore this and I apologize a million times 😭). BUT, I gotta ask you Kal, cause this has been on my mind for days now: is Agatha based on Aegon II by chance? I was just wondering cause they both have "A"'s and "G"'s in their names, plus Agatha lowkey has daddy issues (based on what you've told us anyways) and they both have beautiful Valyrian hair/eyes. I'm drunk as hell so I apologize if this sounds really friggin weird to you but I promise it made sense to me when I asked lolol. Also, unrelated, but I just want to say that I absolutely love watching the way your art evolves. Your art has always been wonderful IMO, and watching you share your growth with us is just so amazing. You're an incredible artist! ❤️❤️
First of all thank you so much! and don't worry about the asks lol it's only appeared one in my inbox!
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And about your questions, Agatha is just happened to looks like Aegon II lol maybe because of her hairstyle?, I actually based her on teen Rhaenyra, bold and spoiled, reckless and about her daddy issues I got inspired from Jotaro and Jolyne from JJBA: stone ocean, her dad acted like he didn't care because he doesn't know how to show a proper affection but if anything happen to his daughter he would do anything to help her
And she also have Valyrian name! It's Aetha Targaryen she was my old targ oc that I redesigned and put her in HPHL, Agatha is the new name I chose for her because I need a vintage witchy lore-friendly English name for better roleplaying experience XD
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gerrydelano · 3 months
misunderstanding anon w ocd here from like. four years ago- I literally am about to get a degree. i live in a different country now. but i am still here!! i wanted to say i was SO unbelievably excited when i saw the updates. i haven’t had time to read yet because grad school apps + the end of my undergrad + my brain are conspiring to eat up all my time, but i will be reading your updates the MOMENT i am done (which will be around my birthday so thank you for the inadvertent gift :)). I know obviously one random reader does not make up the difference in engagement from around 2020 to now but I just wanted to let you know that at least for me, this story- and all your fics, really- made a huge impact and I’m still down to read whatever you release, whenever :)) I hope you’re thriving honestly. I hope you are doing so so well<3
😭😭😭😭 ohhhhhh anon this made me tear up a little bit, i'm SO happy for you!!!! that all sounds incredible, you're doing amazing! ocd is a beast and it's hard as hell to control but even if your brain is trying to eat up all your time still, look at what you've accomplished anyway! aaaaaaaah! i'm thrilled for you 🧡
i'm alright, just been working a lot which takes a lot of my energy but i'm close to done with my conversion study finally so that's looking mostly promising haha lots of bumps in the road but it'll be worth it. writing again is the only thing keeping me sane these days pffff which is bold to say because it makes me Insane as well. i am back to "all i can talk about is my bullshit" lmao talk about obsessive right 😅
this was an extremely touching message to receive, i can't even tell you how meaningful things like this actually are - mostly just knowing YOU’RE thriving!!!! ahhhh! congratulations, seriously!!!! and thank you so so much for your kindness 😭
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writer-komaru · 2 years
I LOVE UR WORK OMGG U INSPIRE ME 😭❤️❤️ hajime , nagito and fuyu with fem s/o dealing with a panic attack? totally okay if u don't feel comfortable babes:)
I-I-inspire you?! Woah, this is quite the honor! I feel so… well, honored that my work has inspired you! Thank you so much! And babes? ;) oh ho ho, that’s quite the nick name~ what should I call you then? Hmm… how about I call you sweetie~
(Fem/Afab reader hinted in Nagito’s section!!)
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Would definitely be the kind of guy to be totally oblivious at first, it’s almost comitic
For instance, as you two would be making your way down the street to get lunch at a local restaurant, you were feeling more and more anxious. You didn’t know why, it was just a restaurant, after all, but still. The feeling felt like a blanket of dread was wieghing down on you, making it harder and harder to breath.
Your pace slowed, body shaking as you held your arms close to your chest, eyes darting around very second.
Hajime looked back at you and tilted his head.
“Is everything alright? You look a bit… pale.”
“I-I think… I’m having a panic attack…”
You held your head, your thoughts moving so hard it felt like you were going to explode.
And now realizing what was happening, Hajime starts panicking. He can’t help it, okay? He just doesn’t know what to do!
“I-I, uh, do you need a hug? Do you… um, oh, what to do, what to do!!”
He would honestly really appreciate it if you told him what you need. But, if your not in the right headspace to think or if you can’t talk while panicking, he’ll try his best.
He’ll say…
“It okay, nothing can hurt you here. Everything’s okay. We can go back to my house if you want? Uh, is that weird? I-I’m sorry, we can go to your place if you want.”
You slowly nod in response, pressing yourself against him, causing him to let out a small gasp in response. You could feel his body tense at the touch. He cleared his throat and asked…
“So…. Uh, your place or my place?”
Your voice was barely a whisper, but loud enough for Hajime to hear it.
“Okay, then. It’s not too far from here. Are you… able to walk?”
You only squeezed him tighter in response, the feelings of anxiety rushing back to you at the mention of moving.
“Ack! T-that’s… too tight..” Hajime’s voice sounded strained and caught in his throat. “I-if you can’t move right now, then we can wait here a bit… just, please let me breath…” he looked down sympathetically at you as you nuzzled your face against his chest. He paused for a minute before saying…
“Don’t worry, I’m here for you. Always will.”
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Would have a small internal panic attack, scared that his luck finally ran out, before shaking his head to dislodge his thoughts and hurrying to your side to see what he could do.
For example, when you two were cuddling out at his house while you both read a book together, the sentence one of the characters said brought back some…. Unwanted memories. The stinging feelings in your heart seemed to only escalate as you continued reading. Nagito looked over at you curiously. You heart seemed to be beating a lot faster the normal and you had a weird look in your eyes.
“Is everything alright, my hope? You seem a bit off.”
Realizing what he said, he chuckled.
“Ah, forgive me for being to bold, it’s probably none of my business. But… if something is wrong, you have to tell me, okay?”
“Nothing’s wrong, I just… I just have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
Nagito nodded in response, his eyes locked onto yours as you left. Nagito immediately closed the book and opened his phone to check one of the apps he downloaded. He used the app to keep track of your period, and according to it, I shouldn’t be happening until a week or two. So… what could have gotten you so fearful?
Meanwhile, you quickly closed the bathroom door behind you, leaning over the sink to stare back at yourself in the mirror. You wrapped your arms around your body tightly, feeling your breathing begin to quicken. Oh no oh no oh no, why’d ones this have to be happening now?!
You flinched as you heard a knock on the door.
“I know something is wrong, so please can I come in?”
In response to the voice you fell to the ground and inched away from the door, tucking your head in your arms.
“G-Go away! Please, don’t see me like this!”
If Nagito wasn’t worried before, he sure as hell was now. Ignoring what you said, he opened the door and gasped slightly at the slight of your crumpled, sobbing body on the ground.
“My… hope…?”
He quickly rushes to your side, pulling you into his arms. Your body tensed at the feeling of being enveloped in his arms.
“I’m here, my beloved, I’m here for you always. Now, can you match my breathing for a couple seconds?”
You nodded against his shoulder.
After breathing slowly in and out for a few seconds, and with the feeling of Nagito slowly petting your hair, you felt yourself beginning to calm back down.
“There, that’s better. You did amazing, so amazing. But… please, I know it’s none of my business, but what caused you to react like this. Did I do something? If so, you can punish me a harshly as you’d like.”
“It’s… it’s a long story… it doesn’t matter now though, it’s no big deal.”
“It if wasn’t a big deal, then it wouldn’t be affecting you like this. But, you can tell me whenever you feel ready, right now I just want to do everything I can to make you feel better.”
Nagito paused for a second.
“Why not i give you a nice, warm bath, and after that we can watch your favorite movie and eat some ice cream?”
Your eyes lit up at the suggestion.
“Mhm… please.”
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Would panic, just like The other two boys up here, but would seem a lot angrier for some reason. He also would kinda need to be told what you wanted to do whenever you were having a panic attack. Would probably put a hit on anyone who even looked at you while he tried to think of ways to calm you down.
For example, Fuyuhiko was waiting for you to return home from work while on the phone with one of his underlings, when suddenly he heard the door open. He quickly sis she had to leave and hung up, immediately walking towards you.
“What took you so long? Had me waiting foreve-“
He cut himself off when you saw a distant look in your eyes. You body also seemed to be… trembling?
“… are you okay?“
All you could do was continue to space out, the feelings slowly clouding your mind, chasing your o begin to sob.
“The fuck?! Did something fucking happen?!”
He immediately ran up to you and tried to lift up your chin to get a clear look into your eyes. He felt his heart drop at the look of pure fear he was met with and the slightest outline of a bruise on your cheek.
You yelped as his expression instantly went dark and borderline blood thirsty.
He pulled you close to his body, leaning his head close to your ear? Lowering his vice to a low whisper as to not make you more scared then you were right now.
“Tell me. Who did this to you? What stupid piece of disgusting horse shit dared lay their hands on you? Just give me a name and I’ll solve everything for you. I’ll make sure their lives and their families lives are completely destroyed for touching my beautiful partner’s face. “
After a couple sniffles, you eventually told him the names of the people who jumped you on the streets and threatened you that they would kill Fuyuhiko if you tried to fight back. You were luck to be able to run away before it actually got messy, but you still had a couple bruises. You were too nervous to tell him because you were scared they would actually try to kill him.
He only chuckled, a low and slightly psychotic chuckle.
“Baby, you know who I am, right? I’m literally the heir to the Yakusa clan, if anyone should be scared, it’s those lowlifes. Aghh… they will pay for this.”
You gasped as you felt his grip around you tighten, the rage practically radiating off of his body. Even though you were still nervous for Fuyuhiko, you always knew that he would go down without a fight.
And a fight there would be.
Later that night, while you were nestled down on the couch, Fuyuhiko in the kitchen ‘taking a call’ the news suddenly switched on.
“Now live, we just got in a couple reports of three men in their 30’s to 40’s have now been reported missing. The police has been sent to their homes, but no pet her info has come out yet. Stay tuned as we investigate this sudden abduction.”
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audi0med1c · 8 months
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CHAPTER 2 of "Is It Over Now?"
"Look What You Made Me Do"
3,263 words - if you prefer to read on Archive or Wattpad...links here
Lexa's thumb hits dial on her phone before she's even closed the door behind her, now alone in the back seat of the black Suburban after walking the young blonde up to her door and respectfully declining the invitation to come up for a nightcap. She had used the excuse of an early call time tomorrow for her reason for needing to head home, though it was only 10:30 and she could not be more wide awake.
"So I take it you are not face-deep in your smokin' hot date if you're calling me right now." The smug voice teases through the phone.
"It wasn't even a real date Anya, you knew that." Lexa pinches the bridge of her nose.
"You said your agent asked you to take out one of his buddies' newbies to help get her exposure, that's still basically a date."
Lexa sighs heavily.
"Also...incredibly bold of you to take her to Clarke's favorite restaurant."
"I didn't choose it!" Lexa exasperates, "I felt bad saying no when she said she'd never been able to get a reservation there!"
"Well you did choose to overdo the PDA." Anya snorts, "Based on what I'm seeing on twitter."
Lexa quickly opens the app and scrolls her timeline, seeing plenty of shots from various angles within the restaurant - no doubt from other diners - from the night.
There's one picture of her back, as she reached Clarke at the front of the restaurant, with the caption "Uh-Oh, caught bringing the flavor of the week to their old go-to spot!"
She scrolls some of the comments underneath....
Damn what a power move, I respect it though.
This was definitely intentional 😳 so shitty.
I feel so bad for Clarke. They're always a younger hotter version of her 👀
Omg Lexa in suits😍😍😍
Hahaha Lexa having exactly one specific type will never stop being hilarious.
Okay but CLARKE'S DRESS🥵....like yes I'd chase after her too Lex
She scrolls more of the photos, images of Raven and Octavia shooting daggers across the restaurant, Lexa guiding her date out at the end of the night with a casually placed hand on the model's lower back, plenty of shots of Lexa looking like she's having a pleasantly flirty conversation while clinking glasses of champagne, and someone actually caught her placing the quick kiss on the back of the girl's hand when she returned to her table after Clarke left. She clicks into that picture, which is captioned "Lexa's Rizz is unmatched"
She hates that word – 'Rizz'... more dumb slang from Gen Z that is cringey as hell. But she's curious about the comments under this one, and as usual, it's a mixed bag of both her fans and Clarke's.
Awww I would die on the spot if Lexa ever did that to me😭
Lexa thinking "You look like my next mistake"
This is the cutest shit ever!
Ms. Perfectly Fine strikes again😬
Lexa's game >>>>>
Ew that could NOT look more forced.
I need Clexa back!
Damn what she say to Clarke after chasing her on her way out? 👀
Imagine fumbling Lexa Woods 💀💀
Lexa's roster is 🔥🔥🔥
"Ummm hellooooo?!?" Lexa suddenly remembers she's still on the phone.
"Oh, sorry uh what did you say?" She stammers.
"You are playing with fire if you keep doing this you know..." Lexa doesn't bother asking if she's referring to the public dates with models or intentionally antagonizing Clarke any chance she gets. Anya is one of the few people who knows anything about what actually happened between them two years ago when everything blew up in the media, and the fact that she is dating one of Clarke's best friends has only made it more complicated to not constantly hear about what she's up to.
"Don't worry about me Anya," Lexa tries to play off her growing remorse at not coming up with a reason to go to a different restaurant, "If I know Clarke, I'm pretty sure I just ruined her night." She laughs to cover up the worry that it might actually be true, and that makes her want to give her driver the Beverly Hills address she knows better than her own and go apologize in person.
Instead she types out a quick text, contemplating it, before hitting send.
Lexa: Hey, sorry about tonight, I really didn't think about how it looked.
She's not expecting a reply right away, if at all, but her phone vibrates only seconds later.
The One💔: Okay, sure let's go with that.
Lexa: I am😒The champagne was a bit much though. It's not like you haven't had plenty of company yourself? Including people I used to work with, btw...
The One💔: At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight.  At OUR fucking spot Lex? Really? That's low, even for you.
Lexa: I said I was sorry.
The one💔: Whatever.  I expect it at this point.
"Uhh Lexa?" Anya says cautiously.
"What?" Lexa's hardly listening.
"Don't think you ruined her night."
"What do you mean?" Her attention sharpens, and she gulps down the lump in her throat, hoping it's not the one thing she doesn't want to hear.
"Raven just got dropped off and heard Clarke tell the driver to head to Malibu."
The words settle like rocks in her stomach.
"You still there?"  Anya says after a minute of silence.
But Lexa hangs up without saying goodbye, her chest heaves briefly as her pulse races. Her eyes barely start to sting when she shifts in her seat, sucking on her top teeth, heat flaring behind her ears as her fingers quickly type out another text she will probably regret tomorrow.
Lexa: Tell Niylah I said Hi.
She leans back in the leather seat and lets out a sigh, satisfied with one last taunt on the night, picturing Clarke venting to Niylah over more wine the rest of the night, the girl Clarke always told her was "just a friend" which turned out to be one giant slap in the face.
They were dating within weeks of Clarke and Lexa's breakup. Looking far too familiar and comfortable for two people in the initial stages of a romance. But the relationship fizzled out after a year, and now they were back to 'just friends' again, orsomething...and Lexa somewhat relished the thought of Clarke spending the rest of the night venting to her most recent ex about herself, even if it was in a negative light.
Her phone vibrated again though, and the words on the screen sent her stomach plummeting.
The One💔: Tell her yourself,  I don't plan on talking when I get there.
Clarke had shot off the same message to the same three people she always does. Two of them were for a more primal purpose, and the third was just for moral support and maybe some cuddles, and usually their responses made the final decision easier if she wanted any company at all over the silent efficient satisfaction of her electronic alternatives at home.
Clarke:  Up for a visitor?
Bel💙:  Aren't you with O? Everything okay?
Last Resort🤢: Of course, already hard just thinking about you.
Niy💞: You know you don't need to ask. Door is open. Tea or night cap kind of night? -----
She had already given the driver instruction to head to Malibu, knowing which option she preferred, and knowing, as usual, that it was almost always available.  Perhaps the most reliant person she had outside of Octavia and Raven, Niylah and her had remained close even after breaking up last year. 
They ran in the same professional circles, with Niylah being a gallery curator, which was how she and Clarke had met.  She was a pure-heart, kind, and understanding.  She knew before Clarke did that they just were not meant to last, despite their deep respect and endearment towards each other.  It didn't surprise her or upset her when Clarke finally broke things off, unable to commit to the next level of their relationship when the subject of moving in was broached.  Clarke realized she wasn't able to offer that level of commitment, or exclusivity even, to anyone - even someone as deserving of it as Niylah.
It honestly didn't even change that much about their dynamic, except the ratio of how much they saw of each other in the daylight versus at night became much more lopsided. 
Clarke enjoyed watching the scenery outside change the further away from the city they got, until they were driving along the coastline. The vast darkness stretching out to the horizon, the waves ominous as they danced and crested in the dark was eerily soothing. 
Her phone vibrates again, and it's the last person she expected to hear from tonight.
Walking 🚩: Hey, sorry about tonight, I really didn't think about how it looked.
She huffs out loud in the back seat, instantly annoyed. Always the same bullshit. Lexa always knew what she was doing.
Clarke: Okay, sure, let's go with that.
It had been months since they had seen each other at an event for Raven's tech company.  Lexa had made the very rare decision to come solo, which Raven and Anya probably made her do for the sake of their intertwined friend group, who was all seated together near the front as Raven's guests.
They had been seated on opposite sides of the round table, with Octavia inbetween her brother Bellamy, and her boyfriend – Lexa's cousin - Lincoln, on one side and Anya - Lexa's oldest friend - and Raven on the other.  Clarke wasn't sure exactly what to expect, since usually when they had to be around each other it was premieres or parties where they could mingle within a larger crowd and avoid each other easily. But sitting at the table, it was hard for Clarke to find other things to look at.
Lexa made it easier by being preoccupied with her phone most of the dinner, making no attempt to hide her smiles as she typed away to however many people she was talking to at the time, asking Anya how long she needed to stay before she was allowed to dip out for other plans. If there was one thing Lexa was always aware of, it was that being seen in public would find its way onto social media one way or another, and after being seen at the event at the same table as Clarke, she made a point of being caught very much cozied up to some model later that night at a club.  
Didn't think about how it looked my fucking ass... Clarke thought to herself.
Walking 🚩: Tell Niylah I say hi. 
Clark grinned. She knew Raven would tell Anya, who would tell Lexa where she was going.  She'd told the driver to head to Malibu regardless if she actually ended up going or not, making sure to say it loud and clear before Raven was fully out of the car.  Lexa's favorite thing seemed to be flaunting her parade of women in front of Clarke, but two could play this game, and Lexa would very soon come to learn that Clarke was much better at it.
Clarke: Tell her yourself, I don't plan on talking when I get there.
Niylah greets her with a warm mug of tea and even warmer hug, not letting go for almost a full minute. It had been a while since she has been here. 
"You look nice." She says softly when they let go.
Clarke slips her hands around the girl's neck, "Just kiss me, I've had a long night."
"What did she do this time?" Niylah chuckles. It catches Clarke off guard a little.
"I'm not offended Clarke, but I'm not dumb. It's almost midnight, so there's only one reason you're here."
"Niylah it's not--"
"I said I'm not offended. It's okay, Clarke." The older girl urges, running her hands up and down Clarke's arms, "We didn't work out for a reason, but it doesn't mean I hate whatever this is, you know you are always welcome here.  I can be whatever you need me to be for you."
Clarke looks down, slightly ashamed, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to--"
Niylah cuts her off, lifting a finger under her chin to close her mouth, bringing her face back up to look at her, and grazes her thumb over Clarke's bottom lip before pressing a soft kiss into her.
"I guess I should send her a thank you note one of these days, maybe some flowers..." She smiles sweetly, "...if she's what keeps bringing you back here to me."
Clarke's eyes start glistening, and she wishes more than anything she had come here under a different circumstance. Her and Niylah had remained close even after their breakup, and it changed very little about their dynamic or connection, only that there was no longer any expectations or obligations to each other.  They saw each other a lot less, and in public they were mostly just cordial friendly associates, operating within the same circles both being in the art industry.
But when they were alone, they seamlessly fell back into the comfort and ease of each other out of habit.  It was a quiet, tender caring that Clarke let herself get lost in possibly too quickly when everything initially blew up in the media with Lexa.  It was an easy escape, a refuge from the harshness of having so much of your life on display all the time, of constantly being compared to everything and everyone else around Lexa. Always feeling like she had to prove herself.
After a year together, when Niylah had mentioned Clarke perhaps moving in, it hit her that they had already reached their ceiling, and Clarke knew she didn't have any more of herself she could give to the girl, or anyone else at the time, and it wasn't fair to take such a step knowing it would never be more than this.
"You Okay?" The older girl asks gently, reading Clarke's face.
"I'm fine." Clarke tries to assure, but her glossy eyes well up even more.
The girl takes Clarke's face in her hands, "You're not fine at all." 
"Niylah, would you mind not talking?" 
She could save the guilt for the morning.  Right now she needed to feel soft hands drag along her skin, warm lips laying claim to every limb. Her fingers tangle in open hair as her head falls back into pillows and she crumbles like a piece of paper, lost in the sensation and memories that should NOT be surfacing in this moment. She lets Niylah have her completely, keeping her eyes shut so that she won't be tempted to look down and realize it's not green eyes looking back at her.
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Lexa is several shots deep in the back of a dive bar on the East side around the corner from her high-rise. She's made nice with the owner, who lets her in the back so she can tuck away in the corner and usually goes unnoticed as long as she keeps to herself. The local patrons are mostly middle-aged men who wouldn't recognize her even if one of her movies or shows was playing on the tvs in the corner over the bar.
Part of her wishes she hadn't turned down that invite to go upstairs when she dropped off her date. She keeps staring at the last message in her phone. I don't plan on talking when I get there.
It could be anyone else. Literally anyone else.
Clarke knew exactly what she was doing.
Niylah was the reason they broke up. Just waiting in the weeds, feeding Clarke who knows what kind of lies. Lexa always sensed she was feeding Clarke anything to help her believe the never-ending rumors that would swirl around in the media about Lexa and practically any female friend or co-star she had. Just waiting for the perfect moment, the smallest crack to push through and make her move.
Fuck Niylah.
Right now she's probably waiting with open arms for Clarke to arrive and hear how much of a betrayal it was what Lexa did tonight.
It was hardly a betrayal compared to what Clarke did with Niylah.
No, two can fucking play this game.
The brunette rips another double shot, before taking out her phone and sending a message that only ever meant one thing.
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Cos: I can be there in 20? Lexa: Bring tequila.
Morning comes too quickly, bright and harsh and Lexa's head is pounding. She's sprawled out naked, on her stomach face first at the edge of her bed, and her hand fumbles around the covers searching for her phone to check the time: 7am. Damn. The space next to her is empty but she smells coffee brewing, and as soon as she attempts to sit up, a steaming mug is placed next to her on the nightstand, and the rich aroma stings her nostrils.
"You're alive" the perky blonde girl giggles, sitting on the edge of the bed and brushing the mess of wavy brown strands back from Lexa's face as she's hunched forward, trying to will the room to stop spinning.
"Baby Love... lay down, I got you, here." She props some pillows against the headboard so Lexa can lean backwards against them. "Here let me get you some water and advil too." As she's rummaging through a cabinet of medicine, vitamins, and supplements, Lexa looks through her phone, seeing mostly more tweets and comments about the run-in at the restaurant, but the nausea in her stomach worsens when she switches over to Instagram and sees a new post at the top of her feed. She stares at it for a minute, then drops her phone and races to the bathroom to empty her stomach.
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"You good babe?" The blonde says through the bathroom door, concerned.
After a couple rounds of heaving, Lexa pants, "I'm good, just going to hop in the shower."
"Okay, did you want to grab brunch after?"
Lexa wasn't sure she even wanted to leave this bathroom anytime soon, let alone eat, or be photographed out with Costia after just being seen on a date last night.
Costia knows what they are, and more importantly, what they are not. It works for them. Costia is hot and fun and eats up the attention she gets as Lexa's favorite arm candy. What started out as just purely hookups over a year ago evolved into a real friendship with convenient benefits.
"Not today Cos, sorry I have a shoot later."
"Ohhhh is it for that new show? The one based on a book?"
Lexa turns the shower on, "It's just a mini series, not a whole show, but yea."
"Aw...I love coming along for those." The girl hints, and Lexa feels a little guilty for wanting as little human interaction as possible the rest of the day.
"Next time Cos, I promise."
The hot shower has her feeling brand new when she emerges, and she's relieved to find the apartment empty as well. She grabs her phone to text her driver, Gustus, about picking her up in a bit for her photoshoot when she sees a message waiting from Anya:
Anya: Looks like you were face-first in a smoking hot blonde last night afterall😏 We still hanging later?
Lexa is confused at first, but then checks her phone, and sure enough, is tagged in a new photo:
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She notices who liked the picture, grinning as she plops back into her bed in her robe, smug and satisfied, thinking:
Let the games begin.
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Hi! I’ve been a big fan of all your work, and absolutely love everything you’ve posted. It seriously makes my day 🥰
I was wondering if you could do something along the lines of the first time 😏 with those in the MLA or overhaul? (Sorry if this posted 2x my app was glitchy)
(Thank you for reading my stuff! It’s a huge motivation to keep writing since I know peeps are looking out. I appreciate it so very much😭😭😭 Anyway, if we’re talking the *ahem* first time, then for Kai I’ve written it twice! It’s both here, and here! That would naturally only leave the MLA behind for me to conquer!)
(SIDENOTE: since there are so many members it’s in headcanon form. If you want a specific longer scenario for anyone then I’ll gladly do it!)
~First Time~
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-Not exactly super duper shy about it but certainly bashful to an extent. Flustered easily depending on how bold you want to be with him. If you take the lead then he won’t complain one bit. I imagine it happens after a romantic date. You get back to the house and he believes he’s going to be settling down for bed but you suggest otherwise. He probably chokes up a bit upon hearing you drop it on him but he’s able to rasp out a much to eager ‘yes’ from his mouth. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: once he get’s very turned on or very flustered then the tips of his ears will turn pinkish red with blush. He moans closed mouthed and huffs a lot here and there. His eyebrows knit and his hands have a white knuckle grip on the sheets below you. His thrusts are slow and steady as well. He clears his throat a lot before he says anything, and is very bad at talking dirty since it’s the first time after all. Expect for the next few weeks to hear him approach you with “Care for some intercourse, dearest?” He get’s better at talking dirty after having learned so much from you. 
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-Believe it or not, she starts off a little shy herself before getting comfortable halfway through foreplay. It’s a little heartwarming to witness her being shy for once since you only ever seem to see her at her most upbeat and self assured person. She’s open to taking the lead but it all depends on whether or not you want full control of the situation. I’d say it’s an even match-up right now. The matter likely comes about when the two of you are lounging nightside by her pool together. It’s funny how quickly a heated kiss can escalate toward sexual intent when you let it. Lucky for her that the privacy stone wall is high enough that no one could see the two of you getting handsy with each other. She knew the moment your hand slipped under her bikini top that it was time to take it forward to the next level. The two of you barely give each other space as you make your way to the bedroom. Your hands don’t leave each other until the deed is done. During which she moans...loudly at that. No need to worry considering her large home is well on hiding what noise that can be made on the inside away from the outside world. A small part of her is embarrassed by how loud she was, so be sure to reassure her or else she’ll be oddly quiet the next time you go at it. She also bites a lot during sex so be prepared to leave with a few marks along your body in various places. She’s a gripper as well, grabbing hold of you and not willing to let go until she’s came and rode out her high with you.
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-Oh he’s been waiting for you to ask him this for a very long time. He’s studied up and feels completely prepared to deliver his best upon the first time. He’s a big softie with you and a total gentleman so you had no idea he’s been lusting for you for such a long time. It probably goes down after a long day of work. His jaw drops when you finally break it to him that you’re ready for it. Hanabata takes his time with you. He saves the fucking for later. The first time is reserved for strictly love making. The amount of time this man spent on foreplay alone was enough to show you he was serious about making this something special and big between the two of you. Finally when the moment runs up, he asks you for your consent once more and waits patiently to hear you say ‘yes’ to him. He takes his time with you. He’s gentle yet firm at the same time, entering you and allowing you however much time you need to adjust to the size of  his cock before proceeding with caution. His moans were low, deep, and smooth as they’d only raised in pitch (followed by a curse or two) when he came close to cumming. I don’t think he lasts very long but what he lacks for in stamina for the first time, he makes up for by asking a second round in the same night. Hell, he’d ask for a 3rd time but he was sure you might need to rest after everything. For someone of his age it would appear he was doing good in that department! I’d say that the longer you explore each other’s bodies, the more creative he gets in bed. He can become bolder and get a little rougher, or maybe more naughty by introducing some food or toys into foreplay? Either way, he’s phenomenal during the first time, and nothing less of amazing every other time after that.
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-I’d be scared to admit it with the way he acts sometimes. He’s a rough one to fall in love with but you can see past his jagged demeanor that the love is there and it’s nothing short of strong. It was probably rocky navigating whether or not he wanted you in that way. You’d sit and watch while playing the waiting game to see if he’d break character even just once. Finally it happened when you noticed him blushing but hiding behind his curtain of hair and furiously picking up the pace typing on his laptop. What caused it? You coming out of the shower wrapped in a towel in search of your favorite night clothes. I think it happened after you made sure to approach him on a night where he didn’t have anything important to tackle. Finally you’d dropped it on him and watched him sputter out a response. “Wh-what???” Oh he heard you loud and clear. He just wouldn’t make eye contact with you when he agreed to try it. He didn’t make any eye contact the entire time (which might be discouraging depending on the reader), but don’t mistake it for him not feeling pleasured. It was the contrary! His moans were endless it would seem. Don’t even get me started with the whimpering or the growling. He hated the fact you heard him sounding so pathetic. He finally ended up making eye contact with you when he came for the very first time with you. His pupils were blown, eyes watery, and shamelessly he drooled a bit. I do think the very next time you two do it, he is the one that brings it up. It’s no where near romantic by the way. It’s more like him just suddenly stopping whatever he’s doing before looking you dead in the eye and going “Let’s have sex immediately. I’ve got a 20 minute window and there’s no time to waste so let me know right now. Otherwise you’ll be wasting my time.”
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-Really has no clue on anything having to do with it. Since I believe he’s around 20-21 years, he’s not even taken the time to navigate this type if thing. He dropped out of school a long time ago so I feel like he missed out on Sex Ed classes. On top of that, I doubt he’s ever even received the ‘talk’ from either his own parents or ReDestro at that. All he likely has is what he may have passed by while scrolling on the internet since I headcanon he spends a lot of time online. It’s just you and him learning together. When you drop it on him he suddenly stares at you with a very soft expression. It’s certainly different considering his usual demeanor around you. He just silently nods, tucking his face into his fur lined hood so as to hide the gentle blush creeping along his rounded cheeks. Your first time together is one of the rare moments when Geten has ever become so soft with you. His touches are focused but clumsy at the same time. There are a few apologies here and there as the two of you learn each others bodies. He’s fairly quiet but it’s because he’s tapped into whatever noise you’re making at the moment. He’s decided to use it as a way to figure whether or not he’s doing things right for you. When you finally finish he ended up taking a big bite into your shoulder and muffling the loudest moan you’ve heard from him all night. Tears do end up slipping from his eyes as well. He let’s go of you and apologizes before grabbing a wet towel and helping clean you up. Then like a light switch he’s back to being his same old self. However, you can tell through the sass and sarcasm that he’s desperate to know whether or not he did a good job. You simply smile and beckon for him to come cuddle with you to which he complains but quickly obliged. Don’t expect him to be a big softie the next time. He’s likely to be bolder with his actions to prepare yourself ahead of time for that.
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iolite-moodboards · 2 years
Can you tell me how to make an Instagram moodboard? I’ve asked several people and they try to avoid it for some reason, I’ve searched up and all I can find is about the app, I just wanna make my friend a gift 😭
I've gone through the exact same thing, and the ones that did help said they used a PSD (which is photoshop, which is something i cannot afford) so I had to break down and design my own. I actually use Canva for this (it's free so no hassle!)
Kind of obvious but get yourself a Canva account
On the top of the website next to your profile, it'll say "create design" in purple. Hit that and it'll have a list of templates. Search or scroll to find the photo collage option (the dimensions are 20 x 25)
Now that your blank template is loaded, You want to go to the side bar and click the "elements" tab and search for 'frame'. Hit the circle one and add it to the template
Shrink and move in the corner like so...
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make it a little smaller if you need to. I shrink it so the width and height are equal at 5
5. Search in elements again for 'line'. This will be your border. I'm having a lot of trouble finding the original line I used earlier in my designs so use whatever you can find. The one I got for this one is from a past design that I copied and pasted on to this current one.
!!EDIT!!: search 'line' in elements and choose the first one under "lines & shapes" (the one underlined). (its a little chunky but its the only one i could find)
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Add it. you might want to move the circle frame further up so it doesnt get in the way and adjust it later. Change the color to a light grey and stretch it until your liking. Don't stretch it all the way across though. leave space on either so it basically ends up like this or longer depending on how you want it (use my designs for reference):
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(the line is a little tricky to use and maneuver so give it time and you'll get it ^^)
6. Search for more frames and look for a square frame. Add six of these below your border line. It should look like this,
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7. Feel free to fix the sizes on the frames and move them around (mine right now looks a little wonky).
8. Go to the text tab, and hit the "add the subheading" (the middle option). Change the color to a light grey color and the font to 'Open Sans Light'. Type your username (Or if you're using this as a blank template like me, write something like "user.name") Make it a little bigger (even stretch it) and add it next to your circle frame.
9. Add the smallest option to your template (the one that reads "add a little bodytext"), change the font to Open Sans Light, and write your number of posts, followers, and following. I add spaces in between them so they're farther apart (I'm doing 12 spaces in between). Now shrink it to the size you are comfortable with and move it so it's underneath but alined with your username (but measurements for mine for w&h are 12.9 and 0.7)
10. Add the smallest option again and you're going to want to aline it below your posts, follower count, etc. Change it to the same font as before ("Open Sans Light"), change the color to black and bold it. Type your display name, or again, if you using this as a blank template, I just wrote 'name' in my text. Shrink the text box so the width and height is around 1.9 and 0.8.
11. Add more text (still the littlest option) and change the color to light grey. This will be your bio. You can either write a bio or just keep it written as "bio". Aline this under your display name. It should look like this now,
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12. Start adding your images. This is the fun part. Luckily, with Canva, it's easy to add images because you just copy and paste them to the template (or you can upload them from your files). So go onto google (or wherever you get your images) and copy/download the image and paste it (Ctrl v).
(But!! before you add any images, I'd recommend duplicating the page so you'll always have a blank version if you want to make more. That way, you won't be constantly remaking this template. So when you feel like making another, just duplicate the blank template)
13. Drag them and hover them over the frame and it'll be inside the frame now. Do that until your frames are filled up. If you need to crop them or the frame is covering an essential part of the image, either double click the image and you'll be able to move it around or you can click the image in the frame and look at the top and they'll be a "crop image" option in between the "edit image" and "flip" options
14. For the sake of this tutorial, I will show how it should look so I'll add my images...
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I decided to make a green one, your's doesn't have to look like this. In fact, make it however you want! Rather it be for aesthetics or for a more realistic approach.
15. When you're done with your mockup, hit the share button in the corner, go to download, choose your file type (I always choose PNG), select what file you want to download (make sure you don't hit "download all") then hit download. Your instagram moodboard should be in your recently downloaded now.
And that's all! I hope this was helpful and that your friend likes your gift!
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makeupinthedrawer · 3 years
hollywoods favorite it couple
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authors note: inspired by this ask i got that read an imagine where y/n is famous singer just like niall and they are hollywood's "it" couple , and fans go crazy everytime they get new pics of two of them together and i loved the idea so i hope u like it anon! ♡♡♡ also, the bold text = tweets ☺️
word count: 2.5k
my masterlist
upcoming content: fluff, i use the word kisses and smile maybe 8 million times lol, small mentions of anxiety, tiny mentions of alcohol
“what’dya think princess?” niall asked as he spun out of the closet, shooting you his signature finger guns. you looked up from your phone in wonder, a smile spreading across your face when you took in his outfit. niall was practically swallowed by the white hoodie he was wearing, your merchandise he was wearing.
“ni, ‘s‘too big on you!”
“it’s all that was left, figured i’d give you some top notch advertising, yeah?” he laughed and your heart flipped a little at the sound, thinking back to all the niall laughing compilation videos you used to watch on youtube as a teenager and now you could hear it for yourself, whenever you like.
you followed him back into your shared walk in closet, leaning against the wall next to the mirror as he stood in front of it, opening the instagram app, “wow a shoutout from niall the influencer, to what do i owe the pleasure?”
“all you know is totally! totally this, totally that!” you called off screen
“oi! not my fault that’s how you lot talk!”
“oi! not my fault that’s how you lot talk!”
“it isn’t!!” you whined, oblivious to the fact he was still recording.
“it isn’ttttuhhh!” he mocked, immediately bursting into laughter and you rolled your eyes.
“you’re lucky you’re cute, ireland”
“t’ank ya baby” he called back, his voice thousands of times softer than normal, a tone he only spoke to you with.
he is so supportive 🥺🥺 they are such a power couple! king and queen of pop!
now he knows she doesn’t sound like that 😭😭 they’re cute tho or whatever🙄😒 a finger gun video to start her new era off i’m so happy
niall chuckled as he refreshed his twitter page and read what all his and your fans had to say. twitter definitely had its …moments… but today it was connecting his two favorite things, his fans and you.
he glanced at you from over his phone as you say across from him on the couch, mindlessly scrolling through your phone as well, but your forehead was showing prominent stress wrinkles which just wouldn’t do. “baby?” he let out, softly.
“yeah, ni?” you responded, not looking up from your phone.
with a huff he clambered over to you and shoved his face in front of your phone, pressing his forehead to yours, “what’s on yer mind?”
the close proximity between you two caused all your senses to be consumed by niall. and you could never lie to him, you’d never want to anyways. “i’m scared”
his face puckered as he silently encouraged you to go on. “i’m scared people aren’t going to like my song.” you confessed so quietly he almost didn’t hear it, but he did. he always heard what you had to say.
“darling, why would you ever need to worry about dat? you have the voice of an angel.”
“you’re just saying that”
“no ‘m not! i’d tell you if one of yer songs was shite! remember that time in november?”
“great pep talk, ni.” you groaned, moving to get up and go sulk on your own until he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back to him.
“hey, i’m being serious. you’re so incredible and hardworking, and the single is a masterpiece! one of the best songs i’ve ever heard! no one can write or sing like you, you know that?” he spoke so sincerely and his blue eyes filled with truth, but he could still see your hesitancy.
“look, i’d never lie to ya! but look at what all the fans are sayin’”
he flashed the screen to you and you read the excited and happy messages together, liking the really sweet one's and laughing at the dramatic one's
“maybe ya shouldn’t’ve released the song, petal, look! this poor girl’s sayin she fuckin died!”
you giggled and he pressed a kiss to the top of your forehead, “thank you for making me feel better”
“of course, superstar.”
he kissed her nose i repeat… he! kissed! her! nose! AFTER BOOPING IT!!
imagine if they read something and leave little annotations with their thoughts then swap it😭🥺🥺🥺 i could cry
the sun was shining through the large glass window as you ran your fingers over the row of books. the book store was pretty much empty except for you, niall and the employee behind the counter.
the two of you were in new york for work and he insisted on taking you to his favorite book store, a little hole in the wall tucked away in an ivy covered building. you two split up once you entered, having different tastes, but you couldn’t help but stare at him as he picked up a book that looked interesting and read the back cover with a curious and peaceful look on his face.
niall felt your eyes on him as he looked up and sent you a soft smile, “find anything ya like?”
“mm, i sure did” you spoke, eyes never leaving his and you watched the blush rise on his cheeks at your implication.
niall lifted the book in his hand and tapped it against your head and then against your nose, placing a kiss on it right after as it scrunched up. “not what i meant, petal.”
“it’s true though.”
niall wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest as his bicep flexed against your head. “thank’s for coming with me” he muttered against your hair and you just squeezed him back even tighter before he slipped one arm around your waist and went to the check out, both of you oblivious to the camera men capturing the past two minutes from outside.
“it just doesn’t seem like you care but whatever!”
“niall… please spare me the passive aggressiveness okay?”
he let out a dry laugh, “oh so that’s what it is now? just me being passive aggressive? alright.”
your shoulders slumped in defeat as you dropped your heals to the floor, “it’s not about you being passive aggressive okay?” you began as slowly as you could, trying to keep your cool. “i get it, i do, but i HAVE to go and you know it! so whether you’re coming or not, i have to get ready.”
and with that, silence fell over the room except for the zips and shuffling of your clothes and the occasional heavy sigh coming from your stubborn boyfriend. you just couldn’t wrap your head around it, this event had been planned for months, and it was originally you who didn’t want to go but couldn’t help but get excited when tara sent you both pictures of your coordinating outfits: his a nutmeg suit and yours a blush, silk dress. but now he couldn’t even look at his outfit and rolled his eyes whenever you tried to get him up.
you wanted to let it go -let him ride his bad mood out and just make up when you got home- but you were excited. this was your first public event since covid started and you really wanted to go out and spend a good night with the love of your life, but he hadn’t even sent a glance in your direction for the past ten minutes.
“y’leaving now?”
“yeah. i’ll be home around twelve or so.” you replied coldly.
“have fun” he said, sending you a half wave and that made you snap.
“niall i really! i know i said i understood but i really don’t okay?” his head snapped towards yours in surprise at your tone. “we- we planned this for weeks! you texted all your friends that you were gonna be there, i couldn’t get you to shut up about how happy you were to see Tom again, but now you can’t even get your ass up off the couch! what did i do? why don’t you want to go out with me?”
niall felt his resolve melt and his heart crack at your emotional outburst and he bit his lip, weighing his options.
“what do you even plan on doing here all night anyways? just stare at the wall?” you snapped and when he didn’t move a muscle, realization dawned on you.
people couldn’t stop raving about how kind and inviting niall is when they first meet him; all his friends knew he was the best person to go to for a good time, but after a year indoors, going out was daunting for anyone, especially to hundreds of fans, press and industry partners.
“baby… everything’s gonna be okay.” you said, softly making your way to him on the bed, wrapping your arms around his middle, immediately feeling his muscles relax.
“i know, darling. i- i just don’t, i don’t even know how to face that many people at the same time anymore… how to be on all the time. i already feel myself running out of breath.”
your heart stuttered in your chest, guilt creeping up your spine. “that i understand. i feel nervous too, ni. hell, i already want to take this dress off. but i know i can do it because you’re gonna be there with me. just like always, whenever i stumble over my words or don’t know what to say, you swoop in and pick me back up. and i promise you i’ll do the same for you… though i doubt you’ll need me to.”
his large hand enveloped yours as he pressed his lips to your palm. “we can take on the world together, yeah?”
an excited grin painted across your face at the twinkle in his eye and you squeezed his hand three times, “you know it, horan.”
the camera flashes caused your eyes to water a little, feeling more overwhelmed than you thought as directions on how you two should pose and stand were shouted at you.
niall felt you tense as his hand was glued to your back and he looked down at you, “hey.”
“yeah, are you alright?”
“i’m alright, this is a bit boring though, don’t you think?”
“what do you mean?” you asked, catching the twitch of his lips as whatever idea ran through his mind.
“i mean that, we’re already here, obviously the best dressed,” his voice dropped at the last part and your giggle carried into his ears, “we should have some fun.”
“and how do you expect us to do- niall!” you cried as he spun you around, exciting the crowds even more. you both laughed and he angled himself behind you, “finger guns, yeah ready babe? one, two, three!” you both sent finger guns to the camera, open mouth smiles that shone brighter than the flashes.
“niall? hey sorry have you seen niall ho-“ you began, before a loud yihoo cut through the party chatter and you turned on your heel to find niall at the bar, surrounded by his friends.
“there she is!” he drawled as you neared his group, your cheeks heated in embarrassment.
“hey, hate to break the party but we should get home.”
a chorus of protests arose but it was getting late and you knew niall would already be killing himself for this in the morning. “cmon ni, let’s go before i have to carry you out of here.”
“you can do whatever you want to me, girl!” he called out and it took all you had to not hide your face in your hands.
“niall! okay, time to go! bye guys!”
goodbye’s and good lucks followed you as you each leaned on the others side and exited the venue, “we ended up having a good time tonight.”
“sure did, hot stuff!” he called, immediately laughing into your eat afterwards. “thank ya for convincing me to go, angel.” he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to your forehead as you got him in the car.
niall groaned as he woke up, arm sprawled across his forehead as he mentally felt around for a hangover headache but didn’t feel one. “thank god for being irish” he smirked and threw his legs over the bed, looking over his shoulder at you still fast asleep under the covers.
he wandered to the kitchen, not bothering to put on any boxers as he was only going to get some tea, then go back to bed. as he flipped the kettle on, his eyes landed on his suit jacket, -that didn’t make it back to the room- his phone sticking out the pocket.
unlocking it revealed mass amounts of notifications; his messages all a different variation of how nice it was to see him last night, but one in particular caught his eye
tara: congrats on going viral, mate😂😂
his brows furrowed as he opened twitter and was flooded with photos of the two of you from last night, from acting like fools on the red carpet to you both latched around each other; the excitement from the public woke him right up, his heart flipping at the amount of love shown towards you, and he thanked god every night he could be a small part of it.
niall didn’t lie when he said every day was a runway because oh my god he looks amazing
its safe to say hollywoods favorite it couple won the red carpet AGAIN!
you felt niall climb back into bed, he was never as sly as he thought he was. his legs brushed up against yours and he scooted closer to you, and every so often you could hear soft bursts of laughter escape him, but what really woke you up was when his occasional mutters of gibberish. “what… what are you doing?” you grumbled and he looked down at you.
“oh good yer awake, what does this mean?” and next thing you know you were met with a flash of white as his screen shone in your face.
“ugh niall!” you squinted as you read the tweet on his phone, resisting the urge to smack your hand to your head. “it’s a keyboard smash babe, you’re not supposed to read it.”
“why are you up so early anyways?” you muttered as you rested your head on his stomach, his hands immediately running over your hair.
“we made quite the impression last night, princess”
with your eyes still shut, you rose a brow, “seriously? what did we do?”
“be our charming selves, of course” he answered in a phony royal accent and he felt you smile against his stomach.
“lucky us then hmm? need to go out more often.”
“wouldn’t want to be half of hollywoods favorite it couple with anyone else.”
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kokokabana · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞
✧ Skylar Quinn and Jaden Bower ✧ Business Major Rebel ✧ adrenaline, fashion, sweets, true crime, parties, sex, technology, movies, romance, games, travel, sports
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Classic bad boy committing petty crime and telling you “to live a little”, but once you get closer to him, he opens up to you and shows his romantic and vulnerable side. He’s like putty in your hands.
« 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
How to read this guide
The choices are portrayed like this: A | B. The one in bold or with an exclamation mark gets you (the most) affection.
Sometimes both choices work! They get you a different dialogue from your match, but you or they give the same amount of emoji reactions, balancing everything out.
Make sure to equip the interest that is about to be unlocked when you fill up that relationship bar! That gives you 15 additional gems. Don’t accept the gems and close the app if you haven’t already.
Message me or comment below if you found something else!
Chat History
#1 Texting
✧ Yeah! I render ALL my matches speechless | Most people write… you know… WORDS
✧ You’re too cute for pick-ups lines → 🍬! | 🧀
✧ So far, so good | Try harder → I’m passing the first contact test? → 😉 | 💋!
✧ Is that a challenge, Skylar/Jaden? 😏 (gem choice for 120 💎) | What if I’m boring according to you? → A date with me ❤️ → 😏! | 🤔 -> free clothing item 🎁 (black bathing suit with purple blue robe)
✧ Is that a challenge, Skylar/Jaden? 😏 (gem choice for 120 💎) | What if I’m boring according to you? → I like… the ceiling too? → 😏! | 😂
✧ I’m a college student | postgrad life! → Mathematics | Design → I’m the whole package | LOL, I’m overselling myself
✧ The fun stuff? | Agree!
✧ We’ve just met 😐 | Let’s say I like you a bit
✧ filled up relationship bar 1x
#2 Texting
✧ Damn, stop being so charming! | Ha, ha, ha. Not funny.
✧ Ok, ok. I’m sorry for leaving you hanging mid chat. → 💋! | 😊
✧ Talking to several people 🫢 | You’re the only one ❤️
#3 Texting
✧ 1st CG for 180 💎 -> 😱! | 😮
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(still figuring it out ✧ Truth | Dare -> unlocks choice in the next part)
✧ You still have the stolen car!? | OMG. Run for your freedom! → I parked in an alleyway. Safety first 😉 → 💋! | 😂
#4 Texting
✧ omg, I was so worried! | I’m impressed! → So… you’ve been dreaming about me 😜 → 😏! | 🫢
✧ 2nd CG for 300 💎 -> 🌶! | 🔥
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✧ You look cute 😜 | SO. DAMN. HOT.
(removed dialogue? ✧ Dare → Perfect, because you still have a “dare” to complete → 😏! | 😳)
✧ filled up relationship bar 2x if you bought the pictures and picked every perfect choice
Full Relationship Bar
-> depending on how many gem scenes you’ve bought and correct dialogues you’ve picked, you’ll get this CG after filling up the relationship bar twice
✧ 3rd CG
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#5 First Date
✧ Are you excited to meet irl, because I couldn’t sleep last night → 🤔 | 😘!
✧ YOU LEFT ME BEHIND, ASSHOLE!! | Where are you?! 😭
✧ I don’t care!! | Oh no… are you in trouble?
✧ I’m about to get nabbed and I can’t stop thinking about you in that outfit 😍 -> 🥹! | 🙄 (gift-related)
#6 Texting
✧ Ok… that made me laugh (gem choice for 120 💎) | Not funny 💔
→ only for boosting
✧ Hard to argue with that… | I was just expecting more of you
✧ Don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy your date 😉 → 😏! | 🤔
✧ You can try… | How?
✧ But I’m going to need some time to make it GREAT → 🎉! | 🙄
✧ Ps. Can’t wait to get to know you better, MC 😘 → 😉! | 👍
#7 Texting
✧ I can handle “risky” | I think you meant to say “illegal”
✧ I am one of a kind! 🙂 | “Like me”? What is that supposed to mean?! → I wanted to take you out in the perfect date → 🎉! | 🙂
✧ I am one of a kind! 🙂 | “Like me”? What is that supposed to mean?! → I’ve been thinking for 2 days on how to impress you → 🥹! | ⏳
✧ 4th CG for 300 💎 → 🥹! | 👍
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✧ It’s a research facility that creates cutting edge technology → 🎉! | 😐
✧ Just type 😈 | But I might reward you if you do 😉
#8 Texting
✧ Promise 😄 | I can’t. This sounds shady 🫢
✧ I LOVE CHOCOLATE ❤️ | I don’t eat chocolate → Me neither! → ❤️! |👍
✧ Hahaha, sell the family business and switch majors? → 😍 | 👍!
✧ I’m sure you had your reasons (gem choice for 120 💎) | Well… you’re screwed 😂 → not worth for extra dialogue, only boost
#9 Texting
✧ I can’t get you off my mind either | Oh, really? Cool cool
✧ I want to do it! → 🎉! | 👍
✧ No, no! I want to help! | You know I’m your best shot
✧ I’ll do it!… but I’m making sexy edits to that pic 😈 (gem choice for 120 💎) | Do it!!
✧ Not happening → 😈! | 👎
#10 Texting
✧ ………yes. You were right. → 🎉! | 👏
✧ Let’s be lame together | So think of something cooler 😜
✧ Hahaha, ok | Ouch 😄
✧ You told me to go. I obeyed 😉 → 💏! | 🙄
✧ 5th CG for 300 💎
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#11 Texting
✧ Im sure it’s not THAT bad | I would be scared too
✧ 6th CG for 300 💎
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✧ There’s a third one in critical condition -> 😱! | 👎
✧ I don’t want to put you in danger, MC -> 🥹! | 🙂
✧ I’ll be careful | No problem, I’m a total ninja 😎
✧ Far left corner. Crime/Mystery section -> 😂! | 🙄
#12 Texting & Second Date
✧ It’s ok. I made it in!! | I can’t believe I’m taking this risk 🙄
✧ Yes! I’ll go with you. (gem scene for 150 💎) | I need to finish college first. -> didn’t expect a hot scene haha nice
✧ Yes. Wait. -> 💋! | 😐
I’m destroying my phone. I don’t want to get you into trouble. -> ☹️ | 😱!
#13 Texting
✧ Definitely saw my life flash before my eyes -> 😭! | 😮
✧ That’s intense... | That sounds really rough ☹️
✧ That makes me feel so special 😊 | You’re putting me in a lot of danger!
✧ Convince me this is you 😉 (gem choice for 150 💎) | This feels like a trap!
✧ Why are you so adamant about meeting up...are YOU setting ME up?? -> 😱! | 🫢
#14 Texting
✧ 7th CG for 300 💎
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✧ That’s really harsh | There are some valid points 🥹
✧ You ☹️ -> ❤️! | 🥹
✧ I know, it like physically hurts almost 😭 | I wish you were touching me rn 💦
✧ The beauty of dating a fugitive HAHA -> 🌶! | 🙄
✧ clothing item 🎁 (this should be ur 2nd one apparently)
#15 Texting
✧ Be right there! | Super sketchy…
✧ You know my kisses are reason enough (gem choice for 180 💎) | I want to be… but give me time. -> should have been only 120 gems worth, you get a make-out session with him. teasing him gets you a bit more dialogue
✧ I’ll be in touch when the heat dies down. -> 😘 | ❤️!
✧ Seeing you look all badass like that made it all worth it 😉 -> 😄 | 😉! (gift-related)
#16 Texting
✧ How can I help? | Do I even want to know? 🫢
✧ That must be the person who burned down the lab -> 🤔 | 😱!
✧ I’m onboard | No! That’s nuts!
✧ If I found out who burned down the lab, I’ll be free to sweep you off your feet -> 😭 | 🥹!
✧ Then you need make it worth my while 😉 (gem choice for 150 💎) | I’m concerned… for both of us
#17 Texting
✧ A janitor’s overalls, fake wig, and the worst fake mustache 😬 -> 🤮 | 😂!
✧ I want to see you in that disguise so bad! | 🤮 Now all I can picture is some gross porn stache
✧ But you already know I’m better with my hands than abstract digital stuff 😏😏 -> 😳 | 😏!
✧ Flirting mid B&E? I like it 😜 (gem choice for 150 💎) | This is not the time.
✧ That’s what I was going to suggest! | I never would have thought of that
#18 Texting
✧ You’re not!! | You’re only realizing this now? 😂
✧ But you didn’t do any of that! | It’s ok to feel overwhelmed
✧ You were a match for me 🙂 | But together we have a shot 🙂
✧ I think I’m going to turn myself in 😐 -> 😭 | 😱!
✧ You can’t and you NEED to hear me out (gem choice for 150 💎) | I guess that’s it between us then? -> two screens of dialogue
#19 Texting
✧ I gave it a shot but there’s no way I can make it on my own 😫 -> 😬 | 😭!
#20 Texting
✧ But it looks like I’m just going to have to get it myself -> 🙄 | 🫢!
✧ This is exciting! | If this is the only option…
✧ You have to give a little bit too 😏 (gem choice for 150 💎) | This is the last law I break for you! -> it’s so worth it! He’s declaring his love for you. no sexting! just pure fluff and love confessions
#21 Texting
✧ 🤔 Mrs. Price used to be married to the Police Commissioner -> 🎉! | 😮
✧ You genius 👏 | Hopefully they’re still on good terms 😬
✧ Good question LOL | Because you’re innocent
#22 Texting
✧ Which makes her the perfect ally! | Really?? OMG!
✧ They’re meeting tomorrow at the Police Department -> 🔥! | 😮
✧ Of course! | I don't think im up for it...
✧ 8th CG for 300 💎
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✧ See – no one will see our faces 😉😉 -> 😂! | 🙄
✧ I need your support now more than ever -> 😫 | 🥹!
✧ Oh, we’ll never sleep 💦 | That sounds like heaven!
#23 Texting & Third Date
✧ I was born ready (gem choice for 180 💎) | This is as far as I go. -> idk how the free date version looks like. do you just stand outside and hear the noise or what? absolutely buy man, this is a like heist movie
#24 Texting
✧ Thank god! | How am I not supposed to worry??
✧ I bet the Police Commissioner has so much dirty laundry! | I guess this is the point of no 😮 return
✧ I’m not letting you leave | I hope they have a solution we aren’t seeing
✧ …I love you → 😍! | 🫢
✧ I love you too (gem choice for 210 💎) | Uhh… → only for boost
#25 Texting
✧ You’re an arrogant ass 🙄 | Wow you’re confident... 😏
✧ So you want to talk about it? 😉 (gem choice for 180 💎) | I can’t even with that LOL → instead of the normal cocky/confident and flirty rebel, we get to see why he’s putting up this front. I love him.
✧ I promise to come back to you. This isn’t the end of anything 😘 → 🥹 | 💋!
✧ I know you will 😍 | You’re leaving that quick? 😳
✧ clothing item 🎁 (blue dress for 340 💎)
#26 Texting & Fourth Date
✧ Kinda ruins the whole dangerous fugitive vibe 😂 | Of course a candy heir would be hiding out in style...
✧ Nothing but the best for this fugitive 😉 → 😋 | 😂!
✧ I have some ideas of my own… (gem choice for 210 💎) | As long as it stays tame... → I fucking hate this game. His story reached this point of gem inflation and you give me 17 screens of nothing, it doesn’t even hint how you FINALLY do it. I… need to read some redemption smut to ease the pain in my gem wallet
#27 Texting
✧ I miss you already! | Now my anxiety can settle down…
✧ 9th CG for 330 💎
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✧ If I gave them this phone, I wouldn’t be talking to you rn -> 🫢 | 😱!
✧ Get to the bottom of whatever is going on | Maybe just relax for once 🙂
#28 Texting
✧ She sounds impressive ☹️ | Aren’t grannies supposed to be sweet? 🍬
✧ One of the accounts was the ghost account -- The one that hired the Police Commissioner to frame me for arson. The one I couldn’t track… → 🤔 | 😱!
✧ Is she evil? | I have no words…
✧ That sounds way too risky... (gem choice for 180 💎) | What could go wrong? → 2 screens of fluff from his side, more for boost tbh
#29 Texting
✧ There is no escape for me and she holds ALL of the power -> 😭 | 😱!
✧ WTF is wrong with her?? | That’s chilling...
✧ 10th CG for 330 💎 -> Skylar | Jaden (will be added when I reached the latest playable part)
✧ We won’t let her get away with this! | Be careful
✧ Everyone has a weak point | And you need to protect yourself
#30 Texting
✧ ...although I love being selfish with you 😉 -> 😍! | 😭
✧ I’m not giving up that easy! (gem choice for 180 💎) | If that’s what you want.
-> short cute fluff but only for boost
✧ Damn straight! | Thank god!
✧ Another way to exonerate you... | A way for us to be together!
#31 Texting & Fifth Date
✧ I told you so 😏 | I’m so proud of you for asking 😄
✧ No chance 😏 | Uh oh… 😱
✧ But in order to get the evidence you have to go RIGHT NOW to that alley where we met before 😮 -> 😄! | 🫢
✧ YES! Now I get to be the bad one 😎 (gem choice for 180 💎) | Sure…
-> you run to the informant of Mrs Price and get some shady while having a video call with him but you don’t have a long cute moment with him, not worth it. the sorry progresses on even if you don’t have info about the police commissioner
#34 Texting and Sixth Date
✧ Of course I do! (gem choice for 210 💎) | I want to focus on other stuff.
-> so cute! he talks about his father. it gets emotional. a little too short for 210 gems tho
#35 Texting
✧ Everything’s going to come crashing down now! | Who knows what the fallout will be??
✧ And Mrs. Price told me they started an investigation into the Police Commissioner and his corruption! -> 👏 | 🔥!
✧ What are we going to do when you’re free (gem choice for 180 💎) | Just don’t get your hopes up
-> 1.5 screens of PG-13 flirting, only for boost
✧ He deserves it! 😏 | You’re going to be free soon 😋
✧ He had been killed! -> 😱! | 😬
✧ Get out of there! | Hide!
#36 Texting
✧ !!!! omg! You’re alive! | Nice of you to FINALLY text me.
✧ You are verrrry lucky | Are you, like, Superman? | Poor baby! Want me to kiss it better? 😉
✧ 11th CG for 330 💎
-> Skylar | Jaden (will be added when I reached the latest playable part)
✧ It’s kinda hot, tbh -> 🙄 | 🔥!
#37 Texting
to be played…
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heartnosekid · 3 years
Hello! I was wondering how you make your gifs/what sort of app or software or whatever it may be called it is that you use?
I’ve taken a few screen recordings of some Minecraft things and have been trying to turn them into gifs, but my first app told me I ran out of free ones after the second or third one I made, and then the next four all had bold watermarks that I would have to pay to remove 😭 how do you get yours to look so clean?
hey!!! i only use one gif creating / gif modifying website, called ezgif! i tried using several other websites and apps, but none of them have the abilities and complexities that ezgif does, and it’s free and watermark free!
there is however a bit of a learning curve to using ezgif. it’s all very number based, and whenever i see numbers, i usually just give up trying to learn it 😅 but other than that, it’s quite easy to use once you’ve gotten used to it.
the only rules for ezgif when using it to make gifs for tumblr is to keep the gif at least under 10 MB size. otherwise it won’t load on tumblr! also, the smaller the gif is size wise, the easier it will be to use in stimboards! (i usually keep my own gifs at around 3 MB - 7 MB, typically in an effort to not sacrifice the quality of the image for a smaller size file)
if you or anyone else that sees this post wants me to make a little tutorial on how i specifically make gifs, let me know!
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aiiwa · 3 years
hi hi idk if you’ve answered this in the past but how did you put the hyperlink in ur bio?
hi :)
so you can only do this on desktop or accessing tumblr on mobile via safari (or whichever browser is on your phone) — you can’t do this through the app unfortunately.
anyways, you basically have to use html coding like this for example:
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if you’re unfamiliar with this, you can just copy what i’ve typed out but change it to what you want to say and also changing the link i used for my hyperlink.
<p> means new paragraph, and </p> is to end that paragraph. if you do this before each line you want it will separate them. if that makes sense 😭.
in bold is how to add the link, and it’s important that you put exactly what is in bold or else it won’t work:
<p><a href=“INSERT LINK HERE”> this is where you will put whatever text you want to say</a></p>
it takes a while to get used to, but once you get the hang of it, it should be simple as! if you have anymore questions let me know. i know i have a post somewhere about html coding, i’ll have a look for it soon :)
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thefoxxyreview · 3 years
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*SPOILERS AHEAD*I would like to stress before getting into the meat and potatoes of this, that when I watch movies MADE FOR CHILDREN I go in with an open mind off the rip. You cannot assume that a movie that has targeted an age group years younger than you would appeal to your specific movie tastes as an adult. With that being said, I have also asked children if they enjoyed watching it and they all have said yes with a smile on their face. Safe to say they made the money and impact they intended to make with this movie so big score for Warner brothers. Now my true opinion is that this was a big flex film for WB and they showed us pretty much all the characters and properties that they own. The cameos were PHENOMENAL in this movie. I adore Easter eggs and many viewers do as well so beholding the amazing world of All these characters was very fun. Let’s get this part of the review out of the way completely…yes Lebron did terrible: we knew he would😅. He has done some voice acting up until now so he does have some experience emoting and acting on que. His line delivery was bad when things got serious. I think it was pretty hilarious when he made fun of himself in the middle of the movie. Everyone playing his family were pretty meh as well on the acting. It was nice seeing a beautiful family with predominantly chocolate kids in the house🤗. We chocolates don’t get a lot of love, especially Americans. While I watched on my live I had a fan inform me that the lady playing Lebron’s wife was in a Star Trek movie. I’m going to assume she did her real acting there…she was in Space Jam for looks🙃. I was really whelmed by Don Cheadle and his strange performance as the Quirky villain of this film🤨. All the live action actors in this film were cornier than the state of Iowa to be honest. You would never guess this man Cheadle was once the lead of “Hotel Rwanda”🤣. Let us move onto who I was waiting for, those tooooooons!!! Bugs bunny was voiced by the AMAZING Billy West who did a fantastic job giving me all the jokes. It was sad to think that with the years going by the toons decided to leave Tuneworld (that looked suspiciously like the App “looney tunes back in action” rendition of tune world) for better opportunities in this new internet driven world. The strange places that they found each character were hilarious to watch. Lola becoming an Amazon made all the sense and Zendaya did FINE!!! What were people expecting? Lola Bunny is an iconic character but at the end of the day she is a SIDE CHARACTER. She has never had her own cartoon shorts, nor her own show. Her character is actually very flexible and fans need to allow that. Literally anyone can voice her. For the lines she had, Zendaya delivered them beautifully. I thought it was cute when they wore their old tune squad jerseys to practice in😅. The tunes being live actionized was unnecessary and annoying! Lebron should have stayed a cartoon. The biggest problem for Lebron was putting the fun back into basketball and not understanding that as much as his son liked basketball he didn’t love it like video games. He built an entire game from scratch…that’s amazing at 12 or 13 years of age! Like most parents he wanted his son to follow in his footsteps, but little Lebron decided to get bold at the worse possible moment, at a damn meeting with the owners of the company in the middle of a major deal for his dad😅. They both get kidnapped by an emotional computer program and end up having to play Little Lebron’s video game for their lives and everyone else who is watching the game. On top of all of this drama, the looney tunes would be deleted😭. HIGHER STAKES than the first space jam JUST SAYING. Jordan was only playing for his freedom and the looney tunes freedom…not everyone in the world who decided to open their phone that day🥴. There was a simple moral to the movie “just do you” or “be yourself” something along those lines that is ridiculously over done and cliche. It was definitely a Meh movie, but the merchandise selling is what I am here for!
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kokokabana · 2 years
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞
✧ Jade Adisa and Eveline Van Dyke ✧ camgirl ✧ interests: travel, fashion, reading, photography, dancing, foodie, jogging, sex, games, fitness, technology
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Sex positive hot cam girl in your area! Sweet as sugar, spicy as hell. Get them while they are still there.
« 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
How to read this guide
How to read this guide
The choices are portrayed like this: A | B. The one in bold or with an exclamation mark gets you (the most) affection.
Sometimes both choices work! They get you a different dialogue from your match, but you or they give the same amount of emoji reactions, balancing everything out.
Make sure to equip the interest that is about to be unlocked when you fill up that relationship bar! That gives you 15 additional gems. Don’t accept the gems and close the app if you haven’t already.
Message me or comment below if you found something else!
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Chat History
#1 Texting
✧ I’m blushing 😋 → 😉! | 😊
✧ That totally makes sense | I dunno if I agree
✧ I need trust in my relationships → 👏! | 🤔
✧ I totally get it! | I’m not sure how I feel…
✧ 1st CG for 180 💎
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✧ I LOVE looking sexy, but it’s refreshing to have someone notice other parts of me, too. → 🥹! | 🙂
#2 Texting
✧ That sounds so romantic! | Have I starred in any other fantasies? 😉 → Maybe… 😜 → 😏! | 😳
✧ I like to be in charge… | I like when someone romances me…
✧ Every single night I get to feel strong, desirable… And I get to be my own boss. → 🥂! | 😳
✧ Ur take-charge attitude is (gem choice for 120 💎) | I don’t really get it.😬
✧ It IS pretty unconventional but that’s okay! | I could see myself getting a little jealous…
#3 Texting
✧ Clingy much?😋 | I missed you too! 😍
✧ Was it for your channel? | Tell me more… 🌶 -> Oh no honey… It was just me, my toy and my fantasies with u -> 😉 | 💧!
✧ Was it for your channel? | Tell me more… 🌶 -> U want the dirty details? 😈 -> 🫢 | 💧!
✧ …Cool, sounds like fun.😐 | What are u going to wear?😏
#4 Texting
✧ 2nd CG for 300 💎
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✧ The only thing that would make this better is u -> 😳 | 💦!
#5 Texting & First Date
✧ We can chat a bit more instead! (gem choice for 150 💎) | Oh! Yes. Right. Should I go?
#6 Texting
✧ Don’t feel bad at ALL! | You were following your heart…
✧ I know I’ll be thinking about ur lips for the rest of the night...😉 -> 💋! | 😮
#7 Texting
✧ You 😉 -> 🌶! | 🫢
✧ 🌶🌶🌶! | 😳
✧ Tell me every juicy detail... (gem choice for 120 💎) | Not sure I can handle that
✧ Monologues and striptease? | Do you. Don’t worry about me!
#8 Texting
✧ Funny, I was JUST thinking about u! | Ur such a sweet romantic
#9 Texting
✧ Trust me, I’m okay with this. | …I’m not your ex
✧ I think I’ll like the sound of u moaning my name😉 -> 😏! | 🫢
✧ None of this changes how I feel about you. (gem choice for 120 💎) | I don’t love that.
#10 Texting & Second Date
✧ Please say it’s me😜 | Dirty laundry?
✧ Good, then come over. Don’ t keep me waiting... -> 😐 | ⌛️!
✧ I’m falling for you too. (gem choice for 150 💎) | I’m just not ready to say those big three words yet
✧ And thank you for such an amazing date -> 😳 | ❤️!
#11 Texting
✧ It WAS a perfect night | Ur going to make me blush to death
✧ Cha-ching!!! | Chat about what??
✧ I’m sorry too. Can we start over? (gem choice for 120 💎) | Thanks for the apology.
-> U’d get the up close and personal exclusive 😉 -> 😏! | 🫢
-> you apologize, she apologizes, you get a whole different dialogue, worth it
✧ I’m sorry too. Can we start over? (gem choice for 120 💎) | Thanks for the apology.
-> I thought u were different… -> 😭 | 😱!
#12 Texting
✧ I like you so much, I don’t want to ruin anything! | Jealousy is just natural if ur I into someone...
✧ I like you SO much. Ur smart, ur funny, ur INSANELY hot -> 💏! | 😳
✧ 😳 | 💦!
✧ 3rd CG for 330 💎
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✧ I already miss ur face ❤️ -> 😘! | 🙂
#13 Texting
✧ How do u feel about being on ur knees?😉 -> 😏! | 😳
✧ I don’t believe in horoscopes… | If the stars demand it…😏
✧ I’m over my jealousy and feeling great! | I’m glad we can be so open and honest
✧ 😮 | 😍!
✧ Give me. EVERY. SINGLE. DETAIL… (gem choice for 120 💎) | Still sounds pretty nerdy.
#14 Texting
✧ I can’t be 100% sure but I think someone might be stalking me -> 😭 | 😱!
✧ Sounds like a coincidence... | That’s CREEPY AF
#15 Texting
she gets 15 parts to convince me from her storyline
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