#only friends ep04
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forcebookcorner · 10 months ago
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Force Jiratchapong and Book Kasidet as Top Tanin and Mew Witsarut in Only Friends Episode 4 (2023) [4//4] [X]
Other parts: [#1] [#2] [#3]
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year ago
I really don't get why people read every action of Boston's as nefarious and ego driven, even in regards to Nick - someone tell me how helping Nick move into a new apartment, or building up Nick's confidence, does anything for Boston's ego is it sooooo unbelievable that Boston isn't a Bond Villain and has some nuance to his character?? - when Top is out here literally telling Mew he'll give up hard drugs but only if he gets sex in return whilst trickle truthing to Mew and continuing to lie to him and pushing his boundaries every episode.
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patrycarro · 2 months ago
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TS3 - LS3SR08 (No CC)
When I set out to share my creations with the community, I made a promise to myself to publish at least one every week. I wanted to prove that I could commit to something and stay consistent—and I was doing it.
A few weeks ago, my computer broke down. It had been acting strange for a while, so it didn’t exactly catch me off guard, but it did stop me from reaching my goals, and that’s been frustrating. Even though this content drought was beyond my control, I still feel upset about it. And as much as I love Christmas, it only made things harder.
From the bottom of my heart, I sincerely apologize to the Simmers who subscribed to my Patreon in December and early January and didn’t get what they paid for. To make it up to you, I’ve decided to release four extra creations this month to catch up. I'll be sending you a private message with a link for instant and free access to these creations, along with the ones I'll be sharing over the next four weeks. So, Patreons, keep an eye on your inbox and claim your gift as soon as possible!
Once again, I’m truly sorry.
And to everyone else, thank you so much for your support and all the love you give to everything I share. You’re incredible.
I hope both you and your Sims really enjoy this house. Have fun!
Lot type: Residential
Lot size: 40x40
Location: Bridgeport
Furnished lot value: 312.424 §
Unfurnished lot value: 175.346 §
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 4
Packs used in this build: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP06, EP08, EP09, EP10, EP011
Terms and conditions:
DO NOT claim my creations as your own.
If you want to use any of my builds in your custom world or save file, you are allowed to do so, BUT make sure to credit me as the original creator.
DO NOT re-upload my content under any circumstances; share it with your friends using my own links.
If you experience any issues, let me know and I’ll try to fix it as soon as possible.
Download it here. 🤍
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Cuando decidí compartir mis creaciones con la comunidad, me hice la promesa de publicar al menos una cada semana. Quería demostrarme a mí misma que podía comprometerme con algo y ser constante. Y lo estaba logrando.
Hace unas semanas, mi ordenador dejó de funcionar. Ya llevaba un tiempo comportándose de forma extraña, así que no me pilló por sorpresa, pero sí me impidió seguir cumpliendo mis objetivos, y aunque esta pausa en el contenido fue algo que escapó de mi control, no puedo evitar sentirme molesta y terriblemente frustrada por la situación. Y, aunque adoro la Navidad, esta vez complicó aún más las cosas.
De corazón, quiero pedir disculpas a los Simmers que estuvieron suscritos a mi Patreon durante diciembre y principios de enero y no recibieron lo que esperaban. Para compensarlo, he decidido publicar cuatro creaciones extra este mes, y así ponerme al día. Os enviaré un mensaje privado con un enlace para que podáis acceder de forma gratuita e instantánea a estas creaciones, así como a las demás que publicaré a lo largo de las próximas cuatro semanas. ¡Así que, Patreons, estad atentos a vuestra bandeja de entrada y reclamad vuestro regalo lo antes posible!
De nuevo, lo siento muchísimo.
Y al resto, quiero agradeceros todo el apoyo y el cariño que le dais a todo lo que comparto. Sois increíbles.
Espero que tanto a vosotros como a vuestros Sims os encante esta casa. ¡Disfrutadla!
Tipo de solar: Residencial
Tamaño del solar: 40x40
Ubicación: Bridgeport
Valor del solar amueblado: 312.424 §
Valor del solar sin amueblar: 175.346 §
Habitaciones: 3
Baños: 4
Packs utilizados en esta construcción: EP01, EP02, EP03, EP04, EP05, EP06, EP08, EP09, EP10, EP11
Términos y condiciones:
NO proclames mis creaciones como tuyas.
Si quieres usar alguna de mis construcciones en tu mundo personalizado o save file, tienes permitido hacerlo, PERO deja claro que yo soy su creadora original.
NO resubas mi contenido bajo ninguna excepción; compártelo con tus conocidos usando mis propios enlaces.
Si experimentas algún problema, házmelo saber e intentaré solucionarlo lo antes posible.
Descárgala aquí. 🤍
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thecasualfkfan · 2 years ago
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So much implications omg
Only friends, EP04
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year ago
because their relationship is inherently unbalanced and Top keeps it that way.
Top pursued Mew specifically for his virginity card, that was the only reason he even approached Mew. While he was willing to open up to Mew that night about his singular trauma the only reason he was even at Mew's house is because he pushed past Mew's boundaries to stay.
Mew sets a boundary, Top pushes it, Mew compromises his own boundary.
Mew tells Top he can't spend the night with him, Top pushes saying he'll stay on the couch instead, Mew relents. Mew says he isn't going to shower with Top (ep03), Top says he's seen Top shirtless before so it's fine, Mew relents. Top tells every one of Mew's friends he's Mew's boyfriend, but doesn't tell Beam at the club, Mew calls him out on this later, Top side steps the question by telling Mew Beam is his drug dealer not his hookup.
The biggest red flag was in ep04 where Mew says they need to be honest with each other and Top says he has nothing to hide - ya know, like a liar - because he IS hiding things.
is the fact he slept with Boston like, 2 weeks ago, and 2) being that he does hard drugs he's got his coke dealer on speed dial the man comes to his house
Mew says, I don't want to date someone who does hard drugs, Top responds with fine I'll stop but only if you give me a reward (ie in exchange for sex), Mew relents.
There relationship has no equal ground. Top might like Mew, but he doesn't respect him. If he did he wouldn't be trying to subtly pull Mew away from Ray all the time (as soon as ep03). He's possessive, and boundary pushing, just in a subtle way so Mew doesn't pick up on it. He might not even realize he's doing it because he's so used to getting what he wants - something he tells Boston in ep01.
Even in this episode Mew comments on Boston and Nick, and Top is clearly bothered/jealous. Why? He doesn't like Boston but he probably does feel possessive over him to some degree. It's why he stole Sand's ex, he felt like he could, that they were his, so he did.
Mew's enamored and he doesn't have all the information so he's only seeing a this kindly side of Top and ignoring the boundary pushing.
why does top and mew's relationship feel so forced? it's like they're treading through all the steps of being a happy couple (the cute perfect dates, the premature i love yous -yikes-, the posting on instagram) and yet it all seems so superficial.
top goes with it because he needs company at night and mew (believes he) needs to stop being a prude and catch up to his peers. but do they really need each other specifically or is it just about convenience? tbh I'm getting nothing from them chemistry-wise
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malvernsims · 2 years ago
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Going to post the UM defaults first and then finish up with the AF and UF ones. This post has the UM everyday outfits. All ages have fat morphs, adults also have preg morphs. Anything available to adults has been made available to young adults as well. Where applicable I’ve noted if a multiage replacement has repo’d textures.
UM Everyday Folder (35 Defaults)
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tmbodyalphapolomalcomshorts and ambodyalphapolomalcomshorts replaced with Memento’s 4t2 Rope Jumpsuit Short Version by DeeDee (TM-AM | repo’d textures)
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tmbodyargyle, ambodyargyle and embodyargyle replaced with Burned Things by YanderePlumSims and Yandereplum’s Burned Things for TM & EM by DeeDee (TM-EM | repo’d textures)
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ambodychef and embodychef replaced with Buckles-ButtonsOverCoat by RentedSpace (AM-EM | unhidden | also categorized as outerwear)
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tmbodycomfy and ambodycomfy replaced with Nude Top with Bootcut Jeans and Chucks by Aweeshie (TM-AM)
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ambodygorillasuit and embodygorillasuit replaced with 4t2 EP04 Sweatshirt by Memento Sims and Memento’s 4t2 EP04 Sweatshirt for EM by DeeDee (AM-EM | repo’d textures)
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ambodygothteeshirt and embodygothteeshirt replaced with 3t2 Long Cardigan w/ Chucks by RentedSpace (AM-EM)
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tmbodyhiphopbaggy and ambodyhiphopbaggy replaced with Jeans with Hoodie by Sanneke94 (TM-AM)
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tmbodyhipsloppyvsweater and ambodyhipsloppyvsweater replaced with Jacket Smoking & Vibe by Veranka with mesh fix and preg morph added by DeeDee (TM-AM)
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tmbodyhoodedsweatshirtboardshorts and ambodyhoodedsweatshirtboardshorts replaced with Burned Things by YanderePlumSims and Yandereplum’s Burned Things for TM by DeeDee (TM-AM | repo’d textures)
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tmbodyhoodedsweatshirtpants and ambodyhoodedsweatshirtpants replaced with Burned Things by YanderePlumSims and Yandereplum’s Burned Things for TM by DeeDee (TM-AM | repo’d textures)
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tmbodykilt, ambodykilt and embodykilt replaced with 3t2 Shokoninio’s Old School Overalls by DeeDee (TM-EM | repo’d textures)
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ambodylooseopencoatpants and embodylooseopencoatpants replaced with Trapping’s Imaginary Friend Suit Recolours by Epi (AM-EM | repo’d textures | career outfit has been unhidden | also categorized as formalwear)
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tmbodymadrasshirtforstercargo and ambodymadrasshirtforstercargo replaced with Nude Top with Bootcut Jeans and Chucks by Aweeshie (TM-AM | repo’d textures)
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ambodymascotdiver and embodymascotdiver replaced with Winter Ride by YanderePlumSims and Winter Ride for EM by DeeDee (AM-EM | repo’d textures | includes EP7 version for AM which has been unhidden | also categorized as outerwear)
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ambodymascotknight and embodymascotknight replaced with 3t2 Long Cardigan w/ Docs by RentedSpace (AM-EM | includes EP7 version for AM which has been unhidden)
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ambodyninja and embodyninja replaced with 4t2 EP04 Sweatshirt by Memento Sims and Memento’s 4t2 EP04 Sweatshirt for EM by DeeDee (AM-EM | repod’ textures)
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ambodyoveralls and embodyoveralls replaced with A Fella Trenchcoat by RentedSpace (AM-EM | repo’d textures | also categorized as outerwear)
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tmbodyoverhangtshirt and ambodyoverhangtshirt replaced with Barista Vest Pants Dress by MDP and MDP's Barista Vest Pants Dress for TM by TaylorSims (TM-AM | repo’d textures | also categorized as formalwear)
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tmbodyoverhangtshirtlongshorts and ambodyoverhangtshirtlongshorts replaced with 4t2 EP03 Robe by RentedSpace (TM-AM)
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tmbodyoxfordpants and ambodyoxfordpants replaced with Leesuit Skinny Jeans Mashup by Whysims and Whysim’s Leesuit Skinny Jeans Mashup for TM by DeeDee (TM-AM | repo’d textures)
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tmbodypunk and ambodypunk replaced with Nude Top with Bootcut Jeans and Chucks by Aweeshie (TM-AM | repo’d textures)
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ambodyresortshirtpants and embodyresortshirtpants replaced with Memento’s 4t2 Rope Jumpsuit Short Version by DeeDee (AM-EM)
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ambodyrockstar, ambodyrockstarep8 and embodyrockstar replaced with 3t2 Long Cardigan w/ Chucks by RentedSpace (AM-EM | includes EP8 version for AM which has been enabled for townies and unhidden | I had 2 versions from the seasons expansion so I set one to AM only and the other to EM only)
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ambodysantaclaus and embodysantaclaus replaced with 3t2 Long Mandarin Coat by Yuxi and Yuxi's 3t2 Long Mandarin Coat by Skell (AM-EM | disabled for townies | also categorized as outerwear)
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tmbodysewingmachine, ambodysewingmachine and embodysewingmachine replaced with 3t2 Shokoninio’s Old School Overalls by DeeDee (TM-EM | townie disabled | pinned to freetime expansion | please note making the sewing machine outfit the regular way with my default results in an invisible body and floating head when the sim wears the outfit)
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tmbodyshortapronep3, ambodyshortapron and embodyshortapron replaced with 4t2 Retail Low by MDP and MDP’s 4t2 Retail Low for TM & EM by DeeDee (TM-EM | repo’d textures | townie disabled)
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tmbodysloppysuit, ambodysloppysuit and embodysloppysuit replaced with 3t2 Slim Fit Legs by DeeDee (TM-EM | repo’d textures | includes career outfit which has been unhidden)
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tmbodystanziphoodjeans and ambodystanziphoodjeans replaced with Nude Top with Bootcut Jeans and Chucks by Aweeshie (TM-AM | repo’d textures)
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tmbodysurfer, ambodysurfer and embodysurfer replaced with Memento’s 4t2 Rope Jumpsuit Short Version by DeeDee (TM-EM | repo’d textures)
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ambodysweats and embodysweats replaced with 3t2 Long Cardigan w/ Vans by RentedSpace (AM-EM | includes career outfit which has been unhidden)
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ambodytech and embodytech replaced with A Pint After Work by YanderePlumSim and Yandereplum’s A Pint After Work for EM by DeeDee (AM-EM | repo’d textures)
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tmbodytrenchcoatpantsboots and ambodytrenchcoatpantsboots replaced with Nude Top with Bootcut Jeans and Chucks by Aweeshie (TM-AM | repo’d textures)
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ambodyturtleneckslacks and embodyturtleneckslacks replaced with Deretail Suit by MDP and MDP's 4t2 High Retail High for EM by RentedSpace (AM-EM | includes EP7 version which has been unhidden | also categorized as formalwear)
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ambodytweedjacket and embodytweedjacket replaced with 4t2 High Retail High by MDP with morphs added by Simgigglegirl and MDP's 4t2 High Retail High for EM by RentedSpace (AM-EM | unhidden | also categorized as formalwear)
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tmbodyyukata and ambodyyukata replaced with 4t2 Snowy Escape Overshirt Outfit by RogueBotanist and Roguebotanist’s 4t2 EP10 Overshirt for TM by DeeDee (TM-AM | also categorized as outerwear)
Credits: Aweeshie, @deedee-sims, @episims, @mdpthatsme, @memento-sims, @rented-space​, @roguebotanist​, @sanneke94​, @whattheskell​, @taylors-simblr​, @veranka-downloads​, @whysim​, @yandereplumsim​, @yuxi-downloads​
Download @ Simfileshare: All Defaults | Individual Defaults
02/14/2024 - Added SFS folder with individual files added for easier downloading.
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thehuntersmoondiscord · 5 years ago
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Here’s a complete list of everyone’s creations for the Hunter’s Moon Creation Exchange. There’s a variety of rating, pairings, and tropes, but guaranteed they were ALL made with love.  Check out the collection here or look through the individual creations below. 
Bright Lights by @brightasstars
Malec | Mature Summary: After years of searching for the one who could love him unconditionally, heart and soul, Magnus has retreated himself into his shell, scared and lost. The will and the need to help a little boy who is the only witness of a brutal crime leads him unexpectedly to meet Alec, a young man who's past life has forced to grow up quicker and wiser, and...unbelievably kind. Magnus walks into Alec's life as if he had always been there, and Alec welcomes him as if his heart was a home built just for him. Alec knows and Magnus knows, but...will they? Tags: Silver fox Magnus Bane; Younger Alec Lightwood; Alternate Universe - Human; Emotional Hurt/Comfort; background crime scene; Protective Alec Lightwood; Happy Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood; Falling In Love; Strangers to Lovers; Healing; overcoming fears and insecurities; Light Angst; People Change People 
A hey tipped in Gold by @highfunctioningdragonslayer
Malec | Explicit  Summary: In a world where everyone has a soulmate, Alec lightwood has the worst luck EVER, he didn't even realize when he met his soulmate. CURSE HIS FATE. On top of that...he meets a guy. He meets a guy from Edom OF ALL PLACES, he's the prince for god's sake, he can't fall for some trader from Edom...Can he?  And Magnus, oh Magnus... has a secret. but he chooses to ignore his mission to chase a hazel-eyed dove. The question is..is it worth it? is the promise of love enough for him to forget the pain of heartbreak? Tags:  Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Wingfic, Fluff, alec is a gentleman, Magnus Bane Deserves Nice Things, Alec Lightwood Deserves Nice Things, A Splash of Pining, some og characters, Innocent Alec Lightwood, sibling dynamics, cute cute cute, Emotions, cat and izzy are wise souls, Smut, we cant not have smut, did i say Emotions, and courting, Anal Sex
Don’t Overthink by @cloudburst-ink 
Malec | Explicit Fanart Summary: Explicit fanart for ColorfulWarlock's fic, "Don't flirt with me (I'm working, dammit)" Tags: Prison AU, Blowjob, Smut
ISABELLE by @miss-shiva-adler
Raphael/Izzy | Teen Summary: He has feelings for her. He is unable to describe it, unable to put it in plain words. But her name is always on his mind, especially when they are apart Tags: Aromantic Asexual Raphael Santiago, Mention of addiction, Addiction Withdrawal symptoms, Feelings of guilt, heartbreaks, Missing Scene, Canon Divergence, Hopeful endings, open endings, Mention of Blood Drinking
The Sixth Love Language by @polarnacht1
Malace | Explicit  Summary: Jace meets Alec and Magnus at their bar Pandemonium, realizing astonished that they are not what they pretend to be: They are not regular humans but Vampires. Jace feels instantly drawn to their world full of shadows and blood - and them. They spend a hot night together that could be the beginning of more, if not Alec’s last words to Jace were ones that make Jace forget the night, Vampires, and them…  A story about falling in love - or avoiding it -  in the crossfire of Shadow World politics and a Vampire clan war. Tags: Alternate Universe, Vampire Alec Lightwood, Vampire Magnus Bane, Mundane Jace Wayland, reverse fic, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood Drinking, Blood Kink, Vampire Sex, Vampire Bites, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Polyamory, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Torture, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Falling In Love, Happy Ending, Mind Manipulation 
Where First Kisses Grow Cold by @jesssssah
Jalec/Jangus | Explicit  Summary: Jace never expected Alec’s death would lead him to any kind of comfort.  Diverting from S1 Ep04, the scene in which Magnus and Alec first meet but imagining that Jace is there too and that Alec doesn’t save anybody. Tags:  MCD, graphic depictions of violence, canon-divergence au, blood and gore, angst, hurt/comfort, first kiss, necrophilic kiss, repressed_bisexual!Jace, sad 
A Bond’s Journey by @antisocial-af
Malec | Teen Summary: A look into Magnus' and Alec's journey through courtings and talks of immortality. Omegaverse. Tags: Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Warnings in Chapters are Important, Downworlder Politics, Shadow World Council, Matching Party, Courting, Texting, New York Shadow World Institute, Slight Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending, Alpha Magnus Bane, Omega Alec Lightwood, Background Simon Lewis/Raphael Santiago, Alpha Raphael Santiago, Omega Simon Lewis, Protective Magnus Bane, Insecure Alec Lightwood, Consent is Sexy, No Smut, SFW, Tiny Alexander, Immortal Husbands Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Bonding Ceremony
Make A Wish by @sivan325
Malec | General Summary:  Max loses his first tooth, and his dads suggested to put the tooth under the pillow. Tags:  alternative universe, Tooth Fairies, Wishes, Fic Exchange, Fluff SO MUCH FLUFF, Cute
How am I supposed to pretend?  by @finditagain24
Jimon | Mature Summary:He’s wracked his brain to try to understand the shifts in Jace��s behavior lately: from the soft touches to the casual kisses and now asking him to meet his parents. There’s only one possible explanation.  “How do you know when someone is trying to make you their boyfriend?” Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University; Friends With Benefits; Friends to Lovers to Morons; Friends to Lovers; Frottage; Unreliable Narrator; Hence the moron; Alternate Universe - Human; Gratuitous bottle episode 
Fallen (for you) by @killynxgames
Malec | Explicit Summary: Alec’s eyes closed, the simple movement slow and calculated.  When he opened them again, his eyes had changed. Where before they were a beautiful clear hazel, they were now all black; no hazel, no white, just inky blackness from corner to corner. Magnus’s face paled instantly at the sight, fear rising in his gut.  Demon.  “W-wait. What did you do to the Lightwood boy? Is he-is he dead?” Magnus asked, fearing for the confident, sexy event planner he had met earlier that evening at the Institute party.  “There has never been another Alec Lightwood."  Magnus let the implications of that statement sink in. Demons had been eradicated from this realm centuries ago. If this one had survived, living and blending in among mortals... Tags: Bondage Panty Kink Rough Sex Rimming Top Alec Lightwood Bottom Magnus Bane Alternate Universe - This World Inverted (Shadowhunters TV) Minor Character Death Cock Piercing Happy Ending Anal Sex Nipple Clamps Biting Hair-pulling Vibrators Multiple Orgasms Forced Orgasm Spreader Bars Demon Alec Lightwood Warlock Magnus BaneCome Eating Come Sharing Facials Barebacking Manhandling Magnus is very bendy
I Love The Way You Make Me Hurt by Nadja_lee
Malec | Explicit Summary: Magnus had never wanted Alec to see this side of him; the side that wanted to make the Nephilim kneel for him and mark him up as his. He panics when he wakes up and discover how rough he got with Alec the night before. However, Alec quickly assures him that he wants and needs to give his surrender and wear the Warlock’s marks just as much as Magnus wants him to. A story of accepting your own needs, your partner’s needs and the many nuances of love. Basically, the most fluffy and emotional smut fic I’ve ever done. Tags: Dom Magnus Bane, Sub Alec Lightwood, Kink Negotiation, Light Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones,Understanding Magnus Bane, Breathplay, Rough Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Happy Ending, Insecure Magnus Bane, Supportive Alec Lightwood, Fluff, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Smut, Oral Sex, Love, Angst, Possessive Magnus Bane, Protective Magnus Bane, Romantic Fluff, Power Bottom Alec Lightwood, Top Magnus Bane, Bottom Alec Lightwood
All In The Name Of Love by @high-warlock-of-brooklyn
Jem Carstairs/Tessa Gray/Will Herondale | General Summary:  In a world where the first touch with your soulmate gives you visions, Jem Carstairs, a barista in Idris Cafe, refuses to let the universe dictate his love, opting for a love of his own choosing, while he harbors a crush on Will Herondale, a regular of his. Things take an exciting turn after a brunette with a smile that can win the world, steps into their lives. Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Human, Light Angst, Will is a dork, Tessa is another slightly lesser dork, Jem is an angel as usual, OT3, soulmate angst, Happy Ending, Church the Cat, Is the real MVP, i said what i said, Sophie is another angel, Who is Raziel I only know two(2) Angels, Jessamine is a good friend, Friendship, The many nicknames of Jem Carstairs, Author loves and misses their ot3 very much, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Chosen Soulmates
out of this cavern by @linkscap
Malec | General Summary: Alec will laugh about this one day.  Maybe.  The thing is, at the moment, it’s the furthest thing from funny.  OR: Alec and Magnus each get kidnapped by the Seelie Queen and held in her realm until they make a startling discovery. Tags: Soulmates, Kidnapping, seelie realm
Stuck On You by @the-ghost-of-william-herondale
Malec | Mature Summary: Magnus and Alec have an established soulbond, one that links them via magical sticky notes. Who would have guessed that this soulbond would one day save Alec's life? Though not, of course, without some trials and tribulations, first. Tags:Established Relationship, Husbands, Whump, Injured Alec Lightwood, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Soulmates, Bond: Sticky Notes, Post-it Notes, Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Hurt Alec Lightwood, hints of malace, blink and you'll miss them 
Won't You Be Mine? by @PhoenixStar73 
Malec | Teen Summary:Magnus Bane, gorgeous guy of the popular crowd in high school, is trying to discourage any unwanted paramour. Magnus happens to run into fellow student, Alec Lightwood, who helps him to do so. As they get to know one another, Magnus talks about his problem again, and Alec inadvertently gives him the perfect solution to keep the guy away -- for them to be fake boyfriends. But before long, it starts to work a little too well.... Tags: High school AU, Human AU, Fake/Pretend Relationship 
The Perks of Kylo Ren by @icymalec
Malec | Explicit Summary: All human AU. It’s Simon’s birthday and he is throwing a Star Wars themed party at Pandemonium- even the staff have agreed to dress up. Begrudgingly Alec attends, little did he know that the party would have a happy ending. Tags:AU, Human, Simon's Birthday, Star Wars, party, malec, first meeting, Smut, Office Sex, Anal Sex
A Change of Perspective by @forensicsisabelle
Malec | Teen Summary:Magnus hates the Lightwoods, including the kids who get everything they want. So how, exactly, does he wind up as Alec Lightwood's pretend date to a family party? Tags:Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés, Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers, Enemies to Lovers, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Homophobia, Bad Parent Robert Lightwood, Bad Parent Maryse Lightwood, Hunter's Moon Discord's Gift Exchange
about colors and animal puns for names (or not so much) by @thelightofthebane
Malec | Teen Summary: Alec has barely left his office when he heard the trumpet of an elephant followed by the roar of a lion. Seconds later, a laugh from some hyena.  He groaned. The new recruits were too damn loud.  OR, A soulmate x omegaverse fusion nobody expected. Tags: Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Beta, Beta Alec Lightwood, Alpha Magnus Bane, Discrimination Against Betas, Alec is a good leader and says Soulmate rights, Magnus is a good alpha, True Mates, Romantic Soulmates, Fluff, Background RJS, Background Melibelle, Background Claia, soul animals, Animula 
Kiss Me Today (and everyday after) by @tobythewise
Malec | Explicit Summary: Five times Magnus almost kisses Alec and the one time he does. OR A Malec royalty arranged marriage where Magnus holds himself back until Alec doesn't let him. Tags:Royalty, Arranged Marriage, 5+1, Dom/Sub, Dom Magnus, Sub Alec, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Bottom Alec
Love came knocking (at the door) by @fanfic-fugue
Malec | Teen Summary: Nothing exciting happens in the small town of Brocelind Plains. At least it didn't, until Alec Lightwood moves in next door, and Magnus' whole world is disrupted. It's up to him to decide if change is a good thing. Tags: Alternate Universe - SoulmatesSoulmate-Identifying Marks Alternate Universe - Small Town Alternate Universe - Human Teacher Magnus Bane Teacher Alec Lightwood Lawyer Alec Lightwood Enemies to Lovers Enemies to Friends to Lovers Alternate Universe - Neighbors Slow Burn
Between the Lines by @bidnezz
Malec | Explicit Summary: Alec has always been supportive of Magnus, even when his estranged father asks for Magnus and his boyfriend to come visit him for the week in his mansion to reconnect. Or, he would be supportive if Magnus did have a boyfriend... but he doesn’t.      Only Asmodeus seems to be under the impression that Alec is his boyfriend, and Magnus doesn’t have the heart to correct him.      It would be fine, totally fine, if Alec wasn’t already 100% in love with his best friend. Tags: Human AU, Romance, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Pining, Lack of Communication, Rich Asmo Daddy, Best Friends to Lovers, First Kiss, Sharing a Bed, First Time, Explicit Sexual Content
The Power Of Fiction by @jesseywoodhunter
Jimon | Teen Summary: Simon is fed up! With work, with people, with coworkers that have too many dogs. Most of all, he is fed up with his boss. Simon has been rebuffing Jace's flirtations at work for a while now. The guy is his boss after all and professionalism is a thing, not that Jace would know anything about that. Plus, it doesn't help that the guy is 100% annoying, 100% of the time.  Simon does have one escape: Writing Fanfiction. See, Simon is a pretty badass writer and being able to express his creativity and channel his frustrations into creating stories is what makes him happy.  Until it doesn't.  Until he finds that happiness elsewhere. Tags: Alternate Universe - Office, IT Technician Simon Lewis, Boss Jace Wayland, Jace Is Simon's Boss, Attempt at Humour, Enemies to Lovers, Kinda, More Like Mutual Annoyances To Lovers, Persistent Jace Wayland, Other characters mentioned - Freeform, Misunderstandings, Simon Writes Fanfiction, Jace Finds Out, Mutual Pining, Sassy Simon Lewis, Sassy Jace Wayland, Emotionally Repressed, Questionable professionalism, Dumb Boys Get Smart, Fed Up Simon Lewis
Puppy Love by @foxymoley
Simon/Alec | General Summary: Simon broods broodily until he makes a little friend...then a bigger one!  Tags:High School AU, Puppy, Simon needs a hug, Jock Alec 
not the end of the world (the beginning of ours) by @sobsicles 
Malec | Mature Summary:The universe seems to seems to want Alec and Magnus to kiss upon meeting, and it isn't long before they want the same thing.Or, the one where Magnus is Alec's new roommate, and they're definitely falling in love. Tags: 5+1 things, Meet Cute, Roommates, sharing a bed, fluff, Almost kiss, Alec Lightwood Being a Gay Disaster, Magnus is having a great time
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disasterlionsiblings · 5 years ago
Here’s another one of my fics that I finished recendly and which I’m kinda proud of. So if you feel like it, go check it out, I’d be very happy!
Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth Characters: Jaime Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Daenerys Targaryen, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Rhaegal (ASoIaF), Drogon (ASoIaF), Podrick Payne Additional Tags: Fix-It, Post-Canon Fix-It, Fluff and Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Marriage Proposal, Mutilation, Temporary Character Death, World Travel, Fluff and Smut, Fluff, Love Confessions, Non-Linear Narrative, sorry for that, Flashbacks, a little incoherent but hopefully not too confusing, War Crimes, War, Graphic Description of Corpses, some gore? but only in chapter 3, set after s8 ep04, i refuse to view anything that followed the first half of that episode as canon, Dragons, dragonfire, High Fantasy, show!verse mixed with book!verse, Oral Sex, Missionary, lovemaking, Consensual Sex, Unprotected Sex, There are no condoms in Westeros unfortunately, but that doesn't mean I want to promote unsafe sex yall don't live in the middle ages, don't feel inspired by the sexual events in this fic and protect yourselves!, Jaime's pullout game is weak af, as is canonically stated
Desperate to catch up to her knight before he reaches King's Landing and meets certain doom, Brienne rides south, into the heart of the war-torn Seven Kingdoms. But time is running out, and the closer she comes to the capital, the more she fears that she might be too late to save Jaime...
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forcebookcorner · 11 months ago
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Force Jiratchapong and Book Kasidet as Top Tanin and Mew Witsarut in Only Friends Episode 4 (2023) [2//4] [X]
Other parts: [#1] [#3] [#4]
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year ago
so my hope for the Mew/Top storyline is that this ends up being a lesson - albeit harsh one - for Mew that you can't and shouldn't try to "fix" your partners. Because it is so very incredibly naive to think that giving Top a "reward" in the form of sex (which isn't a good thing anyway!!! Top shouldn't have even ASKED for that and once again he's pushing Mew's boundaries and Mew compromises himself for Top) that he'll change.
Like, the last bit of of Top and Mew's storyline in ep04 is:
Mew: We should be honest with each other Top: Cool, I have nothing to hide, except the fact I do hard drugs (something I'll only tell you after I've been pushed and totally not gonna mention I fucked your friend a couple weeks ago) Mew: I don't want to date someone who does hard drugs Top: Okay I'll stop but only if I get sex outta it Mew: That somehow seems totally fair and understandable and I totally believe you'll stop doing COCAINE in exchange for a handjob Top: Also I was a real selfish asshole to previous lovers/partners of mine Mew: That's pretty awful of you Top: Yeah but with you it's totally different! Mew: That's still awful but for some reason I'm okay with it now because I'm different
Like, I'm so not sorry but Top's awful lmao he's entertaining tho he made the episode interesting but god Mew you can not FIX him and I really hope the story isn't going to have Mew fix him with some love and bussy
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mononoke-no-ko · 6 years ago
[Trans] Code Geass Gaiden: Lancelot and Guren -Suzaku arc- Ep04 (part3)
Previous chapter. List of chapter. Next chapter.
Source. There’s also an excerpt from this month Lancelot and Guren photonovel that gives insight to Suzaku’s mental state when he was trying to confirm if Lelouch’s memory has returned by confronting him with Nunnally.
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Schnee: I’m going to get rid of the enemies that mounted the logress-class!
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Ledo: Don’t miss. Schnee: I know. I won’t make mistakes like hitting the governor’s ship.
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Schnee: Ledo! How’s the situation!?  Ledo: It seems Guren Nisshiki that was pushed back once is now equipped with a float unit and returned to the front line. Schnee: What the hell! Ledo: Was it about equal with Lord Kururugi... He seems to have abandoned his fight with the Guren and now is heading to rescue Governor Nunnally!
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Ledo: Like hell I’ll let you!
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Schnee: Seriously, you... I got a fright! You went in knowing there’s one more enemy didn’t you? So that he targeted you instead of Lord Kururugi....  Ledo: Eliminating even just one more of Lord Kururugi’s obstacles should be the priority. Moreover, I was planning to trust my back to you anyway. Schnee: It makes me happy to know that you trust my skill but... sometimes it feels like you risk your life awfully easily. Ledo: ...
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Ledo: ...we can only go this far. For the rest, we have no choice but to leave it to him. Schnee: If it’s Suzaku-san, then he will be able to carry it out.  ...Hey, Ledo. I know that you don’t like to talk much about your origin. And there’s nothing wrong with it. There’s no need for humans to lay bare everything about themselves. Ledo: What is it? Drop the formal talk and stop beating around the bush. 
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Schnee: You’re an important friend for me, Ledo. I don’t want to lose you. Even though there probably isn’t much we can do for Suzaku-san, I think we should be able to support him even a little. If it’s me and Ledo, we can do it. Ledo: ...please spare me this ‘friendship’ stuff. Schnee: You’re always quick to get like this... I’m speaking from my heart here.
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Ledo: Unfortunately I was born like this. But... thanks anyway.
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??: I just got a contact from our spy in Area 11. Kururugi Suzaku seems to have come into contact with a student named Lelouch Lamperouge. Kururugi also deepens his contact with the secret intelligence bureau. The young man named Lelouch is an object of Emperor’s research, as well as “a case of mysterious power”. Also, I heard that it may have some kind of relation with Kururugi assuming the position of Knight of Seven.    Kanon: Got it. 
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Kanon: I’ll relay the information to His Highness Schneizel. Keep monitoring Kururugi Suzaku.  Ledo: Yes, My Lord. Schnee... I’m sorry but, I’m not the kind of person whom you can call a friend...
Previous chapter. List of chapter. Next chapter. 
Excerpt of the Lancelot and Guren photonovel from monthly HobbyJAPAN March 2019 issue.
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“Yes, I think this is perhaps some kind of mistake. Yes. I’m just an ordinary student.” Listening to Lelouch’s answer, Suzaku loosened up at once. ...so his memory hasn’t returned after all? With a pang, his heart swells with pain.  Feelings of guilt... Looking at Lelouch who assumes formal and polite attitude towards Nunnally, he’s stricken and overwhelmed by the sense of guilt of having sold his best friend. For Lelouch, Nunnally is a beloved person, his meaning of existence. Yet Suzaku took that away from him....
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seiyuuraji · 6 years ago
Official youtube release - episode 04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E7HPX8E1UY [25 Apr 2019] Mail address: [email protected] Twitter:https://twitter.com/time_joqr  Air time: weekly on Wednesday at 2 in the morning for half an hour (hour expressed as 26:00 to show the fact that it’s aired between Wednesday and Thursday)
According to the rumors, starting from this weekend we will have a loong break. Although it might not concern me that much. I wonder what everyone does on their breaks. I wonder if there are many people planning for an outing. There might be many dads excited about a family outing. But sometimes your parents would get mad at you asking why you're lazing around at home, even though breaks should be for relaxing. You'd also get dragged to popular vacation spots by your friends who want to take advantage of their breaks instead of staying at home. It's as if everyone is telling you to be active on your days off, and it's somehow curious. It's supposed to be a time for relaxing. Or maybe days off are like the breaks on a school day? You go to places you like, do things you like and spend time with people you like. But it's your right to pick, so you should be allowed to stay home and laze around. Hmm, it starts to become more confusing. Let's take a break from thinking about it. Well then, what should we talk about today? "Time with you" - is starting. Toki Shunichi radio "Time with you" (episode 04 intro)
Toki Shunichi Time with You episode 04 【公式】第4回『土岐隼一 ラジオ “Time with You”』 - he likes chikuwabu - asked if he cries easily, he mentions he's not that quick to cry but can be moved to tears by stage plays or musicals and also by music-the lyrics,situation and the singing. - he likes to watch Disney Works - he is weak to the type of songs like Ariel's Part of Your World - someone asks how he overcomes pressure, and he mentions he thinks about moments when he was under the most pressure and tries to think the current nervousness is nothing compared to then, and when doing things a second time he remembers he overcame the first. Also says he gives himself rewards when he overcomes it, like eating something tasty etc. Toki! Kininarimasu - bayblade bar (his favourite is Driger); Ginza gourmet festival * there will be a Mayonaka no Occult Komuin character CD with two songs: Arata, Seo, Sakaki - "Shigoto owari"; Huehuecoyotl(Toki's character) - "Call my Name only for you"
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malvernsims · 2 years ago
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Male Maternity Defaults - with 9 Options for Each Outfit
Happy New Year! I said I wasn’t making any promises on when I’d make defaults for ambodymaternitycomfy and then I immediately went and made them.
Like my female maternity defaults there are 9 single colour sets: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white and black. Do not download more than one complete set.
Or if you want outfits from different sets I’ve included a “mix and match” download where you can choose between the 9 options for each outfit yourself - if you go with this one make sure to keep only one file from each subfolder in the download. In the mix and match download each file has a number at the beginning indicating the colour.
1 = Red | 2 = Orange | 3 = Yellow | 4 = Green | 5 = Blue | 6 = Purple | 7 = Pink | 8 = White | 9 = Black
Details and preview pics of all the outfits below the cut! Everything is categorized as maternity only and all files are compressed.
In all the preview pics below the outfits from left to right being replaced are: aloha, greengrey, pink.
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Red Outfits | Download Red Set @ Simfileshare
4t2 Coat Trench Sweater by MDP with morphs added by Simgigglegirl
4t2 Snowy Escape Overshirt Outfit by Roguebotanist
Jeans with Hoodie by Sanneke94
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Orange Outfits | Download Orange Set @ Simfileshare
Shorts Tee Chucks by Needlecream
Mesh 35 AM Trench Vest by MDP
Joliebean's Mr Spring by PlatinumAspiration
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Yellow Outfits | Download Yellow Set @ Simfileshare
4t2 AM EP11 Suit Pattern by MDP
3t2 Long Cardigan by RentedSpace
4t2 EP04 Sweatshirt by MementoSims
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Green Outfits | Download Green Set @ Simfileshare
Jeans with Hoodie by Sanneke94
4t2 Coat Trench Sweater by MDP with morphs added by Simgigglegirl
Shorts Tee Chucks by Needlecream
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Blue Outfits | Download Blue Set @ Simfileshare
Jacket Smoking & Vibe by Veranka with mesh fix by DeeDee
4t2 EP03 Robe by RentedSpace
Mesh 35 AM Trench Vest by MDP
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Purple Outfits | Download Purple Set @ Simfileshare
AM Barista Vest Pants Dress by MDP
4t2 AM EP11 Suit Pattern by MDP
3t2 Shokoninio's Old School Overalls by DeeDee
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Pink Outfits | Download Pink Set @ Simfileshare
Trapping's Imaginary Friend Suit Recolours by Epi
4t2 EP08 Sweater Pants High Waists by MementoSims
4t2 EP03 Robe by RentedSpace
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White Outfits | Download White Set @ Simfileshare
4t2 EP04 Sweatshirt by MementoSims
AM Barista Vest Pants Dress by MDP
Memento's 4t2 Rope Jumpsuit Short Version by DeeDee
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Black Outfits | Download Black Set @ Simfileshare
4t2 EP08 Sweater Pants High Waists by MementoSims
DeeDee 3t2 Shokoninio's Old School Overalls Recolours by Chaotic-Simmer
Trapping's Imaginary Friend Suit Recolours by Epi
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Mix and Match | Download @ Simfileshare
Would you rather have outfits that aren’t part of one of my predetermined sets? In this download are 27 compressed files - 9 choices for each of the 3 maternity outfits. Please keep only one file from each of the subfolders. Each file has a number at the beginning indicating the colour.
1 = Red | 2 = Orange | 3 = Yellow | 4 = Green | 5 = Blue | 6 = Purple | 7 = Pink | 8 = White | 9 = Black
Credits: @mdpthatsme, @simgigglegirl, @roguebotanist, @sanneke94, @needlecream, @platinumaspiration, @rented-space, @memento-sims​, @veranka-downloads​, @deedee-sims​, @episims​, @chaotic-simmer​
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narinbelle · 7 years ago
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since FHVK is almost done ( I am happy that it will end, in general it’s story has become very silly and not worth watching,Knowing that I have stopped watching it since episode 17 regardless of some scenes ,And yet I knew the course of the story Fortunately, I stopped following it before Yaghaz's relationship xD, As you can see i’m a hazsin trash hehe /Which I think it is stupid to end this relationship to create another relationship in an irrational way ,                                                    tbh it’s not just because i ship Hazsin but sorry i see no chemistry btw Hazan and Yagiz .. just a dude that clenches his nose in In people's affairs and trying hard to be a good person
and the girl “hazan” (who used to be very strong in s01 tbh) was trying to get just an eye contact with sinan who she truly loved , he loved her back and felt ashamed of what he did to her before and changed to a better person because of her ,he believed in her and called her beautiful when no one else did, tried so hard to get her back when she knew the truth ... she spent her days crying on his brother’s (yagiz) shoulders and telling him how much she loves Sinan ,but these were all lies hun ?? illusion? srsly Sirma  XD !!! so instead hoezan :’’) dumped sinan and loved yagiz ,just because he didn’t take care of her in days when both of them had problems dfq ?? 
nonetheless, i think the series wasn’t that bad tbh ,it’s like the only turkish series that i can re-watch without hesitation idk why in addition i got some friends since i was stan in twitter actually it was fun meeting some rude yaghaz fans ,arguing with çaglar and when he blocked me it was so hilarious 
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therealetsey · 8 years ago
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TEARS AT MY FUNERAL EP04: MOM AND SOUAD. We are slowly getting there with this by the day yeah. And I heard the most sincere feedback on this series only today from my very good friend Clara.
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forcebookcorner · 1 year ago
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Force Jiratchapong and Book Kasidet as Top Tanin and Mew Witsarut in Only Friends Episode 4 (2023) [1//4] [X]
Other parts: [#2] [#3] [#4]
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