#only for our assumption that it's all normal and fine in this world to be thrown back in our faces
chimerafeathers · 2 months
there's an essay jumbled up in my brain about dunmeshi's beginning and how clever and deceptive it is as a sleight-of-hand trick that distracts the audience from the depth and scope of the worldbuilding and foreshadowing that's being set up the entire time by dangling zany characters and wacky dishes and biology fun facts in front of us, and how that serves to catch invested viewers off guard when those elements come to the forefront, but also how it works against it with other viewers wanting "more" and not seeing it because the plot bait isn't laid out up front
how people getting frustrated with the characters "not taking things seriously" is mirrored and refuted in the confrontation between Laios and Shuro. how the characters' attitudes aren't just a result of shallow low-stakes "comedy rules" where nothing matters, but are an extension of their personalities (Laios's nonstandard expression of emotions being offputting even to people he knows) and the world and social environment (adventurers being desensitized to death and injury because resurrection magic is commonplace). the way the party refers to "saving Falin" instead of "retrieving Falin's corpse," indicating that they still see her with full personhood, and how that phrasing leads to some readers/viewers believing that Falin is alive in the dragon's stomach, conscious of being slowly digested while the party carelessly fucks around "wasting time." how the weird tonal dissonance makes sense in-universe and yet is deliberately challenged more and more the deeper the party goes
all the character building and pieces of lore slowly weaving together the shape of the larger world, laying the groundwork for the major themes that will surface later. so much is right there in the "low-stakes" early episodes if you know what you're looking for (or pass the perception checks).
it can be so satisfying to see new viewers/readers pick up on the clues even in the earliest "simple" episodes, or notice new things and make connections yourself....and it can also be frustrating to see people dismiss oddities and dissonance as shallow or bad writing because they don't expect a "cooking anime" to have depth like that. why try to question and understand and peel back the layers when you don't expect there to be any layers?
why can't laios take things seriously for once?
#mypost#i'm majorly out of practice for doing any real critical cohesive writing lol#trying to put this into coherent words has been such a mess so here's a vague gesture at my thought process about it#it's both my favorite and the most frustrating thing to see#because i've seen SO MANY people say they dropped the show after a couple eps thinking they know what it's about and where it's going#a cute but ultimately unsustainable gimmick#people for whom the characters and the food/biology infodumping weren't enough of a hook#but i wouldn't change anything about the structure to put a more obvious plot hook in the beginning#because it would give the game away TOO much#i LOVE how the audience has to acclimate to the characters' attitudes about death#only for our assumption that it's all normal and fine in this world to be thrown back in our faces#how we're left to notice the winged lion appearing in statues and carvings and coins and armor in the background#long long before it's ever brought up as a real entity by the plot#the history of the kingdom laid out in plain view but nevermind that. magic painting food!#i've seen the language around falin and her resurrection cause so much confusion#but of COURSE the characters involved wouldn't directly say 'we need to get her corpse to revive it'#bc pragmatically they already understand that as their goal. it doesn't need to be stated out loud; it's just how this process works.#but also they don't SEE her as an object. a dead body.#they need to 'save her before she's digested.' 'the spell couldn't reach her in the dragon's stomach.' 'hang in there falin'#death isn't real to them. not really. and so it doesn't quite feel real to the audience either#not until they find her skull and that realization slams home#like......i keep comparing it to gravity falls#which is episodic and goofy in the beginning but also has a much more obvious plot hook to keep people interested#(a main character entering a secret bunker indicating that he's lying about his ignorance of the town's mysteries)#the main characters in gravity falls are AWARE that there is a mystery to be solved and are trying to find more information#but i don't think that approach would work as well for dm!#laios's goals were never that lofty. not until they HAD to be because the situation demanded it of him#it's the characters trying to solve one personal problem and finding themselves entrenched in something vast and dramatic#that they weren't even fully AWARE of when they set out. and we the audience are on that journey with them!#it's SUCH a good structure i wouldn't trade it for anything. but also. tragic to see people give up and dismiss it so fast.
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milkykotek · 5 months
success story: celebrity crush turned boyfriend
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First off, I'm aware people may not believe me. However, that's completely fine! I simply don't care, because it happened, and I wanted to share. I will not be sharing explicit details due to privacy reasons for both me and my boyfriend, especially since he is a popular actor.
It took me a few weeks because I didn't want to jump into dating immediately. However, you can immediately manifest anything and quantum jump! I chose to do it step by step.
"Dp" is a term used in the LOA (Law of Affirmation, Assumption and/or Attraction) community to describe your desired person. It can be anyone. 3D is the 3d dimension, the world you see in front of you. 4D is your thoughts and the reality where everything you want is accomplished.
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It happened, but... what did?
I manifested my celebrity crush! I've been interested in him for some time now (due to personal reasons me and my now ex boyfriend – whom I manifested, too – have broken up). It was quite a wild ride, to be completely honest, and as always, I turned out successful!
There seems to be a blockage many face while manifesting celebrities, or otherwise famous/popular people. They're putting them on a pedestal, and so shifting the focus from actually manifesting to idolizing them. Of course, if you're manifesting a celebrity sp, you're most likely a fan of them already – that's not the point.
You're god, you're on top of the universe, you're the most important person there is. I don't care, and neither should you, about your circumstances. They're nothing but that – a circumstance in the 3D. As we all know, the 3D reflects our beliefs, assumptions, and the things we attract by engaging them. We engage them by giving them attention and reacting. An example can be someone giving you a dirty look – "Oh my god, they hate me!," you could think, and that is your assumption. You're not sure if they were even looking at you, because they could've been looking behind you, or simply have a resting b*tch face. And so, you thinking they frowned at you is an assumption. It's quite easy to create one.
And it's also easy to change that! The LOA (Law of Attraction, Assumption and/or Affirmation) community likes to overcomplicate manifesting by claiming it is hard to change your beliefs. It really is not. Every time you encounter a negative thought (thoughts create assumptions, assumptions show up in the 3D), simply change it. It's as easy as it seems. "I feel so sad", you can change that by saying, "I'm so happy and relaxed". Don't accept things you don't want to experience. Something happened that upset you? No, it didn't. Instead of dwelling on it, ignore it or affirm "It never happened", create a new story, "(something else) happened".
how did you manifest a celebrity dp?
You manifest a celebrity just like you manifest anyone else. They're human, and I don't believe in free will – anything I don't want, I change. It may sound weird, but is there even such thing as normal when it comes to manifesting and all the possibilities the universe offers?
The only thing you must do is take them off the pedestal and regain your power and control. It's not about them – it's about you. They're the obsessed one, they're the one manifesting you, you're on their mind.
If you're searching for a recipe, there is none. However, I can share a few ingredients – things that helped me:
— affirming. Affirming is nothing more than repeating what you want to happen, ex. "My dp loves me."
— persisting. You really don't want to give up until you see results. Of course, it doesn't mean you have to manifest 24/7, but then again, we think all the time, and so we manifest all the time, too.
— living in the end. Living in the end is living as if you already had your desire. How would you feel? How would you act, what would you do? Surely you wouldn't be stressing over results and whatever it is you're manifesting, because you'd already have it. Belief isn't necessary as long as you affirm and persist, but it sure does help.
— having someone to talk to. Having someone you can talk to about your manifestation journey and being supported was really important to me. I want to thank my best friends Star and Aurora, for always supporting and believing in me ❤️. Others would've called me delusional but you guys stood by my side.
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Just breathe. For this part, I wanted to share some affirmations I used.
"Everything I want is mine. Everything I want, I get. I want it, I've got it. I'm a master manifestor. I always manifest whatever I desire and want."
"My dp (insert their name) loves me. My dp wants me. My dp is obsessed with me. My dp constantly texts me. My dp is texting me right now. My dp misses me. I am constantly on my dp's mind. My dp is constantly thinking about me. My dp is my boyfriend (or girlfriend, partner, anything you desire). I am my dp's best friend and soulmate."
Good luck ❤️. 222
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blughxreader · 1 year
Speaking of the A/B/O verse and how sexually charged it is...
How would the batfam deal with their omega sister going into heat?
This is under the assumption that the reader is the only omega in the pack.
I prefer the version of heats/ruts that are non-fatal and last a few days each month (instead of menstruation). (Or a week long heat every three months, whichever.)
Prescriptions are readily available for heats/ruts, so people can go years without having them. I think several members of the Batfam are on medicine to make life simpler.
Like, what if Gotham crime spiked during Batman's rut cycle because he disappeared for a few days each month? Gothamites on twitter would have a field day with this information lol.
@ btmnboobies tweeted: "batman horney leave starts on monday. if u jerk off all day then youll be fapping the same time as him"
@ ticklealphauwu tweeted: "batman is getting plowed time to rob a bank"
So, realistically, omega!reader would be on heat suppressants.
BUT IF, for drama's sake, there was no way to avoid a heat, then I can see two options:
1. They rigorously screen and import the best heat companions, then never repeat one. It's common for long-time heat partners to become attached, so you'll never see the same alpha twice.
Of course you'll get this talk: "tell them anything and they die. I programmed artificial intelligence to listen for key words, so I will know." and the alphas will be monitored for a minimum of five years afterwards.
Each member of the batfam would rather cut off a limb than have a stranger fuck you in their own home, but it's better than you being dead (or ruining your relationship by fucking you themself).
2. Or, Batman would go to the JL.
If a JL member has a darling who happens to be an alpha, then I can see Batman considering setting you two up.
Or he'd ask a favor of Clark or Diana.
Can you fucking imagine him asking for a meeting with Wonder Woman in private and it goes
Batman: Your world has similar genetics and rituals as ours. WW: Yes, in some ways. Batman: And casual partners during times of need are commonplace. WW: Quite... Batman, expression darkening: ... My daughter... WW, finally smiling: Oh, I see. You trust me. Batman, looking physically pained: Yes. Her first heat is at home coming and we are looking for long-term solutions. For the time being, would you mind... *grinds teeth*... assisting? WW: I would be honored. :)
Then Wonder Woman plows you all weekend
Damian would be torn between "hm yes a fine arrangement becoming of my cherished sister" and "NONONO YOU CAN'T GET MARRIED YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH US FOREVER"
because DUH you'd want to lock her down. A golden opportunity to escape the batfam shows up in all her short skirt and big muscled glory.
Lol it's a silly thought but probably the only way you'd live a semi-normal life. Until WW turns out to be a crazy yandere too? 👀
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binniebakery · 7 months
Thornless Rose (1/3)
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Prince!Yeonjun x Princess!Fem!Reader, strangers (one-sided enemies??) to lovers, Fluff! ♡ Summary: marrying oranada's "evil" prince was not on your bingo card for the year but hey we thug it out (im not good at summaries) ♡ Warnings: arranged marriage, mentions of minor character death (i swear the fic is not angst, pure fluff) more warnings as the fic goes on! ♡ A/N: Okay so this idea popped into my head, and who better fits this than yeonjun!! THIS IS JUST THE INTRO/PART ONE SO PLEASE STICK W ME HERE I PROMISE MY MAN WILL BE IN THE NEXT ONE!! this is my little valentines gift for you all!! I'm going to try to upload a part everyday until valentines! enjoy!! (always looking for feedback so pls lmk if theres anything i need to fix thanks!) ♡ Read:2/3 here! ♡
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To say you were enthusiastic in the slightest to meet your so called “betrothed” would be the biggest lie to be told in your kingdom’s history. Then again, when did your opinion ever matter when it came to what you wanted? As a princess, the next in line to be queen to be exact, your kingdom always came first anyway. Your parents always did what was best for you and your citizens. “Y/n, you know your father will be most displeased if you decide to pass this opportunity. You’re his only daughter you know.” Your lady-in-waiting pleaded with a nervous smile as you sat on your bed next to the large luggage beside you, filled with clothing and necessities for your week-long trip. The thoughts of uncertainty that clouded your brain quickly were pushed aside the moment she entered your bedroom. After all, the full day trip that was ahead of you gave you plenty of time to think of what was to come. “I know but why must I be paired with someone I’ve never met. I’m sorry I know you mean well but I don’t want to be constantly reminded of my duty miss Yuri.” Sighing, you stood up and rubbed your temples in an attempt to relax yourself. Since your mother’s passing the amount of stress that has piled up in your life has you wishing you could escape it all. So when your father pulled you to his quarters a month ago for the first time since her passing to tell you that you were leaving for a week to meet your new soon-to-be husband and soon-to-be-king of your kingdom, things seemed to look up as you were a hopeless romantic yourself. Sure, you’ve never met this person, but surely he couldn’t be that awful of a husband right? Wrong. The moment you were sat down and your father mentioned the words “Prince of Oranada” your world once again went spiraling. Of course, you couldn’t have one good thing! “Look, I know there’s rumors and you may have your own assumptions but know that this is for the good of our kingdom.” Your father began as you bit your tongue for the sake of hearing his argument. “Oranada has been closed off for a decade now since the war, they keep their relations private but I’ve only heard positive things-” “Father you can’t be serious! Sure they’re wealthy and I’m sure they have wonderful combat strategies passed down from generations but have you forgotten that the prince- and pardon my language- is possibly the most spoiled and narcissistic person on this damn planet?!” You stood from your seat, hands slamming on your father’s desk. Normally it was out of place for you to lash out at anyone, especially your father but this was just the cherry on top of all that had been happening to you the past year. You have heard more than your fair share of the rumors from Oranada. The king and queen were known for keeping a neutral stance in politics, the same as your kingdom. Oranada was actually a very well-respected kingdom, they had very close connections and often chose peace. That was all fine to you except the fact that when war broke out on that side of the land, a lockdown was immediately issued and the entire kingdom was closed off.  When said lockdown was placed, surrounding kingdoms were shocked to see that the entire time the king and queen had a son. Prince Yeonjun was a secret kept from the world. Apparently, the prince was only put under light to the public when the king and queen announced that their son was now a part of their kingdom’s decision-making. Immediately the day after he was found guilty of sentencing a man to the death penalty as his first rule. The news spiraled and thus Prince Yeonjun became the tyrant son of the once respected king and queen of Oranada. Oranada decided to close their borders before an official statement could be made. Since then the kingdom has been closed off, leaving the rest of the world to create buzz around it.
“Y/n! I beg your pardon?! I know very well that you know better than to lash out in such an unruly manner.” He spoke through his teeth, attempting to remain composed yet his voice was loud and stern. “Now sit down and you’re going to allow me to finish otherwise I will send you there without any previous knowledge.” As he was the king you had no choice but to sit down, at least not without an annoyed huff. “Apologies father… please continue.” You stared at the wooden floor beneath you, the red oak wood now the most interesting thing in the world to avoid your father’s intense stare. The king sighed as he continued. “As I was saying, you may have your thoughts on the situation, or on the prince, but I promise you that I won’t just let you marry anyone for any reason. Since your mother’s death.. I realize I am getting old. You’re my only child and I need you to realize that you’re old enough now to marry. I only want the best for this kingdom and I know you do too.” You looked up to see that his eyes had softened, voice now more your father’s than the king of your kingdom. “I’ve thought about this for a while, this is our only choice. I’ve actually been able to get into connection with the king and queen themselves, and they’d be absolutely delighted to have you over and introduce you both. So I will be sending you over in about a month and you will be spending the week with your fiancé.” Your eyes widened, not only had your father pulled strings to get into contact with a kingdom that was nearly impossible to get a hold of for the past ten years but the stage was set. You were now engaged and had no voice in the matter. The following month consisted of constant pleading and back and forth with you and the king. You understood it was your duty to find a proper suitor for not just you but your kingdom. Yet, it was so unlike your father to pull the rug from under you like this. Thus here you were, 10 minutes before your departure and you wanted nothing more than to just vomit rather than go on a day-long journey across the land. “Princess, please, I promise things will go fine! After all, once you return, you may have your mind changed.” Yuri said as she kneeled before you while adjusting the arrangements of your travel dress. You could laugh at her comment, you really could. “And you expect me to ignore the fact that I could be marrying a crazy man, a murderer even?” You sighed as you patted the spot next to you for Yuri to sit. Aside from your mother, Yuri had always taken care of you and now that the queen has passed she was the only motherly figure you had left. She was only a few years older but was mature and kind, she was an older sister to you. Running her fingers through your hair in an attempt to relax you, Yuri searched mentally for a proper response. There was no convincing you really, even she knew chances were slim that things would end well.
Suddenly, a knock on your bedroom door shook you from your thinking. “M’lady, are we ready for departure?” Your father’s assistant could be heard. He had been entrusted to accompany you and Yuri on your journey. “Yes! All prepared, we’ll be down in a second!” Yuri chirped as you both immediately stood to your feet. “Just look on the bright side, be positive and things will go your way, M’lady.” She smiled endearingly as you sighed in defeat. “After all, when have I ever been wrong?” You chuckled as she placed her hands on the wooden doors of your bedroom to open them for you. Was it too late to hide under the covers like you did as a child when it stormed? “Hmm, I could think of a few times.” You poked her side jokingly as she rolled her eyes. With uncertainty and fear, you tilted your chin high, and thus your journey to Oranada began.
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clangenrising · 9 months
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Month 10 - Leafbare
Scorch was antsy. The world seemed to be both slipping out of her reach and closing in all around her at the same time. 
Ever since Nightfrost’s funeral, Yarrowshade hadn’t so much as tried to speak to her outside of what was necessary for patrols. A guilty voice in the back of her head said, “this is your fault. You drove him away.” She tried to shrug it off. If she had managed to drive him away so easily then she didn’t need him in her life anyway. Still, her heart sank every time his gaze found her and then moved immediately away. 
After Russetfrond had returned with the news of the mouse tail, new evidence of Razor’s hunters had come in every day. Paw prints in the snow came up to the border but almost never crossed it. They left bits of prey where it could be found, never more than a mouthful but enough to make the point clear - he was going to starve the Clans out until they either gave in to his demands or became weak enough that he could take what he wanted by force. 
She had seen him do it before on a smaller scale. He would forbid cats from sharing food with an individual until they came to him on their bellies begging for forgiveness. It always worked, without fail, and seeing someone suffer like that was a good incentive for other cats to stay on his good side, her included. 
It was only a matter of time before he came scratching at their door, so to speak, and it made her want to head for the hills. If she left in the night, how far could she make it before sunrise? No… She would surely freeze, and that, she told herself, was the only reason she didn’t go. 
Goldenstar crossed the camp towards her and she almost laughed at herself. What a pathetic liar you are.
“Hey,” Goldenstar said, “You doing alright?” Goldenstar seemed nervous, which she had been ever since Scorch had stormed off and come back to camp late at night. It was like she’d been walking on eggshells, afraid that if she said the wrong thing Scorch would storm off again and never come back. Given her prior train of thought, Scorch supposed it wasn’t an unrealistic assumption, but still, it was a little annoying. She almost preferred Razor’s heavy-pawed attempts to keep eyes on her over whatever this was - at least that she understood and could anticipate. 
“I’m fine,” she shrugged. “A bit restless.” 
“Do you want to go hunting?” Goldenstar offered, chewing her lip. Scorch managed to keep her expression impassive but the nervousness was starting to irritate her. 
“I suppose,” she said, glancing away. Goldenstar shuffled awkwardly. What had happened to her? Scorch had no idea what had transformed the brash and careless cat who had welcomed her into such a simpering kit but she didn’t like it. She really hoped it had nothing to do with her connection to Razor. Surely, Goldenstar wasn’t trying to avoid his wrath by treading carefully with her. 
“Um, okay,” Goldenstar said after a beat. “I was thinking we could try the creek, see if there’s anything around.” 
Scorch sighed and stretched, arching her tail over her head with a disinterested yawn. “Sure, why not. Maybe we’ll see a single bird.” Goldenstar gave a breathy laugh and Scorch barely stopped herself from frowning. Ugh, why was she being so insufferable? 
“Hopefully we’ll catch more than that,” said Goldenstar as they started out of camp. 
“We’ll have to see,” shrugged Scorch. “I’d hate to have to fight Fogkit for my evening meal.” Goldenstar laughed again, this time more genuinely, and Scorch allowed herself to smile. 
“Yeah,” she said, “we’d all starve! That Fogkit could take the whole Clan on single-pawed.” Scorch huffed a laugh through her nose and tried to pretend that things were normal again. 
“We could outwit her, I think,” she said. “Our brains together, she wouldn’t stand a chance.” 
“Yeah,” Goldenstar said with that same breathy laugh and Scorch’s smile faded. Dammit. Sighing, she turned her face forward to focus on the cold ground ahead of her. The snow had mostly melted except for where it laid in shadow or had fallen particularly thickly and the world was a stretch of ugly brown grass and frozen mud which did nothing to help her sour mood. 
Goldenstar fell quiet, possibly sensing her annoyance, and, for a moment, Scorch wanted to apologize but she killed that thought immediately. Goldenstar was the one being weird, why should she feel bad for being rightfully upset? 
For a while they walked in silence until Goldenstar spoke up again. “Uh, hey. I’m sorry.” 
“What for?” Scorch glanced at her with an aloof lift of her brows. 
“Uh, I don’t know,” Goldenstar laughed nervously. “For being weird? I can’t help but feel like you’re mad at me.” 
Scorch briefly considered denying it but decided she didn’t have the energy. “I mean, a bit yeah. You keep acting like you’re afraid you’ll upset me. It’s annoying.” She ignored the fact that  she had done the same thing for months. At least she had the good sense to try and hide it. 
“Oh,” Goldenstar winced. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” 
“Why?” Scorch asked. 
Scorch shook her head with another sigh. “Why have you been acting so weird? Is it because I’m not talking to Yarrowshade?”
“No,” Goldenstar shook her head, “although you probably should.” 
“He seems content to forget about me,” Scorch rolled her eyes.
“Maybe,” Goldenstar said, “But I think he’s just being an idiot.” 
“Him?” Scorch feigned disbelief. “No…” 
Goldenstar laughed and said, “I know, I know, but it's true. He tends to deal with his problems by pretending they don’t exist.” 
“I see,” Scorch hummed. “I didn’t realize I had become one of his problems.” 
Goldenstar blushed and hurriedly tried to say, “Oh, I didn’t mean-” 
Scorch cut her off. “I know what you meant. It was a joke.” 
“Oh.” Goldenstar blushed harder. “Sorry.” Scorch sighed under her breath and flicked an ear to dismiss the topic. She couldn’t find the energy to come up with a verbal response. Goldenstar continued, “But also, I told him to give you some space and I think he’s taking it the wrong way.” 
“Why did you say that?” Scorch tilted her head, intrigued. 
“He explained that you were upset that he chose Nightfrost over you and I told him to just give you some time.” 
“He said that?” Scorch frowned skeptically. 
“Well… Not exactly.” Goldenstar winced. “He said you were ignoring him and he didn’t know why but when he described when it started I kind of put the pieces together.” That revelation made Scorch’s chest tighten. She hadn’t realized Goldenstar could read her so accurately. It made sense but it still made her uncomfortable in her own skin, like someone had suddenly torn away the cardboard box she was hiding behind, leaving her exposed on the cold, empty street. 
“Mm,” was all she said. 
“He cares a lot about you,” Goldenstar tried gently. “He didn’t realize he was being asked to choose, you know.”
Scorch’s ear twitched. “The choices we make unconsciously are often the most revealing.” 
“And sometimes they aren’t actual choices,” Goldenstar said. “Not everything is all or nothing. Yarrowshade loved Nightfrost and he loves you. Those things can both be true at once.” 
Scorch found anger building in her jaw. “I don’t recall asking for a lecture, Goldie.” 
“Sorry,” Goldenstar sighed. “I just hate to see you two fighting.” 
“So don’t watch,” Scorch said. 
“It’s not that simple,” Goldenstar said with characteristic stubbornness. “What am I supposed to do when you decide that I have to choose between you and Yarrowshade? Or you and Russetfrond? Am I supposed to abandon my friends to make you happy?” 
“Maybe,” Scorch shrugged, feeling contrary. She knew that was unreasonable but so what? Maybe she wanted to hear someone would choose her over another every time! Was that so selfish? 
Definitionally, said the voice in her head. 
Fine, she thought back, maybe I’m selfish, then. 
“You don’t really think that,” Goldenstar said and Scorch felt like she was hoping saying it would make it true. 
“So what if I do?” she said, quickening her stride. “Does that make me a monster?”
“No,” Goldenstar said, keeping pace, “I just feel like you would be upset if I asked you to do the same.”
“Then you don’t really know me,” Scorch said. “If you asked me to choose between two people I would choose myself every time.” 
“Scorch…” Goldenstar murmured. 
“I always have,” she pressed on. “Just ask your precious ‘Aldertail’. I am nothing if not consistent.” 
She didn’t know why she was saying this. Her throat was starting to tighten in anticipatory grief, almost like her body was trying to stop her voice from reaching Goldenstar’s ears. Still she continued for some reason. Maybe, she thought, this would be the last straw and Goldenstar would finally show Scorch exactly who she would choose. At least then she would know the truth, be able to be confident that she wasn’t being lied to. 
“People can change,” Goldenstar said, leaning closer. “I’ve always believed that.” 
Scorch laughed in her face. “You have no idea how little you know, Goldie. Cats don’t change.” 
“They can,” Goldenstar pressed, her eyes painfully compassionate. “If given a reason to, they can decide to be different. To be better.” 
“Well, we’ll have to agree to disagree,” Scorch said tersely. “Look, there’s the creek.” Goldenstar turned to spot the little trickle of water running between a few small trees and sighed in defeat. Scorch grinned triumphantly but the victory was hollow. She couldn’t help but wish Goldenstar was right. Sadly, she knew the truth. She could not change just like Ghost could not change, just like Razor could not change. They were creatures of habit, all of them. 
We deserve each other, she thought bitterly. 
Without another word, the two of them split off to go hunting along the creek bed. It was unpleasant work, especially in places where the mud was less frozen than expected and squelched in between her freezing toes. 
Goldenstar managed to catch a vole and Scorch felt sick when she turned around to grin proudly at her before she remembered their argument and the smile fell off her face. It’s alright! she wanted to say, Forgive me for what I said! Please love me again! Some prideful stubbornness kept her lips sealed. 
She wandered southward along the creek, her mouth open to the scents of water plants and little beasts. Yarrowshade and Barleypaw had been here recently, Sagetooth and Pantherhaze sometime before then. She turned away from the creek, towards the EarthClan border, hoping to find a space free from reminders of her Clanmates. 
“Hey, don’t go too far!” Goldenstar called but she didn’t listen. She wanted to be alone. Maybe Goldenstar would take her own advice and give her some space. The sound of pawsteps behind her implied the opposite. She quickened her pace. 
As she walked, a new smell reached her jaws. It was familiar and meaty, the kind of meat that humans liked, with vegetables and sauce and a funny aftertaste. The familiarity drew her in like a warm blanket. In all of the frustrating novelty of her situation, some cheap familiarity seemed just the thing to ease her mind. Ahead of her, on a little blue dish in the back of a silver trap, she located the source of the smell. She padded up to it, pacing around the trap, sniffing at the food from the other side of the bars. The smell was so pungent it made her mouth water. 
“Scorch!” Goldenstar cried, bounding up beside her. “What are you doing?!” 
“Hunting,” Scorch purred smugly, eyes locked on her target. Tentatively, she poked at the back of the trap. Every so often, she had been able to pry the back off just enough to scatter the food on the dish and get a bite. 
“That’s not hunting, it's one of those things that took Toadpaw!” Goldenstar hissed quietly, glancing around like a human would swoop down on them any second. The back of the trap was solid and, not wanting to get her leg stuck, Scorch began stalking towards the entrance of the trap. 
“It’s got food in it, doesn’t it?” Scorch asked. “Trust me, I’ve dealt with these before, I know what I’m doing.” She poked her head inside and sniffed around. Sometimes, there was a trail of food leading you deeper but it seemed like the folk had been sparing with their lure. 
“W- Don’t go inside it!” Goldenstar squeaked in distress. 
“You’re adorable,” Scorch laughed, causing Goldenstar to blush deeply. “Look, as long as I don’t touch the ground in the back, I’ll be fine. Watch and learn.” Carefully, she crept into the trap, sniffing cautiously at each step before she took it. 
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“Scorch, please come out,” Goldenstar begged, hovering nearby. 
“No, I don’t think I will,” hummed Scorch. She craned her neck forward to try and reach the dish. Sometimes the food was close enough you could snag the whole dish without getting caught but it seemed like the folk who set this trap had thought of that too. She frowned. 
“It’s not worth it,” Goldenstar fretted. “We’ll catch more prey, we don’t need the two-leg food.” 
“Can you please be quiet and let me think?” Scorch snapped, turning her head to glare at Goldenstar. Instantly, she knew she had made a mistake. The foot she had been carefully lifting had come down on the paper covering. She had been closer than she’d realized. The trap had been triggered. 
The cage rattled as it closed and both she and Goldenstar leapt in fright at the sound. Somewhere off to the side, Scorch heard the sound of humans chattering. She grit her teeth and sighed through her nose. Stupid. Careless. Why had she done that? Something about Goldenstar managed to slip right past her logical brain and it had finally come back to bite her.
“Oh, no,” Goldenstar mumbled, staring with the most miserable expression. “No, no, no, this is my fault! Scorch, I’m so sorry, I- I didn’t mean to-” She pressed her paws up against the cage, searching its bars for a weakness to exploit or a way to get her free.
“Shut up, you moron,” Scorch sighed, pursing her lips against a bitter-sweet smile. Goldenstar looked up at her, tears beading along the bridge of her nose. 
“Scorch, I-” she swallowed. Her mouth formed the shapes of several words before it settled on, “I’ll get you out of here. I promise, okay? I’ll find a way. I’m not going to leave you.” Scorch’s gut twisted when she realized she believed that Goldenstar meant it. She struggled to keep her own eyes from welling with tears. 
“I know,” she lied with complete confidence. Her mind raced as a plan began to form. “You should go back to camp. Find someone else, someone strong. We might be able to pry it open if we have enough cat power.” 
“Okay,” Goldenstar sniffed, smiling through her tears. “I will. I’ll be right back, just sit tight, okay?” 
“Okay,” Scorch said. “I’ll be right here.” Goldenstar nodded and raced away, paws pounding over the dead grass as she disappeared up the hill. Once she had vanished from sight, Scorch let out a sigh and hunkered down to wait. The humans would be upon her soon. They were never far from the traps, especially in the winter. She could already hear them approaching from the trees that marked the border with EarthClan. At least, she thought, Goldenstar was long gone. She knew she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself if her mistake got the Clan's leader taken as well. Unlike Scorch, Goldenstar had cats who needed her.
Two humans arrived, crooning to her gently and talking softly between themselves. Scorch looked up at them and tried to smile in the most inviting way she could. 
“Please,” she begged, the image of a polite and gentle cat, “have mercy.” 
One of the humans produced a blanket and threw it over her cage, plunging the world into darkness. She sighed and braced herself for whatever was to come. It was nice while it lasted, she thought.
UPDATES: - While hunting with Goldenstar, Scorchplume is caught in a two-leg trap and taken away.
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slay-the-heroine · 1 month
Let's assume I'm telling the truth and all of this really did already happen. Why should I listen to you? Why should I bother doing anything?
The Narrator:
Those are two very different questions, but fine. I'll indulge you if that's what it takes to get you moving.
The Narrator:
Let's say for a moment that this really is the second time you've met me, or, at least, a version of me.
The Narrator:
If you're back here, I'm assuming you died, which probably only happened because you didn't listen to me.
Voice of the Cold:
But we did. We slayed her just like you said to, and we were essentially punished for it.
The Narrator:
That's silly. I wouldn't have punished you for listening. That doesn't sound like something I would do.
Voice of the Prince:
Maybe not explicitly, but when the cabin started falling apart, you hadn't done much in our favor.
Voice of the Cold:
We had no other way out. So we made the valiant decision to slay ourself.
The Narrator:
You killed yourself, which means you weren't listening to me. I would never tell you to do that. I don't want you dead.
The Narrator:
And I believe your second question was "what's the point of doing anything?" If you're asking that, it sounds to me like you're making the rather dangerous assumption that your actions last time around didn't have any consequences.
Voice of the Prince:
Presently, there haven't been any. We killed her, and then ourself, and now everything has returned to normal. By your word, the cabin hasn't fallen apart, and the Heroine is alive in that basement.
The Narrator:
Yes, but, in this hypothetical scenario, that begs the question of how you got back here. Did "time" simply rewind itself, or were you instead transported to a different world entirely?
The Narrator:
Had you failed to slay the Heroine, what would have happened to everyone in the place you left?
Voice of the Cold:
Are you listening? We did slay her. You're just trying to convince us of delusion again. You're so sure the cabin is fine and the Heroine is down there, alive. Honestly, we're better off with you shutting your mouth and us seeing for ourselves. We could slay her, we could slay ourselves, or we could slay any other noise-makers, if the need arises.
The Narrator:
Just stay focused, will you?
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dr-futbol-blog · 7 days
Runner, Pt. 5
Ronon seems to have caught on to the fact that Sheppard has been trying to game him with his faux-earnest performance. He doesn't quite know what to make of them but he can tell that Sheppard is a dangerous man. But is he threat?
Dex: But why should I trust you? Sheppard: That's a good question. Teyla, why should he trust us? Teyla: We mean you no harm. We are only here searching for a friend.
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Like we have seen him often do when Sheppard has been unable to talk about the utter clusterfuck that had led to the unleashing of the wraith, he turns to Teyla for help, to speak on his behalf. And while Ronon was clearly asking Sheppard personally, he chooses to interpret him as referring to the both of them as though Teyla had any part in what Sheppard had been trying to do here by manipulating this stranger to release them.
Sheppard's response here is very concerning. He can't come up with any reason to trust him because he doesn't think he should be trusted. In this episode, although both Sheppard and McKay pretend to be fine and normal, there are moments when the mask slips for both of them, revealing how miserable they are actually feeling underneath it all. Here, Sheppard makes this into a joke but the truth underneath is that he doesn't think anyone should trust him, ever. McKay certainly seemed to believe he had betrayed his trust, and maybe he had. Maybe he had made promises to him that he hadn't been able to keep when the chips were coming down. Lying came so naturally to him, he had been lying his entire life and much more than anyone else, Sheppard had been lying to himself.
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It might be because Ronon is so bereft of human company (or because he's gathering intel about these strangers), but he continues talking to them. Notice how the moment Ronon confirms that Ford is on this planet, there's suddenly an edge to Sheppard's voice. He suddenly needs to get free with much more urgency than before. Before he confirmed this fact, Sheppard seemed to have all the time in the world.
Dex: I saw him. Your friend. Sheppard: Where? When? Dex: He killed the wraith that was hunting me. Sheppard: Hunting you?
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And it's not just about Ford, or wanting to get to Ford, that makes him anxious. It's the fact that the last he heard, Lorne and McKay were chasing someone bearing down the opposite direction from them. So they had caught onto something, after all.
Again, a reference is made to friends. Here, Sheppard is given confirmation that Ford is, in fact, on the planet. But because Ford had apparently saved this man, Sheppard makes the assumption that the young soldier has to basically still be himself. He's hopped up on the enzyme but the kid was mostly confused. They could still bring him back.
Because Ronon himself has been hunted for so long, he wants to know if Ford is in a similar situation to himself, and whether he should help the guy out by leaving these two in the cave. This is why he pursues the topic:
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Dex: Why are you looking for him? Teyla: His name is Aiden Ford and he is sick. He needs our help. Dex: Thought he'd been in the sun too long. It can make you sick here. Sheppard: We know that, and that may be true, but that's not all that's wrong with him.
Here, Sheppard acknowledges the fact that McKay had been right about the radiation on this planet. In fact, he says "We know that" with such conviction, like it's obvious to him that it is as McKay had said. For him, it was never a question of not believing him. He trusted McKay to be right about most things. He was keeping a running tally of things McKay had been right about. For him, it was partly that he was being contrarian just because bickering with McKay was the only way he knew how to get close to him in their current situation. Sure, the snide remarks hurt, both giving and receiving them, but not being in contact with McKay at all would have hurt more. He would take what ever he could get.
But the other, more concerning part, was that he just didn't care. When they were... involved, we saw Sheppard avoid taking risks and steer clear of reckless behaviour unless McKay's safety was at stake. He was in love, and in order to be there for his beloved, he took good care of himself; he watched out where he was going. Now, he lacks that incentive. He is so deeply unhappy that he doesn't really care what happens to him. Even here, talking with Ronon, he is being much more careless than he was in the past.
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Dex: Then why is he running from you? Sheppard: Well, he's not, exactly. Dex: Then what is he doing, exactly? Sheppard: It's complicated. Dex: You can do better than that.
Here, Sheppard says that he doesn't think Ford is running away from them. That's what he wishes were true. Ford hadn't walked out on him, he was just addicted to the enzyme and had to go out to find more of it. If they only got to him, if he could only talk to him, everything would be alright. If he got Ford to come back with them maybe everything would go back to normal. And if everything went back to normal, maybe everything would be alright. It would prove that he didn't destroy everything he touched or came in contact with, that he could love someone without damning them, that there was enough good in him for someone to want to stand next to him. Maybe he and McKay would find their way back to each other. He had a lot riding on getting Ford to come back home.
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Note the use of the phrase "it's complicated" here. This is an ironic way people sometimes describe their intimate relationships. Their relationship status is "it's complicated". While the business with Ford certainly is complicated, Sheppard's relationship with McKay is definitely also in the "it's complicated" stage.
It's so complicated, in fact, that outsiders like Lorne have no way of understanding what's going on between them. It's a mess. They're both lost in the deep dark woods unable to find their way back to each other (or, McKay is wading aimlessly in the woods unable to find his way back home where Sheppard has his hands tied, stuck inside the dark dank cave of his mind, metaphorically). Ronon tells Sheppard that he can do better, meaning that he's going to need more information about Ford. But at the same time, Sheppard definitely could do better with regards to McKay. While Ronon is the eponymous Runner of the episode, we do see both Sheppard and McKay run. They are both trying to outrun their own feelings. And so far, it's still working.
Sheppard decides to tell Ronon the truth about Ford since it seems like Ronon isn't really that curious about the young soldier, he's only trying to figure out why he's being hunted by them. Possibly because he has been hunted himself for such a long time, he has some solidarity for anyone else on the lam. And from what Sheppard tells him, it seems like this Ford person is also a victim to the wraith. At the same time, they do both seem sincere about being worried for their friend. Still, he's not quite ready to take their word for it and let them go.
Sheppard's radio goes off with static probably from Lorne attempting to contact him, and as Sheppard explains to Ronon what the things are and that the cave is probably causing some interference, the man steps to take the radios outside. Left to their own devices, this gives Sheppard and Teyla an opportunity to try and escape, and Teyla seizes the moment. Sheppard, however, seems to think she's doing something else entirely.
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Sheppard: What the hell are you doing?! Teyla: Getting my hand free. Sheppard: Doesn't feel that way!
This scene is again played for comedy. Sheppard feels like Teyla is grabbing his ass while she's trying to wiggle out of the ropes, hilarious. Sheppard himself makes it into a joke. Only, there are a few things going on here. First, Sheppard's tone when he asks what the hell she's doing is pretty ill-tempered. His reaction to her hand on his ass is to quickly lash out at her. Now, again your average Joe Viewer is going to take this as thinly veiled homophobia. Dude doesn't like his ass touched. "Exit only," amirite? Only, what we actually witness here is that he does not like his ass touched by a woman, or a friend, or in this context. His response to Teyla, that it didn't feel that way, tells us that he has, in fact, felt this before. This feeling is familiar to him. He knows what someone grabbing his ass with purpose feels like. At the end here, his mind seems to wonder to other times his has been touched in a similar way and he really doesn't seem to mind, that. The way he goes slack is actually somewhat concerning, and I'll circle back to this toward the end of the season. There's something about the advances from women and Sheppard seeming to think his consent doesn't factor into it that starts forming a pattern.
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Now, of course it could be that he's had his ass grabbed by women in particular, in the past. In fact, in his youth he probably did (and there may be an actual reason why he would react to a woman grabbing his ass out of the blue with as much and as immediate hostility as he seems to, here; he seems triggered). But it is interesting that his male body is sexualized here in that male gaze way, like Marty Mcfly in Back to the Future. He is objectified. We are invited to look on at his reaction as someone grabs his ass, and we are lead to believe it is not the first time this has happened to him. That he is familiar with this feeling, that he might enjoy it in some other context. In the same episode in which we learned that McKay knows how to make his own lube. It's interesting, very very curious. Like maybe there is a connection here.
So while this is taking place in the cave, Sheppard's "it's complicated" is wading through the forest in a rubber suit looking for him, and Lorne seems to be growing both increasingly impatient and increasingly hostile toward McKay.
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McKay: It's so hot! Lorne: Oh, come on. Step it up, McKay, wouldya? McKay: I am moving as fast as I can. I'm very hot. Aren't you hot? Lorne: Actually, I'm quite comfortable, but I'm not wearing a fifty pound rubber suit, am I? McKay: I can't breathe! I've got to stop! ...Sweet relief! I think the, the fumes from the sunblock are making me dizzy. I gotta... I gotta... just rest here. Lorne: Unbelievable!
He's not even bothering to hide his disdain and it's only due to McKay's limited people skills that he hasn't caught up with it yet. And when we contrast Lorne with Sheppard, he never treated McKay like this. Even now, when they are both making digs at each other, it is very differently motivated.
For Sheppard, it has never been because he doesn't like McKay. McKay is his favourite person. Sheppard had once ambled two miles in a rubber suit to kill a man just because McKay needed this man stopped. Lorne thinks that he's on baby-sitting duty and the big baby is slowing him down. He sees McKay as a pencil-pusher that shouldn't be anywhere near the field, and fails to understand that this--complaining about how he's physically uncomfortable--is a trauma response. It's somatization, focusing disproportionately on physical ailments instead of the emotional impact of the traumatic event. Instead of thinking about Sheppard and what might have happened to him and how long they've been out of contact with him, McKay focuses on the fact that he can't breathe, he feels dizzy. McKay is displaying very obvious signs of dissociation here.
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Fact is, McKay wants to find Sheppard much more than Lorne does. He cares about Sheppard in ways that Lorne could never, that Lorne could never even begin to understand. For Lorne, it's his new CO that is missing. For McKay, it's the most important person in his life bar none, regardless of how we interpret their relationship. And McKay can't deal with not knowing what has happened to him. He just can't deal with this.
Continued in Pt. 6
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vidavalor · 10 months
The way your analysis of the water boiler scene with Crowley and Shax made me wheeze 🤣 I'm with the Crowley-is-ace-but-knows-everything-in-theory crowd of the fandom which makes him giving "instructions" even more funny 🤣
Glad I could make you laugh! However you see them is all good. I'm of the Crowley's-a-hands-on-learner variety over here as you probably can tell lol but the point of the story to me isn't what is "right" so much as that it all is. If you're not harming anyone, then whatever you are and whatever, if anything, you like to get up to is all fine and no shame.
Also? He is asexual to me as well, even if it's pretty evident from my blog here that I think he and Aziraphale are getting up to it like rabbits. Angels and demons, per Gaiman, are canonically asexual unless they wish to make an Effort, right? To me, that means the idea of asexual default in Heaven-- so, the inverse of how the human world operates. It's a way of reiterating that the ace spectrum is as normal as more active sexuality, which is very important to me. I'm not ace but I think the world would be better if we stopped the entire idea of a 'norm'/'default' when it comes to anything related to sexuality or gender.
The world of Heaven/Hell is an allegory for the human world in the story so where it differs is where the commentary is. To say angels & demons are "asexual unless they wish to make an Effort" is to say that there are some angels and demons who are asexual and there are others who wish to make an Effort and explore those options-- which is the same as the humans. As a result, all angels and demons are asexual because they're angels and demons, so they begin from an assumption of asexuality within their society, and many might stay there because it is who they are and right for them and there's nothing wrong with that. There are other angels and demons, though, who fall into the 'wish to make an Effort' category and so explore sexuality in a different way. I personally think Crowley and Aziraphale both fall into the latter category but neither of us are "right" or "wrong" because, technically, just by being a demon and an angel, there is an element of ace default to them.
The angels & demons not only are allegorical for human experience in the story but what they have *in common with* humans is a human corporation. This isn't to say that an angel or a demon or a human is inhuman if they are ace-- absolutely not. Sexuality is not like the need to breathe and to eat for humans. It's not something we all need and if we are the kind of humans who do need it, we don't all need it in the same ways. The same is then true for the angels and demons as they explore the humanity they have in common with the humans. Some of them won't be interested in sex at all. Some of them will in certain situations or infrequently, etc. Some will be more sexual beings. They're really no different from the humans in this way. We aren't all the same and there's nothing wrong with that.
By having that 'asexual unless they wish to make an Effort' default for angels & demons, the show is reiterating that not every human experience need be necessary or the same for everyone and that sexuality isn't humanity. It can be a very human experience but so, too, can a lot of things, and someone who is ace is still every bit as human as someone who isn't, as sexuality is not the defining feature of humanity. That's true if you're an angel or a demon or a human or a semi-sentient car or anything else and our Earthly world here would be better if we approached it from a standpoint of whatever you say you are and however you present yourself and whatever you want to get up to or to not get up to is all fine, so long as it's all consensual and you're not harming anybody.
You can read the hot water boiler scene as just in support of that, if you want, and it sounds like you have. Crowley just being all sex-positive in the sense that if it's something you're into, that's fine, and if it's not or if it's often not, that's fine, too. (Also, he's obviously poking fun at her by being like yeah, I know why you need your hot water boiler, Shax. Stressful week being Hell's new rep in London? Must be exhausting, all this threatening you're doing...)
Sure, Shax, you need a hand-- heh-- with your self-love shower time. Unlike Maggie, I really mean it when I say "no judgement." Maybe it'll make you less crabby when you come to harass me and Aziraphale. One can really hope. I've really got to just make a tutorial video... Ok, so, yeah, you just wanna make sure you don't accidentally miracle something while you're doing this, alright? Rumor has it Lord Beezlebub once locked themselves in their office to get off and accidentally created a 1960s-era advertising agency in the middle of Hell for some reason so tread softly here...
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yellowcry · 4 months
Being in service
Part 2!!
What Mirabel had noticed the first was that Luisa worked a lot. The second thing was that Luisa worked way too much. She seemed to appear on the construction site before anyone else and didn't leave until the darkness of the night fell upon Encanto. What was more is that it happened every day. Who set her schedule, and when were the weekends in it? 
Luisa worked more than anyone else did, despite the fact that she probably had the least reason for it. The Madrigals hadn't served her family for the last fifty years. Mirabel had to admit how concerned she was. Luisa was pushing her body too hard and Mirabel could see it in the dark circles under Luisa's eyes. This wasn't normal...
At first, Mirabel thought that it would last after a day or two. She had always been very eager to start a new project. Maybe it was the same with Luisa. But it didn't stop after days, even when Luisa looked like she could faint any moment now. And Mirabel wouldn't let this happen. One way or another, Luisa will get a break. 
"Hey?" Mirabel peeked from behind Luisa. Her hand gripped a picnic basket. 
The taller woman wiped her forehead, smearing the glimmering heavy sweat. "Yes?", She blinked, staring into a space for a short time. Soon enough she noticed Mirabel's presence. "You're one of these Madrigals, right?"
"Yes, I'm Mirabel." She bit her bottom lip and nodded. "We talked before. I just think, how about we take a break together?" Was it stupid? Probably. She and Luisa almost didn't know each other. The Rojas had no reason to do as Mirabel asked. Or even believe them.
As expected, Luisa gritted her teeth, keeping up with her work. "I don't need breaks. I have to work. Do you need anything?"
Mirabel pulled Luisa by the sleeve, trying to get her down. "I haven't seen you taking rest at all." 
As much as the villagers wanted to help, rebuilding Casita had been a volunteer thing. And even if it was caused by the fact that they couldn't stop their life just for one goal. There were kids in school, farmers had to take care of their animals and crops. Even if Rojas didn't have anything else to do, they were supposed to get used to the place. But the only thing Luisa did was work.
Luisa shook her head, punching another rubble up. "Because I didn't take it." She explained in such a calm voice as if it were the most normal thing in the world.
Mirabel wasn't sure what was more worrying. The abnormal passion for work or complete calmness in Luisa's voice when she talked about her unhealthy habits. Even proudness if Mirabel would make an assumption. 
"You need a break," Mirabel stated, firm. She wasn't going to stop with her line.
Luisa sighed, holding herself back. She didn't want to get in trouble for being disrespectful. She didn't have time for this. "I'm fine, I promise."
What was she talking about? It was obvious that working this much didn't give her any good. Unless the trembling of her muscles could be counted as something useful. Mirabel wasn't the type to stop pushing if she really was determined to do something. In this case, she was stubborn in her plan to force Luisa for a break. 
"No, you're not." The Madrigal managed to slide just in front of Luisa, forcing her to back a step away. Mirabel threw back her head to look into Luisa's face with their height difference. She squinted her eyes, seeing a bright sun getting into her vision.
Luisa's eyes ran from one side to another, searching for an answer that was invisible. "Can you just say what do you want from me?" She wanted to get a transparent message instead of whatever Mirabel was doing. 
"I said you need to rest." Mirabel walked closer for Luisa. The latter seemed to be unable to get this information straight into her head.
Luisa pursed her lips, tapping her fingers together. Mirabel tilted her head, feeling her curls tickling her neck. Taking a staring contest against each other without even announcing it out loud.
"As long as these Madrigal leaders won't announce a break for everyone, I can keep up with this." Luisa declared after some thoughts, not backing up. 
Mirabel's eyes blinked. Clap, like a bird's wings. "As long as Madrigals won't announce a break?" 
It took a moment for Luisa to realize. She breathed a curse under her nose. Her hands twisted the cuffs of her shirt. But she couldn't say anything about this fact. Eye twitched under Mirabel's piercing gaze. But as she said, if a Madrigal asked her for a break, she would be forced to take one.
They sat a bit away from the workplace. Mirabel unwrapped an arepa that her Mamá made in the morning. Luisa stared at the ruined Casita, almost frozen in place. Her fists tightened in tense worry. 
"So, how long do I have to sit like this?" Luisa muttered, leaning forward. Trying to keep her voice calm and steady.
Mirabel shrugged. "Twenty minutes or so."
It is not a long time. But Luisa looked like she had gotten a personal insult. "It's too long. I can't just..."
Mirabel rolled her eyes. What was the matter with Luisa? She acted so upset over the break. As far as Mirabel was aware, most people loved their rest time. Even if they adored their job. Luisa didn't seem to like pushing the rubble. But she still did it.
"You actually can." She said, lifting her chin. "And a short break will make you feel better." Mirabel swallowed, trying to find a good approach. "You will work way better if you're well rested."
Luisa rubbed her neck, her eye twitched. As much as she didn't want it, the bigger productivity meant she was more useful.
They sat silent. Mirabel's finger pulled a thread of her embroidery. It left several colorful strings dangling free. Not held back anymore.
"Why are you doing this?" Luisa sighed, leaning on the back of the bench. Mirabel jumped on her place for a moment, the grip on a basket loosened. But it was still steady enough. "I mean... You don't know me. You just could do anything else. I am able to do this"
Mirabel's eyes shifted to the floor. She wasn't sure herself. But, deep inside, she had a kind heart and didn't want Luisa, even if she was a complete stranger to get hurt. "You tried to help me. When we first met, remember?"
Her interlocutor trembled, taking short pined breaths. "Wait, I... I don't remember you?" She muttered, her big brown eyes blinking, trying to distract herself from bad thoughts. 
Right, that girl that Luisa saw in the middle of panicking on her first morning in Encanto. She just wanted to be useful for the community. But, Mirabel forcing her to take a break because of this? She didn't see this coming
Mirabel placed her feet on the ground steady. Unsure of what she was supposed to say. "I just... Thank you? It was nice of you" She wasn't sure of how hard it would be if she was all by herself. But for certain, the presence of somebody made her feel better. A presence of someone who didn't know her as a 'Poor giftless Madrigal who was outcast in her own family and almost got crushed by a house.' Mirabel hated pity. But Luisa didn't know it all. She didn't have any reason to say how unlucky Mirabel was. No reason to play the old record over and over again until Mirabel got sick from it.
Favor for the favor. That's what that say, right? Besides, any person with a social responsibility would do the same thing. Midabel didn't want people to be hurt. And overworking was burning Luisa. Maybe Madrigal took after her mother, she couldn't tell for sure. 
Luisa chewed an arepa. Her eyes narrowed. The free hand wrapped a hand wrapped a strand on her finger. "It was nice, I guess." Luisa breathed out. "I'll see you around."
Mirabel had a feeling she would be forced to grag Luisa for a break again soon enough.
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Pygmalion musings….
I’ve been looking into Greek mythology reimaginings and retellings and I’m seeing the sentiment that reimaginings shouldn’t erase the original work and what it was trying to say. That the way certain myths are interpreted is that way for a reason, and those myths have been that way for hundreds of years. Which got me thinking about objectum Pygmalion.
An interpretation of Pygmalion I’ve seen is him as an ancient Greek version of an incel. He created Galatea, a fake woman, because he saw real women as beneath him. He lusted after the female form, but scorned the affections of women in the real world out of misogyny. Galatea was his imaginary “ideal woman” similar to the fantasies of incels today. I won’t lie and say I don’t understand where this interpretation comes from. But I also won’t lie and say it doesn’t slightly rub me the wrong way.
“Incel” is the first label thrown at objectum men. We all know the stereotype of the “greasy unwashed basement-dweller” with an AI girlfriend. When objectums make the “news” (news in quotation marks because it’s usually exploitative tabloids) the remarks are always stupid innuendos. Because of course men will fuck anything. There’s this insistence that we must, in fact, lust for the human form and just be too much of a loner to go out and meet real people. No matter how much we repeat, no, that actually heavily repulses me.
One of the only ways for us to free ourselves of the “incel” label is to share our trauma history (if we have any). Information which is often deeply personal and that total strangers should never have the right to demand. Then people’s view of us and our attraction shifts from revulsion to pity. A pity that only remains as long as we remain “perfect victims”. As long as we view our “sexual abnormality” as a product of trauma and something “normal” people should be glad to not have.
I understand where the most common view of Pygmalion comes from. And I don’t want to trample on the original myths. But it hurts somewhat, to watch assumptions be made about the character who is, out of all mythology I’ve ever read, the most like me.
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edogawa-division · 1 year
Just as her birthday event has already passed on by a few days, the infamous smartest hacker of this era still considers slacking all day long in her favorite lab. 
Normally, this should be her another idle day …not until one of her computers starts having a blackout. However, her security system fights back and appears to win over within a heartbeat as its screen once turns normal again. 
After some quick checkup, everything in her computer seems to be perfectly fine. Neither thing is lost nor there are weird files left …it’s just that there’s a small window popping up on one side of her screen;
     // To Delphi      Care to check for the front door?
Upon reading the mysterious message, a bit of surprise runs across her azure lens. But suddenly, Kaoru then hears the doorbell rings in front of her house. Whether it’s for safety first or her own curiosity, she decides to check some of her security cameras
…to just get a stare back from a large pair of blue eyes with vertical slits.
“Moshi, moshi. This is Ojou-chan at your service~”
Greeting by the voices of one cat and one boy whom she remembers to be one of the participants from a division in the south of Japan, the hacker blinks and gazes blankly at the screen in front of her. 
“Oh sorry, this is just me; Yuuya Kanata from Nara Division. Anyway, our Ojou-chan has come here to say hi too.” 
As if he knows what kind of confusion she has right now, the reddish-haired boy puts the siamese feline down while properly introducing himself and his cat.
“We’ve come here to deliver our birthday gifts to Shinozaki-san of Edogawa division. Gotta apologize for being late to your birthday due to some circumstance happening in my division. And since there’s no one answer earlier, Chishio-san said that there obviously has the camera planted here, so I’d like to assume it will record my greeting as a message to her. ”
...He doesn’t seem to know that the birthday owner he refers to is watching.
“Here are the presents from my division! Well, Happy Birthday and wish you have a good year. Chishio-san is coming to pick me up soon so I’ll have to take my leave then.”
After using the X-ray function to investigate the package, Kaoru soon finds about what’s inside; there is a big Gengar plushie with many functionalities to escape reality and a paper box full of daifuku set for a family.
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Though she has to acknowledge that their presents were all no doubt from good will, still, there’s something bugging on her mind.
If she remembers correctly; after she has some dig-in on each of the DRB contestants, it’s as clear as day that this Nara team is lacking in IT intelligence. 
Even if that Yuuya person has too many friends all around Japan, she is certain that none of his allies can pull off some stunt on her system —Not even his streamer friend called the ‘Aozora’ guy can catch up to her level soon. 
Then, is it his pink-haired buddy? No, that pinkette is 100% ruled out. 
If so, is it his so-called ‘Saigo-san’? Nah, it doesn’t look like it since the only person who can do something like this isn’t on his side anymore. 
So, what about his uncle’s household? Hmm, this also doesn’t seem quite right… So far as she has inspected, the Minazuki don’t seem to be experts on this field. 
Or is it that eerily keen chaperone named ‘Chishio’? This assumption seems the most plausible considering his extraordinary sense to know where her camera is; however, this old man doesn’t strike her even one bit to be the techno kind of guy. 
Then who? Who has sent her that notification earlier? That redhead leader doesn’t seem to be aware of that either.
...This world is surely full of unexpected things huh?
Kaoru narrowed her eyes, leaning back into her chair. Seems like she missed something granted she had only done a rudimentary search on Nara so far, but for someone to mess with her system even just for a minute. Well, it looks like she had some serious looking up in her future. Heck, even the lack of info didn't bother her. She's had work with less before and, in fact, even excited her. There was something Kaoru loved about a good research spiral. So what if she ignored the world to the point that she was essentially deaf and blind to it. So what if she spent hours upon hours picking apart any little clue just to find an answer. That was who she was and Kaoru wouldn't change it for the world.
"Nara? Y'all are an interesting bunch, aren't ya? Unassuming at first glance, but once you look a little deeper, you find some interesting little tidbits. So let's see what else I can find."
Thanks for the gift!
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slifarianhawk · 2 years
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Chapter 18: Bold Assumptions (smut)
I was in my office tidying things up like placing my combat equipment in their perspective homes when I heard the door open.
"Ms. Lancaster, may I have a word with you?" Wesker asked closing and locking the door behind him.
"Yes Commander Wesker, what is it that you need? I asked darkening the window, preventing the overly bright fluorescent lights from shining in.
"Tell me, is your office soundproofed?" He asked quizzically.
"Yes sir, tell me why would you ask me?" As soon as I turned around his hand lifted me by the neck, pinning me to the wall.
He brought his mouth to my ear and nipped it, "I know your secret my dear little lotus.".
"H-how!?! I was so careful." I choked out.
"All the signs pointed towards you my dear, the mannerisms, your speech patterns, but most importantly your scent." pressing his thumb deeper into my throat, "no one else in this disgusting world has your scent. It is such a pure and gentle scent."
I coughed. The lack of air was getting to me. I needed to breathe.
"I am sorry... I tried to trick you, Albert... I missed...the chance to save our daughter... I could not face you as... myself."
He smirked and lowered his head to my neck and smelled it, "Alistar was our first. Now that you have returned to me we shall have plenty more."
He placed his knee on the wall between my legs and dropped me onto it. With a wicked smirk, he bit down on the side of my neck. It took all my might not to moan. He remembered my neck's soft spot. I shuddered at the thought of what all he remembered.
"Dear little lotus, I am going to make you scream my name like you used to." He growled in my ear.
The vibrations of his growl sent shivers down my spine. His intoxicating aroma flooded my nostrils causing my cunt to drip in anticipation. I was falling in a downward spiral into his hands and my heart didn't care. I was his.
"Yes, captain." I bowed my head in submission only to have him lift my face with his gloved hand.
"Good girl, now make me feel good with your pretty little mouth." He said pushing me into a kneeling position.
I was at eye level with his crotch. His musk radiated like wildfire. The angelis virus reacted by making my vision hazy. I was entranced.
Albert quickly undid his belt. Grabbing for his pants, I released his cock from its binds in a single movement. It sight brought back memories of our first time but now wasn't the time for that.
He growled at the cold air of my office blowing on his semi-hard eight-inch-cock. While pulling my head close, he chuckled, " how red you are my dear lotus. It seems my blushing bride has not changed in all the years we have been apart."
"That's a bold assumption, my captain," I said quickly taking his cock into my mouth.
He hissed at the sensation of being quickly inhaled to the hilt. Such a surprise from his normally cock shy wife. He gently placed his hand on the back of my head.
With a gentle pace, I rocked my head back and forth. The taste of his member sent my thoughts for a whirl. Salty with the fresh taste of his favorite soap.
"My lotus has sprouted into such a fine specimen," Albert's voice vibrated from his throat in pleasure.
The praise thrilling my heart, I sped up my pace sinking his thick cock deep into my throat. Pretty soon I started to choke on his massive dick. Wrapping my tongue around the base and the tip, I felt him shudder. Massaging his heavy balls, I felt him pull me closer.
"Mmmmmmmm," I moaned and suddenly hot salty cum burst deep into my throat. The force caused me to gag.
"My lotus, where did you gain such a talented tongue?" He asked pulling me up by the shoulders and setting me on the table.
"Vladimir dear Albert, as I said earlier this year he forced me to do things on a near-nightly basis," I said nearly tearing up.
As I was taking off my clothes, Wesker grabbed my hands and wiped away the cum dripping from my lip, "so that bastard did take advantage of you then. That disgusting foolish man thought he could take what is mine. Oh, do not worry my dear little lotus this changes nothing. you are mine, to our⁰ new world and beyond. I will clean away those bad nights right now." He said peeling the fabric from my body.
"Albert please, take those memories away." I panted reaching for his shirt.
He grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head, "Patience lotus, good things come to those who wait."
With his teeth, he pulled one off his gloves, "Now I want you to count for me, my dear. Count each finger as it enters your little lotus." Using his ungloved hand, he slid one of his fingers into my glistening crotch.
"Ha.. ha one," I panted trying to keep my moans in check.
"No holding back on me, my love. You said this room was soundproofed. Unless you lied to me again?" He asked slamming another finger into me and with a simple motion, he started rubbing the g-spot.
"T-two ahhhh haaaaa, no sir I did not lie. The walls are soundproof." I said choking on a moan.
"That is a good lotus, you do not lie to your husband or your captain. I believe you called me Commander before did you not? You have given me even more authority over you. Call me commander from now on!" He shouted adding a third finger, thrusting them quickly and he started attacking my clit with his thumb.
"THREE!!! OH, MY COMMANDER YES!!!" I screamed, clinching as tight as I could around his thick soft fingers. I was heavily panting, "C-commander please allow me cum please sir I-I A-m about to ah ahhhh."
With a smirk, he shouted, "Then cum for me, my dear sweet little lotus!".
Releasing a deep moan, on his command I squirted. Coating his fingers in my juices, I started to beg, "Please Albert! Make me yours again. Tame this wildflower, my godly Commander."
He purred at the praise and sucked his fingers clean, "I hope you are ready for this dear heart.". He pushed my legs up above my head and lined his massive cock to my slicked entrance. "I'm going to breed you my lotus goddess. So take my perfect cock with your perfect snatch." He said slamming his dick straight into my cervix filling me to the brim.
I let out a loud moan, the pressure inside was wild almost feral. The need to be wanted by Albert, threw my heart into a tizzy, and the fact that he was reclaiming me as his own was incredible. He was pounding away the disgusting memories of Vladimir's touch.
"Even after my fingers my dear, you are still as tight as the virgin whom I deflowered in January of eighty-two." He growled in my ear.
I gasped at the mention of our first time, the memories flooding my eyes as I grabbed his thick muscular shoulders. The action caused Albert to start to thrust into me rapidly. His God-like speed overwhelmed my senses. I was in heaven and by the smile plastered on Wesker's face, I could tell he was too.
"Oh Commander Wesker please, destroy my tight supple pussy." I gasp out in a long drawn-out moan.
"As you wish, my dear lotus" He slammed his cock fast and hard into me repeating the cycle over and over.
I was moaning his name as he moaned out mine. The passion radiates throughout the office like the heat of a volcano. As time crept on the coil in my lower body simply coiled tighter and tighter.
"Albert my love, I am getting close. please... please let me cum on your cock my Commander." I moaned out as he came close to my ear one last time.
"let us cum together, just like we used to." he purred out, kissing my lips.
As if on a queue, our bodies synchronized and we came at the same time. His thick hot seed spilled deep inside my passionately drilled cunt. I was in bliss. To achieve this happiness again pierced my heart like a knife.
"Now, my dear little lotus, I need you to wake up," he said.
"No, it can't be please tell me this wasn't all just a dream. I need you, Wesker. You are the light of my life, please let me be with you again." I started to cry.
"The only thing stopping me is your game against Spencer," he said fading away.
I jolted awake tears following down my eyes. This just proved to me that I really couldn't lose him. That my doubts about my plans were true. No matter what I said or thought. I was still deeply in love with Albert Wesker.
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missathlete31 · 2 years
A collection of one shots about the different rumors and assumptions made about our favorite Top Gun characters
Suggestions are always welcomed!
Chapter One- Personal (Phoenix)
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Natasha Trace is used to people making assumptions about her. She's a woman in a male-dominated industry. Beyond that she is an elite pilot in a male-dominated industry and judgment is just a part of her life. She's managed it well, all things considering, and learned to surround herself with people who respect her for her talents and intelligence rather than demean her for her sex. Of course Bagman is always good for a disparaging comment or two, but Phoenix has caught him defending her to men who dare to question her abilities when he thinks she is out of earshot, so she knows where his true feelings lie.
Ignoring all the nasty assumptions made about her: sleeping with superiors, hired for optics, among other things, there are some rumors that are just plain funny. Take for example, her personal life. Fighter pilots are notorious for Daddy issues and a lack of settling down (i.e the Roosters and Mavericks of the world). Phoenix herself has never really caught the 'marriage and babies' bug that most other women her age experience, and she's fine with that. Setting down isn't something she particularly avoids, just something that doesn't fit in her life at the moment. It isn't to say it never will though.
There are rumors she is a lesbian, which while are untrue, she doesn't necessary consider insulting. Finding love with a woman, man or any other sexual orientation or preference isn't something that someone should ever be judged for and Phoenix herself would never criticize anyone else's penchants. No, what she finds eye rolling is that a strong woman must be lesbian. That because she flies planes, and wears bulky helmets that mess up her hair, that because she can play football in the sand and not care if she is sweaty or smelly she has to "bat for a certain team." It's silly, archaic and most importantly wrong. Natasha's hobbies or abilities don't dictate her love life and when she finds love, with whomever she does find it with, she looks forward to those rumors finally settling.
But then she will always have her family gossip.
Despite what some might think, Natasha doesn't have any unresolved 'Daddy Issues'. Her father Matthew is a normal dad. Stern in his desire to raise children that worked to do good and be respectful, but also kind in his teachings and loving in his affections. When Nat had shared she wanted to be a pilot, Matthew encouraged it wholeheartedly and he and Phoenix's mother Rosa offered all the support they could to help their daughter reach her dream. Every milestone or commendation, Natasha's parents were and still are always in attendance, both smiling brightly at not just the achievements of their child, but her happiness too.
Rumors say her father is Hispanic (his family was from England actually, where as Nat's mother is Mexican). They say he works on cars or carpentry, or something with his hands. They say he's a man's man, someone who would take a daughter and push her into boy things, but it's the furthest from the truth. Matthew is a quiet man, preferring a book or listening to soft rock music while his wife chatters endlessly in the kitchen. He teaches at a high school in California; English because that was the only opening (though his passion was always history), and he even advises a few of the clubs on campus. He knows nothing about planes, certainly nothing about F-18s or any other fighter jets, and he looked just as confused about Natasha's sudden desire to fly as Nat's mother did. But, like any good parent would, he rolled with. He bought her books about flying when she asked. He parked them close to the airport one day when she talked about watching take offs and landings, and he hugged her the hardest on the day she was accepted into the Naval Academy.
As the years passed, Natasha's father has picked up a few things about his daughter's job. He's learned a few terms, makes sure to always know where she is based out of or what carrier she is on, and he's very particular about knowing the name of the WSO assigned to her. Matthew Trace might not be what the rumors say he is, he can't rebuild a car from scratch or fix a broken pipe (he usually ends up with a concussion from hitting his head against the sink counter too many times) but he is a great father. And though he didn't push her into flying, he and Natasha's mother always made sure their daughter knew that they were with her in the skies; ready to watch her triumphs and catch her just in case she falls.
Beyond the rumors of her father, there is also this belief that Natasha should have an infinite amount of older brothers. She is expected to have been a tom boy growing up, following on little legs after brothers who were taller, faster, and stronger; all of them eventually steering her into sports and planes. The first time Nat and Bob shared their family history, the WSO looked at her funny when she shared about Anna.
"Only one sister?" Bob questioned, a furrow gracing his face.
"Yup" Phoenix nodded, "one older sister, works for an insurance company in Sacramento."
The man turned back to his drink, "huh" he mused.
"What?" Nat couldn't help feeling on the wrong foot. She didn't think Bob was judging her but she couldn't help the sinking feeling that settled in her stomach from his clear perplexity, "what is it?"
"I don't know" he shrugged before meeting her gaze, "I always assumed you had a bunch of older brothers."
He wasn't the only one. The first time Rooster met her family he looked actively surprised when a gaggle of men didn't come bursting from the house. She tried to tell him that she had told him many times she only had a sister but Bradley still seemed to think she had somehow misled him, expecting Nat to be the influence of someone else. She had been angry for a moment, annoyed at how many people felt she couldn't just love to fly on her own accord and not pushed by outside force.
Soon enough she learned to embrace it, along with all the other stereotypes and conjecture labeled to her.
When she arrives to a fellow pilots wedding in a tight dress and full makeup and hair, stunning the room silent and earning surprised glances from every man and woman, Natasha keeps her head high and walks over to the other Daggers, remembering the hours she spent as a teen watching make-up tutorials because even 'Tom-Boys' like to look pretty.
When she lands a particularly rough tackle in Dogfight football and Yale grumbles about how her older brothers must be so proud; Phoenix laughs as she thinks of the afternoons with Anna, the two of them playing dress up and dolls and having all the fun in the world.
When she changes Halo's tire for her one night and the other woman pouts that she wishes her father taught her this lesson, Nat smiles good-naturally and remembers how her father had waited 2 hours for AAA one time because he attempted to change a tire and lost the lug nuts in the brush on the side of the road.
When she catches Payback reading one of the books in her father's curriculum on the beach one day, she doesn't even hesitate to bring up some of Matthew Trace's discussion points. Reuben chats with her, clearly impressed, and assumes that when she explains how her house is filled with books, it must be from Nat's mother. She doesn't bother correcting him.
And when her family arrives for the Dagger BBQ hosted by Penny and Mav after they all survive the mission, Natasha smirks at the surprised faces of her teammates when they take in her glasses wearing, sweater-covered father, her loud and boisterous mother and her singular female sibling. The rumor mill clearly having never been so wrong.
 But that's life isn't it, especially for someone like Natasha Trace. Assumptions are always going to be made and Phoenix is always going to love to prove them wrong.
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zerogate · 2 years
Jonathan Livingston Seagull rose above his personal problems with the discovery of “perfect speed”.
This is not exactly evidence drawn from natural history, and the concept of perfect speed is a simplification of understandings better described in oriental philosophy, but it is nevertheless one with some relevance for biology. There are circumstances in which we seem to be capable of performing beyond our abilities, in doing things and knowing things that are otherwise impossible or inaccessible to us.
Racing drivers, particularly those involved on the Formula One circuit, are super-fit athletes with a fine awareness of their own tolerance and the capacity of their machinery. They make a living out of pushing themselves and their cars to the limit, but most of them also recognise a level of performance which exists beyond normal bounds. They talk about such transcendence only with reluctance, but it occurs often enough to be part of most professionals’ experience and to be known by them as “driving above yourself”.
The phenomenon is rare and becomes manifest mainly at times of risk and sudden accident when there is no time to respond with logic or reason. When danger appears with horrid suddenness, such drivers switch, as it were, into overdrive and produce unusually brilliant performances which avoid the source of the problem and bring spectators to their feet in astonished applause. The drivers describe the experience as one of total calm – “you know exactly where you are going, what line to take, and it feels as if you’ve all the time in the world.”
There is no question of the survival value of such an ability, though it is difficult to see how it could have been acquired in the normal course of evolution by natural selection. Travelling at over 200 miles an hour is not a part of most vertebrate experience. But it seems that we have a reservoir of spare capacity built in to our systems, an area of overdrive available to meet circumstances that are impossible to predict. A sort of evolutionary afterthought, something extra in case of emergencies.
There are numerous anecdotal accounts of people in times of crisis doing extraordinary things – of mothers lifting cars and trucks to free trapped children or of survivors leaping, running or swimming across life-threatening hazards in impossible ways. These accounts are by their very nature, difficult to control or confirm, but there are documented athletic records of similarly superhuman feats – none more extraordinary than the “mutation performance” that took place in Mexico City on October 18th, 1968, the day that, in one sports writer’s words, “it all came together for ever”.
It was a cool day with a slight following wind. Air resistance at an altitude of 7400 feet was reduced below its sea level value. The track was equipped with a new “tartan” surface. And the athlete was a tall black man with the long legs of his race and muscles containing enzymes capable of short bursts of exceptional mechanical force. All this was known, but still fails to account for the fact that Robert Beamon on that day eclipsed the world long jump record by an incredible 21.5 inches.
Ernst Jokl, professor of neurology at the University of Kentucky, calls Beamon’s quantum leap “the greatest single feat in the recorded history of athletics” and estimates that it stands 84 years ahead of its logical time in history. In the years before Beamon’s flight, less than 9 inches had been added to Jesse Owens’ 1935 record distance of 26 feet 8.25 inches. “In one sense,” Jokl admits, “it is entirely inexplicable. Nothing justifies the assumption that we are going to see another 29-foot jump, ever.” Other experts agree and suspect that such a jump might be at the limit of human capability because the forces necessary are “on the verge of those which tear muscles and break bones”.
-- Lyall Watson, Beyond Supernature
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it's so funny when you say we should evaluate if our interest in them is sane etc when i was just commenting on an issue and you have a blog devoted to it. i like harry, i care about him, i hope he is happy, i enjoy his music, i think it could be better but its fine, i don't worry about him at all, he is very rich he seems to be okay. i was just trying to have a conversation about how bizarre it is to have this goal to want it all. 1/2
i mentioned marvel bc it's disney and huge awful american corporations, evryone are under strict contracts so you do have to live by their rules for a while. i never said that people working with them didn't have any talent, harry has much more money and recognition than the people you mentioned, you can see why michaela, kumail, idris and michelle really need that platform. he is choosing it. it doesn't give me anxiety, i have other things to worry about i just think he could do better is all.
Oh anon - I had no idea which anon you were from your first message. I only figured out that you were this anon based on the marvel reference. But given that we're having a Marvel day - why not respond.
I wasn't suggesting anything about your sanity by suggesting that this might not be your framework for everyone and might be the way you were responding to Harry. Complicated reactions are a normal and sane way of responding to the world.
It sounds like playing a Marvel part is that big a deal for you. That's fine - but it's not a universally shared opinion (my position on this is pretty much actors are workers and take jobs of all sorts and they're not responsible for the actions of their bosses any more than anyone else is). It's difficult to start a broad conversation with very specific assumptions - people are likely to talk about the assumptions, rather than the wider point.
I don't think it's bizarre to want it all - I think it's very normal and human. I am interested in having a conversation about that, but think it would have to start a slightly different way.
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pinerchampion · 2 years
Birthday calculator easycalculator
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This is fine, but what if we want to calculate the time elapsed between 28 th February and 31 st March? If 1 month passed between 28 th February and 28 th March, then the difference between 28 th February and 31 st March is 1 month and 3 days. It is generally accepted that there is a one-month difference between 10 th February and 10 th March, for example. The time elapsed between two dates can be calculated with two different methods. The Age Calculator calculates the time elapsed between two arbitrary dates and displays it in several formats. In this case, enter the date in the past! How does the Age and Date Calculator calculate? If you are wondering how old you will be on a certain day in the future, enter a future date! Follow a similar process if you want to know how old you were on a certain day in the past. Using the Age Calculator is really simple: first, enter your date of birth, then enter the date you want to calculate your age for! For example, if you enter today's date, you can find out how old exactly you are today. Thus the Age Calculator tells you how old you are today, how old you were on a certain day, or how old you will be on a date in the future. When calculating the elapsed time, the result appears in several units of measurement. If you are pregnant and want a date of birth calculator for you unborn baby, click here.With the Age and Date Calculator you can easily calculate how many minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years have passed between two dates. The owner of the web page is not responsible for any kind of complications that might arise when sharing calculations or misinterpreting. These calculations can be shared on social networks, via e-mails or other way of publishing the calculation link. Also the calculation of half birthday can vary depending on the method of calculation, more here. Calculations are based on the assumption of an average person’s life and average life of various species. More optimistic looks 30th birthday on Mars for Whoopi Goldberg, which she can celebrate on Apr, 15, 2012.Ĭalculating your age equivalent in the animal world or on different planets serves only for entertainment and amusement. If you are not pleased, move to another planet. Roger Federer will celebrate his 50th birthday on Certainly not on the Earth but on Venus. Find more favourable animal that would suit you the best Planet age Don't worry if you are annoyed with turtle age. If Michael Jordan was a dog then he would celebrate his 7 birthday on Jan, 29, 2012. If you are not sure, what exactly your half birthday is, click here Animal age What day of the week was I born? or what day of the week was this date? Lets calculate day of the birth! Half birthday You may be suprised with the interesting findings! Compare it with your family, friends or celebrities. Day of the birthįind, what day of the week you were born. Try to found out if you can celebrate round birthday with your favorite celebrities. It also takes into account the with leap days. The calculator adds age of all three celebrities and defines the day of combined birthday. Congratulation!!! It falls on Apr, 05, 2012. Wonderful and round 100 years could celebrate Roger Federer, Robert Pattinson and Julia Roberts. Lets calculate! For better understanding check few samples of this Age Calculator Combined birthday We strongly recommend that you find your age as a Martian if you want to be rejuvenated. planet age - imagine you are living on the other planet in our solar system.You can count dog age, turtle age and lots of other animals animal age - find out what your equivalent age would be if you were an animal.Half birthday is not exactly six months after your normal birthday, Calculate when it will happen. day of the birth - find out on which day of the week your birthday will fall.You will also find out how many days there are left to prepare for your celebration - in days and years. It adds up all ages for all people and show you the day for combined birthday. combined birthday - unique devise for two or more people who wish to celebrate birthday together.The calculator is still under construction, you may find new updates and improvements. Try it and you will see! Find a reason to celebrate every day! You can compare yourself with your favourite celebrity by clicking on the star symbol.Įnjoy this Age Calculator! Based on your real numbers you can see yourself in many funny ways :-). It can even calculate other interesting information such as different ages around the universe.įor all calculation it is necessary to fill a name and a date of birth. This calculator is not only about calculating your birthdays.
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