#only for me to use him as a trial character in events and realize I like huohuo SO much more
ujuro · 6 months
Both of the Honkai star rail reruns next update are characters I don’t have… now I need to make Decisions
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mayullla · 1 year
A little present event: fem reader 🦋 + yandere Al Haitham 🌺 🥺
Title: Learning to love
Character(s): Al Haitham (Genshin Impact) Summary: He offered a proposal, a trial of sorts to see if you and him were really a match. Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, fem!reader, soulmates au, toxic relationship, manipulation
The continuation to: The Akasha's choosing [ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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You bit your lip when you saw Al Haitham waiting for you outside your small humble home again seated on one of the outdoor stools. "You are awake. I thought you would sleep a little more considering how tired you were last night from getting lost in the forest."
"Thank... thank you for finding me back then..." You looked down, it was because of him that you were able to find your way back home. But it was him that you were running away from that you winded up there. You know it was much, if anyone knew that someone was trying to avoid them this much to the point they would become lost... it would hurt the person. Yet you could not help yourself.
These feelings inside yourself felt like they were twisting your stomach yet you just can't push it down.
"Hmmm. Well, you don't have to worry about that though you should really consider other ways to avoid me."
You flinched at his words, feeling your heart rate speed up as you looked away guilty.
"I notice a long time ago that you were avoiding me, heading out so early in the morning when you usually stay in bed a little more in the past." Al Haitham looked at you from his book, waiting to see if you have something to say before continuing "I am guessing you are not really fond of this idea of soulmates. That you are acting like this? Personally, I think I would be much better if you were to say outright say that you hate me rather than run away constantly like this."
"I-I don't!"
"Then why are you avoiding me?"
"I really don't... I just don't think that uhh... you and me are meant for each other." You sighed finally admitting to why you have been acting like this for a long time. "That there might be a mistake in the Akasha... I just don't think we are compatible. I am sorry... I should have told you that sooner."
You glanced at Al Haithams face wondering how he would react before looking down again in guilt. You didn't know how to bring the subject up and had avoided it for the longest time. In all honestly you were intimidated by him.
"So you are saying that the Akasha had made a mistake?" Al Haitham asked closing his book. "Are you sure? I don't think most people if any would take too kindly to what you said especially the sages." You flinched again suddenly realizing what you were implying. That the akasha that was created by the past dendro archon, which was used by everyone in Sumeru had made a mistake. You wanted to take your words back, your face flustered as you tried to think of a way to recover from the situation.
Al Haitham watching you sighed, leaning back a little as he stared right at you. "I understand having doubts. Even I wanted to see for myself whether this was just some delusion someone in the academia made yet was accepted by those sages. Those who only rely on the akasha when it is also controlled by mere men are nothing but fools who can't think for themselves."
You found his words harsh but stayed silent.
"Hmmm, how about this. We shall do a little test between us to see if we are compatible or not." You looked at Al Haitham in surprise. What did he mean by that?
Al Haitham shook his head a little a small sigh escaped his lips, raising a hand a little as he started to explain. "While I too am not particularly fond of the idea myself, how about seeing for ourselves whether we are actually compatible or not and stop playing this cat-and-mouse chase that would only lead to nowhere."
"We can do a series of tests for an extended period of time. If we don't think we are compatible we can go our separate ways and forget all this happen. But if we do, we can continue on and see where this takes us."
Your eyes looked at him in surprise, but the more you thought about it the more it made... sense. You could see for yourself if the two of you were actually compatible with each other.
Agreeing to his proposal you could not help but feel a little determined but you could not help but wonder, "But what should we do first?" Much to your embarrassment you never really dated before too focused to take care of yourself and putting food on the table.
"Hmmm just do things that couples do. We could start by *not* avoiding each other and work away from there." You flinched a little at this personal attack, unable to look at him in the eyes again.
But you did see a small smile on his lips.
The two of you started slow, Al Haitham being patient with you as you tried to be less awkward with him on your side. You guys started first by going to the forest when you needed to go there to collect herbs, mushrooms, and berries. With him mainly there to protect you from monsters or eremites and treasure hoarders. Most of the time he was reading a book a little farther than you as you go about collecting.
He tried to offer help to you a bit, but still too awkward you declined telling him that he should instead rest while you do your work. Instead, you had to promise him that you would tell him if you need his help getting something that was too far of reach or dangerous.
A lot of your lunches were spent with him. You now purposefully pack up meals meant for two people rather than one. As you seat in the grass or under a tree or maybe at home when you worked on the small farm you had you would share your meals with Al Haitham. He would eat without saying much, but you did notice he would look a little annoyed when you brought soup and later made sure not to bring them too often. (Al Haitham also offered to pack or buy lunches every so often to be fair, and when you first time you tried his cooking you could not help but be surprised. It was good!)
You didn't go out in public much with him since both of you did not want the attention of others. And when you did most of the academia students would stare in shock unable to understand that the famed scribe had a partner while others cooed at how cute of a couple you guys were.
An old granny had called the two of you cute when you were out picking groceries with Al Haitham right beside you examining the vegetables as he too needed to stock some food in his own home. You were flustered at her words, wanting to deny that you were a couple but with a glance that Al Haitham gave you, no words came out of your mouth as you tried to smile.
You thanked the grandmother for her words.
Next were small touches and kisses, your face was never this hot till when Al Haitham told you to kiss him. You were embarrassed when he started grabbing your hand or placing a hand on your shoulder but you stifled all your complaints as you told yourself this was a trial and that it was fine. But you still could not help yourself but become nervous as you stare at his face after what he said.
Al Haitham was always patient with you, and if you didn't want to do this you were sure that he would be fine with it. But seeing that he was trying, you would feel guilty if you were to say no now.
You looked at Al Haitham's face an eyebrow raised waiting before he asked if you do not want to do it. You shook your head telling him it was fine. He always reminded you that both sides needed to put in the effort, and you knew he did. So you must... it was just a small kiss really.
He waited for you, made no movements to take the lead in the kiss, and left you to do it as you took small hesitant steps toward him shyly. With Al Haitham sitting down you were forced to lean towards him as you close your eyes unable to stare to look into his face in such a close distance. You didn't see his reaction back then as you quickly kissed and then turned your back from him unable to look at him.
What was a small peck on the lips soon spiraled from there. Moving too fast you thought to yourself, as if whatever wall that you thought was there between you and him was never there from the start. But you thought that it was fine, that this was just a test to see if you were compatible. As you forced yourself to get used to the thankfully rare kisses that Al Haitham would make. But more often than not you were forced to sit on his lap or he would lie on yours as you both either nap, read a book, or finish an essay for his case.
There were some days he would stay at your place, stating that he was too "lazy" to go back home when he was tired and told you to think of this like another test. He didn't like it when you offered to sleep on the sofa scooping you and tossing you on the bed with a hand on your waist to prevent you from leaving the bed stating that this would be the most comfortable way to sleep at a single person bed, pulling you closer to him. You felt it was too intimate but didn't voice your thoughts when you heard his small snores already fallen deep asleep.
Whatever you tried to make space between you and him on the bed whenever he decided that he would stay for the night would quickly be gone as you would find him always holding you tight in his arms the moment you wake up almost like a stuffed toy that a kid liked.
You kept repeating to yourself that this was a trial if you were compatible and if things just did not work out that everything would just work out as you two separate unknown to you that Al Haitham was still awake looking down at your hair, his arms tightening around you.
To him, this was never a trial, but you were just too precious after all as he let you think as you please. He knew that you were never comfortable with his affections. But he knew you would get used to it. He would not let you go even if you didn't. You would get used to his touch, the idea of him by your side, he would make you get used to him and let him mold you to love him just as much that anxiety would drive you insane when he is not around.
He would never let you go.
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gancegancerevo · 5 months
Zwillingstürme im Herbst Thoughts
ZT to me, is a story of endings. Not just the factual endings of eras, Arts, and songs. But also the great question of "What happens after the end?"
Each major character faces an ending in this story. Leithanien faces the end of both the Kaiserinnen and the truest finale of the Witch King. The Liches end their stay in the country. Viviana comes to terms with her Leithanien heritage, Ebenholz frees himself from all of his demons, and Arturia, well, we'll get to Arturia.
One of the most notable things is how this story treats hope and the indomitable human spirit. Unlike other stories, it does not praise humanity and treat them as some unstoppable limitless force by virtue of their emotions. Instead, it takes a very nuanced approach that's informed by how powerless these characters can actually get. Sure they can charge forward towards their goals but they'll still die and they'll still be faced with darkness and regrets. Even still, we should embrace our emotions and the turmoil they bring.
The Genesis Horn and Kagenreich are such interesting ideas but it can feel weird that much of the climax is emotional conflicts made manifest. Viviana's is the most obvious. The constant doors to possible new lives culminating in her real one. She comes to let go of the past and stand for herself which is nice. It's also nice that it was Margaret's light that helped her fight back the darkness. An exquisite call-back to the Radiant Knight.
Ebenholz helped to paint a very unique lesson in my opinion. That suffering doesn't NEED meaning. Even after promising Kreide that he'd live and fight fate, he's still plagued by headaches and Witch King Remnants. The revelation that whatever was in his head, the Voice of Mundane, was just a mundane voice upends many of the things we've (us and Ebenholz) assumed about his life. That his suffering was tied to the Witch King and that his conflict would culminate in a big fight against the man whose shadow terrorized him. Instead they have a heart to heart and the Witch King challenges him to look back on his life and realize that "the night itself is meaningless." It is totally fine to have a terrible thing just be a terrible thing and moving on doesn't have to involve a great trials to overcome, sometimes your enemies kill themselves and you just walk away.
Arturia is the most interesting but I'm afraid I can't do her full arc justice. In contrast to his accommodating spin with Ebenholz, the Witch King challenges Arturia at every turn, questioning her motive and why she wants what she does. It comes to a head when he forcefully dives into her and sees that there is only one thing that stirred her own emotions. Everything else is a mirror of someone else. He ultimately gives her the answer she's looking for and the natural doubt that comes when the answer she found didn't meet her expectations. But her bouncing back as chaos descended was beautiful and I might reread this and Hortus just to really grasp her character.
Cora and Brandt, Hildegard and Lisellote (no idea how to, spell the Kaserinnen's surnames), Michel, Lessing, and the Liches. All sorts of stories come to a close as new beginnings emerge. And the most troublesome of them is definitely the makings of the newest source of conflict: the Disaster, the encroaching of chaos upon reality and the return of the supposed Creator.
It's quite likely that that may be the angle of the next major story arc, especially with the role Nearl's light played and the fact that Laterano is trying so hard to unite the nations.
This event was great and I recommend it. Not sure if I have any major notes or ideas to share but I really liked it.
One last thing: seems people are kinda wary of Lisellote, the Eternal Grace. I love it when the supposedly fluffier one has the greater potential of evil
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monstersinthecosmos · 5 months
Okay I don’t want this to be like an obnoxious millennial assumption because I’m positive that every generation has things like this, but the way autism and ADHD was treated for us in the 90’s and how it affects adult diagnoses is like, imo, so integral to our coming of age and the stories we tell and the way we’ve gotten to know ourselves, even the way it relates to our job market and economy and how we operate inside it, and especially the way a pandemic uncovered it for so many people and exposed the cracks and revealed that we were all just barely functioning and held together with popsicle sticks and anyway
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I say that because maybe it’s the un-diagnosed 90’s child in me but I feel particularly emotional about Keith’s arc in learning that he’s part Galra, and the way even the creators said they made him sort of prickly because of his biology, and I just !! Think so much about Keith’s neurotype as a part Galra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cause something about being diagnosed later in life is like, looking back at all the other ways you tried to handle yourself, all the missteps, maybe even misdiagnoses. Like, how many times did you try to treat ANXIETY without realizing you didn’t have an anxiety disorder, you just can’t deal with your family blaring the TV from the next room? How many times were you told you were lazy, or lying, when you didn’t know what executive dysfunction is? 
Keith is such a lovely rich character because his prickliness is EARNED—we know what happened to him, we know he’s traumatized, we know he’s been treated poorly by many people in his life. We know that he grew up thinking that he’d been abandoned by one of the people who should’ve loved him the most, in the whole world. He even questions that in his vlog—he makes the connection that he has trouble with people because of his mom. 
But I just wonder like, how much of it is just his biology. Not understanding the body he’s in, being completely ignorant of one whole half of his culture. Had he ever mutated before the TBP fight? Did it take him by surprise, did it frighten him? ((* This is head canon territory LMAO there’s no way to really know—like, is he able to do this because he just spent so much time with Krolia, or does Shiro going That’s the Keith I remember mean they used to have really primal sex that turned his eyes yellow? Lol)) 
Like when we talk about even the most broad generic terms of saying someone is neurodivergent, we don't even need to put a real life label on Keith. Like he's literally not human! Of course his brain looks different! Of course he functions differently! And I wonder how much is nature v nurture -- if he knew the truth about his mom, if his dad had lived, if he'd been allowed a normal childhood, would he still have been a weird kid?
Cause like, even seeing the way Shiro is able to get through to him, we see ways that he allowed for thrill seeking, and he didn't judge Keith for stealing his car. It reminds me of like, what we know now about asking children to sit still in school, and how perhaps some children would do better with standing desks. Shiro wants him to behave and succeed, and doesn't judge him for being a car thief, and gets through to him by bringing him cliff diving. And it just feels like this clue, you know, that nothing is wrong with Keith, he's just living in a weird place where people don't get him.
It’s just really special to me, because there’s so many pieces in the sequence of events of Keith’s character arc, and I know I’ve said this a handful of times now, but I really sincerely believe it’s the only thing the show really nailed. Accepting himself during the BOM Trial -> MOMENTS later learning something very important about his biology -> spending time with Krolia -> coming back to pilot Black when he’s READY and WANTS to (unlike the first time, when he resisted) -> becoming a pragmatic strong leader by the end.
Gosh idk. 
I don’t really have anywhere to go with this, it’s just something I was thinking about today and it gets me real emotional. Like, Keith must have had these moments, re-evaluating who he’d been before he’d known, finally understanding why he was Like That, and it’s so healing to imagine him accepting his past self and forgiving it because he understands now. 
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sonicreferencephotos · 9 months
Why I Dislike Sonic Speed Simulator
I sometimes see people in the notes of Speed Sim refs saying that maybe they should start playing it/get back into it. I want to ask, for your sakes, that you do not. The only reason I still play it is for this blog. I would love to stop. I keep going so that no one else will have to play to unlock characters for references. I will also be adding a disclaimer to future Speed Sim posts. Maybe this is a bit excessive, but this game is starting to break me.
I understand that some people like the game, and you all control what games you choose to play. In my opinion however, playing Speed Sim is really, really not worth it.
If you want a specific explanation of the problems, you can read it below the cut
Problem 1: Gameplay
The gameplay of SSS is simple, to put it kindly. There are a few different aspects of the game, each of which has only the bare minimum amount to do.
You can run around the world. This lets you collect rings and experience. You can also destroy badniks, which exclusively consists of doing repeated homing attacks until you destroy them. They can technically hit you, but all that does is knock you back.
You can do time trials. Actually somewhat fun. Not much more to say about them.
You can enter races. PvP races which are fine. Fun at first, get boring when you have to grind for race tickets.
You can fight bosses. By "bosses" I of course mean "Eggman" and "Eggman but with more health." It is almost exactly the same fight. You run around breaking shield generators, dodging the same two attacks, and then deal a set amount of damage to him before the shield returns. Repeat. Your prize is spins on (one of) the gacha wheels.
You can complete quests. Actually decent! At least until you run out of quests. Good thing there are daily quests to keep you "entertained" with their repetitive tasks. Also, ignore the fact that the tasks for quests are just engaging with the rest of the mediocre game.
All of the above mechanics grow dull and grind-y very quickly. Soon, every part of the game becomes a chore. The game itself even seems to have realized this, and thus includes an auto-run feature, so you can collect rings and xp without needing to do anything!
I am generally of the opinion that it's a bad sign if a game is un-fun enough it needs to add in the ability to skip the gameplay, but that's just me (that's part of why I stopped playing Star Rail).
Problem 2: Skins
We all know the real reason people play SSS isn't the game itself: it's the cool outfits! 95% of which are only available during limited events and/or by spending actual money. You can also expect to do a lot of boring grinding if you don't spend money. Speaking of spending money...
Problem 3: Microtransactions
Time to talk about the true "heart" of the game: Robux. Now, I will give Speed Sim itself half a pass on this one, as from what I've seen, Roblox as a whole has what I would consider an unsavory emphasis on microtransactions, especially for a game with a playerbase of 50% children aged 12 or under, and another 15% between 13 and 16 (Statista: Roblox user distribution worldwide 2022, by age group). With that being said though, Sonic Speed Simulator doesn't seem to have any qualms about asking for money wherever they can.
I could make a whole other post about all the ways this game offers for you to spend money. You want more spins on the gacha wheels? Spend money! You want to get three gacha eggs for the price of one (certain vending machines only)? Spend money! You want to skip the animation you have to watch every time you buy an egg from said gacha machines? Spend money! You want to do less grinding for xp/race tickets/event objectives/candy/whatever? Money, money, money!!!
The game has a lot of the trademark warning signs for a cash grab gacha game:
Several different kinds of currency, most or all of which can be purchased with premium currency
Many different skins to unlock, using the assorted currencies mentioned above (including ones that are specifically only purchasable with premium currency)
Gacha wheels. Many, many gacha wheels. (Not counting the dozens of vending machines, I can think of at least four)
Grindy gameplay that can largely be skipped by spending money
Again, if a game is un-fun enough to have an option for players to spend real money to skip the gameplay, that's a bad sign.
Problem 4: Crunch
I haven't done much looking into it myself, but I've seen many people say that GameFam (the company that creates Speed Sim) treats its employees very poorly. The game advertises its weekly updates, which requires a lot of crunch in order to get content out quickly. This is obviously bad for the people involved, and also has negative effects on the game.
Many features are clearly rushed, and there's a general lack of polish. From glitching through the map, to races starting several seconds before or after the countdown ends, to untextured models, to many small bugs, it's clear that the developers are not given enough time to clean things up before they have to move on to the next week's content.
Thank you to anyone who actually read this far. This was a long post, but I wanted to be thorough in my explanation. This is probably the last dedicated post I will make about this, since this is really not what this account is for, but I still think it's an important one.
You are welcome to ask questions about any of this — preferably in the replies so as not to clutter the sonicreferencephotos feed — but otherwise the disclaimers are all I'll be saying on the topic for the foreseeable future. Take care of yourselves.
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merakiui · 11 months
hi mera! ive been ff you for almost a year now and i love love the way you write 💕 youre my favorite here in this app! thank you for always giving us food esp genshin/twisted wonderland
ive been loving lyney for awhile now and he blessed my pulls, i got his c1 and weapon 💕 can i ask if you have some lyney spicy or fluff hcs you can share with us
also can i be your 🌷 anon? thank you!!
AAAA THANK YOU, DEAR 🌷 ANON!!!!! ♡( ◡‿◡ ) I'm happy you can enjoy my writing. Thank you for following me and liking the food I cook!!! Aaaa Lyney!!!! I lost the 50/50 and so he didn’t come home to me (D: a very sad time), but I’ve taken many pictures of him during the recent event because he’s one of the trial characters!! I love him a lot. 🫶 behold, my lovely low quality Lyneys hehe!!! :D
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With Lyney being a rizz magician, imagine he makes a deck of cards specifically for sex. Each card has something you'll do, whether a position or an outfit you or him will wear or a scenario you may act out, and he has you pick from the cards in his hands. >:) whatever you choose, you must do (of course, the contents of the cards have been thoroughly discussed and agreed upon by the both of you in advance).
Unless if it's unwilling and you're the captive darling his father has so benevolently bestowed upon him, then Lyney's putting a dozen breeding cards in the deck so your odds of choosing one improve. <3 he wants to make the non-con fun so you won't cry or struggle as much as you did before. :)
As usual, there are also thoughts of step-brother Lyney!!! Or maybe gross stalker Lyney who gropes you on the train during your morning commute. orz college au in which Lyney is a popular escort by night who uses a pseudonym and everything; but then you pay for his services for one night and the both of you soon realize you're classmates who attend the same university. ;;; despite that, he still gives you the best night of your life, though. <3
Arlecchino meddling in Lyney's love life... she just wants to ensure he's happy, and since he will be her successor it's only fair he deserves all the things that make him happy. That includes you, the sweet thing he's fallen for but is much too humble to admit to Arlecchino that he's obsessed with you.
Omegaverse.......... orz orz orz something tells me Lyney would be a really bratty omega, but then I also like alpha Lyney who doesn't seem like an alpha until he's in rut or until you're in heat and just beginning to realize he's always smelled like an alpha... aaaa many thoughts.
Also,,,, prison sex with Lyney. :) figuring out where Childe has gone can wait; first he has to rail you in a secluded corner hehe.
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ananke-xiii · 8 months
My ranking of SPN seasons (based only on their PLOT) pt. 4 [final]
Here, here and here I've covered from ranking #15 to #4 so let's see which seasons will be on the podium!
3. Season 8: This season really gave me life, it's absolutely one of the best. Plot-wise, I ADORED the introduction of the tablets and the Trials, whoever came up with this idea was pure genius. So Basically our heroes have to deal with the aftermath of the events in season 7: Dean has spent 1 year fighting monsters in Purgatory while Sam run away from his responsibilities and has found shelter in the arms of a woman. Cas seems nowhere to be found. The character who moves the plot forward is my beloved Crowley: while Dean was feeling pure in Purgatory with this vampire boyfriend (ihih), and Sam was guitl-trapped into adopting a dog (seriuosly? biggest red flag ever), our King of Hell was busy carrying the show on his shoulders. He kidnaps Kevin and orders him to translate the demon tablet. Since he's not stupid, he quickly understands that 1 leviathan table + 1 demon tablet = 1 angel tablet. Consequently, his quest for the latter begins. After 1 year of hedonism, our heroes realize that they had left poor Kevin behind while an astonished Castiel comes out of nowhere. The plot gets interesting. We find out that the demon tablet contains information on how to close the Gates of Hell. Comedy of error ensues since literally everybody thinks that the angle tablet would contain the same info as the demon tablet (really, guys? The ONLY smart person in the room about this was DEAN, as per usual). So what's written on the angel tablet? Surprise! We don't really know 'cause poor Kevin spent 6 effing months trying to translate half of the demon tablet so there's now way to know now! Cas makes the usual stupid choice and gets played by Metatron: he will undergo the Three Trials to close the Gates of Heaven. Meanwhile poor Sam undergoes the Trials to close the Gates of Hell. Eventually, Dean convinces him to stop the last trial otherwise he will die and poor Dean cannot live without his baby brother (same goes for little jealous Sam who, while literally dying, finds time to tell Dean that he feels left behind because Dean seems to love his Purgatory vampire and his trenchoated angel more than him (codependecy level: atomic)). Metatron fools everyone and cast a spell to make all angels fall. BOOM, season finale is EPIC. I really really enjoyed this season, it was so rich and full of turns of events but everything was coherent and engaging. What I didn't like is brainwashing Cas via Naomi. Plot-wise, it was unnecessary since Naomi literally reveals her original plan to Dean after episode 17 so, what was the point? Sure it gave us the memorable crypt scene and for it I am forever grateful. But in terms of plot, meh. It was weak. Also, it looks a lot like what happened with Godstiel in season 6 AND weird Cas in season 7 (poor Cas knows no peace of mind, literally).Once again Cas as a character is not fully in control and makes shitty decisions for reasons unknown? Mmmmh, me not likey.
2. Season 4: This season was explosive, I fucking loved it! First of all, as I've already said, I like when there's sort of a deadline in the plot and here we have a big one: Lilith is on her course to open the 66 seals that will free Lucifer from his cage. Problem is: nobody knows which ones she will choose since there are like 600 of them. Sam and Dean try to prevent the opening of the seals but things get complicated when the Angels enter the arena: they certainly look more like enemies rather than allies and for sure cause a lot of problems more than provide solutions. Previosly on Supernatural, Dean was rescued by Castiel from Hell (what an epic entrance, Cas!!!) after having spent 30 human years torturing and being tortured by demons, yay! Sam is now addicted to demon blood and nobody is pleased about it so our heroes have plenty on their plate. Plot-wise, this season was everything, it was a rollercoaster of turns of events, allies that become enemies, enemies become allies but wait no! they've been enemies all along! Castiel inadvertently changes the course of the story and creates real free will, Supernatural goes fully meta with the introduction of the Supernatural books by Chuck Shurley, angels are showed as scary, powerful creatures rather than comforting, merciful, ethereal beings ("Read the bible" LOL)... Man, what a fucking epic season! It felt serious but also carefree? It seems weird to say that but later on SPN gets increasingly tragic in tone so I'm very pleased with season 4 because it managed to balance everything out but with a lighter twist.
Season 11: while I was writing this, I was not sure which season would be number 1 but here I am, once again, in love with the plot of season 11. What can I say? "I'm a lover, not a fighter". So, the plot: the Winchester Bros Codependency Inc. has reached catastrophic levels: they are the ones to be thanked for the release of The Darkness into the world. The first interesting thing is that, for the first time ever, nobody really seems to know what to do. Thank God, there's the King of Hell (LOL) who promptly seizes the opportunity to take Amara and raise her hoping this would turn the events in his favours. However, he's unable to control her and soon Amara escapes wreacking havoc in the world. Not knowing what to do, Castiel decides to find Metatron, while Sam decides to go back into the Cage because he believes that Lucifer might be key to fighting Amara. Chaos ensues. Metatron doesn't really know shit, Lucifer same but he manages to escape via Castiel!vessel and we get Casifer (it was insane, I loved every minute of it!), the world is in shambles. A deus ex machina is needed: God/Chuck enters the chat. From here on, it all gets very philosophical and maybe that's why I frigging love this season. So, remember the Winchester Bros Codependency Inc.? Well, turns out Amara and God suffers from the same syndrome. They manage to (momentarily) find their balance while Dean (who had a bond with Amara because they both shared the Mark of Cain or whatever) decides to go to battle alone to convince Amara to stop or, if not possible, to die trying to save the world. And Sam Winchester is finally okay with this! Wow, progress, yes, right??? All ends so well that Amara gifts Dean with his friggin' mother who was dead 30+ years ago! Happy ending, much? LOL. I liked the simplicity of the plot, it's all very progressive, the pacing is slow but never boring, all characters still continue to make stupid choices but ultimately these don't bite them in the ass and they use them to grow... I don't know, I really enjoyed season 11. The only "negative" thing is that I wish the writers made Dean tell Cas something more meaningful than "you're our brother". Tons of metas have been written about it and yeah, I know, I know. Still, this season was all about "following the heart" so I'd have appreciated more honesty about this topic but hey, we all know how it ended so #nosurprise.
Okay, I'm done here! What do YOU think? Do you agree with my ranking? I'm curious, let me know!
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silversiren1101 · 4 months
Hello! Would like to know your thoughts on Regill's personality. Do you think he has high self-esteem? (Used a translator, sorry!)
Hello Anon! Thank you for the question - I love to talk about Regill <3
Do I think Regill has high self-esteem? I do! But in a way I think is different from what those words usually imply.
Regill would be the first to argue that he has no ego, and that he only operates on the most logical and correct course of action rather than one driven by his pride as a commander. His dialogue when he says that "Regill Derenge is the first on his list" when it comes to scrutiny and that he strives to be an emotionless construct conveys what he thinks about himself... but what he thinks is wrong. He is incorrect in his assessments about himself, because trusting so much in your judgement and saying that it is the most logical and correct means that he thinks very, very highly of his reasoning and capabilities, and thus himself.
He might argue it is because he is so experienced and has lived through so many encounters and seen them first hand that he trusts himself so much, but there is more to it than that. There are some instances in the game where he questions his judgement and accepts he was wrong, and to me that suggests a high level of self-esteem. It's usually sensitive and low self-esteem people that get offended and defensive when proven wrong, as they see it as an attack on their character, capabilities, and worth. Regill does not get defensive in these situations. He is willing to accept new information and change his reasoning and opinions based on this information, suggesting he is confident in himself as a person and leader. He is willing to extend a hand in cooperation with people he dislikes and has disagreements with, and is more than willing to share his counsel and give advice (Sosiel, Seelah, Lann, etc) just as he is willing to accept critique and act upon it (Lann). This is not how someone with low self-esteem would act.
However, I would also say that he is not egotistical. He has an ego and he has pride, but he is not egotistical as he is not self-serving or conceited. His ego and pride go toward whatever cause he has devoted himself to, whether that be the grander cause of the Hellknights or something more immediate and "right now". An egotistical man would not sacrifice his entire life's career and reputation for the sake of someone else's success (his Act 5 quest and trial), but also, a man with no ego and no self-esteem would not consider the sacrifice of his career and reputation enough to make the Knight Commander beyond reproach. He strikes me as a man that very much knows his worth and is assured in it, yet also consciously views it as yet another tool to leverage. He is proud of his capabilities and successes not for personal reasons, but because he is proud to serve and advance his causes. If he is a cog in a machine, he is happy to be one of the central-most ones, as it means the machine runs better and more efficiently as a whole unit.
His personality is a complicated one and a simple one at the same time. I personally describe him as someone that feels very deeply, but has little to zero emotional intelligence. Someone that does not care passionately about order would not become a Hellknight, much less one so wildly successful as to reach the rank of Paralictor. He does not hesitate to proclaim himself a being of order and reason, and condemns actions driven by emotion, and yet most of his own actions are very much that: emotional. He just doesn't realize it, or, abjectly refuses to acknowledge it. He leaps to conclusions and makes bold calls to action immediately when events challenge his worldview or cause, often to an extreme degree. He cares deeply, very deeply, and feels things very strongly, but because of what he wants to be (an emotionless construct) and what he values, he has not developed an emotional intelligence and refuses to do so.
Someone that does not care would not offer to take in that Sarenite order with the words "No longer will you feel like helpless prey in the talons of a hawk." Someone that does not care would not have a hidden flag that gives you bonuses to your trust score with him the nicer you have been to Yaker, even challenging Regill himself when he goes too hard on the lad. Someone that does not care would not sacrifice his career and reputation for the sake of the Knight Commander's victory. Someone that does not care would not be willing to give Sosiel and Seelah combat advice (and compliments! which he does in various camp banter!) and work with them to build a more cohesive unit. And someone that does not care would not offer Greybor a referral to the Order of the Scar, the most respected and smallest of the Hellknight Orders.
I could go on, but I think I've conveyed enough :) Hopefully the translator is able to work with this!
Regill is prideful and arrogant (at times), but not egotistical. He is rather selfless, and his pride does not stop him from cooperating with people at odds with his beliefs. He feels deeply and is very passionate about what he believes in, but not emotionally intelligent enough to be fully conscious of how hypocritical he is. He is very hypocritical, and I love that about him <3
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hermit-frog · 3 months
Hey its not on you because the trial would have happened with or without lestat.
It's not on you because the coven wanted revenge not lestat
Lestat did not contact the coven did not orchestrate the trial
You think he wanted claudia killed or louis to suffer and also possibly killed at the trial then why mourn afterwards? Sociopaths don't close themselves off from the world living in a shack for years mourning the ones they loved and lost. During the trial he looked like he didn't wanna be there and afterwards he was a shell of himself.
Lestat was ashamed the trial went the way it did because his plan was not just to save louis,which he did, but claudia too.
That's why he didn't tell louis I saved you not armand because it's too little too late and he knows it.
He's in the tower where he was tortured because he feels tortured by guilt for claudia. Too little too late yes but to insinuate he is this complete villain who does not love deeply to the point of destruction who cannot be anything but a one dimensional interpretation is a gross mishandling of anne rices work.
People can empathize with the worst of them within the anne rice universe, so they can definitely root for what ultimately is the protagonist of the series.
Also interview with the vampire was meant to present lestat in the worst light possible, but like all actors and writers and showrunners have been saying this is not the real version of the character.
Season 3 will show us who this character truly is.
i will start this by pointing out (what i thought was obvious) that my post is just me basically shaking my bestie Louis back to his senses. i think we all had/have someone like Louis in our life (when it comes to abusive relationships). that feeling of hopelessness when you try to help them without prevail is very frustrating, to the point you want to crawl the walls. the fact that when Louis learns about Armand's involvement, he also realizes that Lestat knew, and yet he still gave Louis to Armand, not saying a word (out of pettiness and different layers of punishment), ...and nevertheless Louis goes straight to Lestat to make amends. kill me, please someone. i'm accepting this scene for Louis and Louis only (even tho this line makes me wanna bash my head against the wall), if he wanted to leave it all behind and go further then so be it😘 but Lestat did not deserve any of that
i am once again repeating myself, my problem with this line is the certain crowd's reaction, plus, how Dre had pointed out (in the the reunion part), the tone of the scene. if you got at least one working brain cell, you will understand that this scene is all about Louis, and who he is, how he reacts, how he acts. it's his closure, him moving forward. still don't like the vibe of that scene
its not on you because the trial would have happened with or without lestat. It's not on you because the coven wanted revenge not lestat Lestat did not contact the coven did not orchestrate the trial
and where have i said that? did you even read my post? or was it the 1st line that had sent you straight into my ask box? deadass had to reread my own post lol
Lestat's internal guilt regarding Claudia might come from the fact that it was an indirect kill, by making them flee from his abuse. consequences of his actions. if you had actually read my post, maybe you'd understand the chain reaction i was talking about. that's why my heart bleeds for Louis when he says “it's not on you”. yes, Louis did bring Claudia home, yes he took part in the damage, but it was Lestat's direct actions that had pushed the events. even if they were a happy family, sooner or later she'd want to probably travel, maybe, okay, sure. but there's no if, this is what we got. happiness is unachievable with Lestat.
you know, whenever i start thinking about Lestat, digging deeper and, potentially, finding him interesting, y'all ruin everything. the worst part about Lestat, as a character, are his “fans”. i can't even call you his fans because the way you talk about him, that's not Lestat. you think i log in to tumblr dot com to shame people for liking Lestat? i'm an Armand enjoyer for fuck's sake. why do you want to make Lestat so dull and one dimensional?
You think he wanted claudia killed or louis to suffer and also possibly killed at the trial then why mourn afterwards? Sociopaths don't close themselves off from the world living in a shack for years mourning the ones they loved and lost. During the trial he looked like he didn't wanna be there and afterwards he was a shell of himself.
again, where have i said he did want them to die on the trial? y'all will make shit up not only about Lestat, but also about other people's posts. truly fascinating. sociopaths? girl, that's a vampire. of course Lestat didn't want to be there, he didn't look presentable enough(((
was Lestat actually mourning Claudia as an individual apart from himself? did he mourn what she could've become? did he mourn Claudia's, lost at the last second, happiness? was Lestat mourning her when he gave Louis to one of Claudia's murderers, who not only had directed the trial, but also suggested that an extremely intimate part of herself would be passed among strangers as an act of violation, humiliation, and disrespect? or was he mourning himself?
Claudia was my dark child, my love, evil of my evil. Claudia broke my heart. And on a warm sultry night in the spring of the year 1860, she rose up to settle the score. She enticed me, she trapped me, and she plunged a knife over and over again into my drugged and poisoned body, until almost every drop of the vampiric blood gushed out of me before my wounds had the precious few seconds in which to heal. I don't blame her. It was the sort of thing I might have done myself. And those delirious moments will never be forgotten by me, never consigned to some unexplored compartment of the mind. It was her cunning and her will that laid me low as surely as the blade that slashed my throat and divided my heart. I will think on those moments every night for as long as I go on, and of the chasm that opened under me, the plunge into mortal death that was nearly mine. Claudia gave me that. Only Claudia had been the exception-my intrepid little Claudia, companion hunter and slayer of random victims- vampire par excellence. And it had been her alluring strength which caused her ultimately to turn upon her maker. Yes, she had been the only one who had been like me really-as they say in this day and age. And that might have been the reason that she was haunting me now. Surely there was some connection to my love of David! And I had failed to see it before. How I loved him; and how deep had been the emptiness when Claudia turned against me, and was my companion no more.
this compels me more, amazing how he connects this to David, but let's not go there:
I was trembling. I was weeping. To be human, I thought. To be human again. I think I said the words aloud. Then a sudden whispered laugh startled me. It was a child somewhere in the darkness, a little girl. I turned around. I was almost certain I could see her-a small gray form darting up the far aisle towards a side altar, and then out of sight. Her footsteps had been barely audible. But surely this was some mistake. No scent. No real presence. Just illusion. Nevertheless I cried out: “Claudia!” And my voice came tumbling back to me in a harsh echo. No one there, of course. I thought of David: “You're going to make another ghastly mistake!” (...) I thought again of her execution-the brick-walled air well, the approaching sun, how small she had been; and then the remembered pain of the Gobi Desert mingled with it and I couldn't bear it any longer. I realized I had folded my arms around my chest, and was trembling, my body rigid, as though being tormented with an electric shock. Ah, but surely she hadn't suffered. Surely it had been instantaneous for one so tender and little. Ashes to ashes...
y'all say how proud Lestat was of Claudia. was he proud when she had escaped, grown, learned, and came back home more independent and mature? was he proud of her books? that she fought and worked out her trauma? was he proud when she became smarter apart from his lessons? was he proud of her relationship with Louis? was he proud when she was learning and growing independently of him? was he proud that she had found love? when she broke the cycle and made her situation work? or was he proud that she had a resemblance to him? that she could and dared to defy him. that she played his game. that she got “stronger” because of him, of what he had done to her, of what he had done to Louis as she has to witness? what was it, a raging narcissist?
i hope that the writers push Ghost Claudia in every single episode, how they did with Lestat in s2. and since you care about her relationship with Lestat so much, i'm sure you will love it. + many, many flashbacks. you know what, double that, why don't we get two Ghost Claudias? from Lestat and Louis. every single episode, especially during loustat scenes. Ghost Claudia criticizing Louis' choices regarding Lestat (ridiculing the french), also representing Louis' guilt. Lestat's Ghost Claudia can point out all of his insecurities, let him project). wait, why don't we also get Armand's Ghost Claudia, i need to see her dragging his pathetic ass (but unfortunately he dgaf about her to be haunted, he was in the books but only because of his experementations. still mourning evil Armand🤞)
Lestat was ashamed the trial went the way it did because his plan was not just to save louis, which he did, but claudia too.
Lestat was trying to save Claudia? When? He didn't even apologize to her. Lestat went off script so many times, had the energy to teleport, and yet... crickets when it came to Claudia. where was his “enthusiasm”? She was right there when he was apologizing to Louis. Lestat knew what was coming, but he didn't even try. Just stood there and watched. yeah, sure, he felt it emotionally, oh boo boo(((, and as her maker. but he didn't try.
That's why he didn't tell louis I saved you not armand because it's too little too late and he knows it.
to say it was a very serious information to withhold is an understatement. Lestat gives!!! Louis to Armand (the big bad), like he's a freaking sack of potatoes. Lestat doesn't even questions his ownership over Louis, amazing. enjoy him, as he looks at Armand... I knew you'd figure it out, yeah, fuck that. classic.
He's in the tower where he was tortured because he feels tortured by guilt for claudia. Too little too late yes but to insinuate he is this complete villain who does not love deeply to the point of destruction who cannot be anything but a one dimensional interpretation is a gross mishandling of anne rices work.
yeah, and water is wet. already spoke about him mourning himself, i mean Claudia ops lol, above, nothing to add. who the hell is saying that he's the complete villain? are you watching marvel? y'all are the ones who try to paint him as a hero, which, ironically, makes him hella boring. “gross mishandling of anne rices work” please say sike, please.
Also interview with the vampire was meant to present lestat in the worst light possible, but like all actors and writers and showrunners have been saying this is not the real version of the character.
yeah, i can already hear Sam knocking on my door (i have only seen Sam to repeat that like mantra tbh, but then again i don't read/watch everything). you know, Lestat is terrible even in his own pov, so i can't even imagine the reality of that man lol
i am once again asking you guys this, when was the last time you have re-read tvl and the following books? Because he's just as abusive and insufferable, even from his own point of view (take a shot every time Lestat hits someone. not to mention his other “questionable” behavior)
you won't read any of this shit, anyway, peace and love ✌😉
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Title: Violent Delight Fandom: Baldur’s Gate 3 Rating: M Status: One-Shot Characters: Naia (F!Tav), Araj Oblodra Ships:Naia/Araj Additional Notes: Belligerent Sexual Tension, Blood, Background Naia/Shadowheart, Flirting but in an Evil Scientist way Word Count: 2.7k Summary: Araj makes a proposition. Against her better judgment, Naia accepts.
read below or here on ao3
It’s unnerving, how easily Naia can move through Moonrise Towers. Convenient, yes, of course- but unnerving, all the same.
She clutches her bag closely to her side, putting her utmost effort into appearing cool and confident as she sweeps out of Balthazar’s rooms, still half-expecting to be caught and questioned at any moment. The guards watch the gray-skinned tiefling as she goes, but it is with little interest; she has been verified as a True Soul. In their eyes, she belongs here.
The belief, she admits, is not even a particularly misguided one. Balthazar did send her here, did put her on the lead to understanding more of his research, and it would be a lie to claim that his teachings on the deeper levels of necromancy were received without a small, begrudging amount of admiration. That admiration gnaws at Naia’s stomach with an echo of guilt…but it does make it easier for her to play the part of a willing student in Ketheric’s loyal army.
Naia descends the long staircase and makes it halfway through the entrance hall without incident, and the tension within her begins to ease. It was wise to come here alone, she knows this. Ketheric’s guards may not prove so amenable to a large group attempting to navigate the fortress’s upper levels, but she is quick and capable enough on her own. And this way, she does not have to worry about her companions’ eyes upon her as she studiously unravels the undeniably impressive magic woven by Moonrise’s necromancer.
Yet she is also anxious to be done with this place and return to her friends waiting just outside the gates. Mostly, she is anxious to return to Shadowheart, who has sequestered herself within the locked rooms of Shar’s Gauntlet so as to better focus on her trials. This solitude is just one of many worrying tendencies Shadowheart has indulged in as of late, and Naia can only hope-
“You there.”
Naia winces at the voice, but it is too late to duck and run. With no small amount of reluctance, she turns to greet the drow woman sauntering across the hall with a self-satisfied smirk on her lips.
A look of such smugness upon the face of Araj Oblodra cannot be a good sign. Unfortunately, Naia dares not risk ignoring her outright; the drow is the only one in Moonrise who seems to realize Naia’s true loyalties. As of yet, she has not cared enough to announce this to anyone else, but recent events have left things tense between them, and her good grace is surely wearing thin.
Those same events have also thinned Naia’s patience, and despite her resolve to remain diplomatic, her voice is curt as Araj draws near. “If you’re here to ask me about Astarion again, the answer is still no.”
The woman’s red eyes flash with petulant anger, but her pointed smirk remains in place. “How adorably stubborn of you. But regarding my intentions, you are wrong- a feeling which I’m certain you are quite familiar with.”
Naia has no interest in granting this woman the benefit of doubt. “As I told you before,” she hisses, stepping closer so as to shield their conversation from passing soldiers, “he is not inclined to speak with you, let alone do anything else with you. A feeling which I’m certain you are quite familiar with.”
Araj tilts her head, that look finally slipping from her face. “Such a clever little tongue,” she says, a hint of dark amusement still lurking under her tone. “A pity it’s wasted on a creature with no spine.”
“If you’re not here to say anything useful-”
“I speak the truth,” Araj snaps, cutting through Naia’s words. “I’m not here for him. I’m here for you.”
The resulting look on Naia’s face must betray her emotions, for Araj releases a sharply delighted laugh. “Not for that, my darling. Some may find your demon’s nature enticing, but I am a lady of more acquired taste. What I require from you is for a purely scientific purpose, I assure you.”
Naia crosses her arms, her tail swishing angrily against the stone floor behind her. “You still haven’t told me what you actually want.”
“Is it not obvious, for a specimen such as yourself?” Araj asks, cloyingly sweet yet still somehow dripping condescension. “I am a sanguine alchemist. I want your blood.”
Naia stiffens, arms tightening around herself. “No.”
Her quick response earns a scoff from Araj. “You remain too easily offended. This is as much for your benefit as mine. Allow me to draw a sampling of your blood, and I shall distill a portion of it into a potion, which you may have and use however you see fit. A trade more than fair, considering I shall be doing all the work. All you have to do is bleed.”
The answer should, once again, be a quick and decisive no. Yet against her better judgment, Naia asks, “What will the potion do?”
Araj’s entire demeanor seems to brighten, her eyes sparkling at Naia’s reluctant interest. “I don’t know. Each one I make is unique, attuned to the blood of its source. And you…you are more unique than most, True Soul. Are you not curious as to what may come of it?” She licks at her lips; her gaze sharpens into something hungry. “I am.”
If only an honest denial could be made. But Naia is curious by nature, and her attentions are often most caught with subjects that others consider best left alone. The pages upon pages of necromancy research stowed away in her bag right now are testament enough to that fact.
Araj waits through Naia’s internal arguments, but finally rolls her eyes and gives an impatient toss of her hair. “Don’t give me that sour face, darling. It will only take but a moment of your time.”
“Fine,” Naia relents. These potions may be useful; if she observes carefully, she may even be able to reverse-engineer Araj’s formula and process. It is, overall, a pragmatic decision.
Araj lifts her chin in triumph, and Naia is quick to add, “But take one drop more than necessary and I shall rot the flesh from your bones.”
The answering laughter from Araj is almost fond. She turns on her heel and waves for Naia to follow as she sets off to her makeshift laboratory. Naia obliges, and she is relieved to see that the space is empty; if she’s going to do this, she’d rather do it without the Moonrise guards hanging over her head.
Once in the lab, Araj’s bearing shifts, if only slightly. She makes her way to a corner of the room and begins clearing her books and scrolls, her movements sharp and focused. Soon enough, she has assembled a collection of glass vials and alchemical ingredients, some of which even Naia cannot name. Each action she takes in this process is precise and intentional; her fingers are deft as she arranges the glass-encased chemicals, her eyes vibrant as she assembles the space exactly to her liking with gleeful anticipation.
Loathe as Naia is to admit it- and oh, she is loathe to admit it- there is something about the woman that makes her just as intriguing as she is infuriating. Such devotion to her craft can only be admired, and few others can claim to have reached her level of passion for this type of science. While her methods are hardly standard…well, Naia is once more reminded of the research in her bag, and the spells inscribed in her own grimoire. She is hardly one to judge.
Hells, Naia’s begrudging interest is perhaps a signal of danger all on its own. Gods know that her own tastes have always had a tendency towards the ill-advised.
Araj finally steps back from the table, apparently satisfied with its arrangement. She pulls a chair forward and looks to Naia, blood-red eyes gleaming. She must be proud of those eyes, seeing as how she decorates the skin around them with identical red shimmer, emphasizing the striking color. Araj’s smirk sharpens as she catches Naia’s watching gaze, and she waves a hand over the chair in exaggerated welcome.
“Please, darling- make yourself comfortable.”
That won’t be happening, so Naia settles for dropping herself stiffly in the offered seat. Araj circles her finger through the air in a get on with it motion, and with a deep breath through gritted teeth, Naia rolls up the sleeve of her robe and presents her bared arm.
This is the part she is looking forward to the least- but when Araj’s hands make contact, it’s not as bad as she was expecting. In fact, there’s something oddly comforting in the detached professionalism of the drow’s touch, in the precise press of her fingers as she searches for a vein. Her fingers are cold, and as she trails them down Naia’s arm, she leaves goosebumps in her wake.
Araj is silent as she locates her desired point of study, even as she picks up the scalpel and vial. It’s only when she presses the sharp blade into Naia’s skin that she releases a small sigh of contentment.
Naia herself barely reacts to the cut; this pinprick is nothing compared to other injuries she’s received these last few weeks. Her muscles barely quiver at all as she watches Araj stare at the trickling blood, bright red against pale ashen skin.
“I wasn’t sure you’d have any to give at all,” Araj murmurs as the blood slowly collects into the vial, which she keeps in place with a summoned Mage Hand. “You look half a corpse already.”
“With your proficiency for astounding scientific observations, you might have noticed I am a necromancer.”
“That’s hardly an excuse, darling. I know Balthazar considers himself a genius, but you needn’t go following his example. You’ll decay into a boring old husk and lose the pleasure of this.” The scalpel presses just a little harder, and Naia releases a sharp hiss of a gasp- more in irritation than anything else, she insists to herself.
“Isn’t it a beautiful thing?” Araj continues blithely, her voice sinking into that awful, sensual rhythm of hers. “The bite of the pain…the slow drip of the blood…the fragility of the connection as your lifeblood spills for the sake of another’s pleasure…have you truly never been tempted by the idea?”
“Hard as it may be for you to believe,” Naia bites out, “vampirism has never appealed to me.”
Araj’s dreamy expression shifts into a pout. “No…of course not. That’s not quite your type, is it? But what about that Sharran that used to cling to you? Does she not spill blood for her goddess? Is her devotion so different from my desire?” As she speaks, she studies Naia’s reaction, a single eyebrow raised as a taunting lilt enters her tone. “Where is she now, by the way?”
The mention of Shadowheart does more to affect Naia than Araj’s little blade ever could…but she’ll be damned if she lets Araj see that. “Nowhere that is any of your business.”
Araj sighs, a taunting, pitying sound. “Nor yours, I should think. Those Sharrans always did guard their shrine so jealously. Is that why you’re here alone? Has she gone and locked herself away from you, to better offer herself up to something grander?”
“Do you remember when I threatened to rot the flesh from your bones?” Magic flares in time with Naia's anger, and the air around them grows colder. But Araj hardly seems intimidated; in fact, she chuckles.
“How could I forget?” Her lips curl upwards in amusement at Naia’s answering silence. “Let the Sharrans have their hiding hole, I say. Their dark lady will never deliver on her promises, no matter how much they bleed on her behalf. That is where the gods and I differ. I could show you something truly worth your pain.”
Cold fingers curl over Naia’s arm, and Naia wants both to pull away from the touch and lean in closer. It’s a foolish notion, and more than that it is petty…but Naia must admit, not all of the anger she carries today is pointed towards Araj. Something in her chest does ache at the way Shadowheart has closed herself off in the walls and shadows of that temple.
So when she should withdraw and snap once more at Araj to back off, Naia instead locks her dark eyes on the drow’s face and allows herself to lean the smallest bit forward. “And just what does that mean, blood-witch?”
“Are you interested in finding out, necromancer?”
“…I might be.”
Araj hums, and she shifts ever closer to Naia. Her tongue darts out to lick at her lips, and her fingernails dig just a little deeper into Naia’s arm. Where once she’d been standing above the tiefling as she drew her blood, she’s now practically in her lap, and her leg slides slowly against the skirt of Naia’s robes.
“Isn’t that adorable…” Araj breathes. “All your bluster, and you wish to be the one at my mercy? Are you imagining my teeth at your neck, your blood on my lips?”
Naia wasn’t. But Gods, she is now.
She swears Araj must be able to read her mind, because her eyes gleam even more viciously. Those eyes roam over Naia’s body, taking her in with an air of greed. Silver hair has fallen from where it was tucked behind her ear, and Naia is struck with the inane urge to brush it from her face- yet she also finds herself frozen in place, unable to move even as Araj presses herself closer. Naia’s stomach twists in a heated combination of anxiety and anticipation.
And then Araj pulls away, twisting a stopper onto the vial which Naia had all but forgotten about. “Done.”
A shaky breath escapes Naia’s lips; blood trickles down her arm from the cut left unattended. Araj stows away the small glass vial and returns to Naia’s side in a flash; her thumb traces over the cut, and with a small surge of unexpected healing magic the skin stitches itself back together. The blood remains, and Araj’s touch is not quite gentle as she smears it with her thumb and runs her hand down Naia’s arm, leaving red fingerprints down to Naia’s wrist.
“You were a perfect specimen, darling. What a shame it is, then, that I prefer to be the one bitten,” Araj muses as she lifts Naia’s wrist to her mouth. Her lips press a kiss against Naia’s thudding pulse; her teeth graze and tease at the skin, but nothing more, and then she’s pulling away again with a violently victorious edge to her voice as she whispers, “Were I so inclined, I’m certain you would be delicious.”
She then turns back to her assembly of vials, and her professional demeanor settles into place even as Naia is left half-frozen in the chair. The tiefling swallows and shakes her head, and finally regains enough composure to ask, “What about…”
“Your potion?” Araj responds innocently, throwing a smirk over her shoulder. “It will take some time to prepare. You may return for it tomorrow.”
It’s a clear dismissal, one that leaves Naia’s head reeling, as if she’s just lost a round of lanceboard she hadn’t even realized she was playing. But she rises to her feet, ordering her legs not to shake as she does so, forcing herself back to the state of passive distaste she’d held before Araj sunk her scalpel in.
“Tomorrow, then, if you insist on dragging your feet. I would have thought someone who thinks so highly of themselves would be capable of a quicker delivery, but I suppose even that is too much to expect in a place like this.”
It’s a weak barb, but it’s enough to let Naia leave with some small semblance of pride still intact, and to let herself pretend she does not feel Araj’s smug, crimson gaze on her as she goes.
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mxtxfanatic · 6 months
Oh what a fun ask, can I ask 2Ha and Golden Stage for the ask game? Thanks.
Killing me with the double requests 😭 Alright, here we go!
2ha/Husky and His White Cat Shizun
Favorite Character: Mo Ran
Favorite Arc: 2ha is so huge, I kinda wanna mesh a lot of different events together, but if I had to choose one... Mo Ran on trial and the immediate aftermath
Character I Think is Underrated: honestly, there are just so many. Xue Zhengyong, the dad who stepped up, being known only for comedic relief; Madam Wang and all the bullshit she put up with only being seen as a mostly unspeaking extension of her husband, Ye Wangxi with her perseverance only coming attached to Nangong Si... just off the top of my head
Character I Think is Overrated: Shi Mei, because the care and attention that fandom should be paying to all the other cast is usually sucked up by him since fandom loves to pretend like a villain's sob story redeems them....
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Ranwan
Something I Love About the Book: I love a story that fucks with my perception of its reality, and the way 2ha continues to go in circles with character backstories, adding small new details with each retelling until you realize that it was actually a spiral and the things you thought you knew were all false flags? Sign me tf up!
Golden Stage/Golden Terrace
Favorite Character: Fu Shen (Very generic taste to like the MCs the best, I know!)
Favorite Arc: Yan Xiaohan's drugging, there's just something about the caretaker roles being switched and Yan Xiaohan having to deal with that vulnerability that gets me
Character I Think is Underrated: idk if the fandom underrates Du Leng, but I know the characters sure as fuck do!
Character I Think is Overrated: n/a because I'm not in the fandom enough to know who it obsesses with, and the only characters I really focus on, myself, are the main pairing
Favorite Ship/Pairing: the main couple, obviously!
Something I Love About the Book: I love characters who break convention by not taking shit from powerful figures because "fighting authority means you want to destroy society!" The fact that Fu Shen is like "fool me once" and immediately endeavors to turn on the emperor is peak storytelling. Also, the fact that the main couple already liked each other and just used the opportunity to become a power couple.
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artebris · 4 months
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About MC. Mistakes abd Redemptions.
I joined the Hogwarts Legacy fandom in November. - bit later than others, and just realized that I can actually put my MC in the line of all already awesome existing MCs. Better late than never.
(Art made by me: PS + graphic tablet)
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Name: Arlene Irving (surname is not the real one).
Age: 16 years.
Date of Birth: 22nd of September (Virgo, almost Libra).
Nationality: Irish.
Blood status: Pureblood.
House: Slytherin.
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Main choices made:
* The Repository opened. Ancient magic released. Red ending. Fig betrayed (deep regret later.)
* All Three Unforgivable learned and used.
* Sebastian is free from Ministry trial, his crime covered. Though all connections cut with him, her attention turned completely to Ominis.
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Love interest: Ominis Gaunt.
Best friend: Poppy Sweeting.
Worst enemy: Arlene Irving.
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Favorite Professor: Dina Hecat.
Less Favorite: Prof. Binns.
Best Subject: Muggle Studies and Flying.
Worse Subject: Theory of Magic and Divination
Arlene is good at practice and terrible in theory.
Practical, pragmatical, logical, mathematical.
Wand hold: Left-handed.
Wand: Pine, white wood with suggillite, 12 and 3/4.
Her heroes: Isidora Morganach, Noctua Gaunt, Matilda Weasleyc Dina Hecat.
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Height: 4’11/152 cm.
Weight: 58 kg.
Body: very strong physically, muscles toned, hourglass.
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Arlene is a runaway from rich, close to extinct, Irish pureblood family of sea captains. She is a woman-warrior character type, a fighter, survivor, anti-hero, suffers a lot from being born a woman, as her family wished her to be born a boy. Arlene faces a lot of discrimination on her way. Even her name was chosen by her father with this logic.
She is a curious, rough, brave, ambitious renegade Character who wishes to prove her worth and value despite her family thoughts. Sebastian seduces in learning Dark Magic and breaking the rules captures her attention immediately. She helps him recklessly, engaging in all type of courage he has to suggest, perhaps even fall for him in the beginning a little. Her adventures with Poppy and Natsai are simply meanings to prove her worth moreover.
She never gives up, she’s tough and stubborn, she does not respect any rules. Engages in dangers recklessly, using forces she is given and taught on the full power, not giving it any analysis, if it is good or bad. A Character of the grey morality.
The only one person who can reach her deep conscious and really has an influence on her is Ominis. Dialogues with him always show absolutely other side of Arlene, vulnerable, doubting, gentle, insecure and deep inside light revealing.
In the end Arlene makes a choice to release the Ancient Magic. Though, after all, she regrets this decision, feeling she betrayed the one person who was caring about her, Eliasar Fig. His death changes everything inside of her. Fig is a true Father figure in her mind, his death is a point where she turns absolutely otherwise.
Arlene saves Sebastian’s freedom. Just because she feels she is as guilty as he is in Solomon’s death and it would be unfair for him alone facing the consequences, though, after that she stops speaking with him. In the last dialogue Arlene farewells with Sallow.
Her mind turns to Ominis instead without really asking Arlene’s will.
She falls for him slowly. Day after day, night after night, dream after dream. Irving avoids him a lot after main events end, trying to bury the feeling alive, trying to deny it, all unsuccessfully.
Arlene cannot rid of deep and devastating guilt. But Ominis’ influence makes all inside of her get better. The way he forgives, accepts mistakes of closest ones for him unwillingly, his reluctant and unquestionable loyalty, his deep pain teach her to see the world on the other side.
Irving simply turns very quiet after all, she starts to work hard, searching for ways to get a redemption for her past actions, and as a result, she refuses to use Unforgivable curses ever again, cleaning up, following almost the way of the monk on this path, and starts to study hard and work at Hogsmeade.
She wishes deeply inside that she could get to Ominis once upon a time with a confession and tell him all the truth she hides inside, with all deep love she feels towards him, that her life changed once and for all. She acts a lot behind the scenes for him, trying to help him in all means she only could.
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Arlene is a Love and Sacrifice, Mother figure person. Her love for Ominis is as deep as Severus Snape’s love towards Lily Potter. Her Patronus eventually changes to whatever form Ominis’ is because of the depth, purity and pain of her love.
She loves him even/despite of his own sexuality. Even if he’s officially gay, she shall not turn the path down, accepting everything about and around him, being a deep supporter and a friend who is always there for him. Her Love eventually turns an only Way for her, that makes her better day by day, not putting any responsibility on Gaunt himself.
Arlene secretly writes poetry, inspired by him. But she writes under different pseudonymous, so she could never be exposed.
Irving dreams to become a sea captain or admiral, having her own multy-sail vessel. She dreams about travels, especially about reaching America and taking Ominis there, away from his family and all dangers.
Her other hobbies are wood carving, building sea-ships detailed models, mathematics, blueprints, sea knots creating, logical tasks, swimming. She even uses lesser magic than she could to test her capabilities.
Arlene loves everything connected to the sea, ships and travels, numbers, sports and activity. She also adores magical beasts and gets very well with them, she loves creamy sweets, milk, berries and chocolate.
Dreams about the son from Ominis who shall be named Dominic in his honor and shall be resembling with his father at everything.
Hates long texts, theory, literature, ladies uncomfortable outfits, social gatherings, team games (though she plays Quidditch as a Beater), masculine men, bullies and idiots. Can’t stand religion. She believes in Scandinavian gods and believes.
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Characters that are like her: Hinata Huga (Naruto), Chell (Portal game), Simone Grove (Why Women Kill), Helga Pataki (Hey, Arnold), Severus Snape (HP), Amelie (Amelie from Monmartre), Dris (1+1 Untouchables), Eowyn (LoTR).
Appearance inspiration: Daenerys Targaryen (GoT), Five (Terror in Resonance).
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learningscutie2914 · 11 months
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A chivalric romance poem written during the medieval period has a known metric form called the bob (each stanza ends with a short-half line of only two syllables) and the wheel (a mini-stanza of longer lines that rhyme internally).
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight portray the knighthood virtues of executing a chivalrous code all throughout his journey with the observance of religious faith and being morally upright. On that note, this Arthurian legend revolves around how Sir Gawain, the main character, accepts the challenge of the Green Knight called the “beheading game,” which took place in the kingdom of Camelot, where people, together with their King named Arthur, are celebrating Christmas and New Year's Eve with games, feasts, music, and gifts, which made me realize that this poem is also relevant to the way we Filipinos celebrate the same event. The initiative and loyalty of Sir Gawain to his king and to the community of Camelot were evident the moment he accepted the challenge. I delved into the idea that as long as we have the courage to fulfill our role, it is easy for us to do it. Furthermore, the struggles of Sir Gawain began when he was looking for a Green Knight for their quest, in which he encountered monstrous animals, bad weather conditions, and the sexual advances of Lady Bertilak, the wife of Lord Bertilak, who happened to be the Green Knight, as revealed in the ending of the story. I was amazed at how Sir Gawain was truly dedicated to fulfilling his promise and maintaining his loyalty by facing the danger that awaited him, which symbolizes how a person in a real-life context combats the trials brought on by situations or the people around us. Moreover, the mentioned dilemma was the scheme set by Morgan Lay Faye the old lady of Hutdessert, Sir Gawain’s aunt and king Arthur’s half-sister, only to test Gawain’s loyalty to the king and, due to her insecurities to the queen of Camelot, at the same time the wife of king Arthur named Guinevere. It is observable that there are people who will try to drag us down, whatever the reasons are. To cut the story short, Gawain’s accepted the symbolic green girdle given by Lady Bertilak for Sir Gawain to attain immortality; it was a matter of death and life situation, and I would do the same for myself to survive. In line with that, the moment Sir Gawain struck an axe and wounded the green knight, he also found out that Bertilak, the king of the palace where he had stayed for the past three days, was actually the green knight. Later, he came back to the kingdom of Camelot, wearing the symbolic green girdle as a reminder of his weakness. In spite of that, King Arthur and the community of Camelot warmly accepted him. I relate it to the parents and child situation, where whatever downfall the child may have been through, the parents will always be there to guide and accept them wholeheartedly.
Taking everything into account, the bravery, courage, and loyalty serve as a motif of this poetry made the readers think that loyalty is much more worthy than victory, and everyone has their own weaknesses, so accepting and improving them to become their strengths is the best thing to do, which denotes the quote of Franklin D. Roosevelt that “courage is not an absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear”.
Your idea is highly appreciated! With that said, feel free to share your insights about the question below.
What does it mean to be a righteous human being in a brutal world?
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lildevyl · 11 months
Whumptober Day 5: “You better pray I don’t get up this time around.”
QSMP Fandom
Summary:  Bobby is dead and now the Federation is saying that they only get 10 minutes with him for a last goodbye.  After everything that they had been through with the trial, Jaiden finally lost it.  She seeks Cucurucho out and makes a deal with him to return her boy.
TW: Manipulation, Minor Character Death, Implied Victim Blaming
Part 1 Angel of Death Series
A/N: I'm sorry haven't been on in a long while. I've been trying to write for Whumptober but haven't been able to sit down and properly write/post anything. So, I know it's going to be late but I am going to post the mini series that I planed for this event.
Hope you enjoy the Angst! This is the QSMP Fandom and I might be posting some of my theories here soon as well! HAPPY CREATING!
Bobby, her wonderful boy, died.  How did this happen?  Jaiden has been in denial for so long, refusing to believe that her baby boy is gone.  Roier is one of the best PVPers on the server so how did this happen?  Cucurucho came and gave them a chance to prove themselves for a “Second Chance.”  Walk through and Survive a Dungeon.
They survived the Dungeon and now the only thing they get is ten minutes to say Goodbye?  Say Goodbye?!  NO!  Jaiden’s not having this!  She isn’t losing her child like this!  She has to think of something!  Anything!  Anything to get her Bobby back!
“If ten minutes is all  we get then, I’ll take it,” Jaiden said to Cucurucho in front of everyone.  But Roier can tell something is off.  The way Jaind said it to Cucurucho.
When everyone left, that’s when the most heart wrenching scream came out of Jaiden.  No, torture or physical pain could ever amount that kind of scream.  Falling to her knees sobbing, Roier came over and tried to comfort her.  But Jaiden just shoved him off.
“This is all your fault!  How could you?!  Just how could you?!”  Jaiden screamed.
“I know.  It was my fault.  I was lagging, and I shouldn’t have let him go, but I did,” Roier said, accepting the blame.
“I’m sorry, Roier.”
“It’s okay.  We have ten minutes, let’s say goodbye to Bobby.”
Jaiden stood frozen, she had completely forgotten about that but now it truly set it.  This would be the last time she sees her baby boy.
When they see Bobby again, he has a halo on top and has cracks but he looks so much the same.  It broke Jaiden, but she tried to be strong for Bobby.
When the ten minutes was up and Bobby turned to leave, Jaiden couldn’t take it any more.  She fell to knees, held Bobby to her chest and wouldn’t let go.  She couldn’t let go.
“No!  Please!  Please, Cucurucho!  Please, bring him back!  I’ll do anything!  Just bring him back!”  Jaiden pleaded.
Cucurucho said nothing.  He shook his head and led Bobby to another room.  Then came back and led the two grieving parents out as well.
Jaiden couldn’t take it anymore and just left crying her eyes out.  She didn’t know how long she was out.  All she knew was, it had been a long while, b/c the sun was about to come up and when she looked around her surroundings.  She realized she had been out all night fighting mobs.  Just as Jaiden was about to head back she heard the familiar laugh of Cucurucho.
“Haven’t you done enough?”  Jaiden snapped.
Cucurucho gave Jaiden a book.
“You said you would do anything to get your Bobby back correct?  If so, I know how you can help us to get him back.”  Jaiden read out loud.  She turned her attention to Cucurucho with determination in her eyes.  “What do you want me to do?”
Tagging: @weirdmixofweirdness, @whumptober, @a-humble-narcissus, @isa-ghost, @tracobuttons
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bahbahhh · 1 year
Congrats again on the milestone!!! For prompt requests how about OoT Zelink cuddling?
Again, you think I won’t make this angsty?
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Thank you! Hope you enjoy- first time writing oot! This is offered up to @zeldaelmo who wrote one of the most beautiful fics I’ve ever read - Someone That I Used to Know which I read to actually try and prepare for this request. Having never written OoT and many years gone by since I last played the game all the way through, I wanted to lean on an author I trust to help get me get in the right headspace for OoT. I remember seeing this fic during zelink week last year and it had long waited in my Ao3 queue. 
And when I say writer I trust, I mean because I have such a soft spot for the literal children in OoT and how traumatic their lives are...it is hard for a writer to capture all that. Cut to Zelmo…this fic is beautiful. A work that reminds me WHY I read fan fiction. Zelmo does such an amazing job honoring these characters and a thoughtful handling of their healing. I hope you don’t mind Zelmo-this is meant to be a heavily influenced unofficial prequel scene of sorts, 5 years before the events of Somebody That I Used to Know. What got her started on her journey to step away from the throne and find Link? Here's what I think....
Word Count: 418
(I teased it down from 650+ because I'm trying to be better about sticking to the word limit.) 
Zelda jolts upright in her bed. It's happened so many times, she shouldn’t be this rattled, but these dreams shatter any piece of her that dares to begin healing. It's like someone reaches inside her and shakes her soul. 
A reminder, that after all these years, she is inescapably broken.
She’s come to realize her dreams have deeper roots; that she’s become a bit like the Lost Woods herself. When she closes her eyes, she sees the same scenes, over and over again, snapshots of lives that are hers but not, pathways and turns she doesn’t remember taking, only to wake up in a swirl of misty sleep, transported back into the misery of now. Twenty-five years since they saved Hyrule. Twenty-five years since she gave him the Ocarina and said goodbye. 
He left with a promise she still waits for him to keep. Twenty-five years.
She’d seen him since, but only in her dreams—no, remember they are visions, she tells herself, brushing her fingers across the dagger tucked into her garter. 
But this had been different. It is why her heart thunders still, untamed by the cool steel that's become an anchor in her panic. In the vision, her fingers, ungloved and weathered, weaved into golden hair and pushed his face back from hers. And he, fatigued by age and trial, scarred like she’d never seen—close, impossibly close—smiled at her. And then he hugs her, his body fully pressed against hers, hands splayed across her back. All of him. He holds her for a long moment and then he whispers:
Maybe time is finally on our side,
But it can’t be a vision. It can’t be a memory. Goddesses, was she finally dreaming again? Could she drop back into that moment if she closed her eyes now? 
It feels too real to be fantasy, but again, every path in the Lost Woods looks like the right one. 
She gets a crazy swirl of spirit, energy she hasn’t felt in, well, twenty-five years, and glances down at the mark of Wisdom burned into her hand.  In five years her son will be of age. She could relinquish the throne, disappear over the hills...only if... Zelda throws her sheets off and scrambles over to her mirror. She finds an angle where she can see her shadow in the moonlight. It shifts for a second, the shoulders broader, a flash of red where her eyes should be. Sheik’s still there. After all this time.
And he’s been waiting.
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ahsokathegray · 2 years
The Clone Wars Venator names and the meaning behind Ahsoka’s Tribunal
So I know The Clone Wars show has been over for nearly 3 years now (wow) but I came to this daunting realization recently and had to share. I’m not even sure if this has been discussed already.
All through the show, we are introduced to a handful of Ventator-class Star Destroyers. Each Jedi and their respective Admiral belongs to one. For example:
Anakin → the Resolute
Obi-Wan → the Negotiator
Mace Windu → the Endurance
Plo Koon → the Triumphant
…and Ahsoka → the Tribunal
Now, I’ll get to Ahsoka’s venator in a minute.
As for the rest of the ones we’ve been introduced to, they are mostly named after a defining characteristic of the Jedi in which they belong (if Kenobi’s is any indication, I mean c’mon I don’t even have to explain that one). The only exception is Plo Koon’s ship, which I’ll cover towards the end.
With the Resolute, however, we can begin to draw some lines and connect the dots. Anakin continuously proves in the movies and in the show alike how determined and resilient he is during the war. In Ahsoka’s own words from Rebels:
“He rarely lost a battle”
Anakin is unwavering, strong, and the poster-boy of the Jedi/the Republic’s leading defenses for a reason. He’s the Chosen One and if he’s firm about anything it’s taking down the Separatists. I feel like this one pretty much speaks for itself.
Where Mace and the Endurance are concerned, it creates a perfect parallel to Anakin. The literal definition of endurance is the ability to withstand and overcome hardship without giving way. Mace isn’t Yoda’s number two without reason. Mace Windu is the exemplary Jedi in every way and what the Order wants their Jedi to strive to embody. Whether you like him or not, he follows the rules as he should. If Tales of the Jedi showed us anything, it’s that he rises in rank because he’s the cookie-cutter version of what a Jedi should be. He’s everything that Anakin, as the Chosen One, should try to manifest. But he doesn’t, and thus enters in the tragedy of Anakin Skywalker. This is just one small detail among many that allude to his eventual deviation from the path of the Jedi. Anakin ends up unable to endure the ultimate hardship he’s been faced with in Revenge of the Sith. He’s forced to endure the rest of his life without Padmé and in service to an evil he can’t overcome.
Then we arrive at Plo Koon, whose venator is the Triumphant. It gets destroyed early on in season one, but still plays a large part in the episodes it’s in. It acts as an element of foreshadow in the struggle against Grievous and the Malevolence. Despite losing the ship itself, Master Plo, and the Wolfpack survive.
While this doesn’t necessarily fall in line with our established pattern, it does highlight a key point in his character’s story in the whole of TCW. It simply acts as foreshadow for a very memorable moment in season 1 of the show.
Now, this brings me back to Ahsoka and the venator she is given in season 7. Tribunal is not a word than describe any one person. The definition of the word is a court of justice. In war, tribunals are established to try individuals who are accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
With that out of the way, let us backtrack to her arc at the end of season 5. Ahsoka was wrongfully accused of both bombing the Jedi Temple and for murder, finding herself kicked out of the Order for crimes she never committed. The tribunal, in this scenario, was both the Council and the official trial that Padmé and Tarkin were present for. She is prevented from continuing on as a Padawan. And when asked to return, Ahsoka willingly chooses to instead walk away from everything she’s ever known. She turns her back on them, just as they did to her.
In the final two episodes of season 7, a similar event unfolds. Despite having walked away, despite not being a Jedi, Ahsoka comes back and is still grouped in with those who are to be executed when Order 66 is given. She’s accused of treason against the Republic by Sidious’s words alone. Once again, Ahsoka is wrongfully charged with something she did not do, looped into a category in which she no longer fits. This time, it’s not the Council or the Republic that handles her trial. A trial isn’t going to be held at all. She’s indicted with the crime and offered no possibility of proving her innocence. She has no opportunity of choice here. A choice has been made for her. She’s sentenced to a death by execution at the hands of her own men. Men who, like the Jedi, no longer have control of the situation. Men who are sentenced just the same, stripped of the ability to do something about what the government says is so. Therefore, making the Tribunal exactly what it is — an unjust “hearing” that deems the Jedi responsible of war crimes they never had a hand in. The Tribunal declares Ahsoka to die, taking the 332nd, the Jedi, and the remains of the Republic down with it.
(TL;DR) Naming her venator this is ironic, as it foreshadows what we already know to be true — that a war tribunal that will not be held, that this will not end justly for anyone involved.
When hearing “the Tribunal” now, it just holds such a heavy, formidable, devastating weight unlike it did before.
So yeah, share my pain.
It’s like poetry, it rhymes.
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