#only child syndrome learns to share your kid Bruce Smallville isn’t going to steal him from you
littlefankingdom · 6 days
Seeing all those posts and fanfics where the batkids, especially Dick, calls Clark "uncle Clark", made me think.
If Dick calls Clark "uncle Clark", he probably started doing it BEFORE he ever referred to Bruce as his father. After all, another uncle doesn't erase any existing one, but accepting Bruce as his father was erasing John Grayson in Dick's mind, for multiple years. It makes sense for Dick's confused feelings about his situation to call Clark "uncle" before calling Bruce "dad".
So, I present you: Bruce being envious of Clark because Dick refers to him with a family's title but Bruce is just "B".
And in the same continuity: Dick being envious of Jason calling Bruce "dad" so easily.
For Dick, it feels as if the word is stuck in his throat. He can say it to joke around with others ("let's steal dad's car" he tells Jason), but to Bruce's face? He's afraid the world would end.
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