#only 43 acting credits
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shanastoryteller · 2 years ago
Happy Pride!!!! Living Blood or Lady Mo please!
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Xuanyu disrobes unashamedly, hesitating only at the last second with the sleeve covering her left arm.
Jiang Yanli laughs. “Bit late to be modest, I think.”
“Modesty is overrated,” she returns, which is something that Zixuan would say and A-Yao would think. She slips the rest of the robes off and steps into the steaming bath, letting out a deep sigh of satisfaction.
The changes her body has undergone are even more obvious without the thick layers of the robes obscuring her form. The extra weight seems to have settled in ideal places, not only thickening her waist and limbs but settling heavily along her hips and breasts, which hadn’t exactly been small to begin with.
She sits behind Xuanyu, filling a bowl with water and then pouring it over her hair to rinse it of blood and dirt that had been hidden by her dark hair. Acting as a bathing assistant is far below her station, but Xuanyu had sent all the servants away and she doesn’t mind, really. Xuanyu is her sister, likely the only one she’ll ever have considering A-Cheng’s track record with matchmakers, and she’s been worried about her. This gives them time to speak alone. “How has your marriage with Lan Wangji been? Has he been kind?”
Xuanyu pulls a face, which isn’t encouraging. “I guess. He mostly left me alone, and then we had a couple fights and he was a jerk, and now I think he’s trying to make up for being a jerk, but it’s a little – well, it’s nice that he’s making an effort. I suppose.”
Not as good as she’d hoped, but not as bad as she’d feared. “Sect Leader Lan seems fond of you.”
“Oh, Lan Xichen is great,” she says easily. Better than reaction to Lan Wangji, but still not what Jiang Yanli had been hoping for. Then her eyes light up. “Sizhui is wonderful! I’ll give Wangji one thing, he’s raised a good kid. He’s so sweet, and a great cultivator, and he’s always trying to help out everyone around him. I’m glad Jingyi’s always hanging around – without him, I think everyone would just take advantage of Sizhui’s good nature.”
Well, that’s something. Surely Lan Wangji can’t resist Xuanyu’s charms for long, not when she dotes on his son and gets along with his brother.
“What trouble did you get into on the road?” she asks, running her hand over the wound on Xuanyu’s shoulder. It looks nearly fully healed already and there’s another mostly healed wound on her hip, a thin slice on her left arm, and the shadow of various bruises that were likely much worse a couple hours ago. It’s of course a good thing that Xuanyu has a strong golden core, but Jiang Yanli can’t help a moment of wistfulness.
Her own core never lived up to her mother’s expectations, or her own. If she’d had a stronger core, she could have given A-Ling siblings. A child should have siblings. She would have had a calmer childhood without two little brothers underfoot, but a lonelier one too.
Xuanyu shrugs, lazily scrubbing herself down. “Looks like Xiao Xingchen picked up the girl, A-Qing, while he and Song Lan were separated and was trapped in this place that was basically a ghost town.” How could he be trapped by a place that had no people? “And I’d heard some rumors so when we ran into Song Lan I helped him find Xiao Xingchen, but there was a bit of a fight with someone who didn’t want him to leave. I just happened to get caught in the crossfire, so to speak.”
She’s stretching the truth to outright lying. Before Jiang Yanli can call her on it, her stomach growls.
“Didn’t get a chance to eat on the road?” she teases.
Xuanyu flushes, ducking briefly beneath the water to hide her flaming cheeks before resurfacing. “Things were a little hectic. It may have slipped my mind.”
How has she managed to put on weight while also forgetting to eat? Perhaps Lan Wangji deserves more credit.
“I think I have some candies in my room, if you want something before the banquet,” she offers. “I know the speeches take forever.”
Her eyes light up before dimming and she slumps in the bath. “Thanks, Yanli-jie, but I better not. Sizhui gave me some on the road and I usually love them but just putting it in my mouth almost made me sick. It was awful. And weird! They’re my favorite.”
Jiang Yanli blinks then gives Xuanyu’s significantly larger chest a considering look. It could be nothing. It’s probably nothing. She hasn’t even been married a year and it doesn’t sound as if she and Lan Wangji have been seeing eye to eye.
Then again, the same could have been said about her and Zixuan.
“Can I ask you something personal, Meimei?”
Xuanyu nods. “You can ask me anything, Yanli-jie.”
“Are you and Lan Wangji having sex?”
She turns bright red and ducks beneath the water for so long that Jiang Yanli is starting to get concerned before she resurfaces, still red faced. “Um. We did once. Well – I guess, technically, it was three times, but it was only one night.”
Well. Apparently Lan Wangji has stamina on and off the battlefield.
“One moment,” she says, briefly squeezing Xuanyu’s shoulder. “I’ll be right back.”
It takes one whispered conversation with the servant outside the hall and approximately ninety seconds before her personal healer is standing in front of her. Jiang Yanli ducks back inside to see Xuanyu out of the bath, in a thin bathing robe that’s clinging to her as she wrings her hair out. “I’d like my healer to take a look at you, Meimei.”
Xuanyu freezes, slowly standing straight with a wary look on her face. “That’s really not necessary. The wounds were just superficial and they’re basically healed already.”
“It’ll be quick,” she says, because if she’s right then she can’t let Xuanyu go down to the banquet without letting her know. “She’s very discreet – she’s been my personal healer since I was a child.”
“Jiang Xingyi?” Xuanyu asks, some of her tension draining away.
Jiang Yanli nods, trying to think of some reason that Xuanyu would know her healer’s name, or her reputation, but all the servants are terrible gossips and her health is a frequent topic of derision. “Just your wrist, okay? Your golden core has changed a lot. I just want her to take a look.”
She feels bad about lying, but Xuanyu had lied to her first.
Xuanyu relaxes even further. “Okay, Yanli-jie. If it’ll make you feel better.”
“Thank you,” she smiles, then opens the door to usher Jiang Xingyi in.
The old woman doesn’t smile, but Xuanyu grins back undeterred, and says, “Hi, Granny,” before paling and adding, “uh, um. Sorry.”
Jiang Yanli feels a familiar pang of grief go through her. A-Xian had referred to Jiang Xingyi as Granny, the only disciple both bold and beloved enough to get away with it.
Jiang Xingyi ignores her, instead reaching for her wrist and pressing her fingers against it. Xuanyu fidgets, shifting from one foot to the other, but says nothing as the moments stack on top of one another.
Finally, Jiang Xingyi drops her wrist and steps back. Her stern visage breaks, a smile stretching her mouth across her face. “Congratulations, Madame Lan.”
She knew it!
“Thanks,” Xuanyu answers before wrinkling her nose. “Um. For what?”
“You are expecting,” she answers. “At least a couple months along, I believe, although I’d have to do a more thorough examination to be sure.”
Jiang Yanli moves to embrace her, but Xuanyu’s face drops and she turns dangerously pale. “What? No. That’s not possible. I can’t be.”
“Three times,” Jiang Yanli reminds her, trying to goad Xuanyu into laughter.
But instead she just shakes her head. “No, no I can’t, I – this can’t be happening,” she whispers to herself, grabbing her own arms in a white knuckled grip. “It’s not. It’s impossible. I can’t be.”
She’s young, and this wasn’t a marriage of her own choosing, and it’s so new. Of course she’s surprised and nervous. Jiang Yanli touches her elbow, intending to say something soothing, but Xuanyu collapses into her arms, gripping her waist and hiding her tears in her shoulder.
“Xuanyu!” she says, hugging her back just as fiercely, her heart breaking for the younger girl’s anguish. “Meimei, it’s okay, I know this is scary, but it’s going to be fine.”
“It’s not,” she says, voice thick with tears, “A-jie, this is awful, this is – it can’t happen! It can’t, Wangji is going to be so mad, he’s going to hate me, and everything is ruined and awful, I can’t be – I can’t! I’m going to die!”
Jiang Yanli’s whole body goes cold and she grips Xuanyu even tighter against her. “You’re going to be fine,” she says, pushing her conviction into every syllable.
No matter what Jiang Yanli has to do, Xuanyu is going to be fine.
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lightandfellowship · 4 months ago
Voice Acting in JP KHDR
Fun fact: there's partial voice acting in the JP version of KHDR. Just Xehanort, and only when he's narrating, and only in the Prologue/Episodes 1-3 as far as I can tell, but still.
Timestamps are as follows:
The voice acting falling off after Episode 3 makes sense, since that was when the online version of KHDR got cancelled; the game's budget was likely cut then, and paying a voice actor for a couple of small scenes in a mostly-unvoiced game was just unnecessary.
In the English credits, the voice credit is listed as:
VOICE ACTOR [Dark Road] Takanori Okuda
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mangohgeckoh · 2 months ago
Chemical Reaction (Chapt. 11)
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(Art credit: The amazing @dcartcorner ) A/N: Ages for Act 2: Ophelia: 45-46, Silco: 43-46, Roadie is 12, Jinx is 18-20, Vi is 24-25, Sevika: 40-42 (I don't give exact ages as to not commit to anything since none of the characters in the show have a solid age). Chemical Reaction Chapter 11 "Foes To Friends" Chapter Summary: Act 2 is here!!! Roadie and Jinx meet, Jinx freezes up during a job. - Song of the chapter: "Break The Rules" by Charli XCX "Never stop, it's how we ride, Comin' up until we die, I don't wanna go to school, I just wanna break the rules."
10 years later
Just as planned, a sleek black car pulled up in front of a very well lit bar. The same bar that Roadie was observing from the roof of a building directly across from it. With brilliant bright lights strobing throughout the main square of the Undercity, it was more of a club than a bar. The bronze telescope he held was light in his palms as he moved closer to the edge of the roof, preparing to get a better look at the passenger about to exit the car.
Its door opened, and a man’s head emerged from inside the vehicle. Roadie felt his breath catching in his throat as he watched the man's body extend to his full height. Finger clicking against a metal button, a thin glass panel slid over the lens of the telescope, causing it to zoom in on the back of the man’s head, anticipating him turning to get a view of his face. Just as the man started to turn, someone cleared their throat from behind Roadie.
“Whatcha doin’?”
Almost toppling over in panic, Roadie whipped around to where he heard the voice. His telescope clattered on the ground. A young woman, maybe 18 or 19, walked against the edge of the roof. Her arms were out as she playfully balanced herself between a 40 foot drop and the safety of the roof. “I-” Roadie stumbled on his words, not knowing what to say. He has heard of a girl who matched her traits. Long, braided blue hair and a twisted smile. Yet, now that he was looking at her in person, she didn’t have a smile. The girl was more disinterested.
The brown feathers that lined his ears swayed with the movement of his ear ticking at the sound of the car below having its door slammed. Quickly, he spared a glance over the edge to the street below. The man he had wanted a better look at had disappeared into the club. Roadie cursed, collapsing his handheld telescope. “What’s it to you?” He groaned, standing up.
The girl covered the distance between them fast. Between the time that he had blinked and her standing at the edge of the roof, she was now in front of him. “Y��know, you’re funny lookin’.” Her head was tilted as she plucked a chocolate brown feather from his ear. Roadie hissed, hand protectively clutching the now stinging area of his ear. “Only seen someone like you once.” She mumbled to herself as she examined the feather.
Just as he was about to argue, blue flashed past his eyes as the girl was now on the other side of him, observing a notebook. “Ooh! Secret diary, huh?” Roadie felt an emptiness in his hand, he looked down to see the book he had held was now gone. “H-hey! That is mine!” He started towards her, but she was taller than him. All she had to do was raise the notebook a few inches above his grasping hands so she could continue to read.
“Hmm, are you a stalker?” She asked, eyes still glued to the contents within the notebook. Roadie’s face heated with indignity. “No!” He defended, trying to now leap to snatch the book but she only raised it higher. “You sure? This is some stalker-type shit.” Her voice cracked, her focus now turning to the boy. “I am not a-” He groaned, tired of this conversation. “Just give it!” He lunged for it again but missed.
“Ah, ah, ah!” The girl tutted, dodging his attempts to catch the notebook. “What do you want with him?” Her voice was borderline accusatory as she pressed a paint stained finger on one of the pages. Roadie growled. “That is none of your concern. Now, give. It. back.” He warned, the feathers on his ears ruffled at his annoyance. The girl only belly-laughed, her blue braids bouncing around her. “Or what-” The second she had closed her eyes, Roadie took the opportunity to steal the notebook back and jump off the roof.
From behind him, he heard an offended “hey!” call from above but he continued to run as fast as he could back home.
“Where were you?”
‘Damn it.’ Roadie groaned, he should have known Kaz would be the one to open the front door. The sign to the orphanage creaked as it swung over the doorway. Kaz, who was a glorified assistant, held a toddler playing with a toy. Despite holding a young child, his glare was fierce on Roadie.
This wasn’t the first time he had run off.
Roadie only pushed past him. Displeased at his silence, Kaz called after him. “Your mom isn’t going to be happy.”
Roadie only rolled his eyes. “She never is.”
This space was only for him.
Well, space was an overstatement.
The tiny room that mirrored that of a closet was more like a nook. It was hidden away behind a loose wooden panel in the attic. Nevertheless, he didn’t mind when the ceiling leaked or when the floor creaked with each step. It was the only escape he was offered to have time away from his doting mother. Roadie loved her dearly, but she could certainly be overbearing. Whether it was twisting the valves that had been attached to the pipes now in his back.
Speaking of.
He reached over his shoulder to pull the back of his shirt up. Thanks to the doctor, his waist was adorned with the ugliest pipes cutting through his clothes. They were attached to a machine that was embedded into his spine. He grunted as he twisted a valve on the top of the machine. It hissed, but he felt relief wash over him as the diluted shimmer flowed into his veins.
Roadie dropped the notebook on the ground as he searched for something important. Just where he left it, was a photograph on a small crate he had pushed into the nook.
Stained brown from age, the photo’s edges were crumpled from the many years it had been stuffed in a box where he had found it. The box was small and made of tin, when he saw it in one of his mother’s desk drawers it immediately piqued his interest. There were many knickknacks inside it. Most were bottle caps, pieces belonging to broken jewelry, but one item in particular had stood out to him.
A photograph. Very old, almost antique. When Roadie had examined it further, he knew he had to take it up to his lair.
Now his knees were against his chest as he sat in his nook. It was quiet apart from the soft noise of shimmer cycling inside of him from within the tubes. He clutched the photo like it was the most valuable object he had ever possessed.
Because it was.
Roadie’s eyes danced around the photo, as if he was hoping the figures in it would move. Ophelia, his mom, looked to be in her early 20s. Her hair was significantly shorter than it was today and was buzzed on one side. Roadie always found it amusing when he would look at the photograph because she even had piercings lining her ears, which would be very uncharacteristic of her to have considering her personality today.
But it wasn’t Ophelia’s presence in the photo that made it special. His eyes followed her arms in the photo to where her hand laid. A young man, around her age, held a spray can as a threat. His tongue poked out in jest as his mom had her hand on his shoulder, holding his side against hers in an attempt to pose for the photo. Despite the photo being aged, there was still color. The man possessed features that matched Roadie’s. Seafoam green eyes, wispy dark brown hair, and a sharp nose.
Being that Roadie never knew his own father, when he found a photo of a man suspiciously carrying his traits embracing his mom, he had his suspicions. Roadie would come up to his nook almost every day so he would have the privacy to observe the photo, creativity getting the best of him. He would imagine what the man was like. Was he an artist? The man was holding a can of spray paint, perhaps he was in the middle of graffiti? There were traces of coal smeared on the man’s sharp features, maybe he was a miner too?
Either way, his mother never spared any stories of his dad no matter how hard he would plead. Careful not to crinkle the paper, Roadie hugged the photograph as if it would magically manifest into his dad.
“Wow, and I thought I was desperate.” Roadie had to fumble to catch the photo that he dropped from being spooked. There, on the other side of the nook, was that same girl. “Gotta hand it to ya, kiddo, you were hard to find!” She laughed as she drew her pistol.
“Who-” The girl climbed through the entrance of the nook and now stood before him. “Who are you?” Roadie croaked, eyes fixed on her weapon.
“Oh, little ole’ me?” Her pistol swirled in her palm as she gestured with it. “I just want answers.” The girl towered over him, mainly because she had to hunch over to fit against the low ceiling of the small room. Her blue eyes fell on the notebook. “What do you want with Silco?”
Roadie stood up, body trembling. Unlike the other trenchers, he didn’t know how to defend himself. His mom was always looming behind him, protecting him. However, as he watch the pistol swing in the girl’s hand, it dawned on him how completely vulnerable he was. “Silco?” He repeated, earning him a few dramatic nods from her.
“I…” Roadie trailed off as he picked up the notebook, flipping through its pages. Each page was filled with photographs of various men that matched the description of the young man in the photo. In the pages at the beginning of the book, red X’s had crossed the photos of men he had tracked to find that bore no resemblance to him. All that was left was Silco. Well, he didn’t know what the man looked like, so instead of a photo there was just a name scrawled on the paper.
“You gonna kill him?” The girl asked accusingly as she gestured the pistol. “‘Cause I hate to break it to you, you don’t seem like the assassin type.”
Roadie sighed. “I am looking for…” He closed the book, his hand laying upon the title he had carved into the cheap leather. His brown ears faltered. “My dad…” Despite not knowing this girl, Roadie felt embarrassed.
“Dad?” The girl furrowed her brows. “What, did Silco take him or somethin’?”
Roadie shook his head. “I never knew him, but- hey!” Fear replaced his solemn mood when the girl snatched the photo from his hands. “Careful with that!” He pleaded. The girl looked it over before pointing to Ophelia. “Who’s that?”
“My mom…give it back!” He clawed at her arms, but she shrugged him off easily. He was unusually skinny, short, and weak for his tender age of 12. Otherwise he would have been able to steal the photograph back. Her finger shifted to the man embracing his mom. “And who is this?”
Roadie paused. “I don't know, really...” The girl turned the photograph to look at it again. Just like that, Roadie found himself pressed against the dusty wall of the nook as the girl raised the photo next to his head. He froze as her eyes danced back and forth from him to the photo.
“Very interesting…” She said dramatically before tossing the photo back to him. Desperately he caught the photo and held it against his chest. A hand manifested itself in front of his face. “I am Jinx! At yer service!” Roadie gave her a confused look before tentatively shaking her hand. With the pistol now holstered, she began to explore the many knickknacks and random items in his nook. The ceiling was covered with various old fabrics that hung from nails. While cut outs of various maps were plastered onto the walls. “Some place you got, kid.” Jinx said as she marvelled at the extent of his lair.
“Ooh!” Roadie froze when she all but dashed over to a mirror. Below the glass were miscellaneous bottles and packets of makeup. Jinx took some lipstick and applied it to herself. “D-don’t touch that!” Roadie’s face was now as red as a tomato, his heart was racing as she went through his makeup. Making a face at how old, and mellow the makeup was, Jinx turned to him. “Where’d you get all this?”
At first he didn’t want to answer, but being that this girl was well known for shooting first and asking questions later, he relented. “...my mom…” He mumbled. Jinx heard it because she chuckled. “Why would your mom give you these boring shades?”
He blushed further, squeezing his arm. “She didn’t.”
Jinx’s features softened as she stood as much as she could under the low ceiling and walked past him, scooping up the notebook. Recklessly, she turned the pages until she found an empty one.
“I’ve got a job to do today. But! I think I have some shades that are more flattering to your skin tone.” Her voice was a little louder than he would have preferred as she scrawled an address and a time on the paper. “Find me here. Tonight.”
After scribbling on the paper she pushed it into his chest and passed towards the entrance.
“See ya!” And just like that, she had vanished out the loose plank and jumped out of the window in the basement.
- Clouds rolled through the railing that lined the airship. The humming of its engine murmured against Silco’s lackeys having small talk, waiting for the captain to announce their arrival. Ophelia leaned against the railing, watching the silhouette of buildings behind the clouds before the airship grow larger.
It was only on special, higher paying, occasions that Ophelia would help Silco with a job during the day. According to him, he was low on hands and required extra reinforcement to ensure his very expensive airship reached Piltover’s docks safely. Thankfully, Kaz was available to take her place at the orphanage today. With the funding Silco has been pumping into her establishment, she has been able to afford new hires who’d assist Kaz when needed. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to take the reins of the orphanage so easily.
Familiar heavy footsteps grew louder behind her. “Piltover,” Sevika stood at Ophelia’s side, taking a deep inhale from her cigarette. “City of Progress my ass.” She growled, smoke escaping from her lips. Her fingers flicked the lit cigarette overboard as she turned to Ophelia. Sevika cleared her throat, ridding the last of the smoke from inside her before speaking out of annoyance. “Is the girl-”
“With the cargo, yes.” Ophelia interrupted, eyes fixed on the loading dock that protruded from the clouds. Sevika scanned Ophelia as she talked. “I just checked on her. She promised to stay out of your way, lieutenant.”
Sevika’s body was still, like a rock, as she surveyed Ophelia’s expression for any tells of a lie. Ophelia knew Sevika had a lot of grief caused by Jinx. So when Sevika caught wind of Silco’s daughter accompanying them on this job, she had approached Ophelia to ensure Jinx would stay out of her way.
The ring of a bell caught their attention, as it announced their arrival from the docks. Sevika pushed off the railing, barking orders at the goons to start preparing for offloading the ship. Once the airship was safely secured to the dock, large men carried equally as large canisters onboard. Ophelia’s talons clicked against the metal of the ship’s deck as she scanned the comings and goings of workers bringing stock on board. There were no rafters on an airship, so to her disadvantage Ophelia was burdened with being level with everyone else.
Her hands were clasped behind her back as she made her way to Sevika who was talking to the Piltover dockmaster.
The dockmaster, a weasley looking man, cleared his throat after observing the people at work on the airship. “Shipping manifest?” He croaked at Sevika who towered over him. Ophelia’s ear ticked slightly upwards at the hum of a strange sound.
‘Humming.’ ‘Above.’ ‘Echoing.’
It didn’t sound like any airship she had heard so she peeked her head overboard and looked up, all she could see was the ceiling of the dock that had been carved inside of a building. Appeased in finding nothing, she returned to Sevika’s side.
In the emptiness of a proper manifest, a bag of hexes plopped on the clipboard the dockmaster clutched. Sevika gave a fake smile as she loomed over the trembling man. “From your friend, downtown.” Ophelia blinked at the man, watching his reaction to the bribery. If he refused, she would need to get involved.
To her luck, he weighed the hexes in his hand before stamping the paper on his clipboard. Ophelia felt a weight flee from her chest as she watched him nod to the both of them and turn to leave. The humming sound grew louder above the airship.
She closed her eyes, listening to her senses.
‘Humming.’ ‘In the pipes.’
Her eyes shot open when she recognized the sound.
‘Firelight tech.’
“Get down!” One of her men shouted as several strings of glowing green zoomed around airship. Ophelia ducked as a Firelight on a hoverboard entered the ship, flying only a few inches above her, and smashed a bottle next to her. Familiar with their tricks, she rolled in an attempt to escape the crystals that could climb and subdue an enemy. Her wrists were weightless as they procured feathers from her wing and shot them at the turbines on the hoverboard. With military precision, the end of their hoverboard failed to float and they fell onto the deck of their airship.
A goon shouted once he recognized their attackers now infesting the ship. “Ah shit the Firelights!” They were fast, masked, and agile. They cut through the air with the help of their hoverboards, only pausing mid-air to crush bottles next to one of her men. Ophelia ducked again, finding cover behind a canister of shimmer as she watched one of Silco’s lackeys attempt to attack a Firelight, but just as he raised his machete he was engulfed in crystals that climbed and froze his body.
Sevika failed to react in time, bottles crashing against her body and crystals consumed her body, trapping her against a pile of crates behind her. Her angry grey eyes flashed to Ophelia who left the safety of her hiding spot and shot some feathers towards any enemy she could find. They were everywhere. Their leader jumped momentarily off his board to kick one of her men in the neck.
Growling, she chased after him. Her talons ready, she launched herself into the air. The tips of her claws made contact with the leader’s back, blood blooming from the new slashes through his coat. To her chagrin, he lost his balance and momentum for a second before readjusting his stance on the board and swirling around towards her. He was too fast, a bottle crashed against her arm, attaching her to a canister of shimmer before another smashed into her stomach, further trapping her within the crystals.
Circling around once more, the leader and the other firelights landed on the deck. All of the lackeys were either subdued under the crystals, knocked out or killed. Ophelia fought against the fresh crystals to no avail. “We have five minutes till they’re out of there.” The leader’s voice was contorted under his owl mask as he clicked a stopwatch. He passed Sevika, drawing his staff and using it to open one of the canisters of shimmer.
The purple liquid glowed in the air. “Have you ever seen this much shimmer before?” Another contorted voice asked the leader. “They’re expanding. Check for more below. Burn it all.” The leader growled, grabbing a large bottle of gasoline and uncorking it. Ophelia groaned, fighting harder against the crystals as she watched the firelights scatter the deck, opening the canisters and pouring gasoline.
It was when two firelights opened the deck’s hatch that led to the bilge of the airship that Ophelia fought the hardest.
Worry flooded over her. She knew Jinx could hold her own, but the thought of the child being trapped in a small space with two of those goons infuriated her. Her body was trapped, frozen, against the crystals in an awkward position that made her muscles burn.
The two firelights disappeared under the deck, but as soon as they did, the hatch immediately closed. Her eyebrows furrowed, Sevika only rolled her eyes. Ophelia’s ear ticked towards the screams coming from inside the bilge where the cargo, and Jinx were held. She listened keenly for any evidence of the girl getting hurt as she felt the crystal’s strength holding her weakening.
Suddenly, the ship groaned, smoke billowed out of the hatch that had opened during the intensity of what felt like an earthquake. The airship deviated slightly against the ropes securing it on the deck. Everyone on board, including the Firelight thugs coughed violently at the searing smoke forcing it’s way into their lungs.
Ophelia’s eyes burned at the contact of the smoke, the Firelights that had invaded the ship held onto anything they could find as they waited for the ship to stop trembling. After the quaking had passed, footsteps echoed from the direction of the opened hatch that had been surrounded by ashes and smoke.
Jinx emerged from the smoke, a confused look on her face. “Hi..?” Her moment of innocence passed as quickly as she threw the active grenades. They attached onto two of the firelights, the sudden force causing them to fall overboard. The leader, surprised, threw two large bottles of crystals, but Jinx was too fast. Her pistol smoked as she shot several rounds at the Firelight.
Ophelia’s ear picked up on the sound of rustling above the girl. “Jinx! Above!” She shouted and Jinx swirled around in a dodge and shot the firelight that had attempted to attack her from behind. While she was distracted, the leader and what was left of the firelights focused on pouring gasoline into the canisters.
One of them drew a flare and raised it, but before she was able to light the gasoline, Jinx’s hand grabbed the thug’s forearm. In an attempt to render the thug unconscious, the mask fell off the firelight and Ophelia watched as Jinx froze.
The blue-haired girl only just stared at the firelight with pink hair. This moment of weakness allowed her to drop the flare and cause flames to erupt around the two. Ophelia fought harder against the crystals. “Jinx!”
After fighting against Jinx’s grip, the thug finally escaped but as soon as she did, Jinx sent a bullet into her spine. “No!” The leader’s scream cut through the air as he was at the collapsed firelight’s side, shaking her limp body.
Ophelia’s ear ticked behind her as she heard the crystals breaking. Sevika tore an arm through one of the crystals, seeing this, Ophelia started to fight against her own. The leader drew his staff and roared at Jinx, but Jinx only drew her machine gun. The leader was pushed away by another firelight, both of them escaping on a hoverboard. Jinx’s line of fire cut across the ship, puncturing canisters of shimmer and even shooting Silco;s own men in an attempt to gun down the leader.
Bullets scattered as Jinx’s gun followed the firelights. Just as her line of fire almost tore through Ophelia, Sevika and her ducked after breaking through the crystals at the last moment. The two were on the ground, breathing labored but otherwise unharmed. Sevika glared at Ophelia. “I told you so.” She growled, her breath reaking of nicotine.
Jinx ran out of bullets once Sevika grabbed her shoulder and turned the girl to face her. “You were supposed to guard the cargo!” Sevika shouted, looming over the teen. Her teeth were barred as Jinx’s only apology was a smirk and a chuckle.
Ophelia was grasping at her shoulder, convinced that the crystals had dislocated it. “Sevika!” Ophelia called from behind the two once she realized Sevika had engaged the machine arm Silco had bestowed upon her. “We need to leave!”
Ophelia all but cursed when the medic pushed her shoulder back into its socket. She had made a beeline for The Last Drop after the mission had failed. Though Jinx made it hard to keep herself from straying, the Vastayan was able to escort her to her father’s office. Silco had stood from his desk, inspecting his daughter of any traces of scrapes before turning his attention to her face. Instead of facing him though, she disappeared in the rafters above them.
With a sigh, Silco returned to his desk. “Anything else?” The medic asked Ophelia but she waved him away, rubbing her shoulder in an attempt to soothe her pain. Once the medic left, her feathered ear ticked towards the closed door, hearing the familiar heavy footsteps of the lieutenant. “Sevika.” Ophelia mumbled, loud enough so Silco could know who to expect to enter his office.
As planned, Sevika bursted through the door. She entered the room with a large bottle of brandy from downstairs. The music downstairs made the room vibrate until Ophelia shut it behind the woman. “She fired on us.” Sevika said, plopping with a groan on his coffee table.
Silco, still facing away from them, examined a clipboard. “There are always mishaps in battle.” He lifted a paper up, signing something under it. ”The Firelights were her target and most are dead.” His voice was calm and cool, everything that Sevika didn’t have in that moment.
“It wasn’t a mishap. She froze up and lost her shit.” Her body trembled with anger, taking another swig of her drink.”I could have handled those brats. She’s a problem and we all know it.” Ophelia clenched her jaw. This was too far. “Easy.” Ophelia hissed a warning towards the woman hunched on the coffee table.
Sevika’s slight on his daughter made the tall chair behind the desk swivel. “We?”
He was now glaring at the lieutenant who stole another swig of her jug. ”Who's we?” Unable to defend herself, she looked away submissively.
Silco only huffed. ”I expected better from you than excuses.” Ophelia tensed up as she watched Sevika take the brunt of his disappointment. ”It was your job to make sure things went smoothly. You failed. Don’t disappoint me again.” Not wanting to try her chances, the woman stood up and stormed through the office door.
“And you,” Silco’s attention turned to Ophelia. His mismatched eyes fell onto her wounded shoulder. She knew he was about to direct his fury of their failed job towards her, but he lost his momentum when she rubbed her shoulder. Sighing, he turned in his swivel chair now out of her view. “You have my gratitude for ensuring Jinx’s safe return.” Her eyes watched as the back of his chair turned slightly.
“The world is growing smaller everyday, thanks to the Hexgates.” His thin fingers found the old contraption that he still used. ”And now we’re cut off.” Ophelia watched as he clicked the chamber and the base in place, ready for injection. ”The Topsiders are leaving us further and further behind.” Papers that were once stationary on his desk now tossed in the air as Jinx landed on his desk.
Wearily though softly, Silco called to Ophelia from his turned chair. “Leave us.” Sparing Jinx a worried glance, Ophelia left his office.
She heard his soft voice now address Jinx as she left.
“What happened?” -
Roadie had followed the directions that were scribbled out on the torn paper. “Hello?” He called out tentatively as he took cautious steps down a stairwell. The address he was given led him to a door leading to an old mine shaft. It got more cold and damp the further he descended the stairs, but there was a glow of light at the end of the staircase that kept him going. “Hello?” His voice echoed throughout the cavern he now stood before. A massive machine that resembled a turbine hung motionless in the air between the walls of the cavern. One of its massive blades had been tied by cables to touch the floor next to his talons, creating a bridge.
The turbine had many colorful scribbles and doodles covering it. There was no clock or way to tell the time but Roadie knew he was early. He took a trial step on the massive blade that led to the base of the turbine, but immediately retreated from his step in fear of falling down the cavern below.
After a few minutes of observing the turbine, he mustered the courage to walk along it. Once he realized it was stable, Roadie began to explore. Random objects were littered all over the turbine. From an old beach umbrella, to a large tent made of blankets and strobe lights, it looked strange.
He startled when his ear ticked at a growl followed by the sound of someone kicking a piece of metal off the blade of the turbine. His body felt weightless as he jumped a foot off the blade he stood on after there was an explosion that rocked the turbine.
Roadie turned to see a dumbfounded Jinx. She was holding what looked to be a homemade grenade. That was very much live. “I forgot you’d be here.” Her voice lacked it’s whimsy from earlier today. She seemed upset, and her face was expressionless. Tossing the grenade over the side of the blade, she lazily made her way over to the boy. Roadie flinched as the turbine rocked again at the explosion beneath. Jinx was much taller than Roadie. But he was still surprised when her palms grabbed her knees so she could be eye level with him. Making a ‘hmm’ noise, she tilted her head, the blue fringe of hair moving with her head. “I think I have just the stuff for you.”
Despite the strange kindness she has offered him, he was still nervous. His green eyes followed her body as she passed him to the base of the turbine. There was a desk that circled in the middle of the out of commission machine, and junk was scattered all over it.
“So. You never knew your dad?” Jinx tossed a braid over her shoulder while she searched through the mess on her desk. Taken aback at her interest in his life, he took a moment to find the words to say. “Yeah.” He croaked, still anxious about the teen.
“Interesting~!” Jinx’s voice suddenly regained it’s bubbly energy from earlier. “And your mom, she’s that chick who runs the orphanage further in the Undercity, yeah?” A few items started to fly his way as she discarded them over her shoulder, unaware that Roadie was in their trajectory.
His face heated up as he dodged a plush thrown past his face again. “I guess?”
Jinx turned to face the preteen, a magnifying glass in front of her face, making one of her eyes look enormous. “How very intriguing.” Her voice was now a mock British accent, making Roadie giggle. For a moment she seemed to enjoy his laughter, before tossing the magnifying glass aside and returning to her search.
“I’ve met your mom. She’s fine. Much nicer than Sevika.” Jinx’s voice turned hoarse at the mention of Sevika’s name.
Roadie tipped his head to the side as he moved closer to Jinx. “Sevika?”
Jinx plucked a bug that had landed in her hair. “Oh, just some troll that works for my dad.” She examined it for a moment, getting distracted by it’s bright color, before hurling it off the turbine. This made Roadie gulp. “There you are!” Finally, Jinx turned once more, a box full of makeup in her arms. She plopped it on the desk and swiped a glove hand off a dusty chair, pulling it up to the desk. “Da, da, da, daaaa!” She announced playfully. “Your salon, good sir.” Jinx bowed playfully, gesturing him fourth.
Roadie chuckled. This girl was nothing like he had heard from the rumors. She wasn’t blood thirsty, vile, though, she was very unpredictable. The chair groaned under his weight as he stared at a cracked piece of glass that was propped at the end of the desk. With a tug of his shoulder, Jinx twirled him around to face her.
“What kinda look you been wantin’ to go for huh?” Her hands found her hips as she waited for the boy to answer. Heat radiated on his cheeks once more, feeling embarrassed. “I just…” He started, never telling anyone about this side of him. “Want to feel…pretty.” That last word Roadie uttered cautiously, unsure of Jinx’s reaction. Though, he was surprised when she made a “pshh!” noise before turning back to the box. “That will be easy!” Her hands fumbled throughout the box of makeup before she found a bottle of concealer that she thought fit.
“Now stay perfectly still.” The makeup felt chilly against his forehead while she applied the paste to his skin. Within the thirty minutes of Jinx doing his makeup, they had talked about music, guns, art and how to properly jump off roofs. After there was a lull in the conversation, the girl bent over him picked up the social ball. “You would not believe the day I’ve had.” She said with a scoff while applying mascara to his eyelashes. “Oh?” Roadie asked, trying not to blink.
Jinx pulled away with an exaggerated “ugh!”, making Roadie realign his posture in the uncomfortable chair. For the next ten minutes Roadie listened intently on how her dad had trusted her with a job but she seemed to have been frustrated with herself and him because she screwed it up. He offered her consolation, even going as far as assuring her that everyone freezes during a job at least once in their life.
There was a bittersweet pause between the two. Roadie took this opportunity to make her less tense. “ You know, you are lucky.” His voice was soft as he directed it at the girl who had a look of worry on her face. “Huh?” Worry turned to confusion as she looked borderline offended at what he had just said.
Roadie stretched in his chair, hearing his muscles crack in relief. “My mom never lets me do anything that could remotely be dangerous.”
Jinx plopped down on the floor before him like a child ready to hear a story. “Seriously?”
He nodded. “I’ve got,” Roadie’s eyes lowered to the pipes that hugged his waist. “Issues.” Jinx followed his gaze, furrowing her brows. “Wowa! What happened?” Confusion was quickly washed away by childish curiosity as she all but leaped to him, just now noticing the pipes. He wanted to feel uncomfortable, but for the first time in a long while he felt at ease with this girl’s presence.
Roadie shrugged. “According to my mom I was dying. The doctor I visit surgically attached these to my body so I can get a direct dosage of shimmer in my bloodstream to keep my strength.”
Jinx’s blue eyes sparkled. “That’s metal!” Roadie blushed again, but his moment of bashfulness was only present for a few seconds. Talking about his illness had him remembering how dependent he was on shimmer. How he was addicted to it. That he needed the dosage raised every year. The blue haired girl notice his solemn face, nudging his shoulder playfully. “Hey, I know what you need, kid.”
Roadie only looked at her with a quirked brow. “Now that you’re all dolled up,” She jumped onto one of the cables holding the turbine up. Her hands supported her weight as she twirled her body around the cable. “A refreshin’ night into town should lift your spirits!”
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meatball-headache · 23 days ago
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I had a draft where I was trying to sum up all my thoughts and feelings on Dawntrail, but it was so long and rambly, and I never got back to finishing it. But I still have thoughts and feelings, and the mortifying human urge to share them, so.
Dawntrail was excellent. Wuk Lamat is a great character—the whole story is full of great characters, except for the Scions, who were really just tacked on and served basically no purpose. I forget they were ever there, and I still maintain that it should have been Estinien ("Eh, why not,") and G'raha Tia ("Of course I'll go with you!!!1!!one") instead of Alvin and Alice.
The story was excellent, the zones were exciting and varied, the dungeons and trials—well, you know I have to keep those secret, in case I do it all over again... The story was excellent—until the very, very end. The end was completely rushed and made no sense. Suddenly Erenville is a genius hacker? We're rushed into the last dungeon, an obvious knockoff of Amaurot and the Dead Ends, and after that we get about three lines where Wuk Lamat, the main character, is brushed off so you can feel like a special snowflake and have the final boss to yourself. And then after the final boss, you get like three lines again, before the credits start to roll.
Why did they bring in a Full Party's worth of Scions right before the final battle, only for that to be the only non-Trustable trial? They could've still given Wuk Lamat her cool scene midway through the fight. She was the one that deserved that fight, after all. ...and, yeah, the original lines just didn't fit the action on-screen, rerecording them is a big improvement.
I still like Endwalker the best, followed by Shadowbringers. Everything else falls into the category of Not The Best Part But Still Pretty Good.
Strayborough Deadwalk is the best dungeon in DT by a country mile and everyone who says "ugh i hate this boss" in it should get pissed on by the poor.
Also, the Arcadion and Jeuno are the best raid and alliance so far in the game, hands down. Purely content-wise, since we don't know where the story is going to end up, but, the story in the fights—"My riiiing!!!"—alone is great. They're all very fun, very active, very hectic fights with phenomenal music and wonderful voice acting. "Wait for it! Wait for it! Wait for it!" is my sexuality, I will not elaborate. Even once you learn these fights and have it down pat, it's a lot to pat down, it's always fun to do and redo until you have all of the raid gear and then keep going until you have like... I think 43 rings that I can't use. Lol. Lmao even.
Anyway, I just wanted to spit out some kind of summary on the whole Dawntrail thing. It's great, weak ending, great battle content, favorite game, will keep paying for it.
...but if they keep making hats that bunnies and big cats can't wear, I'm gonna start thinking of some strong words >_>
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troydooly · 24 days ago
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It has been 43 years since I started my leadership journey and 24 years working exclusively with leaders who launch and run for-profit and non-profit organizations.
Early on, I found five fundamental practices that ring true in establishing leadership and taking risks to a level where you are known for the significance you leave with others.
1. Model The Way - Do what you say you will do!
2. Inspire a Shared Vision - See and share with those you serve the future possibilities.
3. Challenge the Status Quo - Inspire those on your team to take initiative and experiment.
4. Enable Others to Act - Encourage collaboration and continuously build up your team.
5. Encourage the Heart—Celebrate your team by always crediting them for the wins.
Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner taught me this, which I still apply today. The 7th edition of their book, The Leadership Challenge, was released in 2023.
Around this time, I also had the privilege of joining Catalyst and seeing what pastors and leaders in non-profit ministries go through when launching churches and organizations. Two of my long-term mentors have been Greg Surratt and Chip Judd.
Greg co-founded ARC and Seacoast Church, and Chip may be the best-kept secret as the counselor leaders call when they need love and truth.
After losing a dear friend and co-pastor to suicide, they founded a pastor’s retreat and launched a small circle called The Endurance Factor (book by the same title) to mentor those of us working with pastors and pastors themselves.
Leadership in any organization can be lonely and isolating. But it doesn't have to be that way!
My meme here is from something Greg taught me. If you are in any form of leadership, I challenge you to apply what I have written here to your life.
Leaders come in all shapes and sizes. You may be the captain of your high school football team, the CEO of a pubco, a mom, a teen girl leading a Bible study, or the pastor of a small church.
No matter where you are, finding someone to accompany you on the journey is never too late.
You must remember that only by being 100% truthful will you avoid the leadership pitfalls many of us have encountered occasionally!
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wonderfulworldofmichaelford · 5 months ago
Michael in the Mainstream: Top 100 Movies #50 - #26
Finally, we're in the top 50! These next movies are ones I have a little bit more to say about than the previous entries, though the real big fish to fry will be in the final stretch.
50. Cats
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Bad movies like this don’t come around very often. Nearly every aspect of this movie is hilariously misguided to the point of insanity, with the special effects in particular turning what should be a campy romp into a bizarre fever dream. But this is precisely what draws me to the film! The flashes of greatness in the back half of the movie, particularly the genuinely great Skimbleshanks scene, really come together to create one of the most endearingly batshit experiences you could ever sit through.
49. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
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A movie that ruined an entire generation of women or something, this is a just a perfectly stylish action comedy with one of the most absurdly talented casts around. It's a fun, silly little live action comic book romp that manages to make great use of Michael Cera.
48. Eraserhead
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Now this is the David Lynch we all know and love! This is one of the trippiest, weirdest movies ever made, and it has one of the greatest effects ever in the baby. I fucking love that baby. It is one of the most digustingly cute creatures ever conceived.
47. Hot Fuzz
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Edgar Wright’s Shaun of the Dead is the far more popular of his genre parodies, but if I’m being totally honest Hot Fuzz is by far the superior film. It’s just funnier, fresher, and more exciting. It also has actual antagonists and some really great and memorable lines, plus it loves Point Break and, of all movies, Bad Boys II.
46. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
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Somehow, by some miracle, Disney managed to make a theme park ride featuring pirates (legendary box office poison) and make it into the most fun, exhilarating action adventure films of the 2000s. I think the bonkers premise combined with playful conviction from the entire cast is what really manages to sell this movie, but I must sadly give credit where credit is due: pre-dickhead era Johnny Depp, back when he was actually a good actor and not someone cast out of pity, brought the swaggering rock star pirate Jack Sparrow to life in glorious fashion, and manages to steal every scene he’s in. The only thing that could possibly make it better is if greatest character in the whole franchise Davy Jones was in this one, but they had to save something for the sequel.
45. It
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While the miniseries starring Tim Curry as Pennywise has its charm, it is hampered by the restraints of television and its budget. With more money, we got a bigger, bloodier, gorier, and more impressive take on the iconic King novel, one that might be my favorite movie based on one of his works. The new, more horrifying and predatory take on Pennywise is certainly a big plus, but I think credit also has to be given to a young Sophia Lillis showcasing her acting chops early and Finn Wolfhard before he stopped giving a shit, as well as the rest of the kid cast. The Loser Club is the heart and soul of the story, and thankfully it’s the thing this movie nails… and it’s sadly where part two drops the ball a little bit. Grown ass adults in a secret club fighting an evil clown isn’t as cool as kids doing it, no matter how great it is to see James McAvoy and Bill Hader.
44. Kill Bill: Vol. 1
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Speaking of movies where the sequel just couldn’t measure up…! This is one of Tarantino’s finest works, and certainly the one that most feels like the kind of movies that inspire him. There’s blood, ore, women going on a vengeful rampage… It really is a classic grindhouse movie with more polish. Uma Thurman truly kills it (along with scores of mooks) as Beatrix Ki—Er, I mean “The Bride.”
43. Predator
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One of the manliest action films ever made, and also one of the greatest halfway plot switches of all time. You think you’re getting a simple macho 80s action film, and then halfway through, BAM! It’s a slasher movie and the macho men are the prey for a terrifying killer. Our final girl Arnold Schwarzenegger only wins by embracing those macho tropes and adapting them to a new foe. I think it’s a film where you can read it on the most surface level imaginable and deeply analyze it and still come to the exact same conclusion either way: This movie fucking rules.
42. The Batman
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Live action Batman movies have been good, but too many of them miss core aspects of what makes Batman, well, Batman. Even the best ones like The Dark Knight, Batman Returns, or even Batman & Robin miss a few aspects and, while great films in their own right, just don’t feel like the definitive Batman. Then one half of the dudes behind Felicity took a crack at it and boy does he get it. This is what Batman should be. There’s detective work, there’s action, there’s car chases and gadgets, and most fascinatingly it’s an origin story but not in the way you think; rather than him becoming Batman, it’s him learning to become a symbol of hope instead of a symbol of fear. Robert Patinson proves he is one of the greatest talents of his age, and Paul Dano brings a deranged campiness to his Riddler that helps keep things comic booky even in a realm of grounded realness. And then there’s Colin Farrell’s Penguin, who is so good he got his own spin off show. It has never been a better time for Batman fans when it comes to cinema; we are eating good.
41. Guardians of the Galaxy
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I was a bit skeptical at this film when I sat down to watch it. I mean, these were heroes I’d never heard of headlining a Marvel film when they seemed to be hitting their stride. Then the film opened with a crushing emotional moment, and then it goes into the opening credits as Chris Pratt dances like a goober to “Come and Get Your Love.” It all clicked for me, and it only got better from there as it morphed into the greatest “group of assholes become a found family” I ever saw at the time. I do think it’s the weakest of the trilogy now; Ronan is not a compelling villain and aside from that Redbone tune that opens the movie, the soundtrack kind of sucks (“Cherry Bomb?” Fucking seriously?). But when it comes to the Guardians, “weakest” is still “one of the best goddamn sci-fi action films you’ll ever watch.” It’s nice getting a reminder Chris Pratt is actually a good actor at any rate.
40. Raiders of the Lost Ark
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I think even I can concede that The Last Crusade is objectively the best Indy film. I mean, it has Sean Connery in it, after all. But sometimes you just gotta let your nostalgia take the wheel, and when it does it tells me this one deserves the higher spot. No mattter what Sheldon Cooper says, this is one of the best and most thrilling pulp action movies ever made, and one of Spielberg’s finest blockbusters. If nothing else, it definitely has the best opening and arguably the best climax of the whole series. And maybe this is a hot take unless you’re Harrison Ford himself, but Indy > Han Solo.
39. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
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It’s honestly amazing how this movie got me to give a shit about so many characters I wouldn’t ever have really thought about much otherwise. Miles Morales went from a cool footnote to one of my favorite Spider-Men, Gwen Stacy went from the dead love interest to a cool and alive love interest, Kingpin went from the best mob boss villain in comic books to the best mob boss villain in comic book movies… and that’s not even getting into how creatively this film uses the multiverse and the concept of variants. It’s really no big surprise just about every superhero movie in the coming years tried to crib its style.
38. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
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This movie is ass-numbingly long, especially if you’re watching the extended version (and I always do—weird bits that kind of rob suspense aside the death of Sauruman, the Mouth of Sauron, and Harvey Weinstein orc getting killed are too good to pass up) and it has about a dozen endings, but you can’t really say any of it is unearned considering what came before it. This is truly an amazing capstone to the most epic fantasy trilogy ever made, and not once in that monstrous runtime does it ever feel like any time is wasted.
37. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
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This is the Western, and easily Clint Eastwood’s greatest performance ever. But despite how unflinchingly cool and badass he is, and despite how terrifying Lee Van Cleef is as the villain, it is Eli Wallach as the titular “ugly,” an all-too human lout, who manages to be the most fascinating character in the story. The final showdown is one of the greatest in all of cinema, and the Ennio Morricone score is iconic. If you only ever watch one Western in your life, make it this one.
36. The Prestige
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Christopher Nolan may not know how to write women, but he sure knows how to take a batshit premise and deliver on it. This film about dueling magicians takes at least a half dozen turns, each crazier than the last, and makes rewatches oh so rewarding. Plus, David Bowie plays Tesla. That’s fucking rad.
35. Oldboy
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When a film starts off with a man eating a live octopus onscreen, you know you’re in for something special. This might be one of the greatest “revenge really fucking sucks” stories ever made and one of the greatest downer endings of all time. The twist is genuinely a curveball of epic proportions, and the villain is one of the most heinous yet sympathetic you could ever hope to see. It’s a damn good movie that definitely should never be remade with Marvel actors.
34. Fight Club
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I get you’re not supposed to talk about this one, but it’s hard not to considering how liking this movie can easily be misconstrued as being an endorsement of cult-like anarchism and chud ideologies. I like this movie because of its critiques of capitalism as well as its examination of the kind of guy Tyler Durden is, and also because this movie is super fucking gay. It also has Jared Leto getting his face caved in by Ed Norton. Literally every aspect of this movie is ridiculously appealing.
33. The Room
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I fucking love bad movies, and this? This is the Citizen Kane of bad movies. Tommy Wiseau’s magnum opus is the sort of bad movie that comes along only once in a generation, something so spectacularly bad it must be seen to be believed. Hell, the reason I love Cats so much is it somehow manages to capture the absurd insanity of this film with a bigger budget, but this one is still better because rather than being an adaptation it is the singular vision of an egotistical blowhard who thought he was making great art. And you know what? He was right. This is the pinnacle of “so bad, it’s good.”
32. Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
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And you thought I was insane for preferring Glass Onion over Knives Out! Well, look here! I like the sequel so many “genius” animation critics derided as “incomplete” or “half a story.” I’m not the brightest guy on the planet, but even I understand the concept of cliffhangers and dark endings that set up future storylines; it’s like these people have never seen The Empire Strikes Back, which this is very much in the vein of. I think for me while the original film has a better and more focused story and a more interesting villain with Kingpin, the scope and the more impressive work done with the animation elevate this one above the first film in my mind.
31. Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
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A Guardians of the Galaxy clone based on a TTRPG that has famously had bad luck with adaptations and starring a cast of absurdly famous people you wouldn’t expect to give a damn about telling a compelling story in this setting… Truly, this was a disaster waiting to happen. But that’s just it: It didn’t happen. This is the best fantasy film we’ve gotten in ages, and a movie that is faithful to the concept of D&D. What I mean is that while it’s not literally adapting a specific storyline, it very much feels like the average campaign, to the point you can basically see where each character nat 20s and where they crit fail. You can see where the DM is like “fuck it” and has them conveniently solve a puzzle, and where they sat back and let the party fuck around. This movie gets D&D, and the entire cast is a blast to watch and they have great chemistry. We need more of these films, dammit!
30. Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
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Speaking of movies it was easy to write off before seeing, here’s a sequel to a mediocre Shrek shrek spinoff made years after that franchise went dormant. But the movie is so fresh, funny, and vibrant it’s like that Shrek spirit was never gone. Puss is as fun as he’s always been, and the movie manages to tackle his insecurities and grappling with his own mortality with surprising grace for a family comedy film. It also has three of the most fantastic antagonists in Dreamworks history with the anti-villain Goldilocks, the relentless force of nature that is the Wolf, and the hilarious card-carrying villain Big Jack Horner. Truly, this franchise isn’t ogre yet.
29. Aladdin
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For the longest time I called this my favorite Disney movie, and how could I not? Robin Williams and Gilbert Gottfried turn in some of the best and funniest performances of their careers here! The songs are absolutely fantastic! Aladdin is a great male lead and Jasmine is a really fun and compelling princess! It got a live action remake that’s actually decent and watchable! And, well, it’s obviously still pretty damn high up there. I’ve just come to realize there’s a couple Disney films I like a little better than this after all.
28. Seven Samurai
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This is basically the birthplace of modern action movies, with tropes typical of the genre put on display for the first time and unbuilt at their conception. There’s a lot of commenatry on class and the nature of samurai, ridiculous feats of badassery, and one of the most poignant bittersweet endings imaginable. There’s a reason so many other films across the years have aped this one’s premise.
27. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
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James Cameron’s magnum opus, and an action film that redefines cinematic action. It’s just a damn good film with stunning action, but I think there’s a few things that need to be addressed here. For one, as much as people love hyping up Sarah Connor as some feminist ideal or “one of the good ones” when it comes to female characters, she’s kind of a shitty person for most of the runtime, only regaining her humanity and her right to call herself John’s mother with the help of the T-800. And speaking of him, Schwarzenegger truly shows off his genuinely incredible acting chops, between his comedic attempts to emote and his delivery of the most tearjerking thumbs up in all of cinema. And then, finally, there’s Robert Patrick as the T-1000, easily one of the coolest and most intimidating villains in sci-fi, which is all the more impressive since he is scary and a believable menace when going up against a mountain of a man like Schwarzenegger.
26. Nope
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In my opinion Jordan Peele has gone three for three with fantastic films, and this one is not only no exception, it’s my favorite he’s made so far. Such a wacky premise delivered in an impressive way, a truly breathtaking monster design, and two of the most unnerving scenes in recent horror history, Peele manages to cement his place as a modern master of his craft.
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scotianostra · 1 year ago
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On November 1st 1695 The Bank of Scotland was founded by an Act of the Scottish Parliament.
The original 172 shareholders came mainly from Scotland's political and merchant elite. They required a banking system which would offer long-term credit and security for merchants and landowners alike, so unlike the Reverend Henry Duncan, who founded the first savings bank this was all about business.
In 1696, Bank of Scotland became the first bank in Europe to successfully issue paper currency. The Bank's right to issue notes has been maintained to the present day. The first branches were opened in Dumfries and Kelso in 1774 and by 1795 there were 27 branches. By 1860 this had risen to 43 branches and by 1939 there were 265 branches.
In 1959, Bank of Scotland became the first the British Isles bank to introduce a computer for processing its accounts centrally. Computers were to revolutionise the banking industry and again Bank of Scotland was at the forefront.
The Bank's Centralised Accounting Unit initially served just four branches. It took a decade to transfer all customer accounts onto the system. The arrival of the first computer was a source of great excitement. Several branch managers were taken to see it at the George Street office in Edinburgh. Only a few were allowed in at a time, for fear their body heat would cause the machine to malfunction
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lightofraye · 5 months ago
Careers Take Off At Any Age
This came up in a group chat. One person asked if it were possible for a career to take off later in age. I said yes, yes it could.
In Hollywood, age doesn't matter as much as talent. I got curious and decided to go off googling!
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Stan Lee, 39
Even though Stan Lee started working with comic books since he was just 17 years old, it took him over twenty years to achieve success. He began working for a company called Timely Publications as an assistant and slowly rose up the ranks until he published his first comic book in 1961 – Lee was 39 at the time.
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Alan Rickman, 42
Alan Rickman, the famous actor who played Professor Snape in the Harry Potter series, used to be a graphic designer and even had his own studio. But at the age of 26, he started attending the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art with hopes of becoming an actor. However, he only achieved his first major role in 1988, when he got the role of Hans Gruber in the movie Die Hard – Rickman was 42 at the time. After the movie, Rickman’s acting career quickly took off and he landed the role of Severus Snape in 2001, at the age of 55.
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Kathy Bates, 42
Kathy Bates worked steadily both on stage and on screen early in her life, but it was only when she was cast in the thriller “Misery” at age 42 did she gained prominence as one of the most impressive actors in her generation. Winning the Academy Award for Best Actress, Bates’ career took off, landing her the role of Molly Brown in “Titanic,” Libby Holden in “Primary Colors,” and Miss Hannigan in Disney’s remake of “Annie,” as well as remarkable turns on television series “Six Feet Under,” “Two and a Half Men,” and “Harry’s Law.” Bates was also cast as one of the co-stars of the third season of “American Horror Story.”
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Martha Stewart, 41
Before the beginning of her career as an entrepreneur and media personality, Martha Stewart was working as a stockbroker in Wall Street. However, she quit to start a catering business and eventually published her first cookbook in 1982 at the age of 41.
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Morgan Freeman, 50
Even though Morgan Freeman loved acting since he was young, instead of becoming an actor, he joined the Air Force after finishing school. However, the actor never gave up on his dream and got his first major role in the movie "Street Smart" at age 50.
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Jane Lynch, 49
After many small roles in various different films, Jane Lynch got her first major role in the TV series "Glee" when she was 49.
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Samuel L. Jackson, 46
Samuel L. Jackson was interested in drama since his early 20’s but only achieved worldwide success at age 46, for his role of Jules Winnfield in Quentin Tarantino’s 1994 hit "Pulp Fiction".
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Christoph Waltz, 53
This Austrian-German actor only achieved international success at the age of 53 for his role of Col. Hans Landa in the 2009 movie "Inglorious Basterds".
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Viola Davis, 43
Even though Viola Davis had many small roles in different movies before, her first big break only happened in 2008, when she got a role in the movie "Doubt" at the age of 43.
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Julia Childs, 50
Julia Child, known by many for her TV show and cookbooks, wasn’t initially even that good at cooking. She attended the Cordon Bleu cooking school in 1948 and wrote her first book in 1961 at the age of 50.
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Kathryn Joosten, 60
Kathryn Joosten joined her community theater when she was 42. Before that, she used to work as a psychiatric nurse. The actress eventually��landed the role in “The West Wing” at the age of 60.
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Ray Kroc, 52
Raymond Albert Kroc was an American businessman. He purchased the fast food company McDonald's in 1961 from the McDonald brothers and was its CEO from 1967 to 1973. Kroc is credited with the global expansion of McDonald's, turning it into the most successful fast food corporation in the world by revenue.
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Billy Bob Thornton, 41
Even though Billy Bob Thornton struggled with his acting career in the 1980s, it all changed when the actor wrote, directed and starred in the movie "Sling Blade" in 1996 – he was 41 at the time.
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Steve Carell, 43
Believe it or not, The Office was Steve Carell’s first big break – the actor was 43 years old at the time.
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Regis Philbin, 57
Regis Philbin started out as an NBC page and worked on "The Joey Bishop Show," but he was never widely known.
That changed in 1988 when the morning show Philbin was working on became the nationally syndicated "Live with Regis and Kathie Lee." After almost 20 years of working on TV, Philbin's chemistry with Kathie Lee made the show a success and gave him national exposure.
At 57, it was the first time the name Regis was in the nation's lexicon. He's been a part of pop culture ever since, most notably for hosting the game show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?"
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Lucille Ball, 40
Lucille Ball was a pioneer for both female leads and for comedy after creating one of the most beloved sitcoms of all time, "I Love Lucy" in 1951.
However, she didn't become Lucy Ricardo until she was 40.
Before "I Love Lucy," Ball went from role to role in films. However, once television became a prominent medium she (along with her husband and co-star Desi Arnaz) tried to sell her vaudeville act to networks. That act became the prototype for "I Love Lucy."
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Bea Arthur, 47
It wasn’t until Bea Arthur was in her forties that she landed on the map. Her portrayal of the acerbic Vera Charles opposite Angela Lansbury in the original Broadway production of “Mame” won her a Tony Award. She became more successful as she aged, gaining acclaim for her portrayal of Maude Findlay on “All in the Family,” and later, “Maude.” In addition, Arthur went on to score many Emmy Award nominations for her work on “The Golden Girls.”
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Colonel Sanders, 62
Throughout his career, Colonel Sanders tried many professions: he was a fireman, a steam engine stoker, an insurance salesman and even tried practicing law. He eventually opened his own roadside restaurant in the 1930s and opened the first franchise restaurant in 1952 – he was 62 at the time.
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Michael Emerson, 46
Before Michael Emerson became an Emmy Award-winning star, he took retail jobs and worked as a freelance illustrator in New York City. Discouraged, Emerson and his wife moved to Florida, where he appeared in local productions around the state. Emerson landed on the map with his electrifying performance as a serial killer on “The Practice,” which earned him his first Emmy Award. Emerson has taken home more Emmy Awards for his work on the popular thriller “Lost.”
There are so many more. Anyone's career can take off suddenly, not just in Hollywood, but elsewhere too.
Don't let age be the limitation of your life.
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sshbpodcast · 1 year ago
Character Spotlight: Hikaru Sulu
By Ames
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Have at thee! Pick up your foil and get into the proper stance as A Star to Steer Her By shines this week’s character spotlight on the Enterprise’s helmsman (and occasional musketeer), Hikaru Sulu. We may have had to get a little nitpicky with noteworthy moments from Scott last week because he’s just used less than the three main characters, and Sulu will be even tougher because he does even less and then is gone for a lot of season two while he was off filming The Green Berets (which I wouldn’t even recommend, so that’s a waste!).
That’s not to say Sulu isn’t a great presence in The Original Series, and we came up with some great (and not so great) moments from this ship’s jack of all trades. He swashbuckles, he collects pistols, he tends to plants, he quips with his Russian bestie. Check out the best and worst of Sulu below, listen to this week’s banter on the podcast (discussion starts at 1:19:43), and give us warp speed on my mark. Mark!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best Moments
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Someone give this man a hand… plant Sulu started the series with a passion for botany that never really came up much after it was established in “The Man Trap” (even when it would have been applicable, as you’ll see), but it was endearing to see him caring for Beauregard and worrying about his flowery friend after a salt vampire masquerading as crewman Green gave him a fright. There there, Beauregard.
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Richelieu, beware! One of the most memorable moments for Sulu and also for the whole damn series comes in “The Naked Time” where we see our favorite helmsman get affected by the space madness disease and start running around the ship shirtless with a foil, provoking crewmen into duels. It’s that bonkers kind of fun episode that really worked for TOS and gave us decades of referential humor after.
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Lower us down a pot of hot coffee While we gave Kirk a lot of guff about his characterization(s) in “The Enemy Within,” we’ve really got to give Sulu credit for his work in the B plot. While slowly freezing on Alfa 177, he manages to keep morale up with the occasional light-hearted room service call to the Enterprise. And this is the first we see of what we dubbed the “Sulu Maneuver,” when you heat up some rocks with a phaser! Clever!
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He’s doing a countdown! Okay, this one’s here partly because of the running joke we made out of Bailey’s delivery pointing out Sulu’s rather macabre countdown, but Sulu also displays some serious chops in “The Corbomite Maneuver.” Bailey can’t handle the pressure, and Sulu has to literally lean over and do his job for him at the same time, all without losing count!
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You are not of the body Mind-controlled Sulu is best Sulu and gets some really fun acting out of George Takei every time. We see it in the afore-mentioned “The Naked Time,” in “Catspaw,” and in “This Side of Paradise,” to name a few, but my favorite mind-controlled Sulu has got to be in “The Return of the Archons” because of all the extra points he gets for this ruffly outfit!
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It’s Greek to me Let’s also commend Sulu for rigging up the ship’s phasers to destroy Apollo’s temple in “Who Mourns for Adonais?” Why this plan worked I have absolutely no idea. What self-respected god entity puts all of their powers in a single object? Trelane wouldn’t gaff this hard. Anyway, props to Sulu for somehow avoiding phasering the humans who were hiding only ten feet away like fools.
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Lay back and thinking about vegetables Holy cow, guys. A whole episode in which only Spock, Uhura, and Sulu are featured from the entire cast? It must be “The Slaver Weapon” from The Animated Series. Only TAS could get away with giving to Sulu scenes that would go to Kirk any other day, and he owns it! He outwits the Kzinti. He avoids their telepathy by thinking about broccoli. He does it all!
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Don’t call me tiny As usual, some of the best moments we’ve collected come from the films, where the characters all really get the shine. Even the minor characters like Sulu, who gets to sashay around in what we previously dubbed the Ta’cape in The Search for Spock and hold his own against a security officer who stands probably a full foot taller than him, like a small dog in a fight. Bowwow!
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Special delivery While we’re a little sad that Sulu had probably the fewest character scenes in The Voyage Home (they evidently cut a family reunion scene due to bad child acting), we do have to thank this San Franciscan for obtaining and flying a helicopter around to deliver the transparent aluminum to the ship. How did he pull it off? We’ll just have to use our imagination.
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Emergency Landing Plan B Wow, we’ve had more good moments from The Final Frontier than bad ones to mention in these character spotlight posts, which is kind of fascinating considering that film on the whole is among our least favorites. But when Sulu totally rocks it and manually lands the shuttle in the bay using a barricade, we have to admit that the film knew how to use its characters.
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Fly her apart then! How often does Sulu get to save the day? Not often enough, I say, because when he gets the opportunity to have the Excelsior join in the battle in The Undiscovered Country, it’s positively thrilling. Your heart just wells at the love these crewmembers have for each other that Sulu would ignore orders to come rescue his friends with passion that I wish we got to see more often in the show.
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Tossing a match into a pool of gasoline For the 30th anniversary of Star Trek, Voyager treated the fans with a little Sulu action in “Flashback” and he proved to be just as heroic as ever! Not only do we get to see his decision to go save his old crewmates, but we see him outwit Kang by igniting the sirillium in a nebula. Not only that, but he does the humane and diplomatic thing and makes sure it won’t destroy the Klingon ship utterly. Now that’s a great birthday gift!
Worst Moments
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It’s a he plant – a girl can tell Ya know how we were lauding Sulu for all his great botany work before? Well, he insists that Beauregard’s name is Gertrude for some reason in “The Man Trap.” Dude, just let Janice name him Beauregard if she wants to. He’s her plant, you just feed him sometimes. And frankly, Beauregard is the perfect name for this plant, so we have to give you points off for this one.
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I’ll protect you, fair maiden Another instance that’s on both our good and bad lists comes in “The Naked Time.” Drunk or not, assaulting his coworkers is not okay, pal. And Uhura can defend herself from the likes of Richelieu or whoever else. Can we do away with the constant need to protect female characters like they’re damsels in distress? Luckily, Uhura managed to own this moment, as we’ll certainly see next week.
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I knew he would Here’s another example of Chris putting the same moment in both of his lists. Funny as that interaction with Bailey was, did we really need the countdown in “The Corbomite Maneuver”? Balok was already doing it for us, as we could tell when the Clint Howard–shaped alien was supposed to repeat “one minute” after Sulu, but the line was cut, and Sulu reacts to it anyway like a weirdo.
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Fantasy island, er, planet Most things in “Shore Leave” are perplexing since the episode was being written on the fly and all the characters are acting entirely out of character (we postulated the whole planet was drugged, but who knows). So when Sulu is evidently thinking about samurai for some reason, we can just blame the writers if that comes across as a little racist, especially considering Takei fought to NOT be written as a samurai in “The Naked Time.”
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If it were two feet from me You know how we were giving credit earlier to Sulu for caring for Beauregard and having a knack for botany? Well all that goes out the window in “This Side of Paradise” where Sulu suddenly can’t notice a plant that is literally right next to him and slowly turning to face him. I call this man’s botany skills into question. No wonder he misgendered Beauregard! 
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You are away from your post, Mister We can give normal universe Sulu a pass on this one, but his parallel universe self in “Mirror, Mirror” is just a monster. While it’s some good fun to watch Takei got down with his bad self by trying to get the captain killed and all that jazz, it is just plain uncomfortable to watch him terrorizing Uhura, so it’s definitely worth a place on our list.
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A literal dagger of the mind In “And the Children Shall Lead,” it’s unclear how far the mental powers of Gorgan go since sometimes the crew only hallucinates things and sometimes they are straight-up mind controlled. Sulu seeing a ton of knives in space (which is just plain impossible and he should know it) is the weirdest instance yet. Kirk has to tell him what he sees isn’t there, but does he understand that? Who knows; it’s a nonsensical episode.
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I am for you, Sulu This is just a little moment, but Sulu falls (literally!) for one of the oldest cliches in horror writing: When Losira is coming for him in “That Which Survives,” Sulu backs away and trips on some rocks like a chump, leaving himself prone to her attack. And what makes even less sense is that her touching him doesn’t kill him like the others; it only disrupts the cells in his shoulder. Like a chump.
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It’s Walter backwards! More of Sulu getting made to look like a chump comes in The Animated Series episode “The Infinite Vulcan” when he nearly gets himself killed after getting bitten by a retlaw: a walking planet with poisonous bite. Luckily, he gets saved by the Phylosians, but you’d think a botanist like Sulu would know better. Oh wait, I’ve already questioned his botany skills, so there’s that.
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You’re a wizard, Sulu! I can’t rant enough on what a trainwreck “The Magicks of Megas-Tu” is, but here’s a taste. To test out how to use magic (not even going to start; we’ll be here all day), Sulu’s first impulse is to make himself a pretty woman and then go in to kiss her. In front of everyone. What the hell, Sulu? I expected better from you, man, but making yourself a sex doll is utterly ridiculous.
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One tiny step for a tiny man One more from The Animated Series, and this one’s stupidity is compounded by the super inconsistent animation. When he’s been shrunk in “The Terratin Incident” to somewhere between one foot and one inch tall depending on the art frame, Sulu goes to turn a dial, somehow trips on it, and falls off the equivalent of a ten-story building only to break a leg. Ugh.
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Like a bull in a China ship I have to give Sulu grief about something that bugs me whenever I see it in Star Trek. Did you ever notice that the crew seem to use breakable items only so they can get smashed? In any other scene, the ceramic tea cup that we see in The Undiscovered Country might be metal or plastic or the paper cups we saw at one point, but because we need to see it break, it’s ceramic, and I slowly lose my mind about it.
Oh my. We’re reducing to impulse speed to prepare for more of these character spotlights, so keep your eyes here for more in the series! Also, keep up with our watchthrough of Enterprise over on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast, challenge us to a duel over on Facebook or Twitter, and take a moment to smell the flowers, if you take a half a second to notice them.
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plethoraworldatlas · 8 months ago
Remember when I said Democrats will start openly calling for him to drop out in less than a week?
Crediting U.S. President Joe Biden with spearheading "transformational" changes since taking office three-and-a-half years ago, Rep. Lloyd Doggett on Tuesday became the first Democratic member of Congress to call on the president to withdraw from the 2024 electoral race, warning that a potential victory by former President Donald Trump would "usher America into a long, dark, authoritarian era."
With just four months until Election Day, and weeks until the Democratic Party formally nominates its presidential candidate, Doggett (D-Texas) said in a statement that the party's "overriding consideration must be who has the best hope of saving our democracy from an authoritarian takeover by a criminal and his gang."
Doggett spoke out five days after Biden faced Trump in the first debate of the presidential campaign and alarmed viewers, Democratic strategists, and aides with his performance. The president, speaking in a raspy voice and appearing to lose his train of thought several times, struggled to make the case for his achievements and to call out Trump's repeated lies.
The debate reportedly sent a wave of panic through the Democratic Caucus, with one party insider telling Politico that names of potential replacements for Biden were being floated.
In his statement, Doggett noted that Biden's poll numbers compared to Trump's were cause for concern for several months before the debate.
"Too much is at stake to risk a Trump victory—too great a risk to assume that what could not be turned around in a year, what could not be turned around in the debate, can be turned around now," said Doggett. "President Biden saved our democracy by delivering us from Trump in 2021. He must not deliver us to Trump in 2024."
Doggett's comments came as CNN released a poll showing that Trump is leading Biden by 49% v. 43%, while his lead over Vice President Kamala Harris in a potential matchup is smaller. Trump leads the vice president by two points.
Among Independent voters, Harris has a three-point edge over the former president, while Trump leads Biden by 10 points.
A separate poll released Tuesday by the progressive grassroots group Our Revolution showed that 67% of respondents supported Biden suspending his reelection campaign
Doggett noted that the days following the debate have made increasingly clear the danger of a potential second Trump term, as the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday ruled that Trump has "absolute immunity" regarding "official acts" he committed while he was in office—casting doubt on whether he can be held accountable for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election results and rendering any U.S. president, as Justice Sonia Sotomayor said, "a king above the law."
"Newly empowered with immunity," said Doggett, Trump would be "unchecked by either the courts or a submissive Republican Congress."
The congressman noted that while Biden has spearheaded some far-reaching legislative reforms, the president signaled earlier in his term that he planned to serve only one term.
"He has the opportunity to encourage a new generation of leaders from whom a nominee can be chosen to unite our country through an open, democratic process," said Doggett. "Recognizing that, unlike Trump, his first commitment has always been to our country, not himself, I am hopeful that he will make the painful and difficult decision to withdraw. I respectfully call on him to do so."
Doggett told Matthew Choi of The Texas Tribune that he had notified the White House of his decision to speak out in favor of Biden stepping aside last Friday, the day after the debate.
"After the debate, the risk of a Trump presidency has grown so much that I felt forced to take this action," Doggett said.
Another survey released Tuesday by Puck News showed alternative candidates including Harris, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer polling ahead of Biden in a potential matchup with Trump.
In light of the the new polling numbers, said former Rhode Island lawmaker and lawyer Aaron Regunberg, Democratic leaders who are "trying to shut down this debate are actively helping Trump."
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Faith & Fate - A Leap Of Faith Fanfiction
As I told Emily (@philhoffman ) I have started writing a Leap Of Faith story, which I have now titled 'Faith & Fate', it takes place in 1993 and in the fictional town of 'Lead Springs, Texas'. And I shall now word dump on you some info:
Major Changes to the plot / Spoilers:
After the ending of 'Leap of Faith' Jonas was dropped off the next town over by the truck driver. The trucker thought Jonas was mad and threw him and his bag out.
Jonas had to call Jane, she and Sheriff Braverman came to get Jonas and they (Jonas and Jane) re-joined the crew, heading off to the next town, eventually reaching Lead Springs, Texas by January 9th of 1992, where 'Faith & Fate' begins.
So basically, I'm using 'Leap of Faith' as a 'movie becomes series' (like Buffy for example) to lead into 'Faith & Fate'
As per usual, if you wish to be tagged or untagged from the story, please let me know, either through asks or DMs
Characters (OCs & From Leap of Faith):
Under cut due to length. These are just the characters I'm certain I'll include as of now (8th June '24)
Jonas Nightengale & Jane Larson
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Aka the two least deserving of anyone's trust, the Boss (Jonas) and the ACTUAL boss (Jane). I don't trust either of them, but I trust Larson more because of the butterflies scene. Jane is dating Sheriff Braverman long-distance and Jonas still keeps in touch with Boyd and Marva, though he isn't particularly close to either of them.
Ages: Jonas - 47. Jane - 37
The Choir & The Crew (General)
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More than likely underpaid (even though Jonas has a bag of golden watches), but good people. I know several of the crew who put together the gigantic tent have tattoos, so possibly a mix of types of Christians, including maybe some who aren't fully Christians
Ages: Unknown, Approx. 20s-40s mostly
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First of all, he's a giant, dude's like 6'3. My name for him is Timothy Smalls, so in my head at least Jonas nicknamed him Tiny because of the character of Tiny Tim and it just stuck. He helps with building the tent, collecting money, gathering info, etc.
Age: 44
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(Image credit - @philhoffman / Emily) Matt, my beloved, young dumb and full of… energy, this man has so much energy. My name for him is Matthew Braddock. He helps collect money and gather info, but is also the one who Jane and Hoover (Meat Loaf) send to do random tasks, like an intern.
Age: 25
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The driver of Jonas' bus, as in the main bus at the front of the pack of 4. His name's Tobias Hoover. His family is my OCs, specifically his 2 brothers and niece. I like his fashion choices, but I know they're not for everyone, also I have been unironically listening to mostly Meat Loaf songs while writing these characters.
Age: 43
(OC) Jedidiah 'Jed/Bubba' Hoover
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Eldest brother, and the only Hoover brother to have kids, big (6'2") cuddly papa bear, but seriously don't come near his daughter, he protects her like she's a miracle and her mother / Jed's wife died when Cai was very young.
Age: 46
(OC) Micaiah 'Cai' Hoover
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Jed's daughter, Cai's been raised by practically just men, her family has always been in Lead Springs, her uncle Tobias was the only one who left. She suffers with CIDP, which means she's often in a wheelchair but manages as well as she can to be independent. She doesn't work, not due to disability but rather due to lack of jobs, as well as the mistreatment she receives in Lead Springs.
Age: 22 (turns 23 within the first few chapters)
(OC) Zechariah 'Ari' Hoover
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Tobi and Jed's younger brother, and Cai's uncle. Zechariah goes by Ari, which can be confusing. He lives with Jed and Cai, acting as a second father to Cai while working with Jed at the town's diner. Most days he regrets letting Tobias leave, but has to remind himself that his brother has his own life.
Age: 40
(OC) Reverend B.J Deacon
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The young, new Episcopal church reverend/deacon, fresh faced and just out of seminary school. He's very new to actually leading a church and very inexperienced, hoping to learn from Jonas how to engage people with their faith.
Age: 22 (turns 23 within the first few chapters)
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I know you already probably answered this, but what is your age HC?
Also, get better soon anon 🙏 (not me. Unfortunately)
I answered that here but I love talking about them heeeheee
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credit to @nrdmssgs who made this for our little universe
So, Price has a canon year of birth, 1985, and I respected it (he's one year younger than me, ugh...), so, as per the moment I'm in my fanfic (July 2023, first chapter starts January 2023) he is, or is about to be, 38
For Laswell I thought I took her voice actor's birth year (which is 1969) but no, I chose 1978 for some reason <_< that makes her 45, which I think is quite fine given her position and that she still goes to field missions and such
Then we (the Lastochka collective) chose 1980 as a busy year, with Nikolai, Yuri Volkov and Vladimir Makarov being born. That makes them about 43 (I know Yuri and Makarov haven't appeared yet in my fic but they will. And Nikolai is starring in next arc when I finish the spanish op)
Then we have my beloved Lt. Samoilova ( @nrdmssgs ) born in 1986, making her just slightly younger than Price and just as awesome.
Then we have Ghost. I have explained many times that I'm using his OG background per the comics and what we know as much as I can, and so I have adapted it to the times. Instead of enlisting because of 9/11, he enlisted because of the terrorist attack in London in 2005. I have settled that he was born in 1989, so that means he was 16 when he enlisted (the minimum age to enlist in the UK Army) and already an apprentice butcher. That makes him 34 during my fic.
In 1990 Lt. Scholten was born ( @siilvan ), that makes her 33 and absolutely awesome as well.
My beloved loremaster @siilvan / @eenochian clarified to me that Activision botched Gaz's date of birth twice, and right now the wiki says 1993 or before, so I chose 1992. He has an impressive record and I didn't want him to be too young, because he doesn't act like that tbh. So he's 31
Then there's my blonde disaster, born in 1994, so she's (about to turn) 29
And the beloved twins, Soap and Mini ( @sofasoap ), born in 1996, which makes them 27. I chose 1996 because the wiki says about Johnny born in 1996 or before. But we know he tried many times to get into the SAS before he was of age. For what I read, you can enlist in the UK Army at 16, but can only try for the SAS if they have served already for at least two years, and they must be at least 18 years old and 32 at most. So, to be even able to do the test he would have needed to serve for two years previously (it's canon that he was caught lying every time). So, at the very earliest he enlisted at 16.
I know you asked about their zodiacs but this one is already long so I'll get to it in another post <3
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unwelcome-ephestion · 2 years ago
Here’s a forgotten woman of musical theatre - Joan McCracken. She’s now mainly remembered as the first wife of Bob Fosse, but her contributions to musical theatre are much greater than that.
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Image ID: publicity shot of Joan McCracken
McCracken shot to fame in Oklahoma!, credited in the programme as The Girl Who Falls Down because of her pratfall during ‘Many A New Day’. This might sound silly, but it would take until West Side Story for all individual chorus members to be assigned characters. The individual standing out from the chorus was a great surprise and added to the humour of the moment, and was a key innovation of choreographer Agnes De Mille. Joan McCracken went on to have a good Broadway career and appear in several films, although her work was hampered by diabetes, which she hid from her colleagues despite fainting spells, and which ultimately killed her aged only 43.
McCracken’s impact in Oklahoma! should not be underestimated - putting character before aesthetic was the show’s revolution, and her role was a huge part of that. She is also said to have encouraged Fosse to be a choreographer - whether that is true or not, it’s interesting that, like Gwen Verdon (Fosse’s second wife and Broadway legend), she was trained by George Balanchine, whose influence is evident in Fosse’s work. She is also said to be the inspiration for Holly Golightly, at least in part, in Breakfast at Tiffany’s, whose author, Truman Capote, had an affair with her first husband, Jack Dunphy. However, we should recognise her influence as an acting dancer and comedienne just as much as her influence on male creatives!
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19. We'll Sing in the Sunshine by Gale Garnett debuted Aug 64 and peaked at number four, scoring 1244 points.
Gale was born in Auckland, New Zealand, and also wrote Sunshine. The follow up was her only other chart entry, but it did not make the top 40, however Gale did not disappear. As an actress she has 43 acting credits, from a 1959 tv episode to a 2011 tv episode and including My Big Fat Greek Wedding, as Aunt Lexy.
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inglourious-imagines · 2 years ago
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Hello people! This is my own prompt list! Feel free to send requests! I’m really excited to do this haha
Also, this really took me some time to put it all together so please, if you reblog/use it/etc. give me credit. Thanks!
Update: If you have your own prompt that is not listed, quote or whatever else and you think it’s great, you can send it to me and we’ll see what comes out of it.
1. I fucking hate everyone. But you, you’re the only person I don’t hate.
2. And he looked at me, like there was something in me worth looking at. 
3. Anger makes you stupid. Stupid gets you killed.
4. I’m here. You can talk to me or not talk to me but I’m here.
5. Goddamn right you should be scared of me! 
6. And suddenly, life wasn’t about living. It was about surviving.
7. "-but you’ll die!“ "I don’t care." 
8. I said I’m fucking fine.
9. Don’t you touch her.
10. We sat there smoking cigarettes at 5 in the morning. 
11. Oh! The girl/boy I’ve heard so much about. 
12. No one would hurt you again, or I’d kill them.
13. A cigarette for a thousand problems.
14. I could keep you save. They’re all afraid of me.
15. You look so proud standing there with a frown and a cigarette. 
16. Thank you for loving me when I still tasted of heartache and war.
17. His eyes had more darkness than any other eyes I had ever seen before.
18. You don’t know shit about what happened to me. 
19. This is who we are, a product of war.
20. Looking half a corpse and half a god.
21. I wanna see how you lose control.
22. I look at you and I just love you and it terrifies me. It terrifies me what I would do for you. 
23. "You can’t protect everyone.” “I have to try." 
24. He’s a badass with a good heart.
25. You are losing my interest, and that is very dangerous. 
26. In a fight, they’re lethal. Around each other, they melt. 
27. I wonder which will get you killed faster, your loyalty or your stubbornness.
28. You collect scars because you want proof that you are paying for whatever sins you’ve comitted. 
29. With this smile, I can get away with everything. 
30. I was so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend. 
31. Come over here and make me.
32. Oh my god! You’re in love with him!
33. Oh, do you ever shut up? 
34. Can you two please get a room? 
35. I have a name and it’s not sweetheart. 
36. If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me. 
37. Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy. 
38. Such dirty words from such a pretty little mouth. 
39. Kiss me. 
40. Are you flirting or starting a fight? 
41. You stay awake do you hear me?! Don’t you dare close your eyes! Please! Come on! 
42. Honestly, I only asked you for help because it’s so cute when you try.  
43. You’re standing a little close to me..
44. You’re evil. It’s hot. 
45. If you bite your lip one more time, I swear I’m going to do it for you. 
46. By the Gods! You love her, don’t you? 
47. It’s blood, not nuclear waste. Chill out. 
48. A knife? Are you flirting with me? 
49. "Hear me out.” “Why the fuck should i listen to you?" 
50. I’ve been wanting to kick your ass all week. 
51. Rumour has it, I make you nervous. 
52. Leave, leave right now.
53. Can you just fuck off already?
54. "I- I trusted you!” “Sweet naive girl, trust is for children. You are a soldier." 
55. Alcohol’s the only instant in my life.
56. You gotta stop saying things that make me want to kiss you. 
57. Please don’t do this. Don’t act like you care. 
58. Is everything supposed to go dark?
59. Why can’t you see what you’re doing to me. 
60. Fuck, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my whole life.
61. It’s 2 in the morning. Why are you still up?
62. I want an answer, goddammit! 
63. You make me want things I can’t have. 
64. Cut the crap and tell me what happened. 
65. Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that.
66. It’s nice to see someone who can appreciate my humour.
67. We’re more than just friends and you know it. 
68. It’s pitch black in here and I can see you’re blushing.
69. Yes asshole, I do care about you.
70. They’re both stubborn and it’s complicated. 
71. For you, I would.
72. I like you more than I planned.
73. I need you, idiot.
74. Golden eyes and a smile made for war.
75. Take that, fuckers!
76. I licked it so it’s mine!
77. We’re in this together. 
78. Can I have this dance? 
79. Look, I know you’re a hardass but can you play with my hair? It would really help. 
80. No! Stay away from me! Stay back! 
81. Maybe if you actually stop staring at her and talk to her, you might have a chance. 
82. You have to promise you won’t fall in love with me.
83. I know that face. That’s your I’m-upset-with-you face. 
84. I think we’d make this a fair fight if we each had a gun. Don’t you think, boys? 
85. He loves you, you know? He’s just afraid of admitting it.
86. Dear Lord, please have mercy on my soul. This woman/man will be the death of me. 
87. There are other things than Germans that can kill you. 
88. What the hell? You are supposed to hate me!
89. Why do you like me?
90. "You’re annoying.” “You love me.”
91. Wanna go to hell together? 
92. I lack the vocabulary to describe you.
93. You make me feel… you make me feel.“ 
94. What the fuck…?
95. So that’s you, the girl/boy who destroyed armies. 
96. You’re my regret.
97. You better not die on me! 
98. Can you stop shouting at me?!
99. Why are you making this so damn hard? 
100. But that’s the problem, (name). I don’t think I’m able to stop loving him/her. Ever. 
101. There is no way you’re going anywhere with him, not on my watch.
102. “You know you’re in love with her right?” “Since when?” “Since always.” 
103. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t do this.
104. I love you, I do, but you’re a real pain in the ass.
105. Is that my shirt?
106. Neither one of us is drunk enough for this conversation.
107. I think I might be falling in love with you.
108. What are you talking about? You’re married!
109. I saw that. You just checked me out.
110. Quick, pretend you’re talking to me.
111. I just wanted to hear your voice.
112. That was, by far, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done.
113. No. The moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up.
114. "It could be worse.” “You aren’t the one bleeding.” “Look, you’re still alive. Stop whining.”
115. Are you naked under that thing?
116. “Are you flirting with me?” “You finally noticed?”
117. What the hell were you thinking?! 
18. You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?
119. Well, if I told you, then it wouldn’t be a secret.
120. Is it weird that was a total turn on?
121. That was the worst joke I’ve ever heard.
122. If I kiss you right now, I won’t be able to stop.
123. What did you just say?
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webbywatcheshorror · 2 years ago
Webby Reviews Horror: The Night They Knocked (2019)
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The Night They Knocked is about a group of friends who are spending one last weekend together at a remote summer home in the woods before they graduate college and part ways, but their plans are disrupted by a knock on the door.
 This movie is an hour and a halfish and I gotta say I only enjoyed a few minutes of it. I can’t recall exactly why this one had been on my watchlist, but I’m willing to bet Whatculture Horror had something to do with it. 
Review under the cut, and as always, SPOILERS AHEAD!
Let me preface this with some honesty: I am only reviewing this so that I don’t only limit myself to covering movies I enjoyed. It didn’t leave much of a lasting impression when I watched it the first time, and the second viewing only really highlighted things about it that annoyed me. So let’s dive in.
The opening of this movie is pretty promising, if longer than it needed to be. The establishing shot of the house in the wood takes several seconds that I suppose are intended to raise tension and discomfort, but it. Just doesn’t. And listen. I grew up in a house in the woods. I can promise you that hearing a knock at the door without first having heard the sound of a vehicle is intensely alarming- but the nameless First Kill doesn’t seem at all perturbed.
There are several shots in this opening sequence that seem to serve no purpose beyond padding the runtime and showing that First Kill is alone and can expect no rescue from neighbors, as there aren’t any. These shots persist throughout the movie with very few actually seeming to add anything to it- more on that later.
I did like the fact that the off screen brutality took place during full daylight- the sounds of First Kill’s scream and assumed murder playing over the image of a cheery, sunshine-filled home is a delightful and underutilized dichotomy in the horror genre imo. Daylight is supposed to be one of the safe havens, right up there with covering yourself completely with a blanket. I really do wish the rest of the movie had followed suit and kept the timing, but it doesn’t. In fact most of the ending sequence is near pitch black and I couldn’t see shit.
As the opening credits play, a car radio gives us some plot updates as we are introduced to some of our main characters driving out to join the rest of the cast. We are supposed to believe that these people are best friends, and have been for years, but never once do I get that vibe at all. Maybe it’s just the bad dialogue, maybe it’s the less than stellar acting, but you could have told me these were four people who were forced to spend time together as a punishment of some sort and I would have bought that explanation.
There is a lot of interpersonal drama we suffer through for the entire first half of the movie. There are six friends who are all paired off, plus the brother of one of the guys; I could not find myself caring about any of them except possibly one of the couples and the ex-convict brother. It’s never explicitly stated, but I get the distinct feeling that these are all rich kids who are used to a cushy, privileged life. Maybe it’s because at their final hurrah party, these college kids get wasted on wine and weed only. Maybe it’s just the unrealistic way these characters behave/are written.
Things really don’t start popping off until somewhere around minute 43, and until then we are treated to unending and perplexing drama, more lingering shots on the environment, and a few short scenes from the POV of the intruders complete with unsettling heavy breathing and sinister whispering.
I keep complaining about the drama because in the end, almost none of it becomes at all relevant or is even ever brought up again. For example, one girl cheated on her boyfriend and might be pregnant- she never tells him. I had expected her to let it slip and then it causes him to let her die in a moment of weakness, but no. It goes nowhere and really only served to make me like her less.
These ‘friends’ are all so incredibly quick to get hostile with one another. They’re instantly suspicious of offhand comments and seem to jump at the chance to misinterpret each other. I feel like if they’d framed the group as a bunch of people who were friends in name only, but actually ready to sell each other to Satan for one corn chip, it would have worked so much better and been far more believable than what we got.
Anyway, shit goes turnways with a pretty decent scene of one of the girls upstairs crying in the bathroom before getting grabbed by an unseen intruder behind the shower curtain- a nice way to introduce the concept that they’re not alone in the house, and we get our first taste of the violence to come since First Kill’s demise. Sadly, we get little more than nibbles for the rest of the movie.
In short order, two of the friends (and the ones with the least amount of Assholery in their personalities) are taken out by a man in clown facepaint and wielding a metal bat. Their quick deaths aren’t all that disappointing, as they weren’t really very focused on to begin with. Clownboy taunts the friends who are left alive, locked inside the house with no way to call for help, while his friend Pretty Dress leaves his bloody handprints on the backdoor.
Clownboy is immediately more interesting to me than the entire rest of the cast, even including the ex-con brother, and honestly I’m disappointed it took so long for him to show up. He’s unhinged and clearly enjoying himself while he inflicts physical and emotional damage on the group. I really liked the energy he brought to the movie and feel like he could have redeemed it, had he been given more screentime.
The remaining deaths are quick and largely unseen, and we find that there’s more than just Clownboy and Pretty Dress- there’s an entire circus of these clowns just itching for some ultraviolence. We never find out what their motivations are, but as one of the characters muses, ‘They don’t need a reason’. I do wish we’d gotten this from the painted mouth of Clownboy, but the closest we get is him chanting ‘I love it’ while slowly strangling one of the group before being bonked to death by his own bat.
The ending is left open, but it’s very likely that neither of the two surviving protagonists make it out alive given just how many clowns they’re surrounded by. As endings go, it’s pretty dull, but honestly I’m not sure how else they could have ended the film. 
This movie makes me want to do a complete rewrite of the story, with more emphasis placed on the psychological aspects of being trapped in a house by menacing strangers. I’d also at least use some of the interpersonal issues and hostility of the friend group to heighten the tension and pit them against one another; I’d also use those long, lingering environment shots to hint at the terror to come. I am not, however, a scriptwriter, so maybe someone will remake this movie in about six years and have some similar ideas.
The Night They Knocked ultimately left me disappointed and a little bored, to be quite honest. I didn’t really feel sympathy for the characters, the deaths were lackluster, and it felt like a lot of it was only there to keep it from being a short film. It did have some enjoyable parts and an intriguing villain, so it wasn’t a total waste of time.
Giving this one 4 out of 10 ghosts, as I did at least like the opening and overall concept, but I can’t really recommend it, except for maybe the scene where Clownboy shoves an eight ball down a girl’s throat so she asphyxiates to death. I’d have given it a higher score if there had been at least one knock knock joke, but alas. Clownboy just isn’t a funny guy.
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