#onling book review
onlycosmere · 7 months
Writing Styles
Would Nabokov’s writing be considered “purple prose” in today’s writing climate? by meadowillow_ 
meadowillow_ : Vladimir Nabokov is praised as one of the most gifted writers of the ornate style. Interestingly, somebody wrote an article—its title eludes me—about sending a sample of Nabokov’s writing for review. This sample was sent under a pseudonym. The advice was to make the writing simple and economical.
That made me wonder. How much of our judgements about ornate writing are post-hoc rationalisations? Do we fish for reasons to judge the writing as good because we know the author is a masterful stylist? Would we judge their writing the same if it were written by a nameless, faceless stranger on the internet?
I’m denying neither that Nabokov is an excellent writer nor that his work is immune from criticism. I just wonder how much established authors fairly evade and unknown authors bear the brunt of a certain type of criticism.
With all of this in mind:
Do you think that Nabokov’s writing would be well-received if he were an unknown author in 2024?
[I’d like to keep the focus on his writing style not on the controversial nature of some of his books.]
Great_Ad_5561:  I used an alt account to post an excerpt from an award-winning novel in r/writers, and it was torn apart. I think people these days don't appreciate anything that isn't straightforward. Of course, there are those who still enjoy it, but for the most part, lives are busier now than they were then, and to some, it is easier to read straightforward books.
Bridalhat:  Also, judging by the types of work most commonly posted here, r/writers and r/writing is not full of literary scholars, writers, or readers. Which is fine! But there’s probably more people here who like Sanderson’s prose than who have read Nabokov period, maybe excluding Lolita. 
SizeableDuck: I'm not a fan of this trend at all, though everyone's obviously entitled to their opinion.
I read Lolita recently and absolutely loved it mainly because of how witty and poetic the prose was - completely unlike anything published nowadays, not to mention its subject matter. It's clear from the first page that Nabakov was a genius.
Tried Way of Kings for the first time shortly afterwards and found it to be the driest, most watered-down thing I've ever read by comparison. The only thing about it that challenged me was reaching the final page.
I get that Sanderson has a different style and his writing is -meant- to be completely lacking in spice, style and charm in order to make his stories more palatable for the average fantasy fan nowadays, but look me in the eye and tell me you've ever laughed at the constant, god-awful wordplay in those books.
He just describes exactly what's happening in the plot and the character's heads. There's no poetry and it makes me a little bit sad to see so many people praising him as an amazing fantasy writer purely because of his plots.
You can find a ton of writers nowadays that're like Sanderson, but you can't find any closer to Nabakov.
Brandon Sanderson:  While I agree that taste is completely subjective--and it's never offensive for someone to simply not like a book--I think you're spreading some misinformation here.
Those of us trying for clean, striking prose aren't doing it to make "stories more palatable for the average fantasy fan nowadays." We do it because we like this style, and would rather the ideas--and not the method by which they are expressed--be the challenging part of a story. I find it insulting that you'd imply prose choice is anything but a literary decision made for the merits of the narrative.
This division isn't new. George Orwell was advocating for clean, crisp prose in the 40s, a full decade before Lolita was written. This push and pull between clarity and ornament stretches back to Shakespeare, whose contemporaries would lambast his flourishes as incomprehensible. (Not that I mind, obviously, literary genius being in the ornaments. It's only that I find multiple kinds of writing worthwhile.)
Moreover, you can absolutely find writers closer to Nabakov today. Guy Gavriel Kay is still writing, and is one of my favorites. (Try Under Heaven.) Hal Duncan is still writing, and is amazing, though rarely releases anything. And, of course, there's N. K. Jemisin--not the same, but most certainly "closer to Nabakov." Even the majority of the writers in the New Weird experimented with style in the same ways as I think you'd like.
Many varieties of writing are valuable to the craft, and I suggest new writers (many of whom frequent this subreddit) practice multiple styles to find the ones that appeal to them and match their narrative goals. It's totally fine to prefer one over another, but I find abundant "spice, style, and charm" in something crisp like Harrison Bergeron--indeed, I find just as much of it as I do in something like Lolita, if for different reasons.
SizeableDuck:  Much more level-headed and correct than what I was typing last night. Thanks for the recommendations, too.
Edit: Just realised you are the man himself. I take everything back.
Edit 2: By this I mean I take back my previous rudeness twofold. I had a think about it this morning when I read his reply and realised that the creatives I love to shit on have, in most cases, accomplished more than I could hope to. And in addition, probably know more about the topics I'm criticising than I do.
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luvxiem · 2 years
luxiem in hogwarts
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word count ! ~800 pairing ! no pairing! just me brainrotting over the luxiem boys in a hp setting :) possible pairing on a (maybe) future part tho w reader being in different houses genre ! fluff
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.。.:*☆ IKE EVELAND !
he's a slytherin !
he doesn't fit the bill of mean dark and brooding but he's just as sly and cunning as the rest of his house
particularly talented in transfiguration and charms, easily becoming a professor's favorite
his patronus is a swan! beautiful and territorial
gets assigned prefect in his fifth year but he went out of his way to write the headmaster requesting to relinquish the role because he doesn't want to deal with first years
doesn't play quidditch but always goes to the matches to support his friends—although he still shows up in emerald green
can often be found in the library reading or studying
somehow managed to get a permission slip to check out books from the restricted section???
he's not planning on becoming the next dark lord but he finds the subject matter incredibly interesting... for better or for worse
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what else could he be but gryffindor ?
loveable and kind, his boisterous laughter is easily contagious and he never fails to draw smiles from those around him
he's an animagus! begged ike to help him after finding out his talents in transfiguration, although was devastated when he found out his animal was a golden retriever and not the lion he so desperately wanted
the amount of head pats he got that day more than made up for it though
naturally gifted in ancient runes and quidditch
plays chaser and got the honor of becoming quidditch captain in his fifth year
constantly pulling pranks and giggling behind corners alongside shu
the first to approach ike and adopts him into his friend group
or was it the other way around?
if luca never notices when ike slips away to deal with some rather distasteful individuals
what he doesn't know won't hurt him
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.。.:*☆ MYSTA RIAS !
what a lovely hufflepuff
very skilled duelist and a prodigy at defense against the dark arts, also weirdly good at divination???
became a running gag to ask him which first years would be assigned to which house to the point where his housemates will do bets on it every start of term
turns out his great great grandma was a seer, so there's that
the first to manage a fully corporal patronus which was a phoenix ("so cool!" luca whines)
became friends with the other boys after he got paired with vox in potions and got hard carried
he was a bit embarrassed but thankfully his partner was cool and reviewed everything with him so that he can do it himself later on
he's rather quiet for a hufflepuff but that doesn't make him any less kind
he's protective of this ragtag group of friends and won't let anything as petty as house rivalry to get in the way of that
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.。.:*☆ SHU YAMINO !
ravenclaw, obviously
although he hates studying
talented in arithmancy and charms (and one of the few to take advanced arithmancy too!)
his patronus is a dolphin!
likes to plan pranks with luca, often at vox's expense (shu ran away cackling as the two gryffindors duked it out on the second floor, luca leaving with puke green hair and vox's clothes dyed highlighter yellow)
can often be found chilling in empty classrooms with his friends while working on his own things
even though they're not making active conversation, he enjoys being in their presence anyways
when hanging out with the other boys he's happy to let them take the lead, offering support in the form of joyful laughter and deez nutz jokes
one time in third year he finally caved in to luca's begging and decided to try out for ravenclaw's quidditch team, except the day of the actual try outs was too cold so he ended up ditching it to go play gobstones with his brother in the castle's kitchen (hufflepuff privileges, apparently)
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.。.:*☆ VOX AKUMA !
gryffindor !!
very good at potions (even takes the newt level course!) and oddly enough, actually enjoys history of magic
the only one who manages to stay awake in that class, good for him.
his patronus is a snowy owl!! it's so pretty
helps tutor other students in his free time so it's pretty common to see him in the library or in the courtyard
gets SO many love letters and love potion spiked chocolates on valentine's day that at this point he just doesn't open any mail one month before and one month after the cursed holiday because nothing is safe
very protective of his friends !!!! do not anger him because he WILL come after you especially if it's less than sane admirers who think they can get vox through them
he and ike are a rather terrifying duo
speaking of ike
leader of ike's totally fake very much a joke he he ha ha funny not real fanclub
definitely not serious
no sir
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WRITTEN ON ! 092222
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drdemonprince · 2 years
i tried doing a search (although tumblr’s search function is basically useless) and didn’t see anything so feel free to pass over this if you’ve already answered it, but do you have any thoughts/essays about self help books? twice in the last year someone has recommended I read a couple (one rec was from a therapist) but I’ve always felt alienated by them, which made me feel like I was Doing Therapy Wrong. how do you differentiate between a self help book with actual merit and one that’s just useless pop psych?
Prescriptive fiction is a very wide genre with a really large readership, and it's also one where the intellectual rigor expected of its authors is not exactly high. The diversity of quality is pretty staggering. And much of the genre leans on an appeal to authority that deserves very little weight -- the fact an author has a PhD or an LSCW is really not a good reason to believe any claims they make about how one should live their life. That's not something scientific evidence can answer, even if these authors had strong support for their claims, and many of them don't.
All of my books are classed as prescriptive fiction (the industry term for self help) and I've always aspired to be really thorough in my sources and citations and to note the caveats to the research I'm leaning on, both in the text and in my work's index. and there are certainly greats in the genre. but even most of the self help books I find myself recommended suffer from the overly generic language, broad examples, lack of systems analysis, and latent regurgitation of the culture's predominant values that the shittiest of self-help books dole out in huge heaps.
Like, I love Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents and How to Deal with Emotionally Explosive People and even those books have those problems. Brene Brown's best stuff still takes a degree of baseline fatphobia as a given and tacitly endorses it. Jess Fern's Polysecure reinforces very capitalist notions of independence. and on and on. I like these books and authors! But digesting them carefully and critically remains essential. Same is true of my shit of course.
I don't think there's a shortcut to developing one's own power of discernment but for becoming more discerning with pop psych books I'd recommend:
Reading a lot, and reading widely
Paying attention to who backs up their claims with sources
actually reading up on those sources to see if they genuinely support the point the author is trying to make
Reading not only books, but journal articles, reviews, collected chapters, blogs, critiques, etc
Noticing gaps in the authors' awareness, especially regarding systems of oppression or intersections thereof
Leaving lots of notes in the margins or in a notebook as you read, tracking your own reactions to things -- which ideas seem underdeveloped or cliched, which tips seem applicable to only some situations but not others, lingering questions you have, internal contradictions you have noticed, ways in which one book disagrees with another that you've read
talking with your therapist about what you've been reading and getting their reactions
Talking about the books with others, comparing and contrasting other people's experiences
and basically just continuing to do all of that with any thing you ever aspire to learn about until you die lol. there's a lot of charlatans out there in the self help book world, but there are also a lot of reasonably accomplished scientists and therapists who have helpful insights to share but write in frustratingly simplistic ways because that's a hallmark of the genre and what publishers believe laypeople need in order to understand. this means it can be difficult sometimes to tell the difference between a decent idea put way too simply and a shitty idea phrased compellingly. but i think basically the only way one gets better at telling the difference is by reading a lot and thinking a lot. this stuff comes pretty naturally to me now but that's only because i've spend about two decades doing it nonstop.
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shantarahman24 · 2 days
How to Make Money Online with Digital Marketing
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In today’s fast-paced digital world, making money online has become an attainable goal for many. Digital marketing offers a myriad of opportunities to monetize your skills and creativity. Whether you’re a student looking for side income, a stay-at-home parent, or someone seeking a career change, learning how to leverage digital marketing can be your gateway to financial freedom. In this guide, we’ll explore actionable steps to help you start earning online through digital marketing strategies.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: Understand the Basics of Digital Marketing
Before diving in, it’s crucial to grasp the fundamentals of digital marketing. This includes various channels such as:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Improving your website’s visibility on search engines.
Content Marketing: Creating valuable content to attract and engage your audience.
Social Media Marketing: Utilizing platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to promote products or services.
Email Marketing: Building relationships through targeted email campaigns.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC): Using ads to drive traffic to your site, paying only when someone clicks.
Step 2: Choose Your Niche
Selecting a niche that interests you and has earning potential is essential. Research trending markets and identify your strengths. Popular niches include:
Health and wellness
Personal finance
Online education
Technology and gadgets
Lifestyle and travel
By focusing on a specific niche, you can tailor your digital marketing efforts and attract a more engaged audience.
Step 3: Build Your Online Presence
Create a professional website or blog that showcases your expertise. Use platforms like WordPress or Wix to set up your site easily. Focus on:
Quality Content: Write informative articles that provide value to your audience.
SEO Optimization: Use your target keywords strategically to improve search engine rankings. For instance, incorporate “how to make money online by digital marketing” naturally throughout your posts.
Engaging Design: Ensure your site is user-friendly and visually appealing.
Step 4: Learn About Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is a popular way to make money online. It involves promoting products or services and earning a commission for each sale made through your referral link. Here’s how to get started:
Join Affiliate Programs: Sign up for programs like Amazon Associates, ShareASale, or ClickBank.
Promote Products: Integrate product recommendations into your content, such as reviews or comparison articles.
Track Your Results: Use tracking tools to monitor your clicks and conversions, adjusting your strategies as needed.
Step 5: Utilize Social Media for Promotion
Social media is a powerful tool for driving traffic to your website. Create profiles on platforms where your target audience hangs out. Focus on:
Regular Posting: Share valuable content consistently to engage your followers.
Networking: Connect with influencers and other marketers to expand your reach.
Paid Advertising: Consider using paid ads to target specific demographics and drive traffic to your offers.
Step 6: Explore Freelancing Opportunities
Freelancing is another effective way to monetize your digital marketing skills. Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer allow you to offer services such as:
SEO consulting
Content writing
Social media management
Email marketing campaigns
Build a portfolio showcasing your work and actively seek out clients. As you gain experience, you can increase your rates and expand your client base.
Step 7: Create and Sell Your Digital Products
If you have expertise in a particular area, consider creating and selling digital products such as:
Online courses
Templates or tools
Platforms like Teachable or Gumroad make it easy to sell your digital products. Market them through your website and social media channels to reach a broader audience.
Making money online through digital marketing is not just a dream; it’s a reality for many. By understanding the basics, choosing your niche, and implementing effective strategies, you can build a sustainable income stream. Remember, success in digital marketing requires patience, dedication, and continuous learning.
Call to Action
Ready to start your digital marketing journey? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to share this guide with anyone looking to make money online! For more tips and resources, subscribe to our newsletter. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!
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shraddhamatre · 2 days
A Complete Guide for Mechanical Engineers Taking the CIL Exam
One of the biggest producers of coal in the world, Coal India Limited (CIL), holds recruiting tests for mechanical engineering among other engineering specialties. For mechanical engineers, landing a position at CIL provides a great chance to work in the public sector with professional progression, competitive income, and job stability. This comprehensive resource offers an in-depth analysis of the test structure, syllabus, preparation techniques, and success recommendations for mechanical engineers hoping to ace the CIL exam.
1. Recognizing the Format of the CIL Exam For mechanical engineers, the CIL exam usually includes of two sections: Section 1: General Knowledge and Skill General knowledge, critical thinking, numeracy, and English language proficiency are all covered in this part. It assesses your capacity for critical thought, problem-solving, and comprehension of fundamental ideas from a range of academic areas. Section 2: Technical Expertise in Mechanical Engineering The topics covered in this section include mechanical engineering. The questions center on fundamental ideas in mechanical engineering, including heat transport, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, material strength, machine design, and production procedures. This section is very important since it has a big impact on the final score.Typically, the test is administered online using multiple-choice questions. Although the test's duration varies, it usually lasts two to three hours. Since wrong responses frequently result in a lower score, precision is crucial.
2. Comprehensive Mechanical Engineering Syllabus The following is included in the CIL test syllabus for the mechanical engineering section: Thermodynamics Basic concepts of thermodynamics, laws of thermodynamics, heat engines, refrigeration and air conditioning, gas power cycles, and thermodynamic relations. Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Fluid properties, fluid dynamics, flow through pipes, hydraulic turbines, pumps, and dimensional analysis. Strength of Materials Stress and strain, mechanical properties of materials, bending moment and shear force, deflection of beams, torsion, and columns. Heat Transfer Modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection, and radiation), heat exchangers, and thermal insulation. Manufacturing Processes Casting, forming, welding, machining processes, production planning and control, and computer-integrated manufacturing. Machine Design Design of machine elements, bearings, gears, springs, and brakes. Engineering Mechanics Statics and dynamics, force systems, friction, and kinematics of rigid bodies. Engineering Materials Properties of materials, heat treatment, and material testing. Having a clear understanding of this syllabus is crucial as it helps in focusing your preparation on the relevant topics.
3. CIL Exam Preparation Technique An organized study plan is necessary in order to pass the CIL test for mechanical engineers. Take into consideration these crucial steps: Recognize the syllabus and format of the test Start preparing by familiarizing yourself with the syllabus and format of the test. Pay closer attention to the subjects that are more important in the test. Make a study schedule. Your preparation time should be divided into small study periods. Set up dedicated time periods for every topic, making sure to cover everything in a methodical manner. Don't forget to factor in time for practice exams and review.
Examine standard books For mechanical engineering courses, use standard textbooks and study guides. P.K. Nag's "Thermodynamics," R.K. Bansal's "Fluid Mechanics," and R.S. Khurmi's "Strength of Materials" are a few suggested works. Practice papers from previous years Understanding the exam's difficulty level and question format requires solving prior years' question papers. It also improves time management abilities throughout the test and aids in selecting key subjects. Take Practice Exams Take online practice exams frequently to gauge your degree of readiness. By assisting you in determining your strengths and shortcomings, mock exams enable you to concentrate on your areas of weakness.Put an emphasis on aptitude and general awareness The sections on ability and general awareness should not be overlooked. Read newspapers every day, keep up with current events, and work on your mathematical thinking and aptitude skills.
4. Crucial Advice for Managing Your Time on Exam Day Use your time wisely during the test. Avoid devoting excessive time to a single question. Go on to the next question and come back to it later if you have time, even if you're not sure about the answer. Precision Above Velocity Because of the exam's negative grading, precision must be maintained. Refrain from speculating and respond only when you are quite certain of the right response.Remain composed and assured. Success requires having a collected and tranquil mentality. Your exam performance will improve if you have confidence in your preparation.
5. Selection Process After Exam Depending on CIL's recruiting procedure, qualified applicants are contacted for additional steps after the written exam, which may include a group discussion or in-person interview. The ultimate decision is made by combining the results of the written test with the other phases. In summary Focused study, a solid grasp of fundamental mechanical principles, and regular practice are necessary to pass the mechanical engineering CIL test. You may improve your chances of landing a great job at Coal India Limited by adhering to a disciplined study plan, rehearsing past papers, and keeping an optimistic outlook. Remember, dedication and smart work are the keys to success in this competitive exam.
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm
Recommended: https://www.youtube.com/@gblions / https://www.youtube.com/@gblionsaeje
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credihealth01 · 2 months
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ljambrosio · 2 months
Great review from a wonderful Welsh critic named ElementaryMyDear. She joins a large group of international critics that enjoyed my book "Exiles." Goddess Fish Promotions
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ahb-writes · 4 months
Book Review: 'Reborn as a Space Mercenary' #6
Reborn as a Space Mercenary #6 by Ryuto, Tetsuhiro Nabeshima, Benjamin Daugherty
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science fiction
space adventure
My Rating: 4 of 5 stars
If not for the publisher's poor quality assurance and proofing work on this particular volume, REBORN AS A SPACE MERC v6 is another entertaining notch in the vaunted exploits of a mercenary with too much skill, too much power, and too many pretty ladies on his ship. Captain Hiro's much-anticipated (and comically loathed) reunion with Lieutenant Commander Serena Holz crisscrosses with a delivery mission for the Krisha as well as a conflict between the Imperial Fleet and crystal life-forms in a frontier star system.
This is a busy novel, which is a big improvement over the previous installment. REBORN AS A SPACE MERC v6 has lots of dogfighting with an array of clever tactical shenanigans across the Izulux System. The book also dedicates time to additional narrative hooks for future chapters and a few scenes that stabilize the awkward companionship/rivalry between Hiro and Serena. The oscillating nature of combat on the frontiers of space exploration suits this novel series extraordinarily well — fight, rest, fight, retreat, fight, rest — and one feels equally excited and relieved to see the author has discerned as much.
The Krishna earns its cash this time around through combat with crystal life-forms, the semi-sentient, mass-replication entities to which readers were introduced much earlier in the series. Hiro is recruited to help eradicate the crystal foes, and as anticipated, he goes above and beyond expectations to the point when other mercenaries are jealous, Imperial officers quickly turn into fanboys, and Lieutenant Commander Holz' blood pressure rises to a boil. Now, is it sci-fi nonsense for Hiro to navigate a maelstrom of life-forms at breakneck speed, pilot his ship backward and firing his flak cannon at random? Absolutely. But it works. And it's this crazy trick that earns him such high marks that a few spiffy awards are in the offing, too.
Hiro and Serena's awkward allyship takes center stage in this volume, and the author does a much better job exploring precisely how and why these two characters get on each other's nerves.
Serena hates that Hiro is talented, reckless, and only exercises his commendable skills during heinous and unforgivably dangerous, glory-hogging exploits. She admires his fortitude, but can't stand that he can't fall in line. Hiro, meanwhile, finds Serena patently "annoying" and codependent. He acknowledges her mastery of her military post and admires her noble beauty, but he can't stand that she can't view the world/universe beyond these two parochial lenses.
Surprisingly (and quite effectively), the author dedicates a whole chapter plus a bonus epilogue to deciphering the friendly rivalry between these two characters. Notably, Hiro earns a pair of piloting awards for his contract work (the silver-winged sword assault badge; the first-magnitude star's cross of brilliance). One wonders whether Hiro's success will nudge him closer to the grasping hands of the nobility, including Marquess Holz, who is, apparently, constantly braying that her daughter should settle down and marry.
REBORN AS A SPACE MERC v6 has a few other highlights as well. Hiro's piloting skills still gives his crewmates the jitters, but only when he plunges his customized starship into the heat of a nigh unwinnable battle, pulls a half-dozen combat stunts, and emerges unscathed (Hiro: "That was a thrill, eh?" page 124). Secondly, readers catch another tiny glimpse into the window of Mimi's possible extended family when Lieutenant Robertson, one of Serena's subordinates, mistakes the young comms officer for someone else (likely her grandmother, rumored to be a notorious mercenary herself). And third, Hiro shows some love for his perfectly imperfect maidroid, Mei, who expresses worry, doubt, and uncertainty at various points in the novel. One can only hope that Mei's role expands further, such that she is more than "the machine intelligence piloting the chunky mothership.")
On the downside, this book clearly lacked the quality assurance and proofreading of other titles in the publisher's library.
Errors throughout the novel include duplicated words/phrases or additional words (e.g., "I think you're as an ill-mannered and clingy..." page 83; "...the Imperial Fleet and a portions of the mercenaries continued," page 219), as well as words that are missing entirely (e.g., "It's all so specific that not sure how I'm going to..." page 188; "Unconcerned with collateral damage their comrades, the..." page 210).
One particularly egregious error occurs in a reflective epilogue, when the narrator refers to Serena as a "general" (page 255), despite acknowledging one paragraph earlier that the woman achieves the rank of admiral in the future, but at the time of the Crystal War was, indeed, a mere lieutenant commander. Whether as a result of managerial oversight, the post-pandemic employee time crunch, or lackluster work ethic altogether, the end result is obvious, and it dampens the overall reading experience.
❯ ❯ Light-Novel Reviews || ahb writes on Good Reads
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z-h-i-e · 9 months
New Year's Fanfic Asks - 4&5/5
The final installment for my good friend Anonymous...
16. Do you have that one fanfic that you wrote a ton for, ages ago, but never posted? Will this be the year, come hell or high water, that it WILL get finished and posted?
Oh, Unforgettable. You are basically done.  Someone just has to get my ass in gear and get it all put together and posted.  Probably me. But peer pressure helps, too.
17. Do you typically answer all comments/reviews individually? Do you plan to change the way you interact with your readers this year?
>.> This is something I am terrible at on AO3, but great at in emails and on Discord.  If you connect with me on Discord and show an interest in wanting to discuss what I’ve written, chances are we will end up in a voice chat where I will tell you stories that may never get written down and will wish you sweet elfy dreams when we part. Emails, there’s a good chance I’ll answer back and we’ll become email penpals and start writing fic together.  On Tumblr, I am likely to answer back.  On AO3, I have an embarrassing amount of unanswered comments (maybe someday we’ll play guess a number); I used to take one Friday a month, take myself to lunch at Panera, specifically one that I used as the basis for Salgant’s home, and answer AO3 comments. Then pandemic. So I need to get a routine going again.  But until then – I’m .zhie. on Discord, and I can be poked there. Or here. Here is good, too.
18. Do you typically post multi-chapters as you write, or finish it all and then start posting? Would you like to change your posting method? 
I am chaos. Both. Either. And I’ve even written and posted chapters out of order. I’ve posted them so out of order I’ve posted endings before the middle has been figured out. 
19. Would you consider non-fandom writing events, like NaNoWriMo or writing contests? 
Oh.  Oh, you have no idea.  I spent about 12 years as a NaNoWriMo ML, I run a state-wide writing Discord for the state I’m in, and I do in fact enter writing contests.  I was published as a poet when I was in high school, placed in a playwriting contest as well, had three different plays I wrote produced in a community theater type setting (I got to direct two of the three – two were comedies [those I directed] and one was a drama), and three times in five years been chosen for a local short works contest to be in their chosen ten for writing, and one of the years was a chosen photographer for the same contest (ten or less photos are chosen, and ten or less written works, and then they are read in public at an event night), and I perform at open mics on the regular, so locally, in person, not just online, a fair number of people know me as Zhie as well. (And at some of the public open mics, I do sometimes read fanfiction. The first one I read was back in 2005 or 2006, and it was a story about Celegorm, and then there’s been various stories since then, the latest one I recall was about Celebrimbor and Feanor reuniting in Valinor.  I read these while on a stage or in the middle of a room filled with people drinking fancy coffee drinks and eating pastries and there’s a couple of IRL fans who have recorded some of the readings, so they’re probably out there somewhere.) And I do all of those how to write sessions and events – at one of the writing groups I regularly attend (I’m a regular member of two in-person writing groups at local libraries) a member gave me the title ‘The Book Doctor’ and I kind of like it. 
20. Any plans to work on original fiction this year?
Yes. Fingers crossed. I need this fantasy horror story out of my head and on paper. 
21. Will you try writing software, like Scrivener or those programs that won’t let you stop writing?
I have used some of those in the past, but I don’t really have much of a need for them anymore.  I do still enjoy a good session of written? kitten! from time to time, and I’ll use Fighter’s Block during nano or any time I need to write much faster. (It’s the only reason I managed to write 50K words in 10 days during NaNo a few years ago.) 
22. Do you plan to take writing classes this year?
I’m kind of at the point where I give writing classes. I enjoy going to the two in-person writing groups because I think it’s important to interact with other writers outside of one’s normal genre, and I have a lot of different people I interact with.  One of the groups leans more nonfiction, and the other is more fiction.  So there’s a guy who writes these nonfiction essays about dead people (basically, famous people, but they have to be dead, I think so that he can have a definitive end, but he’s recently started writing a book about banned books), a WWII vet who writes poetry about the war, someone who professionally is a blogger, someone who writes social psychology pieces, someone who writes these one-page anecdotes that relate back to a Bible passage, someone who writes anecdotes about Jewish life in the 1960s/70s, someone who writes blogs about libraries and books, someone who writes about economics. Then there’s someone who is a children’s author (3 books published), someone who writes YA fiction, someone who is an illustrator, another who is writing a theatrical play for a specific band’s music, someone who writes those nostalgic books full of postcards, someone who is writing her family stories down for her grandchildren to read later when they’re grown up in case she’s not around when they start asking about family history, a scifi writer, a romance writer, a fantasy writer, a songwriter. And me. Those live writing groups are better than any writing class. I get exposed to so many ideas and levels of writing and things I would never write but analyzing them gets me thinking about other things, and all in all, makes me a better writer. 
23. Would you like to go on a writing retreat?
I would like to host one.  I’ve done college-level coursework in convention and meeting planning, and I’ve done a lot of convention and event planning.  However, at this point, one of the above mentioned people in one of the groups does run a writing retreat, and she has two of the events of that retreat open to the public, so I went to one of the events this past November, and I enjoyed it.  So maybe I’d consider going to her retreat, especially since I wouldn’t have to majorly travel to get there. 
24. By the end of this year, you want your fandom to think of you as “that author who _______.”
I don’t need to wait until the end of the year.  In the back of a dresser somewhere there’s a shirt that has a big purple rabbit on the front and on the back, it says something to the effect of “I’m the author that brought your fandom cheesecake and flamingos and purple bunnies”, and that’s pretty much what I do and what I’ve been doing.  I brought a little chaos, as a treat, and people seemed to like it, so I just keep doing weird shit, like licking virtual couches in Yahoo!Groups or running an event called Screw Yule just because I could. I bounce around, from the fanfic and fanart groups, into the crafting groups, over to the gaming groups, around to the bookclub groups, sliding into the scholarly groups, and I’m always just a little quirky and a little unexpected and very authentically me–I’m just tiggering my way around, and like tiggers, the wonderful thing about zhies is that I’m the only one. 
25. If you answered questions from this list last year, find your answers and compare your goals to your results. How’d you do?
I did not answer these last year, but now that I have a full slate, perhaps I’ll have to revisit next year.
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lemongrasslibrary · 9 months
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kamreadsandrecs · 9 months
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kammartinez · 9 months
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reviews of praise for the foreigner series
Goodreads review by artist on tumblr
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Which coaching is best for IELTS preparation?
Are you planning to take the IELTS exam soon and wondering which coaching is best for your preparation? With so many options out there, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. But don’t worry — we’ve got you covered! In this blog post, we’ll explore some common questions about IELTS preparation and share our top pick for the best IELTS coaching in Laxmi Nagar. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced test-taker, read on to find out how Cambridge English Academy can help you ace the IELTS exam.
Is 3 Months Enough For IELTS Preparation?
Preparing for the IELTS exam can be a daunting task, especially if you are on a tight schedule. One of the most common questions that test-takers ask is whether three months is enough time to adequately prepare for the exam. The short answer? It depends.
Firstly, it’s important to consider your current level of English proficiency and your familiarity with the IELTS format. If you’re already confident in your language abilities and have a good understanding of what to expect from the test, then three months may well be sufficient time for review and practice.
However, if you need more extensive preparation or struggle with certain aspects of the exam — such as writing or speaking — then three months may not be enough time to achieve your desired score. In these cases, it may be worth considering longer-term study options or seeking out specialized coaching support.
While three months can provide a solid foundation for IELTS preparation, individual factors will ultimately determine how much time is needed to reach your goals.
Can I pass IELTS without coaching?
Many individuals may wonder whether it’s possible to pass the IELTS exam without any coaching. The answer is yes, it’s entirely possible. However, passing the test on your own requires a lot of dedication, hard work and self-discipline.
To begin with, you’ll need to familiarize yourself with the format of the IELTS exam. You can do this by taking practice tests and reviewing sample questions online or in books.
Next, you should focus on improving your English language skills. This can be done through various methods such as watching English movies or TV shows, reading English literature or news articles and practicing speaking with native speakers.
Moreover, it’s crucial to make a study plan that suits your schedule and stick to it regularly. Consistency is key when studying for an exam like IELTS.
While passing IELTS without coaching is achievable if you’re willing to put in the effort required for preparation. Coaching can provide structure and guidance throughout the process but success ultimately depends on one’s motivation and dedication towards learning the language itself.
What is the fastest way to prepare IELTS exam?
Preparing for the IELTS exam can be a daunting task, especially if you have a limited amount of time. But fear not, there are ways to prepare quickly and effectively!
Firstly, identify your strengths and weaknesses in terms of the different sections of the exam. This will allow you to focus on areas that need improvement while also ensuring that you maintain your strong points.
Secondly, make use of online resources such as practice tests and study materials. These resources can help provide an understanding of what to expect from the test while allowing you to assess your progress.
Thirdly, immerse yourself in English language media such as movies, TV shows or podcasts. This can help improve listening skills while also increasing vocabulary usage.
Consider enrolling in an intensive IELTS preparation course with experienced instructors who offer personalized feedback on individual performance. Such courses cater specifically towards helping individuals prepare efficiently for the test within a short timeframe.
By following these tips consistently and diligently, achieving success on the IELTS exam is definitely achievable even with limited time!
Is online IELTS coaching effective?
Online IELTS coaching is a popular choice among students who want to prepare for the exam at their own pace and convenience. With the rise of technology, many language schools have started offering online courses that are designed to provide students with all the tools they need to succeed in the IELTS test.
One of the advantages of online coaching is that it allows students to access course materials anytime and anywhere. This means they can study at their own pace and schedule without worrying about time constraints or location issues.
Moreover, online IELTS courses often come equipped with interactive features such as video lessons, live chats with tutors, and practice tests that simulate real exam conditions. These features help students track their progress and identify areas where they need improvement.
However, it’s important to note that not all online IELTS coaching programs are created equal. Some may lack proper accreditation or fail to offer comprehensive support throughout the learning process. Therefore, it’s crucial for students to do thorough research before enrolling in an online program.
If chosen carefully, online IELTS coaching can be an effective way for students to prepare for the exam while enjoying maximum flexibility and convenience.
Does IELTS coaching help?
Many students wonder whether IELTS coaching is necessary for their exam preparation. The answer to this question depends on various factors such as the student’s level of proficiency in English, their familiarity with the test format, and their overall confidence in taking standardized tests.
However, it is important to note that IELTS coaching can greatly benefit a student who wants to improve their chances of getting higher scores. A reputable coaching center will provide personalized attention to each student and help them identify their strengths and weaknesses. This way, they can focus on improving areas that need more work.
Good IELTS coaching will also provide students with practice materials and mock tests which are essential for familiarizing oneself with the test format and timing. Additionally, instructors can offer valuable feedback on essay writing skills, speaking fluency, pronunciation accuracy, and listening comprehension.
Ultimately, while it is possible to pass the IELTS exam without coaching by relying solely on self-study resources such as books or online tutorials — there are no guarantees of success if one chooses not to seek additional support from experienced professionals.
When should I start coaching for IELTS?
One common question that students often ask when preparing for the IELTS exam is, “When should I start coaching for IELTS?” The answer to this question may vary depending on the individual’s current level of English language proficiency and familiarity with the test format.
For those who are already proficient in English and have a good grasp of the test structure, starting coaching two to three months before taking the exam might be sufficient. This will give them enough time to review their skills, familiarize themselves with new strategies, and practice mock tests.
However, if you’re someone who is not very confident about your language skills or lacks familiarity with the test format, it’s advisable to start coaching at least six months before taking the exam. This will provide ample time for you to build up your core language skills as well as improve your comprehension abilities.
In addition, some students prefer longer preparation periods so they can work on improving specific areas where they struggle most such as writing or speaking sections. Therefore it’s important that each student assesses their own weaknesses and strengths and starts coaching accordingly.
Regardless of where one stands in terms of skill level or experience with IELTS exams — early preparation always pays off!
Cambridge English Academy — best ielts coaching in laxmi nagar
When it comes to choosing an IELTS coaching center, Cambridge English Academy in Laxmi Nagar is the top choice for many students. This renowned coaching center offers comprehensive courses that cover all four sections of the IELTS exam: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
One of the main advantages of choosing Cambridge English Academy is their experienced faculty members who have years of experience teaching IELTS. They provide individual attention to each student and ensure that they understand every concept before moving on.
Moreover, Cambridge English Academy has state-of-the-art facilities with modern classrooms equipped with audio-visual aids that make learning interactive and engaging. The institute also provides extensive study material including books, practice tests, and online resources which are updated regularly as per the latest exam pattern.
The success rate at this coaching center is remarkable with a majority of students scoring high bands in their IELTS exams. Their unique teaching methodology focuses on building strong fundamentals which eventually helps students excel not only in their IELTS but also in other exams requiring proficiency in English language skills.
If you’re looking for quality education and personalized attention from experienced faculties then look no further than Cambridge English Academy — the best ielts coaching in Laxmi Nagar!
Why choose Cambridge English Academy?
Choosing the right coaching center can make a significant difference in your IELTS preparation journey. After an in-depth analysis of various factors, we recommend Cambridge English Academy as the best IELTS coaching center in Laxmi Nagar.
Cambridge English Academy has a team of highly experienced and certified trainers who provide personalized attention to each student. They offer comprehensive study material, mock tests, and individualized feedback sessions to help students identify their strengths and weaknesses.
The institute also provides flexible class timings for working professionals and offers online classes for distance learners. The faculty at Cambridge English Academy is dedicated to providing quality education that guarantees success in the IELTS exam.
If you are looking for the best IELTS coaching center in Laxmi Nagar that offers proven results, then look no further than Cambridge English Academy!
Read Our Related Post — https://cambridgeenglishacademy.com/ielts-coaching-in-laxmi-nagar/
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examsprep · 2 years
How can I get engineering study materials online of Annamalai University?
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cloudybookash-blog · 8 years
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Book Review: The Broken Eye by Brent Weeks.
Genre: High-Fantasy (supposedly ‘pre- industrial’)
Goodreads rating: **** (4 stars).
Read: 13/02/2017 – 19/02/2017.
The Review:
Are you a big fan of the Lightbringer series? So am I. Which is why, it saddens me to have to say, I think the third instalment of this series is suffering something akin to ‘second-book-it is’.
Warning: There could be spoiler for the previous books (The Black Prism/ The Blinding Knife) beyond this point. There will be no spoilers for this particular book though.
Synopsis: With Gavin lost and presumed dead the Chromeria faces a new prism elect. The political throws of the Chromeria rear their ugly heads and the sinister lost Order of the Broken Eye take advantage of the chaos to infiltrate places of power.
Obviously, as a book suffering ‘second-book-it is’ there was a lack of action and movement; lots of filler in the disguise of irrelevant world building; and character development that (I feel) should’ve happened sooner in the series. And to top it all off – as someone sensitive to such topics and forms of exclusive writing styles, a blatantly weakened female presence.
Let’s start with the action – there is none. Oh yes, lots of political movement, spying and the odd ‘Specials’ class for the Blackguard inductees. But, for the most part the only well-paced, pertinent action happens within the last 100 pages of this 800-page book.
I assume all the political tip toeing is set up for the next book – The Blood Mirror. Heaven forbid none of it ties in with The Blood Mirror, I’ll fucking riot. And, I’m all one for political exploration in books, just not in such bulks without anything in-between.
Don’t get me wrong, this book starts off strong. Our Blinding Knife has transformed into a weapon unrecognisable to what it had once been with a threatening promise to the world as we know it. Gavin is being spoken to by his god, but like all good anti-heroes – refuses to listen. Karris is put in charge of an international spy ring. Teia is being inducted into the Order of the Broken Eye. And Kip is on some island going insane in the best way possible.
But all this potential is ripped down by the fact that we have like five chapters from Gavin’s POV. Possible two os which focus the minimal amount of attention one can to the Blinding Knife. I know a lot of people have issues with Gavin becoming a prisoner to circumstance in this book. My issue lies in him not thinking anymore. His once brilliant mind can hardly focus on anything other than –
“Gavin’s every day had a similar rhythm. Pull. Twist. Push. Twist. Pull. Up, down, life circumscribed in ovals of work and rest and transition from one to the other”
Or –
And now, though he could call up their colour and stories and sins and attitudes if he tried, he saw each one of the drafters differently, he pushed them back, away. They became only a name and a sin to be shrived.
Illi Alexander. Gossip.
Loida Moss. Poisoner.
Tinsin. Rebellious.
Tahlia. Envy.
Bell Sparrow. Seductress.
Li-Li Solaens. Wight.
Xenia Delaen. Wight.
Myla Loros. Wight.
Pelagia Breeze. Spy.
Meghida Talor. Hatred.
Tahrith Khan. Greed.
Edna Wood. Sloth.”
And so on and so forth - 42 TIMES. Such blatant filler. Tossing in names and one worded stories of irrelevant people that will never come back up in the story. Few select names were expanded on (not counted in the 42), but only one had any insight into Gavin as a character. The fact that he isn’t whirling around in his head trying to figure out the Blinding Knife just seems so out of character, to me.
Then karris, once mighty Watch Captain White Oak – one of the greatest archers of the Blackguard. Now stripped to Lady Guile – made to wear rich dresses, powders and her hair in lavish styles. All of which hinders her at some point in the story. And, she develops maternal desires while she pines for her lost husband. Don’t misunderstand me here, I like a good female character who personifies femininity – just not when said character spent two books being expressed as the polar opposite. Plus, a strong female character should thrive in said femininity instead of being constantly thwarted by her own fucking dress. Especially seeing as Karris was trained in the most prestigious, elite fighting force in this world.
The thing that pissed me off most about Karris in this book is the act of excusing her rape. I’m not going to quote it because I’m lazy af and it just isn’t fucking worth repeating. But the book spent a chapter with Karris excusing her rape for something she ‘needed’ or something that was the ‘best’ alternative. Obviously, rape is such a sensitive topic and to have a character as strong as Karris raped was a star in the night. A role model for other victims. But having her preform a 180 degree turn, expressing that her rape was ‘deserved’ in some form is an absolute blotch in this book.
The we have Teia, the Blackguard inductee – former slave whose previous status has always been concerning. Trained by previous owners to be violent, sneaky and simply put – morally grey. Teia falls apart at the slightest challenge. She’s too busy thinking of the suddenly thin so therefore more attractive Kip. Or being used and abused by powers above her. Both Karris and Teia – the strongest and only female characters in this series are belittled to nothing but pawns and love interests.
Finally, Kip. He showed the most promise and, if I’m being honest he’s the only characters I feel stood up to his potential. There were a few set-backs, I won’t lie –
“He [Kip] wanted her [Teia] to be free, but he’d still wanter her to owe him, to be eternally grateful, to be somehow therefore subordinate. He wanted her to be free, but he wanted to decide for her how she should use her freedom.”
I know. -Vomits-. The only issues I have with his character is his association with females. He can’t even look at one without falling in love with them and subsequently reverting back to his patterns of self-hatred. On one hand, it’s endearing, to see him struggle with his own image, on the other hand – this struggle is undermined by every character and their mother gushing over his sudden weight-loss/ muscle gain.
There’s points in this book where you learn about the way a city or satrapy used to be 16 years (or more) ago. Zero relevance to the story. Or watch a member of the Order carrying out a routine assassination that again, has zero relevance to the story-line. Chapters with one-off POVs that bring no new information. Character simply talking for talking’s sake or worse – creating tension for tensions sake. All of which could’ve been summed up in a five-sentence paragraph so the story could focus on better stuff. Or, you know, move on with it!
So why not give it a one star rating, you ask? Well, if Blood Mirror disappoints I will be. But, first reason – Kip.
From our weak willed, sheepish boy from Rekton. To a young man stading up to Andross Guile in front of the whole Spectrum. His words become more assured, his lies come quicker; easier. And he develops his resourcefulness to creating and thinking up new ways to incorporate luxin. His own POV carries the type of thought processes I’d expect, and have seen, from Gavin.
“He was hitting the damned thing as hard as he could.
No, he was hitting as hard as he could muscularly. Magically, he should be able to hit harder.
[…] He remembered the wights in Garriston, leapfrogging from roof to roof, shooting luxin downward as they jumped, using the kick to extend their jump. It was the same concept that worked for Gavin’s skimmers and sea chariots. But bother of those interacted more externally. They didn’t have to, did they.
[…] Here goes nothing. He stood with his right foot back, twisted, snapped, and as his right foot came up, he shot green luxin out of it.”
Safe to say, Kip’s developing some of Gavin’s magically focused experimental yearnings. Throughout the book, he talks well beyond his years, offering advice and orders, talking strategy.
The only saving grace for the female characters – both Karris and Teia, is that they at least lock into challenging positions of power by the end of the book. Hopefully that means their futures promise badassery and strength.
The last one hundred pages are the greatest. Full of musket firing, experimental luxin, escapes, deaths, sabotage, hexed, and plot twists. The last one hundred pages feel more like the first two books. Quick paced and constantly moving. The characters don’t rot their personalities like they did during the books idle inaction. Information and developments in those last pages promise a fantastic story in Bloor Mirror.
I go forth excited, but wary.
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