#online meat ordering system
badaxefamily · 1 year
Reasons to play Palia:
Cozy, gentle farming/village sim a bit like a combination of Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing, but online.
Most of the villagers are romanceable if you're into that. Either way they all have backstories that you learn by befriending them.
One time I went fishing and pulled up a charcuterie.
There's robots. One of them is romanceable because the fanbase demanded it in alpha.
You can't pet the dog but you can talk to him:
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The fishing and bug catching systems are unique and fun.
When people find a rare/special resource like a Flow tree or palium ore, they'll call over zone chat to tell people where it is because everyone that hits a resource node will get the same reward no matter how many people are on it.
Crabs count as bugs so you can catch them!
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Sifuu sent me a brick in the mail.
Cat people come from the moon, allegedly. Which moon? Probably the one that isn't on fire.
Concerned about too many people stripping the resources? The game is instanced and each instance only has a handful of players at a time. Even if they're all mining, or chopping trees, the nodes respawn fast enough to compensate. Plants and other things on the ground are not shared, so grab all those you want.
You can hunt for meat and leather, and there are a variety of animals that require different methods. Some of them teleport or clone themselves.
Speaking of hunting, you do so with a bow, and there's no blood or dead body. Bagged animals literally disappear and leave behind a bag which you loot.
You can climb and glide kind of like Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom.
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The housing system is pretty robust, almost like WildStar. You start with a tent and then get a house which you can add rooms to. You can find, buy, and craft furnishing and sometimes villagers will gift them to you.
There's no HP and no penalty for falling, so feel free to yeet yourself from high places in order to explore!
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Touchstones: Chainsaw man, SCP Foundation, Jujutsu Kaisen, Mob Psycho 100, all of which it wears proudly on its sleeve
Genre: Horror, Action
What is this game?: Cain is a game about being psionic exorcists tasked with purging humanity's sins
How's the gameplay?: Cain runs on a simple gameplay loop where players must go into investigations to find out more about Sins, powerful beings made out of psychic energy from deeply traumatized humans. The game uses a system similar to FITD, where you roll amounts of die equal to your skill in something, then add more dice equal to any advantages you have, then you make it so any result of 4 or more is a success, and you count up your successes to see if you succeeded in doing the thing! The game also has an economy, the Agency will provide you with most things for free, but you'll have to buy certain amenities and privileges. Your character will have an Agenda (determining how they act) and a series of Blasphemies (determining how their psionics manifest), character creation is as such pretty quick as you just pick between different blocks of skills that you can take up. As a final note, the game contains a system where players can "Spare" sins in order to spare their originator from copious amounts of mental scarring, so they may instead force the sin to collapse into itself, gaining a reduced reward, but keeping the victim safer.
What's the setting (If any) like?: CAIN is set in a world where a psychic warfare happens under the very noses of the common people between psionic exorcists, and Sins, creatures made out of humans under extreme duress, an organization known as Cain seeks to destroy and contain these creatures before they become problems, categorizing them and eliminating them before they grow in power, scale, and danger. There's also many neat details such as different psionic abilities the players may take on, past incidents, a categorization system for the Sins, and corporations that seek to counter Cain's efforts
What's the tone?: Dire, while you're saving people from trauma by defeating their sins, you're part of the meat grinder that is CAIN, being thrown at creatures beyond mortal ken to stop them from becoming a bigger issue, while retirees exist, its said 40% of exorcists die before they can reach Category 3
Length: 2-3 hours is recommended, the game is also deliberately tooled into shorter 10 session games
Number of Players:  4-6 is recommended
Malleability: Cain's setting is pretty baked into its mechanics, but you can definitely change some stuff around
Resources: Online sheets are available and look very good
CAIN's one of those games that you can just tell what its inspired by at first glance and it rocks for it, its a really nice little game, esp for something that's effectively a side project gearing up for the release of ICON
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bushkit · 1 month
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(Featured character in doodle: Taiga) (Drawn by me)
Hello guys, its time for me to spit out some MiD worldbuilding!! *rubs hands together maliciously*
I legit have so so much worldbuilding and lore planned for this goofy ahh rewrite, it was difficult choosing just one topic to start off on, but I narrowed it down to either the Daemos or the Dragons. Because I couldn't choose, I decided to put the options on an online wheel. Dragons won. So….
BushKit: The Yappening (General Dragon Edition)
Dragons or Draconi, are large six to eight-limbed reptilian-like creatures that are found all over the continent of Tramea. They are famous for flight, being incredible and efficient hunters, and for unique abilities that vary between blood. Dragons are not reptiles nor mammals, despite having characteristics similar to both, this gives them their own classification.
Dragons are almost completely carnivorous, as meat is the best resource to give them the energy they need to survive. While dragons, especially those who live in populated areas may have and breed livestock, most prefer to hunt. Hunting is a natural instinct, and many dragons are professionals at it, often very successful, with a success rate of around eighty percent. Dragons are perfectly able to eat raw meat, however dragons from the south edge of Tramea prefer cooked meat. Dragons have strong sharp teeth, allowing them to tear their prey limb from limb and swallow them whole.
Despite being seemingly devoid of magic, dragons manage to be one of if not the most powerful creatures on Tramea. They are the apex predators of the sky and land, never having challengers outside of other dragons and smaller predatory creatures that may seek out hatchlings and small dragonets. All dragons have great strength and immensely powerful bites that could snap a daemos clean in half. As mentioned before, dragons also have abilities that are unique to their bloods/breeds, ranging from fire breath to literal future sight.
Dragons make a wide variety of sounds thanks to their unique larynx, enabling them to make noises ranging from quiet squeaks to ear-piercing roars. Being sentient creatures mush like daemos and humans, this also makes dragons able to speak. The most common language spoken by virtually all dragons is Drake, a series of words and vowels mixed with growls and hisses. Certain bloods such as Rimebloods mainly use drake, but they also use animalistic noises, changing tone to communicate basically. This communication is generally quiet, as it is commonly used for hunting and stealth. Besides drake, dragons are also able to speak the daemos and human languages (usually english). Most dragons in the daemos kingdoms are fluent in both languages and find use being translators, and using drake to keep classified information from daemos. (daemos and humans cannot properly speak drake, as their larynx lack the correct shape and flexibility.)
Dragon courtship rituals vary by blood, but it’s generally similar to human and daemos courtship. Female dragons (or dragonesses) lay 1-3 eggs at a time, and are extremely protective of their offspring. Dragon names differ by blood, but commonly are named after features in the world that resonate with their blood (ex. Wildfire [fire dragon], Tempest [storm/weather dragon]). (Author’s note: this naming system makes it easier for me too, Daemos names are difficult enough. I will also post a dragon age chart at some point, as I feel it’s better understood visually than through reading.)
Dragons technically live in empires, as they all live under one ruler, yet they still use the terms king/queen instead of emporer/empress. These queens are descendants of the very first dragon rulers who marked the end of Ancient Tramea and gave order and peace to the bloods. Each empire is different, with different rules and decrees ordered by each queen. Similar to the daemos kingdoms, the queen/king has the most power, but they often have high councils used to discuss and make decisions. When a queen dies naturally or is killed by an outside force, the eldest princess (or son if no daughters or close female relatives are applicable) will usurp rulership. However with enough support, a princess/prince or close relative to the queen can challenge her for the throne, commonly resulting in a fierce battle to the death. A queen can yield to the princess/prince if she chooses to give up her throne to them.
Dragons come in four (once five) known breeds, more commonly known as Bloods. While rare, interbreeding can occur between bloods, resulting in hybrid offspring. I am currently drawing sheets with the designs and info tidbits of each dragon blood, I'm almost done with one of them and I should be posting it sometime in the next week.
So that's the first Yappening! Dragons are one of my favorite things ever and I just could not resist adding them to MiD.
Fun fact: I used to be a huge Wings of Fire fan back when MiD was coming out, so the dragons are absolutely inspired from that series. They have gone though a lot of changes in the past four years, and i’m finally incredibly happy with them now. You will be seeing more Wings of Fire inspired features.
Next time on Yappening: Daemos Information!!
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gotta-pet-em-all · 2 months
Okay, so it seems like rotomblr broke… again? And I can’t see any of the past posts, so I guess I’m redoing our intro.
Hi, we’re the Fluffstep system! Collectively, all of us respond to Fluff online. If you don’t know who’s talking, chances are we don’t either. Dissociation is a bitch and we tend to be blurry anyways, we’re still figuring it out..
In rough order of appearance, here’s who we have!
Elle + Bryelle: Both of them have the body age and appearance, although Bryelle has longer hair and Elle likes the current length better. They share memories better than anyone in the system, so if you’ve talked to one, the other will remember what happened. We think they split initially from trauma, although we’re a mixed origin system. Bryelle helps us with organization and talking to people, and Elle is good at taking care of our pokemon and talking to the therapist. Bryelle is somewhat high strung, while Elle has defeatist tendencies. 
Firestar: Fictive from Warrior Skitty; he doesn’t front a whole lot but he’s great at emotional support and hyping us up. Also, he had a thing with Graystripe back home. Please do not approach us with Firestar ship discourse, this is what happened to him and he doesn’t want to engage in that. He’s post-canon, but with some divergences.
Linnea: We think she’s about eight or so; we’re not sure when she split but we were pretty young. She’s not great at emotional regulation, so please be extra kind when she’s in front. Linnea’s job is to monitor our body and make sure everything’s running smoothly. She’s a bit of a crybaby and has been trying to get us to buy her more plushies. Linnea, we love you but the bed isn’t big enough.
Max: She’s a walk-in, not positive when she showed up but she’s been blurry and has the worst dissociation. We’re trying to get her to front more, and she’s coming out more now that we’re out of Plasma. Cool lesbian who’s in her mid twenties, by our best guess. She’s the best at cooking and taking phone calls, but sucks at sending emails.
Dragonite: She showed up around puberty, and holds most of the deviance. We try to keep the blog safe for work, but Dragonite… if you are a minor, please block the tag #Dragonite speaks. We appreciate her doing the exploration for us, and breaking down some of the sexual shame we have! But she lacks restraint in many ways.
Zor: a zorua/zoroark shifter. We really don’t know where it came from or what it wants, and we’re still working on communication. Far as we can tell, they like raw meat and having messy hair. They probably won’t type anything. 
Snowkit: he’s still miffed that he never earned his warrior name; we suspect he might be a little younger than the body age. He escaped his narrative to haunt us specifically, and is the disability advocate for the body. He doesn’t front a lot due to sensory issues with sound, since he’s Deaf and the body being Hearing is weird. 
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dollsonmain · 1 year
I know folks are probably getting tired of this by now so you get a tag AND a cut.
But I feel like discussing this sort of thing might help people sometimes? since it's a first person account instead of listicles online.
What they did and didn't tell me about having stents.
They told me why: Facilitates drainage which takes strain (pressure) off of the kidneys and helps the antibiotics work by helping prevent pockets of infected urine reforming (that's what was making me sick, stuck urine that had built up lots of bacteria).
They told me how-ish: They go up with various catheters and things and install the stents, the stents stay in place until they are removed. Some stents have lines that exit the body to facilitate removal. Mine do not. The doc didn't want me accidentally pulling them out since the area they're in is heavily infected. They'll be removed at my first stone removal surgery in about two weeks from installation which was a couple days ago.
They did not tell me how-completely: The stents are hooked into my body meat like little fish hooks. They also didn't tell me they'd be taking urine for testing from my bladder and each kidney or that they would also be draining both kidneys during the procedure, so I did get a fluid-pressure reset.
They did not tell me basically anything about what the next two weeks will be like.
I'm on flowmax to soften my bladder so it's easier to empty. I don't think I needed that, I was peeing fine, but stents do change things.
I was worried that I might push them out while pooping but that's not likely to the point of nearly impossible. Not 100%, but nearly.
These things feel like a bad UTI and I have two of them. I got the ows, the zaps, the GOTTA GOs every few minutes. At least now I know that ALL of those pains are UTI pains, you know? I'd get some random pain sometimes and be like "what was that......" and now I know. It was UTI and pressure in my kidneys and the pain signals were traveling around the whole renal system. Because they do that.
I'm in a lot more pain now than I was with just the kidney stones. It is very, VERY atypical but my kidney stones and the pressure behind them don't hurt. Those nerves may have died off.
There's varying amounts of blood in my urine, sometimes very little, sometimes a lot. Sometimes there are clots. That's all normal but I had to ask as things were happening.
I get up every couple hours in the night and some times I don't make it to the toilet (I did all last night, so that is improving).
They also didn't warn me that just having the surgery itself might make me wet myself because the muscles hadn't all regained strength/how long it would take for the anesthesia to fully wear off.
I called the doctor's office and asked about that, too.
I'm glad I thought to have That Guy bring Depends but that's also something you'd think someone would like, mention. You know?
So that's what having stents has been like so far.
Feels like a bad UTI, though for some people they feel nothing. Need adult diapers for accidents. Need to be near a toilet at all times, and not going to get a hell of a lot of continuous sleep for a while.
I also think it's worth noting that I've had two male doctors blow me off about this and I think the only thing that went differently at the ER was that it was a female doctor.
The first male doctor said it was an anxiety attack.
The second male doctor said it was a viral stomach bug.
The female doctor listened to my symptoms and ordered a bunch of tests.
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So, more personal blather about the whole situation.
While I was in the first ER I heard a man yelling and starting trouble in the waiting room. That Guy and Son got up and left as soon as the man was distracted by a security guy. I'd had told them to go home as soon as they dropped me off and I would text if I needed picked up. I knew I wasn't going home, though.
My neighbor was an elderly lady and they kept trying to figure out when she'd last pooped but she couldn't remember. Finally she called them in and was like I need to poop so they wrestled her up on a bed pan (she cried, she was in a lot of pain) and then left her alone with her curtain closed to poop. Right then the floor doctor walked in and was like HI MISS GERALDINE and whipped her curtain open to start talking to her.
I chewed him out. That's very atypical of me. Like, I laid into him for not asking if she was wanting to talk in that exact moment. And then I felt really bad until I realized he's probably had people a lot more angry at him than me considering a lot of the patients I could hear were elderly and some were confused, and I didn't feel bad anymore.
Since it's a university-run hospital there were sometimes pairs of nurses, and at one point a trainee came in to give me a dose of antibiotics through the IV but she hooked it into the wrong plug which depressurized the system and blood starting backing up the tube. As soon as she saw that she ran to get her trainer and they spent some time doing a full reset of the IV set up.
I wasn't worried or anything. It was my own blood and it could only go so far/only so much could be lost. At the most a cup since the saline bag was fresh and mostly full, still. So I was totally calm the whole time, which I'm sure helped.
I think the nurse in training was surprised when her trainer stepped out and I encouraged her instead of yelling at her. I praised her for not being too proud to get help when she noticed an issue, and for observing how to rectify the situation.
That Guy was like "Yesterday's nurses did NOT like me..." and I was like yeah I kind of told on you, but not out loud. He got put on the shit list FAST by staff. So for that I have a note in my account that I'm experiencing financial abuse and he exhibits controlling behavior. If there ever is a point where Son and I have to leave, I have the name of where to call. There's a facility in Next Town Over where the hospital is that will come and get us, and that would be the last time we see him.
I feel guilty for saying anything because he has paid for my existence for decades but he has also been abusive, just not physically.
They asked me if Son is safe at home alone with That Guy and I said "Safe, yes. Happy, no."
They also asked like how is Son and I said he seems to understand that his father's behavior isn't his fault but he still has had to endure it.
I also in the process learned how much money he makes (I didn't know before) and wow we should all certainly have insurance (he and Son might through his work but I have nothing and don't qualify for assistance while he claims me on his taxes as a dependent) and have had medical care all this time and there's no reason at all to be doing the whole -pointedly look at the food receipt every grocery trip, look up at the sky angrily, shake his head, shove it in his pocked, huff, and walk away- thing. Also explains why his work friends keep suggesting burger joints that end up costing like $80 for the whole family....
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centi-pedve · 8 months
subway is so crazy their whole menu system is crazy. ordering online is crazy. they remove spicy italian off the menu for some fkn reason. okay so we'll just customize a different sandwich to be a spicy italian which should be perfectly possible because it's not like they're out of the ingredients. well for whatever reason if you go to one sandwich it'll only let you have two proteins and you can remove them but not add any others. okay so if we can remove we'll just go to a sandwich with unbearable protein and remove everything except pepperoni and salami. okay so now we can't remove anything at all we have to have all four chosen meats on this sandwich. why. it's not like they're pre-made. so maybe we should go to a sandwich which is protein neutral maybe they'll have all the meat opportunities open liiike the veggie one. oh you can't add any protein. why. what if we really like veggies but maybe some ham slices wouldn't hurt. are you trying to protect vegetarians from themselves? then we find a different sandwich which is just a spicy italian with a different name. we should walk into the subway store and shove the tip of a rifle into our mouth right in the direction of our brain
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stardewremixed · 2 years
Some SVE Headcanons
Some of my more recent headcanons to include the SVE Bachelors & Bachelorettes at the request of @bored-farmer
*Random notes: Stardewies (bachelorettes), Stardudes (bachelors), Stardewexpies (Stardew Valley Expansion marriage candidates) 
Stardewexpies at their time of the month 
Claire becomes stressed and frustrated at little things easily. Takes more frequent breaks in the bathroom. May cry a bit as she’s more emotional than usual. Uses this as an excuse to stay home on her heaviest flow day. She despises her Joja job anyway. It’s a lovely thing to practice some self care. She sleeps in, rousing around noon. Makes herself a cup of green tea. Stays in bed most of the day to catch up on her would stay in bed and catch up on dance competitions on her DVR. 
Sophia orders delivery from Grampleton - her favorite orange chicken. An extra special treat since she’s a bit on the moody side. Rewatches Journey of the Prairie King for the millionth time in her PJ’s, no makeup. Don’t make her angry or sad. This will amp her mood up by 1000. 
Olivia has been through this much longer than most of the bachelorettes. She has a system down to practice some TLC: face masks, mani-pedis, a special slice of chocolate cake with lunch at Gus’s. Screams into her pillow to express her moments of exasperation with this monthly “frenemy.” 
Stardewexpies helping at Alex’s fundraiser for breast cancer awareness
Claire doesn’t have much money, but she does want to support a townie. She volunteers at a booth. 
Sophia brings over a special “pink” rose wine from the Blue Moon Vineyard to sell at the auction. 
Olivia brings her checkbook and writes the biggest, fattest check. She also hugs Alex and calls him a “cutie” (much to his embarrassment). 
Victor inspects the stage that Robin built. Is it structurally sound? Yes. He shyly supports the Farmer’s booth and bids on their items at auction. 
Lance is off adventuring, per usual, and can’t make the event. But he does send his regards and pre-bids on online items. 
Stardewexpies favorite pasta
Claire’s favorite pasta is Orzo. She likes to cook, and is an expert at reinventing leftovers. Orzo noodles is the perfect addition to tasty broths, a summer pasta salad, or even a leftover baked chicken dish. Perfect to take to work in a tupperware. Dozes off halfway through her lunches. She appreciates when the Farmer makes her mushroom risotto with extra orzo noodles. 
Lance - this globetrotter likes a wide variety of pastas from around the world. Spaghetti sandwiches from Japan picked up at a subway stop for a great meal on the go. Greek Pastitsios, a tubular pasta shaped like a beehive stuffed with meat, tomatoes, and bechamel. And his favorite is Thai Pad noodles, served scorchingly hot for the lava-loving boy. If you can keep up, he’s impressed. In a romantic relationship, if you can’t keep up, he would still be happy you tried, and would bring you a refreshing tropical drink to soothe your flaming tongue. 
Magnus will try anything once. Mushrooms are a common addition to any pasta dish he makes. Perhaps super cucumber in his pasta salads. But his favorite is sauteed frog legs drizzled with a lemon garlic butter sauce served with linguine. Would love to experiment with dishes in the kitchen with the Farmer. May cause a few exploding mishaps along the way. 
Olivia - pasta is an excuse to drink a good wine and eat a delicious chocolatey dessert when she’s not counting carbs. She’s super proper about eating too. Napkin in lap, cloth on the table, elbows off. Definitely twirls her pasta with a spoon. Would regularly host the Farmer for dinner if in a romantic relationship. Maybe a little penne alla vodka. 
Sophia - this girl definitely eats pasta with chopsticks. No doubt. She likes an exorbitant amount of olives and pancetta. Is content to eat her pasta in front of the tv watching anime, or scrolling through her phone reading the latest digital manga. Totally forgets the time and realizes she needs to get to sleep long after midnight. Hates wasabi. Won’t even touch it. Begs Sebastian (in an undignified if not semi-humiliating manner) for his ramen recipe.  
Victor loves the classics. Spaghetti with meatballs is his absolute fave. Prefers feta sprinkles over Parmesan cheese. Acts a bit like a little kid anytime you make the dish for him. Blushes frequently over a candlelit dinner of spaghetti. 
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missguomeiyun · 4 months
AYCE K-BBQ & sushi @ Tatsu
Sorry, it's gonna be a super loooooong post I've already took out some 'individual' pictures so it's not as long :D hope you're not too hungry when you're reading this!
Back in April, several friends & I visited Tatsu Sushi AYCE for dinner. There were 4 of us. I tried calling to make reservations for a Friday dinner but they don't take reservations for small groups. We got there around 6pm but the wait for a table for 4 was approx 30mins. The place was actually packed! Both the dining area & the waiting area. If you plan to go in a small group, I recommend sending someone there early & putting your name on the list, esp on the wknd!
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What's good about the process was that - also bcos the waiting area was full - you don't have to wait there. They actually give you a call once a table is ready.
Note: they have a strict 2-hr dining limit & it's mainly for the change-over of customers. This 2-hr is on the receipt that they issue at each table when they seat you.
Also note: AYCE per person = $39.95 for dinner. This is MORE THAN reasonable IMHO for AYCE. (Everything on menu included except for drinks)
Sorry, a 3rd note but no picture to go with it. This place uses an atypical system for ordering. The receipt I mentioned above that they place at the table has your check-in time, number of ppl, the table number .. PLUS a pin & QR on it. Someone at your table has to scan the QR code & order on the device. The pin is unique to your table/order. Once you 'submit', they'll prepare & bring the food out. You can submit without restrictions (or at least when I went anyway); with the exception of sashimi. Each round, you can only order max 3 pieces per person at your table (4 ppl = max 12 pieces were round of order).
The menu online through the QR has the same format as the paper menu they have at the table:
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I am impressed by the selection for an AYCE. They have some rolls I've never heard heard. There is a good selection of appetizers/snacks. The K-BBQ section is kind of small but has the essentials!
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Some of the items on the QR online version was not on this paper menu. Think they may have added items after. We made our 1st order & ordered drinks as well. Now waiting. ..
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Each table has a K-grill like this HOWEVER does not have the vent/fan above it.
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Despite not having the vent/fan, I didn't find the restaurant that smoky. Could just also be the area. We were in front of the kitchen. There are fans in there I'm sure- so maybe the ventilation here is slightly better than the 'outside' tables? When my friend came, she said it was SOOOOO bad.
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Another plus: the staff:customer ratio & staff attentiveness. This place doesn't have a bell system so if you wanted water refills, you'd have to flag someone down but the staff were really on top of it. Every time someone brought food to us, they also checked our glasses for water supply/demand.
The food got here in a very decent amount of time. We also did not have problems with missing orders except for 1 item (ordered but didn't come during our 1st so we ordered on our 2nd round).
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I do have individual shots but that would equate to too many pictures in this post :P
Left: our platter of meat. Steak, beef slice, short rib, pork belly, & salmon collar.
Side of kimchi: the kimchi here was good!!! It's not very fermented so it's more crunchy & sweet.
Top: beef tataki: good quality~ felt the sauce was a little bland but that's just me.
Salmon sashimi: I liked it even though I'm not huge on sashimi. Tasted fresh. No vein-y things. CLEAN.
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Butter + vegetables haha this was the only vegetable we had. I wished they had lettuce for the grilled meats. Doesn't have to be a unique item, but just served with the wasabi & ssam sauce as a 'side'. You know, like in a small basket for every table.
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The Maui Woie roll: tempura shrimp, smoked salmon, deep fried green batter crunch, mayo & unagi sauce. This was delicious!
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Tempura shrimp: 9/10; deep fried gyoza (I didn't eat any so I don't know); calamari: 8/10.
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Assorted sushi & nigiri platter. Spicy salmon was my favourite! Followed by chopped scallop.
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Forgot what mine was called lol some lychee thing with some alcohol in it. It was refreshing~
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Okay, the meats. The short rib was the only seasoned item out of the meats. A little too sweet for my personal liking but meat was fresh & the cut was good. Pork belly <3
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The beef steak was my personal favourite. The beef slices didn't please me & I'm not sure why. Think it was maybe cut too thickly?
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Steak =]
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Salmon collar was interesting. It was so buttery. I have not tried this part of the fish before.
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I did not eat this but this was the chicken skewer. (cooked; sprinkled with paprika).
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Seared beef & spicy salmon nigiri.
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2nd round of MEAT!
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Dessert: mini bun with condensed milk & ppung-eo-bbang (aka taiyaki).
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Susan's creation.
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^ my dessert: coconut tapioca dessert & green tea ice cream. I asked if the coconut dessert was hot or cold & they said it was warm. I still got it & I guess my tone of voice screamed I wanted the dessert cold so I was served the dessert with added ice cubes. Very thoughtful!
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Not gonna lie- the coconut tapioca & the green tea ice cream were both quite bland. I decided to mix the 2 & guess what! It was good! It was soooo refreshing, if anything.
I would definitely come back!
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tharizdun-03 · 2 years
frustrations with the inaction on the climate crisis
I don't want to like doompost or anything, but I've just been kinda bummed out by everything happening in the world lately. The climate crisis is as bad as it's ever been which our corrupt economic and governance system supports and the people in power don't anything about, the evergrowing rise of fascism and bigotry, the deep resentment, fear, and dangerous views young men are adopting, fucking Elon Musk, along with, you know, what feels like basically every man with any sort of power misusing his position to sexually benefit off of minors.
And, yeah, obviously, the easy remedy to this is that I should just spend less time on the internet. I know the people in my actual life are good people. And even if they weren't, I should see it as a sign, an inspiration, to be the best person I can be.
I just feel powerless sometimes, when it's stuff like the climate crisis, and I do everything possible to help on an individual level, but it doesn't really matter. But, on the bright side, you know, there are still more activists than ever?
I mean, we just had the painting protests. Granted, wouldn't be my pick as it doesn't really lend to great optics for the cause, but you know, at least they're doing something at least.
Listen. A lot of people nowadays live in capitalism without a second thought. I have some friends that are conscious of it and oppose it altogether. Some are irl, most are online on other platforms (fediverse).
It can just be really frustrating sometimes. It frustrates me that people place the importance of capitalism and profits over the rights and material conditions present for the people in our communities. It frustrates me to think that people want to hold up rigid social orders rather than let everyone express and identify as they wish and respect them as long as it does not harm others.
But, talking about this kind of stuff with normies, they go;
"But how does (insert moral action here) help us to grow the economy?" 
"If we don't have police, then won't everyone just (insert bad action here) each other with no consequence?" 
 "If we help everyone, won't society just collapse because no one will have the drive to work?"
Most of the time, I mean, I'm an optimistic and joyful person at heart, so my depressive episodes are quite infrequent and don't last for long, but when they do happen, I'm like out completely for that day or two.
It's just, you do what you can and it changes nothing and you just get tired sometimes. At some point, I will likely be more angry than tired and I will try again and it won't matter again and I will be tired again and then angry again and such and so on forever and ever.
I get the desire to just be ignorant. I see people who aren't tormented about it, and I miss it. But, I'm right. And knowing about this stuff is important, it is the first step toward change.
Even if the effects of global warming were halted IMMEDIATELY, they would still be felt for hundreds of years. Of course, the solutions are actually out there! We could easily reduce waste by 70% just by getting rid of the "planned obsolesce" design, and instead designing things to be repaired and recycled, and implementing more vertical infrastructure. We could regulate businesses, reduce air travel, cut back on meat, introduce more sustainable farming practices, switch to efficient public transit in the US, etc.
Can we make changes? Yes. Will we make changes? No.
The problem is that there aren't any solutions that involve satiating our horribly lopsided capitalistic practices with the endless consumption and waste required to generate the massive wealth inequality we are used to. We are asking a bunch of money-hungry psychopaths to put aside their hunger, think of the greater good and actually help, without profit motive. Money isn't even real, man.
And even setting aside the corrupt elite, the people would riot too. Capitalism has convinced billions that their consumer choices are inherent rights. People will not stop driving or eating meat until the bitter end.
The urgency is building, but going nowhere.
And here I do everything that I can in my current situation. I won't have any kids (altho mostly cause I don't really like interacting with kids for an extended period of time lol), and if I somehow do, I will adopt. I and family fly as little as possible, and we try to take local trips instead (but living with my family, I am limited in my vehicle use). I walk to my college and my likely future place of employment I can commute via train to. I avoid consumer crap. I eat plant-based and grow some of my own vegetables. I sometimes do guerilla gardening. I try to live as simply and solarpunk-like as possible for me at this moment in time. And I don't mean to gloat or anything, but my point is that it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter how many material sacrifices I make, cause someone else will just fill that. My footprint isn't what's killing the world, and neither is it yours. It is not our fault. It is capitalism. And yet we are the ones who have to deal with the mess.
Even if I wanted to live completely off the grid (eventually I'd love to), I can't actually do that without a whole lot of money. Whatever we do, we're forced to play this game.
What are you gonna do, huh? Vote? If you live in the US, you're stuck between choosing a bunch of rich consumers in suits who are ideologically committed to exploiting the world for profit.
In Sweden, well, it's not nearly as corrupt here, but because my pacifist country decided to settle for social democracy (IT IS NOT ENOUGH!), we're now seeing it unwind as the far right won the election. To the point that they've removed the climate department (and haven't followed through on their promises regarding the electricity crisis).
Humanity can't fix this with electoralism. What's your plan for a planet of 8 billion people across 195 different countries, with 195 different governments? There's nothing we can do.
Listen, I'm a revolutionist, but any future revolution depends on individual revolts accumulating bottom-up. There's no vanguard (not the route to go anyway), no aliens; no corporation or state is going to do it. The responsibility for it falls on each individual.
Maybe my community could theoretically manage to build enough dual power structures for it to work a short time in my city, but the time it'll have to take before that ever succeeds, things will be far too late.
And even then, the entire country would be a pipe dream, so it wouldn't be sustainable anyway. And even if we managed the entire country, because the rest of the world still consists of capitalistic, imperialist powerhouses, they'd never allow us to live in peace anyway.
These last few months have probably been the most exhausting ones for me. I've been out and about more than ever before (and whenever I had free time, just consumed media). And yeah, you get tired from doing so much but knowing it won't change our course. BUT! Doomerism doesn't come from care, it comes from burnout. It comes from feeling impotent. It comes from a lack of agency. It comes from trauma. And it comes from a black-and-white notion of success and failure.
Sure, you can focus on how you could help the homeless a hell lot more if the state wasn't so fucking insistent on trampling down any community efforts to push their ways that don't work and isn't wanted, or you can focus on that even if things aren't perfect, things are still better because you're helping out. It is still the best feeling in the world knowing that you're making a tangible difference for people, even if it's small and maybe even temporary. If you tie your happiness to an imagined future you will probably not have much of a life worth living. Learn to live in this world but not in a way where you're giving into it!
We can't save the world. But, then time to do what we can. This isn't abstract doom. These are real, specific people who will be harmed, that you can directly know, and directly be there for. You have to remember to not think about this like you are trying to architect society. Remember what you actually care about.
I don't want people to suffer. That's why I'm upset about our inaction on climate change. The propagation of my species and society is not really that important to me so I can live with some big-picture doom. But, you know, does the inability to stop all death make people think medical training is pointless? No.
One of my new year's resolutions was to focus more on my solarpunk. Humanity won't die out completely. I'll get out of here before the worst comes, but I can help people as much as possible nevertheless.
If (when) civilization collapses, and I'm still alive, well, then I better be there with community networks already set up to help people out in rebuilding society. So, that's what I have to remember for this year. When I need to tend to myself, maybe focus more on my gardening. But, any volunteering should be for improving people's lives right now and setting up positive change after the inevitable collapse.
I want my community to be built on a radical respect for people and planet. I want it to be a place for open source production, where the common good is prioritized over mindless consumption. I want it to be cooperative as well as communitarian, not only aiming to create an entirely self-sufficient system of agriculture and manufacturing but also a diverse and thriving culture where everyone can live their authentic self. I want to develop our own renewable energy systems and strive to eliminate our impact on the ecosphere, while protecting biodiversity and creating a natural, symbiotic environment to live in. We would always put people and planet first.
So, I should fight for that. If society doesn't collapse, then we better have networks ready to support people in pushing for positive social change that benefits everyone instead of the select few. And if society does collapse, we better have networks ready to help people out in rebuilding.
It's all about doing what you can while you're here. And, hopefully, if you die before the collapse, you'll have made a legacy for other anarchists to follow as you spread your own form of anarchism.
You can help. No matter how small, it matters to someone. 
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tuesday again 9/27/22
pretty bad fatigue week! fewer in depth breakdowns of media, more naps
listening Faster Gun by Little Big Town, found through chase @pasta-pardner 's incredible bounty-hunters-to-lovers playlist. this is. hm. what is this. bluesier than is currently fashionable country? not meant as a dunk on the song, which i have had on loop for days, there's a very early twenty teens quality about the mix. what the fuck do i mean by that? fuck if i know!
honorary shoutout to the line "Put another bullet in the chamber with your smile" bc that's gotta be like twenty fic titles. if not i have a new mission.
reading pinging off a lotta stuff, which is not the fault of any of the works and more that i am unable to settle and concentrate on any one singular thing for longer than about four minutes.
luckily, i have read this article, which details the practice of sending your local boutique owner a bunch of links to the shit you want and then she places the shein order for you and you go pick it up at the store.
this is absolutely fucking fascinating to me. it is not detailed very well how/why/if they handle the infamously gnarly returns process as well? i also wish the article went into more depth about Why this is so successful, other than "uhhhhh online sales in Mexico are low for uhhhhhh...cash? reasons? haveyouthoughtaboutinvestinginalastmiledeliverycompany"
Both Sandon and the Précomas’ boutiques offer the same prices that users might find on the official app. The way they make a profit is by making the most out of the gamified discount system Shein offers its online customers. “The more items you buy on Shein, the better discounts you get and the more points you earn to exchange for other discounts,” Guarneros said.
we do gotta hand it to them and i do fully support these women leveraging their network of friends from previous pyramid schemes like avon and tupperware in order to make bank by gaming the fuck out of predatory gamified discount systems
watching the unbearable weight of massive talent (2022, dir Gormican)
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now, is this movie sucking itself off a lot? yes, almost constantly. however, i had fun watching it. i feel like nick cage The Guy is probably pretty chill and has a good sense of humor in order to agree to do this movie
i like pedro pascal The Guy very much and as an actor (one of the rare actors where i'm like "that's a hot guy! also, i'm extremely horny for him!" as opposed to a lot of actors that i do think are pretty [daniel craig, etc] but don't necessarily want to fuck) anyway it feels like pascal had a ton of fun making this. are we slowly returning to the tight ninety-minute movie???? i would have watched ninety minutes of cage and pascal riffing off each other. the plot in this thing was superfluous tbh
playing fallow week
making stock! i have two batches actually bc i inherited a bunch of stock fixins from the good roommate, who properly roasted the bones and saved the skin and everything so the first batch is really gorgeous and dark and glittering with fat. i skimmed some of the fat off but not all, bc the stuff i make never requires perfect crystal clear broth and i like fat. i did do the cheesecloth straining thing tho.
also feat. a whole bunch of my landlady's herbs (which have not had a very good time this summer) and an entire four-year-old bottle of bay leaves. can't hurt yanno. plus a parmesan rind from the aforementioned roommate. all items pictured here before transformation into stock
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the second batch is still on the stove as i write this, with somewhat fewer herbs and no bay leaf, but smells just as good. tastes slightly less good so i think roasting the cleaned bones or whatever the fuck she did to them really does make a difference, bc i fully just plopped a chicken carcass in the freezer after i finished getting most of the meat off it and gave it no more effort than that. HATE having to do more work to get a better quality final product!!!
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ladybugmeat · 2 years
The first of the preceding images is a collage of the Franco Manca floor-plan and a Paul-Henri Chombart de Lauwe style plotting of my movements within the span of a week. The plotting displays a whirring triangular circuit between front desk, bar, and kitchen porter. I have taken aesthetic properties from Wyndham Lewis’ BLAST: War Number in order to convey the narrow and mechanical quality of my traversing. With no deviations, only iterations, my activity stands in stark contrast to the whimsical premise of the Dérive. The hand of the Vorticist opposes sentimentality. The serrated edges of the woodcut are designed with sheer violence. Lewis desires to convey an exact quiddity of the modern world. The Vorticist does not pursue simulacra, only aggressive substantiality.
To some degree, the restaurant emulates battle. The serving hatch defines two separate spheres: Front of house and Back of house. The two parties are kept in a state of near conflict. When carrying the collage to photograph at an upstairs window, the pieces reconfigured to form alternative compositions. The two latter images depict the collage’s resultant organisations. Without manipulating the shapes myself, the collage reverted to a vortex.
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Mierle Laderman Ukeles: Sanitation Celebrations: Grand Finale of the First NYC Art Parade, Part I: The Social Mirror, 1983, garbage collection truck.
I tie the bags, carry them out into the rain, and drop them at the curb. ‘Presented with the alternative of love or a garbage disposal unit, young people of all countries have chosen the garbage disposal unit.’ Whilst maintenance is a fundamental fixture of Capitalism, it is a facet carefully concealed. This heaped street-side installation only appears at night - only at closed-doors.
One Autumn night when the collection truck didn’t show and foxes chewed through the bin bags, the morning’s passersby were enraged. They stopped at the curb, looked down into the spilled contents of chewed crusts and beer bottles, and went online to write their martyred diatribes. Faced with the messy by-product of consumerism, the people responded with pointed fingers. They recognised their reflection in Franco Manca’s glass front but not in the littered gutter.
If a new pizzeria were to be formulated, one might forefront and hijack the establishment’s hidden maintenance and service work. In Chtcheglov’s sardonic tone, I might announce the appointment of a new management team. Staff would no longer serve under the elusive figure of Franco but instead the transparent moniker Frankie - Manky Frankie. Inside the restaurant, entropy would reign supreme. Fungi would grow in thick shelves from the walls but also the tables, stairs, and utensils. Bouts of watercress, spinach, and peas would grow in deep-set, water-logged motes running along each wall.
The menu would solely list produce cultivated and foraged within the restaurant. Neighbourhood rodents must be caught and carved if a customer has a preference for meat. A single septic tank and a simple hydroponic system would keep all nature in balance. The menu would move with the seasons. In winter, the interior’s crop might entirely perish. This would reintroduce the acumen of the hunter-gatherer, a ‘forgotten desire’. Everybody pitches in, society thrives. Customers would no longer sit down to their private dinnertime spectacles but would engage in a situation of invigorating, albeit nauseous, uncertainty.  
Artist Zeger Reyers engages in a near identical form of Situationism. With a desire to humanise the domestic sphere, Rayers planted mycelium within everyday objects. The mushrooms were then prepared and served during the exhibition finissage. Through consuming from the furniture, the objects were reestablished as secondary - as tools and accessories. The furniture became wood, glue, and damp again - No longer confined to the trappings of a feminine realm.
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desichatkai · 24 hours
Delight in Authentic Indian Flavors at Point Cook's Finest Takeaway
A Diverse Palette of Flavors
Indian cuisine is known for its diversity, with each region of India boasting its own distinct culinary style. From the rich, creamy curries of the North to the fiery, spice-laden dishes of the South, Indian food is a celebration of flavor. Point Cook’s Indian takeaway spots capture this diversity beautifully, offering a menu that spans multiple regions.
Start your journey with classics like Butter Chicken and Lamb Rogan Josh—both favorites among curry lovers. The creamy, tomato-based butter chicken is mild yet flavorful, perfect for those new to Indian food. For a spicier kick, Lamb Rogan Josh offers tender chunks of lamb cooked in a fragrant blend of spices, including cardamom, cloves, and cinnamon. Pair it with naan or basmati rice for a fulfilling meal.
If you're craving something lighter, consider Tandoori Chicken, marinated in yogurt and spices before being cooked in a traditional clay oven, or Paneer Tikka—a vegetarian alternative featuring cubes of Indian cottage cheese grilled to perfection. indian takeaway point cook These dishes offer a perfect balance of smoky, savory, and slightly tangy flavors, making them ideal for sharing or enjoying solo.
Vegetarian Delights
Indian cuisine is renowned for its vegetarian options, and Point Cook's Indian takeaways do not disappoint in this regard. Many restaurants offer an array of vegetarian dishes that are as flavorful as their meat counterparts. Staples such as Palak Paneer (spinach and cottage cheese curry), Aloo Gobi (potato and cauliflower in a blend of spices), and Chana Masala (chickpea curry) are just a few options that highlight the versatility of Indian vegetarian fare.
For those looking to dive deeper into South Indian cuisine, the Dosas—thin, crispy crepes made from fermented rice and lentil batter—are a must-try. Stuffed with potato masala or enjoyed with sambar (lentil soup) and coconut chutney, dosas offer a unique and satisfying meal.
Spice Levels for Every Palate
One of the best aspects of Indian takeaway in Point Cook is the ability to customize your meal to your spice tolerance. Whether you're someone who enjoys mild dishes or someone who can handle the heat, you can easily request the spice level that suits your taste. For those new to Indian food, dishes like Korma or Malai Kofta are mild yet rich in flavor. For the more adventurous, the fiery Vindaloo or Madras curry will set your taste buds ablaze.
Convenience and Quality
Point Cook's Indian takeaway options not only focus on providing quality food but also ensure convenience. With easy online ordering systems and fast delivery, indian chaat in williams landing enjoying your favorite Indian dish is just a few clicks away. Many restaurants also cater to dietary requirements, offering gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan options, ensuring everyone can savor the delights of Indian cuisine.
An Affordable Indulgence
Indian takeaway in Point Cook is not just a treat for your taste buds but also for your wallet. With generous portion sizes and affordable prices, it’s easy to feed the whole family without breaking the bank. Many restaurants offer combo deals or family packs, making it an excellent choice for those special nights in.
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amrutatbrc1 · 6 days
Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market 2024-2033 : Demand, Trend, Segmentation, Forecast, Overview And Top Companies 
The refrigerated warehousing and storage global market report 2024 from The Business Research Company provides comprehensive market statistics, including global market size, regional shares, competitor market share, detailed segments, trends, and opportunities. This report offers an in-depth analysis of current and future industry scenarios, delivering a complete perspective for thriving in the industrial automation software market.
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Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market, 2024 report by The Business Research Company offers comprehensive insights into the current state of the market and highlights future growth opportunities.
Market Size - The refrigerated warehousing and storage market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $172.31 billion in 2023 to $187.87 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.0%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to globalization of the food supply chain, consumer demand for fresh products, e-commerce and online grocery shopping, pharmaceutical supply chain requirements.
The refrigerated warehousing and storage market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $262.9 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.8%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to population growth and urbanization, sustainability and energy efficiency, economic growth in emerging markets, climate change and extreme weather events. Major trends in the forecast period include technology integration, energy efficiency and sustainability, e-commerce and last-mile delivery, cold storage for e-pharmacies.
Order your report now for swift delivery @ https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/refrigerated-warehousing-and-storage-global-market-report
The Business Research Company's reports encompass a wide range of information, including:
1. Market Size (Historic and Forecast): Analysis of the market's historical performance and projections for future growth.
2. Drivers: Examination of the key factors propelling market growth.
3. Trends: Identification of emerging trends and patterns shaping the market landscape.
4. Key Segments: Breakdown of the market into its primary segments and their respective performance.
5. Focus Regions and Geographies: Insight into the most critical regions and geographical areas influencing the market.
6. Macro Economic Factors: Assessment of broader economic elements impacting the market.
Market Drivers - Warehouses are increasingly using mobile technologies to efficiently monitor warehouse operations. Mobile technology includes the use of tablets, smartphones, mobile printers, and other handheld devices for communication and information. These devices make use of GPS, RFID, VoIP, digital imaging, and voice technology. Technicians operating forklifts and automated material handling equipment in a warehouse are using mobile technologies to obtain information on troubleshooting, repairs, and work orders. This gives warehouse managers access to equipment status and performance reports and enables them to track warehouse operations around the clock. Wearable technology such as smart glasses is being integrated with warehouse management systems to improve hands-free mobility for workers. According to a report by MHI, a material handling, logistics, and supply chain association, 22% of the respondents use mobile technologies in warehouses, and the adoption rate is expected to reach 45% in the next two years.
The refrigerated warehousing and storage market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Type: Cold Storage, Frozen Storage 2) By Ownership: Private Warehouses, Public Warehouses, Bonded Warehouses 3) By Application: Fruits and Vegetables, Bakery and Confectionery, Milk and Dairy Products, Meat, Seafood, Beverages, Other Applications
Get an inside scoop of the refrigerated warehousing and storage market, Request now for Sample Report @ https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=2256&type=smp
Regional Insights - Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the refrigerated warehousing and storage market in 2023. North America was the second largest region in the refrigerated warehousing and storage market. The regions covered in the refrigerated warehousing and storage market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, and Africa.
Key Companies - Major companies operating in the refrigerated warehousing and storage market include AmeriCold Logistics, Nichirei Corporation, Lineage Logistics Holdings LLC, Henningsen Cold Storage Co., Burris Logistics, Toyo Suisan Kaisha Ltd., Agro Merchants North America Holdings LLC, Nippon Suisan Kaisha Ltd., Snowman Logistics Ltd., Lineage Logistics, Americold Reality Trust Inc., United States Cold Storage Inc., NewCold Cooperatief U.A., Nichirei Logistics Group Inc., Emergent Cold LatAm Management LLC, Interstate Warehousing Inc., Frialsa Frigorificos S.A. De C.V., Constellation Cold Logistics, Superfrio Logistica Frigorificada, FreezPak Logistics, Conestoga Cold Storage Limited, Congebec Logistics Inc., METCOLD Supply Network Management Limited, RLS Logistics, Friozem Armazens Frigorificos Ltda., Magnavale Ltd., Confederation Freezers, Trenton Cold Storage Inc., Nor-Am Cold Storage, Burris Logistics, Agri-Norcold A/S, Vertical Cold Storage, ColdPoint Logistics, Hanson Logistics Ltd., Cloverleaf Cold Storage Co., Henningsen Cold Storage Co., Gruppo Marconi Logistica Integrata, Zero Mountain Inc.
Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market Report Structure 3. Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market Trends And Strategies 4. Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market – Macro Economic Scenario 5. Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market Size And Growth ….. 27. Refrigerated Warehousing And Storage Market Competitor Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis 30. Appendix
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Best Restaurant in Bundall – Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar
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When it comes to dining in Bundall, Gold Coast, the options are endless. However, if you are craving authentic Indian cuisine, look no further than Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar, Best Restaurant in Bundall. This establishment offers an exquisite selection of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian Indian dishes, catering to all food lovers. Whether you’re dining in or grabbing a takeaway, Pangaat is here to deliver bold Indian flavors in a cozy atmosphere.
Introduction to Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar
Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar brings the vibrant flavors of India right to the heart of Gold Coast, Australia. With a passion for cooking and a deep understanding of Indian culinary traditions, Pangaat offers a wide range of dishes to satisfy your taste buds. From mouth-watering curries to grilled meats and vegetarian delights, it’s a must-visit destination for anyone in Bundall.
Location — The Heart of Gold Coast
Where is Bundall?
Bundall is a lively suburb in Gold Coast, known for its mix of commercial, residential, and entertainment areas. It is an ideal location for anyone looking to explore the rich cultural diversity of the city.
Why Visit Bundall for Dining?
Bundall is home to many hidden gems when it comes to dining, and Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar is one of the best. If you’re near Surfers Paradise or Nerang, it’s just a short drive to experience the finest Indian food in the region.
Authentic Indian Cuisine
At Pangaat, the goal is to recreate the authentic Indian dining experience. With chefs who have years of expertise in traditional Indian cooking, you’re guaranteed a meal that feels like a trip to India.
Variety of Indian Flavours
Pangaat’s menu boasts an array of flavors from different regions of India, from rich North Indian curries to light South Indian dishes. Whether you prefer mild or spicy, there’s something for every palate.
Traditional Indian Cooking Techniques
The secret to the irresistible flavors at Pangaat lies in the use of traditional cooking techniques. Every dish is cooked with fresh ingredients and the right mix of Indian spices to give it that authentic taste.
Vegetarian Delights at Pangaat
Popular Vegetarian Dishes
Vegetarians are in for a treat at Pangaat, where the menu features several vegetarian delicacies. Some favorites include Paneer Butter Masala, Aloo Gobi, and Baingan Bharta, ensuring there’s something for every veggie lover.
Gluten-Free and Vegan Options
Pangaat also caters to dietary preferences, offering gluten-free and vegan options. Dishes like Chana Masala and Tadka Dal are excellent choices for vegan diners looking to enjoy an authentic Indian meal.
Non-Vegetarian Specialties
Famous Non-Vegetarian Dishes
If you love non-vegetarian food, then you’ll be thrilled with Pangaat’s offerings. The Chicken Tikka Masala, Lamb Rogan Josh, and Butter Chicken are some of the most popular items on the menu, each bursting with flavor.
Best Meat and Seafood Dishes
In addition to chicken and lamb, the restaurant serves delicious seafood options like Prawn Curry and Fish Tandoori. These dishes are cooked to perfection, making it a seafood lover’s paradise.
Takeaway Menu for Busy Diners
Convenient Takeaway Options
Don’t have time to dine in? No problem! Pangaat offers a full takeaway menu, allowing you to enjoy your favorite Indian dishes in the comfort of your home.
Online Ordering Process
The online ordering process is seamless. You can easily browse the menu and place your order through their website, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
Dining Experience — Reservation System
Easy Table Reservations
Planning a special night out? Pangaat’s reservation system ensures you have a table waiting for you when you arrive. Whether it’s a romantic dinner or a family gathering, the process is quick and simple.
Special Occasions and Private Dining
The restaurant also caters to special occasions and private events, making it the perfect place for birthday parties, anniversaries, or even business meetings.
Ambiance of Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar
Cozy and Modern Design
Pangaat is not just about food; it’s about the experience. The ambiance is a mix of modern aesthetics and traditional Indian touches, creating a cozy yet stylish environment.
Perfect for Family Gatherings
The restaurant’s warm atmosphere makes it ideal for family gatherings, where everyone can enjoy a delicious meal and great conversation.
Service and Hospitality
Friendly Staff
One thing that sets Pangaat apart is its hospitality. The staff is friendly, attentive, and always willing to offer recommendations to enhance your dining experience.
Attention to Detail
Every small detail, from the table setting to the presentation of food, is given close attention to ensure a memorable dining experience.
Reviews and Ratings
Customer Testimonials
Pangaat has earned rave reviews from locals and tourists alike. People love the food, ambiance, and customer service, making it a top choice for Indian cuisine in Bundall.
Online Ratings
With consistently high ratings on platforms like Google and TripAdvisor, it’s clear that Pangaat is a favorite among diners in the Gold Coast area.
Why Choose Pangaat in Bundall?
Unique Culinary Experience
Pangaat offers a dining experience unlike any other in Bundall, combining authentic flavors with modern presentation and top-notch service.
Affordable Pricing
Despite its high-quality offerings, Pangaat remains affordable, making it accessible to both locals and visitors.
How to Reach Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar
Directions and Parking
Pangaat is centrally located in Bundall with ample parking, making it easy for diners to visit. Just use your GPS to find Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar, and you’ll be there in no time!
Public Transportation Access
If you’re relying on public transportation, Pangaat is easily accessible via bus and train, making it convenient no matter where you’re coming from.
Whether you’re a local resident or just visiting the Gold Coast, Pangaat Indian Restaurant & Bar is the perfect place to indulge in authentic Indian cuisine. From their extensive menu to their excellent customer service, every visit to Pangaat is sure to be a memorable experience.
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toarmina-pizza · 12 days
Toarmina's Pizza: The Best Pizza Place in Dearborn
If you're looking for the best pizza place in Dearborn, look no further than Toarmina's Pizza. Known for its authentic flavors, quality ingredients, and a variety of pizza options, Toarmina's Pizza is the go-to spot for both locals and visitors craving mouth-watering pizza. Whether you're dining in, ordering takeout, or opting for convenient Pizza Delivery in Inkster, Toarmina's Pizza guarantees an unforgettable experience with every bite.
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Why Toarmina's Pizza is the Best Pizza Place in Dearborn
Toarmina's Pizza has earned its reputation as the best pizza place in Dearborn by consistently serving delicious pizzas made from the finest ingredients. Each pizza is handcrafted with care, ensuring the perfect balance of crispy crust, savory sauce, and a generous layer of fresh toppings.
1. Wide Variety of Pizzas
From classic pepperoni to gourmet options like BBQ chicken and veggie lovers, Toarmina's Pizza offers a wide range of choices to suit every taste. Their specialty pizzas are a fan favorite, loaded with fresh vegetables, premium meats, and a blend of cheeses that melt in your mouth. Plus, you can customize your pizza with various toppings to create your perfect slice.
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2. Quality Ingredients
What sets Toarmina's apart from other pizza places in Dearborn is their commitment to using high-quality ingredients. From freshly made dough to locally sourced toppings, every pizza is crafted to ensure a flavorful, satisfying meal. The sauce is made in-house, and the cheese is always fresh, guaranteeing a pizza experience that stands out.
3. Affordable Prices
Not only does Toarmina's offer delicious pizzas, but they also provide them at affordable prices. Whether you're looking for a family meal or a quick bite, Toarmina's has a variety of options that fit every budget without compromising on quality.
Pizza Delivery in Inkster and Beyond
For those in Inkster and nearby areas, Toarmina's Pizza offers fast and reliable pizza delivery in Inkster. Whether you're hosting a party, watching the game, or simply craving pizza, you can enjoy hot, fresh pizza delivered right to your door. With an easy-to-use online ordering system, getting your favorite pizza has never been more convenient.
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When it comes to enjoying delicious pizza in Michigan, Toarmina's Pizza is undoubtedly the Best Halal Pizza Dearborn Heights . Whether you're dining in or taking advantage of their pizza delivery in Inkster, you're in for a treat. Next time you're in the mood for pizza, make Toarmina's your first choice for quality, taste, and value.
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dollsonmain · 8 months
Washing my new pants and I've run into the same problem with EVERY pair of pants.
Too big in the waist, too tight in the hip.
I discovered that Walgreen's is currently mired in an anti-discrimination lawsuit (specifically in California) and I do tick a bunch of the "equal-opportunity" boxes.
over 40
It's possible corporate's application algo flagged me as a diversity hire.
I've also learned that many, many stores are being closed. There are two Walgreen's, here, and two CVS. There used to be a Rite Aid but it was replaced by the second Walgreen's. Apparently CVS and Rite Aid are closing a lot of locations, too.
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a list online that I can look at to see if this store is being closed. That would be alright, really. I would have a few months of work and income, insurance for a little while, and then a totally neutral reason for no longer working there.
That's kind of weird to me that stores are closing because stocks went down after being high during the height of the pandemic. They're probably still making more money than they did pre-pandemic but it's less than they were making during, so the stores are less valuable and closing, taking all those jobs with them.
Stocks are fucking weird, man.
Looking at the job description and it's basically Do Everything.
Models and delivers a distinctive and delightful customer experience.
Registers sales on assigned cash register, provides customers with courteous, fair, friendly, and efficient checkout service.
Customer Experience
Engages customers and patients by greeting them and offering assistance with products and services. Resolves customer issues and answers questions to ensure a positive customer experience.
Models and shares customer service best practices with all team members to deliver a distinctive and delightful customer experience, including interpersonal habits (e.g., greeting, eye contact, courtesy, etc.) and Walgreens service traits (e.g., offering help proactively, identifying needs, servicing until satisfied, etc.).
Provides customers with courteous, friendly, fast, and efficient service.
Recommends items for sale to customer and recommends trade-up and/or companion items.
Registers customer purchases on assigned cash register, collects cash and distributes change as requested; processes voids, returns, rain checks, refunds, and exchanges as needed.
Keeps counters and shelves clean and well merchandised, takes inventory, and maintains records. Checks in and prices merchandise as required or as directed by store manager or communicated by the shift leader.
Implements Company asset protection procedures to identify and minimize profit loss.
Ensures compliance with state and local laws regarding regulated products (e.g., alcoholic beverages and tobacco products).
Constructs and maintains displays, including promotional, seasonal, super structures, and sale merchandise. Completes resets and revisions as directed.
Assists with separation of food items (e.g., raw foods from pre-cooked) and product placement as specified by policies/procedures (e.g., raw and frozen meats on bottom shelves). For consumable items, assists in stock rotation, using the first in, first out method and restock outs.
Has working knowledge of store systems and store equipment.
Provides customer service in the photo area, including digital passport photo service, poster print and creative machine, suggestive sell of promotional photo products.
Assumes web pick-up responsibilities (monitors orders in Picture Care Plus, fills orders (pick items), delivers orders to customers as they arrive at store).
Assists with exterior and interior maintenance by ensuring clean, neat, orderly store condition and appearance.
Complies with all company policies and procedures; maintains respectful relationships with coworkers.
Completes special assignments and other tasks as assigned.
Training & Personal Development
Attends training and completes PPLs requested by Manager or assigned by corporate.
Basic Qualifications
Must be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English. (Except in Puerto Rico)
Requires willingness to work flexible schedule, including evenings and weekend hours
Preferred Qualifications
Prefer six months of experience in a retail environment.
Prefer to have prior work experience with Walgreens.
Prefer to be fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English. (Except in Puerto Rico)
Requires willingness to work flexible schedule, including evenings and weekend hours.
The following information is applicable for San Francisco, CA applicants: Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.
An Equal Opportunity Employer, including disability/veterans.
The actual compensation that you will be offered will depend on a variety of factors including geography, skills and abilities, education, experience and other relevant factors. This role will remain open until filled. To review benefits, please click here jobs.walgreens.com/benefits. If you are applying on a job board or unable to click on the link, please copy and paste this URL into your browser jobs.walgreens.com/benefits
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