#online curtains
pardewale · 1 year
Elevate Your Living Room: A Guide to Choosing the Perfect Curtains
Discover the art of transforming your living room into a haven of style and comfort with our comprehensive guide on selecting the online curtains. From fabric choices to color palettes and design tips, this blog post from Pardewale.in offers expert advice to help you elevate your home decor and create a welcoming atmosphere that reflects your unique personality. Whether you’re a seasoned interior design enthusiast or a newcomer looking to enhance your living space, this guide has something for everyone. Explore the world of best curtains and bring a touch of sophistication to your living room today!
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mvshortcut · 4 months
In another world, the Mysterious Benedict Society lost and the Improvement went ahead as planned. Now, MASTER Ledroptha Curtain must face his toughest challenge yet: The Internet...
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the-purple-painter · 9 months
show us ur favorite rocks
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^^Tiger eye is super pretty
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And where I used to live I would sometimes find smaller pieces of white quartz which was always exciting, also pretty
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Of course, I should also make mention to how gorgeous obsidian is^^ so many beautiful rocks out there in general though, rocks rock
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xkuja · 9 months
Since my desire to draw is inhibiting my writing... Like this post and I'll do a little sketch of your muse~~~
If multi please specify the muse you'd like.
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I keep trying to find video game soundtracks I can listen to while I work but the problem is that I form such an emotional attachment to the music based on how I felt when I played the games so it just sends me on a nostalgia trip. I just wanted to listen to some jams but now this splatoon music is bringing back memories of when I was 15 that I really didn’t need to deal with right now
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urgrossdaughter · 4 months
I've been really into my black clothing recently :) and brown. I really wish i had the confidence to wear skirts and dresses out :( i honestly think that once i cut my hair, i will feel x10 more confident. I just want to get it cut VERY soon though. And idk if i wanna cut it myself cus ik I'll mess it up 😭
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tallymali · 1 year
idk when i post any opinion ever on here pls remember that i might change that opinion bc im not an expert on anything and i hope i consistently encounter people and circumstances that make me critically look at my own views and change them as needed forever and ever
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kraniumet · 7 months
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progeniterror · 8 months
the way i'm considering throwing my life and health away and going back in and reshifting riverdale screencaps so i can make more and better base icons for him.
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orangetintedglasses · 10 days
i think i followed you originally because (to my new RPer brain) you were like... the most legit (?) stamp vash and you had a pretty blog and graphics and such. then i stayed for the cool plots you had with others but i was too anxious to start anything so i just kind of lurked until i didn't and now we're friends and ur stuck with me >:3
but look, I made you some content // why/stay meme
( The social link advances and together we beat social anxiety--
But aaaaaa yesssss 💜 the sentiment is shared, you are now stuck with me and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. We are A Force To Be Reckoned With )
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phantomcurtaincall · 4 months
i need an autistic kid to explain the wwi marine corp rates and ranks to me and allow me to ask questions because i believe those are the only people qualified to tell me and i can't find much of anything online
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furnitureshoppingday · 3 months
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hospital Medical Curtain salon ... Price 14.30$ CLICK TO BUY
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raayllum · 2 years
Gosh yes, your tags on that last post. Like, I don’t blame people for liking Viren, for enjoying his character, for finding him sympathetic (or attractive, even if I personally don’t). He’s a compellingly written character! But don’t be offended if people hate him or find him evil… he’s the villain, that’s literally his role in the story
"How dare this villainous character do villainous things" / "how dare the protagonist get narratively rewarded for making good choices" like do y'all even hear yourselves sometimes, y'know?
especially when - and i cannot stress this enough - tdp is for children and will ultimately have a happy ending. this isn't a grown up drama or tragedy or even a grimdark fantasy by any means. it's a hopepunk high fantasy story. people who further retaliation and violence and push people into inherently defensive positions are the 'bad guys'
like i love viren! i think he's very well written and interesting. he's a great examination of how we can lie to and martyr ourselves in a search for security that is also about status & wanting to feel special, about the harm done when trying to win a rigged system rather than solidarity in tearing a system down and making a new one. i appreciate his dry/deadpan sense of humour. he's also one of two primary antagonists in the first 3 seasons. and like, all that can coexist? it's multifaceted character writing? we all presumably passed grade 10 english class?
i also cannot emphasize the importance of being able to separate audience reaction or response from what a piece of art is actually doing or saying enough. "this story is bad because it was personally upsetting to me" without examples given or analyzed it is not well, analysis, it's just a currently very unfounded opinion. and sometimes stories are supposed to be personally upsetting, so like. you also gotta know your lanes
it's why subjective analysis is very useful but learning structural (objective) analysis is arguably more important. something can be structurally pretty weak but very enjoyable (frozen). something can be abysmal enjoyment wise but very structurally solid (1984, which i'd argue isn't meant to be enjoyed, either). and it's important to know the difference if you want to write actual analysis rather than opinion based stuff. analysis isn't necessarily better than opinion based pieces but analysis is more expansive because it can cover the subjectivity and the objectivity and more. which is precisely why i can read "the iliad" and think "wow that was good" but if i wanted to write an essay on it i'd have to do a lot more thinking because i'm demanding something greater of that artistic experience by virtue of wanting to expand on it
a lot of people take "art for art's sake" as a statement regarding the fact that art - which is inherently symbolic in its construction, even in what meaning we construe to words themselves - doesn't have to mean anything and fighting back claims that art should mean something. but i think of "art for art's sake" is more worthwhile to examine under the lens of "this art doesn't exist for the sake of capitalist consumption, but amid it, or sometimes precisely in spite of it" and like. very few things artistically have zero meaning precisely because meaning is also "what was the reasoning behind this" and if there is none (think a tattoo you got "just because") that's typically a subjective reflection of the creator and still indicative of their personality. sometimes the meaning is meaninglessness (nihilism is still a creation in response to us searching for meaning, after all)
i'm getting into the weeds now but the point is that there's definitely been an upswing in recent years of people thinking opinions = analysis and while that often is the case (particularly if that opinion is expanded upon enough to be grounded in the text and the text's context) it absolutely is not as often actual analysis as people think it is
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sawadeaustralia · 8 months
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With Sawade experience double curtains for pleasure
Discover the perfect harmony of style and versatility with Sawade's exquisite collection of double curtains. Elevate your interior design with these innovative window coverings that offer a dynamic blend of beauty and functionality. Sawade, a renowned name in home décor, introduces a range of double curtains that allow you to play with natural light and privacy seamlessly. The dual-layer design combines sheer and opaque fabrics, providing you with the flexibility to adjust your ambiance according to your preferences. Whether you crave soft diffused light or complete privacy, Sawade's double curtains have you covered. With customization options in fabrics and colors, these curtains become a personalized expression of your unique taste. Trust Sawade to redefine your space with the elegance and adaptability of double curtains. Explore the collection today and transform your home into a haven of style and comfort.
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voluptuarian · 7 months
idk I don't really have any fondness for Alexander the movie, but I did love and still regularly think about the sets and yesterday I was reminiscing about the decor in Olympias' bedroom
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Incredibly sexy, I want to chill at my vanity in a swan chair with actual snakes as accessories
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