#online classified ad booking
releasemyad1 · 6 months
The Hidden Power of Classified Advertisements in Print Media
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Unveiling the Influence of Classified Advertisements in Newspapers
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aaravsharmasblog · 10 months
Master Newspaper Ads: Book Easily with BhaskarAd
Discover the ease of newspaper advertisement with BhaskarAd! Our platform simplifies classified ad booking, offering a seamless, quick process. Whether for business or personal use, find the perfect ad solution. Visit us now to transform your advertising strategy. Book your ad today! Visit - https://bbhaskarads.blogspot.com/2023/11/simplifying-your-advertisement-journey.html
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unetherian · 9 days
I recently discovered I'm a red fox therian!! I'm so happy but I don't know what I can do like day to day to express my identity minus yk like gear and quads and stuff
I'm so excited to be part of the community!!!
I'm so happy for you, it must be so euphoric to find your theriotype and join the community at the same time! [Unfortunately I didn't find mine TvT]
So, let’s get to the tips!
Making red fox art! It can be drawing, painting, but also music (by creating a soundtrack on the theme of your natural habitat or a song about foxes), writing, photography (photos of your habitat and/or your theriotype, if possible), some beings create by drawing shapes in the earth/sand, and adding stones, I find that very beautiful! You don't need to be a talented artist to create! Find a technique you like, then go for it!
Watch some red fox art! You don't have to make art to enjoy the wonders of this concept! You can also make art requests to beings who create drawings, moodboards, stimboards, and even poems! You can also read books and watch series/movies with foxes!
Collect things! I collect feathers that I usually find on the ground, and it gives me a kind of "predatory pleasure" to have a piece of prey as a trophy, even though I have never hunted birds for real. You can also collect objects from nature, like small stones, sticks, etc. ⚠️Be careful if you want to buy taxidermy or vulture culture, because it can come from cruel farms where the animals are unfortunately exploited in a horrible way...please do a lot of research.
“Claim” a territory! If you are territorial, this activity is for you! Select a place in your garden, in a park, in a forest, (your territory can be in a public place, but in this case don't forget that this place does not officially belong to you) You can draw a map of this place, and maybe build a den outside.
Make a scent marker! It's a small potion where there are natural elements mixed with your scent, you can use it to mark your territory. I highly recommend it! Thorn from "therian territory" on youtube made a tutorial for this!
Learn fox body language! This is something very interesting, it will surely help you connect with your species. Maybe you'll find that you use the same body language?
Create a therian/alterhuman/nonhuman journal ! It's a notebook, or a small notepad, where you write things related to your alter/nonhuman identity. You can write about your therian journey, the animal experiences you have, for example. To make it, I reused my old half-empty scrapbook, cut out the used pages and then rebuilt a cover page. (I didn't have an empty notebook)
Create a place dedicated to your theriantropy! Place elements that remind you of nature, place gears if you have any, images or drawings of your theriotype, etc. on a shelf, a piece of furniture, or elsewhere. You can make it aesthetic if you want :3.
Eat a snack that looks like a red fox's diet! Foxes eat a wide variety of things! Keep in mind that your body can't eat certain things that foxes can, so be careful, okay?
Make yourself some less common gears! Gears are not necessarily tails, masks and collars, a gear is anything that an alterhuman/nonhuman can connect to his alter/nonhumanity, there are many other things like bracelets, phone cases, arm/legwarmers, etc. You will certainly find inspiration while browsing tumblr.
Try to do some vocal exercises! I don't know if you classify this as a common way to express one's theriantropy, but hey, why not?¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Connect with the community! Share your experiences, your feelings, your questions, your points of view in the online community (I advise you not to use Tiktok and YouTube shorts, unless your goal is to educate this part of the community). The Tumblr community is mostly welcoming and caring! [Do not share your personal information, stay safe].
There you go, I hope I helped you :3 I already posted a something where I gave some tips for young/new therians:
maybe it could be useful to you.
Have a good alter/nonhuman journey, take care of yourself(drink water!!!!), don't forget that you are valid, have a purrrrfect day!
Bye !
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Our true feelings about race and identity are revealed in six words
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This is a poignant article about a project that Michele Norris started that tapped into people's thoughts about race in a profound way--using only six words. This is a gift🎁link, so anyone can read the full interactive article, even if they don't subscribe to The Washington Post. Below are some excerpts from the article:
I have always cringed when the accusations fly about someone allegedly “playing the race card.” It’s usually a proxy for “You’re making me uncomfortable, so please stop talking.” Or a diversionary tactic used to avoid having to speak about race with any kind of precision or specificity. A shorthand for “Just shut up.” And so, in 2010, I flipped the script, turning that accusatory phrase into a prompt to spark conversation. I printed 200 black postcards at my local FedEx Kinko’s on upper Wisconsin Avenue asking people to condense their thoughts on race or cultural identity into one sentence of six words. The front of the cards simply read:
Race. Your thoughts. 6 words. Please send.
I left the cards everywhere I traveled: in bookstores, in restaurants, at the information kiosks in airports, on the writing desks at all my hotels. Sometimes I snuck them inside airline in-flight magazines or left them at the sugar station at Starbucks. I hoped a few of those postcards would come back, thinking it would be worth the trouble if even a dozen people responded. Much to my surprise, strangers who stumbled on the cards would follow the instructions and use postage stamps to mail their six-word stories back to me in D.C. Since my parents were both postal workers, this gave me an extra thrill. Here I was, doing my part to support the Postal Service. Who says snail mail is dead? Half a dozen cards arrived within a week, then 12, then 20. Over time, that trickle became a tide. I have received more than 500,000 of these stories — and more arrive every day, though the vast majority of submissions now arrive through a website portal online. They have come from all 50 states and more than 100 countries. Though limited to six words, the stories are often shocking in their candor and intimacy. They reveal fear, disappointment, regret and resentment. Some are kissed by grace or triumph. A surprising number arrive in the form of a question, which suggests that many people hunger not just for answers but for permission to speak their truths. It was amazing what people could pack into such a small package:
Reason I ended a sweet relationship
Too Black for Black men’s love
Urban living has made me racist
Took 21 years to be Latina
Was considered White until after 9/11
Gay, but at least I’m White
I’m only Asian when it’s convenient
To keep the conversation going, I created a complementary website for the Race Card Project, where people could submit their six-word stories online. Over time we added two words to the submission form: “Anything else?” That changed everything. People sent in poems, essays, memos and historical documents to explain why they chose their six words. The archive came alive. It became an international forum where people could share their own stories but also learn much about life, as if it were lived by someone else.
I highly recommend reading the entire article, using the above gift link. As an olive-skinned Italian American, with curly hair, I have often felt like I am a walking Rorschach test for race. Even though I'm classified as "white" in the U.S., I've had people ask me if I'm a Latina, a Native American, Black, Egyptian, Jewish, and even a South Pacific Islander. Given my history, here are my six words on race.
A book is not it's cover.
I welcome people adding to this post their own 6 words on race.
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rhapsodybenny · 1 year
Things I would do if I were rich:
* Subsidize a different artist's commissions every week, on the conditions that they 1) Prioritize people who've been supportive, but always lament not being able to throw money their way, and 2) Let me know the lowest price those people commonly throw out, so I can make sure it's within their reach.
* Pay more than fair taxes, and either don't request a refund, or put my refunds to charity - whichever seems better.
* Leave a $200 tip on every meal out with a note attached saying "pay it forward!"
* Leave $50 bills under boxes of ramen/really cheap food at grocery stores.
* Commission loads of stuff, from music to games to stories to art, and pour it *all* into the public domain.
* Buy the rights to various properties, also just to release them into the public domain.
* Buy WinRar.
* Put out huge bounties for different random ideas that occur to me - "Write this story/make this art/design this game, and I'll send you $500!"
* With permission, order printings of single copies of long stories online I like, and drop them into the "free bin" at used bookstores.
* Find books I like at independent bookstores, pay way too much for them at the counter, and either once again put them in the free bin, or tell the person working the register to offer them to someone else.
* Stuff tip jars.
* Give money to people I trust with different perspectives, and tell them to go crazy with it, as long as however they do makes the world a better place.
* Randomly order UberEats for friends (including online ones), and tip 40%.
* Give away Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions.
* Get Patreon memberships at the highest tier from everyone I even mildly follow.
* Every year, buy tickets in the mosh pit for every concert in the tour of a different band. See if they notice the same face always being there every night. (Stolen from Tumblr; sadly can't find the post.)
* Instantly complete every single GoFundMe that I come across.
* Gift ALL the Twitch subs.
* Fund game preservation initiatives.
* Hire homeless people to do sidewalk chalk art wherever they like, of whatever they like, for $200/hour.
* Put the same cryptic message in the classifieds of every newspaper released in the country on a single day.
* Do the “Tip the worker every time the Karen starts yelling at them” thing.
* Pay to remove ads at every opportunity.
* Every day, give a random person a $20 bill.
* Preorder EVERYTHING (big help for small books and games!)
* Bail out local places that are failing.
* Offering to fund the building of small arcades (only a few games, Pizza Hut style) at random restaurants.
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open-hearth-rpg · 11 months
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Player-Facing: Great RPG Mechanics #RPGMechanics Week Five
I talked about letters and epistolary forms yesterday. They have a kind of immediacy to them– a direct communication from writer to reader, even if you aren’t the intended recipient. That feeling has made them a rich and useful tool in Good Society and in many solo rpgs.
The long time companion to the letter in ttrpgs has been the handout. These have been there since the earliest days– the first ones I recall came from early Call of Cthulhu modules and D&D tournament modules like The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. They offered in-universe objects for players to peruse– often hand drawn. These things came before Desktop Publishing and so everything had to be laid out and replicated.
I especially love objects which weren’t just summaries or images, but instead tried to look like real things from the world. Business cards, classified ads, maps, etc. It’s something of a lost art in a world of quicker online play where we can mock up battle maps and find pictures in an instant. I don’t think I’ll ever do anything quite as ambitious as my notebook for Changeling the Lost and that’s too bad in some ways.
But some games have taken the concept of player-facing materials and really delved into them. I have two old favorites in this category. The first is the classic City of Lies boxed set for the first edition of Legend of the Five Rings. This is a city campaign made up of several booklets. The basic premise is that the PCs are a new party of magistrates arriving in the city following the murder of the previous magistrate. The players are given a document which is assembled from various records and scandalous publications. It is an unreliable narrator with some things out of date and others hidden by alternate names. It’s a great companion to the campaign, even if it is a little overwhelming.
The gem of this is a smaller player-facing booklet, the testimony of the murdered magistrate. It offers more insights and clues. Importantly it is brief enough all the players can reasonably be expected to skim through it and find some direction. As a whole, City of Lies is hard to beat– and would be an amazing thing for someone to update to the latest version of the rules and setting.
The other book which sticks with me has a technique I haven’t yet seen adopted by anyone else. Robin Laws’ Players Guide to Kaiin presents a single city for The Dying Earth rpg. But it is not a GM guide. It is a player's guide filled with neighborhoods, characters, details, secrets, and rumors. It is funny, revolting, and compelling in a splendid mix– filled with folks who might help you but might just as easily strip your boots off when you pass out.
The conceit Player’s Guide to Kaiin is that the players look through and find something which catches their eye, fits with their plots, or looks worth exploring. They then tell the GM that’s what they wish to interact with and go to town, literally and figuratively. Like serious, it is great. I wish more city books existed which took this approach. Frankly it shocks me that we don’t have a guide like this for Eversink from Swords of the Serpentine.
I’m pretty sure you can draw a line from Kaiin to another Robin Laws’ masterpiece, The Armitage Files. That offers an improvisational campaign structure built around a series of ten documents. All of these seem to come from a messed up future, written by the PCs patron apparently. They tell of terrible things to come. They offer hooks, names, and incidents which the players can choose how they wish to explore them.
There are several brilliant aspects to this approach. They feel like old-school handouts with different formats, handwriting, and voice. There’s a sense of a chronology to the dissolution of the author. That’s wonderfully complicated by the fact that these letters can be presented in any order– with that basic choice shaping the play.
Importantly the letters are tight– one or two pages iirc– which means that every player can look at a copy and work through it. I love the latter player-facing full document innovation of Dracula Dossier, but that’s an overwhelming text for all the players to work through. It requires full buy-in from the group– otherwise you get the same quarterbacking problem that plagues co-op board games. Armitage also provides a plain-text version of each document which really helps at the table.
I think there’s lots of room for interesting, rich, player-facing stuff today. It doesn’t have to be massive– in fact I think these things being smaller and/or easily broken into chunks for players to work through. The trick is to make these things actionable: presented in such a way that players can immediately find cool things they want to do on any page, rather than having to read through the whole of a book.
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food4dogs · 2 years
Treacle Walker by Alan Garner
What a book. What a story. What a book. What a story. What a book. What a story. What a book. What a story. What a book. What a story.
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It was shortlisted for the 2022 Booker Prize. If Garner had received the votes, he would've been the oldest author ever, at 88. But books like this don't win the big prizes; they don't fit neatly into how the publishing industry likes to push novels that tread a well-worn pattern and sell in large numbers.
Mind you - while Garner's book is technically a 'novel', I'd be hard-pressed how to classify it: it's an allegory on one level; it's poetry on another; it's a strange spiderweb of philosophical and scientific enquiry; and it's always, quite simply, a story.
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At 150 pages (large-ish print, well-spaced), you can read it in an afternoon. Then you will carry the words and ideas in your mind for a long time; possibly forever. The story says more than most door stopper novels ever do. I would call reading it an "experience".
The only niggle I have is that the publisher could have made the reading experience a bit easier by adding a small glossary. Garner employs (he works his words hard!) many very old Northern English words that you can't expect the majority of readers to be familiar with. I lived in a northern part of Britain for some years and did recognise a few - others I looked up online. You don't need to do a dictionary hunt; the story will show you via context what they mean. But hey, I happen to like etymology. :-)
For example, "glamourie" (remember "glamour" in True Blood?) is a Scots word meaning a charmed, magical condition. And "treacle" (the title is Treacle Walker after all) is a medieval term for medicine.
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And do look up donkey stone, please.
The Guardian has a terrific review of Treacle Walker by Justine Jordan - but like all reviews, there is a certain amount of spoiling, so I recommend reading it after reading the book.
Since I started reading Alan Garner recently (beginning with The Weirdstone of Brisingamen), I now recognise recurring symbols, words, concepts. The White Horse of Uffington; the Summer Stars; the peat bogs and Lindow Man; a rich world of English, Welsh and Scottish culture unearthed by archaeology and mythology.
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I can summarise Treacle Walker in only one simple way: it's pure magic. It's funny (oh, very funny!), it's confounding, it's riddle-some and vernacular, it's time-spinning - but above all it's eye-opening.
"What sees is seen"
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srishtisutra · 2 years
Best Newspaper Advertising Agency in Noida
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Srishtisutra is the Best Newspaper Advertising Agency in Noida. In the field by re-bundling abilities like creative, strategy, and media for specific demands, we help our clients establish a united and consistent marketplace. There is no denying that newspapers have a significant impact on our everyday life. Everywhere in the world, people read the morning newspaper. It is well known that even the introduction of the internet has influenced just enhancing advertising. Newspaper advertising gets readers' full attention without distracting them. Although it has completely changed every area of our daily lives, the newspaper will always be the best option for advertising since it has a big audience and gives credibility, dependability, and accessibility. Srishtisutra is the Best Newspaper Advertising Agency in Noida that, from strategy to execution, writes, produces, generates, and distributes inspirational material for every area, range, and screen. That is what sets us apart from the bulk of newspaper advertising companies that specialise in particular domains. Each organisation receives a unique set of newspaper advertising services from us, ensuring the greatest outcomes every time. Our competence is in the original methods we employ to change our clients' businesses. Furthermore, we think that rather than just coming up with ideas, organisations should create amazing tales that keep customers interested throughout. As a marketing firm, we have a long history of dealing with all Indian media. We have expertise in newspaper advertising and have developed effective solutions to difficulties associated with newspaper advertising throughout India.
We have compiled extensive advertising information to help you analyse newspaper advertising costs, verify possible discount packages, check circulation figures, and much more. Srishtisutra is the Best Newspaper Advertising Agency in Noida that helps customers make informed media purchases. Advertising in all major Indian newspapers may now be booked online at the lowest ad rates. The most prevalent sorts of advertisements in newspapers are display ads and classified ads. A newspaper's audience and page number have an impact on ad price. Advertising on the front page of a newspaper is more expensive than typical newspaper advertisements. Small businesses are advertised in the newspaper's classified section. Advertising on classified ad paper is less expensive than advertising on display ad paper. A newspaper advertising agency sells the vast bulk of newspaper advertisements in India. We provide our clients with the most affordable newspaper advertising rates. We understand your objectives and recommend the best newspaper to advertise in based on our extensive advertising experience. Because the cost of a newspaper advertisement is often determined by circulation, you may compare the cost of a newspaper advertisement to circulation figures for each region on our website. This will allow you to make an informed selection and effectively reach out to your customers. Believability, as a great man once remarked, is "the finest thing to be done in advertising, in my opinion," and we follow it with full ritual to delight our consumers.
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releasemyad1 · 6 months
Exploring the Impact and Effectiveness of Classified Advertisements in Newspapers
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Unlock the Power of the best Economic Times Advertisement Rates
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From Print to Partner: How Newspaper Matrimonial Ads Connect Hearts
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casual-eumetazoa · 2 years
Tumblr Top 50 Books of 2022 - thoughts from a reader and writer
I was bored and tired on Wednesday so I did this for fun. Don’t take it too seriously and don’t mind me sounding cynical at times.
I am a writer obsessed with book publishing, both traditional and indie. I’ve been trying to understand the trends in the modern book world for the last couple years and I have some info from the querying/trying to get published side of the deal. I am also a reader of books that don’t seem to fit modern trends very much. I both read and write primarily in 2 genres: science fiction and 20th-21st century literary. I thought looking at the books popular on tumblr, a social media that does not fit many online molds, would be fun and informative.
I took the tumblr top 50 books of 2022 list and copypasted it to excel. I cleaned up the data and added three columns to the original title and author: genre, age category, and year of publication. I got this data from goodreads and wikipedia.
 Several important notes on this methodology: genre is a fuzzy category and many books on this list would fit multiple labels. I tried to stick with the most characteristic, e.g. listed first in goodreads or listed most often on google. For books before the 20th century, I labeled them as literary even though they also have their genres, e.g. Pride and Prejudice I labeled as literary though it is also a romance. There were a couple books that seemed in between YA and middle grade, and again I tried to pick the most often listed category. Lastly, Homer’s Odyssey and Iliad appear on this list, somehow, and in order not to mess up my year of publication stats, I listed year of pub as the year it was translated into English and published in Europe. 
Then I calculated super basic average and count descriptive stats. I also found some info about the tumblr users to inform my conclusions. 
the age category split is pretty even between YA and adult: 28 adult, 20 YA, 2 middle grade
it is exactly 5:5 adult and YA in the top 10
however, if we only look at books published after 2010, YA jumps to above 50% (14 out of 23)
fantasy is by far the most popular genre, 26 books out of 50, 16 out of 23 published from 2010 (not counting science fantasy)
fantasy YA specifically is the most popular combination, with 11 books out of 23 published from 2010 being in that category
there is only 1 book on the whole list that can be classified as pure sci-fi: 1984 by George Orwell, published in 1949 - though there are a few science fantasy books on the list, e.g. The Locked Tomb series
there are also a few “classics” (aka literary on my list), 2 thrillers (specifically dark academia books), and 2 contemporaries - the rest of the genres are 1 book per category
the average publication year of a tumblr top 50 book is 1960
books published after 2010 are less than 50% of the list, and there are less than 10 books published in the last 5 years - out of them 1 book that hasn’t even been published yet
the vast majority of these books are not what I would call a “tumblr-specific fandom”, with the exception of maybe The Locked Tomb (though it is very popular on Twitter) and some classics that have seen a resurgence of popularity due to chapter-by-email fandoms
In my opinion, tumblr trends are pretty typical of modern online and industry trends in general. First of all, a note on books’ popularity as a whole: it’s not great. The top post in the top book of 2022 sits under 1k notes, while the top posts of the top TV show of 2022 range in the above 5k notes. Also, the top 50 books list itself was on page 6 out of 7 in the tumblr fandom review. Despite common opinion, millenials and gen Z actually read more than some previous generations, especially because by far the bulk of all readers are children and teenagers. However, books are obviously less popular than other media. I’d guess that more people on tumblr read fanfic of TV shows and movies than original books, even when those properties are based on books. This is not a criticism or a moral judgement, but simply my intuition about the state of media popularity.
It is also not surprising that, by far, the most popular categories of books on tumblr are YA fantasy and old classic. From querying experience, I know that YA is the absolute king of books. A querying YA author has an above 30% chance to be agented eventually, while e.g. a science fiction author has around 3%. In personal experience of going to bookshops multiple times a week, YA, especially YA fantasy, absolutely dominates the shelves. Fantasy itself is much more popular than almost any other genre: it often gets lumped with sci-fi and horror, which leads to the shelf/area being 80% fantasy and 20% old sci-fi classics and Stephen King. I’ve no idea when and how fantasy defeated science fiction so brutally, but it makes me sad. No beef with fantasy readers or writers, I just wish there was space for all of us.
The average publication year is also not surprising, considering trad pub makes way more money publishing old classics than new books. As I’ve said, the chapters by email trend raised their popularity even further. In general, it takes a book a while to get popular. With the exception of The Locked Tomb, which appears to be an outlier on almost every aspect, the top 10 is dominated by books older than 10 years at least.
The popularity of YA surprises me to some extent, considering it is, by definition, a category aimed at teenagers. Again, despite common belief, tumblr demographics are much more skewed towards people aged 20-35. My guess is that people who read YA as teenagers continue to read it in their 20s because they know they like it and there’s a great abundance of new books. In comparison, middle grade rarely remains popular among adults. On the other hand, the prevalence of classics and what I would call politically/socially important books like Maus, 1984, Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, etc, tells me that there is also a fair amount of people who read for reflection/education. Not that those books are not enjoyable reads or that there is a good or bad way to read, I’m just curious whether these are separate demographics or whether an average tumblr person who posts about books goes between Percy Jackson and The Illiad on their reading list.
Among all these trends, as I’ve said, The Locked Tomb appears a huge outlier, considering its main ship also made it to the top 100 ships of 2022. I don’t know what it is - the lesbians, the necromancy, the sword fighting - but this book just broke through all the YA fantasy and became like A Proper Fandom. I am currently reading Gideon the Ninth because a few people told me it sounds like a good comp title from the novel I am currently querying and, around 100 pages in, I personally think it’s the memes. Taking notes...
Despite tumblr seeming like the quirky teenage girl of webbed sites, its reading trends are somewhat typical to the modern industry. And what is typical of the modern industry is the dominance of super old titles, big names, YA in general and YA fantasy in particular, and a great difficulty of new books to become popular. Of course this data is limited to 50 books (I would love to look at the top 200 for example) so obviously it’s gonna be dominated by big names and classics, but I really thought at least the top 50 to 30 would look a bit more diverse. Oh well, I guess I’ll carry on in the querying trenches.
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Why You Need an Online Classified Script for Your Startup
A part of the world looks at the second-hand market as economically sensible and environmentally friendly. However, this view differs in other parts of the world. 
After the technology evolution, places, where second-hand products are less in practice, have become regular practitioners. 
Currently, the second-hand market is in the booming phase with the technology assistance.  As the market opens endless opportunities and thriving potential resources, going with the online classified ads script is the best option. 
This article highlights why your business needs a classified market in all aspects. Let’s jump into the article and find insightful information. 
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Market Value Of Online Classified Script
Classified markets have begun to compete with industries previously unimagined. Let's take a look at their growth figures!
This year, the digital ad market has reached $21.66 billion and is projected to grow to $23.85 billion by 2029, with an annual CAGR of 1.95%.
The number is interesting, right? Let’s see how you can take your business to this height.
Beneficial Factors To Look At In Online Classified Script Development  
Over time, it's crucial to find strategies that will drive you to the height of success. Let’s find out how you can find these elements in auto-classified scripts. Take a look at it! 
Expanding Your Audience Faster
In today's business landscape, having a strong online presence is essential, and a classified website script is a powerful tool for achieving this. With a solid online presence, you can attract a broad audience, including those in the global market. Success depends on understanding audience preferences and positioning your business as their top choice for shopping.
Online classified script business allows you to tap into a vast market, breaking through geographical boundaries. Global outreach is crucial in the current environment, enabling you to reach a large audience and boost productivity.
To reach this goal, you'll need robust features. The app offers support for multiple languages, currencies, geo-location, and more to effectively engage global users.
Cost-Effective Promotion Strategy
Many companies invest heavily in advertising to reach their audience. Traditionally, this involved relying on third parties, often requiring substantial financial outlays. However, the digital space offers a more affordable alternative through free promotional activities. Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook allow you to advertise your business without any cost, making it a low-investment, high-return strategy.
These modern promotion methods are more advanced and effective than traditional approaches. Ever heard of built-in marketing? Features like reviews, ratings, comments, and shares naturally promote your business, creating an organic marketing effect.
For instance, if you are promoting your business with small businesses that offer items related to you, there is a high possibility that you can reach out to your audiences easily.   
To succeed, create a business image that resonates with your audience. This image is reflected in your logo, visuals, descriptions, and overall brand identity. Choose these elements carefully and implement them wisely!
Key Features of the User Panel
For an audience that's not tech-savvy, designing a user panel that makes navigating your platform a breeze is crucial. Here’s how you can achieve a seamless experience from start to finish:
   - Offer multiple login options so users can quickly sign up without hassle.
   - Implement advanced search features that help users easily find what they're looking for, like a car that meets their needs.
   -Once users have found their choice, make the booking process straightforward, with various payout options to choose from.
   - Ensure that the payment options are diverse and easy to use, so transactions are completed without any confusion.
   - The final step is receiving a confirmation, reassuring users that their order is successfully placed.
By incorporating these features, auto-classified scripts create an environment where users can shop effortlessly. Let’s dive into the tools that make this seamless experience possible!
Real-Time Notification And Inventory Management
The platform consistently keeps its inventory up-to-date, a critical task in the automotive industry. With the auto classified software, businesses can efficiently list their vehicles, ensuring that users always see the most current information.
The reason for maintaining real-time updates is to avoid advertising vehicles that have already been sold, which helps build trust between customers and sellers. This trust encourages repeat visits to the platform.
Notification enhances the platform’s user-friendliness by providing essential information without requiring users to open the app. Users can easily find the required updates of the platform via the notification option. Inventory management can complete tasks without hassle at a few tabs. The technology used in it creates a simple workflow. 
How can you uplift your business with these benefits? Let’s find out about its revenue factors! 
Monetization Tactics That Drive Business Results
Revenue is crucial for the long-term success of your business. Key income sources include commission fees, which are a major part of the platform’s earnings. Users and sellers can access the platform for free, while the platform makes money from transparent commission rates, boosting credibility. Another revenue stream is advertising, where allowing third-party ads on your platform generates passive income that helps with operational costs. Subscription fees are also important; users can opt for a quarterly plan, providing a steady revenue flow and simplifying payments. Additionally, in-app purchases offer users extra features for a fee, which can significantly boost revenue, though it’s important to use this strategy judiciously to avoid overwhelming users.
Bottom Line, 
In the digital landscape, to stand ahead in the market, uniqueness is key. How do you get the optimal traits for your business? 
First, you find the right team that has previous experience and is strong in the field. If you feel like moving to the next step, head to gathering all the necessary things like features, functionalities, technologies, and other factors. 
You can complete these processes simply without using your savvy insight. Read my blog on the development process of the online classified ad script.
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