#online agency blueprint
simply-ivanka · 2 months
Who’s Afraid of Project 2025?
Democrats run against a think-tank paper that Trump disavows. Why?
Wall Street Journal
July 29, 2024
By The Editorial Board
Americans are learning more about Kamala Harris, as Democrats rush to anoint the Vice President’s candidacy after throwing President Biden overboard. Ms. Harris wasted no time saying she’s going to run hard against a policy paper that Donald Trump has disavowed—the supposedly nefarious agenda known as Project 2025. But who’s afraid of a think-tank white paper?
“I will do everything in my power to unite the Democratic Party—and unite our nation—to defeat Donald Trump and his extreme Project 2025 agenda,” Ms. Harris tweeted shortly after President Biden dropped out. She’s picking up this ball from Mr. Biden, and her campaign website claims that Project 2025 would “strip away our freedoms” and “abolish checks and balances.”
Sounds terrible, but is it? The 922-page document doesn’t lack for modesty, as a wish list of policy reforms that would touch every part of government from the Justice Department to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The project is led by the Heritage Foundation and melds the work of some 400 scholars and analysts from an eclectic mix of center-right groups. The project is also assembling a Rolodex of those who might work in a Trump Administration.
Most of the Democratic panic-mongering has focused on the project’s aim to rein in the administrative state. That includes civil service reform that would make it easier to remove some government workers, and potentially revisiting the independent status of agencies like the Federal Trade Commission.
The latter isn’t going to happen, but getting firmer presidential control over the bureaucracy would improve accountability. The federal government has become so vast that Presidents have difficulty even knowing what is going on in the executive branch. Americans don’t want to be ruled by a permanent governing class that doesn’t answer to voters.
Some items on this menu are also standard conservative fare. The document calls for an 18% corporate tax rate (now 21%), describing that levy as “the most damaging tax” in the U.S. system that falls heavily on workers. A mountain of economic literature backs that up. The blueprint suggests tying more welfare programs with work; de-regulating health insurance markets; expanding Medicare Advantage plans that seniors like; ending sugar subsidies; revving up U.S. energy production. That all sounds good to us.
Democrats are suggesting the project would gut Social Security, though in fact it bows to Mr. Trump’s preference not to touch the retirement program, which is headed for bankruptcy without reform. No project can profess to care about the rising national debt, as Heritage does, without fixing a program that was 22% of the federal budget in 2023.
At times the paper takes no position. For example: The blueprint features competing essays on trade policy. This is a tacit admission that for all the GOP’s ideological confusion on economics, many conservatives still understand that Mr. Trump’s 10% tariff is a terrible idea.
As for the politics, Mr. Trump recently said online that he knew “nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it.” That may be true. The chance that Mr. Trump has read any of it is remote to nil, and he doesn’t want to be tied to anyone’s ideas since he prizes maximum ideological flexibility.
The document mentions abortion nearly 200 times, but Mr. Trump wants to neutralize that issue. The project’s chief sponsor, Heritage president Kevin Roberts, also gave opponents a sword when he boasted of “a second American revolution” that would be peaceful “if the left allows it to be.” This won’t help Mr. Trump with the swing voters he needs to win re-election.
By our lights the project’s cultural overtones are also too dark and the agenda gives too little spotlight to the economic freedom and strong national defense that defined the think tank’s influence on Ronald Reagan in 1980.
But the left’s campaign against Project 2025 is reaching absurd decibels. You’d think Mr. Trump is a political mastermind hiding the secret plans he’ll implement with an army of shock troops marching in lockstep. If his first term is any guide, and it is the best we have, Mr. Trump will govern as a make-it-up-as-he-goes tactician rather than a strategist with a coherent policy guide. He’ll dodge and weave based on the news cycle and often based on whoever talks to him last.
Not much of the Project 2025 agenda is likely to happen, even if Republicans take the House and Senate. Democrats will block legislation with a filibuster. The bureaucracy will leak with abandon and oppose even the most minor reforms to the civil service. The press will revert to full resistance mode, and Mr. Trump’s staff will trip over their own ambitions.
Democrats know this, which is why they fear Trump II less than they claim. They’re targeting Project 2025 to distract from their own failed and unpopular policies.
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bignosebaby · 9 months
If you've heard of black crested macaques or the Yaki monkey, it is probably this one:
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This black crested macaque became famous in 2011 when the photographer David Slater was taking photos in the jungle of Sulawesi Indonesia where black crested macaques are indigenous fauna. Slater was not the photographer who captured this photo, however. It was the macaque who has since been commonly called Naruto who took its own photograph on Slater's camera. The famous monkey selfie sparked a copyright lawsuit brought by PETA onto Slater, which was settled in 2017 with an agreement that Slater would donate a percentage of any profits gained by the pictures Naruto took to organizations that protect this species in the wild.
For the millions who enjoyed Naruto's selfies online, the story ends there. For Naruto and the Yaki the story continues. The black crested macaque is critically endangered. Slater's website says he donates 10% of the proceeds of all "monkey selfie" merchandise to "a monkey conservation project in Sulawesi", and while he does not specify which conservation project he supports, there is one I know of that does incredible work.
Selamatkan Yaki is an operation with a huge impact. The Yaki is one of the most endangered primates in the world, and it can be difficult to gauge just how many of them are out there. This is where biodiversity monitoring comes in to produce the data needed for effective conservation protocol. A pilot study was conducted in Tangkoko Nature Reserve, which has created the blueprint for surveying the entire province using camera traps and remote sensing to observe the Yaki and their threats over time.
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Using the data gathered from monitoring, Selamatkan Yaki collaborated with the government agency for natural resource conservation to create a Species Action Plan (SAP). This species action plan is not only an evidence based conservation plan designed to save the Yaki, but all the other species that share its forest home. Establishing the Yaki as a flagship species is crucial as this charismatic monkey is just one of many species that is not found anywhere else in the world.
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One of the major threats Yaki face, like many other primate species, is hunting for wildlife trafficking and the bush meat trades. While hunting the Yaki is illegal, it takes a true culture shift to keep endangered animals out of traps and cages. Selamatkan Yaki has developed both community conservation and environmental education programs designed to unite local communities in protecting the species. The community conservation program involves surveys conducted since 2007 so that long term data on human-animal relationships can be tracked to best identify community conservation methods. This data is used in the environmental education program which introduces information on biodiversity and conservation to school curriculum and provides research opportunities and scholarships for post secondary students to contribute to conservation.
Selamatkan Yaki understands that it isn't enough to have a team of people dedicated to saving the black crested macaque-- the more people who care and help the better. Everyone has a role to play in conservation, but right now so many people outside Indonesia have only ever seen the black crested macaque once, in a photo online. That's why I'm partnering with Selamatkan Yaki to spread information about the work they do and the species they protect. To learn more about Selamatkan Yaki you can click the links in this post, and stay tuned for more on the black crested macaque.
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Donald Trump has lately made clear he wants little to do with Project 2025, the conservative blueprint for the next Republican president that has attracted considerable blowback in his race for the White House.
“I have no idea who is behind it,” the former president recently claimed on social media.
Many people Trump knows quite well are behind it.
Six of his former Cabinet secretaries helped write or collaborated on the 900-page playbook for a second Trump term published by the Heritage Foundation. Four individuals Trump nominated as ambassadors were also involved, along with several enforcers of his controversial immigration crackdown. And about 20 pages are credited to his first deputy chief of staff.
In fact, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025, a CNN review found, including more than half of the people listed as authors, editors and contributors to “Mandate for Leadership,” the Project’s extensive manifesto for overhauling the executive branch.
Dozens more who staffed Trump’s government hold positions with conservative groups advising Project 2025, including his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and longtime adviser Stephen Miller. These groups also include several lawyers deeply involved in Trump’s attempts to remain in power, such as his impeachment attorney Jay Sekulow and two of the legal architects of his failed bid to overturn the 2020 presidential election, Cleta Mitchell and John Eastman.
To quantify the scope of the involvement from Trump’s orbit, CNN reviewed online biographies, LinkedIn profiles and news clippings for more than 1,000 people listed on published directories for the 110 organizations on Project 2025’s advisory board, as well as the 200-plus names credited with working on “Mandate for Leadership.”
Overall, CNN found nearly 240 people with ties to both Project 2025 and to Trump, covering nearly every aspect of his time in politics and the White House – from day-to-day foot soldiers in Washington to the highest levels of his government. The number is likely higher because many individuals’ online résumés were not available.
In addition to people who worked directly for Trump, others who participated in Project 2025 were appointed by the former president to independent positions. For instance, Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr authored an entire chapter of proposed changes to his agency, and Lisa Correnti, an anti-abortion advocate Trump appointed as a delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, is among the contributors.
Several people involved in Project 2025 didn’t serve in the Trump administration but were influential in shaping his first term. One example is former US Attorney Brett Tolman, a leading force behind the former president’s criminal justice reform law who later helped arrange a pardon for Charles Kushner, the father of Trump’s son-in-law. Tolman is listed as a contributor to “Mandate for Leadership.”
The extensive overlap between Project 2025 and Trump’s universe of allies, advisers and former staff complicates his efforts to distance himself from the work. Trump’s campaign has sought for months to make clear that Project 2025 doesn’t speak for them amid an intensifying push by President Joe Biden and Democrats to tie the Republican standard bearer to the playbook’s more controversial policies.
In a statement to CNN, campaign spokeswoman Danielle Alvarez said Trump only endorses the Republican Party platform and the agenda posted on the former president’s website.
“Team Biden and the (Democratic National Committee) are lying and fear-mongering because they have nothing else to offer the American people,” Alvarez said.
Behind Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation, a 51-year-old conservative organization that aligned itself with Trump not long after his 2016 victory. Heritage is led by Kevin Roberts, a Trump ally whom the former president praised as “doing an unbelievable job” on a February night when they shared the same stage.
Heritage conceived Project 2025 to begin planning so a Republican president could hit the ground running after the election. One of its priorities is creating a roadmap for the first 180 days of the new administration to quickly reorient every federal agency around its conservative vision. Described on its website as “a movement-wide effort guided by the conservative cause to address and reform the failings of big government and an undemocratic administrative state,” Project 2025 also aims to recruit and train thousands of people loyal to the conservative movement to fill federal government positions.
One organization advising Project 2025, American Accountability Foundation, is also putting together a roster of current federal workers it suspects could impede Trump’s plans for a second term. Heritage is paying the group $100,000 for its work.
Many of Project 2025’s priorities are aligned with the former president, especially on immigration and purging the federal bureaucracies. Both Trump and Project 2025 have called for eliminating the Department of Education.
But Project 2025 has lately become a lightning rod for other ideas Trump hasn’t explicitly backed. Within “Mandate for Leadership” are plans to ban pornography, reverse federal approval of the abortion pill mifepristone, exclude the morning-after pill and men’s contraceptives from coverage mandated under the Affordable Care Act, make it harder for transgender adults to transition, and eliminate the federal agency that oversees the National Weather Service.
Its voluminous and detailed plans also run counter to Trump’s desire for a streamlined GOP platform absent any language that Democrats could wield against Republicans this cycle.
Roberts recently faced backlash as well for saying in an interview that the country was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”
Three days later, Trump posted to Truth Social: “I know nothing about Project 2025.”
“I disagree with some of the things they’re saying and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal,” he wrote.
In response to Trump’s social media post, a Project 2025 spokesperson told CNN in a statement it “does not speak for any candidate or campaign.”
“It is ultimately up to that president, who we believe will be President Trump, to decide which recommendations to use,” the spokesperson said.
Trump’s campaign has repeatedly said in recent months that “reports about personnel and policies that are specific to a second Trump Administration are purely speculative and theoretical” and don’t represent the former president’s plans. Project 2025 and similar policy proposals coming from outside Trump’s campaign are “merely suggestions,” campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita wrote in a statement.
However, Trump’s attempts to distance himself from Project 2025 have already encountered credibility challenges. The person overseeing Project 2025, Paul Dans, was a top official in Trump’s White House who has previously said he hopes to work for his former boss again. Shortly after Trump’s Truth Social post last week, Democrats noted a recruitment video for Project 2025 features a Trump campaign spokeswoman. On Tuesday, the Biden campaign posted dozens of examples of connections between Trump and Project 2025.
CNN’s review of Project 2025’s contributors also demonstrated the breadth of Trump’s reach through the upper ranks of the vast network of organizations working to move the country in a conservative direction – from women’s groups and Christian colleges to conservative think tanks in Texas, Alabama and Mississippi.
New organizations centered around Trump’s political movement, his conspiracy theories around his electoral defeats and his first-term policies are deeply involved in Project 2025 as well. One of the advisory groups, America First Legal, was started by Miller, a key player in forming Trump’s immigration agenda. Another is the Center for Renewing America, founded by Russ Vought, former acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, who wrote for Project 2025 a detailed blueprint for consolidating executive power.
Vought recently oversaw the Republican Party committee that drafted the new platform heavily influenced by Trump.
In addition to Vought, two other former Trump Cabinet secretaries wrote chapters for “Mandate for Leadership”: Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller. Three more former department heads – National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe, acting Transportation Secretary Steven Bradbury and acting Labor Secretary Patrick Pizzella – are listed as contributors.
Project 2025’s proposals for reforming the country’s immigration laws appear heavily influenced by those who helped execute Trump’s early enforcement measures. Former acting US Customs and Border Protection chief Mark Morgan and former Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief Tom Homan – the faces of Trump’s polarizing policies – contributed to the project, as did Kathy Nuebel Kovarik, one of the policy advisers pushing to end certain immigrant protections behind the scenes. The Project 2025 chapter on overhauling the Department of Homeland Security was written by Ken Cuccinelli, a top official at the department under Trump.
Some of Trump’s most contentious and high-profile hires are credited with working on “Mandate for Leadership,” including some whose tenures ended under a cloud of controversy.
Before Trump adviser Peter Navarro went to prison for refusing to comply with a congressional subpoena as part of the House investigation into the January 6, 2021, US Capitol attack, he wrote a section defending the former president’s trade policies and advocating for punitive tariffs.
Other contributors include: Michael Pack, a conservative filmmaker who orchestrated a mass firing at the US Agency for Global Media after he was installed by Trump; Frank Wuco, a senior White House adviser who once promoted far-right conspiracies on his talk radio show, including lies about President Barack Obama’s citizenship; former NOAA official David Legates, a notable climate change skeptic investigated for posting dubious research with the White House imprint; and Mari Stull, a wine blogger-turned-lobbyist who left the Trump administration amid accusations she was hunting for disloyal State Department employees.
The culmination of their work, spread across 900 pages, touches every corner of the executive branch and would drastically change the federal government as well as everyday life for many Americans. In summarizing the undertaking, Roberts wrote in “Mandate for Leadership” that Project 2025 represented “the next conservative President’s last opportunity to save our republic.”
“Conservatives have just two years and one shot to get this right,” Roberts said. “With enemies at home and abroad, there is no margin for error. Time is running short. If we fail, the fight for the very idea of America may be lost.”
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Steve Contorno at CNN:
Donald Trump has lately made clear he wants little to do with Project 2025, the conservative blueprint for the next Republican president that has attracted considerable blowback in his race for the White House. “I have no idea who is behind it,” the former president recently claimed on social media. Many people Trump knows quite well are behind it. Six of his former Cabinet secretaries helped write or collaborated on the 900-page playbook for a second Trump term published by the Heritage Foundation. Four individuals Trump nominated as ambassadors were also involved, along with several enforcers of his controversial immigration crackdown. And about 20 pages are credited to his first deputy chief of staff. In fact, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025, a CNN review found, including more than half of the people listed as authors, editors and contributors to “Mandate for Leadership,” the project’s extensive manifesto for overhauling the executive branch.
Dozens more who staffed Trump’s government hold positions with conservative groups advising Project 2025, including his former chief of staff Mark Meadows and longtime adviser Stephen Miller. These groups also include several lawyers deeply involved in Trump’s attempts to remain in power, such as his impeachment attorney Jay Sekulow and two of the legal architects of his failed bid to overturn the 2020 presidential election, Cleta Mitchell and John Eastman. To quantify the scope of the involvement from Trump’s orbit, CNN reviewed online biographies, LinkedIn profiles and news clippings for more than 1,000 people listed on published directories for the 110 organizations on Project 2025’s advisory board, as well as the 200-plus names credited with working on “Mandate for Leadership.”
Overall, CNN found nearly 240 people with ties to both Project 2025 and to Trump, covering nearly every aspect of his time in politics and the White House – from day-to-day foot soldiers in Washington to the highest levels of his government. The number is likely higher because many individuals’ online résumés were not available. In addition to people who worked directly for Trump, others who participated in Project 2025 were appointed by the former president to independent positions. For instance, Federal Communications Commissioner Brendan Carr authored an entire chapter of proposed changes to his agency, and Lisa Correnti, an anti-abortion advocate Trump appointed as a delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, is among the contributors. Several people involved in Project 2025 didn’t serve in the Trump administration but were influential in shaping his first term. One example is former US Attorney Brett Tolman, a leading force behind the former president’s criminal justice reform law who later helped arrange a pardon for Charles Kushner, the father of Trump’s son-in-law. Tolman is listed as a contributor to “Mandate for Leadership.”
The extensive overlap between Project 2025 and Trump’s universe of allies, advisers and former staff complicates his efforts to distance himself from the work. Trump’s campaign has sought for months to make clear that Project 2025 doesn’t speak for them amid an intensifying push by President Joe Biden and Democrats to tie the Republican standard bearer to the playbook’s more controversial policies.
Heritage plan becomes a political headache
Behind Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation, a 51-year-old conservative organization that aligned itself with Trump not long after his 2016 victory. Heritage is led by Kevin Roberts, a Trump ally whom the former president praised as “doing an unbelievable job” on a February night when they shared the same stage. Heritage conceived Project 2025 to begin planning so a Republican president could hit the ground running after the election. One of its priorities is creating a roadmap for the first 180 days of the new administration to quickly reorient every federal agency around its conservative vision. Described on its website as “a movement-wide effort guided by the conservative cause to address and reform the failings of big government and an undemocratic administrative state,” Project 2025 also aims to recruit and train thousands of people loyal to the conservative movement to fill federal government positions.
Vast network of Trump allies
However, Trump’s attempts to distance himself from Project 2025 have already encountered credibility challenges. The person overseeing Project 2025, Paul Dans, was a top official in Trump’s White House who has previously said he hopes to work for his former boss again. Shortly after Trump’s Truth Social post last week, Democrats noted a recruitment video for Project 2025 features a Trump campaign spokeswoman. On Tuesday, the Biden campaign posted dozens of examples of connections between Trump and Project 2025. CNN’s review of Project 2025’s contributors also demonstrated the breadth of Trump’s reach through the upper ranks of the vast network of organizations working to move the country in a conservative direction – from women’s groups and Christian colleges to conservative think tanks in Texas, Alabama and Mississippi. New organizations centered around Trump’s political movement, his conspiracy theories around his electoral defeats and his first-term policies are deeply involved in Project 2025 as well. One of the advisory groups, America First Legal, was started by Miller, a key player in forming Trump’s immigration agenda. Another is the Center for Renewing America, founded by Russ Vought, former acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, who wrote for Project 2025 a detailed blueprint for consolidating executive power. Vought recently oversaw the Republican Party committee that drafted the new platform heavily influenced by Trump.
In addition to Vought, two other former Trump Cabinet secretaries wrote chapters for “Mandate for Leadership”: Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson and acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller. Three more former department heads – National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe, acting Transportation Secretary Steven Bradbury and acting Labor Secretary Patrick Pizzella – are listed as contributors.
CNN reports that at least 140 people who worked for Donald Trump’s administration are involved in The Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. This should put an end to the nonsensical lie that Trump “know[s] nothing about Project 2025.”
See Also:
MMFA: Trump and his allies are denying any association to Project 2025 and its architects. History speaks for itself.
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worldofwardcraft · 5 months
The bad example state.
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April 25, 2024
In his State of the State Address in January 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis declared that Florida was "the freest state in these United States." He also claimed "the state is well-prepared to withstand future economic turmoil." Turns out this description does not apply at all to his state's insurance industry. That particular segment of Florida's economy is currently verging on catastrophe.
Because of ocean warming, Florida is especially subject to heavy rainfalls, storm surge, and major category hurricanes that can devastate entire cities. For example, 55% of all the properties in Miami are at risk for severe flooding. And Florida's sea level, as much as eight inches higher now than in 1950, is rising by one inch every three years.
Bloomberg Intelligence reports that a 360% rise in Florida's insured losses in the past three decades due to the increased frequency and intensity of natural disasters is causing insurers to “hike premiums and exit high-risk areas.” And with reinsurance — essentially insurance for insurers — becoming unaffordable, major insurance companies are fleeing Florida in droves. AIG ceased insuring new properties along Florida's shoreline, while Farmers Group has stopped writing new policies statewide entirely.
So, since Republicans believe a "free" state means having little to no business regulation, homeowners are left having to depend on companies that are smaller, less diversified, less capitalized and more prone to becoming insolvent. A recent study by researchers at Harvard University, Columbia University and the Federal Reserve found that a majority of homes in Florida are insured by companies whose ratings would not receive an A from Demotech Inc., the industry’s primary ratings agency, and thus not be good enough to secure full backing by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac.
Naturally, costs for home insurance have skyrocketed, too. Floridians paid an average annual premium of $10,996 in 2023 — more than anywhere else in the country. And online insurance agent Insurify predicts that number to go up to $11,759 in 2024.
DeSantis likes to hype "free" Florida as a model for the nation. Here's how Latisha Nixon-Jones, law professor at Jackson State University responds to that notion:
Will the state serve as a blueprint for disaster-prone regions, or act as a cautionary tale? After all, states such as California and Louisiana have also seen insurance companies withdrawing from their markets.
Plus, Newsweek reports that Brookfield Asset Management Reinsurance Partnership is pulling out of nine states: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Louisiana, Minnesota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Washington. If Florida is an example for America, that's not very reassuring.
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erastaffingsolutions · 5 months
The Ultimate Guide to Jump-Starting Your Contractor Business
Are you an aspiring contractor looking to lay down the blueprint for a successful business venture? With the construction industry booming, there's no time like the present to start your own contracting business. However, the path from concept to construction is not without its challenges. From navigating licensing and permitting to building a strong reputation in your community, the steps to success are both many and varied.
In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential strategies and practical steps you need to take to start a thriving contracting business from the ground up. Whether you're just starting out or looking to revamp your approach, you'll gain valuable insights into the intricacies of establishing a solid, sustainable business in the construction industry.
10 Steps to Construct General Contractor Business
Starting a contracting business can be a complex endeavor, but breaking it down into steps can make the process more manageable. Each of these ten steps acts as a foundation for robust business growth.
Step 1: Define Your Niche
Before swinging the first hammer, it's crucial to define your niche. The construction industry is vast, so focus on an area where you have expertise or a passionate interest. Whether it's residential remodeling, commercial build-outs, or specialized trade contracting, specificity will set you apart and attract the right clientele.
Step 2: Craft a Business Plan
A business plan is your roadmap to success. It should outline your business objectives, target market, competitive analysis, financial forecasts, and marketing strategies. This plan not only guides your initial steps but also serves as a dynamic tool for adapting to market changes down the line.
Step 3: Secure Funding
Starting a contracting business requires significant capital. This could come from personal savings, loans, investors, or a combination of these sources. It's essential to consider all your funding options and secure enough capital to cover equipment, insurance, marketing, and operating costs.
Step 4: Address Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Navigating the legal and regulatory landscape is undeniably one of the more complex aspects of starting a contracting business. This step involves:
Registering your business with the appropriate government agencies
Obtaining necessary permits and licenses
Securing insurance, including liability and worker's compensation
Compliance in these areas is non-negotiable and will protect you in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
Step 5: Build Your Team
A successful contractor business is only as good as its team. Whether you're hiring employees or working with subcontractors, focus on the quality and reliability of the people you bring on board. Consider their experience, work ethic, and how well they align with your company's values.
Step 6: Establish Your Brand
Branding is more than just a logo. It's the face of your business, representing your reputation, values, and the promise of quality work. Consistency in your brand messaging across all customer touchpoints, from your website to your business cards, is critical.
Step 7: Develop a Marketing Plan
Once you've defined your brand, you need to get it out there. A robust marketing plan can encompass online strategies like search engine optimization (SEO) and social media as well as traditional methods like local advertising and networking. Tailor your marketing efforts to reach potential clients in your specific niche.
Step 8: Invest in the Right Tools and Equipment
Quality tools and equipment are essential to providing exceptional service. Invest in the tools of your trade, and make sure you have an effective system for maintenance and repair to keep your operations running smoothly.
Step 9: Focus on Customer Service
Satisfied customers are the best marketing tool you have. Ensure that customer service is a priority from day one. Clear communication, transparency in your process, and responsiveness to customer concerns can turn one-time clients into loyal advocates for your business.
Step 10: Grow Your Business Smartly
Once you've established your business, look for opportunities to grow. This could involve expanding into new services or verticals, entering into partnerships, or leveraging technology to improve efficiency. Smart, steady growth will keep your business competitive and profitable.
9 Tips When Starting a Contracting Firm
To complement the comprehensive steps above, here are nine additional insights to help you fine-tune your contracting business start-up.
1. Prioritize Safety and Training
Safety should be ingrained into the fabric of your company culture. Regular training, safety protocols, and the use of appropriate safety gear can protect your workers, your clients, and the reputation of your business.
2. Understand Local Market Conditions
Each construction market is unique, with its own set of conditions and demands. Stay abreast of local economic trends, development projects, and any legal changes that could impact your business.
3. Network in Your Community
Networking is a powerful tool for growing your business. Local trade organizations, business groups, and community events can all provide valuable connections.
4. Leverage Technology
The construction industry is no stranger to technological advancements. Project management software, 3D modeling tools, and drones for site surveys are just a few examples of how technology can improve your operations and client experience.
5. Implement Sustainable Practices
Sustainability is increasingly important to clients and regulatory bodies. Implementing sustainable construction practices can be a unique selling point for your business.
6. Maintain Thorough Records
Accurate record-keeping is not only good business practice but also necessary for regulatory compliance. It can also be invaluable in the event of a contract dispute.
7. Continuously Educate Yourself
The learning never stops in the construction industry. Whether it's new building codes, materials, or techniques, staying informed and educated will keep your business at the forefront of the industry.
8. Monitor Your Finances Closely
Keep a close eye on your financial statements and reports. Understanding your company's financial health will help you make informed decisions that contribute to long-term success.
9. Adapt to Industry Changes
The construction industry is dynamic and subject to change. Any successful contracting business must be equally adaptable, able to pivot with market shifts and consumer trends.
By following these steps and tips, you'll be well on your way to establishing a contracting business that serves your community, satisfies your customers, and stands the test of time. Remember, the process is as important as the finished product, and the growth of your business begins with the first foundation you lay, both literally and figuratively. Now, go build something great!
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kalembajosephhunt · 6 months
Hi, My name is: Kalemba Joseph Hunt I am a  Neighborhood Improvement consultant and team leader for Regenesis, Kamwokya Settlement, Uganda.
ReGenesis is an organization dedicated to teaching residents how to upgrade informal settlements, slums, and shanty towns for themselves.
The ReGenesis Program offers structured blueprints that empower communities to swiftly improve their living conditions while establishing a robust financial framework for earning money.
Connect Me now, for a free copy of one of these seven powerful Regenesis books:
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Regenesis Book 2. "Food Management & Survival"  by Angel Franco
Regenesis Book 3. "Eco Sanitation Methods"  by Angel Franco
Regenesis Book 4. "Eco Housing in the Settlements"  by Angel Franco
Regenesis Book 5. "Social Development"  by Angel Franco
Regenesis Book 6. "Neighbourhood Improvement"  by Angel Franco
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After reading these books, residents from settlements in Africa or the Caribbean can join our team and access seven complimentary online courses.
These courses are specifically designed to impart valuable skills in building a business and making money online. Upon completing the training, participants can enroll in the ReGenesis employment agency, known as V. Through this agency, they will be connected with potential employers, freelance opportunities, and marketing incentives on various GBE websites.
To find out more, Message me or Give me a call on  +256701658016
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dialogue-queered · 6 months
Extract 1: The identity of the commander of Israel’s Unit 8200 is a closely guarded secret. He occupies one of the most sensitive roles in the military, leading one of the world’s most powerful surveillance agencies, comparableto the US National Security Agency.
Yet after spending more than two decades operating in the shadows, the Guardian can reveal how the controversial spy chief – whose name is Yossi Sariel – has left his identity exposed online.
Extract 2: Sariel is the secret author of The Human Machine Team, a book in which he offers a radical vision for how artificial intelligence can transform the relationship between military personnel and machines.
Published in 2021 using a pen name composed of his initials, Brigadier General YS, it provides a blueprint for the advanced AI-powered systems that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have been pioneering during the six-month war in Gaza.
Extract 3: Unit 8200, once revered within Israel and beyond for intelligence capabilities that rivalled those of the UK’s GCHQ, is thought to have built a vast surveillance apparatus to closely monitor the Palestinian territories.
However, it has been criticised over its failure to foresee and prevent Hamas’s deadly 7 October assault last year on southern Israel, in which Palestinian militants killed nearly 1,200 Israelis and kidnapped about 240 people.
Since the Hamas-led attacks, there have been accusations that Unit 8200’s “technological hubris” came at the expense of more conventional intelligence-gathering techniques.
In its war in Gaza, the IDF appears to have fully embraced Sariel’s vision of the future [known as human-machine teaming] , in which military technology represents a new frontier where AI is being used to fulfil increasingly complex tasks on the battlefield.
Extract 4: Over the last six months, the IDF has deployed multiple AI-powered decision support systems that have been rapidly developed and refined by Unit 8200 under Sariel’s leadership.
They include the Gospel and Lavender, two target recommendation systems that have been revealed in reports by the Israeli-Palestinian publication +972 magazine, its Hebrew-language outlet Local Call and the Guardian.
The IDF says its AI systems are intended to assist human intelligence officers, who are required to verify that military suspects are legitimate targets under international law.
Extract 5: [Sariel's research] ... provides a template for how to construct an effective targets machine drawing on “big data” that a human brain could not process. “The machine needs enough data regarding the battlefield, the population, visual information, cellular data, social media connections, pictures, cellphone contacts,” he writes. “The more data and the more varied it is, the better.”
Extract 6: Sariel’s critics ... believe Unit 8200’s prioritisation of “addictive and exciting” technology over more old-fashioned intelligence methods had led to the [7 October 2023] disaster. One veteran official told the newspaper the unit under Sariel had “followed the new intelligence bubble”.
For his part, Sariel is quoted as telling colleagues that 7 October will “haunt him” until his last day. “I accept responsibility for what happened in the most profound sense of the word,” he said. “We were defeated. I was defeated.”
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ocpdzim · 1 year
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Because the @original-character-championship competition is an excuse for me to be so annoying about Vreeza on tumblr, when I usually keep it to discord, you all get the SECRET FROG CONTEXT behind why Vreeza has a pet really big frog and why it is named Homare-chan! The basics are probably clear enough from the pictures but details below the cut.
If you haven’t seen it yet, check out my initial propaganda post for the competition for more general information about Vreeza: https://ocpdzim.tumblr.com/post/714049779304366080/vreeza-is-competing-in-the
VOTE FOR VREEZA HERE: https://www.tumblr.com/original-character-championship/714142908732850176/bracket-f-round-1
Also, shout out to @ves-doodles for the pencil drawing of Vreeza holding Homare-chan, which is also the original drawing of it! They were also running Bill in the RP where these events happened.
Currently, I mostly run Vreeza in a couple different RPs where the core gimmick is that it’s interdimensional chat, so it’s a multifandom and OCs RP where everybody interacts over an online chatroom and in-person interactions are rare, although there are a few characters who can create portals to enable in person interactions (Vreeza is not one of them, not only because it wouldn’t make sense for them to be able to do this but also because they would be way too eager to go places and it would become unmanageable fast).
A while ago, Bill Cipher came in the online chatroom and complained about being trapped between dimensions and needing someone to summon him. Vreeza has baggage about being trapped places and considers leaving someone imprisoned for any reason intolerable, so despite not knowing who he was and having had moderately hostile initial interactions with him because he called them a nickname they didn’t like, and despite literally everyone else in the chat telling them not to, they immediately summoned him to their house as soon as he posted instructions without even being offered anything in return.
He promptly got trapped in their lab computer by accident and they couldn’t get him out or directly use the computer with him in there, so for several months they basically used him like an Alexa. During this time, he recommended engineering cop-eating plants and also provided blueprints for a weirdness detector which he made some pretty big claims about. Vreeza is not good at mechanics and so getting them to build this thing properly was a big pain in the ass, leading Bill to start considering other options for his eventual plans. However, they did eventually manage it, and when they brought it out in the swamp, they found a really big fucked up frog from another dimension which tried to eat their phone. Vreeza likes frogs, but was kind of unimpressed because as far as they’re concerned being large and having a lot of eyes are not that remarkable of features and so they figured this was probably just a normal Earth frog, but a different species than the ones the usually saw. Regardless, they brought this thing in their house as a pet.
Vreeza did not immediately name their new pet frog because they figured it probably already had a name but just couldn’t tell them because frogs don’t speak either English or Vreeza’s own native language. When it was brought to their attention that their original assumption was not accurate, they asked the chat to help them name their frog. At the time, a couple guys from the Yakuza franchise were online, and you can see what happened there in the pictures. This is also the context for the fake YouTube screenshot - Vreeza does not particularly understand what these guys do for a living but they DO have personal beef with the cops and were more than happy to help out new friends who also did.
Bill Cipher eventually ditched Vreeza when their house got raided and went to try to manipulate the agency that keeps bothering them (not actually the FBI or cops but a hostile NGO, Vreeza just doesn’t really distinguish between them) since Vreeza sucks way too bad at mechanics to build a feasible portal and was also annoying him. During the months he was living in their house, they never actually learned his first name because he never mentioned having one so they assumed Cipher was his full name. He hasn’t shown up again in the RP yet, but Vreeza did make a call out video about him on their YouTube channel which you can read the script for on their library page on Neocities (it’s the last one if you scroll to the bottom).
Homare-chan still lives in Vreeza’s house and is mostly pretty friendly unless provoked. Its favorite food is cabbage and it likes to climb on the furniture, although there isn’t that much furniture in Vreeza’s house to climb on. It does NOT have any of the supernatural capabilities mentioned in the chat logs, this was misinformation told to Vreeza by someone else in chat that they just took at face value. However, by simple virtue of being a really big frog, it is still capable of doing some damage if you piss it off. Being a frog, Homare-chan doesn’t really have a gender and so any pronouns are fine for it, but usually Vreeza refers to him with either it/its pronouns (because it is a frog) or he/him pronouns (because he is named after a man).
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digicrax · 1 year
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reenarmkkblogs · 2 years
What A Social Media Marketing Agency Brings To Your Business
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Do you have any questions about how the best social media marketing agency in Delhi can help your business, whether you are based in India or somewhere else? If done correctly, there are several ways that social or online marketing can aid in the expansion of your business.
Social Media is the ideal way to engage with potential viewers and potential future customers, so it must be done correctly. A social media advertising company in Delhi can help your brand gain traction on various social media platforms by focusing on the right demographics, which will undoubtedly help you expand.
Social Media Marketing: What is it?
Simply put, social media and digital marketing would be marketing done online while utilising a variety of online advertising techniques. The majority of businesses aspire to adopt this strategy because it is the most efficient means of reaching clients and will produce the best results.
The first rule of marketing and advertising has to do with being in the right place at the right time and knowing when to sell a specific product to have the most impact. Depending on your target demographic, internet marketing distributes your items across numerous social media sites.
How Does Social Media Actually Work?
Because so many people prefer to shop and conduct product searches online, social media marketing works similarly to traditional advertising strategies but is more efficient and effective.
For instance, the best social media marketing agency in Delhi can help you get your products marketed across multiple social media platforms and ensure that they quickly reach their target audience.
One of the most important aspects of online marketing is the ability to communicate with your target market online and sell your products to them on a specific platform that they frequently use.
Relatable content that keeps the client informed, and involved, and also shows them how to take care of the problems they're facing.
Promoting your product to ensure that website traffic to your website increases.
Encourage others to share your content on numerous social media sites so that their contacts can do the same.
SEO content optimization to help users locate answers to their problems as rapidly as possible.
These are a few guidelines that the social media advertising company in Delhi follows to guarantee that your business can develop along the lines of online marketing and become successful.
In Order To Achieve The Best Results, Social Media Marketing Experts Adhere To A Few Rules.
A blueprint for a digital marketing strategy
The advertising agency should have the right marketing strategy to help you market your product without being overtly engaging and convincing so that the customer has a positive expectation throughout the consumer's journey of purchasing a particular item. This is necessary in order to ensure that the customer's needs are completely satisfied.
Creation of a social media strategy
The best social media advertising company in Delhi can help you strategize different approaches and content for various social media platforms as social media sites become one of the most crucial places to gather target consumers and advertise your product.
Establishing a Content Marketing Strategy
Web content advertising is a crucial component of internet marketing since it attracts clients. If done properly, it can help attract a lot of customers. A solid web content marketing strategy takes into account that the customer has a positive experience throughout all of the steps involved in their journey. The best social media marketing agency in Delhi can help you find a great content marketing strategy according to your needs.
Making a plan for social advertising
An online marketing strategy is crucial since it promotes your product, and an effective advertising strategy and plan go a long way to having a good impact that ensures you have higher sales growth.
Adhering to the best practices for email marketing
As one of the most efficient advertising networks, using the best email marketing and advertising strategies will help your business grow significantly. The most crucial thing is to make sure that the emails are delivered to prospects' inboxes and are appealing enough for them to open them, and most importantly, that the entire procedure is automated to reduce time and workload. Finding the best strategies to help your brand and business is critical, so if you intend to work with the best website designing company in Delhi to help grow your business, you must understand how internet marketing works and what to expect from them.
Establishing a Search Marketing Strategy
As the landscape of search advertising has significantly changed, SEO optimization has actually come to be crucial for increasing website traffic and also optimizing websites in accordance with user desire to make sure that your content stays relevant and within Google's search algorithms.
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mariacallous · 2 years
The White House has released the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights—which is likely the signature document reflecting the Biden administration’s approach to algorithmic regulation. Paired with a series of agency actions, the Biden administration is working to address many high-priority algorithmic harms—such as those in financial services, health care provisioning, hiring, and more. There is clear and demonstrated progress in implementing a sectorally specific approach to artificial intelligence (AI) regulation. The progress being made, however, is uneven. Important issues in educational access and worker surveillance, as well as most uses of AI in law enforcement, have received insufficient attention. Further, despite its focus on AI research and AI commerce, the White House has yet to effectively coordinate and facilitate AI regulation.
So what is the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights? In late 2020, the Trump administration released its final guidance on regulating AI. In response, I argued that the document did not consider a “broad contextualization of AI harms.” Under the Biden administration, the United States is no longer lacking in this respect.
Developed by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP), the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights (AIBoR) is foremost a detailed exposition on the civil rights harms of AI. It is focused primarily on AI’s proliferation in human services, including hiring, education, health care provisioning, financial services access, commercial surveillance, and more. It is not meant to be universal AI guidance, and it gives relatively short shrift to other uses of AI, such as in critical infrastructure, most consumer products, and online information ecosystems.
The AIBoR includes a well-reasoned and relatively concise statement of just five principles in addition to a longer technical companion with guidance toward implementing the principles. The statement first calls for “safe and effective” AI systems in response to a broad overestimation of AI’s actual capabilities, which has led to widespread failures in research and application. Its insistence on “notice and explanation” is also important to ensure that individuals are aware of when they are interacting with an AI system and are therefore more able to identify and address possible errors. The third principle on “algorithmic discrimination protections” is strongly worded, calling for proactive equity assessments of algorithms and ongoing disparity mitigation. These are well-founded AI principles, and some form of them is most often found in essentially every AI ethics statement.
The inclusion of data privacy, the fourth principle, is slightly less common. But it is welcome, as data collection practices are inextricably linked from algorithmic harms. It specifically advocates for data minimization and clarity in users’ choices related to the use of their personal data. The last principle, human alternatives, consideration, and fallback, encourages the availability of a human reviewer who can override algorithmic decisions. 
Overall, these are perfectly fine principles for the design and use of AI systems in the United States, and the AIBoR extensively justifies the need for their broad adoption. But, because they are nonbinding, the degree to which the AIBoR will culminate in substantial changes to these systems is largely dependent on the actions of federal agencies.
Criticisms of these principles itself as “toothless” are missing the forest for this particular tree. OSTP’s work was never going to have teeth. The real and lasting regulatory and enforcement work of these principles is and will happen first and foremost in federal agencies. The summation of federal agency action is quite significant and has grown since I last reviewed them in February. Collectively, the agencies are working on many, though not all, of the highest priority algorithmic harms.
Highlights of the agency actions include:
The Federal Trade Commission’s proposed rulemaking on unfair or deceptive practices in commercial surveillance, as well their orders for algorithmic deletion in response to illegal data practices.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s technical guidance on improving the market of AI hiring software for people with disabilities.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s assertion that the Equal Credit Opportunity Act requires companies to offer a simple explanation if they deny credit access, even if that denial was issued by a AI system.
A series of efforts from the Department of Health and Human Services aiming to combat racial bias in health care, starting with a systemic review, and to be followed by principles for health care provisioning algorithms, and possibly regulatory action through Medicare policy.
A new initiative from the Department of Education on AI in educational technology, with a first report and recommendations expected to come in early 2023.
A multiagency effort led by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on addressing inequity on property valuation, including the significant role of AI.
That’s commercial surveillance, hiring, credit, health care provisioning, education technology, and property valuation. The AIBoR also mentions workstreams on tenant screening, veterans’ data, and illegal surveillance of labor organizing. This is a really significant amount of progress, and future AI regulatory challenges can build on the expertise and capacity that agencies are developing now. Of course, this list is not without flaws. And there are some noticeable absences, especially in educational access, workplace surveillance, and, disconcertingly, law enforcement.
Notably, there is no mention of the algorithms that determine the cost of higher education for many students. Generally, the Department of Education appears a bit behind—its first project on algorithms in teaching and learning will likely not be delivered until 2023. At the White House launch event, Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona was less able to clearly articulate the risk of AI in education and had less concrete work to announce as compared to his peers from Health and Human Services, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Aside from the Federal Trade Commission, federal agencies have also largely failed to directly address AI surveillance issues. The AIBoR notes that “continuous surveillance and monitoring should not be used in education, work, housing,” and that these systems can lead to mental health harms. Yet there is no obvious associated effort from federal agencies to follow through on this issue. On employee surveillance, the Department of Labor’s only project is related to surveillance of workers attempting to organize labor unions, and there is no mention of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which could be issuing guidance on worker surveillance tools, especially its health impacts and its use in home offices.
Most noticeable, however, is the near total absence of regulation of, or even introspection about, federal law enforcement’s extensive use of AI: There is no highlighted development of standards or best practices for AI tools in that field, nor did any representative from law enforcement speak at the document’s launch event. And, glaringly, the AIBoR opens with a disclaimer that says its nonbinding principles are especially nonbinding to law enforcement. This certainly does not present an encouraging picture. One is left to doubt that federal law enforcement will take steps to curtail unapproved use of facial recognition or set limits on other AI uses, such as affective computing, without mandated direction from leadership in the White House or federal agencies.
In announcing the AIBoR, the White House has revealed a continued commitment to an AI regulatory approach that is sectorally specific, tailored to individual sectors such as health, labor, and education. This is a conscious choice, and the resulting process stands at odds with issuing direct and binding centralized guidance—which is why there isn’t any. There are advantages to a sectorally specific (or even application-specific) approach, despite its being more incremental than a more comprehensive approach. 
In a sectorally and application-specific approach, agencies are able to perform focused analysis on the use of an algorithm, appropriately framed within its broader societal context. The Action Plan to Advance Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) is a great example. Originating from an interagency collaboration led by HUD, the PAVE action plan tackles inequitable property assessment, which undermines the wealth of Black and Latino/Latinx families. As part of this broader problem, the PAVE plan calls for regulation on automated valuation models, which is a type of AI system known to produce larger appraisal and valuation errors in predominantly Black neighborhoods. Critically, the PAVE plan recognizes that the use of these algorithmic systems is a part, but not the whole, of the underlying policy challenge, as is generally the case.
Agencies can also be better incentivized to address sector-specific AI issues: They might be more deeply motivated to address the issues that they choose to work on, especially if they are responding to calls from engaged and valued stakeholders. Before the PAVE action plan, advocacy organizations such the National Fair Housing Alliance called on HUD to address property appraisal inequity and specifically called for more attention to algorithmic practices. In general, I expect more effective policy from agencies that choose their own AI priorities, rather than responding from a top-down approach.
Further, by tackling one problem at a time, agencies can gradually build capacity to address these issues. For example, by hiring data scientists and technologists, agencies can increase their ability to learn from, and consequently address, a more diverse range of AI applications. This process may help agencies learn iteratively, rather than implementing sweeping guidance about AI systems they don’t quite fully understand. Application-specific regulation enables an agency to tailor its intervention to the specifics of a problem, more precisely considering the statistical methods and development process of a category of algorithmic systems. 
Comparatively, the European Union’s (EU) AI Act is attempting to write relatively consistent rules for many different types and applications of algorithms—from medical devices and elevators to hiring systems and mortgage approval—all at once. The many ongoing debates and intense negotiations have demonstrated how challenging this is. It is helpful to consider that an algorithm is essentially the process by which a computer makes a decision. And algorithms can be used to make, or can help in making, functionally any decision (even though they often should not be). This is illuminating, because it reveals how tremendously challenging it is to write universal rules for making any decision. Further, when the EU’s broad and systemic legislation is passed, many regulators and standards bodies in the EU may find themselves suddenly handed the enormous task of creating AI oversight for an entire sector, rather than a more gradual buildup.
Of course, the United States’ incremental and application-specific approach has clear drawbacks too, which are especially apparent in the aforementioned applications that warrant immediate attention, but have so far received none. Some of these, perhaps especially law enforcement, may need more than a polite suggestion from OSTP. Generally, it can be forgiven that some AI rules are currently missing, so long as the federal government is receptive to adjusting its focus over time. The decades-long proliferation of algorithms into more and more services will continue for many years to come. This ongoing algorithmic creep means that no matter what targeted regulations are implemented now, agencies will have to continually tune and expand their algorithmic governance to keep pace with the market.
If the majority of the algorithmic oversight and enforcement initiative is to come from federal agencies, the White House should then act as a central coordinator and facilitator. It can help smooth out the unevenness between agencies by working to increase knowledge sharing efforts, identifying common challenges between different agencies, and placing political pressure on more lax agencies that are reluctant to implement change. The AIBoR is a first step in this direction, noting the broad set of challenges that affect various agencies, and suggesting action to address a wide range of AI issues. It also contains an impressive collection of examples of how governments at the local, state, and federal levels have started to address different algorithmic harms—potentially providing a template, or at least ideas, for how others can proceed. 
The White House, however, missed two opportunities for more concrete agency action on AI governance, and further the AIBoR does not clearly articulate a plan for a central coordinating role to aid agencies moving forward with these regulations.
First, the Biden administration could have better executed an inventory of government AI applications. In its closing days, the Trump administration issued Executive Order 13960, requiring all civilian federal agencies to catalog their nonclassified uses of AI. Twenty months later, the results of the federal catalogs are disappointing. The Federal Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council was tasked with developing guidance for the inventory but only required answers to three questions: department, AI system name, and description. Almost every federal department decided to meet that bare minimum requirement, leaving much essential information unknown: Where did the data originate? What is the outcome variable? Is there an opt-out procedure? Are the AI models developed by external contractors, as an estimated 33 percent of government AI systems are, or by the agency itself? 
While the CIO Council has released a draft version of an algorithmic impact assessment (which is certainly a useful starting point), there has been no public reporting akin to model cards, the widely accepted algorithmic transparency standard in the private sector. Nor has the government produced a bespoke data standard for documenting AI models, as the U.K. has done. This is a significant shortfall in public disclosure around public-sector AI use, the realm in which the federal government has the most direct control. The progress here is concerning, and it makes it more difficult to trust that the AI Bill of Rights will lead to higher standards on government AI use, as it claims it will, and as Executive Order 13960 calls for. 
Second, the Biden administration did not enforce guidance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that was published in the last days of the Trump administration. Based on a 2019 executive order, the December 2020 OMB directive asked agencies to document how their current regulatory authorities might interact with AI. Many agencies did not respond, such as the Department of Education, the Department of Transportation, HUD, the Department of Labor, the Department of Justice, the Department of Agriculture, and the Department of the Interior. Other responses were functionally useless. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency’s response suggests that it has no relevant regulatory authority and no planned regulatory activity, despite, for example, regulating air quality models since 1978. The Department of Energy functionally offered a nonresponse, suggesting that it “has no information,” despite regulatory authority over energy conservation in appliances, industrial equipment, and buildings that is progressively more enabled by AI. 
This was a missed opportunity to collect broad information on how agencies were considering the impact of AI use in their sectors. The Department of Health and Human Services provided the only meaningful response, extensively documenting the agency’s authority over AI systems (through 12 different statutes), its active information collections (for example, on AI for genomic sequencing), and the emerging AI use cases of interest (mostly in illness detection). The thoroughness of the agency’s response shows how valuable this endeavor could be, and the Biden administration should consider resuscitating it. 
These first shortfalls were rooted in failure to follow through on two Trump administration guidance documents, both of which were enacted directly before the presidential transition.  Some leeway is called for, however, as the Biden administration was greeted by understaffed agencies and a raging pandemic. Still, these are worthwhile endeavors, and both are worth revisiting.
It is not clear what coordinating role the White House envisions for itself in the future implementation of the AIBoR, which, after all, is just a blueprint. While the White House could still take a stronger, more organizational role in the future, the AIBoR would have benefited from a list of actionable next steps for OSTP or the White House at large. 
Perhaps most crucially, this could include documenting shared barriers and structural limitations that prevent agencies from meaningfully governing algorithms. Depending on the agency and circumstances, this could include challenges in hiring data scientists and technologists, for which AIBoR could have pointed to the new data scientist hiring process developed by the U.S. Digital Service. Alternatively, agencies looking to provide oversight may be limited in their data access or information gathering capacities, which can be a critical limitation in evaluating corporate algorithms. Now or in the future, agencies may also struggle with building secure technical infrastructure for regulatory data science. It’s not clear which of these challenges may be shared or systemic—finding out, coordinating knowledge sharing between agencies, and elevating the intractable issues to the public’s and Congress’s attention should be a future goal of the AIBoR. In all likelihood, some of this work is ongoing, but there is little indication in the published AIBoR. 
AI regulation is perpetually going to be a key issue into the future, and the White House should give it the same attention and dedication it has directed toward AI research and AI commerce—which have a dedicated task force and external advisory committee, respectively. Given the extensive algorithm harms that the AIBoR has documented so thoroughly, surely a similar initiative for AI regulation would be to the benefit of American civil rights.
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eldmandates · 5 days
The Complete Guide to How to Start a Trucking Business with One Truck in Canada
Starting a trucking business with one truck in Canada can be a profitable venture if approached with the right strategy. Whether you have experience as a truck driver or you're looking to enter the industry, having a solid business plan and understanding the logistics are essential to long-term success. This guide will walk you through the critical steps to help you get your trucking business off the ground.
1. Understand the Industry and Its Requirements
Before starting your trucking business with one truck in Canada, it's essential to understand the industry. The trucking industry in Canada plays a crucial role in the country's economy, with goods transportation making up a significant portion of the country's trade infrastructure. However, the competition is stiff, and operating a profitable business requires adhering to industry standards and regulations.
Some key areas to research include:
Licensing Requirements: Obtain a commercial driver's license (CDL) to legally operate a commercial truck in Canada.
Safety Regulations: Comply with federal and provincial safety regulations, such as those governed by the Canadian Transportation Agency.
ELD Mandates: Make sure your truck is equipped with an Electronic Logging Device (ELD) to comply with Canada's ELD mandate.
2. Draft a Solid Business Plan
Your business plan is the blueprint for starting a trucking business with one truck in Canada. A well-thought-out plan will outline your target market, services, pricing strategy, and operational costs. Key sections to include in your business plan are:
Mission Statement: Define what services you will provide (e.g., long-haul freight, regional deliveries).
Target Market: Identify the sectors you’ll cater to, such as retail, construction, or manufacturing.
Startup Costs: Calculate the costs of purchasing or leasing a truck, fuel, maintenance, and insurance.
Revenue Projections: Estimate how much you plan to earn in the first year and set financial goals accordingly.
3. Secure Financing for Your Truck
Buying a truck is one of the most significant investments when starting a trucking business with one truck in Canada. You have two main options: purchasing a new or used truck, or leasing. While purchasing gives you full ownership, leasing can be a more affordable option in the early stages of your business.
Financing options include:
Bank Loans: Traditional bank loans can provide you with the capital needed to purchase a truck.
Equipment Financing: Specialized lenders offer loans specifically for purchasing commercial vehicles.
Leasing Programs: Many trucking companies offer lease-to-own programs that allow you to lease a truck and eventually own it.
Make sure to compare all your options to find the best financial solution for your business.
4. Register Your Business and Obtain Permits
To legally operate your trucking business with one truck in Canada, you’ll need to register your business and obtain the necessary permits. The following are essential:
Business Registration: Register your business with the federal or provincial government.
Operating Authority: Apply for the correct operating authority, which allows you to transport goods across provincial and international borders.
Insurance: You’ll need insurance coverage for liability, cargo, and physical damage. The cost of insurance can vary depending on the truck's age, type, and usage.
Fuel Tax Permits: If you plan to operate across borders, ensure you have an International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) permit.
5. Build a Strong Client Base
When starting a trucking business with one truck in Canada, securing clients is one of the most critical steps. With just one truck, focus on building long-term relationships with a few key clients rather than spreading yourself too thin.
To build your client base:
Network: Attend industry events, connect with freight brokers, and leverage your existing network.
Online Presence: Build a professional website and utilize social media to promote your business.
Freight Brokers: Partner with freight brokers who can help you secure loads and streamline your operations.
6. Manage Operations and Growth
Operating your business efficiently is vital for long-term success. As you begin, managing fuel costs, optimizing routes, and ensuring your truck is well-maintained should be top priorities.
Here are some tips for managing your trucking business:
Use Fleet Management Software: Tools like GPS and fleet management software can help track routes, monitor fuel consumption, and optimize delivery times.
Keep Accurate Records: Maintain accurate financial records to manage expenses, taxes, and potential audits.
Plan for Growth: Once your business becomes profitable, consider expanding by purchasing additional trucks or hiring more drivers.
Starting a trucking business with one truck in Canada can be a challenging yet rewarding venture. By understanding the industry, securing financing, obtaining the necessary permits, and building strong client relationships, you can position your business for success. As you grow, leveraging technology and efficient management practices will help ensure profitability.
To simplify the process of adhering to ELD regulations and maintaining compliance, consider using eldmandate, an industry leader in Electronic Logging Devices. Eldmandate will help you stay compliant as you navigate the path to success in the trucking industry. With careful planning and the right tools, starting a trucking business with one truck in Canada can lead to significant opportunities for growth and financial independence.
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agiletechvietnam · 11 days
Uncovering Outsource Web Development: The Blueprint to Success
In today’s digital-first world, a well-designed and functional website is no longer just an asset; it’s the backbone of any successful business. A smooth, intuitive web interface not only drives customer engagement but also shapes your brand’s credibility and trustworthiness. Whether you’re a startup or a large enterprise, maintaining a powerful online presence is key to staying competitive.
However, building and maintaining a high-performing website demands a specialized skill set and constant updates, which can strain internal resources. This is where web development outsourcing steps into the limelight. Outsourcing web development enables companies to leverage external expertise while focusing on their core business functions.
1. The “Whats” of Outsource Web Development
1.1. Definition of Outsource Web Development
Outsource web development refers to the practice of hiring external agencies or teams to handle the design, development, and maintenance of a website or web-based application. Instead of building a website with an in-house team, companies can leverage the expertise of external professionals who specialize in specific areas of web development, such as front-end design, back-end development, e-commerce solutions, or mobile optimization.
In essence, outsource web development enables companies to delegate technical work to qualified professionals while focusing on core business operations and strategy.
1.2 Current Market
The outsource web development market has been growing steadily in recent years, driven by advancements in technology, a shift to remote work, and an increasing demand for digital transformation across industries. Several factors contribute to the current boom in outsourcing:
Globalization and Remote Work: Companies are no longer limited by geographical boundaries when hiring talent. Remote work and collaboration tools have made it easier to manage outsourced projects across time zones, opening up access to top developers from around the world.
Cost Efficiency: Outsourcing remains a cost-effective solution for businesses, particularly in regions where labor costs are high. Countries like Vietnam, India, and Eastern European nations have become major hubs for outsourced web development services, offering highly skilled developers at competitive rates.
Technology Specialization: With rapid advances in web technologies such as Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), AI integration, and cloud computing, businesses are seeking out specialized development teams to stay competitive. Outsourcing allows companies to tap into niche expertise that might not be available internally.
Focus on Core Business: As digital experiences become more integral to business success, outsourcing web development allows companies to keep up with technological trends without diverting internal resources from their main business operations.
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In 2021, the global IT outsourcing market—including web development—generated approximately $413.7 billion in revenue. The market is expected to grow to a staggering $812.70 billion by 2029, as more companies recognize the benefits of delegating web projects to expert teams. This trend reflects the growing need for agility, speed, and innovation in digital business environments, making web development outsourcing a critical strategy for businesses aiming to enhance their online presence.
Read More: The Top 11+ IT Outsourcing Companies in Vietnam: Why Vietnam is Your Next Big Tech Partner
2. The “Whys” of Outsource Web Development
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2.1. Access to a Global Talent Pool
By outsourcing web development, you gain access to a global talent pool of developers, designers, and IT experts who specialize in cutting-edge technologies. This allows you to find the right skills and expertise that might not be available in-house. Whether it’s building responsive web apps or integrating advanced functionalities like AI chatbots or e-commerce features, external developers bring fresh perspectives and technical know-how to your project.
2.2. Cost Efficiency
Hiring, training, and maintaining an in-house development team can be expensive, especially when you factor in salaries, benefits, and infrastructure costs. Outsourcing web development often proves more cost-effective as it eliminates the need for long-term investments in internal staff and software licenses. Many outsourcing agencies offer flexible pricing models—such as fixed rates or hourly fees—that allow businesses to scale projects without overextending their budgets.
2.3. Faster Time-to-Market
The speed of execution in today’s market can make or break your business. Outsourcing your web development projects to experienced professionals ensures faster turnaround times. With a dedicated team working around the clock, your website can be developed and deployed quickly, keeping you ahead of your competition. Additionally, outsourcing firms have streamlined processes, agile methodologies, and a wealth of experience that ensures timely project completion without compromising quality.
2.4. Focus on Core Internal Business Functions
When you outsource web development, your internal teams can focus on core business activities, such as innovation, customer acquisition, and strategic planning. This improves operational efficiency and allows your company to scale without being bogged down by the technical details of web development. The peace of mind that comes with knowing your website is in expert hands also translates into better productivity across departments.
2.5. Scalability and Flexibility
Your web development needs grow alongside your business operations. One of the biggest advantages of web development outsourcing is scalability. Outsourcing firms can quickly adjust the size of your development team to meet project demands, whether you’re launching a new website or expanding your existing platform. This level of flexibility ensures that your company can respond to market changes without long delays or the need for additional resources.
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3. Which Type of Web Development Solutions Can Help Your Business?
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3.1. Corporate Website
A corporate website acts as a digital representative of your business. It showcases your company’s mission, values, products, and services. These websites are typically designed for information dissemination, brand visibility, and customer engagement.
A corporate website is perfect for businesses that want to establish an authoritative online presence, build brand trust, and provide essential company information. Think of a B2B tech company wanting to present its services to potential partners or investors—this type of site will provide them with all the necessary details in a clean, professional format.
3.2. E-commerce Platform
An e-commerce platform is a specialized website designed to facilitate online transactions. These platforms are equipped with features like product listings, shopping carts, payment gateways, and order management systems, all tailored to selling products or services directly to consumers.
E-commerce platforms are essential for retail businesses, wholesalers, or even niche vendors who want to sell products online. Whether you’re launching a small online store or managing a global retail operation, an outsourced web development team can build a robust e-commerce solution to handle high traffic, secure transactions, and seamless customer experiences.
3.3. Content Management System (CMS)
A Content Management System (CMS) allows businesses to create, edit, and manage website content without needing extensive technical knowledge. Popular CMS platforms like WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla enable non-developers to update blogs, articles, product descriptions, and media files with ease.
A CMS is perfect for businesses that require frequent updates or need to manage large volumes of content. This includes media companies, educational institutions, corporate blogs, and businesses with a significant online content strategy. Outsourcing the development of a CMS-based site ensures that you have a scalable and user-friendly system tailored to your needs, without bogging down internal teams.
3.4. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are websites that deliver an app-like experience. They combine the best of web and mobile apps, offering users fast load times, offline access, and a seamless interface, without requiring them to download an app from an app store.
PWAs are a smart choice for businesses looking to offer a mobile-friendly experience without the complexity of maintaining native apps for different platforms. E-commerce stores, media platforms, and service-based businesses benefit from PWAs by providing users with an intuitive and fast experience on both desktop and mobile. Outsourcing PWA development ensures you leverage the latest web technologies for a competitive edge.
3.5. Web Services and APIs
Web Services and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are crucial for enabling different software applications to communicate and share data with each other. APIs are often used to integrate external services—such as payment gateways, social media logins, or third-party applications—into your website or platform.
Read More: 10 Top Software Companies in Vietnam: Services, Cost and Review.
4. Outsourcing Web Development – A Thorough Guide
If your business requires integrating multiple systems—such as CRM, ERP, or e-commerce platforms—into one unified solution, web services and APIs are essential. They’re also useful for developing SaaS platforms, fintech solutions, and enterprise-level applications. Outsourcing the development of these services ensures that your systems remain scalable, secure, and efficient.
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4.1. Define Project Requirements and Scope
The first step in any outsourcing project is to clearly define what you need. Take the time to identify the goals of your website or application, the specific functionalities you want, and any design preferences you have. Do you need a simple corporate website or a complex e-commerce platform? Are there specific integrations, such as payment gateways or CRMs, that you require? By thoroughly defining your project scope, you’ll make it easier for potential outsourcing partners to understand your vision and provide accurate quotes.
4.2. Research and Identify Potential Outsourcing Web Development Company
Once you have a clear idea of your project’s requirements, start researching potential outsourcing partners. Look for agencies or development teams that have experience in your industry and a strong portfolio that matches your needs. You can explore online platforms like Clutch or GoodFirms, where companies are rated based on client reviews, or ask for referrals from colleagues and industry peers.
When evaluating potential partners, consider factors such as their expertise, past projects, client testimonials, and communication skills. This research phase is crucial, as the success of your project will largely depend on choosing the right team.
4.3. Technical Expertise and Communication Assessment
Ensure that the development team has the technical expertise required for your project before finalizing any contract or agreement. Ask them about the specific technologies and platforms they work with, such as HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript frameworks (like React or Angular), and back-end technologies like Node.js or Ruby on Rails. It’s also important to discuss their experience with relevant tools and integrations, such as Content Management Systems (CMS) or e-commerce platforms.
Communication is another critical factor for consideration. Effective collaboration between your internal team and the outsourced developers will ensure that the project runs smoothly. Make sure the team has a clear communication process in place, including regular updates, feedback loops, and project management tools to keep everyone on the same page.
>>> Citation: https://agiletech.vn/outsource-web-development
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everycourses · 11 days
Maximize Your Profits: A Deep Dive into the Features of Commission Blueprint Supercharged
Are you ready to unlock the secrets of online success? If you’re looking for a way to maximize your profits and take control of your financial future, it’s time to explore Commission Blueprint Supercharged. This innovative program is designed not just for beginners but also seasoned marketers seeking an edge in this competitive landscape. Imagine having access to powerful tools and strategies that can elevate your affiliate marketing game. With Commission Blueprint Supercharged, you're not just learning; you're transforming how you approach earning online income. Let’s dive deeper into what makes this program stand out from the crowd and how its unique features can benefit you on your journey to financial freedom.
What Sets Commission Blueprint Supercharged Apart from Other Programs
Commission Blueprint Supercharged stands out in a crowded marketplace. Its holistic approach to affiliate marketing is one of its most compelling features. Unlike many programs that offer mere surface-level tactics, this system dives deep into actionable strategies. Another key differentiator is the emphasis on community support. Members gain access to an active network of like-minded individuals who share insights and experiences. This collaboration fosters motivation and accountability. Moreover, Commission Blueprint Supercharged integrates cutting-edge technology tools tailored for real-time tracking and optimization. These features empower users to analyze their performance efficiently. The program also prioritizes ongoing education. Regular updates ensure that members stay ahead of industry trends, making it easier to adapt and thrive in a constantly changing environment. With these unique elements combined, it’s clear why this program appeals to so many eager marketers looking for serious results.
Features and Benefits of Commission Blueprint Supercharged
Commission Blueprint Supercharged packs a punch with its robust features designed for optimal success. One standout aspect is its user-friendly dashboard. This intuitive interface makes navigation seamless, even for beginners. The program offers comprehensive training modules covering everything from basic concepts to advanced strategies. Users can learn at their own pace and revisit lessons as needed. Another key benefit is the community support. Members gain access to an active forum where they can exchange ideas and seek advice from experienced marketers. It fosters collaboration and encourages motivation among participants. Additionally, Commission Blueprint Supercharged provides powerful marketing tools that automate various tasks. These tools save time and allow users to focus more on strategy rather than mundane activities. Real-time analytics help track progress effectively. Individuals can adjust their tactics based on data-driven insights, ensuring continued growth in their ventures.
Success Stories and Proof of Results
Success stories can be the most compelling evidence of a program's effectiveness. Commission Blueprint Supercharged has garnered numerous testimonials from users who have transformed their financial situations. Take Sarah, for example. She was working long hours in a job that barely paid her bills. After joining Commission Blueprint Supercharged, she learned how to leverage affiliate marketing strategies effectively. Within six months, Sarah reported earning a steady income that surpassed her previous salary. Then there's Mark, who had tried several online business models without success. Frustrated but determined, he decided to give Commission Blueprint Supercharged a chance. Through its comprehensive training and support system, Mark experienced not only an increase in his earnings but also newfound confidence in navigating the digital landscape. For More Information:
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incandcosblog · 16 days
Innovation and Growth: How Inc & Co is Transforming Traditional Industries Through Digital Integration
In a world where digital transformation is reshaping industries across the globe, Inc & Co has emerged as a key player in driving innovation. Since its inception in 2019, the private equity firm has applied a unique approach to its acquisitions by combining traditional business models with cutting-edge digital strategies. The result? A growing portfolio of companies that are thriving in the digital age, with each business using technology as a tool for growth and success. This approach has helped Inc & Co redefine industries ranging from travel to retail and luxury goods.
Through its digital-first mindset and strategic acquisitions, Inc & Co has become a beacon for companies looking to modernize, innovate, and leverage technology to stay ahead of the competition.
A Vision for Digital Transformation
From the beginning, Jack Mason, Dave Antrobus, and Scott Dylan, co-founders of Inc & Co, understood that the future of business lies in digital transformation. Their vision for Inc & Co was clear: acquire traditional businesses with strong potential and use digital integration to modernize operations, expand reach, and deliver new customer experiences. This forward-thinking strategy is not only transforming individual companies but is also reshaping entire industries.
The importance of digital innovation to Inc & Co’s success cannot be overstated. In the firm’s first year, it achieved £10 million in turnover, much of which was driven by the digital optimization of its portfolio companies. By providing businesses with access to cutting-edge digital resources such as e-commerce, data analytics, and digital marketing, Inc & Co has unlocked new avenues of growth for companies that were otherwise struggling to adapt to the changing landscape.
Laundrapp: A Digital Revolution in On-Demand Services
One of the standout examples of Inc & Co’s successful digital transformation strategy is Laundrapp, a leading on-demand laundry and dry cleaning service. Acquired during the COVID-19 pandemic, Laundrapp was well-positioned to grow in a world where contact-free services were in high demand. However, it was Inc & Co’s digital expertise that truly helped the company scale its operations and reach new heights.
Laundrapp’s success during the pandemic was largely driven by its mobile app and digital booking platform, which enabled customers to schedule laundry services from the comfort of their homes. Recognizing the potential for further growth, Inc & Co invested heavily in Laundrapp’s digital infrastructure, improving its user experience, expanding its service capabilities, and ensuring seamless integration with popular platforms like Mumsnet.
Through these digital enhancements, Laundrapp was able to increase its customer base and revenue streams, illustrating how Inc & Co’s focus on digital optimization can turn even a distressed business into a market leader. This integration of traditional services with innovative technology became a blueprint for Inc & Co’s approach to other industries.
Baldwins Travel: Merging Tradition with Digital Innovation
Another example of Inc & Co’s digital transformation strategy in action is its acquisition of Baldwins Travel, a 126-year-old travel agency. Before the acquisition, Baldwins Travel faced severe challenges brought on by the pandemic, which had ground the travel industry to a halt. However, Inc & Co saw an opportunity to modernize Baldwins Travel’s operations and reposition the business for future success.
Inc & Co recognized that Baldwins Travel had strong brand loyalty and a solid customer base, but it lacked the digital infrastructure necessary to compete in the modern marketplace. By introducing e-commerce capabilities, upgrading its online booking system, and integrating digital marketing strategies, Inc & Co helped Baldwins Travel establish a stronger online presence.
These digital improvements not only revitalized Baldwins Travel’s customer engagement but also enabled the company to compete with online travel platforms, tapping into pent-up demand for travel as restrictions eased. This combination of traditional travel expertise and modern digital tools helped Baldwins Travel navigate its way out of the pandemic and re-establish itself as a leader in the travel industry.
Studio Pia: Elevating Ethical Fashion with Digital Growth
In the luxury fashion sector, Inc & Co’s acquisition of Studio Pia, an ethical lingerie brand, further demonstrated the firm’s commitment to using digital integration to foster growth. Studio Pia had already established a niche market with its avant-garde designs and sustainable practices, but it was facing challenges in scaling its operations and reaching a broader audience.
Inc & Co’s strategy involved relaunching Studio Pia’s website with an enhanced focus on e-commerce, making the brand more accessible to international markets. By investing in digital marketing campaigns and utilizing data analytics to better understand customer preferences, Inc & Co enabled Studio Pia to optimize its online storefront and offer a more personalized shopping experience.
Through this digital expansion, Studio Pia was able to increase its global footprint, attracting new customers across Europe, the United States, and Asia. The brand’s ability to blend traditional craftsmanship with innovative digital tools is a testament to how Inc & Co’s approach to digital integration can elevate even the most niche businesses.
Maker&Son: Scaling a Luxury Furniture Brand Through Technology
Inc & Co’s acquisition of Maker&Son, a luxury furniture brand, is yet another example of how the firm uses digital innovation to transform traditional businesses. Known for its high-quality, handcrafted furniture, Maker&Son was already successful, but it faced challenges in scaling its operations globally. Inc & Co saw an opportunity to leverage the brand’s strengths and expand its reach through digital transformation.
The firm’s strategy involved enhancing Maker&Son’s e-commerce capabilities, allowing the brand to sell its products directly to consumers through its online platform. Additionally, Inc & Co introduced data-driven marketing strategies that helped Maker&Son better target its audience and improve its conversion rates.
One of the most unique aspects of Maker&Son’s business model is its use of a mobile showroom, which travels to different locations, allowing customers to experience the products firsthand. Inc & Co capitalized on this by expanding the digital booking system for the mobile showroom, making it easier for customers to schedule appointments and engage with the brand.
By combining traditional craftsmanship with modern digital tools, Inc & Co helped Maker&Son expand its presence in the UK, the US, and Australia, illustrating how digital integration can scale even the most established luxury brands.
Digital Integration: A Key Driver of Future Growth
Looking ahead, Inc & Co’s focus on digital transformation remains a key driver of its future growth. The company’s success in integrating digital solutions across its portfolio demonstrates the potential for even traditional businesses to thrive in the modern digital economy. With plans to continue expanding its portfolio, Inc & Co is well-positioned to help more businesses adapt to the challenges of digital disruption.
The firm’s ability to blend e-commerce, digital marketing, data analytics, and automation into its business strategies has given it a distinct advantage in the private equity space. By staying ahead of market trends and leveraging the latest digital tools, Inc & Co has become a leader in transforming traditional industries.
Inc & Co’s commitment to digital integration is transforming traditional industries, helping businesses adapt to the challenges of the modern marketplace. From luxury retail to on-demand services and travel, Inc & Co has consistently demonstrated its ability to use technology to drive growth, improve customer experiences, and increase operational efficiency.
The success stories of Laundrapp, Baldwins Travel, Studio Pia, and Maker&Son are shining examples of how digital transformation, when executed strategically, can revitalize traditional businesses and help them thrive in the digital age. As Inc & Co continues to acquire and invest in businesses across various sectors, its focus on innovation and digital integration will undoubtedly remain at the heart of its success.
By embracing the power of technology, Inc & Co is not only transforming individual companies but also setting new standards for how private equity firms can drive meaningful, long-term growth across industries.
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