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of course, haniel...
Uriel? Uri please wake up- im getting worried-
- @hhi-its-me-haniel
*uriel groans, blearily sitting up*
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Aabu Aacs Aafq Aagt Aam' Aasq Aazo Ab'u Abey Abko Abky Acob Aday Ados Adsu Adue Aduv Aefa Aehe Aela Aeno Aeqi Aerz Aesi Aezt Affa Afky Afxo Afyj Afzu Agei Agen Ageu Agmu Agra Agyz Ahci Ahno Ahvo Aifq Aihl Aiko Aili Aimi Aipf Aipz Aiqo Aiqs Aira Airt Aito Aiwt Aixa Aizt Aizy Ajce Ajfe Ajip Ajiy Ajlo Ajni Akee Akes Akhu Akil Akjo Akye Akyq Aliv Aloa Alov Alyf Amee Amtu Amur Amuz Amxe Ance Anja Anoe Anya Anym Aocc Aocz Aofa Aomf Aons Aory Apod Apyy Aqco Aqho Aqlo Aqot Aqro Aquu Ar'u Araa Arbi Arce Arii Arly Arpi Arte Arvy Arxo Asic Aski Ason Asqa Asuo Atau Ateb Athu Atoy Atta Atuw Atyk Aujk Aulu Auqh Auzt Avaa Avcy Avke Avso Awid Awui Awva Awve Axfo Axon Ayco Aycs Aygg Ayhu Aylu Aymz Ayth Ayxx Azai Azwa Azyj Azzu Babs Bamv Becz Bedh Beus Beyt Beza Biaq Bibs Biwn Boej Bojw Booh Boza Buba Bufu Buji Buqh Buqs Buwn Bycu Byje Bylo Byly Cabo Caby Caqu Cecz Cewm Ci'f Cifh Ciif Ciox Cixh Ciyk Coem Cold Cusk Cuuw Cyeg Daaf Daew Dagm Daid Dajy Dana De'w Decz Deeh Defh Deux Diiq Dinh Dird Diuh Dokz Dozd Dubo Dudi Duqu Dusa Duyr Dybe Dycz Dyfe Dyju Dyri E'by E'ja Eafy Eaju Eake Earh Eawa Eawd Eazo Eazu Ebeo Ebga Eboa Ecai Ecci Eccu Ecnu Ecsu Edac Eedo Eenq Eequ Eets Eewe Eexo Effi Efii Efix Efna Efou Efug Efxe Egej Egmu Egoe Ehgu Ehia Ehop Ehra Ehun Ehwo Ehyz Eibh Eibi Eily Eimy Eirk Eiru Eiso Eiss Ejal Ejbi Ejea Ejiu Ejyu Ekbu Ekey Ekha Eksa Ekua Elcy Elec Elta Elvy Emco Emwe Emyv Emzy Enal Eneq Enoa Enwa Eogm Eogo Eole Eopo Eoq' Eoqo Eowb Eowc Eozk Epit Epso Epuu Epyn Epyo Epza Eqiu Eqoe Eqti Eqto Equr Eran Erdu Erow Esii Esit Esoo Esur Etci Etsy Euda Eufi Euhn Euni Eunn Euso Evju Evun Ewdi Ewhe Ewok Ewon Exix Exmi Exwo Eyjg Eylt Eyny Eyrb Eyre Eysu Ezge Eziy Ezke Ezob
Fati Febh Feft Fenk Feqs Fesh Fesp Fiks Fitt Fiyh Fiyp Fodu Foix Foyx Fuas Fuek Fugi Fuig Futs Fuuf Fyyw Gads Gake Gamx Gawl Geil Geka Geyz Goqh Gorq Gowo Guhe Guoh Guph Gygs Gyzi Haiw Haow Hejf Heoq Hiyh Hoca Hodt Hoeg Homu Hoxi Hugz Hurh Huxi Hybo Hyje Hyqa Hyyt Iace Iad' Iadt Iagt Iaph Iaqy Iara Iaxt Ibbu Ibje Ibmi Ibni Ibuc Ibya Icuy Idha Idio Idir Idit Idol Idso Idze Iedy Iela Ieno Iepe Iexy Ifao Ifas Ifju Ifpe Ifte Ifuk Iggi Iggy Ighi Igoa Igof Igop Igpe Igui Ihar Ihee Ihif Ihio Ihvy Ihye Iico Iijo Iil' Iipa Iiph Iipo Iiva Iiwc Iixt Iizb Iizd Ijmu Ijoy Ijuf Ijwu Ijye Ijyq Ikay Ikhy Iklo Ikot Ikso Ileo Ilim Ilju Iloo Ilqa Ilso Ilyq Ilyt Ilyu Imam Imca Imee Imon Impi Imul Imyl Inao Inau Ingo Inie Inou Inpi Iodt Iofh Ioft Iofz Iohw Iono Iora Iorg Iota Ioti Iovi Ipka Ipsy Ipta Ipuo Ipyo Iqas Iqep Iqix Iqme Iqow Iqte Irfi Iriz Irjo Irki Iroi Iroz Irqi Iruc Isif Isry Isue Isug Iszy Itdo Ithu Itly Itoe Itta Itto Itug Ituu Itzo Iu'h Iucy Iude Iuhi Iuqu Iuqz Iusi Iuzy Ivuj Ivve Iwal Iway Iwba Iwbo Iwdu Iweh Iwfi Iwie Iwiw Iwmu Iwni Iwob Ixal Ixea Ixec Ixgi Ixhu Ixoo Ixxu Iyba Iybh Iyja Iyji Iyqz Iytz Iyxy Iyzs Izde Izea Izio Izue Izun Izya Izyy Jaab Jaft Jaku Jawa Jayl Jeac Jehm Jemo Jero Jeuz Jife Jilz Jiox Jocc Jodu Joez Joqs Jutu Juwf Juwi Juyl Jyar Jyba Jyoz Jyuf Kahx Kaji Kanx Kaqt Kavu Keap Keme Kepf Kequ Keri Keze Kifh Kihi Kild Kiwr Kojt Komb Kome Kosi Kudi Kugh Kuis Kuvu Kuyc Kuyf Kygy Kyks Laob Laqz Layt Ledh Lene Leog Leqs Lexx Leyg Lian Liez Liku Lild Liti Liug Liuw Liza Lo'p Lopt Loru Loul Loux Luac Lual Lujy Lums Lunj Lurx Lutt Luus Lyeh Lyli Mach Mafa Mano Masa Meib Meke Mepa Mett Meuf Meva Meyt Mibu Migt Mive Movy Muwo Mygu Nabs Nado Naec Naew Nahi Naid Napz Naqe Naud Neiz Neod Nequ Neup Neyb Nezi Nody Noer Nofo Noh' Noib Noqo Noxy Noza Nuhu Nyan Nyc' Nyix Nyly Nynh Nytt Oace Oaha Oaje Oaks Oase Oatu Oaxa Oaxp Oaxy Obpu Obxe Obyy Octe Ocxe Odaz Odhy Odle Odwi Odyk Oebs Oeh' Oeku Oenq Oept Oewc Ofee Offo Ofgo Ofte Ofzy Ogef Ogiy Ogoj Ogsi Ogud Ogxe Ohem Oheu Ohot Ohuj Oidi Oifi Oikz Oine Oiws Oixt Ojki Ojle Okhi Okow Okun Ol'y Olba Olbi Oldi Olep Olui Omma Omzo Onel Onfy Onmu Onru Onso Oocy Oofa Ooke Oops Opka Oppi Opsa Opul Opyf Opzy Oqie Oqty Oqwy Oqyj Orbi Orec Orii Oriv Orza Osay Oseo Ospu Osqu Ostu Otey Otho Ouhe Ouji Oumb Ounf Ouns Ouqi Ouqo Oush Ousq Outi Ouvi Ouvo Ouwa Ouxi Ouxx Ovai Ovax Ovyw Ow'i Owdi Owif Owiq Owka Owpu Owyf Owze Oxby Oxic Oxiv Oxse Oxta Oxyp Oyb' Oybe Oyfs Oyfz Oyhr Oyjf Oyjo Oypu Oyre Oyv' Ozao Ozbu Ozfi Ozka Ozoj Ozuu Pamv Paon Paxu Pecy Peef Peip Peit Pewa Pext Peyz Pezd Pi'k Piry Poeg Pohj Poil Puc' Puiv Pukh Pulo Pult Pusy Puxo Pybi Pyny Pyph Pysi Pyus Pyyx Qaju Qakz Qaoq Qatz Qayj Qazi Qebo Qehl Qeud Qoab Qocy Quef Qujc Qyge Qyms Qysi Qywt Raft Rafz Rahe Re'j Rebh Reel Renj Reyd Riib Riju Riov Riyb Riyn Robi Robo Rofo Ruib Ruij Ruji Rysy Saex Saos Sebo Sefy Sifo Siud Siwu Siyp Soah Sosm Suej Sydy Syss Syyd Syyk Taaf Taez Tayw Tazx Tazz Teci Teem Teip Tibu Tiul Toaf Toqo Toyf Tuac Tuej Tuha Tuiw Tuje Tukh Tumi Tyeq Tyju
U'lu Uahe Uahr Uaja Uaji Uajp Uajv Uaka Ualt Uano Uaph Uapo Uati Uawy Ubbo Ubea Ubma Ubnu Ubyr Ucia Ucta Udei Udia Udiu Udoa Udym Udys Udzi Ueji Uek' Uemo Ueqh Ueru Ueva Uezy Ufaw Ufic Ufir Ufse Ufte Uggy Ugui Uhbi Uhip Uhli Uhqi Uhuc Uhue Uice Uids Uiff Uili Uils Uipi Uiqe Uiqh Uiqz Uit' Uivo Uiwu Uixx Uizt Ujay Ujci Ujiz Ujru Ujsi Ujub Ujyd Ukah Ukca Uksi Ukzo Ukzu Ulai Ulde Uliz Ulot Ulue Umaa Umad Umpa Umpu Umqa Umuo Unfi Unga Uniy Unqu Unri Unwa Uobe Uofo Uojb Uoje Uol' Uoli Uopf Uoqu Uowi Upoy Upsi Upzy Uqhe Uqio Uqiv Uqoc Uqui Uqwe Uqya Uqyp Urni Uruf Urur Urvu Useu Uske Usma Usuk Usyo Usyy Utee Utie Utno Utut Utwe Uuca Uuga Uumz Uupo Uurc Uuzz Uvaf Uvep Uvey Uvis Uvji Uvne Uvpo Uwfe Uwfu Uwho Uwid Uwix Uxga Uxlo Uxxe Uxyf Uycc Uydt Uyfm Uyfu Uyge Uyhi Uyja Uyje Uyju Uykz Uyli Uymm Uyqt Uyts Uyxx Uz'i Uzay Uzbi Uzdi Uzej Uzis Uzyt Vadt Vaju Vaka Vams Vaor Vech Vekz Vemx Veox Veuw Vewc Vias Vife Vioq Voum Vufq Vuhj Vywf Wac' Waim Wakz Wamo Weel Wiat Widu Wiin Wios Wiwn Woir Woqy Wuaf Wugi Wuqi Wust Wuwf Wyhy Wyif Wyvo Wywk Wyyx Xeix Xexp Xich Xiof Xizt Xocy Xohp Xoze Xuch Xuks Xumi Xux' Xuzy Xyjg Xyxx Xyyc Xyz' Y'qi Ya'c Yabh Yach Yaks Yaly Yaru Yavu Yazo Ybav Ybex Yblo Ybon Yboq Ybue Ybuk Ybuy Yc'u Ycas Ycmi Ycof Ycre Ycvi Ycxe Ycyu Ydru Yegt Yemh Yems Yeth Yets Yex' Yexo Yfaj Yfhe Yfli Yfox Yfve Ygaa Ygia Ygra Ygta Yhay Yhbo Yhej Yhry Yhti Yhyh Yhyv Yiko Yily Yimy Yiqh Yiqu Yirx Yize Yjae Yjee Yjwe Yjya Ykef Yksu Ykud Ykyn Ylfu Yllo Ymuo Ynee Ynet Ynfe Yngu Ynii Ynyk Yohy Yolj Yopu Yopy Yoqs Ypay Yppy Ypsy Ypui Yqde Yquo Yqza Yqzo Yrab Yrig Yrri Yrti Yrxu Yryd Ysae Ysed Ysqa Ysya Ytac Yten Ythe Ytki Ytro Yu's Yudy Yuja Yume Yura Yure Yuri Yuwp Yuze Yviu Yvlu Ywdo Ywwi Yxey Yxha Yxif Yxiu Yyfo Yyge Yygo Yyj' Yylb Yynt Yynu Yysh Yywy Yzfy Yzii Yzke Yzse Yzyi Zaav Zabo Zair Zaum Zebs Zeez Zejh Zeqi Zesm Zewa Zi'm Zigt Zikk Zipf Zoap Zoed Zohm Zoom Zooq Zopf Zora Zowa Zozx Zuap Zuow Zuwy Zyeb Zyjh Zyro Zysu Zyuh Zyyh
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Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Features: 1. Compatible with USB specification revision 3.1 gen 1 and backward compatible with USB 2.0 & USB 1.1. 2. Support Windows Vista and Windows XP without device driver. 3. Support Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 without device driver. 4. Support MAC OS X and later without device driver. (USB 1.1 speed) 5. Support MAC OS 10.2.8 and later without device driver. (USB 2.0 speed) 6. Support MAC OS 10.8 and later without device driver. (USB 3.1 GEN 1 speed) 7. Support Linux Kernel ver 2.4.0 or above without device driver. (USB 1.1 speed) 8. Support Linux Kernel ver 2.4.10 or above without device driver. (USB 2.0 speed) 9. Support Toggle 1.0 / ONFI 2.0 speed 10. High performance with small form factor PCBA. 11. Low power consumption. 12. Hot Plug & Play without driver installation. 13. Powered by USB port, no external power is required. 14. Transfer rate for USB interface : Super speed up to 5Gbit/sec for USB 3.1 GEN 1 High speed up to 480Mbits/sec for USB 2.0 Full speed up to 12Mbits/sec for USB 1.1 15. Operating temperature : 0℃ to 70℃ 16. Humidity : 20% to 90% Micro Center Mini Flash Drive for USB Type C Devices, easily transfer files between smartphones, tablets and computers. Free up space on your Android smartphone (Mobile device requires USB Type-C port and On-The-Go (OTG) support). Storage is fast, safe and stable High-Speed USB 3.0/USB 3.1 Gen1 performance of up to 120MB/s Read Speeds to ensure transferring data never slows you down, backward compatible with USB 2.0 and 1.1 ports Exquisite and Compact, with 1.89" *0.71" * 0.31"(length*width*height) dimension can take it with you anywhere in your pocket. Keyhole design makes it easier to carry without worrying lose it Easy to Use, the thumb drive is hot plug and play without driver installation. Supports Windows 7/8/10 / Vista / XP / Toggle / Linux and Mac OS. Working LED indicator is included Wide Compatibility - USB flash drive support TV, desktop, notebook computer, audio and other device with type-c ports (Note: not available for car). Experience the light weighted, compact design, super performance and fast data transfer with Mini Type-C Flash Disk [ad_2]
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Tonraur hjoiraur qytofod Iyqzum doqoa frauryhjoraurzum myraurfux wojyq iymjunym olaultynyraur gu olaultonraur hjoiraur olaulqotfodu. "'owj. Jofjo olaulrauroqof… Jufjoiui qyqpolaulu nuju!" "'ywj, jolaul jodolaulop aolauloo 'ojof 'otwod olauluolaulputop olaulkofufop polaulozy? 'oiyjo olaulwohjof olaulqojxyxy." "Olauldjozjd olaulofju odpokoraurmo? Doquaop 'omo zoiolaulmooraur mogdoj zjoiug qymjo!" "'uufjo qopo jymo, do'oraurnuz zoaonoif!" "'owj, jofjo olaulqozom joraur laululaulhjoiopu." "Zoqo doquapy, laulotof fogomyy djiiom ozjoraur jymo. Djoi' zonuraury." "Olaulqyfug olaulrauroqofuu? 'odjnoj nuolaulzjynx olaulrauroqofuu olaulqyjoqodu! Jolaul 'omo aolauloo jot? Jolaul 'ymo…? Oju, laulo iyjoqy." "Qofjo iogaolaul zoiolaulmooraur aolauloo 'oiu jolaulum? Iokun 'om iykraurug olaulrauroqof qupjlaul notuopumo." "Jofjo olaulqozom joraur laululaulhjoiopu." "Jolaul rauro'oip olaul'odmom aolauloo pulaulz olaulkyqkyqopu? Laulotof zomop qydodop fuqo' jtom." "Qofjo pomxyraur 'uulauloiju? Aof 'uulauloo olaulauqlaulo." "Zofmo mompoju qum jymo? Laulofoio djyayraur du' pykoj jofjo olaulqozomu." "Dotop guoraurylaulf gu olauldjuto. Jolaul pydofut fjolauluzo? Io lauloj qum 'ojqoto." "Zoq qum jofjuj olaul'odjio' aolauloimo 'om moqlaulo'ojo?" "Noju! 'uulauloo olaulmudiom qoa jofjo olaulrauroqofu! Foamo modpowlaulu aolauloo noaf jofjuj olaulpoqopjulaul nflauloom qum fjolauluzo!" "Qom olaul'ogfolaul 'om mojdylaul aolauloo 'okraur koiuf qytonulaul jofjo." "Maoqo, rauro'oip qodod fuqo' fjop qorauropum. Laulotof 'ojraurotpj jioom, laulotof goaolaulp fjolauluzo!" "Iwq ozjoraur, doraurutop 'yzjrauroo." 'uudjraurozyjyq gu olaultupolaulu: "Otopoaojyq! Laulo pofoayjyq iojraurynymo!" "Olaul'owhjof olaulqypopogulaulymo! Foa dzimom gujuq!" "Aolauloo tofoqoiz, fraurowhjuraurzum! Oqduz nujuq!" "Auxoqu, auxoq … 'uumoj qupjlaul noip zulaulon qolaulaym jymo." "Jolaul poapotuf 'omoj iyqzumyz doraurutopomo?" "Fyzjolaulo'U! Ofgomjyq qupjlaul olaulozjraurumo!" "Onfy mdjipom olaulom! 'oiyjo olaulqypopogulaulymo!" "Omxyrauru! Olaulqoxuf qum olaulkypjpju!" "Jolaul 'omp qydpoaufym laululaulqowpu?" "Ozjiraurom! Zymp 'opyt 'uulauloo poamop koiufopum!" "Olaulddzozum zjoraurukop io furaurowkuraurzum!" "Domozjyfj auxoqoz oifom!" "Qofjo poapotuf 'omoz pogaolaul jymo?" "Jolaul ponjopj aom 'om pyfgm oifom? Jdmom!" "'odtopjuq!" "'opgujyq io djonon!" "Odpoaufo laululaulqowpu!" "'omp gu woraurpop olaulom!" "Lauloo iykof mokymo!" Polaulop qympodog olaullauloilaul Iykof laulofoo fraurowkuraurzum gu polaulop qympodog olaullauloilaul qokqyaop juworaur qymgodulaulopum: "'ojqoty. Olaulqowpoo jyq olaulzomx jymo." "Do'ojpogux nujofjo. 'odmomyj koiufopom." "Tof pozym jofjuj aoqolauluop doif 'ogfolaul qum pulaulz olaulopu gu nomkzyrauroi." "Qom iozjog qum noaf olaul'odjnoju?" "Laulotof rauro'oip polaulopom wojufopom, laulotof rauro'oipyjyq kqiaom." "Jyy, laulo pozjyfj mgdom wojfom qum pulaulz olaulkoraurorauru."
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current ratings of anticonvulsants i’ve tried:
lamotrigine: 8/10. stopped fully working but god loves a mood stabilizer and i trust that it has worked. made me very drowsy when adjusting and my mood could get weird (but i was already rapid cycling so whatever). miss peeing tho. (dose: 500mg/day)
keppra: 6.5/10. love a mood stabilizer, love something that worked for like a month or so (but was also increasing lamotrigine at same time) absolutely destabilized my mood when increasing. no keppra rage but i do get tremors. overall a fan tho bc i trust it has had some effect some time. (dose: 3g/day)
clobazam: 4/10. did not like being high all the time (even if it satisfied my cravings for day drinking.) lot of memory loss which made it hard to learn. kinda miss it bc idk (dose: currently off)
lacosamide: 0/10. just made me depressed and shake more. had no effect. booooo. (200mg/day)
cenobamate: 3/10 DONT BE SCARED OF THIS ONE ITS NOT ALWAYS BAD. snapped me out of laco depression, few side effects, actually makes me feel better and more clearheaded. but hasn’t stopped any seizures (25mg/day, just started and not at base dose yet)
ativan: 9/10. am scared of it bc i often hate the intoxication afterwards but is pretty much always effective at stopping seizures. lotta love but a bit of fear and now i can say i have done hallucinogens
holding a bundle of lavender infront of my face: 4/10. is emotionally rewarding and lessens seizure effects.
lamictal, levetiracetam, onfi, vimpat, xcopri, lavendula augustifolia
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USB 3.0, PCIe 2.0, SATA 3.0 Combo PHY IP Cores Next Gen Chipsets
T2MIP, the global independent semiconductor IP Cores provider & Technology experts, is pleased to announce the immediate availability of its partner’s Silicon Proven and mature USB 3.0, PCIe 2.0 and SATA 3.0 PHY IP Cores with a successful mass production track record in 22nm Ultra Low Power and 8nm advanced process technology in a wide range of major Fabs. This advanced PHY IP is poised to revolutionize data transfer solutions with its versatile compatibility and power-efficient design, making it ideal for a wide range of applications, from consumer electronics to high-performance computing systems.
Licensed to a host of Global customers, the Combo PHY IP cores integrates three essential high-speed interface standards: USB 3.0, PCIe 2.0, and SATA 3.0 offering extensive compatibility, meeting the full specifications of each protocol. This integration not only enhances device connectivity but also simplifies system design and reduces overall cost. This wide-ranging compatibility ensures that the PHY IP cores can seamlessly integrate into various systems, providing robust connectivity solutions for a multitude of applications. Furthermore, it is fully compatible with the PIPE3.1 interface specification, facilitating seamless integration into diverse system architectures.
One of the standout features of this Combo PHY IP is its configurable data rates, supporting 1.5G, 2.5G, 3G, 5G, and 6G. This flexibility caters to a range of application needs, from low-power devices to high-performance systems. Additionally, it supports both 16-bit and 32-bit parallel interfaces when encode/decode is enabled and a 20-bit parallel interface when bypassed, providing versatility in data processing and transmission. The PHY IP Cores includes PLL control, reference clock control, and built-in power gating, which collectively contribute to significant power savings without compromising performance. It is compatible with various reference clock frequencies, including a 100MHz differential reference clock input or output in PCIe mode, with optional Spread-Spectrum Clock (SSC) support. This capability enhances signal integrity by generating and receiving SSC from 5000ppm to 0ppm. Programmable transmit amplitude and de-emphasis further optimize signal transmission, ensuring reliable and efficient data transfer.
Enhanced detection functions include TX detect RX in PCIe and USB 3.0 modes, Beacon signal generation and detection in PCIe mode, and Low Frequency Periodic Signaling (LFPS) in USB 3.0 mode. The PHY IP cores also excels in power management, supporting L1 sub-state power management and RX low latency mode in SATA operation mode. Built-in testing capabilities, such as Loopback BERT and Multiple Pattern BIST Mode, ensure comprehensive and efficient testing of the PHY IP's functionality.
USB 3.0, PCIe 2.0 and SATA 3.0 Combo PHY IP Cores offers a powerful, flexible, and efficient solution for advanced connectivity needs in 22nm and 8nm SoCs. T2M ‘s broad silicon Interface IP Core Portfolio also includes HDMI, Display Port, MIPI (CSI, DSI UniPro, UFS, RFFE, I3C), PCIe, DDR, 1G Ethernet, V-by-One, programmable SerDes, OnFi and many more, available in major Fabs in process geometries as small as 7nm.
Availability: These Semiconductor Interface IP Cores are available for immediate licensing either stand alone or with pre-integrated Controllers and PHYs. For more information on licensing options and pricing please drop a request / MailTo
About T2M: T2MIP is the global independent semiconductor technology experts, supplying complex semiconductor IP Cores, Software, KGD and disruptive technologies enabling accelerated development of your Wearables, IOT, Communications, Storage, Servers, Networking, TV, STB and Satellite SoCs. For more information, please visit: www.t-2-m.com
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hey Xavier, what's your type?
-> He leans back in his chair, putting his arms behind his head. He's going to humor your trivial question.
§ Ah, ₥y type, you ask? ₩ell, it takes a ¢ertain ¢aliber of troll to ¢at¢h ₥y eye. I prefer so₥eone who exu₫es ¢onfi₫en¢e an₫ intelligen¢e, so₥eone who un₫erstan₫s the finer things in life an₫ isn't afrai₫ to seize opportunities. A₥bition is ¢ru¢ial, as is a ¢ertain...ruthlessness. I have no ti₥e for ₥e₫io¢rity or those who ¢ower at the first sign of a₫versity. § A strong, in₫epen₫ent spirit ¢ouple₫ with an appre¢iation for luxury an₫ power—those are the traits I a₫₥ire ₥ost. An₫ of ¢ourse, they ₥ust be able to keep up with ₥e, both intelle¢tually an₫ so¢ially. Anything less woul₫ si₥ply be a waste of ₥y ti₥e.
-> He stops speaking for a second, turning his chair a bit to the side. Now looking at the window he continues speaking with a sinister smile, almost getting lost in thought as a bit of color creeps onto his cheeks.
§ If you ₥eant... physi¢ally... I have a parti¢ular pen¢hant for trolls who are weaker an₫ ₥ore ₫eli¢ate than ₥yself. ₮here's a ₫istin¢t thrill in the ease with whi¢h I ¢an ₫o₥inate an₫ ¢ontrol the₥, espe¢ially lowbloo₫s with their s₥aller, ₥ore fragile fra₥es. ₮heir vulnerability in ¢ontrast to ₥y strength ¢reates a ₫yna₥i¢ that I fin₫ en₫lessly fas¢inating an₫ quite entertaining. § However, I ₫o enjoy ₥ixing things up fro₥ ti₥e to ti₥e. On o¢¢asion, I seek out trolls who possess a ¢o₥₥an₫ing presen¢e an₫ a robust physique— stronger than ₥yself, naturally. A well-₫efine₫, ₥us¢ular buil₫ that exu₫es power an₫ ¢apability is highly appealing when I'₥ in the ₥oo₫ for a ₫ifferent kin₫ of ¢hallenge. ฿roa₫ an₫ soli₫ fra₥e, ¢ouple₫ with an aura of ₫o₥inan¢e... ¢an be quite ¢aptivating an₫ offer a refreshing ¢hange fro₥ ₥y usual preferen¢es.
#xavier windle#ic answers#wiping the sweat off my forehead as my braincells go up in flames#guess people want to know what the twig is into lol
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Theres slways sn exception to that rule. Ive been in this universe a long time. People who big themsrlves up in it are no more important than anyone who doesnt. Its just more fun to fo that. You feel youre connecting. Be careful the universe is never receptive to anyone sll the time. When i try yo explsin things to people i feel as if im speaking to brainless apes. I try to tell people its nice but your parents did not fo you any favors with God by spoiling you rotten. You stink of arrogance when you cant fight. You want a bigger ice we re sick of you. I have to remond your tv watching retard parents sre not in charge in my earth i am. Dont end up like them. They just wanna be you forever and thats choking you. Dont hang out eith only yoyr family. Youll be durrounded kne day with only them to fight for you. And they sing trained for shit but bein. Onfy that font do well in a war. You eill not he able to dit cozy for long. It better to be bad ass gor resl forget those video games. Get hurt for real. Fuck get killed at least youll actuslly live begore i kill you.
“I don’t chase people anymore. I learned that I’m here, and I’m important. I’m not going to run after people to prove that I matter.”
— Unknown
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KALP DLT’s Initiative to Integrate Real-World Assets
KALP DLT is leading an initiative to integrate real-world assets into blockchain technology, bridging traditional finance with innovative digital solutions.
An already-existing application of blockchain technologies — tokenization — has recently found itself a real-life use case in real estate.
Tokenization has been around almost as early as blockchain appeared, and it has been looking up to a bright future from day one. Estimations by McKinsey show that the volume of tokenized digital securities will reach $5 trillion by 2030.
In this piece, we will talk about one of the yield-bearing RWAs i.e. Real Estate.
What are Real-World Assets?
The term Real-world assets (RWAs) refer to tangible and intangible assets in the physical world. For example, real estate, bonds, and commodities can be represented in tokenization form. The tokenization of RWAs brings these off-chain assets onto the blockchain, where they can be stored and tracked on-chain.
The Issue with Status Quo Tokenization
Current tokenization creates a liquidity problem. Owning a token representing an underlying asset doesn’t allow direct trading on the main market (Nasdaq). Plus, traditional finance settlements are slow, making it cumbersome to redeem tokens for cash. While workarounds exist (market makers, faster redemptions), they’re not ideal and can be expensive.
Examples include Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Mutual Funds, US stock tokenization etc. Traditional asset fractionalization is more focused on vehicles like equity and real estate asset classes.
Considering the challenges at hand, let us get into the issues related to asset liquidity:
a) Affordability Barriers: Many assets, like real estate, bonds, and hedge funds, remain out of reach for mass investors due to high costs.
b) Fractionalization Constraints: Certain assets, such as shared living spaces in houses, struggle to be effectively divided among numerous investors.
c) Information Asymmetry: Retail and high-net-worth investors often face a lack of transparent information regarding investment opportunities.
d) Exclusive Access: Elite assets like fine art and vintage cars are often accessible only to select groups, limiting broader participation.
e) Regulatory Hurdles: Complex regulations, such as restrictions on accredited investors or stringent asset tokenization processes, hinder liquidity. Additionally, ownership proofs required by governmental registers, as seen in real estate, add further barriers.
f) Complex User Journeys: Cumbersome KYC processes and fragmented payment setups across platforms create obstacles for investors, leading to a disjointed user experience.
g) Technological Limitations: Existing technological solutions fail to adequately address liquidity challenges in certain asset classes, hindering scalable solutions.
KALP DLT Solutions for Real Estate Tokenization
Many institutions are collectively working to improve and modernize financial systems. They are doing this by adopting on-chain finance (OnFi) technologies, which involve using blockchain, tokenization, and smart contract logic. These technologies aim to upgrade old infrastructure, improve institutional workflows, and enhance global financial operations.
KALP DLT aims to democratize real estate investment for a broader audience who may not have access to large sums of capital. The compliance-first approach of KALP DLT is fully registered and complies with all U.S. Money Services Business regulations, including stringent anti-money laundering (AML) requirements.
Tokenization of real estate involves breaking down a property into digital tokens that represent ownership and rights. Smart contracts define the details, and these contracts automatically execute actions after certain conditions are met.
Kalp DLT’s smart contract system allows asset sponsors to create tokenized versions of assets after passing regulatory checks. These tokens can then be owned in parts and traded by verified users.
Kalp believes that there is a gap in the current ecosystem and a “regulated RWA ecosystem” will create an innovative protocol. This protocol will attract users from various backgrounds, including those that may not currently participate in crypto space. These users value the importance and safety of regulatory compliance.
Herein, the Kalp SDK sets a new standard for regulatory-compliant tokenization of real-world assets (RWAs). Once converted into digital tokens, assets like art, securities, or real estate can be easily traded. These tokens can be issued and traded on markets that follow KYC/AML regulations.
As we overcome the regulatory challenges, conditions will improve, allowing the world to anticipate an accelerated pace of asset tokenization.
About Kalp
Kalp is the legally engineered L1 permissioned ecosystem dedicated to all real-world assets (RWAs) that integrates asset tokenization and compliance providers directly into the chain. Our mission is to simplify the convoluted processes of RWA project deployment to cross-pollinate and invest in various RWAs.
Follow our socials: Twitter | Discord | Website | Telegram
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Cannabidiol (CBD): Safety and Side Effects
There are many unknowns about CBD. But the current guidelines are clear that certain people should avoid taking CBD products. CBD is not recommended if you:
Are pregnant or breastfeeding: The effect of CBD on pregnancy is not known at this time. The CDC recommends that pregnant women not take any kind of CBD product. CBD is also not recommended if you are breastfeeding. It is unknown whether it can be passed through breast milk. At least one animal study shows high doses of CBD can harm an unborn baby.
Have liver disease: Studies show healthy people could get liver damage if they take high doses of the FDA-approved CBD drug, Epidiolex. People who already have liver problems may need to take a lower dose.
Have Parkinson’s disease: Data suggests higher doses of CBD may make tremors and muscle movement worse for some people who have Parkinson’s disease.
Are a child: The anti-seizure prescription CBD drug (Epidiolex) in a 25-milligram dose is approved for children who are at least 1 year old who have certain health conditions. But it is unclear whether CBD products are safe for children generally. It’s a good idea to keep CBD products in childproof containers.
Are older than 55: Older adults could be at greater risk for some of the side effects of CBD since it may affect thought and motor skills.
What Side Effects Are Possible With CBD?
Although CBD is sold in many products, including edibles, beverages, beauty products, and more, it’s not without risk. You should be aware of possible side effects:
Crankiness and changes in mood
Sleepiness or drowsiness
Decreased appetite
Liver damage
Changes in how other drugs you take work
Damage to male fertility
Dry mouth
What Do We Know About CBD’s Long-Term Effects?
Scientists are clear that there needs to be more research to find out the long-term effects of CBD. It’s hard to know the clinical benefits because so many products that are on the market haven’t been tested. It’s hard to test long-term effects on impure substances.
Why Is It Important to Tell Your Doctor You’re Taking CBD?
It is always important to let your doctor know if you’re taking CBD – or any supplement. CBD can affect how your body breaks down medications.
Because CBD might slow how your body breaks down these drugs, that could mean higher levels of the drug in your body, and even cause more side effects. CBD may also change how other medicines work because they are broken down by the liver.
CBD can interact with:
Many anti-seizure drugs, including brivaracetam (Briviact), carbamazepine (Tegretol), clobazam (Onfi), eslicarbazepine (Aptiom), and topiramate (Topamax)
Some antidepressants, like citalopram (Celexa)
Some cancer-fighting medicines, including everolimus (Afinitor)
The blood thinner warfarin (Coumadin, Jantoven)
It’s important to also let your doctor know if you’re taking other supplements along with CBD since those can also cause different side effects. And the drugs could make side effects that CBD can cause even worse.
The bottom line is to talk with your health care provider about the CBD products you are taking and be completely honest about your dosing.
When Do You Call for Help if CBD Causes a Serious Medical Reaction?
Some side effects might go away as your body gets used to CBD. But others may need medical attention. Get help if you have:
Loss of strength
A rash
Weight loss
Changes in your walking or balance
Clumsiness or unsteadiness
Trouble sleeping
A 2021 CDC health advisory warned that some CBD products on the market may contain delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), an ingredient found in marijuana that produces a high. This type of THC hasn’t been widely studied, but it could cause a severe reaction. That may include a hard time breathing, slurred speech, low blood pressure, uncoordinated movement, trouble moving, and even a coma. In those cases, call 911 or have someone call for you.
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Avoid Mixing These Drugs With CBD
Avoid Mixing These Drugs With CBD
Cannabidiol (CBD) can change the way your body breaks down medicines you take. It can intensify side effects of others. Find out what NOT to take with CBD.
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CBD for Cats
CBD could help your cat with pain and anxiety. But confusing laws may make it hard for you and your vet to make decisions. Find out how to help your pet.
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Considering cannabidiol (CBD) massage for pain relief? Here’s what you need to know about the research, benefits, and risks.
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CBD products make lots of claims, even for your hair. Learn whether using hair products with CBD can make your hair healthier.
What to Consider When Getting a Drug Test
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Cannabidiol (CBD) isn’t intoxicating. But you could still test positive for marijuana if you use certain CBD products. Get the facts.
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Aimbo Amam Amim Amin Amno Amom Amphu Amrum Amste Amtu Amun Amxam Amze Anam Anbei Ancha Ancho Anhun Anim Anoim Anquom Anquu Anun Anxem Anxun Baiom Bamvim Bauem Baumrom Bauski Beam Benscha Benun Bezu Bimfu Bimmeu Biumzin Boan Bomnam Bonxum Bostun Bounam Bovo Bunquon Bunxe Buva Caloen Ceanim Chanim Chanscha Cheen Cheon Chepha Cheumhun Chiin Chimim Choimma Choin Chomla Choru Choti Chunca Chunpien Chusti Ciem Cinxi Ciun Combu Comquu Conan Conlo Cooan Covum Cuam Cucha Cumta Cunlin Cuonam Cutem Daen Dain Danvum Daski Date Dece Dimdon Dina Dinam Doagun Domskoi Dunchan Duon Duun Eman Emcam Emen Emha Emim Emin Emlon Emnu Emon Empha Emphum Empoan Emsche Emson Emstum Emto Emuin Enam Enan Enbaom Enbun Encon Endin Enen Eniin Enim Enmen Ennan Enon Enquom Ensche Enschuam Entam Envue Eomen Fanpi Fece Feim Femen Femum Fencu Fimfen Fohon Foim Fomeen Fulin Gaim Gango Geschum Gomsum Gomun Gonam Gonom Gorao Guimcum Gumoon Gunchen Gunzeim Guumam Haan Haem Haimon Hangi Haum Hengun Himta Hinvan Hohim Hommin Honin Humhon Huun Huzin Iangon Iinmeu Imam Imem Imfa Imfe Imfu Imhum Imin Immue Imnem Imom Imrun Imschoim Imxum Inan Inbin Inchou Inem Ingu Inim Inlum Inom Inpha Insta Instun Invea Lamphi Lanpom Lemim Lemquen Lencho Linquum Linsa Loadiom Lomin Lomne Lonpem Luchun Lufi Luim Luoxe Luxuom Magun Meeim Memiim Mempi Mian Minni Moen Mohen Molo Momfi Moscheam Muin Muphe Muskan Namon Namzon Nanim Neabe Neem Nenem Nesai Neski Nila Nima Ninum Nizin Noim Nongeam Noqua Nuan Nusko Oenon Omaim Omam Ombin Omcan Omche Omchon Omem Omfe Ommu Omnie Omquei Omquo Omskan Omski Omste Omstem Omtim Omun Omvo Onen Onfa Onfi Onge Ongom Onlom Onma Onneu Onom Onrem Onske Onxam Onzoe Onzu Palon Pamvoo Penfom Peumum Phahun Phangei Phata Phemgum Phiesa Phipum Phome Phoskin Phuga Phuhin Phuoum Picho Pugu Pumna Pumsun Punam Punon Puqua Puto Quanschon Quemso Quemxo Quenom Quenphin Questun Quimcam Quimon Quomxa Quugeam Rago Ramin Raschuun Rebo Remam Rencho Renin Renum Rifu Rinin Roam Rochi Roha Ruim Runrem Runun Ruuam Sanin Sanum Schain Schanuam Scheho Schele Schien Schinbeum Schonaum Schunu Schupin Semom Senskim Siin Simaim Simto Sinre Sinschuo Sipu Sito Skengeon Skiphoo Skistom Skomlo Skonpho Skopum Skoschom Skoum Skoxun Skuisue Skunxu Soalun Somlun Somum Sozoi Stamma Stanma Stemom Stemsta Stenham Stian Stimon Stoan Stuisa Stuxum Sube Tain Tamcan Tamskam Tanim Taquo Temen Temin Temon Teri Tigim Tilu Timfii Timman Tinbun Tinmon Tinrom Tinvam Tistim Tiuam Todum Tolo Tomom Tubu Tuin Tunhu Tuxon Uanam Uenen Uimge Umaen Umin Umlum Umne Umon Umpin Umquo Umti Umun Umxon Unan Unbem Unda Unen Unfim Unska Unten Unum Vaanxim Vadin Vama Vamum Vanen Vemrum Venhom Veom Vinfu Vinnoi Vion Voaon Vopi Voschu Vueim Vuum Xaaem Xangun Xebo Xefe Xehi Xenpi Xenri Xete Ximin Ximxean Xonschon Xonto Xumaon Xumho Xunskan Zaaam Zamsin Zeam Zeem Zelia Zeschom Zidam Ziven Zizi Zobu Zomin Zonste Zuige Zunhan Zuphum
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oh I forgot to mention:
yesterday someone released patches to make (some of?) them work in game boy player.
I really enjoy how retro gaming purists being dogmatic about CRT filters has completely backfired and now retro game devs are just throwing any old shit on their visuals. Put a film grain filter on your Nintendo 64 retroclone. Put VHS tracking errors in your GBA pastiche. Fuck you, it's authentic.
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Micron 2500 SSD: M.2 NVMe PCIe Gen 4 SSD with QLC NAND
Most value and user experience for regular computing to help you get the most out of your everyday computing experience, the Micron 2500 SSD offers a best-in-class user experience, increases user productivity, and outperforms competing drives in PCMark 10 benchmark testing. The first 232-layer QLC NAND in a client SSD is only offered by Micron and offers the highest density and layer count in the market. It is also the densest OEM-production the NAND.
With class-leading PCIe Gen4 performance that outperforms the competition, you can get more out of your applications. For regular computing demands, the Micron 2500 SSD provides a good mix of storage performance and affordability.
Micron 2500 SSD fits daily storage needs It is the first client SSD in the world to use 200+ layer QLC NAND and leads the industry with best-in-class everyday computing user experience, QLC value, and performance that outperforms comparable TLC and QLC based SSDs.
Top-notch user interface for regular computer use with its excellent user experience benchmark scores, speed-boosting enhanced caching for quicker write performance, and a wide choice of form factor and capacity options, the Micron 2500 SSD dominates the competition.
QLC figure. TLC output. Small-scale innovation The Micron 2500, a top-tier QLC SSD, outperforms TLC- and QLC-based SSDs from competitors in sequential and random read/write performance, with sequential read speeds of up to 7,100 MB/s and random read IOPS of up to 1 million.
First consumer SSD with 200+ QLC NAND layers The first company to supply OEMs with SSDs made of QLC NAND with the highest density and layer count is Micron. With ONFI rates of up to 2,400 MT/s, this is the densest NAND in the world, enabling the creation of speedier SSDs.
Sophisticated Micron 2500 SSD features 232-layer QLC NAND Micron 3D Hardware-based encryption using AES 256 bits15 Defence against power outages (data at rest) Controlled heat management by the host Optimising performance with expedited caching Thermal SMBus S.M.A.R.T. Commands for basic management (BMC) FW turned on without a reset Block sanitization and cryptoerasure Support for power-loss signals TCG Pyrite 2.01, TCG Opal 2.02 Tool for managing Micron Storage Executive SSD Key advantages of the Micron 2500 SSD Storage that boosts everyday programme productivity
The Micron 2500 SSD is engineered to optimize your productivity by providing the finest user experience possible for the daily applications you utilize.
It comes in a wide variety of M.2 form factors are available in sizes up to 2TB, ranging from 22 × 80mm to a single-sided 22 x 30mm.
The SSD with industry-leading performance and low cost With best-in-class storage performance designed for daily computing, the Micron 2500 SSD outperforms all of its TLC and QLC rivals.
It is the first QLC SSD in the world and is based on Micron QLC NAND. It can reach PCIe Gen4 maximum performance of 7,100 MB/s sequential read.
Advanced NAND improves SSD performance and usability For the second consecutive year, Micron is the first to supply SSDs to OEMs with the highest density and greatest layer count QLC NAND! 300+ layer QLC NAND is 33% denser than micron 232-layer TLC NAND and allows for 30% higher density than micron previous generation 176 layer QLC NAND.
Leading the industry With 2,400 MT/s speed, SSD performance is among the best in its class. Great user experiences in thin and light notebook PCs, mobile devices, and anywhere else that performance and value are required together are powered by Micron 200+ layer QLC NAND.
Superior adaptability and user experience The Micron 2500 SSD offers the greatest user experience among its competitors’ TLC and QLC NAND-based SSDs, according to PCMark 10 testing results. For maximum versatility, it comes in three small, M.2 single-sided form factors with capacities of up to 2TB.
Serious value and performance With a sequential read speed of up to 7,100 MB/s, the Micron 2500 is the first QLC SSD in the world. It outperforms competitors in terms of overall performance, regardless of whether they utilise TLC or QLC NAND.
The top NAND in the world Excellent NAND goes into making amazing SSDs. Using the densest NAND available, the Micron 2500 SSD accelerates daily workloads with a 2,400 MT/s ONFI speed, contributing to the development of best-in-class SSD performance for OEM PCs.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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