#onewe universe
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married-2-the-music · 3 months ago
ONEWE Deep Dive: Day6's Rock Ballad Cousin
ONEWE is classified as an alt-rock band, and debuted in 2015, as part of the 3rd generation. They have five members: vocalist Yonghoon, rapper and bassist Giuk (a.k.a. CyA), guitarist Kanghyun, keyboardist Dongmyeong, and drummer Harin. 
Here are my credentials: This is (I think) the 4th full band I’ve covered on this blog, after The Rose, Lucy, and Rolling Quartz, but to be honest, besides that and the fact that they’re having a comeback today, I don’t know much about ONEWE. But I’m hoping to change that. So, let’s get into it!
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jinseulss · 9 months ago
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i just want to see you ~
220414 mcountdown ☼ 220415 music bank ☼ 220417 inkigayo ☼ 230305 o-new-note
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shawo-l-exo · 2 months ago
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💙 ︵‿︵ ☙ ︵‿︵ ♛ HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEY! ♛ ︵‿︵ ❧ ︵‿︵ 🩵
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faceglitchsworld · 8 months ago
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Yonghoon and Dongmyeong singing Roommate together 🥺🥹
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shineemoon · 1 year ago
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It's been a month since this masterpiece has been released and I finally received my albums today 💕 I knew the chances to pull Jinki pc + the group pc I was hoping to get were super low... but I pulled them?????😭 I still can't believe it 😭 a boost of happiness amidst this severe onewache 😭❤️‍🩹🥹🫶
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and for the Maker ver. I pulled Kibum 🥹 Jinkibum in Okinawa 🥹💕
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smtown-tourist · 1 year ago
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I think the Universe might be a Blinger…
I laughed so hard when I was scrolling through FB this morning. I came to this Koreaboo article where Bang, Yedam and Lee, Mujin named IU as “the best singer-songwriter.” And what just so happens to be right under this article??? A picture of the REAL best singer-songwriter
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onewedata · 2 years ago
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© 𝐖𝐄'𝐯𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 ♡ do not edit or crop logo.
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juicy-moonrose · 2 years ago
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Chapter [ 4 ]
Rumah Letta
Letta menuruni anak tangga di rumahnya dengan terburu-buru, saat sampai di bawah dia langsung menuju dapur, dan melihat Nando sang adik, duduk di salah satu kursi pantry yang sedang sibuk dengan Laptop di hadapannya.
“Weekend gini masih sibuk sama kerjaan aja.” Gumam Letta saat melirik layar Laptop Nando yang dilayarnya seperti menampilkan bagan perusahaan, entah lah apa itu Letta tidak begitu mengerti.
“Ayah sama Bunda kemana?” Tanya Letta ketika menyadari tidak ada kehadiran kedua Orang Tuanya.
“Bunda lagi ngurusin catering, Ayah biasa habis anter Bunda main golf sama temen-temennya.” Jawab Nando.
“Mau jalan Kak?” Tanya Nando setelah melihat penampilan Letta yang super duper rapih.
“Ho’oh, kayak biasa.” Jawab Letta.
“Ohh, ngedate sama Mas Dylan?” Tanya Nando tersenyum jahil.
“Apa kata lo Dek!” Kata Letta sambil memutar kedua bola matanya, merasa jengah karena orang-orang terdekatnya selalu berkata seperti itu.
“Lo berdua itu sebenernya kayak gimana sih?” Tanya Nando penasaran. Dia jadi mengalihkan perhatiannya ke Letta, satu-satunya makhluk hidup yang paling jahil dan ga mau kalah dengan dirinya. Tapi jangan salah, Nando sangat menyayangi saudara perempuan satu-satunya ini.
“Kayak gimana apanya?” Letta sebenarnya mengerti arah pertanyaan Nando, tapi dia hanya berpura-pura tidak mengerti.
“Kalian udah temenan lama banget, masa ga ada kemajuan dalam status hubungan?” Lanjut Nando.
“Ga ada ya Nan, Gue sama Dylan cuman sahabatan—” Ucapan Letta terpotong oleh tawa dan ucapan Nando.
“Hahaha cewek-cowok sahabatan, ga mungkin salah satu dari kalian ga ada yang punya perasaan lebih dari sahabat. Apalagi kalian sahabatan udah lama banget, berapa tahun?” ucap Nando.
“Lima Tahun” Jawab Letta singkat.
“Nah!! Lima Tahun bukan waktu yang singkat. Gue sama Aira aja yang tadinya temen berantem, sekarang malah jadian.” Lanjutnya. Setelah berkata seperti itu Nando kembali ke kerjaannya dan hanya melirik Letta, melihat perubahan wajah Letta.
“Puas banget bikin Kak Letta mikir, hahaha.” Gumam Nando dalam hati.
Sebenarnya mereka berdua sama-sama jahil, semakin mereka beranjak dewasa, malah Nando yang makin sering menjahili Letta, ya contoh kecilnya seperti tadi.
Sementara itu Letta hanya terdiam dan memikirkan semua ucapan Nando, tidak lama dari itu terdengar suara mobil. Letta pun mengenali suara mobil tersebut dan beranjak dari dapur sekalian menghindari Nando yang seringkali berkata blak-blakan.
Letta pun membuka pintu kayu rumahnya, saat pintu terbuka ,dan terlihat Dylan yang sedang masuk ke pekarangan rumahnya, kemudian berjalan menuju Letta yang tiba-tiba berdiri terpaku di teras rumahnya.
Letta Pov. Start
“Huh Nando ngomong apa sih?” gumam Gue dalam hati.
“Tapi omongan tuh anak ada benernya juga sih. Sial! Gue jadi kepikiran!” Lanjut Gue.
Gue melihat benda cantik yang melingkar di pergelangan tangan Gue, gelang pemberian Dylan. Entah ini barang yang keberapa yang diberikan olehnya, terlalu banyak barang yang dia berikan, “Apa iya Dylan ada perasaan ke Gue? Atau justru Gue?” Gue menggeleng untuk menghilangkan pikiran yang terlintas tadi. Kemudian terdengar suara mobil dari depan rumah, suara mobil yang sangat Gue hapal.
“Dylan!” Gumam Gue senang, Gue pun melangkah keluar untuk menghampirinya, pas Gue udah sampai di pintu depan dan buka pintu, Gue ngeliat Dylan dengan kemeja putihnya yang bergaris-garis hitam berjalan ke arah Gue. Ga tau kenapa Gue jadi terpaku melihat penampilan Dylan yang seperti itu, padahal Gue udah sering ngeliat dia dengan style seperti saat ini.
“Hey, kamu kenapa? Sakit?” Suara Dylan membuyarkan lamunan sesaat Gue tadi.
“Hah— I’m ok.” Jawab Gue setelah sadar kalau Dylan sudah berdiri di hadapan Gue. “Huh! Kenapa tiba-tiba Gue jadi salting gini.” Guman Gue dalam hati.
“Mau langsung?” Tanya Gue untuk mengalihkan ke-saltingan Gue.
“Sebentar ya, mau ketemu Nando dulu. Gapapa kan, nunggu sebentar?” Kata Dylan.
“Gapapa.” Jawab Gue singkat.
Dylan melangkah masuk membelakangi Gue, tapi tiba-tiba dia berbalik dan berjalan mendekat ke Gue.
“Kamu cantik banget hari ini.” Ucap Dylan dengan senyuman khasnya, lalu dia kembali berbalik, dan melangkah menghampiri Nando yang masih ada di dapur.
Ucapan Dylan barusan membuat Gue kembali terpaku. Gue ngerasa muka Gue mulai memanas dan memerah, “Sialan! Gara-gara omongan Nando tadi nih pasti!!” Dumel Gue dalam hati.
Gue mengekori Dylan ke dapur, mengambil segelas air dingin, dan langsung menegaknya hingga habis.
Gue memperhatikan Dylan dan Nando yang sibuk menatap Laptop dihadapan mereka, dan mata Gue berhenti ke sosok Dylan yang berdiri di sebelah Nando.
“Kayak ada yang beda dari Kamu.” Kata Gue dengan mata Gue yang masih ngeliat ke arah Dylan.
“Kamu— cat rambut lagi?” Tanya Gue, ketika menyadari perubahan rambut Dylan kembali menjadi hitam.
“Iya, di tegor Papa. Hehe.” Jawab Dia dan kembali lagi sibuk membantu Nando.
“Lagian udah dikasih tau belagu.” Kata Gue yang masih memperhatikan Dylan.
Kerena merasa bosan, akhirnya Gue meninggalkan mereka berdua, dan menunggu Dylan di ruang tamu. Entah apa yang mereka bicarakan, urusan para pewaris perusahaan keluarga.
“Udah ngerti?” Samar-samar terdengar suara Dylan yang bertanya ke Nando.
“Udah, makasih Mas, Gue ga tau gimana kalo lo ga bantuin.” Jawab Nando.
“Gue jalan dulu ya.” Kemudian terdengar Dylan pamit ke Nando.
Gue merasakan kehadiran Dylan dibelakang Gue, “Yuk.” Ajak Dylan sambil mengelus pucuk kepala Gue dengan lembut dan Gue merasa ada yang berbeda saat Dylan melakukan hal tersebut.
“Lah malah diem, ayok cantiknya Dylan.” Ucap Dylan, membuat Gue sempat tersipu karena ucapannya.
“Aku tuh emang cantik dari lahir, hohoho.” Kata Gue sambil mengibaskan rambut panjang Gue yang terurai.
“Hahaha, terserah kamu deh Lett,” ucap Dylan tertawa, “ayok, nanti keburu kesiangan.” Ajak Dylan.
Gue dan Dylan berangkat menuju ke Toko Furniture langganan Dylan, hari ini Gue bakal bantu Dylan untuk rapih-rapih di apartemen barunya. Yup, mulai minggu depan Dylan akan pindah ke apartemennya sendiri, dia sudah tidak tinggal dirumah Jeff. Begitu pula dengan Jeff, dia juga akan pindah ke apartemennya sendiri yang masih satu gedung dengan Apartemen Dylan.
Jadi, untuk sementara rumah Jeff bakal kosong sampai ada penyewa yang menempatinya. Bakal sepi nih ga ada mereka, apalagi ga ada Dylan yang biasanya kalau weekend pagi selalu ngajak Gue buat jogging.
Gue pun menatap keluar jendela mobil Dylan, menyelam dalam pikiran Gue sendiri, dan tanpa Gue sadari ternyata sejak tadi Dylan memperhatikan Gue.
“Letta, kamu kenapa?” Tanya Dylan khawatir dan membuyarkan lamunan Gue.
Gue menoleh dan tersenyum tipis menatap Dylan, “Aku gapapa.” jawab Gue.
“Yakin? Dari tadi kamu diem aja soalnya, lagi badmood? Apa kita batalin aja rencana hari ini?” Tanya Dylan berkali-kali.
“Yakin, aku lagi ga badmood juga, dan jangan coba-coba batalin rencana hari ini, nanti aku bakal marah sama kamu selama seminggu.” Jawab Gue dan ga tau kenapa, Gue ga mau hari ini kita batal jalan, huhuhu.
“Emang kamu bisa jauh-jauh sama aku selama seminggu?” Ucap Dylan memperlihatkan senyum smirk-nya.
“Hehe ga bisa sih, tapi kamu juga ga bisa jauh-jauh dari aku selama seminggu kan? Ahh jangankan seminggu sehari aja ga bisa, hahaha.” Ucap Gue sambil tertawa lepas.
“AAAWWW!!! Sakit Dylan!!” Gue teriak kesakitan, karena tiba-tiba Dylan mencubit pipi Gue dengan kencang.
“Hahaha, kamu tuh pinter banget ngejawab.” Kata Dylan ga ada rasa bersalahnya sama sekali ke Gue.
“Sakit.” Gumam Gue sambil mengelus pipi Gue dengan tangan sendiri.
“Maaf, kekencengan ya?” Tanya Dylan sambil mengelus pipi Gue dengan lembut.
“Masih nanya lagi,” kata Gue, lalu mengambil tangan Dylan yang mengelus pipi Gue dan menggenggamnya.
Kita berdua emang sedeket ini dan menurut Gue ini adalah hal yang biasa. Tapi ga tau kenapa akhir-akhir ini tatapan, perlakuan, bahkan ucapan Dylan agak berbeda dari biasanya, kalau kata Katty sih dari dulu dia emang gitu, tapi Gue-nya aja yang baru peka dan denial.
Jadi kepikiran lagi sama omongan Nando pas dirumah tadi, Gue menatap Dylan yang sedang berkonsentrasi mengendarai mobil dengan satu tangannya. Gue pun berniat bertanya, tapi dihentikan oleh nada dering handphone Dylan.
Leo Calling…
“Si garong ganggu aje…” Dumel Gue dalam hati.
“Leo tumben nelpon, aku angkat dulu yah.” Ucap Dylan dan melepas genggaman tangan Gue untuk mengangkat telepon dari Leo dengan mode speaker.
“Kenapa bro?” Sapa Dylan setelah panggilannya tersambung.
“Eh bray, nanti habis nge-date sama Letta, Lo langsung mampir ke Cafe—” Kata Leo dari seberang sana dan langsung di potong oleh Dylan. Gue pun langsung menoleh ke Dylan setelah mendengar kalimat dari mulut besar Leo.
“Speaker Leo, ada Letta di sebelah Gue.” Ucap Dylan memotong perkataan Leo dan terlihat telinganya memerah, lalu membuang wajahnya, dan menghindari tatapan Gue, kemudian suasana diantara kita menjadi awkward.
“Oh— sorry sorry, hihihi.” Terdengar suara cekikikan ala Leo.
“Yaa!! Kenapa deh lo nelpon-nelpon, ganggu Dylan lagi nyetir aja!!” Tegur Gue berusaha untuk mencairkan suasana di antara kita berdua.
“Itu— maksud Gue, nanti habis kalian beberes di apart, jangan lupa mampir ke Cafe, mau ada perform band baru disini, udah itu aja.” Kata Leo.
“Itu doang?!” Tanya Gue ke Leo dengan sewot.
“Iya.” Jawab Leo singkat, dia ga tau aja gara-gara mulut besarnya, Gue sama Dylan jadi awkward .
“Lo kan bisa chat aja ke Dylan, ga usah nelpon-nelpon segala garoooong!!!” Ucap Gue.
“Suka-suka Gue Violetta Dara Pramudya, ga usah ngatur-ngatur, emangnya lo siapanya Dylan?” Balas Leo dengan mulut besarnya.
“Leonard Yudhistira Pramudya, bacot lo tolong di kontrol!” Akhirnya Dylan bersuara dan Gue baru denger Dylan manggil nama panjang Leo. Dia langsung memutuskan sambungan teleponnya secara sepihak, Gue pun menatap Dylan tanpa berkedip.
“Jangan dipikirin omongan Leo barusan.” Katanya dan kembali menatap jalanan.
Selama di sisa perjalanan, kita berdua hanya terdiam. Gue baru kali ini liat Dylan marah, selama lima tahun kita temenan, dia ga pernah marah kayak tadi soalnya.
Toko Furniture
Akhirnya kita sampai di Toko Furniture langganan Dylan, dia langsung bertemu dengan Ownernya dan melihat-lihat hasil pesanannya yang sudah jadi. Sambil nunggu Dylan, Gue pun berkeliling di dalam toko, melihat-lihat barang yang dijual disana.
Ternyata toko ini ga cuman jualan furniture aja, mereka juga jual hiasan-hiasan unik, ala-ala aesthetic gitu, dan mata Gue tertarik dengan salah satu lampu meja, design-nya itu semacam jeruji besi yang dibentuk kayak botol wine, dan di dalamnya ada lampu bohlamnya. Gue pun cukup lama melihat lampu meja tersebut.
“Buat kado pindahan Dylan kali ya?” pikir Gue, “Dia kan suka banget yang unik-unik kayak gini, pasti dia suka Gue kasih ini.” Pikir Gue lagi.
Akhirnya Gue memutuskan membeli lampu meja tersebut, Gue ngeliat Dylan yang masih sibuk dengan si Owner, diam-diam Gue langsung ambil lampu meja tersebut untuk dibawa ke kasir, dan ga lupa Gue mengambil kotak kado sebagai tempatnya.
Dengan cepat kilat Gue membayar dan meminta staff kasir untuk segera memasukkan ke dalam tas belanja.
“Makasih mba.” Kata Gue tersenyum ke staff kasirnya setelah Gue menyelesaikan transaksi dan kebetulan Dylan sudah selesai dengan urusannya.
“Gimana pesanan kamu?” Tanya Gue ketika Dylan berhadapan dengan Gue.
“Udah bisa langsung diambil, terus langsung dipasang deh.” Ucap Dylan senang. Dia sangat puas dengan hasil pesanannya dan itu membuat mood-nya kembali membaik.
“Kamu beli apa?” Dylan sadar Gue lagi nenteng-nenteng tas belanja dan penasaran dengan apa yang Gue beli.
“Pajangan buat di kamar.” Jawab Gue asal.
“Aku selesaiin sisa pembayaran dulu sama masukin pesanan aku ke mobil, kamu duduk dulu aja di sofa sana.” Kata Dylan sambil menunjuk sofa yang tersedia di Toko tersebut.
“Gapapa kan nunggu sebentar lagi?” Tanya Dylan.
“Gapapa.” Jawab Gue, Gue pun akhirnya duduk di sofa tersebut.
Sambil nunggu Dylan lagi, Gue membuka handphone dan melihat-lihat Timeline social media Gue. Pas Gue lagi geser-geser layar handphone, tiba-tiba ada notifikasi chat masuk, dan langsung membuka notifikasi tersebut tanpa melihat siapa pengirimnya.
Jonathan Hi!
“Jonathan?” gumam Gue setelah membuka chatnya dan melihat nama yang tertera di sana, sambil mengingat-ingat nama tersebut, nama yang ga asing bagi Gue.
“Ohh Jona festival!” Seru Gue setelah inget cowok nyebelin yang ketemu pas The Rose performance di festival akhir bulan lalu.
“Siapa Jona?” Tanya Dylan yang sudah selesai dengan urusannya tadi dan ternyata langsung nyamperin Gue.
“Nobody,” jawab Gue agak panik, Gue ga tau kenapa jadi panik, “udah selesai?” Tanya Gue untuk mengalihkan perhatian Dylan.
“Udah, oiya ini kan udah mau lunch, kamu mau mampir makan dulu atau pesen delivery aja?” Tanya dia sambil duduk disebelah Gue dan reflek Gue masukin handphone ke dalam tas.
“Pesen delivery aja kayaknya, biar sambil nunggu makanan dateng, kita beres-beres apart kamu.” Jawab Gue.
“Kalau gitu jalan sekarang aja, biar cepet selesai, biar cepet berangkat ke cafe-nya Leo.” Kata Dylan sambil berdiri. Tanpa banyak bicara dia ambil tas belanja Gue, lalu menentengnya, dan ga lupa gandeng tangan Gue.
Apartemen Dylan
“Makasih ya Pak, ini ada sedikit ongkos.” Terdengar suara Dylan dari pintu apartemennya ke ruang tengah tempat Gue ngeliat beberapa kardus besar berisi barang-barang Dylan, dia berbicara dengan salah satu satpam gedung Apartemen yang membantunya untuk angkut-angkut barang.
“Barang kamu banyak juga ya.” Kata Gue saat Dylan berjalan ke tempat Gue berdiri.
“Yah ini juga beberapa udah aku loakin, tapi kayaknya masih banyakan barang kamu deh.” Katanya.
“Hahaha bisa aja kamu, kita mulai dari mana nih?” Tanya Gue dan kayaknya Dylan juga bingung mau mulai dari mana.
Akhirnya Dylan memutuskan untuk merakit meja dan kursi terlebih dahulu, merapikan rak yang dia pesan di Toko Furniture tadi, baru membongkar barang-barangnya yang ada di dalam kardus.
Setelah cukup lama kita beberes dan menata barang-barang, akhirnya ruang tersebut terlihat rapi dan lowong, tidak seperti tadi banyak kardus-kardus besar yang menumpuk.
“Laper—” Keluh Gue sambil rebahan di karpet yang ada di lantai dan Dylan mengambil duduk di sebelah Gue yang lagi rebahan.
“Oiya, kita belum pesen makanan ya? Hahaha,” Dylan tertawa dan mengambil handphone-nya untuk memesan makanan, “Mau makan apa Lettanya Dylan?” Tanya dia, ya ini yang Gue maksud ucapan dia yang berbeda, “Cantiknya Dylan,” “Kesayangannya Dylan,” “Lettanya Dylan.” Gue sebenarnya berusaha mengabaikannya, tapi kalau terlalu sering, Gue jadi kepikiran juga, bahkan beberapa kali Gue sempat berharap lebih.
“Hmmm, apa aja deh, yang penting enak dan mahal, hehehe.” Jawab Gue.
“Okk.” Dylan pun sibuk dengan handphone-nya untuk memesan makan siang dan Gue berdiri dengan malas, untuk mengambil handphone Gue yang ada di dalam tas.
Gue pun melihat layar handphone lalu terlihat ada dua chat dan tiga missed call dari orang yang sama, “Jona.” Ucap Gue dalam hati.
“Tadi kayaknya ada yang telepon ke hp kamu, pentingkah sampe tiga kali kalo ga salah?” Tanya Dylan yang masih sibuk memilih makan siang.
“Nothing, paling nawarin credit card. Hehe.” Jawab Gue dan berusaha mengabaikan isi chat Jona.
Jonathan Yuhuu Letta?
Jonathan Kok di read doang?
“Huhh!! Berisik amat nih cowok!! Mana Gue lupa ngedit foto dia lagi, nanti deh Gue balesnya.” Gumam Gue dalam hati.
Setelah selesai cek handphone dan menaruhnya lagi di dalam tas, Gue mengambil tas belanja yang berisi lampu meja yang Gue beli tadi untuk diberikan ke Dylan dan menyerahkannya.
“Nihh buat kamu.” Kata Gue menyodorkan tas belanja tersebut dan mengambil duduk disebelah Dylan.
“Ini bukannya yang kamu beli tadi ?” Tanya Dylan memasang wajah bingungnya.
“Iya, ini aku beli buat kamu, buka deh.” Pinta Gue, dia pun mengambil kotak yang berada di dalam tas belanja tersebut dan membukanya.
“Wow!!” kata Dylan tersenyum memperlihatkan eyes smile-nya, “kamu tau aja aku ngincer lampu ini,” Lanjutnya.
“Jadi, tadi pas kita masuk ke toko, aku udah ngincer ini lampu, tapi sebelum aku ambil, Koh Juna keburu nyamperin aku. Pas selesai ngobrol sama dia, aku langsung balik ke tempat lampu ini, tapi udah ga ada. Ternyata kamu yang beli.” Jelasnya panjang lebar.
“Makasih Lett, suka banget.” Lanjutnya.
“Syukur deh kalau kamu suka.” Ucap Gue lega, Gue sempet takut dia ga suka sama pemberian dari Gue. Dylan melihat-lihat lampu tersebut dengan memasang wajah seperti anak kecil yang baru dapet mainan baru.
“Lucu.” Puji Gue dalam hati.
Raut wajah Dylan berubah saat melihat dasar lampu meja tersebut, Gue pun penasaran dan mendekatinya.
“Kenapa, ada damage?” Tanya Gue.
“Ga kok aman semua.” Jawabnya.
“Ini masih ada harganya, hahaha.” Kata Dia sambil menunjukkan bagian bawah lampu yang masih tertempel label harga.
“Astaga!! Aku lupa nyopot, sini aku copot dulu.” Tangan Gue langsung meraih lampu meja yang ada di tangan Dylan, tapi ga dapet karena tangan Dylan mengangkatnya tinggi-tinggi dan kemudian berdiri menghindari Gue.
“Dylaaaannn!!!!” Gue pun ikutan berdiri untuk berusaha meraihnya.
“Udah aku liat juga harganya berapa, hahaha.” Kata Dylan, dia berjinjit dan makin mengangkat tangannya tinggi-tinggi, membuat Gue meloncat-loncat kecil untuk meraihnya, tapi masih ga bisa.
Karena ulah Gue, Dylan terpeleset karpet, kemudian terkejut dan menarik pinggang Gue untuk mencegah dirinya tidak jatuh, tapi kita berdua malah jatuh ke atas sofa, dengan posisi setengah badan Gue menindih Dylan.
“Untung ada sofa.” Kata Gue sambil mendongak ke arah Dylan.
Kedua mata Gue sama Dylan saling bertemu dan menatap satu sama lain, Dylan tersenyum dan mendekatkan satu tangannya yang bebas ke depan muka Gue.
“Berat!! Awas!!.” Kata Dylan sambil menoyor jidat Gue.
“Ishh Dylan nyebelin!!” Kata Gue sambil menyingkir dari Dylan dan mengambil posisi duduk, begitu pula dengan Dylan.
Ting ting!! Notifikasi handphone Dylan berbunyi.
“Makanan udah sampe, aku ambil kebawah dulu ya.” Kata Dia sambil berdiri.
“Jadi beli apa?” Tanya Gue.
“Sushi kesukaan kamu.” Jawab Dia dan kemudian keluar Apartemen ninggalin Gue sendirian disini.
Selagi Dylan turun ke bawah untuk mengambil makan siang kita, Gue melihat-lihat sekeliling Apartemennya, dan mengambil lampu meja tadi, dan menaruhnya di meja tinggi dekat jendela Apartemen. Gue pun duduk di kursi, pasangan dari meja tersebut, dan terduduk melamun melihat keluar jendela yang memperlihatkan langit cerah disertai gedung tinggi di sekitar Gedung Apartemen.
“ga mungkin salah satu dari kalian ga ada yang punya perasaan lebih dari sahabat. Apalagi kalian sahabatan udah lama banget,” tiba-tiba terngiang di kuping Gue sepenggal ucapan Nando tadi.
“Lo-nya aja yang ga peka Lett, Dylan itu dari dulu emang udah kayak gitu sama Lo dan menurut Gue dia emang ada rasa sama Lo, tapi Lo masih denial.” ucapan Katty beberapa hari lalu pun terngiang juga di kuping Gue.
“Masa sih?” tanya Gue ke Katty saat itu, Katty mengedikkan bahunya dan berkata, “Menurut Lo aja gimana.”
Suara pintu terbuka membuyarkan lamunan Gue, terlihat Dylan menenteng paper bag berisi makanan. “Yuk makan, habis makan langsung ke cafe-nya Leo.” Ajak Dylan sambil menaruh paper bag tersebut ke atas karpet, lalu duduk di atas karpet tersebut, dan menepuk tempat kosong di sebelahnya, menyuruh Gue untuk duduk disana. Kami pun menikmati makanan tersebut dengan candaan Dylan dan melupakan semua lamunan Gue tadi.
Letta Pov. End
Senada Cafe (Cafe Leo)
Setelah menghabiskan makan siang di Apartemen Dylan, mereka berdua langsung berangkat menuju Cafe-nya Leo, dan akhirnya sampai walaupun sedikit telat. Letta pun berjalan cepat dari parkiran mobil menuju Cafe, “Ayo Dylan, itu band-nya udah mulai.” Ucap Letta excited saat mendengar suara musik dari dalam Cafe telah mulai.
“Iya Letta sayang, tapi ini tolong bantuin aku dulu bawa titipan Leo.” Kata Dylan sambil menenteng dua tas belanja isi titipan Leo, tadi mereka sempat mampir ke Supermarket karena Leo tiba-tiba nitip beberapa bahan untuk Cafe-nya,
“bisa-bisanya tuh anak ga cek stok bahan dulu, udah tau malam minggu, apalagi ada band baru di Cafe-nya, pasti bakal rame, nyusahin tuh anak.” Dumel Letta saat di Supermarket tadi. Dylan menenangkan Letta dengan membelikan coklat kesukaannya, setelah itu Letta cukup tenang walaupun masih sedikit mengomel.
“Hahaha, sini satu aku bawain.” Kata Letta ketika melihat Dylan kesusahan membawa dua kantong belanjaan dan Letta mengambil salah satu dari tas belanjaan yang Dylan bawa.
Begitu sampai di depan Cafe, Dylan langsung membuka pintu dan menyuruh Letta masuk duluan, ga lama dia menyusul di belakang Letta.
Di dalam Cafe sudah cukup ramai dan terdengar alunan musik dari band baru tersebut, sekilas Letta melihat ke arah Vokalisnya yang ada di atas panggung.
“Postur badannya kayak ga asing.” Gumamnya dalam hati dan memperlambat langkahnya supaya bisa melihat jelas wajah Vokalis band tersebut, tapi Dylan keburu menggandeng Letta untuk segera berjalan ke dapur dan menaruh belanjaan titipan Leo.
Setelah selesai menaruh kedua tas belanja tadi di dapur, Letta dan Dylan langsung keluar untuk menemui Leo dan yang lain, saat itu juga musik pun berhenti dan terdengar suara dari Vokalis band tersebut memperkenalkan diri dan band-nya.
“Selamat malam, kita dari Onewe yang bakalan menemani malam minggu teman-teman Senada Cafe.” Ucap vokalis tersebut.
“Kok suaranya ga asing di kuping gue?” Gumam Letta.
“Gue Jonathan, kalian bisa panggil Jona. Vokalis dan Leader di Onewe.” Lanjutnya dan kemudian dia memperkenalkan member band lainnya.
Langkah Letta pun terhenti sesaat setelah mendengar Vokalis tersebut menyebutkan namanya dan tanpa sadar tubuhnya berbalik menghadap ke panggung yang sekarang dengan jelas memperlihatkan wajah Vokalis Band tersebut, yaitu Jona.
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onewistotoro · 2 years ago
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el-secreto-emporium · 2 years ago
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@lilylonewolf @celestialweus @onewedata @onewe @planetnine-vacation-rentals
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baejoobun · 9 months ago
songs that start slow and build up and then end the same as they started my beloved
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married-2-the-music · 8 months ago
ONEWE: K-pop Discography Deep Dive
ONEWE is classified as an alt-rock band, and debuted in 2015, as part of the 3rd generation. They have five members: vocalist Yonghoon, rapper and bassist Giuk (a.k.a. CyA), guitarist Kanghyun, keyboardist Dongmyeong, and drummer Harin.  Here are my credentials: This is (I think) the 4th full band I’ve covered on this blog, after The Rose, Lucy, and Rolling Quartz, but to be honest, besides that…
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skzhocomments · 1 year ago
I can read your smile - Choi Minho SHINee Fanfic - Chapter 18 - Christmas Eve
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Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad | AO3
Chapter 17 | Chapter 19
Chapter 18 - Christmas Eve
word count: 3.4k words
~Christmas Eve~
~Crystal's POV~
24th of December. If you open the TV on any channel, you would either see Home Alone, Grinch, The Nightmare Before Christmas or whatever other Christmas movie with "Miracle" in the title and with a lot of green, red or blue in its cover.
I didn't dislike these movies per-se, but they did make me feel bittersweet. Christmas was a nice holiday, but how can I enjoy it when I'm once again spending it on my own?
Instead of wasting away on the sofa, I decided to do something I haven't done in a while, which is go to the gym in the apartment complex.
I changed into sports clothes and made my way downstairs.
Damn, Minho would be proud of me.
That thought made me chuckle a bit, and I pondered on whether I should text him or not. I decided against it.
Opening the door to the reception, a nice lady with blonde hair and a perfect silhouette welcomed me.
"The apartment number, please?" She smiled, and I told her. "Oh, I see there's two memberships under the name Choi Minho. Is that right?"
"Yes, that's right."
"Then you must be..."
"Crystal Kang."
"Right." She smiled sweetly. "I see Mr. Choi hasn't extended the memberships for next month yet. Would you like me to extend them for you now? Since it's Christmas time, we have a bit of a discount. Nothing much, 5% off, but you might be interested."
Didn't Minho say that if you live in this building...
"How much are the memberships again?" I asked with a smile.
"You've been paying 200$ for the two memberships up until now, but if you renew today, you would get them both at 190$. Again, it's not much, but..."
"I see. Thank you for the information. I will talk to my friend and let you know." I smiled, then entered the gym.
He's been paying for my membership for the past 6 months or so, 100$ per month.
Almost my whole rent.
Fucking hell, Minho.
I sighed and went on the treadmill, trying to run away from my thoughts.
After my intense 30-minute running session, I made my way upstairs, took a long shower, then made something to eat.
5 PM.
Time is moving so slow when you're alone.
Maybe I should've gone to work today.
I laid down on the couch and looked around the room, at the Christmas tree. Minho's gift sat untouched underneath, and it will stay that way until after New Years' Eve, when he comes back, and I'll give it to him.
Maybe I shouldn't have put it there.
Of course, there was nothing for me under the tree, because I was all alone, and Santa wasn't real.
Turning on the TV only made me more depressed, because all the films were about happy families, happy moments, happy endings. It was getting tiring to see the same shit over and over again.
It didn't make me happy. On the contrary, actually.
Barely 5 PM.
I sighed and covered myself with the fluffy blanket I brought from my room. Despite it being warm, I felt so cold, that I covered my whole body with it and went in the fetal position, hugging the blanket around myself tightly.
I am feeling so lonely.
I shouldn't be crying.
It's not the first time I'm spending Christmas on my own.
But why...?
Why does this house feel so big?
I'm so sad.
Why am I so alone?
It's always been this way with me.
I am so utterly alone.
It hurts so bad.
Tears continued streaming down my face with no control, and I just sobbed and sobbed, until the crying made me too tired, and I fell into a deep slumber.
~Third person POV~
"Crystal, wake up." Minho nudged the sleeping girl awake and she opened her eyes slowly, confusion plastered over her face. He's been looking at her for a while, and frowned upon seeing her puffy eyes.
She must've been crying.
"Huh...? Minho...? I must be dreaming." She concluded, then closed her eyes again and tried to go back to sleep.
"You're not. Wake up." He nudged her again with a chuckle.
"Hm?" She opened her eyes, confused, and it finally set in that she was, in fact, awake. "What are you doing here?" She asked, almost in a whisper, raising herself from the sofa in a sitting position.
"I came to check if Santa brought me anything, of course. I see he brought you a lot of presents. You must've been good this year." Minho smiled and looked at the tree, making Crystal turn her head towards it as well.
"Huh...?" She asked, confused, noticing that there were indeed about 10 bags under the tree. "What..."
"Come, don't you want to open them?" Minho grabbed her hand and helped her stand up, dragging her towards the tree as the blanket fell from her body back on the sofa.
They went together to the tree and sat down next to it, and Crystal grabbed the bags one after another, opening them and pulling out the contents.
Some of them had clothes; there were a few sundresses, two sweaters, a bracelet and necklace jewellery set and some face creams and make-up.
"So, what do you think?" Minho's eyes sparkled with excitement.
"There's so many!" Crystal said. "Now I feel bad, I only got you this." She grabbed the bag with his gift – a sweater she really liked that she thought would look great on him – and gave it to him.
"Thanks!" He said, still excited, taking it out and examining it.
"I'm sorry, it's not much, but-"
"It's perfect. I love this colour so much. I'm gonna wear it tomorrow at the family lunch."
"Thank you." Crystal hugged him, taking him by surprise, and he hugged her back.
She was glad he was here, and she didn't spend the day completely alone, even if he would go back soon.
"You forgot to open one, though..." Minho pointed to a small gift bag that was left there, neglected.
"Oh, I must've not seen it. You got me too many." She chuckled and grabbed the small bag, opening it. Inside, there was a box swiftly wrapped in brown paper, with a red ribbon on top. "What is it?"
"Open it and check." He grinned, and she obliged, ripping the paper and seeing the box; it was a new phone, the latest model.
"Minho, what the-"
"Your phone is still broken, and you haven't gotten a new one yet, so I thought-"
"You're fucking crazy." She shook her head in disbelief. "This is really expensive. I really can't-"
"Take a shot every time Crystal says 'I can't accept it'!"
"What?!" She scoffed then burst out laughing.
"I'm serious. We'd be drunk all the time if we played this game." He mocked her a bit more, and she playfully slapped his arm.
"What am I supposed to do with this? My phone still works!" She protested and frowned.
"Yea, your phone whose screen is literally falling apart still works perfectly, as new!" He chuckled and grabbed her phone, taking off the protection foil from the screen - quite literally the only thing that was keeping the multiple broken pieces of the screen together in their rightful position. He then turned the phone upside down, and small bits of the screen fell off, and Crystal watched in horror.
"But..." she started, but she was left speechless. He won this one.
"If you don't want the phone, sell it or something. It's yours." He shrugged.
"You're crazy." She shook her head again, realising this would go nowhere, and she opened the box, taking the phone out and placing her SIM card inside.
It was as he said when they met: once he sets his mind on something, it's unlikely you'll get him to change it. And this time, even if she didn't want to admit it, he was right. She needed this phone, as hers wouldn't hold on much longer anyway, even without Minho's painful display of showing her how easily the broken bits would start falling out.
Minho watched satisfied as she turned on the phone and configured it, and when she was finally done, she asked him "Happy?", and he just nodded with a large smile on his face.
"Yes, very! Thank me again." He grinned.
"Woah!" Crystal scoffed. "Do you want a kiss on the cheek too?"
"Yes, right here!" He turned his left cheek to her and tapped on it a few times, and Crystal said fuck it, and grabbed his face and kissed his cheek.
"Thank you." She chuckled, noticing his flustered state. It was obvious he didn't actually expect her to kiss him, and he was quite cute.
"Okay, now that you opened the gifts, you have to go get changed." Minho changed the subject quickly, his fingertips still inspecting the skin her lips touched.
"Get changed?" She tilted her head. "Why?"
"My family is waiting for us. We have to hurry up, or else the chicken would get cold."
"Wait... what?"
"We're going to a Christmas dinner, silly."
"We? But... why?"
"Because I want you to come." Minho shrugged. "Now go get changed!"
"Okay..." Crystal stood up and went to her room, putting on some comfortable clothes. She wasn't sure exactly why Minho came to get her, but she started feeling excited, nonetheless. She's never been to a family dinner before.
She wondered what his family was like. Were they as nice as him? Did he have many siblings? She realised she's never asked him this before.
"Ready?" He smiled upon seeing her.
"Yes, but we have to go to the supermarket first. Is that okay?"
Minho nodded and they exited the building together, going to the supermarket in their complex. There, Crystal grabbed a small basket and filled it with Belgian chocolate.
"What is this for?" He asked, perplexed.
"Your family, of course. I can't go empty handed, and you can't go wrong with chocolate. This is my favourite."
"Is it? I've never seen you eat it though."
"That's because it's expensive, so I don't buy it on the daily basis." Crystal chuckled. "Should I get them anything else? Like... wine, or something? I don't know!"
"Don't stress it, Crys, they don't expect you to come by with anything."
"But is it really okay if I come? I mean, it's your family and I don't want to intrude-"
"They are quite excited for you to come, actually. Especially my brother's wife. She said family dinners always feel lonely because there's no one her age to talk to." He laughed.
"I see..." Crystal looked down in the basket, and then at the shelf. She picked one more box of chocolates, just for good measure, and they went to the checkout to pay.
Minho pulled out his wallet quickly, but Crystal already started intercepting his thoughts, and she was quicker. It was her gift for his family. She put her hand over his wallet and handed the cashier her card with a smile, and Minho grabbed the hem of her sleeve and dragged it with a pout.
"Let me pay-"
"Don't even start. I wanna rip your ear off about the gym membership anyway." She looked at him with squinted eyes, and he avoided her cold gaze.
"I don't know what you're talking about. Let's go!"
Minho's family house was a fairly large white picket fence house, just as the ones she's seen in Taemin's grandparents' villa town. All sorts of Christmas decorations made it literally sparkle in all the colours of the rainbow, and there was a big Christmas Tree on the front porch.
"You both made it! You must be Crystal!" A middle-aged woman with dark hair smiled brightly upon seeing them come in, and came and hugged Crystal tightly. "I'm Minho's mother"
"Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Choi." She spoke and smiled, letting the woman look her up and down. "This is for you. I'm sorry, I would've brought something more if I knew-"
"It's okay, love, we are just happy you're joining us." She grabbed the gift bag with chocolates and rubbed Crystal's arm lovingly. "Now, let's go to the dining room! Everyone was waiting for you two."
They both took their shoes off and Minho smiled at her assuringly, guiding her towards the dining. It was a spacious room with a big dinner table that had all sorts of foods on it, and it was full of family members of all ages, from kids to older people with white hair.
Minho introduced Crystal to everyone and helped her sit down, and then everyone started talking to her and placing all sorts of foods on her plate, wanting her to feel at home and eat as much as possible. Minho couldn't help but chuckle slightly at her flustered state, and he grabbed her hand under the table soothingly, letting her know that she can relax, and that everything is okay.
She talked a lot to his brother's wife and his aunts, and ate so much food, she was sure she would explode.
Still, Crystal never felt so happy.
So this is what a family dinner looks like. She thought, glancing around the table with a smile on her face, trying to hold back her tears.
"So, Crystal, I heard from my nephew you're also studying business." Minho's uncle smiled at her, and she nodded. The chatter around the table quieted down, as the children went to sleep and some of the adults were cleaning around the kitchen. She tried to help too, but Minho's mother refused vehemently, and urged her to sit down at the dinner table and just relax and be a guest.
They've been talking about business-related things for more than an hour now, but Crystal just listened closely and hasn't joined in the conversation, not wanting to interrupt. She was always more of a listener, and in the span of an hour she found out that Minho's family owned a large business called Choi Enterprises that his grandfather founded, his uncle being the actual CEO. His father was not working in the company; he was a famous football coach, which explained Minho's passion for football, and Minho was studying business because, despite his interest for football, he and his brother were supposed to take after the business in a few years when his uncle would retire.
After Minho's older brother and wife left the table, only him, Crystal and Mr. Choi, Minho's uncle, remained in the dimly lit room. He seemed like a stern man, but his eyes held warmth towards his family.
"Yes, that's right. I've just started the 3rd year." Crystal replied with a sweet smile.
"You have a long way to go." He smiled. "Business is tricky."
"Indeed." She affirmed and nodded.
"Let me ask you something. It's a riddle. If you have three, you have three. If you have two, you have two. But if you have one, you have none. What is it?" He asked, amused, and Minho shot her a curious glance as well.
Crystal pondered on the answer for a bit, rubbing her chin with her fingers.
"Choices." She replied after a few seconds, much to Mr. Choi's delight.
"You're clever." He grinned. "Okay... one more question. One of my employees made a harsh mistake that cost us a lot of money. Let's say, someone's salary for a whole year. Should I fire him?"
"That's more of a management question, isn't it?" Crystal smiled.
"Good management is part of any successful business."
"That's correct."
"Of course, this is dependent on more factors, including their performance up until that point and what kind of mistake they've made, but personally I wouldn't fire that employee."
"Why not?" He raised a brow questioningly.
"Because they will never make that mistake again. Someone new might."
"I see... that's an interesting take." Mr. Choi smirked.
"Did you fire them?" Crystal asked, curiosity lacing her tone.
"No. I had the same thoughts as you, and indeed, he hasn't made any mistakes since. He's proven to be a valuable employee."
"That's great. I'm glad it worked out in the end."
"Crystal, dear, what's your biggest weakness?"
"Oh, I'm definitely a perfectionist who doesn't know when to stop." She chuckled.
"Minho, you picked a good one." Mr. Choi stood up from his chair and looked at Crystal. "Apply for a summer internship at our company as an assistant manager. You might just be the right fit." He winked, and with that, he retreated to his room.
Crystal looked at Minho, who looked back at her shocked. He knew she was smart, he just didn't expect her to impress his uncle enough for him to offer her a job.
"So... we should go to sleep too. I'll take you back home tomorrow." Minho stood up and offered her his hand in support. "Sorry, but the whole house's full, so we'd have to sleep in my room... I can sleep on the floor if you're uncomfortable."
"Don't be silly." She chuckled. "We slept many times next to each other."
They went to his bedroom and Minho gave Crystal some clothes to change into. They were a bit too large for her, but they were his, and they smelled just like him, and her heart started beating faster.
She sat down on the bed and waited for him to come back, her heart ringing in her ears. She felt emotional, but most importantly, she felt happy, and he was the main reason for it.
"Thank you so much for today." She smiled as he sat down in front of her. "I've never... had a family dinner like this before. Your family is very sweet, and I had a great time."
"I'm glad you came." He returned her smile.
"Why did you come and get me?"
"Just... you being home on your own on Christmas Eve didn't sit right with me..." He briefly looked away, and she felt her eyes swell up with tears. Why the fuck was he always so thoughtful?
"Thank you. For everything." She leaned in and hugged him, and his arms surrounded her body, dragging her closer, until she ended up in his lap.
They stayed like that for a little while, their hearts beating in unison, and then Minho moved his head a bit away, looking at Crystal.
How beautiful she was like that, in his clothes, with her big dark eyes looking directly into his.
He would be stupid if he let her go again, so he cupped her cheek with his left hand and glanced at her beautiful lips.
The air was stuffy and hot, and he wanted nothing more but to kiss her. He wanted to give in and feel her lips against his, to tell her how beautiful she was, and that he's been in love with her for months now, that he rejected her because he was stupid, and that he's regretted it ever since. He wanted to tell her that she's been occupying his mind all the time, that ever since he left he's been wondering if she ate enough, if she was sleeping well, if work's been difficult.
She wanted to tell him how confused she was once again, because she thought he brought her over as a friend, but now she was in his lap, which must've been the most comfortable place on Earth, and her feelings were all over the place once again, because she's been trying to get rid of her feelings, but they would just come back stronger each time he would do something thoughtful for her.
Instead, they just looked in each other's eyes and tried to understand the other between their unspoken words.
They've both been waiting for the other to say something, and just when Minho gathered enough courage to close the distance between them, a knock on the door pulled them out of their trance, and the moment was gone as quickly as it came.
His mother wanted to check if they had enough pillows and blankets, if Crystal was comfortable, and if there was anything else she could do for them before they went to sleep.
The next morning, Crystal had breakfast with Minho's family, and they all opened presents together and ate the chocolates she brought.
Minho then took her home at her request, as she didn't want to intrude any more than she already had and she would have to get back to work soon anyway, and they both pondered on talking about last night, but still, it just didn't feel right for some reason, so neither said anything.
They hugged goodbye in the car and smiled at each other, and Minho told her he's going to come home after New Year's Eve, because training would resume on January 3rd, since the game itself would be on January 15th.
He was going to have a busy time.
Chapter 17 | Chapter 19
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shawo-l-exo · 5 months ago
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💙 ︵‿︵ ☀️ ︵‿︵ ♛ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAEMIN! ♛ ︵‿︵ ☀️ ︵‿︵ 🩵
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faceglitchsworld · 2 years ago
I've read the posts Onewe wrote for us for celebrating 1000 days with WEVEs.
Yonghoon thanked us for being with him all the time and for being the reason why he can always play music.
Kanghyun promised us that he'll practice with the guitar and he'll write more pretty songs.
Harin said that, every time he played for WEVEs, he made precious memories with them.
Dongmyeong wants to be our biggest muse or our biggest meaning.
Cya said that he'll protect us and he'll wrote more good songs.
I really want these five men to thrive even more this year and for the next 1000 years and beyond
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shineemoon · 2 years ago
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230311 Jinki’s ig stories
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