gnawteamusings · 2 years
Closed Starter for @onefoolishfool​ Closed Muse:  Clive (John Cena)
Clive still felt a little awkward about how his life had changed in the past few months. He had gone from a mid-range sales executive to a sugar… stud? He definitely wasn’t the one with the money so technically that ruled out being a daddy. But since he was older, ‘baby’ didn’t really apply either.  Part of him grappled with his self-worth because he wasn’t really earning a regular pay check for himself anymore. His best friend Todd had told him to think of himself as being like a porn star who didn’t have to worry about performance anxiety.
Hearing the soft chime of the elevator arriving at their luxurious penthouse apartment, Clive rose from the poolside lounger and padded inside. Dressed in swim trunks that emphasized his package and the body he worked on constantly, he smiled as he saw Jeremy alight. He knew the drill. Let Jeremy put down his stuff, and then fuck all the guy’s tension away. “Good day or bad day, babe?”
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davidkarofskyindie · 3 years
onefoolishfool (Ryan/Jeremy)
@onefoolishfool​ continued from (x)
Hearing Ryan’s reply was enough to melt away most of his annoyance. While not as sexy as his usual dirty talk it still felt nice to hear his lover praise him in one way or another. A soft chuckle escaped him when his lover called his ass evil. Grinning when he felt Ryan kiss the back of his neck. “Just one?” he grinned. For a moment contemplating if teasing Ryan would be worth it to leave his work for now. But eventually coming to the conclusion that work should come first for now. He’d rather not be behind on work because of the sole reason that he got horny. “I’m almost done. But to tide you over for now how about you keep track of how long I take,” Jeremy suggested. Figuring that giving Ryan something else to focus on would make it easier on him. “If I take longer than twenty minutes I’ll do whatever it is you want me to. Does that sound good?” He was sure that as long as Ryan kept quiet for now that he would be able to go through his work within less than 20 minutes. It helped that he was getting a little impatient himself. While not as affected as his partner he was still more than ready to feel more than to just have his hole stretched out.
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Ryan couldn’t help but smirk just a little as he listened to Jeremy, the gorgeous man was absolutely wicked in so many ways but it was that playful wickedness that excited Ryan. He loved these little games, even when they were absolutely evil in so many ways. He pressed his face gently against his partners shoulder “Well, I guess I can try and keep track of your time... just know that the second it hits 20 minutes I’m totally gonna cheer and move a little and I’ve got so many plans for what I’m gonna do to that bubble butt of yours” he whispered, giving the man another little cheek kiss and took a deep breath “OK, I can hold out... though if you squeeze again then I can’t be held responsible for the thrust that’ll follow” he promised and gently rubbed Jeremy’s abs before leaning back a little and getting as comfy as he could before looking to the clock on the wall to check the time. “OK, looks like you’ve got till 4 before the time’s up and I get to be horribly naughty to you... ready when you are baby” He had to really just try to relax, just take slow deep breaths and looked down, just enjoying the sight of that ass holding his cock in place and trying not to stare at the clock because it would just send him insane.
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yourfantasymen · 3 years
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Standing on the balcony of his vacation home, Kurtis looked out across the horizon as the cool sea breeze brushed against his bare skin. With a nude beach right outside their backyard, he saw no need to get dressed - especially considering he was about to take his sugar baby to the beach to show off to all the other guys there what belonged to him. Pushing off from the balcony, he headed over to where he found Jeremy and moved to place a kiss to the top of his head. “You done unpacking? Because I was thinking we could head to the beach. I want to make all the boyfriends and husbands out there jealous when they see what hot young piece I have on my arm.”
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your-lonely-witches · 4 years
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This day had been one Brock had been looking forward too for a while. It had been longer than he’d like to admit since he had someone living with him and Jeremy was the perfect addition to his life, and now home. 
Though, hours later, he regretted not hiring a company to help him move, having thought the younger male had a lot less stuff to bring over. “I think you’ve finally managed to wear me out,” Brock joked, putting down the last box down in the corner of their bedroom - there was no way he was unpacking anything other than the essentials tonight.
With a sigh he came over and pressed a light kiss over the younger’s neck, “You happy, baby boy?”
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hawthxrnerps · 4 years
{ @onefoolishfool​ wanted Leonid.}
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               “I am certain their are other places you could be.”
Leonid seemed almost unsure of himself, he was still adjusting to this new life he had been thrust upon, crowned King and the responsibility of an almost dead Kingdom, pun not intended, weighting upon his shoulders. Having been imprisoned for four hundred years, it was so strange being back into the lands that once turned their back on him. No longer the feral beast locked beneath the castle, now a King, so much expected of him. 
     “But I welcome the company, truly.” 
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torturedbrxs · 5 years
Closed Starter: @onefoolishfool
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Flynn looked at the lifeless body that was now on the ground. There was a pit in his stomach from doing this, even though he knew it was only temporary for the other. Ever since he’d met Jeremy his life had gotten even more interesting. More so than when he was just killing people. And with one assignment things started to change. At first, Jeremy was just a target, one which he was tasked with killing again after some explanation was given. The other couldn’t be killed. Well, he could, but would appear in some body of water closeby right after the supposed killing. Jeremy still felt it happen every time. But with Flynn doing it, he could make the hit last longer and less painful when it eventually had to happen. His employers didn’t know about his relationship with the other or the fact that he was making it easier for him. Now it was just a test, one that the other was passing with flying colors. In the back of his mind, he knew what would likely happen next: testing and experiments to determine why Jeremy had this ability. 
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masterwillfort · 5 years
Closed Starer: Vacation
Sky stretched and smiled as soft sunlight started filtering into their hotel room.  He looked over and let his fingers slide lightly through Jeremy’s hair.  They had gotten in late the night before and therefore had slept in.  However, they were in Disney World and he had pulled out all the stops for his sugar baby’s first vacation.  “Sleepyhead, its time to get up.  Disney awaits us.”
He loved Jeremy’s enthusiasm.  He still marveled that he had been able to win over the younger man.  Jeremy was certainly out of his league.  Nonetheless, he had won out and now the boy in his bed was his to pamper and spoil.  Being Jeremy’s first time in Disney, he was ready to savor every moment of his young lover’s joy.  He leaned over and gave the boy a soft kiss.  “Morning beautiful.”
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affiron · 5 years
After 3 weeks or so, Zac's wolf body had already healed. There was no need for bandages on his back anymore and his paw was ok. There was no physical pain. Yet, he struggled- a lot. But at least there was something about the human that had unexpectedly helped him that was just fucking alluring to him now, somehow, that guy who had found him managed to gain his trust, managed to take care of Zac. And of course, the human didn’t know that, but he had accomplished an almost impossible mission... not only approached a freaking alpha werewolf that was also badly wounded but managed to take him home and fucking bound with him! Take care of him, treat him, give him a place. Of course, the human hadn’t known about the real meaning of any of that for a werewolf. He didn’t even know it was a werewolf and, like most, wasn’t even aware that they existed... But, damn, Zac was almost the size of a horse, covered in furs, he wasn’t a friendly figure at first sight. Especially when he growled and showed his teeth when they first met. Why did this human care so much? Why had he approached when the whole situation yelled at him to step back? Well, it was a good question. But Zac had lost everything and the would not complain about Jeremy’s company or the name he had been given. He had Jeremy. Jeremy could be seen as pack. The only kind of pack he had. And Jeremy also worked as his anchor to keep him from going mad and bloody at the world, from releasing his rage. Which was a good thing... In exchange, after Zac had felt somewhat cared for in that house, he started looking for Jeremy’s touch. He’d sit by the door whenever he left, sort of barking whenever Jeremy was taking too long to come back. He’d protect Jeremy from any threat. He had truly, slowly, become attached to that boy... Even though he had been given a weird name. Kirby. That sounded like a girl, but ok.
That morning, Zac was thinking about it. It was the first time he managed to really think about the situation. Days ago, it’d be too overwhelming, he had kept relying on his instincts. But he knew he wouldn’t be able to do that forever. Also, his conscience was slowly coming back...He sighed. And lazily turned around on Jeremy’s bed. Just to realize that he wasn’t a wolf anymore.  “Wh...t...?” Zac frowned, confused, looking at his human hand and finding it fucking weird to move again. His voice was rough from the time he had passed without using it. He tried to sit down, which took a lot of effort, and then he looked down. He was totally naked.
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enduringalpha · 5 years
The sun was shining into the small cabin. It was reaching Daniel's face, and he blinked. Once. Twice. A small yawn came over his lips, he stretched out, and that was when his leg hit the wall. Nothing unusual, but the way it felt was odd. Different. His senses were still struggling to be fully awake, his mind felt dizzy, and unfocused. A very odd moment. It only took one more second to realize that he wasn't in his wolf form anymore. The fur was gone, he was completely naked and on his side, facing the window - the fireplace was next to him, obviously he had sneaked inside this place and had fallen asleep right after.  He remembered that he had been around this man often in the past weeks while his wound was healing, but it had only been in his wolf form. Never like this. He rubbed over his forehead, when was the last time he had even been in this form? He couldn't remember, it obviously had been a while.
But why had he changed now? It hadn't been purposly, had he been so relaxed here that it somehow had happened? Had his wound finally been all healed up so he had the energy for it?  A mystery, but he didn't really get far in his thinking process. As he was about to turn around towards the door, he heard a noise. It was the young male that had been around here, obviously waking up too. Fuck. Fuck.He had been nice to him, and now he’d probably get the shock of his life.
Daniel looked around, trying to find anything to cover himself a bit - now, he didn't mind being nude, it was part of his nature, but he didn't want to shock the other by seeing not only a stranger here. No blanket, no pillow, just...absolutely nothing in reach. His blue eyes stared up as the other was approaching, turning to where the wolf had been. "I...." was all he said, in loss for words. The stitches on his side were still visible - even as a human.
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stitchrps · 5 years
@onefoolishfool continued from here
“Why don’t we go see Officer Jenny and ask if there have been any reports at the station?” He suggested, wrapping his two right arms around Jeremy and walking him from the beach.
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When Logan wasn’t working, or just shooting the shit with his best friends, he could usually be found at a local bar. It wasn’t as though he was an alcohol, but there was something about getting a buzz going that helped to drown out the screams that he constantly heard ever since he returned home. Of course, a better way to drown out those screams was to spend the evening with someone. Scanning the bar, the decorated veteran licked his lips as he spot someone in particular and after grabbing his shot, and downing it with damn near ease, he pushed himself from the bar stool.
Walking in the direction of the younger and leaner male, Logan offered him a small smirk as he stared at him. “You know, it’s kind of dangerous for you to walk in here looking like that... might have guys ready to start fighting each other for the chance to spend the evening with you.”
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forlornlovers · 5 years
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Henry didn’t know why he was so nervous. He really didn’t.
Tonight was nothing special. He and Jeremy were just going out to grab dinner just like they had dozens of times before. Sure, it was a pretty nice place - like really nice - but besides that tonight wasn’t going to be any different than the nights before. Maybe Henry was worried about being overdressed. That would explain why he spent so much time getting ready, trying to find just the right outfit because, yes, it did matter how his ass looked in those pants - but, no, he didn’t know why.
His nerves only got worse as he arrived outside Jeremy’s place, sending him a quick ‘Here!!’ text. Henry smiled as Jeremy entered his car. “Hey, man. You look nice.”
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hcdoniist-blog · 6 years
CLOSED STARTER @onefoolishfool
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Alex smiled towards Jeremy’s mom as she picked up her keys to quickly run some errands. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I can keep Jeremy occupied while you’re gone.” He chuckled, looking at his long term best friend. She kissed his cheek and thanked him before leaving the house. He had been friends with her for years when they met in high school when Alex moved to the area. They’ve been inseparable ever since, and he had been there for almost every occasion, like the birth of her son. His gaze shifted from the now closed door to the brunette who was in the room. “So, Jer. It’s been a while. How’ve you been?”
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thosedirtyboys · 6 years
@onefoolishfool liked for a Danilo starter
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"Hey there Baby Boy," Danilo said with a grin "I got you a present. And I don't want any word out of you saying it's too much."
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your-lonely-witches · 5 years
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‘So,’ Dante spoke up, walking out from checking out the en-suite bathroom in their hotel room. ‘We’ve got a pretty sweet hot-tub in there.’ he stood at the end of the bed, ‘What do you think, should we hit that in a bit, or we gonna head out onto the balcony and skinny dipping in that little pool? Either way, I’m having you naked in like five minutes, hopefully less.’ the older man winked.
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fracturie-archived · 6 years
“Did you wear these just for me?”
@onefoolishfool  ♡
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