#one to go to the github blog maybe
officialclangen · 9 months
Hey! I just found this blog, so I wanted to ask if ClanGen will ever come to mobile? I've seen some versions adapted for mobile on GitHub and Reddit, but I wanted to ask if you guys are going to work on an official mobile version.
At the moment, it's not on the list, simply because it would be very difficult to translate it and get it to work properly!
Maybe one day far in the future
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izicodes · 7 months
hey question!
im currently a data analytics major in uni and currently learning python! i’m currently doing well grasping the concepts with the reading and writing it down. however, i know its better to learn to code by actually..writing code.
I read that I should follow a random code (like a snake game or something) and then copy it and write it code for code but then change some things up etc (i hope that makes sense how im asking this)
is there any websites that show an actual code and then I can just copy and follow that to learn? or how should I go about learning to actually write code and not get stuck in “tutorial hell” ?
thank you!! sorry if this is a lot :)
When I was learning back 3 years ago, I did more the "watching videos + replicate the code" method to learning how to plan, build and deploy projects, even with the very beginner project videos! I didn't do much searching online for projects in maybe articles, blog posts, etc and replicate it. However, that was because I learn more in seeing than reading - that's why I'm bad at reading documentation(!) (I would search for video explainations to the documentations...).
I know on my blog I promote "don't idly watch tutorial videos all the time and actually start coding" kind of mindset but I'm not completely disregarding the benefits of watching such tutoiral videos. Seeing how other people's approach to a project idea is great! One project idea, hundreds of approaches to it!
: ̗̀➛ Tips:
Take notes while following tutorials. Write down what you learn and how you solve problems in your project. This will solidify your understanding and serve as a reference later.
Once you grasp the basics from a tutorial, experiment within your version of the project. Try modifying the code, adding features, and see what happens. This is where the real learning happens. LITERALLY HOW I LEARNED.
: ̗̀➛ Best places I can think of from the top of my head is to find projects on GitHub and maybe Dev.To by searching the project idea and someone must of done it or something similar and uploaded the project/talked about it in a blog post!
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moose-mousse · 1 year
Going to make a "Getting started with GIT" Post
(This is my getting the "why are you making that post" out of the way, so that the posts with the actual information does not get polluted by it. And also polling people on what they find confusing about GIT so I can target that a bit better) So I re-blogged a post with a really nice GIT diagram, showing what commands sends what where. And I noticed 3 things in the replies and reblog. 1: A lot of people seem to be intimidated by the perceived complexity of GIT. That is fair. But I promise, while HOW it works is complicated, using it is not. 2: Many have it on a TODO list for after they learn to code. Which is... backwards. It would be like waiting with learning how to use a keyboard until after you have become a good writer. Trust me, learning GIT as one of the first things will make it EASIER to learn to code. 3: Several people suggested that GIT is overcomplicated. That is... simply not true. It is one of the old school pieces of software (Meaning it does 1 thing, is open-source, free and is impossible to monetize). It does something very very complicated in the simplest way possible. I think people simply do not understand how complicated the problem GIT solves is. I am not saying "People are dumb" (I think... anyone thinking that is fundamentally missing something in how the world works.), I am saying "People seem to be either misinformed or not informed". And that I can help with!
I WILL make a "Getting started with GIT" Post, but if people want an easy explanation for something more, then I will also make posts for those later... Or maybe they fit in as part of a getting started post. We shall see
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gramophoneturtle · 6 months
Update/Pinned Post
Welcome to my art archive. I've posted a lot about my OCs, TWEWY, Persona 5, Xenoblade X and in other fandoms.
Unfortunately due to recent-ish changes on Tumblr I no longer feel comfortable posting here much or at all. I'll keep my blog up for the foreseeable future or maybe even forever because of how Tumblr stores data. I'd rather have the link back to the source.
Or if the other sites explode in the meantime.
This has nothing to do with the date sadly. I'm just at my limit.
Here's where you can find me:
Pillowfort: gramophoneturtle. The most artist respected place and a decent long form blogging place.
Neocities: I'm currently developing an art archive on neocities over here. This will be THE archive place, one day! With RSS, one day!
Bluesky: gramophoneturtle. Twitter replacement. I don't trust it but it's meshing with me more than mastodon. Stream announcements are here b/c I ran out of energy for crossposting.
cohost: gramophoneturtle. I don't trust it'll stay but it has both a draft system & can save alt text on draft edits. Wild stuff to praise but when porting art out of Tumblr, it's helpful to have new drafts.
Twitch & YouTube: I stream weekly on Twitch and store VODs on both. Twitch has all my VODs and YouTube has VODs from Fall 2023 and onwards.
More details, pros and cons about each site below for those who are curious. Thanks for sticking around and reading.
It's user funded and transparent about the breakdown of funds
They're against generative AI. Their reinforcement came out around the time Tumblr's not-really-against-it stance came out. This is huge to me.
They're working on a PWA of the site so it will have a way to function like a smartphone app
Image post options aren't great but you aren't limited to 4 (unlike cohost - kinda, and Bluesky)
Alt text gets eaten if you edit a post currently which is awful. (Tumblr used to do this.) Alt text isn't an option for picture type posts but is for text posts with pictures. But hey at least you can include alt text!
Communities are nice for fandoms and stuff. You can search by tags but you don't follow tags, you join/watch communities.
They have funding for the next 6 months past any month that was fully funded. So as of April 1, 2024, funding should last until (the end?) of October if they were to not get any more donations/subscriptions from now on. Basically, they have a 6 month buffer and so far for 2024 they've been keeping it and maintaining their monthly funding goals
Home page URL should not change but artwork URLs might
The artwork section is inspired by Tumblr's archive page/system. I don't think I want it to be exactly like it (might be a limitation of static pages re: tag filtering) but I want to try and partially make it
Artwork on there have been nightshaded and glazed. I would like to reglaze some pieces that are too glazed for my liking, now that I have a better computer for it (so it doesn't take forever). That's why not a lot of art is on there yet
I might go into detail about how I automated some of the web dev stuff to make my life easier on my my main blog. In summary: I'm using 11ty (eleventy), generating pages from data and templates, using github for version control and github actions for updating the site automatically
Feeds are cool. I've found and made (through SkyFeed) a lot of Feeds. Feeds can look for text in posts and alt text, and/or specific tags. Can filter out reblogs or replies. Can work off of user lists. Can include/exclude specific posts - like Twitter Moments. There's a lot of flexibility and filtering.
Feeds can lookback anywhere from 25 hours to 1 week when not looking at one user. So when pulling from many users, you could just get the latest updates. For one user (say your own gallery of whatever) you're allowed to go back to the beginning, it can be your art gallery. And then people can just follow that feed so you don't have to worry about your art getting buried if people just want to follow your art
There's a setting you can turn on to warn and prevent you from posting until you add alt text. I love this. Especially since, like Twitter, you can't go back and edit a post
Forcing ALT text has the added bonus of leaving it last so I can double check tags and text in case I accidentally hit the post button before I'm ready
There is art. And VTuber stuff. And life updates. Art/project updates. Lots of OC talk. Like I wish I could post more about Null considering how much stuff I've spoken about them on stream but freaking time! And energy.
Used to do more Timelapses but stopped because laptop was not having fun with it. Now that I have a new computer it might be better!
Also has Twitch VODs because I want another place to back up VODs since local recordings take up a lot of space. And I can mark Chapters(/Moments?) timestamps to find stuff again.
Special thank you to those that made it all the way down here!
So what is the blog for now? Archiving, mainly, as I said at the beginning. I might link to my neocities page in maybe art updates or to pillowfort. And I might need a place to fall back to if the other sites don't last. I know bluesky and cohost are not much better/probably not better in other ways so I know that posting on them probably won't be good long term.
But that's why I'm working on the art archive site on the side. I'll always have a safe and controlled place where I can have all my art and details and stuff. It's gonna take a while and it's challenging but it's what I feel like I gotta do now.
I'm just so tired.
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blubberquark · 9 months
New Year's Resolutions
Hey everybody. It's a new year. Happy New Year!
Gamedev Blogging
Last year I have fallen behind on posting gamedev stuff. It's mostly because there is no good way to format code listings in the new editor. So this year, I am not even going to try eith gamedev tutorials on tumblr. I might post them elsewhere and just link them. I have already taken a look at Cohost, but It doesn't have the features I need. Wouldn't it be cook if you could post pico-8 carts on cohost? Or source code listings? Or LaTeX? I might as well write the HTML by hand and host it somewhere. But that won't be the focus of this blog in 2024.
Instead I'm going to do more tumblr posting about game design, just less on the code side. It will be more on the screenshot side. First thing will be about my 2023 Game Of The Year. It will probably surprise you. I did not expect it to be this good. You can also expect something about some of my old prototypes. Over the years I have started and abandoned game prototypes after either concluding that the idea won't work and can't be made to work, or after learning what I needed to learn. What did I learn? Wait and find out!
Computer Litaracy
I'll also attempt to write more about general computing and "computer literacy" topics. I have two particular "series" or "categories" in mind already. Almost Good: Technologies that sound great when you hear abut them, but that don't work as well as you might think when you try them out. Harmful Assumptions About Computing: Non-technical people often have surprising ideas about how computers work. As a technically inclined person, you don't even realise how far these unspoken assumptions about computers can reach.
Usability of computers and software seems to have gotten worse rather than better in many aspects, while computers have become entrenched in every workplace, our private lives, and in our interactions with corporations and government services. Computer literacy has also become worse in certain ways, and I think I know some reasons why.
There will also be some posts about forum moderation and community management. It's rather basic and common-sense stuff, but I want to spell it out.
Actual Game Development
I am going to release a puzzle game in 2024. You will be able to buy it for money. You can hold me to it. This is my biggest New Year's Resolution.
I will continue to work on two games of mine. One will be the game I just mentioned. The other is Wyst. I put the project on ice because I was running out of inspiration for a while, but I think I am sufficiently inspired now. I will pick it up again and add two more worlds to the game, and get it into a "complete" state. I'll also have to do a whole lot of playtesting. This may be the last time I touch Unity3d.
I will try out two new engines and write one or two proof-of-concept games in each of them, maybe something really simple like "Flappy Bird", and one game jam "warm-up" thing, with the scope of a Ludum Dare compo game. Maybe that means I'll write Tetris or Pong multiple times. I probably won't put the "Pong in Godot" on itch.io page next to a "Pong in Raylib" and "Pong in Bevy", but I'll just put the code on my GitHub. The goal is to have more options for a game jam, so I can decide to use Godot if it is a better fit for the jam topic.
In the past, I have always reached for PyGame by default, because Python is the language that has flask and Django and sqlalchemy and numpy and pyTorch, and because I mostly want to make games in 2D. I want to get out of my comfort zone. In addition to the general-purpose game engines, I will try to develop something in bitsy, AGS, twine, pico-8 or Ren'Py. I want to force myself to try a different genre this way. Maybe I'll make an archaeologist dating simulator.
All in all, this means I will so significant work on two existing projects, revisit some old failed prototypes to do a postmortem, I'll write at least six new prototypes, and two new jam games, plus some genre/narrative experiments. That's a lot already. So here's an anti-resolution: I won't even try to develop any of my new prototypes into full releases. I will only work on existing projects from 2023 or before if I develop anything into playable demo versions or full games. I won't get sidetracked by the next Ludum Dare game, I promise. After the jam is over, I'll put down the project, at least until 2025.
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4-hour-naps · 10 months
About Me
Hellooo friend! You can call me Naps ♥ I do not have the mindspace to have multiple blogs, so this is going to be whatever it is. Right now my main fixation is bsd but I am going to post other stuff too. I make silly little drawings and dumb jokes.
Content to expect
While I tend to post wholesome content, I will still from time to time post stuff that relates to heavier topics. I will add tw tags and tw at the top of my posts. If I miss anything you think should be tagged please tell me. I won't be posting anything that is sexually explicit just maybe suggestive. I will also be cussing most likely. I have or will likely mention: typical dazai suicidal behavior, depression, ptsd, pmdd
Do what you got to do to keep yourself safe. I hope this helps you make the right choice.  ♡
If you like my doodles/drawings and want to request one I would love to draw it for you. I can't promise I will be quick but I love making little drawings for y'all (:
I love love love the 'bsd characters supporting you <3' series thing I have been doing, so if you have ideas for those I'd love to hear it. But also you can ask me anything.
My dms are open too! Feel free to reach out ♡
Tagging, other projects, and such under here :)
bsdrewatch2023 assushi count: what will be tallied -> #assushi
supportive bsd content like: Kunikida reminding you to take care of yourself -> #bsd character supporting you <3
silly scribbly bsd comics like: sskk take a brief intermission -> #naps bsd comics
bsd themed digital planner pages -> #bsd planner
my doodles -> #naps doodles
everything I've drawn -> #naps draws
autobio comics -> #naps self comics
projects im working on (haven't started yet but planning on very soon) -> #naps codes
random thoughts -> #nap talking (get it like sleep talking.. very dad joke of me)
lol I also have a tag for myself with all my sskk reblogs just cause ... well you know -> #one thing about me is ima reblog sskk fanart :)
Coding Projects
I have a couple coding projects in mind that are bsd related. I just made a side github and figma account lol. I will post about them soon. I am just adding now because I will forget. (So far I am thinking of making a dashboard for assushi data lol and also I want to make a website to create your own gifs out of drawings I make, hopefully soon to come) My github: 4-hour-naps
and also
thank you for reading all this!
All of you are so talented and have such beautiful minds. I'm always amazed by other's art on here or laughing at y'alls silly posts. I am still kind of new to tumblr and tumblr culture, but this bsd side of the internet is fun. I like y'all lol. I want you to know if you reblog my drawings with tags I read that like 5 million times it makes me so happy. Thank you it means a lot that you like these scribbles.
Also I was active on tiktok with this same user. My account is still up, but I’ve deleted the app. So sorry if you were following me on there, I probs wont post again.
sending you all my love ♡*:・゚✧*♡:・゚✧♥
last updated: 12/11/23
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guzsdaily · 4 months
201 Days
Day 201 - May 24th, 12.024
Yes, I didn't notice that yesterday was the day 200 of the daily blogs.
Past Promises
If you are reading this since the first months of this personal challenge, you probably are wondering what happened to the projects like Hobbiest Monologue and the Elementria comics that I presented on the comemoration for 100 days. Well, I pretty much forgot about them. It is somewhat disappointing, but I kinda learned that it is better to do things before promising them, not only because it helps with not disappointing people, but also to keep your motivation and the urge to keep doing said thing.
Will I make said projects in the future? Maybe, the YouTube channel for Hobbiest Monologue is done, and both of them also have their respective logos and brands made. However, I'm not really focused on creating more content besides these blogs. Maybe one day when I have a professional job and a good enough workflow and tools to help mitigate the time and energy that these projects need, I will go back to the ideas. I do still love video creation and art, but I have other focus now. And it isn't like I won't make anything related to these topics, but a long-term project is not a good idea for now.
Past Achievements
Besides, I was able to do some projects. The main idea of "The System" wasn't really made into reality, since the whole idea of it were somewhat broken. However, said idea made me do a lot in the process.
I have finally started to learn, and completed a project with the Rust programming language! It is a simple project, and I didn't really make everything that I have planned, but it is good to have a CLI tool to manipulate markdown, which I am actively using in scripts on my Obsidian vault, and hopefully said project will grow and stabilize to be used by other people in their files. For now, I don't know how much about Rust I will continue. The main focus for me with the language is CLI tools and AST manipulation, since it feels to be a good use of it and in general I had a better experience (compared to something like JavaScript for AST manipulation). Yes, I could learn more about async and lifetimes, but I have already wasted a lot of my years just learning stuff, so if I need to in a project, I will learn them, I just don't want to actively be just studying concepts and syntaxes.
Talking about actually doing stuff. I really learned to not step too close into the sun, and stop abstracting even my fucking NixOS configuration. Programmers do love making abstractions before they are necessary, but fucking god, having anxiety and trying to predict every outcome of the program because of it, really takes it into the next level. And that's why I'm learning Go.
Like Rust, I was influenced by ThePrimeagen to learn Go, and HTMX (with some sprinkles of AlpineJS maybe), for server-side and web development in general. And it is being a great experiment, it is also funny how I haven't even read the docs of Go, and still am able to create a working website and server, without any dependencies. It is a breath of fresh air after learning so many JavaScript frameworks, build tools, libraries, etc. Nonetheless, learning the language can also help to find a job, it feels like it's starting to have more attention and opportunities, and besides I'm not "just another JavaScript developer" at least.
And hopefully the continuous task of improving my GitHub and LinkedIn profiles, improving my portifolio, getting certificates, and just trying to be more active on my accounts, can also help. I already send more than 70 applications, without any feedback whatsoever, but I will not give up, because I want to be able to hug my girlfriend and have a house with her in the future.
Past Chaos
Besides all what I somehow achieved, these last three months were a lot harder than I expected. Actually, I couldn't even predict what happened, and it feels like time passed by without I'm even noticing. I'm surprised that I even managed to complete anything.
I do not want to give a lot of personal information on the internet, even less if it is related to family and nothing to do with creative process or work. But as you probably noticed on a past blog post, I lost my (grand) grandmother, the person who raised my dad, that my mom took care of for pretty much 16 years, someone who lived until 99 years old with an incredible health to her age. My dad's family has a lot of issues, every family has, and my parents sacrificed a lot of themselves, since others didn't do anything better to take care of her. However, said sacrifices started to hit a lot this year, and my parent's mental health were in the limit, as my grand grandmother's health as also hitting the limit. I didn't work a lot during the time, since I wanted to be with my parents, not just to give some support, but also strength to fight, so others would take some action. And they did, but it didn't last that long.
Something that I want to be clear, you do not know what really was happening these three months, even less these 16 years, it may be my anxiety kicking right now, but I do not want no one to judge, make assumptions, say what we should have done, anything like that, now or in the future. You don't know me, I don't know you. She lived a healthy and long life, and my parents now can rest and are better thankfully, and this is what I care about.
The only thing that I want you to take from this, is to take care of the people that you love, they can be parents, grandparents, partners, friends, I don't care, take care and be with them when they need, the same way they were when you needed it. And know, independently of what happens, you will be okay in the end, do not let chaos make you give up, I beg you. I may be just 19 at the time of writing, but I gave up on so many things for so little, that these three months really showed me how much stronger I can be, mostly because of the people that are around me. So I ask, I beg, whatever you want to make in life, do not give up easily, be strong, be there, for you, and for the people that you love.
Thanks for reading, hopefully the next 100 days will be better. And besides, whatever happens, I hopefully will meet you tomorrow, and every day until day 300.
- Someone who's trying to improve.
Today's artists & creative things Music: You Will Be Okay - by Caleb Hyles
© 2024 Gustavo "Guz" L. de Mello. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
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manonamora-if · 10 months
It is once more Sunday!! I am also kinda taking off this weekend because breaks are important! But I've still done stuff!
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Just some small stuff. MelS is about 1/3rd through the document. I don't think I'll get it back next week, but maybe the week after that.
I've also done some clean up in our documents for when we revisit the previous chapters after the writing of the story is complete. No major changes will happen in the story, just ensuring hints are there and the style is consistent throughout the chapters (since we had long breaks between chapters). Through this, I've noticed a few spots where the coding could be a tad more organised.
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I've mainly worked on TRNT at the start of the week, but still have things to share.
First, the OG parser will stay in the game. I'll provide a walkthrough of each ending, as well as a command accepted for each action in each passage.
Second, the hyperlink version (click on the words) has been drafted. There are actions I am still not sure how I'll code, but that's future me's problem. Also, it won't be completed until the Revamped Parser version is done.
So, third, the Revamped version. I have untangled some of the spaghetti code and managed to solve some issues already (mainly the navigation between rooms. Things to look forward to with this new version:
a Map of the story (it will be small, but still), unsure yet if in-game or as a downloadable piece.
a Walkthrough (probably both in-game and downloadable)
better Hints/Help throughout the game, especially in terms of commands
and better Commands period (I've done away with the name thing)
There's quite a bit of work left with this (So Many TO-DO's in the code... ;-;) but a potential update by the end of the month seems possible?
Depending on time, I may be able to include more actions/codex/story. Or not...
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I woke up chaotic earlier this week and made a poll. You will be getting a character creator template....
in two parts.
I've gone a bit overboard with the level of characterisation (seriously the list of traits and stuff is a full page long...) and coding all of it is taking me a bit more time than I though it would (yay me and my sense of time management...).
This first version of the template will only include examples and some tips (and comments in the code). A follow up update will include a fake playthrough (and potential fixes).
I'm also going to be moving the Tweego Template to its own page next week (will still be available, just a different link), so the guide can be "playable" as well. As well as making a copy of all templates on my GitHub as a copy.
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Ooooh quite a bit of things here!
It took me about 7 months and almost 300 reviews but I've made it to the front page of the IFDB! Top 4 reviewers! Next... the actual podium :P (First spot is probably impossible. I'd need 3000+ reviews to get there...)
But really, I'm going to play more IF and review them. I'd like to (re)play more French ones especially. And I have a few BareBones review to wrap up as well. Check @manonamora-if-reviews for that!
I've been slowly but surely migrating old logs on a new platform for safe keeping. I'm almost done with 2021 for @manonamora-if (I need to check the old CRWL ones from @crimsonroseandwhitelily, currently privatted). I'm including game announcements (in their most current form) there as well.
I still have 2 full years of dev logs, random thoughts, announcements, and post-mortems to include there (as well as post-mortems I forgot to write). Some short logs will be merged together and have their grammar tweaked a bit (because oh boi are they bad...).
But, when this is complete, I'll probably be more active on the blogs with reblogs here.
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r-prakash · 11 months
How to launch your data science career?
Starting a career in data science can be as fun as teaching a cat to swim. But don't worry, it's not rocket science (well, kind of). Here's a playful roadmap to get you going:
Back to Basics: First, you gotta learn the ABCs. No, not that one. I'm talking about Python and R. These are your new best friends.
School's Cool: Dive into online courses or join a data science boot camp. Just don't forget to change out of your pajamas for the virtual classes.
Project Party: Time for hands-on action! Work on cool data projects or snatch an internship in data analysis. The more you dive in, the better you'll get.
Social Butterfly: Attend online meetups and webinars. Who knows, you might even score a virtual coffee chat with a data science guru.
Show Off: Create an online portfolio on GitHub. Think of it as your data science trophy shelf. Fancy, right?
Be Picky: Decide what flavor of data science tickles your fancy – maybe it's decision science or some other data science branch.
Company Match: Look for companies that get you. Places like Mu Sigma have fantastic data-driven opportunities, whether you're a rookie or a pro.
Internet Stardom: Share your data wisdom on LinkedIn, write blogs, or even answer curious Quora folks. You never know who's reading!
Stay Hip: Data science is like fashion; it changes faster than the weather. Keep up with the latest trends and tools.
Don't Quit: Data science can be as puzzling as assembling IKEA furniture. Expect some hiccups, but remember, it's all part of the fun.
So, as you embark on your data science adventure, keep it light-hearted and remember that learning can be a playful journey. You've got this!
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A little while back Google sent me an ultimatum. Pay 24 bucks a month for my and my parents Google accounts, or lose access to all my email, purchases, books, photos, decades of history. Flickr did the same thing. Cloudflare, another company I loved, got into the business of platforming the alt right. Microsoft bought GitHub and stole everyone's code for their AI training.
All these things that I liked, even loved, existed solely to be bought out, upsold or flipped for a profit and gutted. Maybe not immediately. But there's really one goal in capitalism, and that's extracting as much value from the thing as you can.
I quite love my MacBook. It's easily the best computer I've ever owned. But on the flip side I have friends I just can't contact because they use iPhones. My mum wants to know why she can't FaceTime me, and I have friend groups with group chats I'm not invited to because I use Android. This was a deliberate, documented decision by Apple to lock everyone into their ecosystem and extract as much value as they can with the least effort possible.
I fucking hate it.
But if anything has made me any more anticapitalist it's Elon.
Fucking Elon.
Twitter was a product that I loved. 15 years ago I joined, on a whim, because it was doing the same thing I was trying to make my blog do. Little updates in the sidebar. I never imagined it would have such a big impact on my life.
I think I was 21. Damn. I basically grew up on Twitter. Living through my 20s with (initially SMS access, but eventually) a permanent uplink to the hive mind which shaped who I am today. Initially I was just broadcasting my thoughts, which reflected my narrow worldview at the time. But it slowly became more of a community thing and opened my eyes to the larger world around me.
#btub was a monthly meetup of Brisbane folks, The Brisbane Twitter User Brigade. A hodgepodge group of internet weirdos who would rock up to Greystone Bar and just hang out together. Network. Get drunk. We had those cheesy "hello my name is" stickers which we'd write our Twitter handles on (@goAshley!). It was hilariously dorky, but I loved it in an ironic sort of way.
At its peak we filled the entire deck area and went late into the night.
Through the years I met some of my best and closest friends on Twitter, through btub and otherwise. Eventually it became maybe not mainstream, but a lot less about community. But it was still my uplink to all my internet friends. Any moment of the night or day I could pull out my phone and not be alone. Or sometimes be more alone than I ever was, depending.
I always said I would leave Twitter when they introduced ads in the feed. They introduced ads years ago, but I still loved that place. They introduced the algorithmic timeline that amplified hate and surfaced other people's anxieties to make them yours. But I stuck around because you could turn that off. Jack Dorsey introduced crypto to the platform and I still stuck around, reluctantly, because that's where all my internet friends were.
Then Elon Musk.
I was willing to see it through because I used to like the place. But I don't think anyone was prepared for the speed it devolved. Elon seems to be an outlier in this tale of capitalist bulldozing, because there's no motive here other than that he appears to be a complete fucking idiot. But nevertheless It's clear he has no respect for this thing that we have collectively loved, and he's certainly not going to make it a safe or pleasant place to be from now on.
It's heartbreaking. The end of an era. All because the rich man wanted to own the internet.
The hive mind, my avian companion, custodian and curator of my thoughts existed solely to be bought out, flipped for a profit and gutted. Fucking capitalism.
Anyway this whole post came about because I love Automattic. They do really good stuff and Tumblr is lovely…
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codematurgy · 2 years
How are you doing?
this was unexpected. hey, thanks for asking! that's sweet :)
i actually intended to post something here these days! what a timing, huh? while i still maintain the npf photosets plugin(someone warned me that the implementation of alt text buttons broke it through github! thanks to this person! it's fixed too), i haven't really posted anything because i've just had other things in my mind.
it's going to become even less likely i update this blog with new layouts, but for a good reason: i recently got a remote job as a front-end developer!!! i wanted to mention this here because, even though this blog was not the main reason i got hired, coding on tumblr was what made me interested in front-end development to begin with; i've done shitty code and, honestly, still have some up there. from what i've learned the past year, i'm quite embarrassed with the code for the npf photosets plugin, though it does work, so there it is(i am totally open to someone willing to rewrite it with better code, by the way. long live open source code and community maintenance!); however, the journey here is what enabled me to get better, so i'm pretty proud of it. thanks, people of tumblr!
i was also busy with, er, leftist activism? not as much as i think i should, but mostly because the pandemic has been tough in my household. i don't know how everyone else feels about this, but the pandemic is not over for me; i don't have the choice of going maskless and resuming life as it was unless i actively wish to kill someone by giving them covid. sounds dramatic, but there it is. hopefully one day it will feel safe enough, though the job certainly drains me enough that i don't know if i will have the energy. capitalism problems, am i right?
i guess that's what is most relevant. i am very lucky to feel like i have a life perspective at 22, even if there's a bunch of heavy stuff to deal with. it's nice to communicate all of this here; hope it means something to someone who likes coding or is having a hard time with the pandemic as i am. hopefully, one day i will release any of my coding ideas that have been sitting idly in my computer for a year or maybe two. i have like 5 different new ideas/reworks just... there. despite not having the time to mess around with them, i'm surprised to find that i'm not actually tired of tumblr theme-making, and would like touching it again. i'm just slightly conflicted because(this is going to be nerdy) i love messing with javascript and would like to make a theme that pulls all blog information and posts through the API, but i do like supporting users with no javascript enabled, despite it being messier to display... whew!
have a good day, stranger! hope you're doing alright too!
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vizthedatum · 13 days
no one: ...
me: I will code/program up the PERFECT Sri Yantra with perfect concurrency, concentricity, and equilaterality in R using base and ggplot2 packages.
*has been coding this during their "free time" for the past several weeks*
*has somehow programmed several versions of random geometric proofs into functions*
*realizing they are on a journey*
*I am so close... I can feel it, but maybe that's what the whole cosmic joke is all about lmao*
For those who don't know, the geometry of the Sri Yantra is a complex geometrical problem. It's also extremely holy for reasons I cannot explain in this blog post.
It's an open problem even though people have drawn it *almost* perfectly by hand (and by this software called GeoGebra (which I'm not using)). There are also different versions of this yantra.
If I can do this (and I coded my program to spit out the precision measures) with a high degree of precision, I am going to take it as a literal sign from the universe.
(I need to upload this to github, sigh)
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thesilentpotato · 3 months
need to blog about this.
(about archiving my blog (on a hard drive im not leaving lmao))
TL;DR: i made an offline version of my tumblr archive using cebtenzzre's fork of tumblr-utils on github. I'm debating on buying an SSD to house my tumblr on. it currently takes up several hundred 82 GB.
in 2018 when the NSFW ban happened I downloaded basically my entire blog at the time, using an external tool via the command line. out of fear of posts disappearing or tumblr dying. over the past several years i have been slowly going through the whole archive to double check everything got saved (some posts errored, images and video were missed, deactivated blogs were wayback machined and looked through, etc etc).
so! today i finally fucking finished going through everything and i also edited the html files that list the eons of pages of my blog so now i can have my posts archived by year/month/post! this involved batch file editing in visual studio, familiarity with running console commands, and random internet deep dives to find obscure missing content or its equivalent.
44,282 posts
this took me SO LONG that...
tumblr changed its api so mass downloading at that scale is no longer possible without long cooldowns
some of the posts i downloaded have been nuked from the platform. like they are inaccessible. GONE.
i changed blog themes 2 or 3 times and any new archives that get saved will have to be stored separately in my hard drive, to preserve my theme over time
oh yeah, im storing all of this on an external hard drive dedicated to backing up files i dont have easy access to.
i uh. really really need a backup for that backup! i could dump it into my google one acct but it's a lot of personal info about who i am as a person spanning 10 years. haha .....
Soooooo now i get to go through 2019-now but probably at a much slower pace and also maybe not as organized. id rather not batch edit again 😶
I have also been skipping downloading videos from external sources like youtube to save on space but tbh a lot of videos have disappeared so ive done a small bit of video saving for 2013 and 2018 posts. but i posted soooo much that i rlly don't wanna go thru all 44k posts AGAIN to search for those links. think of the storage space!!!
currently everything is on a hard disk drive but i suspect i should just buy like. some super SSD or something to lessen the risk of the HDD failing since it has mechanical parts in it. (idk that's what the internet computer makers and data hoarders talk about im sorta talking out of my ass here)
anyway that's it i needed to share my accomplishment with someone before going to a party hehe
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x-other-souled-x · 8 months
Okay so I FINALLY figured out what email we use for this acct, which means I can actually access it on desktop now!
This will make organizing things for the acct move much easier.
And we have decided that an acct move will be happening. This acct we made during one of the worst time in our lives since our earliest years, and I think we all want to move from that without worrying about having to "clean up" anything. (As well as having these things accessible to us later on helps us to timeline events and whatever. So I still want to keep the blogs around for our personal reference. We may eventually record this down on physical books.)
Idk exactly when the switch will happen, that will be determined by how long it takes to go through what we have here and determine what's coming with us. I think some sideblogs and maybe archiving some personal posts, at the very least.
I also want us to build a personal website at some point, but I'm just unsure where we want to have it, on neocities or on github, idk...
Some system members sideblogs on this acct are riddled with "this is just a kintype guys haha" due to some severe plural denial and we are discussing wether to keep it for the archive sake or just make new personal blogs, as well as if members who had personal blogs previously even feel as though they need a seprate blog now that we are able to admit and accept our plurality...
A lot of this is kinda just internal issues and not very important in the grand scheme of moving accts, but the move itself will be happening.
I don't think we're going to be telling anyone our new acct url, main or sideblogs. But I will make sure at the very least once we stop using this acct that there is a message pinned.
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fahrni · 9 months
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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So ends my week of relaxation. In the past I’d start becoming angry about how quickly my time off flew by. Not this week. I made the most of each day with some lazing about thrown in.
I managed to get some time to work on Stream for Mac and do a bunch of things around the house I’d put off for far too long. Today I plan on cleaning up Kim’s car and working on my dumpster bike. But I’m open to change.
Anywho, my coffee is ready. I hope you enjoy the links.
PZ Myers • Free Thoughts Blog
Nikki Haley got asked a straightforward question: “What was the cause of the United States’ Civil War?” She staggers back, stalls for time, and finally coughs up, I think the cause of the Civil War was basically how government was going to run.
This is one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever seen. Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows the Civil War was fought over slavery. So, either Nikki Haley is a racist piece of crap or extremely stupid. I don’t think she’s stupid.
This was the easiest of softball questions you could give a Presidential candidate and she failed miserably, that alone should disqualify her from holding office in any federal, state, or local government.
Of course she’s competing with the biggest asshole of all for the GOP nomination. Good luck with that, Ms. Haley.
Maybe this was part of her audition for the Vice Presidency? Gotta show the Orange Man how racist she really is to get the job. 🤬
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Jessica Wildfire • OK Doomer
Meanwhile, a world-class trail runner named Emilia kills herself after a Covid infection leaves her with an unstable heart. Around the world, smart talented young men and women are losing their careers after Covid ravages their organs, their brains, their immune systems.
COVID is still around and still wreaking havoc on folks.
I still need to get my booster, you should too. 💉
Mike Hanley • GitHub
Over 15 years ago, GitHub started as a Ruby on Rails application with a single MySQL database. Since then, GitHub has evolved its MySQL architecture to meet the scaling and resiliency needs of the platform—including building for high availability, implementing testing automation, and partitioning the data.
It’s wild to see how big services can become. GitHub — the company that centralized a decentralized version control system — has over 1,200 MySQL databases. That’s a metric crap ton.
It also seems strange given Microsoft has their own SQL Server offering continues to use MySQL, owned by Oracle. 🥴
Joan Westenberg
Michael Cohen, the former personal lawyer and fixer for Donald Trump, used an artificial intelligence program to generate bogus legal citations in his motion for early termination of his supervised release.
The moral of the story is don’t believe everything a LLM gives you. You still need to verify the answer.
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Laura Paddison • CNN
Scientists in California shooting nearly 200 lasers at a cylinder holding a fuel capsule the size of a peppercorn have taken another step in the quest for fusion energy, which, if mastered, could provide the world with a near-limitless source of clean power.
Will this pan out? If we’ve ever needed it now is the time. At the rate the climate is changing a team of scientists will emerge from their labs to announce to the world they’ve done it only to find the world on fire.
Raymond Wong • Inverse
Inside Apple’s Massive Push to Transform the Mac Into a Gaming Paradise
But will AAA games come around and make the commitment to the platform? Without developers it’s an instant failure.
Diane Duane
Can you add artificial intelligence to the hydraulics?
This is a link to a comment on a post — at least I think it is? Regardless it’s a funny read. If you only follow one link make it this one. AI is taking over all the things even if it can’t.
Alex Castro • The Verge
Earlier this year, Amazon announced plans to start incorporating ads into movies and TV shows streamed from its Prime Video service, and now the company has revealed a specific date when you’ll start seeing them: it’s January 29th.
I’m kind of surprised they don’t just bake this into Amazon Prime pricing.
Brandon Paul • Flo Racing
With over 1,600 total entries on hand for the Tulsa Shootout this week, there is bound to be some NASCAR connections to the biggest Micro Sprint event in the country.
I’m not sure how many folks not into NASCAR would know that drivers often compete in multiple different types of races throughout the year.
Sprint Cars seem to be a real favorite and winning a Golden Driller is still a highly sought after prize. Even for highly talented NASCAR drivers.
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addierose444 · 1 year
Goodbye Smith Google Account
So I mentioned last week that I’ll be losing access to my Smith account shortly and therefore have needed to save/transfer all relevant data. While I’ve made some great progress, unfortunately, I will need to do a bit more work over the next two days. I started by deleting a ton of emails from both my Smith and personal Gmail accounts. If I could go back in time, I would have unsubscribed from and deleted a lot more emails the moment they hit my inbox. I also worked to free up space in my personal Google account by going through and deleting a number of photos from my Google Photos. I didn’t make it all the way through 2022, but did clean things up for prior years. While important, this part isn’t time-sensitive so I probably shouldn’t have prioritized it. 
The big task has been tackling my Google Drive. Am I going to look at these files again? Maybe not, but I really can’t bear the thought of them being deleted forever and perhaps I’ll find a future use for them. While my Smith College Google Drive is very well-organized, so as not to create too much future work, I really am going through each individual folder and deciding what to keep and in what format. In general, I’m keeping my graded assignments, but not lecture slides and readings. That content is not totally lost though as I have most of my syllabi, reading notes, and lecture notes stored in OneNote. Speaking of OneNote, I am so glad I used my personal Microsoft account and not my Smith one. (That said, I do still need to figure out what to do about my Design Clinic Logbook which is a OneNote Notebook created in my Smith account). Obviously, using my Smith account made sense when I had to share documents with classmates and/or professors, but in retrospect, I wish I’d done more of my school work within my personal account. 
I also really regret having my blog files within my Smith account. Downloading my blog folder is easy enough but all of my Google Docs will be converted to Word Documents so I’ll be losing my revision history. (Note that while it is possible to share each individual Google Doc and make a copy, the history is still lost). Another blog task is updating the blog itself as some of my posts contain embedded content that currently lives in my Smith account. Furthermore, all of the links in my blog master spreadsheet will need to be updated (or removed) as they now point to files I’m about to lose access to.
Speaking of master spreadsheets, I’ve also created one that contains a row for each class and links to each Google Drive folder, OneNote section, GitHub if applicable, and other relevant links. In terms of how I’m organizing my Smith files within my personal Google Drive, I basically just created a folder for each class that is named with the course number, name, and semester.
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