#one thought crystallizes. ( meta )
pandorem · 3 months
Okay so I don’t feel the most qualified to talk about this, especially to make any value judgements on how any of this was handled, so I would love other people to add in if they feel like it, but this is eating my brain actually so.
Esther Finch is a funny villain. She’s a joy to watch on screen, even if part of that joy is in hating her. But there’s something that feels very deliberate in the fact that the only two girls (barring in the animated flashback) we see her target are black girls. Becky Aspen and Crystal. I don’t think we’re supposed to infer from this that she only ever targets black girls, but the casting of Becky feels deliberate. While there’s plenty of in universe explanation for why she wants to use Crystal to feed to her snake afterwards and doesn’t ever say, specifically target Niko, it’s still there. And though Niko was just hurt because she got in the way, she’s also another woman of colour we see Esther hurt.
And then at the end Crystal, who many have pointed out has been a voice for women throughout the whole season, stands in front of Lilith, the goddess of wronged women, and screams to her about who gets justice for all the little girls Esther hurt. And then Lilith, played by a black woman, is the one to drag Esther away.
Crystal says to Esther that she knows how anger can poison you. Esther says she learned to be predator instead of prey a long time ago. Do I think that the show literally wants us to think that Esther is a racist who deliberately targets black girls? No. Do I think the casting choices that they made bring up themes of the kind of people who, because they have been hurt or marginalized, want to push others down to have others that they can have power over instead? Whose problems with societal oppression is not that it exists, but that they aren’t the ones who get to benefit from it? I think so.
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gruusha · 7 months
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anyways............... here's cetitan (real) for you..........
you VS heavy slam / mirror coat / earthquake / avalanche ( template )
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Sc*tt stans are everywhere annoying me as if they’re getting paid to do it. I’m doing a rewatch with my mom and we’re coming up on season 5. This has been bothering me lately, so I’m going to rant about it.
We’re all aware that Scott uses Hayden as bait to lure the Dread Doctors to the school and he doesn’t tell her or get her consent on the matter. Liam and Hayden are rightfully upset and Liam makes Scott promise to do everything he can to protect Hayden.
Liam: This plan sucks!
Scott: You got a better one? Kids are dying, and she's next! So, somebody has to do something. Somebody has to save everyone. So somebody's got to be the bait!
Liam: Scott... Promise me you'll do everything you can to save her. Scott-- promise.
Scott: I'll do everything I can. I promise.
Hayden gets injured severely and is dying. Liam reminds Scott he promised to do everything he could for Hayden, this includes biting her, which Scott refuses to do.
Here’s where I take huge issue with this.
I have no idea the odds of Hayden surviving the bite. Scott admits that he thinks she may be too weak to survive. But Melissa and Theo explain or imply that she’s not surviving if he does nothing.
Hayden has a 100% chance of dying if he chooses not to bite her.
If you have two labelled barrels in front of you, the one on your left contains 100 oranges, the one on your right contains 95 oranges and 5 apples. Someone holds a gun to your head and says “close your eyes and select an apple from the barrel or I kill you” you might try to find an apple amongst the oranges, even if the chances are slim because there’s still a chance. You’re not going to reach into the barrel with zero apples unless you don’t want to choose an apple.
He chose to let her die. A 5% chance of survival is better than 0%. The reason he didn’t want to bite her is because he knew there was a high chance she wasn’t going to make it. Remember the conversation Scott had with Morrell in season 3?
Morrell: He wants to make a killer out of you. That's what he does.
Scott: But, if I kill someone, I can't be a True Alpha, right?
Morrell: Exactly.
If Hayden died when Scott bit her, that would technically be on him--at least it would be in his mind. She was going to die either way, he may as well keep his power.
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icewitcher · 8 months
Hreavsvelgr: gets a wing ripped off by Nidhogg
Me: Oh shit
Hreavsvelgr: the battle isn't over yet camera zooms on his eye who's actually missing only to show it in front of WoL
Me: OH SHIT !!!
Piano starts playing
Children of the Land, do you hear ?
Echoes of Truth that once were clear
Two souls entertwined, one true love they did find
Bringing land and heavens near
Me: Nope, I'm not going to cry. We have a wyrm to kill and a friend to save.
After-fight cutscenes happens:
Me: floodgates opens
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choctalksalot · 1 year
my whole page is "heed the tags" but like not in a content warning way in the content is literally in the tags way
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
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hello : " greetings, heroic traveler. i've heard quite a lot about you. hm? who am i? ah, my apologies. i've seem to have forgotten myself. i am Luck Gandor, third head of the Gandor Family name. i hope i'm not imposing when i say we can be of great help to one another. "
chat -- poetry : " since you seem to be taking your time, i'll take this opportunity to catch up on a little reading, if you don't mind . . . "
chat -- in the open : " as much as i love the sun, we shouldn't linger about. you never know what could be waiting for us. "
chat -- profit : " as they say : time is money. don't waste mine, if you please. "
when it rains : " thankfully, i'm not wearing my good clothes. now i can enjoy myself without having to fret over the potential water damage. "
when it snows : " you have packed for inclement weather, yes? is . . . that all you have? oh. oh dear . . . remind me to buy you a good snezhnayan coat the next time we go to Liyue Harbor. "
when the sun is out : " excellent. the roads should be good and clear, supposing we aren't stopped by traffic . . . i know quite a few good short cuts, if we are in need of time. "
when it is windy : " be sure to have a good grip on your -- oh. well, there goes my hat. let that be a lesson unto you . . . and for me. thankfully, i've brought a spare. "
during a thunderstorm : " we should head to the nearest shelter when possible. as much as i adore a good downpour, i'd hate for you to get struck by lightning due to my negligence. "
good morning : " ah, good. i didn't have to wake you. i suppose you would like some breakfast, hm? unfortunately, all i have is this cup of coffee right now . . . hm? why, i've only had two so far. well, two since the sun has risen . . . "
good afternoon : " are you getting tired, by any chance? if so, i'd recommend a short rest. don't worry, i'll wake you if anything happens. i'd rather you be alert when it starts to get dark than to lose energy fighting off exhaustion. "
good evening : " excuse me for the cliche, but aren't sunsets beautiful? i quite like the twilight. the world is so different when it's been cast in shadow . . . "
good night : " are you off to bed? well, then, have a good night's rest. i'll be up for awhile yet . . . don't worry about me. i'm used to working in the dark. it's my most ideal environment. "
about luck - rumors : " my, people do have an active imagination, don't they? the things they say about me are rather amusing. i suppose i can be a little . . . cold, but they like to envision me as some sort of monster rather than a man making do with what he must. haha . . . well, i suppose if it makes them feel safe, i could play the role of their social pariah. "
about luck - business : " it's been well. what can i say? i have no right to complain. naturally, like any business, there are some rather . . . unforeseen challenges, but that's what makes it interesting, wouldn't you agree? no? haha, well, i suppose nothing is challenge to you. first dragons, then gods . . . a managerial position would be a cake walk for you, wouldn't it? "
about us - companionship : " i would rather not give any false impressions : do not mistake my amiability as one for friendship. we are mutually benefitting acquaintances, nothing more. i sincerely doubt you and i have much in common beyond our initial goals. "
about us - partners : " you seem to have an affinity for completing tasks. and with all due efficiency. it's almost a shame, really . . . oh, nothing. i was just thinking how much easier my occupation would be if i had more people like you under my guidance. alas, i don't think you're in the market for a steady job at the Coraggioso. perhaps we can settle on business associates, friend? "
about the vision : " oh, this little thing? it's merely a manifestation of my own will, a . . . promise to the family. don't think too hard on it. you could consider it a reward, if you would like. not a gift, though. gifts are unconditional. my Vision . . . is a product of devotion. "
something to share : " if i may, traveler -- you do not need to step in front of me for battle time & time again. i know i am not as . . . competent a fighter as you, but i am in no real danger. i -- well, this is complicated, and there isn't much you need to know the details of, but to keep it brief : death and injury can no longer touch me. think on as you'd like on what i have told you. "
interesting things : " the family business, hm? well, there isn't much to say on it. back in Fontaine, we're known for running quite a populous jazz hall -- the Coraggioso. of course, we took . . . other avenues to notoriety . . . would you like to know a little family secret? we're quite renown for our fire - water and whisky. the Coraggioso is one of the only venues where you can order such high quality drinks. under the table, though, of course. apparently, the alcohol content of such exceeds legal limit . . . a small affair, really, but we can't be too careful now, can we? "
more about luck - i : " ah, you're looking at my book, yes? it's . . . not that interesting, i'm afraid. it's merely a book of poems i had picked up from the Wanwen Bookhouse. you are free to peruse it, though, should you wish. "
more about luck - ii : " if you must know, Luck wasn't my birth name. once upon a time, i used to go by Lukyan . . . you're giving me a curious stare. is it because it sounds Snezhnayan? heh. "
more about luck - iii : " it wasn't easy for my father to have built the Coraggioso. Fontaine is great for many a reason, but it has never been kind to those seeking asylum. like any nation, it wasn't particularly open to outsiders . . . those around our little neighborhood tried their hardest to break our spirits. there was only so much for our father to take. "
more about luck - iv : " it didn't get any easier when we were in charge. still to the eyes of Fontaine, we were children of a foreigner. and a trouble - making one at that, apparently. trying to maintain the Coraggioso from falling under collapse . . . you wish for me to speak plainly, don't you? next time, i'll be more open, but i haven't been dishonest with you either. know this. "
more about luck - v : " you are correct in your estimations : there is more to the family business besides a few connected jazz halls. but, what does it matter? even if we had kept our hands clean, we wouldn't be able to take care of our own . . . besides, no family with a lineage is free from sin. we are just more honest about it. like any other, there is pride and there is duty. you could say we just don't have the luxury to clean the bloodstains so thoroughly. "
luck's hobbies : " what i . . . do in my free time? i . . . well, that is coming by less and less frequently. most of my time is spent on business matters, but . . . i suppose, when a break comes along, i like to fill it up by reading or playing a card game. if you would like, i could teach you a few. black jack or poker? "
luck's troubles : " this 'dawn knight' business is a headache to sort out. the law is one thing, but vigilantes are another. bound by no rules or obligations, if one is not careful, they could effectively undo all the hard work i've put into maintaining our business . . . you speak as if you know them personally. as much as i appreciate the assurances, putting my guard down is not an option. i'll have to drop by our Mondstadt establishment . . . "
favorite food : " . . . i . . . quite like sweets. my brother is much more of a cook than he is a baker, but . . . i do miss trying his attempts at tiramisu. "
least favorite food : " i've heard there's been quite the surge in popularity for slime - based meals, but i can't imagine for the life of me why. the texture . . . nngh, no. i'll have to pass. "
receiving a gift - i : " this is . . . rather good. almost on par with Berga's cooking. ah, may i have another? "
receiving a gift - ii : " not bad . . . could use a little more oregano, in my opinion, but . . . to one's own, i suppose. "
receiving a gift - iii : " i . . . hm. my apologies, i think i'm still a little full from lunch. perhaps . . . you could give that to someone else, instead? "
birthday : " ah, happy birthday, dear friend. it's come to my attention that today is a special day for you. if so, then i'll let you handle the itinerary for the day. wherever you wish to go, i'll go, and whatever you wish to do, i'll accompany you as well. do not worry, i have some flexibility to my schedule. i have another 364 days to take those meetings. "
feelings about ascension - intro : " what have we here? improvement? i see . . . so you've desired to teach me better ways of defending myself? alright, i'm listening . . . "
feelings about ascension - building up : " my, if my brothers could see me now . . . hm, no. i shouldn't get cocky. there is still room for improvement, after all, and i'm nowhere close to the likes of Berga or Keith, let alone Claire, of all people. "
feelings about ascension - climax : " say what you will about power, my marksmanship has improved quite significantly. i'd have to thank you for all the wonderful target practice you've given me, friend. "
feelings about ascension - conclusion : " so this is all you have to teach me . . . well, your guidance in such matters is much appreciated. i suppose this will be more than sufficient to ensure the family business will flourish. at the very least, no one will be brazen enough to attack me openly, or else they have all of Hell to pay for. "
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goldengirlgalaxy · 1 month
The Bedazzler
After a very hazy night that... may or may not have been caused by something he found in the Ghost Zone, Danny ends up discovering in his haze he bought an absolutely outrageous amount of various craft supplies, especially shiny things like those little plastic rimstones.
Good news, everything was bought from a going out of business sale, so he didn't drain all of his funds. Bad news, everything was bought from a going out of business sale, which means he can't return them. And, frankly, he doesn't want to just throw away a bunch of stuff he paid for. But he still doesn't know what to do with it all.
At least until Clockwork decides to give Danny a small boon that lets him stop time. Then he gets some ideas.
It first starts off with Superman. He's doing his regular hero thing, when he suddenly feels his cape pulled to one side. He brushes it off as the wind, until people start pointing at his back. Clark nearly panics when he finds a bunch of green crystals on his cape, only to calm when he realizes they're plastic and attached with glue. That of course begs the question, who was able to glue gemstones to his back without him noticing?
Later that same day he's both amused and even more confused when Luthor appears again, only for a bunch of gem stickers to appear on top of his bald head, clearly arranged to spell out 'I Heart Superman' in icons.
Captain Marvel suddenly feels something appear on his head, only to discover it's some kind of cardboard crown. He's confused, but ultimately decides to wear it the rest of the day, thinking it might be from some meta fan of his.
Martian Manhunter finds a necklace appearing on him. When he pulls it off, he finds it's one of those Shrinky Dink plastics, designed to look like a medal that says '#1 Hero' on it, also with some extra plastic gems for extra bling. He wears it proudly for the rest of the day.
The Gotham Bats all get hit at the same time. Fake flowers, various colors of ribbons, Red Robin had a helium balloon attached to him for an hour, and of course plenty of shiny fake gems.
At first, everyone thought the funniest part of the mysterious crafts was Red Hood appearing with several rimstones attached to his hood where he mouth would be, several gold ones arranged in such a way that it looked like he was flashing a bunch of yellow teeth.
Then the Joker showed up. And was promptly doused in several pounds of glitter. Even better, it got into his eyes, effectively blinding him and giving the Bats a chance to capture him (after they were done laughing).
Of course, as more Leaguers get trolled, the more the stories start to paint a picture of someone running around pranking them. And many of them want to know just who this Bedazzler is.
Meanwhile, Danny is laughing his ass off and is planning on giving his friends a chance to have their own fun.
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 9 months
Fentons family's guide Section on being an evil assistant to a supervillain
Fentons family's guide to being an evil assistant to a supervillain
Guide by Jazmin Fenton in case of employment with a supervillain.
Being an evil assistant or henchmen is surprisingly a very stable source of an income stream all things considered.
You just need to find a boss. A as in singular it's very important, who is pathetic and or stupid enough to constantly have their large scale plan failing even without the hero's Involvement.
And while their large scale plan for taking over the world with a weapon of mass destruction could be feasible if only they didn't think to actually use it. Using it to threaten the world leaders for sway is the correct way. It is the most unused method the one being used most is the method of actually using the weapon of mass destruction for mass destruction.
You as the evil assistant then have the responsibility to make sure that the villain doesn't/ can't use said device to destroy the world. The heroes can help. Later then take the blame for the failure absolving you of involvement.
Being a good evil assistant is babysitting the evil boss.
_________________________________pg 9___
"Oh man never thought I'd actually need to use the 'Fenton guide' Jazz made me." Danny mumbled quietly and heaved a sigh of relief when he had found it among his hastily packed together bag.
Jazz had been the one making both of their emergency bags when she had told him about the guide. He hadn't appreciated it then now he truly did now with everything going on.
God he missed Jazz so much. He wanted to see her so badly he wanted to hold her hand like when they were kids. He really wanted her hand to squeeze his back in reassurance that everything was going to be fine.
Danny tried holding back his sobs at the thought. He couldn't stop the mist in his eyes or his hands shaking holding the little booklet.
But he wanted her safe and far away from everything even more. He wanted his friends to be safe with his sister. It didn't matter if he had to be far away working getting those crystals every way he could think of. His friends and sister needed money to keep them safe, hidden and taken care of. They needed that money and crystals and if Danny had to choose between his morals and fright he would always choose his true family. Morals be damned.
• • •
He hadn't expected the costume to be so good in quality. That had surprised him the most the second being how easy it would be getting a job with villains. Turns out working as an "meta" henchmen who knew everything from fighting to logistics and machinery was a rarity in this dimension. Who would have guessed it with all the metas and enhanced humans going about? And omg they even have aliens in this dimension!
Getting the money for the crystals had been going surprisingly smoothly. Everything had been going so smoothly that of course it had to be ruined! The villain Danny was working for had gotten noticed and promptly got beat. Which meant he didn't have an employer anymore at least until a breakout was orchestrated. So no more job until then.
And Danny had finally managed his way to the middle hierarchy in that organization! Now he would need to go looking for evil henchmen positions again! It wasn't even a good season to go looking for openings in other organizations.
Damn it that bat furry in Gotham and his flock of birds. Don't they get how hard it is for a henchmen to find descant work!?
Maybe he should go with the duo villain and assistant type next time.
Thank you so much for reading I hope it was enjoyed!
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Danny in the lair after having saved his villain boss from Batman after said villain had their scheme blown up in their face. Danny knew the plan would fail miserably but at this point he didn't care. He stopped trying to help when it came to schemes ages ago.
+Some art
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Idk if I've posted this idea before but I've had this thing bouncing around in my head for a while.
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moresandmanstuff · 13 days
Dead Boy Detectives Character Parallels - Meta Analysis
I've noticed that Crystal and Niko can be viewed as parallels of Edwin and Charles, so I thought I'd post some examples in case anyone is interested.
First, there is the way they meet. Edwin and Crystal encounter someone who is in trouble, on the verge of death, and try to help as best they can. They sit with them and listen, bond over shared trauma.
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The big difference, of course, is that Charles dies while Niko lives. This is not a criticism of Edwin - he was just one ghost boy fresh from Hell. It’s only by working together that the three of them are able to save Niko (i.e. the power of friendship and this enchanted jar I found).
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Charles is immediately taken with Crystal and eventually makes the connection that she reminds him of Edwin. Edwin finds Niko similarly charming. I bet if he thought about it, he would figure out it’s because she reminds him of Charles. They are both stubbornly optimistic and delightfully openminded, if a bit reckless.
They impulsively pick up objects.
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They are curious about the bear talisman. (Notice how the shots are different, with Niko visually trapped with it in the jar.)
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They really want that Magic 8 Ball and look to Edwin for permission to take the case.
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They are much friendlier with Tragic Mick than Edwin or Crystal are, which results in him giving them the magical objects that come in so handy later.
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They tend to jump in front of danger when their counterpart is threatened.
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And then there is their mutual appreciation for blunt force objects. (That crowbar definitely ended up in the bag of tricks backpack.)
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Bonus shot of all four reacting to the young woman jumping from the lighthouse in episode 4. Charles and Niko immediately look away, but Crystal and Edwin watch. Edwin even moves to get a better view. Is this because they are more desensitized to violence?
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Lastly, just a dialogue parallel. Edwin in episode 6 after realizing he was tricked by Monty, and Crystal in the pilot explaining that David the Demon must have tricked her.
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I'm sure there are more but this is long enough already. What parallels have you noticed?
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arachnesbich · 1 year
Ghost cores being mistaken for something like an egg is a niche in this fandom that makes me so feral, I have so many fic prompt ideas.
One thought that keeps going through my head is Danny gets hurt some how (Escaping GIW? The Fentons vivisection?) and ends up in the care of a hero. There isn’t enough ectoplasm around him to heal his wounds and keep him alive at the same time, so in order to preserve energy and focus on healing he needs to retreat into his core and go into a sort of ghost coma.
Deciding to put his trust this hero, Danny tries to explain that his injuries are too severe to heal in his current state, he ‘can’t stay’, but doesn’t have anywhere to keep his core safe. He cannot stress enough just how important his core is, how fragile it is, about how he didn’t have anyone he could trust to properly take care of it, and just begging them to keep GIW away from his core.
The hero agrees to take care of their core and not turn it over to the government, if only to calm him down so they could attempt to treat his injuries to the best of their abilities. Hearing them promise to take care of him until he’s well enough to take care of himself gives Danny enough relief to just disappear. He literally fades from existence, leaving behind a bright green orb the size of a crystal ball.
In a mix of adrenaline, panic, and blood loss, Danny gives the hero the impression that he’s an meta/alien that escaped from government experimentation, begged them to take care of his ‘core’ and keep it safe from the government that was experimenting on him, died on their couch, and left behind a fucking egg the color of the Lazarus pit/Kryptonite.
After some time Danny heals enough to be semi-conscious and, feeling a little guilty/embarrassed about making this random hero responsible for him, tries to force his reforming before he has enough ectoplasm to return to his original teenage/adult form. He ends up reforming way younger than he really is (maybe he has just enough ectoplasm to form as a toddler/baby instead of a teenager, maybe he reforms at his ghost age, maybe his mind is so focused on the embarrassment of being cradled and cared for like a baby that his ectoplasm is like: “Oh, OK. So we’re a baby now :D ”), giving more credence to the thought of it being an egg that just hatched.
Just shenanigans with the hero trying to take care of an egg then a meta baby, while said meta baby tries to figure out how to get back to his original state.
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So I was thinking about how Steven, Connie and Stevonnie all have a duet with one of the main Crystal Gems and I realised how masterfully these songs are deployed to tell us things about them.
First of all, On The Run for Steven and Amethyst.
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Amethyst is the Crystal Gem who relates the most to Steven's experiences and vice versa. They're both the 'juniors' in their household, they've both been struggling with being respected by the older Crystal Gems for a while now, and though Amethyst is very much Steven's guardian when it comes down to it, she's also Steven's peer in a way that Garnet and Pearl just aren't even when they try to include Steven.
And now this song sets them up as parallels in other contexts, too. They're both from earth! They both don't wholly belong in one category (Steven as a half gem, half human, Amethyst as a Crystal Gem who never fought in the rebellion and whose existence runs against the Crystal Gems' original wishes for Earth), and as we are about to learn, they both came into existence at the cost of other life and might harbour guilt about it, even though they had literally no say in this.
And then later on they continue to be parallels, especially in season 3 (though they share the child of divorce energy during the Sardonyx Arc). They both compare themselves to impossible standards of what they 'should' be (Steven to the idea of Rose, Amethyst to Jasper) and it is their recognition of their own struggles in each other that allows them to at least partially overcome them. No wonder Smoky Quartz is Steven's first fusion with another gem!
Next up: Do It For Her, sung by Pearl and Connie.
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Speaking of parallels! It's pretty obvious watching the episode that Pearl is spending some time in projection city regarding absolute devotion to a beloved, if not revered partner, but she might actually be closer to the truth in some respects than she realises.
Remember Lion 2: The Movie? When Connie said that she didn't understand why Steven would hang out with someone as normal as her? Doesn't this remind us of someone else who feels like she's objectively inferior to a special (in several ways) someone? Someone who stepped out of the predetermined role she was supposed to fill to join her loved one on their dangerous path? Who lived a double life to avoid retribution from controlling authority figures? Couldn't say.
Also, they're both the knowledgable planner to their all loving goofball partner.
With all of this, I think Do It For Her both draws parallels between Pearl and Connie as well as Pearlrose and Connverse, and shows us how the example of Pearl and Rose's unresolved dysfunction could stop Steven and Connie from falling into the same trap before it was too late. I think seeing Pearl demonstrate the end of the road they were beginning to walk was what enabled Steven to step in before they got to Pearlrose's point, where Pearl was to deep in her self sacrificing mindset for Rose to reach her.
And finally, Here Comes A Thought for Garnet and Stevonnie.
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First of all, obviously, Garnet and Stevonnie as an embodiment of the love and harmony between Ruby and Sapphire and Steven and Connie respectively.
It also draws parallels between Ruby and Connie and Steven and Sapphire though. (I saw a great meta about that in my lurking days, which I will link here if someone could kindly direct me to it). Sapphire and Steven as people who would rather bury negative feelings, like Sapphire tries to in Keystone Motel and Steven in... the entirety of suf to name just the most prominent one. Which of course only leads to more problems in the long run, because they haven't processed the feelings at all.
On the other hand, the comparison with Ruby draws attention to a trait of Connie's we maybe wouldn't have noticed otherwise: She is, for the lack of a better term, much more confrontational about things that make her unhappy. Just look at The New Crystal Gems.
Also, letting Ruby and Sapphire demonstrate their conflict resolution for Steven and Connie gives us an insight into what goes into keeping Garnet together through everything. Love takes work indeed. It's also worth pointing out that Connverse have been paralleled with both Pearlrose, Rupphire and (a little bit in We Need To Talk) Gregrose this way.
This show has so many layers, I swear, I'll be on my deathbed and I'll still find new nuances to write an essay about. Well done, Crewniverse.
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gruusha · 9 months
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---------------- 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 & 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞.
as stated previously, grusha moved to paldea about four years before the events of the game. his first three months were spent in a nonpermanent housing situation while he completed the prerequisite examination material to be considered for a gym leader (written test, interview, battle tournament). however, upon selecting glaseado as the location he wanted, grusha received a turn of fortune: instead of being relegated to living in the upper levels of what was to be "his" gym, there was an old cabin a bit more than two miles (three-ish kilometers) east of the gym.
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according to the individuals he spoke to throughout his process of agreeing to purchase the home & those within the league's administration who had been around for some time, the house had been built some decades prior by a socialite who turned to a life of seclusion after an unspecified incident which brought them significant grief & turmoil. although it had gone without occupants for almost half of its existence, the granddaughter of the socialite had taken it upon herself to refurbish it... all while keeping it as faithful to her forebearer's original design.
the cabin itself is composed of granite bricks (certainly an odd choice for exterior barring erosion resistance, but not grusha's place to question the former owner's decisions) & walnut floors (replaced with cuts anew by the granddaughter and sealed) within. the countertops are granite (cut and polished, contrary to the exterior) & appliances are stainless steel - stove/oven, dishwasher, refrigerator/freezer.
there's a fireplace on the main floor (as the upper level largely just consists of grusha's bedroom/bathroom/closet) which serves as the primary central heating for the entire house. the smoke travels out utilizing a chimney visible from the outside of the building.
grusha was not without making his own changes/required modifications: for his own ease, he had the spiral staircase taken out & an elevator/wheelchair lift put in with, conveniently, very little difference in the space requirement on account of the former staircase being elaborate.
in regards to physical location, grusha's home sits upon a small ledge (the incline small enough that grusha is able to traverse it without much difficulty) overlooking the eastern side of the mountain...
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the lights of levincia are visible on a clear night, and during the daytime the valley & canyon bordering glaseado's range.
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in contrast, the pokemon center indicator (upper right) is bright enough that even on a night of poor weather, grusha is able to see it if he walks a short distance in front of his home. the gym's lights themselves aren't far behind. since grusha is unique in requiring challengers to defeat at least two of his gym trainers, that also makes him unique in having gym trainers - period. in light of this, grusha allows the trainers to live in the upper levels of the gym itself. the gym's lights are typically on from 8AM to 10PM.
additionally, grusha's ledge is along the path people take (or most people, anyway, unless they have sufficient means of scaling the road less traveled/mountainside).
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the large stone with a hooked formation at its peak (just up-left of center) is right in front of the ledge upon which grusha's house sits, and it is visible from the glaseado watchtower.
& 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐝𝐛𝐢𝐭𝐬!
grusha is actually a great cook! seeing that souped up (no... food pun intended??) stove actually made him fairly excited to live here.
his favorite food to eat is coincidentally one of his favorites to make. pidove pot pie is the way to go. it's warm, flavorful, balanced, and stick-to-your-ribs.
you can thank grusha's larvesta for the warmth you feel upon entering his home. the two of them are content to cuddle in the fireplace and constantly emit heat -- admittedly they're kind of lazy, but at least they don't wander while spurting flames. if they think grusha's taken too long to give them their next meal, though, they'll stop emitting heat to make a point.
that said, you'll probably never go into grusha's house. as there are indicators of the extent of their injury everywhere -- forearm crutches (two pair), a wheelchair, the wheelchair lift, a furniture layout with enough room to accommodate a wheelchair's width, etc. although it is public knowledge that they were injured critically enough to end their career in snowboarding & they have no issue mentioning as much, the exact details of what they suffered is probably the best-kept secret any celebrity can manage. they are exceptionally private about the fact most of their leg had to be amputated. grusha can count on one hand the number of times they have let someone in their house.
each day grusha walks to the gym, their flareon & glaceon accompany them. the duo works together to clear the footpath (flareon) by melting snow/ice, and re-freezing (glaceon) the mounds of snow on the side between the path & the ascent of the mountain, thus helping to prevent snow from shifting/falling from elsewhere on the mountain onto where people may need to walk. the flareon & glaceon sometimes wait at the gym with grusha & train play with the gym pokemon, other days they will return to the house.
grusha's house does not have internet! or cable, actually. he peeks whatever news he feels inclined to skim utilizing the 4g on his phone and that's about the extent of his technology. it is important to note that while grusha doesn't own hardly any technology, he is definitely not clueless about it -- he's pretty up to date. as far as passing time goes, he prefers reading, puzzles, grooming & cooking for his pokemon, and genealogy research. he actually only recently learned that his second cousin is a member of unova's elite four and... is contemplating reaching out.
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aspoonofsugar · 6 months
do you think the song out for love says something about Camilla and veggie and to veggies character arc
Yes, it does. I want to talk about Vaggie in other metas too, so in this analysis I will focus on her relationship with Carmilla, since this is what you are mainly asking about.
Before I start, though, I am gonna link to you this meta by @hamliet, where she talks about the main message of the song:
You're gonna fight without gloves And when that push comes to shove Yeah, you just might rise above Long as you're out for love
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If you love, you might rise above. So Vaggie, a fallen angel, regrows her wings by choosing love and protection over hate and revenge. The meaning is crystal clear. Love makes you worthy of Heaven. Just like in the finale Pentious ascends thanks to his selfless sacrifice.
This is the meaning of the song when it comes to theme and to the series as a whole.
At the same time it is not by chance this theme comes out so strongly in relation to Carmilla and Vaggie, as they are both tied to "love".
Carmilla Carmine: So I, I'll be your keeper Do whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes I'll keep you safe and keep this secret
Vaggie: So I, I'll be your armor Do whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes I'll spend my life being your partner
Carmilla and Vaggie are set up as foils in episode 3, when they share the song Whatever It Takes. This ballad is a love song, but Carmilla and Vaggie express two different kinds of love:
Carmilla is singing to her daughters (familial)
Vaggie is singing to Charlie (romantic)
This is a pattern throughout the show:
There are two versions of More Than Anything - the first one is about a familial bond, whereas the second explores a romantic relationship
Sir Pentious gets redeemed after expressing his feelings for Cherri (romantic) and sacrificing himself for the Hotel Crew (familial)
So, Hazbin Hotel goes out of its way to celebrate all kinds of positive bonds: platonic, romantic, familial. All of these relationships are enriching and help people grow. Vaggie and Carmilla are two characters linked to this very concept, as they are ready to fight and suffer for their loved ones:
Both: Whatever we go through I know I~ (Carmilla: I'll be your keeper) (Vaggie: I'll be your armor) Whatever it takes (Carmilla: I'll make the mistakes) (Vaggie: I'll make the mistakes) Whatever it takes
They are both warriors, but fight for love. They are out for love. However, Whatever It Takes also highlights a major difference between them.
Scrambled Eggs is an episode about trust. This is true especially for Carmilla and Vaggie, who have opposite secrets:
Carmilla killed an angel
Vaggie is an angel
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Throughout the song the conflict between Heaven and Hell is mentioned by Carmilla and is present in subtext in Vaggie's stanza, as she looks at her old home.
Both are struggling under the pressure of these truths and are confronted by a loved one:
Zestial: Carmilla, what troubles thou? Losing thy composure is unlike thee. Carmilla Carmine: It's nothing, Zestial, really.
Charlie: Vaggie, don't say that! You do so much! It's- Vaggie: I'm sorry. I'd… I'd like to be alone for a minute.
Carmilla chooses to open up to Zestial and tells her daughters how much she loves them. Vaggie instead closes herself off and refuses Charlie's attempt to talk. She is singing to Charlie, but Charlie herself isn't present to hear her out. Even when it comes to their respective secrets...
Carmilla says hers in the song:
Carmilla Carmine: I always thought that I would keep blood off my face But when that thing attacked, I had to act To cross that line and keep them safe But if anyone knew, then all of Hell would rise to war And who's to say who'd survive the fray? I might lose the ones that I was killing for
Vaggie only alludes to hers in the lyrics:
Vaggie: When I saw your face You made me feel like a stranger in a brand new place And it felt so good to be understood But there's so much I wished that I could say
Vaggie meets Charlie and feels like a stranger in a brand new place because at the time she is in fact a stranger in a brand new place:
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So, Carmilla is able to express herself, while Vaggie can't. This isn't surprising, as Vaggie is basically a child-soldier:
Adam: Do you really think I wouldn't recognize one of my top girls just cuz you're out of uniform? You were on the front lines, I wouldn't forget a bad bitch like you. It's why I named you after the best thing ever. Vaggie.
She is brought up in Adam's army and is taught that love is conditional. She is one of Adam's best fighters, but the moment she makes a "mistake", she is discarded:
Lute: Sinful filth like you has no place in heaven.
This is why she feels Charlie will love her only if she is useful and never messes up:
Vaggie: I'm supposed to make your dreams a reality. I'm supposed to protect you. I'm supposed to never fail you. (...) If I can't help you, what's the point of me?
This fear of abandonement and rejection is also at the root of Vaggie's inability to tell Charlie about her past:
Adam: I guess I'll just tell little miss butterflies and rainbows that she's been fucking someone who's killed-- thousands of her people. I'm sure your relationship will be fine.
Still, despite her communication issues, Vaggie's heart is in the right place:
Rosie: If there's anything I've learned, it's that words are cheap, but actions, they speak the truth. So, what have her actions said?
Vaggie is a person of few words. This may be why she has less songs than other characters. Still, she lets her actions speak, so she is given a ballet lesson by a very talented ballerina:
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Carmilla has a ballet motif, as her outfit resembles that of a ballerina and her two daughters are called after protagonists of famous ballets. So, it is only natural that she teaches Vaggie a new way to fight through dancing.
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Vaggie was taught to fight with hate and anger. So, her fighting style is aggressive and focused on attack:
Carmilla: You leave yourself open with every swing. You fight like someone unafraid of harm, and this is what you'll take advantage of. Angels wield no shields, little armor and fight with reckless abandon.
Carmilla tells her she should instead dedicate herself to love, protection and defense:
Fuel yourself with the fear of losin' That somebody who's your reason to live Harnеss your heart and you can't help choosin' To fight with all you can give
Vaggie shouldn't just fight. She should dance:
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She shouldn't hate:
I see you're driven by your detestation Your every step is stoked with animus You need a different type of motivation Or there's no way that you can handle this
She should love:
Out for love~ Love~ Think of who you care about Protect them and be out For love~ Love~
Vaggie listens to these teachings and applies them in the finale, in two ways.
She sings her love for Charlie in More Than Anything Reprise:
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Vaggie: You've already done so much So many lives you've changed So many souls you've touched And in the end, if it's only me you've saved Charlie and Vaggie: There's something that I've been dying to say More than anything, more than anything Need you to know I love you more than anything More than anything
As stated above, Vaggie doesn't sing much in season 1, but in the final episode she gets a short moment to express how she feels to Charlie. This is in contrast to Whatever It Takes, where she sends her girlfriend away before she starts singing. More Than Anything Reprise shows Vaggie's progress when it comes to self-expression.
She follows Carmilla's advices while fighting
On a practical level she covers herself up in a battle suit inspired by Carmilla's outfit, she wears a harness on her heart and ties her hair:
Vaggie: I'm not used to fighting with long hair.
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On a thematic level she reveals her wings and defeats Lute, when the exorcist threathens Charlie:
Lute: So, I'll spare you the pain of seeing your demon bitch die.
And Vaggie eventually chooses not to kill the other angel:
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Lute: Do it, then. Correct your mistake. Vaggie: Seriously, you're pathetic, you know that? Ready to die rather than accepting mercy? No, live. Live knowing that you only do because I let you, the failure.
Vaggie is asked to choose between her hate for Lute and her love for Charlie and she chooses the latter. This is why the scene ends with Vaggie leaving Lute and flying to help Charlie. She is given the chance to get revenge, but doesn't take it. She is given the chance to hate, but she loves:
I know you're thirstin' for vengeance, Vaggie You're out for blood But you'll only stand a chance if you're out for love
This is important in two ways:
1- The macrochosm - Vaggie refuses Lute's ideals and defies her expectations. For Lute it is normal that Vaggie is going to kill her. After all, Vaggie is discarded because she shows pity to a sinner, which makes her weak. Still, Vaggie bests Lute in a fight, so she is now strong. It is only obvious then that Vaggie has snapped out of her foolery and is ready to kill. She can correct her mistake. She did not kill the cannibal child, but she can kill Lute. This is how Lute understands the world. And yet, Vaggie doesn't finish her off. By doing so, she moves away from the mentality Lute embodies. She is strong precisely because she can show mercy. Adam is wrong. Lute is wrong. Vaggie isn't out for blood. She is out for love.
2- The microchosm - Vaggie sparing Lute isn't just the morally correct choice, but it is Vaggie's first step into healing:
Husk: (To Vaggie) This one. Judges everyone and everything because she hates herself.
Vaggie hates everyone because she deep down hates herself. She despises Heaven and Angels because she can't forgive her involvement in the exterminations. So, Vaggie hurting Lute would be Vaggie hurting her past self. As a matter of fact Lute is Vaggie's dark mirror. She is who Vaggie might become if she gives in to hate.
A person who hurts others:
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And herself:
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Vaggie instead has to value her life, so that she can protect others. She must save others and heal herself. Only in this way she can be by Charlie's side. She needs to let go of self-hate to embrace a healthy love. Vaggie's arc is her learning self-love through her bond with the Princess of Hell.
Obviously this journey is just at the beginning and our Angel of Love has a long way to go. How will her story contiue? We can make some hypothesis, which once again stem from Vaggie and Carmilla's foiling. This is just a theory, so take it with a grain of salt, but Vaggie may have a secondary personal antagonist in Hell:
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Why is that so? It's because Scrambled Eggs sets Vaggie and Velvette up as foils.
Velvette and Vaggie are opposites in their interactions with Carmilla. Both girls are younger than the Dancer Overlord and could learn a lot from her. However, Velvette refuses any kind of mentorship and shows no respect:
Velvette: Mad that I acted respectless? Well, it's cause no one could respect this! You're long past trending! Sorry, bae, but I ain't swiping right! You've lost your relevance-
Vaggie instead comes to respect Carmilla and learns from her:
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At the same time, both Velvette and Vaggie confront Carmilla about her secret:
Velvette: 'Oops!' Did I strike a nerve? 'Cause when I brought out the angel's head, couldn't help but observe, that your wrinkled face was turning red! And why are you avoiding war? That's what the guns you sell are for! Thanks to my being respectless, one thing I'm starting to suspect is You know why this angel's headless! Do you have a disclosure?
Vaggie: I know what you did on extermination day. We can talk about it inside, or I can yell about it out here.
They call Carmilla out on killing an angel and keeping this knowledge to herself. Not only that, but both argue that it is necessary to fight back to stop the exterminations:
Velvette: We found it during Extermination day. If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed. We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan!
Vaggie: Miss Carmine, I'm here on appointment from the princess to enlist your aid in the defense of hell from the angelic extermination. We know an angel fell at your hands and we need to know how.
Still, Velvette fails to get through to Carmilla because she uses war rhetoric:
Velvette: Oh, I get it. So Grandpa is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right? Oh, what's the matter, Fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab...
She speaks of violence, strength and power.
Vaggie instead convinces Carmilla to help because she mentions the necessity to fight for loved ones:
Vaggie: We didn't pick this fight, but it's here now. And they aren't going to stop with us. You didn't see the look on their leader's face. With us out of the way, it's only a matter of time before they come for the rest of you. They won't stop until all of hell is wiped out, so you can help us make a stand here together, or you can stand alone tomorrow.
She speaks of protection, love and comraderie.
In short, Vaggie succeeds where Velvette fails. Of course, this is true for Charlie's group in general when it comes to the Vees:
Vox: My dear people! We at VoxTek Enterprises have always been at the forefront of innovation. And now, with this new oncoming threat, we are shifting our focus, to your protection. We are pleased to announce VoxTek Angelic Security is coming soon! Trust us, with YOUR safety.
Katie Killjoy: Breaking news - Extermination day is cancelled! Charlie Morningstar managed to fend off the angelic attack with more than just nice words.
The Vees make big declarations of how they are gonna protect the people of Hell, but in the end it is Charlie and her friends who fight for the sinners.
When it comes to Vaggie and Velvette specifically, it is going to be interesting if their foiling is expanded. If so, then I guess Velvette is gonna help Vaggie mature a little bit more, so that when our ex exorcist faces Lute (her nemesis) again, she is gonna be ready for it.
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desultory-novice · 7 months
White-Haired Noir (Older)
I wasn't kidding when I said Noir has become more of "my OC" than before. Anyway, they tell me cringe is dead, so let's get on with it!
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(Pictured: Would you believe this guy was once my Dark Matter Swordsman???)
No longer a teary-eyed apprentice, White-Haired Noir in ~the future~ (circa Star Allies??) has become a knight in his own right, swearing his service to Dedede as thanks for helping house the bruised, battered, emotionally unstable teen boy so many years ago.
Dedede Stop Adopting People Challenge (impossible)
Over the years (and with plenty of hard hitting, gloves-off training from Meta Knight) Noir has both grown up and grown accustomed to life on Popstar. He's regained some semblance of a life (gasp!) and inner peace. (...When Popstar's not being invaded, that is.)
He has friends (and rivals), is able to stomach food and drink a bit better, and has accepted Gooey, finally. He can even speak positively of his lost childhood with his little sister, on occasion.
Despite Popstar's generally warm weather, the Shiver Star native continues to dress in highly concealing fashion, as his upper body still bears the scars of his interrupted Dark Matter transformation; one reason he grew his hair out long was to help conceal the ones on his neck better, so as not to frighten the younger Waddle Dees.
[Assorted Text Wall Below]
Age Range: Mid 20s and up (Tbh, his specific age'll probably fluctuate depending upon the kind of story I want to tell. This is, quite simply, an adult Noir who's got his life more together.)
Abilities: Mild regenerative abilities, magic reflection, healing/purification, light projection [Rainbow Sword] 
Protective magic and various physical ability-boosting magic [These come courtesy of the crystals adorning his jacket, a gift from the Queen of the Fairies. Noir is still a squishy human, after all. His fine swordplay aside, he needs magical enhancements to not get accidentally steamrolled by Kirby's other friends.]
Hobbies: swordplay, stargazing, crochet (Taranza taught him the last one, both as a mental grounding exercise and to help rehabilitate Noir's Dark Matter corrupted hands for performing delicate tasks. Half of Dream Land has one of Noir's early crochet octopi sitting in their storage. Nowadays, he makes toys for the younger Dees.)
Etc: Because of his closeness with King Dedede (and in large part due to their matching scarves/sashes), his general protectiveness of the Waddle Dees, as well as his fairy-tale outfit (which Ribbon helped with) Noir has picked up nickname of the "Prince of Dream Land"
A highly unfitting one, Noir has been heard to privately complain. In what world could an unwashed, damaged, sharp-tongued orphan with hands near-literally dyed in blood become a prince...?
Height-wise, if we consider King Dedede to be one of a breed of extinct "mega penguins" then Noir, fully grown, is of comparable height. (Dedede insists he's taller because of this crown puff. Huzzah! His title as king is safe!) In human terms, this does make Noir a short king :cough: prince, which in his case is due to malnourishment, physical abuse during puberty, and just plain genetics. ^^;
Anyway, despite how shockingly decent he looks cleaned up, Noir is still a feral cat at heart, and he hasn't lost his sass either, even if the edges have been somewhat filed off with time.
(Even the most angsty and tragic of emo boys can only go so many years with sparkly, shimmering, pastel rainbow hair (1) before they give up the act and start smiling ju~st a little more! ^_-)
(1) It is completely impossible for Noir to return his hair to its original dark maroon/black, btw. Even the strongest dye refuses to stick.
...And yes, he has attempted.
(Q: When is this...? Cause he still looked 16 in that FL comic you did.) (A: That's because I hadn't thought ahead when I wrote it! This form is basically meant as something to pull out for the later games with some extra padding for any future games/events. >w< )
(Q: So... is that FL comic still Apologies canon?) (A: ~ish! He would definitely be his older self now. That said, this Noir did still encounter Elfilin by chance, immediately recognized him as ID-F86, and had a PTSD episode over it, dredging up old memories he'd believed he had come to peace with. It was the closest the Dark Matter in Noir had come to re-awakening in years. Elfilin's sincere apology to the innocent victims of Forgo's rage helped Noir keep from losing himself completely and he was able to recover.
Also, following Crystal Shards, Noir DID resume having daily nightmares about Adeleine and her fate. That was why MK encouraged him to stay with the fairies of Ripple Star for a time and recuperate; that Noir could resume his training with Meta Knight later on. The grateful fairies all turned out to completely ADORE him - particularly, his shining rainbow hair. This period away from Popstar meant that he totally missed out on Amazing Mirror though.)
(Q: If he missed Amazing Mirror, what games DIDN'T he miss?) (A: He was actually there for a somewhat altered version of Meta Knightmare Ultra in Planet Robobot! It was his first "mission" with his teacher. (And I have a fanfic brewing about that, thanks to the anon who asked what if Noir got within wishing distance of Star Dream...)
Unlike Meta's relationship with Kirby, where Meta trusts Kirby to bounce back from everything and is excited :wipes drool off face: to see how much Kirby will grow, Meta Knight tries (somewhat) to keep his very human disciple out of danger, if he can. He's not soft on him by any means, with hard blows and even harder life lessons, but he knows that Noir came to them hanging onto life by a very frayed thread and he only pushes as far as he believes Noir can take.
Nowadays, he's much more trusting of him to handle himself.
(Q: Assuming he was in SA, where was he during TDX, RtDL, and FL? (A: In both Triple Deluxe and Forgotten Land, he was away from Popstar. Record of Stopping Dedede Abductions: 0/2. He rolled his eyes at a giant beanstalk erupting from Dream Land leading to a kingdom in the clouds "...You're kidding?" and Dedede was stomping mad when Noir laughed outloud about the story of the abduction - which concealed the fact that Meta Knight WAS LAUGHING TOO.
In Return to Dream Land, Noir was still on Popstar but didn't participate in the adventure in any capacity. When everyone returned and told the tale of Magolor's betrayal, his response was a deadpan, "Okay but you all saw that coming a mile away though, right? .........Tell me you saw that coming." He was a little less sassy when he heard Magolor's downfall came at the hands of a corrupting artifact.)
(Q: Wasn't Noir taller than Dedede in that one random sketch?) (A: As an Earth human. Noir eventually became Popstarian size.)
(Q: It's nice that he's okay but... but Adeleine... ; _ ; ) (A: Yeah... However, similar to Blade and Gooey in the main verse, in the AU AU, it was Painter who took care of and sheltered the Dark Matter outcast. Noir initially hated Gooey, because he despised Dark Matter for destroying his family and he hated it every time Gooey tried to approach him - like a sign that he would never escape his mistakes. Only later was he forced to confront Gooey and realize that Gooey was always seeking Noir out because of Adeleine's memories Gooey had taken in. They eventually had a painful heart to heart, where Noir was able to experience his sister's last memories through Gooey. Noir now lets him wear Painter's beret in memory of her.)
Anyway, that's now two (and a half (?) if you count "Snowflakes") Noirs who have escaped the cycle of misery! Hooray!
Don't worry, Main Timeline Noir, your salvation comes next............Probably???? >w<
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rifari2037 · 4 months
11. What do you think of the Zutara/Omashu reincarnation theory?
My thoughts on Zutara/Omashu are pretty much the same as this post.
When I first read Zutara/Omashu meta, I was like, "where was I all this time? Why didn't I realize this?" All the theories make sense to me, not only the storyline but also the artistic aspect.
But I don't want to look at just one side. Since I found out that canon shipper also represents their ship as omashu reincarnation, I read anti-zutara meta so my judgment is not biased. Who knows that canon shipper theory more make sense?
This is the comparison of the meta (and my opinion in Italic) :
The story of Omashu
They met on top of the mountain that divided their two villages...
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Kat/ang :
Kat/ang parallel with Omashu because they are stranger who met and fall in love. Technically, Katara (and Sokka, don't forget him) met Aang on the top of the iceberg, just like Omashu met on top of the mountain.
Zutara :
Omashu met on the top of a mountain, which is a neutral place where two villages are not at war.
Zuko and Katara met in crystal catacomb that looks like the Cave of Two Lovers, in Ba Sing Se which is a city with the motto "no war in Ba Sing Se".
The villages are enemies so they could not be together...
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Kat/ang :
Katara and Aang couldn't be together because of the war, just like Omashu relationship who literally impacted by the war.
But the airbenders and the water tribes were never enemies, right? Beside it was Katara's decision, not the two of them. If Katara didn't confused that time, they would be together even in the war.
Zutara :
Zuko and Katara's people were literally at war, they were enemies so they couldn't be together.
It wasn't their decision either, but circumstances that separate them. They raised to hate each other people, until their journey opened their eyes.
But their love was strong and they found a way...
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Kat/ang :
Katara and Aang's love is so strong. They carried through each obstacle dan never gave up on each other. Their love strong enough to end 100-year war.
But as far as I know, their love is not the reason the war ended.
Zutara :
Zuko and Katara were enemies at first, so their path to being together wasn't easy. After Zuko betrayed Katara and felt so much regret, he had to find a way to gain her forgiveness. Katara had to understand herself and what she needed before she could forgive Zuko.
Their love (or bond) are so strong and they found a way to finally accept each other.
The two lovers learned earth bending from the badger moles, they became the first earthbenders...
Kat/ang :
Katara and Aang are parallel with Omashu because they are not the first waterbender and airbender, but they're the last of their kind - the last airbender and the last waterbender in southern water tribe.
Zutara :
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Oma and Shu were the first earthbender, but they wore fire and water colour instead of earth colour.
But, one day the man didn't come. He died in the war between their two villages...
Kat/ang :
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Aang died after Azula directed lightening to him, just like Shu died in the war.
Zutara :
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Zuko and Katara were the reincarnations of Oma and Shu. In his previous life, Oma couldn't save Shu, that's why Zuko was always protective to Katara and saved her in dangerous situations.
Devastated, the woman unleashed a terrible display of her earthbending power, she could have destroyed them all...
Kat/ang :
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Katara used a devastating powerful move only for someone she loved, that was wen Aang died in Ba Sing Se during the war.
But instead, she declared the war over... Both villages helped her build a new city where they would live together in peace...
Kat/ang :
Katara and Aang together built a new city with fire, water, earth, fan and sword.
But, which new city? As I know, the new city in TLOK is Republic City which was built by Fire Lord Zuko and Avatar Aang. I know Sokka is the southern water tribe chief and Toph is the police chief, but I don't know Katara's contribution there. She wasn't even present at the bloodbender trial.
Zutara :
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Aang as Avatar did defeat Ozai, but the war wouldn't be end if Azula becomes the next Fire Lord.
Just like Oma, Zuko as the new Fire Lord was the one who declaring the war over. He built a new city with the avatar in peace.
It was parallel with Omashu since Katara didn't have a role in new city. She didn't literally die like Shu, but her absence represented that.
2. Colour symbolism
Kat/ang :
Some canon shipper (or all of them?) make an opinion that colour isn't important since the story of Omashu describe Kat/ang, but they didn't wore orange and blue.
I personally disagree with this opinion. Colour is very important in ATLA, not only about Omashu, but also in general. Each nation and benders have their colour to represent their characteristic.
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That's why, if I say orange, you wouldn't think of water tribes but air nomads. If I said red, you would definitely be referring to the fire nation, not the earth kingdom.
Zutara :
In Zutara meta, based on the story showed that Zuko was reincarnation of Oma and Katara was reincarnation of Shu. 'Coincidentally' Oma/Zuko and Shu/Katara had the same colour.
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3. The Position
Zutara :
This is an interesting theory. Not only they have the same colour, Oma/Zuko and Shu/Katara consistently have the same position.
In the story, Oma always on the left while Shu always on the right.
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In every Zutara important moments, Zuko always on the left while Katara always on the right.
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If it's just a coincidence, why does this position happened again and again? They could've swapped positions, but they didn't.
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I was curious, did that happen in canon too? Well, from these two moments alone, I can already conclude.
I quote canon shipper theories not to attack them, I appreciate the opinion. I just want to compare canon and fanon theories so I less biased to know which theory I agree with more.
So Far, Zutara/Omashu still more make sense to me.
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aydafigs · 5 months
ooh I have so many thoughts on The Rat Grinders discourse okay
on the one hand, I think it's completely reasonable to be disappointed that there was no attempt from The Bad Kids to engage with TRG beyond just killing them as quickly and bloodily as possible, or no effort from Brennan to present that as an option. I agree that it sucks that these teenagers, who have been corrupted by rage crystals and are presumably being manipulated by authority figures, are being treated as irredeemably evil and therefore condemned to hell forever for their crimes - and I agree that it feels incongruent narratively, when a big arc this season involved 'redeeming' a corrupted goddess, and a key theme has been the power of utilising doubt to overcome rage. I also think it's a shame that Fig's past attempts to engage with Reuben were ultimately forgotten about and rendered useless (and I definitely got the impression that Emily herself was also frustrated about this).
however! I do also completely understand it from a gameplay, genre, and storytelling perspective.
firstly, mostly just as a sidenote, I think it's worth acknowledging that a lot of 'real-world' thinking and logic surrounding death and ‘redemption’ and the moral complexities of 'good vs evil' don't always work within Fantasy High or d&d. death is treated much more flippantly in a world where characters can and do regularly plane-shift to the very real and tangeable afterlives. it's harder to think of death as truly an end to someone's life when it is known for certain that those who die are actually continuing to live alternate lives on different planes of existence - and I think from a meta perspective this inevitably affects the way players think about killing NPCs within a story. no one is ever truly gone; they're just living somewhere else now.
additionally, in-universe, the prospect of dying or being killed is an accepted risk for those attending Aguefort. they're training to be adventurers, and as fucked up as it is, a key element of the universe and genre that this story takes place in is that people - including teenagers - die on adventures, and this risk is entirely normalised and considered unfortunate but necessary. it's one of those genre-specific tropes that you have to accept for the world to function. this is d&d, this is fantasy adventuring high school, teenagers have to save the world from other, villainous teenagers. it's every teen supernatural/fantasy drama. it's Teen Wolf. it's fucking Riverdale. as Brennan has put it before, "it's adventuring school. people die."
The Rat Grinders are not the heroes of this story - and what is so interesting about them, at least to me, is that they know that. there's a lot of excellent analysis of TRG as existing on a meta level even within the story; they're power gamers, they're XP farmers, they know they're NPCs; and this is the source of Kipperlilly's anger. Kipperlilly's rage stems from knowing that she is ordinary; that she doesn't have a tragic backstory, that she will never save the world, that she and her friends aren't a notorious adventuring party or 'found family' or anything other than regular. so she set out to become Not Ordinary by any means necessary - and if she and The Rat Grinders couldn't be the heroes, they had to become the villains. whether or not TRG 'deserved' to die or not is a moot point, I think. it's not about what they deserve. their story, and especially Kipperlilly's story, is a tragedy in this way; she was doomed by the narrative from the moment she started to write herself as the villain.
The Rat Grinders are, narratively, the Big Bads of the season; the Final Bosses of this game of d&d. this final battle is necessary to conclude the story in an exciting and climactic and satisfying way. it would simply not be as exciting, either for the players or the audience, if this season ended with The Bad Kids talking it out with The Rat Grinders and convincing them to switch sides. at the end of the day, this isn't a movie or a TV show. this is a game, being played in real time by real people who are improvising and having fun while collaboratively telling a story together. of course, the storytelling on this show is phenomenal - but it's never going to be able to do everything. they don't have a room of writers pitching ideas to write perfectly timed and paced scripts for character arcs and resolutions. they're a group of improv comedians playing a roleplay and combat-centric game together. they're playing d&d. they’re playing heroes fighting bad guys.
I do think there's a lot of valid criticism around rage and manipulation and who is considered worthy of 'redemption'. I just also think there's a middle ground somewhere between "The Bad Kids killing The Rat Grinders is awful and evil and bad storytelling and everyone involved should feel bad" and "haha suck it Rat Grinders fans, told you they were always evil". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk. it's all love now. [smooch]
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