#one sided rusger
flowerofsakura · 8 months
I just have a little small backstory of how Russia and America met in my high school au (which contains RusAme, be aware of everyone) and I want it to write it here. I’ll also write it on wattpad, but it will take me a long time so later.
For now I will leave pieces of it. So let’s start
USA never liked schools. He was pretty sociable to gain friends in there and was also sociable enough to gain rivals. What he didn’t liked were some teachers, sometimes boring classes and more. He only liked it for his friends, but now he lost those friends, as he’s going to new middle school with his little brother.
He was told new things about it, people awaiting him there, the teachers and more. Not much, but decent. He was told there will be countryhumans like them, disguised as humans. He wonder who will they be.
As he entered the school, the first thing he noticed was how loud it was. Typical schools, where teenagers spent their daily time. His and his brother’s first lesson was P.E, where they will meet their new classmates, a.k.a new countryhumans like them
P.E was on the second floor. While walking towards there, Canada was talking about different things and how excited he was to meet everyone. Canada was only on one year younger than USA, yet, they were still counted as twins, Irish twins. They were still in the same class with each other.
Last things they had to do, was to change in their clothes and meet their classmates and P.E teacher. That should be easy, right ?
Surprisingly there was no one in changing room, so both of them changed into sport clothes, which were typical shorts and shirt.
Now it was time. Both of them entered the “P.E room”. The first people USA noticed was blonde guy, black-haired guy and a black-haired girl. Boys were talking to each other, while in between the girl was looking at them with a worried face
Wouldn’t it be bad to interact with them and make up friends ? He came over to his new classmates and said a common “hi” waving to them. They immediately payed attention to him.
He looked more at them for awhile before they spoke, analysing them. First guy was pretty tall and as said he had blonde hair, they were also wavy and middle length. He had electric blue eyes and pretty long eyelashes. He had visible freckles on his cheeks and nose. USA wasn’t the best at guessing People’s nationality from looks, but he seemed to be Slavic ?
The girl between the two guys was short compared to USA at least, she had black straw ugh that hair. She was wearing glasses, due to bad vision or accessory by any chance ? She had dark brown eyes. She was from Europe, hopefully
The second guy was definitely from Asia, as USA guessed by the way his face looked. He was also wearing glasses and had straight middle length hair. His eyes were just black. He’s either Korean or Japanese, as USA can’t tell between the two.
“You’re new ?” The girl said, smiling at him immediately. Okay, maybe he’ll definitely make friends with her, she already seems nice to him. But who knows. USA answered with a yes and then she asked him if he was a countryhuman. He again said yes and the girl gasped.
“I’m Germany, but you can call me by my human name, Juliana !” The girl answered, smiling at him with her teeth now. She also had a tooth gap, how interesting.
“The brunette boy is Japan or Aoi and the blonde boy is Russia or Alexander” the girl said, adding. So he was right. He has never in his life met a Russian. He maybe met a Japanese or a German one time, but has never seen a Russian. So that’s very interesting for him.
Russia smiled at usa and asked “ what’s your name ?” With that USA replied “USA, Jackson” saying both his of names.
Through time, USA realised what he didn’t expected for Russia to be exactly like this. Other people always told him, what Russians are grumpy, always angry, they never laugh and etc.
Russia was a great guy to be honest, he was quite energetic, a troublemaker to say and a dumbass to be honest. Usa also found out what Russia and Japan were sort of enemies. They were always fighting at who is better at Basketball for example and ended up telling each other “good job” adding either dude or bro. Germany was the one, who was trying keeping them away from fighting with each other over a sport.
And later four of them made up friends. We can’t forget about Canada, who also ended up making friends. One of his closest became Ukraine, the same age as him boy.
He knows, what soon him and his brother will change schools, like a tradition. And he wonders
Will they all meet up again ?
Not a fan of RusAme, but I like to write about this two idiots.
See Russia as a good friendly guy, because no wonder why he even managed to become friends Japan, even if they have a little rivalry going with each other sometimes.
USA is also friendly, because as you can see he made friends with the trio. But he’s kinda less energetic then Russia
Another note: USA is brunette. I honestly can’t see him as blonde, only as a brown haired guy. Canada also has strawberry blonde hair and Ukraine has black hair.
I guess that’s all, bye you all. I’m gonna drop some headcanons later
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Honest thoughts on rusger since that’s living in my mind rent free at the moment?
I've only read like one fic, but yeah...It's pretty good. I also follow a RusGer artist on Instagram (and actually they are also on tumblr @/lubewig-bottomschmidt and their characterization of Ludwig is immaculate. Just...from what I've seen, rusger creators tend to be more in touch with Ludwig's softer side which is something I love to see. Also Ivan would give Ludwig all the cuddles he deserves. Good stuff good stuff. Yeah, you ever need a good rusger artist, check out the artist mentioned above. They also have done some great ger//mano as well.
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
the rusger poly trio was adorable! maybe we could get ludwig and ivan becoming a little protective/ jealous of their s/o?
You waited impatiently for your professor to finish his lecture. He seemed to move as slow as the time as he explained the causes and effects of the fall of the Roman Empire. Having been in school for almost all your life you were hearing all of this information for the millionth time, the only difference being your professor using big words.
“You will work in partners! I know that’s something we usually don’t do but there is a lot to cover.” His voice drilled into your ear and you cringed, slouching forward in your seat slightly. “I think it will benefit you all greatly!” He looked around the room like we would all be excited.
A small gap on your shoulder, caused you to turn in your seat.
“Wanna be partners?” Adam asked. He was a good guy. You two went to high school together and you even had a small crush on him freshman year. You realized that you had no friends in the large class and decided he was better than nothing. You quickly nodded your head.
“That would be nice.” You smiled politely. You turned back in your seat just as your professor was wrapping up.
“How about we work on it at my dorm?” Adam asked. The thought of that made you a little uncomfortable.
“How about we go to my apartment?.” You didn’t bother to mention that it was your boyfriend’s and that boyfriend would be plural. People were judgy and the last thing you wanted was to be labeled a slut or something. His smile faltered a little bit but he nodded his head.
“Sounds great!” He threw his bookbag over his shoulder. “I have football practice tomorrow so we have to get a majority of it done today.” He said as both of you walked down the halls.
“I’m not afraid of putting in some extra time.” You jokes, nudging him with your elbow. You two walked and chattered ever so often. You finally made your way to the apartment and you quickly pressed a button to be buzzed up. The front door of the building quickly opened, as both Ivan and Ludwig knew you would be getting home very soon.
As soon as you opened the door Ivan was the first one to greet you. You quickly shot him a look and he stopped his plans of embracing you, confused, until he saw an unfamiliar mop of blonde hair behind you.
“Ivan this is Adam.” You smiled. “Adam this is Ivan.” Hearing you introduce someone Ludwig quickly darted out of his office to analyze. The dogs rushed to the door to greet you, but Berlitz growled lowly in his throat. You shushed him and he sat down and rested against Ludwig. “And this is Ludwig. Ludwig This is Adam.” You stepped out of the doorway so they could see him. Adam gulped as he saw the two unreasonable large men.
“So which one of you is the boyfriend?” Adam chuckled nervously.
“Yes.” You responded, not giving either of them a chance to speak up. Ivan held back a chuckle, as he stepped out of the entryway, pushing Ludwig along with him. You walked into the large apartment and took your backpack off sitting down on the couch.
“I’m sorry, which one?” Adam inquired. You ingnored him and motioned for him to sit next to you.
“We need to work on a project for history.” You smiled at the two large blondes who were still continuing their inspection.
“Rome?” Ludwig asked, somehow always up to date on your school work. You nodded your head and took out your history binder. “If you need help ask us.” He pressed. He nodded his head and both him and Ivan went back into Ludwigs office. They kept the door open so they would have a clear view of you.
“Okay so I was thinking I could do foreign invaders and you can do expansion.” You smiled, looking over at Adam. His caramel eyes were trained on the dogs who were staring at him intensely. “They’re harmless, but they are protective.” You assured. Your fingers went out and scratched the back of Asters ear.
He sighed in relief and nodded his head in agreement. “Sound good.”
<time skip>
It had been about 2 hours and you were already over this project. You were hungry and you swore you caught glimpses of Ivan and Ludwig cuddling on the couch in Luddys office. From time to time one of their head would peak out the door or they would walk past you to the kitchen watching you closely.
“This is so tedious and boring.” You groaned, falling back against the back board of the couch. You wanted nothing more than to be in the middle of a cuddle fest with your boyfriends. Adam nodded his head in agreement, his hand rubbing at his eyes. “I’m gonna get a snack. You want anything? More water?” You asked, stretching. Adam watched as your shirt rode up a little.
“I am a little hungry.” He said hesitantly. You shot him a smile and pranced to the kitchen grabbing some granola bars and fruit snacks.
“You’re aren’t allergic to nuts right?” You asked, handing him some food. He shook his head and thanked you before digging into the granola bar. “You’ve gotten a lot done so far!” You encouraged looking at all the slides he had done in the presentation. “I really hope he isn’t going to make us present these!” You shuddered.
“That would be the worst, wouldn’t it? Having to listen to people talk about the same thing over and over.” You both laughed lightly. “But you’re pretty so I’m sure you could hold people attention.” He said in a quieter tone. It wasn’t quiet enough considering you saw Ludwigs head shot out of the doorway. Adam didn’t seem to notice.
“That’s very sweet. But I don’t think anyone is attractive enough to hold anyone’s attention about this.” You giggled. You sent Ludwig a soft smile, that went unnoticed by Adam.
“Well you’re close.” Adam whispered, brushing a piece of hair out of your eye. His fingers lingered on your cheek before Berlitz barked loudly causing both of you to jump. The large German Shepard bared his sharp teeth.
“Berlie.” You hushed, using his nickname. He stopped showing his teeth but hopped in on the couch resting himself between you and Adam.
“Ummm.” Adam stuttered nervously backing away form the dog. “I thought you said the dogs were nice!” He raised his voice at you. You were about to respond when Ludwigs voice boomed through the apartment.
“As long as you don’t touch Y/N!” You heard Ivan gasp and he quickly appeared in the doorway right behind Ludwig.
“I didn’t!” Adam assured. You gave him a ‘wtf’ look before groaning.
“I think it would be best if you left.” Ivan stated. Ludwig nodded his head in agreement, both of them glaring daggers at the man.
“What about our project?” Adam whispered, turning to you.
“We both of access to the google slide, we can work on it together but separately.” You offered him a small gentle smile. He quickly nodded his head and collected his things.
“Good Boy!” Ludwig praised, digging treats out of the kitchen cabinet and throwing them to Berlitz who caught them.
“I feel bad! He was probably so scared!” You sighed. You tiredly held your arms up and were quickly scooped up in Ivan’s arms. You nuzzeled your way into his shoulder and wrapped your legs around his waist, vaguely aware as he carried you to the bedroom.
“Good he should have been scared. Who does he think he is? Coming here and touching you! Even after you told him you had a boyfriend.” Ludwig spat. They both knew you only told a select few people you were in a poly relationship. It didn’t bother either of them because you didn’t try to hide them, you just didn’t talk about it. Ivan flopped down on the bed his back sinking into the mattress as you were resting on his chest. Ludwig joined both of you and moved so he was laying on his side, his head resting on Ivan shoulder and his forehead pressed against yours.
“I know, but I still feel bad. It would be scary having dogs bark at you.” You yawned. “He’s probably never going to talk to me again.” You mused.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Ivan smirked. You rolled your eyes and Ludwig hummed agreement.
“And you two were watching us almost the whole time!”
“Well Ja! What do you expect us to just go about our day like there isn’t some strange boy in our livingroom?” Ludwig questioned.
“With our girlfriend.” Ivan added. “I don’t trust anyone with you, little one. I mean he was obviously scared of me and Lud when he walked in but he still chose to press his luck with you.” Ivan hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“You’re Right.” You mumbled, feeling your eyelids grow heavier by the minute.
“Take a nap. You can finish your project later.” Ludwig smiled watching as you drifted in and out of consciousness.
“Learning is Hard.” You mumbled just before you drifted off to sleep. Both of the men chuckled and held you tighter.
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Okay, I hope my post from a few days ago is enough for no one to start shipping discourses, but I figured I should probably make a list of what I ship, don't ship it but it's still cute, and notp's. I'll add some comments onto why I like them.
So, here ya go
GerIta - It's just, top tier. But please, no more 'Feli is automatically a uwu uke baby', just, no. It's gross. Same for 'big buff man who only exists to be a seme for baby uke' no, just, drop making any relationship only about a 'masculine' role and a 'feminine' role, that isn't how anything works. But aside from that, I know it's basic, but it's heavily shipped for a reason. I just love the idea of blushy winter dates and sitting next to a warm fireplace with the dogs afterwards. The dynamic is just adorable. Also, trans Feli? Trans Feli.
SuFin - The things I will do for domestic SuFin and Hanatamago family are obscene. The idea of tall quiet man who just wants to do woodworking and love his adorable metalhead husband warms my soul.
Ameripan - The idea of them bonding over video games and anime is just the best. They have a really great 'friends to lovers' dynamic that brings me joy. I must admit though, 87% of the time I think about it, all that's in my head is 'Open, the country. Stop, having it be closed'.
RusAme - I know some people ship it because of the cold war and shit, but I just like how they work together. The 'lonely guy who just wants to be warm with the sunflowers' and 'overly bouncy himbo who is literally a friend magnet' is my jam.
HuttMol - I just, the rivalry and the eventual discovery by Hutt that Molossia has a sweet side and loves gardening just took my hear right out of my chest. Awkward teenage dates where neither of them have any clue what to do, Molossia is spending the whole time putting his guard up at full force while trying not to fall for Hutt's nervous attempts at bad pick up lines? It's precious.
I like them but they're not something I ship/I minorly ship it but not an otp
LadKug - Two favorites, and it would be an otp, they're just a little young to hit that mark. Like, I'm cool with HuttMol because they're about my age, but both Ladonia and Kugelmugel are younger than me and it's a little iffy. But the idea of them bonding over art (lad is totally into drawing and sculpting digitally) is the cutest thing ever. Grumpy Ladonia and Kugelmugel just complaining to Austria that Lad is confusing while painting portrait after portrait is just great.
LietPol - It's cute, and they seem to have a cute dynamic, I'm just not all that connected to either character.
PruCan - Both Canada and Prussia are two characters I'm rather fond of, I just tend to find more interest in GerIta. The idea of Gil calling Matthew his 'little birdie' is absolutely adorable.
Fruk - I do ship this one a lot, but it's not quite an otp. Similar to HuttMol, the wannabe 'rivals' is fantastic.
RusPrus & RusGer - No, just, no. It's always abusive and always involves n*zis. It's just bad. There is a reason I said that I don't want anyone interacting with me if they ship it. It's just not good.
There's more, and if you want to send me an ask with a ship to give an opinion on, I'm all ears, these are just the main ones I could think of.
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Wait why did you tag the ask blog post with usuk
To warn my RusAme fans... It’s part of why I made a new blog instead of posting it all here. I didn’t want to fill your feeds with random ships, especially “competing” ones.
The world was made between me a friend, and the dynamics worked out best for RusGer and USUK. If it helps, the USUK so far is very one-sided... Alfred’s dense as hell and Arthur being Arthur... Well, the combination is both entertaining and uncomfortable.
They’re not related. They meet in the game, and otherwise live in their respective countries.
It’s an ongoing roleplay we have been modifying and adding to for years. Things change. I won’t say it’ll *never* have RusAme, but as of right now I tagged it with the only ships the current vision has.
Thanks for the ask!
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colorfulonionglobes · 4 years
what ships do you not like? just curious!
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hmm, if this is for ships involving russia in particular, i can’t really think of anything off the top of my head that i don’t like. i mean. i’m not comfortable shipping the obvious ones like with belarus or ukraine, ehe. i also used to be rather uncomfortable with rusger, but i’m not really anymore. tbh, outside of historical contexts, which i don’t plan to dig too deeply into anyway, there aren’t any particular characters that i can’t at least see the. uh. Appeal in shipping with russia, if that makes sense
that said, there are certain Dynamics i’m not particularly comfortable with, but those are less to do with specific ships/characters and more to do with. those dynamics in particular orz
if you’re asking just in general, tho, i never did really get a taste for usuk or spamano (tho i love exploring the relationship otherwise between spain and romano), unfortunately, and i���ve always felt kinda reluctant to get into prucan for. some reason 6_6 also i can not for the life of me get really into pruhun as a romantic thing (aside from a one-sided Thing as it’s kinda shown in canon) but i am There for the two of them being like. vitriolic best buds or something. i don’t mind any of these, tho. they’re just not my thing :v
i will say also nichu, depending on how it’s handled, occasionally makes me uneasy jfjfke;a
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oneletterwrites · 7 years
Could you please maybe do some rusGer? I would like to request a cardverse write with the two kings being in love but are in a sort of obvious dilemma, not being able to actually be together?
Out of Love and out of Luck
Ludwig pinches the bridge of his nose. He’s exhausted. He and the other Kings have been at this issue for at least three hours now and it’s starting to give him a headache to put him out of his misery. The Queens are conversing about another problem in another area of the meeting point and he wants nothing more than to join up with Kiku and go home.
“I think it should belong to me,” Alfred says with that calculating look in his eyes that only half way scare the rest of them. Ludwig sighs deeply and places his hand on the table.
“It is illogical for you to own this piece of land when it far closer to the Clover and Diamond Kingdom.” He tries to reason but the youngest King is not very easily swayed. They try hard to keep things even to prevent one Kingdom from becoming too powerful but the more land is available to them the more they have to debate.
“I would not mind giving the land to the Clover Kingdom. It is cold in climate and not of my taste,” Francis says with a sing song kind of voice. That’s one half of the issue settled. A soft giggle from the Clover King distracts Ludwig just enough to look towards him.
The Clover King hasn’t said much the entire meeting, letting the other three talk and squabble between themselves and only interjecting with a simple ‘no’ or ‘yes’. There’s a soft smile on his face and he leans just a little closer at the difference in development.
“So you think the cold is in my taste?” Ivan asks in a challenging way. Ludwig rolls his eyes as the Spade King tenses up eager for a fight. Francis handles the situation amazingly, laughing softly and shaking his head.
“I do not know your taste, but I am done with this situation. My farmers can do nothing there with the crops we cultivate, perhaps yours can?” He leans forward on the table as well. Ivan breaks into a giggle and goes back to lounging in his chair with his hands in his lap.
“I am okay with this.” So Ludwig turns to Alfred, the only opposing force to the agreement. The Spade King is glaring at them all, tapping his fingers on the table in frustration.
“Fine,” He concedes. A wash of relief overcomes them all and the Spade King, regardless of other issues they might have to discuss, is out of his seat and storming away. Francis shakes his head and bows to both Ludwig and Ivan then takes his leave. Ludwig takes a moment to put his head in his hand.
“What a lively bunch hmm?” Ivan says softly. Ludwig nods solemnly. He pushes his fingers to his temples to kill the pounding in his head.
“That boy is going to ruin things,” He grumbles. He doesn’t dislike Alfred, but he is wild and brash. Not the best for someone in charge of a vast army. Ivan giggles into his hand.
“I will ruin him if he harms you,” The Clover King says darkly. Ludwig raises his head to look at the simple smile on Ivan’s face as if he didn’t just say he would rage war to protect Ludwig’s Kingdom.
“I would not appreciate that,” He says. Ivan laughs again and says nothing else. Ludwig stands, collecting what little paper he brought with him. He has everything in a pile and turns only to find Ivan in front of him, trapping him from either side of the table to keep him from leaving.
Ludwig clenches his jaw tight, not sure what to do with this development. Ivan’s forced smile falls to something a little more gentle and he gets more in Ludwig’s space to put their heads together.
“I hate this,” The tone is dark as the words are hissed out of Ivan. Ludwig lowers his head, moving one of his hands to put over Ivan’s in a soft attempt to console him. Ivan begins to shake and he clings to Ludwig in a way that almost hurts.
“Why did it have to be like this?” Ivan asks and he sounds like he might be crying. Ludwig drops his papers in favor of reaching up to place his other hand on the back of Ivan’s head to console him. The action is quickly switched into a tight hug. There’s no hesitation to return the embrace.
“For all the Luck my kingdom has, I have none of it,” Ivan whispers to him. Ludwig bites his tongue. If only they could be together in public. An alliance between the two of them directly would out balance their entire delicate system. With their kingdoms linked as one, there is no doubt in Ludwig’s mind that the Spade King would consider it a threat and attack directly.
“I know,” Ludwig says sadly. Ivan shakes once more then lets him go reluctantly. Their grip on each other’s hands is tight. They will not be able to see each other until the next King Meeting, whenever that will be.
“My King?” Ludwig snaps his head up to Kiku’s voice. Ivan steps back, but leans in to kiss Ludwig quick, hard and full of as much emotion as he can push into it. Ludwig feels every bit. They stand stoic separate from each other when their Queens find them.
“Yes Kiku sorry for the wait,” Ludwig picks up his papers. He gives Ivan one last look and then bows quick. He holds out his arm for his queen to take. Kiku bows to the Clover King and shares a smile with the Clover Queen. Together they walk down the stone steps to the carriage that shall bring them back to their castle.
The door is opened for them and Ludwig waits for Kiku to get settled before entering himself. He sits ramrod straight, his posture dropping only to lean far enough forward to cast once more glance towards where the Clover King and Queen are talking, waiting for their carriage to arrive. Ivan catches him looking and his fake smile slips for sadness.
“Are you alright my King?” Kiku asks. Ludwig jerks back straight and the carriage pulls them away.
“Yes,” Ludwig answers. Kiku sighs and places his hand over Ludwig’s that is nearly tearing his papers in two.
“Did you get time with Ivan?” His question is asked low and Ludwig nods his head just a little. His Queen understood everything more than he could have hoped to imagine. Their royal relationship more friends than anything, a platonic love than Ludwig would never change.
“I’m glad to hear,” Kiku says and there’s a small smile on his face. It helps Ludwig eventually loosen his position and crumple in on himself. Kiku rubs his back as Ludwig breaks down.
“There’s no way for us to be together,” He tells his Queen. Kiku nods to his words. It;s the same words after every meeting, and they hurt more every time with the realization there is no way for them to be together unless something drastic happens, and drastic is war, and they don’t want that for their people.
For all the Love he has within his Kingdom, he is denied the love he has found.
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radiomayak · 7 years
miss--kiwi replied to your post: Reply to this post or send an ask with ANY ship...
Rusger :D
Reply to THIS post or send an ask with any ship for a six song playlist.
My heart, my hand
1. The Light by The Album Leaf 2. Bring Me A Boat by Kate Rusby feat. Declan O’Rourke 3. Answer by Phantogram  4. Hot Thoughts by Spoon 5. Sextape by Deftones 6. Lies (Acoustic Version) by Marina and the Diamonds
Explanations under the cut.
So... I wanted more intimacy than the last AmeRus playlist, and the result is having a lot of sleepy, dramatic songs for a relationship that’s balmy until it’s “bomb”y... with a lot of hurt from both sides, some pretty serious double crossing, some claiming half of a landmass for your zealot purposes, and sustained hurt from what became pretty one-sided after a while.
But, both men have some qualities of loyalty, devotion, and some serious capacity to be caring. So, they can fold into each other’s hearts, hands in each other’s bodies... they can, until someone pulls on something a little too hard. Sex is also a thing with them.. something of being equals, and doing things that (particularly the Russian-) popular culture does not designate as good, moral, or natural. Then again, neither is a being that can be fundamentally without free will, but who suffers all the consequences of having it.
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allthingshetalia · 4 years
Hi there!!I hope you’re doing well due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I wanted to know wether you could do a poly rusger x (chubby if possible) reader scenario headcanons (SFW/NSFW is up to you). Thank you and take all the time you need!!💕💞
💕yessssss!!! I needed this!💕
I can do some NSFW later if you want😉
“Kätzchen I love you so much, but if you don’t get your freezing foot off of my back.” Ludwig grumbled. He had just woken up and his voice was deeper and groggier. With his accent it was hard to make out some of the words he had said.
“It’s your fault! You rolled to the other side of the bed, making me get cold.” You argued.
“She has a point.” Ivan mumbled. You were currently curled up on you designated spot on Ivan’s large chest. Most nights you slept ontop of Ivan and Ludwig would sleep on his side with his head on Ivan’s shoulder and you tucked under his chin. But tonight was different and you body wasn’t use to missing another persons body heat.
A loud groan cut off you complaints and Ludwig quickly rolled over and buried his face in the top of your head.
“Better?” He grumbled. Ivan quickly removed one of his arms from around you, so he was able to hold Ludwig closer to the both of you.
With the extra warmth added to your body you quickly fell back asleep. Ludwig pulled away from you slightly and ran his finger over your cheek smiling at your cute face.
“We are very lucky to have her, da?” Ivan asked. He brought his hand up and ran it up and down your back causing you to sigh in content in your dreamland. Ivan noticed Ludwigs fingers had stopped moving but his hand rested on the side of your face cupping it while he slept. His heart melted at the sight and he placed a quick kiss on the grumpy Germans head and patted your butt softly.
He finally had a family.
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Okay, just a small heads up in case someone tries to pull something.
I do not want any kind of shipping wars or headcanon discourse on my blog.
No Fruk vs. Usuk, no invalidating someone's sexuality or gender headcanons, no "they've never met in canon so you can't ship it", etc.
I do no care what you ship as long as it's not obviously p*dophilia, 1ncest, abuse, you get the gist. I know shipping can get difficult because no one has a definite age, so I'll handle it on a case by case basis at this point in time since my blog is rather small, and I'll tackle things as time goes on.
This is my blog, and I'll set rules as I see fit, but if someone pulls something, block and report, that's it. No fights that go on and on and force people to pick a side. If you would like to discuss in private, that's fine and dandy, but we're not gonna start huge comment threads for the world to see.
This does not mean that if you ship something I just don't like, I'll block you. I mean that if you ship something like itacest or germancest, or you ship rusger or rusprus "historically", or something like the micronations and the country they come from, etc.
When it comes to headcanons, especially dealing with sexuality and gender, they can hold a lot of feelings about the person's actual relationship with those things, and invalidating those headcanons can invalidate their actual sexuality and gender. Just, have basic human decency and let people express themselves and their opinions.
Just don't pull dumb shit and you're fine.
That is all.
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