#one said she liked my shirt and i blushed and stuttered
dumbgoonpup · 5 months
Two rly cute Mormon girls stopped me and asked if they could share their scripture and all I could think was "no but I could share mine."
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gallavichsreddie1128 · 5 months
Hannibal obsessed with his patient
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Hannibal never liked to look at patients as anything more than that. But Y/N was a different story. She, unlike a lot of his patients, wasn't a psycho. Sure she had her issues, as did all but she was just looking for someone to talk to. 
He noticed the way she kept eye contact with him as they talked. She wasn’t shaky or nervous. She seemed confident 
Her problems were normal problems for people, nothing too crazy. She admitted to him that she just liked having someone to talk to. 
Though her overthinking was bad. She hated that fact about herself but he assured her that it was normal. She wanted to believe him but in her mind it was too repetitive.
He kept a file on her, as he did every patient. He would constantly look over this file and study her. He even found out where she lived and worked, thus began the stalking and obsessing. 
He would watch her from afar at work as she did her job. Her beauty was unlike anything he’s ever seen and all he wanted to do was hold her and keep her from the fucked up world. 
He would stare at her house for hours as she was inside doing whatever she was doing. It wasn’t until weeks later that he would sneak up to a window and look inside.
Her house was well organized and looked very artsy. He knew that she loved art. They had talked about it multiple times. It was one of the reasons he was so obsessed with her. 
He saw her in the kitchen baking in her underwear and a large shirt. The shirt barely covered her ass but he wasn’t complaining 
He stared at her for a good few minutes as she baked a cake. He wondered if she was making a cake for someone or for herself. 
He found out the next day that it was for him. She wanted to thank him for everything that he’s done for her and that she was going to stop seeing him. 
This saddened him and he wasn’t going to let her leave him. So he decided to make a move. “Since you will no longer be my patient, would it be inappropriate to ask you on a date?” She smiled at him. “Even if it is, I would love to.” She said, 
He decided to make dinner for them and invite her over. Though it had crossed his mind to ask about having dinner at her house, he thought it was too early for that. 
Y/N looked stunning. Hannibal had told her to dress fancy and she did just that. He was taken away by her beauty and even stuttered a few times and Hannibal doesn’t usually do that. 
“You look amazing, my dear.” The name made her blush and stutter as well. “As do you, Hannibal.” She finally got to call him by his first name and he liked the way it sounded. 
Dinner made her moan. It was so good and better than she imagined. She knew that he was a cook but didn’t know the extremes. 
“This is the best food I've ever tasted.” She told him. He was pleased that she liked it but he knew what his perfect meal would be. 
She was on the kitchen table with her dress pooling around her waist as he licked her wet folds. He hummed as he tasted her juices that tasted better than any food he’s ever had. His finger ran up her clit causing her to moan. He loved that sound and wanted to hear more of it. 
Her moans echoed through his kitchen as he ate her pussy. One of her hands laced in his hair as the other gripped the table for dear life. His tongue felt amazing. 
He decided to add a finger as he pleasured her. His finger collected her wetness before entering her. She let out a whimper as his large finger invaded her insides. 
He pumped his finger as he licked her clit. Her pleasure was heightened by his movements and very intense. Her hips bucked and humped his face and finger as she was desperate for her orgasm. 
When she came it was the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Her jaw dropped and her eyes rolled back. Loud moans of his name left her mouth as he let her ride out the orgasm. 
His eyes never left her face as he stared in awe. Amazed by her beauty. She let out a breath and laughed. She looked down at him as his lips left her clit. “You’re very good at that.” She said out of breath. 
“When I like something I devour it.” He said to her and wink. She let out a breath that she was holding. This man would be the death of her and vise versa
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latenightreadingpdf · 6 months
Brewed Connections - Spencer Reid
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Summary: After his favourite coffee shop closes unexpectedly, Spencer Reid discovers Y/N's charming coffee shop and becomes a regular customer. Bonding over their shared love for literature, the two develop a close friendship.
The sun filtered through the windows of the quaint little coffee shop, casting a warm glow over the mismatched wooden tables and chairs. Spencer Reid, with his usual mop of messy hair and earnest expression, peered through the window. He had been searching for a new coffee spot since his regular one closed down. This one, with its shelves brimming with old books and the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, seemed promising.
As the bells above the door chimed, Y/N looked up from her work station, her eyes meeting Spencer’s. Her heart did a tiny flip. "Hi there," she greeted with a radiant smile.
"Uh, h-hi," Spencer stuttered, a shy smile crossing his face as he approached the counter. "Could I get coffee with lots of sugar, please?"
"Of course," she said, her fingers dancing over the coffee machine. "One super sweet coffee coming right up." She couldn’t help but notice his adorable awkwardness, finding it endearing.
With his coffee in hand, Spencer retreated to a cozy corner booth, selecting a book from the nearby shelf. But his attention kept drifting back to Y/N, who was now humming softly to herself as she worked.
Caught in the act of staring, Spencer quickly averted his gaze, his cheeks warming. He tried to focus on his book, but thoughts of the enchanting barista lingered.
Before leaving for work, Spencer bid farewell to the woman behind the counter. "Thank you," he said, his eyes meeting hers once more.
Y/N’s smile widened. "Have a good day!"
The next day, Spencer made a deliberate effort with his appearance, donning his favorite glasses and a smart sweater vest. As the chime of the bell announced his entrance, Y/N’s face lit up in recognition.
"Welcome back!" she greeted cheerfully. "Glad you enjoyed your coffee yesterday."
Spencer was momentarily speechless, struck by how captivating she looked. "Um, thank you," he managed, his gaze taking in her outfit, dark jeans and a Doctor Who tee shirt. "I like your shirt. Are you a Doctor Who fan?"
Y/N’s eyes sparkled. "Yes, I am! Are you?"
A spirited conversation about the show ensued, with Spencer’s coffee prepared and handed to him along with a complimentary chocolate chip muffin.
"I didn’t order this," Spencer remarked, confusion evident in his voice.
"It’s on the house," Y/N said with a wink. "Consider it an incentive to come back."
Blushing, Spencer stammered out his thanks. "I’ll see you tomorrow," he promised before hurrying out.
Their morning encounters became a cherished routine. Y/N had his order memorized and always added a little extra treat, delighting in Spencer’s surprised expressions. They shared their love for literature during Y/N’s breaks, their discussions ranging from classic novels to obscure scientific journals.
Soon enough, they exchanged phone numbers, their connection extending beyond the confines of the coffee shop.
One day, Spencer sent a text explaining his absence due to a case. Y/N felt a pang of disappointment but understood. Meanwhile his colleagues noticed his unusual attachment to his phone.
"Derek, what's up with Reid? He's been glued to his phone all day," Emily remarked.
"Yeah, it's weird," Derek added, eyeing Spencer suspiciously.
Cornered by his friends, Spencer denied any attachment to the device. However, Derek managed to snatch his phone and discovered the playful exchanges between them.
"Ooooh, pretty boy’s got a girlfriend!" Derek teased, waving the phone in the air.
"She's not my girlfriend!" Spencer protested, cheeks aflame.
Blushing furiously, he tried to reclaim his phone from Derek's grasp. "Give it back, Derek!"
Derek held the phone out of reach, his grin widening. "Not until you admit you've got a thing for this girl."
"I do not have a 'thing' for her," Spencer insisted, though his flushed cheeks and stuttering protest said otherwise.
Penelope, ever the tech wizard, chimed in, "Oh, come on, Pretty Boy! We've all seen the way you light up when you're texting her."
"Yeah," Emily agreed, "It's adorable."
Aaron Hotchner, trying to maintain some semblance of order, intervened, "Enough, Derek. Give him his phone back."
With a dramatic sigh, Derek handed the phone back to Spencer, but not before sending a wink his way. "You should invite her to meet us sometime."
Spencer rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a smile. "We'll see," he said, tucking his phone safely into his pocket.
The team exchanged knowing glances, eagerly awaiting the day they would finally meet the mysterious Y/N who had captured Spencer's attention so completely.
The bell above the door chimed, and Y/N glanced up to find Spencer standing there, looking a little sheepish. Without thinking, she rushed around the counter, enveloping him in a warm hug.
"I can’t believe you didn’t tell me you were back!" she exclaimed, pulling back to look at him.
"I wanted to surprise you," Spencer admitted, a shy smile gracing his lips.
After serving him his coffee, Y/N declared a break, eager to catch up with the intriguing man who had become such an essential part of her daily routine.
As they sat together, coffee in hand, Spencer and Y/N realized that their connection went beyond shared interests and sweet treats. And as the days turned into weeks, their bond only grows stronger, proving that sometimes, the best relationships start over a cup of coffee.
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bruisedboys · 10 months
bradley bradshaw x fem!reader — you’re worried about what bradley will think of your new haircut.
mutual pining, pre-relationship, fluff (very self indulgent since I got my hair cut this week xoxo)
You were feeling good about your new haircut yesterday, when it was freshly cut and styled and so super soft. Today is different. You know you look different and you can help but think different is bad.
You rake a hand through your short hair. “Does my hair look bad?”
Natasha and Bob both give you twin looks of incredulity. It’s not the first time you’ve asked it tonight. They’ve brought you along to the Hard Deck for a night of drinks with their friends and you can’t stop fussing over your hair. You won’t admit to them it’s because you’re harbouring a massive crush on one of their squad members and you’re worried he’ll think you look awful.
“It looks fine,” Natasha tells you, again, not for the first time. “You look pretty. Right, Bob?”
Bob hums, tapping his fingers on the wooden tabletop. “You look great, Y/N.” He gives you a look from behind his glasses. Confusion, a bit of suspicion. “Why are you worrying so much, anyway?”
Your heart stutters. “I’m not—“
“Phoenix, Bob!” Jake Seresin appears seemingly out of nowhere, sidling up to your table with all the charm of a prince. His eyes land on you and your new hair and he grins. “And Y/N. Looking good, sugar.”
He winks at you. He’s a huge flirt and you’d definitely be into him if it weren’t for another certain aviator.
You smile at him. “Thanks, Jake.”
The others, Payback and Fanboy, file in behind him. They both notice and compliment your hair, which is a good sign. Still, you know who’s coming next and you can’t help but curl in on yourself, taking a sip of your drink so you don’t have to see him as he approaches.
“Hey, guys!” Bradley Bradshaw appears, stupid Hawaiian shirt, sunglasses, moustache, golden skin and all. He’s tucking his glasses into his shirt so he doesn’t see you at first. “Hey— woah, Y/N.”
He stops short when he sees you. You lower your drink slowly, heart in your throat. Your knee bounces underneath the table.
“Hi, Bradley,” you say.
Bradley blinks. Blinks again. “Hi. Hey. I— you cut your hair.”
He says it like he’s never heard of a haircut before. You smile unsurely.
“I did,” you say, pushing a lock behind your ear as if that will help your case. “Is it bad?”
“Bad? No, it’s— it really suits you,” he says. If you’re not mistaken, he’s stuttering. Not only that, but unless you’re imagining it, he’s blushing. He stares at you, completely unaware of anything or anyone else, golden cheeks tinged pink. “You look really pretty.”
Your turn to blush. Heat flares behind your cheeks, burning into your smile. Pretty, he called you. “Thanks, Brad.”
Bradley seems to come back into himself, a lopsided grin creeping onto his face. He shoves his hands into his jeans pockets and smiles at you. “Hey, you’re welcome. Just tell me next time so I don’t have a heart attack, okay?”
What’s that supposed to mean? You open your mouth to say something, you don’t know what, but Jake’s southern drawl interrupts you.
“Bradshaw!” Both you and Bradley turn to see Jake at the pool table with the rest of the boys. “Stop flirting with Y/N and get over here so I can beat you. Again.”
Bradley rolls his eyes. “He’s lying, I won last week. I’ll be back, okay? Don’t go anywhere.”
You weren’t planning to. He flashes you a dazzling smile and then you watch him go, your heart thrumming with the sort of electricity you can’t ignore. You think you might burst. He’d called you pretty, said you’d given him a heart attack. You feel like your own heart’s about to give out, too.
Across the table, Bradley now well out of earshot, Natasha wiggles her eyebrows at you.
“Oh,” she says slyly. “Now I get why you were so worried about your hair.”
You groan and bury your burning face in your drink again. “Please shut up, Nat.”
You have a feeling she won’t.
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angelluvs19 · 7 months
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Hi👋 I know nobody is gonna see this but i just love the idea of Luke with a ditzy girlfriend so I decided to write it myself. I'm not great at writing but I still wanted to post this somewhere bc I kinda like how it turned out <3 (if anyone does see this plz don't judge, like I said I'm bad at writing)
Ever since he met her he knew the guys at camp would be all over her. She was so innocent and would fall under their spell in a heart beat. Which is why he needed to make sure that he got to her first. He told himself that it was because he wanted to protect her, that the other guys would only use her. But in reality, there was more to it than that and he knew it.
There was something about her that drew him in. Mabey it was the way she got so flustered when she first met him. The way she looked up at him with those pretty blue eyes of hers, her cheeks a bright shade of pink. And the fact she stuttered when he asked for her name, making him smile.
Or mabey it was the way she dressed. She always wore skirts, even if she was at a camp. Shed wear a short white skirt with the classic orange camp half blood shirt. She always has a bow in her hair. Whether it was to hold in her pig tails, or a small pink clip with a bow on it in her long wavy hair.
Whatever it was he knew that he needed her to be his, and Luke always gets what he wants. Only a week into camp, she was all over him. She'd always stayed right by his side during capture the flag, and by the gods if anyone tried to hurt her they'd spend the rest of the day in the infirmary.
Or whenever the camp was doing activities, even something simple as bracelet making, she's always insisting that he help her. Stating that she can't tie it or that she cant find the right beads and needs his help. He knows that it's just stupid excuses so that he could be around her, but who was he to deny his princess?
And when she'd come crying to him because  of something random that happened to her he always Comforts her, no matter how small it is. Most of the time it's Clarisse making fun of her because she did something wrong, or one of the boys making sexual jokes towards her. But sometimes it's something as simple as her breaking her favorite blush, or ruining her favorite top. But he still whispers sweet praises and promises in her ear as she cries into his chest. "shh it's okay sweetheart. I know it hurts, but everything is going to be alright" or "I'm here okay, I'll make sure to protect you. No one can ever hurt you when your with me"
And one night when she was sitting in his lap crying, he finally makes a small move. "Do you want me to make you feel better?" He asks, his voice soft, hiding the undertone of lust he felt for her. Even when she's crying she's so pretty. When she nods, his hand starts creeping up her thigh until he reaches the hem of her panties.
When she questions what hes doing he just says something like "I'm helping you feel better. Isn't that what you want?" He asks, smiling at the small whimpers that leave her mouth as he rubs her clit through her pink panties. "See? It feels good doesn't it" he says, rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves faster. Her soft moans and pleas only make him want her more.
And once he makes her cum once he just can't stop. He starts fingering her, most definitely taking her virginity. And when she complains about the pain, he just praises her softly. "I know baby, I know it hurts. You're doing such a good job princess. I promise it'll feel so good, even better than before". And he was right, soon she was moaning and whining while grinding her hips against his hand, only making him go faster. "That's it sweetheart, taking my fingers so well" 
And he doesn't stop until she on the verge of tears from the overstimulation. The second she catches her breath he lays her down on the bed, his hands immediately moving to unbutton his jeans to relieve his ranging hard on. "I know your tired baby, I'm only gonna take a minute okay?" He reassures you softly before sliding in, giving you time to adjust.
He knows that it hurts more than his fingers, and when you start crying from the pain he just kisses your cheek gently "hey, It's okay. I know it hurts darling. Just relax and let me take care of you okay? I'll protect you". He gives you extra time before moving in and out of you at a slow pace.
"Shh it's okay princess, it'll feel good soon" he says softly, thrusting a little faster. Soon she's squirming under him, begging to cum again. He fucks her a little faster, getting her closer to the edge. And when she finally does cum he talks her through it. "That's it baby, you look so pretty cumming on my cock. You're such a good girl for me. You're mine now aren't you? Gonna let me fuck you whenever I want?"
He moans out praises before he pulls out and moves to cum on her pretty face. He smiles when her tounge lolls out to lick the cum off of him, but when she comes back to reality she starts complaining about how he ruined her makeup.
He laughs softly at her reaction and cleans off her face with a towel before laying down beside her, pulling her into his arms. "I'm sorry I ruined your makeup, when I leave camp again I'll bring back all the makeup you want" he promises as he runs his fingers through her hair, loving the way she smiles up at him. Eventually after a few minutes of cuddles and praise, she closes her eyes and nuzzles into his chest. "Aww is my princess tired?" He teases softly. "Sleep baby, you deserve it" he kisses your forehead as she falls asleep in his arms. He had her in his grasp, and no one was going to take her away from him.
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lunamochii · 7 months
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'thighs or biceps?!' osamu miya x f!reader
cw; slightly suggestive
"Did ya remember when Atsumu's wife, back in our highschool days, said that she likes his thighs?"
You swallowed the fries you were chewing and pause the movie that you are watching. Turning your attention to your boyfriend, who's sitting idly and scrolling through his phone
"What about it Osamu?" You question and he puts down his phone and reach for your face, craddling it with his hand "Well.... what about you? Which do you like my biceps or thighs?"
You swear that you could have pass out just by laughing non-stop at what he said, your boyfriend groans and look away
"Gosh! Never have I ever dreamt of you saying that!"
"It's okay if you won't answer! Geez..."
His sulking base on how he puff his cheeks, arms cross infront of his chest. You giggled one last time before snaking your one arm behind him and the other caressing his biceps
"Haven't I made it obvious?" You said when leaning in closer to his ears, you notice how it got red right away
"M-my biceps?" Osamu couldn't believe himself stuttering just by feeling your hand squeezing his side and caressing his arms
"Hmmm~ wrong."
You smiled and move away from his side, getting down on your knees and positioning yourself in between his legs. You start to caress thighs and smirks. His wearing shorts, perfect, you thought. Slowly, you lift one side of his short and starts to ghost your lips over the skin of his thighs.
Osamu nearly lost it when you lick his thighs and let your tongue travel upwards. He let out a groan when he felt you bite softly on the fat of his thighs.
"So you like my thighs?" He manages to complete his sentence but you only shook your head and comes up again "Wrong again, babe!" You giggle and leaves a open-mouthed kisses on his neck, earning a soft moan from him.
You took his hand that he was using to hold your waist, moving away from his neck. You rolled up the sleeve of his top and kisses his biceps. Osamu can tell that he has become a blushing mess, god, he can feel his cock throbbing.
He moans when he felt your teeth sink on the skin of his arms, you left a bunch of bite marks before kissing it one by one.
"Figured it out yet?" You ask and sat on his lap. Osamu looks at you and grin, he leans in and kisses your lips which you happily return his hot kiss.
"My thighs and biceps huh"
You smiled sheepishly and throw your hands at the back of his neck. It's safe to say that you two ended up in your shared bed, with Osamu whimpering everytime you leave a bite mark on his thighs or biceps. You were practically worshipping him and he loves it. Maybe he discovered a new kink that night, the sight of you rubbing his already cum covered cock and you biting his thighs, just turns him on so much.
bonus part.☆
"Miya-san aren't you hot?"
One of his workers asks and certainly he is feeling hot but he can't just expose his bite mark covered arms can he, now? Wouldn't want his workers or customers looking at him weirdly.
"Nah, m'fine."
He smiles and continue serving the customers but one customer did notice on why his wearing long sleeves shirt today.
"You freakshow."
"Shut up, Tsumu."
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mymindcreatedthis · 12 days
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Sisters best friend 18+
Reader x Alessia Russo
Warning: Smut, Smut, Smut
Word count: 3k
*Y/n's Pov*
It's the middle of the season for Arsenal, a Friday. The girls and I are at training, a light training session. After a long hot day out in the pitch, I could hear my sister Leah Williamson making plans with her best friend for tonight.
I heard them talking about Alessia staying at our place for the night, the thought made me blush immediately. I've had a crush on Alessia for so long, I always found myself staring into her direction all the time at training. Watching her bend over to pick up a football right in front of me, her perfect shaped ass teasing me.
After Alessia was done talking to Leah she made her way in my direction, her hips swaying side to side sweat dripping off her forehead after her work out and after our training.
"I'm staying at your place tonight." Alessia whispered her finger gently tracing my arm.
R-R-Really? That would be nice." I stuttered making Alessia giggle, her cute giggling making me turn dark red almost immediately.
Alessia looked me up and down, her hand snaking around my waist. "Maybe we can spend some time together." She smiled cheekily before removing her arm and leaving the field.
I could feel my length getting hard immediately. What did she mean by some time together? I watched her leave the field her ass swaying side to side. Her fat ass swallowing her shorts turning me on more. One thing Alessia made me was nervous, and she knew it too.
Teasing me, touching me, and now I had to spend the night with her under the same roof. I didn't know how I was gonna be able to control myself.
The time was 10:00 pm. Alessia, Leah and I were led on the sofa watching Netflix. I kept finding myself looking at Alessia, checking her out. How her tits sat perfectly under her shirt, she had no bra on and I could tell. The more I tried to stop myself the harder my length was getting, thinking about all the things I could do to her and her body.
"I'm going to call it a night girls." Leah yawned. "Alessia your bed is all made, Y/n don't stay up too late." Leah added before she made her way upstairs.
The room was filled with silence, an awkward silence. That was until Alessia got up and sits right next to me, my breath hitched. Automatically I became hot thinking about what she said to me earlier at the fields.
"Just me and you now Y/n." Alessia whispered in my ear as she placed her hand on my thigh and gently rubbed my thigh with her thumb.
"L-Less." I coughed.
"You like that don't you?" She whispered against closer to my ear.
I looked her up and down once again as she looked down at me. Her nipples hard, her breathing calm. "Y-Yes a lot." I stuttered.
"Do I  make you stutter baby?" Alessia giggled. "Am I making you nervous?" She added.
All I could do was nod in response.
"I'll leave you with this, don't think about me too much." Alessia whispered as she planted a long kiss on my lips squeezing my thigh.
I could feel myself getting harder and harder, I just wanted to feel Alessia. Feel her wrapped around my dick and be deep inside her.
"Fuck less please." I moaned quietly.
"No baby that all you can have your sister is upstairs." She responded as she got up off the sofa and made her way upstairs. "Don't think about me too much." Alessia added, she winked at me and then left the room.
I sat shocked at what just happened, my dick rock hard. Alessia just kissed me, now we're sleeping under the same roof. I didn't know what Leah had got me into but I had a feeling it was going to be good.
It was a struggle to fall asleep that night, wondering truly what had happened. What Alessia wanted, just think about it about her was making me super hard again. Just wanting to be with Alessia. The morning soon rolled around, I groaned in annoyance and roll over as the door to my room slowly opened.
Alessia turns on the light immediately causing me to cover my face with the blanket blocking the light. "Come on Y/n it's time to wake up it's 12 pm your sister is back home." Alessia says removing the blankets.
"Mmm what does Leah have to do with me sleeping?" I say confused still half asleep. I was sleeping in just my sports bra and boxers, my bulge was visible. I had slight morning wood from dreaming/ fantasizing about Alessia.
"She has food." Alessia says with a giggle.
Alessia's words catch my attention. Alessia giggles again I look up and immediately bite my lip noticing Alessia choice of clothing. Red panties and a slight baggy shirt.
"Hey my eyes are up here you perv." Alessia laughs.
I throw a pillow at her, and she throws it straight back at me and walks to my bedroom door. My eyes slowly trail down to her ass, I bite my lip and check out her ass. The tent in my boxers becoming visible.
Fuck her ass is fat as fuck in those panties. They looked amazing and were riding up her ass, Alessia sees me staring she smirks and gives her ass a little shake. Suddenly she bends over making her panties ride up her ass a little more. This makes me bite my lip and make my cock throb. I quickly try to adjust my boxers as I get hard.
Alessia giggles as I try to adjust my boxers. "Mmmm someone's hard hehe you like that? My ass making you hard?" Alessia teases.
I bite my lip and grab my boner. "Alessia we can't, you're my sister's best friend."
She winks and walks away leaving me with annoying blue balls. "Ahh fuck you Russo." I groan, I get up and close the door but forget to lock it.
I take off my boxers, I lay back down on my bed. I close my eyes and slowly stroke my dick.
Alessia comes back into the room fully naked. I blush darkly at the sight, Alessia rubs my bulge making me moan immediately.
"Mmm baby, someone's hard." Alessia smiles.
I moan as she continues to rub my bulge. She smirks, and slides my boxers down my legs and tosses them off to the side.
"Mmmm someone's hard I'm gonna suck you dry and drain the balls In me." Alessia says seductively as she slowly strokes my dick.
"Ahhh fuck,yes please." I moan in pleasure.
Alessia giggles and lays between my legs. She licks my tip and swirls her tongue around my tip, I moan my legs start to shake in pleasure as she licks up my precum.
Once I'm hard she takes my length in her mouth. She begins to choke and gag a bit, humming against my dick as she slowly bobs her head up and down.
I moan and lay my head on the pillow behind my head and relax as Alessia continues to give me head. She wraps her arms around the back of my legs and bobs her head faster than before.
"Mmm fuck, ahh just like that Alessia." I moan in pleasure.
I moan, I was close to cumming. Fuck Alessia really knows how to suck dick "Mmm Alessia if you keep doing that I'm gonna cum buckets." I moan in pleasure.
Alessia takes my dick deeper in her mouth as she sinks her head lower. She chokes and gags as she bobs her head faster and faster.
"Ahh fuck.... Fuck Alessia, I'm so close." I moan in pleasure.
I moan in pleasure after 5 more minutes of an amazing blowjob I feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming.
"Alessia baby, I'm gon-"
Throat pie:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load in her mouth. Alessia chokes and gags as I cum, she swallows my big load and sucks me dry.
I moan as Alessia gets the rest of my cum and swallows it getting every last drop.
She lays down next to me. I hover over her and kiss her deeply. "Mmm put it in me." Alessia says.
"Are you sure? I don't have a condom." I say.
"Yes I'm sure, if you want to cum I suggest you get a move on." Alessia says.
"Yes Ma'am." I say.
I slide my dick deep inside her tight pussy. Me and her both moan as her walls immediately clench around my dick.
"Fuck Alessia, you so wet and tight." I moan in pleasure.
"You're really deep in there baby." Alessia moans
I smirk, I give her a second to adjust to my size. "Tell me when to move." I say.
"M-Move." Alessia moans.
Alessia wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me closer this causes my dick to go deeper inside her, we both moan. I lean down and kiss her deeply.
We both moan in the kiss as I slowly thrust in and out of her, holy fuck her pussy felt like heaven. I don't think I can last long, she was super tight and her grip was amazing.
I moan and go a bit faster than before, my balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room.
"Ahh Fuck...fuck.....fuck." Alessia squeaks out with each thrust.
"It feels so good." I moan as I keep going.
"Yeah, you like that daddy? My tight pussy clenched around your massive throbbing cock?" Alessia moans.
"Mmm I fucking love it." I moan.
"You gonna fill me up with your load?" Alessia asks seductively.
"I'm gonna drain my balls in you." I moan in response.
I go faster and harder, my balls slapping against her skin as our moans fill the room. "I'm gonna squirt." Alessia moans.
I start to go at an angle and pound her g spot fast and hard. Alessia moans as she moves her hands to my back. She moans and squirts and scratches my back, I moan and continue fucking her.
"Ahhh fuck, I'm gonna cum." Alessia moaned.
"Me too." I moaned in response.
I feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming. I moan as I kiss and suck on her neck, Alessia moans as I carry on pounding her g spot, leaving hickys on her neck.
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her pussy. My cum panting her walls white, Alessia moans and cums all over my dick.
"Fuck yes, give me that cum." Alessia moans as I continue to cum inside her.
We both moan as I help her ride out her high and slowly pull out. My cum glazed her folds, and oozes out of her pussy and onto the sheets.
"That was amazing." Alessia moans.
*Alessia's Pov*
Leah and I eat our food as we mess around on our phones. "Can you go get Y/n I don't know what's taking her so long her food is getting cold." Leah says.
"Yeah I'll go get her." I say.
I get upstairs, I open Y/n's door. "Hey Y/—" I get cut off and blush darkly at the view in front of me.
Y/n was moaning my name, her eyes closed as she jerked off. I immediately feel myself getting wet, she moans and strokes her dick a bit faster. She moans lushly in pleasure and cums, cum shoots up and lands on her bed, on her sheets and coats her hand and fingers. She moans and continues to stroke her dick slowly as cum continues to slowly spurt and ooze out of her.
This was so hot to watch. I bite my lip and squeeze my legs together as I get wet trying to release some of the pressure, I continue to watch her jerk off as she keeps moaning my name.
"Mmm fuck baby, you're really tight I don't think I can last long." Y/n moans as she strokes her dick faster.
I slip my hand in my panties and start to tease and rub my folds. I was soaking wet, I slip in a finger and slowly finger myself as I watch her jerk off.
I start to fantasize about her being balls deep inside me. I cover my mouth as I speed up my fingers but then I groan in annoyance and stop. This is wrong this is my best friend's sister, I decide to just leave her to it, and quietly close her door and leave the room.
*Y/n's Pov*
After my wet dream of Alessia I get cleaned up and make my way down stairs for food. I enter the dinning room Leah and Alessia's attention turn to my direction. Alessia's face began to turn dark red, maybe because of what happened last night.
"You're here." Leah looks at me. "I got an important meeting with Arsenal so I'll be gone for a while so you two are gonna be alone." Leah smiles, she grabs her bag and leaves us alone.
Alessia looks at me. "About last night." Alessia says breaking the silence.
"I want more." I immediately say.
"But you're my best friend's sister." Alessia says.
"I don't care Less, I want you. I want to feel you around my dick." I admit.
"O-O-Okay." Alessia stutters.
Alessia blushes darkly she grabs my hand and leads me upstairs to my room. We both get undressed as soon as we enter my room. Kisses in between each clothing being removed.
"Less, I don't have a condom." I say between kisses.
"I don't care, I want your cum." Alessia says.
I laugh at the desperation in Alessia voice picking her up, a placing her on the bed. Alessia moves onto all fours and wiggles her ass. "Fuck my ass Y/n, please I need you." Alessia begs.
Without giving an answer I slide my hard length into Alessia's ass bottoming out inside of her. I grab hold of her hair pulling it harder and harder going deeper into her ass.
"Fuck baby, you like that baby me using your ass." I moan as I spank her ass still a firm grip in her blonde locks.
"Yes baby, please use me." Alessia yells in pleasure.
I keep thrusting getting harder and harder my moans getting louder and louder. "Less baby I'm going to cum, I'm so close." I moan as I tightly grip Alessia's ass.
"Cum baby, cum deep inside of me." Alessia answered.
Creampie #1:
I didn't need to be told twice, as I let out a loud moan. My balls leaking inside Alessia's ass, filling her to the brim. "Fuck baby, it's dripping out of you." I giggle.
"Good, I love being full of your seed." Alessia cutely giggles in response.
"Lay on your back baby." I say spanking Alessia's ass.
Without saying a word Alessia gets in the position I told her too. I slowly lined my length with her entrance leaning in leaving a deep loving on her lips as I entered her pussy.
"How does it feel, being fucked by your best friend's little sister?" I moan taking Alessia right tit in my hand roughly squeezing it.
"So goo Y/n. This feels amazing I've wanted to do this for so long. I've wanted to feel your length inside me for so long." Alessia moans in response sweat dripping down her forehead.
"Same baby Same." I moan in agreement.
I quicken up my thrusts as I begin to fuck her quicker and quicker. Slowly Alessia lifts her legs around my waist and leg traps me so I can't pull out causing me to go deeper.
"F-Fuck Less, I'm close." I moan loudly in pleasure.
"C-Cum in me please. Please cum inside of me." Alessia shouts in pleasure cutely begging for my load.
Creampie #2:
I couldn't take it anymore, the feeling of Alessia's tight pussy. My cum leaks deeply into her pussy painting her walls white. Alessia moans and cums as well, we both moan as my cum spurts and oozes inside her filling her to the brim.
"Fuck baby, your pussy feels amazing." I moaned as I pull out.
"Worth the wait?" Alessia asks.
"Definitely." I giggle.
"Can you give me one more? I've wait so long for this, for you to be inside me." Alessia cutely moans pleading for more cum.
"Of course I can." I reply.
"I want to ride you, ride your length." Alessia begs.
"Yes ma'am." I answer as I sit up, my head against the headboard.
Alessia places her hands on my chest as she lines up her dripping entrance with my dick. I place my hands on her ass, squeezing slightly as she lowered down taking my entire length deep inside her pussy.
"Fuck Less, you feel amazing." I moan.
Alesia doesn't respond as she rides faster. I spank her ass and squeeze it roughly as she bounces up and down her ass rippling with every bounce.
"Fuck baby, go faster." I begged.
Alessia does as I say and goes even faster. The feeling of my balls tightening began to happen knowing this was gonna end soon.
"You close baby? Close to filling me up?" Alessia moans as she wraps her hands around my neck.
"So close baby." I moaned I take her right nipple into my mouth and begin sucking, quieting my moans.
Creampie #3:
5 minutes go by after one final hard bounce from Alessia I let out a loud moan, my balls tightening cum oozing into Alessia's pussy. Filling her up one final time, a last spank to her ass I slowly pull out leaving a kiss of appreciation on her lips.
"That was amazing." Alessia said as I pull away from the kiss.
"Worth that wait." I giggled.
"Let's keep this between us, we can't tell Leah anything." Alessia said.
I agreed we couldn't tell Leah about this. Me fucking her best friend, that would be fair to her at all.
"Yes less, keep this between you and me." I smiled leaving another list full kiss on her lips.
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ellieslovr · 7 months
A Visit To Mr.Miller’s House
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CW: age gap, daddy kink, dirty talk, creampie, unprotected sex, mentions of pregnancy. This is a dbf joel miller fic. Reader has no physical description, Joel is able to pick them up. Joel Miller x F! Reader. wc:3,071
A/N:wow, it only took me a month to upload this time! Look at that. Anyways, this is my first Joel fic, so let’s see how it goes. Enjoy! I have many more ideas for him.
Summary: After your dad asks you to go pick up something from Joel’s house, you get a lot more than you bargained for.
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You really hadn’t been thinking when you’d borrowed one of your best friend’s shirts. You’d had an impromptu sleepover, leaving you without a shirt to wear to bed. She dug through her drawers and tossed one towards you, laughing.
You scan the text on the front. “I LOVE DILFS” it read. You glanced up at her. “Seriously?” You said.
She just laughed. “You’re just wearing it to sleep, you’ll be fine.” You just roll your eyes and slump onto the bed next to her, nestling under the covers.
You’re awoken the next morning by your phone repeatedly ringing, and you yawn as you reach for it.
Seeing that it’s your dad, you groan and hit accept. “Are you just waking up?” He asks. Hello to you too, you thought.
“Yeah, I spent the night at a friends.” You reply. “Oh, well I have a favor to ask.” He said, and you could hear a shuffling noise in the background. “What’s that noise?” You ask him.
“I’m working on repairing this old car, but I need one of the parts for tomorrow.” He told you.
Before you could respond, he continued. “Since I wasn’t gonna be home when it got delivered, I had it sent to Miller’s house. Think you could go pick it up? I won’t be home till late, so you can just leave it on the table.” You groan internally. Of course he’d have it delivered there.
Your dad and Mr.Miller, or Joel as he’d insist you call him, were lifelong friends. They’d known each other since high school, and still hung out from time to time. It’s not that you didn’t like Joel, in fact it was the complete opposite. You liked him too much.
As a kid, you’d always seen him as a sort of uncle figure, but that changed as you got older. Now, you couldn’t be around him without being reduced to a blushing and stuttering mess.
You snap out of your thoughts and realize your dad is still waiting on a response. “Yeah, I’ll grab it. I’m leaving here in a few minutes.” You say.
“Thanks sweetheart, I’ll see you later tonight. Bye.” With that, he hangs up the phone. You turn around and see your friend grinning at you.
“What?” You ask. She smirks. “You have to go to Joel’s house~” She sings. You toss one of her pillows at her. “Shut up.” She laughs and throws it back at you, and you place it down onto the bed.
You finish packing your stuff, and your friend walks you outside to your car. You wave her goodbye and she wishes you luck with a wink, which you scoff at.
The drive back home is about twenty minutes, so you decide to take the longer route. The less time you have to see Joel, the better. You pull up to your house, and exit the car.
Once you’ve put all your stuff away, you pull a jacket on and head over to Joel’s house. It’s winter time in Texas and although it wasn’t freezing, it was still pretty cold. You walk up the front porch steps, and ring the doorbell. You wait a minute or so, and there’s no answer.
As soon as you lift your fist to knock, the door swings open. Joel peers down at you, dressed in a stained white muscle shirt and a pair of gym shorts. He must’ve been working out.
You swallow hard, trying to remember what it is you’re here for. “Oh, it’s you. Hey kiddo, c’mon in.” Joel says, ushering you inside. You smile at him.
“Thank you, Mr.Miller.” He shuts the door. “Call me Joel, sweetheart.” He tells you. You know the name doesn’t hold any weight behind it, but it still gives you butterflies nonetheless.
“You caught me right in the middle of my workout.” He says, using a towel to wipe the sweat off his face. You try to not let your eyes wander to the droplets rolling down his neck, no doubt cascading down his abs.
Joel doesn’t seem to notice that you’re distracted, and carries on. “How about you take your coat off and stay a while?” He asks.
Your heart skips a beat. “Actually, my dad just wanted me to pick something up.” You told him. His face dropped slightly. “Oh, right.” He replied, gesturing to the package sitting on his table.
“I could stay for a little though, I’ve got nothing to do today.” You told him, mentally cursing yourself for being unable to say no to him.
He brightened up. “Atta girl, I’ll grab you a beer.” On his way to the fridge, he stopped. “You’re old enough to drink right?” He asked.
You stifle a laugh. “I’m 24 Joel, yes.” You reply. He just chuckles and rummages around the fridge, pulling out two cans. He sits at a comfortable distance from you on the couch, and cracks his open.
You inadvertently watch the way his muscles ripple as he lifts the can to his mouth and takes a sip. He groans and places it down on the table.
“So, how’ve things been? Staying out of trouble?” He asks. You shrug your coat off, nodding.
“For the most part, yeah.” Joel’s eyes “accidentally” flick down to your chest as you do so, and his breath catches in his throat. He’s blushing. “Interesting shirt you got there.” He says.
You give him a confused glance, and then look down. “Oh, shit. This is my friend's shirt, I completely forgot I borrowed it from her.”
Joel’s grip on the can tightens, the metal bending under his grasp, his veins popping out slightly. “So that’s what you’re into these days?” He asks. “Dilfs?”
You laugh. “I’m surprised you even know what that means.” You reply. Joel smiles, some of the awkwardness dissipating. “Hey, I’ve been around. I’m not that old.” He teases. You watch as he leans back against the couch. “Your dads been good?” He asks.
You nod your head. “Yeah, he won’t be home until late because he’s working on something.” You tell him. You don’t miss the way Joel’s gaze darkens at your words.
“Yeah?” He says. He’s staring at you now. You shift a little under his gaze, big doe eyes staring up at him.
“Mhm. Might be out all night.” You murmur. He’s so close now. You can feel his breath fanning across your cheek. “Tell me to stop.”
He whispers it almost pleadingly, hand coming up to cup your cheek. Part of him knows this is wrong, that your dad will kill him if he finds out. The other part of him doesn’t care though, he just needs you so bad.
You lean into his touch. “Don’t stop.” You tell him. Joel curses under his breath and then he’s kissing you, his lips warm and slightly chapped.
You moan into his mouth and he loses control, wrapping his arms around your waist. When you pull away to breathe, he starts to kiss your neck. “Joel..” You mewl, moving to tug his shirt off. He complies, helping you pull it off.
You drag your nails up and down his bare skin, and he shivers. “Take me to your bed?” You ask. He nods and scoops you into his arms, heading towards his bedroom. He kicks the door open and places you gently on the bed, before shutting the door.
He immediately begins to remove your shirt, dropping it to the ground. He kisses down your chest, pulling a hardened nipple into his mouth. You arch your back, whimpering softly. Joel nearly growls at your reaction, and moves to pinch the other between his fingers.
You’re squirming underneath his ministrations, and he decides to take pity on you. He helps you shuffle your jeans off, leaving you in just your underwear.
Your arousal is evident through the fabric, a wet patch staining it. Joel groans low in his throat, dragging a single finger up your slit. You buck your hips into his touch, a soft whine leaving your throat. “Joel..” You mumble.
He leans in and kisses you to distract you, while he slips his fingers into your panties. He quickly finds your clit, brushing his thumb across it.
Your breath hitched. He slides them off with ease, adding them to the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Something about him being fully clothed while you were naked sent a rush of arousal through you.
Joel stands and pulls his tank top up over his head, wiping the sweat off his face with it. You catch a glimpse of his chiseled abs and the happy trail leading down his pelvis. He notices you staring and slips his gym shorts off.
Your eyes drop down to his bulge. He’s huge, bigger than any guy you’d ever been with, and he wasn’t even fully naked yet. You wait with baited breath as he slowly pulls his boxers down, revealing his hard cock. Jesus Christ.
He takes it between his hands, stroking it gently. “Open.” He tells you. You comply, letting your mouth drop open. He guides himself into your mouth, and you close your lips around him. He groans. “Fuck, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.”
He barely gives you time to adjust and he starts rocking his hips back and forth, his cock hitting the back of your throat. The sounds he’s pulling from you are obscene, wet and messy. You swipe your tongue across his tip, and he curses under his breath.
“I gotta pull out baby, m’ not gonna last long.” He tells you. You let your jaw go slack, and he pulls out. He begins to dig through his drawers, and you peer over at him.
“What’re you doing?” You ask. He grabs a box. “Condom.” He replies, pulling one of its package. You chew your bottom lip. “I’m clean.” Joel sighs.
“That ain’t my concern, sweetheart. I don’t need to be knockin’ you up, your daddy would kill me.” You pout. “I’ll go get a plan B after.” He groans. “You’re a stubborn one, ain’t you?” He asks.
“I mean, we don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with it.” You told him. He shakes his head. “That’s not it, I just didn’t want you to feel like you have to.” He said. You smile.
“What a gentleman.” You tease. He grins bashfully, looking down. “Yeah, you know me. So what’ll it be?” Your cheeks flush. “We don’t need it.” You tell him. He nods.
“Sounds good to me.” He tosses it to the side, and positions himself between your spread legs. He drags himself slowly up and down your slick folds, groaning quietly.
“Joel, please.” You urge him. He shakes his head. “No baby, you gotta beg me. C’mon, use that pretty mouth.”
“Please fuck me Joel, I need it.” You plead with him, looking up at him through your lashes. He gives in, and pushes into you agonizingly slow. Despite not being a virgin, it still stung a bit because of his size.
Once he was all the way in, he kissed your forehead. “Stay still baby. Get used to it.” He tells you. You do as he says, and a few minutes pass. You wiggle your hips, and a jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine. “You ready?” Joel asks. You nod.
He lifts one of your legs over his shoulders, and repeats the process with the other. Your body is pressed against him now, his skin flush against yours. He slowly starts to fuck you, reveling in how tight you are around him. “You’re so fucking pretty..” Joel murmurs against your lips.
You let yourself melt into his touch, knowing he’ll take care of you. His cock drags up and down your walls, lighting a fire in your belly. Joel grunts.
“Fuck, look at you. All spread open for me.” You whimper and lean up to kiss him, which he happily obliges. He gives you a hard thrust, and you moan into his mouth.
“Fuck, you feel that in your tummy, princess? You feel how deep I am?” You nod, not trusting yourself to speak. “Feels so good, Joel.” You tell him. He smirks. “That’s not my name baby.”
You wrack your brain, trying to think of what he means. Then, it hits you. “Daddy?” You say.
His smirk widens, and you feel his cock throb. “There you go.” He replied. You look up at him.
“Didn’t think you were that much of a pervert.” You tease. He raises an eyebrow. “The way you’re squeezin’ around my cock says otherwise, baby.” He tells you.
He hikes your legs up onto his shoulders, pushing deeper into you. “Oh, fuck-“ He grunts, muscles straining. You watched his arms flex as he held you in place, thrusting in and out of you.
“Christ, you’re tight. Them college boys ain’t doing it for ya, huh?” He asks with a smirk. You moan, rocking your hips to meet his thrusts. “No daddy.” You reply, reaching between your legs to find your clit.
“You let them fuck you like this, baby? You let them fill you up?” He asks you, a possessive edge to his tone. You whimper.
“No daddy, just you.” You reply. He laughs, reaching down to cup your cheek. “That’s right baby, this is my pussy from now on. Understand, sweetheart?”
You’re so cockdrunk now, that all you can do is nod dumbly as he continues to thrust into you. He just grins and slips his thumb into your mouth.
“Atta girl, just needed to be taken care of, huh?” He murmurs, pushing it deeper into your mouth. “Yes daddy.” You sigh contentedly as he continues at a steady pace.
You wrap your arms around him and pull him closer, dragging your manicured nails down his back. You wince, hoping you hadn’t scratched him too hard.
He groans and speeds up, the tip of him pressing right against your cervix. He has you in a mating press now, thrusting wildly. “I’m getting close sweetheart, you sure you don’t want me to pull out?” He asks you.
You lock your legs around his waist, your pussy gripping him tighter. “No. Want you to cum inside daddy, want you to fill me up.” You tell him, dragging your nails down his bicep.
He curses under his breath and spills inside you, muttering obscenities. You climax shortly after him, and slump down further into the bed. You both bask in the afterglow of your orgasms, while Joel presses gentle kisses all over your face. You sigh happily and look over at him.
“You’ve been real pent up huh?” You ask with a smirk. He playfully shoves you. “Shut up, I usually last longer than that.” He replies.
You chuckle. “I’ll have to put that to the test next time.” He raises an eyebrow. “There’s gonna be a next time?” You blush.
“Well, I just figured maybe-“ He cuts you off with a laugh. “I’m just teasing, baby. Listen, how about I take you out to dinner? You free Sunday?” He asks. You nod.
“Yeah, I’m free.” He grins. “Good. C’mon, I’ll help you into the bath and then we can order take out. That alright with you?”
You nod and lift your arms up, causing him to chuckle. “You wanna be carried, princess?” He asked, gathering you into his arms.
You slump against him, exhausted. He holds you with one arm as he turns on the water and warms it up, letting the tub fill.
He gradually adds bubbles, to which you raise an eyebrow. “You take bubble baths?” You ask him. He chuckles sheepishly, hand coming to scratch his cheek.
“They say it’s supposed to help relax you.” He replies. You shrug, sinking down into the water. “I’m not complaining.” The scent of lavender hits your nose as Joel climbs into the tub with you.
He looks a bit funny, hunched over and hugging his knees to make room for himself. He grabs a bottle of flowery shampoo, and you smirk.
“You got a lot of ladies showering here, Miller?” He rolls his eyes and uncaps the bottle. “It’s for when Sarah visits. Now do you want me to wash your hair or not?”
You respond by leaning your head back, dipping your hair into the water. Joel smiles at that and begins rubbing the shampoo into his hands.
He massages it through your scalp and you close your eyes, sighing in contentment. He finishes up with the shampoo and cups the water in his hands, washing it out.
He repeats the process with the conditioner, and starts washing his own hair. Once he’s finished, he turns the water off and stands up, pulling you with him. He grabs two fluffy towels from the closet, and wraps one around you.
“You good with Chinese food?” He asks, ruffling his hair with the towel. You nod. “Yeah, get beef lo mein too.” You tell him. He laughs, shooting you a glance.
“Demanding.” He teases. You roll your eyes, crossing the room and letting the towel drop. Joel falls silent, his eyes dropping down to admire your body.
“What were you saying?” You ask with a smirk. He blushes. “The beef one you said?” He asks. You nod, moving to tug his towel off. He bites his lip.
“I’m not sure I have another one in me, sweetheart.” He tells you. You hum. “I know. Just wanted to take a look.” He laughs and exits the bathroom, dropping the towels into a laundry basket.
When he gets to his room, he dresses in a pair of boxer shorts and an old t shirt. When he hands you one of his shirts, you pull it on over your head and smile at him. “It’s big on you, but you look good in my clothes.” He tells you.
You grin. “Not the only thing that’s big.” You tell him, leaning into him. He rolls his eyes. “Oh, and I’m a pervert?” He asks jokingly. You don’t respond, instead opting to pull him into a kiss.
Joel kisses you back, his tongue sliding across your bottom lip. Your stomach growling is what forces you two apart, and you blush.
“You gonna order that food?” You ask him. He grins and wraps an arm around you, leading you to sit down on the couch.
“Sure thing sweetheart.”
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scream4ash · 4 months
amber freeman x gp! reader
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warnings: smut 18+; top! amber; r has a dick (a big one 😱); praise kink; tiny bit of slapping; amber’s kinda mean (she’s a cutie tho.); r’s a nerd.
summary: fwb, but u get together. (yay for a happy ending!!)
a/n: this is ass, i’m sorry. work n studying has been killing me. (hooray for dropping out.)
explicit sexual content below. mdni.
no strings attached.
that was the one thing u had hated about this little ‘arrangement.’
it was so hard to push ur feelings for amber down. especially when she straddled ur lap, grinding against ur bulge, making the prettiest noises.
u keep telling urself that you’d tell her how u felt, yet u never got the chance. not until now. it was now or never.
“amber, amb. just..” u paused for a moment, the nickname rolling off of ur tongue so easily. “hold on for a second, please?” u sounded so shy, small even. ur eyes refused to meet hers, settling to dart around nervously instead.
“what’s so important that we had to stop.. this?” she muttered against ur lips, a teasing smirk on her lips. her eyes were darkened with lust, pupils blown in desperation.
“u know our uh.. agreement?” ur voice was shaky almost, so different from the usual, firm, strong tone u maintained.
“i think i’m in love with you, amber.” you spoke fast, nervous. your voice was shaky, hands falling from your grip on her waist.
“oh.” her voice was calm, too calm. “well.”
“i- i know we said no strings attached, and i’m sorry i didn-“
you were cut off by a pair of lips on yours, her hands tangling into your hair. “what made u think i wasn’t into u?” her eyebrows are furrowed, hands moving to cup your face. “why else would i stick around after we fuck? you really think i’d let you hold me if i didn’t like you?” a small chuckle escapes her lips, and she presses a small kiss against your cheek.
your gaze moves to meet hers again, a small smile on your face. “really?” your eyebrows knit together in confusion, hands moving to grab her waist. “you’re not fucking with me?”
“of course not. you’re cute. and you’re actually not that bad. you’re a fucking nerd, but it’s cute. i like it.” her thumb caressed your cheek softly, lovingly.
“oh, well.. i-..” a soft blush painted your cheeks, trying your best to stutter out a response.
“don’t get all shy on me. c’mon, y/n.”
you press your lips against hers, kissing her softly. you feel her hands lace into your hair, deepening the kiss. she tugs your hair, making you whimper. you feel her smile against your lips, slipping her tongue into your mouth.
she grinds against the forming bulge in your lap, pulling away for a moment. “someone’s excited.” she says against your lips with a teasing giggle.
a small whine escapes your lips, your forehead pressed against hers. she continues to grind against your hardening cock, taking off her shirt, revealing her perfect tits. she guides you to her nipple by the back of your head, her grip on your hair tighter.
“suck,” she demands.
you wrap your lips around her nipple, bringing your hand to give some attention to her neglected nipple. you suck gently, rolling your tongue around the bud. her breath came out in short pants, whispered praises slipping from her pretty lips.
“you’re doing so good for me. suck harder, don’t be shy, baby.” she tugged on your hair again, holding your head in place. you do as your told, moaning around her nipple.
she pulls you into a heated kiss, continuing to grind against you. she trails soft kisses along your jawline, making sure to leave a mark or two. she takes your sweater off, fumbling with your belt.
“my pretty girl.. so hard for me, hm?” she takes off your pants, dragging your boxers down with her teeth. she wraps her hand around your cock, pumping it slowly.
“fu-“ your words are cut off by a moan as you feel her lips wrap around the head of your cock. she sucks the head of your cock, her head bobbing up and down. she looks up at you with teary eyes, pulling away with a gasp. she strokes your cock faster now, coating it with saliva.
“amber, stop teasing me.. don’t be an ass..”
your immediately cut off by a sharp slap on your inner thigh, her eyebrows knitted together.
“don’t get bossy,” she says, hand tightening around your cock. “watch your fucking tone, hm?”
you nod, moaning at her touch. she lets go of your cock, straddling you. she takes off her loose sweats, revealing that she wasn’t wearing any panties.
your hand moves to touch her pretty cunt, your thumb gently rubbing at her clit. you push two fingers into her, almost moaning at the feeling of her around you. “you’re soaking, amb. i do this to you?”
she moans, her eyes rolling back in pleasure.
“don’t be shy, baby. i’m yours, yeah? treat me like it,” she gasped out, her hips moving to ride your fingers. “feel that? feel how tight i am? how wet you make me?” her words are teasing, a wide smile of her face.
she pulls your hand away in an instant, guiding your cock to her waiting hole.
“amber, please,” you pleaded with her, begging. your eyes wide with lust, locked onto her cunt hovering about your cock.
she uses her free hand to smack your thigh again, trailing her hand up your body. “i need those pretty eyes on mine, you hear me?,” she said with a newfound dominance in her tone. how could she be so sweet but so mean at the same time. her fingers loosely wrap around your throat, urging your eyes to snap up to hers.
“amber please. i wanna feel you,” you pleaded for any kind of attention, your cock leaking precum. she sinks down on your cock, her cunt clenching tightly around you. her lips break into a wide smile, her forehead resting against yours.
“you’re so big, baby. filling me up s’ good. such a good girl for me.,” she stutters through moans, starting to ride you. she bounces up and down on your cock, occasionally rolling her hips. “oh, you like that? you like being my good girl, yeah?,” she smiles again seeing how you moan at the praise. she tugs your hair, making your eyes snap open to meet hers. “keep your eyes on me, y/n. you can do it. such a good girl for me.”
“amber.. fuckfuckfuck. you’re so-“ she cuts you off by locking her lips with yours, bringing you into a passionate kiss. she pulls away, moaning loudly. you feel her cunt tighten around you, your thighs trembling slightly.
you grab her hips, fucking up into her. your cock twitches, letting her know that your close. “amber, amb. ‘m gonna cum.. wanna fill you up.. please,” you begged, your voice sounded of a high pitched whine.
“oh? you’re just sooo needy, hm?” she teased. “gonna cum with me? i want you to come with me. fill me up, baby.” her cunt tightened around your cock, her eyes closing in pleasure. her orgasm washed over her, her movements slowing down just a bit.
you came soon after her, holding her hips with a vice-like grip. you whined, hips bucking, thighs shaking uncontrollably. thick, white ropes of cum shot into her pussy, filling her up, just as she’d told you to do.
“did so good for me, baby..” she praises quietly, helping you ride out your orgasm. “such a good, good girl. made me feel so good.” her hands stroke your cheeks lovingly as she dismounts your softening cock, admiring the white ring of her cum at the base.
she presses soft kisses to your cheeks, her hands tracing small patterns against your ribcage.
“i love you, amber.”
“i love you, y/n,” she whispered back, tucking her face into the crook of her neck. her fingers scratched your scalp lightly in attempt to soothe you to sleep, basking in the afterglow of her newfound lover.
a/n: i didn’t know how to end it. i hate it.
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deadbydad-writes · 11 months
Dad’s Best Friend!Miguel with Reader (who’s 24 and just finished college, she’s staying at her dad’s place while she finds work). She and Miguel have been in a secret relationship for a few weeks now, and Miguel finds out she has a daddy kink. He takes full advantage of this, teasing her as he’s abusing her with every thrust of his cock, telling her that she’s such a naughty girl begging for her daddy to fill her up with his seed, asking her what her dad would think if he found out his best friend was trying to knock up his baby girl…
Breeding and daddy kinks are my weakness, what can I say 😵‍💫
This one is so fucking hot oml I love it!
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You and Miguel had been in a secret relationship for a couple of years now and had kept it hidden from your father. Of course, the two of you had have sex but when Miguel had found out that you had a daddy kink...he didn't hesitate to use that to his advantage the first chance he got.
Your father had to work later in the afternoon and you were at an interview at some random place in town trying to find work, so he used that time to himself to come up with a plan.
Later that night while your father was at work, Miguel had you bent over the arm of the couch in your own living room with his cock buried deep into your cunt you swore you could feel the tip of it in your womb.
"Look at you, coming apart on daddy's cock," Miguel growled into your ear as he reached a hand under your shirt to grab one of your breasts, his thumb flicking your nipple. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the house as he fucked into your abused cunt from behind. Miguel had already filled you up with his cum at least three or four times and it couldn't help but make you wonder if he would knock you up tonight.
Miguel's hips stuttered slightly and he groaned into the back of your neck, biting the skin gently. "Daddy's gonna come in you again baby girl," he said and continued to bite and nibble the skin of your neck while he never stopped thrusting his cock in and out of your tight pussy.
The thought and his words made a shiver of pleasure run down your spine and a moan escape your mouth.
Miguel let out a little chuckle as he found out this new little surprise you had kept from him and maybe even yourself.
"Does daddy's little girl like the thought of being filled up again," he teased and gently gripped your hair but didn't pull. "Does she want to get filled until she's carrying my child?"
You could only nod, too drunk on pleasure from the treatment you were receiving to say an actual word yet alone a physical sentence.
"What would your father think if he saw his daughter, his only little girl, begging for his best friend to knock her up?" The thought of you getting caught by your father while Miguel is fucking you, really shouldn't have turned you on as much as it should have, but that's all it took for you to reach your climax for the fifth time that night.
"Daddy!" You moaned out as you squirted on his cock, your eye rolling to the back of your head and your nail's digging into the white fabric of the couch as you came down from your high. You felt the man behind you let out a growl and bite your shoulder as he pumped more of his cum into your womb.
Your soft pants as you both caught your breath filled the silence of the house before Miguel quickly turned your head to the side to press his lips against yours, making you smile lazily against his lips as you closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment before Miguel pulled away to look at you with a playfull look.
"Oh no baby girl, daddy's not done with you yet." Miguel nipped your bottom lip and grinding his cock against your sweet spot, making you gasp at the welcomed feeling and action.
"Daddy has to make sure his little girl is all bred until your swollen with my children"
I tried. I was literally the whole time while I was writing this I was just blushing at every word I typed....this is the smuttiest thing I have ever written to be honest.
But I hoped you enjoyed! I for sure enjoyed writing this, it's so fucking good in my opinion but I think I could have done better, but hey there's always room for improvment!
Anyway, if anyone wants to request anything I have a list right here of stuff I will write, but I do hope you guys enjoyed it. And I would appreciate feedback of anyone has any!
Love you guys!
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writingdumpster · 2 years
bob’s shirt
pairing: Bob Floyd x reader
warnings: none
summary: When you wear Bob’s shirt to The Hard Deck, your secret relationship is found out. Reader’s callsign is Fox.
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You and Bob had been secretly dating for four months. You weren’t sure why it was still a secret and neither was Bob, but neither of you was willing to admit to the other that you wanted to tell people. Phoenix knew, because she was tenacious in her interrogations.
“Why are you in such a good mood today?” Phoenix asked.
“I’m normally in a good mood,” Bob said.
“Yeah, but not this good. You keep smiling at nothing.” Bob glanced over at you across the lecture hall. Phoenix followed his eyeline. “Oh my god,” she gasped.
“What?” Bob muttered, his eyes still on you.
“You and Fox finally hooked up, didn’t you?” Phoenix whispered. Bob’s neck snapped to look over at her in shock.
“What? No!” He exclaimed in a whisper. “I mean we have but—we aren’t—Fox and I—” He stuttered. Phoenix let a grin spread across her face.
“It wasn’t just a hookup, was it?” She asked. Bob blushed. He looked at you and then back at Phoenix.
“We’ve been dating for three months. It’s our anniversary,” he admitted. Phoenix smiled at Bob. She had never seen him look so happy. “Don’t tell anyone, please.”
“Secret’s safe with me, Bob,” she assured him.
That’s how you ended up taking two cars to The Hard Deck even though the both of you had left from Bob’s place and intended to return there when the night was done. When you arrived Bob was quick to order your drinks while you went to sit with the others.
“Is that Bob’s shirt, Fox?” Hangman asked with a grin as you sat down at the table nearest the piano. You looked down and realized you were in Bob’s University of Montana shirt. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment as you struggled to think of a response. Rooster and Fanboy had caught wind of the conversation and were now looking in your direction.
“No,” you lied.
“Really? Didn’t you go to school in California?” Fanboy asked, smirking as he lifted his beer to his lips.
“I don’t know where it’s from,” you said, trying to shut down the conversation.
“I swear I’ve seen Bob in a shirt like that before,” Rooster piped in.
“Maybe he has one like it,” you said. Bob walked up to sit beside you, handing you your drink.
“Bob! Don’t you have a shirt like the one Fox is wearing?” Hangman smirked as he pointed to your shirt. Bob’s eyes met yours and he saw the embarrassment painting your face. The two of you had clearly been found out.
“Erm…I don’t think so,” he said, a blush rising across his cheeks.
“You went to the University of Montana, though, didn’t you?” Rooster pushed.
“Ye—yeah,” Bob stuttered.
“Do you know anyone else who went to the University of Montana, Fox?” Hangman questioned.
“I don’t know. I think I got this at a thrift store,” you lied.
“Why would you pick that out?” Fanboy teased you.
“It was probably cheap,” you tried.
“Everything at thrift stores is cheap,” Hangman pointed out. You were totally flustered and unsure what to say.
“I don’t—It was—I think—”
“We’ve been dating for four months,” Bob interrupted. It was very out of character for him to be so bold, but he had been having trouble watching your nerves build while you were talking to Hangman. Your head snapped to look at him, surprised by his confession.
“Four months?” Coyote asked in shock.
“I told you,” Phoenix said snappily. “You owe me ten bucks.”
“You said you wouldn’t tell anyone!” Bob exclaimed.
“It doesn’t matter, Bob. We could all tell,” Fanboy said.
“How?” You asked.
“You hold hands every time you leave base,” Payback said.
“Yeah, but not till we get to the parking lot,” Bob countered.
“Yeah, cause we can’t see in the parking lot,” Fanboy teased.
“I told you that we shouldn’t,” you chided Bob. He shrugged.
“Couldn’t wait any longer,” he said.
“For a stealth pilot, you’re pretty bad at being undercover,” Hangman joked. Bob just smiled. The conversation moved away from you and Bob and everyone was animatedly discussing the base’s latest arrival of students. Bob scooted his chair closer to yours and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his body and kissing your forehead. You smiled and leaned into him. It was nice to feel like the two of you could really be together in front of everyone.
You left The Hard Deck hand in hand. Bob walked you to your car. He stopped you as you arrived at your door.
“Are you mad at me?”
“Mad at you? Why would I be mad at you?” You asked.
“I told everyone about us,” Bob said.
“It was pretty clear that they already knew,” you replied.
“That’s not the same as telling them though,” Bob said. You smiled softly at his thoughtfulness.
“I’m glad they know, Bobby,” you assured him. “We can be together everywhere now.” Bob smiled softly. There was a small pause. You could tell by looking at Bob that something was wrong and you were about to ask him when he blurted out:
“I love you.” The look on Bob’s face when he told you was one of pure admiration. He hadn’t been planning on telling you he loved you, but it had become impossible for him to hold it in any longer.
“I love you too, Robby,” you said with a smile.
“Really?” He asked in disbelief. You chuckled.
“Really. It’s hard not to fall in love with a sweet mid-western boy who kisses you like you’re gonna die,” you said. Bob laughed.
“If you weren’t so pretty, I wouldn’t have to kiss you so much,” he teased.
“Guess it’s a good thing I’m pretty then,” you said. Bob smiled. He grabbed your waist and pulled you in for a sweet kiss, his lips warm against yours. You leaned forward to give him one last peck when you pulled apart.
“Go get in your car. I’ll meet you at home,” you said.
“Home?” Bob asked with a smile. You blushed as you realized your mistake, but you decided not to retreat.
“Yeah. Home.”
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joonipertree · 1 year
Tags: college au, awkward mikey, flustered mikey, mikey has a crush on you. skateboarder!mikey.
You weren’t sure what you were watching but you were pretty sure it was akin to a circus.
“Mikey, you have to.” A pretty girl said with a bored expression on her face.
Mikey, your classmate, was simply circling around her with an equally bored expression. He was the definition of carefree, skateboard under his feet and hands in his pocket with his long blonde hair in a ponytail.
“You were fine five minutes ago.”
“That was before I had two mental breakdowns about it.”
“In the span of five minutes?”
“You don’t know my life.”
“I’m your sister.”
“Mikey, just fucking go up to them and kiss already, it’s exhausting watching you pine.” Ryuguji, another classmate of yours, spoke from the bench he was sitting on.
“Shut your fucking mouth before I punch you, Kenchin.” Mikey deadpanned, skating a little wobbly for a second before righting himself.
“That’s not the point of this, you need a partner for the assignment.” The blonde girl spoke sternly.
“I’d rather fail than ask them.”
“I’ll tell big brother on you.”
“Oh no, I’m so scared. What horrible things will he do?” Mikey had a very sarcastic tone in his voice as he shivered exaggeratedly.
“Emma, I’m still not convinced. There’s nothing that can possibly happen that will make me go and talk to them.”
“Oh hey _____, didn’t see you there.” Ryuguji all but shouted out.
Mikey promptly fell off his skateboard and stumbled two feet forward before stabilizing himself.
“Hey, sorry for just standing there, I needed to use the vending machine.” you said with a giggle.
Mikey all but skipped to the side which made you giggle as you walked towards it.
It was silent for a while and when you turned around, you saw the three of them having some kind of conversation with their eyes. It mostly consisted of Mikey shaking his head vehemently.
Emma looked at you a second later and smiled a saccharine sweet smile at you before saying, “I love that shirt on you, it’s very cute.”
You thanked her and looked to your right to see Ryuguji keeping Mikey in a headlock as the other tried to escape his clutches.
“So, I heard about that project that’s coming up. Do you have a partner yet?”
“Sadly, no.” You sighed. Your friends had paired off already and you were the only one left.
“Mikey doesn’t have a partner either.” Emma said just as Mikey broke himself free.
“Oh, if you want to be my partner then you can.” You said as nonchalantly as possible. To be honest, Mikey was very cute and you always wanted to talk to him but never had the courage.
“i’m-well-no-I mean-I-” Mikey stuttered the worst you’ve ever heard anyone stutter.
“This means yes in Mikey.” Emma informed and for your own sanity, you believed her.
With a drink in your hand, you walked towards him and handed him your phone.
“Add your number in, I’ll text you.”
The boy just stood there in silence, eyes almost out of his sockets as he held the pastel blue covered phone in his hand. You noticed how big his hands were and it made you blush a bit. You wondered what it would feel like to hold them.
“Oh my god, you fucking coward.” Emma muttered but before she could take your phone from his hand, he cradled it against his chest while glaring at her. He then very carefully typed in his digits.
You tried opening your bottle of juice but were very clearly failing to, grunting softly at the effort you were putting in.
He took the bottle from you and gave your phone back before very easily unscrewing the cap.
Why the fuck was that attractive?
He handed it back and you squeaked out a thanks before saying a quick goodbye.
You were too far to hear or see him but the boy melted against his best friend and whined over how cute you were.
“Did you see how cool I was opening that bottle for them? I was so fuckling calm, what the fuck.”
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the-sapphire-star · 2 months
First Meeting
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A groan left Osomatsu when he saw that his horse lost. 'Man, this is why I stick to pachinko' he grumbled in his head. He looked at the little paper in his hand.
"Now, what do I do? It's too early to head back home" he whined, wanting to stay out longer
"Why not just bet on one more horse?" Jyushimatsu asked
Osomatsu narrowed his eyes at his little brother. Yeah, because it was that easy. "Yeah sure, you got couple more yen I can barrow?" he asked to which Jyushimatsu shook his head rapidly, "well, there's the answer! I don't have money and neither do you" he sighed once more, "let's just go, I'll try pachinko tomorrow"
Jyushimatsu stuttered as he tried to warn his older brother, but it was too late. As Osomatsu turned around to leave, he bumped into someone else so comically that they both fell back on their butts. Jyushimatsu went to help his brother who was about to shout at the person who he bumped into, only to stop when he saw it was a cute girl.
"Ow, that hurt" she muttered and then looked up at the guy who she bumped into, "Oh, sorry about that" she chuckled
Osomatsu smiled and pushed Jyushimatsu away, "Oh no problem, it was my fault" he said as he hurried to help her up. As he did, he took a quick look over at the girl while she patted the dirt off her clothes.
She was so cute! (H/L) (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and (S/T) skin. She wore a (F/C) sweater over a white shirt and a cute blue skirt. Pretty normal for a day out but she looked so damn cute in it.
"Oh, sorry you lost" she said, bring him out of his head. He blinked at her in question, and she pointed to the paper in his hand, "your horse. Sorry you lost"
Osomatsu glanced at his paper, remembering why he was angry a while ago, and scoffed, "oh don't worry about that" he laughed, "no big deal, nothing to worry about" he rubbed the back of his head and then gave her a smile, "so what brings you here? You don't seem like the type to be here"
The girl shrugged, "dad, asked me to come" she answered, "he said he was too busy with work but that he really wanted to come and bet on one of the horses" she rolled her eyes, "so he told me to come and try out my luck with his money"
"Oh really? So how lucky are you?" Osomatsu asked as he wiggled his eyebrows at her. Jyushimatsu rolled his eyes at his older brother. 'I thought we were leaving'
She chuckled at his actions, "Are you asking about right now or with the horses?" She asked, "cause I'm liking my situation right now"
Osomatsu's eyes gleamed as a blush rose to his cheeks. Jyushimatsu's eyes widened at the fact that a girl, any girl, was flirting with his shitty older brother.
The girl giggled and showed him her paper, "but my luck with the horses is pretty good too" she said and Osomatsu's eyes widened when he saw that she had bet on the winning horse. He's had his small lucks with the horses too, but with the way she's talking, it was as if she rarely came here. The girl smirked as she watched his eyes turn to stars, "do you want it?" she asked. Osomatsu snapped out of it and starred at her in shock, "I don't really care about these things and dad could use a break from all this" she said as she nudged to paper towards him
Osomatsu stared at her with wide eyes. Jyushimatsu couldn't believe his ears either. Was she new in town? There was almost no one in this town who didn't know about him and his brothers at this point. Let alone anyone who would be so nice to give them a winning chance at anything! It almost brought tears to his eyes!
"Hellooo?" she called bringing him back again, "you want it or not?" Osomatsu blinked in confusion as his mouth opened and closed, not sure what to say. The girl chuckled and took his paper and replaced it with hers, "it's not a lot but at least you won something, right?" she said as she started walking past him
Osomatsu finally snapped out of it and turned to her, "Wait!" he called and ran up to her, getting her attention. She turned around and smirked at him, "uh, um, thanks for this" he gestured to the paper, "w-what's your name?"
The girl turned around and gave him a wink, making both Matsu's eyes widen, and their cheeks redden. "My name's (y/n) (L/n)" she chirped and walked over to the boy in the red sweater, "and what's your name?"
"Oh, I'm Osomatsu Matsuno" he said very excitingly, making (y/n) smile happily at him
"Well, I hope I see you again soon, O-So-Ma-Tsu~" she sang and turned to walk away.
Jyushimastu gasped and jumped back to his spot next to Osomatsu. "Did that just happen?" Osomastu asked with a goofy grin, to which Jyushimatsu just nodded his head strongly. Osomastu's smile grew as he clenched his hands, scrunching up the paper, "the others won't believe this" he said just as happily.
Jyushimatsu, again, shook his head rapidly. 'No way they'll believe us' he thought
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"Come on, Karamatsu!" Todomtsu whined, "we have been here for hours, when can we go?"
The two Matsunos have been at the clothing store for hours. The second oldest Matsuno had been looking though the racks, saying he's looking for the perfect clothes for himself, but to no avail yet. Todomatsu agreed to go, thinking he could get some clothes for himself. But he had chosen his clothes, bought them and now they were in their bags, and all that was left was for Karamatsu to choose his own clothes.
"Not just yet my brother" he said, not taking his eyes off the clothes, "these clothes just aren't right" he grumbled, "how will I impress my Karamatsu girls with these clothes? They have to be right, or it just won't work"
"Then let's go! You can try again tomorrow" Totty cried out
Karamatsu only hummed in thought. Yes, he could leave but if he did, he could miss the opportunity to find something really good right now. "I don't know..." he grumbled
Totty was about to scream at his brother when all of a sudden, a shimmering shirt was nudged on Karamatsu's arm. The two turned their attention to whoever was holding it and they saw a cute girl with (H/L) (H/C) and (E/C) eyes looking up at him a bit shyly.
"Sorry for being so forward, but I happened to overhear your little problem" she said with a small smile. The two blushed at her and listened attentively. "I wouldn't suggest this, but I did notice your pants and thought you might like this shirt"
Todomatsu and Karamatsu looked at his pants to see that he was wearing his sparkly pants...again.
Karamatsu smiled at her, "You're totally right! That is a great shirt!" he said happily as he took it
Todomatsu narrowed his eyes at his brother, "Yeah, no way in hell" he muttered quietly, but loud enough for Karamatsu to glare at him
"Do you work here?" Karamatsu asked, "I would certainly come by more often if a cutey like you were here" he said with a wink, "especially when you seem to understand my taste in fashion so well"
The girl blushed and waved her hands, "oh no, I don't work here" she smiled, "I just thought you needed help" she said and then glanced at the pink covered boy next to him, "your brother seemed ready to explode"
"Oh don't worry about him" Karamatsu said quickly before Totty could say anything, "what's your name beautiful?"
The girl's eyes widened at his forwardness, "(Y/n) (L/N), nice to meet you" she said
"I'm Karamatsu, the pleasure is all mine" he said eccentrically, Totty only rolled his eyes at him
The girl chuckled, "Um, I have to go but I hope to see you soon, Karamatsu" she said sweetly and walked off, but she turned back before that, "and I bet you'll look good in that" she said and walked off
The two brothers' eyes widened, and Karamatsu blushed as he watched (Y/n) walk away. "NO WAY!" Todomatsu yelled as he grabbed his brother's shirt, "A cute girl wants to see you again!? You!?" he screamed. Only for Karamatsu to have a smile on his face, not listening to his younger brother.
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"Nyaa-chan was as cute as ever!" Choromatsu fawned as he walked out of the concert hall. "So was Totoko"
It was one of those days where he just got to be by himself, without his brothers to judge or ruin the moment for him. "Oh, I wonder what souvenirs they have" he said out loud and ran to where they had all the merch at a table near the exit. He would do another Meet&Greet but he didn't have enough for that this time around. That and he was still embarrassed from when his shitty oldest brother did.
He'd have to give it a little longer before he did that again. He was pretty sure Nyaa-chan still remembered that incident.
"Let's see here" he wondered as he looked around the table. As usual, there was more stuff for Nyaa-chan then poor Totoko. "What to get? What to get?" he muttered. Then he saw a small figure of Nyaa-chan at the corner of the table...the very last one, too!
Choromatsu reached over to grab it. Only for his hand to bump into a smaller one's. He was about to yell at the person to get lost it was his, but his mouth closed when he saw a girl look up at him in surprise.
"Oh, sorry, were you going to buy it?" she asked
His cheeks grew pink as he gave her a once over. Her pretty (H/C) hair was up in a (short/long) ponytail and her (E/C) looked at him all innocent-like. He blinked when she spoke up again.
"Oh, uh, you can have it" he said happily
"But, you were going to buy it, right?" she asked
Choromatsu waved his hands, "Oh don't worry about it!" he chuckled, "there's always next time"
"But this is a limited edition Nyaa-chan model" she said making him freeze in his spot. She realized that he did not know that, and she chuckled. She picked up the model and placed it in his hands, making him shake his head and look at her, before she picked up a, smaller, Totoko model.
"What? But-"
"How about, you take Nyaa-chan and I take Totoko-chan" she said happily. "I don't mind, I like them both"
Choromatsu couldn't believe it! Someone was doing something nice for him? Not even his brothers would be this nice to him! His cheeks turned red and small tears appeared on the side of his eyes, making her look at him in question.
"Um! What is your name, please?" he asked, rather aggressively, making her jump
"I-I'm (Y/N) (L/N)" she replied, "Nice to meet you..."
"Choromatsu Matsuno!" he replied to her with a very low bow
"Oh, well, it's nice to meet you, Choromatsu" she replied with a smile.
Choromatsu turned red all over and was close to exploding in happiness. (Y/n) Smiled at him once more and bowed before walking off to pay for her figurine. Once she was gone, Choromatsu couldn't help but swoon and fawn over the girl, gaining weird looks from the other people around him. Until he realized that no way was anyone going to believe that he just talked to a cute girl.
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'Where are all the cats?' Ichimatsu thought as he walked around the streets. It was strange. Ichimatsu almost never had any difficulty finding cats. Usually, some of them showed up on his window and he'd give them some treats.
He needed to get out of the house anyway. His brothers were getting on each other's nerves, so it seemed like a good time to get out while he still could. But for some reason, he couldn't find the cats even with a bag full of cat treats and the memory of the map the Riceballs gave him a while ago.
'They all must have found a place with good food somewhere else' Ichimatsu thought somewhat sadly as he continued to walk and look around. Up until now, he thought that he was the best place for them to get treats but looks like they found some place else.
"Good kikies" the fourth Mastu stopped in his tracks when he heard a very sweet voice from the alley right next to them. He was about to keep walking when he heard a couple of meow's coming from that same alley. He smiled lightly and walked in, forgetting about the voice already.
As he got further in, he stopped when he saw a figure crouching down, their back facing him, in front of a big pile of cats. "cute kikies" they coo'd
From where he stood, he could see that they were giving the cats treats, same as what he was going to do. He looked at the group of cats sadly and was about to turn to walk away, when one of the cats saw him and ran to him. 'ESP Kitty?'
The figure turned to follow the cat, and noticed Ichimatsu standing there. The boy flinched, his mind already thinking the negative of the situation. 'She's probably gonna scream and report me' he thought shakingly, 'she's alone in an alley and a random guy is standing behind her like a creep? Yeah, I'm getting my ass reported for sure'
The girl looked at him in question and then noticed the sardine snacks in his hands. She then smiled at him, "are giving the cats food too?" she asked, surprising him, "no wonder they've looked well fed for strays" she pet one of the cat's heads, "come on over. I bet they're still hungry, I didn't really bring a lot of snacks"
In his confusion, Ichimatsu got a good look at her. She had (h/l) (h/c) hair and she had a (f/c) shirt and black leggings with running shoes. Looks like she was out for a run and decided to feed the cats while out here.
The girl looked over at him when he didn't move. She then got up and walked over to him. He flinched lightly when she got closer, making her chuckle. "I'm not a biter" she said lightly and grabbed his hand to drag him over to the group of cats. Stiffly, he opened the bag of sardines and started giving them to the cats one by one.
The girl smiled as she watched the cats go up to him in comfort, as if they knew him personally already. As Ichimatsu fed the cats, he slowly started forgetting about the cute girl next to him...that is until he ran out of sardines and the cats all moew'd as if thanking him before they dispersed and walked, or jumped, off.
"Bye, kikies!" the girl smiled as she waved at them, making Ichimatsu jump, remembering that she was there. "You have a way with cats" she marveled as they walked out of the alley, "I bet they all know you really well by now, huh?" Ichimatsu only nodded as he led the way out of the alley. "Aw c'mon, cat got your tongue?" she asked with a light tease
Ichimatsu blushed lightly, "I-I always give them treats" he said
The girl gasped, "aw, you're so sweet!" she said and brought out her hand, "I'm (y/n) (l/n)" she introduced, "and who is the cat savor of the city?" she asked, only making him blush harder
"Ichimatsu Matsuno" he said as he shakingly brought his hand up to meet hers.
"I gotta go, but I hope I meet you again soon" she said as she brought out some headphones and placed them on. Ichimatsu's eyes widened, and small stars appeared in them, when he saw that she had on cat ear'd headphones without a care in the world. With a final wave, she jogged off.
Ichimatsu stayed froze for a while, his hand still in its outstretched position. Once she was out of sight, she brought his hand close to his face as if inspecting it. He had just spoken with a girl...and he even touched her! After maybe 5 minutes of staring at his hand, he stiffly walked back to his house, hoping that he does see her again.
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"Hussle, hussle! Muscle, muscle!"
Like every other day, Jyushimatsu was at the park, either practicing his swinging or playing with the kids there. Today, a little (h/c) haired boy ran over to him as asked him if he could teach him how to pitch and swing correctly.
Jyushimatsu being the silly, nice, person he is said he would if he paid him. The boy nodded and said he'll pay him if he managed to pitch and swing correctly. With a little thought, Jyushimatsu agreed.
So here they were, running laps because the boy, who is named (Brother name: B/N), messed up a swing. "Hustle, hustle! Muscle, muscle!"
"Why am I running laps!" (B/n) yelled angrily
Jyushimatsu stopped running and looked at him, "I don't know, pros run laps when they mess up don't they?" he asked as he picked up his bat
"I don't know!" (b/n) yelled, "let's just focus on pitching instead, for today" he said. Jyushimatsu agreed and did his best to explain how he should pitch correctly, only gaining a confused look from the little boy. He was about to try throwing the ball when he heard someone calling for him.
"(B/n)! (B/n), there you are!" a girl ran over to them and leaned down to catch her breath before glaring at the boy, "you're supposed to let us know when you want to come to the park! Not just walk out on your own!"
"Sorry, but I knew that this guy was going to be here for a bit today, so I had to get here before he left" (B/n) said, gesturing to the yellow clad guy next to him with the huge smile.
The girl looked over at him and noticed that he was just staring at her. She sighed and brought her hand out, "I'm (Y/n) (l/n), I'm his older sister" she introduced herself. Jyushimatsu brought up his sleeve covered hand and shook it rapidly, making her chuckled
"I'm Jyushimatsu Matsuno" he said, his smile not faltering, "(B/n) just asked me to teach him how to pitch, so I'm teaching him now" he said, clarifying what the little guy told her, "is he playing?" he asked
(Y/n) shook her head, "no, but he wants to. He's gonna enter the baseball club at his school later"
"But I need to practice first so I don't suck getting in" (B/n) grumbled as he crossed his arms
"I don't think you have to worry" Jyushimatsu said, "you're good for someone who's never played before"
The little boy's eyes widened and a huge smile spread across his face, almost rivalling Jyushimatu's own huge smile. After that, they agreed to practice a little while longer, while (Y/n) sat at a bench, watching them. After a little longer, (b/n) got so sleepy that he when he sat down next to his sister, he fell asleep.
(Y/n) giggled and Jyushimatsu helped her pick him up so she could get a good grip around him. "Hey, thank you for taking time to teach him" she thanked him
"It's no trouble at all" Jyushimatsu said, waving his sleeve around, "I always come to the park to play around...well almost every day. Sometimes I don't"
(Y/n) chuckled, "well, I hope I see you again" she said and walked away with (b/n) in her arms.
Jyushimatsu waved as she walked away and then turned to get his stuff when he suddenly stiffened up. "Did I hang out with a girl!?"
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"What a great haul!" Todomatsu sighed as he sat down on a bench. He had just gotten some really good looking clothes, the day was great and none of his annoying brothers were around to make him mad. "I gotta take a pic of this once-in-a-lifetime day" he said as he brought his phone out. Then he realized that he forgot his selfie stick at home. Oh well, outstretched pic it was.
He tried to take a picture, but he wasn't liking how it was coming out. He wanted everything he bought to be in the picture, but it wasn't possible.
As he tried over and over again, he didn't notice the girl who stopped walking and saw that he was struggling. After maybe 10 minutes of trying to get the perfect picture to post, he then noticed her looking at him. She flinched and bowed.
"I'm sorry for staring" she said quickly and looked at him, "I just noticed that you were having trouble taking the picture" Totty looked at his phone and then back at her, as if asking if that was all. "if you want, I can take it for you" she said
Todomatsu took a quick second to take her in. She had (h/l) (h/c) tied back so it was out of her face, she had (e/c) eyes and she wore a mask over her mouth, not uncommon around these parts. And she was wearing a simple (f/c) track suit. Totty didn't see anything wrong with her offer so he smiled and lent her the phone, "okay, sure" he said and got in position as she took his phone
With a quick couple photos, Totty asked her which ones looked the best, and with her help, chose the best and posted them on his social media.
"Wow thanks" he chirped once they were posted, "if it wasn't for you, I probably would've just given up and went home without taking a good selfie" he laughed, "hey, what's your name? Maybe I can tag you on it. You know, credit the camera person. I'm Todomatsu" he added quickly, leaving out his last name for obvious reasons
The girl's eyes widened when she realized she didn't even introduce herself yet, "Oh, sorry about that. I'm (Y/n), nice to meet you" she brought down the mask and smiled at him, "you don't have to add me or anything, I was just happy to help
"Well, your help was greatly appreciated" he smiled at her, "well, I better get home. My poor mother will be needing my help with my brothers soon" he said
"Your brothers?"
"Yeah, they're a handfull and I help mom out around the house" he lied
"Oh, well, I shouldn't keep you, then" she smiled at him, "nice to meet you"
"Same, I hope to meet you again" he said with a wave. 'Oh man, she was really cute' he thought as he walked off, then he paused when he realized something, 'damn it! I forgot to get her phone number!' he internally panicked, 'now I really hope to meet her again!'
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kairorow · 5 months
Opponent in chess, lovers in bed
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"I like playing chess. On the chessboard, we focus only on each other, racking our brains to corner the opponent. What pure pleasure"
TW: Nsft and Breeding
When I said you got beaten bad it's so BAD gurl was being aggressive while playing👹 not even letting you win one chess game is making you want to rip your hair out and cry in a corner like LET MY POOKIE WIN👹👹😥🥲 you literally went through 5 stages of grief because of her😞😞
"I should get a reward, don't you think so chief?" POOKIE LITERALLY ASKED FOR A REWARD WHEN YOU WERE STRESSING LIKE making you stressed over a game wasn't enough??? 😡
But being a good little Chief like you are you obeyed (obeyed🤨🤨?) like her toy and asked her
"what is it?"
Gurl literally whispered an inaudible thing to your ears while you were blushing like hell
Nightingale watching the cams rn: 🤨👀
"Are you sure, Chief? if something happens then I will not know about it-"
"I'll be fine, Nightingale"
Pookie was so worried that Eirene will beat you in one way or another 🤨 but since you reassured her she obeyed and stopped stalking you two through the camera
[nsft below]
After that Eirene wasted no time and pinned you on the wall to kiss you, she took your soft, gentle, cold hands to her face and rubs it affectionately (I think pookies falling for you)
after that she threw your coat across the room, making the chessboard messy and some pieces on the floor and unbuttoned your shirt.
She kissed your palm while looking at you then threw your shirt off, sighing as she saw ANOTHER layer of your clothes, your turtleneck, gurl was the one STRESSING now like you got your revenge😈😈
She said as she rips it off you revealing your boing boing, taking off your bra revealing your pink puffy nipples.
She wasted no time and sucks it like there's no tomorrow because WHO WOULDN'T WANT THAT PUFFY PINK-
"mhm... heh.. I knew you had such a divine body.."
Talking with your mouth full is a big NO NO so as a punishment you pushes her head back on your ample breasts while she keeps mumbling
you had gotten tired of standing so you sat on her lap.
pookie felt a mountain while sitting like🤨 you knew she had a cock, but still surprising.
she only notices it when you yelp and she chuckles and pulls it out.
She was BIG BIG
she teases your asshole with her tip, it got you squirming like why are you targeting that🤨 take my virginity first-
She knew you wanted it inside your puss when you whimpered which she has paid attention and put it inside as you wanted.
She was gentle and romantic with you, thrusting oh so slowly, enjoying her first time with you with her big coc, like are you two lovers now? why treat you like one? where's the label?!!?
she got from being gentle to being ROUGH
She's thrusting into like there's no tomorrow, got you worried like CALM DOWN you forgot your pills😥😥 like got you thinking I wanted to be bred by someone smart but not this time😥 you two literally had no label and she has the audacity to breed you right away and make her mine.
she chuckles and at your expression and decided to point it out
"why so quiet, Chief?"
"do I really need to t-talk while you're pounding m-me?" you stuttered and kisses her, making her chuckle and kissing you back
"not really~ do you mind if I breed you hm~?" gurl was teasing you and got you blushing like a tomato
but being her good little self implied wife like you are you nodded and agreed letting her pull out slowly and push back in until she hits your cervix making you squirt and letting her cum deep inside and breed you.
Making her body collapse on top of you due to tiredness you hugged her while she comes down from her high (who wouldn't want a good aftercare)
she then looked up at you and kisses you, making her mumble "I love you" which she wished you didn't hear.
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saviorellie · 1 year
roommate!ellie headcannons.
pairing : ellie williams x reader
pov : second person , she/her pronouns
warnings : mention of porn i guess? college!ellie!! she’s got a big fat crush on you
notes : PLEASEEE send me headcannon and blurb requests for ellie (AND ABBY)!!
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roommate!ellie that you met in a facebook group (she promptly deleted facebook as soon as you met)
roommate!ellie who refuses. and i mean re fuses. to do laundry.
she hates it oh my god she hates it. she does dishes, you do laundry. that is the agreement!
roommate!ellie who does not care what the place looks like, please take all creative control. she’ll love it regardless
she WILL kick ice under the fridge no matter how many times you tell her not to
roommate!ellie who would rather die than forget to water your plants. because she knows you love them and she KNOWS you will forget
she’s so “dad who says he doesn’t want a cat but loves that cat more than himself”
(the cat’s name is star. i will not elaborate.) (savage starlight.)
roommate!ellie who introduced you to fortnite and is mad because you’re better than her
roommate!ellie whose love language is physical touch
she will Die if your legs aren’t in her lap while watching a movie. she will sit on the counter beside the stove if you’re cooking.
roommate!ellie is a LOOOOSERRRRR
i’m talking sweating when you’re wearing pajama shorts, shaking when you play with her hair, blushing like all the fucking time.
she needs you bad.
roommate!ellie who turns into a handyman any time something breaks (she will break it more than it was already broken)
she was laying on the kitchen floor tiles when she accidentally broke the ac
roommate!ellie who refuses to let you buy groceries
“i eat more than you anyway” “you pay for the netlifx and the disney+” “let me sugar momma you”
roommate!ellie who will get on. All fours. if she comes home from work or class and you’re cooking or you made dinner for her.
(please please please be her housewife) (omg who said that?!)
roommate!ellie who puts cream and sugar in her coffee even though she likes black the best
because she knows she won’t finish the mug but you will and you like cream and sugar
roommate!ellie who is actually not! an astronomy major! she’s a paleontology major for sure
roommate!ellie who spends every paycheck she gets on 1. groceries and 2. random little trinkets she knows you’ll like
the sonny angel collection is crazy (thank you ellieeee :P)
roommate!ellie who can not stop giving you weird nicknames
“sweet girl” “angel” yeah yeah the normal ones but why is she calling you “beef” and “charcuterie board”
roommate!ellie was the first person you smoked with and she almost cried because she felt so bad when you greened out
her music taste is so. Bad (comedically, she actually has really good music taste)
“ellie if you play mask by dream one more time i’m going to [TRAIN PASSES BY]”
roommate!ellie (loser) who says “can i put my minecraft bed next to yours” LOSER
roommate!ellie who is So fucking smart but she pretends to not know what’s going on in her classes so you will sit next to her and your upper arm will touch hers as you help her
roommate!ellie who has to be constantly reminded to close her bedroom door at night
“i don’t know if you’re getting laid or watching p*rn but Hey close the door”
(you’re not jealous. why would you be jealous? it’s not like you like ellie or anything so if she’s getting laid why would it matter you don’t-)”
roommate!ellie who worships the ground you walk on
do Not try on a dress or a skirt or a cropped shirt in front of her because she will pass out and d*e
stuttering and shit when you ask about her day (say it with me) (loooserrrr)
roommate!ellie who will Not hang up the phone or say goodbye without saying “love you”
cuz she does :,) she loves you :,)
don’t say “love you too” though because she will overthink it and stress herself out to tears
roommate!ellie who annoys dina so bad with how much she talks about you
“i was talking to y/n and she said” “y/n really likes this show” “y/n said that we should”
“oh my job just fuck already”
ellie’s best friend!dina who will look over you and at ellie and mouth “kiss her!!!”
and you’re clueless obviously
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
thinking of bold and cocky eddie who would be incredibly shy in front of his gf... him bragging to his friends about dominating her in bed (when he thinks she cant hear him) but the second they leave, he's struggling to put on that same facade and whimpering like a hot mess
This is delicious
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"so what's the sex like?" Steve asked, sipping on his beer
Eddie blushed at the question. Eyes looking over at Steve, Robin and Nancy.
"um...it's really good" he said nodding. The sex was amazing. Eddie had never felt his body get so high, and ruined. She was brutal and mean. He loved it.
"she's so sweet and nice. Is she like submissive?" Robin asked curious.
It was true, Y/N was always sweet and kind. She's super nice and friends with everyone. She doesn't even look like she could hurt a fly.
"oh yeah definitely" Eddie lied through his teeth, "like she's on her knees begging for me. Calls me daddy and all of that. Sometimes I don't even let her cum. Sometimes leave her there crying for me as I do random shit" more lies spilling out through his mouth
"nice. I love submissive girls in bed. The way they whine and cry. Gets me every time" Steve sighed out, a dreamy look on his face
"yeah me too. Sometimes I even control the small things she does. Like when she can join me in bed or not" Eddie agreed. Having no idea what that even looked like on a female.
Steve high fived him as they laughed.
He was the whiner and crier.
He was the one who had to beg.
Eddie closed the door as his friends left. Turning around to be face to face with Y/N, who stood smirking.
"hi baby" he squeaked out, jumping back a few steps
"hi handsome. How was the hangout?" Her eyes watching his body slightly.
"good" he said fast and high pitched
"talk about anything fun?" She edged on. Her hands working their way up his chest over his clothes.
"nope. Nothing. Mostly sat in silence" he said, throwing her hands off of him and racing to the bedroom.
She laughed to herself but still followed him with a smirk.
"what are you doing?" She asked, leaning against the door frame as she crossed her arms
"I think I'm going to go to bed. Tired? I am" he said with a nervous laugh
Quickly stepping out of his jeans and throwing off his shirt
He shuttered as her eyes burned through his skin
"lay on the bed Eddie" she demanded
"you have to lay down to sleep right?" She teased
Eddie blushed, "yeah duh" quickly throwing himself in bed, crawling under the covers
"can I join you?" She asked, walking towards the end of the bed, removing her shirt
"why are you asking me?" He questioned, eyes watching her slowly strip
"I thought I had to ask....daddy" smirking as Eddie's body froze. Her pants hitting the floor
"you ..uh...heard that?" He stuttered out, eyes huge as he felt anxiety filling him
"yeah. I heard I'm such a submissive girl who gets on her knees and begs for you" she mocked, crawling on the bed. Eddie's eyes watching her.
"I'm sorry" he rushed out, shaking slightly as her nails began to scratch down his naked chest
"oh are you? Lying to your friends? How embarrassing Eddie."
"please I'm sorry" Eddie panted, her body slipping underneath the covers, grinding on his lap
"do you not like being my good boy? Are you embarrassed by it?" She faked pouted, moving her hips in slow circles
"NO! I love it. I swear. I'll always be your good boy" he whined, hands moving to her hips, gripping tight as she moved her hips faster.
"well good boy, I wanna see you back up your words. Make me beg" she challenged, her body moving off of his, but he yanked her back on him. Arms hooking around her waist, locking her against his growing cock
"no please. I don't want to. I don't want to try. Just please touch me" he cried. Trying to move her hips with his own hands
"but daddy how can I be a good submissive girl if you don't dominate me" she mocked, enjoying the way he was breaking away piece by piece
"I'm sorry! I can't do it. Please fuck me. Just please take my cock out and touch me" small tears falling down his eyes as she rocked her hips harder against him
"you want me to take your cock out and play with it?" She teased, fingers dipping into his boxers
"yes please...fuck" he whined. Throwing his head back as she took out his cock, letting the cold air hit his sensitive skin
She moved her body further under the covers. Completely hidden underneath as she sucked lightly on his tip, humming at the precum
"fuck baby" he moaned, hands gripping the sheets as she licked up his length, small licks to his balls as she pumped his cock
He felt her tongue swirl on his head and work it's way down his cock. Her lips wrapping around him as she bobbed her head up and down. Taking him further down her throat
"I wanna see you" he cried, licking his lips as his tears landed
He peeled away the covers slightly, enough for her head to poke through. Thighs clenching instantly as he watched her suck his cock. Her nails were scratching at his stomach, definitely leaving marks
"oh that's so good.... Suck my cock baby" he moaned. One hand teasing his own nipples as he moved his hips up. Eyes rolling as she gagged.
She removed herself with a pop. Licking up the spit that collected on his tip
She smirked as she crawled out from under the covers
"wait where are you going?" He panicked, watching as she moved off of the bed
"watch some tv. You lay here with your cock out and don't even think about touching yourself. If I get bored I'll come back" she teased
"NO DON'T DO THIS. IM SORRY!" he cried, watching as she walked right out the bedroom door, only in her underwear
They both knew he'd listen too
He spent half the night screaming for her to come back and fuck him
But like a good boy, he never touched himself
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergent @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming
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