#one piece episode 1106 spoilers
the-dormant-ocean · 4 months
You know what is making me lose my sanity and rattle the bars of my cage? The fact that when Hiyori roughly grabs Zoro's arm he snaps at her and screams "Don't touch me!" but when Sanji manhandles Zoro he lets him and shows absolutely no signs of aversion.
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writesailingdreams · 4 months
One Piece episode 1106
Yay! I enjoyed this one! ETA: whoops got my manga and anime numbers confused!
Spoilers reactions below!
I love Vivi! :D I was so happy to see her finally appear. I don't believe there's been the explanation of why she (and Wapol) or there because we haven't checked in with the Revolutionaries since Lulusia, if my memory serves me right. Really love Vivi's clothes! <3. Also I was very much vibing with her attitude to Morgans twisting the truth. Yeah!
I like the way the anime is, I think, padding out the story. It seems to use events that actually happened or are implied to offer more emotional or human reactions. For example, I don't remember as much with the researchers on Egghead, so seeing more of them is really neat to me.
Really enjoying the mystery angle. I'd forgotten how much that aspect, combined with the sci-fi was just really great and entertaining for me. :D
That little bit of stylized animation when Bonney sees child!Kuma...dang, you know when we get that flashback it's going to be some kind of amazing animation in parts and emotionally devastating. Wondering if they'll use any of the sketchiness of that one chapter Oda didn't finish on the deadline.
Oh! Nami being willing to curb-stomp unconsciousness people for their potential threat is beautiful. And Robin's openness about how much that mean to her, saying so in such a casual genuine way was also nice.
Also: future treasure! Yeah!
Genuinely laughed at Sanji, Chopper, and Robin all telling Zoro to wait and not wander off. <3
I actually like Sanji's more expressive fawning over the women this arc because it contrasts to his lack of fawning over Bonney. Which is true to the manga.
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pandamanlives · 4 months
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weapon13whitefang · 3 years
1101 - Acheron Part 1
1102 - Acheron Part II
1103 - Hunted
1104 - Rendition
1105 - Out of the Ashes
1106 - On the Inside
1107 - Promises Broken
1108 - For Blood
Instantly the titles of 1101 and 1102 caught my attention. Acheron is one of the five rivers in the Underworld. It’s “the river of woe or misery” and is the river where the newly dead would be ferried across by Charon in order to enter the Underworld. At least in some adaptations. In other adaptations it’s the Styx they cross. It’s a principle river. It’s also said the dead who do not have payment for Charon will walk the shores of the Acheron for all eternity.
I thought it was very interesting they’re touching on something that’s heavily related to Greek Mythology. Especially with the underworld which is associated to Hades. And that’s the start of Season 11… Which generally sets the theme for the whole season.
So. It seems we’re gonna be entering the underworld. Which is appropriate considering it’s a zombie apocalypse and they’re surrounded by the dead… Seems our people will be just like the many Greek heroes who entered the Underworld for whatever task they had…
Only thing is, sadly, only 10 heroes entered the Underworld and survived. Er, Orpheus, Odysseus, Psyche, Heracles/Hercules, Alcestis, Aeneas, Theseus, Hippolytus, and Sisyphus.
Now some of these heroes of the underworld went to the underworld to retrieve the dead OR for love. While others it was simply a trial and it was part of their quests.
Like Orpheus. See Orpheus’s wife, Eurydice, died from a snakebite on their wedding day. He went through literal Hell to ask Hades to return her. Hades was so charmed by Orpheus’s music, He agreed but issued a condition that she was to follow behind him, and Orpheus could not look back— if he did, she would remain in the Underworld. Spoiler, he looked back and she was returned and Orpheus returned to the living and swore off love.
The story of Psyche and Eros(Cupid) is a well known story. But in case you don’t know it that well, Eros fell in love with the beautiful mortal Psyche and took her away to a darkened palace to be his bride. He kept her well taken care of and gave her lavish gifts. But he warned that she could never learn his true identity, which she promised and agreed to. But poor psyche was tricked by her jealous, evil sisters, who already suspected the truth of who the mysterious voice/being was. Psyche went and looked upon her husband’s face by the light of an oil lamp while he slept. In some versions some of the oil from the lamp spilled onto Eros’s shoulder and burned him. In others he heard her approach and woke up. Either way he reproached Psyche for not listening and breaking her promise before he flew away.
Psyche went looking for him but Aphrodite, who had originally forbid her son from having anything to do with Psyche, who she didn’t like because people would say she was prettier than Aphrodite. Anyway, Aphrodite - in vengeance against Psyche - gave the girl four very impossible tasks. The last task had Psyche go to the underground to ask Persephone to put a piece of her beauty inside it. She gets past Cerberus and even has payment for Charon but she gets curious and looks in the box Aphrodite gave her, and inside was death-like sleep. Eros, who either healed up from his oil burn or because he was keeping an eye on Psyche, rescues her and puts the death-sleep back in the box and gets her out of the underworld. End note, she gets to marry Eros because Zeus sanctifies the marriage and Psyche becomes the Goddess of Soul.
And then there’s Heracles, who had to be extra, and went to the underworld and back twice. His first time was to save the Princess Alcestis (yup the one on the list) . He wasn’t in love with her or anything, he did this for King Admetus after defeating Thanatos (no not the purple asshole, the God of Death) he volunteered to go get Alcestis for Admetus after he forgot to give an offering to Athena for her help in his tasks. He gets her back. The second time was for the trials of Heracles and the last one was to take Cerberus from the underworld. Which he did then returned him to Hades.
Now ten made it back from Hell, but many did not. One such character was Pirithous. He was friends with Theseus (the one I listed above) and these two fools set out to take wives that were daughters of Zeus. Theseus went for Helen (yup, Helen of Troy- THAT Troy) who was 13 at the time and were going to hold onto her until she was of age to be wedded. But Pirithous chose to go big or go hone. He chose to try for Persephone… Yup. He went and tried to steal the Goddess of the Underworld. With Theseus’s help. In the end Theseus escapes the Underworld due to Heracles. But Pirithous not so much. He’d committed a great crime trying to kidnap a God’s wife. Pirithous turned to stone and was condemned to remain in the underworld there eternity.
Now even thought I listed Sisyphus as an escapee of the Underworld, his story is a wee bit different. King Sisyphus was a well-known trickster. See, Sisyphus revealed that Zeus carried off Aspos (the river God’s) daughter. Of course this enraged Zeus. So he sent Thanatos to take Sisyphus to the underworld. But Sisyphus bested Thanatos and chained him up. Well with death in chains, no one could die. So Thanatos was freed by Ares, who was mad that battles weren’t any fun anymore cause no one died. Well then Thanatos found Sisyphus and turned him over. However, before he was taken away, Sisyphus instructed his wife not to perform his burial rites. Because of this, Hades did not receive the customary sacrifices, and so he sent Sisyphus back to scold his wife. He then stayed in his kingdom and died of old age. And for his trickery, Sisyphus was tasked to roll a boulder up a hill with the condition being that he would able to go free once he had finished (as in get the Boulder to the top). Sisyphus tried, but everytime he got close to the top of the hill, the boulder would fall back down and so he continues to try again, and again, and again, forever.
Basically you can see that going to the underworld can work out or there’s a terrible consequence. It’s a nod to the ole belief that going to hell and back is a torture and can affect a person.
So for the first two episodes to be named after a river associated with death… It’s terrifying but fascinating. This paints the rest of the season… Will they survive the trip or loose to it..
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the-dormant-ocean · 4 months
Can we talk about kid Kuma absolutely gut-wrenching cries? It was insane, I legit teared up! It was so upsetting to hear!
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