moodyxteen · 4 years
why do i need to come out ? if you still think im straight then that’s on you
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moodyxteen · 4 years
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Giant-Size X-Men: Tribute to Wein & Cockrum #1 (2020)
written by Len Wein art by Bernard Chang, Marcelo Maiolo, Aaron Kuder, Jordie Bellaire, Takeshi Miyazawa, & Ian Herring
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moodyxteen · 4 years
a good gender neutral term to use is “fool”
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moodyxteen · 4 years
like you can boss me around in sexual situations but you better not try to tell me what to do in regular life.
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moodyxteen · 4 years
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Walt Whitman, ‘Earth, My Likeness’, Leaves of Grass
[Text ID: “There is something fierce and terrible in me eligible to burst forth, I dare not tell it in words,”]
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moodyxteen · 4 years
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𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐦.          I’m  in  the  exact  same  place  that  she  was  all  those  years  ago,  only  this  time  we  know  who  the  father  is.  She  wasn’t  scared.  She  could  do  it  because  she  wasn’t  alone…  𝐒𝐡𝐞  𝐡𝐚𝐝  𝐦𝐞.
indie  canon  multimuse.  est.  may  2020.  featuring  muses  from  the  marvel  cinematic universe,  broadway’s  hamilton,  the  john  wick  franchise,  mamma  mia!,  amongst  other  films.  and  remember,  men  are  pigs.
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moodyxteen · 4 years
with the shitshow that is now the activity page and the tags, if you have tagged me or mentioned me but i didn’t see/reblog it, you are fully welcome to send me the post via dm
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moodyxteen · 4 years
Anonymously or not, send “How To Care For” instructions for my muse
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moodyxteen · 4 years
“Sometimes you’ve gotta lay down in the middle of the street ya know?” No, billy, no one knows, please get off the street.
x | always accepting.
“Normally I’d just go with it but you’re literally in the middle of the road, dude. Are you good??”
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moodyxteen · 4 years
“Little girl, did you, by any chance, barf in my urn?”
x | always accepting. 
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moodyxteen · 4 years
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              There is no guarantee that love will be like poetry and song.
 ivycoveredwalls is a semi-selective multimuse roleplay blog written by nora.
                                  art credit to hélène delmaire.
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moodyxteen · 4 years
@bigdumbbigguy | continued from x
Ellie let her expression soften into an easy smile and took the invitation gladly, settling in beside him. Color rose to her cheeks at the mention of Yukio. “Yeah, I just got off the phone with her so she could get some rest before her flight. She should be back late tomorrow- or tonight, I guess.” She corrected herself with a glance at her phone. She’d been gone for a week on a well-deserved vacation with her family, and Ellie’s anticipation at seeing her again was warding off sleep. Fuckin sap. “Anyway, what’s the muse for this morning?” She turned her attention to the sketchbooks he’d brought with him, silently asking permission to see.
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moodyxteen · 4 years
This is an open invitation for followers to throw their muses into my inbox.
Please don’t be shy! Even if we haven’t interacted, asks are always a good way for muses to get to know one another!
Alternatively, send some OOC asks or anons? 
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moodyxteen · 4 years
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❝     a  hero  is  someone  who  has  given  their  life  to  something  bigger  than  oneself.     ❞          -     joseph  campbell.
promo  credit  to:          @timerogued​ !!
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moodyxteen · 4 years
Unspoken Fluff Starters
A gentle brush against fingers.
A head pat.
A short shoulder rub.
Leaning into their side.
Joining them in silence.
A quick hug from the side.
Sitting with them.
Bringing them a drink.
Bringing them food.
A hug from behind.
Stroking their hand.
A slight nudge of the elbow.
The lightest ‘boop’ on the nose.
A head to head touch.
A quiet evening walk.
Sharing a meal.
One resting on the other.
Giving them their coat.
Handing them a small gift.
A comforting smile.
Making space for them to sit.
A soft brush against the face.
A quiet kiss.
A comforting hug from the front.
Sharing a nap.
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moodyxteen · 4 years
Detailed Pre-Established Relationship Meme
Send me a ♡ and I’ll bold what I want to see with our muses and italicize things I may be open to! (send “heart!” if the symbol is unavailable)
I want our muses to be: friends | ex-friends | rivals | rivals with sexual/romantic tension | enemies | enemies with sexual/romantic tension | lovers | ex-lovers | partners/coworkers | pen pals/internet friends | friends with benefits | soulmates
Our muses met: as children | as teenagers | as adults | just recently
(for romance) Our muses’ relationship is: still exciting and lively | stable | starting to feel awkward | in jeopardy | romantic, but the sexual attraction is fading | sexual, but the romantic attraction is fading | toxic and self-destructive | unrequited, with my muse pining after yours | unrequited, with your muse pining after mine | determined by fate
(for rivals) Our muses’ relationship is: awkward | fiery | friendly | petty | mostly for show | losing its spark | starting to develop into something more | one-sided, with my muse considering yours a rival | one-sided, with your muse considering mine a rival | determined by fate
(for enemies) Our muses’ relationship is: dangerous to themselves | dangerous to others | based on family matters | based on professional matters | based on lies/misunderstandings | unpredictable | passionate | nothing personal at first, but changes with time | determined by fate
(for friends) Our muses’ relationship is: stable | sickeningly sweet | the kind of close friendship that makes others jealous | falling apart | based on shared interests | based on circumstance (like school or work) | based on family ties | developing into something more (romantic/sexual) | developing into something more (antagonistic) | determined by fate
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moodyxteen · 4 years
what if i died and came back to life would that be fucked up or would i still be hot
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