#x; listen up fuckers (psa)
ilovefandoms102 · 4 years
Do Re Mi
Pairing: JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: After breaking things off with Kelce, he wants you back after finding out you’ve been hanging out more with JJ....
@jeyramarie @drewswannabegirl @teamnick @jiaraendgame @agirlwholovescoffee @outerbongs @jaxandcomet @velyssaraptor @baby-pogue @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @must-be-a-weasley-92 @kaitieskidmore1 @ma10427 @ifilwtmfc @lasnaro @justcallmesams @judayyyw @lonely-kermit @gviosca @iamaunicorn4704 @jellyfishbeansontoast @fernweh-fangirl @runway-to-my-aid @eb15​ @hurricane-abigail​ @tangledinsparkles​ 
Note: This is for the lovely @maybebanks , thank you for giving me an amazing request so that I could use this gif(look at those biceps)! I hope this was ok! As always let me know what you guys think, and don’t forget to check out my new Rudy Pankow series here! 
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What Kelce and I had from the beginning was toxic...
I was too blind to see how manipulative and abusive he was. The constant threats of leaving me, cheating on me, and of course me begging him not to. I fell into his trap. He would fill my head with negative thoughts, doing anything and everything to make me feel horrid about myself. All of my friends could notice the change in me, saying how I looked mentally drained all the time. 
Well, they weren’t wrong.....
“You’re such a fucking slut! Hanging out with those Pogues?! Really y/n?!” he shouted.
“They’re my friends! I don’t give a shit about your stupid rivalry against them K, they are good people!” I shouted back, running a hand through my hair. 
“Trash derseves to hang out with a slut like you then. You’ll fit right in.” he snarled.
“I’m so done with your bullshit Kelce! Fuck you!” I screamed, storming out of his house. 
“Don’t you dare walk away from me!” he yelled, coming after me. 
“I can’t take this anymore, I’ve been done for a long time now! You and your constant mental and physical abuse, I will not let you hurt me anymore!” I screeched, slamming my car door shut.
He banged on my window, demanding I open the door. He pulled as hard as he could on my door handle, no doubt almost breaking it. I sped off, going to the only place I knew I could find comfort.
I pulled into the chateau, tears still streaming down my face. A sob wretched from my chest, my head falling to the steering wheel as I cried. It was pouring the rain as I got out of my car, slowly treading to the front door. My chest felt like it was caving in from how hard I was sobbing, my whole body convulsing inwards. The door opened and I saw a familiar looking blonde coming on the porch. His eyes widened, taking off to me. I ran into his arms, colliding with him.
“What happened? Are you hurt?” JJ asked, pulling back to look at my face.
“I couldn’t take him anymore JJ, I had to leave.” I sobbed, clinging on to his shirt. He pulled my head back to his chest, leaning his head on top of mine. 
“I won’t let him hurt you ever again y/n, you’re safe now.” he said softly, his fingers combing through my soaked hair. 
“I’m so sorry J,” I blubbered.
“What are you sorry for?” he chuckled.
“That they hurt you, and the others. They always hurt you.” I cried, thinking back to the times I had seen Kelce and the others beat JJ to a pulp.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle sweetheart, I know you did everything you could.” he whispered, kissing my hair. 
“I should have done more...I should have left a long time ago.” I mumbled.
“Hey why don’t you guys come in before you get sick!” Pope yelled, both of us laughing. 
JJ led me inside, John B. bringing both of us towels to dry off. I left my shoes on the porch, starting to shiver from the slight chill in the air. I was glad I had left some of my stuff here so I could change into some comfier clothes. John B. was kind enough to let me take a warm shower, even threw my clothes in his beat up washing machine. The boys hovered over me in their protective fashion. JJ made me a sandwich, arguing with Pope about what goes on the bread first, and John B. got me every blanket he owned as I sat on the pull out bed. 
“The cheese is supposed to go on the bread first JJ.” Pope insisted, hovering over JJ’s shoulder.
“Dude can you please just let me make her the fucking sandwich for god’s sake!” JJ shouted, chuckling as he slapped it together and threw it on a plate.
JJ brought me my favorite sandwich with the chips I left here, and of course a beer. I smiled widely at my best friend. He sat in front of me while the other boys sat on the opposite sides. 
“What happened?” JJ demanded, Pope and John B. tuning in. 
“We were just fighting, I honestly don’t even remember how it started...Then we got to talking about how he doesn’t like me hanging out with you guys, and I told him that you all were my friends and that I didn’t care what he said. He said some other mean stuff and then I just left.” I recalled, my eyes staying down as I ate.
“What mean stuff?” JJ inquired, raising a brow. I looked up at him, then to JB and Pope.
“Pope, let’s go get Kie and Sarah. I think y/n needs some girl talk.” John B. said, patting my shoulder.
“What did he say?” JJ demanded, his hard eyes staring intently.
“He...he called me a slut and said that I would fit in with you all since Pogues are trash.” I croaked, feeling the tears begin to rise again. 
JJ let out an angry huff, throwing his hat off. 
“I should kill that motherfucker.” he griped.
“He’s not worth it J. I wish I would have learned that a long time ago.” I sighed, setting my finished food to the side with my beer. 
JJ came beside me, his arm falling around my waist. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t cause my heart to flutter. Since things with Kelce and I started declining, I had began to develop feelings for JJ. Both of us coming from similar home lives made our bond stronger. When I started dating Kelce, I thought I’d finally get away from the bad things that haunted me from my home. Turns out I ran into another abusive situation, but I always had JJ. He was my constant light that I needed when things went dark. I knew I could trust him with my life.
“You’re my best friend y/n, and I’ll be dammed if I ever let that fucker hurt you again. If you even think about going back to him I will drag your ass back here and chain you to this couch, you hear me?” he affirmed, his blue eyes burning with rage.
“Trust me that won’t happen, I’m done with him. You’re the best J.” I said softly, hugging him.
JJ squeezed me tight to him, silent tears flowing down my face again. I was so lucky to have friends like the Pogues, all of them had hearts of gold. I pulled back, smiling as I wiped some of my tears. JJ’s thumb came up to my other eye, gently wiping some away as well. We stared into each other’s eyes for a long time, a sudden change in the air. Both of us unconsciously moving our heads closer together. 
Then the door slammed open, causing us to jump apart from each other. 
“We brought movies!” Kie said cheerfully.
“And chocolate!” Sarah exclaimed.
“Yeah, too much chocolate.” John B. groaned as he and Pope lugged in some grocery bags.
I got up to hug my two girl best friends, all of us grouping together. They rubbed my back as I again started to cry, this time very loudly. Then I felt even more surrounded as the guys joined in our group hug. 
We baked, and watched comedy movies all night. I laughed until my belly hurt, the pure joy of being with my friends making my sadness go away even if it only would be for a moment. The sun was beginning to rise as we all fell asleep out in the living room. John B. and Sarah sharing a small air mattress that Sarah had brought, Pope got up to crash on the outside couch, Kie fell asleep in the floor, and JJ and I shared the pull out couch. 
After that night, JJ and I had become a lot closer. We began spending a lot more time together, even doing odd jobs together. Weeks had gone by and people of The Cut and in Figure Eight began discovering that where JJ was I would be found and vice versa. Word got to Kelce that I looked cozy with JJ, and he was not happy. 
I was home alone, my dad was with JJ’s at Barry’s. A loud banging heard on my door. I crept to it, peeking out of the window to see Kelce. I dreaded opening the door, debating on just letting him sit out there. 
“Y/N! Open the fucking door right now!” he barked, his fist coming down on the door again. I waited another second, seeing if maybe he would go away. He barged in, my eyes wide at how angry he looked.
“Kelce,” I gasped.
“Who the fuck do you think you are embarrassing me by being seen with Maybank!” he sneered, coming closer to me. I backed away, cutting around my house so I couldn’t be cornered. 
“It’s none of your business who I’m with Kelce, we aren’t dating anymore!” I shouted.
“We had a fight y/n, we’re not over until I say we are.” he claimed, snatching my wrist. I tried to wretch my hand away, but he was too strong. 
“I told you I was done! I don’t want to be with you ever again!” I screeched. I felt pain on the side of my cheek as Kelce slapped me, falling to the ground. 
“You listen to me you little bitch. I don’t ever want you hanging with that piece of trash ever again, is that clear?” he hissed, using his hold on my wrist to yank me up.
“Fuck you,” I spat. 
In the next second, I was being pinned against the wall. Kelce’s hand grabbing my throat as he slammed me into the hard wood. He squeezed my pulse point, my breathing halted. I scratched at his hand as he lifted me higher, my air supply being cut off even more. My vision started to become hazy, black spots appearing in my eyes. I kicked my legs as hard as I could until they connected with something. Kelce dropped me to the ground, air whooshing back into my lungs. He looked at me with hard, angry eyes. As if I was the one in the wrong.
“This isn’t over,” he sneered, storming out of my house.
I coughed and gagged until I finally started to breathe normally again. I crawled to my room, dragging myself on to my bed. I curled up in my covers and sobbed. I wished so hard that I had never been stupid enough to date a Kook. I realized now that I was desperate to get away from my dad, snatching any opportunity to get out of this hellhole. I cried myself to sleep that night, not even harvesting enough energy to call JJ. He was all I wanted right now, but I couldn’t move....everything hurt.
The next day, I got a text from JJ saying everyone wanted to hang out. I groaned, hauling myself out of bed. My eyes almost bulged out of my head at the sight of the deep bruises on my neck. How was I supposed to keep this from them? From JJ? I couldn’t tell them, JJ more than likely would end up in real jail this time if he went after Kelce. 
I did my best to cover it up, even opting for one of JJ’s hoodies I stole that covered more of my neck. My cheek thankfully didn’t look as bad and I was able to cover it completely. I heard JJ’s bike pull up, nerves creeping in my chest as I went outside. He smiled when he saw me, and it was like all my worries melted away. He opened his arms when I got closer, pulling me into a hug. I inhaled his scent...smoke, weed, and an earthy tone that was just JJ. His scent calmed my raging nerves. I jumped on the back of his bike, holding on to him as we sped off to the chateau.
I was doing a good job of hiding until I stupidly pulled my hair to one side.
“What’s on your neck?” Pope asked, inspecting me as I flinched from his prodding fingers. 
“Nothing,” I mumbled, flipping my hair back over. JJ’s eyes narrowed at me, my heart sinking. 
“Ooohh, did you get some last night y/n?” Kie raised her brows suggestively. 
“No,” I scoffed, my cheeks reddening. 
“You so did! Spill!” Sarah squealed. 
“Yeah y/n, spill.” JJ clipped, his arms crossing his chest. 
“I didn’t get any guys, swear.” I insisted, my eyes mainly on JJ. He nodded, but he didn’t look like he believed me.
“Then what is that?” John B. asked, joining in on the interrogation. 
“I tripped getting out of the shower last night,” I said, unconvincingly by the accusing look JJ was still giving me. He stormed back into the chateau, of couse I followed after him.
“JJ please, I-” I started.
“No, you-....I thought-I, I thought we had something building here. Guess I was wrong, I mean how could I ever think you would go from a Kook to me. I feel so stupid!” he ranted, throwing his hat on the ground. He sat on the couch, elbows going to his knees. 
“JJ please believe me, it’s not what you think!” I pleaded.
“Then what is it y/n! Because I know damn well that ain’t from falling, you can’t get bruises like that from a fall.” he fumed.
“JJ I did fall!” I exclaimed, partially telling the truth.
“I’ve wanted you, for so long now....and I thought I finally had you. Then you go back to Kelce, after everything he did.” he said in disbelief. 
“Stop JJ please!” I yelled, choking as I felt tears come to the surface.
“Guess trash like me doesn’t deserve a girl like you huh y/n?” he questioned mockingly. 
“He hit me!” I screamed, both of us freezing.
“What?” JJ asked, his voice barely a whisper. 
“Last night, Kelce came over...he found out about us being together more. Let’s just say he didn’t like it.” I stated, marching to my bag. I yanked out a makeup wipe, dragging it over the sensitive skin. 
“Oh-my-god,” JJ whispered.
“So yeah, I didn’t fall. He slammed me against the wall and choked me after smacking me for telling him to fuck off.” I sniffed.
We were both silent after that, I stared at the floor. I could feel his gaze burning into my skin, analyzing every detail. He got up suddenly, throwing his hat on. JJ marched out the door, a look of pure rage in his eyes. I ran after him, knowing exactly what was in his mind. 
“JJ!” I shouted.
“That motherfucker has some nerve,” JJ raged, the other getting up to see what was going on. 
“JJ please don’t go!” I cried, reaching to grab his arm.
“Oh no, no. The Kooks are not getting away with it this time, not after laying a hand on my girl.” he stated, shaking free of my hold. 
I was too worried at the moment to think about what he had said, everyone looking between us confused.
“What the hell is going on?” John B. asked.
“Dude her neck, Kelce did that.” JJ said, pointing at the now very prominent bruises. The others gasped, staring in horror.
JJ didn’t wait for anyone as he jumped in the van, all of us following after him. 
We arrived at the Boneyard, I knew Kelce would be here more than likely with Rafe and Topper. JJ stormed out of the van, walking quickly to find them. My heart dropped when we spotted them, JJ stalking over to where they were. I raced after him, the others following behind me. 
“Well if it isn’t the happy couple everyone has been talking about.” Kelce taunted, a smug grin on his face.
“You piece of shit!” JJ yelled, punching Kelce in the face.
“JJ!” I gasped, Kie grabbing my arm before I could go to him. 
“You-no-good-motherfucker! You dare lay a hand on my girl!” JJ sneered between punches.
“She’ll never be yours Maybank, I always win.” Kelce laughed as blood spewed from his nose. 
“If I see you within 100 feet of her, I’ll kill you.” JJ said darkly.
“That slut will never be satisfied.” Kelce said, igniting another surge from JJ as he hit Kelce again and again. 
“You abused her asshole, what kind of man treats a woman like that?” JJ scoffed.
“She asked for it.” Kelce said, throwing me an accusing look. JJ wrapped his hands around his throat, John B. and Pope jumping in to pull JJ off.
“If you EVER come near her again, I’ll fucking kill you!” JJ screamed as the boys dragged him away.
Once we got to the chateau, everyone headed inside except JJ and I. He pulled me into a hug, his head going into the crook of my neck. He kissed the skin there, tingles shooting through me. 
“So I’m your girl now?” I teased, smiling as JJ chuckled. 
“Hell yeah,” he said, pulling his head back to look at me. 
“Thank you for everything J,” I said softly, my hand going to caress his cheek. 
“Anything for you sweetheart.” he whispered, his forehead coming to rest on mine. 
I got on my toes and kissed him, grasping on to him tighter. His hand went to the back of my head, holding me there as our lips moved. I felt as if I were on top of the world, JJ pulled me closer as we fell deeper into the kiss. I pulled away when I felt dizzy from the lack of oxygen, our chests both rising erratically. We were both smiling like idiots, basking in the after glow of doing what we both wanted for so long. 
That night, I fell asleep cuddled next to JJ...the boy who I had longed for and was finally mine.
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zophora · 7 years
Alright, listen up people! I got a few things to say about this shithole of a fandom. I used to love this fandom and I still do love parts of it. I could come on here when my day is feeling really shitty and see some excellent, thirst worthy posts of Tom and read some really fucking good fics. But lately, I’ve been getting on here less and less because of the hate and ignorance going around. The only thing that keeps me going is my lovely, beautiful mutuals. Sooo let’s get started:
-Everyone has a right to their own opinion. That’s just the world we live in. If we all thought the same way, we wouldn’t be different and unique now would we? Buuuutttt, if someone’s opinion differs from yours, kindly talk to them and ask them why they think that. I’m sure many people would love to discuss their opinion and why they stand for it, but many of you people don’t give them a fucking chance. You go straight to anon and start calling them assholes and saying you are going to stop following them because they “give weak answers” when half the time, it’s not even their problem and they are just talking about it (this happened to someone about a certain topic) How about you calmly state what you think or message them!
-If you are going to use anon, why not use it to say something positive?? Make someone feel better about their day, not make it worse! Think how you would feel if someone came into your asks and said some wild ass shit to you like “You’re ugly” “kill yourself” “your blog is awful, delete it” “you can’t write, stop it” Do you know how much that shit actually hurts??? No, no you don’t, because if you did, you would never in a million years send that to anyone because you know how depressing it is to open your inbox and see hate from some anonymous person because they don’t have the courage to do it off of anon. Hey, here’s a note, STOP BEING A FUCKING COWARD
-So lately there has been a lot of hate directed towards people writing smut. I don’t write smut, but I do support my friends that do. So you can bet your ass, I’m going to defend them. So of course when you little shits came after Eliza, I was mad as fuck. If you don’t like smut, here’s an idea DON’T FUCKING READ IT. Nobody is making you read it. People enjoy writing and to them Tom, although he is a real person, he is just a character in the story. We all know none of it is true, it’s all purely fiction. But like I said, if you really don’t like smut or you think it’s sexualizing Tom, please just don’t read it! Stop going on anon and telling them that what they are doing is wrong! It’s their blog, not yours, they can do whatever the hell they want! And you definitely do not control them!
-This one doesn’t really have to do with the rest of my points, but this does need to be addressed. Too many people have told me that they don’t feel included in a fandom that says they accept everyone and Tom or any celebrity we talk about in this fandom would date anyone of us because, let’s be honest, you are all beautiful and amazing and the more I get to know you people, the more you inspire me to not give up and remain positive. But while all this is true, I see fics that aren’t neutral for people and very, very few moodboards for people of color. And by fics that are neutral, I mean fics that DON’T talk about your hair color, fics that DON’T talk about your eye color, fics that DON’T talk about your body shape, the texture of your hair, OR things that happen to your skin. Too many times I’ve seen “he runs his fingers through your hair” You cannot run your fingers through my hair, it’s curly and thick, your hand will get stuck. So already that leaves out people that either have curly or thick hair or both! Then I see “you blush” “your skin turns a bright shade of pink” “your skin turns tomato red” and other shit. Not everyone turns red like that!! So this already excludes people with darker skin tones. Those are just a few examples. Now it’s okay to say those things IF you specify what type of reader you are writing about BEFORE you start your fic. So many times, I have been interested in a fic, you know I really get into the story, smiling, laughing, or crying, and then I read that and I immediately am disinterested in it. I might finish it, if it’s really fucking good, but it really hurts when I begin to not be able to even see myself when it’s specifically a x reader and I’m supposed to be able to picture myself in it! And...moodboards. There are so few moodboards out there for people of color that I started doing some specifically for people of color. I mean I love the concepts you guys come up with, but I have so much trouble finding moodboards with people that actually look like me, it’s actually ridiculous. And people have it worse than me! Some can’t find any moodboards with people like them! And there are other blogs that make PoC moodboards (I can’t think of any off the top of my head, but tell me if you are one) and some get hate for actually trying to include everyone which is what we should be doing anyways! Now I’m not shaming anyone and telling you what you should and shouldn’t do, but for the sake of people that get left out of everything, can you at least try to include other races, ethnicities, body types, etc.
-Again, I have to address hate anons. With all the shit you guys say, you can really fuck someone up mentally. I realize this website is a hellhole, but you don’t help. So many people are bombarded with hate and don’t know how to deal with it. Do you really want to be the reason why someone takes their own life??? How can you look at yourself and the mirror and actually think “you know what, I did good today. I said some pretty shitty things to someone anonymously and now they will probably have a bad day. Who cares??” WELL I DO. I FUCKING CARE. Because while you are saying shitty things to my friends and they start coming on less and less or delete their blog, then I HAVE A FUCKING PROBLEM. GET A LIFE AND STOP BOTHERING PEOPLE WITH YOUR FOOLISHNESS. One of my favorite blogs, @hufflepuffholland is being deleted. But, you know what, I’m happy for Char because she is getting away from you hateful fuckers. She is taking care of herself and her mental health and I’m proud for her. I love her and if you do this to another one of my friends, I’m going to slap the shit out of someone. THIS HAS GONE ON FOR WAY TO FUCKING LONG! STOP BEING DICKS AND IF YOU REALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY STOP BEING A FUCKING COWARD, COME OFF OF ANON, AND SAY WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY
Thank you for attending my ted talk :)
Tagging some mutuals to spread this around: @hollandbaby @pickachurose @beautifullydisconnected @tbholland @divosterfield @dearcindymoon @champagneholland @honeynutholland @dusktillholland @sidespidey @curlytomholland @peterparkyourassonme @zendmylife @patron-saintof-sluts @floreawe @peterincorporated
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moodyxteen · 6 years
Another Activity Update!
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moodyxteen · 6 years
Activity Update!
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