#one piece chapter 1051
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everypageofnicorobin · 3 months ago
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The Straw Hat everyone wanted ;w;
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brave-symphonia · 9 months ago
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I am still a little sad Yamato never joined the crew, since the idea had me excited for months, but I think I've made my peace with it now.
Maybe I just got caught up in all the excitement, but I really like Yamato, I would've liked him as part of the crew.
But it's probably for the best, I do actually like that he decides to journey around Wano like Oden did and his reasons for doing so.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year ago
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We talk a lot about how the anime & manga versions of scenes sometimes have to approach a subtlety with Kiku differently. The translation for the subs really helped me get the cool way the narrator always did it as the ending. In the skies of the future, as a warrior sheathes his sword the flower petals flutter. I have my limits, but I'm curious if the original is some form of haiku. There's more than the 5-7-5 we learn in the West. The rest is about Momo clearly, but that part is so cool to me because like other points in Wano it quietly works just as well for Kiku.
In the manga, we only have to do this for a few static panels. Few enough you can have fun obscuring her more. The way we frame this shot gets all of them in and her lithe frame at the end she's on is hard to see around Neko. But I noticed we did this a few times, cut the frame in such a way she's the only one of them you really see. My pics trimmed it some but you only get Raizo's hair. It's a more direct way to nudge you with the association. I'm curious, if we don't cut a week ahead next time we see her if this might not just be setting up seeing more of what we talked about with the chapter. If you'll recall my first impression was that it felt we were visually treating her more cutesy and "Okiku" again from there.
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algumaideia · 9 months ago
What happened to Momo???
It is probably something with he akuma no mi
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tiredtogepi · 6 months ago
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 6
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Fluff | Death
Word Count: 1051
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There were many thunders throughout the night. You hated them. The sudden flash followed by a loud noise you didn’t know when would come. One thunderous one made you jump. You decided to sit on the bed and hold a pillow for comfort.
“Scared of a little thunder?” His voice was even deeper and more raspy than usual.
“If it was little I wouldn’t be scared of it.”
“You’re not gonna sleep? If you keep moving around like that I can’t fucking sleep either.” He asked
“I can’t...” You were obviously tired, but storms weren’t your favorite sleep sound.
He grunted, annoyed that he was wasting his sleep. He grabbed the pillow you were holding and stuffed it inside his armor. He added the shoulder pieces and gave them back to you.
“Here.” He didn’t really wait for your reaction, he just turned around and went back to sleep. You hugged that pillow and laid down back on the bed. Somehow a eucalyptus smell of the armor was still there, maybe because of the forest, but you felt safe. It reminded you of when he carried you back to your bedroom after that horror session with his brother. You relaxed and were finally able to fall asleep again.
In the morning your pillow felt bigger, warmer, cozier and hairier. You spread your fingers on the pillow, grabbing the fabric and bringing it closer to you. You moved your head a little and realized you felt something. A relaxing sound. Rhythmic and calm, and it was… moving?
“Breakfast will be ready soon!” You heard the grandma knocking and yelling from outside the door.
You opened your eyes. You noticed your pillow on the floor. ‘Shit’, you were lying on his chest.
“Fucking Hells!” You jumped away from him. He wasn’t bothered, he wasn’t touching you since his hands were resting behind his head. You didn’t know if it was because he didn’t want to hold you or just out of respect if that’s even possible.
He didn’t say anything, just stood up and started getting ready for breakfast. A man’s gotta eat, especially a man that size. He left first, giving you some privacy to get dressed properly.
You put on your clothes and ran down the stairs. Arya and Sandor were already eating. You joined them and finished your breakfast.
After paying the grandma and thanking her for the hospitality, you headed out to the last part of the trip.
You could see Arya was nervous as you approached the Twins. Suddenly a hog farmer appeared on the road. For some reason, The Hound’s plan was to simply kill the man and take his cart.
“Are you always this obtuse?” You stood in front of him avoiding that he would kill the man who laid unconscious on the ground.
“She called you stupid.” Arya added.
“I know what it means.” He growled.
You all decided to take the cart and leave the man. The Hound was already eating half of the cart's load in pork. He offered some to you both, but you just wanted to get there as quickly as possible.
“It’s not going anywhere” He said to her.
“What?” She turned confused.
“You keep looking at it every five minutes. The closer get the more scared you are-“
“Let her be. She’s been waiting for this moment.” You cut him off.
“Aye, that’s why she’s scared.” He said while shoving some more pork in his mouth.
“I’m not scared, I’m looking forward to finally getting rid of you.” She said sharply.
As the night was falling you made your way to the entrance of The Twins.
“Something’s not right” You mumbled.
“What?” He asked
“I don’t know, just my intuition.”
As he talked to the man trying to convince him to let the cart inside for the feast, you and Arya sneaked out of the cart walked around looking for a way in. After hiding from some soldiers behind barrels and boxes you saw men killing her brother’s wolf.
“Arya, we need to go.” You look beside you and she wasn’t there anymore. You tried to find her as some men approached you saying some disgusting words. They wanted to ‘celebrate’ they said. Two of them grabbed you behind the barrels and tried to force themselves. You grabbed your dagger and was able to easily slice one’s throat and hit the other on the chest.
You felt a hand on your shoulder. Sandor had already taken Arya on his horse and he called you to run to yours. You nodded and ran. You saw many things in your life, but what they did to that wolf’s head was too much.
That night Arya added one more name to her list. She kept The Hound too, for his surprise. From a child’s perspective you could see why she hated him. But as a young woman you started to understand why some things he did were necessary.
That night was hard to fall asleep. But when you finally did you dreamed about your dogs. How nice it was to be home, and with the animals who loved you unconditionally.
You woke up with the sound of footsteps and grabbed your dagger. You loosened your grip when you saw it was just Sandor bringing some more firewood for the night.
“We’re going to the Eyrie when the sun comes up. You should sleep.” You said quietly. “I’ll make sure they award you well… with whatever you need to be on your way.” You rested your head on your side, facing him. He looked back at you.
“It was your first time killing today.” He said.
“Any man who tries to lay a hand on me again shall have the same fate. If they need to die for me to be safe, so be it.” You thought he was going to say something, he also thought maybe he should say something, knowing what you’ve been through with his brother.
He nodded and got down to sleep. He didn’t know what he wanted anymore, he spend his whole life knowing that he hated his brother and had a wish to kill him, but he also knew that living in freedom and protecting you was something he was getting used to, and even fond of.
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ink-flavored · 2 years ago
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Behind-the-Scenes for Haunted House Sweet Home
It’s been almost three years to the day since I finished Haunted House Sweet Home. It’s by far the most popular piece of writing I’ve ever posted online, with (at time of writing) 33,647 hits, 1299 kudos, and a total of 1051 comments from 488 comment threads. Writing it was truly an amazing journey, and I keep a hardback cover of it bound and displayed proudly on my bookshelf, as a testament to the effort I put into all 185,000 words. It’s not a perfect story by any means, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. But how did I write it, you may be wondering? It was no easy task, and to be honest, I was making up a lot of it as I went along. Before HHSH, I had only completed one long-form fan fiction before (some of you might remember Cut Off?) and I was in the middle of getting my degree. I had never tried outlining a long story before, but when the plot starting picking up and I found myself completely lost, I knew I had to write out all my thoughts somewhere, preferably in order. Lo, my first full-story outline was born. Once I had my ideas organized, I even started to create chapter-by-chapter outlines that went more into detail about what I wanted. A lot of my initial ideas are pretty different from the final product. How different? I’ll show you! Today we’ll be taking a never-before-seen dive in to an InkFlavored classic!
[Keep reading on Ko-Fi!]
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usopps-left-bollock · 1 year ago
I just read from chapter 1051 to 1069 in One Piece and HOLY FUCK
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lostaroace · 1 year ago
Fic Stats Tagging Game
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
Thanks for the tag @silvermoon-scrolls and I'm sorry it took me so long to reply. Here are my fic stats (on AO3):
Most hits:
Richie's an alpha, Stanley's an omega and Eddie's a hot mess (1392 hits)
Richie/Stan/Eddie from IT in an Omega verse. Obviously explicit +18.
It's still ongoing. I had a block due to a drop in my libido and I find it hard to write hot scenes at the moment. I plan on finish it, I have bits and pieces from future chapters and the ending.
Most kudos:
It started with a kiss (93 kudos)
Richie/Stanley from IT.
It's the first part of a series. Instead of making a fic with different chapters, I made a series with one-shots that are, in practice, episodes from the same fic. I am, in fact, kind of uploading it here. Or most likely I was... I might deleted from here soon.
Most comments:
It started with a kiss (9 comments, although half of them shall be me answering to a comment) I'm not going to link it again, you can see it above.
Most bookmarks:
It started with a kiss (7 bookmarks, probably because it's the first part of a series).
Most words:
A deal with Hades (16901 words)
Anders Johnson/Fem!Hades from The Almighty Johnsons.
Explicit, not because of sex but because of blood. I suppose that once I finish the It Omega Verse it will become the fic with the most words because it's barely half of the story and it has already more than 15000 words. Anyway, A deal with Hades can also be found on Tumblr.
Least amount of words:
The aftermath (1051 words)
Fili from The Hobbit. No main ship.
Fili has a nightmare of the BOFA. It can also be found on Tumblr.
I have other fics that are on Tumblr but not in AO3, so I don't have stats from them. Also, I used to write A LOT in Spanish, especially sterek and destiel, but I deleted them all.
Anyways, I'll be tagging @blairsanne and @laurfilijames because thanks to them and their @deanobingo I wrote about Dean's characters.
Fic Stats Tagging Game
Rules: Give us the links to your fics with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and your fic with the least amount of words.
Thank you for tagging me @disdaidal! None of my stats are very impressive, but who cares.
Most hits:
A Theoretical Problem (347 hits) Young Hercules - Hercules/Iolaus Of course my only (so far) mature-rated fic has by far the most hits. People on AO3 be lustful.
Second most kudos:
Old Friends, New Enemies (14 kudos) Young Hercules - Hercules & Iolaus Still very proud of this one. It took a year to write and I actually worked on it consistently.
Third most comments:
To Be or Not To Be, Yourself (2 comments) Young Hercules - Hercules & Iolaus Yeah, I'm drovning in comments 😂But at least every single one is precious to me.
Fourth most bookmarks:
A Piece of Parchment (1 bookmark): H:TLJ and XWP - short and silly Since I've never written a multi-chapter, I'm surprised I've got any bookmarks at all.
Fifth most words:
Sunrise (1,526 words) Under the Vines - Griff/Gus 1-2k words is probably my prefered fic size, both to read and to write.
Fic with the least amount of words:
Triple Valentine (78 words) Xena: Warrior Princess - Xena/Gabrielle Not really a fic. Rather 3 "poems" (and I use that term very loosely) written for a Valentine challenge on the Xena Discord server.
Tagging: @ally-holmes @i-am-still-bb @mistergandalf @ourse-solitaire
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badly-drawn-doflamingo · 3 years ago
This is how Brook should always be drawn.
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queenofshipping12 · 3 years ago
Okay but Luffy and Nami smiling the same way in one panel
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bayleafpaprika · 3 years ago
seeing sanji and brook simping over yamato in the latest chapter does not give me hope that oda won't pull a one-eighty with yamato's gender identity. like, i get it, he's hot so i don't blame sanji or brook (all the better if they canonically simp over a guy imo), but f#%k if one piece actually reneges on yamato being a man im going to be so disappointed
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everypageofnicorobin · 3 months ago
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We've been with Yamato for so long that it's easy to forget that most of the Straw Hats weren't formally introduced to him yet, haha.
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brave-symphonia · 9 months ago
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Feels really nice getting a reminder of how it all started, with Luffy making a promise to Tama that she'll be able to eat as much as she wants when he's done.
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ichigoginchan · 3 years ago
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i love him so much 😩
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gonuclear · 3 years ago
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happy pride month yamato nation
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purplehairedwonder · 3 years ago
Chapter 1051: Prophecy Fulfilled
So, we get to see the fulfillment of Toki’s prophecy in this chapter.
I had actually forgotten that Kyoshiro/Denjiro is the one to share Toki’s prophecy, plus Orochi’s interpretation:
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So, it seems appropriate that he’s the one to emerge first to reveal what has happened.
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And, as Orochi feared, the Scabbards are literally emerging from the night to bring the citizens of Wano their freedom.
No sign of Ashura Doji, but it’s hard to believe he’s dead when Kin’emon and Kiku are apparently fine? Oh, One Piece. (Look, Kin needs to reunite with his wife, so I’m not necessarily mad -- just raising an eyebrow.)
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Then we get Yamato.
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Sigh. Look, Yamato is not my favorite for a number of reasons, so I know my opinion here is biased, but I just don’t think there is enough room in the story for another crewmate. We just got Jinbei at the start of the raid, and Oda’s been pretty obviously struggling to give all the Straw Hats enough screen time even before he officially joined with the increased focus on the Worst Generation. Adding another character to the mix this late in the game just feels bloated and like a disservice to the already underserved Straw Hats.
So, no, I don’t like this.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Then we get the reveal that the effects of Tama’s fruit are temporary, so that has the potential to be messy in about a month.
But Tama’s flashback, I cry.
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Speaking of the Worst Generation, still no sign of Drake. (Or Izo, but he’s not WG.)
I was cracking up at Kid’s reaction to the alliance. Cranky.
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But then there is the best panel of the chapter:
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Is Law sitting in Bepo’s lap? Bepo has his head on Law’s head and his hand on Law’s shoulder, and I just...
Bepo is the best boi and I am a basket case of emotion over these besties. We are hashtag blessed by this panel.
Meanwhile, Momo is looking good...
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BUT LET US NOT FORGET HE’S STILL 8. This will never not be weird.
Also, speaking of wholesome moments, Kozuki siblings reunite!
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This is sweet, but of course Hiyori doesn’t get to do anything but hug her brother. Sigh.
Things are definitely wrapping up in Wano, so body is ready to find out what happened at Reverie. Also, new bounties!
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