tiredtogepi · 11 days
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 15 (Final Chapter)
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Angst | War | Making out
Word Count: 1794
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There were many bodies to burn. Bodies of friends and family. As the morning came the dragon queen did not want to wait. She was preparing to head to King's landing. You noticed Sandor was acting strange. You knew why. You both went back to your chambers. You hoped to rest enough before going back to The Vale.
“I have to go.” He was standing near the door. Back facing you.
“Sandor, the dragon queen is going there! They don’t stand a chance! He’s already dead, by science and now by fate!” You tried to reason with him.
“I need to at least ensure he’s dead, Sabrina.” His tone was dead serious. You scoffed. 
“How are you gonna do that? You’re gonna burn him alive?” You asked ironically. You were mentally, physically, and emotionally tired, always worried if you would die or if you would lose each other. 
“Aye, I might.” He started getting angry too. You walked towards him. You touched his cheeks and brought his face closer to yours. He placed his hands on your hips but avoided your eyes. 
“Sandor, please. We almost lost each other so many times recently. We can finally be free, go home, and be safe.” A tear rolled down your cheek. “Sandor look at me.” 
He quickly locked eyes with you and noticed your tears. He wiped them off your cheeks.
“I’m sorry Sabrina.” He kissed your forehead and bolted out the door.
At first heavy tears rolled down your face. Hiccups and a tight feeling in your chest. A moment later you were filled with anger. ‘Who does he think he is to leave me like that?’ ‘I’m his fucking wife!’ ‘That stubborn fucking hound!’ 
You grabbed your coat and ran down to the patio. You called your dogs, who playing with some children and found the queen's troops leaving for King’s Landing. You got on a horse and followed, your dogs trotting beside you.
As soon as the queen flew with her dragon burning down the city, you knew you had to run inside. You ordered your dogs to find Sandor. Buildings were crumbling. People ran trying to exit the city. There was chaos, rubble, and dust everywhere. Dead bodies by the hundreds. Your dogs seemed to be following the scent to what looked like the entrance to the Keep. Suddenly a familiar face. Arya.
“Where is he?!” You yelled.
“It’s too late Sabrina! We have to go now!” She tried grabbing your arm.
“Arya, where is he!?!?” You yanked your arms off her and yelled at her face angrily.
“Up the stairs.” She answered and you ran towards the stairs. There was no outside wall anymore. Just a precipice and sea of fire downstairs. Your dogs ran up carefully and stopped. Barking aggressively, focused on one man. 
You saw him squeezing Sandor’s head. 
“Charge!” You yelled at your dogs who jumped on The Mountain, getting his attention so he could let go of his brother. You ran to Sandor who was bloody, almost lost an eye at this point. 
You heard a yelp from one of your dogs, that made you look immediately. The monster was able to push and kick your dogs out of the way and was now charging at you.
Sandor shoved you upstairs just in time, he held his brother's shoulder and pushed him to the edge of the precipice. You gasped at the sight of Sandor so close to the edge. He was losing his balance.
“Sandor don’t!” You yelled as loud as you could. 
 He slightly turned his head to you and pushed The Mountain using the pressure of his big monstrous body to push himself back, off the edge at the same time.
He was about to finally get one step away from danger, when The Mountain was able to grab a piece of his clothing while he was losing his balance. 
You threw yourself down and grabbed the back of his armor. Saving him from the imminent fall. You both watched as The Mountain crumbled to the dragon fire that swallowed the city.
You felt the stairs shake. It was time to go.  Some of your dogs were limping. You grabbed River who was lighter and Sandor carried Desert. Forest was not harmed and guided your way out of the city. 
You ran outside just in time before the whole thing collapsed. You passed by Jon Snow, who was coming inside with his men. You basically ignored him and just made your way out to the forest. 
You finally placed River down, examining her. It wasn’t a serious injury. You motioned for Sandor to place Desert beside you so you could look at him. No significant damage either.
You stood up to check on your husband now. He almost lost his eye, some scratches, and bruises. Maybe if you had arrived a moment later the damage would’ve been irreversible.
Once you made sure he was okay your anger came back.
“You cunt!” You yelled at his face and punched his chest. “You half brained, stubborn cunt!” You kept throwing punches as you yelled and cried to his face. He just pulled you to him and held you tightly.
“Forgive me, my love.” He placed his chin on your head. 
“My love?!” You pushed him off you. “If it wasn’t for me and my hounds again, you would be fucking dead! When I begged you to stay you didn’t think twice, but now after saving you, you have the audacity to call me my love?!” You pointed your finger at him and got closer. 
“You are the most stubborn, hard headed, obtuse Hound I’ve ever had to deal with!” You growled at him, breathing so close to his face. 
He studied your expressions, he loved how you looked irresistible when you got angry at him, and for the first time, you called him a hound. It made him melt. 
He just grunted and pulled your lips onto his. Kissing you passionately, almost violently. He finally had his revenge. He didn’t have anything else holding him back. No more hard feelings or frustrations. 
“It’s over Sabrina. I owe my life to you once again. I don’t have anything else to live for.” His soft and honest words after the intense kiss were enough to calm you down.
“You’re right. The monster who haunted you is gone. Swallowed by a sea of fire, dragon fire, the most powerful type
” You looked up at him softly placing your hand on his scarred cheek. The fire that marked his face now had taken the monster who hurt him so long ago. “How do you feel?” 
“I feel free.” He didn’t have any glimpse of hate in his eyes anymore.
“But you were right. He was already dead.” You could see he did regret almost killing himself for his revenge, but he was glad you showed up to save him and make sure he had a future with you. 
He kissed your forehead. “Let’s go home.” He said softly. 
You reached The Vale in a couple days. You both looked like you’d been through hell, and you did. Finally, you were together at peace. 
You called the maesters, instructing them to care for your dogs, and asked the servants to draw you a bath. You walked up to the main chamber, the servants left after preparing everything, and you started undressing your husband. His bruises were a deep purple and the blood had dried and turned black.
You first wiped off the excess blood with a wet cloth and ordered him to get inside the tub. You took off your garments and joined him inside, the water almost overflowed. He took the cloth and wiped the dust off your body. 
“If you ever try to put yourself in these dangerous situations against my will once more, you better make sure you’re dead because if not, I will kill you myself.” You threatened.
“I like it when you growl at me like that.” He played with your hair, unbothered. You blushed. 
“Don’t you test my patience Lord Arryn Clegane.” You tried to sound confident, but it was clear you were shy.
He brought your face to his and kissed you softly. You sat on him once again. He tried to guide your hips down to him. 
“We can’t do it here, the floor will be all wet.” You smiled.
“Don’t have to move. Just stay like this.” It was the first time he was being completely soft with you. All his touches, all the kisses, everything about that moment was soft, except one thing. 
You stayed there, kissing, cleaning each other, touching each other, and talking nonsense about the herbs and flowers used in the bath. 
Later you dried by the fire. Sandor was not bothered anymore. It was like his fear died with his brother. 
You talked about future plans, and how he would love to just take your dogs into the woods to bring whatever natural product you needed for your studies. How he would support your political decisions about The Vale and destroy any man that tried to cross you. It was clear he wanted to live a calm and fulfilling life beside you and you loved to see this side of him. 
“Finally a domesticated hound.” You smiled and he chuckled, his fingers tracing lines on your naked skin.
Some time later you had to return to King’s Landing. To decide on the new King or Queen. You sat with the Ladies and Lords of their houses. After deciding on Bran The Broken you made your way back to The Eyrie. You looked for Sandor as you entered. You spotted him. Coming towards you with a wooden box in his hands. 
“Why do you have that?” You asked as he stepped closer to you, kissing your lips.
“I know you didn’t want to go to that shit city on your name day.” He was right, you didn’t want to waste your name day on political duty.
“So I wanted to give you something special for when you arrived home.” He opened the wooden box. Revealing a small puppy. 
You immediately took her out of the box and brought her to cuddle you. It was a grey puppy, just like Rain, but her eyes were a light brown, almost orange and she had a black mask on her snout.
” your eyes filled with tears. You jumped to hug him tightly, forgetting about all his recent bruises. He laughed and groaned in pain.
“Thank you.” You stepped back. Smiling at him and holding your puppy. 
“What will you name her?” He asked. 
You looked at her, studied her colors and her beautiful features and looked back at him.
✩ .  âș   . ✩ .  âș   . ✩
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tiredtogepi · 13 days
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 14 (+18)
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Smut | Angst | War
Word Count: 1981
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You finally made your way underground and saw the big back of your man rising up after placing the big wooden box on the floor.
"Sandor..." Your voice was breathy and weak, but loud enough for him to hear you and turn around immediately. You ran to him and jumped in his arms. He held you tight and immediately kissed you passionately. It was so intense. The way he held you was not out of sexual desire it was out of pure love and devotion.
"Sabrina..." He had to break the kiss so you could both breathe. "I have loved you since the first time you locked your eyes on me. I cannot believe you agreed to be my wife." His thumb caressed your cheek.
"Once I got over that bloody wall... I knew the only reason I had to resist that hell, those white walkers, was you. I wanted to come back to you, to my wife. Being away from you not knowing if I would ever see you again was almost as painful as having my face shoved into fire. I know I angered you many times by not having the right words, but..." He stopped, trying to hide his face from her, one tear coming down his cheek. You brought your hand to his face wiping his tears away and turning his face back to you.
You kissed him, grabbing the back of his neck and pushing him to sit down on one of the old wine barrels stored in there. You sat on top of him, knees on the sides of his legs. You never felt so attracted to him. Maybe because it was the first time he ever truly showed vulnerability without any wine or ale.
Your tongue entered his mouth and his hand on your hips squeezed you tighter, his other hand already grabbing your chest. You felt he was getting harder each second and you grinded on him making your husband growl. Suddenly a loud noise outside, a giant creature roared.
"The dragon queen. You should go." Sandor held your face and placed a small kiss on your lips.
"Sandor wait! I need to talk to you about your brother!" You tried to make him stop, but he just put you back on the floor and walked over the wooden box.
"We'll have time later, I promise." He said grabbing the big wooden box and making his way upstairs.
You ran back upstairs, trying to tidy up a bit before facing the house leaders. You sat back in your place just in time to see your husband finishing to walk up the stairs in the middle of the arena.
After the white walker demonstration, the queen agreed to send some men north. Sandor walked up to his brother to say some threatening words. He did notice a difference in him, but he just thought he had gotten uglier, maybe out of sickness.
Once back in Winterfell, you found Sandor who arrived a couple hours after you. You didn't give him any time to settle, just pulled him by the arm and dragged him to your room. Once you closed the door he grabbed you, kissing your neck.
"Sandor wait!" You chuckled, surprised by his hunger for you. He grunted as he didn't want to let go of you. You pushed him to bed. He sat there watching you. He could tell you were nervous to tell him something.
"Remember I had something to tell you about your brother." You explained trying to avoid his gaze. He kept his eyes on you, serious and trying to read your emotions.
"Well, he..." You gulped. "He's not alive anymore." You watched the small confusion on his face. You took the time to explain everything you knew and everything you saw in him.
"You mean I can't kill him?" He questioned with a slight anger tone.
"No one can Sandor." You sat next to him. "He's already dead. There's not much of a difference between him and a white walker now..." You placed your hand on his thigh.
"White walkers can be killed, by dragon glass or..." He mumbled
"Fire." You looked up at him.
"Fire." He repeated quietly.
"Sandor, my love, please don't let this revenge blind you." She begged. He saw how much this hurt her. She didn't want to think he would risk the life they could have together just so he could kill a soulless body.
"It's alright love, there's nothing I want more than to be with you." He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her soft skin as if sealing a promise. He didn't lie, but he lived his whole life to kill his brother, so it was a challenge to stop now.
You started to undo his thick armored vest. He watched softly as you undressed him. There was no insecurities anymore. No fears and no regrets. Both of you were finally completely raw with each other, in every sense of the way.
You finally removed all of the intricate clothes off him, he had now only his undergarments. You stood up to pull off his shirt, and as you did his hands placed themselves on your hips. He started undoing his dress while you looked at him tenderly. The thick fabric fell to the floor leaving you completely naked. He realized you had prepared to meet him.
He smirked and pulled you to sit on top of him, just like the last time in the underground of King's Landing. You kissed him passionately sliding your tongue into his mouth, grabbing the back of his neck by the hair, and touching his chest. He grabbed your ass tightly with one hand making your hips grind against his member, while his other hand cupped your breasts, massaging them softly.
He lowered his lips to your neck, licking, biting, and sucking, making you moan. You grabbed his hair tightly when he lowered himself to your breasts, sucking at your nipples, flicking his tongue, and sending shivers down your spine. You pushed him to lie in bed. You pulled out his pants revealing his throbbing member.
You looked at each other both of you drunk with lust. You climbed on top of him and laid all your body weight on him, not that it made much of a difference for him. You kissed him and his hand rested on your ass, while the other pushed your hair off your face.
"I love you." You whispered. Maybe it was the intensity of missing each other, of knowing you might die fighting against the white walkers. But both of you were craving each other like no other time before.
"I love you, Sabrina." He kissed her again.
You stopped kissing him and turned to his cock. You grabbed it and licked from the base to the tip, noticing the tip was already dripping. He grunted in pleasure. He watched as your ass was almost on his face. The pleasure of your mouth on his cock combined with the view of your ass and cunt near his face was driving him insane. He slapped and grabbed your ass, pulling your cunt to his face.
He kissed your cunt and licked your lips. His entire mouth was on your cunt. The warmth of his mouth covering your sensitive area, licking softly, putting pressure and sucking the right places was making you moan while still having his cock in your mouth. The vibration of your moans while his cock was in deep in your throat send more pleasure waves through his body, making him focus even more on licking your cunt.
He started licking with more pressure around your cunt, you started flicking your tongue harder on his tip. It was almost as if you were competing to see who could lick and suck better. You felt overwhelmed with pleasure and knew you wouldn’t last long.
“Stop!” You announced as soon as his cock left your mouth. You get off him so he wouldn’t reach your cunt anymore. He looked at you confused. You smiled to assure him it was nothing serious.
“Fuck me Sandor.” You bit your lip, you had no more control over your body, it was all about pleasure now.
He grunted and got on his knees he pulled your legs and you gasped on how quick she shoved his cock into you.
“That’s what you want? My cock inside ya?” He said gritting his teeth trying to hold back the amount of pleasure that had taken over his body.
“Yes, now fucking move.” You ordered him.
He started fucking you, it was messy and rough. The sound of his grunts were almost hidden by the loud moans coming out of his mouth.
“You sound like a fucking whore.” He grabbed and slapped your breasts.
“I’m a whore for you only.” You tried to sound sane while he pumped his cock into you. He pushed your lower belly down putting the right amount of pressure, his cock hitting the right spot inside of you. You closed your eyes and felt it coming.
“Harder” You begged.
He trusted harder, faster, and deeper. Your insides twisting and contracting against his cock. You could not avoid the feeling anymore and you let out a loud cry. He let you ride off your high and he pushed your legs up to your belly, stretching your cunt more, he liked watching his throbbing cock disappearing inside of your tight and wet cunt. He focused on your pretty cunt and look back into your lustful eyes. It was enough for him to reach his peak. His seed filled you for the second time ever. This time was the most intense one.
You lied together in bed, just looking at each other’s eyes, exchanging slow kisses and soft touches. If you were both about to face hell. You would enjoy the moments in heaven first.
An hour later both of you were getting ready to face this war. Sandor kissed your forehead.
“Stay alive, that’s an order!” You said firmly.
“Yes, My Lady.” He smiled softly.
You grabbed your pups and guided the women and children down to the crypts. Luckily, Gendry had built a type of exo skeleton armor for your dogs, with spikes made of dragon glass on the tops of the head and torso, in such a way that if the dogs charged at white walkers they would be hit by the spikes placed on their head or bodies.
It was a genius way to use the leftover dragon glass that Gendry had.
After locking the doors, you waited. Not longer later you could hear sounds outside. The entire time you prayed to the gods to protect your husband. To aid him and to end this war.
There were sounds at the door, a couple white walkers came inside. Chaos took over and you and your dogs charged onto them. You didn’t have much fighting skills, but with the dogs doing most of the work you just needed to give the final blow to the head.
They kept coming, but you kept resisting. Just one bite from your dogs was already enough to break an average healthy man’s bone. So these decomposing skeletons were a child’s play to these big pups, especially since they were protected by the exo skeleton armor.
Suddenly they all dropped dead for good. Someone had killed the Night King. You immediately ran out, calling your dogs to come find Sandor with you. You didn’t even have to leave the inside because he clearly had the same idea to look for you. You bumped into each other. Both well and alive. A miracle.
You held each other tightly and you cried in relief.
“It’s alright, you’re alright now.” He whispered to you, the same way he did the first time he said those words.
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tiredtogepi · 13 days
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 13
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Fluff | Making out
Word Count: 1682
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Sandor couldn’t sleep through the night. He kept rethinking all the moments you lived together up to this night to confirm his suspicions. He was indeed in love with you, and he struggled to understand how he might not want to live the rest of his life searching for revenge anymore. Not only that, but he wanted to have you beside him every night, he wanted to know you were safe. He wanted to see you playing with the dogs and researching nature and everything you adored. 
He knew that you were a lady again, and now you were free from any duty since you were the leader of your house.
He was scared to go over the wall. They needed to go, it was what the fire god showed them. 
What if something happened to him? What if he didn’t come back to protect you? One way or another there would be wars. 
He turned on the bed to face you. He saw you sleeping peacefully. You wiggled your way closer to his warm body. He held you and kissed your forehead. He wanted to show you how much he cared. How much he loved you even if he couldn’t say the exact words yet. He wanted to give you at least one last memory in case he didn’t make it. Suddenly a thought flew through his mind. It was simple but meaningful. He knew what he had to do. He was finally able to relax and sleep.
After a couple of hours of sleep, you both headed to the main courtyard. Jon and the rest of the men were getting ready to go over the wall. Suddenly you could feel many eyes turning to look at you. Maybe you didn’t think much when you held his hand and walked out. None of you did, but your physical closeness and touching hands were something nobody expected. At least not like that. 
Sandor could feel how your cheeks blushed when all eyes were on you. Some had curious looks and others judgmental. Sandor looked down at you and let go of your hand, grunting and walking towards Thoros. You saw them talking for a little while. They then turned to Jon who after a few moments of talking looked back at you. 
What is going on, you thought to yourself. Sandor then walked back towards you and the other men gathered in a group and moved inside.
“What’s happ—“ you tried to ask.
“Be my wife.” He put his hand on your cheek.
“What?!” You spoke louder than you intended.
“I don’t know if I’ll be back from that cold hell
 I want to know that if I come back you’ll be mine...” He sounded embarrassed, his words were quiet and shy. 
” You brought your palm to his burned skin, he closed his eyes feeling your soft touch, and turned his face slightly, taking his hand into yours and kissing your palm. “There’s nothing I want more than to spend the rest of my life beside you.” You smiled at him. 
He smiled and grabbed your hand pulling you back into the main hall. Inside Thoros was waiting to perform the wedding ceremony. Arya and Sansa were there, accompanied by some allies from The Vale. Beric and some other men brought your pups inside, they knew how important they were to you.
You and Sandor walked beside each other towards Thoros. There was nothing traditional about this ceremony. It was extremely simple and last minute, only a few people you liked and trusted, but that’s all you ever wanted. 
It was rather funny to see Sandor dressed in all that winter gear while you were wearing the fancy clothes of House Arryn. He placed a last-minute cape on your shoulders and you both repeated the words to each other.
Thoros finished the ceremony and you kissed your new husband. 
“You are now Lord and Lady Arryn Clegane” Thoros announced and the small group of people applauded and congratulated both of you. 
“We must go now.” Jon approached you. You nodded and walked with the men to the gates. 
Sandor turned to you for one last goodbye. 
“I’ll be back.” He tried his best to not worry you. 
“You must.” You kissed his cheek and got close to his ear. “We still ought to consummate our vows, Lord Arryn Clegane.” 
 He laughed and gave you one last kiss. He quickly petted the dogs and left. You watched as the gates closed, and your heart sank to your stomach, thinking you might not see him again.
“I would never have guessed.” Sansa turned to you. 
“You didn’t see them outside the Red Keep, it was pretty obvious.” Arya was quick to point it out before you could say anything. 
“What made you like him? The Hound was always so
” Sansa struggled to find the right words.
“I like Hounds.” You said simply. Sansa smiled, still confused hoping you would explain better. 
“Once when I was Braavos, I saw a man beating a dog. It was still a young puppy, so I shoved the man out of the way and grabbed him. I took him to where I was staying and fed him. He was scared and wouldn’t let me get close to him. He growled and tried to bite me many times. It took a while, but as I sat next to him and showed him I wasn’t going to hurt him, he slowly started opening up. Days passed he let me pet him. After some more time, he trusted me enough to let me put a leash on him. We traveled back to The Vale, and once he felt safe enough I showed him love, and he learned what it was to play, what it was to wag his tail out of excitement and to get belly rubs. He never wore a leash again, but even with freedom he decided to stay with me to this day.” You looked down at the big black dog following you, and you slightly bent over to kiss his head. “Right Forest?” He wagged his tail as you said his name. 
Sansa kept her eyes on you, deeply intrigued by your words. 
“Sandor is no different. He has a good heart, he was just broken. I never cared for the ‘knights in shining armor’ that every girl dreams about. He respected me, saved me, and helped me many times. I guess that’s what first caught my interest.” You shrugged.
“Sabrina Arryn, you are full of surprises.” Sansa commented. 
“I also prefer men who are a little more
 rough looking.” You smiled at her. She laughed.
“What about his brother?” Arya coldly asked from behind both of you.
“What about him.” You knew where she was going with that question.
“You know The Hound’s life purpose is revenge.” You and Sansa exchanged looks.
“I don’t know. I had hoped he would change his mind.” You said in a lower voice hoping that they wouldn’t catch the hint of sadness in your voice.
Over the wall, the men were talking. 
“I never thought I would see The Hound getting married. Especially to a beauty like Lady Sabrina.” Beric commented 
“That makes two of us,” Sandor replied.
“What’s the plan for when you come back? Perhaps Babes?” Beric asked.
“That’s none of your fucking business. First I need to survive this shit.”
Things were intense over the wall. They lost Thoros, Jon almost died, and one dragon was killed. Now they were finally sailing to King's Landing to ask Cersei for a truce. Sandor couldn't wait to see you. The horror of these last couple of days was tough without seeing you.
Since you saved him from death, you were never this far apart from each other, so it was the first time he was actually missing you. A terrible feeling that he wanted to eliminate as soon as possible by having your present.
You and Sansa were together once again about to face Cersei. As representatives of your houses, you waited for Jon to arrive with the rest of the group and one of the white walkers.
You and Sansa took your places, your pups sitting around your chair, guarding you. You noticed the queen arriving with a huge bodyguard behind her. It sent shivers down your spine. He was wearing a helmet, but you could easily recognize him by the size. The Mountain. You were seated the closest to the queen. You stared at the huge man, his skin had tones of green and purple, his eyes stained red and he looked bloated.
You noticed an older man accompanied them. Luckily you heard the queen call him 'Qyburn'. Something clicked in your head. You knew who he was and you knew what he'd done to Gregor Clegane. One of the books you borrowed back when you were living in the Red Keep, it mentioned unethical and abstract methods of cure. You heard some maesters mentioning this old man who had been demoted from his maester title for extremely unethical practices, the same man who now stood by the queen.
You were so lost in your thoughts you didn't notice your husband arriving with the rest of Jon's men. His eyes were looking for you. You could see how tired he was, but the second he spotted you his eyes brightened. Your heart finally wasn't hurting anymore. He motioned to you he would take the big wooden box to the underground. You quickly stood up and started to make your way to the side of the arena where you could go underground. After a couple steps you heard a voice from behind you.
"Where do you think you're going Lady Arryn?" Cersei questioned. You stopped in your tracks and slightly turned your head with your back to her.
"It is Lady Arryn Clegane now... And I am going to greet my husband!" You walked away not caring for the queen's reaction. You passed by the Stark girls and noticed how they did not hide their grins.
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tiredtogepi · 26 days
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 12 (+18)
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Smut
Word Count: 1557
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You were finally in Winterfell. The guards let you in but imprisoned the men. You took the dogs to the stables and informed the workers of their needs, and then the guards took you to see Sansa.
"I am glad to see you're well." It was noticeable how her demeanor had changed.
"I'd say the same about you Lady Stark." You slightly bowed.
"No need for such formalities Sabrina. In reality, I have good news for you." She placed her hand on your shoulder guiding you to walk with her. She started to explain how Little Finger helped her escape King's Landing and all that involved her aunt, your step mother and how unfortunately she was so involved and obsessed with him that she was the one who murdered your father.
"We know how Little Finger managed to steal The Eyrie from you." She looked into your eyes with empathy. "I know you despised most people in King's Landing as much as I did. I’m confident that once you reclaim your title as Lady of the Vale, you will become a powerful ally to The North.
"Sansa, it all sounds wonderful, but what about Little Finger?"
"He will be dealt with." She walked into the main room where house leaders and knights were gathered around Arya.
You were surprised when you saw her there, her demeanor had also changed. You noticed Little Finger in the corner and you also noticed Lord Royce, the biggest ally of The Vale.
Before you realized Arya had sliced Little Finger's throat and your title was restored in front of all of your allies.
You were escorted to your room, still not believing things happened that fast. After a knock on the door, Arya came in. You hugged her.
"You did it. You got back to Winterfell, to your family." You said proudly.
"And you got your title and The Vale. I guess we did pretty well by ourselves." She smiled.
"I wasn't by myself..." You looked away.
"He's alive?"
"Yes." You were embarrassed for some reason. She paused and analyzed you.
"You love him."
"I don't know." You mumbled. She knew you were lying.
"Where is he now?" She was intrigued
"He was taken as prisoner with the brotherhood when we arrived here." You explained. She gave you a little smile and left.
Later that night you decided to go check on your pups. You saw them sleeping in on top of some furs inside a private stall. You noticed a dark figure sitting in the corner.
"What are you doing wandering around in the middle of the night woman?" Sandor looked up at you.
"How did you get here?" You were not surprised to be honest. Maybe it was Arya that put all the hounds together.
"The bastard." He sighed.
"Jon? Why?"
"We'll go over the wall in the morrow." He said as if it was nothing.
"We just got back to safety and now you're going out to die again?"
"Aye." He sipped a container probably filled with wine. He stood up and walked towards you. He put his hand on the wall next to your head. You had your back against the wall and he was leaning down closer to you.
"You... you are always in my fucking head." His voice was quiet and raspy. His face looked angry, but you knew it was out of frustration.
"I know that." You whispered. He continued to be serious. You grabbed him by his chest piece and pulled him closer. "I know your heart beats faster when I am close to you. I know you desire me every night. I know you love me Sandor Clegane."
He pulled the back of your neck crushing his lips against yours. This time there were no gentle touches, only aggressively desperate ones. His hands wondered down your body squeezing your waist and pulling you closer.
“We can’t do it here.” You were able to escape his lips for a second.
“Fine.” He picked you up and walked out of the stables, you gave him the directions to your room as he carried you. When you arrived he opened the door and threw you on the bed.
He walked back to close the door and you just sat on the bed leaning back and supporting your weight on your elbows. You were devouring him with your eyes while he started taking off his thick clothes.
When he noticed you were still fully clothed he walked over to bed and started removing it. He pulled your corset down revealing your breasts. He grabbed and sucked them, kissing and licking your nipples. You leaned your head down on the bed, moaning feeling the shivers down your body.
He finished taking off your clothes and you pulled him to bed. You took his pants off and could already see his hard cock hanging in front of you.
You grabbed it and put it in your mouth, you tried to put it all inside and after a few gags you went back to lick his tip and stroke the base, he grabbed your hair the same way he did before to look at you while he filled your mouth.
This time was different though, he was fucking your mouth, while you looked up into his eyes, tears falling, your cheeks red, and the sloppy sounds of his tip hitting your throat. The sound of his grunts and your gags filled the room for a while.
He moved his hip away and let go of your head. He moved to the bed and started sucking on your breasts while his fingers traced down your body to meet your wet cunt. Your breathing was heavy and his mouth traced down from your breasts to your folds.
He put his whole mouth on your cunt and his tongue traced up down and around your clit. You started to moan louder as he got more sloppily and your cunt more swollen. You pushed him away knowing if he kept going you would cum.
“Wait.” You said as you moved towards him. You pushed his torso so he would lay flat on the bed.
You put pushed his cock to lay flat on his lower abdomen, almost reaching his belly button. You sat on his cock sliding your wet folds up and down. He grunted and grabbed your ass. You pleasured yourself superficially with his cock for a while watching his face concentrating not to cum.
You then lifted your hips and guided his tip to your entrance. You slowly sat down having your cunt swallow his fat cock.
“Fucking Hells
” he groaned.
You started moving slowly feeling the pleasure and pain of your cunt being stretched like that. He slowly guided your hips with his hand placed on your ass. Using his other hand, he put pressure on your lower belly and used his fingers to play around your clit, helping distract you from the slight discomfort that you were feeling inside.
You were filled with pleasure and finally, you had him inside you. Now that you knew what the pleasure felt like, you wanted more intensity. You got off him and kneeled on the bed, your hands grabbed the headboard, and your hips curved up.
“Fuck me Sandor Clegane.” You smirked looking back at him.
“Yes, My Lady.” He smirked back with his dark eyes moving from your face to your ass. He positioned himself behind you and spanked your ass. He filled you in with his cock and kissed your back, making sure you got a few seconds to feel all of him inside you from that position.
He started moving faster and faster. Each time he hit his hips on your ass you could feel how deep he was. He kept grabbing and spanking your ass, and you moaned with intense pleasure.
He started going harder, deeper, and faster. The sounds of him pounding into you were loud, his cock inside your wet cunt sounded sloppy and delicious. He grabbed your neck pulling your body back towards him. He started slightly choking you.
“You’re mine.” He growled in your ear.
His pace got faster he moved his hand down to your cunt pleasuring you to make you come together. You reached your limit and cried out in pleasure. He pounded his cock inside a couple more times and moaned in that raspy low voice. You felt his cock pumping his cum inside of you.
He was out of breath. He kissed your shoulder a few times and removed himself. You let go of any strength that you still had and dropped down to the pillow. He laid next to you caressing your back.
“So we could’ve had this since that time in King’s Landing?” You smiled at him.
“You were too drunk to handle all of this.” He scoffed.
“I know you couldn’t wait to fuck me since that time.” You moved to lay on his chest and gently caress his face.
“Since before that.” He smiled softly.
“And yet you waited, such a noble man.” You said sarcastically before you kissed his face. He looked down as if trying to hide his sadness.
“I heard you got your title back. You can finally go home.” He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Yes, that’s why you can’t die out there anymore.”
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tiredtogepi · 27 days
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 11 (+18)
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Violence | Animal Death | Executions
Word Count: 947
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The next morning you avoided each other completely. Later as you went back to your tent for restocking your herbs, you noticed some strange men on horseback coming towards the community. You saw Ray talking to the men who didn’t look very friendly.
You watched as Sandor stood up to scan the area looking for you to make sure you were safe. You didn’t have a welcoming expression, so he looked away when he spotted you standing there. The men left and you saw him approaching Ray. You both knew that those men weren’t a good sign.
That day you kept your pups close to you and went back to the woods. Some time later your dogs seemed to notice something. You placed your hand on your dagger. They growled at something, but you couldn’t find what it was.
Suddenly one man shot an arrow that hit Rain. She cried and whimpered. In that moment you flipped a switch in your head. You saw where the arrow came from and you yelled to your dogs.
“Attack!” You ran to Rain and picked her up. Maybe it was the adrenaline, but you lifted her like it was nothing. She weighed almost the same as you, but that didn't matter. You started hearing screams. You carried Rain and walked over there.
A man wearing a yellow cloak was being attacked by your dogs. His guttural screams had no effect on you. The attack didn’t stop until he was quiet, dismembered, and dead.
You placed Rain on the floor to examine her wound. She was breathing heavily and whimpering quietly. The arrow hit her in the chest, it would be impossible to treat her on time. You sat next to her calming her down, caressing her head, and telling her and mostly yourself that everything was going to be okay.
You saw her take her last breath. The dogs came over and sat beside her as if saying their goodbyes. You kissed her head and gave her a final hug. You removed the arrow from her chest, gathered some wood, and burned her body.
You slowly walked back to camp, and to your surprise everyone was dead. Most were hit by arrows as well. You found Ray hanging from one of the towers the community was building. You couldn't find Sandor. Your dogs started sniffing around. You noticed they picked up a scent, so you followed them.
"Sandor!" You ran to him the moment you saw him.
"Sabrina..." He said quietly in relief. Tears started falling down and you hugged him tightly. He hugged you back, closing his eyes and putting his chin down to your head. Once you pulled away from him, he noticed the blood on your clothes.
"They tried hurting you?" He worried.
"They killed Rain." Your voice failed. Your dogs started barking aggressively. When you saw who it was, you ordered the pups to back down.
"Clegane! What the fuck are you doing here?" Beric, Thoros and the rest of the Brotherhood arrived with some prisoners.
"Chasing them, you?"
"Hanging them." They made their way towards the tree to hang the prisoners they had. "Lady Sabrina! I'm surprised to see you here. Did this man kidnap you?" Beric asked you
"No, it's... Difficult to explain."
For a while, they discussed who would kill which prisoner.
"Where's the other one?" Sandor asked.
"Which one?"
"The one in the yellow cloak." When he said that you felt a shiver down your spine. It was hate.
"Dismembered, dead, and disposed." You said coldly. The men looked back at you surprised.
After hanging the prisoners, both of you decided to follow the brotherhood north. They heard some of the Starks were back in Winterfell, so you thought you had a chance to get your title back and go home to The Eyrie.
It was nice to interact with people you already knew before. You introduced your dogs to Thoros, who played with them effortlessly. Even though Sandor was there too, you felt comfortable. Having people around took away most of the pressure from the one-to-one interactions.
No one really knew what was going on between you and Sandor Clegane. They definitely thought it was strange, for a Lady like you to stick around with The Hound. It was simply not normal.
As you traveled further north the cold started bothering you. One night you spotted that same cottage where you stayed with Arya and Sandor. This time, it looked abandoned.
"We'll stay there for the night," Beric announced.
You knew he was looking at you, remembering your time together in that upstairs room. You avoided his gaze, grabbed your bag from the horse, and went inside.
When the men lit up the fire you sat close enough and cuddled with your pups to keep each other warm.
"Tell me Clegane, why is she with you?" You heard someone ask.
"Why do you care?" Sandor was back with the grumpy attitude.
"She is a beautiful woman, she's a Lady... She..."
"You think I don't fucking know that?" He growled.
"Then why, Clegane?"
"It's none of your fucking business, you bald cunt!" You laughed quietly.
“You know, she seems to like you enough to hang around you. Don’t take that for granted, Clegane.”
“What do you want me to do Thoros? Marry her?” He said ironically, then paused for a moment. “I can’t give what she deserves.”
“You can start by giving her what she wants.” Thoros replied.
You fell asleep before you could hear the rest of the conversation. A while later something woke you up. A strange feeling came over you.
You heard the men talking about fire. How one can see things when looking at it. They called Sandor to ask what he saw. You started listening, but it was hard to understand. The only thing you heard clearly was "The Wall".
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds | Chapter List
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✩ .  âș   . ✩ .  âș   . ✩
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen - Final Chapter
✩ .  âș   . ✩ .  âș   . ✩
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 10 (+18)
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Smut | Angst
Word Count: 1092
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The next days passed quickly and his leg was almost all healed up. During the day both of you helped out in the community, and at night there was always some tension in the air, you got closer because of lust, but you didn’t talk about the feelings. After that night you kept waiting for him to make the next move. He never did. In reality he was waiting for you to show some sort of interest in moving forward with him. You both were scared, stubborn and too focused on your own feelings to notice each other's. 
One day as you went down to the stream with your pup pack trying to find some mushrooms. A few barks alarmed that someone was coming. You found Clegane approaching with his ax. Your dogs started growling at him.
“Feisty beasts you have there.” He had to stop approaching
“I wouldn’t expect any less of them when seeing a big man coming to me with an ax” You gave them a command to back down. He sat on a fallen tree near you.
“They got names?” He moved his head pointing to your dogs.
“That’s Desert” You pointed to the fawn color dog. “That's Rain.” You turned to face the gray dog. “This is River” You patted the head of the brindle dog by your side. “And that’s Forest” You looked at the black dog that came to him. Forest sniffed and sat beside him. Sandor patted Forest’s head and gave him little taps on his side.
“He likes you.” You smiled. He had a shy smile as well. After all, it was funny to see a man called The Hound interacting so well with dogs just as intimidating as him.
 “What are you gonna do?” He asked, avoiding your eyes.
“About what?” You stood up to face him. 
“Now that I don’t need your care anymore
 You’re free” He looked up to you. You were pissed. It’s hard to believe that after everything you did for him, he would have the nerve to ask this question. He thought you had been rejecting him these past few days because nothing happened after his last attempt.
“After everything I did for you I’m free? After what you did to me? After all this time? I'm free?!” With each question filled with anger, you took a step closer to him. He was serious but in a more soft way. You were standing inches from his face. 
“What about you? Are you free?” You almost touched your lips on his.
“No.” He closed the distance between you. He knew he would never be free from you or the feelings he had, but he believed it would be best for you to be free from him.
You kissed him softly knowing that he wanted more. You kneeled in front of him and looked up to see his eyes full of lust. 
“Take it off.” You talked to him the same way he did to you last time you had this much intimacy. He pulled down his pants. You commanded the dogs to watch the surroundings, this way you would know if someone was coming. 
You finally had your eyes on his cock. It was big and thick but not entirely hard yet. You took it in your hands and started stroking it while you slightly pulled down his face to kiss him. His cock grew in your hands and got extremely hard. You let go of it, stood up, and kissed him passionately. You moved down to his neck kissing, sucking, and licking, leaving purple marks on it. 
You removed his shirt and slowly went down his chest. As you stood between his legs you could feel his cock twitching and hitting your knee. It made you smile that he was hard like that because of you. You kissed his chest, and abdomen, tracing with your lips and tongue that happiness trail he had leading down to his thick cock. 
You noticed how he was trying not to make any sound, so you kneeled back down, grabbed his cock tightly, and licked the tip. He let out a low grunt and you could feel the salty taste of his pre cum in your mouth. You then looked into his eyes and put his cock in your mouth. He took a deep breath. 
It was definitely too big and you could barely fit half of it inside your mouth, but the way you flicked your tongue on his tip inside your warm mouth drove him crazy. He brought a hand to your head grabbing your hair and pulling it away from your face. If you wanted to suck his cock he had to see all of it.
You noticed he was taking deep breaths and grunting more often. You started to go faster, pushing it deeper into your throat, you could see his expression was getting more intense. You moved your hand up and down on the base part you couldn't fit in your mouth. All of his cock was lubricated with your saliva and his pre cum so your hands and mouth moved smoothly together. 
You could feel his breathing become faster. His grip on your hair was tighter. He was going to cum, just needed a couple more seconds. You looked deeply into his eyes and took his cock out of your mouth. You pushed his hand off your hair, stood up and wiped your mouth with your arm.
“What are you gonna do now? You don’t need my care anymore
 You’re free.” You said in the nastiest way possible.
He looked at you in shock. He couldn't believe you did this just to have your bratty revenge on something he said to you. You walked away and your dogs ran to accompany you. He just sat there, hard and frustrated, processing what had happened.
That night you made your dogs sleep around your bed. You didn’t want Sandor to get close to you.
He didn’t imagine how deeply offended you would be by that question. You waited this whole time to have him admit that he wanted you in his life, that you had mutual feelings and wanted to be together. But you didn’t know the amount of insecurities he carried when it came to love. He always thought one day you would wake up and realize the big monster he is. He was a broken man and it would take a lot of exposing his vulnerability to finally be together the way you wanted to.
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
Just wanted to say I love A Lady & Her Hounds! ❀
thank you so much! I haven't written anything in such a long time I still feel pretty rusty, but I'm glad to see ppl enjoying it <3
I will be posting chapters 10 and 11 soon :)
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 9 (+18)
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Fluff | Smut
Word Count: 1161
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A couple weeks passed and The Hound was finally walking again. You started to keep more distance from him, physically and emotionally. He noticed that, but he tried to stay active to distract himself, by chopping off wood and doing some more physical labor. He always watched you playing with your dogs from afar. He didn’t feel like he was hateful or negative anymore. He now thought you two finally saw each other as equals, without titles, promised marriages or royal guards. 
One day when you went down near the stream with your pup pack, Sandor observed you. 
“There he is!” Ray came up to him. “You know when I found you I thought you were dead!” he chuckled.  “Suddenly you coughed and me and your girl were able to take you to the cart.” He sat next to Sandor.  “The gods definitely have a plan for you Clegane.”
“It’s not the gods, I’m just a big fucker and I’m tough to kill.” Sandor didn’t really believe much in gods either.
“Maybe not just the gods. If it wasn’t for your girl I’m sure you wouldn’t be here
 She took care of you day and night. In the afternoon she would skip the meal to keep looking for healing herbs, flowers to use on you.”
“She’s not my girl.” He mumbled.
“Well, then you must be fucking blind.” Ray smiled and left.
Sandor definitely cared for you. He was protective over you. He thought you were beautiful and he did want to have you in his life. But he didn’t know exactly what to do. He’s not the romantic type. 
At night you came back to the tent quite late. You saw a shirtless Sandor having a hard time with his stitches.
“Do you need some help?” You asked walking to him
“Fucking stitches.” He complained.
“These ‘fucking stitches’ are what kept you alive.” You started removing the stitches from the cuts near his ribs. You brought your little stool to sit in between his legs and have your eyes on the level of his chest as he sat down.
“I heard you did a lot for me when I was unconscious.” He mumbled.
“You’re a big man, you had big open wounds. Most of it would be fixed more quickly with fire
” You finished on his rib stitches and stood up to check the older ones on his neck. You were now standing just a few inches taller than him sitting. “But I couldn’t use it on you
 “ He looked up at you, surprised that you would respect his wishes like that. “So I had to find a lot of natural healers for you.” You started to touch his neck to remove his stitches. You felt how he was warm, your cold hands made him jump at the touch.
“There, no more stitches.” You finished and took one step back to leave.
“Wait.” He mumbled as he stood up from the bed. He put one arm on your back pulling you closer to him. You froze. He took his other hand to your face, guiding you to look up at him. He leaned down and kissed you softly, almost as if analyzing what your reaction would be. 
You pushed him away. He looked at you trying to hide his disappointment.
“Sit on the bed, you’re too tall.” You smiled as you pushed him onto the bed. He sat there and pulled you in. One of his hands went to your lower back and the other on the back of your neck, pulling lightly on your hairs. Your lips touched and finally both of you were on the same page. He had so much desire for you. You devoured each other and his hand quickly slid down to grab your ass. Your hands rested on his neck and on his thigh. You started rubbing your hand on his crotch and feeling his cock getting hard made you remember how he didn’t fuck you the first time you asked him to back in Kings Landing. 
“Wait.” You broke the kiss, but he kept kissing and licking your neck. You were already wet, now you were melting as a whole. “I want to wait for your leg to heal
“Fuck healing.” He mumbled as his lips were on the way to your breasts.
“I’m serious. You’re not ready.” You pulled his face up to look at him. 
“You have no idea how fucking ready I am.” That statement made you blush. You touched the scars on his face and kissed him again.
“Soon.” You whispered into his lips and took a step back from him. 
He kept his eyes on you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you back closer to him.
“Take off your pants.” His face was serious.
“Sandor, your leg
” You tried.
“Take it off.” He demanded. 
You did as he said. Your shirt still covered most of your body. He sat on the bed and pulled you to sit on his chest while he laid down. Your cunt was dripping, even pulsating with expectation. He grabbed your ass and pulled your hips towards his face. You placed your needs between his head and suddenly fell his tongue on your cunt. 
You cried out in pleasure. You looked down to see his lips engulfing your lips and the warmth of his mouth and flick of his tongue made you lose strength in your legs. You ended up leaning back on his torso. He stretched his arm inside of your shirt to feel your breasts. The wet sounds his mouth made while eating you out were loud and sloppy. He touched your hard nipples only sending more shivers down your body. 
His other hand held tightly on your ass so you wouldn’t fall off his bed. You felt a sensation building and everything got more intense, your hips started moving and your moans got louder. You were riding his face, feeling his tongue and lips all over your cunt. 
Finally one last cry and you were taken by an intense, and light sensation. Your hips stopped and you laid down in the tiny space next to him. You were still finding it hard to breathe. You looked at him to find that he already had his eyes on you. He was admiring how your cheeks and lips were red. You just looked at each other for a while. You noticed how his beard was wet from your fluids. 
“Oh gods!” You quickly grabbed a cloth to clean his face. He smiled. You wanted to touch him. You tried to feel his cock, but he stopped you.
“Don’t worry about it. There’s enough time.” He wanted to discover your body and he wanted you to discover his, but at the right time. You nodded and sat next to him. You didn’t really know what to say.
“You should sleep. For healing” You told him before you went to your bed.
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 8
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Fluff | Angst
Word Count: 1449
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You made your way back to camp. No one was there. The fire had gone out but the logs were still hot. ‘Where did they go’ you remembered you still had that cloth Sandor gave you. When he cleaned blood from your face. You knew why you kept it, but you didn’t want to think about it. You gave the cloth to Desert and Rain to smell, they were the best trackers.
“Find.” You commanded. They immediately started following the smell. You followed them they kept going downhill. For some reason that gave you a bad feeling. Suddenly you spotted something, your dogs ran for it. Barking and looking back at you. It was The Hound, bloody, hurt and left to die by the rocks.
You ran to him. As you got closer you saw how bad it was.
“Gods! What happened to you?! Where’s Arya?!” You were desperate. All the little safety and stability that you had before was gone.
“Someone tried to take her...” His breathing was hard.
“She left me to die. Now you can finish the job with that dagger of yours.” You looked at his wounds, his leg was so bad the bone was sticking out, his chest had many cuts. You were watching him die.
“Don’t die Clegane.” You wiped the blood off his face with the cloth you kept.
“Wake up girl! You think your little ointment is going to save me now?!” He coughed as the effort to yell was too much.
“Forest, River! Get help!” You ordered your dogs. They were trained to seek for individuals and bring them over to you for assistance.
“It’s too late for help.” He grabbed your dagger from your waist holder and handed to you.
“Do it. Do it!” You only stared at him. You couldn’t.
You placed your hand on his chest trying to feel where his heart is. He put his hand on top of yours and held it tightly so you could feel his heartbeat. You remembered how only some months earlier you were lying on his chest listening to the same heart.
You leaned down. Putting your lips on his. You regretted not doing it earlier. Leaned back and looked him in the eyes. He didn’t have any hate in his eyes anymore. Just acceptance a hint of regret.
“Goodbye, Sandor Clegane.” You whispered to him. You took the dagger from him. Holding it tightly. Your hand was shaking so you had to hold it with both hands. As you raised the dagger you heard barking towards you. 
"They found help." You whispered. As you looked back you saw your dogs bringing you a grey-haired man.
"Over here!" You stood up and waved. The man came closer. He looked at Clegane and back to you.
"I think he's already gone dear." You looked back at the bloody man on the floor. He didn't seem to be breathing. Your dogs started sniffing him, almost as if trying to find the leftover life on him. Luckily you heard a cough.
"Gods! He's still with us! Come on dear help me take him to my cart." You nodded and took some of the strings of his armor. Took the strings through under and out of his armor making it easier to drag him. The dogs helped pull him into the man's cart.
"My name's Ray, I'm the Elder Brother of a free community not far from here. You are welcome to join us." The man seemed kind. You had no option but to trust him at this point, though having four big and well trained dogs already gave you a good sense of security.
His group was hard working, it was a free society that worked together in the name of the seven gods. To be honest you couldn’t care less about any god. But Ray gave you shelter and food. He provided you with a private tent to take care of your friend.
In the morning you used to tend to Sandor’s wounds. You got a wet cloth and placed over his forehead to keep his body temperature controlled. You worried mostly about his leg. You kept pressure on it and the bone seemed to be going back to place. He stayed unconscious for days. You thought maybe he wouldn’t wake up anymore. That he would live forever on that bed.
In the afternoons you went out to gather some herbs and roots with your dogs. You enjoyed your days out. Bathing in the river, making natural medicines and hunting with your dogs before sunset. It was like you were leaving a dream. There was just one thing missing. One person specifically.
At night you used to sit by his bed holding his hand and talking to him. Sometimes reading a book, or just caressing his face and saying he will get better.
One day after coming back from hunting with your dogs, Ray called you.
“He’s awake!” You thought he was joking, but you ran inside. And there he was. Complaining about the soup the women had made for the supper.
“Take this shit soup out of here!” His voice made you smile.
“Of course that’s the first thing you would say after being unconscious for days.” You smiled.
“Maybe if she soup wasn’t so bad I would’ve been better sooner.” He looked at you seriously and then smiled lightly.
He was surprised by your dogs jumping next to him to smell him now a hundred percent alive.
“Down!” You said and the dogs immediately stopped and settled.
“Ah so you got your dogs.” He tried to sit up.
“They saved your life you know.” You brought a stool to sit next to him.
“I remember when they found me.” He said quietly.
“What else do you remember?” You asked a bit embarrassed that you kissed him.
“I remember you wiped some blood off my face
 I remember you thought you could save me with your little ointment.” The sarcastic tone of The Hound was back.
“I remember I had to you where my heart was. Even if you already knew it.” He got more quiet and serious.
“I remember
” He started to doubt if you actually kissed him of if it was just an illusion of his dying mind.
“That’s all I remember.” He finished.
“Then your mind has been out for a while now.” You were surprised that he didn’t remember the kiss. Maybe he just didn’t care about it.
“Why did you help me?” He asked before you could leave the tent.
“What do you mean?”
“Why didn’t you just let me die?”
“I had already lost my family, my friends, my dogs, my house!” You got a bit carried away with your anger. You calmed down and continued quietly. “I didn’t want to lose you too.” He looked at you. He just nodded. You left the tent. Needing some air. You knew he was going to be walking well soon. The last couple of weeks were great. You didn’t have to make any hard decisions. Now with him awake, you would need to figure out if he leaves what you’re going to do.
You went outside to get some fresh air and clear your head. When you got back you automatically went to his bed as you forgot that now he was awake.
"Sorry, I'm used to cleaning your wounds for the night..." He nodded, consenting to it. You grabbed a stool to sit beside his bed and started undoing the tourniquet on his thigh. You used a clean cloth to wipe the area, he tried to hold in a few grunts from the pain he felt.
"Your bone seems to be back in the right place, you will need to not put weight on this leg for a couple more weeks." You explained as you moved to clean up the stitches and scars on his torso. You pulled up his shirt revealing his strong chest and abdomen partially covered in hair. You avoided his gaze as you tried not to blush. It was definitely easier to do this when he was unconscious.
"You learned this from those books?" He quietly asked.
"Well, yes and no. I did read about how to treat and take care of wounds and diseases, just not on humans." You smiled shyly as you leaned over his chest to finish cleaning the dry blood off his wounds.
"Good thing my patient is The Hound." You said smiling avoiding his gaze once more. He let out a small chuckle. He couldn't deny his feelings for you anymore after seeing you take care of him. He just didn't know how to act on them.
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 7
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Fluff | Death
Word Count: 1003
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In the morning the three of you went on your way. For some reason the mood was light and you were full of hope. Even if you had to see your step mother, bringing Arya with you would give you some credit and maybe you could have some say in how your future would go.
You could see from afar something had happened with a farmer, his lot was burned, broken and sacked, and the criminals left him dying sitting by a rock. Arya and Sandor approached him while you stayed on your horse. The man explained what happened. Sandor gave the man some water and ended his suffering.
“That’s where the heart is.” He showed it to Arya.
As he walked back a man jumped from behind him and bit his neck. That man was quickly killed, but the damage was done. Another one approached
“You’re The Hound! There’s a fat bounty on your head.”
“And you think you’re gonna collect it?” He knew that man didn’t stand a chance.
“That’s the man that said he would fuck me bloody if he saw me again.” Arya said taking out her sword.
A few seconds later he was dead. Arya has come a long way, you thought to yourself.
As you made camp now close the hills of the Eyrie, you could see how he was struggling with the wound on his neck.
“You have to do something about it or it’s gonna get infected.” Arya started.
“No fire.” He said quietly. She continued to grab a piece of burning log and walk towards him.
“It’s gonna be quick I pro—“
“No fire!” He yelled.
“At least let me clean and sew it.” You tried to convince him. He nodded while still looking away from you both.
You grabbed a little bag that you carried on your horse and walked back to him. You put some of his hair away and started by cleaning his neck with alcohol. Your bodies standing close to each other while you took care of him gave you a calming sensation. He felt the same, he had a strong wish to hold you, but he would never make the first move.
“You said your brother gave you that sword? My brother gave me this!” He looked at Arya as he pointed to the right side of his face. You started carefully using the needle to close the wound while listening to the story of how his brother burned him for playing with one of his toys. You finished stitching him up and put on an ointment to help with the healing.
“The worst part is was my brother who did it.” He commented.
“Your brother is a monster
” You mumbled quietly thinking he wouldn’t hear you. He looked up at you realizing you just showed him your empathy.
“It’s all done, you should feel better now. I stitched it and added this natural ointment I made a while ago. It’s good for helping the skin heal, from cuts, scratches, burns
” He looked up at you.
He didn’t thank you. He was not very verbally expressive, but you could tell a lot from his actions and body language.
You finally could spot the Eyrie from where you were and you made. You walked down the path to the Bloody Gate and both Arya and Sandor seemed to be talking like long-time friends. It was interesting to see how their relationship developed, but yours seemed like it stayed the same somehow.
“Who would pass the Bloody Gate?” The guard announced
“The Bloody Hound, Sandor Clegane and his
 travel companions, Lady Arya Stark, niece of Lady Arryn and Lady Sabrina Arryn, daughter of the deceased Lord Jon Arryn.” He responded.
“Then I would like to offer my condolences, Lady Arryn and her son Robin died... three days ago.” The guard explained. There was silence for a few seconds.
“If what you say is true then I am the new Lady Arryn.” You stepped forward.
“Unfortunately my Lady, there’s someone else in charge of The Eyrie.” The guard seemed to also not like that situation.
“And who might that be?” You were confused.
“Lord Baelish.” The guard responded.
There was a dry silence that later was filled with Aryas laugh. Laughing at her own misery. You were taken with anger pulled out your dagger and stepped towards the guard only to have Sandor holding back.
“It’s not worth it.” He looked at you. You knew he was right, but the frustration was just too high.
“Listen, take Arya back to camp and wait for me there, I need to go get my dogs. I’ll meet you there by nightfall.” You told him and left.
Luckily most animals were kept on the sides of the bloody gate, since it was the flatter land. You watched as the two of them walked back. You quietly made your way to the stables and found four of your dogs near the horses.
“What happened to the rest of the dogs?” You asked a passing stable boy.
“Lady Arryn got rid of them a long time ago. They scared Lord Robin.”
“What did she do to them?” You knew, but you needed to confirm it.
“She fed them milk of the poppy. They never woke up again. These ones didn’t eat it, we kept them here because they keep the rats away.”
You thanked the gods that you had started herb training with the four them before you left. They understood they shouldn’t eat that and it saved them.
Once you opened the stable doors they ran to you. Jumping, happy crying, tail wagging and licking your face. You missed your kids. You tested to see if they still knew their commands, and they were perfect. They were the smarter ones who were chosen to start a harder training that saved their life. Two boys Desert and Forest, and two girls, Rain and River. You regretted not training the others. But at least you were together now.
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 6
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Fluff | Death
Word Count: 1051
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There were many thunders throughout the night. You hated them. The sudden flash followed by a loud noise you didn’t know when would come. One thunderous one made you jump. You decided to sit on the bed and hold a pillow for comfort.
“Scared of a little thunder?” His voice was even deeper and more raspy than usual.
“If it was little I wouldn’t be scared of it.”
“You’re not gonna sleep? If you keep moving around like that I can’t fucking sleep either.” He asked
“I can’t...” You were obviously tired, but storms weren’t your favorite sleep sound.
He grunted, annoyed that he was wasting his sleep. He grabbed the pillow you were holding and stuffed it inside his armor. He added the shoulder pieces and gave them back to you.
“Here.” He didn’t really wait for your reaction, he just turned around and went back to sleep. You hugged that pillow and laid down back on the bed. Somehow a eucalyptus smell of the armor was still there, maybe because of the forest, but you felt safe. It reminded you of when he carried you back to your bedroom after that horror session with his brother. You relaxed and were finally able to fall asleep again.
In the morning your pillow felt bigger, warmer, cozier and hairier. You spread your fingers on the pillow, grabbing the fabric and bringing it closer to you. You moved your head a little and realized you felt something. A relaxing sound. Rhythmic and calm, and it was
“Breakfast will be ready soon!” You heard the grandma knocking and yelling from outside the door.
You opened your eyes. You noticed your pillow on the floor. ‘Shit’, you were lying on his chest.
“Fucking Hells!” You jumped away from him. He wasn’t bothered, he wasn’t touching you since his hands were resting behind his head. You didn’t know if it was because he didn’t want to hold you or just out of respect if that’s even possible.
He didn’t say anything, just stood up and started getting ready for breakfast. A man’s gotta eat, especially a man that size. He left first, giving you some privacy to get dressed properly.
You put on your clothes and ran down the stairs. Arya and Sandor were already eating. You joined them and finished your breakfast.
After paying the grandma and thanking her for the hospitality, you headed out to the last part of the trip.
You could see Arya was nervous as you approached the Twins. Suddenly a hog farmer appeared on the road. For some reason, The Hound’s plan was to simply kill the man and take his cart.
“Are you always this obtuse?” You stood in front of him avoiding that he would kill the man who laid unconscious on the ground.
“She called you stupid.” Arya added.
“I know what it means.” He growled.
You all decided to take the cart and leave the man. The Hound was already eating half of the cart's load in pork. He offered some to you both, but you just wanted to get there as quickly as possible.
“It’s not going anywhere” He said to her.
“What?” She turned confused.
“You keep looking at it every five minutes. The closer get the more scared you are-“
“Let her be. She’s been waiting for this moment.” You cut him off.
“Aye, that’s why she’s scared.” He said while shoving some more pork in his mouth.
“I’m not scared, I’m looking forward to finally getting rid of you.” She said sharply.
As the night was falling you made your way to the entrance of The Twins.
“Something’s not right” You mumbled.
“What?” He asked
“I don’t know, just my intuition.”
As he talked to the man trying to convince him to let the cart inside for the feast, you and Arya sneaked out of the cart walked around looking for a way in. After hiding from some soldiers behind barrels and boxes you saw men killing her brother’s wolf.
“Arya, we need to go.” You look beside you and she wasn’t there anymore. You tried to find her as some men approached you saying some disgusting words. They wanted to ‘celebrate’ they said. Two of them grabbed you behind the barrels and tried to force themselves. You grabbed your dagger and was able to easily slice one’s throat and hit the other on the chest.
You felt a hand on your shoulder. Sandor had already taken Arya on his horse and he called you to run to yours. You nodded and ran. You saw many things in your life, but what they did to that wolf’s head was too much.
That night Arya added one more name to her list. She kept The Hound too, for his surprise. From a child’s perspective you could see why she hated him. But as a young woman you started to understand why some things he did were necessary.
That night was hard to fall asleep. But when you finally did you dreamed about your dogs. How nice it was to be home, and with the animals who loved you unconditionally.
You woke up with the sound of footsteps and grabbed your dagger. You loosened your grip when you saw it was just Sandor bringing some more firewood for the night.
“We’re going to the Eyrie when the sun comes up. You should sleep.” You said quietly. “I’ll make sure they award you well
 with whatever you need to be on your way.” You rested your head on your side, facing him. He looked back at you.
“It was your first time killing today.” He said.
“Any man who tries to lay a hand on me again shall have the same fate. If they need to die for me to be safe, so be it.” You thought he was going to say something, he also thought maybe he should say something, knowing what you’ve been through with his brother.
He nodded and got down to sleep. He didn’t know what he wanted anymore, he spend his whole life knowing that he hated his brother and had a wish to kill him, but he also knew that living in freedom and protecting you was something he was getting used to, and even fond of.
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 5
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Sexual Tension | Fluff
Word count: 1444
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You did actually quite well by yourself. You traveled a lot during the night and found Inn's and taverns to rest in the morning when most troublemakers had already left.
One morning as you were eating breakfast preparing yourself to head out some men came in with a familiar face. Arya Stark.
"Arya!" You ran to meet her.
"Sabrina? I thought you were still in King's Landing."
"And I thought you were dead!" She took her time to explain what had happened to her. Two men approached you explaining what their group called 'The Brotherhood' was going to take her in exchange for gold. Arya seemed healthy and the men seemed honest to what they were saying. You decided to join them on the journey to the north.
Suddenly more men came inside
“Look what we found!” They brought a big man with a cloth covering his face. You knew who it was before they showed his face. Arya took your arm trying to lead you outside.
"You found the Stark bitch!" He said he saw her first as she was trying to pass by him.
"Don't you call her that!"
"Sabrina Arryn, finally left the Red Keep." He looked nothing like he did before. All of the respectful and manners were gone. You realized now maybe a lot of the moments you had read as ‘kindness’ were probably just the fact that he was respecting your title.
The brotherhood took him to the cave or whatever weird nomadic place they were sleeping at. They accused him of many crimes that you haven't heard of, and it did shock you that he didn’t care much if they believed him or not. It was like you could finally see who The Hound was.
"You killed my friend!" Arya yelled.
"They were orders from the king." He replied. The men made him fight against their leader, Beric, as a trial. You had never seen a magical flaming sword, but Beric used it well. It was obvious that The Hound was scared, but still he was able to win, and go free.
You talked to Arya for the rest of the night, she explained how she started to hate The Hound and most of the people in King's Landing. You agreed that most were awful and you were sad that she had to go through all that by herself.
Camping in the woods with a bunch of fire worshippers wasn’t the ideal but, you felt the freedom of being away from all the royal court rules. You borrowed some clothes, pants, a shirt, and thick chest piece armor. You kept your dress in a bag on your horse. For protection you didn’t care much about swords because it was heavy and hard to maneuver, but small knives worked better in your opinion since most men want to come close and grab women anyway.
After being on the road for some time your group met a red witch that took Arya's friend. She wasn't so happy about that and quickly talked to you about a plan to run away. Some time later you took a horse and made a signal for her to run. She ran to the woods, you ran after her, but instead of finding her alone, you met him once again.
"Let her go Clegane!" You didn't hesitate to pull your dagger out
"You think that little thing is gonna do me any damage now?" He scoffed. "I'm taking her to her brother to collect some coins. You can fuck off!" He never spoke to you like that. Of course he couldn't, he's not even a knight, so he wouldn't act like that in the Red Keep.
"Asshole!" You weren't going to leave Arya alone with him.
He took her on his horse and you followed behind them.
"You should be thankful it's me who caught you, there are far worse men than me out there." He explained trying to make it a more peaceful ride. Arya didn't trust him and neither did you.
That night you and Arya slept together on one side of the fire while The Hound slept on the other side. You woke up to Arya grabbing a rock and lifting up to the big man's face.
"Do it." He said it with his eyes still closed "I'll give you one chance."
“It’s not worth it. Better to let him take us to your brother first, then we can get rid of him” Arya put the rock down. The Hound was a little shocked with what you just said, he didn’t think you could be this cold.
After riding the whole day you noticed a storm was forming and luckily you had spotted a small cottage down the road.
"Maybe we can rest there for the night." You signaled ahead
"I got no coins" He turned his horse around.
"I have it." You said going ahead with your horse.
A very old grandma opened the door. The three of you were taken by surprise.
"Hello, we are seeking a room to spend the night. It's just me, my father and his new wife." Arya explained as you tried to smile and nod to that idea.
"Oh yes, come in! The room upstairs is a little small, but the couple will be fine in there. The little one can stay in the room downstairs."
"We would prefer to stay toge-" You tried to explain
"Nonsense! A married couple should sleep together, alone and unbothered! You already have a daughter. I'm sure you can't wait for a son!" Arya looked at you, but the woman was already taking your hand to show you to the room. It was a small room, there was a fireplace, a bed, and a small table with a mirror and chair.
"Enjoy your evening." She closed the door as you and The Hound stood there awkwardly.
He sighed and started to remove his armor. He was left only in his undershirt and slacks. He pulled the covers and laid on the bed. You kept trying to find a comfortable way to undress. You turned your back to him, lowered your pants, and removed your chest armor. The shirt from underneath was long enough to reach your thighs. So you felt decent enough considering he had seen you in less clothing before.
You didn't know, but he had his eyes on you the whole time. You went around the bed towards the small table, opened the drawer and found a hair brush. You brushed your hair in front of the mirror and many times would catch him staring.
"What are you looking at?" You turned around, but he just looked away.
"Put more wood in the fire." He demanded.
"I preferred the way you talked to me in the palace." You mumbled as you grabbed some wood from the side of the fireplace. He slightly pressed his lips together knowing that he didn’t have to be this harsh with you.
“We’re not in the palace anymore, are we?” He just couldn’t help it. You made him too frustrated, sexually and emotionally.
As you stood there in front of the light of the fire, your dress became see through and your entire silhouette was visible.
"That's enough wood." His tone was still serious, but more relaxed, not tense like it was before. You made your way back to the bed and laid next to this man who you had mixed feelings about. It was strange to share a bed. Awkward and full of tension.
"I just want to clarify... That day was a mistake. I thought I would die, got completely drunk and lonely and-"
"Horny." He added. You froze for a second.
"Yes, that too... I would never do something like that again, call a strange man to my chambers?! What a horrible idea." You tried to clear the air between you two.
"I'm the fucking strange man?" He laughed.
"You always were, I just thought I knew you when I didn't." You looked at him, meeting his eyes that were previously on you. You were frustrated, you felt like a silly little girl who starts having feelings for the first man she gets attention from.
"Aye, you don't fucking know me. But I didn't deflower you like you begged me to." He grunted and turned away.
He was right. You were angry and blamed him for not taking advantage of you. That's why you couldn't decide what your opinion was about him. You wanted him to want you, but you knew if he had laid with you in bed that day, you would be disappointed as well.
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 4 (+18)
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Nudity | Sexual Tension
Word Count: 905
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You were happy that he seemed to have taken a liking for you. The next few days weren't easy. You watched him fight for the King's name day, and you saw how he also cared about Sansa, whenever he spoke up to help her, or gave his cape to cover her when Joffrey was humiliating her in public. It was obvious that he had a sense of justice and kindness inside of him.
Not long later you realize you should've listened to him and left. Not long after Ned's execution you heard that Lord Stannis would come. You thought it would be smarter to flee, but at the same time your family had a good relationship with the Baratheons before, if he took over King's Landing maybe you could find a chance to marry again.
Once you made your choice to stay in your chambers, you heard the Queen and the rest of the women and children were taken to the safehouse, underground. You were scared. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to stay.
You took the bottles of wine you kept hidden under your bed. Maybe some alcohol would help you relax and think more clearly, you thought. Well you were wrong. The only thing you could think of is that death was certain tonight and you didn't want to die a virgin.
You had tried almost everything before you came to King's Landing, you had drank already with some of your maids in The Vale, you had tried different herbs and mushrooms in your trip to Dorne, you swam in the sea and river, you knew the desert and the forest, but you never felt the touch of a man on your body. At least not with consent.
You went outside and found one of the servants, you ordered them to bring The Hound to you.
While you waited you let your hair down and sprayed aphrodisiac perfume on. You got rid of your heavy dress and put on a light silk robe which you barely closed. Moments later you heard knocking.
"Come in" You said while standing by the fireplace with your back turned to the door.
"You should be with the rest of the women." He clearly wasn't in a good mood.
"Then I wouldn't be able to be alone with you." You turned around to reveal your barely covered body. Your long hair was slightly covering your nipples, part of your crotch was visible and your tired eyes, blushed cheeks and plumped lips only made you more irresistible. Sandor had to take a few seconds to compose himself.
"Are you drunk?" He tried to avoid looking at your body.
"Yes..." You walked towards him slowly, trying to not lose balance. He seemed annoyed. He was fighting the urge to not grab you. He knew what you wanted, but something inside of him knew this was not the time.
"Stop." He grunted.
"Sandor," You touched his chest and closed the distance between your bodies. "I don't want to die a virgin, you're the only man I trust to do this. Please..."
He was hard. Feeling your body against his made him want to just get rid of his thick armor and fuck you right then and there. But he knew you weren't in your right mind.
You brushed your hand on his face. He grabbed your wrist before you could touch his scars. He pushed you to the bed. You fell sitting down and got rid of the rest of your robe. You leaned back supporting your weight with your elbows and stared at him.
He looked at you. Enjoying every detail of your naked body. He took his hand and touched his beard.
"Seven Hells." He grunted and walked out slamming the door.
You were left in shock. You felt like a whore. Rejected by the only man you wanted. The shock sobered you up. You decided to leave right then and there. You got dressed and went down to the stables. There were only two horses, you decided to mount one and bring the other as well. Maybe you could exchange it for money later on your way to The Vale.
Sandor went down to the tavern. He needed a drink after what he just experienced. He thought he made the right choice, but his body was saying otherwise. He didn't want to go to war. He didn't want to spend his last moments with a bunch of drunk men and cheap whores. He wanted to be in that room, touching your body.
All the men were soon called. Sandor accompanied the King and Lord Tyrion. Once the war started, all those explosions, all those fires so close to him. Fire was something that he still had trauma with. He kept killing men, but as soon as he saw the number of men burning alive he decided it wasn't worth it. "Fuck the King"
He left and went to look for you. He was bloody, sweaty, tired and scared. He went to your room. He wanted to leave and he was going to take you with him. When he realized you had left he regretted not lying with you. He knew he was fucked after leaving the king in those conditions. He found Sansa and offered to take her north, it would be a good excuse to go to The Vale. Since she refused, he left on his own.
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 3
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Death | Fluff
Word count: 1297
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The maids woke you up the next morning, they announced some of the Starks had arrived and there would be a joust to celebrate. The maids pampered you up, doing your hair, putting you in a tight dress that made your breasts perk up, and finally added some jewelry. You knew this meant something. Maybe the king had finally chosen a Lord for you to wed.
As you made your way into the event place, you spotted Sandor standing by the king, he introduced you to Ned Stark who would be the new hand, and his daughters.
"Pleasure to meet you all." You bowed politely.
The king made you sit a few seats below him.
The event started. You realized The Mountain was the knight representing the king. "Seven hells." you whispered to yourself.
You saw him killing the first man he faced in seconds. Everyone applauded. The second contestant to appear was Loras Tyrell. A familiar face. You had been to Highgarden many times since they had great breeders and while there you stayed with the Tyrells. You knew about Loras preference for men and personally he was a good match, a man that would never hurt you for his desire.
He approached the lower section near you and handed you a rose
"My Lady" He smiled charmingly. You took the rose and looked back at Robert. He looked at you and nodded, signaling that Loras was his chosen one for you. You smiled at Robert and glanced at Sandor who was standing one step behind. He kept his serious expression while looking at you.
You turned back, to watch the knights and realized Loras was about to face The Mountain. Your future was depending on Loras surviving this. As the horses started to run towards each other Loras was able to hit The Mountain making him fall off his horse. As Loras started to celebrate with the audience, Ser Gregor slayed his horse and started a combat fight that Loras wasn't prepared for. You stood up, grabbing the rose tightly, not noticing how the thorns were already making your hands bleed. Suddenly someone stepped in.
The Hound yelled from behind you and ran down to face his brother and defend Loras. It was so intense, the king had to intervene. The Mountain stepped away and Loras came to Sandor lifting his arm and declaring him the winner. The people loved this moment. You on the other hand just wanted to leave.
After the event you found yourself wandering looking for Sandor. It was getting late and you decided to head to your chambers and look for him on the next day. Lucky for you he was walking towards your room.
"Ser Cle-" You cleared your throat correcting yourself "Clegane, I wanted to thank you..."
"No need for that." He interrupted. He didn't seem like he had anything more to say but he was still standing by your door.
"Are you going to be guarding my door through the night?" You asked.
"I'm waiting for you to go inside so I can leave" he responded. You opened your door and went inside.
"Thank you for today as well. If you didn't interrupt the fight maybe Loras would be dead, and I would have to find another suitor... You're very brave." You said to him before he left.
"A dog doesn't need bravery to chase rats" He grunted
"No, but it wasn't a rat this time was it?"
"It was. Only bigger." He left and you smiled as you closed the door.
No matter how much you tried, you couldn't sleep during the night. The thought that Sandor came to your room wouldn't leave your head. Was he going to say something? Did he just want to make sure you were safe in your room? Did he follow you without you noticing to make sure his brother wouldn't attack you? There were many possibilities, but overall they showed that he cared about you, even if it's just a little bit.
The next days that followed were rather full of tension. Robert left, and Ned started to question many things. The Lannisters were feeling attacked and you tried to not get involved in anything related to it. You actually didn't have much contact with the adult Lannisters other than some occasional greeting.
They didn't pay much attention to you either since you were neither an ally nor a threat. But for the younger ones Myrcella and Tommen you were like an older sister. You liked their company, they were kind and innocent.
Things got serious after King Robert died. Ned was imprisoned and Joffrey was made king. Maybe Joffrey never treated you too badly because of your beauty and the fact that you never really intervened on anything he did. You didn't bother him so he didn't bother you.
However, since Ned Stark became his prisoner you started to notice how badly he treated the young Sansa. She was maybe 5 years younger than you although she was already much taller than you.
The day before Joffrey's name day as you walked in the garden enjoying the sunset, Sandor approached you.
"You should leave."
"Is it going to rain?" You didn't understand what he meant.
"Leave King's Landing. Things are not gonna get any better around here." He stepped close to you making sure no one else would listen.
"I know I should. But this is the only place where I can try to find a good suitor. If I go back to The Vale, Lysa will just wed me off to the first toothless old Lord that appears. She wants to get rid of me." You laughed to hide your sadness.
"You said you would marry that flower Lord." He turned to look at you.
"There was no proposal yet. The deal was made with Robert, I don't know what's going to happen. Loras didn't send for me
 Though honestly I wouldn't want to lay with any men this soon." You stepped closer to the edge of the cliff, only a low wall of stone separated you from an imminent fall. Sandor took your arm softly pulling you away from the edge.
"Any man who marries you will want to have babes soon."
"Not Lord Tyrell." You took a flower in your hand and smiled softly. You leaned your back against the wall thinking that your plan was brilliant.
"He's a man. You're a pretty thing to look at, what do you think will happen?" He scoffed. You made a mental note that Sandor thinks you're pretty. You smiled more and leaned closer to him, he was surprised and quickly looked around to make sure no one was looking.
"Nothing will happen. Lord Tyrell prefers the company of men." You stepped back. "He wouldn't lay a finger on me, he wouldn't disrespect me or hurt me" You said quietly. He took a deep breath knowing that it was his own blood that tried to hurt you.
"Aye, but people would know something is wrong when the babes don't come." He said as you both started to walk back inside.
"I heard Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen had this kind of arrangement in her first marriage. Both were free to love who they pleased. Apparently she had three boys with her personal guard, Ser Harwin." You looked up at him, knowing that the idea would cross his mind for a second. But he truly didn't believe you would ever choose to be with someone like him.
"Sounds like a bunch of lies." He mumbled.
"Lies or not, it would be a perfect situation for me. Now I don't know where my luck lies." You sighed as you approached your chambers. "Thank you for accompanying me to my room." He nodded and left.
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 2 (+18)
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: SA | Family death | Fluff
Word Count: 1233
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As your days passed you mostly read books about nature, biology, and adventures. you hated being stuck in that place knowing that your father would soon make you wed some lord just out of political interests. You saw Clegane almost every day since your father made sure you made your presence known to the king and his visitors. He didn't really like acknowledging you, but you didn't care and always looked at him whenever something ridiculous happened and you knew he wouldn't be able to fully hide his emotions.
One day while you were reading in the gardens, he came to you.
"The king requests your presence at once." He stood there waiting for you to accompany him.
"What is the matter?" You were confused since the king never addressed you without your father around.
"Your father..." He tried to sound less harsh than usual.
You followed him to your fathers chambers, where the king and your step mother gathered around the bed. Your father laid there, lifeless. You ran to him, as tears started running down your eyes. You held his face, it felt so cold.
"I will be leaving for The Eyrie with Robin in the morrow." Lysa announced.
"You won't be staying for the funeral?" The king asked.
"No, Robin wants to go home, he is very fragile at the moment." You rolled your eyes. Robin had no fault that his mother babied him so much, almost in a sick way, but you still felt complete detachment from your half brother.
"Don't worry Sabrina, you will stay here. I promised your father I would help you find a good man to wed you off" The king thought he was doing a great favor. In reality you didn't want to stay, but you didn't want to be with Lysa and Robin either.
You wanted to go back to taking care of your dogs. Walking on the hills of the Vale with your pack of loyal pups. Laying on the grass fields reading a book while they played and ran around. It was freedom. That's what you were missing.
"Thank you, your grace."
"I will however leave for Winterfell soon, would you care to join us?" You considered going, but since most of the king's family would be leaving, you thought staying there would be a better way to heal.
"I appreciate the invitation though I think it is better to stay, your grace." You thanked him thinking you would enjoy your days of freedom in the castle.
The king left a couple days later in the beginning everything was fine, but then you realized the King left the wrong Clegane to look after you. The Mountain was not like Sandor. He did not have boundaries or ideals. It was just brute force and cruelty. One night as you were walking into the library Ser Gregor followed you. He didn't say anything, he got closer and you knew something bad was about to happen.
"Ser Gregor what-" You were interrupted by his hands grabbing your neck and pushing your back to the wall. You tried to scream, but you couldn't breathe. You were able to scratch his eye with your nails and he backed up. You gasped for air and tried to run, but he grabbed your wrist and slapped your face so hard your bottom lip started bleeding. He wanked you toward the table and as you were struggling to get out he was pulling up your dress trying to get access to your ass. You screamed for help, but heard the horns meaning that the king was back.
"No one is gonna hear you now My Lady." He was right. With the King arriving everyone would go back to their working stations or to the front of the Red Keep. You started to cry as you heard him unbuckling his pants.
"You might want to consider joining the other knights at the main room to welcome your king Ser". Lord Varys stood at the door. Gregor let go of you and walked away angrily. Varys approached you.
"Are you alright my dear?" He helped you stand up.
"N- No..." Your legs were shaking. "Should we inform the king, my lord?" Varys sighed.
"Lady Sabrina, unfortunately it is more likely that the king sends you away. After all, you're only here as a favor to your deceased father." He was right. You knew the king did not want to deal with extra tasks especially related to someone who is not really important to the court now. It is obvious that Ser Gregor wouldn't try this with anyone with an important title, but right now your title was almost meaningless.
"Go on My lady, if you would like I will send a maester to check on you." You thanked him and walked to your chambers, as you got to the door you noticed you didn't bring the book you wanted from the library. You made your way back to the library trying to keep your legs from giving in. You went inside swiftly, grabbed your book and on your way out a huge man appeared. Your legs give in, you drop the book, fall to your knees and start hyperventilating.
"P-Please Ser Gregor d-don't." You begged quietly.
"What are you talking about girl?" The familiar grumpy voice made you look up. Sandor kneeled down to grab your book and noticed the bruises on your lip, and then on your wrists and neck. He took out a little cloth and cleaned the blood off your lip. You could barely look at him. You felt so humiliated. He helped you up and you suddenly noticed that your dress was ripped, more loose, falling off your left shoulder and almost exposing your breast.
"My brother did this to you?" he asked. You nodded and as you looked at him your tears rolled down. Your legs started shaking again and you felt like you were about to fall. Sandor gently placed your arm over his shoulder and grabbed your legs to carry you. You took the opportunity to hug his shoulders and bury your face on his neck, crying over the trauma you experienced just before.
"It's alright, you're alright now" His voice was soothing and you felt completely safe in his arms. It was actually a long way until your chambers, but it felt so short. All you wanted was for that man to hold you for the rest of the night, but clearly that was not an appropriate thing to ask of him.
He took you inside, sat you down on the bed and handed you the book. He didn't know exactly what to say. He grabbed the falling piece of dress and put it back up on your shoulder. You flinched when you felt his fingers brushing against your skin. The softness and warmth of your skin surprised him. He cleared his throat and left.
You heard him talking to some of the maids outside, soon later two maids and a maester appeared. The maids prepared a bath for you and helped you get out of your dress. The maester instructed you to drink a suspicious tea and take some milk of the poppy to sleep better. After your bath you chose to not drink the tea, but the few drops of milk of the poppy made you fall asleep very quickly.
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tiredtogepi · 1 month
A Lady & Her Hounds
Chapter 1
The Hound x Fem!Reader (Jon Arryn's daughter; Sabrina)
This chapter contains: Fluff | Brat
Word count: 1146
*this is my first GOT fan fiction. There are many chapters with mostly fluff, some angst, and mature content ;) I hope that someone will read it and enjoy it*
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Dogs have always fascinated you. The way they create bonds, love their humans, their loyalty, and friendliness. Being Jon Arryns daughter was not bad but, you felt left out most of the time since he married Lysa and their son was born. That's when the dogs came into your life. Some Lord from the north had offered puppies from his newest litter as a gift for your name day. Your father wasn't so happy about it, but he let you keep it so you could finally have some company. Initially, you had 3 dogs, but a few years later after contacting more breeders, you found yourself with a pack of 15 dogs.
You took your time to train them for protection during the conflict between the Mad King and Robert Baratheon. They obeyed you well, they looked out for you, but most of all they loved you, their loyalty was not questionable and they would give their life to save you. When the war was over your father was named hand of the king and you all moved to the Red Keep. You had begged your father to take at least some of your dogs but he wouldn't allow it. Luckily you were close enough to the working staff in The Eyrie to make sure they were well taken care of.
When you arrived at King’s Landing, King Robert made sure to have a feast in honor of the new hand and his family. He was a big man that had fought many battles and almost kept his intimidating factor intact, if it weren’t for the extra pounds he gained. What surprised you is that there were still knights protecting him.
During the feast the conversation around you was like some faded-out noise, but someone caught your attention. A tall man with a half-burned face and intense brown eyes. It was interesting to look at him, especially because of some slight facial expressions he made out of distaste for the conversations around, just like you.
"Ha! Lady Sabrina, I know about your interests in dogs but I didn't realize this one would interest you too!" Robert pointed at the man he was able to catch you staring at.
You blushed as that man at glanced at you.
"Pardon, your grace, I was lost in my thoughts." You gave a quick answer trying to avoid more embarrassment.
"No need for apologies. Sandor Clegane is a tough-looking man, our Hound!" The drunk king was getting more excited by the second. "Tell me Lady Sabrina, if we put your hounds and my hound in the arena against each other, which one would take the win?" He laughed and started choking on his own wine.
"I don't think any hound deserves to be put in that situation. I find it very distasteful, your grace." You stood up and bowed to the king while he laughed at your audacity.
"Are you leaving us already?" Robert inquired
"Yes, your grace. I am unwell, maybe I had too much wine." You were already slowly stepping away.
"Would you like to see the master?" your father asked, he always worried about your health, since your mother passed away from a terrible and silent disease, so any little symptom you had he would take it very seriously.
"No, thank you father, I will go get some books at the maester's library. If I need assistance I will call for it." You bowed lightly and as you turned your back the king spoke
"Clegane, accompany the lady to her chambers. She had a little much to drink and might need some help"
You rolled your eyes as you walked out and heard footsteps coming towards you. This is what you hated about this place. Too many people telling you what to do, keeping an eye on you, and always so many rules on what you can and can't do.
As you went to turn into the next hallway to the library Clegane stepped in front of you. You tried to go around him but he kept blocking your way.
"The king said to take you to your chambers." His tone was serious.
"Maybe you misheard it, but I need to get some books first." You tried to move away from him. He ignored you and kept blocking your way.
You tried to keep yourself composed since you had much anger and frustration stored inside you since coming to the king's landing. You took a big breath trying for the last time to be polite.
"I'm no Ser."
"Seven hells! Let me go get my fucking books!" Maybe it was the alcohol that gave you the courage to raise your voice and push him out of the way, even though he didn't move an inch.
Apparently, that was amusing enough for him to let you go while he subtly smirked. You finally reached the maesters' library. The Hound stood by the entrance. You took a book, then another, then as you went to get the third book you had an idea.
"Ahem!" You cleared your throat to get his attention. He looked at you as you repeatedly looked down at the heavy books on your arms and up at him.
He scoffed and took your books.
''Wait, there's more!" You said it innocently as he turned around and you decided to find 2 of the heaviest books on forestry and wildlife and put it on top of the pile he was already carrying. He grunted.
"We can go now!" You said innocently, knowing you were being a brat. Honestly alcohol didn’t give you the best ideas.
As you found yourself by your chamber door, Clegane leaned down to hand you the books. You stepped away, opening the door to your room.
"Could you place them inside on that little table?" This time you weren't trying to be inconvenient, but there was no way you could carry all that weight.
Clegane tried to hide his annoyance. He thought you were just another spoiled highborn like Joffrey or Cersei. He placed the books on the table aggressively. You tried to walk around the table to accompany him to the door, but you tripped on one of your book piles on the floor and fell with your face on the big man's chest. He didn't move, you put your hands on his chest to get back on your feet.
"Pardon me...I think I've had too much to drink." You mumbled. He looked down to stare at you making sure you didn't get hurt on his armor. You blushed and looked away as he started to leave.
"Why do they call you The Hound?" You asked as he was almost by the door. He stopped and didn't turn around.
"Why do you care?" He grunted.
"What should I call you then?"
"Don't call me." He replied as he walked away.
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