#one piece (but they're all minks)
princyvish · 2 months
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some sort of mink/furry kobylu idea I had and just had to doodle
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mirandyficlists · 4 months
Hi hi! I’d like to know what your Top 10 Holy Grail fics are? Like I’m talking about fics you would reccommend in a heart beat, fics that you feel are written extremely well that they feel like they should be published or something, fics that have really good pacing, right amount of fluff, angst, or smut. Or even ones that are just silly and fun. It would be cool to read some of your favs!
Hey Nonnie
First my standard answer to the top ten query...10!!! 10!!! You think i can narrow it down to 10!! LOLOLOL
Secondly, I'm flattered you want to know my preferences as a guide...but then that's what my spreadsheet is all about I guess. lol
Okay I did manage to keep myself to 30 fics and I will say I would live quite happily if the first 10 were all I was ever allowed to read for the ret of my life. Just saying. Heh
I've also included my reviews of each fic from my Spreadsheet of 2250+ Mirandy fics to explain my love for the fics.
If you want the fics that are no longer online just message me privately with your email and I'll send my zipped file of deleted Mirandy fics your way.
Happy Reading Nonnie
All the Breast
Top ten and why?
The Lady And Her Dragons by Bearblue https://archiveofourown.org/works/21738811/chapters/51860098
(WIP) OMG!!!!!!!!!!  So amazingly wonderful and magical and well just damned hot!  Full of myth and magic, Miranda and Cruella are real Dragons and Andy is their Lady. Magical machinations and battles ensue. The story is compelling and Bearblue controls the content of magical information absolutely beautifully, you're interest is captured, but you're not over whelmed with more information than what is required for the story she is telling.  Again it has to be said. OMG!!! I have now read this fic over 500 times…and I mean that! Have read it once a week and sometimes 2 or 3 times a week for more than a decade.
Truth and Measure by Telanu https://archiveofourown.org/works/779826/chapters/1468543
The downfall of my anti Mirandy life that dragged me kicking and cursing into the heart of the Mirandyverse. This is what I call a Simchat Torah story. Much like the holiday in which the last chapter of Torah is read and then the first chapter immediately afterward to start the cycle again. And that's just what I did with this one. Miranda discovers after the separation with Stephen that she is pregnant and as she copes with that Andy helps her and eventually Miranda proposes a mutually beneficial relationship...which Andy then proceeds to turn on its head almost immediately. Excellently written and adored the characterisations of both women.
It’s All Relative by Hawkbehere https://archiveofourown.org/works/5884348/chapters/13561771
OMFG!! This is an amazing story. Well written and excellently paced as well. Post Paris H/C piece where Miranda is shot and Andy runs to her side to help and care for her.. A very complex and interesting characterisation of both M and A. The hints at Sub/dom with true love and respect were pitched absolutely meltingly perfect And the passion of Miranda's need for Andy is mind blowing.
Small Favors Series  by Chillyflame https://archiveofourown.org/works/2793701/chapters/6270377
Andy wins a press award and sees Miranda. They talk and Andy acknowledges her feelings to herself. Andy sends a lily as a thank you. Hot first kiss in the conference room at the Mirror. The girls are very supportive as the relationship develops. INTERLUDE - Hot late night quickie in Miranda's office.  BEAUTIFUL THINGS - sees the development  of the relationship through some early rough spots. They're outed by Miranda's PR firm. Loved the twins with their pudding balloon bombs. HERE TO STAY - GOOD FORTUNE –
Fur No Thanks I’d Rather Go Naked by Writtensword (Deleted but I have the fic and can send it.)
Ooooooooooo so totally wonderful this story read it 3 times one after the other. Miranda is magically turned into a Mink and only Andrea can hear her speak and she takes care of her as they try to undo the spell. The characterisation of Mink Miranda is sooooooooooooooo terrific I want more Mink tales. heh  Lovely denoument when Miranda turns back to her human form.
Like Andrea Series by Ginstan https://archiveofourown.org/series/1940092
Ooooooooooooooo romance, mystery, intrigue and damn fine writing! Loved this fic! Andy is alerted to the fact that Miranda needs help when Runway does an edition where every single model looks like her. She comes to Miranda's rescue and their relationship develops super fast and super beautifully..  And beautiful mini FOL crossover! heheh I adore the characterisations of a vulnerable Miranda and a very soft butch Andy.
A Failure to Communicate by thelastgoodname https://archiveofourown.org/works/5300144
Miranda decides to Marry Andy and is busy dictating the plans to Andy just one problem... She hasn't actually asked Andy out on a date yet or anything else.  Cue a very confused Andy and a backpeddling Miranda. Ohhh my aching sides!!!! This is just soooooooooooo funny and sooooo well written.It's just brilliant!
Admiration by Punky_96 https://archiveofourown.org/works/14936337
Swooooooooooon!! Total romance and way HOT sex too! Miranda has a secret (not to us though) admirer who is leaving her daily gifts and notes. She becomes smitten and isn't quite sure until the big reveal.  Beautifully written and I loved it, but it ends rather abruptly.
The Brutal Truth by Redcharcoal (Removed as it was published…both are AWESOME! FF is available in the FB Mirandy Group and in my deleted fic file.)
Wonderfully well written piece. Miranda claims to only want the Brutal truth and ends up having a bet with Andrea that she can't get an exclusive interview with a famous designer and the stakes are one day of absolute honesty for Andrea and one week for Miranda. Andy outs Stephen as a predator and Miranda fires her...but then she gets the exclusive interview with the Deuchamps and they become her friends.
Miranda’s Runway series by Jehc https://archiveofourown.org/works/1242412/chapters/2552452
Oh the joy of a well written and well crafted characterisation piece.  Love this 4 years post Paris piece with Andy having a daughter she has actually named Miranda but who she calls Mandy who is somehting of an artistic prodigy. Andy has written a series of amazingly successful books on fashion but remains anonymous until she trades her privacy to foil Irvs latest almost successful coups against Miranda.  Things follow on from there, when little Mandy meets Randa and they fall for each other as hard as Miranda falls for Andrea.  Amazing fic.
The Fall and the Landing & 90 Days to Glory by Brithna/Ash_Mountain https://archiveofourown.org/works/481161
Warning: Character Death. My God almighty what a powerful piece of writing! This is not fanfiction, this is life, this is the most skillful playing of all that it is to be human, fragile, and to hold friendship and love as the reward for the pain and challenge that those prizes intrinsically bring with them. Have tissues ready, and be prepared to read with your heart and know that love is the force that truly connects all life.
On a Tractor by Bearblue https://archiveofourown.org/works/11696331/chapters/26333922
OMG! Absolutely brilliantly written long post Paris piece. Andy lends up inheriting a farm which she decides to run and she becomes quite the nature photographer as well. Miranda wants her farm for a photoshoot and goes out to visit and things take their natural course. Bear's writing is incredibly fluid and tinglingly evocative. Love the characterisation of Andy in this one. A Simchat Torah - immediate re-reader.
Break it Down With Joy by Winter156 https://archiveofourown.org/works/1394080
A drabble that is sheer perfection. A and M are friends, Andy has declared her love but Miranda has stated that they will never have a physical relationship, Andy stays anyway, suffering the pain of incompleteness, until that moment of decision. Excellently written, and soooo poignant.
By Heart by Chillyflame https://archiveofourown.org/works/2673044/chapters/5976851
Swooooooooooon, mushfest!! With lovely hot sexiness too. A H/C tale where Andy ends up with a broken leg on a ski weekend and Miranda cares for her in their cabin as they get snowed in for a couple of days and the heating fails heheh. But there is a fireplace and while 'keeping warm' one thing leads to another.
Basic Black by Beachbum https://archiveofourown.org/works/29045490
Brava BB, a lovely piece set post Paris. Nigel who has stayed friends with Andy decides to play matchmaker for the two women in his life. The description of Andy's suit was totally droolsome. And the love scene, wow, took my breath away. Loooooooooved the ending, god Miranda in nothing but a white dress shirt, but still so totally confident and in control of the situation. Yowsa!!
Disarming Athena by Politic X https://archiveofourown.org/works/11921940/chapters/26942895
Wonderful but sometimes distressing psychological exploration that occurs between Miranda and Andy. Many of the interactions take place in the elevator. Miranda appears to be torturing Andy with invitations and demands for her to touch her clothes but not her. Then she fires Andy and this behaviour continues as Andy works her notice.  Eventual happy ending.
Hidden Yet Bright by needled_ink https://archiveofourown.org/works/97340
Swoooooooooooooon, a beautiful and well written short of a developing friendship gently shifting into more but without strings. Loved the chartacterisations of both Andy and Miranda.
In Some Quite Casual Way by Winter156 https://archiveofourown.org/works/621060/chapters/1120824
Holy mother of mountains what a fic. From a request for a story that involved a character with wings. Miranda is a fallen angel of sorts and saves Andy when she falls out a skyscraper window. Declarations of love, and serious sweaty snugglebunnies followed by major storyline and escellent denouement. Gret writing, amazing story, just amazing.
Lost Treasures by Jazwriter  (Removed as it was published…both are AWESOME! FF is available in the FB Mirandy Group and in my deleted fic file.)
  Wow! Andy works as a sales clerk and then a Window dresser in  a small boutique. Her window designs cpature Miranda's attention and fascination. She takes Andy under her wing and mutual attraction sparks. Great little fic.
Objects and Space by Stormashke https://archiveofourown.org/works/15126698
Absolutely Stunning!!!!  Compellingly written with just the right meter and timing. Wonderful internal dialogue from Miranda's pov in an established relationship. She travels through the different rooms of the house noting the evidence of Andy's presence that still bug her…but also noting their indications of Andy's space in her heart and the twins heart and the things she will live with in that space of love.
Rebellious Lock & When Locks Get Locked by Quiethearted http://ralst.com/RebelliousLock.HTM
Ohh soooooooo funny!!!! Miranda's hair has a mind of it's own and it's concentrating on one particular brunette. This is comic writing at it's best. I'm still chuckling.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee, sequel!  Woohoo, Miranda's hair has awakened an interest from Andy's hair and all is set for the clash of the tresses. Oh soooo wonderfully funny, I so hope this series continues, I want postcoital follicle frolics. Heheh
Sharp Relief by chillyflame https://archiveofourown.org/works/2672990/chapters/5976701
AMAZING fic!!!!! Wow Andy gets a call reporting that Miranda has died in a car crash on her way to her weekend cabin. She goes into shock and faces the fact of how much she loved her. She helps with the twins and stays at the townhouse until there is another call that send her and the girls out into the night chasing a hope agaisnt hope.  So amazing this.
The Lily and the Crown by Telanu (now published) https://archiveofourown.org/works/750438/chapters/1400746
Andren is the reclusive daughter of one of the Empires most capable Station Masters. Assistant - her new slave is the dread space Pirate Queen Mir. Seduction, debauchery, abandonment and redemption in this Space Swashbuckler.Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Gaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwdddddddddd!!!!!!!!!  Wow!!!! Fluids!!!!!!! This is just soooooooooooo wonderfully hot and romantic and hot and well good god I loved it. Okay, perhaps the Andren character was a little bit tooo clueless, but perhaps wonderfully evocative of another time. Still it was a great story and really interesting.
Unexpected Grace by Silverie https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9092005/1/Unexpected-Grace
Amazingly well written fic starting with amazing dream sequances of ancient days and a Goddess/priestess Miranda, perfectly mirrored in a waking world of events. Andy expands her life into music when she comes to own a beautiful guitar decorated with a dragon...linking to her desire for a certain dragon lady.  Lyrically written. Brilliant!!!!
A not exactly storybook romance by writetherest https://archiveofourown.org/works/923207/chapters/1793725
An AU where Andy is independently wealthy and owns a book store which Cassidy starts to visit daily as Andy befriends her. Eventually Miranda and she meet and after a bad decision it's a wonderfully sweet love story. Absolutely wonderful romance done here, adore the shier sweeter Andy.
Farsighted by emeraldorchids https://archiveofourown.org/works/6129537/chapters/14047437
Excellent mid length piece. All from Miranda's pov, chronicling how she and Andrea slip into a wonderful and easy friendship after Paris, that several months later morphs into more. What I love is the realness of Miranda in this fic as a full fledged human being all balance and counter balance with strengths and weaknesses.  And I enjoyed the reality check and stunned Miranda after Andy kisses her. As well as the gradual exploration afterward. The upshot with the page six comment picture in bed is a perfect ending.
Four Corners by Chillyflame https://archiveofourown.org/works/1039309/chapters/2073686
Truth be told, this is a ten star effort. I looooved it! A phenomonally wonderful piece, well written and amazingly characterised. All told from Cassidy's pov as she lives her parents divorce, the advent and demise of Stephen and the new and wonderful inclusion of Andy in her mother's and the twins lives.
Caught Between the Moon and New York City Series  by Punky_96 https://archiveofourown.org/series/1027544
Brilliant story of Miranda as a werewolf and pack leadercaptured by a secret research facility that captures and studies paranormal creatures where Andy works.  Grat adventure unfolds as they escape and Andy's true nature is discovered. Excellently written and intriguing backstory.
After Dark by LiteraryAssasin https://archiveofourown.org/works/20560673/chapters/48807857
A wonderfully characterised slow burn, friends to lovers fic. Well written and engaging of course, from an excellent bard. Andy grows a backbone in the best and most proactive way…almost swapping some of her softness for some of Miranda’s firmness so that they can both balance themselves and each other. I adored Miranda’s oh so careful way of helping Andy while trying also not to overwhelm her with that help.  A nifty little sub pairing of a mirrored couple is so seamlessly done it’s just amazing.  Also touches on an idea I’ve had for quite some time…may have to dust that one off.
If and When by Kamuraskan https://archiveofourown.org/works/12821418/chapters/29271045
WOOT!!! No greater love hath a Bard for another Bard than to make an offering in a completely unfamiliar fandom. (Thanks Gin.) Most wonderfully well written and amazing Disaster/survival fic. Andy uncovers a terrorist plot to blow up the EC building the night the VP is attending a party there. She isn't believed by Homeland security so she approaches the new CEO of EC...Miranda they manage to evacuate the building but are still on the 20th floor when the bombs go off....suspense, love and amazingness commence.
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nomercymaster11 · 10 months
Turbulent Currents
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Author's note: I've been trying to divert myself from unnecessary emotions, so I attempted to craft a lengthy story. So, basically, the story will once again revolve around the Heart Pirates, joined by the Straw Hat Pirates. It's an open narrative, and I'm not adhering to any timeline from the original One Piece story. I've been contemplating various scenarios that have been on my mind for quite some time, and I aim to connect them into a cohesive storyline. The story below has a sad tone. I suggest to play "The World's Continuation" by Ado while reading.
The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm golden hue over the Heart Pirates' ship as it anchored near a secluded island. Tension lingered in the air, palpable and suffocating. The crew moved about the deck; their usual camaraderie replaced by an unsettling quiet. Among them, you stood, your eyes locked in a fierce gaze with Trafalgar Law.
The argument had been fierce, echoing through the ship like a tempest. It all revolved around a perilous mission, an expedition into a dangerous territory to retrieve a mystical artifact crucial for the Heart Pirates' plans. You, a key member of the crew, held the key to success. Yet, your disagreement with Law had escalated beyond the realm of a mere difference in strategy. It became a clash of ideologies, a storm of conflicting opinions.
The scene was set on the deck, a battleground where words were the weapons of choice. Law, his demeanor usually composed, couldn't contain the frustration in his eyes. His gestures were sharp, hands punctuating each argument as he tried to make you see reason.
"You're jeopardizing the entire mission with your reckless ideas! This artifact is our only chance," Law exclaimed, his voice cutting through the air like a blade.
Your response was equally defiant, fueled by a sense of principle. "I won't compromise our morals for the sake of some artifact. There has to be another way."
The exchange continued, each word deepening the chasm between you and the captain. As the argument reached its zenith, something inside you snapped. The weight of the disagreement, the burden of being the linchpin in this perilous plan, became too much.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, you stood at the precipice of a life-altering decision.
Bepo, the polar bear mink and loyal member of the Heart Pirates, approached with a furrowed brow, his usually jovial demeanor replaced by concern.
"Please, don't go," he implored, his voice laced with sincerity.
The deck was crowded with crew members, their gazes shifting uncomfortably between you and Law. Bepo's furry hand gently reached for your shoulder, a plea for reconsideration.
"I can't stay, Bepo. Our ideals are just too different," you replied, your voice betraying the internal turmoil. The moonlit deck became a stage for the silent struggle within the Heart Pirates.
Bepo's eyes held a mixture of sadness and frustration. "But you're family. We need you for this mission. Law needs you."
A heavy sigh escaped your lips, and you shook your head. "I can't compromise who I am for the sake of a mission. There has to be another way, and I can't follow blindly when our principles clash."
As the exchange unfolded, other crew members gathered, their expressions torn between loyalty to their captain and concern for a comrade. The ship, usually alive with the sounds of camaraderie, now bore witness to a somber scene.
In the midst of this, Trafalgar Law remained aloof, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. Bepo, not one to be easily deterred, approached Law with a sense of urgency.
"Captain, please reconsider. We can't afford to lose them," Bepo urged, his tone a blend of respect and desperation.
Law, however, remained stoic, his eyes reflecting the conflict within. "This mission is bigger than any one person. We can't afford distractions."
"But they are not just a distraction! They're a vital part of this crew," Bepo argued, his plea echoing the sentiments of the crew members gathered on the deck.
Law's silence hung heavy, a cold barrier between him and the crew. The ship, once a symbol of unity, now felt divided by a rift that seemed insurmountable. As you turned away, stepping onto the island, the ship's departure signaled the beginning of a solitary chapter, leaving behind a fractured crew grappling with the aftermath of a heated exchange and the departure of a crucial member.
The island embraced you with its tranquil solitude, offering a momentary refuge from the storm of emotions that raged within. As the Heart Pirates' ship vanished over the horizon, the lush foliage and calming sounds of the island became witnesses to your contemplation.
Seeking shelter for the night, you stumbled upon a small, abandoned cottage nestled in the heart of the island. The wooden structure, weathered by time and forgotten by its inhabitants, seemed like a silent companion for your troubled thoughts.
Entering the cottage, the air was thick with a musty scent, a testament to the passage of time. Moonlight filtered through the cracks in the wooden walls, casting ethereal patterns on the dusty floor. The silence within was broken only by the distant rustle of leaves and the occasional night sounds of the island.
Alone with your thoughts, you sank onto a creaky wooden chair, your mind replaying the events on the Heart Pirates' ship. The argument with Law echoed in your ears, and the pain of leaving a crew you considered family weighed heavily on your heart.
In the dim light, you traced the contours of a faded portrait on the wall - a depiction of happier times, the crew united in laughter and camaraderie. The faces of Bepo, Penguin, Shachi, and Law stared back at you, a stark reminder of the bonds that now seemed strained.
The ache in your chest intensified as you recalled the concern in Bepo's eyes, the futile attempts to persuade you to stay. The memory of Law's stoic refusal to reconsider gnawed at you, leaving you feeling adrift in a sea of unresolved emotions.
A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you stared out of a cracked window at the moonlit landscape. The gentle rustling of leaves outside seemed to carry the weight of your contemplation.
"Why does it hurt so much?" you whispered to the empty room, the words hanging in the air.
The sense of loss, not just of a mission but of the camaraderie you had cherished, enveloped you like a shroud. The realization that your principles had driven a wedge between you and the crew you held dear stung deeply.
As the night wore on, the cottage became a haven for your introspection. The pain of departure mingled with the longing for resolution, and the moon cast its soothing light on a soul wrestling with the complexities of loyalty and self-discovery.
In the silence of the abandoned cottage, you found solace amid turmoil, grappling with the echoes of the past and the uncertainty of the future. The island, though a temporary refuge, became a silent witness to the profound journey of introspection that unfolded within the confines of the forgotten dwelling.
The Heart Pirates sailed away from the island, leaving behind the echo of a fractured camaraderie. Onboard, the crew moved about with a palpable heaviness in the air. Bepo, his usually cheerful demeanor replaced by a somber expression, gathered the crew for a discussion in the dimly lit common area.
Penguin and Shachi exchanged glances; their concern mirrored in the eyes of the crew members who had become a tight-knit family. Bepo, as the first mate, cleared his throat, his voice carrying a weight that reflected the gravity of the situation.
"Why does it have to end this way? we really can't just let them go," Bepo stated, his voice a mixture of determination and worry. "They're family."
Law, leaning against the wall with crossed arms, glanced at Bepo with a stoic expression. "We can't afford to let personal feelings interfere with the mission."
Bepo, torn between loyalty to the crew and understanding Law's perspective, finally asked the question that lingered in the air. "Are we continuing without them, Captain?"
Law, his jaw clenched, nodded. "Yes, but we'll need to adjust the plan. We can't let emotions compromise our objective."
With a heavy heart, the crew dispersed, each member grappling with the aftermath of the departure. As Law walked away, his façade of strength began to waver. The weight of the decision, the rift in the crew, burdened his shoulders more than he let on.
He entered his quarters, the dim light revealing the weariness etched on his face. Before going to his desk, Law found himself drawn to the closed door of your room. A moment of hesitation passed before he entered, the air within laden with memories of shared laughter and camaraderie.
The room was a silent testament to the bond that had been fractured. Law sat on the side of the bed, his gloved hands clenching the fabric. In the stillness, he found himself in deep contemplation, the sting of regret piercing through his strong façade.
"I hope you find what you're looking for," Law whispered to the empty room, the words carrying a weight of unspoken emotions. The room, once filled with your presence, now felt hauntingly empty. As Law sat there, surrounded by the echoes of the past, the ship sailed on, carrying the Heart Pirates forward into an uncertain future.
To be continued...
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shaanks · 3 months
Random but do you have any Eustass Kid fics that you like? I struggle to find ones where he's not written like an asshole (nsfw is okay too btw!) I also like kidkiller/kidlaw or character study/coming of age type ones or modern au...just anything please<3
Oh man, okay!!! :"D I know tryin to find stories where he's not written as like some kind of abusive shithead is like. hard as fuck. I feel very lucky to have stumbled on the little Kid Enjoyers community that I have, and I'll try to give you some good recs. Just as a disclaimer, a lot of what I read and engage with tends to be like nsft stuff, so that's going to be a lot of what's on the list. Also there is the possibility for spoilers for the current arc, I'm not sure where you are in your one piece journey alsedkjfasld
Okay, so:
@quinloki : Has pretty much my favorite characterization set for Kid of all time. They write mostly smut and op x reader stuff in both shortform and longform formats, and have a variety of faves, so if you like their style and have faves other than Kid there's more stuff in there too. c:
Some of my fave pieces of theirs are shorter ones, so they're good starters, I'll link em here, here and here . (the links are gonna open to punks-never-die205, that's one of their sideblogs)
@swampstew : Writes STUNNING work both short and longform, absolutely loves Kid, and if you like her writing she has a huge backlog of stories both on her blog and on her wattpad. A++++ 10/10, she also runs a blog and is writing a longer series for Killer, KillerCook, which is SO splendid.
She also does headcanon lists, a TON of events, and x reader things, I'll link some starter ones here, here, and here. (the last one is to an anthology of short stories and drabbles on her wattpad that is a ton of fun)
@standfucker : good GRACIOUS me, okay listen. Standfucker does it all. A+++ Kid characterization. Hot, well-balanced, well-written stories. They write for a bunch of characters and also do like, multiple people in a pairing/scenario stuff, and it's all phenomenal.
First one is one of my personal favorites, which involves all the Kid Pirate officers here. This is also one of my fave pieces, you get Kid all to yourself in this one here.
@wyvernslovecake : If you'd like something a little more crew-oriented and a little less x reader smut oriented, PLEASE I am begging you look into their Kid Pirates and Cross Guild little drabble posts with their character Shriek (who is the cutest little bat mink on the Grand Line), and the named characters Gabriel and Gryphon who are [spoiler characters for current arc] and adopted by the Cross Guild. Everything they write (and draw!!) is so delightful and fun, it will brighten up your day by AT LEAST tenfold.
Here, here, and here are some good examples <3.
@eustasssimp : She has a lot of like shorter form x reader and headcanon posts, and write Kid like the gruff secret softie he is. <3
Some examples here, here, and here.
@cyborg-franky : Again, he has a truly prodigious backlog of writing, so if you enjoy his Kid stuff and have other faves, you could truly spend hours and days enjoying some excellently written fun stuff here.
here, here, and here are some examples.
I am absolutely certain I'm forgetting people lmfao, my working memory is very bad and I'm nursing a concussion, but hopefully this gives you at least a bit of a start!! Everyone listed, and really everyone in this little section of the community, is lovely, sweet, and wildly talented. There's a lot of friendly open sharing 'round these parts, and I hope you find somewhere to land and enjoy the big guy too. If none of these does it for you, or if you'd like additional recs, just let me know and we'll figure something out.
Thank you so much for your lovely ask!!
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datsleepygirl · 7 months
when things get hard, will you still be by my side? Law x Reader Comfort
- most people know this, but if you're new here, law is my comfort character, so I had him in mind when writing this.
before you proceed, please know that :
I've been in a difficult position in life for the past few months, so please don't expect any greatness from me. I'm not really in a position where I can sprinkle some fluff here and there like I was able to in the past, but I tried my best to make the end as fluffy as possible. this is just a simple piece of scrabble with myself as 'inspiration'. I needed a way to express how I felt for the past few months, so I decided to turn it into a piece as I realised that I haven't been posting much lately. hopefully someone can get some enjoyment out of this. :))
status : not proofread
- tw. mentions of depression, self struggles, reader in denial of anyone loving her, self hatred, bunch of comfort, fluff in the end if you squint. law and reader aren't together yet, but they have been playing cat and mouse for a while.
It's like every time I step through these doors, they all look at me with pity in their eyes, like they're looking at a poor stray cat on the street that no one wants.
Aside from all those times, it's also like they're judging me for slacking off and moping around in my room. The captain's probably thinking of ways to get rid of me without telling me that I'm useless. That's how he is. He starts off as this cold and unapproachable person, but once you've entered his life, he'll always find a way to take care of you. The once frequent knocks on my door proves that right. He'd come and check on me, asking if I had eaten anything or have I been feeling ill, but his concerns were always answered with a smile of mine and reassuring him that I'm fine. With that going on for a while, he probably figured out that I was lying to his face, or maybe him simply don't have the energy to pretend that he cares about me anymore. That's how everyone on this submarine behaved lately.
I looked around my room, all dark and gloomy. Yesterday, I found the energy to clean it up a little as it was starting to get out of hand. If there's one thing that gets on Law's nerve the most, it's clean and dirty laundry mixed up on the floor. Even at my lowest, my mind always drift to him. Because even if I knew from the beginning that he won't return my feelings, my feelings for him are just growing stronger and stronger every second. With the state that I'm in now, there's no way that I would be able to be around his presence, let alone look him in the eye and start a conversation with him. Maybe that's why I did everything in my power to avoid leaving my room. The fear of rejection, even after years of being an outcast, still makes me feel like I'm about to suffocate. It's almost like as long as I don't leave this room, as long as I don't see Law, I can keep staying here, even if none of my crewmates like me anymore.
When I look out the window, I can see the moon, a gift for all minks, hanging high up the sky. My thoughts naturally drifted to Bepo, the absolute sweetheart of this crew. And when I think about it, I can't help but feel bad about myself even more. How did I manage to get the sweetest creature in this world to hate me as well?
'Damn y/n... just how pathetic can you be...'
Voices in my head echoed louder and louder every passing day. Voices that tell me I'm useless and unwanted here. Voices that tell me there'll never be a place for me where I can call a home. Voices that tell me I'll never be loved, that I don't deserve to be loved.
When Law came to check up on me in the past, that split second of seeing him and hearing his voice made the voices go away. But when he leaves, the voices come back instantly. I've told myself that relying on other people is a bad decision, simply because I'll always be left alone in the end. But somehow, trying to separate myself from Law is completely different from what I had ever experienced. My heart screams for me to just call out to him for help, but my brain knows that everything will just turn out the same eventually. I'll just be more of a burden to Law than I already am.
"y/n-ya, are you in there?"
A knock and the soft but deep voice that I had fallen in love with startled me.
Why is he here? Why is he here at night? Why is he here when he should be in his study at this hour? A million questions ran through my mind as I could only come up with one conclusion.
He wants me off his submarine.
The voice on the other side of the door called out to me again as I finally stood up, slowly making my way over to the door. A sigh of relief escaped from him as he saw me open my door. However, at this state of mine, I misunderstood it as a sigh of annoyance. He's annoyed that it took me so long to open the door.
"I wanna talk to you. Can I come in?" he wasted no time, cutting straight to the point. I nodded, moving aside as he made his way into my room. I closed the door behind me while he looked around my room, clearly surprised that it has become a lot cleaner than before. "I see you put your laundry away and cleaned up a little." Law started, sitting on my bed while taking off his hat.
Thousands of thoughts in my head are giving me a headache. I wanted to make him believe that I'm doing okay. But before I realised, my words rang around the whole room.
"Yeah... can never be too sure about when I'd have to leave now, can I? It's best to have everything organised so it'd be easier to find what I need to take with me."
Well, that certainly struck a nerve. Law eyebrows creased at my words, only confusion can be found on his face.
"Leaving? y/n-ya, what are you talking about? Who said you're leaving?" the walls around my heart are closing up on it again, preventing me from having a calm and productive conversation with him. Maybe if I were able to believe that someone would actually love me for me, I'd have the courage to seek help from him.
"Well... that's what you all wanted, right? I'm just someone that brings nothing to the table. The others are tired of me, and you're disappointed at me. That's why you came here, right?" I couldn't even look him in the eye as I was afraid that all I'll see in his eyes is disgust.
"What the hell? Wha- who told you that? I came here to talk to you about the list of things we need to buy on the next island, which is about two days away. You also weren't there during dinner, so I wanted to come check on you to see if you're feeling unwell. Actually, that's not the point. How long have you been feeling this way? Why didn't you come to me?" Law stood up and slowly made his way towards me, switching into doctor and caring captain mode.
I sighed, looking at anywhere but him. "It's fine, you don't have to pretend that you care. All my life, I've been abandoned and left behind. I can tell when someone's kindness is coming from pity or not. You don't need to look for an excuse to get rid of me, nor do you need to sugarcoat anything, I get it. I never thought I'd have a place where I can call a home anyways..."
Law put his hands on my shoulders as if he's trying to get me to look at him. "y/n-ya, stop. What are you talking about? This is your home, why wouldn't it be? We're not going to abandon you. I'm not going to abandon you. No one is pitying you. In fact, we've all been worried about you, for weeks. You could've at least come to me. Do you not trust me enough?" his question at the end made my heart clench. The one person that I wanted to impress and protect the most, is disappointed at me. At this point, my eyes were stinging from tears threatening to escape. He wanted to convince me that he cares about me, that everyone does. But how can I trust him? My heart does, but all the trauma from the past is preventing me from thinking logically, preventing me from letting him in. Ironic that I can't trust when the person who stole my heart said that he cares about me is the truth. In any dream, I'd die to hear those words. So why can't I find it in me to believe him?
"You know as well as I do that no one will ever truly love me. Just look at this pathetic mess in front of you. Why would someone love... this? Why would you love this?" his grip on my shoulders tightened, but he didn't say anything. Seeing as he wanted me to continue, I did. "At this point, it'd be better if I leave on my own and spare you some trouble. It's be one less mouth for you to feed anyways." I let out a sour chuckle at the end, laughing at how pathetic I sound. One of his hands reached under my chin and lifted my face up, forcing me to look at him. The look in his eyes held no hint of disgust. Instead, all that can be found was rage and hurt.
"Is this seriously what you think of me? You think that I was looking at you as just 'a mouth to feed'? You really see me as someone who'd lie to your face and say that I care about you? You out of all people should know that I despise shit like that. What can I do to make you believe that you deserve to be loved? What can I do to make you believe that you're loved?" the desperation in Law's voice almost made me believe that he's telling the truth. I escaped from his gaze once again, looking down. His eyes softened as he continued,
"What can I do to make you believe that I love you...? Please, tell me."
My eyes widened at his words. The genuineness in his voice created a huge crack on the thick walls around my heart. This is the first time I've ever heard Law beg for something.
Just a little more, and my walls will break down.
"...do you really?" I found the courage to look him in the eyes with my teary ones. Law pulled me into a tight embrace, one arm around my waist while the other one gently caressed my hair. That vulnerable look and weak voice of mine broke his heart into pieces. He tightened his hold on me as he whispered in my ear,
"I do, I truly love you. Those months of playing cat and mouse with you is just me not having the guts to tell you how I really feel. You have no idea how much it hurts me to see the light in your eyes fade away day by day. You distancing yourself from us and not showing up as frequently as before broke my heart. I wanted to give you some space because I thought that eventually, you'd trust me enough to come to me and tell me about your struggles. I want to be there for you. You're not alone in this y/n-ya, you never were. Let me be there for you, let me in, please."
I returned the hug as I relaxed in his embrace, finally accepting that the man in front of me, who I love so much, is being genuine. I sobbed as he continued to whisper sweet nothings in my ear, reassuring me that he's not going anywhere.
"You're staying in my room from now on. And if anything bothers you, you'll tell me about it immediately, okay?" Law pulled away slightly in order for him to look me in the eyes, signalling that he's serious about this. I nodded, unable to find the energy to muster up a response. With that, Law brought me back into his warm embrace, but not before pressing a sweet kiss to my forehead.
And if the past creeps up on me again, I will have no fear this time. With the sound of your heartbeat, this unique and special lullaby just for me, will protect me from all the voices in my head.
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saotome-michi · 1 year
Another unpopular One Piece opinion:
Carrot and Yamato not sailing with the crew after Wano did not feel like a cop out to me. The two are clear parallels to Nekomamushi/Inuarashi and Oden, who were also part-time members of Roger's crew. Carrot clearly has her part to play as leader of the minks and Yamato as "Oden". Sure, maybe Oda could've done a better job of building that up and saying "goodbye for now" to these characters at the end of the arc, but "too much to do, not enough time" has been One Piece's MO since the time skip.
I guess that's all easy for me to say though, since imo neither Carrot nor Yamato felt like full-time strawhat member material. There's a certain template that all the strawhats mostly follow and it can be summed up in three steps:
1) They're shown to be a loner, the "black sheep" of their village (or whatever environment they're introduced in).
2) They're saved and/or inspired by Luffy.
3) They have meaningful interactions with the other strawhats before they officially join the crew.
All of the strawhats tick these three boxes, except for Jinbei, who was never shown to be a loner or the "black sheep" of Fishman Island. However, he is introduced as the only Warlord who is strongly against the War, as well as the only Warlord who's a fishman. Plus, he's the only fishman who agrees to give blood to a human. So, maybe he does tick that box.
(Oh there's also Robin, who doesn't have that many interactions with the other strawhats before she joins at the end of Alabasta.)
Now, let's look at Carrot.
Carrot is not portrayed as a loner or the "black sheep" of Zou. There is nothing really that makes her distinct from the other minks... perhaps her strong desire and daring to leave Zou and explore? But other Minks also expressed their desire to leave with the Strawhats and it doesn't seem like Carrot's wanderlust is seen as a bad thing by the community.
Carrot is not saved or inspired by Luffy. Yes, she likes and admires Luffy, but there is no particular moment where he saves her from her personal demons or inspires her to keep going, live, or to fight for him. He plays no pivotal role in her character growth, that's all Pedro.
The only box that Carrot ticks is that she has meaningful interactions with the other Strawhats throughout Whole Cake.
So 1 out of 3 for Carrot.
What about Yamato?
Loner? Sure, he's def the black sheep of Onigashima.
Saved or inspired by Luffy? This is an interesting one, because while Luffy does in effect save Yamato by taking off his handcuffs, it's not a scene with a lot of emotional weight to it. If anything, Yamato's savior and "light" was Ace. Yamato and Luffy only interact for a little bit before Yamato's assigned to Momo for the rest of the battle, so they don't really have much of an emotional connection either. Compare Luffy and Yamato's interactions during Wano to Luffy and any other strawhat's during their introductory arc and it's lacking. Yamato's desire to sail with Luffy feels more impersonal, because so much of it is tied to Yamato's background knowledge of Luffy, knowledge that he got from third party sources (Oden's logbook and Ace) than from Yamato's own interactions with Luffy. So while I understand why other people might tick the box, for me it's a no.
Meaningful interactions with the other strawhats before they join—a big NO. Yamato literally only meets the other strawhats after the battle is over. Sure he spends time with them post-battle, but we see very little of it.
So Yamato is also 1 out of 3.
I think from this comparison, we can see that neither Carrot nor Yamato really build up that special connection with Luffy that the other strawhats have, and that's why I'm perfectly fine with neither of them fully joining the crew. Personally, it would've felt odd if they had.
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mamamittens · 1 year
Platonic Yandere Doffy family and Mink reader
Okay, this has been sitting in my inbox for a hot minute, ngl, but I'm here now lol
Not sure what you mean by "Doffy family", like... His birth folks??? His crew?? Or just Doffy and Corazon??? Hard to say tbh so I'm just going with Doffy himself and maybe Cora.
Okay, so Doffy with a Mink as like, a weird pseudo child/sibling whatever gives off some really weird vibes. Like... He definitely doesn't see anything wrong with it, but he does tend to do that racist thing where he makes generalizations about mink reader's motives or interests based on their race and particular variant of mink.
Like, if they're a prey animal he views them as naturally more shy and submissive in conflict. Predator gets viewed as more snappy and trying to act tough and gee--isn't it so cute how hard they try to play into their instincts to prove themselves to him?
He's also a big fan of the effects a full moon has and occasionally cheers himself up by pulling strings to force them to fight under one against weaklings. Nothing too tough unless they pissed him off and need to be 'reminded' about how much they need him.
They're both a beloved companion and an accessory, the more rare the type the better. They'll never look unkempt or matted, oftentimes he takes care of it himself because he finds it soothing and enjoys rubbing it in their face about how much he does for them. He won't tolerate touching from anyone else though unless they earn the 'privilege'. I expect the reader has to wear a thick, bejeweled collar of some kind with a leash Doffy keeps in his pocket for 'walks'.
Cora feels bad regardless of what type of mink the reader is, viewing it as a waste that someone so clearly meant to be free is stuck under Doffy's thumb. He'll try and offer them small kindness when Doffy isn't looking but unfortunately, his brother is nearly always watching.
He doesn't realize it but Doffy wants to piece together their family into something new and more fitting for their status. He wants his little brother to indulge with mink reader like he does. A small indulgence for softer behavior that his sadism and reputation ill affords him otherwise. Mink reader is meant to be something a little more than a pet but not quite as venerated as a true sibling.
They're just meant to be his. Like Corazon and the inner circle. Obedient and close to him at all times. And if he has to dangle a sweet little mink to tie his brother closer to him after so long, well, he's grown quite fond of golden threads laced around people he cares about.
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tytarax · 2 months
I already finished Zou arc (I'm suffering with Sanji, and the masochism of liking one of his brothers rn), but I just can't stop thinking about everything that happened and this scenario has been living in my mind for days now.
I also realized that if it's about one piece, I'm into furries minks
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Being Duke Dogstorm's wife only caused him to want to keep you safe when he heard the intruders bell sound. Everyone knew what was coming. They're coming for Raizo, the ninja from the land of Wano.
"Please, my love, stay here" He begged as he stood up from beside you. You were looking down as you held back tears. "Just... promise me you will come back" You were already tired of him telling you that you couldn't go with him, you resigned yourself and all you could do was pray that everything would turn out well.
After a goodbye kiss, you were left alone in the forest fortress, where several townspeople were already arriving. As a figure of authority, you couldn't just stand there doing nothing, you had to give your people hope. So, doing your best to ignore the sound of the houses falling and the screams, you dedicated yourself to taking care of the others and not showing fear in the face of the threat of the pirates Beast and Jack, their leader.
Three days passed, everything was silent, and your heart was broken from listening to the pleas of your people begging these monsters to stop their torture. You were already ready to return to the city to see with your own eyes that everyone was still alive… at least you had the hope.
But one of the soldiers who managed to reach the fortress asked you not to go to the city… that no one should go, since as a last measure, the pirates used poison gas bombs and it was highly dangerous to go.
You were a stubborn person, but you ended up staying anyway. Still, you couldn't help but worry about everyone being okay… about your husband being okay.
Sometime later, you heard a rumor that some pirates had arrived in Zou, the Straw Hat Pirates. And they were willing to help save everyone's lives.
The days dragged on, each one filled with a mix of dread and anticipation. You continued to oversee the forest fortress, ensuring that everyone was safe and cared for, but your thoughts were never far from the city and Dogstorm.
Until one day, you finally saw him, and if your heart was already broken... it shattered. He was unconscious, still alive, but yet so harmed, blood all over his face, scars, and what horrified you the most was seeing that they had cut off one of his legs. How far were those monsters capable of going?
"You-teia have my gratitude," you said looking at the saviors of the mink tribe, who had introduced themselves as Nami, Sanji, Chopper, and Brook, a corpse-like hero who looks very delicious. "Oh, it's never a problem to help a beautiful mademoiselle like you! Garchu, ____-san!" Sanji said with heart-shaped eyes while standing beside you and you responded to his garchu. "Garchu, Sanji-kun"
"I believe Duke Dogstorm will wake up in a while, I don't know when tho..." Chopper exhaled as he removed the stethoscope from his ears and jumped off of the bed. "Thank you, doctor Chopper."
Chopper blushed, rubbing the back of his head bashfully. "It's nothing, really. I'm just glad I could help."
"By the way, Wanda, why don't you-teia show them around in the meantime? Miyagi, Tristan, and I will take care of Duke Dogstorm. Go enjoy for a while," you suggested smiling.
Wanda nodded, her ears twitching slightly. "Of course, Lady ____. I can show them around. Follow me," she said, gesturing for the, at the moment, Curly Hat Pirates to follow her. As they left, you turned your attention back to Dogstorm, "You-teia will get through this, my love. You-teia are the strongest person I know."
More days have passed, the Duke still hasn't woken up. However, just a few hours ago you heard about the arrival of the rest of the Straw Hat crew.
So, you gave the order to have a welcome banquet, which they gladly attended. Likewise, you asked Tristan and Miyagi to attend the banquet, and take a break.
"Step aside Shishilian, I've come to bring something to Lady ____" you heard Pedro's voice on the other side of the door, interrupted by Shishilian's "And for what reason would they have sent you-gara?" He said at "full power" as always.
"Let him in Shishilian" you raised your voice a little so he could hear you on the other side of the door, "Oh, as you-gara say your highness" he said as he opened the door and let Pedro in.
"Lady ____, how are you-gara doing" Pedro asked approaching. "I'm doing fine, Pedro, thanks for asking. What brings you-teia here?" you asked curiously. "I'm here to bring you-gara some food of the banquet for the straw hats, I was told you-gara haven't been eating well since..."
"Why, thank you, Pedro, that's really nice. Please give them my apologies for not coming to introduce myself yet, " You said smiling lovely. Pedro handed you the tray of food and looked at the Duke for a moment. "How's Duke Dogstorm doing?" "He's doing fine, as far as I know, still we don't know when he'll wake up," You said looking at your husband with worry before looking at Pedro. "I see... I hope the best for him and you-gara" "Thank you, Pedro."
Pedro said goodbye as he headed to the banquet and you were left alone again, occasionally trying a bite of food. All of a sudden, there was a slight movement. His eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, disoriented.
"My love," you whispered, tears of relief streaming down your face. "You're awake." He looked at you with relief in his eyes "____... sorry for making you-gara worry"
You shook your head reassuring him, "It's fine" It wasn't fine, he knew it, you knew it "At least it's finally over. A pirate crew named the Straw Hat Pirates came arrived here and helped us, I'm truly grateful" You said smiling with tears threatening to come out. He brought his big paw close to your face and wiped away your tears. "I see, then I'm grateful too"
You looked out the window for a moment and saw the monkey mink picking some fruits. "Bariete" you said, getting his attention. "Hm?" "Go tell everyone that Duke Dogstorm has woken up, please."
"Yes, of course! I'm so glad!" He said as he ran off to the room where they were having a banquet. You both laughed softly at the mink's enthusiasm. You remembered something when you saw the newspaper that had arrived a few days ago.
"On the other hand," you said as you stood up from his side and picked up the newspaper, "this news arrived a little while ago, it says that Jack supposedly died after trying to rescue Doflamingo from the hands of the Marines. And about Doflamingo, it was the Straw Hats themselves who defeated him, that was what caused Jack to leave."
"These Straw Hats piqued my curiosity…" Dogstorm said as he grabbed the newspaper from your hands. "They're good kids, I'm sure of that." You said as you walked over to give him a well-deserved amount of garchus before everyone else arrived.
Part 2
OP Masterlist
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sonicasura · 3 months
Off work, so imma gonna share some more HCs about the A.S.L Mothzilla crossover. Granted more about the kaiju humans and their kingdoms. First is going to be the ki
The East Blue
Ruled by Godzilla and Mothra from their home island of Odo, where it said that the first Godzilla was hatched and born there.
Godzilla and Mothra kingdom usually have most showa, heisei and some Millennium kaiju. Think like Ceaser, Anguirus, Baragon, Rodan, Varan type kaiju.
While to human it's the calmest sea to Kaiju Humans its actually rather chaotic, given that some of King Ghidorahs loyal lackeys are still around and posing a threat and Godzilla having to beat them down.
It's one of the oldest Kingdoms set up, being created by the first Godzilla that was ever hatched.
West Blue
This Kingdom is ruled by Zilla Jr, after taking it over from his more Villianous father after they decided to try and join King Ghidorah. The fight was rough on on his father who had to retreat with some help of loyal lackies.
Most of the kaiju population are more considered mutants and with some kaiju from the Darkhorse comics and some from Marvel. Like Obsidius, Krystalak, Bagorah, Batragon, Burtannus, Titanosaurus etc
The West Sea Kingdom has a bit looser social standards than the East Sea Kingdom, Zilla Jr isn't as much of a king and more like a good Mayor that talk and listen to his people.
Godzilla has a genuine respect for Zilla Jr, since Godzilla actually tried to takeover the West Sea Kingdom after Zilla Sr allying with Ghidorah. Until Zilla Jr engaged him in a single combat. In the end it left the both of them pretty battered and bruised.
The North Blue
Ruled by the family of Kaiju known as the Kongs, who were always rivals with the Godzilla and even the Zillas at times.
The Current Kong in charge is actually a rather good friend with Godzilla, helping him with Ghidorah and then two fighting a usurper(Skar King) in Kongs Kingdom.
The Kaiju that usually reside in the North Kingdom are either mammalian in nature or have the ability to resist very cold temperatures, think like the Great Apes, Behemoth, Tiamat, Scylla Tiamat etc.
The heir of the North Kingdom is an ape called Suko while the queen is Shimo, and let's just say Godzilla was shocked by his friends taste in Women.
The South Blue
The South Sea Kingdom used to be ruled by the Ghidorahs, a long time enemy of well nearly everyone. They ruled through fear and fear alone with plans of expanding their kingdoms size. Granted after the last Ghidorah was defeated over 500 years ago the South Sea is now ruled by Godzillas older brother Space Godzilla.
Due to the previous rulers of the South Blue Kingdom, the South Blue is constantly plagued by storms that seemingly never end. With the Combination of Space Godzillas ability to grow Crystal's that give off psychic energy also causes problem for regular humans.
The inhabitants of the South Blue are usually kaiju that were villains in the godzilla movies or alien in nature, like Megaguirus, Megalon, Gigan, Hedorah etc
Space Godzilla is actually a more beloved leader than King Ghidorah due to how tyrannical the Golden Dragons could be, granted there are still some that are loyal to the Golden Denise's.
Kaiju Humans
They have two forms, their humanoid forms and their monstrous forms, they only reveal their monstrous forms when they're extremely angry and when they transform into it it causes a massive unleash a huge amount of Conquers Haki.
While they can eat regular humanoids(Minks, Fishman, Mermaid, Giants etc) food the Kaiju Humans often have to eat KaijuBeasts or GreenGlow Ore to really sustain themselves.
Kaiju Humans are one of the longest living of any of the races of the One Piece world with some of them living for over 10,000 years.
Kaiju Humans are always protective of their young, since they are usually very weak upon hatching and they take a long time to grow.
Along with their amazing and incredibly impressive durability most if not all Kaiju Humans have an incredible healing factor as well.
The worldbuilding you share honestly just keeps getting better and better. Godzilla, you have no room to judge Kong's tastes in partners. Also good on Zilla Jr for their different approach to leadership and Space G deserves some extra luck with his.
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princyvish · 2 months
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uhhh the kobylu furries/minks designs in a screenshot redraw... with a side of helmeppo :]
original screenshot:
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I think I took one look at the rocks I drew and went. Yeah I'm going to wing it because the rocks in my redraw are NOT accurate to the screenshot 😭😭
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simizzy-writes · 2 years
happy birthday, Law!
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Pairing: Trafalgar D. Water Law x GN!Reader
Warnings: none. just super fluffing fluffy~
A/N: the cliche is birthday sex i'm sure, but mannnn this doc just needs some fluffy feels in his life. happy birthday, you sexy thing!
+ consider supporting me on ko-fi +
He should be thankful for birthdays. 
Law knew better than anyone that a long life was never a guarantee. But celebrating his birthday never felt quite right after that terrible, terrible night. When he lost everything. Maybe it was survivor's guilt. In fact, it most definitely was. 
But despite his own feelings on the subject, his crew always made the effort to celebrate. Maybe it was just an excuse to party, but Law never made an attempt to stop their generosity. He did have one rule, however. 
No gifts.
This rule became established after receiving one too many tacky shirts that never fit, a polar bear pajama onesie, absolutely atrocious alcohol Penguin swore was sake and not swill, a tacky gold necklace that said "Love Doctor" in gold filigree….the list went on. 
So, he let it be known that if anything were to be given to him, let it be in the form of food. Onigiri, preferably. That had yet to be fucked up. Key word being yet, but he remained hopeful that it never would. 
"Happy Birthday, Captain!" 
Bepo eagerly bounced over to Law, paws carrying a large, handmade birthday card. Stickers and awkwardly cut shapes were stuck all over the front, and he could see that most of the glue was still wet. A tiny drop fell from one colorful corner of the paper to the floor. 
"We all signed it," Bepo beamed. He handed the card over to his captain, and waited with hopeful eyes for Law's reaction.
The birthday boy opened the card carefully, trying to avoid wet glue and glitter from getting on his hands more than necessary. True to the Mink's words, the inside was covered in diverse signatures. Happy birthday wishes, smiley faces, jokes about him getting old…a little bit of everything was written throughout. Law smiled, and thanked his dear friend. 
Bepo enveloped him in a - literal - bear hug, and informed him that mountains of onigiri were being prepped in his honor in the galley. 
"Your favorite! We made sure to make all of your favorite fillings, too," Bepo said. "We were thinking about having a picnic on the main deck since the weather is supposed to be good tonight. Shachi said that there might even be a meteor shower!"
Law nodded. "Sounds like a plan." 
He noticed small bits of rice stuck to his friend's fur. With a smirk, he asked if Bepo was the 'quality assurance' tester in the kitchen. The polar bear blushed, and sheepishly said that he couldn't resist.
"[Name] is the best cook! They always lets me taste-test when they're on cooking duty," Bepo sighed dreamily. 
Law was aware. Normally, the duties that were assigned on the Polar Tang rotated to ensure fairness, but it was kind of an unspoken agreement that you would cook more often than not. You were an exceptional cook, and spared no expense to make sure that everyone had delicious meals every day. 
His birthday onigiri was in capable hands tonight.
"Don't drop them!"
"If you watch where you're going I won't!"
Penguin and Shachi bickered back and forth, trying to balance two large and heavy trays out of the kitchen. The silver trays were piled high with fresh onigiri. Little pieces of heaven stuff with tuna, salmon, roe, kombu seaweed, yaki….and much more. Ikkaku and Uni balanced even more trays of onigiri as they followed the other men out of the kitchen. 
You sighed as you wiped your hands on your apron. How long had you been in this kitchen? Too long, but it was a worthwhile endeavor today. Well, it was worthwhile everyday but today was special. It was your Captain's birthday, and you couldn't resist going the extra mile to make sure he had enough of his favorite food. With that in mind, you smiled as you looked at the remnants of today's work. 
"Do those need to go out to the deck?"
You turned, and saw Law standing in the doorway. He pointed to a tray that had a handful of onigiri on them, but you shook your head. 
"No, those ones are for me. They have umeboshi in the middle."
The mere mention of pickled plums made his expression sour, and you laughed. 
"Don't worry, the rest are filled with only your favorites," you said. You removed your apron and set it aside, and you picked up a separate tray that had some uniquely shaped onigiri on it. Some looked like Bepo, others were shaped like whales and penguins. "These are special. Happy birthday!"
Law took the tray, and smiled at how cute they looked. "Seems like a crime to eat something like this. They look great. Thank you."
You felt shy under his gaze, and offered him a bashful 'you're welcome ' in return. A moment passed before you cleared your throat and informed him that you had something to give him.
"I wasn't aware that there was a rule about not getting you any gifts," you explained. "I had already picked out a present for you before Ikkaku told me about it. Um…After dinner, I can give it to you, if you want? When the others aren't around?"
His gray eyes twinkled as an amused, crooked smirk pulled at his lips. He was intrigued, of course, and forgiving towards your trespass against the 'no gifts' rule. You had only been a part of his crew for about a year, having joined after his last birthday. There wasn't a way you could have known, he supposed.
"Alright," he said. Law asked if you needed help with anything else, and when you assured him that you didn't, he made his way up to the deck. 
You gathered up your tray of heathenous umeboshi onigiri, and followed after him.
A harsh whisper of your name stopped you. Ikkaku was by your side in a flash, eyes wide and excited. 
"You got the captain a present?! What is it?!"
You hushed her. "Zip it! Don't let the others hear you!"
She placed a hand over her lips, but impishly pestered you to continue. With a sigh, you shifted awkwardly under her gaze.
"Alright, alright. Yes, I got him a present. It's nothing special, really - "
"Oh, stop. He'll love it as long as it's from you!"
Before you could ask her to elaborate, Ikkaku squealed in delight and continued:
"Are you going to tell him? You know, about your feelings?"
"What?! No! Why would I do that?" You were aghast at the mere suggestion of even telling Law that you liked him. You know, like-liked him. Wink wink. 
How on earth could you possibly navigate a conversation like that with him? He was so stoic and reserved, apathetically amused by the world around him despite how fucked up it was. Surely, he wouldn't have any interest in hearing how much you enjoyed his company, or how much you liked how intelligent he was. Or how, despite his great efforts to seem aloof, he really did care about people. Then, of course, there were the more…physical traits that you could appreciate. That went without saying. 
You shook your head. No! No way! You didn't dare admit your feelings. Not today. It was Law's birthday, and you were perfectly content celebrating the absolute treasure that he was - sans confession. 
Ikkaku pouted. "Aw, that's no fun…"
You poked your tongue out at her and scurried up the stairs. "Too bad, so sad!"
The evening was a delight. The crew drank, laughed and devoured your carefully crafted onigiri. You believed Law's birthday to be a success, and you hoped that felt that way as well.
He was off to the side and away from the ruckus of his crew. His gray eyes watched the ocean waves, seemingly lost in thought. The sun had set a while ago, and the moon's glow made everything twinkle like silver. You couldn't take your eyes off of him, and it delighted you to see how handsome he was like this. Your fingers held the box in your hands carefully, and you wondered if you should even bother giving it to him. 
"Don't you dare back out," Ikkaku whispered. 
You jumped out of your skin, placing a hand over your heart. "Oh, my God, Ikkaku! You scared me!"
"Sorry," she giggled. "I could see the look on your face. You were second guessing yourself, weren't you?"
You nodded, bashfully looking at the box in your hands. Ikkaku smiled, and hugged you affectionately. 
"Don't worry," she said. "He'll love it. I promise you that whatever it is, it can't be any worse than the pimp chain Shachi got him a few years ago. Can you imagine the Captain wearing a necklace that said "Love Doctor" on it? Ugh."
You laughed. The imagery of such a thing was pretty ridiculous. 
Ikkaku gave you one last squeeze before she directed her attention to the rest of the crew. In a stern and commanding voice, she announced that the next step for the night was to get the kitchen cleaned. Groans of disapproval filled the air, but she wasn't having any of it.
"The sooner it gets done, the better!" She said, "Let's go, let's go, let's go!"
She winked at you, and herded the men off of the main deck. You could hear Penguin complain about cleaning up your mess, followed by a loud smack and a pitiful cry of pain. 
"[Name] spent all day in that kitchen making dinner for the Captain and for you. Don't you dare complain!" 
You laughed to yourself, a certain warmth filling your chest at how much you truly loved your fellow crewmates. But now, it was just you and Law. 
He seemed to be expecting you, as he turned to face you. He leaned against the deck railing, watching as you fiddled with the box in your hands. You approached him carefully, tentatively. It was cute, in a way. 
"So…" you began, "Happy Birthday, Captain. Here's your present."
You held your breath as he took the box from you. The tips of his fingers brushed against yours, and you could feel your soul just about leave your body at the sensation. 
Law eyed the box curiously, tilting it back and forth in his hands. Maybe he was teasing you by leaving you in suspense, but your heart could hardly take it. 
In a rush of words that almost sounded distinguishable, you babbled on about how you didn't have any idea what to get him. You thought about clothes, another hat, jewelry, something physician related…You rambled about how nothing quite seemed to suite him, so eventually you settled on this because -
"I thought that it would make you smile!" You exclaimed. "But then Ikkaku told me that most of the gifts you've gotten were kind of tacky and like a bad joke…I had already bought it by then, and I couldn't figure out anything else - "
You let out a nervous squeak as he stopped you, and for a moment you hated how amused he looked at your expense. He held your gaze as his fingers tore the wrapping paper inch by inch until the top of the box was exposed. You pressed your fingers to your lips, anxiety fraying your nerves terribly. 
Law removed the lid, and lifted out a mug from the crisp and clean tissue paper buried within. It was a simple white mug, but when he turned it over in his hand, Law's eyes widened. 
This is it, you thought. You squeezed your eyes shut, face buried in your palms as you waited for the dreaded moment where Law would scold you for giving him a terrible gift. 
" 'World's Okayest Doctor'," he read aloud. 
You groaned and shook your head. "I'm sorry, it's probably the worst gift ever. I just thought it would make you smile! Of course you're a terrific doctor - "
He said your name again, making you stop short. You peaked at him through your fingers, and were amazed to see the smirk on his lips.
"Nothing could be worse than the "Love Doctor" necklace Shachi gave me," Law said. "Thank you for this."
You nodded slowly, carefully moving your hands away from your blushing face. "Y-You're welcome, Captain."
You were always awake before the others, save for Jean Bart and Law respectively. Or whoever was on night watch. But it was rare that anyone was in the kitchen before you on any given day. So, the fact that the light was on made you curious.
You padded into the galley, rubbing sleep from your eyes. What would you make for breakfast today…? 
With a deep breath, you savored the smell of coffee. Already it perked you up, and you knew that only one person on the Polar Tang would make coffee this early.
"Good morning, Captain," you said. 
Law was leaning against the kitchen island, the morning's paper in his hands. Across from him was a freshly brewed pot of coffee. "Good morning," he replied. He turned the page of his paper, eyes focused on whatever bullshit filled the space. 
You hummed, admiring his bed-head and wrinkled pajamas. He always seemed so put together, so in the rare times you got to see Law in this state, you pressed it upon your conscience as much as you could. You wanted to remember it vividly and fondly. 
Reaching for a clean mug in one of the cupboards, you went about pouring yourself a cup of coffee. "Did you sleep well?" You asked.
"No better than usual," he said. Perhaps one night he would be blessed with a full, restful sleep. But he wasn't holding his breath on that.
"I see. Well - "
You stopped short as you turned to face him. Maybe it was silly to be rendered speechless over something so simple as Law drinking coffee, but it was a bit more than just that.
His gray eyes were on you, watching you carefully over the rim of his mug. But not just any mug. It was the mug. The mug that you gave him. 
You couldn't stop the grin that lit up your face. Your cheeks felt warm, and your heart was giddy. 
"Is that a new mug?" You asked, pretending as if you hadn't given it to him the night before.
Law nodded slowly, appreciatively. "It is," he concurred. "I got it as a birthday present, actually."
You giggled, holding your own mug close to your chest. "Oh, really? That's awesome! Are you really the "world's okayest doctor"?"
Law smirked at you. "I like to think so."
"Then I guess I'm in good hands, then. I-I mean, we are in good hands! As in the crew. All of us. Are in good hands - your hands. Yeah."
You stumbled over your words, blush deepening. You sipped at your coffee, wincing at how hot it was. That's fine - let it burn away your embarrassment.
"I think it's my new favorite mug, actually," Law mused casually. The mischievous spark in his eyes was not lost on you, and you swore that his teasing would be the death of you.
Off in the doorway, unbeknownst to either of you, a bet was being made amongst certain members of the crew.
"I bet a hundred berry that [Name] confesses their feelings by his next birthday," Shachi whispered. 
Ikkaku shook her head. "No way! I bet two hundred berry that they confess before Christmas!"
Penguin scoffed. "You're both going to lose. Clearly, it will be the captain that makes them confess, and I bet three hundred berry that he'll get them to do it by the time we stop on the next island."
Shachi and Ikkaku gasped at his audacity. "Bet!"
A sleepy Bepo was left out, confused and hungry. "What do you think [Name] will make for breakfast today?" he asked. "I hope it's more onigiri."
Happy Birthday, Law! 💕
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trashybandit · 9 months
Well Wishes
What a long year it has been! Merry Christmas and have a merry new year!
I'd like to take this time to thanks my beloved girlie pops @cheesus-doodles, @sinreader, @milky-mink, and @its-sexy-beastington-to-you for being there for me at my lowest because they're literal angels on earth. Without them by my side, I would've combust into a thousand pieces. They inspired me to do a bunch of things I wouldn't have originally and are the best moral support to have around. I honestly don't want to think about how this year would've went without them and am glad that I have them in my life. Wishing them a wonderful 2024 because they deserve it (⋆ˆ ³ ˆ)♥
My beloved pookie wookies @mini-ism, @mari-on-dragonspine, and @jymwahuwu, thank you for making me twist my hair and giggle. You guys made my day every time we interacted. Y'all are a joy to be around and I wish an upcoming year as wonderful as you. Thank you for indulging my unhinged behavior and I hope you can continue to do so in the future~
There are many magnificent people that I didn't mention lest this post becomes even more sappy, but each and every one of them made this rather difficult year a bit more bearable with their beautiful presence. Interacting with y'all, no matter how short it was, brightened my day without fail. Thank you to all who put up with my antics and have an amazing 2024!
With love, Your beloved trash raccoon (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`) ♡
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opsidecrewsclash · 1 year
One Piece Side Crews Clash - Semifinals
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Members and Propaganda under the cut
Heart Pirates
Trafalgar Law
Jean Bart
Polar Tang
Law is such a cool character and the rest of his crew is cool as well :)
Listen, they are a bunch of losers and I love them. Their captain calls himself a doctor, but his crew doesn't even know how to give first aid?! Like... they fished an uncouncious Luffy out of the water and were like 'what do we dooooo???!!!' and then proceded to just yell his name until he came to. Also, they have a submarine, which is really cool.
Some of them have been around since their captain was a kid (and so were they!), loved him and stood by his side the whole time. They have silly names and silly hats and one of the coolest ships in the series (Polar Tang beloved). They’re silly and goofy and they love their captain so much, and they’re so cool for being specialists in underwater fights.      
1. Law is hot 2. Law is a disaster 3. Bepo is soft and fluffy and looks nice to hug 4. Shachi has a killer whale hat 5. Penguin is named penguin 6. The heart pirates story is amazing and to long to put here but they are basically the perfect found family with law, penguin, shachi and bepo finding each other in their early teens. Law beat up a young shachi and penguin after they attacked bepo and suddenly law had two teenagers and a polar bear mink attached to him. It's also amazing how this crew is just completely devoted to a hot mess like Law. 7. Yellow submarine
Found family!! The crew works together as a wonderful team and constantly supports each other and their captain. At ever possible opportunity they have shown how although they may not be the strongest crew they are definitely one of the most caring. The fact that Shachi, Penguin, and Bepo all share the technical title and roll of first mate is so cute to me! They all live their captain so much even though he is kinda crabby and Law has shown to go to great lengths to keep his crew from harms way. When they actually do get to fight they are well coordinated and look out for each other. Shachi and Penguin can just fight underwater. Also they have a fucking submarine! I love the polar tang.    
Kid Pirates
Eustass Kid
Oda did them so dirty, they deserve it
Because they look like they're all outcasts, they have a punk ass ship, and they obviously care about each other a lot.
Kid causes so many problems and I love him. Then you’ve got Killer who is there to get him to chill for like 2 seconds.
listen have you seen them. have you seen these crazy kids and their punk theme. their dedication not only to their captain but to the aesthetic? these guys fucking rule. like Kidd and Killer obviously slap as characters, and it’s really fun to see a captain and first mate combo who are so dedicated to each other, but then they also have a whole crew who are as dedicated to them?? incredible. they went and fought a yonko for funsies and survived! also special shout-out to heat for his overall Frankenstein’s monster look <3
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nettlewildfairy · 9 months
Love one piece and how hard it is to tell if anyone took the standard devils bargain to get their powers or if that's actually a totally normal thing anyone like them can do.
Did that guy eat a devil fruit and now has magic powers but can't swim, or is he just a guy who can do that with the power of being very good at swords, part robot, or escaped government experiment. Don't be ridiculous the mermaids didn't need to eat the special fruit, they can just talk to fish, not fishmen though, they can't, they Can all control water with karate though, also not a devil fruit they just can do that. did all these people eat animal devil fruit? no they're just the mink tribe they're just like that. On the other hand, the crews reindeer that ate a human human fruit to be like that.
Is having extra arms a normal thing here or did that guy eat the arm arm fruit that gives them extra arms?
Wait and see ;)
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legionofplush · 3 months
As I said, those aren't all the designs I wanna make, that's just where I had to put a cut off cause One Piece has infinite numbers of pets and zoans and characters which just kinda look like one animal and such. So, I'm gonna list all the characters below and whether I plan to do them and why or why not so if you were hoping your blorbo would be in this series and they aren't yet, you can see if I plan to do them. If your love is not on this list, please feel free to reply or tag and let me know who and what. There's so many of these and I just keep stumbling upon them (my ass just entirely forgot about Yokozuna till, like, 2 weeks ago) so I'm sure I missed some ones I'd love to make. It's a long ass list though so it's under the read more link. Feel free to control F your character so you don't have to read the whole thing.
So, other little designs I'm planning to make but make no promises about written in the format of character - animal/item for onesie:
X-Drake - Dinosaur
Sabo - Dragon (American style so I can put little wings on the back)
Franky - Toad (Yokozuna!)
Robin - Tortoise (Banchi)
Iceburg - Rat (Tyrannosaurus)
Koala - Koala (I know it's just a name but I love her and I want her in my hands)
Shirahoshi - Shark (Megalo)
Bon Clay - Swan (Gotta get all the queers up in this bitch)
Yamato - Zoan Wolf Thing (If I can get the sublimation working to get that sweet, sweet ombre)
Chopper - Cotton Candy (Similar to Katakuri's donut)
Nami - Zeus (It's basically the cotton candy onesie with a face, let's be honest)
Gear 5 Luffy - Cloud (Honestly, if I were to do one of the japanese dragon designs, it would be to make Gear 5 Luffy emerge from Kaidou's mouth like Shirahoshi does but it's more a horror movie moment but my issue with those designs is below)
Corazon - A heart (Like, just in a big ole heart)
Onigiri as an extra onesie for Law!
Bacura as an extra Boa onesie!
Meat onesie for Luffy, I can make a little bone stick out of the top and everything
Not a priority but maybe if I get through all the others:
Ceasar - Axolotl (Smiley)
Conis - Fox (Su)
Two remaining Gorgon Sisters - Snakes
King - Pteranodon
Black Maria - Spider
Pell - Falcon
Bian - Pink Bee
Bellamy - Hyena
Brooke - Laboon (The embroidery on this would be hell so it'll likely never be done but god would it be cute)
Might see if I can do something with Minks and the Sulong form but that's a tad difficult to differentiate. I don't just wanna put Carrot in a Rabbit onesie, ya know?
I know the marine admirals are all linked to animals in their names and symbols and Garp's dog hat so I might do them but they're, like, at the bottom of my list.
Original warlords but in seraphim coloring with little black wings and fire embroidered on their backs (though croc’s would not have a cigar cause the kids ain’t smoking)
Characters I know fit the category but I don't want to or feel like I can't do for various reasons:
Doflamingo - I know he's very popular and no hate to anyone who likes him but I don't want that man in my house so he's not gonna be.
Gecko Moria - I don't think I can do his head in this style and have it work, I'm sorry. And he's not Gecko Moria without his weird shape.
Any equine character - I have not figured out the hooves nor the face and maybe I will but it's still a no for now. Cavendish, Stronger, Kaku, none of em yet.
The japanese style dragon zoans - It's a really complicated design which would be really hard so I don't really wanna do it.
All the other ancient/artificial zoan Beast Pirates - 1. I haven't hit Wano and barely know them and 2. trying to make, like, ten dinosaur designs which can all be differentiated in this really simple style sounds like hell and I like Drake best so he gets dino-priority. Kings is at least a very visually different dino and if I make him I can have him, Law, Ace, and Robin have a "the government wants us dead for nothing but having survived their horrible acts of violence" tea party, which I want and thus am willing to work for, so Drake and King are my dinos.
Surume - I haven't figured out how to do an octopus but I promise you, I'm trying to think of it
Robson, Hakowan - I don't wanna do Wapol, I'm so sorry for the fans I'm sure exist somewhere.
Nyashi - I haven't gotten to whole cake and thus have no real positive Vinsmoke opinions, sorry. And I'm not putting Sanji in a Vinsmoke onesie, I wouldn't disrespect him like that.
Funkfreed - Spandam is nowhere near my top but I'm somewhat willing to bend if there's a burning fanbase which there seems to be somewhere and maybe they'll find this post and come for me. Mostly cause one of my friends likes him.
Catarina Devon - I don't really want to but also my friend (same one who like Spandam) really likes the blackbeards so you might see her anyways.
Five Elders - Unknown devil fruits don't count.
Drophy, Chaka, Pierre, Jabra, Tamago, Morgans, Pekoms, Dalton - Just kinda don't want to, sorry to these Zoans
Fishmen - There's so many and I don't wanna fall on that sword quite yet. I promise, every few days I think of doing Jinbe cause a whale shark would be hella cute and I love him but that's opening up such a can of worms.
That’s my list. I know there are some characters who are associated with animals but don’t have the other form, pet, or any visual motif, like Zoro with Tigers but I tried to stick with ones which were crewmates, pets, zoans, or visual motifs. That being said, Sabo with his dragon themed attacks and Koala with her name are on my list so I’m hardly firm on that rule.
If I missed anyone or if you think someone really needs a onesie, please feel free to comment or tag, I might make them and I absolutely haven't thought of all of them. Like while typing the Zeus/Gear 5 section, I just realized I could also make Smoker in a cloud, just like, a slightly greyer cloud cause it's smoke. I could totally do that and unfortunately, now I might.
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oswaldthatendswald · 3 months
Hello! I have been enjoying your Cora lives au a lot and wanted to ask a question about it. Feel free to ignore this if it's a bother.
In a recent chapter Shachi thinks about what drowning must be like as a devil fruit user and resolves to never eat one. I was wondering if you subscribed to the belief that he and Penguin are part fishmen, and if that affected his thought process. Or perhaps he was just being particularly empathetic as he seems prone to. :) Just curious!
Damn, this ask totally sent me on a spiral! Thank you very much for sending it. I ended up having a whole discussion about this headcanon with my partner, but I'll spare you the ramblings and cut to my answer.
The short answer is no, I don't subscribe to that belief. I think it's an interesting concept for AUs and I've certainly seen it written well in fics, but it's not a headcanon I find compelling for myself. More on my thoughts below the cut.
I don't want to bash that headcanon at all, and I certainly don't want to discourage anyone else from enjoying it or believing it, so I will add the disclaimer that all this is just my personal thoughts on the matter.
The long answer is that I've never really felt like that headcanon makes sense, both in the world and themes of One Piece. There doesn't seem to be much of a fishmen diaspora-- other than the Sun Pirates and Tom, most fishmen seem to be living on Fishman Island. Those who we do see seem to stick to warmer environments, while Swallow Island is cold and snowy. I find it somewhat implausible that a couple of part-fishmen kids could end up in the cold part of the North Blue, let alone survive.
But on a more thematic level, I don't find that the part-fishmen headcanon does justice to Penguin and Shachi's characters. A major theme in One Piece is that no one is immune to hardship, especially not kids, and the original Heart Pirates are a great microcosm of that theme. There's Law, who has lived through an atrocity and also carries a Devil Fruit people would literally kill for, and Bepo, who is both a Mink and Very Lost, but then we have Penguin and Shachi. They're just a couple of guys, but the world hasn't been any kinder to them. There's no grand reason to their suffering: no government plot or superpowers. But they're suffering is just as genuine as Law and Bepo's. For me, if they are part-fishmen, that really powerful thematic resonance is lost.
The reason for Shachi's bit about Devil Fruits and drowning is actually a lot less profound, I'm afraid. I'm definitely in the camp of thinking that Devil Fruits are super cool and not being able to swim is absolutely a fair trade, but my partner is on the total opposite side. Shachi's take on the loss of swimming is taken from her thoughts on the matter (in her own words: "There is literally no power that would be worth it to me").
I hope this answer wasn't too disappointing. Thank you very much for the ask, it was very thought-provoking!
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