#one page of my diary 📕
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nemossubmarine · 2 years ago
Bookish asks: 📕, 📗, 📙, 📖, 📕, 📘, 🔖?
📕What book has had the biggest impact on your life, and why? Hmm, that is a difficult question. I might have to go with R. A. Salvatore's Sojourn. I haven't read it in like 15 years, but it was the first book I remember absolutely adoring. I read it like... six times before I went to high school, and it definitely was the one that inspired me to start writing. (I should re-read it, though I can't imagine it holding up)
📗Are you a one-book-at-a-time reader, or do you read multiple books simultaneously?  I usually read between 2 and 4 books. I usually have one book I read at work during lunch that may or may not be the same book I read at home (for example if my home book is a physical book, I read ebooks at work), and usually another book that is more denser non-fiction that I read every now and then. And sometimes just another book that I have picked up for some reason.
📙What’s your favorite genre to read, and do you have any recommendations within that genre?  Already answered!
📖What is your favorite book-to-movie adaptation, and why?  I love love love Who Framed Roger Rabbit? It was one of my favorite movies as a child. The book was very different, and of course there's the nostalgia factor.
📕Who is your all-time favorite author, and what makes their writing so special to you?  Terry Pratchett. I think growing up with his books has definitely had a huge impact on my sense of humor, my curiosity about the world and my morality. His books have been a constant companion and comfort through my life.
📘Are there any book series that you’ve been meaning to start but haven’t gotten around to yet? Which ones are they?  There's this podcast I listen to at work "What Should I Read Next?" where the host recommends books to guests based on what they like. There has been couple of sci-fi series that sound interesting, but I haven't gotten around to checking how easy they would be to get here, like, I would like to get them through the library and in English (if original language). Also I can't remember all of them, cos I am very bad at writing them down. :D One of them was Martha Wells' Murderbot diaries.
🔖Which classic book or author do you think everyone should read at least once in their lifetime, and why? Famously (among my friends at least) my favorite classic author is Dostoyevsky. I adore the Brothers Karamazov, but I'm not sure I want to force anyone to read all 1k pages of it. But I definitely recommend everyone should pick something from the 19th century Russian literature.
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Previše puta sam čula kako nisam realna, kako sam previše optimistična, da previše maštam i da "treba da se spustim na zemlju". Ali meni je zanimljivije ovako, da maštam i da ujedno maštu pretvaram u stvarnost.
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bibliobethblog · 2 years ago
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Hello all, hope you’re doing well. I’m so grateful for my library tonight to give me that escape. I’m joining in the #sevenquestions tag which I saw on the lovely @travels.along.my.bookshelf page a while ago. Here we go! 📚 Top 3 books so far this year The Mermaid Of Black Conch by Monique Roffey Brickmakers by Selva Almada Devotion by Hannah Kent This was hard though, I have many MANY more. 🎵 Top 3 songs I know all the words to Groove Is In The Heart by Deee-lite I Knew You Were Waiting by Arethra Franklin and George Michael Part Of Your World by Ariel The Little Mermaid 🧜‍♀️😂 📕 3 things I look for in a cover Eye catching colour or pattern Something generally unusual that screams “pick me up!” If it’s blurbed by one of my favourite authors 📺 3 adaptations that are my comfort film/TV Pride and Prejudice (BBC version with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle ONLY 🤣) Sense and Sensibility (version with Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet and Alan Rickman) Bridget Jones Diary 💿 3 of my favourite albums Ladies and Gentlemen - George Michael Any 80’s or 90’s compilation Common People - Pulp 📖 3 books that you remember every detail of and could write an essay on The House At The Corner - Enid Blyton (childhood favourite that fell to pieces, I read it so much!) Pride and Prejudice (Austen fangirl) The Green Mile (shameless Stephen King groupie) 🙋🏼‍♀️ Your bookstagram in 3 emojis 🤪😍🫣 I’d love to know your thoughts on any of my answers. Do we have anything in common? Let’s have a chat in the comments! #bookstagram #scottishbookstagrammer #aboutmenow #austenfangirl #stephenkinggroupie #learnmoreaboutme #themermaidofblackconch #moniqueroffey #brickmakers #selvaalmada #devotion #hannahkent #grooveisintheheart #deeelite #iknewyouwerewaitingforme #arethrafranklin #georgemichael❤️ #partofyourworld #thelittlemermaid #ladiesandgentlemen #commonpeople #senseandsensibility #bridgetjonesdiary #thehouseatthecorner #enidblyton #thegreenmile #bookishfactsaboutme https://www.instagram.com/p/Cix1tDrrjV4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Toliko sam verovala
I toliko ste me slomili
Svaki atom mog bića
Samo ste mi pokazali
Da moje ružičaste naočare lažu
Da svet nije tako lepo mesto
Ni srećno
Nikad sreću nisam tražila i uzimala od drugih
Nesebično sam je davala svima
Delila sam sreću, radost, smeh
Rame za plakanje
A dobila sam
Dobila sam samo lekcije
Zašto sam trebala da budem sebična
Dobila sam šamare realnosti
Dobila sam tugu, razočarenje i bol
I od toga se nikad nisam oporavila
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rainy friday, tea and sitting on the porch rolled in blanket
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Maybe I just ask for too much
Maybe I am too much
But one day too much will be just right
When I achieve all I want
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ne želim više nikog
ko dolazi iz prošlosti
prerasla sam vas
pustila da budete prošlost
i jedan deo uspomena
pustila da mi budete lekcija
da naučim
da me povredite
pustila sam vas da me naučite
kako da volim sebe
dok gubim vas koje sam volela
više od sebe same
i naučila sam
a mislili ste da neću
naučila sam
i zato su novi ljudi tu
da se pokažu i dokažu
da gledam napred
i stvaram sebe
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Nikad nisam mislila da ću istinski zavoleti ovaj grad, a upravo to se desilo. Zavolela sam ga. Sve što je bilo potrebno je par osoba i nezaboravni trenuci.
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Sećam se
Svih onih mračnih momenata u mojoj sobi
U zagrljaju jastuka
Kako sam plakala i želela da bol nestane
Sećam se
Koliko sam žarko želela da neki ljudi ostanu
Koliko sam sebe krivila
Mislila da nisam dovoljno dobra
Dok mi je jedva čujni glasić šaputao
Da volim sebe više
Da vredim
Da sam posebna
Ni na sekund mu nisam poverovala
Baš ni na sekund
Posle 10 godina sam se potrudila da ga čujem
I bio je u pravu
Posebna sam
Ali samo pravi ljudi će to videti.
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Pokazaću ti jednom moj tumblr. Sve moje ljubavi su zabeležene ovde. Skoro svi moji snovi,takođe. Ovo je neka moja verzija digitalnog dnevnika, i ako imam punu fioku pisanih dnevnika (koje si do sad verovatno i pročitao). Ali ovde ćeš pročitati o sebi, dok te još nisam ni znala. Kada si bio samo jedna želja. Pročitaćeš koliko sam te jedva čekala. Upoznaćeš moju dušu na slikovit način.
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hej,dečače sa pogledom u očima koji izbriše svaku moju nesigurnost sa rečima koje otvore najdublje odaje mog srca sa dodirom koji mi stvori najlepša krila jednog dana postaćemo “mi” reći ćemo najsigurnije i najglasnije “da” volećemo se toliko da će ljudi s druge strane ulice osetiti našu ljubav volećemo se toliko da ćemo biti primer drugima volećemo se toliko da neće biti nijedne večeri kada nećemo zaspati zagrljeni a do tada stvaraj svoje snove živi punim plućima voli i budi voljen budi srećan  budi spokojan jer ja te čekam i sve besmisleno će jednog dana imati smisao a do tada čuvaj mi se.   
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10. januar 2022.godine
Ja sam sebi priznala sve, sve ono što me tišti. Priznala sam sebi, oprostila i prihvatila. Jer je sve to deo moje prošlosti, ono što je od mene napravilo osobu kakva sam sad. Osobu kojom se ponosim.
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nije mi žao što sam toliko volela
žao mi je što sam tako bolno prošla
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"Zamisli, kaže ti da si mu Sutrašnjica."
"Sutrašnjica? Kako glupav naziv!"
"Ne razumeš. Sutrašnjica kao pojam da svako naredno jutro želi da se budi pored tebe, da sutra i svaki naredni dan s tobom deli dobro i loše,da s tobom gradi i stvara svoje sutra."
"... izgleda da ipak želim da mu budem Sutrašnjica."
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You can't force love. It will come. You can desperately search but it'll be successful once you're truly ready and not needy
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