#one of these days; I'm gonna bang my head against the table and just sigh at my disadvantage when it comes to cm and m
soundcrusher · 2 years
Okay, so, I was playing around with the Hikaku Sitatter again. It's a site where you can put in heights and you get a height chart, and I made one for my Transformers Ocs... And... well...
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I JUST REALIZED RECORD IS ONE TALL BOY! And his height isn't even the actual height of his alt-mode. A Lockheed C-5 Super Galaxy has a lenght of 75.53m those are 24780,18 feet. Which means he could just step on his foes and take them out that way.
And then there is Flinch, who's alt-mode is also way longer than his height. A Blackbird has a lenght of 32.73m, that's 107.4 feet. That means he's also a tall boy and his fear of stepping on his Minibot friends is even more justified. I mean, look at Silverlining. He's just a spot there.
This also means, their ship is huge, or at least has very high hallways.
Also, both Record and Flinch can give other Cybertronians a ride in their alt-mode no matter what, and I like that.
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cheezeybread · 3 months
I'm not gonna lie, I was already drafting up a part two just for sillies hehe
I love writing characters to their breaking point, isn't it just the best? <3
As usual, Trigger warnings include crass language, possible violence idk, etc etc!
This ain't proofread lol
As the days passed by, the change around campus was...very noticeable. No one could function as well as they should have. Students were making reckless mistakes in class. Not passing tests, not even writing their own names on assignments, forgetting exam dates, putting ingredient A in a potion mixture instead of ingredient B.
The strangest part was the lack of magic in the student body.
For the Housewardens, especially, it was concerning. At first, the other students theorized that they weren't using magic out of some sort of protest for YN's conditions. But then, said students realized that they couldn't use their magic, either.
Professor Trein explained it best at the staff meeting a week after your episode.
"Magic is tied in directly with emotions," he had said, staring down at the table with an unusual air of solemnity "It isn't uncommon to see cases of powerful mages losing control of their magic after their partner passes away, or some other event. It's the main reason why scientists theorize that overblots are caused not only by an overuse of powers, but rather, mainly due to an excess of pent-up pressure inside a mage's heart."
"I don't know if you know this, Professor Trein," said one of the Mathematics teachers with an air of superiority "But this YN is not a mage, nor a magic user, at all!"
"He's not talking about YN in this case, you insolent dog!" Crewel shouted out, banging a fist on the table. Once the math teacher went silent, Professor Crewel cleared his throat and raised a hand to his mouth, attempting to regain his composure. His mood had been rather soured as of late...a result of his stress about the whole situation "I don't know if you know, but this meeting is not only about YN, but about the significant lack of magic in the student body! No one can use it at the moment. I'm not quite sure how you missed that."
"So...the students can't use their magic because of...emotional distress?" Coach Vargas suggested.
"Precisely," Trein nodded "YN has had quite an impact on all of the students at this school, whether we'd like to admit it or not, mainly due to the pressure Crowley put on them to step into other's problems," he cast a scornful look towards the Headmage, who looked suitable flustered "They've made friendships and bonds with the entirety of the student body, and even those who aren't friends with them are friends with those who are, so they're effected, as well."
The students were worried for different reasons.
While the staff was meeting, the Housewardens called their own meeting. Even the elusive Malleus managed to join them, and Idia came in-person, for once. Since the staff was holed up in their regular space, the Housewardens decided to gather in the Mostro Lounge. Surprisingly, Azul offered drinks free of charge, just this once. But no one felt too thirsty.
"I'm worried," Riddle started by saying, tapping his fingers against the side of his water that he hadn't taken a sip of.
"That's quite an understatement," Azul sighed, pushing his glasses up as he leaned back in his chair "No one else has been able to use their magic yet, have they? Not your students or anyone else?"
"No," Leona shook his head, looking greatly annoyed at this whole meeting. Although everyone could tell that there was an underlying emotion of concern on his face.
"Well, has anyone managed to talk to YN?" Kalim looked tired and worn-out, his normally sunny disposition replaced by an anxious look "Me and Vil tried to go to their dorm this morning with some of their favorite foods, but they didn't answer the door..."
"No, only Grim opened the door," Vil drummed his nails on the table, his brows furrowed slightly, unconcerned about the risk of wrinkles on his skin.
"Grim?" Interjected Idia "What did he say?"
"He only said that they weren't hungry..." Kalim shook his head "He- he said that they haven't slept hardly at all since it happened, waking up screaming after a few minutes whenever they have slept."
"And they haven't had anything to eat unless Grim could manage to force it down their throats, practically," Vil cleared his throat "He said that YN isn't talking to him, either, though. They're barely acknowledging his presence."
"But YN loves Grim!" Exclaimed Idia, looking bewildered.
"...Most likely, they merely need some time to themselves," Malleus said softly, speaking for the first time that meeting "They've been through so much, due to our mistakes as well as Crowley's. While we weren't the main cause of their stress, we undoubtedly had a great effect on it."
The Housewardens were silent, all thinking of the stress they piled up on you, all of their overblots, some of which they hurt you during. They had all made their mistakes. They had never once given you a proper apology, had they? Simple sorry's were said, but actions spoke louder than words, and their actions were minimal, at best.
"I say we try our best to apologize," Spoke Leona, as if he could hear all of their thoughts. He had the same one, after all. "And then we'll string up the Headmage by his shitty mask and fingertips and leave him for the ravens to eat."
They all agreed heartily.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
You were terrible, a Grade-A mess.
Ever since your breakdown, you had been certifiably done with this school. Holing yourself up in yours and Grim's shared room, sitting on the bed staring at the wall.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak to Grim, feeling embarassed for the way you acted, but mostly feeling bitter traces of resentment towards him for his part in this mess. Although you knew the grudge was something you would have to get over sooner or later. Poor Grim had done his best to apologize in the only way he knew how, after all.
Saying "sorry" wasn't his style. The most he could do was not be a total pain. Seeing you not eat anything, he had brought you some of his hidden tuna cans, trying to balance a fork in both of his paws- without opposable thumbs, he made quite a mess after dropping it several times- and feed you. You tried your best to please him (although pleasing people is what got you to this point in the first place), opening your mouth and accepting whatever he could manage to get up to that level without dropping.
After you finished off a can, Grim looked at you with a sad look, and scurried off without a word.
When he saw you not sleeping, he tried to make you comfortable, bringing you whatever blankets and pillows he could find. The ghosts tried to lower their voices when speaking, and didn't try to scare you like they normally did. But you couldn't sleep. When you first fell asleep, you woke up to a sharp pain in your hand, discovering that you had been screaming and smashing your fists into the mirror over the mantle-place, the same mirror that had shown you visions of the Great Seven's tales. Grim had raised the Nurse's office and brought back band aids and disinfectants, while one of the ghosts did his best to patch up your hand.
After that, you tried not to sleep at all.
A week later, you found yourself drifting down the stairs to the lounge area, your head feeling a little lighter than it had before. Were you starting to heal? No, healing would take the effort of you unpacking everything instead of having a breakdown and shutting yourself off to the world. But maybe this was a sign that you could take the first steps to recovery.
Grim was overjoyed by your movement out of the room, taking it as a sign that you would be okay, finally. He tried to feed you one of your favorite foods out of a tupperware container- mentioning that it was brought over by Vil and Kalim- but you took the fork yourself with a smile, and ate a bite before your lack of appetite got the best of you and you had to put the food back up.
The doorbell rang, a deep, long sound. Did you feel like dealing with people? Maybe so. You'd have to start somewhere, somehow.
As Grim eagerly- yet cautiously- followed you to the door, you unlocked it and opened it, peering around the corner.
There stood all seven Housewardens, their eyes collectively wide at seeing a pale, (and frankly) sick-looking YN.
It was Vil who gained his composure first, bowing his head gracefully.
"Dearest YN, we have a letter for you. We thought it best to allow you to read it yourself, so you can have some time to think over it without any etiquette-worrying." The blond held out a folded piece of paper, and you slowly took it from his unsteady hand.
"Thank...you," you spoke quietly, your throat still recovering from all the screaming you did seven days ago.
"We'll take our leave now," Vil cleared his own throat, casting you a small look before he made a sweeping motion with his hands, turned around, and walked off of the property with the other 6 housewardens.
Watching them until they faded out of sight, you leaned up against the doorway, not bothering to close the door as you unfolded the letter and began to read
"Dearest YN, this letter is a collection of our thoughts for you. We as housewardens realize the amount of pressure that you have been through, and we regret that we were unable to see the signs sooner.
Throughout this school year, we began as seeing you as something less than. You were merely a magicless human, after all, who wasn't even able to be sorted into a proper dormitory. Instead, you were forced into babysitting a dire beast in an abandoned, trashy excuse for a building (pardon the insults, it really is a lovely dorm thanks to all the hard work you've put into it). Despite having no magic, you were expected to take classes, which added coursework into all you had to worry about. Crowley continued to make you work for him to pay off the imaginary debt he believed you to owe the school for bringing you here against your will. And then we, separately, went through intense overblots, hurting you physically and mentally, as well as forcing you to solve our own problems and unhealed traumas/resentments.
We leaned on you wholly for support. But we never stopped to think of your own wellbeing. A magicless human amongst mages and students, you were obviously in danger at every turn, yet we didn't offer to assist you with learning proper defense techniques. We expected you to solve all of our problems and disputes, because, after all, that was what we believed you to be there for. It was what you were good at, so we allowed ourselves the selfish pleasure of using you for your talents at healing us. You were overworked, everyone dumping their schoolwork on you knowing full and well that you wouldn't say no to someone in need of assistance.
We are all very sorry, and know that our words cannot heal what you've been through. We know that you miss your home, and we haven't been providing you with any comfort in making this place your home-away-from-home in the meantime.
So please accept our offers to help you now, if it's not too late.
Any coursework you have trouble with, I'll help you with. You've helped me to see that I'm only human, and I shouldn't be expected to achieve perfection. The loudest person isn't always the right one, YN, sometimes it's the most quiet one that has the most important opinions. Just like you.
Anybody that gives you any trouble, I'll make sure they're on the menu for our next barbecue at Savanaclaw dorm. Because of you, I can see that despite being a second-born, I can be something great, so long as I don't hold myself back.
If you need a suitable job for pocket money, Mostro Lounge always has an available spot open for you. If that's not to your liking, I'd be more than happy to find you a job that's low-stress yet still provides enough of a paycheck for you to be satisfied with. Contract-pending, of course. Due to your interference, I know that I'm good enough, even without stealing powers and such.
Anytime you need to destress and relax, give me a call! I'll happily help you anyway that I can, whether it's helping you with your workload or anything! Just name it! I'm at your service- just think of me as your humble servant! :D Thank you so much for your help with Jamil, I'm so sorry he trapped you in Scarabia for most of Winter break! You've given me a chance to really be his friend now, and for that, you deserve anything I can give you!
I can now see that being number one in the world isn't everything...I shouldn't be so stressed over everything that the public thinks in comparison to me alongside LeBlanche. I should simply be myself, as beautiful and perfect as I can be. The same applies to you, YN. You are beautiful and perfect in your own right, and should never look down upon yourself. Anytime you need a spa break or assistance with Alchemy, consider me your go-to.
You've helped me be a little bit more social, better in public. You never made me feel like a freak for my interests. I'm sorry I can't say more, I'm totally blanking on the spot right now- but rest assured that I'll totally be making a bunch of technology for you to use, that way you'll be way more powerful than anybody else, even without magic!
The Headmage is locked in the basement of Diasomnia
-Malleus Draconia
And as an additional note, we would like to officially claim that we believe Crowley's claim of it being impossible to return you home holds little to no merit...we shall be investigating this matter rigorously on our own time, until we discover a way home for you. If, The Great Seven forbid, we cannot find a solution, each of us are willing to accept you with open arms and make sure your time in this world, even after school ends, will be nothing short of amazing.
With all the love you deserve,
Vil (and co.)"
The letter made you smile so wide that your cheeks started to hurt. As you got further down, then began to reread it again, your eyes began to water, tears dripping down and landing on the paper.
Soon enough, you were a sobbing mess on the floor, the letter still gripped in one hand. But you were still smiling, despite the tears.
"YN! YN, Are you okay??" Grim asked worriedly, shaking your arm with a concerned look. He hadn't even called you his hench-human since the incident due to his concern for you.
You opened up your arms and wrapped up the cat-creature in a hug, burying your face into his fuzzy back. He made a small yowl of surprise, but didn't try to pull away.
"Not- not yet, Grim," You choked out, sniffling "But I will be."
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
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Under the clocktower
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Word Count: 5.6k
Synopsis: Hobie's stuck in a time loop where he keeps seeing you die over and over again. He tries to find a way to escape the loop, at the same time saving you from your fate.
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, TW blood, TW death, TW injuries, TW violence, established relationship. Time loop AU, angst.
My masterlist
* I don't consent to having my work translated/ published on other platforms*
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Hobie opens his eyes, the blinding light from the early morning sun mixed with the smell of burning breakfast wakes him up instantly. He jumps off the bed running towards the smell.
His body feels heavy somehow, his lungs sit weirdly in his chest, his eyes wide and alert. It's like he swung around the city while asleep.
He shakes it off attributing it to not sleeping well. Shutting off the stove he sighs at the burnt omelet. He briefly sees the clock on the stove in his peripheral- 8:00 am
Good thing he reached the kitchen before the fire alarm went off, he grabbed a nearby rag to fan away the smoke. Suddenly hearing wet feet squelch across the wooden floors, Hobie instinctively looks towards it.
"Fuck, the eggs!" You run around the corner in your bathrobe, your hair wrapped in a fluffy towel. Running too fast on your wet feet, you slide across the floor, hitting your hip against the table. You're sure it would leave a nasty bruise.
"It's too early to burn down the flat, don't you think so, love?" Hobie puts his hands on his hips, annoyed that he woke up so early. Sweats hang low on his waist, an old band shirt ripped at the sleeves, his arms and midriff on full display.
"Ow, sorry Hob," you rub your aching hip, "I'm sorry I woke you up, grumpy" you close the small distance.
"You better be sorry," he grabs you by the waist, inching his hand toward the hastily wrapped belt of your bathrobe. "I'm still bloody tired" he says with a yawn.
"Aww, my poor baby Hobie," you cup his cheeks, "let me kiss it better" you peck the corner of his eye, your soap and strawberry scented shampoo fills his senses.
While you're distracted, he slowly unties your robe. Noticing the sly movement, you grab at Hobie's wrist. "Tsk tsk. Not today, babe. First day at my new job, remember?"
"Ah shit, that's today?"
"Yep, can't be late" you kiss his lips quickly before he escalates things. "You can go back to bed, I'll see you tonight" you push yourself off Hobie.
"Good luck" he pulls you back by your hand, "remember they're lucky to have you, not the other way around" Hobie kisses your knuckles while looking into your eyes.
You chuckle, "I know what you're doing, Hobie Brown. It's not gonna work"
"Worth a shot" he finally lets you go.
The doorbell rings, both of you looking at the intrusion. Who could that be this early?
"I've got it, Love. Can't have you answering the door in your robe can I?" Hobie winks at you tiredly, which makes his eyelid move slowly.
"Very sexy, babe" you shake your head as you head back towards the bathroom.
Grabbing the door, he sees your neighbour mid knock.
"Ohh, hey!" He looks disappointed "Morning neighbour!" Hobie winces at how chipper this man is this early in the morning.
"What is it?" Hobie asks flatly, leaning on the doorway.
"Ah," he subtly looks behind Hobie "do you have any sugar, white preferably. You see I'm making ensaymada -"
"Wait there" Hobie cuts him off, disinterested at whatever information he was about to share. He just wants to go back to bed.
He shuts the door with a bang.
"Who's at the door?" Your muffled voice rings out.
"No one, just your neighbour!" Hobie yells out so that the man outside hears it.
He grabs a bag of sugar from your pantry, Hobie opens the door, quickly handing it off.
"Thanks! Can you tell-" He gets shut down again when Hobie closes the door in his face.
Hobie plops himself back on the bed, he groans when his back cracks. He falls asleep to the sound of your humming.
Chaos rains downtown, buildings crumble around Hobie while he pursues Green goblin. Everything went bad so fast, he didn't see it coming. Green goblin cackles menacingly while she randomly throws bombs below her hoverboard.
She went completely off the rails when Hobie got a few punches in, desperate to get away, she just started chucking random stuff at him, conveniently one of them was a bomb. The explosion threw him off, Goblin got a few blocks ahead of him, but Hobie's determined.
He swings after the flash of green, he hears the familiar chime of big ben - 6:00pm
Goblin leads him towards the tower bridge, it's packed with vehicles because of the rush hour, that's not good.
"Catch, Spider-Punk!" Goblin chucks another bomb below her, she clearly knows this one will surely cause chaos on the bridge.
With his quick thinking, Hobie grabs the bomb with his web, slinging it away from the crowd below. A shockwave resonates through the old bridge, its old wiring swings letting out a metallic groan. puffs of green smoke cloud above the area.
Hobie hears screams below him, looking down he sees the crowd scrambling away from danger. His senses send electricity through him, he looks back toward Goblin, she's now just hovering in place, in both of her hands she holds belts full of spherical bombs, she holds it against the edge of her hoverboard, threatening to let go.
"Don't you dare!" Hobie webs up both of the belts holding the spheres, ready to fling it away. Before he could do just that, the clips holding the bombs give out, time seems to slow down as Hobie watches in horror, the little balls of destruction falling down like rain. Goblin's shrill laugh pierces Hobie's ear drums.
He ignores the crazy lady, instead he goes after the green orbs. He webs as much as he can reach, quickly throwing them off the bridge, they go off the second they hit the water below. He keeps repeating this process till he's sure he got all of them out.
He lands breathlessly on the concrete, he points towards the nearest end of the bridge, guiding the remaining people off the bridge. Roaming his eyes above to see where Goblin could be.
His senses go off again, Hobie's ears perk up towards the faint ticking sound. He sees the ball bounce off a taxi, it doesn't go off, instead it just lands down the concrete with a clink. He eases up a bit, figuring it might be a dud. Until he looks inside the black taxi, Hobie sees your terrified face against the taxi's window, you're struggling to open the door.
Electricity pulses through him, sounding off alarms. The whites of his mask widen when the sphere stops ticking.
It's not defective, it was just counting down.
You finally notice him, frozen in fear. He tries to reach you, but the shockwave from the explosion stops him, Knocking him down.
The sheer force of the explosion flips the taxi, tethering close to the edge of the bridge. Green smoke covers Hobie's vision, he can barely make out the silhouette of the dark car, he throws caution into the wind, he doesn't look for more ticking bombs, instead he quickly runs toward the creaking metal.
He finally reaches you, as the car finally falls. Hobie quickly webs up the trunk of the car sticking its end on stagnant cars, and columns. He hears your muffled screams inside the deathtrap.
"Hobie!" You desperately scream for him, clinging to the car's headrest, the taxi swings against the wind. You can see him trying to pull you up.
Seeing Goblin wreaking havoc, you see her throw more bombs towards fleeing civilians, you make the conscious decision to yell at him to help them instead.
"Hobie! On your left!" Your throat burns trying to get his attention.
Thanks to his spidey senses and your desperate pleas, Hobie understands quickly, he ties the web he's holding onto a nearby truck, hopeful that it sticks until he can get you out.
"I can do both" Hobie whispers
He yanks Goblin down from her hoverboard with one precise shot of his web, she falls hard on the concrete. In one swift movement Hobie grabs his guitar on his back, using it as a bat, he swings it against the ticking bombs, before its countdown ends.
They explode in mid air, green clouds rain over the historic bridge.
Hobie runs back to you, on his way he notices that Goblin recovered and is nowhere to be seen. He'll find her later, right now he needs to save you.
He swings towards the edge where he last saw you, the only thing he sees is the cold rushing water swallowing the taxi.
His breath hitches in his throat. His knees threatened to collapse under his weight.
"No, not you" he weakly says.
Before he follows you towards the black depths, Hobie sees the Green Goblin rise up from under the bridge right in front of him, a sickenly bloody smile on her face.
"Got your little birdy, spidey" she shakes your terrified form, her claw-covered hand covers the bottom half of your face painfully, your feet floating a few inches off her board.
"Mmph!" You yelp for him as you try to reach him with your hands.
"Let them go! Or I swear I will tear you apart!" Hobie barks out, he doesn't recognize his own voice.
"Oh, okay!"
Your terrified eyes look back at him.
One minute you were in Goblin's hand, the next you were falling to your demise.
Electricity cackles around Hobie, he leaps off the edge, everything seems to be moving in slow motion. Shooting a web towards you, he curses gravity, his web merely a hair's width away from your form. Your fingertips graze its ends.
Your head hits the water in a horrible cracking sound.
A cold splash hits Hobie's masked face, he braces for impact.
The water hits him like a truck, but he shakes it off, adrenaline pulses in his body like never before. He tries to find your form under the dark water.
It's dark and quiet under, the only thing he could hear is his own heart thumping in his chest. He hopes to hear yours too.
He roams his eyes, his eyes squinted looking for your familiar silhouette. Hobie finally spots you, slowly floating down towards the endless void. He swims down as fast as his limbs could, his air is running out, he's afraid yours might be too.
He grabs hold of your arm, Hobie quickly brings you against his chest, he ignores the absent beating of your heart.
Reaching the surface was an uphill battle, but he finally got you out. Stopping by the riverbank, he doesn't waste any time doing CPR.
He dares to look at your face, Hobie lets out a pained sound when he sees your dull eyes looking up at nothing, your lips slowly turning blue. He counts in his head to keep track of his chest compressions.
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
" C'mon lovey, breathe for me please"
25 26 27 28 29
Your lips are now a harsh blue color, he whispers your name like a prayer.
He quickly puts his lips on yours to breathe into it, he does it twice, desperation increasing in every breath he gives you. He counts again.
10 11 12 13 14 15
He lets out a pained sob, he bites his lips to stop more from coming out.
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
"I can fix this" he ignores the aching in his arms.
26 27 28 29 30
He breathes into you again and again. He takes a step back to examine you, no reaction.
Desperation, fear and anger flows through every crevice of his body. But his mind fills with you, only you.
He takes his stance again-
Searing pain ebbs out of his chest, crimson flows from the wound, Hobie finds himself impaled on Goblin's hoverboard, his back trapped in between a wall. Green Goblin lets out a victory screech.
He groans out, his blood seeps through his mouth, gagging on it.
He's dying.
How poetic he thought, dying mere minutes after you. You once joked that you're soulmates, he now thinks you're right.
"I DID IT, I KILLED SPIDER-PUNK!" Her laugh slowly fades away, like he's walking away from her.
He imagines that he does and instead of your lifeless body waiting for him, he imagines that you're standing there, smiling at him. His only wish is that you both end up at the same place.
Big Ben's clock rings out again.
"I should've tried harder," He murmurs. Darkness embraces him like an old friend.
Hobie opens his eyes, sunlight tears his red eyes open. He quickly sits up breathless. He grabs his chest, kneading it with his knuckles. He smells something burning.
Hobie gets up, heading towards the smell. He stares at the pan - omelette or what it used to be an omelette.
"Fuck, the eggs!" You run around the corner in your bathrobe, Running too fast on your wet feet, you slide across the floor, almost hitting your hip against the table. Hobie stops you mid slide with his web shooters. You would've hit the table pretty hard.
Why did he know that?
You look towards Hobie looking dumbfounded. "Hobie, why are you just standing there? Turn it off!"
He snaps out of his stupor, turning down the knob he looks at you, his breathing heavy.
"Shit, sorry for yelling, Hob" you grab a rag to fan the smoke out.
You look at Hobie, he has a weird look on his face. He hugs you suddenly, his face landing on the crook of your neck. Hobie recognizes the smell of your soap and strawberry scented shampoo, he takes a deep breath.
That was just a dream, right?
"You better be sorry"
"Aw, my poor baby Hobie, did I wake you up with my culinary skills?" You rub his cheek with your thumb, "I'm sorry I woke you up, grumpy. Let me kiss it better" you crane your neck to peck the side of his head.
Just a dream, right?
Hobie anxiously fiddles with the belt around your robe, you take it as flirting. "Tsk tsk. Not today, babe. First day at my new job, remember?"
You pull away from his warmth, cupping his face, you look directly at his eyes. Hobie briefly sees your lifeless eyes staring back at him.
You take his lack of response to being sleep deprived. "Can't be late" you kiss his lips "You can go back to bed, I'll see you tonight" you push yourself off Hobie.
He calls after you, "remember they're lucky to have you, not the other way -" your doorbell rings.
"Could you get that for me?"
Grabbing the door, he sees your neighbour mid knock.
"Ohh, hey!" He looks behind Hobie completely ignoring him, staring at your bathrobe clad body "Morning neighbour!"
You wave at him awkwardly while you fix your robe to cover yourself up more.
Hobie notices, his eye twitches at the realization. He closes the door slightly, so he's blocking the creepy neighbor from you.
"What is it?" Hobie asks flatly, leaning on the doorway.
"Ah," he subtly tries to take a peek at you behind Hobie "do you have any sugar, white preferably. You see I'm making ensaymada -"
Hobie's ears perk at the last word. He stares at the man suspiciously.
"What did you say?"
"Ensaymada, it's a pastry with-"
"I know what the fuck that is, it's their favourite, why the fuck-"
A dream, right?
"Wait there" Hobie cuts him off, he shuts the door with a bang.
He grabs a bag of sugar from your pantry, Hobie opens the door, tossing it off.
"Oof, Thanks! Can you tell-" He gets shut down again when Hobie closes the door in his face.
Hobie slowly walks back towards the bedroom, he sits on the foot of your bed. He feels tired, wondering what the hell is happening to him. He lifts his shirt to look at his chest, no sign of a wound. He looks around your room, nothing seems out of place, it's the same cream colored walls, the same bed, and dresser, the same lab coat hangs on it, ready for your first day at work.
Hobie plops down, his muscles aching for relief, he starts to drift back to sleep, until he hears you humming the same tune, in the same cadence. Hobie's eyes open in a flash.
"This already happened"
Hobie goes about his day, knowing what happens today, he has the advantage. He can save you this time.
Hobie anticipates every move Goblin makes, he dodges everything she throws at him. Bombs still get thrown about, but now he has the time to react before it causes chaos.
She can't get a single hit in, watching every precise movement he makes, knowing her every move before she even does, it terrified her, so she just flies away crossing the Thames, she sees an opportunity to stop Spider-Punk from chasing her.
Goblin in her desperation, haphazardly throws every single one of her bombs below, Hobie tries to fling them away but he couldn't stop every single one of them from detonating. Loud booms and green smoke cover the iconic bridge.
What did he do wrong?
Spotting you from above, Hobie dive bombs towards you, he's a few feet above you, he reaches out to you, your fingers brush against each other as a bomb explodes near your feet.
Hobie opens his eyes, he feels a harsh heat staying on his face, like a lingering taste.
"FUCK!" He screams, "this can't be happening" he holds his head in his hands.
"Babe you okay?" You come out of the bathroom, smoke fills Hobie's nostrils like some kind of cruel joke.
"No! My breakfast!" You rush out.
He follows you, as you fan away the fumes, Hobie hugs you from behind.
"Hey grumpy, sorry about that" you lean against his chest, you crane your neck so he could slip his head on the crook of it.
Hobie smells your familiar scent along with a hint of smoke, he promises into your skin that he would try harder to save you, no matter how many tries it takes him.
"Are you okay? You seem out of it"
"Just tired, lovey"
"You know that I love you, right? I'm right here, you can tell me anything"
"I know"
He left your flat at the same time as you, following closely behind your cab. He's paranoid that Goblin knows that she's in a loop too and might try to get the upper hand.
Hobie finds Goblin before she could find him. He leaves her body beaten on the pavement.
How she reacts with his questions with every angry hit, it's safe to say, she doesn't know about the day resetting.
Hobie continues on throughout the day, Big Ben rings its bell - 6:00pm
This time instead of the Green Goblin surprising him, it's the Vulture.
They fight, and eventually end up on the bridge. They clash against each other, Hobie doesn't have the advantage of precognition this time, but what he has is pure unadulterated anger.
Hobie tries everything, but you still fall. Grasping your limp body, he lets the vulture take his revenge.
The clock chimes again
Hobie opens his eyes. This time he doesn't waste time, he swings away immediately, leaving you confused.
He finds Goblin, then the Vulture, but still another Villain replaces them.
Hobie almost beats the Lizard but alas with his enhanced healing he gets up over and over again. Hobie, exhausted and bleeding, watches you cradle his limp body, Lizard's massive shadow falls over you.
You both die in the hands of the Lizard.
Hobie opens his eyes, he starts to count how many times he looped back.
No matter how he keeps killing and trapping all the villains that somehow keeps replacing each other on that bridge. More and more obscure ones start filling the role of your murderer. They seemed endless.
You and Hobie have been impaled, electrocuted, burned, and tossed into a vacuum of space. And yet he keeps coming back to the same day, on the same bed, waking up to the same smell.
He ignores it, he wonders what he did to deserve this. Seeing you die over and over again is hell. That must be it, he's in hell, he doesn't believe in it, but after hearing your pained screams, and countless times he tried to revive you, he's starting to believe in it.
You jump out of the shower, running towards your stove, you don't notice him awake.
After seeing you alive and well, he's sure this isn't hell, because if it is you wouldn't be in it.
He tries something new, he confronts your weird neighbor, he lets his anger get the best of him. Hobie dumps the bag of sugar on his head, letting it fall on him like snowflakes.
You still drown, he still gets killed by Goblin.
He wakes up with anger boiling inside him. Why can't he save you? Why is he so slow? Why can't he figure out what's causing this time loop? He lashes out on you leaving you sobbing on your floor.
You die in his arms this time, thinking that he doesn't love you.
He curses himself, as he lets the uncontrollable fire consume him.
He invents various gadgets made from scrap, to aid him in fighting. He wasted the entire day creating them.
Hobie uses them once, but he still fails. You still fall, he gets burned.
At least he gets to bring his hardwork in the next loop right?
Hobie opens his eyes, his gadgets are nowhere to be found.
He curses his optimism.
He has every villain's attack pattern memorized and predicted, he stares at Vulture's lifeless body on the pavement.
He finally beat one on the bridge.
Breathless he looks behind him, he stares at your wide eyes, your white lab coat is a stark comparison to the chaos around you.
He did it, now to get you home.
Hobie was just staring at you, in a split second, you're hanging from Goblin's hoverboard, the sharp end of it sticking out of your chest.
Goblin laughs as she throws numerous bombs at him, Hobie falls on the bridge, his right arm no more.
"I almost had it" he weakly says as the dark waters of the Thames engulf him.
Hobie's falling apart at the seams.
Hobie opens his eyes, his muscles feel like they're being torn away from his bones. His eyes grow heavier with every revival. His ears are still ringing from the bell's endless chiming.
He needs help, so he goes after you in the kitchen. "Hey" he says morosely.
"G'morning, grumpy-" you turn around, gasping at the sight. Taking in his slouched posture, sunken eyes, his signature smirk notably absent. He looks exhausted.
"Hobie?" You ask, as if you weren't sure it's really him. "What happened? Are you okay?" You slowly close the distance, careful not to startle him.
"Baby?" Grabbing his shoulders, he falls forward with a thud.
"I think-" he clings to you "I think I did something wrong"
Your heart breaks for him "could you tell me what it is?"
He pulls away "I'm stuck, I don't know what to do" he cups your face, for a second, he sees blood covering it, your once bright eyes turning white, then your face comes back to normal "Please, help me"
"Let's sit down, yeah?" You lead him towards your emerald couch. Was it always this colour? It reminds him of the smoke billowing from Goblin's bombs.
He puts on a brave face, "what I'm about to tell you sounds crazy, but please stay with me" and so he tells you everything, starting from the beginning to end.
He thought not telling you of your death might help you swallow it down better, so he doesn't, instead Hobie tells you that he keeps dying over and over again.
After rambling you look at him, emotion unreadable on your face.
"I believe you," you kiss his hollow cheeks "I believe you" you put your forehead against his, grounding him to reality.
"I'm so fucking sorry, it didn't work out, our plan" he murmurs.
"What? Hobie, how many times have you asked for my help?" You pull away, cringing at your tone, he might interpret it as anger.
"This is the thirteenth time"
Your breath hitches in your throat.
"Every single time I've told you, you always believed me, not once you didn't. But I've never asked you, why do you always help me?"
"Because, I love you, Hobie Brown. You could tell me that whales could walk on land, or the sky is falling and I would believe you"
For Hobie the sky IS falling, every time he sees you die, his world ends, and he's powerless to stop it.
"I have every reason to help you, because I can't lose you"
That's a first from you. Hobie never thought of it that way. He was too focused on saving you that he forgot to save himself.
Hobie thinks of something he has never done before in a couple of hundred rotations.
"So, what if we don't do anything? We just stay here, doing nothing" Hobie asks.
"We've never done that before?"
"Never, it could work. Us staying out of danger" determination sparks in his eyes.
"Then let's do just that" you smile.
Hope sparks in Hobie's veins. It has to work.
So you don't do anything all day, you don't go to work, he doesn't do his patrol, Hobie doesn't open the door.
You do your usual things at home, eating together, cleaning the flat to pass the time, savoring each other's presence.
Hobie feels his soul slowly get stitched back together again. This could work.
Your alarm rings out, he glimpses at it 6:00pm
His heart thumps in his chest loudly, he's sure you could hear it too from where you're cuddling into him. You make a fist, before rubbing your knuckles over his chest, your way of calming him down.
You're both gonna make it to tomorrow, he's sure of it.
"I don't know how this could end, but I want you to know that I love you so fucking much. If we make it to tomorrow, know that I will continue loving you every day" he wipes a lone tear on your cheek. "If we keep reliving the same day over again, I will love you in every cycle"
You crane your neck to kiss him, he closes his eyes in anticipation. Your lips never reached his.
Hobie opens his eyes, He lets out a guttural scream.
You rush out of the bathroom, concerned.
He tells you what's happening again.
You have the brilliant idea to leave, just leave the city till the sun rises the next day.
You borrow a car from a friend, grabbing a few necessities, you drive off.
Hobie watches you from the passenger seat, the sun bathes you in its light, giving you a halo of soft light around your head. He smiles tiredly, this could be it.
Once the two of you hit the outskirts of London, darkness wraps him in an embrace.
Hobie opens his eyes.
They tried a train this time. Everything seems to be moving smoothly.
Until the train skids to a violent stop, derailing it. Bags and people start flying around. He tries to web them into place.
He grabs your body shielding you. The train lights shut off, bathing them in darkness while their bodies get thrashed around.
Hobie hears a harsh cracking sound.
The train finally stops, its emergency light turns on, he sees you in his arms bathed in the dim light. Why are your eyes closed?
Hobie feels something warm hit his hand, He lifts his hand away from the back of your head, gore covers his hand. Hot crimson seeps into his clothes.
Not again.
Why does he need to see this again?
Hobie weeps, as he cradles your body. He lifts his head towards nothing but at the same time looking at you.
"Why aren't you helping me?! Why are you just sitting there watching all of this-"
Hobie opens his eyes. The blinding light from the early morning sun mixed with the smell of burning breakfast wakes him up instantly. He jumps off the bed running towards the smell.
He hates that he's getting desensitized everytime you breathe your last.
But no matter how many times he changes some things, he will always try to save you.
Hobie's exhausted, he feels his mind get numb with every rotation.
He feels like he's watching himself, like a ghost haunting his own body.
He's accepted it, after numerous times trying to get out, he accepts his fate.
Hobie convinces you to stay home and spend time with him, he doesn't tell you why, but by just looking at him, you know he needs you now more than ever. So you stay.
The rigmarole starts where he convinces you to remain home, Hobie keeps you close, you do the exact same things together until it's time for the reset.
He does this over
And over
He stares at your blue walls, was it always blue?
Your neighbour doesn't knock anymore.
He notices things looking different, your once pristine oak table now looks old.
Your white lab coat is now a slight yellow.
Your kitchen ceiling is covered in soot.
What's happening?
Hobie can't help but look back at you burning a hole on the side of his head with your stares.
"What is it, love?" His voice hoarse.
"You don't look too well Hobie, are you okay?" Concern fills your voice. He pretends this is the first time you've asked him that question.
"Of course I'm okay"
"Shut up" He blurts out.
"It's just that you haven't smiled the entire day. I'm sorry, okay, I- I'll drop it" tears prick your eyes.
"Shit, I'm sorry, I didn't- I wasn't- fuck" he rubs his tired face.
"Please tell me what's bothering you" you sniff.
You're met with silence.
"You know I love you right?" You rub his arm, comforting him.
Those three words wake him up. He remembers now, his promise to you. But it comes with a harsh realization.
"I don't think I can save you"
He tells you everything, your deaths, every violent end, every pain that could've been prevented.
Every single cycle.
You look at him, tears threatening to spill out. "You've spent a hundred lifetimes with me?"
"I'm sorry for being selfish" he hugs you tightly, your body shaking. You finally let the tears fall. "I'm so fucking sorry"
You spend a moment in his arms, contemplating your own end.
"Hobie," you reluctantly pull away, "promise me something, okay?" He nods "promise me you'll let go?"
"We-I can keep trying"
"No, you have to stop. You need to go on without me" you cup his face "Don't let me stop you from moving forward" you kiss every inch of his face to soften the blow.
"I don't think I can," his eyes shine with unshed tears.
"Yes, you can, eventually" a sob breaks out of you "eventually you will, just don't you dare ever forget that I love you so much it hurts"
You duck your head to meet his eyes "promise me in the next cycle, don't tell me anything, and you can't convince me to stay with you the entire day, okay?" You wipe his tears with your thumb "you let it happen, just like the first time"
Tears flow out of you freely. He guides you to meet his lips one last time, memorizing every second of it. "I promise. Wait for me, yeah?"
"I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes"
Your alarm rings out.
Hobie's eyes open. He jumps out of bed, turning off the stove before smoke could billow out. Hobie prepares your omelette for you.
He watches you eat happily. Hobie takes a mental picture of the scene.
He lets it happen, no matter how much it hurts his soul, but he promised you, so he lets you go.
You fall.
He fights Goblin until she can't fight him anymore.
Hobie wins, but your life is forfeit. Did he even win when he can't even fulfill the promise he made hundreds of rotations ago?
He dives after your body, he knows you're already gone the second your head hits the water.
Hobie places you on the same riverbank like he has done a hundred times before.
Hobie rubs his knuckles over your heart, he says his final goodbye. "I'll see you when I get there"
He hears sirens coming towards the riverbank, you'll be okay.
He hears the familiar bell.
Hobie swings back home to your flat. His knees give out from under him. He falls on your bed with a thud, sleep hits his exhausted body.
Hobie opens his eyes, your telephone rings endlessly in the living room. No burning smell, no hint of strawberry in the air.
He looks at your clock- 11:00 the new date mocking him in red numbers.
Hobie did it, he broke free but now he has to live in a world where you don't exist anymore. Your promise echoes in his ears like a mantra.
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A/n: I've hc'd that Hobie would definitely find out he's in a time loop by the second reset lol. Hope you liked it! Likes and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
*the picture above is from pinterest*
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
Hello again >:3 this time it's Alpha-17 for the same face gods au :3 big grumpy, snarky wonderful Alpha~ <3 Honestly summoning him would very very much be a bad idea for the empire. I imagine he'd be just as brutal as Fox had been if any imps are in the room when he appears, maybe worse knowing him.
Maybe the reader is an escaped prisoner and the empire were gonna use her for the ritual and she accidentally spilled her blood completing their ritual? But if this seems too much like the Fox one I say dealer's choice. ( the dice rolled off my table.. twice. It was a sign... choosing between Alpha and Boba is apparently illegal)
I Give Hope To Man
Summary: You’ve been a political prisoner of the Empire since you were a small child. You can no longer remember the feel of grass against your feet or the feel of sunlight against your skin. You no longer remember your parents' faces or their voices. You no longer remember your brother's laughter. You know it’s only a matter of time before you’re executed like the rest of your family. But you will not go gently into that good night…and the Empire will soon learn that.
Pairing: Alpha-17 x F!Reader
Prompt: Mystic AU - same-faced gods AU
Word Count: 2363
Warnings: Mentions of political prisoners (the Empire sucks)
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Alright, so I'm not sure I'm happy with the ending, but I'm having a focusing issue today, so I think I'm overthinking it. Honestly, my typing is too loud, so I think I have a migraine forming.
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You are intimately familiar with every single nook and cranny in your cell. You know that the pipes leak when it gets cold outside. You know that when it’s hot outside, the shower only runs in 10-minute intervals. You know that the cell door creaks loudly and that it doesn’t open as smoothly as it should.
You’ve been a prisoner here for the majority of your life.
Father was a politician who openly spoke out against Palpatine.
So, naturally, your whole family was arrested for treason.
To give the Empire some credit, you weren’t separated from your mother until you were ten, and you were allowed to get a basic education. Why they allowed such a thing is beyond you, after all, it’s not like you’re ever going to see the light of day again.
You’re not stupid, after all.
Father was executed when you were still a toddler. Mother was executed several months after your tenth birthday. And your older brother…well, he was executed several weeks after he turned 21.
You sigh as you do your morning stretches. You’ve recently turned 21, which means, at best, you have a couple of weeks left to live. Assuming that the Empire treats you like they treated your brother.
It’s almost funny, how afraid the Empire is of your family. It’d be funnier if your family wasn’t wiped out due to it.
I give hope to man, and I leave none for myself. 
Your family’s motto. Written under your family crest, tattooed on your mother’s collar, and engrained so deeply into your genetic code that even now you can’t help but make escape plans.
You, and your family, you’re symbols to the people who still resist the Empire. And you’re the last one standing. 
There’s a bang on the door, “Morning, Princess.” A drawled voice, one of the guards, calls as he slides the door open.
You roll your eyes and return to your morning stretches.
“Brought you breakfast,” The guard says as he steps into the cell properly and places a tray on the table, “Looks like…an omelet with peppers and onions, some toast, a couple of slices of bacon, and your morning tea.”
You pause and glance at the tray, before arching a brow, “Ah, so I’m to be executed this week then?” Your normal breakfasts generally consist of toast, runny eggs, and watery tea.
The guard inclines his head, once, “Later today, before lunch.”
The guard is quiet for a moment, “If you wanted to throw your support behind the Empire, Princess, this would be the time to tell someone.”
You laugh, “I would much rather be executed, thanks.”
He sighs, “I’m trying to save your life.”
“I’m not interested. You can go now. I’d like to eat my breakfast in peace.”
The guard sighs again and shakes his head, “I’m afraid I can’t do that. I am to inform you of how today is going to go.”
You slide into your seat and take a sip of your tea, rich and floral, just how you like it. “If you must.”
“In a couple of hours, you are going to be escorted to the ritual chamber on the other side of the island. Once you are there, you will be asked to bathe with a specific soap, and you will be brought to the chamber itself.”
“How festive.”
“You are to be the sacrifice for a summoning.”
“Of course I am.” You take a bite of your toast, “Curious question, I assume this is how the rest of my family was executed.”
“It is.”
“Has it ever worked?” You ask with a tilt of your head.
The Guard flushes an ugly share of red, making him look like a large, misshapen tomato, “It will work this time.”
“Of course it will.” You say with a small smile, “Just because it’s never worked before doesn’t mean it won’t work this time.”
He scowls at you, “The world will be a much better place once your entire family is wiped from the map.”
“I’m sure you think so.”
His eyes narrow at you, though you cheerfully ignore him, “I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”
“Mmkay.” You don’t even flinch as the cell door slams shut.
If you remember your lessons correctly, rituals are ridiculously easy to throw off. Say the wrong thing, move the wrong way, and the ritual won’t work. Whatever the Empire is trying to summon, you’re not going to let them use your death to get it.
You take another bite of your omelet. This is probably exactly what your family did before they were killed, planned on how to make sure that the ritual didn’t work the way that it was supposed to.
Not the greatest family tradition, you suppose, but it’s better than nothing.
Slowly, you continue eating, trying to come up with a workable plan to keep the Empire from winning. It’s not easy, there are far too many variables for you to actually come up with a good plan, but by the time the cell door opens again and the guards come to escort you to the ritual chamber, you have a plan.
Or, well, an idea of a plan.
The guards chain your hands behind your back and they walk you through the brightly lit halls. For the first time in years, the halls are completely silent. 
Silent enough that the guards are twitchy and anxious about it.
A small smirk lifts your lips when the other prisoners start singing, a dirge of hope and loss and a better tomorrow.
I give hope to men, and I keep none for myself.
The guards swarm the prison, shouting at the other prisoners, ordering them silent, but they might as well be trying to keep the sun from rising for all of the effect that they’re having. 
You’re shoved through a door at the end of the hall, and the door slams shut behind you and the guards, but the song seems to have been picked up by the building itself, as voices echo eerily through the empty halls.
“Keep walking.” The guard’s voice is shaking, and you shoot him a disgusted look before you head down the stairs. 
They unbind your hands as you come to the ritual chamber, and you’re directed to a small shower. A woman hands you a bar of soap, soap that smells very woodsy and clean, and you’re ordered to bathe with that bar of soap specifically, including your hair.
You strip and step under the hot water, after shooting the woman a baleful look. Bar soap is not good for hair, but since you’re supposed to die in here, you suppose it doesn’t matter in the long run.
Once you’re clean, you’re draped in a dark blue cloth, which has been fashioned into some kind of dress, and you’re guided to the middle of the room and instructed to sit on a stone table. One of the guards chains you to the table and then scurries to the edge of the room. 
You scan the room thoughtfully. Despite being so far underground, you’re warm, the thin cloth covering your body should do little to keep you warm, you should be shivering like the rest of the people in the room, but you’re not. Which is surprising, as you can see your breath.
The room is lit by blue flames, not offering much light but dousing the room in eerie shadows.
Water pours down the walls, not affecting the flames in the slightest, and if you had to guess the water is the cause for the low temperature. 
Across from you is another table. There are several whisky bottles, a full set of ancient armor, and a bowl filled with a flame that you can only call angry.
You hear your name, and you turn to look at the Government official. “You have been found guilty of treason,” He says, his voice clipped, “Have you anything to say in your defense?”
You turn your gaze away from the government officials, “I wasn’t aware toddlers could commit treason,” you say. It’s all you say. Slowly you drag your knuckles across the stone table. Once, twice, three times.
The table isn’t sharp, but it is rough. Rough enough that with only three passes of your knuckles across the top, the thin skin of your knuckles split open, spilling your blood on the table.
Adding your blood to the ritual.
You hear the Government official sigh, “Begin the ritual.”
There’s the sound of a fire being lit, and then the sound of rushing flames. You expect to feel the heat of the flames before you see them, so you’re surprised when nothing changes. 
Pale blue flames encircle the room, shielding you from the prying eyes of the people outside the circle. Then the flames curve towards you and the other table.
You pull your feet up as the flames go under your feet, and absently you flick some of your blood into the flame.
Much to your surprise, the flame stops moving and then flares brightly as the fire turns a much darker shade of blue. You end up having to close your eyes as the flames burn bright enough that it’s like staring into the sun.
The bright laugh fades after only a few moments, and you open your eyes, expecting to see the flames slowly filling the ritual circle.
Only, that’s not what you see.
The flames burn brightly around the outside of the circle, but standing across from you is a man.
A massive man, heavily scarred, who is pulling armor on. 
You’d swear that the armor was too small for him, only it seems to resize and recolor to fit him as he pulls it over the dark, skin-tight, material covering his body.
Finally, he turns his gaze onto you, his eyes are dark and piercing as he looks at you, at the material you’re wearing, and at the chain around your ankle, and he turns to focus on you fully.
“My name,” He says slowly, “is Alpha-17. I am the god of retribution.”
You exhale slowly, you should be afraid, a god of retribution is not a nice god, after all. But you’ve never felt safer in your life.
So, you introduce yourself. 
Alpha offers you his hand, and you take it, allowing him to help you to your feet. The chain around your ankle dissolves as if it was never there to begin with.
“I have been a political prisoner since I was a toddler,” You say to the much larger man, “My father, mother, and brother have already been killed.”
“Is that right?” Alpha kneels in front of you, and you don’t stop yourself from reaching out and tracing one of the scars on his face with a light finger.
“It is. My father was a politician who stood against the Empire. He called them out for cruelty, and for being power-hungry. And he died for it.”
“Was he right?”
“Yes.” You watch, curiously, as Alpha-17 closes his eyes while your fingers explore his face, “This entire prison is home to Palpatine’s political prisoners. Entire families who aren’t allowed to live because we believe in freedom.”
“You don’t feel angry.” Alpha notes.
Your smile isn’t nice, “They don’t get to have my anger. Or my fear. Or my hate.”
“You summoned me, little one.” Alpha rumbles, “So what do you want?”
“I want them to hurt. I want to carry on my family’s legacy. But I can’t do it alone.”
“And what is your family’s legacy?”
“I give hope to man, and keep none for myself.”
Alpha smiles and catches your hands to bring them to his lips. His gaze locks with yours, “I’m happy to support you in all your endeavors. You are my priestess after all.” He presses his lips against the pads of your fingers and then stands again.
Alpha lightly pushes you so that you’re crouched behind the table, and then steps away from you. You have so many questions, but based on the look on his face, the questions will have to wait.
You peek around the corner of the table and watch as the flames burst outward. You see the government official approach Alpha, and you watch, stunned as Alpha moves and shoves his arm through the man’s chest.
You watch as Alpha slaughters all of the people in the room with an ease that should frighten you, but doesn’t for some reason.
As the last body hits the floor, barely recognizable as a person, you stand and hurry over to him. “You killed them all.” You marvel.
“Is that a problem?” Alpha asks as he flicks blood off his hand.
“Not to me.”
“Good.” He gazes at you for a moment and then moves so he’s almost pressed against you, and he ducks his head so that his face is only an inch away from yours, “I’m going to take great pleasure in making you mine, ad’ika. But I suppose we’d better get you safe first.”
“Yours?” You ask, unable to help yourself.
“Mine.” He confirms, “Did no one teach you about your responsibilities as a priestess?”
“Uh, I’ve been a prisoner since I was a toddler, and my education was very targeted.” You counter wryly.
He chuckles, “Don’t worry, I’ll teach you. It’ll come naturally. That’s part of the binding that happens with the summoning. I just have to complete it.” He wipes his hands on a cloth that he got from somewhere, “Now, how many guards upstairs?”
“A couple dozen. Maybe more.”
“Easy then.” He drops the cloth and lightly grips your chin before he leans in and presses his lips against yours. You sigh into the kiss, and his lips curl up into the smile. “I suppose I’d better teach you all about sex too. I’m looking forward to it.” He murmurs against your lips.
“Yeah, probably.” You agree.
Alpha pulls away and turns to the stairs, and it’s only then that you realize that you can still hear the song. “Well then,” He murmurs as he glances at you, “Give hope to man, indeed.”
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bellysoupset · 1 month
Three fics from me in a day? More likely than you think!
Jon wasn't surprised when he woke up in the middle of the night with the sound of retching.
Like clockwork, Leo's stress tanked his immunity and he got sick. Despite being sleepy and his whole body hurting thanks to all the flying around and his messed up sleep pattern, Jonah stumbled to the bathroom, nearly walking into the doorframe.
He poked his head in and sighed, Leo was hunched over the toilet, one arm wrapped around his stomach, the other one draped on the seat.
Before bed they had shared a ridiculously long shower, until they both felt like people again. Now, Leo's humid hair fell in front of his face, the very tips nearly reaching his mouth.
"Aw, Leo," Jonah groaned, walking in and crouching down, pulling back his boyfriend's hair. He planted a hand in the middle of Leo's back and cringed as he could feel the heat rolling off of him, "how long you've been here?"
"Uhm... Dunno," Leo spat in the clear water, unable to keep the drool in, "I don't feel well..."
"I know," Jon rubbed vigorously, snorting to himself as he realized he had missed even this. How stupidly in love was he that he missed rubbing Leo's back as he threw up?
Leo lurched forward with a deafening retch, but didn't bring up more than some acidic spit and he let out a moan, "I can feel it..." he pushed in his own stomach and Jonah cringed in sympathy as he heard a growl coming from the upset organ, a wet burp rolling out of Leo's lips, "ugh. Not coming."
"Come to bed," Jonah grabbed his shoulder to keep Leo from falling against the bathtub, "I'll bring a bin for you, but come to bed."
"Noo..." Leo's eyes squeezed and he gulped down, "I'm gonna be sick."
"Yeah, no shit, baby," Jonah rolled his eyes, "I don't want you in the cold bathroom ground, c'mon-" he wrapped an arm around Leo's chest, using all his force to pull him up. The blonde stumbled, nearly taking them both down, before he straightened up.
He braced against the sink to wash his clammy face and caught Jonah's eyes in the mirror, "you're clingy."
"Distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that shit," Jonah smiled at him, appreciating the glimpse of his boyfriend's personality under all the nausea and heartbreak. Leo swished some water around in his mouth and spat it out, hanging over the bowl for a second as he took measured breaths.
"Yeah, all that shit," he pressed his stomach against the marble, forcing up a little UUrp and wrinkling his nose, "my body fucking hates me."
"Your body is exhausted," Jonah corrected him, planting a hand on Leo's forehead and pushing back his bangs, "and didn't stand a chance against the mighty European germs I brought home."
"UUhm..." Leo groaned, his stomach gurgling in the silent bathroom, "so you're to blame for this," he lifted up his head to glare at Jon in the mirror and Jonah frowned, feeling a stab of guilt.
"I'm sorry-"
"I'm joking," Leo cut him off sharply, "I'll take a stomach bug to have you home, any day," he straightened up, "I'll need that bowl though."
Five minutes later they were in bed, Jonah had planted the promised bowl on the bedside table and Leo was draped over him like he wanted to melt their bodies together. His cheek was pressed to Jonah's chest and he kept muffling little sick burps against the man's shirt, but didn't pull back.
"How was Europe?" Leo asked after a minute of silence, while Jonah started petting his hair, fully hoping Leo's body would be able to just deal with the nausea on its own.
"Old," Jonah smiled, "same as its been for the past thousand of years."
"Oh c'mon, you want me to believe you weren't having a blast in Paris?" Leo groaned, "I know you love me, but give me a break-"
"No," Jon snorted, "it's not that, though I would have preferred to have you there. It's just I have been to most the places we visited, the fun part was spending time with Angie, not the tourism."
"She's too pissed you guys had to cut it short?" Leo sighed, sounding defeated and Jonah paused the hair petting in order to look at his face.
"She's worried and pissed she's in the dark, but not over cutting it short. Angie really likes you, baby, she was completely understanding," he ran his fingers over Leo's forehead, warm but not enough he should be worrying, "besides, we're gonna see her much more often."
"Uh?" Leo pulled back, in order to sit up, and Jonah frowned.
"Give me the bowl," he squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a little burp under his breath, "we're gonna see her more often...?"
"She's going to Massachusetts's College of Art," Jonah planted the bowl in his hands and moved a hand to support Leo's forehead in case he lurched forward, "so she's gonna be only 3 hours away from us, by car."
"Uhmm..." Leo's throat bobbed nervously and he let out another wet belch, "that's great-"
Jonah couldn't help but chuckle at the cognitive dissonance of their situation and Leo's words. He turned his head slightly not to look, but continued holding Leo's head, cringing as he heard another burp, this one turning frothy at the end and some liquid splashed in the bowl.
He could hear Leo panting, hyperventilating, and the noise of his throat working to try and swallow back a gag- He retched, loudly, and a lot more liquid fell in the bowl.
Jonah's own stomach turned and his mouth filled up with saliva, reflexive nausea washing over him. Thankfully his stomach was painfully empty, since he had ditched dinner in order to cuddle with Leo.
His boyfriend had stopped gagging, but hadn't moved from his hunched position, so Jonah gulped down and turned to look at him. In their half lit bedroom, illuminated solely by the bathroom light spilling out, Jonah couldn't make out the liquid inside the bowl, but could definitely see that Leo was milky white. His mouth was slightly open, jaw heavy with nausea, and he was clearly fighting another bout.
"Leo, just let it up, baby," Jonah sighed and Leo shook his head, back curling as he suppressed a heave. Jon frowned, knowing it was a losing battle and moved his arms around, so he could wrap his right one around Leo's waist and press his hand against the man's tummy. The minute his palm pressed against the top of Leo's belly, he let out a gurgling burp and more liquid fell in the bowl.
Jonah gagged, turning his face and pressing his mouth to his own shoulder trying not to hear or smell anything. The nearly three weeks away had been enough time for his tolerance to lower back again.
Leo groaned loudly when Jonah pressed on his belly once more, causing another pathetic wave of vomit to fall, his hand clumsily coming to grab Jonah's wrist and stop him, "eu-Urgh- enough," Leo groaned, interrupting himself with a gag, "hurts."
"Sorry," Jon eased his hold, kissing Leo's shoulder, "do you feel better?"
"No," the blonde breathed out slowly, trying to calm his body, "I- Stop touching me, just-" he shuffled in the bed, overwhelmed and Jonah pulled back, biting the inside of his cheek not to say anything. He wanted nothing more than to be all over Leo, but it wouldn't help at the moment.
He watched as Leo moved to rest against the headboard, still clutching the bowl, and closed his eyes, looking at the ceiling as his cheeks puffed out with slow breaths.
Jonah started peeling on his lip, ready to jump in case it looked Leo needed help. Instead the blonde only stayed quite like a wax statue for good five minutes, before leaning carefully over the bowl and gulping down, until a big burp came up.
Leo looked so spooked by it, that Jonah couldn't help but chuckle, "you good?"
"Oof, yeah," Leo cringed, "that was gross, sorry. I'm gonna go clean this out..."
"You think you can handle some tea?" Jonah got up as well and Leo made a squeamish face, but nodded.
"Alright," Jon stood up and leaned in without thinking, kissing the top of his head, and hesitated only once he was already half hugging the man, "sorry-"
"No, it's fine," Leo, who was still sitting down, buried his face against Jon's stomach, "you're so comfy."
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah," then Leo pulled back with a small smirk, "but not as comfy as Luke, though."
"Oh god, fuck off, Wagner," Jonah glared at him, shoving Leo's head and jumping out of his hold to go make him tea. As he was stomping out the room though, he could hear Leo giggling as he went to the bathroom to clean up, and Jonah had to fight a smile of his own.
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luna0713hunter · 9 months
Can you write more prompts for Zoro pleaseee? Thank you:))
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Author's note : haha!!!i was actually gonna write a new fic for zoro when i saw your request!!!as always,ask and you shall receive!
College love
Zoro Roronoa x reader
Summary : new semester,new classes,new classmates and a new love
Warnings : none,College au (my favorite trope),studying and late night talks, gender neutral ,maybe more parts?,not me in the middle of exam season and dying from overworking myself
College sucks.
Everyone tells you college is great;its a place full of new experiences,a new life. Having coffee with friends after lectures and studying together,or simply doodling in your notebook as the professors talk about gods know what.
But as you sip your third cup of coffee that night and rub your eyes while yawning,you glance down at the remaining pages you have to go through before your exam in two days,before you groan and bang your head to the table.
Its exam season,and you're currently sitting in the library at 3:04 am.
College sucks so bad.
You know you have tomorrow to study as well,but between working part time job at a near the campus cafe, and going to lectures,you barely had any time to study.
You stared at your empty cup of coffee and sighed before standing up;then you guess its time to get a refill
"wow,you look like shit."
You dont raise your head from the desk as you groan at your friend.
"hello to you too,Nami."
Nami drops his bag next to you with a 'Thump' and settles down. You feel her hand rub up and down your back (almost awkwardly) and through your misery you manage to crack a smile;being comforting is like a physical torture for your ginger friend.
"did you pull another all nighter?"
Slowly,your head turns in her directly and you narrow your eyes.
"not everyone can be both gorgeous and smart effortlessly like you,Nami. Us, lowly humans,have to choose one." You ignore her eye roll and continue, "and i choose the one that can get me a good job in the future."
"looks can be pretty useful too,honey."
"I'm going to choke you."
"be my guest."
You're too busy to bicker that you dont even notice the door of the class opening and a new person stepping inside. Just as Nami's about to wrap her arm your neck and choke you instead, that's when your eyes land on the new person in the class.
And your breath stops all together.
The first thing that catches your eyes is his green hair. The man is tall,and a mess of green hair making his brown eyes stand out more. There are three golden piercings on his left ear. His black leather jacket looks expensive,and you dont need to see the key to guess that he's probably owns a motorcycle..
"y/n!" You realize you've been staring shamelessly at the man and suddenly whip your head in Nami's direction.
"Nami!" You grip her shoulders and shake her violently, "who's that?!why havent i seen him around?do you know him??is he single???!!"
Nami shoulders off your hands and looks at you like you've grown a second head.
"He's Zoro Roronoa. Our classmate. You haven't seen him cause he almost never shows up at lectures. What the hell is wrong with you exactly?"
"what's wrong with me is that the man is drop dead gorgeous," you frown at her, "and geez girl. How do you know so much about him?"
"cause he's my "kinda friend". We go out drinking together sometimes."
Your shriek is so loud,that when you turn around, you see mr.gorgeous is eyeing you with annoyance.
Great. Your new crush thinks you're crazy.
You duck your head as your cheeks burn with embarrassment. Nami rubs your back sympathetically and you groan tiredly.
"want me to introduce you to him?"
"hell no," you whine and rest your cheek against your desk; letting the surface cooling down your heated skin, "he obviously hates my guts now."
"to be fair,Zoro hates everybody's guts."
"its just a crush Nami," you flash her a smile, "it'll go away eventually."
Unfortunately,it in fact,doesnt go away eventually.
After your embarrassing moment in the classroom,you seem to run into Zoro awfully alot; Whether it be getting a coffee from the near campus cafe,or working your shift there,you seem to always see him.
Zoro liked his coffee black,that was no surprise. The first time that you surved him the black hell,he hadnt even batted an eye at your shakey hands or your stutter.
And you were certain that he had forgotten all about you.
Among the finals creeping close and closer,and with you drowning yourself under your books until morning before going back to your lectures or job,you had completely forgotten all about him.
So when you drop your head on your text book at almost 4 am and try hard not to burst into tears or having a mental breakdown in the almost empty library,you almost scream when a warm can of coffee touches your cheek.
Your head snaps up,and your mouth parts into a small scream that soon gets an ugly glare from the librarian. You shoot her an apologizing look,before turning your head back to the person in front of you.
Zoro freaking Roronoa,holds the coffee in his hand and gives you an unimpressed annoyed look.
"why are you always so loud?"
You dont answer;your mouth hangs open from the shock,and you blink a few times to make sure you're not hallucinating.
"what," you clear your throat, "i,uh, excuse me?"
Zoro rolls his eyes and sits down in front of you while dropping his own backpack on the table. He then slides the drink in front of you and while folding his arms across his chest,he eyes you for a second before looking away.
"you look like a mess. Figured you needed some coffee," he gives you a displeased look from the corner of his eyes, "or some sleep."
Your hands wrap themselves around the warm can;and a small laugh escapes your dry lips.
"you think i can sleep with all these books?i can barely manage between lectures and my part time job with only two hours of sleep as it is!" And for some reason,your stupid brain decides that its a great idea to cry in front of your crush;as if you haven't embarrassed yourself before. So your lower lip starts to wobble,and you let out a small sniffle.
There's a moment of silence;where neither of you say a word. With you starting to finally breakdown,and Zoro just glaring at the textbooks like they had personally offended him. Finally,after a while,you hear him sigh and look up at him with your blurry vision.
"... I'll help you."
Another sigh.
"i said, I'll help you study. Im familiar with this stuff,so it'll be nothing."
You let out a loud gasp and stand up from your sit .
"Seriously?!wont you need that time to study?!"
"helping you makes me remember these stuff. It'll be alright."
And when you hold his hands in his,you grin so widely that you feel your cheeks hurting. You shake his hands and laugh lightly.
"thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!!"
"yea yeah." He shakes off your hands and stands up,and amongst your joy,you manage to catch a small smile on his lips. Zoro flings his backpack on his shoulder and walks away. He gives you one last look and says "go home and rest for now. See you tomorrow."
And suddenly,the world doesnt seem so bad. College doesn't suck,and your crush, apparently,doesnt hate your guts after all.
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shelbgrey · 8 months
Code baby(Lance Sweets) Part 1
Paring: Lance Sweets x Wife!Reader, Angela Montenegro x Sister-in-law!Reader, Cam Saroyan x Best friend!Reader
Summary: Lance's wife gets unexpected suprise at work and word travels faster than she thinks
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“Can you pull the security footage from two weeks ago?” Cam asked. “sure..” Angela said and started typing on her iPad. The footage popped up on the screen and the three of us studied it.
Without really realizing it I slowly started to tune out Cam and Angela by mistake, as they continued to talk about the case my stomach started to turn like it did early this morning and the. I cleared my throat and picked up the hot tea I was drinking, hoping all I needed was a drink. As soon as I sipped it tasted awful and smelled horrible. I forced myself to swallow it and set it back down on the table.
I took a deep and swayed slightly as I moved, I tried to focus on the surveillance footage on Angela's screen.
“N/n…” Cam asked softly and turned towards me. Angela stopped talking and looked at me with a concerned look. The two women watched me like I was about to combust.
My stomach started to turn more and I felt nauseous. “I think I'm gonna be sick…” I looked over at Cam and Angela then nodded. “Yup definitely gonna be sick” I covered my mouth and ran to the nearby bathroom, not caring who in the Lab saw me.
I sprinted through the bathroom door and ripped the biggest stall open making it fly backwards and banging up against the one next door. The noise stung my ears but I was glad it was masking the nauseating sounds of me emptying my sorry excuse of a stomach.
As I took a deep breath there was a soft knock on the door of the stall. “y/n? Can we come in? Are you okay?”
“Yeah... Everything is cool” I groaned to my two best friends from the closed bathroom stall, I screwed my eyes shut then finished emptying out my stomach then flushed the toilet.
“Do you think she's pregnant?” Angela mumbled quietly to Cam as the toilet went through its cycle.
As I unlocked the door of the stall, both Cam and Angela stared at me. Angela crossed her arms and had a slight smirk on her face.
“What?” I asked.
“Are you Pregnant?” Angela said, ripping the bandaid off so to speak.
“Cutting right to the cash aren't you Angie” I chuckled awkwardly.
Cam shrugged. "hey we're just worried is all... You've been acting weird lately and then you puked at just the sight of your tea and now you were in there puking.. just seems like all the signs ya know”
“Honestly I don't know…” I then started counting the days since my last period in my head, then I thought about last week when me and Lance had sex. “Maybe I am” my eyes widened as I chuckled in both happiness and nervousness.
Cam and Angela both looked shocked, but also had small smiles on their faces. Then Cam cleared her throat and looked down awkwardly. “how recently have you ummm.... you know...?”
“What?” chuckled and purposely played dumb. Cam wasn't one to be dirty minded...Nor talk about her sex life. But me being me I just wanted to hear her say it.
Cam sighed trying to not be awkward and stay her serious self. “How recently have you and Lance...You know…”
Angela rolled her eyes and cutted to the chase.“When was the last time you jumped Lance's bones?” Angela asked me, Cam elbows her.
“Umm...this weekend…” I trailed off then mumbled the last part. “In his office…”
Cam and Angela shared a look and busted up laughing. “You did it in his office?” Cam asked, raising an eyebrow, she almost looked impressed.
“huh… Didn't know Lance had it in him” Angela nodded, she looked completely impressed.
My cheeks started to turn red and hid my face in my hands as I laughed. “yeah…”
Cam and Angela kept laughing. “how did it happen?” Angela asked, laughing. “Com’on, details Sweetie”
The three of us never really hid anything about our relationships with our husbands. But Cam was a little less… Detailed then Angela. “mm... So I went to drop off some lunch for him... He was stressed from the case... Then ya know…” I trailed off.
The girls kept laughing. “So you did it right there?” Cam asked, laughing and Angela laughed even harder.
“I mean... The door was locked” I shrugged.
“So just on his desk?” Angela asked, trying not to laugh.
“You girls want a play by play?” I laughed and shook my head.
Cam and Angela kept laughing. “I mean your pregnant after what we just heard it seems like we might as well get the full story and enjoy the fact that you're not the first woman to get pregnant on your husband's desk” Cam said.
I rolled my eyes playfully, knowing she's probably right. “I still think I need to take a test”
“You're probably right,” Cam nodded, looking over at Angela.
I mean... We can use the Dna test again” Angela shrugged. When Angela was pregnant with Michel-Vincent she used a DNA test from the lab as a pregnancy test, then Temperance did the same thing. I haven't done it yet, but I know it as accurately as they come.
Cam nodded. “I can go quick to grab just one if you want”
“Yeah... Let's try it” I nodded.
Cam nods, with a smile on her face. “Okay I'll be right back” She walked out to go get the test, She came back about two minutes later. “all right we have get some blood and I'll test it”
I nodded and the three of us left the bathroom and went into Cam's office to do the test. We sat at her desk as she took a sterile needle and poked the tip of my finger,taking some blood. She put a drop of blood on the test then put it in a container so the test could do its job.
After a few minutes Cam looked at the test because I was too nervous to look myself. She looked at me with a big smile. “it's positive… You're pregnant!”
“Really?!” my eyes lit up as I smiled ear to ear.
Cam smiles, nodding. “You are in fact pregnant!”
Happy tears pricked my eyes and hugged both girls tightly.
--------(3rd pov)--------
Lance was in Seeley's office discussing the case and going through files. It was going slower than usual, but other than that it felt like a normal day for them. What they didn't expect was for Jack to knock on Booth's office door.
“Hodgins, what's up?” Seeley asked, Lance looked surprised to see his brother-in-law. Jack always stayed at the lab with y/n.
“So umm... I'm only bringing this up because the girls have done it before” by the girls he means Temperance, Angela, and y/n. “but umm…” Jack hesitated because in the end it was an odd thing to bring up.
Seeley crosses his arms. “Just spit it out, Bug Boy. What is it?”
“So, the girls have used DNA tests from the Lab as a pregnancy test in the past and when I was taking evidence to Cam's office I saw an unlabeled DNA test…” Jack Cringed now wondering why he even came all the way down the Beauro to bring it up.
Seeley blinks, processing this information, Lance did the same thing but with a more psychological sense to it. “So what? You're saying the unlabelled DNA test from the Jeffersonian was a pregnancy test?” Seeley asked.
“Probably” Jack nodded. “because if it was evidence for a case it would be labeled and with the remains”
Lance thinks through this, trying to process which of the female scientists may be pregnant. Booth snapped his fingers, making Jack and Lance look up. “Wait a second- Hodgins, do you know if the unlabelled test was positive or negative?”
“P-positive…” Jack looked at Seeley and Lance. “One of our wives are pregnant”
Lance raises a brow, but still wanted to hear what Jack had to say. “So wait... you're saying that one of our wives is pregnant but you have no clue which one?”
“It wasn't labeled!” Jack shrugged.
“That's fantastic, just fantastic Hodgins” Seeley rolls his eyes as he says this. “So we have the entire day ahead of us, going nuts trying to figure out who is pregnant, is that correct Hodgins?”
“Would you rather me not tell you guys?”
“Probably” Lance shrugged, closing the file he was reading.
Seeley sighs. “It's fine. So who do you think it is?”
Jack shrugged. “How should I know? I don't your your sex lives” Jack then looked at Lance. “and I rather not know his because he married my sister”
Seeley and Lance both snicker. “Alright then, we need some more information. When exactly did you find the test?”
“about an hour before I came here”
“I think we should keep this to ourselves…Especially if it is one of our wives, they should be the ones to tell us when they are ready,” Lance added.
“Now I think about it… All three of them have been acting kinda strange” Jack said.
Lance was staring off into space, counting in his head. Seeley looked over at him with a questioning look. “Something on your mind, Sweets?”
Lance ignored him and continued counting on his head. Seeley raises his brow “Okay... what the hell are you doing?”
“it's regarding y/n, Do you really want to know?” Lance asked bluntly. Dispite y/n being Seeley's best friend he indeed didn't want to know.
“nope... I'm good”
“It's gonna be a long day” Jack sighed, regretting what he found and just wanted to know who it was.
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wabatle · 5 months
Heya heya! Anon who's the one who recently requested "Niigo finding out they aren't your first kiss" here, making another req because your writing is so auaehahueauwqageauwuwua278751!!73%#^@%3(I mean this in a positive way wahaha) And I'll be requesting for... Niigo again- So here; The reader just basically does a sudden "kabedon" to the specific Niigo member, like that specific char could just be walking into the reader's room and then WHAM suddenly pinned them on the wall and saying some flirty stuff(treat me like white tee rizz) Then after for a few seconds the reader just backs away and goes "So! How was your day?<3" as if nothing happened Also, maybe you should start expecting a mentally ill anon(me) that greets in "Heya heya" and would often request for Niigo members.... Idk if that should be considered a bad thing or a good thing... I just love your writing so much ragahgagha
☆~N25 when their s/o pins them against the wall
(wa)batle nonsense:
You gave me the idea and I guess this is a good time to say I'm gonna make anon slots so all of y'all anons can start signing your asks with whatever name you choose
warnings: yk, pinning someone against the wall, but other than that, none
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☆~Kanade Yoisaki
“Please, come in.” Kanade greeted, opening the door for you.
“Thank you.” You replied, letting her shut the door behind you.
“Now, I wanted to ask—” She was cut off by seeing your hand slam against the wall slightly above her head.
“You're so cute, K.” You told her, kissing her forehead. “I hope you know, Kanade, your eyes are beyond beautiful.”
Kanade’s face turned bright red and she avoided eye contact.
You kissed her forehead again. “Hmm…” You muttered.
Then, you let go and she breathed a loud sigh of relief, putting her hand on her chest.
“So, how's your day been?” You said sweetly, ignoring the fact you just pinned her against the wall.
She smiled softly. “It's better now that you're here.” She kissed your cheek.
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☆~Mafuyu Asahina
“Thank you for inviting me over, (name).” Mafuyu said as you welcomed her into your house.
“No, thank you for coming!” You replied, gently patting her back.
She nodded, and walked into your room. Then, she next found her wrists pinned against the wall, and you being the culprit of who’s pinning them.
“What are you doing?” She asked.
You moved your face closer to hers. “You’re so beautiful. I must be dreaming.”
Her face slightly flushed.
“You really are stunning, Yuki.” You whispered in her ear, before letting go of her and flopping onto your bed.
“What was that…?” She whispered to herself.
You patted the spot on the bed next to you. “Come sit! Tell me about your day!” You said with enthusiasm.
My heart is pounding… She thought as she sat down next to you.
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☆~Ena Shinonome
“You finally made it!” Ena greeted you happily as she opened the door for you.
“Yep, I’m here!~” You said, setting a bag down on the table.
“What’s in the bag?” She asked.
“Oh, I grabbed some pancakes while I was on my way!” You said, as Ena ran and jumped into your arms.
“Really? Thanks, babe! I love you so so much!” Ena exclaimed.
Then, you slapped your hand on the wall over her head.
“Wh-whoa! Uh, (name)..? What are you doing?”
“Ena… Your hair is really pretty, and your face is cute. Not to mention your lips. I would love to kiss them.”
At this point, her face is bright red and she’s too flustered to even talk.
“Uh… U-uh…” She mumbles. 
You flipped up her bangs and kissed her forehead.
“I love you, Ena.” You let go of the wall and walked over to the table the bag of pancakes was sitting on. “Now come on, let’s dig in!”
Ena walked over to you, her face still red. “Come on, we’re just gonna forget about what just happened?!”
Rrr… (Name) can be such an idiot sometimes… Ena thought. But, I think I might’ve just fallen in love with them more…
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☆~Mizuki Akiyama
“Hey (name)!” Mizuki said as you let them into your house.
“Hey! You can head straight to my room, I’ll be right behind you.” You smiled, and they started walking towards your room. As soon as they turned around, they felt your hands squeeze their wrists against the wall.
“Uh, babe? What’re you doing?” They asked, their face turning slightly red.
“Y’know, Mizuki…” You moved your face closer to theirs, causing their blush to deepen. “You’re really cute. Your face, your clothes… everything about you is cute.” You let go of them and sat down on your bed.
Mizuki fidgeted with their fingers, and then sat down next to you.
“Um… I really love you, (name).” They said. “Did you really mean what you said? About me being cute?”
“Of course I did!” You smiled brightly. “You’re the cutest person I know!”
“Darn right! I’m the most adorable thing the world has ever seen!” They said back happily.
That scared me… But I really love my partner, hehe. Mizuki thought to themself as they leaned onto your shoulder.
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
Jungkook X reader
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Morning routine
Pairing:Jungkook x fem!reader
Synopsis: after a sweet movie night last night you and Jungkook go through your regular morning routine but with a little more fun
A/N: people keep reading my older fanfics that are lowkey shit and it's like...PLEASE READ MY ACTUALLY GOOD STUFF 😭😭😭
Jungkook - morning routine 🎥
You watched the TV glow around the living room swallowed by darkness. Jungkook's head rested on your legs as your fingers strummed through his curly hair. You and Jungkook just finished watching the most recent spider man movie in his living room. The credits started rolling with some of the ost's playing in the background.
"What did you think of that?" You said looking down at the sleepy bunny on your thighs. "Jungkook?" You said as you gently tapped his shoulder.
"Oh, it was pretty good," he opened one of his eyes to look up at you through his long bangs accompanied by a little smirk. He then closed his eyes again before snuggling into you. You spotted a blanket behind you on the back of the couch. It was a soft brown and it contrasted nicely with the Grey couch. You took it and laid it over top of Jungkooks body. As you tucked him in, making sure almost every inch of his body was nice and cozy he opened his eyes. He watched as you treated him like your little baby. You noticed his staring eyes.
"What?" You said with some mysterious pink dust on your cheeks.
"You're so good to me," he said with a loving smile as you sat back up with his head perched on your legs again.
"That's because I love you~" you said, pinching his cheek lightly making him giggle and wiggle around. "Good night babes," you said as you pat his head lightly. His eyes fluttered shut and he snuggled into the blanket.
It wasn't long before you heard snoring from him and you realized the TV was still on. You grabbed a remote and exited out of the movie before shutting the TV off. You found a little foot rest to set your feet on nearby. You bent over Jungkook's sleepy head and pulled over the foot rest. You set your feet on top of it. You laid back against the couch and found yourself drifting asleep alongside Jungkook.
Your eyes slowly opened to a bright lit living room with Jungkook half falling off the couch. You rubbed your eyes as you remembered last night and basically tried to come back from the dead. You stretched and grabbed your phone. You scrolled through some socials and played a game for a short while before decideding it was time to get up. You gently shook Jungkook and he slowly opened his doe eyes.
"Wakey wakey bunny," you smiled down at him. His face softened when he saw you. He lazily raised a hand to your cheek and patted it. You weren't sure what that really meant but you've gotten used to Jungkooks weird behavior. "I'm gonna go make breakfast,"you said patting his cheek back. He sat up off your legs to let you up. He let out a little groan and assumed that was his way of saying okay.
You got up and just started frying some eggs. Cracking each egg on the side of the counter and listening to the eggs sizzle as they hit the surface of the hot pan. As you chefed them up you felt song arms wrap around your waist. You jumped slightly before sighing.
"Smells yummy," he said in his morning voice as he rubbed his face into the corner of your shoulder. His wavy morning hair tickling your neck and you smiled. Like a motherly smile. The kind of smile a mom gives her kids when they're all playing nicely together.
You finished your underwhelming breakfast and sat down at the kitchen table. Bam came trotting over and sat under the table by your feet. Jungkook sat next to you as he ate your meal as if it were his last day on earth. There was hardly an opportunity to talk to him. Meanwhile you were calmly cutting up your food and eating it piece by piece. You took a deep breath as you watched the fool with all the love in your eyes. Jungkook caught your loving stare and gave you a cute little bunny smile. You laughed at his adorable expression.
"Why are you staring at me?" He said after swallowing his food.
"You're just so perfect," you said with a grin.
"I'm eating like a pig right now. What do you mean?" He said, cocking an eyebrow. You laughed your ass off before shrugging.
"I don't know. You're just you!" You said standing up with your plate in hand. You walked over to the dishwasher as Jungkook's eyes followed your figure. You gestured for him to give you his plate and he waddled over with his plate and utensils. He had a goofy grin on his face as you did these little tasks for him.
You and your boyfriend have a general morning routine. Eat breakfast, brush teeth, brush hair, skin care, and stretch. The rest of the day was pretty much just a whim. Without even saying anything you went to the bathroom as JK waited outside shifting from side to side. Then you traded spots. He went to the washroom as you adjusted the heat pump. After a while you joined him in the bathroom. The two of you brushed your teeth when Jungkook had a great idea.
"We should do that thing where I hold your tooth brush and brush your teeth and you do the same for me!" He said with a smile. You shrugged your shoulders.
"Why not," you giggled as you handed him your toothbrush. He gave you his and you awkwardly brushed his teeth. It was quite the funny feeling and you laughed. It got chaotic quickly. Choking each other, brushing each other's lips, it was so fun for no reason. Jungkook took the tooth brush out of your mouth and rubbed the toothpaste on your nose. "Hey!" You yelped as Jungkook laughed at you. That's when you grabbed some mouthwash and chucked it in his mouth, catching him way off guard. Now it was your turn to laugh at him.
"Alright bring it on!" He said as he tackled you and started coloring your eyebrows with toothpaste. You laughed and squirmed around. You got an elastic from a little jar on a little rack beside the sink and messily tied his hair back with it. After you did that he grabbed a handful of Bobby pins and put them in your hair. You laughed hysterically.
"Why!?" You laughed as you rolled over on the floor. You then noticed some body butter on the side of the sink and you grabbed it. You grabbed a big scoop of it before drawing a smiley face on his forehead. You laughed at how silly he looked. Meanwhile he smiled at you with the most pure in love eyes you've ever seen. He then placed toothpaste kisses all over you. You squirmed around as you laughed saying, "that tickles!" Jungkook stopped and you both let out big sighs.
"We should probably actually get ready now," Jungkook said as he stood up with a big grin. You nodded and washed yourself up.
After the whole bathroom fiasco you and Jungkook did some quick morning stretches in the living room. After that Jungkook did the dishes from last night. Popcorn bowl, some cups and other random things that were thrown in the sink. Meanwhile you were vacuuming and cleaning the bathroom. Jungkook moved onto doing some laundry as you showered.
After all the morning chores you and Jungkook found each other sitting on the couch in the living room. Jungkook placed his Nintendo switch into the TV and you brought yours out to the living room. You sat next to him on the couch and you wrapped a blanket around both of you.
"So this is the plan today?"
"One hundred percent," he said with a grin and a determined head nod.
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Stress Relief
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Submission #4 for Arousal August held by @wooyoungmybelovedhusband and @taehyungisminee
🌴Pairing: The Boyz, Hyunjae x Reader (f) 🌴Au/Trope: enemies to lovers, office romance au, coworkers to lovers 🌴Word Count: 1,321 🌴Warnings: sub! Hyunjae, dom! reader, sex with protection 🌴Rating: +18, MDNI 🌴Synopsis: when your work pays for the office to go on vacation, you may start to see your coworker in a different light, especially when he's been shirtless for a week 🌴Dedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland thank you my darling betas ~♠Previous | Arousal August Master list | Next😼~
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It was the final night of your work vacation. Everyone was celebrating. Your coworkers and bosses were scattered across the outside bar and dance floor. You were sitting at a high table, nursing a cocktail, wondering just how drunk you should get. As you gazed across the dance floor, your eyes fell on the one person you did not want to see: Lee Hyunjae.
You had been ignoring his chiseled body all week--Hyunjae did not need to know that you found anything about him attractive.
Hyunjae was the type of co-worker that you despised. He constantly sucked up to the higher-ups. He managed to wiggle his way out of doing the majority of his workload. He never took his job seriously. Needless to say, he was the complete opposite of you.
Unfortunately for you, Hyunjae locked gazes with you across the dance floor just as he lifted the bottle of his beer to his mouth. He took a swig and slowly smiled upon realizing you were looking at him. You winced and looked away but it was too late. Hyunjae swaggered his way until he was in front of your table.
"Hey," Hyunjae said with all the confidence of a man who knew he had this interaction in the bag.
"Go away, Hyunjae," You muttered, "You'll make my drink taste sour."
Your bad attitude only made Hyunjae smile wider. "Not dancing tonight?"
You blew out some air. "I am not doing this tonight." You hopped off your chair and left the celebrations.
"Wait! Hey, wait!" Hyunjae called after you. His hand grabbed your elbow as you were halfway back to your bungalow.
You looked down at Hyunjae's hand and looked up at him. Hyunjae removed his hand, laughed in embarrassment and began to scratch the back of his neck. "Why do you always make me feel like this?" He said.
You rolled your eyes. "Oh, I dunno Hyunjae maybe because you skimp your duties at work and I usually have to work double time?"
"It's not that bad," Hyunjae replied, a pout on his lips. 
"Says you," You scoffed and continued your walk back to your room.
"I can make up for it!" Hyunjae called after you.
"How in the world are you going to make up for all the extra work I had to do because you convinced the higher ups to let you go with them to their golf tournament?!" You demanded, spinning on your heel to look Hyunjae in the eye as he lied to you.
Hyunjae's eyes descended to the floor suddenly. "I can fuck the stress out of you," Hyunjae muttered. 
A sharp bark of laughter pulled from your lips and Hyunjae's eyes shot upwards. "In what world do you think I'd let you fuck me?"
Hyunjae's eyes bounced around, still avoiding your direct gaze. "But it would help."
You threw your hands up to the sky. "I dunno how you thought that line was gonna work."
You started walking again and Hyunjae let out a frustrated noise. "I'm being serious! I can help you out! I promise!"
You stopped walking and Hyunjae banged into you from behind. He wrapped his arms around your upper arms to steady himself against your body. He tilted his head, lips near your ear. "I know you hate me. But I didn't know you were suffering because of me." Those hands on your upper arms skimmed down. "I can make it up to you," He repeated.
"You want to get into my pants because I'm the only one in the office that isn't wrapped around your finger," You insisted.
"Babe," Hyunjae drawled into your ear. "I've wanted to get into your pants the day I started at the office."
You rolled your eyes and sighed. "Don't call me Babe. Let go of me, please?"
Hyunjae did and took a step back. "Can't believe the first time you begged me was to get me to let you go."
You let out a sarcastic laugh turning around. "Oh my god, Hyunjae."
Hyunjae looked hopeful. "I don't think I've ever seen you laugh because of me."
"Will you leave me alone if I admit you've looked great this week?" You try desperately to get Hyunjae out of your hair.
It backfired. Hyunjae bit down on his lower lip. "You liked what you saw?"
"Hyunjae, please," You said in exasperation. 
"I really like how you sound when you beg me," Hyunjae admitted. He chucked your chin up with a bent forefinger.
You didn't flinch at his close proximity. "Oh, please, Hyunjae, fuck me harder," You said in a sugary-sweet, mocking voice.
The worst was that Hyunjae's pupils blew upon hearing your words. He wasn't lying when he said he liked the way it sounded when you begged him. You clucked your tongue in annoyance. "Really, Hyunjae?"
Hyunjae licked his lips nervously but his eyes were a bit fucked out. "It's literally all I want."
Unfortunately, or fortunate depending on how you looked at it, nothing turned you on more than when someone was into you. So you took Hyunjae back to your bungalow and fucked him. 
You were straddling his hips, rocking against him. Hyunjae was a moaning mess under you, completely pussy drunk. His voice was rough and high, bucking his hips into you, searching for more than what you were giving him. 
"Hyunjae," You said in a tone that demanded his obedience.
His eyebrows frowned inwards. "I can fuck you good. Your pussy is so wet and so tight, let me fuck you."
Hyunjae's hands traveled up from where he had been clinging to your hips to squeeze your tits. "What's wrong, Hyunjae? Doesn't it feel good, the way I'm riding you?"
"So fucking good," Hyunjae moaned, sitting up, regretfully letting go of your breasts.
You exchanged a slow, sultry kiss as you rocked against him still. "You want to stop?"
Hyunjae let out a whine, locking his hands against the small of your back. "No. I just wanna fuck you. I want to hear you say my name like you need me."
A smirk curled your lips. "Mmm, Hyunjae, just like that," You whined.
Hyunjae rolled his hips upwards. "Fucking you good?"
“You fuck me so good,” You continued in your over-the-top porno voice but it just flat did it for Hyunjae.
His strokes became erratic and his voice started to sound urgent. “Fucking you so good, you’re such a slut for my cock. Fuck the stress right out of you, gonna make you come and take care of you. Fuck fuck fuck!” His hips stilled for a moment as he unloaded inside the condom, face contorted in pleasure.
The dirty talk didn’t do it for you, but Hyunjae thrusting into your g spot with enough force to seduce an orgasm out of you sure did. You threw your head back and gasped, moving your hips and riding out your orgasm. 
Hyunjae had collapsed slightly, head cushioned by your chest, and you tapped his shoulder to let you get off him. However, he locked his arms behind your back again and stopped you from moving. “Don’t move. I said I wanted to take care of you.”
You couldn't help but roll your eyes again. “Don’t go soft on me now, Jae.”
A small, shy smile pulled at his lips as he lifted his head at your words. “Did you just shorten my name? I kinda like that.”
“I will kick you out of my room right now if you don’t stop,” You deadpanned. 
Hyunjae was back to pouting again. “Let me take care of you!”
“Fine, but I’m leaving you a bad rating later because you pout until you get what you want,” You said in exasperation. 
“A bad rating?” Hyunjae protested.
“Will you just go and get me some water already?” You shouted at him.
“Whatever you say, Babe,” Hyunjae couldn't help but poke.
“I said don’t call me Babe!”
Mandatory Deobi tag: @starlitmark
~♠Previous | Arousal August Master list | Next😼~
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secretkittywolf · 8 months
High Life
Chapter 5
Joel awakes quite late in the day. After the fire last night, he decided to finally look at his ask. He opens the book and reads through it.
You and Grian run the business known as "Wingedbean". You want a partnership with Mumbo & Scar AKA "Scars & Moustache", but it falls through so your motive? Kill either "Scars" or "Moustache"
"I can't believe I'm a businessman with Grian of all people! It couldn't be Martyn or Tango no, it's Grian. Fuck me" he sighs. Joel gets out of the king sized bed and makes his way to the bathroom. He quickly showers and changes into a dark green suit with a white shirt, black tie and black shoes. He does his best to deal with his messy hair, but he gives up after five minutes and heads out of the penthouse. Once downstairs, he decides to have a wander around. "Wonder if there's a cafe nearby?" He walks down a street and soon comes across a cafe. It's small and on the corner but had a very cosy feeling to it. It has some tables and chairs outside with a couple of other lifers there. "Hey Joel" he turns to see Etho. "Hey Boat Boy. How are you?" Etho chuckles as Joel sits on the chair opposite to him. "I'm fine. Still Boat Boy, huh? Thought that was left behind in Double Life" "Yeah well, you love me, I love you. Platonically of course. Lizzie is my wife" "I know" He couldn't help but sigh. He genuinely felt like there was a connection between him and Joel but alas, it could never be.
"Is there a menu or do we go and get the food's ourselves?" Joel asks. "There is one" Etho hands him a menu for Joel to look over. "Steak..... Porkchop...... Chicken.... No burgers? Fish and chips? Just, regular Minecraft food? Grian gives us a city, penthouses, guns and suits but no food?!" "Nor any alcohol" spoke a familiar voice. The two turn to see a smirking Scar, drinking what looks like a jump boost potion. "No alcohol?! Fucking hell, Grian. Way to make this less exciting" Scar nods in agreement. "Couldn't have said it better myself, my good sir" he starts drinking the jump boost as Joel goes back to talk to Etho. Scar frowns as he drinks the rest and grabs his gun. He didn't want to kill Joel but he really didn't want to be business partners with him. He raises the gun and aims it at Joel. Etho notices. "Joel!" As Joel turns, Scar fires. The bang startled the other guests as Joel hits the ground. As the others try to process what just happened, Scar gets up, grabbing his cane and starts walking away. "Joel! Joel" Etho was holding him. The bullet hit him directly in his right eye. "Take him. I'm gonna deal with Scar" "Scar? What's Scar got to do with this?!" says Lizzie. "It's okay, Lizzie. I'll deal with this" Etho looks in the direction that Scar went and begins to run after him.
Etho soon sees Scar, humming a tune as he walked down the street. "Scar!" The other man stopped, turning to Etho. "What can I do for you, Etho?" "You shot Joel! What's the matter with you?" "What's the matter with me? Nothing" "If nothing's the matter, why shoot Joel? You could've killed him!" Scar sighs. He quickly checks his comm and no death message popped up. "You're right" Etho sighs with relief. "I should've killed him" The other man raises his head as Scar points the gun at him. "Scar..... What are you-" "If I can't kill Joel, I might as well kill you" "Scar please. Whatever's the matter. Whatever's happening, you can talk to me. You don't have to do this" Scar slowly walks closer, his cane tapping against the smooth andesite path. "No. You see, I do" Just as Scar gets ready to fire, he gets knocked over by a screaming Bdubs. The gun clatters, just out of reach. "Bdubs! What are you doing?" "Running from Doc!" "Why?" Asks Etho. "That's why!" Bdubs scrambles to his feet as Doc emerges from an alleyway. "Hold still, Bdouble00" The hybrid raises a machine gun as all three tense up. "Bdubs" "Yeah?" "Take my hand" "Why?" Scar gets to his feet, grabs a hold of Bdubs and jumps.
The effect of the potion was still in tact as he and Bdubs start jumping away. Doc begins to shoot at them, laughing maniacally. Etho grabs the gun and is about to go after them, when his comm beeps. He takes it out and reads the message.
Lizzie: Joel's been taken to the hospital. The bullet barely missed his brain. Grian says he'll be fine
Etho lets out a sigh of relief. He looks at Doc, chasing Scar and Bdubs. "Nah. I'll let them handle that"
Etho: Give me your coords and I'll be over soon
Lizzie soon sent them as he begins to run away from the maniac with the machine gun, and to Joel instead.
Thank you @ssueterr for the name Wingedbean! I was having trouble coming up with one for this
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scarlet-ancunin · 2 years
Ok so we know desire is extremely flirty will tease literally anyone making them flustered, however what would happen if desire met someone who is equally as flirty or maybe even more so than them. I can just imagine those two having a competition see who can fluster the other first
lol Kay have fun with this a little surprise near the end
Who Will Win
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When Desire met you they were thrilled because you were the most desirable being one can hope for. while anyone could have you, you choose them instead.
That was the day you and Desire decided to go on a date. it was perfect and everything seems to go according to plan. "how is your dessert love" you got flustered with such a simple thing because of their voice and they knew it "why do you make everything sound like you're flirting with me." you said cutely looking at them.
They chuckle lightly "I know I'm a handful love, but that is why you have two hands for~" you blushed more and then look at them smiling leaning in close and licking their lips slowly before pulling away whispering against their lip "I licked it, so its mine," you said softly and you marveled at the fact that Desire was, for the moment, speechless. you giggle and look away to finish your dessert.
that was when this little competition started with who can make the other more flustered.
Desire was with you at a business party that you didn't want to go alone so you begged them to come because it will be very boring without them. so they came very late purposely after taking care of their duties. they wrap their arm around your waist as you were watching people dance. "you know love, you're making it hard for me not to stare at you" they said and you giggle but your cheeks were lightly flushed. looking up at them "aren't you the romantic" you said playfully.
they twirl you around and pulled you close "I'm a hopeless romantic, with a sexy imagination" you hum softly dancing with them feeling the coworker's eyes on you and you didn't mind you were with the most perfect being you could ever be in the arms of. "When I am with you the only place I want to be is closer,” you said leaning up and kissing them softly when you pulled away they were blushing.
Desire dips you while grinning now "my you seem to have a thing for flirty and you talk about me" they said and you hum shaking your head “I don’t need to flirt. I will seduce you with my awkwardness.” this made them laugh and you joined them.
you were laying in your bed watching Desire take their jacket off, you sat up and crawled over kissing their neck lightly. they tilt their head to the side and looked at you “If you kiss my neck, I’m not responsible for what happens next.” you blushed deeply but yelped softly when they were on top of you moments later.
Death unfortunately was in the midst of you and Desire's secret competition and tried not to laugh watching you both. Desire listened to you complain about your friend sighing "I'm sorry I just have a history with him and it's annoying seeing him again" you said pouting cutely Desire hummed leaning close to you and placing a delicate finger under your chin.
“You may have a history with him but you have chemistry with me,” they said sensually making you flustered and look at them hearing Death do a small cough from being caught off guard herself. she then noticed your smile at them suddenly “Chemistry is you touching my mind and is setting my body on fire.” you said in the same matter making them blush deeply not seeing that coming.
Death laughed seeing her little sibling get flustered "oh my god you two get a room haha" she stood up walking away. Desire and you stood up walking you hold their hand before saying "You remind me of my pinky toe… Sooner or later, I’m gonna bang you on a table.” you knew what was about to happen because of the slight pause.
You laugh with them as you walked with them you knew this would happen, but you really love their laugh. They look down at you after that good laugh “Excuse me for being too forward, but your lips make me wonder what the rest of you would taste like.” you blush deeply and look away "i-" you covered your mouth
"give up love?" you look back at them and lean in close "I want you to take me home and Undress me slowly and let your hands touch me in places where your kisses will soon follow.” you said sensually against their ear. their eyes widen slightly and in a moment you both were no longer in the area.
There you have it I hope you liked it. Let me know any request you desire~
Taglist: @justaproudslytherpuff, @sherazyjade, @the-masked-scorpio, @sugakookieswithacupoftae16,@happilydangerousworld,
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kittynugg · 1 year
i wrote some shitty zim fanfic B)
keep reading if u wanna see it ik this is a dbh blog so i dont expect my followers to like it lmao (except for you syn ur slaying)
it's about zim having a birthday party (this is just the first chapter, gonna release chapters periodically if people like it) (also zadr shippers dni, i only show them as like frenemies)
Zim sat at the kitchen table, waiting for Gir to get home. As much as he hated to admit it-- And never would to the robot, he found himself interested in trying this human.. "Birthday" tradition. Gir promised that it would be.. Fun. Despite them not having time for fun, he insisted upon it.
Upon researching how humans celebrated these "birthdays," he discovered that it involved guests. Human guests which could blow their cover at any moment! The mere thought of being caught and taken to some government facility to live out the rest of his days in an enclosure made him shudder. His eyes narrowed impatiently as his fingers began to drum against the table. They made a soft and rhythmic thump against the material as they hit it. He grew more restless by the second as he continued to think about what this "birthday" had in store for them. Or how it would affect their mission and the course of his very life. After this had gone on too long for Zim's liking, he extended one of his PAK's arms and used it to contact Gir. "Gir!" He exclaimed into it with an urgent tone. "Where are you?" "I'm getting tacos!!" Gir's shrill, annoying voice responded without missing a beat. "Want some jam? Or french fries?" Zim sighed in exasperation, his antennae twitching. "..No, Gir, I want you back at base." "Fries it is!" Gir cheerfully declared. His voice dripped with sarcasm as he responded. "Thank you, Gir." "You're welcome, birthday-Master!!" With that, Gir hung up. Zim huffed. "Gir's bound to expose our ingenious disguise, but.. At least he'll bring food." He muttered to himself, the faintest smile forming on his face. Just then, he heard an ongoing shriek that sounded like it was getting closer. "..Gir's back alrea-" Before he could finish his sentence, the door burst open with a loud crash, Gir flying through it. "I GOT TACOOOOOOOOS!" Gir's ecstatic voice echoed through the house, causing Zim to jump and hit his knee on the table with a loud exclamation of pain. "GIR!" Zim winced as he clutched his throbbing knee. "..Put them on the table.." He tried his best to mask the pained look that was still showing on his face. "Go outside!" Gir urged eagerly, practically vibrating with excitement as he pushed Zim outside. "Hey- Gir-! Stop! This place is my home! You can't kick me out!" ..His demands for Gir to stop were fruitless, made evident by the dull thud the front door made as it closed. He reached to open the door. Gir locked it. "GIR!!" His voice was filled with anger and desperation as he pounded on the door. "Let me in!! That's an order, Gir!" Gir remained defiant, refusing to heed the order Zim had given him. Instead, he shouted his own order through the door. "Go do something fun! We're not ready yet!" Zim scoffed, crossing his arms. His hands burned slightly from banging them against the door. He wondered what Gir would be doing in the house while he was gone.. "Okay, Gir, I'll go away now!" "Go! Go!" Gir had quite a bit of excitement in his voice as he begged Zim to leave so he could prepare the surprise. "You're not gone yet! I see you in the window!" Zim's eyes widened as he realized that Gir had a speck of intelligence in his empty head. "Fine, I'll leave.." He muttered, beginning to walk away finally. Where would he go? He didn't do many recreational things.. "Maybe I can.. Go on a walk?" He stepped onto the road, the asphalt stretching out before him. A short wave of anxiety coursed through his veins as a car flew by, narrowly missing him. Zim jumped back with a gasp, his heart pounding in his chest. "LEARN HOW TO OPERATE YOUR.. HUMAN VEHICLE, HEATHEN!!" His frustration grew at the human in the car's stupidity. "..I will walk on the sidewalk, then." He grumbled, beginning his trip to.. Wherever he felt like going. Dib stared at the crumpled paper in his hands. The address was scrawled on it in handwriting so messy and illegible that he could barely decipher it. "ZIMZ BIRTHDEY TODAY"
was written above the address in pink crayon. He sighed, slipping the note into his pocket along with the greasy sticky note that had a doodle resembling.. Zim? It looked kind of like it had antennae if he squinted.. And Zim's little back-dome thing was there.. As he walked down the sidewalk, the summer heat bearing down on him, a familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. "Human?" "Zim-!?" He flinched and hastily shoved the paper further down into his pocket. "I thought you were busy taking over Earth." He bit, with a scowl. "..What're you doing out right now?" Zim's eyes narrowed as he scanned his surroundings. "..Walking. What are you doing, human? Is it not too hot outside to be playing like a normal human worm baby?" "Then why are you out exercising? If it's too hot for it?" There was a beat of silence as Zim's expression shifted, gears clearly turning in his head in order to form an apt response. "You make a good point.." "So-" "SILENCE! I am going to walk as much as I please! And you will not deter me!" With the loud declaration, the Irken sprinted off, leaving Dib standing alone with a bewildered look plastered on his face. "..Okay, then." Dib muttered to himself, shaking his head. He continued toward the house, knowing he'd probably see Zim again later. alright now if you want to read the second chapter here it is
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yawn-junn · 1 year
Okkkkk, so this came to my mind:
JJ with a fem s/o, they both watched the anime sk8 the infinity and they loved it.
Soooo, a date between the 2 of them where they paint their skateboards as the ones of Reki and Langa from the anime (they were doing it at the boys dorms and the members teased them when they saw them)
♡︎Cute Couple = Cute Boards - JayJay♡︎
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I can try lmfao I've never seen SK8 The Infinity I wanted to watch it but never had the time but I hope you still enjoy this I hope you don't mind who gets who's design
Definitely gonna watch it after this cuz doing my research I came across where I can watch it so thank you for basically forcing me lmfao hope you enjoy
TW: Teasing : Kissing : anime (?) : 1 pet name (babes) : me spelling JayJays name 700 different ways : and a very very cute JustinJay :
After spending hours at the craft store you and JayJay finally made your way back to his(small ass) dorm, eventually after two hours or so you guys made it back to his dorm luckily no one was home so it was just you and Jay you both grabbed your skateboards from under his bed and put them on the coffee table as JayJay set everything up you unscrewed the wheels off(you already had the boards sanded)
To actually get to the painting took a minute considering how giggly you and JJ were but after 20 minutes you two finally calmed down and started to prep the bottom of your boards with gesso (if you don't know what that is it's basically white acrylic paint but it helps paint stick better)
"Here's the blue" you said has you handed it to JayJay "thank you!" He said a little to excited making you once again burst into giggles after a second you both calmed down for the 300th time in the past 30 minutes "wait babes are you going to paint on mine or-" JayJay asked "well that's what we agreed on, no?" You said in response "Ok just to clarify once again your painting Reki's on mine? And I'm painting Langa's on yours?" He said after confirming his question you got to work once again
This time it was comfortable silence which granted you two enough time to get half way done with both boards the silence was ruined by 6 hyped boys basically ramming the door way with things they bought from there day out "ouu what are you two up too?" James said as he leaned over the two of you Jay started pushing on his leg "Hyung leave us alone we're bonding" JayJay said in a Duh tone of voice
"OmG y/N yOuR hErE!!" Jihoon said in a very poor girl impression "Hayyyy!" You giggled matching his energy "Jihoon leave them alone there BoNdInG" James said mocking Jay, you hear JayJay let out a quiet sigh before he leaned closer to your ear to comment on how annoying the others were being but Jihoon caught it "GUYS LOOK THERE FACES ARE CLOSE" he said, Yorch whipped his head around and pulled out his phone
This made Jay groan in annoyance and you turn redder than the inside of James's vampire cape the others started laughing loudly and JayJay picked all the stuff up and grabbed your arm dragging you to the room they all share as he closed and locked the door you heard Leo yelling "STAY 6 FEET APART AND NO KISSING THATS FOR ADULTS!" Jay's face went bright red and yours went an ever darker red if that was possible
"Well that was somthing" you said trying to process what just happened "I'm sorry about them there annoying" Jay said which made both of you laugh then you heard a bang on the door "we heard that!" Woochan said whichade you two laugh harder after a few minutes the members got bored of trying to listen to what was happening inside the small space and went to do there own thing
You and JayJay continued painting your skateboards of course going against Leo's "rule" of no kissing I mean he's not in the room so he doesn't have to know eventually you and JayJay finished your skateboards and let it dry in the corner while you two layed on his bed cuddling after almost 3 hours you both decided to get up to check on the boards seeing that they were dry you put the top coat on and set it to dry some more
Both of you fell asleep waiting on your boards and forgot about the members who also needed in the room for there things they ended up having to sleep on the couch after they tried everything to unlock the door but no luck the next morning held 6 very angry members of Trainee A and a giggling young couple
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luvfy0dor · 8 months
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“I Like Shiny Things, But I'd Marry You With Paper Rings ♡⁠˖” BSD x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
╰┈➤ Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Chuuya Nakahara
Warnings; None! ♡⁠˖
Description; Drabbles about BSD men proposing
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A/n; Any commentary on the pink theme? I like it, as of right now it's only gonna stay until Valentine's day. This is my in-between requests post, another request will be posted soon! ♡⁠˖
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⑅ Dazai Osamu ⑅
♡ Dazai is the type of guy to keep the ring on him at all times. He proposes when he thinks the moment is right, there's no set date for when he's going to do it. He has times when he'd like to do it, but he doesn't force himself too if it doesn't feel like the best possible moment. Or he might just do it impulsively, who knows?x
You sat bored in the living room, folding a small square of paper into as many little origami shapes as you could. You made small hearts, cranes, and paper rings. You slid one of the recently-made rings onto your finger and smiled, deciding to make a matching one for your boyfriend, who had yet to come back from the grocery quest you sent him on. As you made the first few folds, you heard some banging on the door. It startled you a little, your breath hitching. The voice that followed calmed your nerves, though.
"Babe, can you let me in? Please?" He had a small impediment in his speech when he spoke. You sighed with a smile and got up, unlocking and opening the door to see Dazai with grocery bags hung up both of his arms and one hanging out of his mouth. Your eyebrows furrowed a little and you took roughly half of them into your own hole. "I sent you for a couple things, what's all this?" You ask. He just shrugs and kicks off his shoes, still standing with you at the doorway. "Just some stuff I figured we needed. Trust me, you'll thank me later." He tells. He heads to the kitchen and starts putting things away with your help. He shares tales of his journey to the grocery store and back, making sure you know every detail of the trip. He seemed to be particularly enthused about some coupons he found in the cart he grabbed, which explained all the extra groceries. After putting them all away, he joined you back one the couch and examined your origami art.
"Wow, you're quite crafty." He says, picking up the paper crane and bending it's neck back and forth. "Yeah, I got birds, hearts, and rings. I was about to make a matching ring for you, but then you bashed your head against the door instead of setting stuff down to get out your key." You playfully jabbed. He scoffed. "Like you wouldn't do the same thing." You shake your head, your tongue sticking out of your mouth while you focus on perfectly bending the paper to form the shape of a heart-ring. It became increasingly difficult when Dazai grabbed one of your hands oh-so gently and observed the ring made from a yellow sticky note. He thought about how much better a legitimate wedding ring/band would look on your finger, an idea suddenly occuring to him. "We should exchange rings once you're don't with mine." He pitches the idea to you with a grin.
You hum in approval. "Alright, I'm almost done, it'll only take another minute." He nodded, taking the ring off of your finger and setting it on the table. "Okay, I'll be right back." He says, rising from the couch and going to your shared bedroom, digging through the various items in the nightstand drawer to find the small, black box. He slipped it into his pocket and returned to your side, placing a hand on his back and kissing the side of your head and eventually leaning into your warmth. You held up your paper ring proudly when you finished. "Alright, are we exchanging them now?" He nods, his hand fidgeting with the ring box in his pocket, opening it and extracting the ring into his balled fist. He grabs the paper ring from the table and holds out his other hand for you.
"Here you go, my beloved husband." You tease, a smile on your face as you sit unaware of what's about to come. "Thanks, babe. Here's yours." You smiled as you watched him push the actual engagement ring onto your finger before it fully processed in your mind and your jaw dropped. "This felt like the perfect moment to ask...will you marry me?" Your heart flutters in your chest and you choke up a little, nodding and hugging him tightly. "Yes, yes! Oh my gosh, it's so pretty, Osamu!" Your heart felt like it was lodged in your throat with excitement as your boyfriend chuckles at the sight of you intensely observing the ring. "I'm so glad you said yes." He says through his smile, hugging you and running his hand up and down your back. "Why wouldn't I?" You said, brushing your hands through your new fiances hair with euphoria. "I know I'm pretty irresistible, so I didn't expect you to say 'no', you just make me nervous. In a good way, ofcourse." He pridefully says. You chuckled and kissed him sweetly. "You're such a dork, but I don't mind." You said. You both filled the rest of the evening with laughter and excited discussion of possibilities for the wedding itself. You couldn't help it, you just loved being immersed in conversation with your fiance more than anything.
⑅ Chuuya Nakahara ⑅
♡ Chuuya plans the proposal out. He'd really like to propose on a beach at sunset, something cliche like that. Some people might think it's corny, but he thinks it's romantic. He's got rose pedals, candles, you name it.
Chuuya scattered the rose pedals on the sand in the shape of a large heart, having picked the least windy day of the week to avoid the flowers blowing every which way. The heart shape was illuminated by pretty faux candles, their fake fire flickering on the darkening beach. The sunset painted the sky a beautiful pink, just like the rosy pink you made his face anytime you complimented him, even years into the relationship. The butterflies in his stomach were very much alive and well, even if he played them off with false annoyance. They were there now as he scattered the final petals, waiting for you to text him that you were pulling up to the beach to start walking to the close parking lot. His hands reached down into his pocket to grab his phone with one hand and fiddle with the ring in his other. As he was about to press the power button, his lock screen lit up with your notification.
He felt his heart in his throat as he started walking up, having to steady his breathing once or twice. You saw him first, calling out his name and waving. "Chuuya!" You picked up your pace, shoving your phone onto the back pocket of your shorts. He smiled, his teeth showing through his parted lips. He immediately embraced you, his arms falling loosely around your waist, pulling you into a kiss. It was just a peck, but it spread a more-than-welcome warmth throughout your chest. The smile didn't leave your face while he walked back with you slowly to the beach. "Have a good day, doll?" He asks, grabbing your hand and giving it a small squeeze. Your eyebrows furrow and your nose scrunches. "Yeah, I guess. It was really boring, but not bad." He hums in understanding, bringing your hand to his lips and kissing your knuckles. "But you got through the day." You nod with a grin that mirrored his on your face.
"So, uh, I have something I wanna ask you about." He said, avoiding eye contact and instead looking at his feet. You raised an eyebrow, tilting forward to look at his face. "Hm?" Your head fell to rest against his as you started to walk through the sand. The large, candle-lit heart caught your eye and you couldn't help but swoon. He was blushing and drew his hand up to his face to cover it, but he guided you to the center of the heart, his free hand holding yours. "Chuu, this is gorgeous." You murmur, taken back by how pretty everything looked. Ocean waves rolled against the shore quietly, setting the mood. Onlookers stared, but Chuuya only looked at you. "A gorgeous scene for a gorgeous person." He whispered. He took both hands and squeezed them tightly, swallowing the reoccurring lump in his throat. "Y/n, you know how much I love you and how long I've loved you- it feels like it's been forever in the best way possible. I never want it to stop, so.." he takes a deep breath and fishes the ring box out of his pocket and kneels down.
You could almost feel the world stop spinning and your heartbeat in your ears. Your tongue pressed against the roof of your mouth as you waited to hear the words you had wanted to for a while now. Chuuya brought your knuckles to his lips before asking. "Will you continue to make me the happiest man ever and marry me, Y/n?" You could barely squeeze a 'yes' out of your throat and nodded vigorously. He smiled from ear to ear and took the ring/band out of the box, sliding it onto your ring finger. You immediately throw yourself onto your new fiance, tackling him into the sand and hugging him tightly. "Chuuya, this was the cutest thing ever, thank you so much." You pressed a soft kiss to his exposed collarbone and ran a hand through his hair. "Anythin' for you, sweetheart." He says, still on a high from your response. He pressed a kiss to your head and the two of you just played together for a while, basking in each other's presence, the ocean and sunset wonderfully adding to the atmosphere.
⑅ Fyodor Dostoevsky ⑅
♡ Fyodor, like Chuuya, plans it out. He much prefers a restaurant setting to a beach, though. Candle lit dinners ended with applause from onlookers and a smile on your face is a more than satisfactory way to propose.
Fyodor had been mentioning bringing you out for a nice, candle-lit dinner recently, and he finally got to take you out on a saturday evening. His hand rested on your thigh while he drove, which didn't usually happen, but it wasn't an unwelcomed occurrence. Your hand was on top of his while you told him about a book you had read, excitedly filling him all the details about the characters and their romantic sparks. He followed along with that beautiful soft smile on his face, nodding and 'oh'ing, but it wasn't a dismissive 'oh', it was an intrigued one. He related the book you were talking about to one he had read in the past, and you listened just as he did. He loved that about you, your interest in whatever conversation he had to offer. His hand lifted from your thigh as he pulled into the parking lot, finding the closest spot to the entrance. He looked kinda sexy when he drove, the way his thin and nimble fingers loosely held the wheel made your cheeks heat up. You let out a giddy breath when he opened his door and made his way around the car to open yours for you. And they say romance is dead.
You smiled and took his hand when getting out, keeping it in your hold while your you walked in and he told the hostess about your reservation. She led the both of you to a table and gave you menus, leaving to give you some alone time with your boyfriend. His hair was pushed back behind one of his ears and his eyes scanned over the drinks printed om the laminated paper. "What are you going to order, Moya Lyubov?" He asks, looking up at you from across the table, his foot brushing against yours underneath the surface. "Maybe a margarita." You say pensively, putting thorough thought into your decision. After deciding that nothing on the menu sounded better in the moment, you settled. "Yeah, a margarita for sure." You sat the menu down on the table and crossed your arms. "Mm, that's a good choice." He says. "I think I just want water."
The waitress soon arrives at your table to take your orders for drinks, and it doesn't take long for her to return. She sets them on the table and you both murmur appreciative 'thank you's and take a sip. She offered to take your order for a main course or appetizers, but you requested more time to look over the menu. Fyodor reached over and gently pried one of your hands from the side of the gatefold booklet, holding it. "Your hands are so warm, my dear." He says, eyes soft and loving. "I love you, so, so much, and I plan to show you just how much that is tonight." He says, kissing your knuckles. Your face immediately warmed and you laughed softly. The restaurant had soft classical music playing in the background, which paired nicely with the soft chatter of the people. "Yeah? Well, I'm not sure I'd need you to prove how much you love me, but I'm not opposed to it if you want to." You says, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles.
Fyodor nodded and his mind drifted down to the ring box that patiently sat in his front pocket, waiting to be gifted to you. "I always want to display my love for you." He confesses. After a moment, you both pick a main course for yourselves and the waitress takes the order. Fyodor wanted to wait until you were ready to leave to get down on one knee so it would be less expected than him standing up in the middle of dinner, and that he did. He watched your every reaction to his words throughout the meal when it was delivered to you. He subtly dropped some hints, although you didn't seem to be picking them up. He didn't mind, it just added to the element of surprise when he did finally pop the question.
The conversation flowed smoothly as it always did, his hand almost always holding onto yours across the table. His laugh was so charming, as was his smile. Everything about him seemed so soft, like the warm toned light on his skin and the way his hair fell just above his shoulders. You are your food happily, paid the bill, and gathered your stuff. He assisted you in putting your coat, turning you around and pressing a kiss to your lips while holding your hands. "Mmn, myshka..." He slides his hand into his pocket and withdrawals it, holding it out and getting down on one knee. Your eyes widened and you sucked in a breath, your posture suddenly straightening. Peoples heads all over the restaurant turned towards you and your soon-to-be-fiance.
"Y/n, do you remember our first date being here?" He says, opening the ring box to show you the beautiful jewelry piece. "I believe things come full circle. We've had one new begining here, and I thought I should start a new chapter in the story of us here, as well." He said, never breaking eye contact until you looked down, giddy with excitement. "So, will you marry me, Y/n?" He asked. He was confident you'd say yes, but he still held his breath. People around were watching with intrigue and excitement.
"Oh my god, yes." You said, the dorkiest grin on your face as you hugged him. The people around clapped and let out small aw's as you and Fyodor exchanged a sweet kiss. His hand was placed on the back of your head, his lips pulled upward in a grin similar to your own. "Ah, I love you, Myshka." He pulled away and slid the ring onto your finger while his other hand slid down to the small of your back. You admired the jewels embedded in the metal and kissed his cheek one more time. "Ready to leave, my dear?" You nod, kissing his knuckles. "Yeah, thank you so much for tonight and just...everything." You appreciatively thank him with your head on his shoulder. You couldn't be more ecstatic about the proposal, and you knew your lover was feeling the same way.
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A/n; THE TORTURED POETS DEPARTMENT IM DHAJEKWKS I CANT WAIT IM PROLLY GONNA MAKE A SEPARATE POST ABOUT IT BUT I JUSR DJSJJKSJD I'm a little sad I didn't get one of the deluxe CDs, but it's whatever I guess. I should really focus on getting debut, rep, and fearless TV, those r the only ones I don't have rn 😭 (5/02/24 update i got the albatross deluxe cd and rep)
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Drabblecember 21: A Walk Down Memory Lane
(begging on my hands and knees for DAYS to figure out how i wanted to write this one. back on track though let's gooooo)
Word Count: uhmm. 800.
Universe: Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog
Emerson had been wiping out the same test tube out for– Doc checked the atomic clock– about eleven and a half minutes.
Three months ago– well, he won't say what he would have done three months ago, but four months ago, sure, he would have interceded. Or at least gotten in a zinger about it.
Today, he just watched. She didn't even seem to notice that, and she always noticed him watching. Even when she pretended not to– especially when she pretended not to? Dr. Horrible was still figuring that out. But there was nothing like that tonight– no careful hand movements, no private smiles, none of that one facial expression she'd do where her eyebrows raised a little higher than normal and stayed there, with her eyes intentionally no wider than before. Her shoulders hunched; her eyes were unfocused. In sharp contrast to the unsettling looseness, both of her knees were bouncing violently under the table. No, there was something in Emerson's head, in that moment, and whatever it was, it was large enough to overshadow even his presence at her right.
It was startling how put-out the thought made him. That was probably why he didn't say anything, actually.
When Emerson's phone buzzed to life, tapping out a heartbeat against the seat of the stool through her back pocket, she jumped about an inch into the air, managing to bang both her knee and her elbow on some edge of the table, and dropped not just the test tube out of her hands, not just the ringing phone from out of her pocket, but also the glasses from off of her face, in one glorious fumbling motion. Doc would have laughed if it had been funny.
The caller was in her contacts– Doc didn't recognize the name– and as Em scooped it up and snapped it into silence, Doc caught the nauseous pallor in her cheeks. More compelling still was the flash of rage in her eyes, real rage. Not often, but he had seen that rage before– heck, he had felt that rage before. Familiar as ever in the bitter curse she spat out before the habitual "sorry," the way her fingers trembled with the effort of sliding the phone as far forward across the table as she could reach.  
On a whim, he reached out to lace those trembling fingers between his. Em blinked, and she was suddenly there with him.
"Penny for your thoughts?" he asked and almost gagged on how awkwardly it came out.
Smiling tightly, she shook her head. "Wouldn't be worth the cent." She told it like a joke.
To more articulately explain to her exactly how he felt about that estimation, he reached out with two hands to hold her face, fixed her with his best doubtful stare, and, when she didn't pull away, kissed her sweetly on the mouth. When he leaned back, she followed. Balancing two people on the seat of one stool was, admittedly, logistically tricky, but they made shifting around easier to compensate; with his back to the table, now, Em's arms framing him in even as they balanced her on top of his lap, Doc had to admit, he felt more than comfortable.
"I'm happy to help you brainstorm," he said when they broke apart, fingers slipping up underneath the back edge of her hat. "If it's lack of ideas tripping you up here."
She deflated, sighing into his shoulder, and Billy half-wished he hadn't said anything. "Nah, I just– I've thought about it up and down. It's not even worth... going after."
He waited for her to continue.
"Too many other dominoes it would knock down, I think," she said. "Outside of my control. It's too tangled up in– in everything else that I can't afford to fuck. Fuck with."
Billy counted the seconds on the atomic clock.
"I'm just making myself mad about it. Like, Jesus, if I just think about it for longer, I'm gonna find– I don't even know what." Em leaned back with some kind of derisive sigh, and Billy was scared for a second that she would leave. "It- it's family stuff. I probably should have led with that."
Doc hummed understandingly, lightly tapping Emerson's nose, lips, chin with one gloved finger. "Family. Yeah. I don't see any of them around here, though. Do you?"
Before Em could respond, her phone screamed out for attention once more. Even if he couldn't see it telegraphed all over her face, he could feel her whole body tense in his lap.
Wordlessly, Doc rummaged around behind him, aimed over Em's shoulder, and tossed the phone into the still-sudsy sink with a wet plop.
Em tilted her head to listen to the waterlogged ringing, face peeling into a Cheshire grin. "I suppose I don't."
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