#one of these days ill write a fic about them and then it'll be over for u bitches
teeny-tiny-revenge · 6 months
Came across this in a fic again and I have to vent for a moment here: Ed's hair isn't unclean or not taken care of. Ever. Even at his lowest, in the first two episodes of season two, his hair is light and blows with the wind, it's got perfect waves, there is zero grime in it. Impossible Birds Ed hair has clearly been fairly recently washed, combed out and conditioned. Ed canonically loves soap, and you don't get that hair without owning a comb or brush and frequently working oil into it. He's at sea! The air is salty! It'll dry out your hair, but Ed's hair doesn't ever look dried out. The day he decides to commit suicide he puts his hair up into a lovely bun, with whispy stands framing his face. I have no idea what some people are watching, because Ed taking meticulous care (and most likely also putting pride and love) into his hair is clear, on-screen canon.
Like, if you want to write about how he was neglecting himself in his depression Kraken era? There's plenty there for you on screen as well! He sobs all night, probably sleeps on the floor if he sleeps at all. He doesn't wear his knee brace. He drinks and does drugs (and admits to that being poison to Frenchie!). He's pushing everyone away, he's pushing himself hard into a role that made him passively suicidal even before the breakup depression. He doesn't watch his back during raids At All. There's so much self harm there to address. If you want to, it would probably be plausible to add him not bothering to properly care for any wounds he might obtain during a raid. But he clearly doesn't neglect bathing and hair care. They're probably the only elements of self-care he actually still does during this dark time!
Even rock bottom Ed doesn't neglect his hair. And that says things about him! It's also something I'd love to see actually addressed in fic (will probably write it myself one of these days...): Taking good care of his hair, putting on jewelry, doing his makeup, these are things that seem to bring Ed joy or relief in his darkest moments. Where's my fic about these quiet moments of self-care being a straw he clutches to when everything else is terrible?
I love a good bathing together/doing each other's hair fic. It's intimate and loving! And Stede and Ed are prime material to write a mutual caretaking and bonding over it couple! Ed canonically loves soap and taking care of his hair! And Stede brought an entire fucking bathtub on a ship, the wonderful madman. S1 Stede's hair is always carefully curled, and we know that's not its natural state (it's wavy but not in this manner) from seeing him in S2, away from his certainly plentiful bath and grooming equipment. Stede probably has an hour of daily hair routine! We know he has nice smelling, probably expensive soaps. Where's the fic where they share in this?
There's so much potential! They can show each other their favourite care products! Sometimes they'll work on each other and sometimes not at all! Ed's rich hair oils will make Stede's hair all sticky and weird! Ed will think it's hilarious and adorable, he'll try to ruffle his hair and make it stick up worse and Stede will pout! 🥺 He'll look like this, just with weird spiky hair! One ill-advised day they try putting Stede's curlers in Ed's hair and then they almost can't get them back out because Ed's hair is so long and has lots of natural wave and it'll cling to the curlers and it's awful (they laugh about it afterwards, once Ed has very carefully brushed his hair out again and it no longer pulls at his scalp).
Makeup was a thing done by men and women at the time, especially for aristocrats (as seen in Episode 5), so Stede will know his way around hoity toity makeup, meaning rouges and whites (contained lots of lead, yuck!). Meanwhile Ed does pirate costume makeup for Blackbeard endeavours, that's a whole different thing. And both of these are makeups they don't actually enjoy doing (Stede avoids heavy makeup for the party, and Ed's Kraken makeup is part of his whole Everything Is Awful And I'm Making Myself Feel That look). But we see Ed do nice makeup that seems to be him! On his supposed to be final day on Earth, he cleans away all the Kraken coal, he cleans up his cabin, he gets rid of drugs, booze, Izzy (everything that was harming him), he does up his hair really nice and in a style that's very much Not Blackbeard, and he puts on a gorgeous bit of eyeliner that really brings out his eyes. And now that they're safe and happy together, when Ed decides he wants to look pretty today, not only can Stede lose his marbles over the look, Ed can also show him how to make his own eyes pop like that. They can stand in front of their mirror together, giggling and trying not to poke anyone in the eye.
Like. This is a fancy bathroom items for fancy bathroom items couple. They will bond over their love of bubble baths and nice smelling soaps and soft oils for hair and skin! They will learn each other's routines and how to do them just right for them. Let Stede learn that Ed loves his baths scalding hot (Stede has to wait a while for it to cool before he joins him in the tub because he'll get all pink and lightheaded). Let Ed learn how to put in Stede's curlers for him if Stede wants his hair to look extra fluffy the next day. Let Ed learn to massage Stede's back and Stede learn to massage Ed's knee. There's so much potential for loving caretaking with this ship. The trope doesn't at all require Ed to not know or not want to take care of his hair and hygiene. Fuck's sake.
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strwberri-milk · 1 year
Heyyy can I request a diluc x reader fic where diluc's falcon gets injured or sick (like it'll be fine in like, 2 weeks) and so diluc takes it to a veterinary center that specializes in birds of prey or something (idk it's mondstat 😭) and the reader takes care of diluc's falcon and diluc and the reader fall in love ❤️❤️❤️ (sorry if it's too specificcc)
sorry this is shorter/not as devveloped as you might have wanted [sob] my fics are usally just. on the longer side and i'd hate to make you wait like months for me to write it for you ;-;
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"I would think the Ragnvindr family would have someone more familiar with their animals look after them, especially with an injury like this," you say to the redhead, almost amused with the grumpy look on his face.
To the untrained eye, it may seem that Diluc is irritated at the injury his bird has sustained but to you it's clear he's very concerned. You've seen many other rich kids coming into your clinic, ones who can afford your services with the level of care you give to exotic pets who are genuinely irritated when their rishboland tiger is depressed that it's no longer in its native habitat.
"Whatever. Just tell me how bad it is and how long it'll take her to feel better," he says curtly, eyes never leaving the bird he's cared for since he was a young child.
"She's just a little ill. I think she sustained an injury that was almost invisible and the signs of infection just haven't manifested until now. I'll run a course of antibiotics and keep her for a couple weeks for a full workup to ensure that it is nothing more serious than that."
He looks skeptical, dark eyes finally lifting from the sleeping bundle of feathers to look at you.
You've never worked with Diluc personally but in this moment you could see why so many people fawned over him. He was handsome in passing sure, but now with his attention solely focused on you you felt that if you weren't working you'd crumple. Thankfully, you're stronger than that.
"You have no reason to doubt me. I know my reputation precedes me. If it didn't you wouldn't have come to me."
He nods begrudgingly, hesitant to actually leave his beloved falcon in what is essentially just a certified stranger. As he remains silent you make one more subtle gesture to soothe him, gently running your hand over the breast of the bird.
"You can come visit whenever you want, provided I'm not performing surgery on her, or any of the other patients. How does that sound?"
You think he almost looks like a pouting child, keeping your laughter to yourself at the sight of his slightly rounded cheeks no longer seeming to suit his overall harder disposition. Looking at him like this you can see the gentle countours that make him look almost pretty, not handsome as you initially thought.
"I'll take you up on that offer. It'll be the only way I'll feel comfortable letting Dawn stay here."
You had no way of knowing just how often he'd actually be coming, thinking he'd just visit once every other day or so. Instead, he comes by a couple times a day when he's free or there's a lull at the bar. He tries to make small talk with you, feeling bad for intruding so often but the way Dawn perks up whenever you walk into the room makes him want to talk to you more about her.
You try not to talk too much, focused on providing him any information that might be new or interesting to him. Subtly, you're also trying to see if he'll try to fill in the gaps with that businessman charisma he's got. You can tell he's got something more on his mind to say, managing to slightly pull it out of him every once in a while.
You two slowly grow a little closer to each other thanks to your efforts, Diluc's heart opening up for what feels like the first time in a long time. He's not sure if it really breaks any rules about doctors not being allowed to date patients considering he wasn't really the patient. He guesses he could consider himself father of the patient, but you seem to beat him to it as he's standing there waiting for you to finish the paperwork to release Dawn.
"Well, I suppose this will be the last time I see you, huh?" you say as you bring Dawn out in her carrier, Diluc listening to her happily coo at the sight of him.
"We both live in Mondstat so I'm sure we'll see each other around," he says almost hopefully, the tint of it not missing your ears.
"I suppose but it'd be easier if I told you to meet me after work in front of Angel's Share, wouldn't it?"
His eyes widen, baffled at your lack of shame. You're confident in asking him and he can't help but find himself drawn to it. Even more so since you're distractedly playing with Dawn as you wait for him to reply.
He clears his throat after a while, averting his gaze after taking the carrier from you.
"Sure. I'll be waiting."
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americas1suiteheart · 11 months
Sick Days
[Lemon and Tangerine x GN! Reader (Platonic) ]
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[Summary; You've worked with the twins for years now, and whilst they are sharp and get things done rather well, they do have a tendancy to constantly get eachother, including you, sick.]
[Notes; Sorry I haven't been very active. I promise I'll get to those asks soon but this popped into my head and I just really needed to write a full fic.]
[Warnings; Some cursing and mentions of taking over the counter medicine.
"Bloody fuckin'-hell mate, cover your fuckin' mouth when you sneeze," Tangerine scoffs.
The three of you have been sick since your last mission in Bolivia, you're assuming that one of the twins got coughed on or something, because as always--they were the first to get ill.
And just as always, you were the ones to take care of them at first until you finally got ill.
The first week was horrible.
Tangerine's constant bitching and moaning about how he wanted to be back on missions but still complaining about how he felt like shit, that his nose and body hurt, how his throat was sore, and how terrible of a headache he had. Then he would be upset that Lemon was sitting down bundled up on the couch watching Thomas and Friends and how he wouldn't let Tangerine watch his West Ham game on the television.
Lemon wasn't as bad as Tangerine when it came to getting sick though. Lemon only complained once or twice, every now and then but it wasn't constant. Lemon would only ask if you could bring him a pot of tea if you weren't too busy and maybe some blankets. He was content and hell, he'd even admit happy that he didn't have to go on missions for a few weeks.
And then you got sick.
So now its just been constant sneezing, coughing, sniffling, and groaning. The amount of tissues and tea the three of you have been going through is insane, and you're still the one doing medicine runs.
"Piss off mate, I'll do whatever the fuck I want," Lemon says after blowing his nose.
"If either one of you bicker and babble to eachother again I will personally shoot the both of you in the face," You groan.
You hear a grumble and mutter from Tangerine but don't bother with him because it'll only worsen your already terrible migraine.
You walk to the kitchen, grabbing your favourite mug along with some clove and ginger tea, popping the teabag in and pouring the hot water you had just boiled over it into the mug.
"You did it wrong," Tangerine says, a look of annoyance on his face.
"I'm really not in the mood for your bullshit Tan. If you want it done right then you make it yourself you prick," You bite back, proceeding to the living area.
You walk to the couch Lemon was sitting on, one of his legs taking up the whole couch.
Once he looks away from the television and sees you, he removes his leg and opens up the blankets he was under, inviting you to sit with him in his cozy spot, to which you gladly accept.
You sit comfortably next to Lemon, handing him your mug so he can set it down on the tissue covered side table. I'll have to clean that up later, you thought to yourself.
"Feeling any better, y/n?" Lemon asks.
"Sort of. I've still got a god awful headache and my nose is still runny, but its better than I was a couple days ago so the medicine is working at least. How about you?"
"I'm still stuffy but its beginning to slow down now, I'm glad this bloody thing is starting to bug off already," Lemon replies.
"It's my turn on the telly, let me watch th- Achoo! Fuckin' hell!" Tangerine says, a twinge of annoyance in his voice as he complains like a child.
You and Lemon look at eachother, sighing and deciding to let Tangerine watch his game so he stops whining.
"Fine, but only if you promise to stop bitching, okay?" You say, handing Tangerine the television remote and scooting closer to Lemon to make room for him to sit with you two.
"Hey Tan, who's playing West Ham?" Lemon asks, voice still slightly hoarse.
"Man City today, tomorrow its Brentford. Why?" Tangerine responds, eyes glued to the television as he switches it to the correct channel.
Lemon looks at you with a look on his face, then back at Tangerine.
"No reason in particular,"
Manchester City just so happened to be your favourite team. The last time Man City was against West Ham, Man City won. You also happened to be watching the game with the twins that day, and let's just say that Tangerine was not happy that his team had lost and you were happy over it.
It'd been a few years since that game, but you have a feeling that Tangerine would end up being worse than the last time if Man City won again.
Sure, you like it when your team wins, but as of right now you would much prefer it if West Ham won so that way Tangerine doesn't act like a complete bellend. He's easier to anger and agitate now that he's ill.
You all sat on the couch watching the game. Cheers erupted from Tangerine and Lemon whenever West Ham got the ball or made a goal, then a groan of annoyance from Tangerine whenever Man City got the ball or made a goal.
So far it was a 3 - 3 tie with just 3 minutes left of the game, and Tangerine was getting more and more agitated every time Man City took the ball from West Ham.
Once again, Man City taking the ball, then the referee calling over a player and showing them a red card, giving West Ham a free kick for the players offense.
West Ham has the ball now, a free kick. There are 2 minutes left in the game and if they make this shot then the chances of them winning the game are high.
Cheers and a few coughs come from both Lemon and Tangerine, smiles on their faces. Regardless of their heights, facial hair, voices, jobs even, they still act like children sometimes in both good and bad ways and it makes you smile.
Those last few minutes pass and the game ends, a 4 - 3 score with West Ham beating Manchester City, more cheers erupt from the twins, dopey smiles plastered onto their faces.
Tangerine gets up from the couch to go do something for a minute, leaving you and Lemon sitting on the couch together.
"That was a good game eh? Man City is pretty good too, I'm surprised we even won," Lemon says to you, covering himself back up with the blanket he was sharing with you.
"Great game really! I'm a little bummed though I will admit, but honestly one loss is better than Tan being a prick the entire day," You roll your eyes.
You get up from your cozy spot on the couch and head to the kitchen island, which had a plethora of medicines, syrups, a humidifier, and assortments of teas.
Cough syrup, Tylenol tablets, throat soothing sleepytime tea, chamomile tea, lemon scented vapor rub, allergy syrup, and a new, unopened three pack of tissue boxes.
You groan at the thought of having to drink the terrible tasting allergy and cough syrup again.
"Lem! Tan! Have you guys taken your medicines yet?" You call out to the twins, seeing as Tangerine had just returned to the living area.
Groans emit from the both of them as you give a light chuckle.
The two walk to you, tangerine grabbing the three cups for the syrups, all of your names on one of them to designate which belonged to who.
You pour the cough syrup into your cup at the 120 ml line, holding your nose as you down it to try and get rid of some of the taste, then doing the same with allergy medicine. You open the bottle of Tylenol, grabbing two of the tablets and popping them into your mouth.
You take a gulp of water from your glass then wipe your mouth.
"I'm gonna go into my room and nap, take one of these tissue boxes with you," You say, opening the pack and grabbing a box of tissues for yourself to have.
You walk to your room, opening the door and placing the tissues onto your bedside table, taking one out and blowing your nose, then tossing it into your small trashcan.
You lay in your bed, covering yourself with your blankets and sinking into your mattress.
God I hope I feel better soon.
You fall into a slumber, happy to be resting after nothing but bickering and loud cheers all day.
Sorry this took a little longer, I wasn't really planning to post it two days ago but tumblr freaked out and did it anyway even though it still wasn't finished, but it is now! I'm trying to post these fics more often and hopefully be more consistent about it. Requests are still currently closed and I'll try to get to the ones that were sent months ago.
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amethystina · 2 months
Good morning/afternoon 🌸
I am interested in reading about u have added to these following fics:
Who holds the devil (is it sad ? :()
Gravitational pull (this one is very sexy and sensual. I am excited to see what u added to it !)
I hope u have a lovely day/afternoon/night 🌷 and good luck with ur health 💗
Thank u for always spoiling us 🦋
Good evening! 💜
Alright, here we go!
Who Holds the Devil
To be honest, the most recent thing I did for this fic was to look through my plans for the coming five chapters and rearrange a couple of things. Because I noticed that some scenes needed to come in a different order for the story to make logical sense.
I don't have any snippets as such (again, a lot of it is just a series of lines of dialogue xD) but what I can say is that the next chapter will focus on the trial and Ga On's therapy appointment. Though the latter might not be entirely what you all are hoping for x'D
But there will be lots of Elijah, so that's something?
Yo Han and Ga On are also going to start having somewhat more normal conversations again, either in the next chapter or the one after that (it depends on how many scenes I can fit into the next one without it getting too long). That's not to say that things will be fixed or easy by any means, but they're getting closer to finding some sort of new normal.
Whether or not that's a normal they actually want, well — that's another thing entirely.
Admittedly, this is the story I'm the most careful not to give spoilers for, so sorry for being a little less forthcoming. But I will say that as things are planned right now, chapters 43-47 will all contain scenes I've been waiting months — if not years — to write. I am seriously so excited for a lot of them and I can't wait for you all to see them.
Lots of good things to come! :D
(and by good I sometimes mean painful but I promise it'll be worth it in the end)
Gravitational Pull 2
Oh man, do I feel guilty about this one. Because it's fully plotted. I know exactly what's going to be in it and I'm really looking forward to it since it's going to explore another "what if" scenario that breaks canon, but I'm just... not writing it? For a while there it was because I know this instalment will contain sexual content and that was — and still is — a bit intimidating. But I can't say I've never done it before since I've now written Each Touch. And, in all honesty, the sex in the Gravitational Pull sequel isn't quite as intense, though arguably more ill-advised from a social etiquette standpoint — all Yo Han's fault, obviously.
In the end, I think the main reason I haven't continued — despite wanting to — is lack of time and not having been able to prioritise it. I only have so many hours when I can write and, due to all of my health issues, it's always less than I would like.
That said, I have every intention of continuing and actually have a little bit written already. The fic will continue right after the first one — or the day after, to be more precise, when Yo Han, Ga On, and Jin Joo are in the car heading towards Hyeongsan-dong and the riots.
And here's a little snippet!
Ga On tried his best not to look at Yo Han.
The tension lay thick inside the car, the silence pushing against Ga On's eardrums. Judge Oh, who sat in the back, probably assumed it was because of the crisis at hand — apprehension at the thought of what lay ahead of them — but that was only partially true. Ga On was also struggling with an insistent, nerve-wracking hum of concern, making his spine stiff and throat tight.
Yo Han shouldn't be here. He was still injured — only a day had passed since he'd gotten shot.
No matter how grave the situation was, Yo Han should be at home, resting, not driving them to an area of Seoul that was quickly becoming as chaotic as an active war zone.
Ga On gritted his teeth — until his jaws began to hurt from the strain — and looked down at his hands. They were tightly clenched in his lap, his thumb rubbing restlessly over the other. Perhaps Ga On was being too selfish, but he didn't want Yo Han to put himself in danger like this — not when he wasn't at his best. Ga On could admit that Yo Han hid it well but since Ga On knew to look for it, he could see the subtle delay in Yo Han's movements and how he held himself slightly more rigidly than usual.
Yo Han was still in pain.
He still had a goddamn hole in his stomach but pretended that he didn't.
And Ga On had to play along, since Kang Yo Han couldn't show weakness. The people around them couldn't know that the chief judge was injured. The fact that their opponents did was already bad enough — and was probably why they chose now to try and overthrow him. They didn't think Yo Han would be able to fight back as fiercely — with as much precision — as he normally would.
They were expecting an easy victory.
But, even injured, Yo Han was a force to be reckoned with and, as always, would do whatever it took to win.
Even if it jeopardized his own well-being — and Ga On's peace of mind.
In canon, Ga On obviously had no idea that Yo Han was injured when they were doing all this reckless shit, but here he does. And BOY does he hate it. Which I can't blame him for. But it's also not going to stop Yo Han because, well, Yo Han.
I think I'm just going to have to schedule a time to finish writing this if I want to get it done — preferably sometime soon...
Thank you so much for the ask! And you have a lovely day too :D
WIP Tag Game
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writtenonreceipts · 1 year
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Rowaelin Month Day 16 Mob Au @rowaelinscourt
Here is a moodboard of a fic that will likely never see the light of day. Mob/Mafia inspired fic. Random rambles beneath the cut:
im sharing this because i've been sitting on it for a while and i wanna talk about it even if it's just into the void
so originally, i wanted this to be a lysaedion fic, mostly because there aren't many fics about them out there and I wanted to try my hand at it
it was going to be a little darker with lots of death and murder and essentially about two individuals trying to find answers
Aelin is stuck in the Assassin's Guild, her entire life has been devoted to them and she is only alive and only the person she is because of them.
And then one day a new face shows up in town insisting he be let into the Guild. Now, the gang is very secretive, very careful, and they will look for any excuse to kill an outsider. So naturally the new person (rowan) gets the crap beat out of him
Leading to Aelin taking pity on him and the classic "who are you and why would you do this?" convo takes place. resulting in smirks and lies and call outs and the "im looking for someone" "who?" "ill let you know when i find her"
There's a gang war brewing and no one knows when it'll strike and what the catalyst will be: The Valgs have always been silent with the occasional body splayed out on cathedral footsteps, the Bane lurks on the outskirts of the city, only striking near the full moon (someone is very dramatic over there) and then there's the Cadre that is mostly just a myth because they've been quiet for ages now
and then a body shows up one that Aelin knows and she realizes something strange is afoot so she has to team up with rowan (she'll kill him later) to figure out what is happening and then huh look at that feelings
then comes the big reveal of aelin being the daughter of major crime lord Rhoe Galathyinius who really wants his daughter back and someone was supposed to find her and hey look at that, Rowan is looking reeeeeeal awkward
someone dies (fenrys cuz i've always wanted to kill him off and maybe connall too just because), near death experiences, "who did this to you", one bed, cleaning each other's wounds...
there's elorcan and lysaedion in the background
and yeah, i'll never write it probably
mostly because i've got no time and based on how previous long fics have gone, it would flop
chapter one is hidden deep in my docs and is probably one of my favorite scenes i've written in a while
it's been there for a year now but i just never could push past that first part. but it was fun to write
40s vibes, mayyybee 50s, id do some more research if i were to see her off the drafts stage...
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thebeckster · 4 months
Y'all want some unrelated to anything bed time ponderings? Of course you do!
Something I've been considering off and on since I started writing How Far Ahead The Road Has Gone, but quite a lot in the past few weeks, as I've been re-diving into LOTR, is the effect, if any, The One Ring would have on a child exposed to it's influence constantly, even before birth.
Like. My fic is mostly canon compliant. Bilbo finds the Ring, Bilbo keeps the Ring, Bilbo uses the Ring. A lot. Aside from it making her feel unwell if she wears it for too long there's no real drawback or cause for concern over this cool magic ring she found. So she uses it whenever she needs to disappear. She spends a month in the mirkwood kingdom wearing it almost constantly. All the while, she's pregnant.
The characters don't know, but the audience will absolutely know that Sauron's Ring is a huge source of malice and corruption. We know what the Ring does to Ring Bearers. But what about the Ring Born?
And like. None of this will have any bearing on the actual story itself. It'll be done long before Bella grows up. But i can't help but ponder the long-term effects such a thing would have on her.
What happens to her when she's exposed to the One Ring in utero and as a newborn and as a child and growing up so close to the influence of the Ring? Because she never leaves her mother's side for so long, and Bilbo never goes a day without the Ring.
Does it change her fundamentally for the worse? Does it make her a crueler, meaner, greedier, more power-hungry Hobbit than most? Does it create tension and division between her and her mother? Both feeling the draw of the ring and a sense of ownership over it and the addiction of it. Does it make her feel ill at ease in the Shire, knowing it's not where she belongs, feeling like such a place will only smother her? Does it give her an uncanny-ness that other hobbits just cannot abide (though they couldn't say why that Baggins girl makes them feel so strange) and it leaves her feeling ostracized from her own people, an unwelcome stranger in her homeland?
Or maybe it's the opposite. Maybe early exposure innoculates her, in a sense, against the Ring's power and corruption. Hobbits being more resistant than most to the corruption, simply because they do not desire the kind of power the Ring promises. Maybe the way Bilbo takes the Ring, not in an act of violence but with an act of mercy, immunizes her baby to it. Maybe Bella, being an infant and not developed enough to want anything beyong Food, Comfort, and Mom, cannot be influenced at all. Maybe the exposure strengthens her ability to resist temptation to cruelty and hate. Perhaps she grows up to be the sweetest and happiest of Hobbits. And the Ring would have little influence on her. Perhaps not to the same extent of Tom Bombadil immunity, but closer to that than any living mortal could be.
What if exposure to the Ring at such a crucial stage in her development gives her Power? Sauron put all his power into the Ring, to the point where the destruction of it means his destruction. The Ring works upon the hearts/souls of the people around it. What about an unborn child? Would that appear to the Ring as an empty vessel? Would it choose to give some power to another host or would it be involuntary? Would the power just bleed through without notice? Particularly when Bilbo spent a solid month swathed in the power of the Ring. What could that power even be? Like the Ring's power, would it be according to Bella's stature/nature? Could she turn invisible at will? Or would that power manifest in different ways? What happens to a person who has absorbed some of a Maiar's power unknowingly? Could Sauron be destroyed if Bella still lived?
And would Anybody know what to do about it? Beyond the dwarves, is there anyone else who sired or bore a child while bearing a Ring of Power? Are Ring-Born children a thing? (It doesn't seem to be for the Dwarves, but they also were not corrupted and controlled by their Rings as the Men were) Do the elves have some idea of what to expect? Would their experiences be able to hold up to whatever is going on with Bella? The difference between the Three Elven Rings and the One Ring (to rule them all) has to change so much. Would Bella just be some worrying Unknown, watched carefully from afar?
So much to think about and literally none of it matters for the story I'm telling! But it's fun ponderings at bedtime! And if you don't think i haven't dropped a grown Bella into various scenes from LotR just to see if she might have anything to say or be told. (Girl's gonna be at the Council of Elrond with her mother, and when Bilbo has her "all right i get it. I started this mess, I'll finish it and take the ring to Mordor." moment and gets gently told "no way, you're too old (and also we're never letting you touch that Ring again)" then Bella would naturally be the next one to say, "I'll do it in my mother's stead." To which Elrond having a 'I haven't stopped freaking out about it since i realized you were literally birthed under the influence of the One Ring. Please tell me you haven't had children because I'm suddenly Very Concerned about your bloodline.' panic moment will immediately shoot that idea down. Leading to Frodo's 'if my Aunt Bilbo and my Cousin Bella can't take the Ring to Mordor, then I will!' declaration.) Is that at all ever going to get turned into a fic? Not as far as I'm concerned at the moment. Has it still been great fun to think about? Absolutely yes.
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fountainpenguin · 3 months
Hi! How are you?
Anyway... I hope it's okay to ask this (if not then please ignore this) but I wanted to ask why is "This is Halloween" (prompt 128) isn't on Ao3.
I went through the list there a couple of times, and I noticed it was missing (I noticed it a while ago but double-checked today). I know you said in the original AN for that fic, that it's skippable and if we didn't read it it's like nothing happened, so maybe that's why but I still think it's worth asking.
Thank you for your time and have a great day and a great week.
Thanks for taking an interest! I'm a bit ill and tired, but all right. "Only an Idea" and "This Is Halloween" are only available on FFN at this time, though the other 130 Prompts thus far are cross-posted.
I'll post "Only an Idea" to AO3 at the appropriate time for its appearance in Reedfilter Rules AU [+ FFN Link] because I thought it made more sense to post its content in chronological order (which is why RR updates slowly, as the pieces are vague and scattered in my drafts). I'm excited to post more for this AU, but I'm handling it as carefully as I can so I don't have regrets in my posting order down the line.
At the moment, it'll probably be posted after Chapter 11. I'm still waffling over whether I should post it as both Chapter 11 and a separate piece or just one of those things.
Likewise, I plan to post "This Is Halloween" at the time I deem appropriate, and preferably around Halloween. I don't regret writing it; it was a fun piece for a year Halloween fell on my update day. It's intentionally vague, misleading, and dripping with foreshadowing. I think it's fun and there's nothing wrong with reading it now.
It's up on FFN for readers to find and enjoy if they wish, but it's a complex piece that I do think is more impactful if read with certain context (Like nature spirits and the members Anti-Cosmo selected for his camarilla court).
Ex: Anti-Cosmo is Sunnie's medium in "This Is Halloween" (and in all 130 Prompts that take place after he becomes High Count). Notably, in "Halloween," Sunnie leaves Anti-Cosmo's body and they have a fight over whether to stay and defend the Anti-Fairies (what A.C. wants to do) and Sunnie's preference (Fleeing as far across the universe as possible).
The Anti-Cosmo-Sunnie relationship is very messy. Them figuring out how to, y'know, share the same body (particularly as H.P. and Anti-Wanda watch from the sidelines with increasing anxiety because A.C. has a bad habit of idealizing his abusers and now he's sharing a mind with someone his friends can't hear) is the main arc in Act 4 of Frayed Knots. So, y'know... That's gonna be a party!
We're currently 6 chapters into Knots' Act 3; we still have to get through the war before we meet Sunnie
I'm sure not all my AO3 readers follow me on Tumblr, so I thought it would be more effective to post "This Is Halloween" at a relevant time than it would be to make a Tumblr post saying "Hey, go check out this piece I wrote in 2017." Once the story is up on AO3, there's not much I can do to point people towards it, so that's the main reason.
I enjoy "This Is Halloween" and I'd love to discuss it with readers someday, but the chances that people will be willing to chat about The Implications™ and the many complicated layers involved in this piece seem higher if it's posted at a better time than now /shrug
That said, if anyone has read "This Is Halloween" (or any other piece of mine) and wants to send Asks about their theories or tag me in posts, I'd love to respond :) There are a lot of secrets and details in that one.
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esmeriandreamer · 2 years
So I've been going through some old roleplays I've done with people, and one of the stories I wrote with my friend is just.. the perfect plot for a Dreamling fic??? Like, it fits these two so well, and I might write it myself- But if anyone in the fandom is inspired by this, feel free to take the idea! and also link me to it please and thank you <3
(Please note: This would be a medieval fantasy AU where there is magic, but the Endless siblings aren't their actual anthropomorphic personifications. Maybe they have minor powers over their domains, or they just have their nicknames, I say go wild with it-)
Okay. Let us set the scene.
Through some shape or form, Morpheus, one of the Endless princes, is cursed to see his first spouse die in a horrific way before his eyes. This, of course, scares away any potential suitor when they find out about this curse, because fuck that, they're not too keen on dying in a horrific way??
So, the king and queen decide on a plan; Morpheus will just have to marry some commoner who nobody would really miss, somebody who would've probably keeled over from illness within a month or three, so the curse will claim them and Morpheus will be free to find someone he wants to marry without y'know, constantly fearing he'll see them die a traumatizing death-
Enter Hob Gadling, an ex-soldier with no family, who the royal guards just plucked out of a local tavern, under the guise of "providing a special service for his country". He gets taken to the palace and is freshened up a bit, before going straight towards the chapel to marry the prince.
Morpheus is very much Not Pleased with all this, and after the wedding ceremony, once they are alone, he tells Hob about the curse. That he doesn't know when Hob will die, could be hours, days, months, or even years, but he will be dying a gruesome death and Morpheus will be forced to watch it happen. So, y'know, he's sorry this guy had to be roped into all this, he seems nice, it's a shame he'll have to die.
Yet Hob seems to take it pretty well, for someone who's been told they are now fated to die in terrible pain and all that jazz. He just smiles and basically goes "Welp, then I'll enjoy the remaining time I've got I guess- Life is still very rich and I intend to enjoy it by your side, your highness."
Morpheus can't help but admire the other's optimism a bit, but he tells himself that no matter what, he will not get attached to this man, because it'll only hurt more in the end. He tries to avoid Hob at the castle, but fate/the Plot keeps steering them back together into the same space, and spoiler alert, the prince starts to like this guy more and more, even though he knows it's gonna hurt when Hob perishes.
And then one day, while out on a ride together or something, Hob gets kicked in the chest by a horse, which would be breaking every rib and undoubtedly puncturing all the possible organs in that region of the body. And Morpheus, as stated by the curse, has front-row seats to the "Watching your husband choke to death on his own blood" show, sitting there all alone.
Only problem is... Hob doesn't die..? Like, he's clearly choking, but the bruises seem to slowly.. disappear? And he slowly stops choking on his own breath?? He even begins to cough and sit up???
Cue Morpheus freaking the hell out because huh???? How the fuck??? And Hob is just complaining that ow, fuck, that hurt like a bitch, can he please get some water?
More incidents like this start happening, to everyone's confusion but Hob, who seems to believe he's just ah.. very sturdy.
Hob's food gets poisoned with something that would've killed three grown men, and he gets violently ill, but a week later he's back to normal, and the spy on the staff who did the poisoning gets exposed because they cannot hide their extreme confusion as to how someone survived a triple dose of Night's Kiss???
Someone's fire spell goes wrong and Hob should've been burned to a crisp, but he's only got some first and second-degree burns, that'll heal, he's sadder about the fact that one of his fave new outfits got destroyed :c
A drop from the tower, the tallest one in the kingdom? Yeah, that one. Geez, it was high, and he has some broken bones, but he'll be okay, bones heal within a month anyway, right? (Right?, he asks, to a horrified but kind of impressed Morpheus, who can't even bring himself to tell Hob no at this point-)
Hob falls into a very strong river current, which sweeps him under and must surely drown him ten times over, but two hours or so later, Morpheus is met with a very soaked and chilly Hob, who climbed out of the river a few miles downstream and look, he even caught his prince a fish or three during his little adventure ^^
It's not until Hob 'dies' in a way that cannot be explained by having a strong immune system or being able to muscle through some pain, like.. I dunno, a decapitation or something, that Hob goes "Wait a second, weird idea, but maybe I'm immortal?"
"YOU THINK???" - Morpheus, on the verge of a nervous breakdown at this point-
And also at this point they realize that wait a fucking second, Hob literally cannot die, and the curse cannot pass on to a second spouse, holy shit, Morpheus gets to keep him- And it'll be cute and whoever/whatever gave Hob immortality in the first place goes "Okay, sure, your hubby can live forever too, here you go-"
Really tempted to write it now, but feel free to steal this word vomit idea of mine if you want- xD
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deafknell · 1 year
Reading your answers from that ask meme and I've thought about trans Anastasia before too! It's a good hc. I wonder if there's any other ideas related to that hc that you'd like to share, cause I'm all ears
And if you ever write that fic I'll be there to read 👍
Hey hey! Thanks for the ask, I'm really glad to hear I'm not the only one thinking of it :D Apologies for the delay in getting back to you, I've been away on vacation all week haha.
This will be a lot of rambling rather than direct points, but I'll go over the main areas my headcanon falls under:
Her establishing her own identity/role as a hyena/parallels to the boy in Kararagi Girl Meets Cats
Clinging to a very feminine presentation/insistence on being a maiden
For the first one, we know from her side stories that Ana was a hyena, a poor orphan in the streets of Banan in the Kararagi city states. Most kids there grew up fending for themselves, with no discernable identity, name, or even any hope of climbing out of "the hole" they dwell in. With Kararagi law being incredibly vile as well, the most common fate for a hyena was either starvation, dying of illness or injury from other hyenas/unsavory people, or becoming a slave.
Anastasia is a very unique case. Not only was she able to eventually get a job after being saved from slavery (with Ricardo's help) but Ana was also able to actually name herself - Anastasia (coming from "Anagura" or "the hole" in reference to where she came from) Hoshin (from the most well known man of Kararagi, Hoshin of the Wastelands) This is very significant as, to my knowledge, we have not seen any other hyena reach anywhere near the level of importance that Anastasia has.
You can draw a lot of parallels between Ana in "Kararagi Girl Meets Cats" and the hyena boy she encounters. The boy, while bearing no name or relevance beyond his background, is probably the earliest example of Anastasia's morals being shaken up. When seeing the boy stare at her eating, she directly thinks of how stupid it is to rely on charity that doesn't exist, all while knowing she would have nothing if not for the charity of Ricardo and the bartender who took her in. It's made clear several times that Ana sees a lot of herself in the boy she encounters, even as she directly refuses to help him or do anything.
The boy, of course, steals her wallet and as a result causes her to be brought into slavery temporarily, but there's a lot in the boy's short appearance that leads you to think about the parallels between them. It's said a few times that Anastasia as a child fared stunted growth, but the full implications aren't as clear as they probably could be.
Anastasia's first meeting with Ricardo in "RIsing in Life Memorial Day" has her described as an untidy human child dressed in rags and filthy from head to toe, with very little trust in humanity. After seeing several men trying to grab her, Ricardo steps in to stop them from collaring her and marking her as a slave.
The very first thing she says to Ricardo after he offers her a bite of his pastry is this: "I’m no brat, I’m a girl. Don’tcha you call me that again, old man."
Interesting that's the thing that sticks with her - that her priority after nearly being made a slave for protecting two demihumans was to make sure she was addressed as a girl, right?
Later in that same side story, she seems enamoured with the clothes Ricardo picks out for her and it's mentioned about her wanting to grow her hair out. She's thrown out of her element, looking actually presentable, with Ricardo telling her she'll be starting work soon and it'll be up to her to sort her future out. Ricardo nicknames her Ana-bo, something confirmed in the Q&A to be because he thought she was a boy when he found her.
(Little side note: One of the Hoshin Sayings Ana sticks by goes as "Women should be courageous, and men should be charming." Which definitely adds to it, imo)
Something that Ana does repeatedly in the stories of her as a kid (both the translated and untranslated ones) is insist constantly shes a fair maiden or that she's a woman. Tappei has a habit of writing it a bit creepily (very weird comments made about a teen girl's body) but for the most part, she gets mad whenever Ricardo doesn't quite treat her as a normal girl.
One strong example is in one of the untranslated SS, "Bonds of Ice/Seven Years After/Anastasia Part", where Ana gets mad at Ricardo for not giving her a cute nickname and insisting on calling her Ana-bo or treating her as a kid. To be fair to Ricardo, he's been looking after her for years at this point and she's barely grown (due to prior reasons of malnutrition) but it definitely upsets her being seen as a kid and not treated as a cute girl.
The last point comes at a stretch, and very much headcanon, but I think a big element as well is how Anastasia really values and is attracted to Julius - somebody who frequently goes out of his way to treat her like a precious lady at every opportunity. He's the face of chivalry and will always engage with her teasing comments on her looks or behaviour, which always makes her happy. Where Ricardo will treat her like a daughter and the triplets call her their boss, Julius gives her that fairy tale fantasy treatment that she's probably longed for all throughout her years hating humanity and struggling to even eat at times.
I don't think I could do the headcanon justice in my own writing to the standard it deserves, but if I had the time to do so, I'd focus lots on that yearning part of Ana's childhood being explored through meeting Julius and spending time with the Iron Fang. Having the money for pretty clothes that she couldn't even look at, being able to hold onto coins that never fit her hands before... there's an unmistakeable amount of tragedy built into her, that never overpowers because her mindset of "you have to make your story your own" stops it from truly holding her back.
If you want to discuss more about trans Ana or Ana in general I'm all ears and would love to see it!! Happy to answer asks or dms, whichever you prefer! ^^
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cerealmonster15 · 4 months
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?e about an up and coming wip please!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
well truly. i like writing silly goofies KJFJDSKFHDS but i do enjoy writing that pre relationship flustered stage and where each step feels like a Lot, like the first time a character takes another's hand and gives it a squeeze, be it for romantic reasons or even just supportive in general... it's sweet :")
🤩 Who is your favorite character to write?
cater's a lot of fun lol. i love heartslabyul in general and i love trying to portray riddle, idk if im any good at it but he's such a specifically odd little critter of a guy who is also hashtag relatable and writing his way of processing situations is very fun.
idia is also very fun even tho ive not written him as much [things that must be remedied. i love him so much and he and cater probs come most naturally to me jfksdjkfls], and then of COURSE theres jamil and azul who i've written probably the most for bc im obsessed with that freak situation theyve got going on, and also bc writing them together is VERY fun. theyre so funny. the fish boys are so weird and i love writing their weird behaviors + other characters having to experience said fish.
and then i'm not sure if you meant for this one bc it got cut off but for
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
i did answer that one here BUT ill talk about kalim and the great relationship rescue next chapter anyway since thats my only other [active] wip lol. ive done a bunnnnch of brainstorming/idea organizing and ive written the start of the next chapter and have a general plan for it, right now it's a bunch of second years annoying each other lol. i really want to try and fit in riddle and ruggie mentioning jamiazu from their time at the masquerade event but i am unsure if it'll come up organically lol. i ALSO, either in this chapter or the next, think it would be fun to have a scene of sebek and silver duking it out and more or less helping silver figure out his feelings for kalim, both bc i fear the jamiazu def is overriding the kalisil in this dual fic [oopsie i clearly have much more practice writing one pair over the other teehee] and also because I LOVE sebek and i want an excuse for him to be here [also his bond with silver is very funny and very sweet] [but i'm also scared to try and write it bc if i do it poorly i will never recover] [the burden of caring so so so so much about Characters.....]
bonus this isnt a wip but ive been haunted by haikaveh for many moons and every day i become more tempted to try and write a first genshin fic about them in their akademiya days bc. they consume me. but im scared. ok bye
[questions!!!!!!!! wahoo!!!!!!!!!!]
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groenendaelfic · 2 years
Regarding the Fate of As Long as We Have Each Other
Dear Anons,
First let me say that I absolutely love your wonderful messages and compliments. They give me life and I treasure them and few things cheer me up more than a nice word or two about my fics and knowing I'm not just typing into the void.
I'll keep trying my best to answer asks if they include questions or bring up interesting points others might be interested in as well (in fact there are quite a few I have been putting off answering because I want to do it properly and that'll probably take an hour or two each, but I haven't forgotten about them!) and you can always message me with other stuff so I don't have to answer publicly (although admittedly it sometimes takes a while for me to reply because irl and anxiety), and I don't want to sound ungrateful, but please,
PLEASE stop sending me melodramatic asks regarding the fate of As Long as We Have Each Other. I get that you are impatient, but they aren't helpful and I got eight of them over the past ten days.
Don't get me wrong, a 'btw I still love that fic, will there be an update anytime soon?' is totally okay and appreciated, those are not the kind of asks I'm talking about.
Now I'm not sure if it's one anon or multiple ones, but my answer hasn't changed so let me copy/paste it from a previous post:
I have decided to finish A Pack of Two first,
Not because I love it more, but because it'll be a MUCH 'shorter' fic than ALaWHEO and I simply cannot keep switching between feral!Wille pov and official boyfriend!Simon pov, especially because both have a very narrow pov and are only aware of like a third of what's going on, and it's driving me bananas.
So yes, As Long as We Have Each Other is going on a short break, but I will definitely get back to it once APoT is done because I'm as enthusiastic about the story as I was on day one, maybe even more so.
ALaWHEO is my favorite fic across all of my fandoms and my baby, but I simply cannot write both it and APoT at the same time. I thought I could or else I wouldn't have started APoT, but I can't and so I had to make a choice.
If it helps, both my notes doc and my outline for ALaWHEO have grown significantly over the past seven weeks and it will definitely end up being over 400k, but only AFTER APoT is done.
Also in all my 23 years of being in fandom (in fact my fandom anniversary will be in 4 days! wtf is time even?) I have only ever given up on posting one fic that made it over 20k and that was because the fandom was an absolutely toxic dumpster fire and not because I lost interest, and even that fic I one day plan to go back to and post in its entirety once the fandom has shrunken considerably and all the 'I might not speak the language or have ever been to the country, but I've read a fan translation with footnotes and a few background posts and so now I totally know the time period and topic you've written your thesis on better than you' people have lost interest. So I promise ALaWHEO will get finished. I'm a completionist. I have all Civ6 steam achievements and believe me that was not fun. The only reason ALaWHEO will not be finished is if I am suddenly for whatever reason unable to write anymore (aka dead or gravely ill).
Anyway. Sorry for the rant. I don't want to call anyone out or seem unappreciative, but my anxiety can only handle so many versions of 'have you completely abandoned ALaWHEO? do you hate it? do you hate me personally for once stating that I didn't like abo fic? I don't know how my poor heart will be able to cope if you give up on ALaWHEO forever and ever but my hope lives on' (no that was not as much of an exaggeration as you might think)
So please stop or I'll disable anon asks, which I'd hate to do because I love hearing everyone's thoughts and comments and also it'd be unfair to everyone else who has been so absolutely lovely, motivating, encouraging and most of all inspiring.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk. (are those still a thing?)
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THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I WAS ON ABOUT!!! Should I say fuck you for breaking my heart or thank you for the fic I will never know. On that note, you can’t just leave it like that! I need, WE all need a continuation of this!
(Thank you I literally thought about it all day to figure out how to write it so I'm glad you like it!)
She has mild withdrawal symptoms.
Aches and headaches. Fatigue. Her appetite comes back a little.
The hardest part, really, is fending off Midge's family and friends. Joel is a fucking nightmare, demanding information when Lenny told him he'd have to hang onto the kids a little longer because Midge is sick.
"Sick? Midge never gets sick. And what the fuck are you doing there? Didn't you run the fuck away?"
Lenny squeezes his eyes shut. "Hold onto the kids. Midge will be in touch." he hangs up after that, thankful to be done with the man, at least for the moment.
Susie is equally difficult. She comes over, demanding face time, and Lenny leaves them to it, making a sandwich for Susie and some toast for Midge.
When he taps on the bedroom door, he gets Susie's usual charming greeting.
"Fuck off, Lenny!"
"Stop that," Midge scolds. "It's okay, Lenny."
He steps in, holding up the plates. "Just some lunch."
"I don't like that he's here," Susie says to Midge as she takes the sandwich. "He's just going to leave again, and you'll be right back where you were."
Lenny takes a breath as Midge takes the toast. He knows she's been thinking about that; that once she's back on her feet, he'll disappear again, and she isn't entirely wrong. He still can't really work here in New York, and Kitty's still out in LA with his mother.
But now that he's back here, all he can think about is being with Midge. Not just to make sure she's okay, but to be with her; be happy with her.
He's missed her.
"It's okay, Susie," Midge says softly. "Really, it's enough that Lenny is here at all to help."
It's not enough.
He knows it's not enough. It'll never be enough.
Midge naps in the afternoon, and he lays down with her, watching her as she dozes.
"You're staring," she mutters with her eyes still closed.
Lenny chuckles softly. "I might be. What of it?"
"Just saying."
"You're hard not to stare at," he tells her. "And I miss staring at you."
"Even when I'm disgusting and exhausted from using insane pills?"
"Even then," he tells her.
Her eyes open and she gazes at him softly. "When do you have to go back to LA?"
"Whenever," he shrugs. "I can write anywhere. I'm not performing much...and Ma's got Kitty."
Midge nods, averting her eyes.
"I don't want to leave," Lenny tells her. "I missed you too much, Midge. It was really fucking stupid to hide from you like that."
She says nothing, rolling over, away from him.
"You're only saying that because you feel bad for me," she says quietly. "You didn't want my pity, I don't want yours, Lenny."
"This isn't pity," he says, sitting up. "This is honesty. I'm better when I'm with you. Happier. More stable. Less of a fuck-up. And as an added bonus, you're happier when we're together, too."
Again, he doesn't get a response.
"Please, Midge," he says softly. "I know I fucked up. I know leaving you was a terrible thing to do, and you've had so much shit happen to you over the last few years that you couldn't fucking take it anymore, and I know I am undeserving of a second chance-"
She sits up quickly, wide-eyed. "I never said that."
"You didn't have to, I know what I am," Lenny shakes his head. "But fuck do I want one."
She stares at him for a long, silent moment before speaking slowly. "If you don't mean that, I need you to leave."
He gazes into her eyes, tired and teary. Her face is pale and she still looks a little ill. It'll take a couple more days for her to really start feeling better, he knows.
"I mean it," he confesses. "I do. I don't want to leave again. I'm never going to get over you, Midge. Never. And I'm selfish enough to risk ruining your life if it means being in it."
Midge watches him carefully, before slowly wrapping her arms around him, holding him tightly. "Then that second chance is yours," she says against his shoulder.
Lenny holds her tightly, laying back down with her in his arms.
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otterlyfoolish · 6 months
While I really like Hanahaki Disease, usually one of my issues with the trope is that they never just get the surgery (or they take far too long to do so), because to me, probably after like two days, I'd run off to get it. I don't think I could justify the thought process of someone that wouldn't get the surgery very well - so I never really bothered to write a fic for it myself. But then I realised I knew a prime character that fits my criteria.
Zombieman. I could write Hanahaki Disease for Zombieman. He literally can't die - it wouldn't mean a thing to him not getting the surgery. (Does this remove some of the stakes involved in the trope or whatever? Perhaps...)
It's okay if the flowers cause him to have holes in his lungs! It'll heal over anyways! He coughs up blood? Just another day for him. If it gets too annoying for him, he could always just - you know, dig into his chest cavity and give the flowers a trim or something because it'll heal over.
I don't know much about flowers (or plants), but I wonder if it would be more plentiful since, uhm. They're growing on a dead body? Isn't it supposed to be like better for them or something since there's more nutrients or something?
I don't think Zombieman can age, so for as long as he lives, he'll always have a reminder. So long as he never lets go of his feelings or he never gets surgery.
This would probably be the only illness he could get in his body since I'd imagine for anything else, his regeneration could just take care of it, no fevers, cold, etc... but unrequited love? That's terminal. (Or in his case, it would be chronic?)
Anyways. Just thoughts. Maybe more if I get the time and willpower.
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itsjaywalkers · 7 months
hi lovey how are you <3
it's late—like,,,4am late—and im somehow spewing out actual sentences BUT i have a question and i've been debating on how to start this whole thing so ill just say fuck it n get it out there—how do you keep up with all your wips??? bc like,,,,i've started writing, and i LOVE it. it's so fun to have these ideas finally out in word format instead of just stuck in my head.
but i have a really bad habit of starting smth n then...moving on to smth else when inspiration strikes. i occasionally go back to what i was originally writing, but even then it doesn't last long before im starting a whole new story 😭 im a little peeved as i've completely abandoned this one writing i slaved away at for days abt the backstory of one of my ocs—im somewhat proud of it n i don't want to just not get back into it.
as i write this, im currently staring at my laptop as i churn out yet another story of said oc (along with multiple other ocs myself n a friend made together) n im just,,,perplexed?? i suppose, on how so many fic writers keep up with all their wips.
i realize now that im just droning on n on so ill end here. writing is a bitch but also feels me with accomplishment when i do end up finishing smth, so i was just curious as to how you work around wips n things like that.
hello darling, i'm okay!! kinda dreading today's shift, but it is what it is. how are u tho??
and to be honest with u, i don't keep up with my wips like . at all . i do try to maintain some order, and sometimes i forbid myself from working on a story in favour of focusing on another one, but it doesn't always work, and there are times in which i really want to work on a fic even tho it's not a priority or supposed to be posted any time soon. but still, i try not to beat myself up over it, bc fanfiction is a hobby and something that i do for fun!! it shouldn't feel like a chore, so even if i do want to keep a schedule or alternate between wips so i can have some resemblance of balance, it's not really necessary, or even possible, considering the amount of wips i have lmao. it's our work and our writing, we're free to never finish anything if we don't want to, or to write 13847872648 fics at the same time, or to write only one for the rest of our lives. there are no rules or a right way to go about it yk??? i totally get the need to . focus on just one project, or at least be able to finish something, anything, but it'll happen at some point, i promise, and u should never force yourself, especially when it comes to an activity u do bc u love it and enjoy it
it's different if we talk about original fiction or original characters.. at least in my case!! i didn't get into writing fanfic until a few years ago, but i've been writing original stories since i can remember!! in fact there's this one i'm very slowly making progress with, that i came up with back when i was 17, and that i really want to . finish someday and hopefully try and publish it. for me, and when i'm really passionate about a project, like with this one, i do . force myself to not write anything else . it's inevitable to get new ideas, so i write them down, i make pinterest boards and even outlines, and occassionally, i also start them, write a lil of them when i need a break or to scratch the itch. but otherwise i just . do my best to stick to the one that i really love and i'm the proudest of. i do tend to hyperfixate and obsess a lot, so it's not THAT hard for me, bc even if i do get distracted sometimes, i always come back to this story. especially since i've been working on it for almost 5 years now, and i know it like the back of my hand. i could write three prequels and four sequels lol
so really, i don't think there's a right or wrong way to go about this. one of my best friends, and a writer i quite admire, jumps from a wip to another all the time, and also struggles to finish a story, but she just . trusts the process . lets herself have fun and write whatever she wants every day . it's been a while since she last finished something but she isn't too worried yk?? she enjoys what she does, and what matters is that she keeps writing. every person is different, and the way they approach writing is, too!!
my advice is to try and find out what works best for u and to stop beating yourself up over something that might be out of ur control. if u have this one story that's really important to u and that u really wanna finish, then maybe ur gonna have to practise some self-discipline, and force yourself a little, forbid yourself from getting distracted with these other shiny new ideas. but if doing that ruins the whole thing for u and sucks the fun out of writing then . take it one day at a time, focus on something different each day, and start 4 stories in the same week. it doesn't matter babe!! writing is an art, there's not a correct way to do it!!
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mojowitchcraft · 9 months
hi, I want you to know that "living in a lunar spell" lives fully rent free in my head.
so much so that I either dreamed or hallucinated that chapter 6 had been uploaded a couple days ago. I was fully convinced it actually happened lol
then when I went to go read it just now I was severely disappointed to find that it was a figment of my imagination lmao
Okay this is actually so sweet I wanna cry 🥹
But then I want to cry for you cause chapter 6 still isn't done 😬 I had a bad cocktail of writers block, procrastination, busy real life, and writing for two holiday exchanges that got in the way of my plan to post one chapter a week.
All I can promise at this point is that I'm working on it, and it'll get posted as soon as it's done!
For now, here's a long snippet of a scene I first jotted down the idea for months ago. Our boy Dustin is home from camp!!
👐💌🦇 🍦
“Again, Batty? Really?” Dustin says with the most sour-puss judgmental expression on his stupid little face. “Yeah? So what, dude, I didn’t know what to call him! That seemed like the simplest thing.” Steve adds, looking pointedly at Robin. “Rather than giving him an actual name like a pet, or something.” Robin doesn’t need to know that he already considers Batty his pet and he’s not planning on getting rid of him any time soon. Dustin sends him a flat look, “Steve, come on, literally anything else would be better.” “I’m inclined to agree with our weird little friend here,” Robin interjects. “You really couldn’t do better, Harrington?” Steve throws his arms up, “I’ve never had to name a pet before, sue me!” He points at Dustin, “This is rich coming from a kid with a cat called Mews…oh wait, it’s Tews now, isn’t it? How original.” Dustin glares at him, “Don’t speak ill of the dead, Steven. And my mom named them, do you want me to tell my mom that you don’t like what she named her cats? I think she’d be less inclined to have you over for dinner again.” “Alright, alright, pulling out the big guns.” Steve says, raising his hands in surrender. “What about D’Art though? What in the hell kind of name is that, Henderson?” “What about it? D’Artagnan is a perfectly respectable name,” defends Dustin, voice going squeaky. “Where the heck did you pick that up? It’s nonsense,” snipes Steve. “D'Artagnan is the protagonist in The Three Musketeers,” Robin answers matter-of-factly, and Dustin gestures to her. “See! Common knowledge, not my fault you’ve never read a book in your life.” “Hey!” Steve protests. He knows Dustin is being a little shit, that he doesn’t really mean it like that cause he doesn’t know that Steve struggles with reading and has always been kind of sensitive about it. Steve pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a breath, “Fine, we can rename Batty…how about,” he snaps, “Henderson what were those little teddy bear guys from Star Wars called? He’s cute like one of those.” “They’re called Ewoks. Seriously Steve, do you not pay attention? And how many times do I have to tell you that it’s Episode VI: Return of the Jedi,” Dustin snarks, continuing to try Steve’s patience. The attitude of this kid, Jeez. “Fine, so we’ll call him Ewok then.” Robin snorts, “Ewok is their race, not their actual name.” “Fine! You two pick a name then!” Steve says, exasperated it’s easier to just let them have their way sometimes. Batty is his and he’ll call him whatever he wants when they’re alone anyway.
Hope that holds you over Anon, and takes away the sting of Chapter 6 not being done yet!
👋 also hi, hello, if you're reading this and you're new here and want to read the fic you can find Chapters 1-5 available on ao3 here:
Living In A Lunar Spell 🦇🍦
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erotikkook · 1 year
I'm Back!
𝐀 𝐒𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 Hi there, everyone! It's been a hot minute since I've been active (i.e. over 6 months), but I wanted to give you a long update on where I've been, what I've been doing, etc.! If you're not a big reader, I'd skip past this post - it'll be kinda lengthy. possible tw: mental health/physical health, potential cursing, mentions of sex in relation to tumblr content - ALL SECTIONS WILL HAVE TW ACCORDINGLY
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𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙠 I've spent extensive time going from one job to the next. I'm making a very similar transition again, hopefully for the final job. It's an even better full-time job that would make me twice as much as I make now. I was offered a position which means I'm well on my way to renting an apartment and getting a better car!
𝘽𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙝𝙙𝙖𝙮 By the time you see this, it'll be my 20th birthday! So just a little happy birthday to me and all my other April babies.
𝙋𝙝𝙮𝙨𝙞𝙘𝙖𝙡 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙈𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙡 𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙩𝙝 (𝙏𝙒) TW for this section, mentions of physical + mental health and mentions of weight. Please skip this if you're uncomfortable. I've also spent a lot of time being physically and mentally ill. I'm now officially diagnosed with several things. This means I'm on medicine, which makes me very tired, unable to do a lot, and made me gain weight as a side-effect of the medication. I've always had issues with my self-esteem, weight, and relationship with food - thus, I spiralled for a while and, being as stubborn as I am, refused to get help when I was suffering mentally. I still need help, but I'm happier and feel healthier too! I've learned to accept myself as I am and to love how I look. There was a ton of internalized fatphobia that I hadn't realised existed, and I've since been working through that. I'm also very slowly becoming friends with food again. Wish me luck! You're all good for TW now! Read on!
𝙈𝙮 𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙧 I've been grappling with other parts of myself too. My hair is one of them. It's been very feminine my entire life, and thus I've grappled with the length of it. It's also, at the same time, been my only source of comfort - something I could control and do with as I pleased. I've since come to terms with myself in many ways, so I've chopped all my hair off! I know it might not be a big deal to most people, but it took a lot for me to do that and admit that my obsession with it was unnerving and unhealthy. Imagine a mini mullet. If you're a close friend, you've probably been bombarded with pictures of my hair, but I'll leave the rest up to the crowd's imagination!
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𝘼𝙣 𝘼𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 I'd like to very formally announce that I identify as genderfluid! For those who may support the LGBTQ community but don't quite know what the term means, I think WebMD sums it up pretty well for just a vague understanding: "Someone who is fluid -- also called gender fluid -- is a person whose gender identity (the gender they identify with most) is not fixed. It can change over time or from day to day." Usually, this will switch between he/him & they/them for me on a personal basis, so if we're ever having interactions and you're unsure, those are your best bet! 𝙈𝙮 𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙚 I'd also like to officially announce that my preferred name is Declan! This was decided after almost six months of thought. Ngl, there were a lot of sleepless nights, but here we are, and I'm very happy with who I've become! I don't intend to explain my decision. I've talked with my support system about my feelings enough for the life of me, but nevertheless, thank you for your support in advance!
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𝙁𝙞𝙘𝙨 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙤𝙤𝙣 A few fics are coming your way. I'll announce them here but will probably make a separate post too! Here's what's set to come out (note, no dates are listed as of this moment, I'm bad with dates, and I no longer want to make promises I can't keep):
Desperate For You - Seokjin x Reader - based on Desperate by Jonas Blue & Nina Nesbitt
take it and run - Taehyung x Reader - based on Friends by Chase Atlantic
Fallin' Without Caution - Namjoon x Reader - based on People Watching by Conan Gray
checkmate - Yoongi x Reader - based on Lost The Breakup by Maisie Peters
I have about 31 requests (I counted, holy shit) to get through, so I'll also complete those. I know it's been over a year, but I appreciate the unending patience!
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