#one of the only few found family group that i find believable and interesting
loudclan-clangen · 2 months
Come Over (Again) - Fiercestripe
Thank you guys for being so awesome! As a reward for being so patient with me on my break, here's a PMV and a backstory drop for everybody's mom, Fiercestripe:
Born Flower, she grew up with a group of cats that believed that she-cats shouldn't learn to hunt or fight. This ideology prevented her from running away on her own, and before she knew it she had a mate (Coal) and a kit (Thorn) and was well on her way to living the rest of her life there. It wasn't until a chance encounter with Wildfirecry, having recently left his old clan, that Flower saw a chance at freedom. Wildfirecry stayed with Flower's family for several days, hesitantly telling stories of Starclan and his old home, but he refused to stay long, claiming he had to continue his search for Starclan. Realizing this might be her only chance, Flower left in the night, determined to find him. Upon catching up with him however, Flower was disappointed. He told her to go home, that she would only slow him down or die and she had a kitten to care for. At this, Flower lashed out, she didn't care if it was dangerous, if she might die, at least she would do it away from here. Couldn't he understand that she was giving up everything for this chance? Her only chance? Eventually he relented, comforting the young she-cat and agreeing that she could travel with him, but only until she learned to take care of herself... And the rest is history. Fiercestripe will always feel guilty for leaving her daughter behind, but she doesn't regret it. A kitten, even an older one wouldn't have survived the journey they took, and because of her choice Dogwood and Rosehip were born into a loving family where they can have whatever future they want to have. She only hopes that Thorn found her own way in life, and that she's safe and happy wherever she ended up.
Fiercestripe was 15 moons old when Thorn was born, and 20 moons old when she left with Wildfirecry, so Thorn would be 75 moons old now. (only a few moons older than Siltsplash!)
[If you guys are interested I'll make a part 2 with the rest of the song! (featuring modern day Fierce, Silt, and Owl most likely) I've never made anything in video form before, so this was a really fun experiment! The only way I could wrap my head around a project this big was to make the canvas size really small, so apologies if it's not super high quality. (It's high quality in my heart.) The song is called Come Over (Again) by The Crawlers, it's one of my all time favorites, highly reccomend.]
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justkending · 4 months
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt (Chapter 2)
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Series Summary: Two of the most stubborn people in the group partnered together for an undercover mission are also the two people with the most hatred for each other, so what could go wrong? Or is it, what COULDN’T go wrong?…
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger Reader
Word Count: 3900+
A/N Note: You guys... Thank you for the overwhelming support on this series. You guys are the sweetest :) I've loved reading your series and promise I love them; just haven't had the chance to respond! Again, thank you for the love, as it's all turned back to you!
As for the chapter... Let's make it more fun (otherwise known as interesting) ;)
Bucky’s POV
Hidden bugs weren’t new business to us, so after disposing of the picture frame, they gifted us with a note saying, “For your new home, and your first picture in it! ;)”... It was an easy ‘accidental’ drop. 
However, quickly after that, wouldn’t you know it? A new basket showed up on our porch with another set of welcome-to-the-neighborhood gifts from the whole neighborhood this time…
Y/N had ‘accidentally’ placed the newly potted plant, that they had somehow added a very impressively hidden camera on, too close to the edge of the entryway table, so when she came through the door quickly with her arms full of more boxes, the pot was no longer usable. Shame… We did buy our own pot for said plant, so we still got a new piece of greenery without the bugs. 
After those two failed attempts, we hoped our show of clumsiness warded off the assholes and made us less intimidating. And yes, I use that word because I could read easily from our first meeting that they were sizing us up. Analyzing our act and manipulating themselves into our lives in a careful yet planned manner. 
For extra measure on the clumsy showcase, Y/N drove into the trashcans I had forgotten to pull to the curb, making a public display of her character’s clumsiness. Though I later learned she was actually just pissed that I forgot to put them out and found a way for me to pay the consequences in our squabble on the lawn. 
A squabble that started out a hundred percent authentic and then turned into a fake makeup season when the neighbors peaked their heads out. 
“This jughead would forget his head if it weren’t on his shoulders,” Y/N slapped my chest before patting it harshly and smiling at the seventy-year-old next-door neighbor, Gertrude, who always happened to find her rose bushes interesting, only when people were outside. 
She smiled and laughed at Y/N’s wide grin before waving her on as she snipped a few thorns. 
“God, I hate it here,” Y/N said through her teeth, holding her fake smile as she walked past me into the house.
A few more preplanned acts happened while we were outside to show the community that our accidental breaking of their bugs was just that—accidental. It was not planned and discovered at all. 
It had been two weeks so far, and we’d already been invited to a food truck social, a street parade for a family leaving the neighborhood, and an outdoor movie night. All events you would have thought had the same planning committee as the MET Gala with how thorough they were… At least, that's what Y/N said, and I choose to believe that it holds some form of significance.
Tonight, we went over to another couple's house that was high up in the HOA group for a neighborhood barbeque, one where Y/N’s damn lilac tennis dress she had worn to workout with a neighbor, made more than half the dads and men too old and married to be staring, struggle to keep their eyes off her. 
I had told her that keeping a hand on her during most of the party was for the act, but genuinely, I didn’t care for how the men of the group gawked at her. Something gave me a bad feeling about it. And I didn’t understand why Y/N wasn’t phased at all or even slightly uneasy, considering she was just as trained as me to assess and sense all that attention.
As soon as we were behind closed doors back in our secure home, my first question was, “Did you really not feel their eyes on you?” 
She was in the middle of taking off her shoes, talking about some information she had gotten from a group of stay-at-home wives, something related to our mission, but I couldn’t seem to wrap my head around how unphased she was with the unnerving type of attention she was getting there. 
“What?” She paused as she bent to take off a tennis shoe. 
“All those guys, the husbands, and pervs at the cookout. You didn’t notice them staring at you?” I asked again, rolling my sleeves of button-down I had on up to my elbow.
She stared at me for a moment and then rolled her eyes as if she had figured out where I was going with this. Spoiler: she was far off the mark. 
“Listen, if you’re saying that thanks to this dress, which, yes, is a little short, but who the hell cares, is the reason why men were,” she straightened, kicking off both her shoes fluently, now only in socks. “Gawking at me, as you put it-.” 
“I didn’t say that,” I straightened, furrowing my eyebrows. 
“Oh, but you did,” she sassed with a shrug, continuing. “Under your breath when you came up, and you staked your claim by never taking your arm away from my waist for the night.”
“I didn’t say that,” I shook my head. I said it in my head, but I hadn’t said that out loud… Had I?
“Ugh, whether you did or didn’t, I could tell you were judging,” she huffed, rolled her shoulders, and walked past me to the kitchen, going straight to the fridge.
It took me a minute, but I figured out where her mind had gone. “I was judging them, Y/N,” I  shook my head. “I was judging the horny, married, and dusty-ass men that couldn’t keep their damn tongue from falling to the floor with you in the vicinity. Like their wives had deprived them of any kind of physical touch for the last decade, and they couldn’t keep it in their pants any longer.” 
I realized I may have explained more of my thought process than I intended, but she shut the fridge door she had hidden behind and turned to me, scanning, assessing. 
“You were jealous.” The corner of her lip raised at her statement. 
“What?” I scoffed. “No, loser,” I scoffed again, and clearly, I wasn’t selling my answer because she didn’t lose her growing grin. “I just took notice of how much attention you got, and it concerned me that the ideas most of those men were having were far from civil ones.” 
She stared at me for a minute, and I felt uncomfortable in my own skin as she weighed her options regarding how she wanted to react. We still had plenty of fights, but they have been somewhat decreasing lately, and I was hoping we could keep that streak going.
Her assessing stopped, and her grin grew again. “Awe, the Tinman does have a heart.”
And she ruined it. Surprise, surprise. 
“It’s sweet that you care, old man,” she twisted the lid to the drink she had pulled out of the fridge and took a swig before looking at me. “But that’s just a day in the life of a woman. Nothing new to me or anyone with the double X chromosomes.” She shrugged nonchalantly. 
“I mean, obviously, people look at you,” I started, and she balanced her elbows on the counter before resting her chin on her fist. I continued before I realized my wording. “Before you-”
“Obviously?” She emphasized my word choice. “Keeping notes on an awful lot of things lately, huh, Buck?” she whispered my name like it was a secret, and I knew it was for the odd case someone could hear us, but something about her tone made my chest freeze. “Tell me, what else do you notice…?” She tilted her head one way as she stared at me. 
I wasn’t going to lie and say her words didn’t flustered me, but as a reflex, I jumped back into the normal banter.
“You’re not funny, jackass,” I deadpanned and turned on my heel to walk away.
“Oh, stop being such a baby,” she shouted after me, and I heard her sock-clad feet slide on the hardwoods to catch up with me. “Listen, I think it’s nice you’re taking notice of stuff like this. Most men never pay attention to those kinds of things because they don’t have to. It’s not really a normal day-to-day experience for them, so they don’t get it. They don’t HAVE to get it.”
I stopped and turned in my march, and she slid into me from just two steps behind me. I caught her easily, bracing my hands on her biceps to steady her. She let out a huff of air as our chests flushed to each other and then looked up at me. 
“You’re murder strut is too fast for me to keep up with,” she mumbled, scrunching her nose in a relaxed way. 
I closed my eyes for a minute but didn’t let go of her before I channeled back my seriousness. 
“I’ve learned men are assholes, trust me. In this field, we come across some of the worst misogynistic weasels to exist. Wear whatever you want. You have scary dog privileges now. The attire issue isn't what I was getting at,” I replied, thinking of the reference the Parker kid had explained to me recently.
Her smile was unlike any I had the pleasure to be on the receiving end of, and I immediately mentally captured it, worried that I’d never experience the genuineness she was sharing with me in this moment again. 
“Scary dog privileges, huh? Someone’s been brushing up on their TikTok trends.” She laughed, scanning my face as I scanned hers. “Peter finally invested in his version of Duolingo? This one labeled new-age-slang-for-100-years-and-older?”
“Actually called, Born-in-1910’s-and-on-the-comeback-of-a-70-year-coma-new-age-lingo. Very helpful,” I retorted, and the surprise on her face as she laughed at me made my grip on her soften, my thumb unconsciously running over the bone on her wrist. 
The action brought both of our eyes to the feeling, and in the next second, we had three feet between us. 
“I’m going to go take a shower.” Her rush to get around me in the narrow hall caused her to brush along my arm, and it was like the sparks that ignited when I held her tried to reach out for each other again in the brief contact. 
“I’ll be in the kitchen,” I grumbled, walking quickly in the opposite direction. 
The last two weeks have been frustrating, but somehow, Bucky and I have learned we work together surprisingly well. We still had our bickering fights and annoying quarrels, but stick us in a house for a few weeks, and we realized we did well at balancing each other out. 
Where I hated doing the dishes, he made sure they were done every night. Where he hated doing laundry, I folded and sorted the linens and clothes. I hated cooking, and he somehow was really good at it. I loved to bake when we had free time, and he loved to taste test. I sucked at most things gardening-wise, and he had shown me how to prune overgrown flowers in our gardening bed. Bucky sucked at interior decorating, so I was in charge of making our fake abode look like a real one. 
Overall, we do pretty well, considering we hate each other's guts. Ok, well… I don’t necessarily hate his guts, even if I act it. I just have a very low tolerance for his bullshit and don’t mask my frustrations when they hit their limits. As for being a fake wife to him where he has to treat me well… He’s been a picture-perfect husband from a suburban wife’s perspective.
The only thing we’ve successfully avoided that I was worried about is sharing the same bed. 
After confirming with the higher-ups that our house was bug-free, we claimed our own rooms (me in the master, of course) and set up our own space. Keeping the facade of a happy married couple outside of those rooms and the house was easy, but I dreaded the day we would have to show more affection and closeness than what we already had. 
So far, a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, a hug from behind, and a normal amount of PDA that showed we were in our honeymoon phase yet did not want to make others fully uncomfortable did the job enough. But after Bethanne commented about when we planned on having kids, I figured we might need to bump up our act since she gave a passive comment about us being ‘rather tamed for a newlywed couple.’
Before I could bring up the comment to Bucky once we got home, he seemed more bothered by the men at the party than anything. 
I didn’t expect him to notice such a minute thing, but if there was one thing I had learned about Bucky these last few weeks, it’s that he’s very attentive to details I wouldn’t expect him to be on.
Then, to further my confusion about the situation, something seemed different in our intimate hallway space run-in, and both of us scurried away as if the touch of each other burned. 
After my shower, I got dressed in my pajamas and heard the TV still on in the living room, where Bucky tended to station himself for a few hours before bed. Well, his bedtime. Another thing about us was that I wasn’t much of a night owl, but I did appreciate knowing someone was on alert while I slept. And even if he didn’t do it for that reason, I’m sure, I liked hearing the TV still on when I tended to wake up in the middle of the night. I felt safer…
“Hey,” I leaned against the wall coming into the living room and saw that he had Brooklyn Nine-Nine on with a computer sat in his lap. 
He looked up and gave me a quick head nod before going back to the screen in front of him. “What’s up?”
“Just needed to fill you in on some of the things I learned at the cookout,” I let out a yawn as the day caught up with me and moved to the single chair across from him on the couch. 
“Hit me,” he rolled his shoulders back, never looking away from the blue light. 
“Don’t ask for things you don’t really want,” I teased, and he looked above the screen at me with a glance that seemed to be holding back a smile before rolling his eyes. 
“What’d you learn?” he followed up with. 
I went on to tell him about the neighborhood drama. All things that may or may not have any major plays to our mission, but information nonetheless. 
“Did you ask any of them about work?” Bucky asked once I had covered most everything. 
Our undercover jobs were simple. I worked from home as a data entry clerk. Something boring that Charolette Hunt has been hoping to get out of and find her passion. All this led to me asking around about job connections and if there was anything I could swap over to for a ‘more exciting work life,’ otherwise known as drug trafficking jobs if they were available. 
As for Beau Hunt, Bucky’s cover, he was the owner of a transportation company. Considering how well he was doing, he took the last two weeks off to move into his first home with his new wife before having to get back into the work ethic he had been thriving in the last ten years. 
All perfect pieces to get the answers and resources from our sketchy neighbors we came here for. 
“I asked Katrina, one of the wives of a guy who works closely alongside Reggie. I figured that was a good seed to plant,” I answered, pulling my legs up to my chest and resting my chin on my knees as I watched Jake Peralta chase a bad guy down the streets of New York. I missed the homeland. “She said she’d ask around, which is what I needed. What about you? Any of the 'dusty-ass husbands' have fun details to share?”
“Nothing more than statistics of sports teams and rookie starters for the state college basketball team,” he sighed, and I turned over to see him staring at me before turning back to his computer quickly. “Reggie was giving me a hard time, though.”
“Oh yeah?” I hummed, angling myself to him. “Bethanne was giving me a hard time, too.”
“Think it’s related to the same thing?” Bucky chuckled, looking back at me, but whatever was in his eyes just seconds ago was gone now. 
“Say on the count of three?” I smirked. 
“One,” he nodded.
“When we’re going to consider joining parenthood,” Bucky said. 
“When we’re having kids,” I said at the same time. “Almost a jinx if you didn’t word it so damn robotically. Did fucking Vision channel into your damn cyborg brain?” I laughed, and I heard a slight scoff from his direction before I rolled my head back and looked up at the ceiling. I stayed quiet until Bucky broke me out of my thoughts twenty seconds later.
“What are you thinking?” I heard the computer shut and then be placed on the cushion next to him. “I can hear the gears working past their limit.” His weak version of a retort.
I lulled my stare at him and deadpanned a bitchface at him. “You talking to yourself again?” He rolled his eyes at my comeback, and I decided to bypass the banter. “I think we need to step our game up. Ms. Bethanne thinks we’re ‘tamed’ for a newlywed couple. In other words, she thinks we’re prudes.”
“We’ve hit the PDA marks we need to,” Bucky stiffened just enough for a trained eye to see, but he tried to brush it off as getting comfortable in his spot. 
“Hmm, so maybe one of us is a prude,” I shrugged, moving my legs under me and leaning on one side of the chair. 
We hadn't kissed, although I would peck one on his cheek, and he would place one on top of my head. But that's as far as either of us had been willing to go.
I know our job may require us to go beyond that, and I was willing to keep it strictly professional even if necessary, but Bucky seemed to want to avoid it by all means. Message received.
“I’m not a prude. I just don’t understand why people have to be so touchy in public. It makes everyone uncomfortable,” he argued. 
“Not everyone finds discomfort in those acts. A lot of people think it’s cute.”
“I’m not one of those fucking people.”
“Well, you better figure out pretty fucking quick how to become one of those people because this operation kinda depends on it.” I sighed, standing up and stretching. “Listen, I know you hate me and all, but if we’re going to get this done and over with, we need to-”
“I’ve never said I hate you,” Bucky interrupted. I looked down and saw him staring at me with stern eyes.
“Actions have convinced me otherwise.” 
“The same could be said for you.” 
“I don’t hate you,�� I clarified after carefully studying him for lies. 
It was an intense stare-off, but not one where I felt like I had to win it. One where I felt we were both taking a step into new territory, and neither of us knew what to expect. 
Bucky’s burner phone rang right before I could follow up with my peace offering, and we saw it was the fake caller ID Steve was under. He picked it up and put it on speaker. 
“What’s up, punk?” he answered, and Steve scoffed on the other end. 
“Just your biweekly check-in. Anything interesting enough to make this phone call longer than 5 minutes?” he asked. 
“Don’t think so,” Bucky sighed and filled him in on the steps we had taken to further the investigation. Planting our gossip seeds where necessary and waiting for the garden to grow. 
The call ended with Steve informing Bucky that he ‘started back at work’ tomorrow and would need to go to a specific meeting spot for updates. A way for us to get news that couldn’t be tracked with phone calls and messages. And after two weeks of gathering information and only four check-ins in that time, things were meant to pick up now. 
I had decided to head back to my room when a normal conversation between the two started up and strayed from the mission talk. Then, about 10 minutes later, Bucky was in my doorway as I got ready for bed. 
“Sorry, Steve wanted to know if we had torn each other’s heads off yet. Nat and him have a bet going,” he said, leaning on the doorway and crossing his arms over his chest. 
I shrugged, pulling the comforter back on the bed. “No need to apologize. And who’s winning?” 
“Steve gave it 3 weeks, so he’s still in the running.”
“He’s being generous,” I laughed, fluffing a pillow before sitting on the edge and looking at him. 
“I don’t know. I think we’ve managed to stay surprisingly civil given our relationship,” he smiled softly as if the conversation wasn’t dangerous grounds and could easily go one way or the other. 
“Helps that we have to act for most of it,” I fiddled with my nails. 
“Would you rather we didn’t get along?” he asked, and I could see the start of our normal frustration with each other trickle back into his tone.
I stared at him for a minute. Not sure what my goal was here, but it definitely had flipped from wanting to make every minute with him, his own personal hell.
“Fighting has become tiresome. I’m content tolerating the situation.” A bit of a hypocritical response, sounding robotic, but there was no lie behind it.
He stared at me like I had to him. 
“Right. Tolerating,” he nodded with pursed lips, pushing off the door frame and walking down the hall to his room. 
Something about his attitude made it hard for me to brush off the change in tension. I stood up and walked down the hall. When he was already in his room, I was taking up as much space as I could in his doorway now. 
“What’s with the annoyance?” I asked, looking at him as he arranged some things on his nightstand. He turned around, body lax and almost defeated looking. 
“I’m not annoyed. Why would I be annoyed with you ‘tolerating me’?” he said nonchalantly with a shrug of his shoulders. 
“I don’t know, but you clearly are,” I gestured to him and crossed my arms. “Would you rather I treat you how I have before this? I mean, we can go back to-”
“Obviously not, Y/N,” he cut me off with a scoff, and I was shocked at the sheer anger that I would suggest such a thing. His use of obviously made my brain scramble as well… The second time, that word had messed with me tonight.
“You’re confusing as hell, Barnes,” I squinted my eyes at him and decided I wasn’t in the mood to handle a bipolar 100-year-old man tonight. Maybe it was best if I just called it a night. 
Turning in my spot four steps away, I didn’t expect the hand around my bicep to stop me in the middle of the hall, leading to a pensive look on his face as he stared at me.
“What?” I furrowed my eyes at him and looked at the contact unwavering on my elbow.
“I—” he started and then stopped. An internal war played out with surprising clarity on his face. I raised my eyebrows and waited.
We stared for an hour—okay, nine seconds—but it’s all the same with that level of intensity.
“Never mind.” He dropped my arm and took a step back. 
“I don’t want to start something.”
“There’s something to start?” 
“No, but I’ll wait until you’re in a better mood to,” he debated on his wording. “Discuss it,” he settled on, turning on his heel. 
“I’m not in a bad mood,” I huffed, and yeah… That didn’t help proving my point. 
“Sure thing,” he shook his head before walking into his room, carrying on as if he hadn’t dropped a strange and confusing bomb on me that I now needed answers to. 
“Goodnight to you, too,” I grumbled as I walked to my room and shut the door behind me.
Marvel Tags:
@thejourneyneverendsx​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @death-unbecomes-you @mythos-writes​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​  @srrymydood​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @xa-dia​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @redhairedfeistynerd​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @morganclaire4​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @connie326​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @captain-asguard​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @mollygetssherlockcoffee​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @teenagedreams-bucky @shower-me-with-roses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @livstilinski @basicallylool​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @starryeyeseunbyul​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
My Lovelies forever:
@natura1phenomenon​ @lauravicente​ @kakakatey​ @traceyaudette​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​ @sandlee44​ @thorne93​ @thefaithfulwriter1​ @essie1876​ @greyeyedsmile14​ @capsiclehan​  @xostephanie​ @averyrogers83​ @awesomenursingstudent​ @gh0stgurl​ @cs-please​ @jjlevin​ @rainbowkisses31​ @deannotmoose​ @their-bibliophile​ @kitkatd7​ @willowbleedsonpaper​ @mariaenchanted​ @snffbeebee​ @couldabeenamermaid​ @rebekahdawkins​​ @alyispunk​​ @billyseye @hallecarey1​​
Bucky Barnes Tags:
@chloe-skywalker​ @charmedbysarge​ @jbarness​ @bellamy-barnes​ @katiaw2​ @aikeia​ @stopjustlovethemcu​ @enchantedbarnes
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Series:
@jackiehollanderr @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @theroyalmanatee @wintrsoldrluvr @alexakeyloveloki
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matchesarelit · 4 months
Imagine If You Will... (Ocean of Grass, Colin Bridgerton x f!Reader)
The Queen opens a new gallery space, and you can barely tear your eyes form the works on the walls, until art starts pouring from the lips by your side.
W/C: ~2.8k Warnings: None I believe A/N: there is a part where writing it was like patting myself on the back, so damn strange. fear not, I am not that up myself. but reader had to simp over smtg.
Stepping onto the marbled flooring of the gallery, you struggled to keep your concentration on the task of putting one foot in front of the other. Eyes locking on the pieces adorning the walls and topping the podiums. The words of greeting hitting your ears from all directions as you began trailing the walls of the space, were forgotten immediately, muscle memory replies rolling off your tongue with ease. The same old people and same old conversations were now framed by works of detail and grace grander than you'd ever had the pleasure of seeing.
The tickle of lace over your arm was the only thing to prompt you back to the world of the Ton, as an elbow hooked through your own and a head weighed down your shoulder. Vanessa, a close family friend, had taken her place by your side, as she often did, leaning into you and squeezing your arm in a silent greeting. Taking a moment you finished following the length of a brushstroke, before you tore your stare away and with a breath, that you held for perhaps a beat too long, looked towards your friend.
'Hello' The bland greeting was all your brain could hope to form at that moment. Your mind was shaken awake as the woman by your side responded simply with a suppressed squeak and a wide-eyed grin.
Her expression held within it a great amount of glee and undoubtedly a grand quantity of gossip, only being held back by the tight-pressed line of her lips, a sight that never failed to elicit a smile of your own. Raising your eyebrows slightly, you opened the floodgates and suddenly you found yourself much more knowledgeable about the events that had preceded your arrival. 
To the best of your understanding; One young lady had swooned at the revealing visage in one of the paintings, The queen had not yet made her appearance yet would most certainly do so soon and many of the mamas and papas had retired to the adjacent tea rooms which many had taken as a sign to converse freely. The latter explained the cacophony you registered now free of your stupor, but it certainly surprised you as you surveyed the room to find the group of your peers crowding a piece only a few meters away. 
'Are they discussing that work? Come, surely this will be interesting' You tugged your friend along as you started towards the trio, Vanessa and you discussed each of your hobbies with each other at length but rarely had the chance to discuss such matters with other members of the Ton.
'I don't believe they ar-' Vanessa's warning was cut short as you greeted the small group, not registering her concern in your excitement. 'Hello!'
Looking to the women closest who turned on the spot to see you, you watched with confusion as their smiles twisted into bitter replicas of kindness, each of them giving a nod to you, a small curtsey to the art and turning to walk away.
'Where are yo-' Your words trailed off, your eyes on the receding figures of the other debutantes, as Vanessa spoke up from beside you;
'Good afternoon Mr. Bridgerton, Mr. Bridgerton' From your peripherals you watched her curtsey, you followed suit before you had thought to comprehend why.
'Good afternoo- OH' Your realization wasn't loud, but it wasn't silent either, so truly you shouldn't have been as startled as you were when a pair of matching chuckles were heard from the men in front of you.
'We did not mean to interrupt, we were under the impre-' Vanessa was silenced as Colin Bridgerton shook his head slightly, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth before he spoke up in a lilting tone; 
'No need to apologize. Who would we be to be upset with such beautiful company? We are truly a lucky pair of gentlemen.' 
A minuscule bow of your head and a flash of a smile that you refused to let within a mile of your eyes, crossed your expression before you were blinking your eyes into focus. Looking to the older Bridgerton with a gaping expression Vanessa had, long ago, coined as prized koi, you found your voice a moment too late.
'Amidst my travels-'
'Mr Bridgerton, You are an artist are you not? What are your thoughts on the collection thus far?' You had spoken at the same time and inadvertently cut off Colin. Your mind catching up with your mistake had you countering your question with a rushed apology to the man at your left; 'I am so sorry Mr. Bridgerton, please go on,' Looking up at him you matched the warm smile he sent you as best you could despite the heat in your cheeks.
'It is no problem at all, I was simply saying-'
This time it was Benedict who interrupted his brother with a waving hand of dismissal and a much too-happy-with-himself smirk, at which the younger simply scoffed.
'I am indeed, I was studying for a while but have found the natural approach to growing my abilities to be more fulfilling. I have found some of the pieces featuring the Welsh townships inexplicitly compelling, the detail and depth given to the cobblestones is startling.'  
'That sounds...' You began before pausing somewhat taken aback by the fullness of his answer.
'Compelling' you finished before shifting to the balls of your feet, peering back over the crowd to search the walls for the works Benedict spoke of. 
'And what of this one?' A new voice spoke from behind you, Viscount Edward Lowe had approached and looked to the piece that hung behind the Bridgerton men.
You felt Vanessa's arm slip from your own, as she met your eyes, tilting her head to the side, you nodded in return, assuring her you would be fine should she take her leave. 
'Mr Lowe' Benedict greeted, 'Grown a sudden interest in the arts have you?'
'Not so much as I have found in my betrothed.' Smiling to yourself at the glance the couple shared, you watched as Vanessa took his offered arm and stepped away from the three of you.
'They make a charming couple do they not?' You mused to seemingly no one, not waiting for the opinions of the brothers before shifting yourself to study to the work framed on the wall. 'I find the colouring of this one to be concerningly bland, as if the artist had naught but three hues on his palette and was unaware he could mix them.' Your words pulled a laugh from Benedict while Colin remained silent, 'I apologise if that was too cruel,' Looking towards the latter you found him shaking his head slightly as if to dismiss your apology, and still your eyes remained on his silent figure for a few moments longer even as his brother began to speak.
Benedict was fast to fill the silence, eyes trained on the artwork as he shifted to fill the space to your right,
'I agree, it makes the work come off hollow, as if he, himself felt disconnected from the scene he stood amongst, which if that is the case I would ask him why he desired to commit it to canvas.'
'Perhaps his intention was indeed to spur discourse over that distant feeling?' You mused, attempting to refrain from overly critical comments going forth. 'What do you think Mr Bridgerton?' As you addressed the younger of the two, you watched him glance towards the art, eyes roaming the surface with some obscure purpose.
'The- um, the reds are a strange choice for such trees that don't shed with the seasons' He was softspoken yet the charm of his tone was absent, a vulnerable air to his persona that was rare to see amidst Society. 
Nodding to yourself as you let your own eyes fall back upon the art, you attempted to consider the implications of such a choice. Benedict, on the other hand, seemed not similarly inclined as he started his assertion, 'The warm shades are a strange choice but I doubt it was a pensive decision. He seems unable to make use of any cooler tones. The brush strokes in that area, however, are not dissimilar to that of a toddler with their fingers dipped in mud. Pure chaos. So perhaps he aims to discuss the unpredictability of the natural world.' 
Colin's face was more unsure than ever, clearly out of his comfort zone and flanked by two enthusiasts was surely not the easiest position to be in.
'Perhaps the red of the trees work to add to that chaos Mr. Bridgerton, the artist certainly could have made them brown. Most trees do reach that colour as they die.' You had averted your eyes to the older of the pair, hoping to give the younger a moment to collect his confidence which, to all appearances, he managed, as within moments he spoke again.
'I-I also find the textures... quite... realistic' His voice was still low and somewhat unsure of himself, this was of course not helped by the immediate response, once again, of his brother nor the brow quirked in amusement that accompanied it.
'You find the flat orange expanse of grass, with no discernible brush strokes, accurate?' 
'Mr Bridgerton, if that is how your brother experiences the work is that not a testament to the nature of art itself as a concept that is entirely subjective' Your rebuttal, if it even counted as that, was weak and somewhat irrelevant, even so when Colin spoke next his voice was notedly more settled.
'It follows memories of mine of hills of grass in the wind, moving as the ocean does not as singular blades but as a fabric of silken thread.'
To say his words caught you off guard would be inadequate to describe the buzz and ache that filled your mind and chest at his observation. Everything aside from the artwork and his presence by your side fell from thought. Benedict's lips were moving, that much you were sure of, although that wasn't much of an accomplishment as even the man in the painting could surely hear his opinions.
Colin's words were still floating through your mind, drifting in and out, painting the picture within your head, the image, as clear as it was beautiful. He had set out the details so masterfully you doubted more than a select few painters could compete at rendering such a scene.
Looking up at the man by your side you watched as he rolled his eyes, exasperated as a bright blush crawled over the peaks of his cheekbones. You were startled when his observation fell on you once more, this time partnered with a touch of confusion as he glanced to his brother and back. 
'Are you quite alright?' You watched his lips form the words and still they took comparable years to reach your ears, not to mention the decade it took for you to splutter out a response.
'Oh, I'm quite alright, thank you Mr Bridgerton.' Shifting on your feet you glance to the art before settling your attention on the elder brother, hoping to remain grounded in conversation, 'Art has a way of consuming my attention, although usually, I can maintain focus on the discussion and not drift into thought'
A bright smile broke over Benedict's face in jest as he clasped a hand on the other man's shoulder, 'It seems we are boring her dear brother,' 
'Oh, I assure you that is not the case. You have both given me so much to consider I simply couldn't stop my mind from wandering.' Looking up to Colin you hoped he knew you spoke of his words, and as his eyes met yours you watched his signature smile bloom on his face.
Nonetheless, breathless, you spoke up again, 'I apologise for my rudeness.' His expression melted every ounce of tension in the air and like a windswept hill allowed you to breathe easy.
Keeping his gaze on yours he leaned closer, barely an inch, un-noticeable from afar but up close it was enough to have your breath catching in your chest as his lips parted in a whisper; 'Best to save that for the art hm?' His smile, was now a full-blown smirk as he straightened himself. You could swear his movement had stolen the heat from your skin as he retreated those measly few centimetres to stand back by your side, this time, however, he extended an arm for you to take.
'Shall we move on to the next one? I am eager to hear how you shall tear it apart-' the last second of his speech was cut short by the blaring trumpet that announced Her Majesty's arrival, 'We shall have to save that for later...' Your words, although a whisper, were stronger than you thought you could manage given the nerves plaguing your chest, and surprisingly, your composure was strong enough to allow yourself to retreat to the other side of the room. Stopping short of the wall you stopped, finding yourself alongside your friend and her husband-to-be, stationed by the refreshments... exactly what you needed.
The queen had not spoken for long, but the air in the room had grown hot, so aching for a breeze you stepped outside the moment her speech concluded. Walking clear of the tiled path that hugged the exterior of the gallery you landed amongst the grass of the gardens, traversing the plains your eyes hovered around the horizon, cloaked in statues, hedges, and shrubbery it trapped your attention. You charted the curves of green, trailing your hand against the leaves as you strolled, turn after turn until hedges eight feet high were all you could see.
The maze was not a difficult one to escape, you had surely only rounded a few corners, but the peace was difficult to pull yourself away from. It was simply you, the wind, the trees, and a single set of footfalls.
'Mr. Bridgerton' Startled yet relieved, you stepped to the middle of the path, away from the branches and towards the approaching figure as he rounded the turn. 'What are you doing out here?'
'Am I not to be?' His question was teasing and the smirk across his lips broke the charade of his concerned tone as he continued, 'In that case, you shouldn't be out here either...'
'I-I only meant-' your words were forced out through breaths that grew ever more shallow as he drew closer.
'Why am I here? That's what you meant isn't it?' Now, standing mere inches from you, his voice was quiet, barely audible above the rustle of the leaves and the whistle of the wind. 
'Yes, that's what I meant. Why are you out her-' Feeling small under his gaze you set your stare on somewhere through his chest, a far-off distance blocked by his being just as your question was halted by his voice,
'The wind is moving today, the grass, the trees, they do as you said. You came out to feel it for yourself?' The guess was the best you could produce that wasn't corrupted by the heaving of his chest and the depth of his voice. His lips parted though you beat him to it as you questioned him further, 'Why are you breathing so heavily?'
Reaching forward at a snail's pace you sought out his eyes only to find them affixed to your hand as it drifted nearer, 'Mr-'
'"Colin", please' his correction was soft as he inched forth, his chest leaning into the touch as he sighed at the contact.
'Colin, why?'
Encasing your hand within his own as he held it to his breast, he parted his lips once more, 'Listen to the trees, the branches, the leaves. They breathe as we do, as one. Like waves crashing upon the shore,' With a deep breath in his chest pressed into your fingers, 'before returning to the depths,' With a shaky sigh you found yourself emptying your lungs alongside the man in front of you.
Holding his eyes with your own you slipped your hand free, the flash of pain across his eyes faded instantly as you turned his wrist, pressing his palm to your skin.
'Waves crashing down on the sand' your voice is low yet resolute as you breathe in, Colin following suit, 'Before finding its way to the depths...' Raising yourself to your toes you press your lips to his. Releasing your breath, no sooner have your heels returned to the grass than his hand has found your waist and pulled you back to him.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
I would love to request an Child ghost!reader and the gang, basically child reader got murdered when they were using the VR and their soul got stuck into the game.
Their soul being so GORY AND DISTORTED, like an arm is missing, one eye is like hanging out and their head has an hole. Reader can get invisible like a ghost and move things with only their mind, and they are very quiet and just observes, rarely get mad or anything, but when they snap (for example: Because of jax's pranks) they start throwing things around dim the lights and scream, and lets put like, Reader's screams are like LOUD as hell, basically like an ghost tantrum.
So basically Child reader is just an sad messed up lil goof who needs comfort and therapy.
Sorry if its long, i love love love your blog btw!
TADC cast x ghost!child!reader (platonic + light found family) !
going to take a different approach to writing this one, since i feel bad about being selective of cast/multi characters today, so! rather than having divided segments like usual, its going to be a group thing! hope thats alright! going to be the last request of this batch them imma make something to eat rq for dinner then get back to writing YAHOO!
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when you joined the digital circus, you were already very obviously different from the rest of the gang. even if your gore was toned down thanks to your body being digitized; the programming seemed to struggle with altering your body into something unique... strange... it also seems your body is fighting back against the programming of the world, seemingly trying to restore itself. The effect makes you almost look like you're glitching, or even abstracting
Caine doesnt immediately pick up on your presence, i feel like its in his programming to be aware when a new member joins the circus, but for some reason he didnt notice you until he saw you, or someone brings you up to him
It was Ragatha, who was trying to get answers from him. Who's kid was this? Is it really fair to let a kid be stuck here? Obviously she knew Caine couldnt do anything about it now that you were here, nor did he have any hand in you putting on the headset.
Except... you correct them and say you didn't put on any headset, you were trapped in it.
Of course you're trapped, just like the rest of us, Jax says
None of them immediately believe you try to tell them you're a ghost. Except of course, Kinger, who reasons that that's why you look the way you do; and Gangle, who in my opinion probably finds interest in the supernatural.. or maybe that's just me projecting onto her. Who knows. But the point still stands, almost everyone doesn't believe you.
Not long after, Jax accidentally ropes you into prank that was originally intended for Zooble, I dont think Jax would go as far as to bully a child.... well... actually no, he seems like the type to bully kids on roblox.
The prank wasnt planned for you, you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. You open a door, and are immediately greeted with a fake snake lunging out at you. You scream, more so out of surprise and fear than anger. It does turn into anger when Jax laughs at you, still finding some kind of joy from the prank getting at least someone. Your scream rises, causing nearly everyone to cover their ears, the rest were not there in the room but would come rushing to see what the hell was going on
I think it would be that instance as well as a few other; namely ones where you became invisible and started removing one of Zooble's limbs after they (unintentionally) said something a little too mean to you. The idea of you being a ghost was further cemented when both Gangle and Ragatha watched you literally phase through a wall. But hey at least someone (Jax) starts laying off of you when it becomes clear you weren't lying
There's mixed feelings, a lot negative. I mean, you're just a kid and you're. Well, a ghost. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to come to the conclusion that something happened to you. Whether or not you remember the details of your death when you became a ghost, or after joining the digital world, is all up to you
Caine, as mentioned before in posts where the reader is a child, tries to be a father figure. He's not the best, since he's programmed to be a ring master, but he definitely tries his best. I like to think he tries to read you bedtime stories when the digital world simulates 'night'
Pomni, who I totally didn't forget, tries to overcome her fear of you and your ghostly powers, ultimately becoming sympathetic you and your situation. Not only was your life cut short, but you were trapped here too, you didn't even get to roam the world in the afterlife. Interactions with her are awkward but there's an effort to try to bring you some form of comfort
Jax, after he stops pulling jokes on you cant deny that he doesnt find you creepy. I think, though, he would ask you if you want to help him scare some of the other members. Whether you be offended by the concept or not is also up to you, since I'm not sure if you wanted the reader to be sensitive regarding their current predicament or not
Ragatha goes into full big sister mode, even before it's confirmed that you're a ghost. Sure, she's a little put off by your ganky and gorey looks, but her heart aches for you. Similar to Caine she tries to do general child care activities with you, perhaps if you let her, she would do your hair and make you dresses
Kinger will take a while to warm up to you, but I think after some time would start to open up to you, usually it's best to interact with him when he's already in a calmer state. He already gives me dad vibes that I cant pin down... but he would tell you stories of his past (in house) adventures and some funny stuff that has happened over his time in the digital world
Zooble is going to need a moment to get over the invisible dismemberment thing... as well as Zooble being Zooble and needing some time to warm up to people in general... Not much to be said, yet...
Gangle would offer to lend you some art supplies... kids like arts and crafts stuff, right? Thats her logic, at least, and if it means you have an outlet for your emotions then that would be great!
Overall you now have a funky found family, so hey, at least things aren't totally... terrible.. Unfortunately with them stuck in the digital world they can't do much to get you justice, if you let them know you were murdered. But rest assured if your killer somehow gets trapped in there with them and you recognize them, they have your back
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infiniteanalemma · 11 months
Nobility in Baldur's Gate
Edited to add: I never expected my silly, niche post to get as much attention as it has! I'm giving you all forehead smooches! 😚💋 I've gone through to clean up some things up as I've found new information. I also added a list of nobility that I've found in game and other sources to the end of the post. Thanks, y'all! I'm glad I'm not the only one to wonder about this stuff. Good stuff in the reblogs, too!
Baldur's Gate has dug itself deep in my brain, so I apologize to my poor mutuals who didn't follow me for BG3 content getting this onslaught of posts. Please bear with me until my hyperfixation wears off. 🙏
Now, I'll admit up front that I'm no expert in DnD lore*, so if I get things wrong, please feel free to correct me or just add in stuff I may have missed. I'm going off of what I've found in-game and my Google Fu skills.
That said, I do know enough about DnD to remember that Baldur's Gate nobility are called patriars, and that there are only a relative handful of actual patriar families. I was thinking about my "canon" Tav, Velassa, and her background in BG3. She's a modified OC that I plunked in-game during Early Access, so I made her a noble. It was just part of her existing character that I didn't think too deeply about. It was only after I starting playing that it occurred to me to wonder what exactly "a noble" is to a native Baldurian.
That got me digging a little more into the current state of the Baldurian nobility as of BG3. I don't know who--if anyone--needs or wants this, but I put this together for myself and decided to share it for anyone else who might be interested. I realize that this is probably pretty niche and it's rambly and long af, so I'll put it under a cut.
So, for starters, here's a list of all the patriar families, including "fallen" houses that are barely hanging on: Belt, Bormul, Caldwell, Dlusker, Durinbold, Eltan, Eomane, Exeltis, Gist, Guthmere, Hhune, Hlath, Hullhollyn, Irlentree, Jannath, Jhasso, Linnacker, Miyar, Nurthammas, Oathoon, Oberon, Portyr, Provoss, Ravenshade, Rillyn, Sashenstar, Shattershield, Silvershield, Tillerturn, Vammas, Vannath, Vanthampur, and Whitburn
From what I've gathered, Exeltis, Provoss and Ravenshade are all more-or-less destitute. Also, the Szarr family (Cazador's family) were patriars, but were believed to be entirely wiped out. No living descendants makes them a dead house, rather literally. 😏 (No, I'm not sorry.)
Now, we learn that Wyll's father is Ulder Ravengard, the Grand Duke. This brings us to the first point: There are four Dukes, known as the Council of Four, and the Grand Duke's job is to be the tie-breaker.
Traditionally, one of the Dukes is also the highest ranked officer of the Flaming Fist--that's Ravengard, who was a Fist promoted up through the ranks. Wyll tells us that his father was born lower class, and quite a few of the patriars seem to scorn him for that. The other Dukes are Belynne Stelmane, Dillard Portyr (more on him later) and Thalamra Vanthampur (more on her later, too). Of the four, two are patriars: Portyr and Vanthampur. We don't know much about Stelmane's past, except that she was a brilliant businesswoman, politician and--as we find out later--member of the Knights of the Shield. Apparently, you can't buy your way into the patriars, but maybe you can buy your way into being a Duke.
Skipping ahead a bit, when the player shows up to Gortash's coronation, there are a group of mostly patriars sitting in the boxes leading up to the front of the room. I'm listing them by seating arrangement, with box 1 and 2 being the left and right closest to Gortash, and 3 and 4 being farthest. (I don't know what, if anything, the seating arrangements imply. The second box has eight people, compared to four for all the rest.)
Lady Ailis Belt, Baron Callem Bormul, Lord Rugger Shattershield**, and Lady Alia Durinbold**
Lady Ruth Linnacker, Lord Sarken Eomane, Lady Freida Oberon, Lord Raylen Jannath, Lord Myer Ravenshade**, Lady Madeline Whitburn, Lady Beatrice Provoss, and Duke Dillard Portyr
Lady Winstra Hullhollyn, Admiral Peil Hullhollyn, Lord Randolph Vammas, and Lady Eshvelt Guthmere
Lord Milon Tillerturn, Lady Silifrey Sashenstar, Lord Petric Amber**, and Lady Haeril Birch**
Here's some pictures of the nobles sitting together. (Sorry for the terrible quality! I slapped it together for my own reference. 🙈)
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The characters marked by ** aren't human, which is interesting because the information I found said all the patriar familes are human except the Shattershields. Myer Ravenshade is listed as human if you examine him, but he has a dwarf model. That might be a mistake, but I'm including him anyway. Alia Durinbold, from a presumably human patriar family, is a wood elf. Again, this could be a mistake, but unless Larian winds up changing it, it could mean that interracial marriages that once may have been looked down on are now becoming more acceptable. Petric Amber is also a wood elf, and Haeril Birch is a high elf.
Those last two are interesting because they are the only ones in the boxes who aren't patriars. If not for them, I'd have assumed the coronation was simply a demonstration for the patriars alone. Their inclusion means this is something else.
Digging around, my conclusion is that all the listed people are members of the Parliament of Peers--a 50 person advisory party to the Council of Four. However, what I found says that it's pretty rare for all 50 to attend meetings, and the usual group is between 20-30. There are exactly 20 named individuals listed, plus a group of unnamed "patriars" standing at the front.
Here they are, for what it's worth:
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One thing I noticed here is that most of those listed here are Lord/Lady, but there are three other titles: Duke, Baron and Admiral. I've already talked about the Dukes. Looking into the patriars, the Hullhollyn family are notable for having a fleet of ships, so it makes sense that one of them would be an Admiral. That leaves the Baron.
I couldn't find anything about what it means to be a baron in Baldur's Gate. Going on real-world peerages, a baron/ess is generally the lowest "rank" of nobility. Basically, it's someone who was an official landowner (usually of an "important" bit of land) under the feudal system. Well and good, I suppose, but presumably all the Lords and Ladies of the patriars own land within the city. This particular Baron is also a patriar, but given that one doesn't need to be a patriar to become a Duke (normally a higher peer than a baron), that may not mean anything.
(Apparently, the term "Duke" was originally meant somewhat jokingly. That said, it still carries the weight of a title even if not the conventional one.) We don't see any other titles between Duke and Baron, so what does that mean?
This isn't canon, but my assumption is that it means the Baron owns important land outside of the city. This would make sense for Baron Bormul, given that the Bormul family apparently have investments in silver mines and vineyards. Assuming they own the mines/vineyards, that may make those lands "important" enough to the city for their owner to earn a title. Alternately, the Bormul family also has counterparts in Amn, so maybe baron is an Amnian title that got passed along. That's getting a bit far afield for me, though. 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, among the group at the coronation, pretty much everyone supports Gortash becoming Archduke, with the exception of Lady Sashenstar (an old woman who really isn't too impressed with this commoner) and Duke Portyr, who expresses some hesitation at the whole thing.
Duke Portyr is interesting here. Except for Ravengard (who is thralled and conducting the ceremony), Portyr is the only Duke present. Now, Stelmane is already dead, so that explains her absence. Vanthampur is also missing, which is interesting. Portyr first, though: he was Grand Duke before Ravengard. He's the one who re-instituted (Edited: and originally created!) the Parliament of Peers to make the day-to-day decisions of running the city, and ceded the title of Grand Duke to Ravengard. He's described as being conflict-averse, so it makes sense that he'd go along with Gortash's coronation, even though he's clearly unhappy about it. Also, the current leader of the Fists is also a Portyr, likely still Liara Portyr, the Duke's niece and Ravengard's second-in-command.
Thalamra Vanthampur is an interesting character, too. She's the head of the Vanthampur family, and part of the Descent into Avernus story. Apparently, she's the one who got Ravengard to go to Elturel before it sank to the Hells, intending to take his place as Grand Duke. From what I read, she also conspired with the Dead Three's cults to murder people in a bid to discredit the Flaming Fist. (The murdery bits were undoubtedly left to Bhaal's cult.) We never do find out anything about Thalamra Vanthampur in this game (I assume that's probably cut content). (Edited: She is mentioned in one of the in-game texts as having been killed, which was one of the possible outcomes of Descent into Avernus. Larian chose that as their canon, just like the fate of Elturel and Zariel.)
The only Vanthampur we do meet is Carnelia Vanthampur, who is in the Guildhall and describes herself as "a peer of the Parliament". She's willing to work with either the Guild or the Zhentarim. Nervously of course. Also interesting is that, on the Bloodstained Parchment hit list, is a Varri Vanthampur, whose gravestone you can find in Candulhallow's Tombstones shop, reading: "Varri Vanthampur. Unwanted in life, welcomed in death."
Interesting, hm?
Also on that hit list is Fridrik Hhune. The Hhunes apparently have links to the Knights of the Shield, from what I looked up--the same group the Emperor led with Stelmane. The only Hhunes we meet in-game are Blaise and Gheris Hhune, two of the werewolves in Cazador's ballroom who are brothers according to the dev notes. With them is another werewolf of a different patriar family, Duver Rillyn. This suggests Cazador has been going after members of patriar families, which sort of fits with what we know about his plans. We really don't find anything else out about them except that they consider Cazador to be their master and Astarion says they're new.
We also can talk to a Flaming Fist who mentions that Hurlbut Hhune is the father of Henrietta Hhune, who used to be secretly engaged to the Fist in question, only for her father to decide to arrange her to marry fellow patriar Derque Rillyn, who the Fist describes as "a major arsehole."
That conversation is interesting for a few reasons. For one, it tells you that arranged marriages within the patriar are a thing. Also, this Fist is a Manip (essentially a Sergeant) who can't ask the other Fists for help because "the Fists don't mess with wealthy patriars, they've got the Watch to back them up." That's aligned with what Devella can also tell you: "There are patriars on the murder target list. I'm oathbound to secure them first, so I'll be heading to the Upper City next." If you say that the Fist should protect everyone: "Not from around here, are you? We're in Baldur's Gate - this is just how things work."
This brings me back to my original issue: what is a Baldurian noble? The patriars are canonically nobles, of course, and they're undoubtedly seen as the "most important" of the nobility. From there, it's not much of a stretch to say that anyone who has earned the title of Duke is now a noble, even if they aren't patriars. I'd go so far as to say anyone on the Parliament of Peers (and their family by association) is a noble^, given that non-patriars Petric Amber and Haeril Birch are considered Lord and Lady. The information I found about that is that there are approximately twelve non-patriar members. If Amber and Birch are two of them, that leaves another unnamed 10.
^Edited: Looking at the dates, I realized that the Parliament of Peers is a very recent change to Baldurian governance. Duke Portyr originally created it after the three other Dukes on the Council of Four were assassinated. It was clearly meant as a temporary measure, but my guess is that the patriars liked having more official say. Not to mention the non-patriars who managed to get a seat. This has all happened within even the youngest of Tav/Urges' lifetimes.
Personally, I'd also assume that branch families of the patriars probably also count as nobility. By branch family, I mean those that marry out of the main line but whose ancestry stems from a patriar family. From what I've seen by naming conventions, Baldur's Gate seems to use patronmyic lineage--ancestry is generally passed to the sons, and wives take their husband's surname. So, if a daughter marries out of the family, she'd no longer be a part of her father's family lineage, but still would be considered nobility. These branch families likely still maintain powerful influence and connections from marrying into wealth, which would make them a good political/financial choice of marriage alliance, despite no longer having the main branch patriar family name. These families are also probably the ones most likely to find a place on the Parliament, too, but likely have to jockey for position if their "representative" dies (or otherwise leaves) and a new opening in the Parliament is created.
If you've read this far, as a treat you can have some crappy close-up portraits of the nobles at Gortash's coronation, grouped together in their respective boxes. 😚
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* For what it's worth, I'd count myself as a casual DnD player. I have some knowledge of DnD--I've played BG1 and 2, Planescape: Torment, along with some general cultural osmosis. I've had friends who played the tabletop version, but for one reason or another, I've never played it myself.
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eleni-cherie · 2 months
a thief's origin✨ || bts • kth - chapter 1.0
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"you're afraid I won't wait." "I'm afraid you will."
a criminal and a doctor should be as different as the sun and the moon - but unexpected things happened every day. like him finding his safe haven in her.
© 2024 | eleni_cherie
masterlist: here
— genre: thief au, gangster comedy, adventure, romcom, humour, angst, fluff, sexual tensiON, slowburn, mutual pining, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
20th December
Barcelona, Spain
Most days in the hospital were surprsingly good. Despite the unholy shift rotations - sometimes going from a late to an early shift, only giving her six hours of sleep before having to return there - Cassandra liked her work at the hospital overall.
She appreciated the routine, but also the occasional challenges. Even Pavlo decided to stop being a massive nuisance.
She even got her own group of first-years she did the round with. Now being the one acting like a quiz master which was highly entertaining, even if she had to stay professional and couldn't openly show it.
Sure, sometimes it got tiring whenever the rookies came running to her for every silly question, but she also enjoyed it. It made her feel important.
Her upskilling in surgery also began soon. It'd surely be interesting and instructive to get more insight in the opposite medical field. And frankly, she was kind of excited to witness her first real surgery.
All in all, it went well.
However, that didn't mean all days were pleasant like that.
That particular day, for example, had been one of those not-so-great-ones. The cloudy weather and her pms not helping either. Making her extra emotional after treating one of her older patients.
Her early shift ended and after bidding goodbye to Stella who had a double-shift ahead of her, she made her way out into the pre-Christmas coldness.
Christmas season was joyous for most people - or at least that was what commercials wanted her to believe - but for the young physician it had ended being fun when she'd found out Santa wasn't real at the age of eight.
The only thing she linked to this holiday now were family chaos and, well, presents. Quite superficial, in retrospective. Although she did miss the family chaos as she hadn't been able witnessing it quite often due to her work these years.
This year, however, she'd get to witness it all again, one more shift tomorrow and then she'd fly over to her home country. She'd have been more thrilled though if there wasn't one thing that concerned her. Or rather someone.
He knew she'd leave soon, she'd told him over the phone. And he wanted to visit her before, but couldn't promise being able to do so.
Cassandra wondered if her boyfriend could make it after all, he still had one and a half days left. And if not, she wondered if he'd visit her in her hometown instead. He'd met her parents when randomly showing up during one of their visits a few months ago anyway, so the biggest hurdle had already been taken.
Her brown irises focused on the ground as she adjusted the grip on her backpack. A heavy sigh leaving her lips.
She was glad it was time to go home after a draining morning. The harsh December wind brushed against her flushed cheek, wiping a few strands over her eyes which she quickly tucked away only to abruptly stop in her tracks. Her shoulders fell, only now noticing how tense they'd been all this time.
There he was - her favourite worst menace, casually leaning against a black car.
One hand shoved into the pocket of his dark coat while the other was pushing back the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose which he had on despite the cloudiness. Ignoring the wind tousling his slightly trimmed waves. Evoking a small laugh from her.
Of course she knew it was a lazy attempt to cover himself, but it'd never work for her. He looked too cool and airy, too effortlessly attractive for her not to recognise him.
And her heart swelled with the sight of him after several weeks again.
Taehyung was absentmindedly resting his eyes at nothing in particular when his gaze instinctively wandered to her. Heart-shaped lips curling upwards into a beaming smile when spotting her and he was about to call out for her, when he paused instead when noticing her gloomy expression. A frown replaced his smile.
Cassandra's jaw unintentionally started trembling.
She couldn't contain it anymore, she had to let it go. She'd planned to do so when arriving home, but seeing him there now made everything from the day along with the fact she'd missed him, raise to the surface. but it was also how he always showed up when she needed him the most. As if he knew, by intuition.
And before she realised, she was sprinting towards him, crashing into his arms and embracing him tightly.
The brunette froze for a moment before his hands curved around his girlfriend's smaller frame. Cradling her against himself. His fingers brushed a few coppery strands from her face then, urging her to look at him by holding her cheek with one hand.
"Cas, what happened?"
Cassandra didn't say anything, though. Her glistering eyes looking up at his warm ones before she wordlessly kissed him.
The fact he made sure to visit her before she left, warming her inside. Making her forget the depressing day at work for a moment.
It was a gentle press of her lips, taking him aback at the unexpected gesture. But he didn't move or backed away, he simply closed his eyes and reciprocated it. Having missed the warmth of her more than anything. And he hugged her closer to him with the arm that was still wrapped around her waist. His hand moving from her jaw to the back of her neck.
The kiss merely lasted seconds before her heels return to the ground. A weak smile grazing her face as their noses brushed and she sniffled. Her head returning to his chest then, right above his heart.
"I love you."
It slipped past her lips so naturally, so easily. He almost failed to hear it the way she so casually said it. As if she commented on the cloudy weather or that she preferred chocolate over gummibears. But he heard it after all and swallowed. His heart contracting in a strange way and he could swear a beat was skipped, completely missing.
Taehyung was her happiness and strength and the sole reason she hadn't lost her mind at the hospital yet. The only person whose weirdness was compatible with hers, really. And she had to admit, the only time she was truly carefree and at peace was when he was holding her. A terrifying realisation. Especially since she didn't want to know the alternative.
With a light giggle Cassandra stepped back and let go of him, the only evidence of her blue mood moments ago being the drying tears now. "Sorry, that was random. Let's go," she said then, readjusting her backpack. Attempting to walk to the passenger seat when Taehyung grabbed her arm and pulled her right back into another kiss.
She had the guts, he thought, she really had the guts to say it first.
"Idiot," he muttered against her lips then, a chuckle erupting from his throat, "You think I'd risk getting caught every time if I didn't love you, too?"
Cassandra pouted with a nothing but teasing shrug. "I don't know.. You could have multiple girls all over the world."
Taehyung's brow perched up at this with disbelief. "You really think that of me?"
"You really think I'd be with you if I believed you were such a guy?" she huffed, "Of course not, I trust you."
His lips curled into a boyish smile. "Good. 'Cause I only want you, no one else." He patted her flushed cheeks with the sleeve of his coat then, drying them before speaking up with sudden glee. " Anyway! It's almost Christmas and I extra came all the way here to celebrate with my girlfriend. So let's celebrate!"
Cassandra looked at him suspiciously. "And what did you plan?"
"Don't worry, you'll like it."
"As long as I get some sweets.. been really craving some chocolate," she grinned. Already certain she'd love whatever it was anyway. The mere fact he was there was already enough to lift her mood for the entire month.
He arched a brow at her then. "Of course you'll also get your obligatory holiday sweets. Are you doubting me?"
And he laughed when seeing Cassandra's large eyes gleaming at the mention of desserts.
The shrill scoring sound echoed above them when the white puck slid passed his hand and into the hole. Cassandra immediately leaped up, almost bumping at a girl playing at the table behind her. Face beaming with joy at the display announcing her victory with 10 - 7.
Taehyung's brows rose, his head tilting while still processing what had just happened. "Huh," he huffed eventually, licking over his lips then. He had to admit defeat.
Cassandra grinned victoriously as she propped her hands on the airhockey table and leaned forward. "Say it."
Rolling his eyes, he chuckled lightly. "Fine, fine. You're the arcade champion."
Content, she nodded to herself and folded her arms. "Music to my ears."
They had spent the last two hours trying out almost all games around the arcade, competing in most of them - just for fun of course, although both tended to occasionally forget about that part. And they were sore losers, too, Cassandra more than Taehyung though. And with her total of five wins against his four, airhockey having been the tie breaker, she gloried her win. All for fun, of course.
"Don't tell me some relative of yours is also an arcade genius now," Taehyung whined. He was only teasing but was surprised to see her folding her lips in a mischievious manner.
"Not in all games, but my aunt was an expert in Pacman and other videogames if that counts."
"Of course," he laughed under his breath, wrapping his arm around her shoulder and walking her to one of the empty tables.
Truth was, he'd purposely gone easy on her. Not only because of her becoming whiny and pouty when losing - an adorably childish sight - but it also served another reason. At least, that's what his ego reminded him of.
"Anyway, since you're the winner, you should get a prize, right?"
Cassandra's eyes widened at his excited smile. Watching him pulling out a small box wrapped in fancy paper from the inside pocket of his coat that was hanging over one of the chairs.
She perked up at this. "A prize?"
"Technically your Christmas gift, but I figured it'd fit as a prize, too."
He laughed at her eagerly grabbing it out of his hand after sitting down. He had originally planned to hand it over while avowing his love to her, but she'd preempted him there at the parking lot. So he decided to give it to her as her prize after beating him at the arcades.
Unwrapping it, her brown eyes laid on a golden heart pedant, shining under the colourful blinking lights from the games around them. And the corners of her lips tucked into a soft smile.
"It's beautiful," she glanced up at him, "Thank you."
He motioned with his chin towards it. "Open it."
Her eyes frowned briefly, not having realised it was actually a locket and she obeyed. Bursting out laughing the moment she did, though, finding nothing else but a silly photo of him inside. Of course.
"You can swap the photo if you want."
But Cassandra only shook her head. "Nah, it's perfect." And she leaned over, pecking his cheek tenderly. "Thank you."
"You like it?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck and she wondered where that insecurity came from.
"Yes, of course," she smiled brightly and reached out to grab his hand and squeeze it. Taehyung smiled shyly back. Taking it from her hands then, he motioned for her to turn around and she did. Feeling his fingers brush her hair aside before putting the necklace around her neck. And she touched it briefly before facing him with a smile and another kiss on his cheek.
She genuinely loved it along with the photo inside. Even if she was usually going for silver jewelery, she found it beautiful and could tell it was of value save for the emotional one. She wasn't an expert, but it must've been pure gold, which made her a bit nervous when thinking about wearing it in her daily life. On the other hand though, whenever she felt dull at work, she could take a look at it and instantly get a serotonin boost.
They finished their drinks, which had been forgotten while playing and decided to leave. Stepping outside into the now dusken streets.
"So where to now?" Cassandra asked. Voice muffled underneath her thick scarf. They climbed into the car and she shivered from the sudden warmth when the heating started.
"I promised you sweets, didn't I?"
He chuckled when seeing her nodding vigorously.
"How much longer?"
"Just be patient. I know I have it here somewhere."
Taehyung took a sip from his red wine before laying down onto the fluffy carpet. His fingers folded under his head as he let his gaze wander over the ceiling coloured in a yellowish hue from the lamp in the corner.
He got tired of waiting as Cassandra was rummaging through her wardrobe and cabinets in search for his present. She couldn't remember where she'd stored it, not knowing when she's see him again.
"It's alright if you can't find it, you don't need to give me anything," he said in between of yawning. Hearing a faint scoff from the other room.
"Of course I need to! It's not only Christmas but also your birthday soon. Don't be ridiculous."
"But I'm bored," he whined, "Just come here and give it to me some other time."
"Don't make me regret confessing to you." He heard her laugh.
"You won't," he countered with a smug grin lazily spreading onto his features, "You love me after all."
And she only rolled her eyes, shaking her head in defeat before concentrating on looking for the small box when something caught her eye. "Found it!" she exclaimed happily and appeared seconds later above him with an object decorated by a green bow.
Curiously, he sat up and reached out for it. She sat down cross-legged in front of him. Nervously, she took a sip from her own wine as she watched him. His brows furrowed when unwrapping it. Seemingly not understanding what it was, he gave her an inquiring look and she sighed.
"It's a mini portable projector," she explained then, "Thought this would be the perfect gift for a film-lover on the run like you. You could always carry it around and use it wherever."
"Are you kidding?" His brows rose and he glanced down at the box in his hands.
Cassandra grew more and more fidgety at this. "If you don't like it I can return it. Not sure if I still have the re-"
However, Taehyung quickly cut her rambling off with a kiss. His smile bright and square. "It's perfect, Cas. I didn't even know such things existed. Thank you."
She couldn't help but bite back a relieved smile. "We could test it out right now," she suggested then. But Taehyung only smiled and tucked a curl behind her ear before leaning in.
"Maybe later."
 And he pulled her into his embrace, kissing her all over again.
"By the way, when will you tell me why you got so emotional earlier?" Taehyung wondered into the silence. It was late, past midnight for sure. The film they had settled on, 'How to steal a million', had ended some time ago.
He glanced down at her with a scowl. Observing her eyes fluttering open. His hand slid up and down over her warm skin as he waited for her to muster her courage.
Sometimes Cassandra was worse than him with being withdrawn and keeping her sorrows to herself.
With a sigh, her fingers fumbled with the bedsheet covering them. "It wasn't anything special," she mumbled then, causing him to roll his eyes.
"You know, if I am more vocal with my feelings, you gotta be more vocal with your concerns, too. It'd only be fair, don't you think?"
She peeked at him, lips folding in embarrassment. He was right, he was her boyfriend after all, he should know.
"Maybe I'm in the wrong profession after all.." she eventually spoke up then, dragging an exhale. Her hand had abandoned the sheet, lying flat on his bare chest now. "I still let things get too close to me."
And Taehyung realised it must've been about a patient. She couldn't tell him details, he knew so he didn't ask for any. "Isn't that good though?" he countered instead, "You aren't emotionally numb."
"It can be.." She propping her chin on his chest, eyes focusing on the small tiger pedant that had slid from his neck. Toying with it as she collected her thoughts. "But it can make me lose objectivity when I like or care for a patient too much. At the end of he day, I have to treat them the best way possible and that's not always pleasant."
He hummed, not entirely sure if he related to her dilemma. "Better to care too much than not caring at all. That's what I think at least."
She let out a noise of agreement although not seeming very convinced. And he gave her a worried look as he caressed her head before his arms wrapped around her lower back. It hadn't been the first time he'd seen her like that after all.
"If this profession causes you so much sorrow, why don't you quit?"
She shrugged, eyes still fixated on the tiger. "I don't know.. Why are you a thief despite having to constantly run away from interpol?"
It was a rhetorical question. He understood what her point was.
It wasn't always logical, it wasn't always pleasant, but that what having a passion was like. An inner force that constantly drove you, unable not to follow it whether it made you suffer or brought you joy.
He had to be a thief and partake in heists with his friends. It was the only thing he knew and was good at. Of course, he was certain that wouldn't last forever the older they got. For the time being, however, that was his inner pulse. Until it changed and something else replaced it.
His gaze rested on Cassandra who was seemingly absorbed in thoughts when she abruptly sat up in his lap. "But it's alright. I'm over that slump by now anyway."
He eyed her suspicious. "Are you sure?"
She nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, don't worry. Beating you at the arcades and eating cake managed lifting my mood again," she giggled, and he scoffed only to tickle her sides. Making her squeal and pushing his hands away.
She leaned over him to reach the nightstand then, suddenly feeling the urge to eat some of the left-over of the cake they had bought in the afternoon.
Christmas was only a few days away but thankfully, bakeries and patisseries still had enough of the taditional tronco de navidad in stock. A thin cake spread with cream and rolled into a cylindrical shape to form a tree trunk, covered with a thick layer of chocolate.
"Gotta remember that place, it's really good," she mumbled with her mouth being half-stuffed. She was munching on the cake and seemingly saviouring every bit of it with eyes closed as she sat there on his lap.
His thumb wiped away brown cream from the corner of her mouth, his hands settling back on her hips then with a fond smile. Skin warm and soft under his fingers, holding her there between his palms. His irises fell on he heart-pedant that swayed on her colarbones with every bite she took, peeking between her cascading curls.
He really loved her. He was utterly and hopelessly in love with that beautiful girl. And he was glad seeing her so cheerful and carefree again compared to hours ago, this look suiting her the best. Sunlight burst into the room whenever she smiled like this, no matter the time of day.
Cassandra's happy humming interrupted his train of thoughts.
"You can change the photo inside if you want." His mellow voice took her attention away from her cake and she followed his gaze to her new necklace. She swallowed the dessert.
"I know, you already said that. But I don't wanna."
She liked the photo of him inside the locket. He looked cuddly and cute on it.
Taehyung only huffed and she almost cooed, finding his random shyness adorable. "Isn't it corny though?"
"A little bit, but I don't mind," she shrugged, before adding with a smirk, "Unless you stole the necklace and are now afraid of leaving evidence."
Her tone was obviously teasing and he squeezed her hips. "Please, what do you think of me?" he fake-pouted. "I'd never give you stolen goods."
Of course he had paid the full price. Cassandra was worth every price after all. Furthermore, he could never bring himself to give her something stolen, it'd be insincere. Gifts were meant to deliver his feelings to her - giving her stolen goods wouldn't make sense.
Cassandra smiled gently at this and bent down. Kissing his pout away with her chocolate-tasting lips.
next chapter: 1.1 here
Don't forget to like, comment & leave feedback!♡ It motivates me to keep writing :)
taglist: @lilanyxta @naoolammao345 @memna234 @tetehion @myblacklilame
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sophietv · 1 year
It's not about kaylor but I really want to know about the song all too well. Who is it about? I think Jake G was PR. And the lyrics doesn't fit the Taymily narrative either. This song and the relationship seems very important to her. It hurt her badly. I am asking you because you always make very informative and reliable post that makes sense and closest to the truth.
Also who is Dear John about? Is it really John Mayer? Her only straight relationship I believe in is Joe Jonas.
Thank you sooo much for saying that! It means a lot. I really can't claim that my theories are always 1000% right, but I do make a lot of research before posting, and try to cross check everything.
2. I must admit that when you asked the question, I did not have real solid theories or evidence to give you. I was even bending toward telling you that the song might be about Lizz since the timestamp of the song on Spotiy is 5:27 = Lizz birthday.
3. Considering that Taylor wrote this during Speak Now Era and that Lizz was present during that Era, well it doesn't fit the narrative of the song being about a relationship that has ended some time ago. And also, it would have been really weird to write this song during rehearsal where Lizz was present, if it was about her...
But thanks to you! I did a lot of research to try and find evidences (I read all the timelines but I'm not that well verse in what came before Kaylor and Swiftgron).
I asked what my groupchat thought about this.
Re-read the Taymily Masterpost (X)
Read and watched Taymily interviews
And now! I can say with more confidence, that I'm pretty sure this song is about Emily Poe, her fiddle player that worked with her from 2006-2008.
Now. Here's the evidences:
First. As pointed out by my group chat, the song does not seem to fit Tayliz dynamic. It seems to be talking about a complicated relationship with someone older.
As by the lyrics "you said if we were closer in age, maybe it would have been fine"
So first thing I did is look back as to when it was written.
Here's a piece of interview I found:
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Thanks to this post: (X)
We know that she wrote it during her reheasal in 2011.
Because here's when David Cook started working with her:
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And here's the date of his first show in the Phillipines:
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February 2011....
Then, I did a little digging on what was going on with Emily at the time:
And oh does it get interesting!!
Here's an Emily's interview I found (X)
And here's what she was doign in February 2011!!! (I'm excited of the evidence I've found, does it show lol) :
"Two thousand eleven was a big year for me. I became engaged in February, graduated law school in May, took the bar in July, and Eli and I were married in November.”
What did Taylor said?: "I was feeling terrible about what was going on in my personal life"
What if she just learned about Emily's engagement???
And to make it even more interesting. Here's a journal entry with the first lyrics of All Too Well:
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Confirming that it was written in 2011.
This is inchteresting.
But it gets better!
Because, before last year, Emily's Pinterest was public. And on her wedding board, she did save a picture with a red scarf....
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It's not Emily, it's just a picture that she had saved in her Pinterest. Thanks to Kate for giving me this!
But what if the red scarf was really just to tie the song to Jake???
Here's another interesting thing I've found in the Taymily timeline:
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This letter is from the video she made to Emily when she left, with everyone having "I love you Emily" signs.
It says:
“Emily– I feel as if our relationship has been taken to the next level over the past few months and with much contemplation I decided I would bestow upon you one of my most prized possession: my flamingo bandana. This is a 3rd generation family heirloom and i suggest you frame it. I think it will look perfect in your apartment with the cat pillows. Enjoy”
Inchteresting....is the red scarf a bandana??
Also. We know that All Too Well was really significant for Taylor and that for a long time, she was not able to sing it without crying...
So it's about a relationship that had a big impact on her life.
Very recently. Like in June, Taylor performed the song Breathe as a surprise song and very clearly cried during that performance.
The next day, we learned that the day before the show, Emily did this post on Facebook:
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Breathe was heavily rumored to be about Emily back when Fearless came out. But Colbie confirmed it with Fealess Taylor's Version in an interview when she said that it was about something that was going on with one of Taylor's band membre.
So yeah... this would make way more sense being about Emily and having Taylor be emotional singing it for a long time.
Than the song being about a relationship that lasted 3 months.
Of course I can't know for sure for all her relationships...
But most of them I believe was PR. Like the one she had with Jake.
Thanks for the question! It was really interesting doing all those research!
ADDITION!! : It just hit me but! The line "And you call me up again just to break me like a promise"
Fits perfectly with Emily calling her to tell her about the engagement! omg...
SECOND ADDITION: This morning when I woke up, I thought about two things that points to Emily!
1. Taylor turned 21 in 2010, 2 months before writing All Too Well.
"And you call me later and say sorry I didn't make it and I say I'm sorry too" from The Moment I Knew
to two months later:
"And you called me up again just to break me like a promise"
2. The night Taylor sang Breathe and looked devastated after Emily's Facebook post. She also sang All Too Well looking REALLY MAD.
People have all noted it.
Look: (X)
This solidifies even more that All Too Well is about Emily for me...
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lavendarlily · 6 months
yeah of course my first fic for @phicphight is gonna be crack
for the prompt that wasn't a prompt by @faeriekit
am i doing this right?
prompt: PR096 - No prompt, just a note; I can't guarantee I understand the format of the prompts required here.
words: 777
click here to read on ao3
jack stumbles across something troubling, but finds the light at the end of the tunnel.
Finally. He had the house to himself. Jazz was at a study group, Maddie went to test some weapons in the field, and Danny… well, all Jack knew was that Danny wasn’t home. 
Jack loved his family - so incredibly much that it was a miracle you could fit all that love into one man (even one at Jack’s size). Yet between the needs of his children and assisting his wife with her inventions, it was difficult to find a moment for himself. Believe it or not, Jack Fenton did in fact have interests and hobbies outside of ghosts. It was just hard to make time for them, and boy was that new yarn burning a hole in his crafts closet, just waiting to be used. First, there were a few techniques he wanted to research before really digging in.
He fetched the laptop from the basement, and grabbed a soda from the fridge on his way to the living room. Jack settled in, feet resting on the coffee table since Maddie wasn’t home to tell him otherwise. He opened the computer, and groaned to himself when a myriad of open tabs took over the screen.
He’d told the kids so many times! Close your tabs after using the computer! He was always afraid of accidentally closing or deleting something they needed or hadn’t saved. There was also a sense that looking through their history was an invasion of privacy, but whoever had used the computer last would have to give up that privilege. He carefully clicked through the tabs, making sure there wasn’t anything potentially important before exiting out of each one. At least his kids had been doing their homework - Shakespeare analyses, essay writing tips, and hey! They’d found a tutor through some site called ChatGPT that was helping them with their assignment. 
He was almost done, ready to dive into video tutorials on achieving the perfect cross-stitch, when he paused. Though Jack tried not to linger on a page longer than he deemed necessary, this one caught his attention. An all too familiar face stared back at him - multiple faces - arranged against a blue background. Jack squinted his eyes at the search bar, reading it aloud.
“Tum-bl-er,” he said slowly. What the hell was this? Jack was certainly concerned at the amount of Phantom propaganda on the screen, leading to an even more troubling question: Which of his kids had fallen under the ghost boy’s spell to have ended up on a hell-site like this?
He scrolled through post after post of photos taken by Amity Park locals, elaborate drawings of the ghost kid, musings of his origins and whereabouts and… oh gosh… love-life. Who were these people worshiping Phantom like this? And why was Jack still looking at it?
It was like a car crash - he couldn’t look away. However, this led him to one post that finally gave Jack a semblance of hope. 
Phic Phight.
Jack knew he was no genius, but he side-eyed the misspelling and continued to skim through the rest of it. Fighting was all he needed to hear, especially if there was a group of people who idolized Phantom like… this. The ghost kid needed to go. These people needed to be saved from his manipulation! The words “Team Human” jumped out at Jack from the text, and without needing any more convincing that this is where he needed to be, he clicked the link that led to where he could sign up. 
He skipped through all the boring information and went straight into entering his information. There were a few questions he didn’t know how to answer, but he was Jack Fenton! Anyone who was organizing against the ghost problem that plagued Amity Park knew where to find him. 
There were only a few questions left, labeled as “Prompts”. Jack wasn’t too certain what it meant, but he could only envision it as where to leave suggestions for the best ways to defeat and capture Phantom. He entered the words electrocute, net, and Fenton Bazooka. He felt a little guilty for not understanding the entire gist of what was going on, so he also left a quick note for the organizer in hopes they would be forgiving.
Jack clicked the submit button at the bottom of the page and smiled to himself. He couldn’t wait to meet all these other folks interested in the well-being of their town. Team Human. It had a nice ring to it. He’d be sure to let Maddie know when she returned - who wouldn’t want the Fentons on their team?
And maybe… he could even get his boy Danny in on it too. 
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lovepotionsandlust · 4 months
Part 3:
if you prefer not to read smut or are under 18, pt 4 will be posted directly after and the story can be read without this chapter. enjoy
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He released a shaky breath as you reached down to grab his hand, giving it a squeeze. Before he could say anything, you raised your hand to stop him. “this does not mean I am inviting you to crawl in bed with me, but I am inciting you to see where this can go. We have a few days before my family returns. You do not need to stay the entire time, but you are more than welcome to. If… if you leave right now.” A deep breath was needed to figure out exactly how to express what you were feeling. “if you leave right now, I don’t know if I could ever forgive myself for ignoring every magnetic force I can feel pulling me to you.” 
He brushed his thumb against yours simply nodding. 
“Freddie, the only thing I want from you, is the opportunity to get to know you better.” 
With this he kissed you again, only this time it was different. Slower and filled with more tenderness. His hands found your hips pulling them flush to his own. You gently sucked his bottom lip between your teeth pulling away slightly. A deep groan vibrated from his chest. Grabbing his hand you backed your way up the stairs. He followed eagerly maintaining eye contact until you backed into the door. Turning away only to unlock the door, pulling him in with you. 
Kicking your shoes off, removing your jacket and your hat, your head was spinning. He followed you to the farthest back bedroom. Warm fair lights lit the room aglow. As an only child, you were gifted the largest room Freddie had ever seen. He took in his surroundings, how unbelievably you the space was. Pictures of you with your friends and family littered the top of your dresser. Letters from pen pals pinned to your walls. He stepped closer reading some of the lines, trying to decipher the different languages from far away family. Books lined the windowsill, clearly loved as the bindings looked worn. The entire room smelled like you, the plush carpeting felt like heaven beneath his feet. 
You sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, watching him explore the space. After a few quiet moments you decided to break the silence. 
“Finding anything interesting over there?” He nodded, turning to you. Smiling softly as he crossed the distance between you. 
He quietly sat next to you, moving to lay his head in your lap. Running your fingers through his hair, you watched how his entire body seemed to relax. You could sense how badly he seemed to crave this. Flicking your wand toward the record player in the corner, the music filled the space softly. Allowing him time to adjust to his surroundings, you hummed along to yourself. 
“Are you ok down there?” 
He smiled, nodding in your lap “never better.” He sighed, closing his eyes, furrowing his brow. “It’s just, everything has been so tense lately. I hate having to always defend myself at home. Umbridge was really hurting those first and second years. I could not just stand by and watch any more. George seems to be the only one who understands. We had to protect them.” 
You brushed his hair back, listening intently. He then rolled on his back to look up at you. 
“Percy even made the accusation that I did all of this to impress that group of girls.” He huffs. “Can you believe that? I would toss my academic career for girls? Or even popularity? Those kids needed us to do something.” 
You let out a quick gasp, covering your mouth in shock. He raised an eyebrow looking at you confused. 
“So, you are trying to tell me, that you did not do all of that just to impress me? I thought we had something special. I think you may have to leave.” Looking down at him seriously, concern flashing across his face. You couldn’t hold your composure anymore letting out a laugh.
“Well, it did get me into your bedroom now didn’t it? Me, Fred Weasley, in your bedroom.” 
“Wait… you’re not George? Well, this is just Awkward…” you trailed off. 
“Oh, you’re going to pay for that one.” With one swift move he pulled you onto your back crawling above you, pinning your hands on either side of your head. “Take it back, I am warning you.” 
“Really? Or what Weasley? What are you going to do? You don’t scare me.” You kept your eyes locked on his. Trying to not let him see how much you were enjoying this. His eyes searched your face, reading you easily. 
“Are you enjoying this?” He smirked down at you. Wrapping your leg around his waist you pulled him in closer. His breath hitched, his hips involuntarily pushing forward to meet yours. 
“Doesn’t look like I am the only one.” You smiled up at him, then leaning down closer to your face, he brushed his nose against yours. Leaning up to meet his lips he decided to pull back, prompting you to chase his lips.
“Patience darling, patience” he stated.
Brushing your hair to the side, he began leaving slow, wet kisses down the side of your neck. Only stopping when he felt your shudder. Biting down gently, he began sucking on the sensitive skin. Allowing a soft moan to leave your lips, egging him on, he then slid his tongue against your pulse point. You could feel the bruise forming, but you did not care.
He pulled back taking a moment to check his work, his eyes flashed up to yours. His pupils were nearly blown with desire. Quickly he kissed you, hard. Your tongue ran over his bottom lip awaiting access. Opening his mouth more you rolled your tongue against his. He finally released his hold on your wrists to interlock his fingers with his, keeping your hands pinned above your head. 
He pushed his hips into you harder. You could feel his erection growing harder on your inner thigh. Your eyes rolled back at the heavy length, even through his jeans you could feel that you were in for a challenge. Griding your hips upwards to meet his, he pulled away from the kiss.
“look at you darling.” He released one of your hands, tracing his fingertips lightly over your newly formed mark. “all mine for the taking, weak beneath my touch, awaiting my every move.” He smirked, feeling confident in how your body was reacting to his. 
He didn’t think this was going to be that easy, did he? Using the leverage of your legs you quickly rolled the two of you. Now pinning his hands without trouble at his sides. Staring up at you speechless, he froze. 
"Sweet boy, just remember who said they needed who.” A low whimper left him hearing the new nickname.
Sliding down his body, his eyes stayed locked on you. Kissing his stomach, your hand found his zipper, undoing his pants promptly. He lifted his hips helping you pull them down his thighs. Your palm finding his hard cock over his boxers, the contact and pressure enough to cause him to let his head drop back for only a moment.
“keep those pretty eyes on me Freddie.” He raised his head back to look at you.
 “I need to hear you say it, tell me how much you need it.” Tracing your fingers playfully in the waistband of his boxers you paused awaiting his response. 
“Please baby, I need you so badly. I have been so good. Please put me in your beautiful mouth.” 
Your thighs tightened together, desperate for relief. You pushed the waistband lower until his cock sprang free landing on his stomach, precum dripping from the tip. Pressing your tongue flat against the underside, you slowly licked and sucked your way to the sensitive tip. Taking it in your mouth, you wrapped your tongue around it. Lapping up all of the salty, sweet taste that he had to offer. Struggling to fit his full length in your mouth, you bobbed your head slowly, pushing yourself to push all of him into your throat. Above you a louder whimper released, shooting your eyes up to him. The expression on his face told you everything you needed to know. 
“Don’t look at me like that with my cock in your mouth. I don’t want to cum yet.” 
Pulling off of him, you pumped his length in your hand. “Did I say you could cum yet? You better ask me first Sweet boy.” 
The name returning once again caused his brown to furrow, and him to bite down on his bottom lip, suppressing a moan.  He nodded down at you, attempting to control his breathing. Sucking the swollen tip back into your mouth, his hands found your hair. Pulling it into his hand and out of your face, using the handful to guide your movements. He over took all of your senses, the delicious pull of your hair, the sounds he was making above you, the way he tasted.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you stood pulling your jeans off. Kicking them to the side. His eyes trailed over your body taking it all in as if this was the last sight he ever would see. 
“No panties? You dirty girl.” He smirked up at you. 
Crawling back over him, you leaned down to his ear, whispering softly, “you don’t know the half of it.” 
Without warning you sank down taking his full length in one smooth motion. The stretch of his size had you feeling fuller than you had ever felt before. 
His hands gripped your hips so tightly you were convinced you would have bruises of his fingers left behind. His head dropping to the floor, eyes rolling back. 
“Ffffuuck! You have got to warn me before you do that if you don’t want me to cum yet.” 
Slowly you began rocking your hips, not allowing yourself time to adjust to his size. As you gained speed, the sounds you were making were pure euphoria to him. He was trying to memorize every breathy moan that escaped you. His hands assisting your hips to find a perfect rhythm, pushing you both further into becoming undone.
“Freddie you feel so good.”
“Please, can I move?” The desperation in his eyes was near pathetic, you nodded giving him permission to take over. 
His long arms wrapped around your waist pulling you flush with his chest. He began fucking up into you with a speed and force you were not prepared for. Your hands found his hair, pulling it, causing him to release another moan into your ear. Quickly your orgasm was approaching in strong waves. 
With a low growl he whispered, “I feel you clamping down on my cock.  Use me baby, give me that sweet release.” His tone deepened “Give it to me now.” Sliding his hand between you his fingers met your clit, adding a delicious amount of pressure.
With that it your orgasm began crashing down. Vision blurring, and your legs shaking, he was not letting up; continuing to plow up into you. As you came back you to Earth, you could hear his voice pleading, “please let me cum.” 
All you could do at this point was nod weakly, his hips began to flex erratically. Your name fell from his lips like a prayer over and over as he came. He filled you up pushing himself as deep as he could manage. His hips came to a stop, leaving you both to lie there, his tight grip on you refusing to release.
“Don’t get up just yet,” he said breathlessly “I just want to enjoy this a while more.” 
Nodding you rest your head on his chest, remained there entangled within each other’s limbs. After some time you slowly lifted off of him, causing you both to groan at the over stimulation. You fell to his side, knowing full well your legs would not work in this moment. He pulled you in close resting his chin on the top of your head. You listened to his heart rate slow back to a more normal rate and his breathing regulated. His eyes started to close, letting the exhaustion take over. 
“Freddie, lets get up off of the floor.” 
He nodded in agreement, standing himself up. He extended his hands, assisting you to your feet.
Curling up under the blankets you felt your muscles relax as you melted into the mattress. Placing a kiss on your forehead, you felt him pull away.  
“Where are you going?” 
“I believe the invitation was to sleep on your couch.” He shrugged.
Reaching up you grabbed his arm, pulling him into the bed with you. With a weak chuckle he spooned up behind you, holding you close to him. Leaving a gentle kiss in the crook of your neck, causing goosebumps to raise across your skin.  
“Careful now Weasley, this is how we got into this mess the first time.” 
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humanpurposes · 1 year
From Eden
Chapter 2: Some part of me came alive
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Danes attack Wincombe Abbey and a young novice crosses paths with a group of mercenaries and their Baby Monk // Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Osferth x Original Female Character
Warnings: 18+, suggestive themes, religious guilt, pathetic yearning
Words: 3400
A/n: I did not spellcheck the names. Also available to read on AO3.
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Since joining Lord Uhtred, Osferth had seen enough of the back of his horse’s head to make him sick. They moved constantly, never settling anywhere for long. So he savoured each stop, and every night he spent in a bed rather than a forest floor or a field, he made sure to express his gratitude in his prayers.
Only the ride from Wincombe was anything but dull. The girl from the abbey, Bridget, was rather impossible to ignore, pressed tightly against his back and shrouding his cloak around his shoulders to keep them both warm.
He slowed the horse once they had caught up with the rest of the group. She settled then, holding her hands on his shoulders, turning her head and resting her temple at the base of his neck through the thick material of his tunic. A thrill ran down his spine, one he hardly allowed himself to feel. 
The snow was starting to settle now, crunching under the hooves of the horses. The sky was overcast with grey clouds, yet the world seemed so bright. Bridget marvelled at the sight of the land beyond the abbey, letting out breathless little gasps at hills and woodlands.
“When was the last time you were this far from the abbey?” Osferth asked, turning over his shoulder a little.
Her wide eyes glanced up at him before she lifted her head. He suddenly felt cold with the absence.
“I haven’t been beyond the woods in over a decade,” she said, her voice was light, finding its place between wonder and sadness. 
He had much been the same, hardly venturing from the walls of the minster in Winchester, until he decided to seek out Lord Uhtred.
“Is that how long you have been at the abbey?” he asked.
“Yes,” is all she said. He had half expected a tale of her life, of her mother and father, but she simply sighed and looked ahead, peering over his shoulder to the others riding in front of them.
He told her of their company, of Lord Uhtred, a man born to a Northumbrian Lord and raised by Danes, hoping to reclaim his home. He told her how he had found himself tied to other matters. He was a warrior, a loyal servant and friend of King Alfred, but most recently he had become intent on his pursuit of the seer, Skade.
“What is his interest in her?” Bridget asked.
Osferth tutted to himself. Uhtred’s obsession with Skade had brought them nothing but misfortune and death thus far. “He believes himself to be cursed.”
“And do you believe that?”
“She is of the devil,” he said, “sent to tempt the hearts of men. That is all I care to know of it.”
And yet Uhtred remained intent on finding her.
As they rode on, he told her of the other men, Finan, the Irishman, and Shitric, the Dane, the greatest and the bravest warriors he had ever known– save for his Lord, of course.
“And what of you?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
She nodded ahead. “Uhtred of Bebbanburg, Finan the Irishman and Shitric the Dane. Where do you come from?”
He frowned and suddenly his cross felt heavier around his neck. He had been left to the monastery with no name, no title, just the weight of his father’s sins. “I am simply Osferth,” he said. 
“That can’t be true,” Bridget said. “What was it Finan called you? Baby Monk?”
His body went rigid. God, he hated that name, even more so now that she had said it.
She chuckled softly. “That makes you something,” she said.
He doubted she would soon forget the topic. “I was born in Winchester,” he said with a reluctant sigh.
“And how did you come to serve Lord Uhtred?”
“My uncle said he was a great man. I sought him out, to join him.”
“So you do have a family?”
Hardly. He had few memories of Leofric, even less of his mother.
One of Bridget’s hands slipped from his shoulder, resting against his arm. “I can stay silent if you’d prefer, seeing as you’re so intent on remaining mysterious,” she said.
“No– no,” he insisted as he cleared the tight feeling in his throat. “My life is anything but mysterious, I assure you.”
“A simple man, formerly of the cloth,” she mused.
He sounded painfully dull with the way she put it, but what was the alternative? Bastard… coward… boy.
“I suppose so,” he muttered.
As the sun slipped below the hills and night crept into the sky, Lady Aethelflaed at last decided they would make camp for the night, despite Uhtred’s determination to press on to Saltwic.
They found cover under a grove of trees where they could tie the horses, gather firewood and seek some shelter from the snow.
Osferth dismounted first, swinging his leg over the horse’s head before he turned back to Bridget. She braced herself on his shoulders as he put his hands on her waist and guided her down. Perhaps the fall was further than she anticipated; her hands tightened their grip on his shoulders and she took a sharp breath before her feet touched the ground.
“Are you alright?” Osferth asked.
“Yes, of course,” she mumbled. Her eyes flittered between his face and the ground. He had an awful feeling he had done something wrong and quickly released his hands from her.
He made quick work of unloading the canvas, bedroll and furs from his horse before he went about his usual duties, building the fire, beginning on the broth to feed the men. Bridget stood restlessly, fiddling with her hands in front of her skirts, reaching for her hair to fix a habit she no longer wore. He watched her in the corner of his eye as he worked, and gestured for her to join him by the fire once the flames came alive.
She still had his cloak on her and when she moved to take it off he stopped her. She smiled in thanks and pulled it back over her shoulders.
Even then she was unsettled. Her head turned everywhere, watching Uhtred setting up a tent for himself and Lady Aethelflaed, Finan and Shitric as they sharpened their swords and poured themselves cups of ale. 
“Your first night away from the abbey,” Osferth said and bit his tongue immediately after. It was a rather obvious thing to point out.
She cautiously eyed the other men around them, setting up their own beds and fires.
“You needn’t fear them,” Osferth said. “They will not harm you.”
As she turned towards him, her eyes and skin caught the light of the fire. In that moment she was golden and radiant, the very image of the angels he praised in his prayers. Suddenly his mouth felt dry– perhaps he needed a drink of ale.
She smiled softly. “I am not afraid, Osferth.”
His eyes were drawn to her lips and her teeth as she said it. He had never known his own name to sound so pleasant.
Lord Uhtred appeared from the tent to fetch a bowl of broth for Lady Aethelflaed, before he, Finan and Shitric joined them by the fire to eat and drink.
Finan handed Bridget a cup of ale. “The more you drink the easier it is to fall asleep,” he said, “you’ll need it with the cold.”
She winced at the first sip but laughed it off with the others. “Stronger than I’m used to,” she said.
“Does she have a bed?” said Uhtred.
“She’ll have mine,” Osferth said without hesitation. 
Finan and Shitric shared an amused look. Bridget tilted her head at him. There was that strange feeling in his stomach again, like he’d done something wrong.
“I’ll just sleep on the ground,” he clarified.
The fire kept them warm enough for an hour or so, but as the night grew darker it brought heavier snow and wind, nipping at the bare bits of Osferth’s skin, his face and fingertips. Without his cloak he felt the cold seeping through to his very bones.
He was as quiet as usual, while Finan and Sihtric reminisced back on battles and nights spent in alehouses. Bridget watched them with wide eyes and wonder.
He hardly noticed Lord Uhtred’s departure and subsequent return with a bedroll, dropping it at his feet.
“You’ll sleep better with it,” Uhtred said. “Now retire, all of you, we leave at first light.”
Osferth pointed Bridget towards the tent he had set up and told her to use as many furs as she needed.
Once he had taken the broth pot from the fire and gathered Lord Uhtred’s bedroll, he made towards the tent. Until a firm hand stopped him by his shoulder.
“You’re a better man than I, Baby Monk,” Finan muttered into his ear with an audible grin. “I’d have her sharing my bed.”
He brushed Finan’s hand away and clenched his jaw to stop himself smiling.
Was he truly being that obvious? He wanted to think that he wasn’t, but with every step he took towards the tent, the more he thought of her, lying on his bedroll, wrapped in his cloak and his furs to keep out the cold, the more he began to doubt himself.
She only caught his attention back at Wincombe when she approached him in the hall– the girl from the woods who had directed them towards the abbey. She seemed curious, fascinated at the prospect of him having left his order in Winchester, and when Haesten had attacked, she had acted courageously in spite of her fear. Heaven above, she had killed one of the men, which was one more than he could claim from his first battle.
He was acting by the guidance of the Lord, he told himself, in offering her his care and protection. He intended to honour his word. 
He was glad to be out of the snowfall and under the canvas. His cloak had been left on the branch of a tree, hanging within the tent, and Bridget had settled on the bedroll, huddling in a single layer of fur. He could see her shivering.
He laid out Lord Uhtred’s bedroll, in what small space he had. He fastened the cloak around himself, leaving his boots and his gloves on as he settled. It was too cold for anything less.
Bridget was on her side and facing him, fur pulled up to her chin, eyes squeezed shut, teeth chattering and lips trembling as she let out shaky, icy breaths.
Even as the snores of the other men sounded from the other tents, she was still shivering.
He whispered her name, and she responded with a short “hmm.”
“You’re cold,” he said.
She opened her eyes. “Finan’s trick with the ale didn’t work,” she grumbled.
He smiled. “Don’t trust everything Finan tells you.”
She angled her brows in a helpless expression and smiled back.
An idea crossed his mind, one that would have Finan grinning like a devil, but he couldn’t just leave her to the cold. He adjusted the fur around him and held it out. 
“May I?” he asked at the questioning frown on Bridget’s face.
She shuffled closer to him, dragging the fur with her as she settled herself under his arm and against his chest.
Osferth brought the fur around her, pulling her in a little closer, her head fitting perfectly under his chin. He felt the gentle force of her breath against the collar of his cloak, leaving his skin feeling deprived of her. 
She fell asleep quickly. A subtle feeling of pride swelled in his chest, but sleep did not come as easily to him. He could hardly rest, he had to make sure the furs were wrapped around her, that his arm wasn’t pressing in too harshly to her body, but that his hold was firm enough to keep her warm.
And then there were her little hums and heavy breaths. They were soft sounds, unobtrusive, soothing in a way, and his heart leapt at each one.
He tried to think of the last time he had been this close to someone. He and Finan and Shitric had found themselves in uncomfortably close proximity, finding sleep where they could on their travels. Having Bridget by his side, nestled against him, her face delicately fallen and a picture of peace in his embrace, was entirely different.
He let his hand trace over the curve of her waist and settle against her back. He liked the feel of her under his touch, their breaths moving together, her body pressed against his.
But what was it the holy book preached? The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
He clenched his jaw and tucked the edge of the fur under his hand so his palm would not touch her, not directly at least.
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Bridget insisted she was used to rising early, especially after she had slept so well– a detail which had earnt Osferth a smug look from Finan, which he met with another frown.
The mind governed by the flesh is death.
He recited those words in his head over and over again, as he helped Bridget into the saddle, as she put her hands around his waist, as her hips gently rocked against him with the movement of the horse, but he kept his head high and his hands tight on the reins.
It took a matter of hours to reach Saltwic. The men were all glad to be under a roof with some more substantial food in their bellies; spit-roasted meat, bread and more than a few mouthfuls of ale. 
Though before long, Osferth found himself being dragged out of the hall by his shoulders and Finan’s insistence that they should make use of their time to train.
Bridget was already waiting for them in the courtyard. She had shed her nun’s robes now, dressed in garments she must have been given by Lady Aethelflaed; a shirt, tunic and breeches. Modest, but he doubted her sisters at the abbey would approve. She wore them well. 
By her side she held a sword, shorter and slimmer compared to the blades wielded by Lord Uhtred and his men. Osferth looked down at his own weapon, long and slight, made to match his body.
“Which would win in a fight, a Baby Monk or a Little Novice?” Finan said cherrily, striding between them.
Osferth and Bridget shared a look of confusion.
Finan held his arms out as though he were expecting an answer. “Let's find out, shall we?” Then he withdrew, leaving nothing but empty space and a few settled snowflakes between them.
Surely he did not mean for them to attack each other without even showing Bridget how to properly wield a sword. Not that Osferth was a well seasoned fighter himself. He had seen battle, but he often let himself fall into the background unless it was necessary. 
Bridget had a fighter’s instincts at least. She had hardly hesitated to slay one of the attackers at Wincombe. He might have been dead if she hadn’t. With that he felt a little less guilt about taking a single step forward as he adjusted the grip on his sword. 
She reacted sharply, like an animal to a hunter. In a heartbeat her posture had completely changed. She was poised, her eyes wide and alert, her feet in a fighting stance and her sword at her side.
It was easy to pick up on her movements, the little signs of instinct in every reaction. Finan had often told him this was a weak point of his, the inability to read his opponent, but with her, he was acutely aware of where she was putting her weight, where her eyes were looking, each little intake of breath as they stalked around each other.
When she moved first, he raised his blade to block her, then matched her again when she took a swing at his middle.
Their swords met with a ringing clash. The metal hissed as he drew his blade along hers until they fell apart.
His heart was racing and his breaths shallow. He was becoming impossibly warm under the weight of his robes and chainmail.
Bridget was poised again, a gleam in her eyes and a small smile playing in the corner of her mouth.
“The girl’s a natural,” Finan called, “she’s picking this up faster than you did, Baby Monk!”
Osferth meant to shoot his friend a glum glare until he saw a flash of movement, her hair and the wave of her sword. He looked back to Bridget in time to parry her strike, but not before she moved around him and delicately placed her blade on his shoulder, over his chainmail, close enough to his neck to affirm her victory.
She was close enough that he could feel her breath on his skin. 
She smiled, proud of herself but without cruelty. It made his chest ache, not unpleasantly.
“Where did you learn to fight?” Finan asked.
A small part of Osferth died as she turned her eyes away from him. She lowered her sword and stepped away.
“I learnt a little from my brother,” she said.
“Good man himself,” Finan said, drawing his own blade and nodding for them to follow his lead as he brought them through a few stances.
“Yes,” she said softly, “yes he was.”
Osferth hardly let himself look upon her as they trained, unless Finan asked them to spar. They became less evenly matched each time they did so. He found himself slipping further and further into his own mind. Each time she smiled at him it awakened something bright and unnerving within him. He clasped at the memory of having her waist in his hand, her breath against his neck, her body pressed into his.
He excused himself once Finan decided they were done and decided to forgo the suggestion that they replenish themselves in the hall with more meat and ale.
He went to the chapel, tucked away in the corner of the estate within Lady Aethelflaed’s private apartments. It was far from the noise of the stables, the rowdiness of the hall, the heat creeping under his skin every time his eyes met Bridget’s.
The chapel was small, cold and dark, lit only by a collection of candles at the altar. He came to his knees on the stone floor before it, clutching his cross in his hands. 
He asked for peace of mind, for clarity, for an answer.
Why her? Why had the Lord seen fit to guide them to Wincombe and urge her to join them? Why had his mind become so utterly consumed by her, not some lewd temptress of cruel intention or evil spirit, but a woman of beauty, warmth and courage? Perhaps it was a tempting of faith, a lure to sin and depravity.
“The mind governed by the flesh is death,” he whispered to himself, “but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”
A breeze blew through the chapel, ceasing when the door was quietly closed.
Osferth froze, stroking his thumb over his cross.
Soft footsteps moved against the flagstones until a figure stood at the altar. She was still in her training clothes, her hair flowing freely down her back. Most of her face was obscured in shadow, save for the edges of her cheek and her nose. He watched her hands as she lit a taper and brought it to the wick of a new candle. 
She bowed her head in a silent prayer, the flames lighting the curve of her lips. She whispered something to herself but the words eluded him. He wondered what she might be praying for, if she felt the same turmoil as he did.
The room remained silent, save for the hum of the flames. Ordinarily he found peace in silence, but now it felt unbearable.
Bridget turned around, still bathed in darkness, an intangible vision, like a ghost, untouchable. The colour of her eyes were lost to darkness but he felt them boring into his.
She took a step closer to where he knelt. He held his cross a little tighter as traced the shape of her slightly parted lips, and felt a restless urge rising in his gut.
“What are you praying for, Osferth,” she said.
Without thinking he flexed his hand to regain some feeling in it. He might as well have been a lifeless entity otherwise.
The mind governed by the flesh is death.
“Strength,” he uttered, desperately keeping his eyes on her face, not the curves of her body and the belt cinching in her waist. “And courage also.”
Bridget suddenly retreated into herself. She kept her hands clasped in front of her and smiled. “I pray for that too.”
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General taglist: @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy @theoneeyedprince @tsujifreya @dreamsofoldvalyria
From Eden taglist: @greenowlfactif @tinykryptonitewerewolf @bellaisasleep @brianochka @doomwhathouwilt @sarahkimtae
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
Father, Forgive Me
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Warnings: Religious AU! Preacher Jake. Cult activities and dark religious themes. Blood, gore, violence, language. Minors DNI. 18+
Masterlist Next Part
Prologue: For I have Sinned
There are a few defining characteristics that one must have to be considered a good leader.
Kind eyes, a bright smile, quick wit, a firm handshake, a charming personality, and a silver tongue that could sell ice to a polar bear. Most people only needed a few of these to be convincing enough for someone to blindly follow them.
But, if someone possessed all of these qualities and topped it off with a southern drawl and movie star face and the wrong intentions, well—they could be downright— deadly.
That's exactly what happened to the good people of Ginger Ridge, North Carolina. A devilishly handsome young reverend rolled into their town. Reverend Smith. He was young, mysterious, —different.
He fixed up the old white church at the top of Ridge Hill. He came to town and invited the people to hear his sermons. At first, he seemed amazing. Charming, caring, sweet. Everyone loved him. No— they adored him—especially the younger folks who seemed lost in their faith.
Soon, he started hosting "special" prayer groups for the lost teens and young adults of Ginger Ridge. Many of the older folks stopped attending after this. They felt like Father Smith wasn't preaching the word to them anymore. They felt like he had changed. His teachings became— darker. They townspeople tried to keep They young folks away from him, but it was no use.
The lost youth continued to flock to him like moths to flame. Blindly holding on to every word he said. In their mind, Father Jonas Smith was the mouthpiece of God, and they would do anything to please them. Maybe that's why after his disappearance, there were over dozen blonde haired, green eyed babes born to some unwed mothers in Ginger Ridge.
The full moon hung high in the sky that night in the sleepy mountain town of Ginger Ridge. It was peaceful as a warm summer wind blew in through the open windows of the townspeople's homes. That peace would soon be disturbed by the sound screams and cries for mercy as Reverend Smith's "lost youth" carried out his sinister plan.
When the local law enforcement from the next town over was tipped off, they immediately contacted the FBI. Agents came into the small mountain community and couldn't believe their eyes. Blood and bodies of men and women filled the streets and homes. The youth and children were nowhere to be found. Upon further investigation, they were found in the white church at the top of Ridge Hill.
All of them were clothed and singing a sermon in white robes that had been stained and splattered with the crimson red blood of their family and friends.
When they were taken in for questioning, each one said the same thing. "Reverend Smith preached the good word to us. He is truly a prophet of God. Our souls will be welcomed in the Great Hereafter now that the sacrifice has been given." What was even more disturbing than that were the roughly fifteen or so girls between the ages of eighteen and twenty-four who all claimed that they had been extra blessed because they had been selected by God himself to carry the child of Reverend Smith and raise the next generations of prophets.
The FBI attempted to locate Reverend Jonas Smith after that night, only to find that he never existed.
After months of searching for him, the trail went cold, and the case was given to you, Agent Y/N Walters. After a few weeks of digging you did stumble upon a similar case from Massachusetts, except the man believed to be behind it was someone named Father Jackson Simmons and a case from Texas but the person of interests name in that one was James Simon.
You read each file and realized that Jonas, Jackson, and James all had to be the same man. You just had to figure out who he really was and stop him before the events of Ginger Ridge were repeated.
The windows were down on his beat up late eighties model pickup truck as Jake Seresin drove down the highway. He fiddled with the radio station landing on a Beach Boys song as he drove past the "Welcome to California" sign.
The sun was just setting as he pulled into the small seaside motel in the town of Del Angelo. He adjusted his tie and grabbed his duffle bag before exiting his vehicle.
"Good evening." The older woman at the desk greeted him.
"Evening Ma'am." Jake said as he walked up to the counter. He dropped his bag by his feet and set his worn Bible and keys on the counter.
"How can I help you?" She asked him.
"I called yesterday. I have a reservation for the next few weeks under the name Saunders." He said before giving her a wide smile.
"Ah, yes, I remember. Jason Sauders. I have the reservation right here. A room on the third floor, end of the hall, just as you requested." She smiled at him before handing him the key. Jake handed her a large stack of bills and gave her a wink.
"My name is Ethel if you need anything, and if I'm not around, you can ask my husband David or my daughter Mary-Ann." She told him.
"Thank you, Miss Ethel. You know there actually is something you might be able to help me with." He said.
"What's that?" Ethel asked him.
"When I was driving in town, I noticed an old boarded up church. Any idea who I could talk to about fixing it up?" Jake asked her.
"You'd probably need to talk to Mayor Andrews about that. Is there any reason you want to fix up that old place?" She asked him.
"Well, Ethel, my full name is Reverend Jason Sauders, and I was hoping to fix up that church so I could bring the word of God to the people of Del Angelo." Jake told her.
"A preacher? My word, we haven't had one of those here in years. Lord knows we need one. You might be just what we need around here, Reverend Sauders." Ethel beamed.
"I hope so. I know that after I'm finished, Del Angelo will never be the same." Jake smirked at her before grabbing his things and heading to his room. He chuckled to himself, knowing that the first part of his plan had already been put in motion.
Tagging some who might be interested: @thedroneranger @roosterscock @shanimallina87 @desert-fern @teacupsandtopgun @mayhemmanaged @lovinglyeternal @lovingbradshawafterdark @wkndwlff @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @hecate-steps-on-me @cassiemitchell @na-ta-sh-aa @blueoorchid @milestellerlover @katieshook02 @mak-32 @je-suis-prest-rachel @soulmates8 @ohgodnotagainn @diorrfairy @eli2447 @xoxabs88xox @potato-girl99981 @djs8891 @roosterbruiser @roosters-girl @sebsxphia @roostette
Hope yall enjoyed my unmedicated ADHD filled dumpster fire
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devillime · 1 year
ok I've been seeing a lot of how the obey me characters would replace mc but let's think about how they would react after finding out they've been lied too
I just wanna preference this saying that this is about my mc you can feel free to tell me how your mc would react so a lot my Headcanons are in this i.e some of the characters in theater/anime club with nanami (that's my Mc name I just didn't feel like putting down just in case people got confused)
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Diavolo thought it might be good to include another exchange student to the course to see how things will play out but sadly don't go how he wanted to
I can see Luke essential not really liking the new exchange student he knows how mc can be obvious sometimes but for the most part she can with stand a lot of issues on her own so when she starts getting in to trouble he finds it suspicious especially since it after the new exchange student joined
even though she know mc that well she can spot the difference between a liar and the truth so when mc starts getting into trouble out of nowhere she knows it's not mc fault
same as thirteen he doesn't know her well but since he cares for his few friends in the newspaper club and mc has help resolve conflicts they tend to run into plus allow them to get the latest scope on the theater club plays he can tell by her actions that mc isn't the type to start drama then act like the victim she admits her mistakes
he can only go off the thing mc has done and stories from Luke but he can tell that mc is good hearted helping people despite being around demons she never excludes anyone even if they did her wrong she also makes sure to talk to him even though most people take one look at him and run
He knows mc doesn't fully forgive him for the incident but she still acts civil towards him even after he lied the fact she never excluded him when she was rightly do so he can never replace mc
simple her cooking he can tell she puts her love into her cooking and he deeply appreciated he never felt ashamed to eat around her once he met mc family in the human realm he felt as if his family was whole again and for that he’s forever thankful but once the new exchange student arrives and mc starts getting into trouble he doesn't believe he knows mc
Satan and Leviathan
I group them together because they don't believe anything that comes out the new exchange student mouth they know how hard mc work just so they could get into the theater club with her and both of them feel closer to each realizing how similar they are and found people with similar interests as them thanks to mc
if he can see into the future then he can see through the new exchange student bs like come on "mc pushed me downstairs all because she's jealous of me" lies you walked down then fell off on three steps
at first he wanted to believe the new exchange student but remembering the time he spent with mc and how hurt he would be in her position so he stayed neutral for the most part until barbatos told him everything let's just say in a fit of rage Diavolo screamed but it ranged throughout devildom
as much as the new exchange student tries to copy asmo they could never replace mc he's loves her way too much but one the new exchange student starts talking shit about mc during a spa day "listen here my dear you better stop talking about my sweet cotton candy like that or else I'm gonna do something you wouldn't like" after that he kept an eye out
ah this stupid old man that I love he obviously lived around long enough to know the difference between a trick so he pulls the new exchange student aside making a very clear statement that scares the the new exchange student
he genuinely wants to see the good in people so it hurts mc when he looks at her and say "I didn't know you were like this mc " he feels bad after saying that especially when he bring it up to everyone at the Purgatory Hall he feels as if he did something one the others give him blank expression
agh my heart it hurt writing this but since at this point mc doesn't need a body guard especially after going under solomon wing mammon starts to connect with the new exchange student but he doesn't realize how much he's been putting off his plans with mc and once trouble starts mammon lashes out at mc but he does feel guilty once he looks into mc eyes
oh god where to start he doesn't buy some of the excuse the new exchange student throws toward mc but the new exchange student does things that lucifer felt mc hasn't done for him so he starts to believe the new exchange student he does get hurt when mc starts to skip meals because she doesn't want to see him
how mc feels
she knows what the new exchange student is doing and she's choosing to ignore it she not really bothered by it for the most part but normally she fine with things since it means she doesn't have to worry about mammon dragging her away from her friends and since lucifer doesn't check up on her as often she's been eating in her room watching tv
a lie has been exposed
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one day mc was in the student council room looking for some notes Satan had left for her "oh mc so nice to see you!" they say approaching mc but mc ignores them and still was searching for the notes till she got hit on the head "don’t ignore me when I'm talking to you" mc held her head looking up at them holding a candle holder "now you're gonna listen to me I want you to tell Diavolo that you would like to drop out of the exchange program and give your D.D.D to the trash since who needs you huh? I know your hurt when lucifer holds my head or how mammon chooses me over you or does it hurt knowing siemon doesn't like you anymore hmm?" Once they turn around they saw the brothers and everyone else there they had no excuse now "ooohh busted"
Luke and thirteen
the first two to yell "I TOLD YOU SO!" thirteen mine that luke
luke checks on mc wounds
thirteen mainly telling mammon off for being stupid
mainly making fun of luckier
"huh who would have though the lucifer would be trick by a human hmph"
"I don't even have a pact with them yet I know she never do the things she been accused of"
has the biggest grin
Beel,Belphie, Satan,Levi and Asmo
they are mainly pissed about the fact mc got hurt but are also man realizing what mammon and lucifer had done
"oi mammon lucifer apologize to her you guys are the main cause of this"
*sighs* "I know mammon stupid but you too lucifer so disappointing"
"if you guys don't make things right I'll find ruri Chan and make her force you guys to get things right"
"can't believe you guys trusted someone over mc despite us knowing her for years now"
"lucifer,mammon just make things right between her please I don't want this drama to go on any longer it making me lose my appetite"
he felt as if he couldn't trust himself anymore
"I hurt mc trying to be so humble about giving them a chance they ruined my and mc relationship"
Simeon just stared at the ground bearing himself up in his thoughts
Solomon and Raphael
on any other auction they would try to make simeon a bit better he doesn't deserve it
solomon mainly is smiling but something popped in his head
"say simeon,mammon didn't both of you say that demons can know when someone is lying and angel know when someone is good hearted I wonder why didn't you use that power?"
Raphael was even shocked once that phrase left solomon mouth but he couldn't help but agree it was true
"he has a point we have power to know when someone is being truthful with us yet you believe someone who time he wasn’t even as long as mine or thirteen time here yet you ignore someone who might as well know you for a few years now"
he started crying violently running to mc hugging them
"mc I'm so so sorry I didn’t mean to ignore you please forgive me please!!"
he clinged on her tightly to the point she almost couldn't breathe
he let go but rested his head against her shoulder sodding a apology through sobs
Diavolo and Barbatos
they don't speak for a bit but clearly agree with what solomon and Raphael had said
"Well you two are very much right but I like to apologize for almost believing the lies as I wouldn't want to be in mc position having people I trust fall for the smallest things with that being said I think we'd be better off with just two human students instead of three"
the new exchange student bags were already packed by the time anyone realized barbatos had disappeared and open a portal
once the exchange student left barbatos cleared his throat
"well now the problems gone I'll gladly make dinner for everyone since things have been so hectic"
he didn't react to much what was going on he was laser focus on mc
"I foolish let someone get between us she can never trust me again"
after the dinner party lucifer dragged mc into his room
once they were alone in his room she instantly "ew it fucking smells in here bleh it you get new candles?? they smell awful!"
he smirked the scoop her into his arm laying her on his bed buiring his face into her neck
"im so sorry for not believing you I know it's gonna take a lot to earn your forgiveness"
she was going to act cocky till she noticed that the others saw that they exposed themselves
kept making face to the others words
was suprised it took mammon so long to cling onto them
the minute barbatos offer to make dinner
"oh how could we not expect it I mean it be a waste to refuse your delicious food"
kept making joke towards simeon,mammon and lucifer
"awww did someone miss my warm hugs but knowing your sadistic ass it probably something else"
couldn't walk the next morning because of lucifer
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One of the guys
AN: Yet another ask that's been a long time in the answering. My new year's resolution is to be quicker with these things! Hope you like some baffled Bucky, Em.
Unbeta'd ramblings
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Relationship: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: Approx 700
CW: None - it's Fluff
“So, if you really want to compare the Mark 3 and the Mark 4, you gotta look at the injectors, because more efficient fuel transference means more horsepower…”
Your friend Rory was chatting to Bucky about his favourite subject. Cars. Bucky was trying not to let his eyes glaze over.
“Do you think we ought to rescue him?” You leant over, and stage-whispered into Kate’s ear. The dark-haired archer covered her giggle with her hand, but both of you caught Bucky’s slight side glance toward where you were both sitting, enjoying your cocktails. 
You’d decided to hold a cook-out for your birthday so there was a mix of all of your old friends, and all of the new friends you’d made through Bucky.
Growing up you’d had more male friends than female, a cabal of honorary brothers, so you’d always known that when you finally settled down your boys would have to at least partially haze your chosen partner, and then once accepted he would be absorbed into their group, whether he wanted to be or not.
‘Love me, love my bros.’
When you’d first introduced them to Bucky they’d been sceptical. You couldn’t blame them. Firstly, he was actually the only boyfriend you’d made ‘run the gauntlet’ so they knew you were serious. Secondly, it was James ‘Bucky’ Barnes. A man born in 1917, held hostage, tortured and brainwashed into committing heinous crimes for decades, before breaking free, becoming a fugitive, and then, finally being deprogrammed and pardoned. There was a lot to unpack there.
However, it seemed that he’d passed whatever test they’d put him through, because as soon as they’d arrived today, Rory, Jerome, Lee and the others stumbling out of an SUV, they’d practically kidnapped Bucky away from you and the rest of the Avengers.
And bless your guys, it was sweet. They wanted to include Bucky in all of their conversations about cars, computers, hockey and football. He could join in, obviously. He wasn’t completely clueless about those topics, but having grown up in the Great Depression, those sorts of things hadn’t been the focus of his youth. A different time, a different place.
“I saw a flying car once.”
“Bro! Really?” Rory stopped his rambling at Bucky’s statement and you felt the smile creep over your lips.
“Yeah, the 1944 World Expo. Howard Stark was showing off the car of the future. It was shiny and red. Oh I wanted a car like that, so bad, even if the prototype had a few bugs.  Still pissed when I found out that neither Howard or Tony had been able to make it a reality.”
“So this Expo was full of, like, futuristic shit?”
You watched them over your sunglasses, the boys all leaning in now, hanging on Bucky’s every word.
“Well, for 1944 it was definitely futuristic. But if you really want to talk futuristic, you gotta know about some of the tech they have in Wakanda.”
For emphasis, Bucky straightened out his left arm, wiggling his fingers and your friend’s mouths all dropped open as they watched the plates shift and heard the servos whir.
“You gotta tell us about Wakanda, man.” Jerome pushed himself slightly forward. “I can’t believe you’re tight with the royal family. Is Princess Shuri as hot in real life?”
Uh-oh. You winced internally. Bucky just raised an eyebrow, before speaking again.
“You know how you guys feel about Angel-face over there? About how if I’d disrespected her you’d all try to take me apart? Well that’s how I feel about Shuri. So you wanna ask me another question?”
Jerome had the good grace to look embarrassed and suddenly find a burning interest in his shoes. There was an awkward silence for a moment, before Lee leant forward.
“They’ve got some kind of Mag-lev trains haven’t they? Faster than the Japanese ones?”
You let out the breath you’d hadn’t even realised you’d been holding, as Bucky’s mouth broke into a broad grin. 
“Anyone got a pen and paper. I’m gonna need to do some visual aids for you chumps.”
They all broke out into peels of laughter and you turned back to Kate.
“Scratch that. I think he’s gonna be just fine.”
Taglist: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @sidepartskinnyjeans @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @goldylions @ohsymphony @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @seitmai @poppunksnowwhite
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roseofhybrids · 6 months
Human Uzi AU
Since last episode fucked up immensely this AU, I’ve decided to add one of the latest revelations to the plot of this AU… but with a twist.
Now Uzi and Tessa are a mirrored version of each other: a human that thinks to be a robot and an (admittedly very human-like) robot that thinks to be an human.
Only that while Uzi will come to (very reluctantly accept it), Tessa won’t.
After all how you would react when a younger version of yourself that looked like got badly merged with Cyn tells you that you’re just one in a long line replacements of a long dead person?
So, a human Uzi and robot Tessa
I'd say it also adds more depth to the line of human-like androids Uzi believes herself to be at the start. While in the original draft that acted mostly as an explanation for how she didn't think anything was amiss, in this new version you can add an extra layer by having Tessa actually be that model of android. It'll establish the existence of that type of robot, without an immediate connection to Tessa herself. It would also explain how Tessa thought she was human when she wasn't.
Sounds like an interesting variant of the "last of their kind" trope. Often when that kind of character is written, they only believe themselves to be an endling, when there's actually some more of their kind around. They meet them, and then must choose between the blood family or found family. Cept, in this case, said blood isn't actually one of them. Which, I can't think of any pieces of media that have handled it that way. I'm sure there must be a few that have, but none come to mind right now.
Would also make any conversation where Tessa tried to comfort Uzi about being human a bit ironic. With her seemly speaking from experience about what it's like to be one, when in reality she's going off of implanted and fabricated memories.
It would be nice to have two parallel conversations with them. One where Tessa tries to comfort Uzi about human. A connection through being some of the last members of their kind, surrounded by people very different from them.
And one where Uzi tried to comfort Tessa about being an entirely different species than you thought you were. A connection through the experience of realizing your form isn't what you thought it was and that you were lied to about what you are.
Two mirrored interactions with different outcomes. One where the person grows to accept themself, and one where they refuse to.
Also, for bonus angst points. Depending on how close you want the two to be. You could have Uzi take some comfort in having another human around. Like, when she starts to accept the fact she's a human, part of the reason could be that well, Tessa's one, and she's not that bad. Only for that to be dashed when it turns out her friend is another robot, just like everyone else she knows.
It could even act as a way to test her resolve. How would she react to finding out? Would she start to question herself again now that her proof that humans can be good is gone?
The answer, of course, which you can either have Uzi reach on her own or have it pointed out to her by a friend(s) of your choice. Is that, after the journey the group has been on, Uzi herself would be proof that humans can be good.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
I found you (Yazukza Eren J x fem!reader)
Basically, you've been messing w his yakuza group anonymously, n he finally finds you (why did i think of the "me when i fucking get you" meme)
Content: Angst, eren's a bitch, suggestive, kidnapping, language, cocky-ish reader, a lil fluff, plot twist btwn u n eren
Oml this prob the darkest thing I've written
banner by: cafekitsune
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It hurt to open your eyes, so here you are in this dark environment; more specifically a cold floor. There's a blindfold over your eyes, not that it matters because once again it hurts to open your eyes.
The smell of mold is so powerful that it's the only thing you take note of. Where the fuck are you? You aren't even sure how long you've been— where ever this is.
Creak, thump, thump, thump. That tiny voice was telling you to pick your head up because someone is coming, the louder voice was reminding you that you answer to no one so you will not pick your head up.
The blindfold was removed and you let out a groan. The light hitting your eyelids already feels bad enough, opening your eyes is going to be a pain in the ass.
"Open your eyes." A soft spoken voice commands. You do so out of curiosity, and boy, are your findings humorous.
"I refuse to believe I was kidnapped by a thin, blond, boy such as yourself." You attack him with your words. Those baby blues widen, the blond smiles maliciously.
"I didn't kidnap you, my friend did. I'm just here to get answers from you." The blond runs his hand through his short hair.
"So you're supposed to torture me? How cute." He only has shown enthusiasm to your behavior, which pissed you off a little.
"Precisely, I may not seem all that scary but I know how to get answers from people." He say intimidatingly.
You say nothing in return because you don't believe him at all.
"F/n, L/n, is it? That little sister of yours is very pretty. Wonder what would happen if I sent some guys-"
"My sister is more than capable of kicking ass, she learned from the best." You imply yourself as the best.
You're twenty-three while your sister is twenty. She's learned self defense and offense attacks in case of an emergency.
"Interesting, most people crack when a family member's life is at stake." He grins.
You are a little bit worried, but you know your sister better than anyone. She can handle anything thrown at her.
Armin, you learn, keeps asking questions, trying to get information out of you.
"You might want to just tell me because my buddy Connie isn't as nice as I am." He threatens.
"Let's hope he doesn't hit like a sissy." You respond.
Armin laughs like he's crazy. Then once again asked, "why have you been stealing our shipments and sabotaging our missions?" His voice no longer held any softness it had earlier.
"Like I said the last time, because I wanted to." A smirk creeped onto your face. Armin was getting impatient with you and your annoying back and forth with him.
He clicks the little earpiece and starts talking, "should I send in Connie or Mikasa? She's refusing to cooperate."
He was silent while the person on the other end spoke.
"Oh... alright I'll wait for you to arrive." Armin smirks at you an evil look in his eyes.
"You've done it now, have fun speaking to him." Armin crosses his arms and begins to whistle.
Excitement flows throughout your body, who are you going to encounter next?
Within a few minutes a man with long brown hair, emerald green eyes, and a well fitted suit walks in with a woman who has short black hair and a red scarf, the other man has a growing buzz cut and a nasty scowl on his face.
"It still surprises me that one woman has been able to cause so much chaos in my group." His velvet voice shook your soul.
"Never underestimate a woman, Eren." The black haired girl speaks, she has the voice of an angel.
"You can go Armin, thanks for the help." The brunnette dismisses him.
"Of course, if you need anything I'm in the main building." Armin smiled at you as he walked out, it was more of a childish 'you're in trouble now' kind of smile.
"Do I look familiar to you?" Eren asks.
You knew an Eren when you were a young girl, that was a long time ago. This man doesn't look the Eren you knew.
"No, am I supposed to recognize you?" Eren looks at your chained arms and he chuckles.
"You should recognize me, does 'Eren's famous mud pies' ring any bells?" He asks folding his big bulky arms.
"I didn't want to believe it was you." Is all you say sighing.
"What was your reasoning, if you didn't know I was the head of this group?" When Eren had found out his childhood crush was antagonizing him, he thought that you were trying to get his attention.
"Your father." Eren's eyes widened.
"My father?" He asks.
"Yeah, at first I thought he just didn't like my family. Recently though, from the test results it turns out he killed my father and once attempted to murder me in my sleep. I was only returning the favor. Seems the old geezer retired and put you in his place to save his ass." Before Eren could respond Connie spoke up.
"How do we know she isn't lying?" He asks.
"That would be a very sick thing to lie about." Mikasa counters.
"So Dad wasn't lying about that..." Eren whispers more to himself than to anyone in particular. You hear it anyway and your eyes squint.
"You knew?" Betrayal starts to seep through your body, even if you haven't seen Eren in a long time he was still somebody you used to trust your life with.
"Well yeah, but when he confessed it sounded too ridiculous to be true but now that I know it's true, I'm angry. I can't believe he tried to fucking kill you." The look on his face is lethal. You understand his anger but it makes you upset that he's more concerned about you than the fact that Grisha killed your father.
"It doesn't matter to you that he killed my dad?" Venom is laced in your voice, Eren's emerald eyes flicker your way and they soften for a moment.
"That's not what I meant. Of course I'm mad he killed your father. I'm... I just- I'm pissed he tried to kill the girl he knows I love! Even if that bastard is my father, he's going to pay." Eren blurts his love confession to you and everyone else is shocked, including you.
"Love? Eren what the actually fuck? Why didn't we know about this?! I thought we were like family!" Connie shouts he sounds more betrayed than angry.
"Yeah Eren, what the hell? Saying you love me won't bring my dad back." You're smug now, it hurts thinking about him but you won't cry, especially not in front of the son of the man who killed him. That would only make his death more pitiful.
"You can't seriously be implying you don't feel the same way." Eren's voice holds none of that comfort from earlier.
"Eren, don't do this. Not everything will go your way." Mikasa reminds him calmly.
"I wasn't fucking talking to you Mikasa! Answer the damn question!" He screams at you.
It seems he's the same as he's always been, your little maniac.
"Eren you are so pathetic, why obsess over someone like me?" His hands ball up into fists and it looks like he might bust a vein.
"Quit stalling, you can't tell me you don't love me after all those years we spent together." Connie grips his shoulder, but it does nothing to ground Eren because he's lunging at you in rage.
"No Eren, I don't love you. How could I? You and your asshole father can rot in hell." You're lying straight to his face, you want nothing more than to kiss him right now. It's not possible, maybe in another life where your father is still breathing.
Mikasa and Connie use all their strength to pull him back. You watch as they escort the love of your life out of the basement. He's screaming and cursing at you. The only thing you seem to tune into is, "This isn't over! I know you love me! You can't punish me for something I didn't do! I still love you." The last part was spoken quietly.
Your heart was beating loudly in your chest from everything going on. When he's out of sight, you mouth, "I love you too."
pt 2??? maybe?????
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btsarmymoonmoon · 22 days
What happens when you cover for your best friend in front of her family? Eventually smut, +18 please proceed with caution. Can be found on my AO3 as well. 10k words. Hope you enjoy. 48 days till sunshine is back!
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Min Jee and you. Two best friends since the both of you remember. You started hanging out probably around primary school, went to the same secondary school. For the past two years you were both attending the same Uni, doing different courses. Most of the days your classes started and ended around the same time so it wasn’t a problem for you to continue being inseparable. You didn’t have any other close friends, it was always just the two of you.
Your families were on somewhat friendly terms. Each side knew that their child will be fed and safe and taken care of and that kind of trust continued over the years between the two families. You were really friendly with Min Jee’s parents, especially with her mum. They were both so similar, you found it really easy to discuss things with her or ask for advice. You were also quite friendly with Min Jee’s older brother, Hoseok. He was few years older than you and was always on your side. Both of your sides. He was the best older brother you could ever ask for, even though you were an only child. He would always cover for the two of you, he would pick you up from places, parties, dates when they didn’t go as planned. He would drive you to places and even take you shopping at times. He was kind. Very kind and very warm. You were always jealous that Min Jee could count on him so much. So could you actually. There were numerous occasions  were you were picked up by Hoseok in his car from a shitty date or a party on which Min Jee didn’t wasn’t allowed to go. He would drive you home if you needed to go back after staying up late In his sister room. It wasn’t unusual for him to help you and take care of you like that.
Hoseok had a friend group, and together they made seven. You met them on some occasions but they rarely hung out at Min Jees house anyway. Although it must have been often enough because now that the two of you were at university and attended a lot of different parties one of her brothers friends started being interested in Min Jee. Kim Seokjin, the oldest of the group. If he ever was on the party that the two of you went, he would always mingle around came to say hi and sometimes you would catch them on a balcony, completely on their own, chatting the night away. There was absolutely no way that Hoseok could find out. He was extremely overprotective over his sister, especially in the dating department. None of his friends met his stupid standards and weren’t good enough to date his little sister. Well at least that’s what he thought because it seemed like both Min Jee and Seokjin were slowly falling for each other. They never went on an official date because of that reason but they did meet quite frequently and at the start you believed that they were coincidences but after a while you realised it was pre planned to look like a coincidence.
‘Please, please! Do this for me. All you have to do is come here and hang out for a bit and then I will text you, or won’t doesn’t matter and you will say you’re joining me at this party. But in reality you will just go back home’ Min Jees had genius plan on how to stay the night at Seokjins, without raising any suspicions.
‘And what if your brother will want to give me a ride? Where will he drive me, to mine?!’ you chuckled at the entire idea. ‘You know he will sniff my lie right away, he’s not your parents’ you added.
‘What if I will have Seokjin call him and you will be able to just leave?’ she wouldn’t give up. This girl was evil.
‘Okay okay, I will try! Will the key by under the frog as usually?’ you asked and she nodded.
‘Does that mean you’re saying yes?’ Min Jee got up from your bed and started running across the room to you.
‘Yes, I’m saying yes. Who else will do this for you? Just use condoms I beg you, I am too young to be an aunt’ you rolled your eyes and opened your arms to hug her.
‘Yes mum!’ she pretended to salute you, smiling brightly.
‘Right, when is the d-day?’ you asked and pulled her away from yourself.
‘Tomorrow night! Speaking of I need to go and pick up few things from the shop on the way home, I better get going..’ she picked up her backpack from your rooms floor and shoved books that you were using only few minutes ago back inside.
‘What time do you need me to come around to yours to make it believable then?’ you wanted to make sure all the details of you evil plan were discussed ahead of time.
‘I want to say about 5? You can say that I still have classes and promised to meet you at mine to get ready for a party. That should do it’ she nodded, waved at you and disappeared behind your door. ‘I will text you’ she shouted from the distance and was gone.
You finished your classes and as promised you have started going towards the Jungs house. You weren’t in the hurry, at the end of the day you were literally about to sit in their kitchen for few hours to then be stood up by their daughter and leave to meet her at a party. So you decided to walk, at least from the station to their home. Sometimes you would get ride from Hoseok, but today was definitely not the time to ask him for a lift to HIS house.
It took you about thirty minutes to get there, however about half way there it started raining. Very lightly at first but the rain got heavier as you kept walking. By the time you reached your best friends house, you were half soaked. Only half though, only the top layer of your clothes were actually wet. You gotten to the house and climbed the three steps to their porch. Roofless porch. You grabbed the statue of the frog, lifted it up and there was no key. Fuck. Now what? You thought to yourself. The whole plan goes to shit with this stupid frog. You couldn’t let her down and because you were already wet, it was way past 5 someone should be home soon. You sat on the top stair and just accepted your fate and the rain. You hair was now completely wet and you started feeling water going inside your shoes. Luckily not that long after you hear the sound of an engine and Hoseoks car shows up on the driveway. He looked out of the window and saw you sitting there soaked through so he rushed out and went to the door.
‘What are you doing here? Why aren’t you inside?’ he asked like it was a natural course of the day, that you would use the key from under the frog and let yourself in.
‘Because the fucking frog didn’t have my key’ you pointed at the poor statue like it was it’s fault that some took the key.
‘Ah, I completely forgot. Mum took the key to cut a new one and actually give you your own one’ he said looking at that frog and slapped his forehead when he remember where the key went. ‘Anyway, lets get you inside. You are all soaked!’ he was so warm, so caring. He let you go ahead. You walked inside and left your backpack at the door and your soaked shoes. Your socks had some water inside as well so you were hoping you won’t make too much of a mess. And then you sneezed. Hoseok was on his way to the kitchen but as you made noise he froze and turned around with a drilling look on his face.
‘Excuse me’ you added looking at him with an apologetic expression.
‘Oh you’re totally going to be ill aren’t you? Let’s get you a hot bath’ he turned around and run upstairs right away. How thoughtful. He closed the drain in the tub and started running hot water. You slowly made your way upstairs and poked your head at the bathrooms door.
‘Come in, towel is on this hanger here for you’ he pointed with his finger ‘And em, when you get undressed please leave the clothes by the door so I can run them in a tumble dryer for you okay?’ you could tell he was maturing so fast. He was so thoughtful and welcoming.
‘Sure, thanks a lot’ you answered with a really apologetic look on your face. You really didn’t want to bother him that much but all of this didn’t have him ask you about his sister so at least he plan was going well.
‘I will make some ramyeon, it will be waiting downstairs’ he added and closed the door behind him. It wasn’t unusual. None of this. Maybe apart from the part that you were actually have a warm bath in their house but you stayed over night multiple times before, you had hundreds of dinners and breakfasts downstairs.
You slowly lowered yourself into the bath and left your soaked clothes at the door just as he instructed. The water was so warm and welcoming and you already started feeling better. Not long after you finally got yourself fully immersed into the water, a quiet knock on the door.
‘I will just grab the clothes okay? I won’t look’ he added and literally only reached with his arm through the tiniest gap in the door and shut it behind him again. You chuckled as it wasn’t that big of a deal for you but he was so polite and respectful. And warm. Hold on, since when did you not care that he might see you naked?
You sat in the bath for a while and when the water started getting colder, you got out and wrapped yourself in the towel that Hoseok kindly left for you. Now, your clothes were gone and you were definitely not going out in just the towel, it was way too short. Then on the hook right next to the one you just took your towel off was a pair of jogging bottoms and a stretched white t-shirt. You thought it might be Min Jees but when you put it on you realised it was Hobis. Well better than the towel. You have cleaned the bathroom after yourself and opened the door to let the steam out. Holding the towel in one of you hands you made your way downstairs, trying to dry your hair.
Hoseok was done making ramyeon and left it with his mums made sides on the table and was about to go upstairs to his room. He looked up to the staircase and then he saw you. In his clothes. Puffy red cheeks, wet hair falling down on his white t-shirt, his jogging bottoms slightly sliding down from your hips and the look in your eyes. He stopped breathing for a second. What the hell is this shit show? Why is his little sisters best friend turned hot in the span of few minutes? He felt a tingle in his trousers and he felt like his ears started turning red. He realised he was staring for a second so he coughed loudly and you realised how close he was.
‘Thanks for that. Oh, this. I’m sorry, you didn’t really bring my clothes back and the towel was really short so I just grabbed what was at hand. I hope you don’t mind? I will take it home and clean it’ you quickly explained yourself wearing his clothes but he seemed absent. ‘Hoseok?’ you waved at his face and then he started blinking again, like his brain needed a restart.
‘Ah yeah that, don’t worry about it. Your food is on the table’ he pointed back at the dining room, which you knew where it was anyway. He moved swiftly next to you and went upstairs and loudly shut door to his room. That was odd. He would always sit with you and ask you about yours classes and parties planned for the weekend. But now? Nothing?
He walked into his room, shut the door and held his head. Walking there and back for a while he couldn’t control himself all of a sudden. You drove him mad with this one picture of yourself. With this very one sight and him laying his eyes on you he couldn’t think of anything else. He took his phone out and furiously texted his best friend ‘Joon I lost my mind, please help me come back to my senses’ he sent the text and his phone chimed very soon after he sent the message ‘What do you mean?’ was the response he received. ‘Min Jees best friend is in my house’ he sent it back. So? Nothing new right? It wasn’t anything out of ordinary and that’s why Namjoon was really confused. ‘What do you mean, she stays like 5 times a week anyway’ he answered. ‘She’s hot’ Hoseok responded without playing around the bush anymore. He typed another messaged before Namjoon was able to respond ‘And we are all alone here’. He popped his phone on his bed and sat at his desk.
In the meantime you were slurping on the ramyeon made by Hobi good few minutes before. Your hair started drying and you realised your phone is still in your backpack. You stopped eating and went to the door to grab your phone. Pulled it out and walked back to the table, grabbed the plastic bowl and sat yourself on the sofa.
‘Since when do you think she’s hot?’ Namjoon answered the text and then decided to just call Hoseok instead of playing chase.
‘What the fuck man?’ Hoseok picked up and that was the first question that Joon had on top of his tongue.
‘She is wearing my clothes, wet hair, all pink cheeks. I don’t know what to do!’ he was going crazy, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, couldn’t take that picture from infront of his eyes.
‘You better do nothing. You treated the girl like your sister for years, you can’t just change and use her trust like this’ it was a good advice. He couldn’t. he shouldn’t. You felt comfortable enough to come around on your own and stay because of your relationship with him and his sister. He couldn’t betray that. ‘Now go downstairs and act civil’ and he hung up on him. He threw his phone his bed and shut the door behind him. Took the stairs down and found you on the sofa. Slight less wet but still messy hair, still rosy cheeks and his clothes on you as you were slurping noodles from the bowl on the sofa. He sat next to you and just observed and every time you would look at him, he would smile wider and wider. You were beautiful. He never noticed, but you were just so pretty. Maybe because he knew you for so long since you were kids and you never looked at you this way but today. Today you were perfect in his eyes. Gorgeous eyes, pretty nose and the cute smile he would kill for. But he couldn’t do anything about it so the first thing that came to mind was the very thing that was connecting the two of you. Min Jee.
‘Where is my sister?’ he finally asked you after the staring contest the two of you had.
‘She had few more classes than I did today and wanted me to come hang before we leave for the evening’ you were trying to sound super casual, like there wasn’t any hidden agenda or lie behind all of this. After you said that it didn’t really sit with you right though. You didn’t like lying to him. He was the only guy who you always told the full truth and he could handle it and take care of the consequences of your actions.
‘Were are you guys going?’ he continued with the questions to distract himself from the fact that his t-shirt on you started slowly falling down one of your shoulders. He wasn’t looking, he was really trying his best no to look at what appeared to be very soft patch of your skin, exposed right in front of him.
‘There is this party, Min Jee really wanted to go to. She promised to meet me here and get ready before we go’ you added. It sounded very convincing.
‘Ah I see, need a ride?’ of course he did. You knew this is going to happen. He always offered and you never declined. Neither you or Min Jee every declined a lift from him, this will be so unnatural for you to say no to.
‘No I think we will be fine today you know?’ you rolled your eyes and continued picking the noodles from the bowl. That sentence is what fucked it.
‘Right, so where is she really?’ he repeated his initial question. You couldn’t fool him. You lied and he knew you too well to not find out. Besides you were just looking at him with your big doe like eyes, looking all spooked and emotional.
‘She em, I told you’ you tried to fight it but you knew you were busted. Now how were you planning on save the situation was the question.
‘Spare me the lies. What happened? You never lie to me. Neither of you’ he looked worried. He turned his head to the side and his face changed. He looked disappointed. Why did he look disappointed? And why did you feel horrible for lying to him. Not a big deal, just a your best friends older brother.
‘She’s been seeing someone and they are uhm have a date’ you smiled with your teeth covered in sauce from the food. He shook his head and got up from the sofa. You could tell his pressure raised a slightly as he started pacing around the room.
‘Is she planning on spending the night?’ he turned dramatically to you and you couldn’t lie to that face. You nodded and you knew the second you did he will explode. ‘Fuck, you better tell me where and we will go and get her’ he sat back next to you.
‘Cmon Hoseok…’ you used your softest voice you could imitate ‘We aren’t kids anymore and I think she really likes the guy. Just let her be. I know shes safe and he won’t hurt her’ you reassured him but he wouldn’t buy it.
‘Nobody will lay hands on my sister’ he started getting red on his face and was ready to jump out and go to the car.
‘How about we watch a film together?’ you changed the subject. Just finished your food and it seemed like a good idea to just try and distract him for as long as you could, before you could text Min Jee and let her know she is busted. At least in front of her brother she was.
Hoseoks head turned back at you. This whole story with his sister distracted him enough to not think about you this way for a second but now you wanted to hang out? Just the two of you? Oh lord, there is no way he will be able to control himself.
‘What film?’ he asked and looked at your face.
‘I don’t know, just fancy a film. It’s really cosy here and it’s raining outside and it feels like a perfect time for a film, don’t you think?’ of course you had an agenda. He just thought it was completely different than what it actually was. You were stalling. I mean nothing you have said was a lie, you did feel cosy and a film felt like a good idea. You had no other plans for that day and uni work could always wait for another day. He looked outside the window and the rain got even heavier.
‘Tea?’ he asked and passed the remote controller towards you.
‘Sure, make it nice and steamy please’ you added. Again, not intention behind your words. You weren’t really thinking anything but every word you said felt like an ache to him. Steamy? Was she out of her mind? He thought to himself but decided to play along whatever silly game you had in mind. He went to the kitchen and put the kettle on. His phone was still upstairs so he decided to run quickly upstairs and see if anyone wanted anything from him. He run back with his phone in his pocket.
‘Aren’t your parents coming home soon? Maybe we should go to Min Jees room or yours in case they want to rest after work?’ you were so thoughtful. He looked at you with the biggest adoration in his eyes. You cared for his parents so much and he really appreciated it. As much as he was currently struggling with his own feelings, you loved how considered you were to his family, which he always put first.
‘Not a bad shout, they should be home soon’ he smiled at you. Anytime he did smile at you this way you felt so warm inside. Like the rain outside didn’t really exist at all. He finished making the tea and handed you your cup and the both of you headed upstairs. You looked at each other for a second as you automatically headed to the right, where Min Jees room was and he went to the left where his room was.
‘Lets go to mine, I don’t feel like snooping around her room when she’s not here’ he pointed at the door of his room and you nodded with agreement. Only fair. Even thought you have spent hours in that room on your room previously, waiting for your best friend to come home from school, part time job or a date.
His room was spotless as always. You have been there before a few times but never for longer than few minutes at the time. His bed neatly made, curtains open widely, books stacked on the shelf and no sight of clothes, dirty underwear or anything else you were used to seeing Min Jees room. You thought of her then and you smiled to yourself, hoping she was having good time with Seokjin and she wasn’t crossing any of the lines she didn’t want to. You liked Seokjin and you didn’t think he wasn’t going to cause any trouble but of course you were worried. She was your best friend, on her own with an older man.
‘You okay?’ Hoseok put his tea down on a coaster of his desk and walked up to you. Touched your shoulder seeing you smiling and staring into the abyss. His fingers were so soft and the second he touched you, you looked up and saw his stare.
‘Sorry, I was just hoping Min Jee is having a good time’ you didn’t want to lie to him anymore. You were two (three with Min Jee) adults and there was no reason to be silly.
‘I hope I won’t have to call my friends and go and find this guy’ he said slightly worrying and smiled. Fuck. I hope he really won’t hurt her because if Hoseok will find out HIS best friend is currently doing his sister and you knew about it, he won’t forgive you.
‘Right, what are we going to watch?’ you looked at the tv mounted on the wall and grabbed a sip from the steaming hot tea that you were still holding.
‘I don’t know, just put whatever. I really don’t mind’ he grabbed his tea from the desk and saw you slowly making your way to his bed. You sat on top of it and slowly shimmied yourself to the wall making room for him. Messy hair, his clothes that were so oversized on you, rosy cheeks, hot tea in your hand in his bed. He turned around for a second and held his own forehead. What the fuck is he suppose to do, when he can’t really help it anymore how his body was reacting to this sight. He took a deep breath and smiled widely as he always did to mask any emotions that were currently running around the inside of his body. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he put his cup on the bed side table and opened the phone before sitting. Based on his last text, he really couldn’t have you reading any messages right now.
‘If I were you, I would make my move’ he was expected the text from Joon but it was Jimin. How did he already know? This fuck already told him, didn’t he? He bet he already posted it in their group chat. He swooped to the group chat conversation and there it was, his screenshot of the text that he sent to Joon ‘She’s hot’ and all his friends reacting and commenting. Ah he thought he will kill him but for now he couldn’t do anything. He just locked his phone when it buzzed again. He only read the message on the screen ‘Ask her out, but be respectful’ this text came from Yoongi. What was he supposed to do now? Half of his friends were now plotting behind his back. He locked the phone back and left it on his desk. He got himself onto the bed next to you. The bed wasn’t very big, so he scooched next to you, slightly touching your shoulder. His fresh scent started lingering around you. He smelled so nice. You never really noticed before. You looked up on his face and saw his gorgeous features from the profile, sharp jawline and pointy small nose. He was looking for a film to watch and you were looking at him. You felt really safe and cosy and you already started feeling tired, expecting to actually fall asleep when the film will start. He felt that you were watching him so he turned his face to you and smiled widely. His eyes turned into half moons, beautiful straight white set of teeth filled his smile.
‘Ready?’ he asked and you nodded, smiling back at him. You tried to give him a softer smile, not one of your silly goof ones. It’s like you all of a sudden started caring what he thought of you. He put the film on. You never seen it before, neither you remember the title but it was supposed to be funny. Great, not the film you pictured on this really nice cosy day when it’s pouring outside but you didn’t mind. You were on a mission.
In the meantime Min Jee was hanging out with Seokjin in his flat. They started cooking together, playfully make a mess and overall enjoyed the quality time they finally planned together. Seokjins phone buzzed few times and he checked the messages.
‘Min Jee, didn’t you say your best friend is currently trying to occupy your brother whilst you’re here?’ he gulped staring at the messages. She was a little bit confused because that was exactly what was planned but why was he asking this again all of a sudden?
‘Yeah, we had the entire plan…’ she looked over his shoulder and saw the screenshot in the group chat, where Hoseok said ‘she’s hot’ and then the rest cheering him on, mentioning your name few times.
‘Holy fuck, Min Jee. Your brother…’ Seokjin started giggling reading all of those messages and couldn’t believe this.
‘She was supposed to sit there for a bit and go home, not sleep with him?!’ this was the very first time Min Jee lost the trust in your friendship. She appreciated the gesture but she thought you betrayed her. You used the situation to get to her brother. Which was absolutely not the case.
‘Well, not sure what she is doing but just so you know your brother never talks about anyone this way. He does talk about her a lot though, overall. But I just thought it was because the two of you hung out a lot’ Jin wasn’t helping. He was adding to the spiral Min Jee was currently going into.
‘She used me to get to him?’ she didn’t really believe the words she was saying. Because you were friends for years. If you liked her brother surely you would of told her that, even after years. It didn’t really make sense but Min Jee always acted on her emotions. She sent you a text ‘I can’t believe you have done this to me’ but decided to stay the night with the man she was seeing. She didn’t really want to go home now.
The film was funny but you really started feeling how heavy your head felt. You finished your tea and let Hobi took the cup away from you. Eventually you slowly slid down, from sitting to more laying like position. You put your head more towards his shoulder and he didn’t even think twice and put his arm up and you wrapped it around yourself. He didn’t even blink, he didn’t think. It was so cosy and warm and he loved cuddling. You closed your eyes and fell asleep. He looked at you when a funny moment in the film came up and saw you dozed off. He smiled to himself and moved pieces of hair from your face. He heard a quiet knock on the door and saw his mum poking her head through the door. When she saw you were asleep and Hoseok was showing that you fell asleep she smiled at you and nodded, almost like allowing you to keep sleeping and close the door behind her. None of this seemed out of ordinary with the relationship you had with the family but it was. You never slept in his room, you never been around him. You never hugged him. Yet somehow on this rainy day, you were wrapped with his arm around you, in his bed sound asleep. He thought it was the sweetest thing and decided to take a picture. Not of you, not in a weird way. He framed the picture that it was showing a little bit of your hair and your hand holding his wrapped arm. It was very artistic but also very cute. And that was the moment he promised himself to actually ask you out. He didn’t know why all of those emotions took over him but it definitely made sense. You both knew each other for years, you were close, he thought you were really good looking but never had occasion to look at you looking like that. Adorable and sweet and so hot at the same time. He sent the picture to the group chat. He was too excited.
Namjoon: Ah I told you to be respectful
Yoongi: I swear you were supposed to ask her out first
Taehyung: LET’S GO BRO2
Seokijn *seen*
Jungkookie: Hyung, this looks so cute.
You opened your eyes and realised it was really late. It turned dark outside and Hoseok was no where to found. You sat up and wiped your face. You took your phone out of the pocket and saw the text from Min Jee ‘I can’t belive you’ve done this to me’. You were so confused and your first thought was that when you fell asleep Hoseok went to find her and found out about her and Seokjin. You got up from the bed really fast and started walking towards the door. That’s when the door opened and you heard his soft voice again.
‘You’re up! I brought you dinner…’ he looked down at the tray he was carrying in his hand.
‘I thought you left..’ you said and started panting. You were now really worried and stressed and didn’t really know what to do. You started being worried about Min Jee but you didn’t know if breaking the promise and spoiling her date was the best idea because of one text. And the text didn’t say help or anything like that.
You smiled apologetically for just standing there for a second staring into nothing.
‘Thank you. I will eat fast and then I will go home. I’m so sorry I was waiting for Min Jee and the time went by so fast..’ you were trying to explain yourself but he just smiled. His face changed. Something about the way he was looking at you was different. His smile was still warm but he looked with just so much patience and love. Love? You must be crazy, he is your best friends older brother.
‘I will drop you off. Let’s be honest, she isn’t coming home and you aren’t going to a party’ he answered and walked inside and closed the door behind him. You didn’t say anything else but ate the dinner his mum prepared for you and started grabbing your things.
‘My clothes, did you manage to get them dry? I will change…’you started looking around like your clothes were to be in his room.
‘I did but you can keep this for now, I will just get a bag for you so you can take your things with’ he answered. He was always polite and nice and helpful but this felt different. Almost domestic like? He wanted you to keep those clothes, his clothes. You didn’t protest because you were really comfortable the past few hours wearing them so you nodded and went downstairs to grab your shoes and backpack. You saw Mr and Mrs Jung on the sofa, drinking tea and bowed to them.
‘Thank you so much for the dinner and letting me stay, again…’ you were a little bit ashamed but they waived at you and nodded. His mum did double take looked at you seeing his sons clothes on you but she didn’t question anything. She got up from the sofa and came to give you a hug before you leave.
‘I would love for you to see my son more than my daughter’ she whispered into your ear and your expression changed. From warm and smiling to just completely frozen. Did she just? What does she mean? You didn’t really know what to say so you hugged her back and you went outside. Nervously panting there and back waiting for Hobi to come out. He finally did with a bag filled with your now dry clothes and his car keys in his hand.
‘Why did your mum just offered me to date you?’ you asked him, staring him deep into his eyes. His ears turned red and he looked away for a second.
‘Ah, you know she just wants to get me married fast’ he laughed and tried brushing it off. What the fuck was she thinking? Why would she say something like that? He didn’t tell her anything, of course yes she saw you sleeping in his bed on his shoulder but there was just no need for this.
‘Right, I don’t think I would be the right fit for that’ you chuckled and moved towards the car. You lied. Because it did now cross your mind. He was always around but you never though of him not being there. He was always in your memories and any big events of your life. He was always there, right next to Min Jee.
‘Let’s get you home’ he handed you the bag with your clothes and you put it with your backpack at the back seat and got yourself at the front. The entire way to your house neither of you said anything. And this was probably one of the only times this happened. Even when you were drunk out of your mind he always managed to have a conversation with you. Even then but today. You smiled politely when he pulled up to your house and just left. Grabbed your things from the back seat and went towards the door of your house. He sat there for a second banging his fingers on the steering wheel and watched you walk to the door. ‘Ahh I need to do something don’t i?’ he thought to himself and got out of the car. The engine still going, the door shut loudly and you turned around.
You saw him walking towards you, slightly wobbly and shy not really looking at your face at all.
‘Please go out with me’ is the only thing that came out of his mouth. He nervously looked up from his shoes to your face and finally found your eyes and locked them with his.
Holy fucking shit. Jung Hoseok, the older brother of my best friend that I know for years asked you out? You didn’t know what to think, but you instantly blushed and millions of butterflies just hatched in your stomach.
‘I..’ your voice shaky, eyes still locked with his. He was getting more and more nervous. ‘Why?’ was the only thing that you could say. And just like that he lost the control he had over himself, the anxiety took over him and he looked away from you.
‘Never mind’ he mumbled under his breath and started walking to the car. Rejected. Already upset. Already playing scenarios in his head how you will now avoid his sister and their house because of his awakening.
‘Hoseok’ you shouted after him and he stopped and turned around.
‘Yes?’ there was no hope in his eyes, just sad puppy face pouting at you.
‘I didn’t say no. I just got scared’ you added and he smiled and nodded.
‘I will pick you up tomorrow’ he answered and went back to his car and didn’t even wait for you to get in, got into his car and left. You couldn’t believe this actually happened. You span around yourself few times before you walked inside. Then it hit you, that you still didn’t know what Min Jee’s text meant. You pulled your phone out and dialled her number but she didn’t pick up. You tired again but still nothing. You decided to leave it for the next day.
The next day there was still no word from Min Jee, at least you didn’t hear anything because she did sneak into the house early in the morning. You woke up and checked your phone, still nothing. What is going on? You were sure that she would call you, text you or something. She spend the first night at Seokjins and there was nothing to share with you? That was not like her at all. You send her a text ‘All fine?’ because you really started to get worried and the response you received was shocking. The message she texted you back was something you have never heard your best friend calling anyone. ‘WHORE’. You? Whore? What? What part did you miss? What happened. You send her question marks back but nothing came back. You tried calling but you couldn’t get through, it was like she blocked you. What the hell Min Jee?
You couldn’t just leave it like this, she was your only and your best friend. You were inseparable. What possible could have happened for her to act like this. You did sleep in Hoseoks clothes from the day before, because you were so excited about the prospect of maybe going on a date with him. But you couldn’t show up to their house like that. You showered and put your favourite dungarees on with a thick jumper underneath. You knew you might bump into Hobi so you made sure to look cute, little bit of make up but nothing crazy. You walked all the way to Jungs house and knocked on the main door. No response so you knocked again and then before you managed to put your arm down Min Jee sprung out of the door right at you.
‘How could you do this to me!? I trusted you?!’ she shouted and started flying her arms at you.
‘What have I done? I have covered for you like you asked! I don’t know whats going on!’ you answered trying to defend yourself. You looked up and saw Hoseok looking through his window what is going on outside and when he saw Min Jee furious he started running downstairs.
‘You slept with my brother you bitch!’ Min Jee screamed and tears started rolling down her eyes.
‘Are you insane?! DO YOU THINK I WOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING LIKE THIS?’ you couldn’t believe what she was saying and more importantly where did she take this from.
‘I SAW THE TEXT, I SAW THE PICTURE’ Min Jee answered slowly stopping her arms and sobbing.
‘WHAT PICTURE AND WHAT TEXT? I have done nothing but protected you Min Jee’ you were out of breath from trying to run away from her and shouting at her at the same time.
‘I don’t ever want to see you again…’ she said and just like that you had enough. She wouldn’t listen to you, she wouldn’t explain and she was just ending things like this, fine. You had no intentions of ever going back, if she didn’t trust you. You run out of the gate and on the street towards your house.
Hobi just managed to get downstairs and looked at Min Jee sobbing on her knees.
‘What the fuck? Where did she go? What happened?’ he was really confused but slowly picked up Min Jee from the ground and wrapped his arms around her.
‘I can’t believe you slept with my best friend’ she whispered crying into his shoulder.
‘What? We didn’t? What are you saying?’ Hoseok was as confused as you.
‘I saw the picture you have sent to the group chat’ she admitted not realising that this will blow her cover up completely.
‘We were just watching a film and she fell asleep… nothin. Hold on? How did you send a message I have sent to the group chat with MY friends?’ he stopped himself for a second and got instantly really angry. ‘Who's the guy who you stayed at yesterday?’ fuck Min Jee, you just blew up the entire cover.
‘Nobody you know’ she thought she can somehow lie herself out of this situation, but at this stage you were already back home, sobbing into your pillow.
‘Well clearly someone I know, since you had access to the group chat’ Hoseok let go of her and got really annoyed.
‘I’ve been seeing…please don’t be mad. I really like him, it’s been months now and I was really afraid to tell you’ but he wasn’t letting her just avoid telling the truth. ‘It’s Seokjin’ she finally admitted and Hobi swore out loud.
‘And why did you think me and Y/N slept together? She came here and worked her ass off to cover for you all day and majority of the evening, she spent time with me to make sure I won’t go and get you, and you just assumed?’ he was really upset with his sister so he left her outside and went upstairs.
You were sobbing into your pillow. You were so angry with Min Jee because she didn’t believe you after all of the work you put and effort making sure she will have a nice time with Seokjin. And a photo? He took a photo of you? All of a sudden both of the Jungs weren’t trustworthy to you anymore. It’s like in few seconds all of those years got erased. You felt really alone so you crawled into your bed and put your headphones on. Listening to music slowly calmed you down and you managed to fall asleep.
You woke up to your phone buzzing few times. You looked and saw SEVERAL messages from people.
14:34 Min Jee: We need to talk. I’m really sorry.
14:35 Min Jee: Please don’t ignore me, I really fucked up. Hobi know about me and Seokjin.
14:50 Min Jee: I’m sorry that was selfish, please answer we need to talk.
15:45 Min Jee: I don’t want to force myself onto you, please let me know when you are ready
16:13 Min Jee: I swear, I have never fucked up like that in my life. Please let’s talk
16:53 Min Jee: I will come by in the evening, hope we can talk
10 missed calls from Min Jee
14:14 Hoseok: I hope we can talk
15:23 Hoseok: I have taken a picture but it’s literally just a piece of your hair and our arms
16:20 Hoseok: I was really excited to see you today
1 missed call from Hoseok
15:30 Namjoon: Hey, I know I probably am the last person you might want to talk to but let me know if you want to chat.
16:21 Jungkookie: It’s Jungkookie, call me when you get this
Holy fucking shit. You were asleep for one few hours but it looked like shit hit the fan. You didn’t really know what to do or who to speak to so you rang Jungkook.
‘Hey, are you okay?’ you heard his sweet voice on the other side of the phone.
‘I just woke up, I would assume you know what happened. Can you please tell me what did he send to that fucking group chat?’ your voice was quite cold, even though you were always fond of the guy, you weren’t close enough and right know you needed someone further away from this shit to tell you what actually happened.
‘Hoseok hyung was really surprised you to see you in his clothes and he was texting Namjoon hyung about it when you were staying at his. But Namjoon hyung told him to be respectful and not betray your trust since you knew each other for so long. But then Namjoon hyung posted the text from Hoseok hyung to the group chat. Because Min Jee was with Seokjin at the time, which I only found out about few hours ago – she saw the text Hoseok hyung sent to Namjoon hyung. She saw him saying you are hot and probably assumed that you two you know. But then Yoongi hyung told Hoseok hyung to be good and ask you out first at least. So that’s kind of what happened. Oh and yeah we all know now that Min Jee was seeing Seokjin hyung and she was with him that night and Hoseok hyung lost his mind over it but then he said something about ‘we aren’t kids anymore’. When Jungkook said the last words you knew it was something you told Hoseok earlier that day. You told him to pipe down a little bit and let Min Jee breathe.
‘Right. So where does the picture come from?’ you tried to gather all of the information given to you.
‘I assume the picture Hoseok hyung posted in the group chat was when you were just hanging out? It was just a little piece of your hair and you leaning on his shoulder, you could mainly just see how you hold hands. Cute if you ask me’ so Hoseok wasn’t lying. The picture was really innocent. There wasn’t anything incriminating there, you didn’t forget half of the evening.
‘Is Hoseok really mad at Min Jee?’ you asked Jungkook.
‘I don’t think so, he was for a bit but then he called Seokjin hyung and they talked for like an hour or so and it all got somehow sorted out. You were the only one not answering and everyone got really worried’ Jungkook finished the story.
‘Thanks. Is it okay if I hang up now? I need to put this all back together in my head’ you asked politely, grateful that he offered to talk when you didn’t really know what to do.
‘Please take care’ you’ve heard and you finished the call.
You decided to call Min Jee first. Then you hung up and realised she said she will come and see you. You didn’t really know whether you should or shouldn’t answer to Hobis texts so you just left him on read just like Min Jee. You went to the kitchen and grabbed something to eat in the meantime. What should you do? You were waiting for the water to boil in the kettle the door bell went off. You didn’t think twice and went to the door to open it. And there she was. Min Jee standing there with a pout on her face, looking all sad and sorry for herself.
‘What do you want?’ you answered and let the door open as you walked towards your boiling now kettle.
‘Apologise…’ she said still pouting walking behind you. She closed the door and followed you to the kitchen where she observed you making yourself ramyeon.
‘For what exactly? The fact that I always defended you and you just believed what your stupid head was telling you not my words? Or for the fact your brother took a picture of me without me know? Or maybe for not thanking me when I defended you and tried so hard to keep your secret protected?’ You laid it all out on the table in front of her.
‘All I guess. I am really sorry. I really am! I got really jealous all of a sudden, you know my brother didn’t really date a lot and I don’t really know what possessed me. Because at the end of the day you were there for me and… I am really sorry.’ She explained herself and you accepted her apology because it was honest. That was always the only requirement whenever shit hit the fan between the two of you. Honesty.
‘It’s fine Min Jee. I don’t know what is like to have a sibling so I understand you can be overprotective over each other. I will remember though how quickly you lost your faith in me though’ you teased her and pour water into another bowl to give to your best friend.
‘About Hoseok…’ she started shyly. Here we go. You didn’t know if you had enough strength to discuss this part of the drama.
‘Here we go…’ you moaned and turned around from her to face the other way.
‘I suspected he liked you for a while. I saw the way he was treating you and how sometimes he looked at you. I know he didn’t mean any harm with the picture. You know him. You know he just likes collecting memories. Not that is it an excuse but I would be really happy for the two of you if you will decide to see him’ she admitted and poked your arm that was resting at the kitchen table.
‘I never really thought of him like that, until yesterday. Being around him and just with him just changed everything I knew. I’m sorry I never meant to make you feel uncomfortable or anything like that. You know I would of come to you first if I did fancy someone, especially your own brother’ you answered and turned your head back at her and smiled at her.
‘Does that mean you don’t want to see him?’ Min Jee nervously looked you in the eye.
‘I’m afraid I do’ you chuckled and mixed your food with the spoon that was nearby.
‘Great! Because he is here! Okay see you, love you’ she pecked you on the cheek and literally run out of the house shutting the door behind her. You went towards the window and saw Hoseoks car in front of your house and Min Jee happily jumping towards it shouting for him to go and see you.
You heard a knock on the door and said ‘Come in’ loud enough for him to hear it. You were still in the kitchen, leaning on the kitchen counter.
‘I wanted to give you space but Min Jee begged me to come along with her just in case..’ he started with his soft voice, slowly making his way through the room to the kitchen.
‘I’m glad you decided to come along’ you answered and smiled softly at him. You could tell he was acting really slow, almost like he was trying to not scare the doe away.
‘Listen I am really sorry about the picture, I know you were asleep and it was so wrong of me. You just.. not to justify if but you looked so cute and I just wanted to remember the first time we held hands. You see. That day I decided, I made the pack with myself that after all these years I will finally tell you how I feel. I liked you on and off for so long and you were there wearing my t-shirt looking so homey. I promised myself that evening that I will do everything in my power everyday to make your days better, to spoil you until maybe you will notice that all I can see is you, I just wanted it to be subtle and sweet. But it came so so wrong. I’m really sorry’ he finally finished, standing in front of you propped on the kitchen island. You couldn’t believe all the words he just said. He liked you on and off for a while. You just melted into the counter that you were standing at. He was just the sweetest, kindest loving boy you ever met and you couldn’t believe all he wanted was you.
‘I mean, based on our long term relationship because of your sister it wasn’t crazy of you to take that picture…’ you gave him a warm smile, trying to say that you accept his apology but he kept sulking to himself ‘Hoseok!’ it’s almost like you had to take him out of his trans but when he heard you calling him by his name, his eyes turned from sorry to big dark filled with completely different feeling.
‘You never call me by my name. You always call me Hobi’ he was really threw off but also he couldn’t get his eyes off you.
You pointed your finger at him and made a ‘come here’ sign and he followed. You put your bowl down after you had few bites and you wiped your mouth with a kitchen towel. He took another step, now getting really close to you.
‘Kiss me Hoseok, please’ you said out loud, not fully believing the audacity that you had in you to say something like that. He turned around almost like checking if there was anyone behind him and then he leaned in, grabbed your waist with one of his arms and cupped his face with the other. Closed his eyes, slowly lingered around your face and finally softly kissed your lips. You smiled as he kissed you, and pulled you closer and closer to himself. But the more he kissed your lips, the more aggressive your and his moves were. You broke the kiss and everything felt like it slowed down. You locked your eyes with his and saw the crazy lust growing in his eyes. You just nodded and he picked you up and sat you up on that counter, leaned forward and positioned himself between your legs. You wrapped them around his hips and pulled him closer. His kisses became inpatient, like was waiting for this for years and so was your breath. Short and shallow, trying to keep up with him.
‘Are you sure?’ he muttered under his breath when he gasped for air. But you didn’t answer, just pulled him closer and unzipped the hoodie he was currently wearing. You threw it behind him and he unbuckled your dungarees. Took your jumper off and followed up with taking your t-shirt too. Your oversized dungarees fell down lower onto the kitchen counter around your hips and he slowly lifted you so they would fall down to your ankles and as let go of him with your legs they fell down on the floor. You took his t-shirt off, whilst staring at his abs. God he was divine. He was gorgeous and he was right in front of you. You almost wanted to stop and just stare at admire him but the lust has already taken over the two of you. He continuously attacked your lips, dancing with his tongue inside your mouth and around your neck. He stopped himself for a second and took a step back. You were sitting on the kitchen counter with just your underwear, red cheeks and out of breath. And he needed to see this. Take a picture with his mind, to always treasure and remember the moment. He admired you for a few seconds, looking at you from afar. So beautiful, so pretty, so hot and sexy and so gorgeous and so his. He wanted to savour every moment with you but he currently couldn’t stop fighting with the huge bulge in his jeans that was poking at you, whilst he admired your almost naked body.
‘Please Hoseok, fuck me’ you pouted at him, not really knowing where those words came from but he was too far away from you for too long. His face from cute and dreamy turned into a huge question mark and then into a really naughty smirk. You didn’t have to ask him twice. He walked back to the counter and moved your underwear to the side, lowered himself slightly bending his back down and nuzzled your slit with his nose. You shook. You shook from his touch, from the fact that it was so open. You thought in your head ‘if my parent will decide to come home now, we will be screwed forever’ but you pushed that thought out of your mind. He felt you shake and smirked even more, slowly sticked his tongue out and started playing around with your clit, delicately and with love running in circles around it. You purred feeling his tongue on your skin. You wrapped one of your legs around him, the other you laid on his shoulder. You could hear him slurping the juice out of you, whist staring deep into your eyes with the most evil stare, telling you he will devour every piece of you. You moved on your legs back and slowly put it on top of his crotch and started rubbing it with your foot as he kept licking you out. That pushed him over some kind of edge because he stopped and slipped two of his slender fingers inside you and came back to your lips. You could tase yourself at the same time you couldn’t ignore how amazing it felt to have some part of him inside you. You were however growing impatient and as nice as this felt,  you really needed him. The full of him. The entirety of him. He kept picking up the pace as you moaned into his mouth.
‘Please’ you whined when he kept playing with you and you couldn’t wait to be filled up with him. He chuckled when he heard you beg and nodded taking his fingers out of you. He licked his fingers and that drove you to insanity. You unzipped his jeans and unbuckled his belt, the trousers fell down onto his knees and ankles. You put your hand inside his underwear and without needing to look for it you popped his nearly twitching, hard dick out. He couldn’t get enough of the sight of you taking the initiative and smirked to himself observing. But inside he couldn’t wait anymore either. He bend over for a second and looked for something in his jeans. Took out his wallet and managed to open the packet of a condom with just his teeth and two fingers and handed it to you. Your hands were shaking, because you were so excited and horny, you managed to slip the condom onto him and give it a few strokes up and down. He moaned and threw his head back feeling your hand on him. He started kissing you again, but now all of his kisses felt like he filled them with pure love. And as he was kissing you he lined himself up, slowly went inside you letting you adjust to him. But you couldn’t maintain the kiss, feeling him inside you, you moaned into his mouth and he smirked proud of himself that it was him you were feeling this way about. After a minute you nodded at him and he started thrusting into you. Very slow and almost lovingly at first and then he picked up the pace. And he wouldn’t stop, he kept going faster and faster and your head started spinning. It wasn’t your first time, but it was definitely your first time with Jung Hoseok who was currently ramming his dick inside and out of you with an insane pace, crazy hair and the angry almost stare. You kept moaning and whining at him as he kept going like crazy, kissing your neck and chin whilst holding your hips with his hands. His hands were so beautiful. Especially around your hips. And as he kept the pace up, he noticed you started to slowly flow away so he put his finger back at your clit and started circulating around it. You couldn’t handle any of this, and as he added the finger you moaned into his mouth seeing stars that he pained in front of your eyes and you clenched around him, and he kept going trying to prolong your high. Not long after, hearing you moan so sweetly and clenching around him, he got really close to his edge. And when he did you bit his ear and that has sent him to his high, from pumping in and out of you now buried deep inside you, paining the inside of the condom white. And he stayed there for a second, he picked your head up holding you by your chin and he looked into your eyes, almost checking you are okay. And you were more than okay. You were in heaven. Heaven called Jung Hoseok. Both panting trying to catch your breath, finally starting to realised where you are. He kissed you softly and put your legs down, slipped from inside you and helped you off the counter. He tied the condom and buried it in the bin among other rubbish. You started collecting your and his clothes but then you saw him a little bit worried and in desperate need for after care.
‘Lets go and get a bath?’ you murmured into his ear and kissed his cheek. He immediately picked up his clothes and smiled widely at you. He run upstairs laughing like a maniac and prepared the bath for the two of you. You grabbed your clothes from the floor and as you were walking by the dining table you saw a message on your phone.
17:45 Min Jee: You whore ;)
You walked upstairs and left your clothes in your room. You entered the bathroom and there he was in the bath, covered with bubbles with an inviting smile.
‘Come here’ he stretched his arms to you in a hug like gesture and you closed the door behind you and stepped into the warm water. He slowly poured water over you, kissing your back and your neck until you sat between his legs and melted into him. You didn’t really need to label what this was but you knew he would love that. You knew him well over the years and you knew exactly what he liked and how he was.
‘Babe?’ you whispered looking up, searching for his eyes.
‘Me?’ he instantly brightened up and smiled back at you, locking his eyes with yours.
‘Are we official then or do you still have to take me out on that date?’ you giggled and you saw his smile widen. He couldn’t ask for more. He grabbed your arm from under the water and he intertwined the two hands together.
‘I will still take you out officially, but lets mark today in the calendars’ cheesy cute Hobi, was already making plans and marking your official date in the calendar.
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