#one of the older ladies i’m super close with works tomorrow and telling her is gonna tear my ass UP ngl…
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put my two weeks notice in at work today and no one tells u how hard it is to say goodbye to everyone…i was so blessed to love and be loved by so many of my coworkers and i’m gonna miss them so bad :(( i had to say goodbye to a lot of the ones i was close with today and it was so difficult i teared up multiple times….their reactions were so sweet and encouraging and some of them hugged me….i’m gonna miss them so so much bc they made that place bearable for the last year and a half and it’s gonna be hard not seeing them anymore….and idk i feel sad bc i don’t feel like i have enough time to say goodbye and thank everyone and tell them what a positive impact they had on me
#it might seem silly to some ppl but i’m a rlly sentimental person#i’ve been listening to scott street and bawling my eyes out#one of the older ladies i’m super close with works tomorrow and telling her is gonna tear my ass UP ngl…#everything is moving so fast i feel like i have whiplash….#i literally start training at my new job monday so yeah…last day is technically this saturday#u gotta understand some of these ppl helped me get acclimated after the crash#and i can’t thank them enough for that#i know i can go and visit them anytime but it’s not the same ??? yknow????#one of my work friends said that he was so excited for me and that he always wanted to be an auto tech at one of the dealerships#that are in the same street i’ll be in and told him to do it!!! he’s super sweet and skilled and deserves better than this place#he said he’d think abt it bc he rlly wants to leave too… so here’s hoping :’)#i’m just really touched at the amount of love i’ve received so far it means so much im so grateful#rinnie's rambles </3
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Aaah that last klaus one shot was so fluffy!! Could you do poly!mikaelsons with like a super sweet reader / just overall fluffy moments :)
Yes all of the fluff!
Warnings: Fluff, like all of the fluff
A/N: wanted an excuse for the idea of painting Elijah like some sexualized lady.
Hayley noticed that the Mikaelsons were running all over the Abattoir cleaning things up, seemly excited for something. She was confused hearing Rebekah yell that she got fresh sheets while Kol ran up carrying blankets.
"I'm home!" Hayley heard a voice say and looked seeing you, a woman with a beautiful caramel tan hair cut in a cute bob dressed in a sundress. Kol was the first to reach you picking you hugging you spinning you both.
"My beautiful darling!" Kol said happily as you laughed hugging Kol peppering him with kisses. Rebekah squealed happily running over surprising Hayley when the blonde hugged you kissing you like no tomorrow.
"Hello to you too Beka." You say flushing as Kol hugged you from behind sandwiching you between the Originals as they hugged you.
"Stop hogging the girl." Klaus said as Rebekah and Kol let you hug the hybrid smiling as he buried his face in your neck. He took in your scent noting you changed your perfume not that he minded finding it lovely.
"I would like to hold our wife too." Elijah said surprising Hayley as you hugged the noble vampire but he had a different idea instead cupped your cheek kissing gently at first but it quickly turned into something more hungry.
"Elijah! You'll scare her!" Rebekah says as you squeaked while Rebekah and Kol saved you from being eaten by Elijah when they saw the glit in his eye.
"I'm sorry but who is this?" Hayley asked walking over as you looked at her up and down.
"Hi I'm Y/N L/N." You tell Hayley with a smile as Rebekah wrapped her arms around you.
"Come love, let's get you unpacked and you can tell me and Kol about your trip."
"Okay." You said following after Rebekah with Kol close behind. Elijah smiled as Hayley moved next to him.
"Who is she?"
"Our lover. She was seeing her family back in Greece. Her sister was getting married." Elijah answered Hayley surprising while Klaus brought you other bags in.
"Your lover? You share a lover?"
"We do. She would be the third person we've shared." Elijah said watching you run down the stairs. You jumped into Elijah's arms as he caught you with ease not caring at Hayley was staring.
"Hello baby. Need something?"
"Can I stay in your room tonight?" You asked Elijah as his eyes darken a growl coming from deep in his chest.
"Does my baby want to be devoured?" Elijah whispered hotly in your ear making a shiver run down your back nodding. As Hayley frowned watch Elijah take you up to his bedroom to help you settle in.
Over the week Hayley was trying to get used to the fact that the Mikaelsons was dating you and how soft you were. You baked and cooked for them as you were all too sweet which made Hayley wonder why they would date you.
Hayley walked in seeing you cuddled up to Kol as Rebekah cuddling you. The three of you taking about the movie you were watching.
"If we were to get married I want to be a winter wedding too." You tell them as Rebekah hummed rubbing your side as Kol ran his hand over your hair.
"You would marry us?"
"Yeah I mean I am practically married to Beka and Eli. So why not marry all of you." You said as Kol laughed as Rebekah smiled.
"You'll look just gorgeous in a wedding dress." Rebekah said as you lightly kiss kissing her head. Hayley left surprised with how easy it was for them to be affectionate with you.
"Klaus have you.....seen Elijah?" Hayley trailed off walking into Klaus's art studio two days later. Hayley swallowed staring seeing Elijah dressed in tight pants with a white botton up that was have open and a bit wet sticking to his strong chest as he layed on a bed seemly posing.
While you sat on a stood in front of an esle holding a canvas as you were painting Elijah with careful brush stokes. Klaus was digging in an old chest for colors you needed for your painting.
"Need something Hayley?"
"No moving Elijah." You tell the vampire as he gave a apologetic smile laying his head back in position.
"What is this?"
"We are helping our lovely girl pass her art history course." Klaus says as you stood walking around the painting leaning over Elijah moving his hair a bit more in his face.
"That doesn't answer my question."
"I have to recreate a Renaissance style painting. My professor is a real piece of work by making us paint so we can understand the history better." You say pushing up your glasses sitting back down as Klaus walked over with paints you needed.
"Oh....did she do this one?" Hayley asked pausing seeing another painting of Rebekah in a 10th century dress sitting in a chair with Kol standing behind her.
"Yes, she got an A on that one." Klaus praised as your cheeks warmed as Hayley looked at Elijah swallowing again. Elijah looked too good layed out as he was and Hayley noticed how you bit your bottom lip a bit.
"Isn't kinda objectifying Elijah."
"It isn't if he was the one who started this. I was just going to paint some flowers or a sunset." You tell Hayley as Elijah smirked undoing another botton on his shirt when he caught how you squeezed your thighs together.
"I refuse for you to not get an A. Also think of it as me flirting." Elijah says as you let out a laugh while Klaus chuckled.
"Babe, this too much just to flirt." You tease as Klaus stood behind you resting his chin on your shoulder helping you as Hayley walked out forgetting what she wanted Elijah for.
"Rhea called." You say as you were braiding flowers into Hope's hair when Hayley walked in to pick up Hope as Klaus was sitting behind you also braiding flowers in your hair.
"What did your sister need?"
"She wanted to know if I married you all yet." You answered Klaus as he chuckled finishing up the braid. Hope smiled up at you much like her father she adored you.
"You call her back and tell her Elijah and Rebekah is looking for the prefect ring." Kol teased getting smacked by a pillow from Rebekah to which Hope got up to joined Rebekah.
"What going here?" Elijah asked standing next to Hayley seeing you helping beat Kol with pillows. Elijah ignored how Hayley seemed to lean into him.
"A pillow fight and proposals 'Lijah." Klaus answered seeing you laugh with Hope as you both were getting attack by Kol and Rebekah.
"I see. Hayley, what brings you by?"
"To take Hope to see Mary." Hayley said as you all paused when you accidentally hit the older Mikaelson with a pillow.
"Eli.....I'm sorry." You squeaked out seeing the predatory glit in Elijah's eyes as he made his way to you. Your laughter rang out when Elijah tickled you.
"Hope is going to be awhile." Klaus said when Hope joined Elijah in tickling you while Rebekah and Kol was hitting him with pillows. You were panting laying on Elijah as Hope layed Kol trying not to fall asleep and Rebekah was laying next to Kol as you all were tired from the fight.
Hayley was surprised when she got the invite to a ball that Klaus was throwing. A proposal ball, Hayley felt jealously flood her knowing that she was going to lose Elijah. Mean while you were cuddling Rebekah and Elijah as you were watching a random movie with your vampire lovers.
"I love you all"
"And we love you." Rebekah said kissing your head as you snuggled closer to the two as you all enjoyed the quiet.
#rere's stories#mikaelson family x reader#mikaelson family fluff#elijah mikaelson fluff#klaus mikaelson fluff#kol mikaelson fluff#Rebekah mikaelson fluff#elijah mikaelson imagine#klaus mikaelson imagine#kol mikaelson imagine#rebekah mikaelson imagine
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Driver’s License- Joshua Bassett
A/n: Liv's album is amazing, and before you comment anything. I know I'm super late since the album came out a while ago. But it's so good, so if you listen to it, tell me in the comments your favorite songs.
Song: Driver's License
Writer: Olivia Rodrigo
'' I got my driver's license last week, ust like we always talked about, 'Cause you were so excited for me, To finally drive up to your house, But today, I drove through the suburbs, Crying 'cause you weren't around.'
I was sitting in the DMV waiting to be called to take my turn on the road. I felt my leg start to shake from being nervous. I heard a ding coming from my phone and saw Josh texted me telling me that everything would be okay. I smiled at him and before I could text him back I heard my name being called.
" Y/n Y/l/n!"
I took a deep breath before heading off with the lady that was taking me for my test.
Joshua's POV
I was on set hanging out with the cast when I remembered that Y/n/n was taking her test today. I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to her before I put my phone back into my pocket. I started walking over to the set I was supposed to be at and I felt my phone ding. I quickly grabbed it thinking it was Y/n/n, but saw it was from Sabrina. I felt myself smile and told her I would meet her at the cafe after work.
Your POV I was doing my last task for my test which was parking. I pulled into the parking lot and looked for one and pulled into the spot. When I knew I was straight I put the car into park.
" Well, Miss. Y/l/n, it looks like you have..." the instructor said, I took a deep breath and waited for her to say it. She looked at me. " You passed! Congrats sweetie."
I let out a breath of relief. " Thank you so much." I told her while getting out of the car. She smiled and led me into the building to get my licenses.
I parked my car and ran excitedly to my apartment that Josh and I share. When I got in the door I yelled....
" JOSH!"
I tried looking for him until I decided to call my best friend Olivia.
" Hey Y/n/n." She said
" Hey Liv!" I shouted
I heard her giggling through the phone. " What's up?" She questioned
" Is Josh still on set? I could have sworn he would be home by now." I asked
Liv sighed " Yea, we got out a while ago."
" Okay. Thanks, Liv." I said
" Welcome. Anyway, you sounded super excited when you called me. What are you so excited about?" She questioned
I let out a laugh and told her... " Okay! I just got my driver's license. I can drive legally by myself now."
She screamed which made me scream in excitement.
" Omg! Congrats girl." Liv shouted
" Thanks again." I said laughing
" Oh, I have a new song coming out tomorrow!" She said
" What!" I shouted
She then went on to explain to me about the song.
' And you're probably with that blonde girl, Who always made me doubt, She's so much older than me, She's everything I'm insecure about, Yeah, today, I drove through the suburbs, 'Cause how could I ever love someone else?'
It has been about a week since Liv's song and the Josh thing. I was sitting in the living room going through my instagram when a photo caught my eye. It was a photo of Josh and Sabrina looking a little too close. Before I started assuming anything I wanted to know his side of the story.
" Josh?" I asked
Joshua's POV
I was texting with Sabrina when I heard Y/n call me.
" Yea?" I questioned
I sighed when I didn't get a respondes, so I walked out to the living room where she was. I sat next to her and before I opened my mouth she showed me a picture. I tried not to show her how much I was panicking.
" I can explain." I said
She sighed and nodded. I took a deep breath and started explaining...
" I was on a break at the set when I texted you good luck for your test when Sabrina texted me. She wanted to know if I wanted to hang and talk about a song..."
I kept going on about it until I felt her lips on mine. I was shocked, but kissed back.
" Just promise me you're not lying to me?" She whispered
'' I'm not lying Y/n/n." I told her
She held out her pinky and said... " pinky promise."
I linked my much larger pinky with her smaller one. She then wrapped her arms around my torso which made me automatically wrap my arms around her waist.
Your POV ' And all my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you, but, I kinda feel sorry for them, 'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do,Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs, And pictured I was driving home to you.'
I was over at Liv's house with the girls. I was trying to keep the comments I have about Josh, but they kept coming out. I was in the middle of telling them something, but stopped due to tears falling. I felt Liv wrap her arms around me. I started sobbing into her shoulder which made her hold me tighter.
" Am I not good enough. What's wrong with me Liv?" I asked
" Nothing's wrong with you Y/n/n. Just forget about Josh. Screw him. You don't need a boy cause you have all of us." She told me and pulled me away from her and held my face while wiping the tears away.
" Girl power over powers any boy." She told me which made us all laugh.
" Thanks Liv. Also thanks guys." I smiled, pulling them all into a hug.
When we pulled away from the hug I asked...
" This my sound stupid, but can we listen to your song Liv."
They all let out laughs. Instead of answering me she pulled out her phone and played it. We all screamed the lyrics. When it got to the bridge they all stopped singing so I screamed out the lyrics to them...
" Red lights, stop signs. I still see your face in the white cars, front yards. Can't drive past the places, we used to go to, 'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe. (Ooh,Ooh-Ooh,Ooh-ooh)"
I opened my eyes to find them all filming me which made me smile. I tried to sing the rest of the bridge, but my voice was sore from screaming and crying. After I hung out with them a little more I went to drive back to the apartment and thought about chickening out. I told myself I had to do it, I had to face him at some point. I walked up to the door and tried to find my key. I started panicking a little, but calmed down right away when I felt it in my pocket. I unlocked the door to find Josh's eyes staring right at me.
' I know we weren't perfect, But I've never felt this way for no one, And I just can't imagine, how you could be so okay now that I'm gone, guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me, 'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street.'
I saw him get up from his spot which made me put my hand out to stop him. I felt tears falling down my cheeks again.
" Y/n/n, please don't cry." he said
" Why did you lie to me? You pinky promised that nothing was going on with her." I said through my tears.
He let out a sigh... " Come on, I'm sorry, I broke the promise. I'm also sorry for..." I stopped him
" Stop! I can't take you lying to me anymore. I'm leaving. I'll come get my stuff later."
He tried to stop me. " No! Josh! I'm done with your crap and I'm tired of the lies you tell me. We're over."
I was about to open the door when I turned around and said...
" Yeah, You said forever. Now I drive alone past your street." I then walked out the door letting it slam behind me.
Hopefully you guys enjoyed, also sorry if it's confusing. I just hope you understand it, if not let me know and I can figure a way to fix it. Thanks for all the love guys.
#Joshua Bassett#joshua basset imagine#joshua basset x reader#joshua basset#Joshua Bassett imagine#Joshua Bassett x reader#Joshua bassett fic#Joshua bassett x you#Joshua Bassett angst#angst#mine#sour olivia rodrigo#driver's license
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It’s A Love Story - Part 1

(YN) was sitting at the kitchen table working on her algebra homework when the music that had been coming from the garage for hours finally stopped. A few minutes later five sweaty teenage boys burst through the door.
"You guys are finally starting to sound good," she complimented, albeit slightly sarcastically.
"Thanks kid," Gerard said, ruffling her hair with his sweaty hand.
"Ew get off me," she whined, swatting at him. "And don't call me that."
"Gerard, don't pick on your sister," their mom said, walking into the kitchen. “Ray, Frankie, Bob, would you boys like to stay for dinner?”
“I told my mom I’d be home for dinner tonight, thanks anyway. I’ll see you guys at school tomorrow,” Ray answered with a wave before heading for the door.
"He's my ride," Bob mumbled, following him out.
“I’d love to, Mrs. Way,” Frank replied overly sweetly. Gerard and Mikey rolled their eyes as (YN) tried to stifle a giggle.
Frank had been in the same kindergarten class as (YN) and Mikey, and they quickly became friends. They all grew up together, playing in imaginary worlds with Mikey and (YN)'s older brother Gerard and his friend Ray. Even though she was the only girl in their group, (YN) was never made to feel like the odd one out or forced to play the damsel in distress.
Eventually playing make believe gave way to only slightly more realistic pursuits when the boys started their band. Having absolutely no desire to be on stage, (YN) turned her attention toward her interest in fashion and design. She spent hours sketching haute couture gowns and jewelry she could only dream of one day making and wearing.
"Hey Frank, did you start the algebra homework yet?" (YN) asked as the family, plus Frank, sat down at the dinner table.
"Yea I got it done in study hall, do you need help?"
"Yea, I'm stuck on a few on problems."
"It's only the second week of school, you're not falling behind already are you?" Her mom asked.
"No," (YN) mumbled, turning her attention toward her plate, pushing the food around with her fork.
"Are things alright? You've seemed out of sorts when you got home the last few days.”
(YN) looked toward her brothers, who tried to avoid her eye. "It's nothing," she mumbled.
Luckily the boys started talking about the band, and (YN) was relieved to have the attention pulled off of her. Ironically, that seemed to be the theme of her sophomore year.
The trouble began the week before the new school year began. Her friend Christine lived in a massive house with a beautiful pool and backyard, so she had invited a ton of kids from school over for an end of the summer pool party. The event was such a big deal, there were even upperclassmen besides her older brother attending.
(YN) found a lounge chair to relax in while she waited for more of her friends to arrive. She pulled off her t-shirt and draped it neatly over the back of the chair and when she turned back around she noticed a few guys looking her way, but she didn't pay them much mind. She had just settled in, eyes closed, when a shadow blocked out the sun
"Hey (YN)," she heard someone say.
"Oh, hey Adam, what's up?" She said when she opened her eyes. Adam was in Gerard's grade, and he hadn't really talked to her much before, especially if it meant having to go out of his way to do so.
"Nothin much. You're gonna be a sophomore next year right?"
"Umm, yea."
"That's cool,” he nodded. “Getting your driver's license soon?"
"Yea, me and Mikey both got our tests scheduled on September 12th, right after our birthday," she grinned.
"Nice, so you're gonna be running wild all over town?"
(YN) burst out laughing at the absurdity of the question. "I doubt it, I'm not the wild type."
"Aw, come on, I bet you could be if you tried," he laughed, leaning down so he was looking in her eyes. "I was wondering, have you ever-"
"Lazzara!" Gerard shouted, cutting him off. Both (YN) and Adam looked over at Gerard who had a strange expression on his face. She wasn’t sure what the look was exactly, but (YN) was certain she’d never seen him like that before and it was a little scary
"I'll be right back," Adam said with a sly smile and a wink before walking off.
It took a while, but eventually (YN) was certain that Adam was not coming back. In fact she didn't see him at the party at all after that. However she really didn't mind, because shortly after Adam disappeared Frank arrived and sat down on the lounge chair next to her.
"Sup? Soda?" He said, offering her a can.
"Ooh, yes please," she nodded, taking the beverage from him.
"Hey (YN), did you bring sunscreen?" Mikey asked, seeming to appear out of thin air behind them.
"No, and that reminds me I forgot to put any on too. I hope I don't burn," she grimaced, exchanging looks with Frank and her brother.
"You should cover up then," Mikey said, holding out her shirt that she had left on the back of the chair.
"Oh right," she agreed, a little confused at the level of concern Mikey was taking regarding her skin health as she pulled the shirt over her bikini top. "I bet if you ask Christine, she probably has some sunscreen we could use."
"Yea maybe," Mikey said, draping a towel over her bare legs.
"Stop it," she said, kicking the towel off. "Why are you being so weird?"
"I'm helping," Mikey replied.
"Go away," she snapped, throwing the towel at him. Mikey retaliated by draping the towel over her head and when she pulled it off, he was gone.
"So annoying," she grumbled.
"If we find some sunscreen, I could help you put it on, if you want," Frank offered. "You wouldn't wanna burn."
She couldn't help but blush at the idea of Frank putting his hands all over her back and arms and... "Thanks, umm, maybe," she laughed nervously before quickly changing the subject.
(YN) spent the rest of the afternoon talking to Frank, but she couldn’t help but feel like she was being watched. Whether it was one of her brothers hovering obnoxiously close, or other guys at the party staring at her unabashedly, she had to wonder what the hell was going on.
The school year started as usual, but the same feeling of being watched overwhelmed (YN) as she walked down the halls of Our Lady of Sorrows Academy. At first it felt like she was being sized up like a piece of meat and the guys who were looking her up and down were hungry dogs. But as the week progressed, it was as if they couldn't avert their eyes away from her fast enough. When she tried to strike up a conversation with any guy other than her brothers, Frank, or Ray, they were abrupt and cold toward her.
"Can I tell you guys something that’s probably gonna sound crazy?” (YN) asked as she sat down in study hall with her friends Christine and Marie.
“Of course,” Christine nodded, leaning in.
“I know I’m not like hot or popular to begin with, but I feel like almost every guy in school is avoiding me."
Christine and Marie exchanged glances. "Umm, so you haven't heard?" Marie asked.
"Heard what?"
"Well first of all, I don’t think you’ve looked in the mirror recently because sweetie, the summer was very kind to you. You're totally hot, and that’s the problem,” Christine replied.
“Hot? I'm not even doing anything different,” (YN) mumbled, feeling herself blush as she pulled the cardigan of her uniform around herself more tightly. “And what do you mean, that’s the problem?”
“I heard that Gerard told Adam that if he so much as looks at you, he’ll put a hit out on him. I guess word has gotten around to all the guys in school,” Christine shrugged.
"Are you kidding me?!" (YN) blurted out and the other kids in the quiet study hall looked over at her.
"Miss Way, do you have a problem?" Mrs. Simon, the teacher supervising the study hall, asked from her spot at the front of the room.
"Nope! I, umm, am just surprised at the answer to this equation. I really love chemistry," she lied, trying to cover up for her outburst.
"What are you gonna do?" Marie whispered when everyone in the room turned their attention back to their own work.
"Nothing," (YN) shrugged.
"Wait, really?" Christine asked, totally surprised.
"Yea, because the guy I like is one of the few that won't be intimidated by Mikey or Gee."
"Who?!" Marie asked excitedly.
"I'm not telling anyone, because if it gets out, my brothers will lose it."
"Oooh, star crossed lovers," Marie grinned.
"Hardly," (YN) replied. "I doubt he even likes me like that."
"So you're coming to our birthday party, right?" (YN) asked as she and Frank sat at the kitchen table after dinner that night. The algebra homework was mostly finished, but forgotten for the moment.
"Have I ever missed it?"
"No," she rolled her eyes, but smiled. She knew she could always rely on Frank to show up for their birthday.
“Are you gonna make a super big deal out of it because it’s your sweet sixteen?” His tone was a little teasing.
“Oh yea, if I don't get a brand new BMW, I’m gonna throw a tantrum," she deadpanned.
“So you’re finally gonna start acting like a true OLS Academy girl?”
“Ugh, hell no,” (YN) groaned, rolling her eyes again. "There's a reason why Christine and Marie are my only girl friends."
"And it’s not because you spend all the rest of your time hanging out with us nerds?" He smirked.
"You nerds have always been my favorite people to hang out with. You're more interesting than 99% of that school."
"All of us, or just me?" He trailed off, suddenly becoming very interested in the pencil in hand.
"Yea, you're like in first place, then Christine and Marie, then Ray, Mikey, and Gee, then everyone else in the world."
"Damn, that's a lot of people to be ahead of," he replied with a goofy smile.
"Well you're really cool and always nice to me so yea," (YN) blushed.Silence hung between them, and for a moment she thought he was about to reach over and take her hand.
"Umm... (YN), ya know I’ve always-"
"How's the homework?" Gerard asked, bursting through the door from his basement bedroom.
"It'd be easier if you weren't always barging in," (YN) snapped. She hoped the blush on her cheeks wasn’t too noticeable.
"Don't do your homework in the kitchen then," Gerard shrugged.
"It's where the snacks are," she whined, but then a thought struck her like a bolt of lightning. "But I guess that’s fine, Frank will just have to go up to my room where we can shut the door and work in peace and quiet."
"I'll tell mom," Gerard replied.
"Tell her what? That you're annoying and distracting me, her long suffering youngest child, her poor, only daughter, from her studies?"
“Yea I’m the annoying one,” Gerard muttered before grabbing a soda from the fridge and retreating back downstairs.
“I should probably get going, it’s getting late,” Frank said, stretching his arms overhead. His shirt pulled up to show just a sliver of skin under the hem and (YN) couldn’t help but stare.
“Yea, umm, thanks for staying late and helping me,” (YN) said, getting up to walk him to the door.
“Just say the word and I’ll be here,” he smiled.
(YN) nodded, wanting to ask him what he was gonna say before Gerard interrupted him, but couldn’t find the courage to do so. “I’ll see you tomorrow then,” she smiled, holding out her arms for a hug.
Frank smiled back and wrapped his arms around her. She worried for a moment that she was holding on too long, but he wasn’t in any hurry to pull back either. When they finally did part, he waved before heading out into the cool New Jersey evening. (YN) shut the door behind him, and leaned against it with a dreamy sigh, the lingering feeling of his arms around her would be wonderful to fall asleep to that night.
Part 2
#frank iero x reader#frank iero fan fic#frank iero fan fiction#frank iero imagine#my chemical romance fan fic#my chemical romance fan fiction
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Oksy so don’t feel like you have to do this but nesta and the kids go out grocery shopping and they bump into THOMAS FUCKING MANDARY and Nesta gets super overwhelmed but she’s got the kids and shit so she pretends she’s fine
But later cass comes home and the kids tell him what happens.
(and maybe they have a talk on important stuff about being with someone who loves you and if someone hurts you they don’t love you and it’s beautiful Idk)
Loving And Caring
Nessian modern au set in the The Seven Of Us universe (masterlist)
acotar next gen fan fiction
A/N: This is the reason I’m gonna fail my English exam, so please enjoy:)
The children’s ages: Ezra is 11, Cal is 6, Nora is 3 and Celia is 2. Andra is kinda not born yet.
Word count: 8,185
"I want it!"
"I don't-"
"No, I want this!"
"I said I wanted it first."
"You did not!"
Nesta Archeron had been called many things in her life. Daughter first. Then sister and friend, woman. She had been appreciated by all the professors she had had the honor of meeting during her studies, who had called her the best in her classes. She had finally found someone who had sincerely called her love and then wife, and she would not give up that last acquired, very important title of mom for anything in the world, but-
Right then she just wanted to strap her kids to the cart and run.
Walking down the cereal aisle, she ran a hand over her swollen, ready-to-burst belly, realizing that she would have to trip and fall on her bump if she wanted to end the problem for good. The baby girl, for whom they still hadn't chosen a name, would be born in a few weeks, and if she didn't get rid of her, too, she would never find peace.
She giggled - or at least she thought she did - at those morbid, disturbing thoughts for which many people would surely have her locked up in a mental hospital, if they found out how often she admitted to wanting to abandon her children.
It had been such a tiring day. She had been home from work for a couple of months now, this fifth pregnancy was breaking her down physically and mentally. She was at the end, in her eighth month, but she would much rather have the last baby out and inside the cart with her sisters by now.
Celia and Nora were babbling something in their imperfect language, and Nesta's heart clenched for her little men at the thought that they would be outnumbered in a few weeks. She and Cassian had experienced that feeling only three years before, and yet she still hadn't forgotten the terror she had felt at the idea of her children turning against them.
They had created a small army.
Casting a quick glance at Ezra who was sneaking something into the cart, she huffed. If the others noticed that he had put a package of junk food in the basket, that would be the end of it.
Moments later, in fact, Cal was looking at the colored bag in the still empty cart with suspicious eyes, and Nesta wasn't going to wait for the fight over who could buy the most junk food that day to begin.
"Ezra, put the snacks back," she said rubbing her hands over her eyes.
Celia mumbled something as she sat inside the cart, and Nora, silently settled next to her, nodded, as if she understood what the other was talking about. It shouldn't have shocked her, but Nesta never ceased to be amazed by that way of communicating that only the two of them understood.
Ezra's icy eyes turned sad when he looked at her and he pouted, "But mom I need them for snacks for school."
Cal looked at him with a furrowed brow, "No you don't. I need them." then he turned to Nesta, "But I don't like these, can I have those?" he asked with a bright smile pointing across the aisle with a wave of his arm.
She leaned forward, sighing and not answering him. Nora looked up at her and reached out her hands toward her mom, letting her know she wanted to be held, but Nesta was aching.
Cal and Ezra hadn't stopped bickering for half a second, and Celia had cried all day because she wanted her dada. Nora had stayed in Nesta's arms the entire walk to the grocery store, and one way or another she knew she would have to carry her all the way back home as well, despite the unbearable back pain. It was less than two kilometers, but with a pregnancy running out and only one hand to restrain any possible child who threatened to throw themselves under the cars whizzing by, it became more mental work than physical.
When Nesta smiled lovingly at her, trying to make her understand that she couldn't hold her right then, Cal burst into tears.
Her daughters' little heads snapped up at their brother, and Nesta cursed herself for deciding to do something as stupid as taking her four young children to the grocery store on an evening when they were all visibly on edge and stressed.
"Dear, what happened?" she asked without even an ounce of concern in her voice. She knew full well that it was just a tantrum. She got confirmation of that when Ezra replied in a whiny tone that they couldn't both buy snacks, or they wouldn't know how to carry them home. At that point Cal's cry became a proper scream and Nesta had to close her eyes to avoid the judgmental stares of the people passing by.
She brought her hands to her temples, massaging her forehead in circular motions, and when she thought she could handle it without throwing up on each of her children, she leaned against the cart, circling around Ezra and crouching with no small amount of difficulty in front of Cal. One hand on her back and the other still clinging to the cart, she grunted as she put one knee on the ground. She felt Nora's little hand rest on hers as she began to speak, "Listen kiddo, we're all very tired and now your brother is going to put his snacks down too," she explained, giving Ezra an inquisitive look over her shoulder. The eldest son rolled his eyes, but he had Celia hand him the package and snortingly put it back. Cal sobbed, sniffling, and Nesta laid a hand on his shoulder, massaging his arm. "How about we read a book together tonight before bed?"
The boy's face scrunched up in a grimace of sadness, "But I want snacks." he sobbed louder. Nesta bit her lip, knowing full well that the fat tears on his cheeks weren't really for the snacks and that she couldn't give in and let them all buy something or she'd end up with two bags full of junk food to carry.
Cal hadn't slept that afternoon, as had everyone else, because of Celia's endless crying, and she hadn't wanted to take her afternoon nap until it was too late and Nora and Cal had gotten out of bed to go play in their rooms. At that point Nesta had been forced to let Celia go, but she knew that had meant agreeing to spend an evening with frustrated and not-rested children.
She was about to respond when a couple of older ladies walked by them, casting an annoyed look at Cal. Nesta would have liked to respond with an ugly hand gesture, but she couldn't do it in front of her children.
In that moment of distraction she hadn't realized that Celia had also started calling her and now, casting a quick glance at her daughter, she felt a very bad feeling sink into her stomach at the sight of the little girl's tear-filled eyes.
She looked at Ezra, taking a deep breath, and noticed that even the oldest of her children seemed bothered by the course of action Nesta had taken. She felt tremendous guilt at seeing that the only one of her children who didn't seem disappointed or angry with her was Nora.
It all got worse when one of the two ladies who had just passed her said loud enough so she could hear her, "I don't understand why some people don't stop with their first child. It's obvious she can't even handle one, listen to her screaming."
Nesta felt the emotion grow in her throat.
"When someone isn't born to be a parent, it shows immediately. She's one of those awful mothers who doesn't know how to take care of her children." the other added.
Nesta caught her breath, fixing her gaze in Cal's. Celia was crying by now, spluttering to be picked up as she tried to keep her balance inside the cart.
She wasn't going to answer. She wasn't going to answer.
"Let's go home." she whispered suddenly, laying a hand on the small of her back and pulling herself up with a tremendous effort, a twinge of pain went through her legs and back, "Cal, dear, we'll buy the snacks another time, for now we'll just take the bread and milk, tomorrow come back with daddy and take whatever you want, okay?" she spoke quickly, in a high, steady voice so that all four of them could hear her. She just hoped they didn't hear how desperately she was trying not to burst into tears over what the ladies had just said.
Cal nodded, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his shirt and immediately stopping crying. Ezra looked thoughtful, but he too had stopped pouting. The only one who still looked upset was Celia, who followed her by walking inside the cart, moving where she stood.
Seeing the little girl's red face and dripping nose, arms outstretched toward her, Nesta heard only the words "awful mother" repeated in her mind.
With a knot in her throat and a cry that she was sure would break free as soon as she stepped into the house, Nesta pushed forward, bumping the cart with her belly as she picked up Celia and placed her on her side. The little girl immediately stopped crying, resting her head on her mother's shoulder and cupping her tiny hand over her shirt.
Now, beyond the emotional wound that had just been inflicted on her, Nesta could feel the pain in her back growing with every step she took. She bit the inside of her cheek, trying to stop a sob that threatened to break that composed attitude she had.
Everything hurt so bad.
Cal was running in front of them all, stomping his feet on the ground and making the little lights on his shoes glow. Ezra was walking beside her, one hand on the edge of the cart as he mouthed off to Nora, but he had to stop when Nesta froze in the middle of the aisle, taking an abrupt breath. She brought a hand to her belly, feeling the baby move and kick, only adding to the pain.
"Ezra, love," she breathed, stepping aside and holding Celia against her side, then asked between her teeth as the baby continued her assault inside her, "could you push the cart?"
He nodded, his face lighting up as if she had asked him to take control of a ship.
Celia began to squirm on her side and Nesta had the urge to drop her, not voluntarily, but it all hurt so much that her body was begging her to sit up, to take all that unnecessary weight off her arms.
At the idea that she would have to walk home she felt her eyes grow heavy with tears.
She put Celia back in the cart, breathing a sigh of relief as some of the pain eased in her lower back. Nora was now standing and smiling at Ezra, who was struggling to see where he was going past his sister.
Nesta looked up just as Cal hopped out of the aisle and fell to the ground, crashing into someone's cart. Or rather, as someone ran over him with their cart and slamming him to the ground.
She didn't even think about it as she started walking as fast as her body would allow towards her son, leaving the other three behind. By the time she reached him, Cal was standing there laughing in amusement and was running his hands over his pants to get the dust off his palms. Once she made sure he wasn't hurt, she was ready to yell at whoever had dropped her son, ready to take out all her frustration and doubts on the stranger, when she heard a voice that sent chills down her spine.
"Nesta Archeron?"
She moved her head so fast she was surprised she hadn't snapped her neck, but her brain didn't have time to process the pain the jolt had caused her, because there standing before her was Tomas Mandray.
She couldn't believe it.
Any thought of yelling at the stranger vanished like an echo in her mind.
How was it possible that he was there?
"Is it really you?" he asked her with wide eyes and an incredulous smile on his face. He circled the cart, shifting his gaze to Cal, and Nesta felt the overwhelming instinct to grab her son and hide him behind her. When Tomas reached out a hand toward him, ruffling his hair, she felt vomit rise in her throat. They had to get out of that place immediately. "I can't believe it." he voiced her thoughts, "Is this yours?" he asked looking into her eyes again.
This... he was talking about Cal.
She couldn't find the words and continued to stare at the man in front of her with wide eyes - scared eyes, if you knew Nesta, if you knew where to look. And Tomas knew it. Tomas had always known it.
She heard Ezra reach them, and then something slammed into her side. She didn't need to lower her head to catch a glimpse of Nora's little pigtails of black hair or hear Celia's amused giggle.
Tomas snorted a laugh out of his nose, crossing his arms over his chest, "Are they all yours?" then moved his gaze to her belly to bring it back up to her breasts and Nesta wanted to say something to him, to insult him, to hit him, to take him away from her children, but she felt her heart pounding in her throat and the air couldn't reach her lungs.
That tone-
That tone wasn't of someone who was happy to hear that you'd made a new life for yourself after they'd managed to destroy you completely. It wasn't the tone of an old friend who you hadn't seen in years and who you're about to agree to hang out with and tell them about everything that happened in your lives.
No, it was the tone he had used every day, every hour, when he needed to belittle her, when he needed to make her feel insignificant, worthless.
Nesta turned her head so slowly toward her son, blinking, that she must have seemed like another person entirely. No longer the proud, strong woman she'd shown everyone for years on that side. Ezra had one eyebrow arched, as if wondering what was going on, and was clasping hands with a jumping Celia.
She didn't have the energy to turn around, to look at the man who had pushed her to the bottom of the barrel and destroyed her, but she managed to throw out a weak, "Kids we have to go, we're not taking anything." then turning to Cal, she took his arm, pulling him towards his siblings, "Let's go."
She felt Tomas' eyes creeping over her like slimy hands. She could still remember the last time he'd touched her, when she'd gone over the edge, offering herself to him to avoid yet another fight or worse.
For that, when his true hand tightened around her wrist, pulling her slightly to let her stay there, she flinched.
She spun around, bringing her free hand to her belly for protection. When the little girl inside her kicked again, making her groan through her teeth in pain, Tomas smiled in a way that made Nesta hope she was anywhere but there.
"Is she kicking?"
And then it all happened quickly. She couldn't move, couldn't pull away, as the grip on her wrist tightened and Tomas pulled her closer to him and placed his other hand on her stomach, next to hers. A soundless sob escaped her control and her breath labored as she felt his fingers move over her shirt.
She was going to throw up.
She gave a tug so hard that the twinge of pain started at her wrist and reached her elbow, but she was free. She smacked the hand on her, taking several steps back and bringing Cal with her. She had started pushing the front of the cart, trying to position it in the direction they had come from.
She met Ezra's gaze for a moment, before her son's eyes slipped behind her, on Tomas' figure.
"Ezra." she called to him in a firm voice. Four pairs of eyes snapped in his direction. That was the tone of a tired mother issuing orders to her children at the end of the day, "Eyes on me."
She didn't want anything of Tomas's to come into contact with her children. She didn't want him to contaminate them the way he had contaminated her.
She lifted Cal off the ground and the child quietly let her pick him up without too much of a fuss. She didn't feel the strain at all as she pulled him high enough to put him in the cart with the girls. Looking at her oldest, she hoped she could secure him like she was doing with the other three, but he was too big to fit in the cart himself.
Before she could tell him to follow her without saying a word, Tomas spoke again.
"What a beautiful name, Ezra," she felt the venom bind each letter.
Ezra was about to turn around, probably to thank him, as she and Cassian had taught him, but Nesta squeezed his shoulder, "Keep looking ahead and walking, I don't want you talking to him."
"Always so fucking obnoxious," Tomas spat at that point.
Nesta froze in her tracks. She could feel him following them as he tortured her. Ezra froze beside her, tugging at her sleeve to get her attention.
Always so obnoxious. You're useless, worthless. I'm the only person who will ever be able to put up with your bullshit. You'll never find anyone else.
She felt the panic rise, the agitation for one of her children to realize how uncomfortable she was at that moment. She closed and opened her hands on the cart's handlebars, hoping to relieve some of that tension.
"I'm amazed to see you with so many children," he continued, creeping up beside her and stopping in front of her cart, blocking her way with his. She looked up at him, feeling the air scratch at her throat. He had aged, she could see it in the features around his eyes, his mouth - he had aged and yet still had the same look. "I didn't think you'd ever date again after I left you."
I left you. She wanted to tell him. I had the courage to leave.
She didn't answer him, straightening her back.
Tomas smirked, lowering his gaze to her daughters and his smile widened even more.
"Don't look at them," she snapped, still maintaining her composure.
The man looked up at her one more time, "They'll be just as pretty as their mother when they grow up." then looked at Cal and Ezra, sliding a finger over the edge of his cart. "Who's the father?"
"Dada." muttered Celia, flapping her little hands.
Nesta wanted to recoil at the sound. She didn't want Tomas to hear her talk, didn't want him to watch them. She didn't want them breathing his same air.
"It's none of your business and now move over," she whispered to him. All she could think about was the fact that she had to get her children out of there as soon as possible. Therefore, when he didn't move an inch, she added. "Please."
Tomas laughed. He laughed, leaning his head back and clutching his hand around the mesh of her cart. "Nessie Nessie," he clicked his tongue on his palate, a remnant of laughter in the tone of his voice that made the woman's gut tangle, "I haven't seen you in so long. I want to know everything."
"Please." she repeated, as her eyes filled with tears. His own widened slightly, surprised to see such a reaction in her. She didn't care if he saw her weak, she didn't care if she had to get down on her knees. He was keeping them trapped, and Nesta knew he wouldn't let them leave until he squeezed even the last drop of sanity out of her.
If Ezra still realized what was going on, she didn't know, and it scared her even more. Cal was looking at her and looked worried, probably having never seen her so shaken in her life.
She was about to beg him a third time. Beg him to free her from whatever that game was that they were stuck in at that moment, but someone said her name. Ezra looked behind them and Nesta saw the shadow of a smile on his face, prompting her to turn around in turn. A choked sound escaped her throat as she bit her upper lip to keep from bursting into tears, and a wave of gratitude washed over her.
"Miss Archeron," the man smiled at her. Drakon Cretea had been Nesta and Cassian's neighbor for years now. He and his wife Myriam had babysat their children so many times that they were their go-to people. In fact, Celia and Nora had snapped to their feet at the sound of the voice of the acquired grandfather they loved so much.
Nesta didn't waste a moment turning the cart so that it faced Drakon. The children, Ezra included, began to cheer happily at having met a familiar face, and Nesta allowed herself to look over her shoulder.
With such relief that she thought she might collapse to the ground, she saw that Tomas was already pulling away, and as he turned the corner, pulling into another aisle, she took a deep breath through her nose, closing her eyes.
She had made it.
Cassian was exhausted.
He had spent the entire day grading exams for first-year students with his aide, and it was as if he could see the letters behind his eyelids every time he blinked. It was much more feasible to work in the university library, where he didn't risk being interrupted by a child every five minutes, but he only tried to do it once or twice a month during exam sessions, knowing full well how exhausting it was for Nesta to keep up with all the children together until late in the evening, especially now that Andra was about to arrive.
"Andra." he murmured into the silence of his car. Nesta kept telling him that they weren't sure that would be the name of their fifth child, but Cassian didn't care. He just needed to name his wife's belly when talking to his daughter.
He breathed a sigh of relief as he turned off the car in the driveway and stepped out, stretching his arms up just enough to make his back crack.
Glancing at the watch on his wrist, he huffed. It was too late for his girls to still be awake, but maybe he'd be able to say goodnight to Cal and Ezra.
He had warned Nesta that he was going to be late, and she had simply replied that she would leave dinner ready in the kitchen for when he returned.
Opening the front door, he immediately saw two little dark heads popping up from above the couch. Cal was already running at him when he closed the door behind him and jumped on him as soon as he had put his stuff down, "Dad!"
"Kiddo!" said Cassian throwing him into the air.
Cal laughed waving his arms, "Sssh," he scolded him still laughing, "the girls are sleeping."
"Oops," dad made a guilty face, stopping their game and putting Cal down.
Ezra was too focused on watching TV and wasn't paying the slightest attention to Cassian, but he walked over to the couch anyway, lowering himself just enough so he could leave a kiss on his hair, "Hi love." he murmured to him.
The little boy's head snapped toward him and with a crooked smile on his face and his pajama collar in his mouth, he said, "Hi dad."
Cassian scoffed amused, ripping his pajamas from between his teeth, "How many times have I told you not to eat your clothes?"
"Sorry," Ezra said, not sounding sorry at all.
Cal had gone back to lying next to his brother and they both seemed too caught up in the cartoon to pay any attention to it, so he went into the kitchen, loosening the tie around his neck and praying that Nesta had cooked something good - though the opposite was quite unlikely considering the woman's innate cooking skills.
He moaned with delight when he realized it was the meatballs she always made when she didn't feel like cooking and, taking the plate, he headed back to the living room. He plopped down in between his sons, taking the pajamas out of Ezra's mouth again and offering them both a meatball.
"So, what have you guys been up to today?" asked Cassian with a full mouth, slipping off his shoes and placing his feet on the coffee table.
First Cal and then Ezra told him in full detail about what they had done at school and then about the fact that none of them had slept that afternoon. Cassian was surprised to find out that Cal could still stand up without getting any rest.
When they got to the point where Nesta had taken them out walking and they had made it all the way to the supermarket, he had stopped them.
"Guys come on," he looked at them with incredulous eyes, "I told you to keep her home."
It was true. Lately Nesta had been pushing her limits when the doctors had told her to exert herself and stress as little as possible. With childbirth imminent too, it was risky for her to walk around without any other adults.
Ezra had the decency to look guilty, "I know, but-"
"We also met a weird dude," Cal interrupted him.
Cassian looked at him taking on a confused expression, "Weird?"
"Yeah, he knew mom," Ezra nodded, looking at the TV and talking thoughtlessly. He was bowing his head slowly and Cassian unconsciously extended a hand towards him, shutting his mouth before he could start chewing on the fabric once again. He looked at him at that point, continuing the story, "Mom was all weird, though."
"Weird." repeated Cassian.
"Yeah, weird." repeated Cal in turn, then chuckled, "He even hit me with the cart."
He and Ezra laughed together, remembering how Cal had fallen on his bum, but Cassian's thoughts were elsewhere. Clearly the fact that someone had rolled his son with a cart must not have been traumatic or painful, or Nesta would have called him and Cal wouldn't have been there laughing, but the fact that they had described her with an adjective like "weird" had him on high alert.
"Do you happen to know the man's name?" asked Cassian, pulling himself up and setting his plate down on the coffee table, keeping his gaze on his hands.
Ezra shook his head, "No, also because mom didn't talk to him much and then Drakon showed up."
"Oh, yeah," Cal repeated excitedly, his eyes glowing, "then Drakon showed up."
Cassian was on his feet before his youngest son had finished speaking. He started up the stairs to go upstairs, where he hoped he would find Nesta awake, but warned the two little men that he would go change and be back down to them in a jiffy.
With a strained expression and a bad feeling working its way through him, he walked down the hall, opening the door to his daughters' room slightly. Both Celia and Nora were already fast asleep, and Cassian felt a smile break out on his lips... his little gems. He couldn't believe yet another one would be arriving soon.
He closed the door, making sure not to make any noise, and then headed to his room, praying that Nesta was okay and that his children had misunderstood everything.
He heard her before he even entered. He could picture her pacing back and forth through their room, muttering about what was bothering her at the moment.
He took a deep breath, ready to fight whatever demons there would be to fight that night together, and tightening his hand around the doorknob, he lowered it, pushing himself into the room.
Nesta stopped short, both hands wrapped under her belly to help support that extra weight she was always complaining about.
The second Cassian's eyes found hers, her expression completely transformed and a desperate sob broke the silence that had formed between them.
"Nesta." he said as if someone had just sucked the air from his lungs. Reaching for her with two quick strides and wrapping her in his arms, Cassian heard all kinds of emotion in his wife's crying.
When he stroked her back, Nesta let go a wail of pain and he immediately pulled away, still keeping his hands around her elbows as much as her cold hands tightened around his forearms.
"God, Nesta what happened?"
She only cried harder, loosening her grip on him when she was sure he wouldn't pull away. She managed to say between sobs, "Everything hurts."
Cassian felt as if the floor has cracked open beneath them. "Is it the baby?"
Nesta's eyes went wide, probably only realizing at that moment what state he'd found her in, "No, she's fine." then, seeing his increasingly worried expression, she added, "I promise the baby's fine."
Cassian sagged at little, reducing his lips to a thin line, gently pushed her towards the bed to get her to sit up, but Nesta shook her head, taking short, overly fast breaths, "I can't."
Cassian paused, taking her hands and trying to restrain himself from asking her who they had met that afternoon that had managed to trigger such a reaction in her. There was no way she could have been in that state just from being tired.
"I can't." repeated Nesta sobbing and looking into his eyes. "Everything hurts, Cassian."
He sighed, closing his eyes. Seeing her in this state was nothing new unfortunately. With four pregnancies behind them and everything they'd been through in the years prior to their marriage, it wasn't unusual for either of them to be in such a condition.
He opened his eyes, trying to keep a firm tone, "How come you can't sit down?"
"If I sit the pain gets worse." she said between choked breaths.
Cassian furrowed his brow, wanting to yell at her about how stupid it had been of her to go walking that afternoon, but he restrained himself. "Have you tried lying down?" he proposed.
Nesta shook her head again, "Any position hurts my back or my legs," she explained.
"Tell you what," he began hesitantly, taking both of her hands, "why don't you put on those super pants that support your belly - or I'll help you put them on, it's no problem," he added quickly when he saw the pain in her features, "and then I'll give you a leg massage while you're standing?" he said smiling at her coyly. Nesta sniffed, nodding slowly. "And when sitting doesn't hurt anymore or is bearable you get on your knees on the bed or lean against the keyboard and I massage your back too, are you up for that?"
She squeezed his hands to let him know she was okay with everything, so Cassian smiled at her, returning the squeeze and starting to pull away from her to go get the leggings, but Nesta's eyes went wide and a few tears rolled down her cheeks, "Where are you going?"
Cassian grimaced worriedly.
Why hadn't she called him if she was feeling this bad?
He moved back as close as he could without crushing Andra between them, "I was just going to get my pajamas, Nes, and your pants." he placed a hand on her face, stroking away the remnants of her crying. Then he sighed, pushing her forehead into his and keeping his eyes open as he whispered, "I love you."
She repeated it quietly, almost a sigh.
He undressed quickly, slipping into his pajamas with equal haste as Nesta stood motionless in the center of the room, waiting for him to return to her.
"Listen," Cassian began, kneeling in front of her as he helped her out of the pajama pants she was wearing, "the boys told me you met someone today." he forced himself to look at her, when the grip on his shoulder suddenly tightened. Cassian studied the reaction he'd elicited from her and bit the inside of his cheek, seeing how Nesta had frozen and put her foot down. He took a deep breath, giving her knee a little tap to let her know she needed to get it back up, "They didn't tell me who it was and I don't think they know, but I got some ideas and I want-" he swallowed loudly, thinking seriously about what might have happened if his doubts were real, "If it's Tomas, I want to know if you're okay." he said in a lower voice, looking at her from under his lashes. Nesta didn't answer.
He had managed to get both of her feet into her pants and was pulling them up gently, trying not to hurt her. He had to pull up the skirt of the robe she used during all her pregnancies when none of her pajamas fit anymore, uncovering her belly and left a gentle kiss on her skin, smiling at his daughter, "Hello my little sunshine."
He felt Nesta shiver and thinking it was from the cold he hurried to cover her belly with her pants and then pull her nightgown down.
He looked at her more seriously than ever as he settled on the floor in front of her so he could massage her into a comfortable position. He was about to speak, to ask her again how she was doing, but she beat him to it.
"What did you do today?" she asked in a weak voice.
Cassian closed his mouth, bouncing his legs, pondering whether to insist that she spoke or let her distract him with that question. He decided for the latter, even though his wife already knew very well what he had done that day, "This morning there was an exam of Ancient History for the first years." he began to speak while pressing his thumbs on her left thigh. Nesta was leaning her hands on his shoulders. "I have to be honest, I've never seen exams as crappy and ignorant as this session's," he continued while keeping his gaze fixed on her face. "It's like people stopped studying all of a sudden and thought they could pass my exams by learning the bare minimum."
He shifted on her other thigh and Nesta snapped forward, groaning softly as Cassian touched a particularly numb muscle.
"Sorry." he smiled at her, "Then at lunch I stayed in the faculty with Gwyn and Luc, and by the way, they asked me if you'd be okay with organizing a lunch this weekend, with everyone?"
Nesta rolled her eyes, "I can't even walk, let alone plan a lunch with everyone," she pointed out to him in an irritated tone.
Cassian chuckled, "I'll let Gwyn know you told her to fuck off nicely."
"Yes, thank you," she replied to him. But then she bit her lip, thoughtfully, "But if they want to do something at her or Elain's that's fine. I can also cook, but not here, please, I don't feel like tidying up afterwards." she looked into his eyes with a pleading look.
"It's okay, it's not a problem," he shifted to her calves, "Although, if the only problem has to be the fact that you don't feel like tidying up, you know I wouldn't let you."
Nesta grunted, "I don't want you to do all the work yourself."
Cassian let out a puff of air through his nostrils, "You can't be the only one working hard in this house Nes, let me have some of the glory too." he joked.
"But I'm not the only one." she said in an overly serious tone, "You're always at work and I know you're working overtime, filling in for your colleagues, don't think I haven't noticed," she scolded him. Cassian lowered his head, feeling his cheeks turn red. "And I'm here at home and I can't work and I've been like this for months now and even before that with Celia-" she sighed, bringing a hand to her face, "I just wish I could help you bring something extra home."
Cassian stopped massaging her leg, surprised at what he was hearing. He moved away from her, enough so that he could stand up without bumping into her stomach and then looked at her, shaking his head, "What on earth are you talking about?" he asked, "Nesta you're raising our children. You're doing a much more tiring and exhausting job than mine ever will be." he pulled himself upright, "True, it's just as rewarding and enjoyable to be able to stay home and watch our children grow up, but you're the biggest help I could ever get right now. We don't need money right now."
"No buts." he said arching his eyebrows and pushing her towards the bed, "Do you think you can sit?" she nodded pensively and let him help her up onto the mattress. "Nesta what you're doing is admirable and I'm sure not everyone could handle it as well as you can."
Nesta stopped in the middle of the bed, turning to look at him with a shocked expression.
Cassian was just as shocked. That she didn't realize how much she was actually helping him was beyond comprehension.
"I can only get by because you're there," she murmured, looking away, "I'd never make it on my own."
"And no one expects you to make it, Nes." he said stunned. He really couldn't understand where all the doubt was coming from, "You don't have to make it on your own and you're not doing it on your own."
He had her settled so that her back was to him and she was turned to the wall. He placed his hands over her back and began to make concise circles on the bottom, applying pressure where he knew the pain was most concentrated. Nesta's head fell forward in relief.
"You really don't think you're helping me in any way?"
"No, I-" she froze mid-sentence, "It's not that."
"Then what is it?" he asked, using his knuckles to massage her shoulder muscles.
Nesta groaned softly, "It's just that I wish I could go back to work and read all the books I want and I wish I could feel tired and be able to let my kids cry without anyone telling me what to do and how to do it. I wish I could move without the terror of going into labor at any moment and-" she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "I wish I wasn't so hormonal right now."
He could tell that her thoughts were all over the place.
There had been other such crises during Celia's pregnancy. The fear that they wouldn't measure up as parents to so many children. They were in constant thought that they were not giving them enough, that they were teaching them the wrong lessons. Cassian had received some nasty comments himself about how they were raising their children, and he knew right away that someone must have said something to Nesta that day.
They had always had stronger, more heartfelt reactions on her, and now that she was pregnant it was all much more altered.
"What happened today?" he asked her under his breath after a few moments of silence.
"No one slept, I didn't have a moment's peace and then we left and walked to the mall. I had to carry Nora all the way there and-" her voice broke on the last sentence and Cassian stopped his ministrations on her. He laid both hands on her back, getting as close as he could, letting his hands slide down her hips and then over her belly, until his chest made contact with her back and Nesta pushed back against him.
She dropped her head onto Cassian's shoulder.
"And?" he murmured, spurring her on.
"Everything hurt so much, Cass," she replied in a watery voice, "It was like I was being stabbed in the back and I couldn't put Nora down because she'd start crying."
A sharp twinge of pain shot through his chest. He began to gently massage her belly and shortly after he felt her small hands settle on his, pushing harder, "No one would try to say you're a bad mother just because you don't pick up your daughter when you're hurting."
She didn't answer.
"Celia?" he asked.
"Ezra and Cal held her hand the whole way, she walked so much," she said with a half smile on her face. "When we walked in they immediately started acting up and then they started crying and I couldn't take it anymore and these ladies said I was an awful mother and it's true, Cassian." she jerked in his arms as she said those last words. He only held her tighter, taking a deep breath. "Who is the mother who can't calm her own children when they cry? Her own children." she shook her head, running a hand under her eyes.
He couldn't see her face, but he knew she had started crying again.
"Nesta listen to me." he whispered to her, kissing her shoulder and then the tip of her ear. "You are the most loving and caring mother I know. Your children are perfectly healthy and you've never let them lack for anything. You've never raised your voice to them. You've never threatened them or grounded them-"
"I'm not a monster," she muttered.
"And more importantly," he said smiling and holding her tighter, "your children are happy."
"But Cal today-"
"Cal is downstairs watching TV with his brother and he's been telling me about his day and he's the happiest kid ever," he interrupted her, "Just because he threw a tantrum and cried a little doesn't mean you're not a good mother."
She sighed and nodded, though she didn't look convinced.
Cassian continued to stroke the spots on her belly where he knew her skin pulled the most, her hand still on his playing with the wedding ring on his finger when Nesta said, "I saw Tomas today."
Cassian froze behind her, holding his breath. He'd known it, but hearing the fear in her voice now as she said the name of the man Cassian hated most in the world didn't stop him from wincing.
"He bumped Cal with the cart and knocked him over and I didn't realize it was him until he called me," Nesta continued.
When Cassian spoke, his voice came out much harsher and tighter than he intended, "Did he-" he cleared his throat, "Did he say anything?"
"No, he-" Nesta brought both hands to her stomach, shifting his. She moved uncomfortably in his arms and Cassian loosened his grip on his wife, realizing she wanted to move. He grabbed her by the hips, trying to pull her up so she could turn toward him, and when she was finally sitting up with her back against the headboard of the bed, she sighed. "I saw him, Cass, and I froze." she said under her breath, looking into his eyes. "He touched Cal's hair and it was like he was touching me, again, and I completely froze and then the baby kicked and he touched my-" she took a ragged breath as her eyes filled with tears. When she spoke again, her voice was so weak that Cassian had to appeal to every ounce of his reasoning not to get up and go find Tomas to kill him.
He took her hands, remaining silent as a revolting feeling took over his body. The idea of Nesta being touched by that filthy man made his guts turn. The idea of his children-
A choked sob brought him back into the room, "And I wanted him to go and stop looking at Ezra and Celia and Nora and I could only move when Ezra called me, but he followed us and blocked our way. He asked me about you, wanted to know who you were, and it was like going back in time and I couldn't- I couldn't, Cass-" Nesta brought a hand to her chest, her eyes and mouth wide as panic appeared in her gaze and air struggled to reach her lungs.
Cassian squeezed her hands, speaking softly, "Nesta, it's okay." a sob from her, "You're all home." he murmured starting to massage her palm, "You're home with me."
Her breathing became even more erratic and she shook her head, closing her eyes.
Cassian closed his eyes as well, "I'm sorry you had to see him again and I'm sorry you couldn't move, but it's understandable, sweetheart." he was trying to keep his tone of voice relatively low, to calm her down, but it was proving difficult for him as he viewed Tomas watching his daughters. "He shouldn't have touched your belly. He shouldn't have just touched you at all. And he shouldn't have gotten close to Cal or Andra." he seethed. "And if I could I would go to him and rip his hands off." he let slip as he imagined the terror Nesta must have felt at that moment.
Nesta sobbed and the sound broke Cassian's heart, "I'm sorry," she said, "I'm sorry."
A pang of pain tightened in his chest as his face turned into a mask of controlled anger, "Don't ever apologize to me, please," he whispered, "Not for this stuff."
"But I couldn't do anything, even after all this time-" a hiccup broke the sentence, "He still has all this power over me. It's not fair."
It's not fair.
Cassian nodded, biting the inside of his cheek, "You're right, it's not fair." he squeezed her hands lightly, telling her to look at his face. She quickly did so. "You're not with him anymore. You're free. You don't owe him anything, just like you never owed him anything." Nesta took a shaky breath, stopping sobbing. "You have a family, you're a wonderful mother and wife. And you deserve all of this."
Nesta's eyes went wide, realizing where this was going.
Cassian took a deep breath, "You're not worthless, you're not hopeless or useless." he closed his eyes as Nesta mimicked him, breathing deeply in turn. "You are a strong, independent woman, it doesn't matter how much he said otherwise. It didn't matter before and it doesn't matter now. It's just meaningless words.
"I know you, Nesta, and you are the light of my life. The light of every person in this house. The only thing that keeps us going." he whispered in a weak voice, as Nesta leaned forward toward him and cried silently.
Cassian moved closer to her on the mattress so that she could rest her forehead against his chest, his shoulder, wherever she wanted, for support.
He had repeated those words to her so many times over the years. He didn't think he'd ever have to do it again, certainly not after so long that they both knew Tomas had moved to another continent entirely.
"I know you and you're nothing like he describes," he encircled her shoulders with arms when Nesta let go of a particularly loud sob. "You are the exact opposite of what he says." he kissed one temple, stroking the hair on her back.
She shivered in his arms, "I know." she whispered against his shirt.
Cassian managed to force a smile onto his lips, even though she couldn't see it, he knew she would hear it when he spoke, "I'm proud of you."
"Because I can only imagine how hard it was for you to see him again, and although I would have appreciated a different approach to everything that happened this afternoon, you handled it perfectly and our kids are fine." he passed his hands over her shoulders and pushed her away from him so he could look at her face. "And it's okay that you broke down now, it's normal. I'm glad you told me about it. Thank you." he spoke against her lips.
She smiled, breathing a laugh through her tears, "I love you."
"I love you." repeated Cassian, sighing. He cupped her cheek, brushing a thumb under her eye, before kissing her. No rush or force, just pure, raw emotion as their lips caressed in a desperate kiss.
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i remember thinking i had you
Summary: Based on the request sent in by @peter-maximoffsbitch “Hey! I saw your requests were opened and I wanted to ask if you could write a Peter x reader on a lazy Sunday morning? Ya know just some sweet domestic bliss ♡ Thank you!”. I started off doing the domestic bliss/lazy Sunday thing, then I ended up getting carried away because I couldn’t help myself. So this has that sweet domestic bliss side, but it also has a touch of angst and then back to happy bliss.
Warnings: Spoilers for WandaVision
Pairing: Evan Peters!Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver x Reader
Word count: roughly 4,537
A/N: Was I totally listening to August by Taylor Swift while writing this first half? Yes. Yes I was. Also, your powers in this are supposed to be like Rouges, but it was sort of hard for me to describe them without saying her name as an example lol. Also this is my first time writing for Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver, so sorry if it is a little rough in some places. I hope this is what you’re looking for and a little more! Let me know what you think, feedback is always welcome!
Peter woke up laying almost exactly how he’d fallen asleep. His head resting on you, arms tucking behind your back. Only this time, instead of singing a soft melody in his ear as you brushed your fingers through his hair, you sat reading a book. Peter rolled over so he could look up at you,
“Morning.” He said through a yawn.
“Morning.” You smiled down at him, peaking past your book, only briefly. Putting your free hand back into his hair, causing him to melt into your hand and let out a content hum.
“I love it when you do that.”
“Oh, trust me, I know.” You let out a small giggle. He reacted the same way every time you went to touch his hair. A simple sigh of relaxation, a content hum, and a visible relaxation in his body.
“Whatcha reading?” He asked, eyes closed so he could fully appreciate your presence.
“A Tale of Two Cities. It’s for the literature class I’m taking.”
“Is it any good?”
“I think so. It’s pretty interesting, especially considering it’s partially based on real events.”
“Will you read it out loud?” He requests, you nod and pick-up where you left off. He lays patiently while you somewhat stumble your way through the book. It’s written with some older slang terms, making some of it hard for you to read quickly through, but Peter didn’t care. He cared about listening to the fluctuation in your voice telling him how you were reacting to a certain event, cared about your breath going in and out, cared about your steady heartbeat under his head. These were the only moments he could be completely still when awake. When you grounded him, allowing him to take things slow and appreciate every single moment of life. The sun was shining in on your skin, lighting you up in a way that seemed almost angelic. It was pure bliss.
The warm memory of that delicate August morning helped you wake with a smile on your face. The first time you’d genuinely smiled in weeks. It has been too long since you felt the warmth Peter brought to you, too long since you woke to his snoring vibrating through your chest, too long since you got to run your hands through his hair and hear his sigh of content. It’s been about three weeks since he disappeared. No one knows where he is still and how to get in contact with him. The last time you saw him you were sitting out in the front lawn of the school with his head in your lap as he listens to his music through his headphones while you worked on homework. You’d taken a break to stare at a nearby bumble bee landing on a flower. It was calming.
“I’ll be right back” Peter said, getting up with a confused look on his face.
“Where are you going?” You started to ask but was cut off by him zooming away. You shrugged and went back to looking at the bee, he wouldn’t be gone long. You were wrong though; he was gone long. He never came back.
You wiped away the tears forming on the brim of your eyes. You thought you had all the time in the world with Peter. You never thought he would leave you, especially not like this.
You jumped, scared out of your mind. Sitting up and looking around like a madwoman. It was his voice.
“Peter?” You called out to him. “Jean? Is this some sick prank? Because I can tell you it’s not funny.”
“Y/N help me.” Peter called out to you.
“How? Where are you?” You asked quietly, realizing the voice was definitely not Jean, she could get into your head, but not like this.
“Come to me. I need your help.” Peter’s voice started to fade.
“No… Come back, tell me how to find you!” You start panicking. But just as quickly as the voice came, it was gone. You frustratingly fell back onto your pillow, almost trying to slam yourself into unconsciousness. At least there you would be with Peter. But what was that voice? You ran through the obvious thoughts, ‘I’m going crazy. It couldn’t have been him. Simply me imagining things because I was dreaming about him.’ But something about those excuses didn’t sit right with you. ‘Maybe Peter was reaching out? Maybe he found a way to contact me, like cerebro? Maybe that’s the key!’ You quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the long hallway where the device is kept. Your powers were confusing, in the way that you had no idea what the limit was. You were able to “absorb” other abilities. You wouldn’t take them from them, but you were able to use them if you touched the person and concentrated. At this point you were able to do a lot of the basics that could help you get to Peter. You had Jean’s telepathy, Kurt’s teleportation, Peter’s super speed, and your own strength and skill from training, you could get to him and save him. In your rush, you hadn’t even realized you bumped into Beast.
“Hey kid, what’s the hurry?” He asked you, startled.
“I have to find Peter.” You said, a wild look had over-come you, in your right-out-of-bed look.
He began to question you further, but you just began running. With Peter’s speed, you got there in a matter of seconds. Students weren’t really allowed in this area unless with Charles, but you could care less right now. You were getting Peter back. You broke into the room and quickly put on the helmet, homing in on his voice in your memory. You searched and searched when finally, it became clear again. He was calling out to you again.
“Come on Pete you gotta give me something to work with.” You searched his distant and fuzzy mind for anything that could give you a location. You saw that he was currently talking to a woman named Agnes. You couldn’t hear what she was saying but based on the worry pressing in on you from his mind, you figured it wasn’t too good. “Pete, I need you to look around the room for me. I have to be able to clearly visualize where I’m going.” Through Peter’s eyes you saw the room as he quickly looked away from the woman. It wasn’t much, but it might just be enough. You took cerebro off and clearly visualized Peter, that woman, and the room they were in.
You landed with a cloud of blue hanging in the air. Right in front of you was Peter and the woman you assumed was holding Peter hostage in some way.
“Peter!” You ran to hug him, but he just stumbled backwards.
“Woah there toots. You don’t waste any time, do you?”
“Who are you?” The woman Agnes asked, grabbing your arm.
“My name is Y/N and I’m here to take my boyfriend home, even if it means I have to kill you.”
She began cackling, “Kill me? Honey I’m hundreds of years old. You couldn’t kill me in your dizziest daydreams.” She still held your arm, you began concentrating, seeping her power into your body. Allowing you to feel how powerful she was. But at least now the fight would be even.
“So, what are we gonna do with you? I can’t have you running around telling people who he is. No, I need him to play his part well.”
“What did you do to him? What do you mean play his part?”
“Well, you see honey, I need your little boy toy here to be my eyes and ears.”
“He’s under your control? So, he doesn’t remember me?” Your heart cracked a little at the thought. You didn’t even need her to confirm this, you could see into his mind and see the haze over his memories from home.
“Mhmmm, how about this. I could use you both if we go about this the right way. So, Pietro dear,” Peter’s eyes flickered away from you to her. “Stick to the plan, introduce yourself on the show tonight. And you little lady are going to be the new neighbor in town, introducing yourself tomorrow, so you can keep a watch from a distance, and if Pietro here were to fail, you could swoop in and take over.”
“What am I supposed to be watching for?” You asked.
“I need some information out of his sister Wanda, and you two are going to help me get it, or you’re never going home.”
The next day you woke up in an unfamiliar bed. Looking around, you saw Halloween decorations everywhere, and in your closet a single costume. You were going to dress up as a cowgirl. You rolled your eyes, “how original” you muttered to yourself. While Agnes thought she had put you under the same spell as Peter, she was very wrong. You were able to block her out but played the part of brain-washed zombie well enough she let you and Peter go. You didn’t dare say anything other than a good night to Peter as he went to this Wanda’s house and you went a house over from Agnes’s. You got ready and went down to the first floor of your new home to find a snoring Peter laying sprawled out on your couch. ‘This is it’ You thought, my chance to take him and never look back. But what would stop Agnes from following you? She found Peter once. You knew if you planned on making it out of here, you had to make it through today like she planned. Then you might be able to bargain yours and Peter’s freedom or even just make a break for it. You walked around to the front of the couch and sat cross-legged in front of Peter. You missed him so much, but it seems he’s been unable to even think about you other than the subconscious plea he called to you with. You ran your hand through his hair and saw a small smile tug at the corner of his mouth. He released a soft sigh and you saw his visibly tense shoulders relax.
“You found me” He muttered.
“Peter?” You gasped; does he remember?
“Who else would it be? Jesus?” He laughed at his own joke and you let out a sob that you’d been holding in for way too long. His eyes shot open and before you knew it, he was up and pulling you into his lap on the couch, holding you close. He began drawing shapes on your back, trying to calm you. “Shhh… it’s okay. I’m here now, and I’m not leaving your side until we get out of this hell on earth.” Your shoulders shook with the force of your crying. After a couple minutes, you were able to calm yourself and wipe your eyes dry. “Better?” He asks, pushing your hair back from your face. You nod your head, “Good, because we have a big day ahead of us. Playing along with Agnes’s little game, then getting the hell out of dodge.”
You and Peter headed over to Wanda’s house together. On the way, he caught you up on the things he was supposed to do, pretending to be Wanda’s brother and convincing her to tell him how she created this fake little world. You were holding his hand up to the point of Wanda’s front door. Peter dropped your hand and you felt he warmth slowly seeping out of you again as he turned around and said “showtime” to you.
He rang the doorbell, and it was answered by a small child, probably the age of 10. “Uncle P!”
Peter ran into the house, throwing the boy and the other one nearby over his shoulders. He ran them round and round in circles as they playfully screamed and laughed their heads off.
“Someone better be bleeding or dying.” A woman came down the stairs dressed in a red costume. She stopped when she saw you awkwardly standing in the doorway. You could feel her trying to get inside your head, so you gave her slight access. Enough to see you were new in town and Peter was helping you meet new people after he bumped into you on the street.
“And who is this?” Wanda referenced you, as if she didn’t know.
“Oh, this lovely lady here is Y/N. I met her on my way to your house this morning and she’s new, so I thought why not introduce her to some neighbors.” Peter said as he put the boys down and zoomed next to you, putting a hand on your back to slightly push you forward to greet Wanda.
You felt a blush rise to your cheeks at the ‘lovely lady’ comment, ‘good, she’ll believe our story of being strangers’ you thought in the back of your mind, somewhere you weren’t letting her gain access to. You held you hand out to her and she took it with slight hesitation, but when you showed her you meant no harm, she relaxed slightly. In that brief moment though, you were able to gain even the slightest access to her powers, and you took the oppourtunity.
“Wanda” She told you.
“It’s nice to meet you Wanda. I just live two houses down actually, so we were bound to bump into each other at some point.” You let out a small innocent giggle, “But Pietro here was just bursting with energy at the chance of bringing me to meet you.” Wanda gave a smile to Peter and quickly noticed his hand still resting on your back. You could see in her mind that she was picking up the idea that Peter thought you were cute and wanted to impress you.
“Why don’t you join us for trick-or-treating tonight? You could meet more people around town, and by the looks of it you’re already dressed for the occasion.” She waved at your cowgirl get-up.
“Yeah, I was hoping I wouldn’t be the only one dressing up all day. Love that costume by the way, so cute on you!” You complemented her.
“What are you supposed to be mom?” One of the boys asked,
“Old red riding hood?” The other one seemed to finish the thought.
Peter snickered, “I’m actually a Sakovian fortune teller.” She said forming an invisible crystal ball with her hands.
“That’s so cool!” One of the boys said at the same time that Peter seemed to say “Lame”, the boy quickly fixing his previous statement, and copying the “lame”.
“It’s worse than the costumes mom made for us the year we got typhus.” Then the strangest thing happened. It was a flashback, that all of you could see, playing in your head. Peter did mention that we were on some sort of TV show Wanda created, so maybe it was supposed to be a character flash back?
“That’s not exactly how I remember it.”
“You probably suppressed a lot of the trauma”
Just then the boys grabbed your hands and pulled you away from Peter and Wanda.
“Wanna see our new game?” They asked, even though their determined pulling you away was more like “Come see our new game, now.” But, of all the people you’ve met so far, these two boys had the purest minds. They weren’t clouded by anything or anyone, they weren’t being controlled, so you knew their question wasn’t scripted or forced, just them being kids.
They pulled you to sit down on the ground with them on either side as they showed you how to play with them. You kept an eye on Peter’s mind, and you saw that he was smiling at you and the boys. Wanda’s mind was slightly louder than the clouded Peter, and she was now looking between you and Peter curiously. You looked a little bit deeper into her mind and realized she was suspicious of Peter. He didn’t look like her actual brother, or even act like him. But she was starting to put that aside, since he had given her no real reason to not trust him yet. She was now fascinated though, with his reaction to you. She could tell he acted different when he turned his attention to you.
You quickly left Wanda’s mind, sensing that she was starting to feel someone in her head. Peter zoomed over to you, sitting on the coffee table, resting his legs on either side of your torso. He wrapped his arms around you and helped you play the game by putting his hands over yours.
“Hey! No cheating Uncle P!” The boy who introduced himself as Billy said.
“It’s not cheating, just teaching!” He put his hands up in self-defense. But quickly replaced them over yours to help you get ahead of the boys again.
Just then, you heard someone else come down the stairs. You heard his conversation with Wanda, and gathered he was her husband and the twins’ father. Wanda told him about you being new in town, and you saw in her mind her leaning closer to his ear and saying, “I think Pietro has a crush on her.” And pulling back from him with a smirk on her face. The man named Vision gave a soft “ahh” and nodded in understanding. As soon as Peter had rushed behind you, he was gone.
“Sweet costume bro-ham-in-law. Let me guess, traffic light? Half-shucked corn? A booger!”
“Yes…” Vision said, clearly over Peter, but you couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
Peter pumped his fist in the air and came back behind you and continued to help you play the game, but that was after he handed all three of you sodas and showed them how to shotgun it. “One, two, three, go!” Peter exclaimed as you all tried to down it as fast as you could. You actually finished first and turned around to smash the can into Peter’s head. You were able to do it fairly easy, and you heard the thought run through Wanda’s mind, ‘Wow, she’s pretty strong… I wonder… No. I would see it in her head’. You turned back around making sure to go at a normal speed. The last thing you needed was for her to find out you were a mutant and hiding something from her.
Later on in the day, you, Wanda, Peter, Tommy and Billy began walking through the streets, on the hunt for candy. Peter was running around with the boys, leaving you and Wanda alone to talk. It was then that you felt the presence of Agnes in your mind. You made sure to keep the conversation light, to not make Wanda suspicious, but to maybe hint towards the information you needed.
“So, what made you come to Westview?” Wanda asked.
“I started thinking about moving about a month ago, this was close to the city, but not too close, and it had some good property up for sale. So, I took a leap of faith and ended up here.” You smiled at her, “What about you? How long have you been here?”
“Oh, not long, just came here to start a family and live sort of mundane suburban lives you always hear are so great and perfect.” She laughed lightly to herself.
“How’d you meet Vision?” You could feel Agnes approving of your questions in your head, encouraging you to go on.
“Oh, ummm… We were friends before we got together, so I’ve known him for a while.” Agnes was getting frustrated at how vague Wanda’s answers were. “Pietro seems to have his eye on you.” Wanda pointed out Peter standing behind the kids as they were grabbing candy from a couple, watching you and Wanda closely.
“Quite literally” You chuckled.
“I’ve never seen him act the way he does with you. You… slow him down. Not in a bad way of course, but you can tell from the way he’s been acting around you, it’s like he’s scared to let you go. Like you’ll disappear. Are you sure you just met this morning?”
“Yeah, but he did talk a million miles an hour before he brought me over to your house, so I feel like I got his whole life story” You laughed, feeling Wanda’s suspiciousness suppressing for the time being.
You took over walking with the boys for a bit while Peter tried taking a shot at getting some information out of Wanda.
“You’re very confusing.” Billy said to you.
“Why’s that?” You asked, looking down to the boy staring at you confused.
“You have a bunch of different voices in your head.”
You raised your eyebrows in surprise, “You can read minds like your mom?”. Great one more person you had to block your thoughts from.
Billy nodded his head in hesitation, “I think, I’m not sure. It didn’t start until just now. It’s like all of the sudden I can hear everything and it’s a lot. It kind of hurts.”
“Here, let me show you a trick” You got down to his eye level and said, “close your eyes, take a deep breath in, then out. Focus on the sound of one voice, my voice. I know you said I have a couple but pick the loudest one and stick with it. Follow it like a string. Open your eyes.” Billy did as you said, “Better?” He nodded and smiled.
“How did you know how to do that?”
“Well between you and me, I have a few tricks up my sleeve too.” You put a shushing finger over your mouth and then cut your thoughts off from him.
“I can’t hear you anymore.”
“I know, because I’m not letting you. If you want to focus on someone else you can, if it helps. Or the voice you focus on is your own. Tune the others out and just think about your own thoughts. It can be hard when you have loud thoughts around you, like your Uncle P. His thoughts are the loudest in the area. But after some practice, you’ll be a pro just like your mom.”
Billy smiled up at you as he realized just how loud Peters thoughts actually were.
The trick-or-treating was going by pretty quick especially with Peter eventually taking over permanently and zooming around the town with the boys. You were walking with Wanda again.
“I heard you helped Billy.” Wanda said to you, “How did you know how to control the mind reading?”
“Oh, just a trick I picked up from a friend of mine.”
Wanda narrowed her eyes at you a little, “You’re lying. You’re blocking me out and hiding something. I can feel it.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Really. I have a friend who can read minds and she told me how she controls it and how she focuses.”
“Then why are you shutting me out?”
“Because I don’t like people being in my head. I’ve got too much going on as it is.”
“Who are you?” Wanda stopped you and held you still with her magic.
“My name is Y/N and I’m new in town. I can promise you, I mean you and your family no harm.”
“Then show me your mind. Completely.”
You sighed and let Wanda in your mind. She saw everything, from when you got here, to your life back with the XMen, your life with Peter. The only thing she didn’t get access to were your memories of Agnes. You assumed Agnes herself put a lock and key on them in case this exact thing happened.
“So, you’re here for Pietro or Peter as you call him. I knew there was something off about you two.”
“Please, we will leave with no fuss. Just let me take him home.” You pleaded with her.
“Fine, but I doubt your teleporting power will work to get you out of here. It’s not strong enough.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be able to get out. I also possess some of your magic. The exact type of magic that will let me and Peter through safely.”
“Leave.” Wanda gave you a threatening stare, not too happy with the idea of your magic matching hers. You used Peter’s superspeed to get to him as quick as you could.
“Hey Pietro, can I interest you in a late-night stroll through the park?” You asked him, trying to stay casual.
“Why of course m’lady.” Peter stuck his elbow out for you to grab. “Why don’t you two demons catch up with your mom.”
“Ahhh, really?” Tommy whined.
“Hey, stay cool. When a pretty lady wants to take you somewhere, you follow suit.” He winked at them.
“Dad?” Billy randomly burst out in a confused tone, “Dad!” He started to panic.
“What’s wrong Billy, what do you see?” You asked him.
“I can’t tell, he’s too far away.” By now Wanda had made her way over to her freaking out child.
“Focus. Follow the string. Follow his voice.” You told him
“He’s hurt. There are a bunch of soldiers around him.”
Wanda tensed up and her eyes started glowing red.
“Relax sis, it’s not like your dead husband could die twice.” Peter said, trying to diffuse the situation, only it did the exact opposite. Wanda whipped around and shot a red blast his way.
“I said leave!” She yelled at you. You nodded your head and zoomed over to where Peter landed. He was unconscious, but you pulled him in your arms and using the combined magic of Wanda and Agnes, and your teleportation, you thought of home and pulled the two of you out of there. You were worried at first that Agnes might try to stop you since you weren’t successful in your mission to get information out of Wanda, but she didn’t stop you. You assumed it was because Wanda knew you two were not who you said you were, so you wouldn’t be helpful anyways.
You woke up lying in your own bed at home again. For the first time, in a long time, Peter was lying next to you. He was awake already and was watching you carefully.
“How are you feeling?” He asked as he push your hair off your forehead.
“Better now that we’re home. How did I get in bed?” You specifically remember teleporting you and Peter to Charles’ office so you could tell him what happened.
“When we got back you collapsed from the effort. Charles said your mind was awake, but tired and you used too much magic and power for what you’re used to. I was so scared you killed yourself.”
You shook your head, trying to remember anything after you left Westview, but you just couldn’t, “How long have I been out?”
“About two days. I’ve been so restless, just waiting for you to open your eyes. Poor Jean, I kept finding her to read your mind and make sure you hadn’t died. You were scary still.”
“Well, I’m awake now, and you’re home with me. That’s all that matters.” You pulled his head onto your chest and started to play with his hair. He hummed in content and relaxed into your body.
“I know I just slept for two days, but do you mind if we just stay in today?” You asked him.
“We can do whatever you want.” You could feel a smile forming on his face, against your skin.
“What I want to do first though, is pee.” You rushed to the bathroom, letting Peter’s face flop into the bed as you shut the door behind you. You heard him laughing. It was so good to hear his laugh again. To feel his warmth linger on your skin, and knowing when you returned he would still be there. That’s all you’ve wanted for the past three weeks.
Find more of my work here.
My work is exclusively posted on Tumblr by me, on this blog. If you see my work posted elsewhere, please reach out to me.
Thank you, xx.
#peter maximoff#peter maximof x reader#quicksilver#quicksilver x you#quicksilver xmen#quicksilver x reader#quicksilver x y/n#marvel#mcu#mcu x reader#wandavision#wanda maximoff#wandavison spoilers#the vision#billy maximoff#tommy maximoff#evan peters#xmen
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Big Girls Cry
I wanted some MinPalla childhood sweethearts, inspired by their mini-alts in FEH. Part of the Archanea Chronicles.
When their mother died, Palla did not cry.
Est was one, but due to their mother’s illness she had seen more of the local midwife and her sisters than she ever did of their mother, so only cried as much as a baby normally cries.
Catria was five, and she cried a whole, whole lot. She gripped Palla’s skirt and wailed, snot and tears dripping down her face. She woke up and cried, and went to sleep crying.
When you’re eight like Palla, you’re a big girl- so that means no more crying. That’s what she reminded herself over and over when the tears threatened, anyway. She knew Mother wouldn’t agree, would tell her that it’s okay for big girls to cry, that it’s okay for anyone to cry.
But Mother was gone. They had lost Father only a year ago, and now she was gone too.
It was just the three of them.
So she was going to be the best big sister ever, and be super tough. If she cried, they would know that there was a chance things wouldn’t be okay. She was going to work to be so strong that nothing could ever hurt her little sisters ever again.
The captain of the pegasus division of the Macedonian army, Mylla, had always told her she was too young to follow in her mother’s footsteps, that she had a few more years to grow.
But the day after the funeral, her mind had changed.
First thing in the morning, training lance gripped in hand, Palla approached her again, mouth knit into a tight, determined frown.
“Lass, look-” the older woman began, as always, but now she paused, expression stricken with an emotion that Palla couldn’t yet decipher, “That’s quite the face you're making. Not the face of a young girl anymore.”
Her grip tightened.
Sighing, the captain’s shoulders slumped, “If you’re so determined, you can train with the Princess. Normally only the royal family start this young, but I suppose she wouldn’t mind a sparring partner her own age. Follow me.”
Her face perked up at the mention of Princess Minerva, “Oh, thank you!”
Of course, she had known about the first princess for some time. Her mother had been the queen’s personal vassal before both their deaths, so Palla had been told from a young age she would likely inherit a similar duty. She followed close at Mylla’s heels, into the castle walls. Another place she had visited briefly with her mother, but she had never gone through this way, into the royal guard’s training area.
When they arrived, they found a girl who couldn’t be any older than she was having her footing be critiqued by an older man.
“Oi, Odger!” Mylla called out to catch his attention. He turned to look at them, his grizzled but not unfriendly face reminding Palla of her father in many ways. The girl, who she realized must be Princess Minerva, looked at her with curiosity. Maybe she didn’t get to see a lot of other kids?
The man named Odger relaxed his posture, gesturing to Palla, who was overcome with a sudden wave of shyness and hid behind the Captain, “What’ve you got there? New recruit for the guard? A little young, ain’t she?”
Mylla stepped aside and gave the young girl a gentle push, sending her stumbling forward into focus. Mustering her courage, she stood up straight, holding her lance in the way she remembered seeing her mother do when speaking to the late queen, deferential yet confident, “I’m Palla, sir. Atheleys daughter. I want to become a pegasus knight like my mother was.”
He gazed at her impassively, “What if I said you’re not old enough? Isn’t that what Mylla has been telling ‘ya?”
She knew that she shouldn’t say what she was about to, that with the strict way the Macedonian military operated, she could ruin her chances of ever getting a position in the corps, but the repressed feelings from her mother’s passing bubbled to the surface as she replied, heatedly, “I would say that I am old enough. I watched my Mother my whole life. Give me time and I’ll surpass everyone!”
For a moment following their outburst, there was silence, but it was quickly followed by raucous laughter from Odger, who pat his belly jovially, “Careful talking to yer superiors like that, little lady! If I was anyone but a retired knight turned combat instructor, there'd be some real consequences,” he calmed down, settling his face into a soft smile, “I see you’re truly serious. It won’t be easy, and you won’t get any special treatment- just like this one here doesn’t.”
The Princess nodded gravely.
“Show up tomorrow at sun up, and be ready. I won’t be teaching you the basics.”
“Thank you, sir! I’ll do my best!”
He was serious when he said it wouldn’t be easy. Every evening when she came home to her sisters, it was in a state of exhaustion and ache, every muscle complaining at once.
That doesn’t mean she wasn’t enjoying herself.
Every lance swing, every knee scrape, made her feel closer to her mother, which in turn made her stomach churn less when Est looked up at her and called her “Mama!” before being corrected,
And, of course, there was her training partner.
Princess Minerva was a serious girl, in much the same way Catria seemed poised to become. There was a look on her face that Palla knew meant she planned to be a fighter her whole life, and that this training was not just exercise- but might one day keep her alive.
But if you got her talking about her brother, baby sister, or the pegasus she had been working with, it was an entirely different story. Her eyes would light up and she would laugh and swing her arms around recounting the story of the way her little sibling finally said her name for the first time.
“She can only call me ‘Min’ right now,” she recounted as they took a break to eat some lunch, smiling as she wiped some crumbs off her face, “But the nursemaid told me that in a few months she will likely be able to say my full name.”
“I remember when Catria used to call me ‘Pal’,” Palla replied, swallowing her bite of bread, “Its’ nice that you’re a big sister too. I get lonely sometimes when I only get to see my sisters.”
Minerva nodded, “I understand. I love my brother and my sister, but I enjoy speaking to someone close to my own age. Father said it would be good for me. He wants me to be strong, but,” she leaned in conspiratorially, “He’s actually nice. Him and my brother can be scary, but they’re both very kind.”
Palla giggled, “My mother was the same way. Everyone said she was so serious, but she always played with me and read me lots of stories.”
“...do you miss your mother very much?”
Her head snapped up at this abrupt question to look at Minerva, who was turned away to hide her face, “I miss my mother.”
She sometimes forgot that the Princess had lost a parent as well, “...Yes. I miss her a whole lot. But,” she reached out to pat her companion’s knee, “I’m doing just fine! I’m going to be just as strong as she was. So you don’t have to worry about me!”
Because she was a big girl! Big girls didn’t think about their mother and cry into their pillows, or want to scream whenever they saw someone holding their mother’s hand!
Minerva moved to face her now, face twisted in confusion, looking like she had something to say but just didn’t know the right words, “Palla, I-”
“Times up, kiddos!” Odger’s voice shattered the tense atmosphere between them. So the conversation was left behind- but not forgotten.
It was many months later, nearing Palla’s tenth birthday, that Minerva stopped her before she headed home. The sun was setting and it’s final rays were streaming into the open area of the royal training area. Odger had already left, so it was only the two of them.
“Yes, Lady Minerva?”
Minerva’s hand was on her wrist, holding her in place for the ensuing silence, before the Princess finally gathered her courage, “I was thinking about... when we get older.”
“When we get older?”
“Yes,” she took a deep breath, and spoke in that serious, assured tone she always did, “We should get married. That way, I can always make sure you’re not lonely or sad.”
Palla’s eyes widened, cheeks reddened, and jaw dropped, “Married!?”
Minerva’s face twisted like it had that day nearly a year ago, but this time, she was able to voice her thoughts, “When you leave, my heart hurts, because I know that you are sad- you always smile when you come here, but there are times I see you nearly in tears. The thought of you being lonely makes me quite angry. I want to make sure you’re always actually happy. Marriage seemed like the easiest way to do that.”
This never happened in any of her mother’s storybooks. There was usually an epic adventure and love story before the princess decided she was to defy her station and be with the knight she loved.
And they usually weren’t nine years old, either.
However, the offer made Palla’s stomach warm. Minerva was strong, and reliable. She never expected Palla to be more than she was- just a girl her own age, a peer, a friend. Sometimes she even thought that it might be okay to share how she really feels to her, to open up, to... to cry. Even though she was a big girl.
She thought that maybe, she didn’t have to be a big girl around Minerva.
“You mean it?”
“Yes. I want to make you happy.”
The tears started coming down, and big girl Palla was gone. All that was left was Palla- a not-quite-ten year old child who missed her mother, and just wanted to be a kid. The quiet crying quickly became hiccuping sobs, dragging her forearm across her eyes to dry the deluge as it came.
“I’m,” she sniffed loudly, “I’m lonely! I love my sisters, but I want my mother! I want my father! I want someone to take care of me sometimes too!”
In a flash, she felt a pair of arms around her, and realized slowly that she was being hugged by the taller girl. It was an awkward, unpracticed hug, but it was the first time she had been hugged by someone bigger than her in nearly a year. It wasn’t Catria or Est hugging her leg before they scurried off to play, it was a warm, enveloping hug that made her feel safe.
“I will take care of you. We can be together always. Father tells me that one day I shall get to be in charge of my own unit, and you can be in it. And we can get married. That way you’ll always know I will be there for you.”
Sniffling weakly now, she squeezed back tightly, “Thank you. I’ll do my best to get as strong as you so I can stay by your side.”
They stayed like that for a moment, the setting sun now having almost fully retreated, casting them in the cool darkness of the early night. In the back of her mind, Palla knew that Minerva was probably beholden to whatever marriage promises her father makes for her, but she couldn’t get herself to care.
Not when she could finally, finally, be herself.
It was thirteen years later when they were actually wed.
Of course Palla’s doubts had been correct at the time. The king had just laughed at his daughter, pat her head, and sent her on her way. He had several marriage contracts in talks with other kingdoms even at that time, so as much as he loved his daughter, one freedom he hadn’t planned to allow her was romance.
But, of course, before any of them could come to fruition, his life was snuffed out by his own son.
Over the years, Palla kept her promise, and was the first pegasus knight assigned to Minerva’s unit, later followed dutifully by her younger sisters and becoming the Whitewings that were known far and wide. Together, the two women had fought two wars, overcome adversity in all its forms, and a childhood friendship became... more.
So when Minerva renounced her claim to the throne, and wandered the land helping the war restitution with her own two hands, Palla followed suit. Their marriage was a small affair, done in the halls of Lena’s convent by the woman herself. It wasn’t for the public’s eye- it was just for them.
That night, as they curled together in bed feeling a peace that had been out of reach for months, Palla remembered her wife’s first proposal.
“You were ready to marry me at nine years old,” she reminiscenced fondly, enjoying the brief embarrassed tense up from Minerva, “I don’t think I could ever forget.”
“That seemed to me to be the only solution at the time,” she pulled Palla closer, “Everyone was always discussing marriage around me, so I believed it to be the solution to every ‘adult’ problem.”
“You turned out to be right, all these years later. I’m happily married to you, and I never feel lonely when you’re around.”
Minerva placed a kiss on her wife’s forehead, who hummed appreciatively at the gesture, “I did think about asking you again, many times, as we grew up, but by that point I had learned what it truly meant. And glad I am that I waited. I want to give you a peaceful, happy life.”
“And I want the same for you,” Palla replied, more certain than she had ever felt before. Happy tears welled in her eyes, just like they had when they exchanged vows.
And she let them fall.•
#my gut is telling me i published this somewhere but i cant fucking find it lol#minpalla#pallerva#minerva fire emblem#palla fire emblem#fire emblem#fe#archanea#fe1#fe3#fe11#fe12#suu's scribbles
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slow dancing in the parking lot [dani clayton]
Dani Clayton x fem reader
Requested: I want to know if it’s possible to write one where the reader and Dani slow dance together and they remember all the time they dance together like their first dance, during their wedding, etc.
*not my gif*
Dani was in the small kitchen on your guys’ small, yet cozy apartment in New York. You walked into the apartment, taking off your shoes and putting them on the rack as the smell of spaghetti sauce filled your nostrils.
“Dani, my love, I’m home!” you yell as you hung up your coat.
“I’m in here!” she yells back as you follow the sound of your wife’s voice towards the kitchen.
She was facing the stove as she stirred the pan of sauce. Our lovely freshly grown basil gift from Jamie being thrown into the mix. You wrap your arms around her waist and hook your chin on her shoulder. She immediately leans into your touch. You give her a kiss on the cheek as she stirs it.
“Hello my love.” you whisper swaying with her back and forth.
“Hi,” she says as she finally turns her head to plant a sweet kiss on your lips, “How was work?”
“Same old, same old. We won a case today so that’s a plus, but so much paperwork,” you reply with a shrug letting her go, “Is there anything you need me to do?”
“Um, do you want to get the salad and garlic bread ready? The spaghetti should be about boiled.” she says and you nod.
“Of course, but I feel like we need to add some music up in here first.” you say wiggling your eyebrows at her and she laughs.
You head over to your record player as you put in your favorite record Billy Joel songs that you had custom made for your one year wedding anniversary. You and Dani’s favorite songs were from Billy Joel. You went back to the kitchen and rolled up your sleeves before washing your hands.
Dani and you cooked there in comfortable silence as the music played. Uptown Girl began playing and both you and Dani looked at each other with a smile. She began using her spoon as a microphone while you took the wooden spoon you were using.
“Uptown girl! She’s been living in uptown world. I bet she’s never had a backstreet guy. I bet her mama told her why. I’m gonna try for an uptown girl!” you and Dani sing together at the top of your lungs as you guys jump up and down to the song.
“Now what are you two doing in here?” you ask as you walk into the classroom at Bly. Your hands in your pocket as you leant against the door frame.
Uptown Girl by Billy Joel was playing loudly off of the record player. The blonde girl who you met briefly at her au pair interview was standing there dancing with them. The three of them looked up at you and the au pair was blushing lightly.
“Ms. Y/L/N, you must join us! This song is perfectly splendid!” Flora says grabbing your hand and pulling you into the classroom.
“Yeah! Ms. Clayton picked it out, she said it was one of her favorites!” Miles added on still dancing along to the music.
“What a coincidence, it’s one of my favorites too! It seems like Ms. Clayton here has good taste.” you say kneeling in front of Flora before shooting Ms. Clayton a wink.
Her cheeks lit up with a pink tint, “I’m Dani, the new au pair. I think we met briefly before my interview.” she explains and you nod.
“Y/N Y/L/N, I’m Henry’s partner at the firm. I was given the position under terrible circumstances I’m afraid, but I’m grateful for this position nevertheless.” you introduce yourself.
“Miss. Y/L/N is really good at her job though, probably just as good as our father was!” Miles says excitedly.
You ruffle his hair smiling at him, “Always a charmer Miles. Thank you for your kind words young sir.”
“Why are you in the countryside then?” Dani asks.
“Oh I like to come and visit the kids and everyone here as much as I can. So any chance I get that I’m off I like to make the drive and stay for awhile,” you respond, “Now are we gonna sit here and chit chat or are we going to annoy Mrs. Grose even more with our obnoxious singing and dancing?”
“Annoy her more!” the children yell and both you and Dani laugh.
You head over to the record player to restart the song. All of you begin singing and dancing around the room. You take Dani’s hand and spin her around lightly. The feeling of her hand in yours brought a skip to your heart. You couldn’t help, but smile wider at the feeling of it.
She was a sight to see. Her beautiful blonde hair and her piercing oceanic eyes. The color really suit her as if you look into her eyes for long you would be drowning in her beauty. The beauty that is Dani Clayton.
“She’ll say I’m not so tough just because I’m in love with an uptown girl! She’s been living in her white bread world as long as anyone with hot blood can! And now she’s looking for a downtown man! That’s what I am!” all four of you sing at the top of you lungs.
You wink at Dani after singing the last couple lyrics. Her face flushes again once more as you spin her around again.
“Hannah told me to tell you guys to shut up!” Jamie yells looking annoyed as ever, “If you guys continue I will beat the living shite out of you!”
All of you freeze in your place before laughing, “Good to see you too Jamie!” you yell back and she finally breaks a smile before walking away.
“You’re still my uptown girl.” I tell her before spinning her around like I used to.
“And you’re still my downtown man...or women, you know what I mean!” she exclaims and you chuckle at her cute antics.
You begin peppering her face with kisses and she squeals a little, “Y/N! Stop we have to cook!” she explains, “Everyone is gonna be here soon!”
Dani goes back to the strain the spaghetti as you toss the salad together. Then the song New York State of Mind comes on when you toss the bread into the oven to get it toasted.
“Ms. Clayton, may I have this dance?” you ask extending your hand out before bowing exaggeratedly.
Flora and Miles decided they wanted to go back in time and throw a ball. They want to throw one before you have to head back in the city tomorrow to work on a case. Everyone was dressed up in the fanciest of costumes.
“How many times do I have to tell you Y/N? Call me Dani.” she says chuckling before taking your hand.
“I don’t know you well enough to call you Dani yet, but I hope that can be arranged.” you say as you wrap your arms around her waist and hers settles around your neck.
“Beautiful and still respects chivalry. I like it.” she says and you smile widely, a small blush forming on your cheeks.
The song New York State of Mind was playing in the background as the two of you slow danced together. Miles was dancing with Jamie, Flora was dancing with Henry (you somehow managed to drag him out of the office for one night), and Owen was dancing with Hannah.
The two of you swayed from side to side before you spun her around. At the peak of the song you dipped her. Your faces so close you can feel her breath on your lips. You look into her eyes and back down to her lips as if asking permission. She nods so quickly if you blinked you would miss it.
You close the short little gap before kissing her ever so softly. Her lips were surprisingly soft. She wraps her hands around your neck pulling you closer. You smiled into it as she did too.
Dani pulls apart needing air and you lift her up from the dip. She smiles at you widely, “Gosh I’ve been waiting to do that.”
There’s a knock door breaking you away from the beautiful memory you once shared. You head over to the door as Dani set up the table, looking through the peep hole to see your guests. You open the door to reveal: Hannah, Owen, and Jamie standing there. Jamie was holding a bottle of wine like always while Hannah and Owen were holding hands.
“Mrs. Poppins!” Jamie says hugging you tightly before making her way inside.
“Jamie, darling!” you respond.
“Y/N, it’s always a pleasure!” Hannah says kissing both of your cheeks and Owen gives you a hug.
Dani squeals when she sees her best friend Jamie as they hug tightly. It has been awhile since all of you have been together. With them living in England still and you guys moving to New York at expanding you and Henry’s law firm to across the pond.
The five of you sit and chat for awhile as the music plays. You wrap your arm around Dani’s shoulder as the two of you sat on the couch. Then the door knocked again. You jump off the couch heading straight for the door after giving Dani a sweet kiss on the cheek.
“Ms. Y/N!” the two kids yelled, but they weren’t so small anymore.
They were getting older, Miles was 18 and Flora was 16. Miles was much taller and his baby face began fading away to turn into a more chiseled physique. Flora was becoming into an even more beautiful young lady. Henry was there standing behind them and he smiled at you.
“Kids, you’re old enough and know me well enough to call me Y/N.” you say to them before reaching your arms out to give them both hugs, “I mean you did play a big part in me and Dani’s wedding.”
“It’s force of habit.” Miles says, his voice now deep.
“Miles your voice! What the hell happened?!” you exclaim and he laughs before you ruffle his hair.
Miles makes his way inside as Flora smiles widely at you. Flora has always thought of you and Dani as a mother figure since she lost hers. You hug her tight one more time before giving her a kiss on top of her head.
“So I heard that you have a boyfriend. When can I meet him?” you ask her and she smiles sheepishly.
“Maybe soon. I really like him and he’s super sweet and funny and handsome.” she says going on and on about him.
“Is he perfectly splendid?” you ask jokingly.
She drops her head into her hands, “Oh gosh. No. I said that way too much growing up.” she says shaking her head, but a smile still appeared on her face.
“Oh I know. It was definitely annoying at times,” you say, “But we didn’t love you any less!”
She went back to head inside to say hi to everyone else as well. Henry’s hair was turning a little gray and you laughed at the sight. Your best friend shook his head already knowing what you were laughing at.
“Henry! The hair is a good look on you!” you say in between laughs.
“Oh shut up!” he says as you embrace him into a hug yourself.
All of you sit around the table as you ate and talked. It’s a nice feeling. You’ve missed all of them so terribly. Especially since it has been a struggle to visit as often as you’d like. You’re always so busy with the firm, it’s hard to find time to go on vacation.
As dinner ended the song Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel came on. All of you looked around and smile at one another. Everyone grabbed their partners like the night of the ball as we began dancing in our tiny apartment.
You wrapped your arms around Dani’s waist and she did the same, but around your neck. The two of you close and comfortable with each other.
“I’ve really missed this.” she whispers to you and you nod.
“Me too. The kids they’re so grown now and I feel like I’m missing out in a way.” you explain and she nods.
“Maybe we need to move back to England. Stay a little closer to them,” she suggests, “Henry will understand and I bet he’ll love us there! You guys have met some amazing people to help run it. I bet they’ll do a great job.”
You did miss the feeling of being in London. You’ve missed it dearly. Especially the kids, they’ve become like your own in the time you’ve watched them grow up. It wasn’t such a bad idea.
“I wouldn’t leave you in times of trouble. We never could have come this far. I took the good times; I’ll take the bad times. I’ll take you just the way you are.” you sing to her softly and she smiles.
Dani looks beautiful all the time, but there’s something about her standing in her wedding dress in your arms...it just made her even more beautiful. It reminded you of the first time you met her, how awe struck you were at such beauty.
Just The Way You Are by Billy Joel was playing as the two of you shared your first dance as wife and wife.
You knew you couldn’t have a normal wedding, you couldn’t technically get married, but you didn’t care. Owen ran the wedding on his own as he allowed you guys to say your vows in the small church in the Bly Manor. Henry, Flora, Miles, Hannah, and Jamie were the only one in attendance.
Both of you didn’t need a big wedding. All you needed was the two of you and the people who love and care about you most. Both of you celebrated your wedding in the gardens of Bly, much to Jamie’s hesitation in fear that you will ruin her hard work.
“You look absolutely stunning, my love.” you whisper to her as the two of you swayed.
“Thank you my wife.” she whispers back and you couldn’t think your smile could widen.
After a few moments you felt a few taps on your side. Both you and Dani looked down at the feeling. Miles and Flora were there with their hands extended. Miles now 14 and Flora is now 12.
“May we have this dance?” they both ask in unison and you both smile nodding.
You take Flora’s small little hands and dance with her to the song. She giggles as you spin her around. And for extra flare to make her super happy you dip her ever so gently.
As if on cue, you and Dani spin the two children around at the same time as you switch partners. Miles was dancing trying his best not to step on your feet. He wasn’t the best dancer, but he made it work somehow.
You finally make your way back to Dani dancing with her as the song ends.
“Thank you for all the dances my love, here’s to many more to come.” you whisper and give her a small sweet kiss.
#dani clayton#dani x reader#dani clayton imagines#dani clayton imagine#the haunting series#the haunting of bly manor#haunting of bly manor
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Biology of Billy Hargrove [11]
Fandom: Stranger Things Pairing: Billy x Reader Word Count: 1.7k Warning: none Read more: Biology of Billy Hargrove Masterlist
“Language!” Your father yells, peeking his head out of the front door.
“Sorry,” You drop your head, watching your feet as you walk back to the door, stopping before you walk in and turning to Max. You open your mouth, but before you say anything you shake your head and walk inside closing the door tightly behind you.
“What’s going on young lady?” Dad asks, eyebrows raised and arms folded across his chest. “I’ve never heard you use words like that.”
“Just frustrated and tired, it won’t happen again, I promise.”
“I doubt that,” He chuckles, “Just watch what you say around your mother, you know how she gets.” His eyes widen dramatically as he pats your shoulder and walks past you.
Your parents are polar opposites and most days you wonder how in the world they have been together. Your dad is laid back and goofy, and always was, as he would say ‘the class clown of Hawkins High’ which your mother would agree was a fact and likely holds the record. Your dad is also a hard-working business man outside of the home. He is basically an older, male version of his sister, Lottie.
Your mother is kind, but no-nonsense woman with a love of literature and sewing, which is probably where you got your determination for doing well in classes and love for reading. Your parents purchased an old video store in which they turned into a bookstore that your mother has been managing for the past four years. You normally work there during the summers to help out, but once you graduate, you’ve agreed to take over the bookstore as she has grown tired of it. She is the kind of mother that would sing lullabies and bake cupcakes for your class, but would also ground you for a week for getting a ‘C’ on a spelling test. She would set up beautiful parties for your birthday, but leave someone else to watch over you and your friends.
“…Y/n?” Your dad’s voice calls out from behind you.
“Yeah?” You turn to face him.
“You having trouble with that Hargrove kid?” He asks, eyebrow raised.
“Kind of, but it’s nothing that I cannot handle.” You shrug it off. “Thanks, Dad.”
“You let me know if you need me to…” He draws his finger across his throat as he crosses his eyes and sticks out his tongue.
“You’ll have to get in line behind Gary and Lottie.”
“Hey, I’m your dad, I think I deserve first in line.” He playfully boxes the air.
“I love you, Dad.” You laugh, wrapping your arms around him in a hug.
“I love you too, kiddo.” His deep chuckles vibrate his chest. “Now you better go make sure you have everything together for school tomorrow.”
At school the next day you are walking the hallways with Angie, books held tight to your chest as the two of you walk to your class together. She’s going on about her boyfriend, Joseph, who moved an hour away for college and how he is going to be back in town this week as college classes had just ended for the summer. She’s ecstatic because they actually get to spend some quality time together, especially with the school year coming to an end in a week and a half.
“…And his cousin Davey, the hot one, is going to be staying with him for a week or two and Joe said Davey thinks you’re cute. You should go to Vickie’s party with Davey on Wednesday.” Angie rambles.
“Wait, Angie is having a party in the middle of the week?” You ask, confused.
“Oh, yeah! Thursday is senior skip day. You think your mom’ll let you skip?”
“Mom would rather walk through hell in heels before she lets me skip school after being suspended.” You scoff. “I may be able to get away with going to the party and work something out with Dad, he’d understand.”
“I would die if you couldn’t!” Angie says dramatically.
“Angela, we are in English not theatre, please tone it down and take your seat.” Mr. Jordan glares over the thick brim of his glasses.
“Tone it down and take your seat. Blah, blah, blah.” She mocks him under her breath as the two of you walk to your normal seats.
The class slowly fills and right before the bell signals the start of class, Billy strolls in smirk playing across his face eating up all the attention from being back to school after being suspended. The popular, empty-headed girls warmly welcome him, calling him to a spot they save especially for him. As he stalks up to them, he glances over at you, face unreadable. It feels like the two of you are caught in a staring battle before one of the girls break it by grabbing Billy by the shirt and pulling him into the seat next to her.
“What was that about?” Angie leans across the aisle and whispers.
“I told you we aren’t on the best of terms right now. He’s just trying to intimidate me.” You open up your book.
“Y/n, that wasn’t a ‘fuck you’ look, but a ‘I want to fuck you’ look.” Angie nudges you, eyebrows raised.
“Whatever.” You scoff quietly.
“Y/n, you’ve just returned to school after your lengthy suspension, is being in my class today an issue?” Mr. Jordan call out in front of the class.
“No, sir.” You shake your head.
“And I trust you can act like a proper lady in the class room and keep quiet?” He looks down at you, arms folded across his chest.
“Yes, sir.” You say simple, biting your tongue in order to refrain from calling him out for talking to you like that.
“Thank you.” He smirks, turning back to the chalkboard.
With your head ducked like a scolded puppy, you glance over at Angie who mouths a guilty ‘sorry’ and you catch Billy looking at you, small smirk playing at his lips. You want to smack that smirk right off his devilishly handsome face. You want to not think he is so handsome, that his lips are so soft and kissable. You sigh, looking back at the chalkboard and your teacher accepting the idea that today is going to suck.
Class continues per usual, Mr. Jordan going on about whatever the hell he is talking about, normally you’d be paying attention, eating up every bit of knowledge that comes from his mouth, but you find yourself zoning out, staring down at your hands and just letting the world continue without you, until Angie nudges you with wide eyes, nodding toward the front of the class.
“Please bring your brain back to Earth, Ms. Y/L/N. Also if I could have you and Mr. Hargrove speak with me after class, I have some things to discuss.” Mr Jordan says with that normal sour-look on his face.
“Yes, Mr. Jordan. My apologies.” You nod, tucking your hands under the desk and tuning into what he is saying, despite the fact that it’s just going through one ear and out the other.
When the bell rings you hang back, slowly gathering your things and standing up to walk to Mr. Jordan’s desk in the front once everyone has filed out and to their next class. Billy slowly swaggers over, a look of disinterest on his face and a subtle glare at you before Mr. Jordan speaks.
“I received your final project while the two of you were out suspended. You had another week to work on it are you sure you are ready for it to be graded?” He asks.
“Yes sir, we worked hard on the project while we were out and I made sure to triple-check it before turning it in.” You nod, refusing to look at Billy as you hold your books close.
“Okay, I just wanted to make sure I spoke with you and give you the opportunity before moving forward. Another thing I wanted to mention is the fact that the two of you were suspended and now you are at school, make sure your brains are on the work and not each other.”
“Sir, I know I was a little distracted today, but it has nothing to do with Mr. Hargrove.” You defend yourself, but Billy stays quiet.
“Please, Ms. Y/L/N, I am not a fool.” He shakes his head and nods to the door. “The two of you received a 96% on the project. Now I will see you both here and mentally ready for class tomorrow.”
“Absolutely, thank you!” You smile wide and turn, exiting the class.
“Absolutely, thank you.” Billy mocks after the two of you make it into the hallway. “Why are you avoiding me Y/L/N?”
“Oh no stupid nickname? Why the hell have you been avoiding me, Hargrove?” You whip around, eyebrows furrowed and jaw set.
“What gives you that idea?” He chuckles, leaning against some lockers.
“Oh I don’t know, maybe playing drag race on our street every time you see me. Can’t get away from me quick enough? It doesn’t matter anyway, we have no reason that we need to associate with each other anymore so don’t worry about it.” You go to turn around but he catches you by the arm.
“What are you doing Wednesday?” He asks in a low, sultry voice.
“Besides school, I have plans and you aren’t part of it. The only reason I talked to you that day in the first place was because Max asked me to. I was civil with you because we had a project together-”
“Is that what you call making out and wearing my clothes?” He cuts you off.
“I have no desire to speak with you about this anymore or at all. So fuck completely off.” You turn around so quickly you’re surprised that you didn’t give yourself whiplash and march over to Angie who is waiting at your locker, eyes wide.
“Well shit.” She says astonished.
“Tell Davey I’m excited to see him again.” You shove your books in your locker and slam it closed before walking to your next class.
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For You? Always.
Chapter Nine
Summary: You find out you’re going to be leaving and won’t be back until after your birthday. Ben devises a plan for before you leave.
W/C: 2.2k
<<Previous, Next>>
When you woke up the next morning, Ben had already gotten up. Sitting up, you saw him walk in with two cups of coffee in his hands. He had already put the creamer and sugar in the way you liked it.
“How did you know?”
“I’m a fast learner. Plus, I asked Siara.” This made you laugh as you took the warm mug. Taking a sip, you looked at the time. You were surprised with how early it still was; a few hours until you needed to be at the office.
Ben walked back out of the room to come back with a plate that held a few pastries. Placing it on the bedside table, he explained, “My neighbour is an older lady who loves to bake. I often talk to her and listen to her stories of her life. She likes to bring me samples of her work in the mornings before I leave.” Somehow, you weren’t shocked by this. He even seemed like that type of person.
While you showed him a warm smile, the two of you enjoyed the pastries and coffee as he told you some more about his neighbour. Her name is Emily and she has two kids, one boy and one girl, who come to visit her once in a while. Apparently, she tried to set Ben up with her daughter once. Emily had been too late as her daughter had met the man that she’s now married to.
Time went by slowly as you enjoyed every moment. Eventually, though, you had to get ready for the day of work. Ben had already gotten dressed, sparing his tie and dress coat, leaving the top few buttons of his shirt undone. You enjoyed this look a bit more than his usual. Well, take away the day he wore a waist coat.
Leaving you in privacy, he went back out of the room to pack up his briefcase. You didn’t take long to get ready, as you always did. The morning you spent with him packed a bit more energy for the day.
Together, you walked to the office, hand in hand. When he had to go to his office on the floor below yours, he convinced you to let him bring you to your office before he went to his. Knowing you wouldn’t win either way, you agreed. His argument, “I’m early anyways,” which made you laugh.
Paisley was at her desk with Siara beside her when you came down the usual stretch to your office. The two of them were giggling, failing to hide it. You gave a sportive grin and shake of your head as you made eye contact with them.
Ben brought you to your door as you said, “Okay, you really need to go to your office now. I don’t want you to be late for anything.” You placed a hand on his chest and absently traced his lapel.
Giving you a smirk he joked and leaned closer, “I’m in the building and Siara is right there. So technically, I’m where I need to be.”
“Seriously, Ben,” you said with a laugh. With an exaggerated sigh, he finally gave in. “I’m sure I’ll see you sometime today.” You grabbed both lapels and gave him a quick kiss before he nodded and reluctantly left.
Intentionally avoiding their gaze, you went into your office before Siara and Paisley could say anything.
Despite your best efforts, they made their way into your office and closed the door behind them. Paisley started, “So, you two are moving along at a steady rate, and I need more details.” Siara agreed with a fast nod of excitement.
“Does it have to be now?”
“Not unless you’d rather us ask Ben instead.” Sadie said this in a mischievous manner. Your eyes widened in panic as they laughed to themselves. Giving in, you told them everything as quickly as possible, excluding last night. Last night was one you wanted to keep to yourself.
The two women looked on with dreamy eyes as they intently listened.
Trying to get them to leave, you told them, “I really need to work now. I’m sure you have lots to do as well, Siara.” That finally got them to leave you alone, or in Paisley’s case, get back to only talk about business.
After about another couple of months, things with you and Ben were going really well. There were nights where he stayed at your house and others where you stayed at his apartment. When he didn’t have too much work, Ben would take you to dinner or make it at your place. To be honest, it was most nights, with only a few that you spent apart. More often than not, he would be the one cooking and occasionally would bake something for dessert.
While at work after these weeks, Derek came into your office while you were conferring with Paisley. You gave him a nod of greeting as he let you quickly finish your discussion.
“Sorry to bother you,” Derek started as Paisley walked out, closing the door behind her just in case this was a more private meeting. “I just received word that we may have a new writer joining us.”
“Well that’s great news. When will they make the sure decision to join us?”
“That’s the issue.” Confusion set in as you tried to figure out what he meant. “She doesn't know if she is even going to publish the book at all. Her lawyer let me read it with her permission, and it’s absolutely amazing.” Derek took a deep breath, containing the many emotions he had in the current situation.
You desperately wanted to know what he was getting at. Derek had a tendency to drag a moment on before saying what the purpose was.
“So,” he continued, “I asked her what it would take from us to get her to choose us to publish it.” You encouraged him to continue. “She wants us to go to her for two weeks and tell her why she should choose us.”
“Two weeks? Why that long?” You nearly yelled this loud enough that everyone outside of the office could almost hear, if they were silent. Shock was all that filled your mind.
“I really don’t know. Bonding was her word for it. More and more authors these days want to be friends with their publishers lately. Not only that, she wants a proper rundown of everything. That’s why I’m bringing you, so that you can explain the marketing side of it with her.” Derek finished and let you have a moment to take all of it in.
Then, a thought occurred to you, “Does she not want anyone from legal to come?” Derek only shook his head.
“She said that she was willing to deal with that part after, if she agreed.” You really tried to open a window for the chance that Ben could come, but you had to respect the author’s wishes. Anything to get them to come to you.
Derek started toward the door, “I’m sorry it’s so short notice as well, as we’re leaving two days from now.”
Keeping your reaction restrained while you discussed last details with Derek, you asked him to close the door when he left. You wanted to scream for so many different reasons.
Excitement filled you along with discontent. The thought of being away for that long from everyone, especially Ben, put you off. With Ben, things had started getting super good. You guessed, in a way, this would put a test on your relationship.
There was nothing else you wanted to do other than go and tell Ben. Of course, though, you told Paisley first as she would be alone for the next while. You knew she could hold it up as you had taught her more than she really needed to know how to do. Then, it was the journey to Ben’s and Siara’s office. You really hoped that you could pull him to the side for a few minutes so that you could let him know what was happening.
Nothing but urgency to tell Ben filled your mind. Then relief replaced it when you saw him not far from the elevator when the doors opened. He looked up from the file in his hand and met your gaze with a smile. It fell and a slight look of concern had taken over when he saw your stressed countenance.
So you could meet him quicker, you took quick steps as he asked, “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, but can I talk to you? Preferably now.” With a quick nod, he brought you to one of the empty conference rooms that hardly gets used. Ben made sure that the door was closed so that privacy was guaranteed.
Asking what was happening, his perturbed state showed through as he thought something terrible happened. “It’s really nothing bad,” you said this in a calm voice, helping Ben slightly relax. You continued, “Derek just came in and told me that an author was thinking of joining us.”
For Ben, confusion set in as he tried to figure out why this was so urgent.
“But she wants us to go to her for two weeks to ‘bond’ so she can see if it’s really a good choice.”
“Why do you need to go then?”
“She also wants a preview of what marketing is like or something, according to Derek. I tried to get you to come but she doesn’t want anybody from legal there. She said she’ll deal with that after, if she signs on.” Ben gave you a smirk as he stepped forward to put his arms around you.
“That’s fine. We can call every day if you’d like. When do you leave?”
“The day after tomorrow.” You placed your hands on his chest as his eyes opened wide with shock. “That was my reaction too.” Laughing at him, his face slowly turned into a soft smile.
Bringing his face closer to yours, he said, “Well, we have tonight and tomorrow to do something, if you’d like. Why don’t I stay over at your place. That way you can get ready for the trip but still have my company.” His look was overweening as you stretched a bit further to meet his lips.
“I could never say no to that,” you said, pulling your lips away from his. “The only other bad part about the upcoming two weeks is that my birthday is near the middle of it. Which means I won’t be able to celebrate it with anyone other than Derek and someone I hardly know.” Ben pulled you slightly closer.
Faintly swaying from side to side, almost in a dance, he said, “Then we’ll celebrate it early. Why don’t we go to dinner tonight with Paisley, Siara, and their boyfriends. Well, if they can make it, and make a celebration out of it. I know Siara isn’t busy tonight.”
A large smile spread across your face as you nodded.
“Then,” he continued, “It’s a plan. Tomorrow, we can do whatever you’d like. I’m sure you’ll have the day off to prepare, and I know Siara will be fine alone for a day.”
“Ben you don’t have-”
“Oh but I do,” he cut you off. “Besides, there’s almost nothing scheduled for tomorrow and today is almost done.” You looked into his eyes with great fondness.
A knock at the door drew both of your attentions away. Telling them to open the door, you saw Siara’s head pop in, “Sorry to interrupt, but I need to talk to you both quickly.” A knowing smile was on her face as she fully stepped in and walked towards you.
What she had needed to talk about really was quick. Siara’s interruption actually did give an opportunity to talk about the plans Ben had made. Her fast agreeance to letting Ben take the day off for tomorrow took you a bit by surprise. Though, Ben had told you there wasn’t much in plan for the next day. Surprisingly enough, Siara’s boyfriend, Brian, was actually free to come as well.
Kissing Ben goodbye, you made your way back upstairs to talk to Paisley about the plan. As you had projected, her reaction was one of overexcitement. “Of course Freddy and I can come.” Freddy was Paisley’s boyfriend of two years. You and Siara had a running bet as to when he would finally propose.
Paisley had gone straight to her phone to tell Freddy about the plans they now had. Compared to Paisley, Freddy was a lot calmer, yet he was still a very sociable person. They weren’t only a cute couple, but the dynamic seemed to work so well.
“So, where are we going to go?”
“I was thinking Rick’s.” Excitement filled Paisley’s eyes.
“Great. Maybe he’ll tell more stories about you,” she nudged your shoulder then looked back down at her phone. She left you to go to your office to finish the day’s work.
There was a note on your desk from Derek telling you to take tomorrow off. Ben called it. The plan was now in full swing.
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Brother’s Keeper
Part One
Summary: BBQ before Brendan & Reader’s brother go and rob a bank with a huge payout!
Note: This will be a rewrite of my original story with Brendan...only much better🤣😂 and more development and new scenes! Last time I limited myself with the idea of it being a mini fanfic run! Also reader is still young and Brendan/her brother are still years older.
You twirled in front of your mirror. “Y/N, can you come down here to help me carry the food out?”
“Be right down mom!” You called down.
You were all a flutter. Tomorrow your brother and his best friend would be off, for how long you did not know. They were about to pull off the heist to end all heists. They were so cool. You knew you shouldn’t think that. But you were proud of your brother and his friend, they had never been caught. They were unstoppable.
Besides, being super cool in your eye your brother’s friend was the object of your crush. It was a serious crush, its been going on at least year now. He was so different then anyone you had ever met. He was funny, really cute and just edgy.
Despite being a nervous wreck over what her son, was about go and do your mom insisted they have a bbq as a family.
You had been laboring over what to wear. You wanted to look cute but also pretty. So five outfits later, you finally settled something.
Running your fingers through your hair one final time and with a spritz of perfume, you headed downstairs.
Hopping downstairs, you peaked out the window. Brendan and your brother were not back yet.
Leaning, against counter there was so much. You don’t even know when your mom could have gotten it all. “What do you want to do?” You asked your mom once she came up from the basement carrying some beers for boys.
“There is a plate of meat in the fridge, can you bring it out and light the bbq?”
You had to resist the urge to hop outside. Placing the meat down, you couldn’t find. the matches anywhere. So you knelt down looking for them.
“I certainly hope they are not there.”
You jumped as Brendan’s deep voice cut through the silence of the back yard. A chuckle soon came from him.
You shook your head smiling. “Hi Brendan.” Looking him over, from his soft t-shirt, jeans and boots, your heart did a cartwheel. He looked amazing. “Mom, wanted me to light this so you can work your magic but I can’t find the matches.”
Brendan, reached in to his back-pocket. “I have some. Lift the grill for me kid.”
You put a hand on your hip and raised an eyebrow. “Kid?”
He chuckled and smirked. “Ok um girl?”
It was almost hard for you to breath, but you managed to smile. “Yes! I liked that better.”
He brushed against you as he lit the coals. “Perfect.” He looked over and smiled. He snuffed out the match and put it down on the small table. He pushed his sunglasses on top of his head. “Do you want to eat first?”
You shrugged. “Make Michael’s first. If you don’t we’ll never hear the end of it.”
He grimaced. “Good point. Hey can you do me a favor ?”
You rocked on your heals. “Anything, BLT?”
When you were younger you had not been able to always remember his name since him and your brother were always doing heists of all kinds so for short, you would call him BLT.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “Can you grab me a beer?”
With a swish, you made your way back to the kitchen. Your mom was immersing them into a tub of ice when you grabbed one.
You rolled eyes. “Mom, I know only on Christmas and New Years.” You held up the bottle. “This is for Brendan.”
She nodded. “Grab him a glass.”
“Mom, you know he only has it in the glass when we eat in the dining room.”
You tilted her head from side to side. “Good point. Alright go take it to him.”
As you walked up behind Brendan, what would you give to come up and wrap an arm around his waist. You couldn’t, you tapped him on the shoulder.
He turned smiling.
“Here you go!” You said brightly and held up the bottle. He took it twisted the cap off and took a swig.
You made a face.
He held the beer at his side. “What?”
“They always smell, I don’t know how you drink them.”
His lips twitched upward. “Have you ever had one?”
You shook your head. “Nope.”
He took a step towards you. “Don’t judge till you have a sip and then tell me?”
You looked around. “I couldn’t.”
He held up the bottle. “It will be between us. Michael and your mom doesn’t need to know.”
You looked around again with butterflies flapping around in your stomach. “Ok.”
Your fingers brushed his when you grabbed it. A flutter went through you, knowing your lips were about to touch where his just had been. You took your sip. It was bubbly and tickled your nose.
You swallowed and handed him back the bottle, his fingers now brushed yours as he took the bottle back.
“So what do you think?”
You watched as he took a sip.
“Well?” You had been so taken with watching him, you forgot to answer.
“Oh right?” You giggled. “Its not terrible.”
He threw his head back and chuckled. “Great, thanks girl.”
You shifted where you stood. “I’m sure I’d like more if I had more but its decent.”
He nodded. “Alright. I can understand that.”
The rest of the night had been carefree and fun. The food had been great, no real surprise there. It also had been lots of fun to play horseshoes with Michael and Brendon.
As you laid in bed trying to sleep you couldn‘t. You still had butterflies when he snuck you a sip of his beer tonight or how he had stood close to show you how to properly throw horseshoe. With a smile on your face, you finally did fall asleep. You had made sure to set your alarm so you could say goodbye to them before they left.
A nightmare that twisted at your heart and stomach made you wake up hours later. What exactly happened in it, you did not know but it made you worried for Brendan and your brother.
“Michael, Brendan wait!!” You called after them. You had overslept. The nightmare had kept you up. But then when you fell asleep, you had slept right through it
They turned and watched as you came running out the front door. You managed to throw something decent on, while running over to them you still felt ill with worry over the nightmare.
“Baby sister we thought we’d just let you sleep since you didn’t wake up for breakfast.” Michael said after you practically knocked him over after crashing into him for a hug.
“Oh! You shouldn’t have. I wanted to say goodbye. I over slept.”
“Well, its ok! You see us now.” He smiled at you and then Brendan.
He was always such a good brother. He knew all your secrets, well as many as fifteen year old could have. You had even the one about Brendan. One night after feeling like you would burst if you didn’t talk about it, you had told all about how much you had liked Brendan.
He had a good laugh about it, especially when he surprised you with the news over how much of a ladies man Brendan already was. Apparently, a lot of girls liked him. So that kind of broke your heart but the next day when wrapped red bandana around your throat, you forgave him being a ladies man and fell even harder for him. And you thought, he was even cooler.
This morning you had really hoped to enjoy breakfast with them. But it was too late for that. They had to go. They were about to embark on the heist to end all heists. They had to go and get ready.
Afterward, they’d have to lay low for awhile. You would miss the two of them so much.. It was always hard when you wouldn’t see your brother as he’d laid low but every time he came home, you always made sure to give him a warm welcome home. Usually, you would be helping mom plan the welcome home party.
Brendan and Michael had done this quite a few times. Each time they never got nicked. They had done this quite a few times before. You believed in them, you knew were the best. You were proud of them.
Closing your eyes, you hugged your brother tight. “Baby sister, we have to get going.” He chuckled, then gave you a squeeze.
Pulling back you nodded and tucked some hair behind your ear. You looked over at Brendan and tried not to blush, giving him a winning smile.
He winked at you. It made your heart burst. “Don’t I get a hug goodbye too?”
“Of course!” You giggled and hugged him too. It was like hugging a mountain. He was so much bigger then you, and was so well toned from working out. It made you want to melt but you could not. He couldn’t know how much you had a crush on him.
Finally, the two of you pulled back. He smiled and put a rough arm around Michael’s shoulders “Don’t you worry girl, I’ll keep an eye on him.”
Your eyes prickled with tears but you swallowed them down. “Ok! Be amazing you two.” You pretended to shoo them away “And I’ll see you soon!”
“Exactly!” Michael affirmed.
Brendan nodded, as he popped open the trunk. You watched as they threw their duffle bags in.
Brendan then slid behind the wheel, he put on his shades, and gunned the engine. He looked over at you and pointed. “Be good.” He called over the roar of the car.
You nodded and waved. Your brother chuckled beside him in the car. As Brendan revved the engine a final time, Michael hung out his window, his own shades on., “Bye baby sister!” Then in a cloud of dust and dirt they tore out of there.
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But You Can Never Leave [Chapter 2: Accept The Fucking Offer]

Series summary: You are an overwhelmed and disenchanted nurse in Boston, Massachusetts. Queen is an eccentric British rock band you’ve never heard of. But once your fates intertwine in the summer of 1974, none of your lives will ever be the same...
This series is a work of fiction, and is (very) loosely inspired by real people and events. Absolutely no offense is meant to actual Queen or their families.
Song inspiration: Hotel California by The Eagles.
Chapter warnings: Language.
Link to chapter list (and all my writing) HERE
Taglist: @queen-turtle-boiii @loveandbeloved29 @killer-queen-xo @maggieroseevans @imnotvibingveryguccimrstark @im-an-adult-ish @queenlover05 @someforeigntragedy @imtheinvisiblequeen @joemazzmatazz @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye @namelesslosers @inthegardensofourminds @deacyblues @youngpastafanmug
The floor is quiet. Your patients—all except one—are sound asleep and mercifully keeping their call buttons at a distance. Patricia is camped out in the nurses’ station at the other end of the hall, chomping noisily on sunflower seeds and wailing along to Tammy Wynette on her portable radio. Queen is enjoying their fourth late-night picnic of the week. You close the door and check your watch; you have seven minutes left before your break ends.
“Let’s kill her,” Freddie suggests casually, hanging his smoldering cigarette out of the open window.
“You know that’s extremely bad for you.”
“What? Committing felonies?”
“I don’t think you’d do well in prison, Fred,” Roger says, popping a Cheeto into his mouth. “No sequined leotards. No cats.”
“Smoking,” you correct. “Smoking is extremely bad for you.”
Freddie takes a drag, exhales a fog of smoke, and grins at you beneath gleaming sunglasses. “Possibly. But darling, the aesthetic is divine. And you’ll take care of me if I get sick, won’t you? Ensure I get all the best drugs, procure new lungs for me on the black market?”
Brian rolls his eyes and nibbles a violet plum, then gestures for John to pass him a napkin as juice dribbles down his stubbled chin. John flaps the napkin just outside of Brian’s reach, yanking it away each time Brian swipes. Roger snickers, observing their exchange from his place on the floor, before eventually advising John to have mercy. Brian snatches the napkin and promptly whips John across the face with it.
“So now you have me committing felonies,” you tell Freddie with a smile.
“Keeps things spicy.” Freddie peers over at you, brow crinkled, studying you like an abstract painting. “Do you like your job, dear?”
Brian groans. “Fred, please, don’t interrogate her—”
“I’m not interrogating, I’m inquiring—!”
“It’s fine, seriously, Bri, it’s fine,” you say. Brian raises his hands in surrender. His coloring has improved, he’s gained five pounds, he’s being discharged tomorrow. Then Queen will be whisked across the Atlantic back to London...and that’s a truth you’re struggling to grasp. “I love what I do. Just not necessarily where I do it.”
Freddie nods, puffing on his cigarette. “Because of Nurse Queen of the Underworld.”
“Not just her.” You can remember being a child and worshiping at the altar of familiarity: your home, that old maroon Queen Anne-style house at the intersection of Apple Avenue and Arcadia Street; inhaling New England autumns; burying yourself in your mother’s soft, cream-colored knit sweaters that were dusted with the scents of homemade pies and Chanel No. 5; the creaks of that uneven, tobacco-stained wood floor of your father’s study beneath your bare feet. Whatever existed outside of your comfortable, commonplace universe—whatever monsters or treasures or undiscovered ringed planets dwelled there—held no interest for you at all. You wanted to live here, die here, raise your own family here, take your children to play under the same weeping willows in the Public Green that your grandparents had met beneath. And then one day, in the purging heat of the summer after your sophomore year of college...you woke up and realized that all those comforting things suddenly felt like a cage, that your fingers were threading bars made of your family and your friends and every grain of soil in Boston. Patricia is dreadful, of course, and has been since you arrived at Massachusetts General nine months ago; but she’s not what you’re running from. “It’s this hospital, it’s this city, it’s Boston. I was born here and I cherish it, don’t get me wrong, but I want to see the world. Mountains and lakes and cathedrals and castles and...and...you know. All the rest.”
“That’s how I felt about Cornwall when I was a kid,” Roger confesses. “I’d take my little acoustic guitar out into the backyard and look up at the sky as I played and think, ‘Is this really it? Am I ever going to get beyond all this to something more?’”
“Yes, yes, well no one asked for your autobiography, blondie,” Freddie quips. Roger chuckles, entirely unoffended. “Continue, dear.”
You think before you respond. When you do speak, it comes out heavier than you mean it to, more serious, more pained, whispered, your voice splintering. “I guess I just don’t want to die without really living first.”
The boys watch you for a while: Brian poised and pondering, Freddie seeking, Roger empathetic, John very quiet. John has spoken—at the absolute most—five words to you since you’ve met him; but you know he can get chatty with Freddie or Rog on occasion, and so you’ve held out hope that you can still win him over. Now you’re almost out of time.
At last, Roger raises his beer, smiling, showing the tiny points of his canine teeth. “Cheers to that.” And it sends something through you like a one-way ticket into a brand new world.
You laugh nervously. “Okay. Wow. Enough of all that, I have to go save lives now.” You wash your hands in the sink and pull on a new pair of gloves, dodging Roger’s large, affecting eyes.
“Do you have a boyfriend, lovely Clara Barton?” Freddie asks. They know your actual name, they’ve known it since night one, but they’ve taken to referring to you as whatever famous nurses they can recall from high school.
“Freddie,” Brian admonishes.
“What, I’m just asking—”
“No, actually, I don’t,” you tell Fred. “Why, do you want a Green Card?”
“Darling, no offense, but if I was going to marry for strategic purposes I would aim for someone far older and astronomically richer. With life insurance.”
“Thanks, Freddie.”
“You’re quite welcome.”
“Are you single? Since we’re all sharing our life stories.”
“I’m not,” he replies, somewhat cagily. “None of us are. Well, Brian certainly isn’t, and Deaky wasn’t last I checked, although he’s tricksy and awfully quiet about the whole affair, so I ought to confirm that at some point...how about you, Rog?”
Roger chokes on his beer and wipes his dripping nose with one fuchsia sleeve. “Uh, I, uh, yeah, yeah, uh, I’m single. Yes.”
“Oh?” Brian says, eyebrows raised. “Someone should probably inform Josephine.”
“That’s a casual thing. Super casual. Not exclusive.”
Freddie and Brian exchange a glance: an amused, smirking, what else can you expect from Roger? glance. You try to smirk at Roger too; but he shrugs guiltily, endearingly, with some mesmerizing spell of danger and innocence and wildness and beauty, angels and demons that you didn’t know could coexist without clubbing each other to death. And you mean to file this away as a warning, a reminder to keep your distance; but it feels more like blowing on embers until they leap into flames.
Bad idea, lady. Really, really, really, exorbitantly bad idea.
“Alright, I’m out. Brian, you have the call button if you need it. There’re extra cups and napkins in the cabinet and—”
You open the door. Patricia is halfway down the hallway and approaching quickly, glinting-eyed, stone-faced, keys grasped in her hand. A glimpse at your watch informs you that your break ended two minutes ago. You swing the door shut.
“Get out!” you whisper urgently, and Roger bolts for the window. He pitches his beer outside and helps John climb through the opening and drop safely to the ground below.
“Fred!” Roger hisses, waving, and he lowers Freddie out of the window next as you kick snack wrappers and empty bottles beneath Brian’s hospital bed. Bri smooths his blankets, turns off his lamp, shakes the peanuts out of his hair that John lobbed there. You rush to Roger as you hear keys rattling against the door.
“Here, I’ll help you...” Without thinking, you take his hands as he hesitates in the open window and steady him as he crawls out. You can see Freddie and John down in the darkness, reaching up to catch Roger when he falls. A sudden wave of mourning grips you. I’m never going to see them again. “Bye,” you say, without any cleverness at all. But Roger smiles like it’s the best thing he’s heard in weeks, maybe months, maybe ever. He glances to where your hands hold his.
“Bye,” he replies in that raspy, radiant voice. And then he’s gone.
You sigh shakily. You turn around. Patricia stands in the open doorway.
“Oh,” she says, grinning like a shark, almost gloating. “You are so fired.”
“We’re sorry, we’re so sorry, you have no idea how—”
“It’s fine, Roger.”
You’re standing under a lamppost just beyond hospital property at 7:15 a.m. Your shift is over, your very last shift at Massachusetts General; Roger waited outside to meet you all night. There are swollen shadows beneath his eyes, his cheeks are flushed with fury and mortification, he’s edgy and pacing and chain smoking. The sun is bright and already hot, the Arctic terns cawing and swooping overhead.
“It’s not fucking fine,” he flares. “We got you fired—”
“Roger, I was miserable there. I was jaded and complacent and I felt trapped, I felt like I was standing in cement, I felt like I was suffocating and I didn’t know how to bail myself out of it or how to explain any of this to my parents. But now...thanks to Queen...I’m free. I got the shock I needed. I can move on.”
“You didn’t deserve to leave like that,” he insists menacingly. “That bitch isn’t going to write you recommendations. You were good at what you did, you were really fucking good, Brian was despondent before you took over. You deserved better.”
You shrug. “Life’s not fair, Rog.”
“That’s the truth.” He takes a drag off his cigarette and you hold out your hand. He stares at you, perplexed, but passes the cigarette. You smoke a few puffs, then give it back. Roger smiles. “I thought that was extremely bad for you.”
“Most of the best things are.”
“Well.” He shuffles his feet anxiously. “I have a proposition.”
“Since you’ve successfully untethered yourself from all your unfulfilling earthly obligations...come to London with us.”
You feel your jaw fall open, feel all the tension in your muscles unravel as the numb shock rolls through you. “Uh. I was thinking maybe the Peace Corps or joining a travel nursing agency or something.”
Roger winks and nudges your shoulder with his. “Transatlantic flights to London count as travel.”
“No, seriously!” Rog presses. “Look, every time a band tours, the company hires a medic or a nurse to go with them. They stitch up busted faces, sanitize infected tattoos, prevent us from dying of alcohol poisoning, ice knocked-out teeth until we can get to a dentist, the works. We’re going to be recording as much as possible in London, but Brian will be on bed rest for most of the next few months. You can take care of him. Keep his spirits up. You’re good at that. We’ll all chip in to pay you if the company won’t, Freddie and John have already agreed to it and I know Brian will as soon as I ask. Then, when we inevitably go on tour again...you can be our travel nurse.” He grins confidently, electrifyingly, like he’s figured out all of life’s thorniest questions.
“Rog, I really appreciate the offer, but...uh...this is really too much, and I have no travel nurse experience whatsoever, and...and...look, you are all really talented, I mean that, but you have some seriously chaotic energy and I’m not sure global fame is in the cards for Queen—”
Roger interrupts you brusquely. “You said you love what you do. So you like taking care of people, right?”
“I do, yeah.”
“And you want to see the world.”
“And you think we’re fun, don’t you? Exciting? Audacious? Reckless enough to keep you busy with the fallout of frequent near-death experiences?”
“That sounds about right.”
“So...” He waggles his blond eyebrows. “Come with us.”
You look up into the mid-June sky, as blue and churning as the Boston Harbor, and try to imagine it: packing your suitcase (you really don’t need to bring all that much), digging your passport out of your jewelry box (you know exactly where it is), telling your parents that you’re jetting off to Europe the next day (they would accept it, maybe they’d even be proud; you’d finally be striking out on your own), renting some cheap little apartment in London (you have enough savings to get you started).
“Accept the offer,” Roger says.
“I really don’t think—”
“Accept the offer.”
“—I just couldn’t impose like that, I mean you’re not making any money yet and—”
“Accept the offer.”
“—You guys shouldn’t feel like you owe me this just because I happened to—”
Roger cradles your face with rough hands, gazes fixedly into your eyes, and smiles blindingly. “Love,” he says. “Accept. The fucking. Offer.”
Bad idea, terrible idea, literally the worst idea in the history of human civilization.
“Okay,” you reply softly.
“Okay, like, for real okay?”
“Yeah.” And entirely against your will, you break into a grin. This is the start of the rest of my life. This is the graveyard of familiarity.
“Yes!” Roger cheers. He takes your left hand, raises it to his lips, bites you lightly across the knuckles: some feral, ludicrously on-brand vision of Roger as a Disney hero. I’m the Lady and he’s the Tramp. I’m Sleeping Beauty and he’s the Prince who’s going to finally wake me up, even if it means slaughtering a dragon or two.
“Cute,” you say sarcastically. But, actually, it sort of is.
“Can I walk you home?” Roger asks. “You live around the corner, right? I can help you pack. Oh, wait, maybe I should shower first, I don’t want your parents to see me like this...I am a literal ashtray...my hair is ridiculous...I think I still have some eyeliner on...is the fuchsia jacket too much...?”
You watch Roger as he scrutinizes himself fretfully, his words fading out of the picture, the world becoming a silent film. You can’t look away. If Brian’s a willow tree and Freddie’s a lightning storm, what is Roger? Wildfire, you decide.
He follows you through breezy, shaded Boston streets to the house at the intersection of Apple and Arcadia, with the solemn promise that he can borrow your shower and an old pair of gym shorts. You know he’ll charm your parents instantly, that they’ll fall in love with him. Everyone does.
When you look down at your left hand, there’s a vanishing silhouette of a bruise where he bit you; and if you really think about it you can feel that it still burns.
#but you can never leave#but you can never leave fic#but you can never leave series#queen fanfic#queen fandom#queen fic#queen#borhap#borhap fandom#roger taylor#roger taylor fic
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3 AM
Hello lovelies here is my entry for @justkendings 1K challenge! If ya’ll couldn’t tell I’m trying to branch out and try some writing challenges this year.
Prompts were “Dude. It’s 3 in the morning.” and “I don’t suppose you’ve got a blowtorch around here?”
Thoughts are in italics. It’s also my first time writing a complete AU so be kind. Alright here we go!
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader Modern Neighbor AU
Warnings: Swear words, booze and tons of fluff. Some crude humor. Tony, Bucky, and Sam being impatient and grumpy.
Summary: You’re a Nanny by day and a diner waitress by night. Steve is a first responder who gets off late. You both live in the same apartment building. Insert cavity inducing meet cute here.
It’s in Y/N Y/L/N format. I own nothing but my mistakes/no beta.
A/N: I imagined this like an episode of Friends, so I took a couple of lines from the show as little Easter Eggs, lemme know if you find them. And also know I don’t own friends but I’m super obsessed and what can I say? No one told me life was gonna be this way.
Saturday, 3 AM
You were certain you were going to fall asleep standing up. The elevator creaked to a stop on the 23rd floor of your apartment building and you zombie dragged your body down the hall. 1-A and screaming kids? Nope. Five-B complete with another wannabe Broadway superstar warming up their vocals to Britney Spears? You live in New York city. There’s one on every floor. You looked across the hallway when you reached your door at 3-C where 7-D sat. You’ve lived here for almost two years and have never met the inhabitants of the two bedroom across from your two bedroom. Not that you had tons of time. You were a Nanny during the day most days, and on nights like tonight you worked at a Diner.
Almost there. You could hear the siren call of your bed, a tired smile at the thought of a hot shower for your screaming feet spreading across your face as you lazily jammed your key ring into the door. You glanced at your wrist watch.
2:50 AM
Your shift at the diner aptly named “The Night Owl” had run a tad bit on the long side tonight, a gaggle of high school theater kids flooding your tables at the tail end of your shift. They were riding the high of their opening night of “Footloose”, demanding cheese fries, milkshakes, and whatever amount of Marge’s meatloaf was remaining from the day. You brushed off a piece of the aforementioned dinner special from your apron, slowly pushing the door open. Not that your attempt to be quiet did any good, the tell tale squeaking of the ancient hinges announcing your nearly KO’d arrival.
Sam was in the living room in less than a minute after you shut the door, a slightly grumpy look on his face.
“Long night?”
“Almost thirty teenagers Sam,” You fell into the overstuffed recliner, reaching to take off your sneakers when there was a soft knock at your door. “Shit, I hope I didn’t wake the neighbors.”
“Relax Y/N, I got this.” Sam walked his own groggy body to the door, looking into the peephole before shaking his head and opening the door with another loud squeak.
You leaned to catch a sight of the person, your heart momentarily stopping as your gaze fell upon the most perfect looking man you had ever seen. Please let him be a neighbor.
Blonde hair sat messily atop his head, still slightly damp from a shower that you no doubt wished you could have been a fly on a wall for. If the tight blue t-shirt that was one flex away from ripping off this walking Adonis was any indication, you would have happily offered to hold the loofa for him too.
“I am so sorry to bother you at this hour. I live right across the hall, in 7-D and I was wondering if I could borrow a cup and a half of sugar from you?”
Sam stared at him, his face void of any emotion. “Sugar? Seriously?”
“Yea you see it’s a coworker, a friend really, birthday tomorrow and I said I would make a cake for him, but ah…I forgot to buy sugar before my shift. I’m a first responder and so when I got off work everything was closed. So you see I heard your door open and thought if I could ask you before you went to bed then I had a decent chance.”
Sam’s face remained stoic. “Dude. It’s 3 in the morning.”
“Actually it’s 2:58,” You replied coolly, pulling your roommate back and replacing him. “A cup and a half of sugar is no problem at all. Give us two shakes, k?”
“Thank you SO much,” The tall drink of water gushed, you giving him a small and peppy “No problem!” before making your way to your kitchen. You always managed to keep extra essentials in the pantry, your fingers easily finding your spare bag of sugar, taking note of the half full open one. “Go back to bed Sam, I’ll handle it.”
“Be careful Y/N, I’ve seen this horror movie before.” Sam warned with a wary look at the man before walking into his room and shutting the door with a THUD.
You handed the full bag of sugar to the man, enjoying the warmth from his hands as they brushed yours. “Sorry about him, it’s way past his bedtime.”
“Your boyfriend was right to be grumpy. It’s stupid early.” You chuckled, “What? Did I say something funny?”
“Sam isn’t my boyfriend, he’s my roommate. Truth be told most of the time I want to kill him. I imagine that would be multiplied ten-fold if we were actually dating.”
“I understand.” He shuffled his slipper clad feet on the floor for a moment before snapping his eyes to yours. “Uh thanks for the…the sugar. I only needed…”
“We have plenty, and I hate measuring things at 3 in the morning.”
“Actually it’s, “He checked his cell phone, “3:14”
Cheeky. “Then you better get to baking that cake then huh?” You smiled at his flustered appearance when he hastily nodded,
“Right, thanks again!”He turned to walk into his own open doorway. A dark haired man with a goatee you hadn’t noticed before stood in a gold and red bathrobe, trying to get a look at you around his brick shithouse built dwelling mate. Probably his partner. Damn it all. You shut the door with a defeated sigh. Figures.
The door to Steve and Tony’s apartment had the terrible habit of slamming shut, the hinges like its neighbor shot but in different ways. This morning was no different. SLAM
Steve nodded to his roommate after throwing the lock.
“Who’s the babe?” Tony asked, mischief floating in his eyes as Steve fought the urge to roll his own into the back of his head.
“Obviously our neighbor Tony. She was kind enough to lend me some sugar to bake Bucky’s cake.” He held up the bag for emphasis. “See?”
“Well shit Steve if you just wanted some sugar all you had to do was ask…” Steve fake gagged as he walked past his roommate, the older man throwing his hand to his chest in mock hurt. “What I just don’t do it for you anymore? You gotta go get your sugar from other women now? Am I not enough?!”
“There is too much to unpack there Ton, so please, for the love of everything holy, just go to bed.”
“Fine. But don’t expect me to wait up for your cheatin ass!”Steve pinched the bridge of his nose as Tony swayed his hips back into his room, “Next time ya see her, get her number for me?”
“Fat chance asshole, I saw her first.” Steve waved off his roommate sticking out his tongue before Tony shut the door, shaking his head and redirecting his focus to the task at hand.
It was going to be a long morning.
Saturday, 1 PM
You groaned, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you sat up in the living room. How had you fallen asleep on the couch? And when did you fall asleep on the couch? You reached for the outstretched coffee cup Sam handed you, the hot green tea sloshing in its container as you brought it to your mouth. “I see you watched the season finale of QVC. Worth the hype?”
Your middle finger was met with a pained expression, “Oh Y/N, that is obscenely un-ladylike. What would your poor mother think?”
“Well she’s been dead seventeen years Sam, so I imagine not a thing.” You smiled tightlipped at your roommate who shook his head.
“Ya always gotta play the dead mom card?”
“Hmm that depends,” You spoke to the screen in front of you, “You gonna keep wearing too tight tee shirts and pants in a last ditch effort to get a girlfriend?”
“You wound me my lady. You cut me so deep just now.”
“Whatever, don’t you have work?” Your eyebrow raised when he shook his head.
“Nah foreman gave us the weekend off since we’re ahead of schedule. Don’t you got the kids today? Or the Owl?”
“Nope I don’t got either til Monday. I’m taking the kids to the Zoo when they get back from their family reunion.” You chuckled into your cup, “I’ve actually missed the little fuckers.”
“Well you have been their nanny for the last three years. What’re ya gonna do when they’re grown?”
“Sidney isn’t even in middle school yet Sam cut me a break. I got another four years, easy.”
“Well what should we do with our new free time?”
“How about we go to the park? Grab some lunch, enjoy the sunshine. Tonight we can binge Golden Girls and drink way too much wine and order take out? My treat?” Sam seemed to ponder for a minute before nodding,
“For once you actually know what you want so who am I to say no?” You threw a pillow at him from the couch which he dodged with ease.
“Gotta be faster than…”
The second pillow didn’t miss as you squealed and ran to your room to get ready.
~~Meanwhile in 7-D~~
“No…too corny…no….not corny enough…”
Steve rubbed the back of his neck, a pile of sticky notes in a crumbled heap next to his desk. Writing a simple thank you note to your neighbor shouldn’t be this hard. It wouldn’t be, if you hadn’t been so incredibly attractive that he forgot to human. He never even introduced himself! He didn’t even ask your name! Tony said to cut himself some slack because it had been so early but Steve’s ma would hang him out to dry if she knew he had been knocking on some beautiful woman’s door at 3am.
He needed a nap.
The cake was baked and already frosted, sitting pretty ready for the big night tonight. He had used some of the sugar to make a nice coffee butter cream to ice the dark chocolate cake. Steve was super thankful you had given him the whole bag, or else Bucky would have gotten an unfrosted, sad cake. That would have definitely demoted him from “Best friend status”.
As if on cue his phone vibrated with a text message from his now a year older friend in a group chat for tonight.
Get some sleep old man, we got a long night tonight. –B
Yea yea I’m goin, sucks I have to sleep during this beautiful day though –S
This weather is freaking weird. Nearly sixty in MARCH? –B
Yea and global warming isn’t real. >.> –T
On that note I’m passing out, still on for 7?-S
Correct, sleep well boo thang! See you soon! Have sweet dreams of me! XoXo-T
How can I when you’re a living nightmare?-S
Steve rubbed his eyes, slapping his last written sticky note on the new bag of sugar before going to his room and passing out for a few hours.
Saturday, 6:30 PM
You and Sam had a lovely time walking central park, stopping at your favorite pizza place for lunch and just spending time catching up. You’ve been best friends since high school, and with both of you being on such odd hours most days it had become pretty difficult to enjoy the moments in between. The two of you were laughing your asses off as you made your way to your door, six bottles of wine swinging in bags at your sides.
Tonight was going to be exactly what you both needed.
Sam looked down when you nearly tripped over a block on something outside your door, “What the hell?”
You lowered yours to the floor, where a new bag of sugar sat, along with an attached sticky note. Thanks again for the sugar, Sugar. The cake is sure to be a big hit. -Steve
You beamed as Sam reached down to pick it off the floor. “Looks like 7-D has got a sweet spot for you.”
“Oh Sam shaddup.” You groaned, shutting the door behind him. “He’s just being nice.”
“Yea sure, you gonna ask mister Sweet tooth out?”
“We both know I never will Sam, I’m too nervous about that kind of thing.” A defeated sigh left you as you sat back down on the couch and began setting up for the evening, “’sides, I think he’s batting for the same team. A very handsome man was waiting for him this morning.”
“Oh honey I’m sorry but there is a chance he’s like a screen door in a hurricane?” You tilted your head in confusion when he grinned, “Swings both ways? He assumed we were dating, so why should you assume they are?”
“Because they’d be the cutest couple in the whole damn building?” You laughed bitterly, setting the remote down on the table while the opening credits started playing. “Now will you call out for Thai already? All the wine shopping made me a starving Marvin.”
“You got it dude!” Sam agreed, hopping over the couch with a loud “WOOHOO” and landing next to you, picking up one of the many take out menus on the coffee table. “Usual spot or we looking to be adventurous this evening?”
“I so don’t have the strength for new tonight Sam, you know what I like.”
Sam saluted you before pulling out his phone, you turning down the volume as he ordered food.
Yea, exactly what you needed.
Sunday, 3 AM
“Sam….Sammy….” You whined, holding the broken corkscrew in a tipsy sadness. This was my favorite wine opener.
“Aww man, that was my favorite wine opener!” Sam echoed your thoughts, both of you giving your old friend a moment of silence before you ceremoniously dropped it into the trashcan.
“Our only wine opener.” You said with a sigh. Sam followed suit.
“What now? We still have two bottles to go through!”
Your eyes widened at your bright idea, rushing for the door as fast as your wine-soaked body could carry you and throwing the door open. You winced at the loud creak, hoping one day you’d remember to WD-40 the hinges. Your smile dropped when no one answered the door across the hall, turning back to Sam with a disappointed shrug. “No one home. I guess we’ll have to quit while we’re ahead.”
“That’s quittin talk!” Sam slurred, using the doorframe as a post, drifting off into thought as to how you could obtain a new corkscrew at this hour.
That’s when you heard it. An obnoxious laugh flooding the hall from the elevator, followed by loud, fumbling footsteps and a lot of cuss words.
“Jesus…Bucky…You’re such a damn lightweight anymore…What…what happened to you?” You recognized the brunette from earlier this morning, the blond god helping him hold up a dark haired man as they made their way towards their door. “Oh great and now the hot girl in 3-C is standing outside our door and we look like shit. Thanks Barnes.”
You took in their scraped and slightly bloodied appearance with a shocked expression, Sam wrinkling his nose at the smell of blood. “You guys look terrible. Rough night?”
The other half of 7-D winced when you stared at him, “We’ve been in worse scraps than this. But yeah, wasn’t exactly a walk in the park.” He gave you a soft, split lip smile. “What can I do for you beautiful?”
Your face burned up at the compliment, although you were positive the wine wasn’t helping matters. “Do….dddo you have a corkscrew? Ours broke.” You stammered, and followed it with a “What happened to you three?”
“Oh you know how birthdays parties and booze go.” Steve gave massive side eye to the man in the middle, “Someone didn’t want to share his cake I made him, sadly the rest is history.”
The drunk man in question had the good sense to look somewhat guilty as he sloppily threw his head up to look at the man, “JAMES DOESN’T SHARE FOOD!” He affirmed in a loud voice before dragging his gaze to you, his eyes widening in surprise. “Damn you…you weren’kidding Steve….she IS a babe.” The man attempted to wink at you with a black eye, you shaking your head at the absurdity of it all. “My….my name’s James but everyonecallsme Bucky. But you….you can callmewhatever you want sweets….”
“Alright Pal, let’s get your dumbass inside.” Steve gritted out with a clenched jaw as you darted out of the way. “And we got a couple corkscrews, so you can borrow one, no problem.”
“I got a screw she can have…” Tony muttered, barely missing 7-D’s free arm, letting go of Barnes in the process. He landed face first on the floor with a wham.
”YoU….YOu…ASShole!” Bucky spat angrily into the floor, trying in vain to pick himself up, “What…whatthefuck did I EVER do to you?!”
Tony scoffed, “Please, you want the short list or the long list?”
Laughter bubbled out of you and Sam while the blond quickly went into the kitchen and dug through drawers. He was back in a flash, holding out a wine opener that looked…
“That’s the same one we had!” You laughed, taking it from him while running your fingers over his as he released it with a small shudder. “You’re a life saver Steve!”
“I do what I can,” He replied with a chuckle.
“Hereally is a… lifesaver sweet thang.” Bucky said and you looked down to see he had managed to roll himself over in his inebriated state, staring at the two of you with a dreamy expression, “You two….wouldmakegreatlooking babies.”
“And I think that’s our cue.” Sam said with a tight lipped smile. “Thanks again dude, we’ll get this back to you ASAP.” You didn’t hold back your disappointment when the blond nodded.
“Take your time, and don’t mention it.” He looked at you, blue eyes making you want to drown in them, “Have a good night 3-C.”
“You…you too Steve.” You managed to get out before being dragged out of the doorway by your roommate. You stared at him when he shut the door and threw the lock, walking over to the unopened bottle with newfound purpose. “What the hell was that about?” You jumped slightly when the door across the hall slammed shut.
“They were making me nervous Y/N, I don’t like the way they all talked to you.”
“Steve isn’t like the others Sam, you need to stop being so overprotective.”
“That Bucky dude was one sentence away from getting a second black eye.”
“You’re a big baby. Now get to pouring that wine! I gotta see what Dorothy was going to say to Blanche!”
“Yes ma’am.” Sam rolled his eyes before uncorking the bottle. “Anything else ma’am?”
You had already hit resume on the t.v, grabbing a handful of stale popcorn and throwing most of it in your mouth, making a face at the pieces that fell to the floor. You wasted no time snatching the glass from him before the two of you sat on the couch, continuing your binge.
“You NEED to ask her out Stevie!” Tony whined, holding the ice pack to his head. Steve shook his head, throwing Bucky a bag of frozen peas. Which he didn’t catch. Steve should have figured as much.
“I don’t NEED to do anything Tony. So shaddup already.” He warned, Bucky cocking his head in confusion.
“Why not? You said she ain’t dating her roomie right?”
“Doesn’t mean she ain’t seeing anyone else.” He admonished, getting really tired of his friends poking their noses into his personal life. Again
“What do you have to lose if she is? She’s insanely hot dude, at least get on a first name basis with her!”
He still hadn’t gotten your name. Shit.
“Alright mister Casanova, and just how do you suggest I do that?”
“Go ask to borrow something.” Bucky suggested, a little more sober than he had been a couple hours ago. Which wasn’t much, but any progress is progress.
Steve pulled a face, “You’re an idiot.”
“But I’m your idiot.” He smiled brightly, standing to stretch and accidentally knocking off the hideous “Better latte than never” coffee mug Steve had been too nice to throw away. He had gotten it as a gift, the eyesore coming from a female patient whose life he had saved a couple years ago. It was a nice thought, but the bright green and hot pink polka dots weren’t really his thing. “Oh no! Whatever shall we do!”
“You dick!” Tony glared, pointing to the shards of ceramic that littered the cheap hardwood floors, “We haven’t bought a new dustpan yet!”
Bucky tapped his temple, pointing to the door. “Looks like you’ll have to ask the hot neighbor.”
Steve checked his phone. 4:30 AM “No way, it’s too fucking early.”
“They still might be up.” Bucky shrugged, padding his way to the door and opening it with a dramatic flourish. He cupped his ear, leaning into the hallway. Steve heard your giggle fit from the other side of the hall, small smile creeping its way over his lips. How Fortuitous. “Could I be anymore right?”
“Alright you win this round.” Steve wiped his face with his arm, careful to avoid his split lip as he walked into the hall, but not before hip checking Bucky. “Jesus I hope she doesn’t think I’m a creep.”
He lightly knocked, hearing a small yelp on the other side followed by a gruff “I swear if it’s 7-D again I’m gonna…”
“Lay off him Sam, he’s hot and has been nothing but sweet. You rather it be the bitchy land…”
Steve jumped back when you pulled the door open, having a bit of difficulty with the new amount of wine you’ve consumed and hanging onto it as the SQQQQUUUUUEAAAK made you wince. You really needed to get that fixed. “Steve, hi…your ears burning? We were just talking about you!”
Apparently you couldn’t whisper when you were drunk. Steve found it adorable.
“No I uh, didn’t hear a thing. I got a weird question.”
“I got a weird answer.” You deadpanned, right before erupting into a fit of giggles. “Shoot”
“You got a dustpan? Bucky broke a mug and we haven’t had a chance to get a new one since the stove incident a few months back.”
You stared at him, eyes wide. “How do you leave a dustpan on a stove?”
“Hangover Breakfast.”
“Ah. Say no more. You wanna step in for a sec?”
“Uh yea, sure.” Steve stepped into your space and immediately felt like he was home. All of the décor on the walls, the perfectly coordinated knick knacks. Hell even your curtains matched. It was an elegant take on pastels and spring themes. A lovely antique bird cage with flowers hung in the window. Stunning shades of blues and purples covered the furniture and windows, offsetting the gray colors of the couch, chair and tables. “Your space is amazing.”
“Thanks, it’s all Y/N and her HGTV obsession. Thankfully it’s all seasonal.” Sam laughed, emptying his glass. “You want a glass of wine while you wait? She usually doesn’t take long but we’ve had quite a bit to drink and right now I’d bet money she forgot which closet it’s in. We only have the one but her drunk brain sucks ass.” As if on cue the two men twisted their heads at the sound of you clamoring through the small closet.
“Nah I’ll pass. I’ve had more than enough for tonight. Thanks though.”
“I FOUND IT!” You emerged from the depths of Narnia, hair a mess and shirt rumpled holding a bright pink dustpan. The guys won’t him live that down, he could already hear them now. As if reading his thoughts you offered an apologetic smile, “Sorry bout the color.”
“It’s fine, you’re an absolute angel. Thank you.”
“Hey anytime, you’re quitelovelytolookat.” You got out in one long breath, eyes wide as you hoped he didn’t catch all of that. Wine made your sober thoughts flow out of your mouth a lot easier, which was always embarrassing.
“You’re quite attractive too Y/N.” Your eyes remained wide as you stared in panic.
“How did you…”
“Easy there no need to freak out, I’m not a stalker.” Steve chuckled, throwing his now dustpan clad hands in defense. “Sam told me. Like two minutes ago.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, Sam rolling his eyes. This was so cute he wanted to puke. “Well I should get back to the guys before they figure out a way to burn the building down.”
“Right…” You gave a half smile, careful to get a good eyeful of his perfect ass as he left. The door shut with a loud creak. “He’s really cute Sam.” Sam made a face when his door slammed.
“Then do what NORMAL people do and, “He gripped your shoulders, giggles falling out of you as he gently shook you with every word, “Ask. Him out!”
“I barely know him Sam.”
“That what dates are for. Although with your track record you might as well just ask to borrow something after an hour. “
And with Sam’s brilliant idea lodged in your head you decided to do just that.
5:30 AM
Your slightly less than sober self tiptoed into the hall, attempting to listen to the guys arguing over movies before knocking on the door. Steve answered the door in record time.
“Whatcha need Sweetheart?”
“You got any extra bags of popcorn? We’re out.”
“Sure thing, hang on.” You accepted the bags gratefully. “Anything else?”
“Favorite color?”
“Blue….ok bye!”
6:30 AM
Your turn to open the door with a Creeeeeak
“You got an iron?” Steve asked sheepishly, Tony, being slightly annoyed at the interruption of movie time poked his head into the hall.
“Why do you need an Iron? We have an Iron! I’m the Iron Man in this apartment!”
“She might have one not covered in cheese grease.” Steve said pointedly, Bucky looking guilty from opposite of Tony.
“That happened one time months ago! I bet it still works fine!” You gave the men a sympathetic glance.
Steve looked pleadingly at you. “Please.” You nodded, walking past a slightly irked and sleepy Sam to dig through the closet, returning promptly with an iron. “Thanks Doll, what’s your favorite movie?”
“Casablanca. You?”
“Pride and prejudice…” Your heart melted for .5 seconds before he quickly added “And Zombies.”
“Gotcha. Well, have a good morning. “
“Yea you too Y/N.”
7:30 AM
Knock Knock
Steve rubbed at his eyes before perking up at the sight of you in pjs, sleepy look on your own face as well.
“I don’t suppose you’ve got a blowtorch around here?” You asked casually.
Steve looked stunned. “Uh….One, should I be concerned for Sam’s well being?” You quickly shook your head. “Alright…Two, why do you need a blowtorch?”
“Crème Brulee” You laughed at his reaction, his eyebrows so far into his hairline they almost got lost into his hair. An exaggeration on your part but it was still definitely a sight. “Relax, I’m mostly sober. Just hungry.”
“There is no way your custard could have set by now.”
He noticed how you looked impressed before shrugging as if it were nothing, “It has when you own a blast chiller. Being employed by two world renowned chefs has its perks.”
“I guess. Hang on.” You managed to catch a glimpse of Tony and Bucky partially glaring at you from the living room.
“I’m not keeping you guys up am I?”
“Only meant to go to bed four hours ago.” Tony snapped before grinning, “But if you come in and cuddle with me til I fall asleep I’ll consider us even.” He winked and you felt slightly self conscious for standing in a doorway in a tank top and shorts.
“Tony, go to bed. No one is keeping you out here.” Steve tossed across his shoulder before handing you the handheld heat device. “One blowtorch. “
“Thanks Steve. Want me to bring you some?” You asked innocently, cradling the blowtorch like a newborn. Bucky cleared his throat. “I think Tony and I deserve some for putting up with you two all night.” You gave a deep sigh before nodding slowly.
“Done. I did plan on bringing you some anyway, for being so nice to me. And like a belated birthday present.” Bucky’s eyes almost bulged out of his head, whipping it over to Steve at such a speed you thought it would pop off and get carried out of the window.
“If you don’t marry her I call dibs.” You held up a finger before heading back to your apartment, the door being left open for the simple fact that Sam had threatened to smother you. His hangover was coming in hot, and he was always so cranky when he had one. You put the finishing touches on the small ramekins, using the blowtorch with skilled hands. The parents of the kids you sat most of the week had taught you a thing or two after all. You carefully set them on a tray and along with a French press of fresh coffee, bridged the gap between your two doors once more.
You set the tray down on the coffee table in front of three sets of hungry eyes. “I hope you like it!” You said cheerfully, taking a minute to soak in the childlike wonder that graced the three men’s faces. They took no time digging into the confection, Bucky and Tony making nearly identical moans at their first spoonful.
“I take back all the bad things I was thinking about you.” Tony got out before moaning again, “This stuff should be illegal.” You shook your head, slowly backtracking through the door.
“I’m glad, but I should be trying to sleep now. I hope you all have a goodnight…I mean morning.” You rushed back to your apartment with a loud crrreeeeeaaaak.
“She’s perfect.” Steve gushed after nearly inhaling his dessert.
“If only you had remembered to ask her out.” Tony muffled out, going to town on licking the inside of the small bowl as if there were any stray pieces of burnt sugar remaining. “Now it looks like I’m going to have to. Really have to twist my arm.”
Steve looked at your closed door in disappointment. “Shit.”
8:00 AM
Steve raised his hand, waiting a moment to knock. He’d been an annoying asshole all night to his roommates, not to mention yours. He should just call it a night but he desperately needed to ask you out before he lost his nerve. And before Tony had a chance to. He lightly rapped on the door, holding his breath while the door creaked open. But you didn’t answer.
One extremely pissed off and extremely hungover Sam Wilson did.
“Someone better be dying 7-D.”
“Oh uh no…sorry I was uh…” Steve trailed off, looking for a way to cover his ass from the obvious wrath coming his way. “Spit it out I don’t have all day.” Sam warned, tapping his foot impatiently.
“DoyouhaveablenderIcouldborrow?” Steve shot out, the mumbled jumbled mess making Sam quirk a brow, crossing his arms.
“Come again?”
“Sorry, “ Steve cleared his throat before starting again, “Do you have a blender I can borrow? For Bloody Marys? The guys are gonna have a wicked hangover and I thought I’d be nice and make them when they wake up.”
“A blender seems like the exact opposite of what they need with a hangover but what the hell. If it gets you out of my hair.“ Sam sighed, rubbing his eyes, “Hang on.” It took Sam ten seconds to retrieve the contraption and all of its matching parts. Steve would have been impressed, if he hadn’t felt so bad.
“One blender. Now let me die in peace.”
“Thanks…?” “Sam. Sam Wilson.”
“Sam.” Steve tried the name on for size with a wide smile. “Nice name.”
“Don’t push your luck Steve, Y/N may have fallen for that pretty boy crap but I sure as shit won’t.”
“I don’t suppose you two will want a Bloody Mary later?”
The door was already closing, Sam speaking into the shrinking crack with indifference. “Not unless it’s made out of sleep. Goodnight 7-D”
Steve thought his was the only door in the hallway that could slam.
Sunday, 3PM
“Y/N we need more toilet paper!” Sam called from the closet next to the bathroom, you hastily scribbling the words down on a post it note before grabbing your keys.
“I’m on it! If you think of anything else, text me!” You rushed out the door, not noticing you had forgotten to grab your apartment keys on the counter. You always carried two separate key rings, in the highly likely scenario of someone trying to mug you. Sam looked at them, wheels beginning to turn.
~~In 7-D~~
“I’m going out to get some celery!” Steve called, grabbing his keys and slipping on some worn sneakers, “If you need anything just message me!” Slam
“Today’s the day I change the locks.” Tony said confidently, retreating to his room briefly to grab the new set. He had been waiting for both of them to be home, but with the way Steve had been with Y/N all night he had a score to settle. Groaning at the sound of the trash man outside he pressed the once frozen bag of carrots to his head, walking out and past a comatose Bucky on the couch. Tony glared. Asshole can sleep through anything.
He was counting on it.
You were extremely concerned when you reached the apartment building and realized you forgotten your keys, temporary panic set in before you remembered two things.
One, Sam was still home.
And two, he was a light sleeper.
You practically sprinted down the hall, paying no mind to the tall blond that was slapped against his own door in defeat, random items along either side of the doorway. As you neared your own door you noticed a small pile of items had migrated outside as well, a bright orange sticky note attached to the oak door.
“They’ve locked us out.” Steve said with a groan, bag holding celery and coffee hitting the ground with an unimpressed thud. “They’re punishing us for this morning.”
“No way!” You bit out, knocking on the door angrily, “Wilma! Open this retched door if you ever want to take a shit again!” You looked down at the ground, finally acknowledging the objects. “What the hell is all of this?”
“It the things we borrowed from each other last night.” Came the blonde’s response, you recognizing the bright pink dust pan, French press, and Iron. Among other things he had asked for in the early hours.
“When did you borrow my blender?” You asked pointedly, noticing how Steve’s face turned a slight pink.
“This morning. I got Sam.” You mouth made a perfect O shape, taking the sticky note off the door. What he said-Sam
“This note makes no sense.” You whispered, scratching the crown of your head, looking up to Steve to see his blush deepen. “What’s this about?”
“Uh….here.” He handed you his own crumpled up note.
You can come in when you’ve grown a pair and asked her out –Tony
“Oh.” You stared at the note, shifting your weight from foot to foot while your hallway partner studied your face as if it was the first time meeting you. He jumped in surprise when you looked up again at him with a beaming smile, “Well how about lunch?”
“You’re not hungover?” He asked curiously, you scoffed.
“Please, I’m no rookie.”
“Lunch sounds great Y/N,” Steve beamed his own mega watt smile your way and held out his arm, “You ever been to Kay’s?”
“I looove Kay’s!” You gushed, grabbing his hand and dragging him down the hall, but not before yelling loudly. “IT’S A DATE! NOW YOU GUYS CAN PUT OUR STUFF BACK!”
The three men were happy to do it, thankful for some more peace and quiet. Even if only temporarily.
Six Months Later, 3 AM
“God damnit.”
Your eyes shot open to the sound of your apartment door opening, waiting for the infernal door to scream in protest before it was shut. But that never came. Instead the sound of power tools and more cussing filled the air for a few moments before the sound of rattling metal and plastic containers flooded your ears. Curious, you threw on some slippers and opened your door, walking into the living room.
Your heart fluttered at the sight of Steve Rogers replacing your door hinges.
“Good morning handsome.” You called, walking up behind him and wrapping your arms around his solid middle, “You’re busy this morning. Long shift?”
“Nothing major, “ Steve moved so his arm came to rest around your side, “figured it was time we got this fixed. Especially since I live here now.”
“My hero,” You snarked, “whatever would I do without you?”
He snickered, “Probably kill Sam by now.”
“Yup.” You grinned when he let out a loud bark of laughter, “And now it’s just another thing you can hold over him when you see him and Tony this afternoon for brunch.”
“Copy that. Their apartment or ours this time?”He questioned, itching to get his hands on you.
“Theirs. So we have plenty of tim..” He gripped you tight and cut you off with a kiss, you responding immediately. Steve sighed and picked you up effortlessly while you wrapped your legs around him. He pushed the door shut and tossed the lock over with ease, walking both of you back to your room.
Both doors closed with a soft click.
The end.
Tagging: @kaytizzle @giggleberts @cuffski @pies-wands-and-more
#justkendingwritingchallenge#steve rogers x y/n#steve rogers x reader#steve rogers fanfiction#marvel au#marvel fanfiction
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Boston Boys [Part Twelve]
Summary: Chris’s birthday turns out more eventful than planned. Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC, John Krasinski x OFC Word Count: 2011 Chapter Warnings: Drinking, gun violence, mildly physical angry reaction. Square Filled: The entire series (well, bits and pieces of it) will fill my Crossover square for @marvelfluffbingo. A/N: This story contains a character who lost her hearing as she got older. I do work closely and regularly with the D/deaf community (I’m a sign language interpreter), but my own hearing problems do not involve significant hearing loss. It is not my intention to offend anyone, only to bring in a character with a quality I don’t see often in other fics. If you have questions about her, feel free to ask :) AN2: This story has been sitting at eighteen chapters in the doc for monthsssss but last night I busted out the last two chapters -- it is actually completed, and I’m super excited to continue sharing it with all of you!
Boston Boys Masterlist
“Here’s to Chris!” Seb yelled, climbing up on the bar and holding his beer over his head. “Not a single one of us jackasses would be where we are today if it weren’t for him!”
“Get off the bar, ya drunk bastard!” Chris yelled back, laughing heartily.
Seb laughed along as he continued. “He’s a friend and a brother to those of us who need it most. He keeps his head on straight, even when we pull him in a million directions, trying to keep us all in line. To the best friend I’ve ever had! Chris Evans, ladies and gentlemen!”
Everyone in Stan’s cheered -- except for Scarlett, who drank her beer and stayed where she was, seated at a booth close enough to seem like she was joining in the fun, but far enough away that she didn’t have to actually participate.
Seb climbed carefully down from the bar, shared a man-hug with Chris, then beelined for Scarlett. A smile broke through when she saw him coming over to her. She happily accepted the kiss he offered.
“Come on and join us, doll,” Seb beckoned. “You’re all the way over here, you’re missing the good stuff.”
“I’m good where I’m at.” She drank half the contents of the beer bottle in front of her, then shook her head. “I don’t get it, Seb. You were shot. Dying. Chris was nowhere to be found. He still won’t give you any answers about where he was. But you can stand here and celebrate him?”
Seb frowned. “He’s my brother, Scar. Doesn’t matter where he was, only that he showed up as soon as he could. Whatever he was doing didn’t hurt any of us so --”
“How do you know that?” Scarlett argued.
“How do I know what?”
“That he wasn’t doing anything to hurt any of us.”
Seb let out a breath. “Listen to me. I wanna be with you, but whatever you’ve got against Chris is going to make that really difficult if it keeps up. So, why don’t you tell me something real, huh? What’s the big deal?”
Scarlett stared up at him, her jaw slack. When she couldn’t think of anything else to say to argue, she swallowed down what was left of her beer and pushed out of the booth.
“Why bother, Seb? He’s your brother and clearly can’t do anything wrong.”
Seb made to grab for her arm, but Scarlett turned on him with such an angry look, he wasn’t sure she would ever let him touch her again.
Chris chugged back yet another shot, thinking how upset Elsa was going to be when he arrived in New York hungover the next day. Maybe if he could shut it down sometime soon, it wouldn’t be so bad by the time he met her family. Saying no to all the people wanting to buy him shots wasn’t easy to do, but they would just have to understand. Things were different now.
Seb came to sit on the barstool next to him, immediately flagging down the bartender. Chris smirked and accepted one last beer.
“Problems on the homefront?”
“Eh,” Seb waved him off. “She’s pissed off and I’m not sure even she knows why. Women.”
“Yeah, women,” Chris echoed. He cleared his throat and looked around. “Seb, when you guys met Elsa the other day, you didn’t think anything was weird about me and her being together?”
Seb shrugged. “Nah, why? Something I shoulda picked up? Yeah, she’s clearly outta your league, but what chick isn’t.”
Chris laughed and shoved his friend. “If I told you -- you know what, nevermind.”
“C’mon, man. What’s up?” Seb prodded.
Chris shook his head. “Not tonight. When I come back, all right?”
“Sure, whatever you say. Takin’ off, then?”
Chris nodded. “Yeah, it’s time. I’m not really packed yet and if I don’t start warding off the hangover now, I’ll be a mess meeting her family tomorrow.”
They stood from the barstools and exchanged another man-hug. Amidst protests from Seb, he dropped a couple of bills on the counter, then made out of the bar to walk home.
Still reeling from John’s proposal and the information they had traded over supper, Aurelie was quiet as they left the diner and went back to his car. He opened the door for her, then closed it again quickly. Aurelie raised her brow at him.
“Sorry,” he apologized, “but what if we found a place to crash here in Attleboro tonight? Just leave the shit in Boston for a while and be happy.”
Aurelie smiled and agreed that was an excellent idea. They got in the car and John searched out a hotel or bed-and-breakfast still taking reservations. Aurelie took out her phone; only one text was waiting for her, from a number she didn’t recognize, from over thirty minutes ago.
Your brother goes down tonight. Say your goodbyes while you can.
Her heart stopped. She went into panic mode, trying to think of where Chris would be. She called Stan’s; Chris was still there. If they could get back to Boston fast enough, maybe she could get Chris to protect himself. She called his phone, but it went straight to voicemail. She left a frantic voicemail, then begged John to go back to Boston.
“What? Aurelie, what’s going on?”
She showed him the text message. “I know you and Chris have this feuding families thing, but he’s my brother, Johnny. Please.”
John only had to think about it for a split second before he hit the accelerator and spun tires getting out of the diner parking lot.
The weather was beautiful, so Chris took the long way home. His new place was still within walking distance of everything, even if it was a little further than the old place. With the Red Sox game playing from an app on his phone and a cigarette in his hand, he was going to enjoy this little jaunt.
But it took less than half an inning to catch notice of the car that was trailing him. Chris’s walk became even longer as he avoided heading towards his new place. Whoever was behind him, he didn’t want them to know where he was living now, not when he could put his own life in danger that way. Not when he could put Elsa’s life in danger that way.
The first shot that rang out hit a brick building Chris was walking past. He felt the pieces that shattered and flew away from the building and towards him. He shoved his phone in his pocket and took off running; one of the few nights he chose to leave his protection at home and now here he was.
He ducked into the same alleyway that he and Sebastian had hidden in once after stealing candy bars from the corner shop, but the alleyway was more of a back road and it certainly wasn’t a dead end, so the car followed him, still firing off shots but missing. Whoever was behind him was either sending a warning or hoping for the best.
In the same moment he had that thought, the next bullet grazed into his shoulder. Chris groaned and gripped the joint, his hand coming away covered in bright red. At the next intersection, with the car gaining on him, he looked both ways, trying to decide where to go. Where could he go?
Another shot rang out, narrowly missing him. Chris decided going to the left would be his best bet, but an SUV squealed to a stop in front of him.
“Get in!”
Glancing between the car behind him and John Krasinski, of all people, in front of him, Chris tried to weigh his options as quickly as possible.
“Chris, get in, damn it!” Aurelie shouted from the passenger seat. He hadn’t even seen her there until she yelled at him.
With his sister in the car, Chris wasn’t second guessing anything anymore. He opened the back driver’s side door and slid onto the leather seat. He slammed the door closed behind him, and John sped off into the night.
At Aurelie’s house, the three of them busied about locking the doors and windows and pulling every curtain shut. When the house was as secure as it could possibly be, Chris and John, unintentionally, both pulled out their guns to make sure the safety was off and there was already a bullet in the chamber, ready to be fired. Aurelie disappeared momentarily and came back with a small handgun of her own. The two men stared at her.
“What? Even as distanced as I am from my family, I figured a little protection never hurt, then I started dating Johnny and --”
“You started what?” Chris interrupted.
Aurelie licked her lips and exchanged a glance with John. “I should have told you sooner, but that night I asked you about John -- he had come into the hospital to be treated. He came back a few nights later, to ask me out.”
Chris turned to John, putting a gun in the other man’s face. “Did you know she was my sister?”
“Not at first,” John replied, shaking his head and remaining calm. “But she told me really early on, and by then, man, I was already gone.”
Dropping the gun, Chris turned back to his sister. He set his weapon on the table and shook his head.
“The hell are you thinking, Aurelie? Do you know how much danger you’ve put yourself in?” He stepped toe-to-toe with her. John stepped up too, but Aurelie gave him a low wave -- a motion to stand down.
“Not any more danger than I am being your sister, Chris. We’ve only been out in Boston together a few times and when that seemed too sketchy, we started only being out together in Attleboro. Other than that, we’re here or at John’s.”
Chris was too angry; without thinking, he took her by the shoulders and asked if she had truly given this any thought at all. “He’s probably only after you to get to me! But I’m sure that never occurred to you. You know some things, but you don’t know all of them. You’ve been distanced long enough ...”
The longer Chris spoke, the harder his grip on Aurelie became. He shook her, emphasizing his words, ignoring her attempts to wrench out of his hold. When he finally had pushed things far enough to push her against a wall, John had enough. He pulled Chris away from Aurelie and shoved the other man across the room.
“Are you all right?” John asked softly, turning his back to Chris. He had no desire to fight that man or pursue further any sort of violence between the two of them. He only wanted Aurelie safe.
Chris took a few deep breaths to calm himself down, knowing that he had crossed a line. When he turned to apologize to Aurelie, he noted the gentle way John caressed his sister’s face with one hand, and sprawled the fingers of the other over her abdomen.
She looked at John once more, then to Chris. The look on his face told her immediately what her brother suspected.
“I’m pregnant. Not far along, I just found out. Just told John earlier tonight, actually.”
John held tight to Aurelie’s hand. “I’m not with her because of you. I could honestly care less about all of that shit anymore. I’ve wanted things to change for a while, but now, I have to change them. For her, and for the baby.”
Chris stared at both of them for a long time before shaking his head. “Thanks for the ride. I’ve gotta go.”
“Chris, wait!” Aurelie yelled after him, slipping in front of him at the door. “It isn’t safe out there for you! I’ll remind you, this is how we all ended up back here in the first place.”
Chris sidestepped around her, making it out to the front stoop. “I’ll figure it out,” he yelled over his shoulder, then slammed the door behind him.
AlloftheThings: @captain-s-rogers @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan@letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @hurricanerin@horsesandbandsforlife @im-not-an-armrest-im-short @captain-rogers-beard @shynara51 @sea040561 @pinknerdpanda @xtina2191 @jackryanplz @beakami @heartsaved@fullprunerebelstatesman @blackwidowismyhomegirl
Boston Boys: @the-murder-strut-murdered-me @becs-bunker @shield-agent78 @patzammit @crazyandanonymous4u@ntlmundy @jennmurawski13 @okay-maybe-i-like-marvel-too
#marvelfluffbingo2020#chris evans#john krasinski#crossover#fanfiction#criminal!au#queue and i remember budapest very differently
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Mirror Mirror
A/N: Again many thanks to @booglebug
Description- Soulmates existed. People knew that much. Soulmates were rare, a handful in each generation, an unexplainable phenomenon that formed a bond closer than blood and more sacred than marriage.
Bucky finds his soulmate when he needs her most. Little does he know how much she needs him too.
(Soulmate au that slots pretty much in to the MCU but with soulmates. Set after TFATWS.)
Pairing- Bucky Barnes x OFC
Warnings- Mentions of violence and guns, but its mostly fluff, drama and angst.
This is a multi chaptered fic.
Please like, comment, reblog!
prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13
Chapter 14
“Bucky…” she started again, Bucky held up a hand to stop her
“Don’t, please Nancy don’t.” He shook his head.”
“I am sorry though Buck.”
“Don’t be, god Nancy, I flipped in there, seeing you there, with him trying to get into your head, I couldn’t bare it.”
“You’re angry at yourself?” She asked
“You had to threaten yourself to get me to stand down.” He grabbed her, pulling her face to his. “How could I let that happen.” Nancy twisted in his grip, pressing her lips to the pulse point on his wrist. His pained expression softened slightly.
“Bucky, we got what we needed. Okay, you know what he was doing in there, you let this get between us and he wins okay. Look at me, look at us, we’re okay. We know where Kit is, the mission is complete.” Bucky met her eyes then, aquamarine bore into emerald. A shiver ran through them both and they sprung apart.
“You felt that?” He whispered, Nancy nodded. He slid his hand across to hers. The feeling was gone but Nancy felt the familiar joy of his presence.
“A soulmate thing I guess?” She responded.
“I think this thing goes deeper than either of us expected.” Bucky twirled a strand of hair through his fingers. “Shuri’s probably got some theory’s on it.”
“Maybe we should try and find out more.” She agreed.
“Yeah, probably. Do you have any idea how happy I was when I saw you looking back at me all those months ago? I knew I wasn’t alone anymore. Everything I’ve been through, the things I’ve seen, meeting you, made it seem like there was a point to it. Getting to know you, I think it was worth it.” Bucky declared.
“Bucky…” Nancy croaked. She knew what he’d told her about his past but also knew there was much more he hadn’t told her.
“Wait. I can’t give you a normal life, I want to because you deserve to be safe and secure, but trouble seems to follow me. I can only promise that I was always try to protect you from it.” He looked like he might cry navy reached her hand round to sweep across his cheek.
“Please, let me speak.” she started, steadying her voice. “I felt the same, when I found you I felt complete, I loved you from the first moments I spent with you, I can’t have a life without you, when Helmut said I was my brothers biggest weakness, I realised you’re mine, and then I hurt you, don’t say I didn’t because I saw it in your eyes. We stand together, I set us apart it was unforgivable.”
“There’s nothing you could do that I wouldn’t forgive.” He insisted, his vibranium hand against hers on his cheek. Nancy smiled, her whole face lighting up.
“And for the record, trouble seems to find me just fine, and who wants a normal life, any life with you would be extraordinary.”
“Nancy, we might not get the big house in the country, I might not get to give you the kind of life you’re used to. I don’t work nine to five, I haven’t got a credit score or a pension plan, we might not get a puppy or have some kids…”
“Oh no we will have kids,” Nancy cut him off with a laugh, shaking her head.
“How are you so certain.” Bucky smiled back.
“Because I’m as stubborn as I am beautiful, because i think you want kids, and so do I, because our life will be different, but I’ll be damned if it’s not exactly the life we both want.” She let up kissing his forehead and both his cheeks.
“Are you sure?” He pressed his forehead into hers.
“Absolutely, you don’t need a pension, or a credit score and I don’t care where we live, New York, London, Timbuktu for all I care. I have money, I know it can’t buy me those moments in our future.” She exclaimed. She looked briefly round the cabin. “Where’d you suppose Sam got to?”
“I think he’s giving us a moment.” Bucky chuckled, tilt her chin to press his lips against hers, she chuckled into it, running her fingers through his hair.
“You think a lot about our future,” he asked, kissing along her jawline.
“Yes.” She blushed slightly, biting her lip.
“Tell me.” Both hands were in her hair now, moving against her scalp as her head tilted back, giving him access to her neck.
“Okay,” She breathed in heavily, closing her eyes. “so, I think we’ll have a little place somewhere, not too busy, nice and secluded, you can go off on your missions and know there’s a safe place to come home to. We can have kids, they’ll get under our feet when we put up the Christmas decorations, they’ll sneak out of bed to see you when you come home late. A little boy with your big blue eyes, a little girl dusted in my freckles. We can have Sam round for barbecues…” Nancy was cut off by Bucky sitting back up straight.
“Don’t talk about Sam right now.” He laughed.
“So nice little place, couple of kids, what will you be doing? I cannot picture you as the doting housewife.” He tapped her nose playfully.
“Maybe I’ll be heading out next to you,” His face filled with horror, she laughed again and his face relaxed, “or I’ll finally put that degree I got to good use, start writing again.”
They arrived in Cornwall under cover of night. The trio trudged sleepily across the field and made their way to a cosy Clift top B&B. The elderly lady on the desk showed them up to two rooms. Bucky and Nancy settled into their nightly routine, he lay with his arms wrapped around her as she traced the gold detailing in his left arm.
“I think Sam’s idea is good, we’ll start at the docks tomorrow, work our way down the coast from there.” Bucky said, Nancy nodded sleepily. “Sorry, were you trying to sleep?”
“No no, it’s okay, keep talking, your voice is soothing.” She smiled, snuggling deeper into his embrace.
“Okay, different topic, tell me about Thomas Gregory.” He whispered in her ear. She laughed loudly, turning round to face him.
“He was Kit’s best friend, so he was a little older, I was 11 and thought he was perfect. He was actually an arsehole. But I fancied he was my soulmate. Kit used to tease me constantly about him, why’d you ask, feeling jealous?” She asked giggling.
“No, I was merely curious.” He insisted.
“Sure sure, I do think you’re right about Sam’s plan. If he is using Thomas’s name then we can look for that. If he’s using a different alias maybe I’ll recognise it. Helmut did think he wanted me to find him. Also, if he has taken the serum maybe some locals have noticed a local fisherman with super strength.”
“You think he’s become a fisherman?” Bucky said, surprised.
“Well, I was thinking, he loves to be at sea, the navy is out of the question and if he is wanting me to find him, he’d have to stay local. Cornwall is known for its’ roaring fishing trade.”
“I wouldn’t know, but it’s a good place to begin,”
“So, we’ll do this undercover, no stars, no stripes and no metal arm.” Her eyes pleaded with him.
“I packed my gloves.” He waved the vibranium at her. She smiled as the soft light from the bedside lamp reflected off it. A yawn came over her and Bucky reached back to switch off the light. Nancy turned again, her back now pressed back against Bucky’s chest. Sleep fell over them both.
They headed out to the coast at dawn. The early morning sun beating down on them. Chatted cheerfully on along the way, he seemed to have lost his hostility from the day before. The first village they came across turned out to be a tourist hotspot, Nancy managed to hire them a car. The first harbour they found didn’t recognise the name Thomas Gregory or the picture Nancy brought up of Kit on her phone. The second harbour told the same story but once they reached the third harbour they had some hope.
“I think I might’ve seen him round here before, tall fellow,” The harbour master explained. Nancy nodded eagerly. “I think he usually mores over the ridge, wait here a moment.” The man jogged back to his portacabin and returned with a clipboard. “Here it is, Greg Thomas, stayed here a few months back, just the one night, the boat you’re looking for is the Princess Lynnette.” He smiled cheerfully at them. Nancy froze but the man didn’t notice as Sam thanked him whilst he walked away.
“You okay there?” Sam asked tapping her shoulder, “it’s good news, he might not be far.”
“He named his boat after me.” She whispered. Bucky smiled but Sam looked confused.
“Princess Lynnette?”
“Lynnette is my middle name.” Nancy explained, fondling the car keys before nodding to herself and marching back to the car. She slipped behind the driver’s seat and started the engine. Kit was close, she could almost feel it, as they drove over the ridge a large cove came into view. The harbour was a rush with activity as the boats came in from their morning runs. They pulled into a nearby car park and entered the throng of people. With everyone so busy they had to do without help finding the boat. They flittered in and out of crowds and up and down the jetty. Just when Nancy was losing hope she caught sight a surprisingly still boat at the end of one row. Every other boat had people rushing on and off loading and unloading goods. This one was silent, Nancy approached it slowly, and there were the words, Princess Lynnette, printed in blue along the side of a modestly sized fishing boat. It had curtains drawn across the window. She reached up to knock tentatively on the window. There was no response. Bucky came up and wrapped an arm round her shoulder.
“It’s his, it has to be.” She felt tears pricking at her eyes.
“We’ll give you a minute.” Bucky nodded at Sam who was admiring the docks comings and goings. They walked a little way away as Nancy stared at the boat, waiting for the curtain to twitch or the boat to rock. It just kept bobbing gently. She knocked again, harder this time, the again and again.
“Can I help you?” A voice sounded from behind her. Nancy span on one heel, her hair flying around as she did, getting whipped up in the wind.
“Nancy.” Kit was standing there, the same but different. He seemed bigger, he’d grown out his hair and was sporting a beard, his skin tanned more than it had been before. He looked different, but he was still, unmistakably, her big brother, he really was alive.
“Kit.” She said, breathless as her legs gave out under her.
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LA Devotee - Part IX
Warnings: this part is mostly fluff, a couple cuss words
Word Count: 3.3k
Summary: Emily and Calum and finally distinguished their relationship, everything is going great, right?
A/N: I rewrote this part like four times, so hopefully you all like this part, I started to lose a bit of confidence on the fourth try. 😂 Happy reading my little berries!!! Feed back and requests are always welcomed!! (Want to me notified when I post more writing? Let me know, and I’ll tag you!)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
After everything had calmed down, Calum and I returned to our respective chairs and stayed outside for a while. My legs were pulled up to my chest and I felt the night breeze on my face. Sometimes the weather would feel like this at home, but only during the summer. Not having lived here long enough, I was ready to see how warm it stays in the winter. My eyes were focused on a tree swaying in the breeze when Calum cleared his throat, “What’s your family like?” He asked, pulling me out of my trance. A look on his face telling me he was hesitant to ask the question.
My lips turned up into a smile, and my eyes focused back on the same tree. With the crushing weight no longer sitting on my chest, I was willing to talk about anything. “My mom is a lovely lady, my friends in high school always called her ‘mom’ as well. I have an older brother, we don’t talk very much because he moved and got married and has kids, a live very different from my own. Even though we don’t talk very much, he’s still one of my favorite people.” Calum soaked up every word I said to him. His eyes never leaving my face, and a smile never fading as I spoke. With each passing story I told, or person I spoke about, I could tell by the way his eyes lit up that he genuinely cared. He licked his lips and smiled, telling me that he would love to meet my family, causing me to chuckle and run a hand through my hair.
Once it started to get dark, and we both had finished our drinks hours ago, we headed inside. As we made our way inside, Calum grabbed both of our empty bottles and tossed them in the trash. Duke ran under our legs as we passed through the door way. As I turned to Calum, he placed his hand on his stomach and twisted his face, “Are you hungry?”
“Uh, yeah, I could go for some food.” I said in return, not realizing just how hungry I actually was. My hand reaching for my own stomach and rubbing in a circle.
Calum smiled, “Want to go grab some food?” He asked while straightening up, “Or we could order something for delivery?” He stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his feet, waiting for my response.
I put my hands behind my back and took a step toward Calum, “We could go grab something. Where do you want to go?” My bottom lip pressed between my teeth as I slowly took another step forward. My eyes slowly looking him up and down, then focusing on his plump lips.
Calum returned the step and placed his hands on my waist, pulling me against him, eliminating any space that was between us. “I don’t care.” His lips twitched into a smile, his eyes blown with lust. His hands trailed down my side, gently resting on my hips as his head leaned closer to mine, our breaths hot against each other.
Our lips brushed against each other and just as his lips were about to crash onto mine, I stood straight up and changed the mood with a snap of a finger, “Great! I know just the place!” I exclaimed as I pushed away from Calum, flashing him a coy smirk knowing exactly what I just robbed him of. He sighed and rolled his eyes before placing his hands in his pockets and following me out the front door.
After Calum drops himself into the passenger seat of my car, I drive us to probably the worst place I could take someone: Olive Garden. Calum raises one eyebrow as we pull into the parking lot and I laugh. He looks my way after hearing my laugh, keeping one eyebrow raised. “I’m sorry it’s not a fancy restaurant or anything, but I like it, and it sounds good.” I tell him as I pull into a parking spot.
Calum looks around, seeing the amount of people flowing in and out of the restaurant. “Emily,” he turns to me again, a concerned look in his eye causing me to stop like a record scratch. I look at him and wait for him to continue. “If anyone stops me, you keep walking. I’m not sure I want us to be public after only one day, it doesn’t give us any time to really enjoy being us. I’m sorry if that hurts your feelings.” He said dropping his eyes to his hands.
I pushed the ignition button, turning the car off and shook my head. “Doesn’t hurt my feelings at all. If you can deal with my past, then I can deal with you wanting to keep us a secret.” Calum looked at me, his eyes lighting up. I winked at him before stepping out of the car. Once I heard Calum shut the door, I locked the car and walked towards the restaurant. Calum trailed behind me, and it didn’t take very long for someone to stop him. I did as he told me and just kept walking. Just as I got to the door, I glanced back, catching sight of Calum chatting with a group of girls I assumed were fans. He was smiling and talking and nodding to something one of them was saying. I smiled and threw the door open, sauntering my way up to the hostess stand. “How long is the wait for two? Preferably in a more private area?”
The hostess looked at her tablet and scrolled twice, “There’s about a twenty minute wait for the table we have in the back room. Is that okay?” She looked at me, the light from the tablet shining on her face.
I turned to look at Calum who was now standing just outside the front doors, surrounded by a different set of people, “Yeah, that’ll work.” I told the hostess after turning back to her.
“Great,” she said with a smile, “Can I have a name to put down?”
“Emily.” After she typed on the tablet, she handed me a pager and I sat on the cushioned bench and pulled my phone out of my pocket. As I waited for the pager to go off, I absent mindedly scrolled through some social media, glancing at Calum every once in a while, a different group of people standing around him each time. The last time I checked on him, he was taking a picture with a girl and I laughed at the thought of the caption “I met Calum Hood outside Olive Garden, not sure what he was doing there, but he was really nice!”Or something along those lines.
Before I knew it, the pager buzzed, and I looked out the door at Calum who was still in deep conversation with some fans. I handed the hostess the buzzer and she grabbed two menus. “Could you do me a favor?” I asked the hostess, obviously catching her off guard with my question, causing her to take a step back, “After you take me to the table, will you come grab the gentleman that’s standing out there? The one with blonde curly hair, lots of girls around him? His name is Calum.” She smiled and nodded before taking me into the back room. As the hostess left, I opened the menu and started reading through the options.
Calum thanked the hostess, causing me to look up from my menu. He sat in the chair across and smiled at me, “Thanks for sending her for me,” He whispered as he pulled the chair in closer to the table. I smiled in response and continued to read over the menu.
By the time we finished our dinner, almost the entire restaurant had cleared out, allowing us to leave the restaurant together, without Calum being stopped. As I drove back to Calum’s house, he was quiet, but his eyes were focused on his hands. It was probably weird to him that I was the one driving. As I got closer to his house, I finally found a chance to gaze over at him; he was looking at his phone and typing a message, his brows pulled together in concentration. He looked up from his phone just as I pulled into his driveway and put my car in park, “Listen, I haven’t been sleeping super well this past week, so I think I’m going to head home and try to get some sleep.”
Calum stopped in his tracks, leaving the door to swing open and stop. He looked towards his house and then back at me, “Why don’t you stay here tonight?” His expression not changing, telling me he was dead serious about the offer.
My eyes followed suit by looking towards his house as I thought about the last time I slept here, and how sleeping on the couch was not the most amazing sleep I’d ever gotten. “I appreciate your offer, but I really just want to sleep in my bed.” My eyes flashed back to Calum who was trying to pull his keys out of his pockets. I shook my head, refraining from rubbing my eyes being that there was still some make up on my eyes.
He chuckled, my eyebrows pulled together, “I get that, but if it help to persuade you, I meant stay here and sleep in my bed, you know, with me. I can give you some more of my clothes to sleep in, and you can use my shower if you want.” He put his hands in his lap after successfully retrieving his keys, “Then tomorrow we can do something fun.”
My eyes widened in surprise, “Are you sure? I mean, I’ll stay, but I don’t want anything to be awkward between us. Don’t you think it’s too soon?” I was rambling, so I pulled my lips into my mouth to stop myself.
Calum shook his head, “It’s not awkward unless you make it awkward. I mean, you’re my girlfriend, right?” He smirked, proving that he liked saying that out loud. I nodded, “Well, see, not awkward then. Let’s get you to bed.” He pushed himself out of the car and closed the door before I got a chance to shut the car off. By the time I had gotten out of the car, he was already through his front door. Once I passed through the doorway, he shut the door and held out his hand with a smile. I set my bag on the table by the door and took his hand, then he began pulling me down the hallway towards his bedroom.
When we got to his bedroom, Duke was already laying on his bed, his head popping up and his tail wagging when we walked in. Calum opened a drawer and pulled out a plain white t-shirt, and a pair of basketball shorts. “Will these work for tonight?” I took them and nodded, hugging them to my chest, letting the scent of his lingering cologne fill my nose. “My bathroom is right through there,” He pointed to the door at the opposite end of his room. “I can go grab some of the body wash my sister left here if you want?” My head nodded again, “Okay, give me just a minute.” He left the room and I looked at Duke whose tail wagged just slightly. I leaned towards him and scratched the top of his head, making his tail wag a little faster. Duke reminded me of the dog I had before I got divorced, but he was taken from me too.
Calum came back into his bedroom holding two different bottles. “I wasn’t sure which one you’d want, so I grabbed both of them. There are towels on a rack in the bathroom, feel free to use however many that you need. I’ll take Duke to go outside and then we’ll come back and check in on you.” He called for Duke who went bounding off the bed and Calum shut the door. I entered his bathroom and almost fainted, an audible “fuck”falling off my lips. His bathroom was almost the size of my bedroom. As my heart raced, I remembered that the goal I set for myself was to save up some money and move into a new apartment, but everything in Los Angeles is so expensive. I shook my head and turned the shower on, stripping out of my clothes and placing the clothes he gave me on the towel rack.
The shower felt better than any shower that I’ve taken at my own apartment. I felt completely refreshed, almost like I could take on the world, if it weren’t for the utter exhaustion lingering behind my eyes. I wrapped a towel around my head and pulled on the clothes Calum had given me, folding the clothes I had been wearing. As I came out of the bathroom, I heard Calum knock. “You can come in.” The door opened and the first one to come through the door was Duke, then Calum followed behind him, a smile almost as big as Duke’s pressed to his lips.
He took a few steps closer to me and shoved his hands in his pockets. “I have to do some work for a little while, but make yourself comfortable. The remote for the TV is on the nightstand, you can turn on whatever.” He moved the blankets so that I could crawl into his bed. As much as I wanted to feel uncomfortable, the feeling of getting to a bed after barely getting any sleep was absolutely glorious. Calum pulled his comforter over me and kissed my forehead, “I’ll be in my music room, at the end of the hallway, if you need me. I should be done in an hour or two. Get some sleep, sunshine.” I smiled at his term of endearment and cuddled further down into the bed. Calum walked out the door, leaving it cracked enough that a stream of light from the hallway shone across the bed. I thought about turning on the TV, but before I could act on it, I was fast asleep.
The movement of the bed woke me up, which didn’t surprise me. It woke me up every time my ex would get into bed too. I lifted my hand to my eye and rubbed the sleep out of it so I could look at Calum, “I’m sorry, love, I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He placed a hand on my cheek and kissed my forehead, “Go back to sleep.” As I laid my head back onto the pillow, I could feel him run his fingers through my hair, then he pulled the comforter over himself. With Duke still in between our legs, I moved the upper half of my body so that I was cuddled into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in even closer, and kissed the top of my head. Within just a few minutes I was fast asleep again.
When I woke up, the sun was shining through his windows. As I opened my eyes, I could see the whole city, and it seemed to be an absolutely beautiful day outside. When I turned to lay on my side, I noticed Calum wasn’t there. I sat up and listened to some clatter sounds coming from down the hall. I threw the blanket off me and went into the bathroom, conforming to the habit my bladder has of needing to be emptied every morning. As I was washing my hands, I looked in the mirror and noticed how horrible my hair looked. I hated going through drawers in other people’s houses, but I had to find something to tie my hair up before I faced my newly found boyfriend. After I didn’t find one, I went to the guest bathroom and started going through those drawers. With no luck, I turned the sink on and splashed my hair with water to make it presentable.
I made my way down the hallway, finding Calum in the kitchen, cooking. When he caught sight of me, he smiled the bright smile that could reduce me to a puddle. “Good morning, sunshine. Would you like some coffee?” I nodded and sat on a bar stool as he handed me a mug of coffee, flavored creamer and some sugar. “I’d make it, but I don’t know how you like it.”
I smiled, carefully taking the warm cup in my hands, “I’ll show you.” I opened the creamer and poured, “I pour until it’s a certain color. Not too dark, but not too light either, like a golden brown.” As I set the creamer down and picked up the sugar and spooned one spoonful of sugar in. “If it wasn’t flavored creamer, I’d put more sugar in, but since it’s flavored, I don’t need that much.” The spoon made a clinking sound as I stirred the coffee. The mug was hot, so I carefully took my first sip. It was perfect. “My coffee is never the same day to day, but it’s usually close.” I shrugged and Calum let out a breathy laugh as he took a sip from his own coffee mug.
After Calum set his mug down, he continued to cook up some breakfast, then sat next to me with two plates. He took a bite and nudged me with his elbow, “What do you want to do today?” He looked at me while chewing, a smug little smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
My fork poked a little at the food Calum had made as I thought about all the things we could do. I shrugged, “Maybe we could just hang out here? I can run home real fast and grab a few things, then I can come back and just hang out.” Of course we could go out and wander the streets, go shopping, but we just established our relationship, so all I really wanted to do was enjoy his company, see what a normal Saturday at home looks like with him.
Calum nodded, “That sounds nice, do you want me to go with you? Maybe we can stop at Starbucks on the way back?” Although it was a bit silly for him to go with me, just to come back here, I never turn down Starbucks, even after drinking a cup of coffee. We finished our food and Calum grabbed his keys. After Calum locked the front door, we both walked to his car together. Our laughter filled the car as he drove us to my apartment. He gripped my hand tightly as we walked to the door of the complex. The elevator dinged when it reached my floor, continuing to hold hands until the elevator doors opened.
My face was all smiles until I turned the corner and laid eyes on a familiar looking man. He was leaning against my door, a toothpick hanging out of his mouth, and his finger scrolling through his phone. I stopped dead in my tracks as the rage boiled in the pit of my stomach. Calum’s hand pressed on my lower back as every muscle in my body tensed, and my hands balled into fists at my sides. The man snapped his head up, hearing the elevator ding to make its way to another floor, and before he could say anything, I spat out, “What in the fuck are you doing here, Nathan?”
#la devotee#calum hood#Calum Hood fic#Calum Hood fanfic#Calum Hood series#Calum Hood writing#Calum Hood blurb#Calum Hood oneshot#Calum Hood imagine#Calum Hood 5sos#Calum Hood 5 seconds of summer#calum#calum fic#calum fanfic#calum series#calum writing#calum blurb#calum oneshot#calum imagine#calum 5sos#calum 5 seconds of summer#Calum Hood x OC#calum x OC#Luke 5sos#Michael 5sos#Ashton 5sos#5 seconds of summer#5sos
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