#one of the heavy hitters behind Jason and Duke
ambrosethedarling · 9 months
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peppersonironi · 4 years
Batfam/Avengers Crossover Chapter Three: Morning Routines
Tagging: @the-fair-maiden-of-fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Category: Gen
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types
Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Natasha Romanov & Damian Wayne, Clint Barton & Cassandra Cain, Tim Drake & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tim Drake & Duke Thomas, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson/Wally West, Roy Harper/Koriand'r/Jason Todd,
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Barbara Gordon, Justice League (DCU), Alfred Pennyworth, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Bat-Cow (DCU), Goliath (DCU), Selina Kyle’s Cat Isis, Kate Kane (DCU), Duke Thomas,
Additional Tags: Batbrothers (DCU), Avengers Meet The Batfam, MCU/Batfam crossover, Crossover, no beta we die like robins, rated T for Jason’s language, I bleeped it out though. Just to be safe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, canon? What’s canon?, Deaf Clint Barton,Deaf Character, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Happy Batfamily (DCU), Birdflash and joyfire are implied/referenced,
Summary: Now that the Avengers have begun to settle into the Manor, they get to know the inhabitants.
Notes: Yo, I do take requests for scenarios, pov’s, and characters to show up!
Steve awoke in one of the most comfortable beds he had ever slept in. For a moment he was relaxed as the sun streamed in through the large window. Then he sat straight up. How did he get here?
Then he remembered. After the Justice League had left, Batman - he still felt weird calling him Bruce - led them into an elevator which emerged in a richly adorned sitting room. The entrance to the elevator being in the Grandfather clock which lay to the side of the room. A butler - a butler! Even Tony didn’t have one of those - had met them there. Batman had informed him that they would be staying for a while, and the butler had quickly led them to free rooms, assuring the Avengers that clothes would be provided before dinner. He had spoken the truth, as a change of clothes were provided shortly. Steve suspected they were pilfered from the manor’s residents.
Steve got out of bed and went over to the neatly stacked pile of clothes, and got dressed. He had been given cargo pants and a gray t-shirt. He then left his room and began to follow the smell of breakfast - a heavenly mixture of coffee, maple syrup, bacon, and blueberry pancakes.
Nat, Tony, and Clint were already in the kitchen when he arrived. They were sitting on stools at the island along with Tim Drake and Cassandra Cain. The Butler was placing a heaping pile of pancakes on the table whilst handing Tim a pot of coffee.
Steve walked over and sat down. "Good morning," he said. "They look great sir, thank you."
The Butler smiled. "Call me Alfred, everyone else does." He spoke with a crisp british accent, which Steve hadn’t noticed the evening before.
Steve nodded as he took some pancakes and bacon. Everyone else started chowing down as well, with the exception of Tim. Tim looked horrible, if Steve was being honest. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his lids were drooped.
Tim was about to pour some coffee, when Steve noticed he was clearly going to miss the mug. Steve opened his mouth to say something when Cassandra Cain reached over and casually pushed the mug over.
Tim filled up the mug. He either hadn’t noticed, or hadn’t cared.
Cassandra went back to her  seat. "You sleep?"
Tim shrugged. "No more than usual. I had patrol, then worked on that eastside murder case."
Cassandra frowned. “ Sleep ,” she said vehemently.
"What's patrol?" Clint asked curiously.
Tim frowned. “We go out and patrol Gotham. Take care of crime. Typical vigilante stuff.”
This gave Steve pause. “You handle petty crime?”
Tim blinked. “You don’t? I thought you said you were superheroes?"
Natasha nodded. “So you’re like Peter. He protects Manhattan. The rest of us only got together due to an alien invasion. We’re what you would call the . . . heavy hitters.”
Cassandra nodded. “City needs us. Without . . .” She pursed her lips and moved her hands around. “Bad things happen.”
“Once you have finished, might I suggest you explore the manor or cave?” Alfred said as he placed more bacon on the table. “Master Bruce has a full gym and training areas in the Batcave which you are welcome to use. After all, if you are to stay here, you might as well have something to do.”
Steve stood up from his now finished meal. “Thank you Alfred, I believe I will. I think I remember the way to the cave. Thank you for the meal.”
Tony nodded. “See you down there, I guess.” Clint and Natasha agreed.
Steve entered the cave to find that he was not the first one there. Standing on the main platform was an honest-to-god cow.
It was brown and white, with stubby horns and a baleful look. On its forehead was a brown patch that looked suspiciously like a bat. The cow mood.
“Bat-Cow! Get away from the invader!” Damian Wayne swooped in out of nowhere and landed in front of the now named Bat-Cow. “What are you doing in the cave?” He asked, his sword drawn and pointed at Steve’s chest.
“The butler - Alfred -  said I could come down here to workout,” Steve replied. He was still trying to get over the fact that a cow was in front of him, being guarded by an eleven year-old in black training clothes that looked a lot like a ninja’s.
“T-t,” Damian replied, clearly unimpressed.
“Well, um. . . Is that a cow?” Steve couldn’t help himself.
“Yes of course. Are you blind? This is Bat-Cow. Bat-Cow, this is one of the invaders by the name of Steve Rogers. Stay away, he’s probably not even a vegetarian.” With that, the boy and the cow strolled away, and Steve turned to go.
Steve found the gym platform and set to work. It was quite nice equipment, and Steve enjoyed using it. He wasn’t the only one, as both Jason Todd and Stephanie Brown were there with him in gym clothes. They both wore gray sweatpants, but Stephanie also wore a purple sports bra, almost the same color as her suit. Stephanie was using some resistance bands and Jason was bench pressing.
Steve walked in muttering about cows, which gained a smile from Jason, who inevitably heard him.
“If a cow surprises you,” Jason said between lifts, “then wait till you see Goliath.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Steve asked as he settled into a warm-up.
“One of Damian’s other . . . pets.” Stephanie said, a grimace on her face. “But boy, I can’t wait till I see your face!” She laughed as she finished up, and moved onto chin-ups.
Steve frowned, but let it slide. There was silence after a while as he settled into his routine. Eventually he moved over to bench presses. He began to set up the weights, glad there were so many, as he usually needed a lot more than the average man.
Steve looked over at Jason, who was still pressing. On closer inspection he was benching almost 400 pounds.
“Do you have super strength,” Steve asked before he could help himself.
Jason snorted and finished up his last few reps, setting the bar down then sitting up. He wiped his face as he answered Steve. “Nope, I don’t need superstength to get these babies.”
He lifted up his arms and flexed. This sent Stephanie into a giggle fit. “You,” She said between snorts, “Jason Peter Todd, are utterly ridiculous.”
Jason smiled as well before turning back to Steve. “But really, none of us bats have super strength. All we have is skill, and kicka** personalities.”
Steve frowned, but nodded anyway. He went to begin bench pressing when Stephanie asked him, “That Stark guy said you were a supersoldier, I assume that super strength comes with it?”
“Yup. There was an experimental serum that the scientists of World War II chose me to test. I worked in the army for a while, before I got frozen in ice due to taking down a Nazi ship. I got rescued and joined the Avengers to help stop an alien invasion.”
Jason muttered something that sounded suspiciously like “cheater.”
Stephanie glared at him. Before standing up and speaking cheerfully “Well, I’m going to go spar with whoever’s available. See you later?” Stephanie walked off, grabbing a purple water bottle on the way out.
Jason nodded. He moved on in his workout, and Steve went back to his bench presses. After a while, Jason had left to spar. Steve finished up himself, then decided to follow. He remembered seeing a fighting area on his way down, so he left the gym and started his search.
Steve didn’t have to search for long, as the platform in question was easily the most crowded. It was the largest, with some thin mats on the floor. Steve wasn’t sure that they would provide much protection.
Thor was standing near the center, holding Mjolnir, and looking quite uncomfortable. He was seemingly being questioned by Damian, Jason, and Cassandra. Tim, Duke, Peter, Nat, Bruce (Banner), Tony, Bruce  (Wayne) and Clint stood to the side. Their faces were a mixture of worry (Nat, Bruce Banner, Tony, and Clint), Amusement, (Tim, Dick and Duke), and confusion (Peter and Bruce Wayne).
Steve walked up to Nat. “What’s going on?” He asked.
“They're questioning the technicalities of being worthy of the hammer,” She said with a frown. “Specifically how many and how often you murder to be excluded.”
Steve frowned right along with her as he turned to the conversation.
“But is there a time frame?” Jason was asking. “Like say you don’t kill for like two weeks, and you’ve been super good? Would that get you points?”
“Uh. . .” The look on Thor’s face was priceless.
“T-t,” Damian said. “What about the technicalities behind the actual murder? Perhaps if a seven year old went on a killing spree? Would age exempt him?”
“I’m not sure a child would-”
“Not their fault?” Cassandra asked. “Forced? Didn’t know?”
Jason frowned. “Yeah, would the kid be declared unworthy if they were forced to kill? Or they didn’t know what they were doing?”
“Well, I-”
“What about mind control? Manipulation? Amnesia?” Jason asked.
“I’m sorry, but -”
“Do the more you kill, the more unworthy you become?” Damian asked, “Or until you hit a certain body count, it's a free-for-all?”
Thor sputtered. “Free-for-all?!”
“Or what if they were really bad people?” Jason asked. “Like other murderers? Pedophiles? Rapists? Drug dealers who sell to kids? If they did something wrong, would that cancel out your own wrongness?”
“These kids are hard-core,” Clint muttered.
“They raise a good point though,” Duke replied.
Tim nodded. “Ten Bucks its Damian who throws dear Thor off the edge.”
“Cass is feisty though.” Dick replied
Duke snorted. “Hah, never bet against Jason!”
All three exchanged handshakes.
“Okay,” Jason said, waving his arms about as he spoke with the utmost seriousness. “Does the way you kill affect how bad it is? Like would slowly and painfully bleeding to death be worse than a bullet to the head? Or say a sniper rifle compared to a handgun? Since one is more personal?”
Thor gaped at the young man.
“ Why kill.” Cassandra asked. “Told? Want? Accident?”
“What if it was to save yourself?” Damian asked. “If it was self-preservation, would that account for anything?”
“What if you were saving someone else?” Jason added. “Either directly, or just making the world a safer place?”
Thor frowned. “I do not speak for Mjolnir, but I assume all murder is murder.” The kids looked disappointed, so Thor continued. “However, if you wish to try to lift it, You have my permission to do so.”
“Naw, it's okay,” Jason said as the kids walked off looking dejected. “Doubt we could anyways, as Thor here just clarified.”
This caused the most uproar out of everything else in the conversation. Thor looked stricken, along with Peter, Bruce Banner, and Tony. Natasha and Clint looked at each other worriedly, Bruce Wayne, Tim, and Duke just rolled their eyes. And Steve was just confused.
“You kill?” Steve asked, as he started to worry if this universe was much more different than he had originally thought.
“Cassandra, Damian, and Jason had … unusual circumstances.” Bruce Wayne said simply. There was a silence after that. Then Bruce continued. “Well, we were about to start some sparring. If you’d like to join us, you are more than welcome to.”
Steve stood straight. He’d been looking forward to seeing them fight. “Sure,” he said as Tim, Dick and Duke exchanged ten dollar bils. “Sounds fun.”
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gothxmsirxns-blog · 7 years
Show Me How You Burlesque
pairing: Batfam x Female!reader
[ part one ] [ part three ] [ part 4.0 ]
plot: Burlesque AU : After graduating college, [Y/N] becomes a dancer at The Dark Knight, a prestigious Burlesque club located in Gotham City as a way to stay on her feet while trying to find a ‘proper job’
warnings: sexual implications, cursing
tags: @memento-scribet @4evahevah @dc-hoe @freethecagedeggs 
words: 4180
a/n: sorry this is late! My life is been a bit hectic lately with a few assignments due the past week and for the next month I’m pretty busy with assignments and end of year stuff for college, but I will try and have chapter 3 up within the next week or two, depending on when I get free time. Also, remember to take the poll on who reader should end up with! As it currently stands, Jason is in the lead with 41% of the vote and Tim is second with 37% of the vote.  
Here is a list of the batfam’s position in the club;
Bruce Wayne - owner
Alfred Pennyworth - manager
Dick Grayson - choreographer
Barbara Gordon - social media, advertising,websites - former dancer
Jason Todd - security
Tim Drake - stage design, special effects
Stefanie Brown - dancer
Cassandra Cain - dancer
Damian Wayne - no job, behind the scenes
Duke Thomas - music/dj
Kate Kane - bar
Helena Bertinelli - table dancer, bar
Harper Row - costume and makeup, special effects.
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After being told that she would be the new dancer, [Y/N] was lead into the back and to Mr.Wayne's office in order to go over some legal documents that included her contract, insurance policies, and confidentiality agreements because apparently some heavy hitters from the Gotham social and political circle liked to frequent the club and they needed their secrecy.  
Their meeting didn’t take too long and when it was completed, [Y/N] was lead to the costume and makeup department by the child she had previously met earlier, this time he had introduced himself as Damian Wayne and he was Bruce’s son that tended to help behind the scenes with the recruitment and keeping things runnings by helping where it was needed.
Here she was meet with a young woman who had electric blue hair and a measuring tape around her neck, with her hands skipping through outfits that were hanging on a rail a few feet away from the many vanity mirrors that were lined against the wall opposite the door she had walked through.
“Row.” Damians voice cut through the air and caused the young woman to look around with a displeased look on her face and an eyebrow raised, “Yes Damian?”
Motioning towards [Y/N], who now looked slightly uncomfortable as the two people with her stared each other down with a slight look of disdain on both of their faces, Damian spoke with a stiff voice, “This is [Y/N] she’s the new dancer.” Now he turned to walk away, only to speak once again before actually walking out the door, “Father wants you to take her measurements so  you can prepare costumes for her. The first one for tomorrow nights performance.”
Looking between the two, [Y/N] was slightly panicked. She knew she was starting soon, but the next night wasn’t expected and Bruce didn’t say anything to her about a starting day but she guesses tomorrow night wasn’t too bad.
Harper now looked at the girl for the first time since she walked into the room and she had a small smile on her face as she did, her eyes scanning her body up and down and this caused a blush to rise on [Y/N]’s check as she watched ‘Rows’ eyes wander. The blue haired girl walked towards her with the smile still on her face as she reached up to take the measuring tape off her neck.
“I’m Harper, I’m in charge of costumes and makeup. I also help Tim with the special effects of the show. So fireworks, smoke machine that sort of thing. I need you to take your clothes off “ [Y/N] he removed her clothes slowly and shyly as Harper removed the measuring tape from around her neck and wrapped it around [Y/N]’s waist, pulling her close to her body using the two side of the table before meeting the edge of the tape with the actual tape where it would give an accurate measurement of waist size.
“[waist size], that’s a good size. Now let's get your chest size.” Harper removed the tape from [Y/N]’s waist and wrapped it around her chest, above her boobs, “Can you lift your arms up for me and straighten your back?” Doing as she was told, [Y/N] failed to suppress her blush as it brightened as Harper’s hands wrapped around the top of her chest and then around under her boobs to get an accurate measurement for chest size.
“All good. Next is your legs.” Harper moved down [Y/N]’s body, her hand trailing over the side as she did and stopping at her thigh as she now wrapped the measuring tape around her thigh to get its measurement before moving down further to get the measurements for her calf and ankles before measuring her actual leg length.  As Harper stood back up, her face was very close to [Y/N]’s face, who happened to have a rather large blush that had spread to the entirety of her face from her cheeks and this caused a smirk to rise on Harper’s face slightly as she stepped back from her position in front of the girl to once again look at costumes.
“You took Barbara’s place, right?” [Y/N] nodded slowly as she started to redress, only to vocalise her response once she realised Harper couldn’t see her responses, “Uh..yeah.”To this Harper nodded and pulled out an outfit, a white bra with diamante stripes on one cup and white material on the other with what looked like leaves sprouting from the back matched with a nude bottom covered with diamantes as well with a sparkling belt that provided a puffy white fabric at the back. “This was supposed to be her costume for tomorrow's performance, the theme for costuming is ‘fairy garden’, for some reason. With a few adjustments it will be ready for you for tomorrow night.”
Nodding, [Y/N] looked over the outfit once again. It was pretty and she was sure she would be able to dance in it, having danced in some extravagant outfits before. “Thank you Harper.” Harper waved her hand, brushing the comment off, “No problem.” Turning towards [Y/N], Harper smiled at her and let her hand fall down, the costume almost hitting the ground as she did, “Hey, don’t worry. Stef and Cas are super nice and Helena is an amazing mentor. You will do fine.”  Giving a small smile back to Harper, [Y/N] brushed her hair behind her ear and let out a small sigh, “Thanks.”
[Y/N] jumped slightly as she heard the door slam behind her, she didn’t think whoever entered meant to slam the door, but they did in their haste to enter the room.  A deep chuckle left the lips of the person who had entered and a voice that [Y/N] recognised as Dick Grayson spoke to her and apologised for scaring her, “Sorry about that.”
Turning to look at Dick, [Y/N] shook her head and looked down to the ground and let out a small chuckle, “It’s okay. I just wasn’t expecting that.” Crossing his arms over his chest, Dick looked down at the smaller girl and smiled at her. “Come on. Bruce wants me to run through tomorrow night’s routines with you to let you see it and then he wants me to go over it with you again most of tomorrow before the club opens to make sure you have the routine down”
Nodding, [Y/N] turned once again and said goodbye to Harper before following Dick out onto the main stage area, which was connected to the costume and makeup room from one side while the control panel for the lights and special effects were on the other side. On this side stood a man, smaller than Dick with slightly broad shoulders and dark hair that matched that of Bruce, Dick, and Damian and he was fiddling around with something under the control panel. “Tim!”
It seemed he was deep in thought, or deep in fixing something to the point where he wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings and jumped at the sound of his, apparent, name which caused him to bump his head against the control panel. He came up to look at Dick, who was biting his lip to stop from laughing, with a hand rubbing his head where he hit it and his mouth spurting a few curses at the panel and at Dick.
“What’s up?” Dick crossed his arm over his chest and used one hand to motion to [Y/N] before returning it to it’s original position over his chest. “This is [Y/N], out new dancer. Why don’t you come over and introduce yourself?”
‘Tim’ now moved his hand from his head and walked towards the duo on the stage with a sheepish smile, reaching his hand out when he got to the two. “I’m Tim Drake. It’s nice to meet you [Y/N].” Letting a smile spread across her face, [Y/N] took Tim’s hand and shook it, “Nice to meet you to Tim.”
Tim then moved back to his position behind the control panel and [Y/N] turned around to face Dick as he explained to her what was going to be shown to her. “Okay, so tomorrow. You will be doing a group dance with all the other dance, a trio dance with Cassandra and Stefanie who used to do the trio dance with Barbara and a solo dance.”
“Yes mom….I’m fine.” Moving around her kitchen, [Y/N] spoke to her mother on the phone with a roll of her eyes almost every second as she listened to her mother's voice on the other line, with the occasional input of her father. Reaching up to lift a mug out of her cupboard, [Y/N] let out a sigh, “Yeah...the jobs going fine.”
Of course,the job they were talking about wasn’t the job she actually had but the job her parents had arranged for her to have that she quit before even starting because it wasn’t what she wanted. “Love you too mom.” As she lifted the teapot from its position on the stove and started to pour her tea into her cup she heard her father fussing about how the job they had got for her was perfect for her. “Dad….Dad I have to go. My roommate needs help moving some things into her room.”
She rolled her eyes once again as her mother, for the 12 time during their phone call, told her how proud she was off her and how much she loved her. “Ye-yea-yeah mom. I know. Love you, gotta go.” Hanging up her phone, she placed it screen down on the counter and lifted her mug, taking a sip of her tea and throwing her head back slightly in contentedness when she pulled the mug from her lips.
“Good day?” [Y/N] turned to face her roommate, a tall redhead with a love of flowers who worked as a successful botanist who only took on a roommate at the request of a friend. Nodding, a smile took over [Y/N]’s lips, “It was a very good day Ivy.” Her roommate, Dr.Palmela Isley, went by Ivy because her love of her flowers gained her the nicknames while she was still in college.
“I got the job at The Dark Knight and meet a cute guy and girl.” Palmela smiled and walked to the cupboard, taking out her own mug and filling it with hot tea, “That’s good. When do you start?”
“Tomorrow night. But I’ll be in practice all day with Dick, the choreographer to get the routine down.” Palmela nodded and took a sip of her tea, it was a herbal tea that she had picked up that day and was actually quite good.
“Congratulations, take it your parents don’t know?” Palmela had known [Y/N]’s mother, having met her previously while attending a lecture with Harley on psychology and became somewhat of a friend to the woman. [Y/N] shook her head and looked to the ground, “No, I don’t know if it’s a permanent solution or not. I’ll look for a job that suits my degree, but the pay's good and if I like it I’ll stay.”
The next night, after an intense run through with Dick and the other dancers, including Stephanie and Cassandra who were as nice as Harper said they were, [Y/N] was preparing for her first preparing for the first performance of the night. It was the opening performance that included all the dancers that Bruce had, a total of a dozen or so. The costume was different than the one she had been shown the day before by Harper, she was informed that it was for her solo dance which came after Cassandra’s solo and was followed by Stefanies solo and then their trio dance.  
The first costume was a little more basic than the solo costume, it was a simple sparkly leotard that was mesh from under the bob to wear it connects with the underwear with a hold in the side of it that exposed her bellybutton but still looked quite nice and sleek on her.
As she started to apply her makeup in a way that was shown to her earlier by Harper, Stefanie, who had already finished her makeup and looked stunning, came up to her with a smile on her face and placed her hands on her shoulder. “Let me.” With a gentle nod, [Y/N] let Stefanie turn her around to face her and started on her makeup and as she worked conversation flowed between the two.
“So, how long have you been dancing?” The first question was from Stefanie and as [Y/N] moved only her eyes to look to the ceiling so Stefanie could apply some purple eyeliner she answered with a slightly strained voice, “Um...since I was 6.” As Stefanie told her to look straight ahead she did, “My mom is a former ballerina turned psychologist and put me into ballet and gymnastics when I was old enough to start and that developed into me taking on acro dancing in my early teen.”
Stefanie nodded along as she listened to what was being said, “Acro’s my favourite, though I do a lot of aerial work here, I like to always go back to it when I need a reminder of why I dance and why I’m here.” [Y/N] had never done any true aerial work, she had done the simple stuff with the chains the day before but not any real aerial work that put her in harms way and she was fascinated as Stefanie continued to talk about her aerial work and how she did it and how amazing Dick was as a choreographer, really honing in on each girls individual skill for their sets and dances.
“There. All done.” When [Y/N] looked into the mirror, she was slightly amazed as she knew she wouldn’t have been able to do such a good job herself when it came to the makeup. It seemed simple enough, but she knew it wasn’t. It was a dark green eye that blended out into some purples and reds at the edges with some purple eyeliner on the bottom lid with perfect winged eyeliner on the top lid with a simple dark green metallic, and slightly shimmery, lip.
“Thank you Stefanie.” A smile spread to Stefanies lips as she looked over the girl, “It’s not a problem. Here we look for each other and you’re the new girl, so it’s our job to make you feel comfortable here and out there. Best way to do that is with a killer look, so even if you mess up, you look good doing it.” A small chuckled passed [Y/N]’s lips as she looked to Stefanie who extended her hand to the girl, “Now come on. First dance starts soon and we need to be in position.”
Taking Stefanies hand, [Y/N] followed her to where the stage, where the other girls were getting in position. On the stage was 12 chairs, all set equal distances apart and in a set pattern with ties loosely tied around the back for the performance and on each side of the stage, leaning against the stage walls were the dancers. [Y/N] and Stefanie went to the right hand side, closest to the control panel where [Y/N] have Tim a small smile, which he returned. Here they were joined by Cassandra, Stefanies partner in crime, and Helena who would ‘mentor’ [Y/N] and help her with any routines she needed help with, and two other dancers called Tess and Lacy.
As the current went up and the music started,[Y/N] took a deep breath and tried to find her center as she started to dance along with the other girls, starting at the wall and then walking towards her assigned chair that was marked at the back so the audience wouldn’t see it. As she danced, any chance she got she looked out into the audience, slightly amazed at how many people were there and how they all seemed to be enjoying the dance whether they were male or female or whether or not they were with partners or now. The applause she heard, drove her to do better and she got more into the dance, determined to show off and do her best for her first performance. When the dance ended, she took a bow with the rest of the girls before rushing off stage to allow for the first solo performance of the night.
Adrenaline buzzed through [Y/N] veins, she had forgotten how much she loved to perform for a crowd and how much it drove her to do better in her dancing. Helena came up behind her with a smile on her face and she placed her hand on [Y/N]’s shoulder, “You did great out there!” With a smile and a small chuckle, [Y/N] turned to Helena and let out a sigh of relief, “Thank you.”
It was a relief, to know that someone who had been here for so long and was so experienced through they did good, it was a nice feeling. Dick then came up to [Y/N] and congratulated her, and then reminded her that the hardest part was still to come and that was the solo. [Y/N] shook her head and reassured him that she was ready for it, the solo was something she knew, something she had done before because Bruce had insisted she use the choreography she auditioned with, and of course she agreed because it was something she knew and something she had very little chance of messing up having done it so many times.
Now all she had to do was get ready. Sitting down at her vanity, [Y/N] looked into the mirror and saw the beads of sweat start to run down her forehead, not surprising, but it was only a tiny bit of sweat that she was wiping away with her makeup to start on the makeup for her solo and for her performance with Stefanie and Cassandra.
She made quick work of wiping away her makeup and applying fresh makeup, though this one was much simpler than the previous one as it with a simple black lip and white eyeshadow covering both her eyes, as if it was a mask. But, hey, it worked with the costume she had to wear so she wasn’t going to question it, besides she trusted Harper knew what she was doing when she planned all this stuff out. Once she was done with her makeup, she changed into her costume and made her way to the side of the stage and stood beside the control panel, beside Tim, where she could watch Cassandra’s solo.
Cassandra moved so beautifully, her dance was slower than the rest of the girls dances but she moved so fluidly and gracefully that no one really cared. This was her style, her style leaned more towards the contemporary ballet style but was mixed with the sexiness of burlesque and some gogo techniques and it worked so well when she moved that when she finished she was meet with a huge applause, even from her fellow dancers and this left her with a grin on her face as she walked to the side of stage and stood beside [Y/N], reaching down to take her hand and squeezing it gently as she did. “Good luck.” The words were whispered softly into her ear by Cassandra and Tim gave her a thumbs up and a reassuring smile, too busy to talk as her focused on the words coming through on the headphones he wore on his ear.
[Y/N] gave them both a smile as she walked to the stage and to where she would start, she wasn’t starting in the middle of the stage but rather closer to the front where everyone would be able to see her and how she moved, as well as being the location of the chains she needed. As she got in position, letting her hand wrap around the chains, the lack of lights hiding her from the view of the guests, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, waiting for the music to begin. As the music began, she felt the energy of the room change from the graceful bliss that was Cassandra’s performance to a more erotic feel to match her song and dance. She got lost in the music, moving fluidly and quickly between moves and when the dance came to an end the applause she heard was deafening, it seemed that the guests were impressed with the new dancer replacing a crowd favourite. But of course, there was one person in the back simply looking at the stage with a murderous glare as [Y/N] moved, before they stood from their chair, knocking it and a glass over onto the ground causing it to smash as they did.
With a brief bow, [Y/N] moved of the stage and to the side beside Cassandra who congratulated her on a job well done as Stefanie moved to the stage, the chains that previously been there replaced with velvet material that hung in large amounts from the ceiling. Again, [Y/N] watched in awe as Stefanie moved beautiful from her dance on the ground to the dance in the air as Tim moved the fabric higher up, with Stefanie attached to it and moving beautifully. At the end, [Y/N] was sure her heart was going to burst out of her chest as she spun down from the fabric, with the fabric wrapped around her, as it seemed to [Y/N] she didn’t have enough fabric to reach the bottom, but she did, and she spun until she was a foot of the floor and could easily let herself down. Again, she was meet with a deafening applause, like the one received by Cassandra and [Y/N], even from her fellow dancers as she never ceased to impress them when she danced.
Stefanie then walked over to the panel with a smile on her face and her hand strung together in front of her, her fingers locked together, as she rose an eyebrow at [Y/N], “You ready?” Nodding, [Y/N] smiled at the blonde and let out a happy sigh, “Now more than ever.” Stefanie smiled at this and took both [Y/N]’s and Cassandra’s hand, dragging them onto stage as the curtain went down for a moment, letting Tim prepare the stage for their performance, meaning he got rid of the props and the fabric and the chains and anything else that would get in the way of the performance, except the chairs they were using.
The curtain started to lift and the music started to play, and as the lights shined down on the three of them, the dance began. It was a simple dance, compared to the solos they had completed, there wasn’t as many stunts but it was still sexy. In fact, it focused on being sexy instead of showing of the individual skill of the dancers like the solos did, and it worked. Anyone in the crowd would say that it was sexy, and Dick was proud of how it had worked out.
So was Bruce, as Bruce watched on from his position at the bar, having come out during Cassandra’s solo to see how it all went and to see if [Y/N] worked well with Cassandra and Stefanie. Of course, the final dance was shorter than the rest, lasting only a minute, but it was enough to get the crowd riled up a bit more and it still gave him the chance to see how the three moved together and, to Bruce, it seemed like a perfect combination.
As they moved off the stage, taking the chairs with them as the next performance didn’t need them, they were greeted with well dones and [Y/N] was greeted with ‘you did so good!’. And ‘congratulations on a successful first night’.
When the three girls got back into the changing room, the first thing that Stefanie and Cassandra did was wrap [Y/N] up in a hug and congratulated her, telling her how well she did and how she was going to fit right in. However, an unfamiliar voice to broke through them and caused them to silence as they all turned to face it. There before them was a redheaded woman in a wheelchair, [Y/N]] presumed it was Barbara.
“It’s nice to see that they got someone good, with a passion for dancing in to replace me.” She wheeled towards the three and reached a hand out to [Y/N], “Barbara Gordon, you did well kid.”
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