#one of my friends is Blue. hi Ske
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retr0scum · 2 years ago
Idk how to describe it exactly but I love being color themed, I love having a color assigned to me everywhere. I LOVE BEING A RED FUCK
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minny5ca2018 · 3 years ago
New Outlander fanfiction
This will be based on an idea that came to me.
An Alternate Universe...
Part 1
May 20, 2022
James Fraser looked around the crowd of fellow tv reporters and smiled. As a sports news reporter for the Glasgow Globe, it was his job to cover all the major rugby events. As an avid fan who absolutely loved the sport, his job at the Globe was like a dream come true. He followed all the games, both local and international. In the last six years as a news reporter he’d won several Pulitzer awards for his writing. He loved the sport and the players and the fans. Loving his work and integrating with people made his writing even better. His hard work and dedication had led him to where he was today. On a cruise ship with friends and fellow colleagues. News and sports reporters like himself who’d worked hard in gaining their status and achievements. The cruise event was a prize from the major publications enterprise who supported most of their endeavors. He looked about at the bustling crowd and smiled. Most of them were acquaintances, but many he considered friends as well as colleagues.
Jamie was a native of the Scottish highlands, an area known as Broch Turach. He was James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser and was actually Laird of a now derelict castle known as Lallybroch. While he still owned much of the surrounding land, the dwelling itself had been vacant and derelict for years. A fact of life in modern times, it was simply too costly to maintain or repair the structure. He now kept a large flat in Glasgow when he wasn’t traveling for the Globe that is.
“Ooch, now Jamie, are you going to stay here in yer corner like this, or are you coming out to mingle with the rest of us?” Geillis Duncan asked him with a smile.
Jamie smiled back at the petite Scottish woman. Geillis was pretty in an odd sort of way with her light copper hair and big green eyes. There was always something about her that troubled Jamie. She always somehow rubbed him the wrong way. He laughed and shook his head. “Now, Geillis, you know that I like to sit back with my whisky and watch others while they move about. I like observing people. No worries, Geillis, I am fine where I am right now.” He replied in his best formal English in a manner intended just to annoy her. He didn’t trust or like Geillis. He wasn’t sure why. But the woman simply irked him somehow.
Geillis nodded. “Oh, verry well, ya wee Fox cub.” She replied. Jamie was a striking figure with his deep auburn red hair, slavic cheekbones and deep blue eyes that could penetrate your veru soul. Shaking her head, she slowly began moving away from him. Looking back, ske murmured softly, “I’ll be on the deck should you change your mind.”
Jamie nodded and sipped a little bit more of his whisky.
May 20, 1948
Claire stared one more time at Frank as he once more stared her down. She shook her head in defiance. “No. I told you already Frank. You can beg, but I will not marry you. I do not love you, now or ever.” She insisted, glaring at him over the coppery flames coming from the fire in the hearth.
Angered, Frank grabbed her by the arm and violently shook her. “You will! You will obey! I want you and I will bloody well have you! Any way I can get you!” he shouted at her. He moved toward her menacingly …
Claire suddenly cowered in fear. Frank’s family had special powers that dated back to ancient times and heaven knows what he would do to her. She shook her head. “No. I reject you. I do not love you. I will not marry you, Frank.” She persisted.
Frank glowered down at her. He pointed a finger at her. “Then you will pay the price, for all eternity.”
Before Claire could react or even move, she found herself inside a small furnished glass bottle. She was miniaturized and wearing a harem style costume. She could see Frank staring down at her.
Frank smiled wickedly. “That’s right. You are now a genie and as your Master and holder of your bottle, you will obey my every command. You will serve me.” Frank told her.
Claire shook her head in utter despair. “Noooo,” sne began tearfully. “Noooo,” she pleaded.
May 20, 2022
Claire looked at Frank and cried softly. “No, please Frank. I do not want to go back in the bottle while you are away. Please, I beg you, I will behave.”
Frank shook his head. “No. In your bottle you go, you wicked genie.” With a motion, he pointed his finger and smoked her into her bottle. Once she was inside, he quickly capped the top. “And that is where you will stay until I return from my business trip. He laughed. People of the modern world really had no idea that the seemingly quiet Professor from Oxford was actually one the world’s most powerful Jinns. When Claire had refused him, he had simply made her into a genie. As the holder of her bottle, she had to obey his every whim. There was only one other Jinn who was more powerful than Frank. And he suddenly realized with horror as he walked through the halls of Oxford that he was suddenly staring right at him.
“Hadji. What, what are you doing here?” Frank asked him, trying to sound unconcerned by Hadji’s sudden appearance.
Hadji merely glared at Frank. “Doing what I always do by tradition, Frank. Observing the world and our people in relation to all of that.” He replied. He looked at Frank sternly. “I have been watching you for a long time. I don’t like your behavior. You deliberately interfered with a young girl who was from the mortal world. Worse, after making her a genie, you’ve been mistreating her badly.” He told him. “It was bad enough when it all began over fifty years ago. But, it is getting worse. You are really mistreating the girl. Hurting her. And it has to stop. And you will be punished for it. Even we have our rules and guidelines.”
Frank shook his head,  pleading with Hadji. “No, please I will do better. I promise. Give me another chance with her.” Frank begged.
Hadji shook his head. “No. You will be punished.” He pointed his finger and with a single motion, miniaturized Frank into a glass bottle. Hadji quickly capped the bottle and placed it in a large trunk. He quickly locked it and labelled it storage room. He smiled. Frank likely would not be discovered for a long time. Hadji chuckled. As for the girl, he would place her in an area where, when the person finds her there will become the love of her life.
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burntuakrisp · 4 years ago
Friday Night Funkin: Vs Your Boyfriend/YB week mod dialogue (Fan made)
I know I already posted a link to this story, but I wanted to keep sharing it so I decided to share it again on here. Minors stay away.
Okay so first I want to explain some things. Over the past few days, I have decided to look at other fandoms that have had mods connected to FNF. Like the Happy Tree Friends fandom, thanks to the Flippy Mod. But recently I have discovered another fandom of a game that has my interest. It’s a visual novel called “Your Boyfriend” and it has got me hooked. It has a male Yandere who's cute as he is deadly.
Warning: This game is an erotic horror game, so minors should stay away, please respect the creator's wish and do not interfere with it. No minors allowed.
That being said, I want a mod of this guy, like really want it. Just so I can have an excuse to add him to the ever-growing mod lore that fnf has. The creator even made some sprites for a possible mod involving him. https://y0urb0yfriend.tumblr.com/post/652837913968672768/whats-up-nerds-im-making-the-animation-assets-for
But I have no time nor patience to make one. So I thought I could make dialogue for possible cutscenes for the nonexistent mod.
Sorry if I get this guy out of character, the game is not complete yet. sadly
Plus its literally Boyfriend vs Boyfriend.
So I hope you enjoy it.
Cutscene 1:
(Background cuts to Park, with a white bench.)
YB/Peter: Oh, Y/N, there you are. I was wondering where you went, darling-
???: Bep
YB/Peter turns to see Boyfriend with his trademark blue hair and microphone. Next to him is Girlfriend, sitting on top of the speakers as she always does.
YB/Peter: What the- Who are you?
Boyfriend: Bep Boop Ska boop beep.
YB/Peter: a rap battle? Well if you insist. Maybe I can impress my darling Y/N that way.
Song 1: (the song is a typical romantic sounding, with some minor off beats to give a slightly off feeling. YB/Peter is holding a microphone in one of his hands. In the other, he has a red rose. He is looking directly at the player as he sings. Boyfriend and Girlfriend are the same as they always been in these rap battles, with Boyfriend singing while Girlfriend bobs her head to the music. The song ends.
Cutscene 2: YB/Peter’s face looks a lot angrier as he looks at Boyfriend. YB grits his teeth as it now reveals his teeth are razor sharp and there are many of them.
YB/Peter: Why you little! How? How did I lose!? That was uncalled for, you little brat!
Boyfriend: Skee bop bo bep.
YB/Peter: My head does not look like a Golfball! And I don’t know what a Whitty is!!
YB/Peter: Okay, round 2, and this time I will not let you shame me in front of my darling Y/N!
Boyfriend: Ske boop bo po. (Boyfriend is confused as he does not know who “Y/N” is)
Song 2: the song is faster and tenser, with the off beats being much more frequent. YB/Peter grits his sharp teeth as he looks at Boyfriend and back to the player with a slightly more calm expression, before looking back at Boyfriend with anger. The hand that holds the red rose is being held so tight that it starts to bleed. But YB/Peter is too mad at Boyfriend as he sings. Boyfriend and Girlfriend do not care about YB/Peter’s anger. The song ends.
Cutscene 3: YB/Peter is beyond furious as he grips the rose so tight that the rose is completely wilted.
YB/Peter: Why you little pest!! How dare you mock me!!! Just who do you think you are!!!
Boyfriend: Skee dop bop...
YB/Peter: Your name...is Boyfriend....?
YB/Peter: .....
YB/Peter: hahaha.
YB/Peter: Hahaha!
YB/Peter: (face becomes crazed with teeth flaring like crazy.) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boyfriend: (scared face) Boop.
Boyfriend: (Aggressively beeps to tell him that is not true.)
YB/Peter: DON'T PLAY ME FOR A FOOL, YOU SON OF A B-! I'll have no choice but to teach you a lesson in knowing your place!!
YB/Peter: You and your little whore!!!
YB/Peter pulls out his knife and the screen cuts to red as the sound of the knife cutting something is heard, as well as the scream of a female. When the red fades out, what happened can be seen. Girlfriend is still sitting on the speakers but the lower half of her leg that usually crossed over has now been cut off, leaving a stump that is bleeding over the speakers. YB/Peter is holding the bloody knife in the hand that the microphone used to be. In his other hand where the rose used to be, he is holding Girlfriend's severed leg, bleeding drop after drop on the ground. YB/Peter's face and body are splattered with blood, but YB/Peter doesn't care as he has a psychotic blood lustful look on his face as he stares at Boyfriend.
YB/Peter: Now do you get it, Runt?
Boyfriend: (looks at Girlfriend)
Boyfriend: GIRLFRIEND!!!!!
YB/Peter: Not so tough now!!!! Looking for this!!!
Boyfriend: (Face is seething with Rage)
YB/Peter: Oh you want it back, then come on and face me!!! Y/N WILL be mine and there is nothing you can do to stop it!!!
Boyfriend: You...BASTARD!!!!!!
Song 3: Time for the bullet hell song that hurts your fingers. Boyfriend's face is filled with tears and hatred as he sings. Girlfriend, despite her leg being cut off and bleeding, is still bopping her head to the music. YB/Peter has a maniac look on his blood-splattered face as he sings. In one of the poses, YB/Peter seems to be biting or licking Girlfriend's leg, as to mock Boyfriend.
The song ends and the mod is over. I couldn't think of an ending.
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kuruna · 2 years ago
Last night's dream:
El*n M*ske successfully threw a coup to overthrow and take over the US government, and installed himself as supreme ruler. He started rounding people up into a huge auditorium building with these skull masked guys, and unknowingly to everyone in the building they had a Bunch of coffins in the basement that they were working on Reviving. And when these zombie were revived they were of course freaked out as hell and tried to escape, but one of the skull mask bitches put one of those huge trash cans in front of the (open) door so they'd be trapped.
Later, El*n M*sk emerged again, except this time he was dressed up as... an antagonist from Food Fight! (???). He then began playing a slideshow on a projector. One of his first orders of business was changing the end plot of some videogame because he agreed with all the #haters only who thought it sucked. His second point of business was changing a different videogames storyline (which was based on real life events it seemed), so instead of assassinating this One Russian Guy who died young, you'd assassinate a Different Older Russian Guy. Everyone being forced to watch this was laying on the stage of this bih auditorium also.
When I woke up my first thought was "but how did the zombies come into play?????"
(also: the zombie protagonists was like some young undead teen who looked "normal" except for having blue hair. Some other zombie was a "bimbo" with really messy micro braids and another was a scene teen, but neither of them looked particularly undead oddly enough. The scene teen had a friend there tho, good for her!)
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girlboss-molina · 4 years ago
Be Who You Are (No Compromise)
A Julie and the Phantoms Modern Royalty AU
Chapter 4: The Feminist Manifesto
AO3 Link
Words: 9337
Julie POV
Julie sat by her father’s side in the large, round table in the royal office. Her father’s personal desk was at the back of the room, but given that there were quite a few people, they’d opted to pull out the council’s table. Admittedly, it was quite crowded; The table was surrounded by herself, her father, Reggie, Luke, Alex, Erik, Flynn, Carrie, Mira, and the seven council members, one from each county in Dahlia. All sixteen people were placed in even intervals, but Julie’s leg still brushed her father’s given the close proximity. 
Tension weighed heavily on their shoulders, the silence deafening. They’d been sitting, whispering in hushed tones for nearly an hour, and the sun was setting outside the long windows. Julie furrowed her brow, trying to think of possible solutions to their… situation, fiddling with the hem of her long, silky, midnight blue dress. Ray sighed. 
“This is a horrible situation.” Murmurs of agreement sounded from around the table. 
“Why did they even declare war in the first place?” asked Councilwoman Mei Lin, her dark hair shining in the warm light from the lanterns on the walls. 
“Territorial disputes,” Ray replied. “As you know, Dahlia was originally a territory of Krypto, before their revolution in 1843. We declared independence, stating that the land and seas of Dahlia were henceforth free from Kryptonian rule. However, a subsection of the Kryptonian Constitution that wasn’t remembered until the declaration of independence from the Acacian Territory a few years ago, states that ‘any and all declarations of independence must be approved by his majesty the King of Krypto, so to provide peaceful decisions of boundaries and leaderships.’ That article was instituted in 1809, predating the Dahlian revolution.
“Because of this, and the realization that, since the Dahlian revolution was not led solely by the Kryptonian king at that time, their current king, Caleb Covington, has declared that Dahlia has been impeding on Kryptonian sovereignty for over two centuries, and has declared that, should the kingdom of Dahlia not peacefully resign themselves to Krypto, they shall declare war and ‘reclaim their rightful land by force.’”
Julie had never seen her dad so stressed. Heartbroken, yes, but never this stressed. 
“That’s bullshit,” said Councilman Ryan. Julie recognized him as Nick’s father. “I’m sorry, but that’s bullshit. Dahlia fought for its independence, and we deserve to keep our own peace. That was hundreds of years in the past.”
“I agree,” Julie said. “Time moves on. We’ve been peaceful allies with Krypto for over a century, and they’ve never said anything about this until now. Why the sudden change?”
“King Covington ascended about five years ago,” Ray began. “We knew he’d made the decision to expand their military, but at the time they were in shallow conflict with the Republic of Isala, so that was a logical move. It appears, however, that Covington has had other plans.” 
“Is there any way we can get them to stop?” asked Alex. “There’ll be civil unrest in Krypto, for sure, since we’ve always been allies. Could that be an advantage?”
“It could,” Ray agreed, “but Krypto has always had relatively unstable relations with its citizens. It was one of the reasons Dahlia declared independence in the first place.”
“Is it still that bad?” Luke piped up. “I mean, it was over two hundred years ago that we became our own nation. Surely things have changed.”
“In some ways, they have,” Councilman Trevor - Carrie’s father - interjected. “And that’s great. But it hasn’t all been good. Civil rights have hardly gotten better.”
“It sounds like Krypto is going to war with itself,” Erik noted. Julie was surprised he was there; but then again, Mira had been allowed to come. “If the people are that unhappy with how they’re being governed, a rebellion will strike.”
“I suspect that’s an underlying motive for declaring war on us in the first place,” said Councilwoman Noah - Flynn’s mother - tersely. “I mean, if there is a larger crisis in their country, civil unrest and disobedience could conceivably go down, since everyone would be focused on the war.”
“That… might be a reason, yeah,” Councilman Richard admitted. 
“So why don’t we call for a diplomacy meeting?” Julie suggested, raising her voice over the hushed murmurs from everyone at the table. “We could meet with Covington and talk things out.” 
“Good idea, Julie,” Ray agreed. “In the meantime, I’m going to have some coffee brought up. Oh, Councilwoman Mei Lin, you prefer tea, correct?”
Julie opened up her pad and scrolled through her sim files, searching through the foreign relations packet for territorial disputes. Her eyes glazed as ske skimmed the words, searching for mentions of constitutional technicalities or revolutions, barely noticing when everybody got up to get their coffee or tea. 
A tap on her shoulder made her jump, but her heart both calmed and fluttered when she noticed that it was Luke.
“Julie? Are you okay?” he asked, a furrow of concern in his eyebrows. She sighed.
“I’m not not okay, I just… This is so horrible. It’s stressing me out, and I can only imagine how stressed my dad must be, and I’m going to have a huge responsibility in all of this since I’m going to be queen soon, and-”
“Whoa,” he said, placing his hands on her shoulders as he sat, turning his chair to face her. Julie was acutely aware of how warm his hands were on her skin, how he gently brushed the straps of her dress with his thumbs. She closed her eyes, hating how weak she felt. “Julie, I know you can do this. Yeah, it really sucks. If I could get you out of it, I would.” She opened her eyes, meeting his gaze, and finding nothing but utter sincerity. It made her heart flutter, the silk of her dress tingling on her back. 
“Thanks,” she said. “Want to get some coffee?” He nodded, a soft smile on his face that made Julie feel at ease, offering her his arm. She took it, leading him to where the coffee and tea had been set on a long table by the wall, giving a small smile to Alex as they passed him, who was quietly chatting with one of the bakers who’d brought up the coffee. 
She poured herself a steaming mug, stirring in a splash of milk. She glanced at Luke, finding the way he put a ton of sugar in it endearing. She quickly looked away, very aware of the fact that they weren’t alone; their friends, her father and brother, and all seven council members were also in the room. Granted, nobody was paying attention to them. They were talking idly amongst themselves, but the tension was palpable. 
As she and Luke walked wordlessly back to their seats - well, Julie’s seat, and Reggie’s seat that Luke was currently sitting in - they faced each other but didn’t speak. 
“Hey, Jules,” Alex said, walking up to them. “You alright?” Julie knew he knew the answer, given the sympathetic tilt of his head. 
“I’m okay,” she replied after a moment. “You?”
“Well, the anxiety isn’t a fan of it,” he quipped, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. 
“Same,” Reggie added, walking up behind Alex and putting an arm on his shoulder, his other hand holding a cup of coffee with so much milk it might not have even been coffee. “This is a major pain in the ass.” Julie nodded. That it was. 
Taking another sip of her coffee, she noticed Carrie walking to her.
“Hey,” she said. 
“Hey.” Neither of them said anything else, but Carrie wrapped her arm around Julie’s shoulder. Flynn joined with a hand on the same shoulder.
“So,” she said. “Any plans forming in that brain of yours?”
“Well, we need to start with a diplomacy meeting. Meet with Covington and try to work things out peacefully.”
“I agree,” Mira added from behind Carrie. Alex nodded.
“A peaceful route would be best.” 
“You know,” Julie said, “When I become queen, I’m keeping all of you around. I want to have my friends with me.” She took a sip of her coffee, smiling into her mug when they all nodded. 
“Bold of you to assume we would leave,” Flynn told her. “You can’t get rid of me that easily. I’m like the crazy glue of best friends.”
“That you are,” Julie agreed. “Which also means you are required to tell me if I got any coffee on my dress.” She twirled. Flynn gave her a once-over, flicking away a piece of dust on the strap, before shaking her head. 
“You’re good.”
“Okay,” Ray announced, some of the tension out of his voice. “Everyone back to your seats.” Everyone quickly took their places, the smell of coffee drifting around the table as everybody set down their mugs in front of them.
“Julie,” he continued, “what are your ideas?” She took a steadying breath. 
“Forget that,” Councilman Richard interrupted. “What we should be doing is rallying our forces.” People began speaking over each other, and soon it turned into a shouting match. Ray rubbed his temples, and soon, Julie had had enough.
“ENOUGH!” she shouted, hitting her fist on the table. “Like I mentioned earlier, we should start with a diplomacy meeting with Covington. Either we meet with him in Krypto or invite him here. Then, we try to work things out peacefully-”
Councilman Richard stifled a laugh, and Julie shot him a glare. 
“Is something funny, Councilman?” 
“Well, I just find it odd that we’re asking you for advice on political matters, when just a moment ago you were unable to control yourself, and before that, you were discussing fashion with your friends. I suppose it’s to be expected with a girl, though.” Julie raised an eyebrow, anger rising in her chest.
"You think I'm incompetent,” she observed. “Not because I'm young, but because I'm a woman. You see my dress and think that I'm weak. What would your mother think? Your wife? Your sister? I doubt they would appreciate that remark. So, Councilman, let me tell you something.
“We compare women to black widows and vipers, call ships ‘she,’ and name war machines after women, but you're going to tell me it's not lady-like to yell, to take up space and fight, to demand respect, and be a leader? I’ve been raised for this my entire life,” Julie said, “and you’ve been in politics for how long? Four years? I’ve been doing this for four and a half times as long as you, and I’m not even half your age. But you have the audacity to say that I’m not qualified, purely because I’m a woman. I can guarantee you that humanity wouldn’t have survived this far without women’s intelligence, bravery, and nerve, so don't try to downplay my power.”
“Go off!” Flynn shouted, making another bubble of confidence swell in her chest. 
“I have a feeling your sexism is deeply rooted in insecurity and fragile masculinity. But that’s no excuse. So, my advice if you can’t let go of that would be to stay out of my way. Otherwise, you can swallow your pride, stop whining, and woman up.” 
Julie sat, taking a sip of her coffee and smoothing out her dress. Everyone was stunned silent, but a swell of confidence took place in her heart when she saw her father beaming with pride, along with all of her friends. Reggie nodded approvingly. Even Councilwoman Mei Lin, who was always a stickler for rules, was grinning. 
Councilman Richard, however, was pale as a sheet, lines of anger creasing his face. Julie raised an eyebrow, not smiling. 
“Well, I think that’s the end of that,” Councilwoman Noah said proudly. “Thank you, your highness.” Julie nodded to her, grinning when she saw Flynn giving her an excited thumbs up. And when she caught Luke’s eye, there was no way to miss the awe in his stare. His mouth was slightly open in shock, his cheeks red with a blush. Julie gave him a smile that he returned before looking away. 
“That settles it, then,” Ray said. “We’ll call for a diplomacy meeting with Covington, try to come to an agreement. In the meantime, though, everyone get some sleep. We’ll reconvene here tomorrow evening.” Julie kissed her dad on the cheek.
“Love you, Papá.”
“Love you too, sweetie. Would you like to have dinner sent to your room?”
“Yes please,” she agreed, turning to her friends - including Luke, Alex, Erik, and Reggie. “Do you guys all want to have dinner in my room?” They all nodded.
“Yeah, that would be fun,” Alex said. Ray clapped.
“Okay! I’ll have them send it all up to your room, mija. I’m going to head to bed. Call me if you need anything.” 
“Will do. Sleep well.”
“You too. All of you. But feel free to hang out tonight,” he added. “I’m giving you the day off from lessons tomorrow. It’s a weekend, so there wouldn’t be many, but I think you all need a free day. Well, until tomorrow evening, when we have to go through this hell again.” Julie grinned, and felt Mira clap her shoulder.
“Thanks, Papá!” He nodded.
“Of course.”
Alex POV
The word echoed throughout his head as Ray made the announcement, and suddenly the cushy chair at his place at the table in the royal office was like ice behind his back. He stiffened, hating the way the sound of the word twisted in his mind. His stomach dropped, and if it weren’t for Erik grabbing his hand to anchor him, he might’ve vomited all over the table, which would not have been good, given that he was there with fifteen other people, including all seven council members, and the king of Dahlia. 
He fought the rising panic attack, only because of the even higher anxiety of having a panic attack in front of so many important people. He choked down the rushing anxiety, closing his eyes and taking a breath. 
Inhale- 1, 2, 3, 4
Hold- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Exhale- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
It helped more than he expected it to, and he was able to focus as Ray gave the rundown. 
Apparently, the new king of Krypto was what was scientifically known as a giant prick, and had a certain affinity for claiming territorial disputes with his allies. He also held a grudge, and given that the grudge had been diminished over two hundred years ago, Alex wasn’t keen on meeting the guy, unless it included smacking him upside the head. Particularly with a very smelly, very slimy fish. 
He’d asked if there was any way they could use the civil unrest in Krypto as an advantage to avoid the war, because it would just be more strife, but Councilwoman Noah had pointed out that that might’ve been one of the reasons Covington had declared war in the first place: to distract the citizens from their own issues.
Alex silently cursed Covington for being such an insufferable bitch. 
When Ray called for a break, he let out a breath of relief to gather his thoughts. He wasn’t a huge fan of coffee, so he opted for a glass of water, but when he saw who was bringing it up, he froze.
There, in front of him, putting the coffee pots and tea bags along the table, was Willie, his hair tied up in a loose bun at the nape of his neck. Alex felt his cheeks heat up; Willie looked really good with his hair up. He quickly looked away, not even thinking as he poured himself a cup of coffee. He took a sip, scalding his tongue with the bitter drink, putting a splash of milk and some sugar in it to make it more tolerable.
He couldn’t stand this, though, so he turned.
“Hey, Willie!” Willie’s head snapped up, searching the room until he found him. His face broke out into a grin.
“Hey, Alex!” Alex walked to the corner of the room where Willie was, blushing at how he casually leaned against the wall. “Is everything okay? They hardly ever have meetings like this.”
“I… I don’t know if I’m allowed to say,” he admitted. “I’m sorry, I-”
“Don’t worry, man! You’re all good,” Willie assured him. “I know some things have to stay classified.” Alex nodded gratefully, trying to take another sip of his coffee and grimacing. Willie giggled.
“Not a fan of coffee?”
“Not at all,” he confessed with an embarrassed laugh. Willie gave his perfect smile, brown eyes crinkling. “The only time I can tolerate it is iced, and even then I’m not a fan. I’m, like… shit, what’s the opposite of a fan?”
“A heat lamp?” Willie suggested.
“Yes. That.” Willie laughed again, and more butterflies rose in Alex’s stomach. He smiled, though.
“How has the rest of your day been?”
“Pretty good,” Willie replied. “I got to bake mini cupcakes, which was a lot of fun. Although, decorating them is much more difficult.” Alex could definitely see that; although, imagining Willie precisely decorating dozens of tiny pastries put a grin on his face. 
“What flavor are they?” he asked, still grinning like an idiot for some reason.
“Chocolate! They’re really nice and velvety, and the frosting is vanilla and raspberry. And there are these little dustings of raspberry sugar on top, and a mini hazelnut stick in the frosting. I think they look pretty cool, if I do say so myself.” Willie pulled out his phone, swiping to a picture, and he was right. Each one was precisely made, right down to the swirl of frosting.
“Dude, those are awesome,” Alex told him. “I never would’ve been able to get the frosting that even.” Willie giggled, sending another wave of adoration over Alex.
“It takes a lot of practice,” Willie admitted. “But on the plus side, any ones that you mess up go on the reject shelf in the refrigerator, and at the end of the day, we get to eat them. I’ve been known to frequently mess up the key lime tarts. Completely on accident, of course,” he added with mock seriousness. Alex giggled, unsure why the fact that Willie liked key lime tarts was so adorable. 
Alex felt Reggie’s eyes on him, but ignored him, as well as the blush on his cheeks. 
Willie inhaled to say something, but then sighed. “I should probably go,” he whispered. “You’ll be getting back to work soon.” Alex looked away, hoping he didn’t look as crestfallen as he felt. 
“Yeah, probably. Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’ll see you around, your royal pancakeness.” Willie smiled with the nickname, but his signature smile didn’t reach his eyes. He hesitated, finally walking away. 
Alex wanted desperately to call him back.
He didn’t. 
There was a hollow ache in his chest for the rest of the night, until he got to witness his badass of a friend drag the shit out of a sexist councilman. Then, he was grinning from ear to ear, because he had more than an ounce of logic in his brain, and was capable of respecting women. How could he not? 
He didn’t say anything, letting Julie stand in all her glory as that sniveling excuse for a councilman was shell-shocked and shut up. 
They settled on a diplomacy meeting with Covington, and would reconvene tomorrow evening. Until then, Ray had given them the day off, as well as that night to hang out in Julie’s room. 
Following Julie up the stairs, Alex trailed his hands against the polished wood railing. His emotions were a mess of stress, anger, love, confusion, and fear. His feelings for Willie fought with his nervousness of quite literally committing treason, and the sense of impending doom from Covington’s declaration of war was weighing him down like a dumbbell on his back. 
Before he knew it, they were all in Julie’s room. All eight of them: Him, Julie, Luke, Reggie, Erik, Mira, Flynn, and Carrie. 
“Should I turn on a movie?” Julie asked? “Or do you guys just want to hang out?”
“I doubt I’ll be able to pay attention to a movie,” Mira admitted. 
“Same here,” added Erik. Luke and Carrie nodded. 
“Neither would I. So, group therapy it is,” Flynn said, flipping her braids. “Shit’s crazy.” Alex snorted.
“Understatement of the century.” He took off his suit vest, draping it over a chair and plopping down on the end of Julie’s bed. Luke did the same, rolling his sleeves. Reggie and Erik had long abandoned theirs’, and were sitting on the floor, staring into space. Alex watched as Julie kicked off her shoes, curling up against her bed on the floor next to Luke’s legs. Flynn was sitting on the armchair where he’d put his vest, Carrie curled up in her lap. Mira sat with her head near Julie, who was weaving her long, red hair into braids. 
A knock on the door snapped them all out of their daze.
“Come in,” Julie called. A butler walked in, pushing a cart with plates of Hawaiian chicken and rolls, as well as cutlery and glasses of water. Alex smiled. It smelled amazing. 
“Here you go, your highness,” he said to Julie.
“Thank you so much,” she replied. Everyone got up, and Alex took a plate, giving a smile to the butler as he sat back down, on the floor this time, to be safe from possibly getting any on Julie’s bed. He set the plate on his lap, taking a bite of the sweet chicken, immediately tasting the pineapple. It was so warm and tasted like home, despite never living in the tropics. A smile spread on his face as he took a bite of the soft roll. 
Luke sank down next to him, followed by Julie and Mira. Flynn, Carrie, Reggie, and Erik all sat around them. Idle chatter spread around the group, talking about random nothings; Alex felt a sense of peace wash over him, which was odd given the situation. But he relished it. 
“What should we do tomorrow?” he asked. “Ray gave us the day off, so we should do something.”
“What if we went down to the city?” Julie suggested. 
“I’m pretty sure we’d draw a lot of attention,” Erik pointed out, “since you’re, you know, royalty?”
“We could make a game out of it!” Carrie set down her fork. “We put on regular civilian clothes and act as inconspicuous as possible, go to the mall, then see who people recognize first.”
“That could be fun,” Luke agreed. “Alex? Reg?” 
“I have been wanting to go down to the mall,” Reggie said. 
“So long as Covington doesn’t randomly appear to attack us,” Alex said dryly. Flynn laughed. 
“I think it sounds fun,” she said. “And we deserve a break to just be regular teenagers. 
“Amen to that,” Julie sighed. “The mall it is.” 
Soon, the only light in the room was from the moon, and at some point, they’d pulled a bunch of blankets and pillows to the floor. Alex was curled up next to Luke, his head on a squishy pillow. Luke’s arm was around Julie, which Alex was not going to interrupt. It was too cute. Reggie’s head was in Alex’s lap, and was curled around Erik, whose legs were tangled with Mira’s. Flynn and Carrie were cuddling, leaning against Julie’s side. There was warmth all around him, from the blankets, pillows, and people. 
Occasional whispers echoed through the dark, followed by giggles, like they were little kids at a sleepover. A wave of peace washed over Alex, slow and calming. He only wished Willie were there. He knew he couldn’t be; Willie was a baker, and probably wouldn’t be allowed. He had to be up early to work. Alex wished he didn’t, wished Willie could be at peace with them in this cuddle pile. 
“I like this,” whispered Erik. 
“Me too,” he agreed.
And it wasn’t a lie. 
Worries pounded in Alex’s head, but they were washed away by the rushing river of love he felt for his friends, even the ones he was still getting to know. He loved all of them. Julie, with her independent, kind personality, the way her eyes sparkled when she got excited. Luke, his dork of a best friend, who was absolutely gone for Julie, and was passionate about everything he loved. Reggie, who was a human cinnamon roll with an affinity for pizza, and one of the sweetest people to ever walk the Earth. Erik, who he’d known for a few months, who was quiet and loyal, but loving and bubbly. Mira, who was spunky and blunt, but kind and badass in every way. Flynn, who had a bold style and mannerism, right down to the flip of her braids, and Carrie, who was dramatic and excitable, musical and sweet like a strawberry in the Summer. 
Willie, who wasn’t with them, who he dearly wished was. Willie, with every flip of his long hair, the crinkle of his brown eyes when he laughed, his carefree nature that always surprised Alex. Willie, who he was hopelessly in love with. 
Alex knew that things were spiraling with the Krypto situation. But for once he didn’t care and, surrounded by the soft breathing of his friends, drifted into a dreamless sleep for the first time in years.
Luke POV
Luke hated this. 
He knew that moving to the Dahlian palace with Alex would involve more meetings, but he never thought there would be one this soon, or this nerve-racking. 
It wasn’t every day that a country declared war on one of their allies. 
He didn’t speak much during the meeting, but offered occasional ideas and questions. However, it seemed to be unanimously agreed upon that this Covington guy was a major dick. Luke had a very strong desire to find this guy and punch him for how much stress he was putting on Ray. 
And Julie.
She had a small crease between her eyebrows, and Luke would’ve called it adorable if it weren’t for the worry it represented. Her fingers tapped nervously on the desk and fiddled with the hem of her long, blue dress as she thought. And Luke had to look away when she worried her bottom lip between her teeth. She was so beautiful but so distressed, and she didn’t deserve it. 
When everyone got up to get their coffee, Luke did as well, but before he even got halfway to the table with the many pots of coffee and tea, he noticed Julie, still sitting at her space, now scrolling worriedly through her sim files. 
He gently tapped her shoulder. 
“Julie? Are you okay?” 
“I’m not not okay, I just…” she trailed off. “This is so horrible. It’s stressing me out, and I can only imagine how stressed my dad must be, and I’m going to have a huge responsibility in all of this since I’m going to be queen soon, and-”
“Whoa,” he said, cutting her off before she stressed herself out even more. He took a risk, placing his hands on her shoulders as he sat, turning his chair to face her. Her shoulders were cold, from the air or stress, he wasn’t sure. She closed her eyes tiredly. Luke swallowed, trying to find the right words to say. 
“Julie, I know you can do this,” he said, surprised by how much he meant the words. “Yeah, it really sucks. If I could get you out of it, I would.” It wasn’t a lie, either.  
“Thanks,” she said. “Want to get some coffee?” He nodded and smiled, offering her his arm. When she took it, he walked her over to the long table.
Luke always had a habit of putting a ton of sugar in his coffee. He knew he probably shouldn’t, but he hated how bitter it was black, and preferred the taste with sugar to milk. He noticed Julie watching him and blushed, hoping he wasn’t being judged. But she had a smile on her face, almost like she found it cute. Luke blushed even more, looking back to his coffee. 
He took a sip, smiling at the sweet taste and walking wordlessly back to the table with Julie. He sat in the same chair as before, which he remembered was technically Reggie’s, but it was right next to Julie’s, and he wanted to be next to her. Luke turned the chair closer to her. Neither of them spoke, but Julie’s eyes seemed to say thousands of words. He only wished he could decipher them. 
The rest of the meeting didn’t necessarily go smoothly, but Luke got to see a side to Julie he’d never seen before. He got a glimpse of the angry, passionate, fierce side, one that she channeled in self-defense but never fully showed. 
Until now. 
When Councilman Richard (who would henceforth be known as Councilman Dick) made a sexist remark about Julie being a woman, Luke’s hands curled into fists. He wanted to say something, but as he inhaled, Julie beat him to the punch.
"You think I'm incompetent,” she said. It wasn’t a question, but an observation. “Not because I'm young,” Julie continued, “but because I'm a woman. You see my dress and think that I'm weak. What would your mother think? Your wife? Your sister? I doubt they would appreciate that remark. So, Councilman, let me tell you something.
“We compare women to black widows and vipers, call ships ‘she,’ and name war machines after women, but you're going to tell me it's not lady-like to yell, to take up space and fight, to demand respect, and be a leader? I’ve been raised for this my entire life,” Julie pointed out, “and you’ve been in politics for how long? Four years? I’ve been doing this for four and a half times as long as you, and I’m not even half your age. But you have the audacity to say that I’m not qualified, purely because I’m a woman. I can guarantee you that humanity wouldn’t have survived this far without women’s intelligence, bravery, and nerve, so don't try to downplay my power.”
Flynn shouted, “go off!” and Luke nodded, an amazed grin on his face. Julie’s lips curved into a confident smile, but there was anger behind it. 
“I have a feeling your sexism is deeply rooted in insecurity and fragile masculinity. But that’s no excuse. So, my advice if you can’t let go of that would be to stay out of my way. Otherwise, you can swallow your pride, stop whining, and woman up.” 
As Julie sat, taking a sip of her coffee and smoothing out her dress, Luke was sure his face was on fire. 
Every single word that Julie had said was improvised, and yet it held such a weight, every single sentence carefully crafted in that genius brain of hers. Luke had no doubt that her words could crush mountains, level forests, tame seas, or halt hurricanes in their path. Julie was powerful. Even without this speech he never doubted it, but it was just confirmed. She knew it, too; the line, “I can guarantee you that humanity wouldn’t have survived this far without women’s intelligence, bravery, and nerve, so don't try to downplay my power,” came to mind. 
Everyone in the room was silent, save for Luke’s pounding heart. Councilman Dick looked like he was about to stroke out. But Ray had a huge smile on his face, one that Luke was sure he himself was mirroring. He noticed the other council members, especially Councilwoman Noah and Councilwoman Mei Lin, nodding approvingly. 
They’d all decided to hang out with Julie in her room, and it really said something about the size of her bedroom that all eight of them - Julie, Luke, Alex, Reggie, Erik, Carrie, Flynn, and Mira - all fit easily. He wasn’t surprised; she was royalty, after all, but it felt like home. These seven people who he loved, all in the same room. 
They ate their dinner together, made plans to go down to the mall the next day, and chatted idly, catching up like any other teenagers. Luke knew none of them were actually “normal” teenagers, given their royal or almost-royal statuses, but at the end of the day, they were still themselves. They were all weird, funny, social teenagers who watched Netflix and ate too much junk food and got crushes, people who wanted to have semi-normal lives despite everything. And even on the brink of a war, Luke felt like they were achieving it. 
At some point during the evening, they’d pulled a ton of blankets and pillows from Julie’s bed and closet and all curled up in a giant cuddle pile. Luke’s back was pressed against Alex’s, his arm wrapped around Julie’s shoulders and hugging her close, her head resting on his chest. He dearly hoped she couldn’t hear his racing heart, but he also just didn’t care. He was with the people he loved (and cuddling with his crush) in comfortable, peaceful silence. 
Luke tried to sleep, he really did. But he just couldn’t. Despite the exhaustion and his unwillingness to move (which might’ve been in part from the comfort of the soft, pillowed floor and Julie in his arms), he couldn’t keep his eyes closed. But as he was surrounded by the slow, even breaths of his friends, he knew they were all asleep. 
All except for Julie, whose eyes reflected the moonlight. 
“Jules?” he whispered. Her eyes flicked up to his. “Are you alright?” 
“Can’t sleep,” she breathed. “You?”
“Me neither.”
“Are you uncomfortable? I can get more pillows, or-”
“No, no,” he assured her, a blush on his face that was thankfully masked by the darkness. “I’m okay, I promise. Are you uncomfortable?”
“No,” she admitted, leaning her head back on his chest. He felt his heart rate pick up and took a steadying breath, gently running his fingers through her curly hair, which she’d taken out of its braided ponytail. She wrapped her arms around his waist and cuddled closer, and Luke felt every inch of her on his chest, warm like the sunlight of Summer, but in the middle of the night with the cold beauty of the stars. 
“Are you scared?” she asked quietly. Yes, he wanted to say. I’m terrified of what might happen if the diplomacy meeting doesn’t go well. Scared that I’ll lose you, or someone else I love. 
“Yes,” he finally breathed, his heart flipping with the confession. “I’m scared of what will happen if the diplomacy meeting doesn’t go well. And I’m terrified I’ll lose someone. What if I lose Alex or Reggie? They’re my friends, and… you.” He didn’t want to call Julie his friend, even though that’s what they were. But he was worried she’d misunderstand it and be offended, so he added, “I don’t want to lose you.” The words were barely audible, a wisp of a breath in the wind, and he didn’t even think Julie had heard him, until she nodded.
“I don’t want to lose you, either.”
Luke wasn’t sure if he’d imagined the words, because soon, Julie was asleep. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head, and soon he couldn’t keep himself from drifting off, lulled to sleep by her slow, even breathing.
Reggie POV
Reggie hated this feeling. He hated the way his anxiety built up in his chest, the way he couldn't fight it like he usually could, because he was quite literally surrounded by it. 
These meetings were always his least favorite parts of the month. Every month on the tenth, he, Julie, Ray, and the council members would have a meeting in the royal office to discuss current Dahlian affairs; politics, economics, foreign relations, environmental issues, etc. He was always able to get through them, though. 
But this? This was another matter entirely. Reggie had never been through a war. He was only nineteen. He’d hoped he’d never have to, either; but apparently, that was too much to ask for. Because now, now he was sitting in a room with fifteen others, all crowded around the same table. The presence of Julie by his side helped, though, as did Alex’s on his right, and Luke just past him. Even the occasional glances from Erik, Mira, Flynn, and Carrie helped. 
But that didn’t change the growing weight on his shoulders. 
Reggie clenched his hands into fists and let go, repeating the action. He tapped his fingers in patterns on his legs under the table, remembering the patterns Julie had shown him when he tried to learn the piano. It was just a few chords and melodies for Wake Up, but it soothed him. 
He didn’t speak much during the meeting, but he nearly lost his temper when Councilman Richard started saying sexist things. Reggie was always a very peaceful person, but he wouldn’t hesitate to throw hands with anyone who insulted his sister. Not that she needed the help, he had no doubt he could kick the councilman’s ass with one hand tied behind her back. 
And she did, but with words. After completely shutting him up, Reggie’s chest swelled with pride. That was his sister. He felt lucky to be part of the same family as her. Not only did she have the voice of an angel and the talent of a star, but she was a complete badass, with both words and self-defense. 
Admittedly, he had flinched when Julie shouted. His parents always fought and shouted at him, too. Every time someone raised their voice, he still had flashbacks to those days when he was still little, before he’d ran away and been taken in by Ray and Rose. 
It wasn’t as bad anymore, though, and he knew Julie would never do anything to hurt him. Plus, he got to hear her incredible speech against Councilman Richard (who he would only be referring to as ‘Councilman Dick’ from now on). 
“We compare women to black widows and vipers,” she’d said, “call ships ‘she,’ and name war machines after women, but you're going to tell me it's not lady-like to yell, to take up space and fight, to demand respect, and be a leader? I’ve been raised for this my entire life,” Julie reminded him. Reggie’s face was nothing but a grin, because that was his sister, that woman who really had been raised to be royal, the woman before him who was dragging the shit out of a sexist councilman, that woman was his sister, and he loved her more than anything under the sun. He wished Carlos was in the room for it. Even though he was only twelve, he would be just as proud as Reggie. 
Respecting women was a given in the Molina family. It should’ve just been common sense, and for most people in Dahlia, it was. But occasionally, some asswipe like Councilman Dick would appear. Of course, his sexist antics didn’t last long. He didn’t say a single word for the rest of the meeting after Julie’s outburst.
Soon, coffee had been brought up. Reggie liked coffee, contrary to popular belief. He had a habit, however, of adding a ton of milk to it. He still loved it, though. 
As he stirred his drink, he noticed Alex talking to the baker who’d brought up the coffee, a baker who he immediately knew was Willie, also known as the guy Alex was completely gone for. He smirked as he caught Alex’s eye, giving a not-so-subtle thumbs up. 
He leaned against the wall and sipped his coffee, hating how stressed Julie looked. He was going to comfort her, when he noticed Luke sitting in Reggie’s own chair, leaning forward and putting his hands on Julie’s shoulders. Reggie was more observant than people gave him credit for, so he noticed how Julie eased at his touch. 
He smiled and leaned back, letting the treasonous magic happen. 
Soon, Alex had wandered over to Julie and Luke, so Reggie followed.
“Hey, Jules,” Alex said, walking up to them. “You alright?” 
“I’m okay,” she replied. “You?”
“Well, the anxiety isn’t a fan of it”. 
“Same,” Reggie added, walking up behind Alex and putting an arm on his shoulder, his other hand holding his coffee. “This is a major pain in the ass.” 
Well, given that it was a war, it was more than just that. But, ever the optimist, Reggie hoped for the best. 
Hanging out with Julie and their friends just felt right. 
He’d long abandoned his suit vest, sinking down against the wall and staring into space, Erik beside him. Alex and Luke sat on the edge of Julie’s bed, Julie and Mira on the floor near them, Carrie on Flynn’s lap on one of the cushy chairs.
Reggie didn’t have much of an appetite, so he only ate a few bites of his dinner when it was brought up. The food was good, of course. It always was. He just had too much on his mind.
If their country actually went to war, what would happen? How many people would lose their lives? How many children? Would they ever recover, or would it turn into a global event that altered the course of history forever? Would Reggie himself be able to keep the people he loved safe? What if he lost Ray, Julie, or Carlos? Luke or Alex? 
He tore those thoughts from his head. He knew he wouldn’t get much sleep tonight anyway, but that certainly didn’t need to be tied with thoughts and fears about a war that he couldn’t do anything about at present. So, he did what he did best: thought about pizza. 
He was midway through his thoughts on what kind of pizza he wanted most at the moment when Alex brought up the fact that Ray had given them the next day off. Julie suggested going to the city.
“I’m pretty sure we’d draw a lot of attention,” Erik pointed out, “since you’re, you know, royalty?” Reggie grinned. He wasn’t wrong, but it could be fun. 
“We could make a game out of it!” Carrie set down her fork. “We put on regular civilian clothes and act as inconspicuous as possible, go to the mall, then see who people recognize first.”
“That could be fun,” Luke agreed. “Alex? Reg?” 
“I have been wanting to go down to the mall,” Reggie agreed. And he never got the chance to just be a normal teenager.  
“So long as Covington doesn’t randomly appear to attack us,” Alex said. He snorted. It had been a few years since he’d met Covington, but Reggie wouldn’t put it past him. He just had those vibes. 
At some point, their group had turned into a cuddle pile. Reggie couldn't sleep because of his thoughts rushing a million miles an hour, but he was comfortable. He felt safe and loved, his head in Alex’s lap, whose hand was in his hair. He was curled around Erik, who was small but radiated warmth, and his soft breathing was a gentle anchor that brought Reggie back to reality. It might’ve been tense at the moment, but it was also a reality where he was with his family.
Of course, he shouldn’t have been surprised that he wasn't the only one awake. Julie was always a night owl. 
He heard Luke’s voice whisper to her. He must've thought that he and Julie were the only ones awake. Reggie tried not to eavesdrop, he really did. But there was nothing else to listen to. To be fair, though, he only caught bits and pieces of their hushed conversation. Luke asking Julie if she was okay. Julie mumbling that she couldn’t sleep. Luke’s quiet confession that he didn’t want to lose her if the diplomacy meeting went south. 
Reggie kept his eyes shut, letting the words replay in his brain. Luke had separated Julie from “friends,” he realized. And Julie hadn’t debated. Pair that with his whispered “I don’t want to lose you,” and they were heartbreakingly beautiful words, aching with longing and fear. He hated what they were going through, hiding their feelings, even from one another, and now having to fear for their country on the brink of a war. Reggie wished he could snap his fingers and fix everything. 
Willie POV
Willie practically danced back to the kitchens. After Alex had eventually left, leaving Willie with his own emotions, he’d had a huge grin on his face for an hour afterwards. He skated around the park a few more times, doing kickflips and jumping the benches, speeding around the roundabouts, never falling once. 
He’d gone on a semi-date with Alex. It wasn’t technically a date, but it felt like one. Willie still felt the ghost of Alex’s hand in his, the pressure of him falling on his chest as Willie caught him, faces inches away, neither of them pulling apart. He remembered the patterns of the freckles on his nose, reminding him of the constellations he’d stared at so many times. He remembered the smell of roses, too. He wasn’t sure why, but he loved it. 
As he walked through the door, the smell of pineapples enveloped him. The slow cookers were almost done, and he caught Lilian’s eye. 
“Someone’s happy,” she observed with a sly smile. “Good break?”
“You could say that,” he agreed, humming to himself. 
“Uh huh,” she said. “What’s his name?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Lilian quirked an eyebrow, her smirk still smug as ever on her thin lips, but Willie ignored her. 
“We need a few dozen mini cupcakes for tonight’s dessert, lover boy,” she called as he walked away. “Work your magic.”
“Roger that.”
The shadow of a grin was on his face for the rest of the hour as he gathered the ingredients, whisking the flour, sugar, salt, cocoa powder, and baking soda. He also added a pinch of cinnamon, to add a little bit of depth. Whisking the eggs, his mind wandered to how it had felt to hold Alex. He could still feel his arms on his shoulders as he poured in the milk and melted butter, being careful not to scramble the eggs. As he mixed the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients, he wondered if Alex felt the same way about Willie as he did him. It wasn’t impossible, he supposed. Alex definitely had a queer vibe to him. But even on the off chance that he did, there was no way he would act on it. It would quite literally get both of them exiled. 
It was a nice thought, though. 
“Hey, Willie?” Lilian tapped his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, but could you be on coffee duty for the royal office? They’re having a meeting about something important and it might go late. You won’t have to be up there late, though,” she added, “you just need to bring up some coffee and tea.”
“Yeah, sure thing! Which tea should I grab?”
“I believe he said jasmine, but grab some oolong to be safe.” 
Willie knocked on the door, smiling when King Ray let him in. He began arranging the coffee pots at even intervals along the long table on the wall, as well as small pots of sugar, a kettle with hot water, tea bags, milk, and spoons. 
As he looked over his shoulder, his heart flipped when he saw Alex sitting at the round table. He quickly looked away despite his urge to say something; Lilian had said it was an important meeting, and she must’ve meant it, too. Alex, Princess Julie, King Ray, Prince Reggie, their acquaintances, and all seven council members were in attendance. 
He finished setting up the coffee, giving a cordial bow to King Ray as he got his, then lingering by the wall, clinging to a bit of hope that he could say hello to Alex.
His hope must’ve worked, though, because as he was turning to rearrange the sugars, he heard Alex’s familiar voice, and it sent butterflies whirling through his stomach. 
“Hey, Willie!” Willie grinned, searching for Alex until he saw a familiar sweep of blonde hair. 
“Hey, Alex! Is everything okay? They hardly ever have meetings like this.” He leaned against the wall as he spoke.
“I… I don’t know if I’m allowed to say,” Alex told him. “I’m sorry, I-”
“Don’t worry, man! You’re all good. I know some things have to stay classified.” He smiled when Alex nodded and took a sip of his coffee, and it morphed into a giggle when he grimaced.
“Not a fan of coffee?”
“Not at all,” he confessed with an embarrassed laugh. Willie grinned. Alex was adorable. He must’ve gotten a cup of coffee to look more mature around the others. Understandable, too; the king and council members certainly made for a formidable group. “The only time I can tolerate it is iced, and even then I’m not a fan. I’m, like… shit, what’s the opposite of a fan?”
“A heat lamp?” Willie suggested.
“Yes. That.” Willie laughed, ignoring the blush that he knew was rising on his face. 
“How has the rest of your day been?” Alex asked, and Willie grinned, irrationally happy that Alex wanted to know about his day.
“Pretty good! I got to bake mini cupcakes, which was a lot of fun. Although, decorating them is much more difficult.” He remembered just how many times he’d tried angling the hazelnut sticks so they were perfect.
“What flavor are they?” 
“Chocolate!” Willie couldn’t help the grin on his face. “They’re really nice and velvety, and the frosting is vanilla and raspberry. And there are these little dustings of raspberry sugar on top, and a mini hazelnut stick in the frosting. I think they look pretty cool, if I do say so myself.” He was so excited and proud of himself that he didn’t think twice about pulling his phone out of his pocket and swiping to a picture of the tiny treats.
“Dude, those are awesome,” Alex told him. “I never would’ve been able to get the frosting that even.” Willie giggled, hoping he wasn’t as red as he felt. It felt like a huge compliment.
“It takes a lot of practice,” he admitted. “But on the plus side, any ones that you mess up go on the reject shelf in the refrigerator, and at the end of the day, we get to eat them. I’ve been known to frequently mess up the key lime tarts. Completely on accident, of course,” he added with mock seriousness. Willie had always been a fan of key lime. He wasn’t sure why, either; it was never something he ate much growing up, and yet he couldn’t help but love it.
Willie inhaled to say something, but then sighed. The council members were rounding up again, and he had probably overstayed his welcome. “I should probably go,” he whispered. “You’ll be getting back to work soon.” Alex looked away. 
“Yeah, probably. Sorry.” Willie’s gut wrenched. It felt selfish, but he’d hoped Alex would try a little harder.
“It’s okay. I’ll see you around, your royal pancakeness.” He gave half a smile with the nickname, spinning on his heel as he walked out the door, not letting his facade break until he was all the way down the hall. 
He had the rest of the night off. He probably should’ve gone to bed, because he had to be up early to work the breakfast shift tomorrow, but he just couldn’t bring himself to care. 
He changed out of his uniform, pulling on a soft knit sweater that was too big, with sleeves that dangled around his hands. He didn’t bother brushing his hair after taking it out of its bun, running from his quarters out the back door, letting the cold embrace of the night envelop him. The air chilled his lungs as he slowed down, breathing heavily. Each breath hurt, like a needle stabbing into his chest, one that wouldn’t do any damage but still hurt like fire. 
He walked the rest of the way to his secluded park, not bothering to grab his skateboard from its hiding place underneath one of the bushes, opting to walk out into the middle of the neatly mowed field, sitting with his arms on his elbows as he stared at the grass in front of him. Each blade was so still, so peaceful, and the sweet scent of the flowers behind him taunted him, a constant reminder of the one person he knew he needed to get over, him and his roselike blush, his eyes that shifted from icy blue to spring green to steely grey, but were always just as warm. 
Willie knew he never had a chance. He wasn’t sure why he was so emotional all of a sudden; he’d always known it, but the reality of it was only just hitting, after seeing Alex as a prince, in a room with other royalty and nobility, he knew there was nothing to be done. He knew he’d have to force himself out of the valley he’d fallen into, climb out inch by inch, all the while being reminded of the one person he needed to forget. 
Before he knew it, he was crying. It started as small, quiet, traitorous tears that he wished he could hold back, leaving frigid streaks across his face. But soon they’d evolved into silent sobs that were as strong and emotional as a raging river, but silent as the dead of the night. He’d always been a quiet crier, but right now, it made him feel useless. Forgettable. He felt insignificant. He supposed he should get used to it. He was just a baker, one of dozens in the palace, who had the unfortunate luck of falling for a prince he’d never had a chance with. 
The sobs made his whole body shake with a passion that he couldn’t ignore. He trembled, clenching his hands into fists and biting his lip, hating how powerless he felt.
Every breath hurt, like someone had planted flowers in his lungs, flowers that should’ve been beautiful, but suffocated him instead. They were a cruel gift of painful love, these flowers; a symbol of hope that did nothing but kill. They encroached on every breath, growing and twisting and biting, stealing his air until there was no room in his lungs for anything but pain, nothing but pain and those wretched flowers. 
But really, what difference was there?
As his sobs slowed back to faint tears that left his eyes irritated, salty, and red, Willie laid down on the cold grass. Even in the late Summer, Dahlia was cold at night. Soon, frost would bloom in the shadows, crystals of ice would fall from the sky, and the flowers would freeze over, only to be reborn in the Spring. 
Willie stared at the sky, fading to midnight blue as the stars twinkled into sight, faint pinpricks of light. They might have been giant, flaming balls of hydrogen, but they were so distant, so cold. So cruel in their graceful, ruthless beauty. And as constellations formed in Willie’s mind, so did the memory of the freckles that dotted Alex’s face. So did the feeling of the connection he’d felt with the other man, beaming and bright, snuffed out by cruel chance. A chance he’d never even had. 
Even if Alex wasn’t part of an arranged marriage, what were the odds of him even liking Willie? How could he feel the same? Everything about him screamed royal, and yet he was human. He was personable, funny, and so beautifully human that Willie couldn’t handle it. He was incredible. Regal, kind, awkward, and yet he pulled it together so flawlessly. 
But as for Willie?
He was just a baker who’d never had a chance.
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blushie14 · 5 years ago
Unexpected Visitor [Skephalo]
I’ve been in the mood to write a lot lately. In fact, I will most likely post another fanfic soon. ^-^ Anyways, Darryl and Zak finally get to see each other for the first time in real life. However, there is a third person in the mix. I put a bunch of effort into it, so I hope you enjoy!
Darryl cannot recall the last time he's been this nervous, excited, and eager for something so much. He was currently driving in his car, shaking like a leaf as every single emotion was going haywire.
"Alright, calm down Noveschosch. You're only coming over to see a friend. This is not something to get so..." As much as he tried, his thoughts couldn't stop his heart from exploding in excitement. He broke out into a goofy smile and a blush as he screamed to himself. "I'M GOING TO SEE SKEPPYYY!"
Darryl then let out a startled yelp when a car honked behind him. He continued to pay attention to the road, a little embarrassed that he got himself distracted. He went back to grinning not even a second later though. Maybe he’s a bit too eager to see him.
Darryl couldn't really help it though. He had always wanted to meet up with Zak for ages. It was almost unbelievable that it took them this long to see each other. He thought it was even more unbelievable that it was finally happening!
It all started a couple of weeks ago. The both of them were wrapping up an event on Minecraft. They were congratulating the winner and sending money to their PayPal. Zak and Darryl talked for a little bit afterwards, discussing plans.
"So, I actually might not be online for a while since I'm eventually going to pack up my monitor." Zak made an effort to keep a straight face as Darryl made a noise in confusion. "You're packing your monitor away? Why?"
"Well actually, I should probably start packing everything else before that." Zak chuckled.
"What? ...Wait." Darryl gasped. "You're moving?"
"Yeah! I'm finally moving out of my apartment." Zak grinned wide, no longer wanting to contain the secret. "I may or may not have found a house available in Florida."
"Aw well that's great news! I'm really happy for-" Darryl stopped talking and felt his heart skip a beat. Did his ears hear that previous statement correctly? "I-I'm sorry what... what did you just say?"
Zak giggled at Darryl's moment of disbelief. "I said that I may or may not be moving into a house in Florida. 1234 on ___ road." Darryl swore he stopped breathing for a second when it was confirmed what he heard was true.
That was his state.
The address didn't sound that far from his apartment.
He would be able to visit him.
"Ohmygoodness!!! Skeppy!!!" Darryl squealed, almost jumping from his chair in exhilaration. Zak started laughing since he was almost as excited as the other. Darryl was stumbling over his words.
"Do you realize that- I- This is- Oh my gosh! You better not be messing with me or I will-"
"Hehe, Nope! I'm 100% moving to Florida."
"Okay, then.." Darryl let out a small squeal of joy. "We should meet up! After everything gets set up in your new house, let's see each other right away!"
Zak smiled, a warm blush creeping up his neck. "I was thinking the same thing."
Then the weeks went by. Darryl insisted to drive over there when Zak got settled in. They were even debating on the possibilities on where to go to. Now the day is finally here.
He finally arrived in front of Zak's house. Darryl's nerves suddenly skyrocketed and he couldn't stop smiling. He really couldn't pinpoint why he was this anxious, but he decided to take a moment and take deep breaths before stepping outside.
After a few minutes of calming down, he walked up to the door and paused. His eyebrows furrowed, hearing laughter from the inside. Darryl easily identified Zak's endearing laugh, but he also heard someone unfamiliar laughing along.
Darryl knocked on the door and heard Zak's muffled talk. His eagerness was returning and he heard someone inside practically dashing towards the door.
Zak quickly opened the door and beamed when he saw the slightly taller man with brown hair and green eyes. "Bad!"
Darryl's heart swelled with joy seeing Zak's dark brown eyes and raven colored hair. "Skeppy!"
Darryl squeezed him into a hug, almost knocking him over. Zak immediately hugged back as he laughed cheerfully. Neither of them wanted to let go for a while. "Dude! You're so early!" Darryl blushed a bit and smiled wide. "Well I- I really wanted to see you as soon as possible! Don't judge me!"
When both of them finally let go of each other, Darryl noticed another person who was sitting on the couch. It was a woman with long red hair, freckles, and pretty blue eyes. She was staring at them with a curious look on her face.
She started to walk over there with a smile. "Hello, who do we have here?" Zak turned around and smiled at her. "Oh! Veronica, this is Bad! Er- Well I guess I should call him Darryl now." Darryl gave a polite smile. "Hi."
"Bad? Darryl? ..Wait a minute." She pointed at him. "You're badboyhalo, aren't you?" Zak raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said you rarely watch my videos."
"Yeah, and I've seen him in almost every single one I watched!" She laughed. "Like what the hell, does he make up like 95% of your channel or something?!" Zak laughed as he felt heat rising up his cheeks. "No he doesn't, shut the hell up!"
Darryl awkwardly smiled at the two, suppressing the urge to say language to the both of them. "So um, your name is Veronica?" She nodded and held out her hand. Darryl took it and she gave a firm handshake. "Yep! Name's Veronica! Nice to meet you Darryl!"
Zak put a hand on her shoulder. "Veronica and I have known each other since high school. We sort of kept in touch a bit." He nervously laughed. "She also sort of... barged in here unannounced. " Veronica laughed.
"Hey! I didn't barge in here, you invited me in!"
"Well yeah, but you were the one who suddenly showed up unexpectedly!"
"What else did you expect me to do when you said you were here in Florida?" She snickered. "Next time, you can barge into my dorm at in inconvenient time so that we are even!"
The two giggled at their antics. Darryl smiled at the two, yet also couldn't help but feel a slight twinge in his heart. "They seem very close together. Are they... No, he would tell me if there were, right? Wait. Why would I feel bad if they were? ..Should I just leave them be?"
"Hey Ske- er um, Zak? You think we could hang out another day? I'd feel bad if I just interrupt you two catching up." Veronica's eyes widen and tried to say something until Zak wrapped his arms around Darryl's left arm. "Nonono don't leave!"
Darryl looked at him and felt his face start to redden when Zak continued whining. "Please don't leave! I've been excited to have you here for weeks, please?" Zak was looking at him with puppy eyes. Darryl felt his heart melt. How could he say no to that?
"Fine you muffin, I'll stay." Zak smiled brightly and fully hugged him. Darryl returned the hug and saw Veronica staring at them again, this time with a grin. Zak let go and look down at himself.
"I should probably go change though. I was going to get ready until somebody invaded my house!" Veronica only cackled in response. Zak smiled, shook his head, and went to the bathroom.
The two were sitting in awkward silence for a bit as Zak was away. Veronica wanted to break the ice first, so she decided to ask a question. "So how long have you two loved each other?" Darryl immediately felt his face burn up. "W-What?!"
She nervously laughed in embarrassment as she realized that probably wasn't the best question to ask. "What I meant to say was, how long have you two known each other?"
Darryl calmed down a bit. "Oh, we've.. known each other for a couple years."
"Ah.." A few more seconds of silence went by. She decided to make Darryl talk some more about Zak in order to break the silence. "So, what was it like when you first met him?"
Oh this was definitely going to take a while.
Darryl talked about the time Zak "applied" to be staff on his server. He recalled how absolutely frustrating and infuriating it was back then. Despite that though, it was now a fond memory to look back to. Not only did he hit 100k subscribers that time, but he grew close to someone who was now one of his best friends.
Darryl's face glowed as he warmly smiled. He wouldn't trade that moment for all the muffins in the world. The red head couldn't stop smiling throughout the whole thing.
"Wow... he really is a lot more different now! Though, I guess his trolly nature didn't leave." She laughed. "Ahh some things never change." This made Darryl curious. "What was he like in high school? What's different?"
"Well first, I don't want to go too much into detail, but let's just say Zak and I kind of hung around with the wrong people." Darryl nodded, recalling that he had said something like that long ago.
"In our old friend group, he was known for messing around with a lot of people. But he was also known for being cold sometimes, not really caring about others or anything at all really." Darryl was surprised. That definitely didn't sound like the Zak he knew at all.
Veronica kind of looked a bit down as she continued. "Most of us were basically jerks and a bunch of morons together. Zak must've realized this and eventually faded from the group. I liked Zak the most out of everyone, so I eventually left as well."
She smiled a little. "I think we're the only ones out of the group who stayed on good terms. I'm happy because I used to not care about my studies, but now I'm in college." Veronica lightly snickered. "One of us had to be the smart one, am I right?"
Darryl slightly chuckled and she proceeded. "As for Zak, I can't believe he's a youtuber now and well... Has he ever told you how lucky he is to have friends like you? He probably wouldn't be like this if it wasn't for you."
"Hahaha, Aww that's not true. It sounded like he turned his life around, which I'm glad to hear! He made a lot of other friends and it's great that you two stayed in touch for that long."
"Yeah but-" She looked at the bathroom door and looked back at Darryl. "Don't tell him I said this, okay?" He was confused but slowly nodded anyways. "I may not know about this exactly, but going off from the goo goo eyes he has whenever he looks at you, I have a feeling that he loves you."
Darryl looked stunned, feeling a blush slowly creep up his neck. "What? ..What are you talking about?" She started to laugh. "Oh come on, don't play dumb with me!"
Her eyes darted to the side, trying to find the right words. "Zak and I keep in touch, but we don't talk a whole lot. Almost every time we do though, he mentions you the most out of all his friends!"
Darryl felt his heart pound as she smiled at him sincerely. "I don't know if you have any idea how much you mean to him. He's never hugged anyone like that before... I've never seen him this happy before. He absolutely adores you."
Darryl looked at the floor, his face being a lovely shade of red. He already knows he was smiling like a love struck fool while Veronica was grinning at the sight, thinking to herself. "Can't really hide it now, can you?"
"He... D-Do you really think he-" Darryl got cut off as he heard the bathroom door open. Zak looked a bit freshened up wearing new clothes. Darryl looked away trying to calm down while Veronica acted like nothing interesting was going on.
"Finally! What the hell were you doing in there?! Putting make-up on?!" Zak bursts out laughing. "No I'm not wearing-! Why don't you try wearing make-up?!" She dramatically gasped and stood up, putting a hand on her hip.
"Did you just call me ugly!? Bitch how dare you, I'm fabulous!" Zak laughed some more while Darryl made a face but also smiled a bit. "Language!"
Zak sat right next to Darryl laughing a bit. "Oh yeah, swearing in front of Bad is a big no no at all times." She chuckled. "Okay? I guess I'll try to keep that in mind."
All three of them hung around the house for a bit. Darryl and Zak were still sitting next to each other, trying to decide where they want to go. Even though they discussed this before, they still can't really decide. The both of them were arguing where to eat. Darryl was on his phone suggesting many places on google maps.
"Okay so what about this place? It’s the closest one from here."
"Nah, I ate there yesterday."
"Oh well then, is there anything that you're craving?"
"Nah, I'm good with whatever."
"What about this pizza place then?"
"Nah, I'm not in the mood for thin crust."
Darryl felt his eye twitch. "Oh my goodness you fatty just pick something already!"
Zak giggled and pointed at a random location on his phone. "What about here?"
Zak bursts out laughing as the two continued to bicker back and forth. Veronica was also laughing in the background, enjoying the show. Darryl let a noise of frustration out and faced Zak, inches away from his face.
"You are driving me up the wall, Zak! Stop it!" Zak smirked and didn't budge from his spot. "Or else what?" Veronica let out a loud laugh and speed walked to the door
"Oh my god, I can't! I'm out! GET A ROOM YOU TWO! Jesus Christ!"
Both of their faces went red. Zak jolted away him while Darryl sat in flustered silence "Wh- What do you- Where are you going?!"
Veronica laughed and shouted. "I'm headin out! I'm not about to be the third wheel on your first date with him!"
Zak shrieked. "WE AREN'T DATING! And you don't even have to leave!"
She smugly smiled. "Nah I think I've stayed here long enough." She winked. "Good luck you two~." As she closed the door, the both of them could hear her muffled cackles from here.
Darryl snapped out of his trance while the other was flabbergasted on what just happened. "So... is this a date Skeppy?" Darryl giggled, slightly joking but also wishing for it to be true.
Zak just groaned, too embarrassed at this point. "I hate both of you." Darryl only giggled and hugged him. "Aw, I love you too." Zak hesitantly hugged back while the both of them sat in comfortable silence for a bit. Darryl slowly let go and took out his phone.
"You know what? I feel like ordering takeout instead of going out to eat. Is that alright with you? And then we can go someplace fun afterwards?"
Zak lightly smiled, staring at him. "Sure.. I'd like that."
Few seconds of silence passed He looked up at his phone to see Zak staring at him. Darryl lightly smiled. "Why are you looking at me like that?"
Zak grinned, feeling his face warm up. "I just.. still can't believe you're in front of me right now." Zak lightly touched his left cheek as they both looked into each other's eyes.
"..going off from the goo goo eyes he has whenever he looks at you, I have a feeling that he loves you."
"..he loves you."
Darryl felt like he was burning up, suddenly feeling shy. He slightly looked away from him. "I-I'm.. really happy to see you too.."
Zak leaned against his shoulder, pointing at Darryl's phone. "What about this place right here?" Darryl leaned on Zak's head. "Ooh! I’ve tried the food there before, it’s really good. I'll call the place."
The both of them didn't move from their place, smiling to themselves. They could get used to this. It was really peaceful and nice. Really, really nice. It was a quiet moment...
Until they both started to quarrel over who gets to pay for the food.
Sooo I have to ask, how was Veronica? 
I got the idea to write a character like her because almost every time I see a random woman in a Skephalo fanfic, they are either someone who wants one of the boys or a really jealous ex-girlfriend. 
I decided to make her a very straightforward person who.. may be a bit too comfortable and a bit invasive for her own good, but still a kind person. 
I would love some feedback! I don’t talk a lot, but I really love seeing you guys comment/reblog and like. It always makes me smile! ^w^
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benjimirthursby · 4 years ago
Prompt #9: Lush - “Barstool Acolytes.” - The Book of Thursby: Scions of Numenor
“The logic of avoiding “up well” leverage proved valid enough.  The doctrine of Three Degrees was Benjimir’s most basic tenant.  You never, ever present in battle or prior to it a means which you do not already have the means to detect, defend against and defeat.  Here, it was also to avoid tipping our hand to foes we had not identified or assessed as yet.  That did not mean however we weren’t observed for other reasons which would cost us dearly later on.”  
~Bondermir Exidines, “Seven Stars to the Horizon.”
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(Revised 9/20 for clarity, spelling and low fat content.)
“So she pushes that antique cart all about the city serving drinks?” Benjimir asked Bondermir as they road the elevator down from the Dapper Mariner.
“Nightly, twice on Saturday’s and festival weeks.  She may or may not own the bar, I honestly don’t know.  But it is sure as Chocopoo her cart.” Bondermir said as they stepped off the elevator.  As they did, a disheveled Miqo’te stumbled past nearly running into them.  “Business must be good for that.” Benjimir said as the Miqo’te took a long swig from a bottle in a paper bag.  “What a lush.” Bondermir remarked. As they passed the Quicksand bar, Benjimir paused for a moment.  Looking at the large doors, Benjimir turned to his brother.  “You heading to quarters?” he asked.
“Yes, an hour talking contract terms with the Twinkinrykers takes a lot out of you.  You thinking of getting a night cap? Bondermir asked curiously.  “An actual drink?”  He probed.  “Of, you know, liquor?” He ribbed.
Benjimir adjusted his glasses with his middle finger.  “People watching, maybe something to wash that down.  I’ll see you in the morning.” Benjimir told his brother.  Bondermir smirked, clapped his brother on the shoulder and said “Good luck in there.”  
As he approached the doors to the Quicksand they popped open. A Hyur exited with a auburn haired…..or furred, he was still unsure which term to use, Miqo'te woman draped on his side strolled out.  Both were oblivious to everything but themselves.  Benjimir side stepped them passed through the doors as they began to swing closed.  Pausing inside he surveyed the bar.
The Quicksand was like theater in the round.  The room was bordered by an elevated concourse along the outside edge of which was hosted the hotel and services desks, bar, and innumerable people perched along a marble railing.  The concourse sloped down to the level of a seating area in the middle.   
What Benjimir noticed first however was the smell.  Pungent.  Deeply perfumed from the assembled inebriating masses.  The masses were made up of a self mocking mix of extremes vying for one another's attention.  There was a rich variety in modes of dress.  Scantily clad females of several races, individuals and in groups. Entirely unsubtle males unconvincingly confidant clad in their leather or other machismo garb.  Benjimir instantly recognized the patterns of people watching and being watched, the mating rituals, and the scattering of those present for none of it.
He made  his way to the entry to the seating area, amused at the sights.  The Lalafell woman with her drink cart, painted and inscribed like a childs toy chest with “Super Momo’s Cart!” passed him as she returned for her evenings drink run.  Benjimir turned his mind to finding a place to sit.
Benjimir observed most of the other tables hosted more than one party.  A couple of people appeared to be alone or apart from the group they sat near.  He singled out a female of the Xaela race alone at a large round table, stirring a drink absent mindedly as she gazed around the room Benjimir approached and made a classic if dated gesture of touching his fingers to his chest, lips and forehead.
“May I trouble you to take one of these seat?” Benjimir asked.  The Xaela looked up at him impassively but finally offered a polite smile and made a sweeping gesture with the drink mixer.  
“They are free to be taken.”
Benjimir sat and looked around a moment.  “Is there table service here?” He asked.
“New here?” the Xaela said, ‘Usually you are better served going up to the bar, but wave at Momodi long enough, she’ll get you setup.”  she finished.
“The one with the cart, I see.” Benjimir replied turning around and looking for the Lalafell who was returned to her stool at the bar.  He began to wave but his attention was drawn back to the Xaela.  “So are ya?” the woman said.
“Oh, yes, I am.  Never been here before.” Benjimir said.  The Xaela allowed for a shallow smile, taking stock of her tablemate seriously now.
“Not a drinker either, are ya?” she asked rhetorically.  Benjimir considered for a moment the possibility that this truth might actually be written on his forehead.  “No actually.”  He offered.
“Yeah, drinkers here know to get a drink before sitting, otherwise you seat goes away.  You got a name mister sobriety?”  the woman said smirking a bit as she resumed stirring her drink with the mixing stick.  
Benjimir was unsure if he was entertainment to his tablemate or being preemptively setup to be shot down. The thought restored his focus as he realized the woman was a Xaela, few here in Ul’Dah and he knew very little of their race.  
“I apologize, I’m Benjimir Thursby.” He said.
“Orbei.” Benjimir’s tablemate replied mater of factly and continued on without pause.  “So where you from Benjimir originally, beyond ‘not here.  What brings ya here?” Orbei asked.
At the table next to Benjimir and Orbei sat an auburn hued Miqo’te woman.  Either from Orbei’s voice carrying or the momentary lull in chatter about the room she took notice of the conversation.
“Good to know you Orbei.  I’m new to these shores, not really from anywhere really, I was….” he paused a fraction of a second, “born at sea.”  Momodi passed and came to the table.  She took a drink order from Benjimir for what essentially was a mineral water with fruit punch mixed in, Orbei ordered “her usual.” 
“I am the chief of a trade and mercantile company.  Business brings me to Eorzea.  Curiosity to the Quicksand.  I feared I’d miss something if I didn’t come here at least once.” He said.
Orbei nodded.  “I see.  So tell me Benjimir,” she leaned forward, “do ya fear death?”  She said.  Benjimir paused but responded.  “Death is but a new lifes dawn.”  Orbei smiled and nodded approvingly.  
“Touche, very nice.  Usually that scares people, but they normally have a few drinks in them.  Not gonna pull that off with you I think.”  Orbei said, amused and pleased she was not in the company of another dreg seeking what she was not offering.  Benjimir, feeling the banter being on an even basis now took a discreet look over Orbei.  Black horns, dark blue skin.  She was a follower of the Dusk Mother, which was maybe as much as he knew with certainty.  They could be found only sparingly, along with the kindred race, the Raen.  The passenger manifests had shown him few were traveling by way of air or sail ship either with Maelstrom or the company fleet.
Orbei was quick to pounce on the minor pause and Benjimir’s look, more inquisitive than salacious she noted.  “I’ma Thaumaturge, we do stuff and things, worship Thal. They have Thaumaturges at sea?” she asked.
“Maybe by another name.  Do all of you people worship Thal?” Benjimir asked.  The red Miqo’te at the adjacent table perked her ears as he spoke.  Now she edged her chair about some to see the man she was eavesdropping on.  
“Oh, pity.  I study at the Arrzaneth Ossuary.  Everybody there honors Thal.  So you were born at sea, that make you a Hy-sea or something?”
“I don’t know really, just a man, of the race of men.  Your one of those Xaela, are all your people hued as you are?  I’ve not met one before.”  Benjimir said.
The Miqo’te’s ears twitched.
“Not a lot of us here so far.  I knew a few when I first came.  Some of us are this color, others not.  Lots of different people at the Ossuary though.”  Orbei answered and continued.  “Thal is the god of death and darkness. Ya didn’t really answer my question though, do ya fear it?”
“I don’t see reason to fear it.  Regret it maybe.  Every people have their myths and faiths about life, death, gods.  People are entitled to what they choose to believe.”  Benjimir said.  The Miqo’te rose from her seat and as she walked toward the table.  Orbei chuckled at her approach.  The female whipped the chair between Benjimir and Orbei around and saddle rode it she put her drink on the table.  With a stern glare she spoke to Benjimir.
“You people, those people, all you people.  What makes you ‘ayfaluten’ Hyur-at-sea-or-whatever types blow into Ul’Dah and start riding down anybody with a tale or whose under the table tall?”  the Miqo’te laid into Benjimir. Orbei suppressed a snicker.  
Benjimir smiled politely if with a slight of sarcasm and with slightly portion of it asked the Miqo’te, “I’m anything but rich, thank you, I have never met any of Orbei here’s race, or your own, whom I’m honoring by acknowledging as a people.  And whom in whatever your own people call hell are you by name to presume it is your affair?”  The nearby tables and people lounging on the concourse rails above discreetly took notice and gave ear to exchange.  
The Miqo’te was taken aback for a moment.  Orbei took the opportunity to introduce her friend.  “This is Smathlyn.  She’s a Miqo’te…...no horns.” she said and pointed to her own black horns.  
Benjimir nodded in acknowledgement.  Smanthlyn continued, if with a hair more restraint.  “We get enough Hyurs coming into Ul’Dah, all rich from cashing in on the calamity, taking over farms, selling stuffs and things for a months pay.  They come about here, treating Lalas, Miqo’te, all of us that aren’t all cute skinned and super-boobed like bad waiters.  Poke’n fun at our gods.”  She finished and took a sip of her drink.  Orbei leaned forward and spoke.
“Smathlyn’s sorta our mother hen here.  She doesn’t suffer fools in nice cloths.”  she said.  Orbei looked at Smathlyn “He wasn’t offending just asking.  And his cloths aren’t that nice.”  Smathlyn listened but continued to cast a skeptical eye on Benjimir.
Benjimir looked down at his clothes.  “Thanks.  And I’ve spent my life at sea and far from this place.  I wouldn’t know a Miqo’te from a Xaela until it was pointed out to me.  As for your god, I honor it.  Never get between a person and their faith, nothing good can come of it.  And I’ve my own spirituality. Orbei and I were just talking and she was being nice enough to teach me a thing or two.  Learning about other ways adds to my appreciation of my own”  Smathlyn looked over to Orbei who nodded and stared back at her friend.
“Well alright then.  If Orbei says so.  If you are wanting to learn something then you should visit the Ossuary, it is a place of peace and meditation.” Smathlyn said.  “You going tonight Orbei?” she asked her friend.
“Figuring’n too.  You want to come Benjimir the non-aflu’nt?” Orbei said and asked, turning to Benjimir.
“Ladies.  It would be my honor, pleasure and education.” Benjimir said.
Authors note.  This was a fictionalized but inspired entry based on my very first night RP’ing in FFXIV, when Benjimir went to Quicksand, struck up a conversation and a bystander actually misstook what I said and launched into me.  For a month people there remembered the discussion.  It actually proved an amazing night of RP.  Names have been changed because, well, I can’t remember who it was.  But hey, good times.
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12-3amproductions · 6 years ago
The Momo Challenge
Whatsup guys! Hope you had an amazing 2018 and will have better 2019. We thought of having this as the first article right at the start of the year for you guys so here we go!
Today we will be covering Momo, a suicide challenge which was trending in 2018.
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What is Momo?
First of all, Momo is a Japanese sculpture created by artist Midori Hayashi, who is known for making bizarre dolls using different parts of animals. The character of the girl, Momo, is inspired from a Japanese light novel, "Ballad of Shinigami", written by Japanese author K-Ske Hasegawa. It centers around a young girl named Momo, who is a "shinigami" (which in Japanese means "the girl god of death").
Momo leads the souls once they leave the bodies, to "the other side". She carries with her a large scythe and tries to "ease suffering of the people" she encounters whether they are living or dead.” - we found this in another article and is by far the closest reliable reason on why the sculpture is made. We are unsure of the current location of Momo right now, but it was once displayed at Toyko’s horror art Vanilla Gallery.
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The Momo Challenge
Apparently somebody decided to take a photo of this scary-looking sculpture and impersonate it in attempt to scare people around the world with threats. The culprit mainly uses Whatsapp to chat with the victims and targets mainly on teenagers.
In the message, players are challenged to perform some tasks, which involves mostly self-harm and are also asked to record it on the phone. If they refuse, they would then be sent disturbing and graphic images and threats that their loved ones will be targeted. Some players even received terrifying phone calls of which all they could hear were screams and other creepy noises. All these negativity was what resulted in a few deaths and injuries of teenagers who took part in the challenge.
Some of the countries affected by Momo are the USA, Argentina, Spain, Mexico, and Germany. According to the Computer Crime Investigation Unit of the state of Tabasco Mexico, the challenge started in Mexico where players are challenged to communicate with an unknown person with a number through Whatsapp.
A 12-year old girl committed suicide by hanging herself from a tree in her family’s backyard in the town of Ingeniero Maschwitz, 48 kilometres from Buenos Aires. The girl’s cellphone was located near her body and police said hacking into the phone revealed “footage and WhatsApp chats,” according to the Buenos Aires Times. Investigators believed the girl intended “to upload the video to social media” as part of a challenge related to the “Momo game.”
Another case was about a 12 year-old girl and a 16 year-old boy in Barbosa, Colombia, which committed suicide 48 hours of each other. Media reported that the boy had died first and he knew the 12 year-old girl before that, of which he had passed the challenge to her.
Last but not least, 18 year-old Manish Sarki from India was found hanging in a pig shed with the words "illuminati", "hanged man" and "devil’s one eye" inscribed on a wall. His mum, Chandra Maya Sarki told the Hindustan times: “My son was sincere, hardworking and innocent. He used to play online games.”
“I strongly believe that Momo challenge took him away from us.”
His cousin, Arjun Ghatani, claimed that he had seen the "hanged man", a drawing that the tragic teen had painted, in a Momo app.
We will go indepth on “The Blue Whales challenge” as it is somewhat similar in terms of cyber threats. First of all, we are devastated by those who lost their lives to the Momo challenge. Youngsters these days are too focused on their electronic devices so cyber threats will easily influence them. People can be really sick in their mind to bring harm to others.
We predict that humans upon taking up any dare would feel that it is some kind of a joke and nothing harmful would be brought to them until something unfortunate really happens. Also nowadays with just knowing your phone number, stalkers are able to track your whereabouts, ip address, your name and many other details. It might not be phone number, it can be just your name to track all the details about you. This is something scary especially for people who want to bring harm to someone.
We have done some research on youtube and saw that many Youtubers actually made videos of themselves trying to communicate with Momo. Other than the views that feeds their rice bowl, they know that pretty much nothing can harm them through some texts or calls. Even if so, they probably have the mentality to ignore it.
Worst case scenario would be a home invasion, which may be rare coming from this challenge. So it is always better to watch others trying it first before you decide to give it a go. ONLY IF YOU REALLY WANT TO TRY IT. Otherwise we would advise you not to waste your time and perhaps chat with us about something more meaningful. Hence, feel free to pm us!
Some may call it stupid or dumb to actually believe in phone calls or messages or even to take part in the challenge, but we hope that this article would bring some insights on how dangerous it can be so that teenagers or even children are able avoid such circumstances. Besides the fact on how not everyone has the courage to deal with threats,  we should all help one another out by communicating with our peers, families , relatives and even online friends. As a saying goes, “Some mistakes can never be recovered, so talking to strangers is a choice.”
Thank you once again for the support, we will see you next time!
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sophcaro · 8 years ago
Destiny | WMatsui - Chapter 26
A despondent sigh escaped Jurina’s lips when she sneezed and coughed for the umptieth time this morning. The whole SKE group was currently getting prepared in the dressing room for a handshake session in Nagoya, and she was far from being in top form. One thing was for certain; she always looked forward to meeting her fans and relished those privileged moments of interactions with them. However, something was telling her she was not going to fully meet their expectations today if her health didn’t show swiftly signs of improvements.
This last month, she had felt the lack of energy kicking. Not only did she feel exhausted after a long day of work, she dreaded the possibility of having caught a cold during her last photoshoot by the sea at Yumigahama beach. Because of the high level of humidity, Summer never was a season she favored the best, affecting her medical condition each and single year. It was a tricky period, one that required of her to be incredibly cautious, even more than during the rest of the year.
A part of her was still hopeful it wasn’t as bad as it looked and it may only be an allergic reaction to the weather, as it generally occurred to be. However, she had unexpectedly woken up this morning with a bad headache, watery eyes and a sore throat. At those symptoms, she hadn’t hesitated to take medicine before leaving home, praying it would solve the issue. She had a meaningful event to attend, and the idea of cancelling even one single slot was unconceivable.  
People were expecting her. Fans who had bought tickets months in advance, and waited eagerly for this moment to arrive. Letting them down was out of the question. She could rest tonight at home once it was over, after greeting properly each fan waiting in line outside. They had made the effort of coming all this way to meet her: she owed it to them to be present.
“Jurina… Are you alright?”
Jurina snapped out of her daze at the sound of a feminine voice addressing her. Across the mirror, she distinguished Churi’s silhouette approaching and she pushed her concerns at the back of her head, sending her a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, it’s only the season. It’s the same thing every year. I’m used to it. It will pass.”
Her friend didn’t seem utterly convinced, as she gave her a preoccupied look when she took a seat by her side to study her. Starting to feel a little awkward under Churi’s intense scrutiny, Jurina averted her gaze to focus her attention on something else, and decided instead to check her clothes. This morning, she had opted for a casual blue, short-sleeved tee-shirt, along with a light brown pair of shorts.
A perfect outfit for a scorching Summer.
“You seem a little hot…” Churi murmured, after pressing her palm against Jurina’s forehead. “Are you sure you don’t have a fever? Maybe you should see a doctor today.”
“A doctor? Today?!” Jurina exclaimed, staring back at her in incredulity. “We have a handshake event, remember? You want me to cancel it and disappoint all my fans?”
“Of course not,” Churi replied carefully. “But we both know how demanding and tiring such days can be. If you’re not feeling well-”
“Hey…” Jurina cut her off, extending her arm to give her knee a gentle patting. “Stop worrying. I’m fine.”
“You can’t ask me that,” Churi protested softly. “You’re my friend; I care about you. I’ll never stop worrying.”
Jurina’s chest warmed up, moved by Churi’s affectionate words. Her compassionate side had always been appreciated, and even more welcomed during difficult times. Frankly, she didn’t know how she would have overcome those last two months without Churi’s precious and comforting presence. After her devastating breakup with the girl who meant the world to her, she had been a total mess, desperately seeking a shoulder to lean on, and someone to cry her heart out.
She couldn’t have wished for a more loyal friend than Churi, and she would remain forever grateful for her unfailing support. The pain caused by the separation had not subsided yet, and her heart inevitably ached when Rena’s image flowed her mind, and she was reminded of what she had lost. Nevertheless, Jurina was under the strong impression that her friend was being irrationally overprotective lately - watching her every move like a hawk - and never failing to voice her disapproval if she skipped a meal, or did longer days of work.  
It was already hard enough hearing her fans and the staff mentioning - way too frequently for her liking - her recent loss of weight and her drawn features…
“You don’t need to smother me each time I sneeze,” Jurina joked, choosing to play the card of humor in the hope it would distract her and ease her worries. “I turned twenty in March; I’m officially an adult now.”
“I know you are,” Churi conceded with a smile. “You’re an adult, even though you can still act quite childish some days…”
“Just admit it,” Jurina gave her a lopsided grin. “You love that side of me.”
Churi let out a laugh. “And flirty too. How could I forget that?”
Jurina was relieved when her tactic seemed to have bored its fruits and the mood had shifted positively between them, her friend now looking more appeased. Believing the matter to be over, Jurina diverted her attention to the mirror in front of her. Her features turned serious as she paid a closer look to her appearance, realizing she would need to add a little more makeup if she wished to cover better those awful bags under her eyes.
“Please,” Churi’s small, hesitant voice unexpectedly broke the silence. “Promise me you’ll go and see a doctor tomorrow if you don’t feel any better.”
Jurina tilted her head towards her, caught off guard by the request. She was confident to have successfully convinced her friend there was nothing to be concerned about, but it appeared her previous words hadn’t had the desired effect. This morning, Jurina sensed the other member would never drop the subject unless she had obtained the answer she wanted. “Alright…” she relented. “I promise.”
   Jurina was conscious the medication hadn’t worked as well as she anticipated when the handshake session began, and most of her previous symptoms had unfortunately not disappeared. With a heavy head and a troublesome headache that showed no intention of vanishing, she was nevertheless determined to put on a brave face, and greeted as cheerfully as possible each and single one of her fans. At first, the trick seemed to work as she managed to go through the first slot without too much difficulty.
The following one, however, proved to be more challenging.
The second slot had barely started that she began sweating abnormally, making her fear the current heat in the exhibition hall of Port Messe may not be the sole explanation for her growing discomfort. A few times, when her legs demonstrated sign of weakness and refused to fully support her frail body any longer, she took a seat to rest, but never more than a few minutes to not trouble her fans unnecessarily.
Being one of the most popular members, all her slots had sold out weeks in advance, and there was a long waiting line of fans impatient to share a few words with her. Despite all the signs indicating she badly needed to take a pause, she refused to come to such a decision yet. In nine years, it was not the first time she did a handshake session while not being completely physically fit. It surely never stopped her from conducting the handshakes until the very end…
“Hi,” she wrapped her hands gently around the next approaching fan, a young man in his twenties with black, short hair and wearing proudly a blue tee-shirt at the effigy of SKE’s ace. “Thank you for coming all this way despite the hot weather!”
“Jurina-san, I’m so happy to see you,” A broad smile plastered the male fan’s face in undeniable enthusiasm, his features nevertheless soon growing a little concerned. “Jurina-san… Are you sick? You don’t look well.”
“I don’t?” Jurina exclaimed, feigning ignorance. “Don’t worry, it’s only because of the season. I’m fine!”
“Oh… okay,” The male fan was swayed easily by his oshi’s charming smile. “I wanted to ask… Is it true what the article is saying about Rena-san?”
Jurina stiffened at the unpredictable mention of the graduated member. This morning, she had discussed various topics with her fans, but the older Matsui had never been a subject of conversation. Until now. “What are you talking about?” she asked, a mix of confusion and curiosity filling her voice.
“Ah, you still don’t know,” The fan’s eyes lit up in realization. “Bunshun published an article a few minutes ago. It says-”
Unfortunately, the male fan didn’t have the opportunity to explain further that the guard had moved forward and grabbed his arm, clear sign that the five seconds were over and his time was up. Having no choice but to abide to the rule, the fan opened his mouth to say goodbye, but Jurina intervened. “No, wait. Let him finish.”
The guard, who was about to drag the male fan away, stilled at once, casting Jurina a startled look at the unexpected interruption. Without a protest, he retracted his fingers and took a step back, enabling the SKE member to bring her full attention back to the fan. “Bunshun released an article about Rena?” she repeated, unease spreading through her chest. Experience had taught her the tabloid enjoyed intruding into people’s personal lives, and hearing the infamous name being associated with the young actress troubled her. “What does it say?”
“They took pictures of Rena-san with Yosuke-san in Tokyo,” The fan, who was pleased to have earned a few more seconds with his favorite member, didn’t wait to reveal. “The article says they are dating.”
Jurina widened her eyes, unconsciously loosening her grip around the fan’s hands. Processing the words he had uttered, her instincts were screaming at her not to trust any of it. After all, it wasn’t the first time Bunshun created fake scandals. On the shooting of Destiny, they had already used the excuse of a simple dinner between colleagues to spread the false rumor that they were dating. But it was more than a year ago… Why on earth was Bunshun coming up with this same silly story again?
Back then, Rena hadn’t waited to deny any involvement with the male star, her short but unambiguous tweet thankfully putting an end to the foolish rumors. That’s why it made no sense whatsoever for the tabloid to target both actors again. Unless…
“What… What kind of pictures?” Jurina couldn’t help asking, a shred of doubt sweeping through her. She and Rena had broken up two months ago, and the latter never made a secret her good relationship with her Destiny partner. Not only the actress always had flattering words to say about him when they chatted on LINE, their chemistry transpired on every media they appeared together, whether press conferences, TV shows or magazines interviews.
“They weren’t kissing but… they seemed really close,” The fan answered, a little uncertain to continue when he noticed a flash of apprehension in the idol’s eyes. “I don’t know if it’s true, that’s why I wanted to ask your opinion about it.”
The guard, who had kept quiet until now, stepped forward again, and Jurina didn’t oppose any resistance this time when he pulled them apart. Already, the next fan in line was approaching but Jurina was far too distracted, incapable of getting out of her head the information she had received. Right now, and against her better judgment, she wanted nothing more but to get her hands on that article and see the pictures.
Attest for herself if something was indeed going on between Rena and Yosuke.
“I need to take a break,” Jurina whispered to herself when a shiver ran through her body. Burying her burning forehead in one hand, she clutched the railing before her for support with the other. Against all hope, her health was not improving in the least as the morning was going by. Worse, it was now asking her all the effort in the world to remain standing still on her feet without wobbling.
“I will make a short pause,” she repeated decidedly, loud enough for the guard to catch it, before shooting the next fan in line an embarrassed, apologetic look. “I’m so sorry… please wait for me.”
Taking an unstable step back, she turned around and began walking towards the direction of the rest area. The following seconds went by like a flash. From her left, she noticed her manager drawing close, vaguely registering the latter inquiring what was wrong. She never had the chance to reply. Feeling her strength failing her, her eyes shut without her consent as she collapsed on the floor.
   Jurina blinked her eyes in an effort to wake up. Slowly and progressively, her sight adjusted better to her surroundings, heaving out a discouraged sigh when she took in the white, aseptic room surrounding her. No matter how many times she had ended at the hospital those last nine years, she still couldn’t manage to get used to the place, loathing coming here as much as the first day. Being stuck here, lying in a bed too narrow and firm, and wearing nothing more but a thin and irritating blue hospital gown, only served to remind her of the fragile nature of her health.  
A weak body that, annoyingly, seemed to take some malicious delight in constantly failing her when she needed it the most.
Jurina stared helplessly at the ceiling above her head, before distractingly casting a glance at the square window on her left. It was getting dark outside, the partial obscurity indicating her that she had slept most of the afternoon. Taking a nap never was her intention in the first place, but her fatigue had gotten the best of her, succumbing to her heavy eyelids after the nurse had entered her room to remove the lunch tray.
If truth be told, she continued to feel extremely sleepy. Keeping her eyes open proved to be a complicated task, and her numbed muscles didn’t seem ready for any kind of effort. Yet, she refused to listen to her body’s wishes, aware she would have real trouble finding sleep tonight otherwise. Reaching for the bedside table on her right, her fingers encountered a familiar rectangular device, pushing the middle button to raise the head end of the bed. Once at adequate height, her cellphone lying on the corner caught her attention and she took a curious look at it, horrified when she discovered how many new messages she had received.
Scrolling through them, she made a mental note to reply later to the work-related messages, lingering on the personal ones. Amongst the vast quantity of messages from SKE members wishing her a quick recovery, she noted a few from Mayu, Mariko and Churi, as well as her mother. Carefully placing the device back on the table, she couldn’t help feeling a tinge of disappointment at the absence of message from a certain person, until realizing it was foolish and senseless of her to expect a message from Rena. In two months, the other girl hadn’t contacted her once. Why would she come out of her silence now?
Not wishing to dwell on the painful reality as it inevitably brought out her melancholic side, she tried to focus on positive thoughts, and to rejoice at the notion that Churi would be visiting her in an hour. For two days straight, she had been glued to this bed, fighting a strenuous battle against the fever that had struck her without warning during handshake. Crammed with antibiotics, her body temperature had now thankfully dropped, her cold equally almost a bad souvenir. However, it would be presumptuous to affirm she had already fully recuperated.
Yesterday, when the doctor had paid her a visit, he had manifested his desire to keep her at the hospital for at least two more days, concerned about the results of her blood analysis and the low levels of iron in her blood. Jurina would always remember the stern look on Churi’s face when she came to hear about the doctor’s predictable diagnostic.
Jurina had accepted her friend’s scolding without complaining, not having the will and even less the strength to contradict her. Even though her pride prevented her from admitting it out loud, she knew deep down her friend was perfectly right: she hadn’t taken good care of herself lately. Persuading the doctor to discharge her from hospital didn’t even cross her mind; she guessed he would be reluctant to agree anyway considering her medical history. Even if she was aware of the countless problems her absence was causing, she wasn’t in position of winning this battle.
These last two months, she had buried herself in her work, not counting her hours and never refusing extra workload. It appeared she had pushed her body to its limits once again and it was requesting a necessary respite. In the past, she ignored him easily when he dared making such bold demands. As the ace of SKE, she couldn’t afford to rest or take a break. The weight of her responsibilities was too great; people had placed so much faith in her. But, more than anything, she wanted to reflect the perfect image of an idol: professional, hard-working, and not afraid of outdoing herself to deliver the best performances and satisfy the audience.
Maybe had she reached a higher level of maturity, enabling her to ultimately learn from her past mistakes. Or maybe was she solely too physically and mentally exhausted to protest this time. Nevermind the reason prevailing, she didn’t oppose any resistance to the doctor’s wishes, and agreed to stay under medical surveillance for a little while longer.
Looking up to the television hanging from the wall opposite her, Jurina grabbed the remote control from the bedside table, in the hope the activity would successfully keep her awake. As she was about to switch the television on, her attention was caught by the sound of light footsteps approaching in the corridor, and stopping in front of her door. Believing she had a new visitor, Jurina revised her plans and waited in anticipation for the person to manifest herself, but was perplexed when the door didn’t open as she predicted.
For an instant, she wondered if maybe the newcomer had gotten the wrong room number and was progressively realizing their mistake, leading them to shortly turn on their heels. The stranger’s odd behavior, who was neither entering or drawing away, but standing immobile on the opposite side of the door, began to unsettle her. Settling down the remote control on the bedsheet, Jurina straightened up and spoke up. “Who’s here?”
Her intervention produced the anticipated result as the door slid opened, revealing a feminine silhouette that made her heart stop.    
A beautiful slightly pale face she could recognize easily anywhere, even amongst the densest crowd. Long, black shiny hair that fell down her chest, and covered a short-sleeved red summer blouse. But, most of all, gentle small brown eyes that kept on haunting her days even after two, long months of separation. Jurina was frozen in place as her new visitor approached, asking herself if her imagination was not playing tricks on her mind, and this improbable scene was not in fact a mirage.
Because there was no way Rena could have just walked in her hospital room.
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Before the marriage
Insert 3 You know you come to a point in your life where you just want to get past some things and just move on! There are those people you just wish you would never have to meet again in your life. And then boom, they just right there in your face. This is exactly what was happening to me on that perfectly planned girls night out. This ever handsome fine Kabo just appeared like ghost in front of me. Well i hope he just came to say hi and leave because tonight i just want to have a blast, i dont want hawks and old flings crowding me. I came here to get drunk and get laid. And not laid by some Tswana guy from Mabopane, tonight im looking for a good dick, a lethal weapon, a black something with muscles. Akere there is a say that Tswana guys aint gifted in the dick department. And yes i have had my share of badluck when it comes to Tswana dicks. Probably because Im Tswana and i grew up in a Tswana infested area of Brits. Home is Letlhabile by the way...surprised? Don't be. So yeah, yeah! Its rare to find an anaconda dick that side. Lol haha, anyway "My long lost Tumi, finally! We meet again." Said this Kabo guy to me "Small world hey." I added Now where are those girls now? I could use some back up "Hey, go byang?" I asked Kabo (hey how are you) with that fake smile you pull when you get pulled over by metro police o sa tshwara license. "Eh T-bos, ke ene ngwano ntse ke go chaela ka ene," (eh T-bos this is the chick i was telling you about) talking to the guy he was with "Oh, the Tumi chick? The one a go tshwarisitseng letlapa for ntwana ele ya mopedi?" (Oh, the Tumi chick, the one who stood you up for that Pedi boy) Like really? Really? Yes my Thabo was pedi but, really now! Go ne how do they even know he was Pedi. "Hahahahaaha very funny Kabo, nice seeing you again" "Anyway this is my friend T-bose, T-bose this is Tumi from Letlhabile" Kabo introduced his friend to me. "So what brings you to house 22 my love, wheres the pedi dude?" "Firstly im not alone, and secondly stop calling him pedi dude, his name is Thabo." Just then my girlfriends came back. I couldnt be more relieved to see them "Sorry sorry, coming thru." Shouted Karabo as she pushed her way through between Kabo and his friend. "This ice bucket ya imela," (this ice bucket is too heavy) she said as she put the ice bucket on the table infront of me. By the way my friends ke Karabo, the short chubby yellow bone chick also from Letlhabile. She and i been friends for almost all our lifes, we from the same kasie and we went to high school together! Shes the very energetic and noisy type. Metro police by profession. Very notorious. Shes also that kinda chick you would never want to go out with just the 2 of you! She will leave you at the table alone half way through the night, talking to this and that. Apparently she knows everyone everywhre we went. If you went to places like Midi roots, Banthala or mo boGarankuwa mo, o tla itshola (you'll regret it if you went out with her to local clubs) Once she starts getting tipsy, you would swear shes been drinking with her clit! The next thing you know shes gone, nowhere to be seen...you'd be lucky if she ever came to tell you that she is leaving. So thats why wherever we go, wherever possible, i always make sure i also invite Lerato, ah dis one is such a doll. She is also from kasi and we went to high school together but we werent always tight. She wasnt too good looking on the face but she was one of those tall girls with tall legs and some curves but no butt. Virgin boobs and a flat stomach to die for. Dark skinned. Cheese girl, and by cheese i mean cheese! Not by daddy's money, but her own money. At the age of 25 (she was a year older than Karabo and i) batho ba di Bcom. Own 2 bedroom apartment in Midrand. No cat no dog. Her only baby is the new Bmw 135m. Ke raa gore thats how we got here today akere. Always put together. Half a bottle of savana and she starts smilling uncontrollably. I wonder why these get too drunk quickly girls like murdering themselves with poisons lie savana. Why not just have fruitree. Good thing because she was our time keeper, the one that keeps our handbags and cellphones safe cos ud never see her up and dancing. The only time she would stand up is wen she goes to the ladies. You would ask urself gore this people why ba ipogisa so... cant they just order in some take away and box office their friday nights away at the comfort of their couches. Because you would swear gore they are not having fun at all. Well i guess this is the right time to also give a slight description of myself too... Well you already know that i have those bracketed legs, a size 36 booty, average height, caramel bone, big eyes, not too pretty as Karabo thou. But i definately fall under the "mapyatla" category. Law student. Sex addict lol. But very selective. Sometimes i think my friend Karabo got shagged more than i did. Or maybe it was because i get into committed relationships e be ke ikutswa and she was not the settling type. "Sorrying boabuti, ke nna Karabo...ske lare ka le phapela mara ne le eme mo tseleng" (sorry guys, im karabo. dont think im too forward, but you standing on the way) karabo said as she came to sit next to me. Lerato also came and sat on the other side, putting me in the middle. She just waved a hand towards Kabo and his friend. "No babygirl relax...nna ke t-bos" said Kabos friend. Did i mention that he was skinny? Skinny skinny skinny and wearing those pointy shoes. Kick nd boboza. 2015, a guy in a white printed shirt, tucked inside blue over sized jeans and poity shoes. S-curl and cut. Sunglasses on the forehead. Well i guess we have different tastes in life! Because right there and then, Karabo asked him to walk her to the toilets. This chick thou... "Ok ladies, lets not disturb you any further because this is clearly a girls night out." Said Kabo "Yeah, it definitely is." Wheew couldnt be more relieved. "Well you still have my number mos, o sa tsamaya ke sa go bona." "Nice to meet you..." extending his hand towards Lerato. "Lerato." Said lerato meeting him half way. "Kwl, just tell t-bos i went back to our table." Well just then Karabo was back, excited as hell! "Yoh chomi, dat skinny guy is loaded, ke motho le di tender chomi. O mo tseya kae? A re o nale range rover and a house in Harties my friend, a re eskhale nyana ke mo buzz a lo nrekela dijo ko sunnypark!." "Really Karabo, ka pela so?" Asked the jaw dropped Lerato. "Eya Leera, dont judge the book by its cover chomi. And you knw while we were back there, he actually kissed me and i touched down there..." she paused and covered her mouth with her hand. "Yoh that dude o tshwere anaconda, im wet as hell mo ke leng mo." She continued. You knw she went on and on abt the skinny guy for abt an hour or so, only interrupted by hitting the dance floor here and there. When the clock hit 12:30am haaa, the drinks were in the system now and every now and then Karabo and i would disappear, kiss potential strange guys, exchange numbers and come back again. Well this nigerian guy invited me to join him and his friends at their table for a few minutes. So i left Karabo and Lerato and went ahead. He said his name was Ashley and that he was from Centurion. Well, after some few minutes he said we should go to his car to get some privacy. Which i agreed to. He said his car was not parked far away from the entrance so i shouldnt worry about him abducting me or something. When i passed where me and the girls were sitted, Lerato was now alone and said Karabo had left with the skinny guy. I insisted on sitting with her and getting us refills but she said she was ok and dat she knew i was gonna come back. Well i went on and followed the niger guy who was already waiting for me near a red audi a4. He opened the passenger door for me to get in and just when i was about to get in someone grabbed my hand. "O ya kae...? A reye, e tswa." Really? i looked at this person and i knew that this voice belonged to Kabo. I pulled my hand and tried to protest, telling him to foetsek a se ntataka! Well i didnt finish that sentence very well, and i dont even knw wht hit me..... Blackout if not dead..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Share with more of your friends to like the page! The larger the audience the better.
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leesacrakon · 6 years ago
13 for logince 👀
“What were you thinking?” “If I’m honest, I’m not sure I was.”
Fandom(s): Sanders Sides, Thomas Sanders, YouTube
Warnings: None
Ship(s): Romantic Logince
This is more of a drabble, it’s very short
Logan blinked and stared at his husband who was lying on the ground with a golden retriever puppy, smiling up at him sheepishly. 
“You…adopted a puppy?” Logan asked slowly. Roman nodded. “And it’s untrained?” Roman nodded again, but slower this time. Logan took and deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“And…he chewed up all of my shoes?” Logan finished. Roman bit his lip to stop himself from laughing.
“Yeah, I did save your good dress shoes though.” Logan’s lips quirked into a smile and he shook his head fondly. 
“What were you thinking?”
“If I’m honest, I’m not sure I was.” 
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@patton-of-love-for-my-friends @funsizedgremlin@anachronistic-cat@here-to-vent@fandomsofrandom@mylasagnaisraw@kalzul@virgilsspidercurtains @justanotherpurplebutterfly @tiny-mudkip @romananalogicality @pattonpending @edgeworthsnoodle @lovely-chaotic-goddess @aph-curls-n-dimples @the-babysitter @sunnyside12pershon @tormentist @thegeekgirl42 @emupoppyjay @introverted-slytherin-of-history @virgilmood   @shimmerthenerd @mel-is-a-melon @juju–universe @ccecode @babiegreen-blog @istolelittleredshoodie @afangirlforeverything @tree4life25 @storytellerofuntoldlegends @overestimated-or-underestimated @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @bluekit-kat  @poisonlyra @loverofpizzaandallthingssweet @jamie-the-outcast @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn  @pirate-patton @tinysidestrashcaptain @slowtownsanders @thelogicalanxiouscreativeheart @analogical-lovechild @pucabu@that-one-percussion-person @outtiefiftythousand @c-a-l-m-sanders @milomeepit @tayleece @notallpotatoesarefrenchfries @thelogicalloganipus@weeaboomichael @do-rey-me  @pink-and-purple-flowers  @ninjago2020 @bookwormravenclaw @contentrelatedurlidontknowthem @silly-aesthetic-me @roxiefox23  @pantasticpanini @mollycassmith @monikastec @shanisaur @liberalautisticnerd831 @purplepotatomunv @animefansforlife  @ams-parker  @a-reference-of-sides   @water13girl @the-nyan-cat-x3@virgils-jacket @nerdy-emo-royal-dad @kittyboof8  @theguildedtypewriter @fandomsandanythingelse @twettypuff @imnottrashiswear @v-blue-writer @echointhetincan @theinsanelycooljaredkleinmen    @bri-cas  @brileyluvsyoutube  @mcrismorealivethanmysoul @alwaysmy-lilith  @alivingfandomreference  @readeatfightlove13 @mostly-fandoms-partially-stars @gayfagg @lollingtothemax @give-me-a-minute-to-think  @bubblycricket  @icecoldparadise  @the-prince-and-the-emo   @twentyoneparades-to-panic-at  @rose-gold-roman @this-is-ske  @virgilsandersakaanxiety @starryfirefliesbloggo  @generalfandomfabulousness  @chaoticcharm-stone-posts  @aikogumi @helloimjusthereforthecomments @virgilanxiety   @wrenweasly @at-least-seven-pretty-potatoes@darkle-elkrad
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