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benjimirthursby · 4 years ago
FFXIV Write 2020 - Prompt #3 “An Introductory Reunion.” The Book of Thursby: Scions of Numenor
"Patterns can be observed across many disparate things. Quiet and the later storm.  Moments of pronounced calm and subsequent turmoil. Purists in academics may contend no possibility of commonality between them exists.  A more expansive view less constrained by convention however would recognize portents in and between all things." - Wang'Chunt Tun'nyht, "On the Operational Arts." 
“An Introductory Reunion.” The Book of Thursby: Scions of Numenor
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The sum of the meal with Bloehiswyn met the purpose Aubreen had for it.  To connect the Admiral with Benjimir.  She, as much as Bloehiswyn was unsure of his mind as to what lay ahead for the Thursby Company.  The quickly concluding work at sea made her all the more aware of being unable to divine the future and it engendered an uncertainty she was not accustomed too.
Bloehiswyn took her leave after an hour brandy and cigars following dinner.  Benjimir had managed to milk a sniffer of top shelf brandy for the full hour without taking a sip.  A skill he was famous for.  A good sign Aubreen judged.  It meant the meeting, Benjimir and sustaining the alliance with the Thursby Company was seen of long term value to Maelstrom.  For what use or purpose to be determined still.  Also that Benjimir had not lost his ability to linger about liquor without imbibing.  Rather than return to Limsa Limosa aboard Bloehiswyn’s ship, she would travel with Benjimir by Aetheryte, a first for him.  Common enough for the rest of the Company officers but something Benjimir was fascinated with. 
Benjimir exited the list on the main level of tower with his brothers.  They departed for the Company quarters and he approached her, a warm smile building as he neared.
"Golodh." Benjimir said in the old words.
"Ionneg." the commodore said, returning the smile.  The friends hugged and Benjimir stepped back, making a point to exaggerate an inspecting look over her. “THIS is an auspicious look for you.”
Aubreen smirked.  “Do as is done when in a strange land.  Besides, I rather enjoy change.”  She gestured towards the promenade and they began to walk towards the Aetheryte plaza.  “It has been good to be in open air, striving, and if I may allow myself, to taste victory after so much time.”
Benjimir nodded, “You’ve earned a reputation in the field.  But never mind that, tell me.  Katryn Vaunter?  You fox. In an age I’d never thought it.”  he said, to which Aubreen paused a moment.  “Little stays private on fleet.  Yes, maybe four years now.  Tinifalas swooned, wouldn’t stop writing about it for a month.  Nothing escapes that book of his.”  she said and continued walking.  “I’m aware it wouldn’t be above board were we up well, on fleet.” Aubreen added.  
“But we aren’t nor is it my place to have say. I could not be happier for you, or her.  After a lifetime taking after you as the template for formality, prim and properness, it’s exciting to see you now like this.” Benjimir said.
Aubreen smile and then took on a chastising tone.  “I think it would be well to unstiffen your collar some yourself my boy.” Benjimir took it in stride and shaking his head.
He slipped into a rehearsed response he’d given before.  “I’m not sure anything has been or remains further from my mind Aubreen.  I’ve been buried in briefings, formalities, the trappings of my work for so long, I have gotten….”
“Uptight.” Aubreen interrupted, having heard the speech often enough.  She pointed toward the end of the bazaar they reached at the end of the promenade and they continued walking.
“Uptight is a strong word, rather I think of it as being a fidelius adherent to austere personal interactions.” Benjimir mockingly retorted.  
“Practicing an economy of words is a virtue. Your uptight.”  Aubreen replied and turned to him as they reached the aetheryte plaza.  “Take counsel from me on this Ben.  As one whom is practicing what she is teaching you.  These are new shores second only those those of home to me in the beauty they possess.  There is work to be done here, I know not what, but this world is new.  Allow for yourself here.  You’ll feel reborn.”  She said, patting him on the cheek maternally.  
As they spoke, a woman walking towards the plaza paused, taking stock not of Benjimir but of Aubreen.  The keen eyed observer would have noted her eyes taking stock of the Commodor’s rank insignia on her epaulet and the seal of House Thursby on her shoulder.  Her dress was a clumsy attempt at appearing as one of standing but in effect struck those that knew her as garish.  She stepped aside from the pathway to appear to tend her purse.
“I will do my best to unstiffen.  But to the moment.  I’ve seen these giant crystals at waypoints all the way to Ul’Dah.  This is going to……” Benjimir paused as a Miqo’Te rose off the ground and seemed to fade from view amidst a swirl of blue light.  “....that….to this muster in Limsa?” he finished.  Aubreen smirked.
“Yes.  I’ve done it my fair share.  Perfectly safe as long as moons aren’t exploding in the sky.” She replied looking over the levitating crystal before them.  “It is actually a rather peaceful experience, worse ways to go if it ever does go ill.”  
Benjimir shook his head and shrugged in acceptance.  “New shores.  Is Maelstroms muster normal, for special purpose?”  he asked Aubreen.
“Holdover from less ethically constrained times.  A pirate tradition of sorts.  Divvy the fleets prize swag, consume ale, make judgmental comments about their gender of choice.  Might do well to work on that unstiffining before tomorrow.”  She explained with a grin.  
“What in the almighty are you getting me into.  Let’s get about it though.” Benjimir lamented and gestured ahead to the inner chamber of the plaza.  
The woman watched them proceed ahead before turning about and returning to her business’ office.  
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the-twinkies · 6 years ago
Ms Yvaine!
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Another lovely drawing from @sammiegscribbles of Yvaine ❤ thank you again!
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voidsentprinces · 6 years ago
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That’s the spirit
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craftramsay · 3 years ago
Craft Ramsay -
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Alias/Nicknames: Rams, Crafticus
Gender: Male
Age: Late 30s
Zodiac: Gemini?
Abilities/Talents: Punching, Kicking, Humour, Fishing, Camping, Strategy, Planning, Wood carving
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true
Religion: Follower of Rhalgr, of course
Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath
Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
Languages: Common, Profanity
Family: Mother - Kolfinna (deceased), Father - Glaern (deceased), Uncle - Vraelden
Friends: Eveanne, Oreun, Galen, Venkian, Illharin, Lucien, Zoran
Sexuality: heterosexual / bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other
Relationship Status: single / partnered / married / widowed / open relationship / divorced / not ready for dating yet / it’s complicated
Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent
Build: slender / average / athletic / muscular / curvy / other
Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black
Eyes: brown / blue / gray / green / black / other
Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / dark / other
Height: 79 ilms
Scars: Scar over left eye, Scar over right corner of mouth, various scars on arms and torso
dogs or cats || birds or bugs || snakes or spiders || coffee or tea || ice cream or cake || fruits or vegetables || sandwich or soup || magic or melee || sword dagger or bow || summer or winter || spring or autumn || past or future
A few songs that remind you of them:
Tagged by: Both @phoebe-of-ivalice AND @battlehigh tagged me!
Tagging: Anyone that wants to... and... @iona-xiv @home-halone @tea-and-conspiracy @zhauric @yvainethorneathidrial
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jorandalkitor · 3 years ago
🌟 GLOWING STAR - what do they think about when they look at the night sky? is there someone they want to star gaze with?
Jorand loves to watch the stars. When he is travelling on his missions and sets up camp, he makes sure that it is a spot to which he can see the stars dance above. As far as someone they would like to star gaze with? Maybe @resistance-ranger to talk about their family or @yvainethorneathidrial as one of his closer friends.
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Thanks for the ask @ishgard
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scionsofnumenor · 6 years ago
Scions own @yvainethorneathidrial rocks the pops again this year!
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@for-gold-and-glory A lovely performance. Orchestration at its best. Always good to attend an event once in awhile. <3
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palazzoaldenard · 5 years ago
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Palazzo Aldenard of Balmung presents our assorted showings of Maria and Draco between July 3rd and July 24th!  We will debut a stellar new cast, and a fantastic redesigned stage courtesy of our Production Designer Egrine Fugorier (@egrine)!
Featuring the talents of: Perne Archevauliere (@porcelain-and-blood) as Maria S'vash Tia (@svashing) as Draco Aero Venois (@echoingsteel) as Prince Ralse Popito Popoto as the Chancellor Itara Irispyre (@fashion-noodle) as The Impressario Yvaine Athidrial (@yvainethorneathidrial) as the Messenger You will recognize some familiar faces among the cast, as well as some new ones! House doors open at 6PM PST/9PM EST, and the show starts at 6:30PM PST/9:30PM EST. We’ll also be holding a matinee show on July 11th at 11:30AM PST/2:30PM EST!
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thedudeffxiv · 5 years ago
Random ask: Who are some people you'd like your character to meet or interact with ICly?
Everyone here! I would like to interact with @luck-and-larceny @dumb-hat @yvainethorneathidrial @tessariel-aerlinn @fatedancer @yuki-yukichan @craftramsay @kugane-bois @raven-thatcher @uldah-cat @tough-bit-of-fluff @thegoodmedicus @reiyah-ffxiv @everdreamtree @blind-wardancer @clockworkgunblade @lettersnorth @altan-qestir @scholarlostintime @janijaire @manipurra @rinrin-rinalys @fair-fae @elu-delouche-ffxiv @ofswordsandseductions-ffxiv @sukijazine @regisfiline @songofthemeadow @verdandir 
I am really sorry if I have missed anyone but I want to rp with everyone that would like to interact. I know there is only so much time even with myself at the moment so I know things can’t always happen but those are a few blogs that I haven’t had much interaction with ICly and would enjoy it happening one day.
I also want to rp with all the anon OCs out there! Thanks anon for the ask.
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lukelxiv · 4 years ago
Last Line Meme
Rules: post the last line you wrote from any WIP (and tag the same number of people as there are words).
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Even when his face reflected shadow and destruction limned his eyes, I saw him. I saw who he could have been, who he really was. I knew They reached down and pulled out the very worst in people, the darkest and most vile parts to put on display and terrify the masses with. Yet I loved him even then - even at the end of the world, I had found the soul that had been drifting the cosmos, waiting for me to arrive.
Tagged by: @blue-sentinel and @smira-asah-xiv (thank you both! I had to search through my drafts - I haven't written enough lately xD)
Tagging: @glowinggunmetal @lazne-of-the-urit @lavender-hemlock @tiergan-vashir @isuke-ejinn @nenet-ffxiv @kestrelvylbrand @adellennehocoleux @nekun-uul @zhauric @yvainethorneathidrial @mcoats @fair-fae @luck-and-larceny (there is no way I can tag as many people as there are words, but if you haven't done this and want a chance to do so, here's your ticket!)
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benjimirthursby · 4 years ago
Prompt #9: Lush - “Barstool Acolytes.” - The Book of Thursby: Scions of Numenor
“The logic of avoiding “up well” leverage proved valid enough.  The doctrine of Three Degrees was Benjimir’s most basic tenant.  You never, ever present in battle or prior to it a means which you do not already have the means to detect, defend against and defeat.  Here, it was also to avoid tipping our hand to foes we had not identified or assessed as yet.  That did not mean however we weren’t observed for other reasons which would cost us dearly later on.”  
~Bondermir Exidines, “Seven Stars to the Horizon.”
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(Revised 9/20 for clarity, spelling and low fat content.)
“So she pushes that antique cart all about the city serving drinks?” Benjimir asked Bondermir as they road the elevator down from the Dapper Mariner.
“Nightly, twice on Saturday’s and festival weeks.  She may or may not own the bar, I honestly don’t know.  But it is sure as Chocopoo her cart.” Bondermir said as they stepped off the elevator.  As they did, a disheveled Miqo’te stumbled past nearly running into them.  “Business must be good for that.” Benjimir said as the Miqo’te took a long swig from a bottle in a paper bag.  “What a lush.” Bondermir remarked. As they passed the Quicksand bar, Benjimir paused for a moment.  Looking at the large doors, Benjimir turned to his brother.  “You heading to quarters?” he asked.
“Yes, an hour talking contract terms with the Twinkinrykers takes a lot out of you.  You thinking of getting a night cap? Bondermir asked curiously.  “An actual drink?”  He probed.  “Of, you know, liquor?” He ribbed.
Benjimir adjusted his glasses with his middle finger.  “People watching, maybe something to wash that down.  I’ll see you in the morning.” Benjimir told his brother.  Bondermir smirked, clapped his brother on the shoulder and said “Good luck in there.”  
As he approached the doors to the Quicksand they popped open. A Hyur exited with a auburn haired…..or furred, he was still unsure which term to use, Miqo'te woman draped on his side strolled out.  Both were oblivious to everything but themselves.  Benjimir side stepped them passed through the doors as they began to swing closed.  Pausing inside he surveyed the bar.
The Quicksand was like theater in the round.  The room was bordered by an elevated concourse along the outside edge of which was hosted the hotel and services desks, bar, and innumerable people perched along a marble railing.  The concourse sloped down to the level of a seating area in the middle.   
What Benjimir noticed first however was the smell.  Pungent.  Deeply perfumed from the assembled inebriating masses.  The masses were made up of a self mocking mix of extremes vying for one another's attention.  There was a rich variety in modes of dress.  Scantily clad females of several races, individuals and in groups. Entirely unsubtle males unconvincingly confidant clad in their leather or other machismo garb.  Benjimir instantly recognized the patterns of people watching and being watched, the mating rituals, and the scattering of those present for none of it.
He made  his way to the entry to the seating area, amused at the sights.  The Lalafell woman with her drink cart, painted and inscribed like a childs toy chest with “Super Momo’s Cart!” passed him as she returned for her evenings drink run.  Benjimir turned his mind to finding a place to sit.
Benjimir observed most of the other tables hosted more than one party.  A couple of people appeared to be alone or apart from the group they sat near.  He singled out a female of the Xaela race alone at a large round table, stirring a drink absent mindedly as she gazed around the room Benjimir approached and made a classic if dated gesture of touching his fingers to his chest, lips and forehead.
“May I trouble you to take one of these seat?” Benjimir asked.  The Xaela looked up at him impassively but finally offered a polite smile and made a sweeping gesture with the drink mixer.  
“They are free to be taken.”
Benjimir sat and looked around a moment.  “Is there table service here?” He asked.
“New here?” the Xaela said, ‘Usually you are better served going up to the bar, but wave at Momodi long enough, she’ll get you setup.”  she finished.
“The one with the cart, I see.” Benjimir replied turning around and looking for the Lalafell who was returned to her stool at the bar.  He began to wave but his attention was drawn back to the Xaela.  “So are ya?” the woman said.
“Oh, yes, I am.  Never been here before.” Benjimir said.  The Xaela allowed for a shallow smile, taking stock of her tablemate seriously now.
“Not a drinker either, are ya?” she asked rhetorically.  Benjimir considered for a moment the possibility that this truth might actually be written on his forehead.  “No actually.”  He offered.
“Yeah, drinkers here know to get a drink before sitting, otherwise you seat goes away.  You got a name mister sobriety?”  the woman said smirking a bit as she resumed stirring her drink with the mixing stick.  
Benjimir was unsure if he was entertainment to his tablemate or being preemptively setup to be shot down. The thought restored his focus as he realized the woman was a Xaela, few here in Ul’Dah and he knew very little of their race.  
“I apologize, I’m Benjimir Thursby.” He said.
“Orbei.” Benjimir’s tablemate replied mater of factly and continued on without pause.  “So where you from Benjimir originally, beyond ‘not here.  What brings ya here?” Orbei asked.
At the table next to Benjimir and Orbei sat an auburn hued Miqo’te woman.  Either from Orbei’s voice carrying or the momentary lull in chatter about the room she took notice of the conversation.
“Good to know you Orbei.  I’m new to these shores, not really from anywhere really, I was….” he paused a fraction of a second, “born at sea.”  Momodi passed and came to the table.  She took a drink order from Benjimir for what essentially was a mineral water with fruit punch mixed in, Orbei ordered “her usual.” 
“I am the chief of a trade and mercantile company.  Business brings me to Eorzea.  Curiosity to the Quicksand.  I feared I’d miss something if I didn’t come here at least once.” He said.
Orbei nodded.  “I see.  So tell me Benjimir,” she leaned forward, “do ya fear death?”  She said.  Benjimir paused but responded.  “Death is but a new lifes dawn.”  Orbei smiled and nodded approvingly.  
“Touche, very nice.  Usually that scares people, but they normally have a few drinks in them.  Not gonna pull that off with you I think.”  Orbei said, amused and pleased she was not in the company of another dreg seeking what she was not offering.  Benjimir, feeling the banter being on an even basis now took a discreet look over Orbei.  Black horns, dark blue skin.  She was a follower of the Dusk Mother, which was maybe as much as he knew with certainty.  They could be found only sparingly, along with the kindred race, the Raen.  The passenger manifests had shown him few were traveling by way of air or sail ship either with Maelstrom or the company fleet.
Orbei was quick to pounce on the minor pause and Benjimir’s look, more inquisitive than salacious she noted.  “I’ma Thaumaturge, we do stuff and things, worship Thal. They have Thaumaturges at sea?” she asked.
“Maybe by another name.  Do all of you people worship Thal?” Benjimir asked.  The red Miqo’te at the adjacent table perked her ears as he spoke.  Now she edged her chair about some to see the man she was eavesdropping on.  
“Oh, pity.  I study at the Arrzaneth Ossuary.  Everybody there honors Thal.  So you were born at sea, that make you a Hy-sea or something?”
“I don’t know really, just a man, of the race of men.  Your one of those Xaela, are all your people hued as you are?  I’ve not met one before.”  Benjimir said.
The Miqo’te’s ears twitched.
“Not a lot of us here so far.  I knew a few when I first came.  Some of us are this color, others not.  Lots of different people at the Ossuary though.”  Orbei answered and continued.  “Thal is the god of death and darkness. Ya didn’t really answer my question though, do ya fear it?”
“I don’t see reason to fear it.  Regret it maybe.  Every people have their myths and faiths about life, death, gods.  People are entitled to what they choose to believe.”  Benjimir said.  The Miqo’te rose from her seat and as she walked toward the table.  Orbei chuckled at her approach.  The female whipped the chair between Benjimir and Orbei around and saddle rode it she put her drink on the table.  With a stern glare she spoke to Benjimir.
“You people, those people, all you people.  What makes you ‘ayfaluten’ Hyur-at-sea-or-whatever types blow into Ul’Dah and start riding down anybody with a tale or whose under the table tall?”  the Miqo’te laid into Benjimir. Orbei suppressed a snicker.  
Benjimir smiled politely if with a slight of sarcasm and with slightly portion of it asked the Miqo’te, “I’m anything but rich, thank you, I have never met any of Orbei here’s race, or your own, whom I’m honoring by acknowledging as a people.  And whom in whatever your own people call hell are you by name to presume it is your affair?”  The nearby tables and people lounging on the concourse rails above discreetly took notice and gave ear to exchange.  
The Miqo’te was taken aback for a moment.  Orbei took the opportunity to introduce her friend.  “This is Smathlyn.  She’s a Miqo’te…...no horns.” she said and pointed to her own black horns.  
Benjimir nodded in acknowledgement.  Smanthlyn continued, if with a hair more restraint.  “We get enough Hyurs coming into Ul’Dah, all rich from cashing in on the calamity, taking over farms, selling stuffs and things for a months pay.  They come about here, treating Lalas, Miqo’te, all of us that aren’t all cute skinned and super-boobed like bad waiters.  Poke���n fun at our gods.”  She finished and took a sip of her drink.  Orbei leaned forward and spoke.
“Smathlyn’s sorta our mother hen here.  She doesn’t suffer fools in nice cloths.”  she said.  Orbei looked at Smathlyn “He wasn’t offending just asking.  And his cloths aren’t that nice.”  Smathlyn listened but continued to cast a skeptical eye on Benjimir.
Benjimir looked down at his clothes.  “Thanks.  And I’ve spent my life at sea and far from this place.  I wouldn’t know a Miqo’te from a Xaela until it was pointed out to me.  As for your god, I honor it.  Never get between a person and their faith, nothing good can come of it.  And I’ve my own spirituality. Orbei and I were just talking and she was being nice enough to teach me a thing or two.  Learning about other ways adds to my appreciation of my own”  Smathlyn looked over to Orbei who nodded and stared back at her friend.
“Well alright then.  If Orbei says so.  If you are wanting to learn something then you should visit the Ossuary, it is a place of peace and meditation.” Smathlyn said.  “You going tonight Orbei?” she asked her friend.
“Figuring’n too.  You want to come Benjimir the non-aflu’nt?” Orbei said and asked, turning to Benjimir.
“Ladies.  It would be my honor, pleasure and education.” Benjimir said.
Authors note.  This was a fictionalized but inspired entry based on my very first night RP’ing in FFXIV, when Benjimir went to Quicksand, struck up a conversation and a bystander actually misstook what I said and launched into me.  For a month people there remembered the discussion.  It actually proved an amazing night of RP.  Names have been changed because, well, I can’t remember who it was.  But hey, good times.
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suiren-shrine · 5 years ago
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☼ I want to thank the community for a smashing success at Suiren Temple’s Summer Solstice Celebration! ☼
It was easily the largest event we had ever hosted and that’s all thanks to the vendors, performers, staff, security, and all of our guests from all over Crystal that paid the beach a visit.
I want to throw out a thanks to our partners; @aegir-ffxiv , @tea-ffxiv , Hanaoie, Firehawk and Jaenris Silverflame, @yvainethorneathidrial , Lady Same, Kaneyama Kuromi, Filia Kochin, Myym’sae Tayuun, Mishi, and all of our competitors and Temple staff!
You all made this event happen. Thank you and have a blessed summer! ☼
(Apologies for the terribad screenshots, I didn’t have much time before being overrun!)
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tessariel-aerlinn · 5 years ago
To those wanting to add me or @yvainethorneathidrial to their friends list I'll be logging on in about 2 hours. So like 3 PM CST. It'll be Yvaine first then Tessariel. I'll be running dailies if anyone wants to join!
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twilight-red-mage · 5 years ago
Fighting Style | Conrad Murgleys
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bold what consistently applies || italicize situational, not always || both, a priority while fighting
fight honorably / fight dirty / prefer close-quarters / prefer range /  chat during /  go silent /  low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance / attack in bursts  / attack steadily / go for the kill / aim to disarm / fight defensively / bait an opponent’s first strike / strike first /  provoked easily  /   provoke their opponent  / tease /  get visibly frustrated  / shout while attacking / use strategy / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle / rush in recklessly / try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly /  fight calmly / fight apathetically / fight with anger / fight with excitement / fight because they have to  / fight because they want to  / fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  / hide wounds / take a blow to protect another /   prefer a blade  /  prefer a gun  / prefer a bow /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear  / prefer a naginata / prefer a personalized weapon  / prefer magic or spells  /   prefer brawling  / their greatest weakness is physical /  their greatest weakness is mental  / their greatest weakness is emotional / transform for battle  / fight as they appear /  rely on strength  /  rely on speed / use everything they have / hide their full potential / exhaust quickly /  high stamina /  doubt their strength  /  proceed with caution /   behave arrogantly  / brag after landing a hit  /  belittle their abilities / use psychological tactics / use brute strength /  avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians  / damage surroundings  / avoid damaging surroundings / signature fighting style / making it up as they go /  mastered skillset / learning their skillset / fancy footwork /  sloppy footwork /  messy fighter / elegant fighter / accept defeat / refuse defeat / beg for mercy / compliment their opponent /  insult their opponent /  use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls ) / move efficiently /  barely move / prefer to dodge / prefer to block /  defend their blindside / has no blindside /  use all available advantages /  strictly use one main method  /  play around  /  hold back /  fight ruthlessly  / show mercy /  wait for opponent to be ready / strike when opponent isn’t ready  / fear death  /  fear pain  / fear killing /  has PTSD / avoid fighting / has lost a fight / has won a fight / has killed / refuses to kill / want to die standing /  would succumb slowly
Tagged by: @coeurlfist​! Thank you for the tag ^-^
Tagging: @pk-sonica-omega​ @pepper-somerset​ @claihn​ @galespider​ @anasitka​ @eorzeanwildrose​ @mai-takeda​ @marie-shepard-ffxiv​ @zhauric​ @home-halone​ @captain-rez​ @yvainethorneathidrial​ @wayward-soul-ffxiv​ @miqo-vynnie​ @valourheart-xiv​ @lordsnark​ @benes-diction​ @aethernoise​ @archmagesarto​ and anyone else who wants to try this meme!
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craftramsay · 4 years ago
Get to Know You...
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The rules are: tag nine people whom you’d like to get to know better.  
Tagged by: @spotofmummery
Last Song: Uh... something that was on the radio in my room as I rolled out of bed? It might have been something by Alice Cooper because I do remember hearing an interview with him on the radio before coffee.
Last Movie: Ghostbusters.
Currently Reading: The Down Goes Brown History of the NHL by Sean McIndoe
Currently Watching: I currently have the Curse of Oak Island on in the background as I avoid some work for a bit.
Craving: I wasn’t craving anything until I read this! But since we’ve had some snow over the past few days, I may have to make some chili this afternoon...
Tagging: @crystalline-promise, @naivah-ffxiv, @ethicalsloot, @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast, @thegoodmedicus, @katalinhunter, @yvainethorneathidrial, @onwesterlywinds, @kestrelvylbrand​
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renataturner · 5 years ago
“#” for a RANDOM text. ((For Yvaine or Tess)) 😂
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😂😂😂 Thank you, @yvainethorneathidrial !!
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thedudeffxiv · 5 years ago
Characteristics - Amoureux Melomane
Bold all that apply!
• eyes: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | gray-lavender (also looks blue depending on lighting) | crimson
• hair: blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other (purple highlights in his white hair)
• body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
• skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored
• gender: male  | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way
• sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• romantic orientation: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
• species: human | undead | elf (well, Elezen) | voidsent | demon | angel, possibly | witch | ghost |  incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | elemental |  other
• education: high school | college (level) | university | master’s degree | PhD | uneducated | self-taught | magical studies
• i’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot
• positive traits: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
• negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative | obsessive
• living situation: lives alone |  lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with friends | lives with servants | drifter | homeless | lives with children | lives with pets
• parents/guardian: mother | father | adoptive | aunt | uncle | foster | grandmother | grandfather | other
• sibling(s): sisters | brother | none | other
• relationship: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated | committed relationship | open | other
• i have a(n): developmental disorder | learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability (sort of? Old injuries causing problems) | other
• things i’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to the hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
Tagged by: @tavard-ffxiv Thank you! Sorry that took me a little time.
Tagging: @kugane-bois @yuki-yukichan @kha-merc-ffxiv @reiyah-ffxiv @fatedancer @starfish-ffxiv @blissfulxiv @thegoodmedicus @ofswordsandseductions-ffxiv @windupzenos @tessariel-aerlinn @yvainethorneathidrial @dumb-hat @luck-and-larceny @lail-harper @yisu-xiv @tough-bit-of-fluff @rinrin-rinalys @raven-thatcher @thefreelanceangel @haname-ffxiv @lovesick-flowers @verdandir @windup-astra @kich-rp @scholarlostintime @clockworkgunblade @roleplay-aficionado @retravavehse @uldah-cat @altan-qestir @jancisstuff @roxinova @charm-in-spades @remedialelixir @but-first--tea @fair-fae @amiahvalroux-ffxiv and anyone I may have missed that would like to do it that hasn’t. And no pressure to do this as always!
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