#minny5ca fanfiction
minny5ca2018 · 2 years
New Outlander fanfiction
This will be based on an idea that came to me.
An Alternate Universe...
Part 1
May 20, 2022
James Fraser looked around the crowd of fellow tv reporters and smiled. As a sports news reporter for the Glasgow Globe, it was his job to cover all the major rugby events. As an avid fan who absolutely loved the sport, his job at the Globe was like a dream come true. He followed all the games, both local and international. In the last six years as a news reporter he’d won several Pulitzer awards for his writing. He loved the sport and the players and the fans. Loving his work and integrating with people made his writing even better. His hard work and dedication had led him to where he was today. On a cruise ship with friends and fellow colleagues. News and sports reporters like himself who’d worked hard in gaining their status and achievements. The cruise event was a prize from the major publications enterprise who supported most of their endeavors. He looked about at the bustling crowd and smiled. Most of them were acquaintances, but many he considered friends as well as colleagues.
Jamie was a native of the Scottish highlands, an area known as Broch Turach. He was James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser and was actually Laird of a now derelict castle known as Lallybroch. While he still owned much of the surrounding land, the dwelling itself had been vacant and derelict for years. A fact of life in modern times, it was simply too costly to maintain or repair the structure. He now kept a large flat in Glasgow when he wasn’t traveling for the Globe that is.
“Ooch, now Jamie, are you going to stay here in yer corner like this, or are you coming out to mingle with the rest of us?” Geillis Duncan asked him with a smile.
Jamie smiled back at the petite Scottish woman. Geillis was pretty in an odd sort of way with her light copper hair and big green eyes. There was always something about her that troubled Jamie. She always somehow rubbed him the wrong way. He laughed and shook his head. “Now, Geillis, you know that I like to sit back with my whisky and watch others while they move about. I like observing people. No worries, Geillis, I am fine where I am right now.” He replied in his best formal English in a manner intended just to annoy her. He didn’t trust or like Geillis. He wasn’t sure why. But the woman simply irked him somehow.
Geillis nodded. “Oh, verry well, ya wee Fox cub.” She replied. Jamie was a striking figure with his deep auburn red hair, slavic cheekbones and deep blue eyes that could penetrate your veru soul. Shaking her head, she slowly began moving away from him. Looking back, ske murmured softly, “I’ll be on the deck should you change your mind.”
Jamie nodded and sipped a little bit more of his whisky.
May 20, 1948
Claire stared one more time at Frank as he once more stared her down. She shook her head in defiance. “No. I told you already Frank. You can beg, but I will not marry you. I do not love you, now or ever.” She insisted, glaring at him over the coppery flames coming from the fire in the hearth.
Angered, Frank grabbed her by the arm and violently shook her. “You will! You will obey! I want you and I will bloody well have you! Any way I can get you!” he shouted at her. He moved toward her menacingly …
Claire suddenly cowered in fear. Frank’s family had special powers that dated back to ancient times and heaven knows what he would do to her. She shook her head. “No. I reject you. I do not love you. I will not marry you, Frank.” She persisted.
Frank glowered down at her. He pointed a finger at her. “Then you will pay the price, for all eternity.”
Before Claire could react or even move, she found herself inside a small furnished glass bottle. She was miniaturized and wearing a harem style costume. She could see Frank staring down at her.
Frank smiled wickedly. “That’s right. You are now a genie and as your Master and holder of your bottle, you will obey my every command. You will serve me.” Frank told her.
Claire shook her head in utter despair. “Noooo,” sne began tearfully. “Noooo,” she pleaded.
May 20, 2022
Claire looked at Frank and cried softly. “No, please Frank. I do not want to go back in the bottle while you are away. Please, I beg you, I will behave.”
Frank shook his head. “No. In your bottle you go, you wicked genie.” With a motion, he pointed his finger and smoked her into her bottle. Once she was inside, he quickly capped the top. “And that is where you will stay until I return from my business trip. He laughed. People of the modern world really had no idea that the seemingly quiet Professor from Oxford was actually one the world’s most powerful Jinns. When Claire had refused him, he had simply made her into a genie. As the holder of her bottle, she had to obey his every whim. There was only one other Jinn who was more powerful than Frank. And he suddenly realized with horror as he walked through the halls of Oxford that he was suddenly staring right at him.
“Hadji. What, what are you doing here?” Frank asked him, trying to sound unconcerned by Hadji’s sudden appearance.
Hadji merely glared at Frank. “Doing what I always do by tradition, Frank. Observing the world and our people in relation to all of that.” He replied. He looked at Frank sternly. “I have been watching you for a long time. I don’t like your behavior. You deliberately interfered with a young girl who was from the mortal world. Worse, after making her a genie, you’ve been mistreating her badly.” He told him. “It was bad enough when it all began over fifty years ago. But, it is getting worse. You are really mistreating the girl. Hurting her. And it has to stop. And you will be punished for it. Even we have our rules and guidelines.”
Frank shook his head,  pleading with Hadji. “No, please I will do better. I promise. Give me another chance with her.” Frank begged.
Hadji shook his head. “No. You will be punished.” He pointed his finger and with a single motion, miniaturized Frank into a glass bottle. Hadji quickly capped the bottle and placed it in a large trunk. He quickly locked it and labelled it storage room. He smiled. Frank likely would not be discovered for a long time. Hadji chuckled. As for the girl, he would place her in an area where, when the person finds her there will become the love of her life.
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minny5ca2018 · 2 years
An Outlander Fanfiction Lady in the Bottle Part 3
Part 3
(Jamie's not buying this)
Link to Part 1 & Part 2 found at the end of Part 3.
May 27, 2022
James Fraser woke up with a splitting headache. He sat up slowly, spitting the excess salt water and sand out of his mouth. Rubbing his pounding head, he looked around slowly. He was on a sandy beach of what looked to be a deserted island for there were no people around, no buildings and no sign of life. All he saw were rocks, and cliffs that surrounded the sandy beach. He ran his hands down his arms, legs and body. He seemed intact with no sign of wound or broken bones. He slowly pulled himself to his feet and began to walk around. Given that he’d been on a cruise ship that ran aground, plunked into the cold ocean water to save Geillis and been clunked on the head by debris as a thank you, he was pretty steady on his feet.
To his utter surprise, his travel bag was still wrapped tightly around his shoulders. He knelt down on the beach to examine the condition of its contents. Cell phone, waterlogged and useless, spare clothing sopping wet. Razor kit soaked, but the emergency kit in the bag was in a waterproof container. It held waterproof matches, water bottles, water treatments tablets, small food packets, coffee and coffee whitener. There also was a flare kit. Jamie shook his head. Pretty good emergency pack, he thought as he wolfed down a candy bar and sipped from the water bottle. Searching the beach, he gathered driftwood for a fire and marked out a large SOS in the sand. He sat down gratefully by the fire and pulled the emergency blanket around him and sipped more of the water and ate another cereal bar. He sighed. He had to wonder where he was, the island looked barren and deserted. It did have fresh water though – he’d found it, a steady stream running down off the cliff. He could use the supplied cup and pot to heat the water for coffee and reheat the emergency food packets once they were hydrated. He shook his head in amazement. Who would have thought that he ever would need one of those kits?
He wondered whether or not they were searching for him. If they saw him disappear beneath the water, they likely presumed him dead. Well Fraser, are ye getting out of this one? He sighed. There were several food packets, probably enough to last a few days if he rationed them. There were an adequate number of water purification tablets and with the water source, he’d be ok there. But the issue of food was another matter. He sighed. He needed a miracle.
May 27, 2022
Claire rubbed her head as she groggily came out of her unconscious state. She looked around and realized that she was still in her bottle. She groaned. She needed to get out of here and now. While she couldn’t escape, she found there was something that she could do. With all her might, she began spinning herself within her bottle forcing it to roll around the surface it sat on. She still had no idea where she was, but her bottle slowly started to roll and move around wherever she was. Her only hope would be if someone could find her and release her from her prison. She began to spin the bottle even harder.
May 27, 2022
Jamie was sitting by the campfire when he spotted something shiny moving on the beach. He had finished his food ration and had made coffee in the tin cup. He sat it down by the fire and got up to inspect the shiny object. To his surprise it was a glass bottle. What the? What is going on here? He shook his head. It looked like the bottle from the TV show I Dream of Jeannie – but it couldn’t be, that was TV and make believe. Nonetheless, he picked up the bottle and curiously popped the cork from the top. He waited. A few seconds went by. Then a minute, two, three and suddenly pink smoke started coming out of the bottle. What, --- it wasn’t possible… but, to Jamie’s amazement a young woman with dark hair and wearing a blue harem costume was kneeling before him. Omg. He shook his head in wonder. She was speaking what sounded like Ancient Persian or Arabic, he wasn’t sure which. In another moment she was gazing up at him with the biggest silver blue eyes he’d ever seen.
Claire looked up from her kneeling position and smiled at the big man who had just freed her from her bottle. Once freed she immediately knelt before him and pledged her allegiance to serve him in Ancient Persian as she was supposed to do. She smiled at the sight of this gorgeous hunk of male flesh. He was tall, well over six feet with deep blue eyes and fiery auburn red hair. She took one look at him and loved him on the spot. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the mouth.
Jamie felt his body heat in response to the feel of the woman now pressed against him and kissing him like she would never stop. He let out a groan and gently pushed her away from him. He stared down at her intently. This was real life, this situation couldn’t be real. It couldn’t be happening, or could it? “Now, why don’t you tell me who you are and how you came to be on this deserted beach in the middle of nowhere?” he asked her.
Claire swallowed hard. He spoke English. Though Frank had made her a genie, she had never forgot her own life or her own language. “My name is Claire. I was left here in my bottle by someone. I have no idea who brought me here still trapped in my bottle.” She reached up and grabbed Jamie’s hand. “These hands have released me. I am your servant forever. Your wish is my command.”
Jamie shook his head in utter disbelief. Of all things he gets washed ashore on a deserted island and meets I Dream of Jeannie. “Just great. Bloody well great.” He muttered to himself. He took a deep breath. Might as well play along. “I am James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser. At your service, Claire.”
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minny5ca2018 · 2 years
Master Copy Jamie & Claire The Inquisitors fanfiction
Contains all snippets.
The Inquisitors
From LA to SM
Part One
Claire Beauchamp-Fraser hurried her husband Jamie along the busy LA street into the limo parked there for them. They had exactly thirty minutes to get to their next public appearance at Bumble’s designer clothing store in Santa Monica, a coastal city just west of LA.
With the thick traffic that would be a tall feat – it left them no time to change from the casual wear they now wore to the more formal designer clothing needed for Bumble’s.
Impatient, she quickly pushed her husband into the car. “Hurry up, Jamie. We have to change clothing for the fashion show. No time to waste,” she told him. She hurriedly shoved the plastic garment bag that protected his sport coat, shirt and dress pants into his hands. She quickly started removing her own garments. “We've got to get a move on, now hurry!”
Jamie smiled michievously and taking the clothing from her began removing his own clothing. To the world they were James Fraser and Claire Beauchamp two co stars hired to play Robert and Monica Johnson on the hit detective show “The Inquisitors.”, but by night and in private they were together. And a married couple. They had fallen for each other and had secretly married. The studio for various reasons wanted it kept quiet. So they lived their lives, co-stars by day and married couple by night. And now a baby on the way. Jamie beamed with pride at the thought of his unborn child within his wife and also his lover and co-star. He grinned over at her dressed only in her teddy and panties. God he loved that woman. Unable to resist, he pulled her against him and began nibbling on her neck. “Yes, sweetheart. I'll get dressed in a moment.” He assured her. “But first I want to do this.” He reached down and began fondling her full breasts. Lord, but pregnancy did great things to a woman's body.
Claire giggled and shrieked with delight as she tried a second time to pull up her panty hose. She pushed her “husband aka only her flirty co-star” away impatiently. “Jamie! Stop that or we'll never be changed in time. We have exactly thirty minutes to get across town to our next publicity event.” She shoved him a second time as he kept nibbling on her throat. “Stop it! James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser, I mean it! Cease and desist at once!”
Jamie lifted his head reluctantly pulling back at his wife's fierce look. She giggled and tittered with the best of them, but when she meant business well she meant business. No crossing that woman as a few fans and media reporters discovered to their sorrow. She was fierce and determined when it was necessary. God help anyone who got in her way or tried to stare her down. You'd lose. A simple fact, that was including himself.  He loved her to distraction and she him. But get in her road when she was on a mission or wanted to defend him, no that was plain suicide. He reached down and finished tucking his shirttails into his dress pants. He nodded. “Yes dear.” He smiled.
Claire looked up after buttoning her designer blouse. Returning his smile, she said, “What?”
He reached out a hand and lightly caressed her cheek. “Just that not one day has gone by since we did this, that I've ever regretted a moment of it. Not through all of it. Not the phony messageboards or the fake gfs or fake bfs – not any of it Claire. I'd do it all again. The hiding. Our wedding vows through the good times and bad. All of it. I love you.” He said softly, his voice growing thick with emotion. “From minute one. I love you.”
Claire felt her eyes moisten. It would ruin her mascara and she'd have to redo her eyes. She didn't care. Not yet having applied her lip gloss, she reached out and kissed him. She shook her head and kissed him again. “Neither have I. It's been worth all the pain and catcalls and everything. Like you I would say “I do" all over again. Especially now,” she confessed lightly patting the round swell of her belly.
Jamie beamed with pride when he thought of their marriage and now an unborn child they were hiding from the public. To the world they were Monica and Robert Johnson two hot married police detectives on the hit tv show “The Inquisitors.” But their bosses wanted them for now at least to hide their relationship. So they were just pals with a great tv chemistry to the world at the moment. Jamie chuckled. Little do they know. Little do they know. He finished buttoning his shirt and looked at Claire. “Ready?” he asked as the car stopped at their downtown San Diego location.
She smiled and took her husband's hand as their driver opened the limo door for them to get out. “Absolutely.” She said. “Let's do this.”
Part two
Cannot Keep My Hands Off
James Fraser ducked his head just barely avoiding the second missile his wife had thrown at him. Ooh but that one was close. She'd just barker missed with that wicked pitching  arm of hers! If one thing was true, Claire Beauchamp-Fraser Fraser could throw with the best of them. “Ouch!” He cried out as the third tumbler found its mark. He reached out and grabbed her arm, stopping any further attempts to throw things at him. “Aww, Claire, love come on. You know I said that I was sorry. I know I promised to behave but honestly when I saw you in that gown and when you started walking away … God Claire I couldna helped it, babe. I love you so much. I wanna keep my hands off you. You know that.” He wheeled, pulling her closer as he sensed her softening toward him. Such fire and passion in his woman, his wife of over four years. They'd hid their marriage and relationship even though they starred in the hit TV drama The Inquisitors. God but he loved her.
Claire sighed and slid her arms around her husband's neck, allowing him to pull her against him. She shook her head in exasperation. “Yes, but we are supposed to be playing the role of great pals and co-stars remember? Not your wife or girlfriend whom you'd like to bang against the auditorium doors.” She murmured softly. God but he was drop dead gorgeous. Her anger always waned with him for she could never stay cross at him for long. She reached up and kissed him. “You are impossible James Fraser. I love you like crazy but you are infuriating. Cannot keep your hands off, huh?”
Jamie lifted her suddenly and carried her across the room their large king bed. In one easy motion, he tossed her effortlessly onto it. He fell on top of her and started pulling off her gown and underthings. “Yup.” He said as he bent his head and began nibbling on her neck. Encouraged by he soft moans he continued his descent until his warm mouth found the soft swell of a pregnant breast. God pregnancy did great things to a woman's breast. “Any objections?” he asked, lifting his head slightly to raise an eyebrow at his wife. “Well?” he demanded.
Claire groaned and hurriedly pulled his head back down to her now throbbing nipples. “Uhhh. No. Not a one. Carry on. As you were soldier.” She muttered.
Jamie smiled and continued what he'd begun with the patting of her behind a few hours ago.
Part Three
Claire settled back against her pillows trying in vain to get comfortable. Or at least as much as her pregnant body would allow. The second of two pregnancies, this one a boy, was much more troublesome than his older sister, now two. IPhone in hand she tried to focus on the e-book she was reading. Unable to concentrate, she looked over at her husband of almost four years. She watched him as he voraciously scrolled through the contents on his new IPhone. She smiled and shook her head. “Are you pouring over all those Tumblr bloggers you like to follow again?” she asked him. He was constantly on social media especially Tumblr and Twitter. And to a lesser extent Instagram.
Jamie smiled and reached over and lightly patted her pregnant belly. He nodded. “Yup. Learn good stuff on there, love. You ought to try it.” He suggested. He reached over and lightly touched his lips to hers. He grinned. “I highly recommend it.” He murmured, kissing her again.
Claire shook her head. “No thanks. I have enough as it is with Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.” She shuddered. “Those Facebook groups are terrible. Stupid and rude and argumentative. To the point of showing their disrespect to us and the show. Total idiots.”
Jamie nodded. “Facebook is dumb. Especially The Inquisitors groups in general. They are rude and stupid for the most part, like you said. They drivel and growl about how the show isn't following Roxanne’s books. They drool over my character and seem to hate on yours. I like Tumblr. Those bloggers are too bloody smart for their own good though. That is why I stay on top of it all the time. I want to know exactly what they are saying at all times.” Jamie explained. “It's in our best interest to do so, Claire.” He added softly. “They are onto us I am afraid, babe. Not everyone believes them of course. But, ya, they know. About our relationship and marriage. And our little girl. And some believe that you are expecting again, love.” He whispered the words into her belly. “Not all of course. They argue among themselves. But yes, some think you're pregnant, love.” He looked up at her and smirked mischievously. “And they'd be right.”
Claire smiled and set her Iphone on the nightstand beside their bed. She drew her husband up until he was settled on top of her. She drew her legs apart to accommodate him, as he eased himself inside her, taking care to keep the bulk of his weight off her. She moaned softly as she wrapped her legs around him or as much as her round belly would allow. Grasping his arms, she moved with him, keeping the rhythm as Jamie thrust inside her. She groaned. “Yes. Absolutely right,” she muttered. “Absolutely.”
Part Four
The Love Bite
Jamie looked up from his phone and gazed at his wife of over four years. “Babe, what ya doing?” 
Claire was still engrossed in the Tumblr blog she was reading. She looked up briefly at her husband,  and smiling went back to scroll through her blog pages. Her latest post had tons of hits. Many loved her blog while others hated it. She didn't care. Gave her a voice to express her discontent over the nerwork’s current determination to mix promo for the new Season of The Inquisitors with her current engaged status, fake though it was. She laughed. Hard to be engaged when you are already married  -- ha ha. “Just pouring over my blog. It's all your fault,  James Fraser. You got me into this. Got me camping out on these blogs until I caught the bug. And worse, you got me pregnant! And we had to dicker and wine and dine with them to hide it all! Those girdles weren't fun!” Claire replied.
Jamie smirked. “Looked good to me,” he said.
She glared at him. “You weren't wearing them!” she retorted. “And you weren't nauseous all the time from them and carrying your son, either!”
Jamie nodded apologetically. “I know, love. I'm sorry. Truly.”
 She softened and set her phone on the nightstand. Their son Rufus was four months now. That time seemed a lifetime ago, but because of their secret life and family, the network wanted to push her engagement a little harder. It was tough because it set her against all fans, which she didn't care for. In one swift movement she climbed up onto her husband and co star. She pushed up further and pulled his arms around her. She reached up and kissed him, her tongue seeking his. That was their main issue – they had trouble keeping the tongue out of their on screen stuff. Emotionally you just couldn't disconnect those things  anymore than they could stop the heart eyes in public appearances. They tried, but they couldn't bury their feelings. “Hmmm,” she mused, pulling back. “It's all right, you're forgiven.” She looked up at her husband with heart eyes she could not turn off for the life of her. It would be easier not to breathe. “I love you.” 
Jamie felt his own eyes mist and nodded. “Me too, babe. Me too. I have never been sorry, Claire. Not through any of it. The fake narratives. Hiding our marriage and family. None of it.”
 Claire nodded, feeling her own wet cheeks. “Neither am I.” She hesitated,  looked down and then back up again,  her hand on Jamie's cheek.
“What?” Jamie put a hand to her lips. “I know. We're partners in this, Claire. I’ve got you. I will catch you when you fall. When they get ugly. Got you babe. Trust in me. Latch onto to me.”
She nodded and smiled. With that, she began fondling him roughly with her hand while dipping her head against the breastbone of his chest. He yelped when she bit him, hard. “Oh, I've got you James Fraser. I've got you.” She assured him, continuing her downward descent on him with her hands and tongue. He yelped again. “I've got you.”
Claire looked over at her husband and co star while he talked with the moderator for the Seattle Comic Con. She licked her lips, biting them with the memory as she watched Jamie silently rub the spot on his chest where she’d bitten him the night before… she smiled. Their lives were rough and filled with secrecy they both hated. But it was worth it. So worth it.
Part Five
The Inquisitors: The Frasers at Christmas
Claire fretted nervously as she waited for Jamie. She sat with Myra on her sofa in her Dublin flat she shared with Jamie. Myra, their friend and sometimes nanny to their two children,  Mary Kate and baby Michael, lived in the flat across the hall. Her cousin, Terry Morrison, who pretended to be her bf, escort, and now fiance, actually worked for them. As a personal assistant and security guard, he stayed most of the time in the third apartment next to Myra’s.
The children were now fast asleep in the guest room. Mary Kate in her crib and Michael in the cradle that Jamie had made for him. Her husband was incredibly gifted with his hands when it came to woodworking. He could take any old piece of wood or furniture and turn it into something beautiful.
She looked at her watch again. He was supposed to be on the 10 pm flight to Dublin from Buenos Aires, where he'd just finished production on a small Indie film. She was frustrated because of the circumstances they were trapped in. They'd been married for over four years and yet because of the Network had pretended to be with other people. It killed her at times. To keep lying this way, and hiding their relationship and children.
She looked over at the snow rain mix beating against the windows. It was getting worse. It was now almost midnight. It was Christmas Eve and almost Christmas Day. She'd argued with Jamie, upset that he was leaving his departure from Buenos Aires so late in the week and evening. He'd explained there were some things to finish with the production early Christmas Eve morning and the earliest flight to Dublin arrived at 10 pm Dublin time.
She looked at her watch again. Oh God, where are you, Jamie Fraser? And with the storm now?
Myra Burns reached out and put a gentle hand on Claire's arm. She'd known Claire and Jamie since production on The Inquisitors began over five years ago. An old friend of Jamie's, she started working with them as a production assistant on the show and became fast friends with them both. When they discovered that Claire was pregnant the first time, and needed to hide things from the general public, she quit her job to help them. She'd been their friend and nanny for them ever since.
She smiled at Claire and squeezed her arm gently. “Don't worry, Claire. He's probably caught in traffic because of the storm. He'll be here.” Myra assured her firmly. She drew a deep breath. Lord, she hoped so. For the storm was getting worse. “He'll be here. He's never let you down, Claire. Never.”
Claire sighed, smiled back at her friend. One of the best things about Claire Fraser was her smile and infectious laugh. She nodded. “Yes  you're right. He never has.” It was true. Since the moment she'd met Jamie, he’d he’d always supported her. In anything and everything she wanted to do, even when he didn't always agree. Always. She looked over at the tree that together she, Myra and Terry had put up the day before. She chuckled, with a little help from Mary Kate, that was. Terry, while rather awkward with her sometimes and always had been, was great with her children. Which was remarkable considering all the things they were involved in.
“Does the tree look ok, Myra?” Claire asked, looking worried.
Myra nodded. “It's fine. Jamie will be here soon. Don't fret, though I know you will. Until he walks through that door.” She yawned. “It's late, and I am beat. It's been a hard two weeks, and you need to be alone when he walks in. I am going to bed.” Myra added, heading for the guest room. For the night she would stay with the children in the Fraser's guest room.
“I suppose you are right on that. Good night and thanks again for all you've done for us. Merry Christmas, Myra.”
Myra smiled. “I would do it all again if I had to. Merry Christmas, Claire.”
At 12:30 am, James Fraser stepped out of the taxi, his carry on bag over his shoulder. He reached out and paid the cabbie, then picked up his suitcase and headed up the stairs to the flat he shared with Claire. He smiled at the thought of seeing her and being home again. It had been a long six weeks and the separation from his wife and children was getting to him. He'd missed them terribly. His life was so crazy, yet he had so much. Claire was his wife and so much more. Friend, best friend, lover and co star. The mother of his children in a life they'd been forced to hide. It was making him angry having to live this lie, this farce of a narrative being force fed to the general public. He wanted out, to tell the truth, but Claire, was terrified. Of the Network. The public and the fans who fed on the Robert Johnson fantasy. He understood, but his patience was wearing thin. Soon, he promised himself. Soon.
Standing outside the door of their home, he punched in the key code. Opening the door, he set his bags by the door. Closing it behind him, he first saw the Christmas Tree, shimmering with its lights, and all the shining gold, red, silver and green balls. He smiled. He loved this time of year and loved the decorations and trees and cats, and, --- he stopped and suddenly stared. Claire, his wife, was sound asleep on their sofa. The sofa was huge, and soft and the bright red gown his wife wore a huge contrast to the white of the sofa. Tall for a woman, she looked small engulfed as she was in the huge sofa.
Removing his overcoat, wet from the elements, he came over and knelt beside her. God, she is so incredibly beautiful. With her dark hair, now trimmed short because of toddler sticky fingers mostly, and her long legs. Oh, those legs that made a man just want to ---. The red teddy and gown she wore made her skin and complexion all the more attractive and compelling to him. God, he loved this woman. He saw her look up at him, a soft smile on her face.
“You're here,” she murmured softly. “God, you had me worried.”
Jamie smiled and bending down, gently pulled her into his arms. He kissed her, first her mouth, softly, then her eyes, throat and back to her mouth. He groaned when she deepened the kiss, sticking her tongue into his mouth. He answered back with his own, mingling with hers. He pulled back with a grunt of frustrated desire and longing. “God. Claire, stop that if you don't want to be ravished here and now. It's been too long woman. God, babe, it felt like forever.” Jamie groaned, muttering his words against her throat.
Claire held him close against her breasts and took a deep breath  trying to rein in her own longing for her husband. It was so hard, pretending. To the point where at times, she just couldn't stand it. She'd almost explode and Jamie would somehow find a way to bail her out of the mess she'd get herself into. Usually with her mouth. “I know. I've missed you, too. Desperately. But, in front of a Christmas Tree, with both children and Myra in the guest room, perhaps it's not the best place at the moment. True.” Claire agreed.
Jamie nodded and lifted Claire up on a whim and stood with her with one arm wrapped around her , and his cell phone in the other. He deliberately pulled them so their reflection shone in the window to the right of the tree. Holding Claire even tighter against him so she couldn't move, he began filming the tree with his iPhone.
“James Fraser, what do you think you are doing?” Claire asked, glaring at him and trying to unsuccessfully push herself away from him. “Stop that!” she growled. “People if they see that, will see our reflection on that window surface. Stop it! Stop filming now!!!”
Jamie merely laughed, stopped filming and started tapping on his phone, stepping away from Claire.
She crossed her arms in front of him, and stared at him, frowning still. “Now, what are you doing?” she asked. And then realizing exactly what he was doing, -- “Jamie,” she began, “You have to stop this,” she implored, realizing he was posting a clip of it to his IG story. She shook her head and looked at him with sheer disbelief – those bloggers on Tumblr, would have that clip posted, and screenshots of it, and the reflections of them pointed out on their blogs! They were relentless in their attempts at proving that she and Jamie were a couple. Grrrr. “They will know, Jamie! They will see us there, Jamie.”
He nodded, and smiled and bent down and kissed her. “Yup, that they will babe. That they will.” He agreed. “I did it on purpose.”
“Well, it's been quiet. And I know you've been pushing the narrative a little bit. And they resent that, thinking it targets them. And, they are reacting to the show,” he added.
Claire frowned. “Well, there was a reason for that!” she retorted. “I was only pregnant for like what felt like forever,” she replied, “I couldn't exactly show my pregnant belly, now could I?”
Jamie pulled her close and held her to him. “No, I know that. But most of them don't, babe.”
Claire put her arms around his neck as they gazed at the tree and looked out into the stormy night. “Yes. I was so afraid you wouldn't get here,” she murmured. “You like the tree? Myra and I did it yesterday with Terry's help. Your daughter helped too.”
“I will always come back to you, Claire. It's beautiful, the tree. I love it.” Jamie said, He pulled her closer against his side as they gazed out into the storm.”And, I love you. Merry Christmas, Claire.”
Claire felt her eyes moisten as she looked up into Jamie’s blue eyes. She nodded. “I love you, too. So very much. Merry Christmas. And the clip?” she asked.
He smiled. “Just to give them something for Christmas. Where is everyone?”
“Terry is down the hall  in his flat. Myra is in the guest room. With our children.”
“So, I've got you all to myself, then?”
Claire nodded. “Yup. And what are you going to do about that?”
Jamie's response was to lift his wife up and hold her high against him in his arms. He began purposefully walking to their bedroom. “We, are tired, wife. We are going to bed.” He added.
Claire giggled. “To bed, or to sleep?” she asked.
“Hmmm, that's for me to know, wife. And you to find out.” Jamie responded as he dumped her unceremoniously onto their king bed. He fell down on top of her, and started kissing her. Everywhere. “For you to find out.”
Claire didn't try to conceal her moan of pleasure. “Well, all right then. “ was her last conscious reply.
Part Six
The Inquisitors  - Oscars After party edition
Jamie impatiently pushed Claire into their hotel suite and slammed the door behind them.  Bursting with unfulfilled desire, he pulled her to him and kissed her, his mouth feasting on hers.
Claire inched back breathless and smiled at her husband. She placed a hand on his cheek, patting it gently. “Easy there, cowboy. I know you're impatient and all, but I don't want you tearing this gown.”
Jamie grunted in frustration and quickly made short work of his shoes and his,  throwing his jacket on the chair all in the same motion. Groaning, he sank down on his knees and reached out and started planting soft little kisses on each of the hearts on her gown. He looked up at Claire and grinned. “God, but you are stunning in this, Claire. Was all I could do to keep from devouring you on the spot on that floor. Right then and there. God, staying away from you like that – hardest thing I've had ro do, babe.” He murmured softly, his lips pressing against the largest heart at the back of the gown.
She turned around to face him, and pulled him up to face her. She smiled, the tears welling up in her eyes. She nodded. “I know,” she replied, “the hardest thing for me too. And to pretend all of the rest. It kills me. It truly does. But we do what we have to do, Jamie. Together.”
Pulling her close, Jamie bent down and kissed her tenderly. “I know, babe. Me, too.” He reached up and undid the clasp that held the gown in place and started easing down the zipper in the back. “But right now, I want you out of it love. I want to feel your skin against mine.” He murmured.
She smiled and stepped out of the gown and stood proudly in just her lace panties. She shook her head sadly. “You know we can't,” she began, “the doctor advised not for another week.”
He looked down at his wife and lightly cupped a full breast. This was the breasts that both he and his children feasted on. They'd grown so much since he first met Claire on the set auditions for The Inquisitors. God, but he loved this woman, tall with her dark brown hair, almost auburn and her steel blue eyes that were so full of love for him. Jamie nodded and kissed her again. Pulling her close, he started easing them backwards to the king size bed. “I know. I know. Just to hold you with your skin for the moment is enough. I love you, Claire.” He confessed.
Claire shivered with the depth of the emotion and love she felt for this big red headed, blue eyed stubborn Scot. She began divesting him of his shirt and pants until he stood there before her, as naked as she. She smiled. The best thing about Claire Fraser was her stunning smile and infectious laugh. “I love you, too. So much I ache with it. And our family. In spite of it all. The hiding and the fake. I'd do it again, in a heartbeat.”
Jamie eased her onto the large bed and pulled her into his arms, feeling the warmth of her against him. Skin to skin. He pulled the coverlet over them and held her. “So would I, Claire. So would I.” Tomorrow they'd go back to their own world and to their own safe haven. They and their family. They would start filming the new Season for The Inquisitors. Life would go on for Jamie and Claire Fraser. To the world they were just co stars and friends Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp. To them, they were husband and wife and parents to their children. Indeed life goes on. All the world's a circle and certainly as such for the Frasers.
Part Seven
Jamie came into the room and found Claire pacing the room, furiously moving back and forth at the foot of the huge king size bed they shared in their Dublin flat. She was holding her smart phone and muttering under her breath.
He came over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, stopping her determined pace over the area rug. “Babe,  what’s wrong?” Jamie took a deep breath. “Is it, is it Michael?” he asked suddenly, referring to their 8 month old son.
Claire put a reassuring hand on Jamie's arm and shook her head. “No. He's fine. He’s with Uncle Terry and your mum. He’s fine. He’s had his bottle and down for the night. Just fine.”
Jamie nodded. “And Mary Kate?” he asked. He shook his head in wonder. His daughter was now almost three. Amazing how his wife and himself were co stars in a hit tv show The Inquisitors for the last five years now. And were married for the last four. And had children. And were hiding it from the general public.
Claire reached up and caressed her husband's cheek. Loving the feel of new whisker growth there, she smiled. “She's with Myra tonight in the adjoining apartment. Sound asleep when I checked on them an hour ago.” She murmured.
Jamie bent down and gently kissed her, pulling her body into his. “Then, what had you pacing that way? Looked like you were ready to put a hole in the rug.”
Claire held up her cell phone impatiently. “I got reading some of those blogs again. And some of the Facebook group stuff. I don’t know what is worse. The ones who drool and lust after you, or the ones who have determined to believe that I was pregnant!” She hmmphed.
Jamie smirked at her expression and pulled her closer. He shook his head. “But, sassenach. You were pregnant. Twice. And the production company and the Network didn't take kindly to it, the second time, remember? And demanded all the extra stuff we are involved with now. And had to use camera angles and such to hide your pregnancy babe. For most of this latest Season.”
Claire scowled at him. “Yes, I know. But to listen to the growling on one side. And the other making a case for the two pregnancies. And, to make it all worse, we have all these foolish women on Facebook lusting after my husband!” she retorted. “And to maintain the level of the other side lines, especially the engagement,  well, it gets hard. I’m not like that, Jamie. I’m not.” She sniffed.
He bent down and kissed her again, his lips lingering on hers. “I know you’re not, babe. But, the general public thinks it is all real. The majority of them don’t really think we are together, let alone married with two children.” He placed his hand in hers and held it against his cheek. “They believe you are engaged,  to Terry. Or at least they all assume it's Terry.”
She nodded. “I know. But, with the second pregnancy,  our PR teams and the Network and The Inquisitors production cast wanted the added push to the general public. That we are not together, and are just co-stars and friends. Hence, the engagement was born.” Claire mused.
Jamie sighed. “Except they wanted it on me, babe. They were happy with the Claire – Terry boyfriend thing.”
“Yes. Except what the Network does not realize is that he’s been security for us, under the guise of a bf – escort all this time. And when they wanted an engagement for you, I said, no way. You were looking green around the gills as it was with Tracy as your gf. I wasn't about to allow them to put you into an engagement with that piece of trash.”
Jamie glared at her. “Claire, cut the criticism of her. She was paid to do a role. As required. Stop being so critical of the woman. You certainly cannot say this fake engagement has been pretty. With all the merger takeover rumors involving the Network,  it's been ugly at the top level. You know that.”
Claire tucked herself in against Jamie, and shivered. “I know. I know. The pregnancy made it worse too. Especially when I was sick most of the time. Keeping extremely fit helped, but it didn't stop it completely. It was so hard, filming sometimes---"
Jamie tightened his arms around his wife of four years. “I know, babe. I know. But, it's over now. And with both companies about to change hands in the new year,  things will change for us. We can, … tell the truth, if we want to,” he said softly.
She shuddered at the thought. As much as she wanted the truth out there, at the same time she was absolutely terrified of the women who lusted after Jamie. They saw him as the next best thing to Robert Johnson and drooled over Jamie Fraser because of it. “I know,” she returned, sighing. “But---, a part of me still, is so terrified Jamie. Of telling the truth. Admitting that we’ve lied. That we are together and are married, with two young children. I'm terrified. And when the Network and the Production company change hands,  and we follow through with the charges and the lawsuits---" Claire continued, shivering. “It's going to get even uglier than now, Jamie.”
“Hey, shhhhh. Shhhhh. It will be ok, babe. I got your back on this. Lean on me. I am your rock, and your anchor. I love you. We can get through anything. We got through this far. Trust in me. Trust in us, what we have. Together.” Jamie assured her, pulling her tight against him.
Claire nodded and put her own arms around her husband,  holding him tightly. She burrowed against him. “I know. I know. I love you too. Together.”
They stood there in the middle of the room, just holding the other until it was well past midnight. Looking down at his sleepy wife still in his arms he carried her over and gently laid her on their bed. Pulling off her outer clothing, he tucked her into the covers. Quickly pulling off his own clothing,  he climbed in beside her and just held onto her while she slept in his arms. Giving in to his own fatigue, he finally closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift off into sleep.
Tomorrow would be a new day. Like always,  they would face it together.
Part Eight
Jamie Fraser yawned and stretched as he stepped back into the Dublin flat he shared with his wife, Claire Beauchamp Fraser.
He sighed with a pang of regret. If only they could tell the world, for if he had his way, he’d shout it to the rooftops. But Claire still was terrified of what their crazy fans, particularly his crazy fans would do if they discovered that the actor playing their heartthrob detective Robert Morrison was actually married to his co star, played by Claire Beauchamp.
And the Network and Production company for the hit show The Inquisitors wanted their personal lives and their real life relationship buried still from the general public.
They’d just started the sixth season of the show. Filming should last another 6 months and after that, with their contracts expired with the Network, would be free to tell the world if they chose.
Stepping into the huge kitchen dining area that he and Claire both shared in their off hours, he found Myra busily working along with his mother Ellen preparing their Christmas turkey and vegetables. Murtagh and Terry would be coming for dinner along with his older brother Willie and his new wife Consuela. Of Portuguese descent, she and Willie had a huge villa in Portugal.
Jamie and Claire and their young children had spent a good part of the summer there during the hiatus from the show. Mary Kate was now just over three and half, while Michael had just turned one. Their new infant boy was barely eight weeks old. He’d been the reason for their latest ugly chapter in their ongoing narrative with the general public. Terry and Claire were now officially “married,” at least in the eyes of the public.
Many fans were furious and turned away from the show and Jamie and Claire as a consequence while others believed he was gay. There were still a few stubborn people who didn’t buy any of it. They were the most annoying because they weren’t believing any of it, and worse, they were succeeding in swaying some new fans. It was ugly at the maximum.
Turning his attention to Myra, he smiled and tried to put the ugly things out of his mind, at least for today. When they were on their own, everything was ok, but when the PR stepped up and the narrative was ramped up because of it, it was hard to deal with. Pushing those things aside, he looked around the busy kitchen, he stooped and kissed his mum on the cheek. “Where is everybody?” he asked.
Ellen Fraser, a small woman in her sixties, now widowed, smiled at her son as steadily chopped up onions, garlic, carrots and peppers to roast for their dinner later. Your daughter and son are down still for a nap. They’ve yet to waken, Thank God.” She replied. “Claire was up early when you left for your run this morning. We sent her back to rest. It’s only been 8 weeks since she had Alex. Between the two infants in her life and studying TV scripts, poor girl was tired out.”
Jamie nodded. “Yes, she’s burning the candle at both ends right now. This marriage stuff with Terry doesn’t help.” He sighed. “Can I help?” he asked tiredly.
Ellen shook her head. “No, we’ve got it under control. Dinner should be in another two hours. Turkey has been in since you left this morning at 6 am. Go see to your wife.” Ellen scolded him. “But take a shower first. You reek, son.”
Jamie nodded and padded to the bedroom he shared with Claire. The flat was huge. An open concept with a huge kitchen and dining area. A large master bedroom and two smaller bedrooms. Their daughter had one of them that she shared with Myra or his mother as needed. The second one was setup as a nursery for Michael and now baby Alex though the baby was in his bassinet in their room most of the time. As needed Terry stayed with Michael some of the time as did his mum or Myra. There were two smaller bachelor flats that either Myra or Terry or his mum stayed in as required. The whole arrangement made for interesting travel sometimes, but with the help of Claire’s parents, who were in England, they got it done. And still held the narrative.
Stepping into his bedroom that he shared with Claire, he yawned but gazed fondly at his sleeping wife. She was curled up on their king bed, the huge comforter wrapped around her lithe body, with Alex cuddled up against Claire’s bare chest, sound asleep. Jamie felt his eyes mist. Heavens, this, this is what makes all this foolish fantasy fairytale they projected to the general public, so worth it. If he had to, to have his wife, his daughter, son and now his infant son in his life, in this way – well, he’d do it all over again. Tiptoeing away from them quietly, he stepped into the huge shower and let the warm spray of water from the jets soothe his tired and aching muscles. At nearly 40, his body, despite his determined regimen for fitness  and exercise, he was plagued by nagging injuries. His determination to do most of his own stunts on the show hadn’t helped. But, like his wife, with the steady narrative of her marriage to Terry, she soldiered on and so would he. Stepping out of the shower, he dried himself and slipped into warm, fuzzy sweatpants and a t shirt.
Walking around the bed, he slipped into the huge comforter, and curled his big body around Claire, spoon fashion, her back against his front.
Claire smiled to herself as she felt Jamie’s warmth behind her as he curved his big body against hers. He thought she was sleeping still, but her body was tuned to his so well in all the years since their marriage. She could sense every movement and sound he’d made. She reached over and gently set her infant son into the baby carrier next to the bed. At night, it was easier than the bassinet when Alex needed breastfeeding. She turned back and facing Jamie, reached up and kissed him gently on the lips.
Jamie opened one eye, and then the other. “I thought you were asleep, woman,” he growled. He reached out and cupped a warm, soft buttock. Jamie Fraser  was definitely an ass man.
Claire smiled and nodded. “I was, but I heard you come in. I always can sense your presence. You know that.” She murmured softly.
Jamie nodded in agreement. “True that. You’ve been connected to me since the first time we met, I think. Me also.” He bent and softly kissed the warm swell of the upper part of her breast, deliberately avoiding the sensitive and tender nipple.
She held his head against her in response. “Yes. That is so true, Jamie. In spite of the ugliness we face in our lives. You, our marriage, our family and our children and friends make it all worth it.” She replied, feeling tears well up in her eyes.
Jamie felt the dampness of her cheeks, though he wasn’t sure if it was just hers for his own eyes misted with raw emotion. “I know. And now the whole world thinks you’ve married Terry, love.”
Claire pulled back, looking up at her husband with eyes filled with emotion. She laid a hand against his cheek. “I know. Little do they know, we actually renewed our own vows, and validated them with the Catholic Church at the same time so our marriage and children are recognized in Scotland and Ireland. When I say,  ‘my husband,’ I actually mean you, my love.” She returned. “And can actually wear my own wedding rings as well.” She added.
Jamie his own eyes mist up a second time. “I know. And this time, when the Season 6 filming ends for the show, our contracts will be ended. We can tell the world, if we so choose, Sassenach.” He told her.
Claire nodded. “I know. I fear their reaction, still.” She said, hesitating. “But, I would do it all again, Jamie Fraser.” She confessed.
Jamie smirked. “So would I, ahhh, wife,” … “So would I.”
Claire smiled to herself as she felt Jamie nod off in a doze. So would she, she thought. Do it all again. But for now, the cycle would go on, play the narrative and push back as needed with bits of reveal breadcrumbs now and then. They’d been using Consuela recently, to advance the pushback for them. Certain groups would pay attention, as they always did. But for now, life for The Frasers continued on. Another Christmas and a new infant son. And Terry, Myra and her friends and parents would help. Still, Claire wondered what the reaction will be, among the groups, once the time comes when Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp admit to being a couple all these years. Hmmm, interesting indeed.
Part Nine
Inspired by recent posts of certain Hawaiian vacations and outdoor showers!
The Inquisitors – Hawaiian Vacation – The Uber Driver
Claire threw her purse onto the bedside table and glared at Jamie furiously.
“James Alexander Malcolm McKenzie Fraser! How could you be so dumb and stupid?” she fumed. “It’s one thing to leave your wallet and id with me to hold onto while you went on your hike up the mountain. Bad enough for me to keep your id and mine with me, while strolling through the shops with Myra and the kids until we could meet later at the beach bar where you were hiking in Oahu. That was bad enough, but to deliberately get yourself lost and off course while you stupidly wander into a Military station? Oh, that is too much, Jamie.” She continued impatiently, “Too much. And get yourself sunburned in the process. What am I to do with you? You always get in these messes. Always. And now, because of it, a military base knows our identities and our location. Great. Just bloody well, JHRC!”
Jamie quickly emptied his own pockets and laid them on the desk. He looked down at the floor, then looked up at his wife, giving her his best thousand watt smile. “I know, babe. I messed up. But I can get us out of it.” He told her, easing her into his arms. “I promise.” He murmured softly. He touched his lips to hers, gently chewing on her lower lip in the way that drove her wild. He bent his head and lightly rubbed his whiskered chin against the delicate softness of her throat. “Trust me, Claire.” He said. “I can handle it.” He assured her.
She pulled back slightly, enough to stare deeply into his eyes. She shook her head in disbelief. “How are you going to hide the fact you had to call me to come to the that military station on Oahu with that Uber driver your new military buddies trusted to bring myself and your id to them, so we could get you off that bloody base? And just how do you plan to stop that fool driver from spilling his guts to the next reporter that he’s just met Claire Beauchamp and James Fraser on the island of Oahu when they are supposed to be miles away from each other? And how he knows that they are in fact a married couple, and she is not engaged to someone else?”
Jamie just smiled in response and kissed her. “Trust me, Claire.” He replied, pulling out his iPhone. He started tapping on the screen.
Claire shook her head as she sat beside him on the sofa, watching him prepare the IG post. “But, you can’t post that now, in real time.” She protested.
“No, of course not.” He said. “We wait a few days and then post. And we’ll get a few of my friends to like it and comment.” Jamie smirked. He put a hand to his wife’s cheek, rubbing it gently. “And, then my wifey will answer back on, say, on Twitter, with a crop of my pic, and say something snarky. The fans will love it.” Jamie grinned. “And, we can distract them with some other banter like the soccer game coming up, love.” He told her, reaching out to fondle a breast. He grinned, “It’ll be great.” Jamie pulled himself up suddenly, taking Claire with him and headed outside to the garden terrace just outside their hotel suite.
Claire fidgeted for a moment, trying to stop his hands as he tried to remove her halter and shorts. “And, just what do you think you are doing?” she suddenly asked, pretending to glare at him.
Still grinning at his wife, he finished removing her clothing and his. He pulled her against him for a moment, reveling in the quiet bliss of feeling the warmth of her body against his own. He bent his head and rubbed his chin against her throat, enjoying how her breathing became ragged in response. He pushed them into the outdoor shower. He quickly turned on the jets, abruptly sending cold water down on them both. He laughed at the sound of her shriek from the shock of the water. “What’s the matter, love? Don’t like the cold? It’s good for you, after all, babe.” He informed her. He reached out and adjusted the controls until the water streaming down was warmer. He reached out and laid a caressing hand on her neck, her breast and finally resting on the curve of her hip. “Better?” he asked finally.
Claire nodded and reached out to stroke him, her hand sliding up and down his shaft, in a firm grip. “Yes, thank you. It’s very, relaxing, don’t you think?”
Jamie groaned in response, as Claire continued to stroke and caress him, the water teeming down on them both. He tried to push her off him. He shook his head. “But, babe, you can’t – we can’t – that is – the doctor said not for another couple of weeks,” he began, groaning in response to her relentless stroking on his member.
Claire sighed, and dropped to her knees. She looked up at him and smiled. “I know. But that doesn’t mean you can’t, that I can’t take care of you.” She replied, as she slowly started to take him into her mouth.
“But, Claire, I, uhhh, —“ he started, groaning at her determined mindset at giving him pleasure. Dear Lord, but he loved this woman. “But, —”
Claire shook her head, and uttered, “Shhh–“ as she took him deeper into her mouth, while stroking him with expert hands.
Jamie howled, his body shaking with pleasure in response to his wife’s continued assault.
Oh Lord, he thought. He should get lost on military bases and get sunburnt more often.
14 notes · View notes
minny5ca2018 · 2 years
Outlander fanfiction... we'll see where this goes...
We'll see where this goes, another couple are talking to me. Using Jamie and Claire as the subject...
Love beyond the test of time.
Part two link:
Claire wiggled and squirmed as Jamie continued to pump and grind his hips frantically against the cradle of hers. She wrapped her legs tighter around his taut buttocks and dug her nails into his back. Feeling her body clench as she approached the pinnacle, she lifted her hips up to meet his in her attempt to climax in his arms for the second time this afternoon. “Jamie, dear God, Jamie, now!” She squealed as she felt herself shatter into a thousand pieces.
Jamie merely chuckled and bent his head down to kiss her after he’d just emptied himself into her. Feeling sated and relaxed, he eased them until she was laying beside him, her lithe body curled into his.
Claire sighed and rested her head against his chest. “We have to stop this, Jamie. This ends now.” She murmured as she lightly caressed his lower back and hip. “I can’t keep doing this.”
Jamie shook his head and pulled her closer. “That’s what you told me eleven years ago, too. And we kept on then. We’ve stayed together, in spite of things. In spite of all the obstacles and negative press.” He replied. “We’re still together and still seeing each other. Two babies later, we still spend time together.”
Claire sat up abruptly and lifted herself up off the bed and went into the bathroom. She sighed and gazed at herself, naked into the body length mirror. At thirty eight, she looked good, or so she thought. She was tall at almost six feet with long strawberry blonde hair and big blue eyes. As an actress and model, her eyes were her best feature. And her smile, she told herself. Sighing, she quickly wiped her face with a damp face cloth and slipped into her dressing robe.
Jamie looked up at her with concern as he saw her come back down onto the bed beside him. He watched her gratefully accept the flute of sparkling cider he’d poured for her. “Are ye all right, Claire?” he asked her. He’d met her on a TV production over ten years ago now. They’d been cast as the two main leads on a period drama and they’d somehow fallen for each other even though at that time, he publicly was with someone else. But, when she’d come to the audition and he’d read with her, he couldn’t help it. He’d fallen madly in love with her. And her, him. They had spent so much time together, both on set and off set when he’d helped her with her lines, it was inevitable, he supposed. He had fallen in love with Claire Beauchamp.
She took a sip of the cider and nodded. “I am fine. I just get emotional on the times that we are together. I travel and do other work related things. Then go home and spend time with my children. All of that distracts me from all of this.” She whispered. She waved her hand. “From us.”
Jamie reached over and pulled her into his lap. He rubbed his dark whiskered beard against the soft skin of her neck and throat. He gently suckled on an ear lobe. “And, is there an “us" still?”
She smiled and put her arms around his neck. She caressed his dark beard and looked at his deep blue eyes. “Of course.” She breathed softly “Have you seen me with other men very often? Or with people other than my mother or my siblings? No? Well, that is your answer. I am with you. I love you. Always have. Even when I shouldn’t have, or wanted to.” She replied.
He nodded and pulled her closer. He took a deep breath. He was going to approach this again. He wondered what her reaction would be this time. He sighed. “And your children are mine.”
Claire scowled at him. “Well, of course they are. In spite of the rumors, I have only been with you. Ever.” She fumed. “My daughters both look exactly like you. It’s a good thing there are a lot of men with dark hair and deep blue eyes.” She teased him.
Jamie grinned and bent and kissed her, hard on the mouth. “Yes, but not ones who have the same birthmark that your daughters have.” He boasted proudly.
“No, and given where they are located, they’re not going to find out.” she retorted.
He nodded. He began rubbing his hands up and down the curve of her back. “You do know that my situation has changed.”
Claire looked at him, puzzled. “ What do you mean?”
He sighed. “Laoghaire and I are no longer publicly together. We’ve officially parted, Claire.”
Claire shivered. “And how does that change us? We’ve seen each other since this began eleven years ago. But we’ve always kept it quiet and never told anyone we were together, or were a couple. “
He nodded. “I know. We’d decided that based on my public relationship with Laoghaire and because you were just starting to get your own acting career going.” He returned.
Claire sniffed. “I know. And then we weren’t careful one night and I ended up pregnant, for real. All the babies that my character was having must have rubbed off on me.” She murmured. “And it all fell apart.”
Jamie smiled at her softly, bending down to kiss her lips. “I know. It made for an emotional time. You were a bundle of nerves.”
She pressed her face into his chest and held him tightly. “I couldn’t handle it. It was all too much. The intense shooting schedule, and hiding the identity of your boyfriend and then an unexpected pregnancy on top of it all. I shattered. I snapped.” She confessed. “I had to get out of there. I ran back to my mother and left it all adrift including you at that moment.”
Jamie held her closer and nodded. “I know. You tried to push me away.” He murmured. “I wouldn’t let you.” He'd ran back after her, just after she'd given birth to their little girl. They'd been unofficially together ever since.
Claire kissed the hair on his chest. ”I remember. You had every right to do what you did. She was your child too.” She replied. “We’ve stayed together through all this time. Kept it all quiet. I’ve dodged a lot of questions about why I am single and have two daughters. But, I have held my ground and not told a soul who I have been with all this time.”
“Yes, we have stayed together. Not together constantly because of our own schedules. But, we’re together when we can be. Like now. Like I said though, Claire, it’s changed. I want more. Laoghaire and I have not been together as a couple for years. Not since I started up with you. We’ve not been together publicly in over five years. We, were never actually married, Claire. I don’t know if I ever said that to you.”
Claire stared at him intently. “No. No. You never have.” She responded. “So, it was all just duty and obligations then. You were never married.”
He nodded. “Yes. You know me and my feelings for having an obligation to someone.” He replied.
Claire swallowed deeply. “And your children with her?”
“They actually belong to her real partner. But, he was married until five years ago when his wife died.” Jamie explained.
Claire shook her head in disbelief.
 “You mean, all this time. The pain and heartache that I have been through and you weren’t even married to her? That her children are not yours, James Fraser? All this time you’ve been with me. Two children by you and I practically had a nervous breakdown at the time and left a successful series because of all the trauma and found myself replaced and later in court with them over salary differences and you were not even married to her!!! JHRC!” Claire tore herself from him in a fit of anger. They’d had their share of fights before and this one was going to be a doozy.
Jamie nodded apologetically. “Yea, it’s true. But still, you have to realize that publicly at least, we were a couple  - partners. And we were in the throngs of a very powerful and public TV drama. In a country where image and that sort of thing could make or break you. At the time she needed someone and I wasn’t with anyone and never expected to be. Her boyfriend was my best friend. I had to help them.” He explained. He sighed and smiled at her. “But then I met you, and like my character with your character, I fell in love, Claire.” He breathed. He pulled her back down against him and began stroking her beautiful features. “I fell in love along with him. With my leading lady. With my co star. Eleven years later, I still love you. I want to marry you, Claire. Marry me. Be my wife.”
Claire looked up at him stunned. She felt her eyes start to moisten. “M-marry you?” she stammered.
Jamie nodded, smiling at the woman he’d met over ten years ago. “Yes. I want you to marry me.”
Claire shivered. “But your world is here in this country, Austria. Mine is in Germany. We continue as we are? Or? We tell people?”
Jamie grinned. He pulled her closer. “We tell the world, Claire. We tell all. As for where we live, we can live wherever you’re most comfortable, Claire. But, marry me.” He urged her.
Claire sighed. “I – I don’t know, I “ she replied, hesitating. “I will have to think about it.”
He nodded and pulled her closer.
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16 notes · View notes
minny5ca2018 · 2 years
Outlander fanfiction Lady In The Bottle kindle format
Kindle format Outlander Lady In The Bottle (.mobi)
Contains all 6 parts
6 notes · View notes
minny5ca2018 · 2 years
Outlander Fanfiction Lady In The Bottle Part 5
Part 5 ... Jamie didn't know what hit him
Link to the other parts after Part 5 ...
May 29 2022
Jamie shut the door to his flat and heaved a tired sigh of relief. Steve had brought him back from the deserted island and had set the helicopter down on a helipad closest to his flat in Glasgow. For the time being, he wanted to avoid the offices of the Globe. He had called Roald and he told him to take a few days to recover from his ordeal, so Jamie had taken a taxi directly from the helipad building to his flat. He threw his travel bag down onto his deacon seat in his foyer and headed for his shower, shedding clothing as he went.
He quickly turned on the jets of  the shower and stepped into the warm pressure of the spray. Oh, God, he thought. He shuddered at how close he’d come to checking out of this world forever. He rested his forehead against the shower wall and just let the jet action soothe his weary and aching muscles.
Claire, still inside her bottle, rolled it out of Jamie’s travel bag. She quickly materialized as herself into the living room. She looked around at the modern décor and smiled. She wandered through the kitchen, hallway and the bedrooms. Nice flat with lots of living space. She wondered where Jamie was. Hearing the sound of the shower, she smiled. She quickly smoked into the bathroom and stared at Jamie’s huge physique through the show door glass. She pondered, hmmm, should I or should I not? She giggled wickedly and blinked herself naked. She smirked. I should. She quickly smoked herself into the shower with him.
Jamie stiffened at the sudden feel of a slippery wet woman who was pressed up against him. “What the?” He turned quickly and glared at the sight of a naked dark haired woman who was kissing his chest and pressing herself into his body. Claire! He’d told her to stay put. He shook his head. Obviously she didn’t. “What are you doing here, Claire?”
Claire just giggled and shook her head. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard on the lips.
Jamie groaned in frustration and heated desire. “And just what am I going to do with you?”
Claire wrapped her arms and legs tightly around his body. “This,” she murmured. He couldn’t hide the fact of how much he wanted her. She continued to kiss and caress him.
Jamie groaned. “Oh, bloody hell, what am I gonna do with you?” he muttered. “Oh, to hell with it,” he grunted, pulling her closer.
 Contains links for 1, 2, 3 & 4
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minny5ca2018 · 2 years
Outlander Fanfiction Lady In The Bottle Part 6
Part 6 ... Claire has him and she's not letting go ...
Link to the other parts appear after Part 6
In a heated fury, they moved as one to the bed with Jamie on top of Claire. Claire wrapped her legs around him as he climaxed almost the very instant he was inside her. She held him as his body continued to pulse in the aftermath of his orgasm.
Jamie swore under his breath. “I am sorry, Claire. It’s, it’s been a long time for me, since I have been with a woman in that way.”
She nodded. “It is all right.” She murmured. “It’s all right. Been that long, huh? Thought you had a girlfriend?”
Jamie shook his head. “I haven’t touch her in that way. We’re just friends. She’s in no position, emotion wise to be with a man “ Jamie explained.
Claire nodded. “I can understand that. I’ve been pretty messed up myself.” She replied.
Jamie shook his head. “Anyone looking like you do, and you not having men all over you?”
Claire smiled. “Other than Frank, I haven’t been with anyone else in years. And with Frank, it’s been more like abuse than any real relationship.” She confessed.
Jamie stroked her hair gently. “I am sorry for that. Truly. But as for the other --- I can do better.” He began moving his hips against hers once again as he felt himself stiffening inside her. He shook his head. “Although I don’t know how I am going to explain you. Nobody’s going to believe it,” he murmured.
Claire grinned and began lifting her hips in response to his. He really was one huge hunk of male flesh. “You think not?”
Jamie shook his head. “Not a chance. And this kind of behavior cannot continue. I gave in because you’re gorgeous and I hadn’t been with a woman in a long time. But it can’t continue, Claire.” He told her.
Claire grinned. “Indeed?” she asked him, her nails digging in to his lower back. Hmmm, that’s what you think, Jamie. That’s what you think. He was the love of her life and she wasn’t ever letting him go.
 part 1 to part 5 ...
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2 notes · View notes
minny5ca2018 · 2 years
Ebook links fanfiction Jamie & Claire
Will test this out.
This is Kindle format ebook for Series End.
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minny5ca2018 · 3 years
Which Witch is Which part 4
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The story continues...
Samantha and Jeannie were in the living room giggling when Darrin came in that evening with Tony. Darrin gave Samantha a look. “What’s so funny ladies?” he asked them.
Samantha nodded and shook her head. “Nothing really, sweetheart. Just Jeannie and I having a good time. Why don’t you fix you and Tony a drink? Dinner should be ready in about a half hour.” She replied, reaching out to lightly kiss him.
Tony smiled at Jeannie and bent down to kiss her. “Yes, you two seem to be getting along,” he murmured when Samantha went to check on their dinner. He sat down on the sofa beside her.
Jeannie nodded and smiled. “Yes. We discovered a few things about each other today by accident.” She told him.
Tony gave her look. “Don’t tell me,” he began. “I thought you promised to behave, darling.” He said.
Jeannie shook her head. “No, it was not like that, Anthony. Something happened, a near accident on the street.” She explained. “To save a child, I had to act, Anthony. I had no choice. It was either do something or watch the child die.” She continued. She looked at Anthony. She put her hand on his knee. “But, Samantha acted to save the child at the same precise time. We both saw each other do it. And just like that, our secrets were out.” She explained.
Tony took a deep breath. “Wow. You said that she had a high level of magic.” He mused.
Jeannie nodded. “She is a witch. She told me that her and Darrin both are. We talked after. We both agreed to keep each other’s secrets. And that we should both tell you. I expect she is telling Darrin now.” She told him.
Tony nodded. He put his arm around her. “You told her that you are a genie.”
Jeannie nodded. “After we were both outed by what happened, we really had no choice.” She replied.
Tony grinned. He shook his head. “Indeed. Wow.” He murmured. He bent his head and kissed her.
She giggled and put her head on his shoulder.
Darrin and Samantha walked into the room and smiled at the Nelsons. Darrin looked at Jeannie. “I understand that you and my wife learned each other’s secrets today. Including mine.” He told her.
Jeannie nodded. “I am afraid so. We were both outed in order to save a child’s life.” She explained.
Darrin grinned. He looked at Tony. “So your wife is a genie.” He shook his head and laughed.
Tony smiled at him. “Yes. And yours is a witch. And so are you, apparently. You’ve been hiding that a long time.” He said, chuckling.
Darrin held Samantha against him and nodded. “Yup. Looks like we have each other’s secrets  to keep, eh?” he replied.
Tony nodded and held Jeannie closer against him. “Oh, indeed. Nobody else will believe us anyway. I guess that we’ve married women who are one in a million,” he added.
Darrin looked at them and nodded. He held Samantha even closer. He smiled.
Samantha looked at Tony and Jeannie as they all sat around the Stephens’s living room. “Darrin told me earlier that you may have a problem with either film, or photography if they want to use you for the NASA ad PR. Is there a reason for that?” Samantha asked them.
Tony looked at Jeannie and nodded. He looked back at Samantha and Darrin. “Yes. Since you both now know that my wife is a genie, you may as well know the truth. It’s because as a genie, for some reason, she can’t be photographed, or caught on film.” He replied.
Darrin nodded and thought about it a moment. He looked at Sam. “Hmmm, that is a problem, true enough. Sam, is there any kind of spell you can think of, to get around it?” He asked her.
Sam thought about it a moment. “Hmmm, there might be.” She looked at Jeannie. “No image of any kind?” She asked her.
Jeannie shook her head. “Sadly, no. There’s no spell that I am aware of, or incantation. At least from a  genie perspective.” She replied.
Samantha nodded. “Let me check with my mother. Be right back.” She told them. She suddenly popped out.
Endora looked at her daughter as she appeared before her on Cloud 9. “Well, you can pull yourself away from your guests long enough to visit your own mother, can you Samantha?”
Samantha shook her head. “It’s been mostly your fault because you chose to avoid my husband. And we have guests right now.” She explained.
Endora nodded. “I know. You’re entertaining that astronaut and his little genie wife. I’ve been watching you. I always watch over you, Samantha.” She replied.
Samantha nodded. “If you’ve been watching, then you knew our problem.”
Endora sighed. “You mean Darrin’s little problem in that the little genie cannot be filmed, or  photographed?” She countered.
Samantha nodded. “Yes.”
Endora shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve looked at their history. There were occasions where the girl was on camera, and was photographed successfully. And other times when she was filmed also. The solution is in the type of lens.” Endora explained. She quickly zapped up a special glass lens filter. She handed it to her daughter. “Have them try this. It should work. The girl is magic, and will only appear with a special lens filter attached.” She told her.
Samantha smiled and kissed her mother’s cheek. “Thank you, Mother.”
Endora chuckled. “No worries, daughter.” She replied, watching Samantha pop out.
Darrin looked at Samantha as she appeared once again in their living room. “Well? Any luck, Sam?” He asked her.
Samantha nodded and handed him the lens filter. “Mother said to try using this on the camera when you try filming her or photographing her. She said there’s something in the lens filter that should fix the issue.” She replied. She smiled at Jeannie. “She also said that there were occasions where you successfully appeared on film, or in a photograph.”
Jeannie looked at Tony and giggled. “She is correct. Honolulu that day, remember, and in the hotel in Hollywood.”
Tony grinned. “That’s true. I never thought about it before, but yes. That’s true.”
Darrin nodded. “I know a photographer that I trust. Why don’t I call him, and we can try it? If it doesn’t work, I trust him enough to keep quiet.” He suggested.
Tony nodded. He squeezed Jeannie’s hand, smiling at her. “Why not? Let’s try it.”
An hour and a half later, all four of them, were looking at Ryan’s stills. Darrin looked at Jeannie and smiled. Her image appeared in all the stills that had her in his original shot. “It worked.” He told her.
Jeannie nodded and nestled closer to Tony. “Yes. Oh, that is something to see. After all the trouble,” she began.
Tony smiled, looking down at the stills. “It sure is, darling. It sure is. What about film? With the same lens filter obviously?”
Darrin looked at Ryan. He was a photographer, but he knew that he had video equipment with him that he used sometimes.
Ryan nodded. “I have the camera with me. Let’s set it up and try it.” He replied.
An hour later they were watching film of them all in the Stephens’s living room. Jeannie appeared in the film. Darrin shook his head in wonder. “Look at that, Tony. That lens filter has solved your problem. We can film, and photograph you both as long as we use that filter.” Darrin told him.
Tony nodded and squeezed Jeannie’s hand. “Indeed. Well, the next step is to present all this to NASA, and see what they will say. Probably the best idea would be for you to come to Florida, and present it to them.” Tony suggested.
Darrin nodded. “It likely is a good idea, yes. Or maybe arrange a conference call first.” He suggested.
Tony smiled and nodded his head. “In the morning, why don’t we call General Schaeffer? And see what he says? And go from there.” Tony replied.
Darrin smiled. “Good. We’ll do that. We can work from my den here. A lot of the time I work from here.” He told him. He grinned at Samantha. He shook his head. “For once your mother had a helpful idea.” He said, pulling her close to him.
Samantha leaned back against him. “I told you. She’s not all bad. She will come around. Hopefully your parents will too.” She murmured.
Jeannie nodded gratefully. “Yes. It has been very difficult with me not appearing either on film or on a photograph. We are grateful.” She told Samantha, leaning her head on Tony’s shoulder.
Samantha smiled. “I can imagine. Well, for once we’ve got a solution.” She replied.
Darrin smiled at the Nelsons and his wife, later the next morning. Tony and Darrin had been on a long conference call with General Schaeffer and Dr. Bellows. NASA wanted Darrin to prepare a full presentation to present to them in person at the Air Force base in Cocoa Beach. They wanted him to include footage of Jeannie and Tony at home, as part of the presentation. Darrin smiled. It would mean going down there in a couple of weeks time, and he would take Sam with him. “This will work out very well I think, Tony. I can do most of the preliminary work from here, and we can do the camera work that we��ll need from your home, just before presenting it to your superiors. On behalf of McMahon and Tate, I will use Ryan for all of this. He will use the lens filter for it all, for both the still photographs and the filmwork on camera.” He told them.
All four were having coffee around the Stephens’s kitchen table. Tony reached over and squeezed Jeannie’s hand. He grinned. “Yes. It will be great. In two weeks, and you can stay with us.” Tony replied.
Jeannie nodded and smiled at Darrin and Samantha. “Yes, please, we would like that. I can hardly believe it. This is so awesome.” She murmured, looking over at Anthony.
Darrin grinned. “Indeed. Samantha and I will be there in two weeks time. I’m looking forward to seeing Cocoa Beach.” He replied.
Samantha grinned. “It will be fun. Hopefully NASA will be happy with the ad campaigns. Darrin is one of the best ad men for McMahon and Tate.” She added.
Jeannie and Tony smiled at them both. “Yes.” Tony agreed. “I am only sorry we’re leaving here tomorrow. It’s been fun being here with you two.” He added.
Jeannie nodded. “Yes. I am glad I met you both.” She told them. “I am sad to be leaving here, too.”
Samantha nodded. She smiled at her new friends. “Not good bye, just so long,” she murmured, “we’ll see you in two weeks.”
Samantha leaned against Darrin as they watched the plane that the Nelsons were on take off. She sighed. “They are good people, Darrin. Your friend Tony is a good guy. He sure loves that wife of his.”
Darrin pulled her closer. “I know. I noticed. The feeling is mutual, Sam. She adores him. She’s a good person, Jeannie is. Even if she is a genie. I’m going to miss them.” He replied.
Samantha nodded. “Yes, me too. Oh well, in two weeks, sweetheart. I can hardly wait!”
Endora looked over at Maurice, who’d just appeared before her on Cloud 9. “Well, Maurice, have you been observing our daughter, and her marriage? He’s already got her cooking and cleaning, and such. It’s utterly ridiculous and revolting!”
Maurice nodded, sitting down across from her. He zapped up a large martini. “Yes, I have been watching.” He fumed. “He’s even got her hanging around and making friends with a genie, of all things. Simply horrid. And you helped them.” He accused her.
Endora chuckled. “They caught me on a weak moment. Besides the problem wasn’t the girl, it was the lens filters. I observed them for a while, Maurice. The girl saved the child’s life at the same time that Samantha did. I decided that she wasn’t bad. So I helped her. Darrin Stiofanes isn’t bad, either. He’s just misguided on his priorities in life.” She replied.
Maurice scowled at Endora. “I hate it when you’re right.”
Orlando FL
Jeannie leaned her head back against her husband and smiled. They had just arrived in Orlando, and had just checked into their hotel suite. “Oh, Master. Am I really going to be in a small feature film with you?” She asked him dreamily.
Tony chuckled and pulled her closer. “Looks that way darling, in two weeks.” He whispered against her throat.
Jeannie gasped at the feel of him against her, feeling his hand as it crept lower still on her body. “Two weeks? What, what do we do in the mean time? We don’t have to be back in Cocoa Beach for another week---" she began.
Tony bent down and kissed her hard. He cupped her between her legs, easing two fingers inside her core. He chuckled as she yelped in response. “I’ll think of something.” He murmured softly.
Jeannie didn’t make a coherent sound for a long time.
Cocoa Beach FL
Tony watched nervously as Jeannie blinked their study into a guest bedroom with an ensuite bathroom. She was always going overboard sometimes, and made them look as if they lived beyond their means. And usually she’d do something, and Dr. Bellows would catch him in the act. She’d wreaked havoc from the beginning. He smiled. That was that special quality of hers that made him love her so much. He chuckled.
Jeannie turned around and looked at her husband. “Well? How does it look, Master? I tried making it look elegant and tasteful, but not extravagant.” She explained.
Tony smiled at the room. He walked into the bathroom. He nodded. “No, it looks good, Jeannie. Even a back staircase to the kitchen. Well done, darling.” He replied, kissing her. He glanced at his watch. “Hey, you need to change. We’ve got to be at the airport to pick them up.” He told her.
Jeannie nodded and quickly blinked herself out of her Arabian harem costume. She smiled. “I am ready.”
Tony nodded and took her hand. “Good, let’s go.” He replied.
Unbeknownst to the Nelsons, who hadn’t seen her, Jeannie ii stood there watching them as they left together. She giggled wickedly. “Guests, eh? For two weeks? Well, let’s just see what mayhem I can cause. My stupid sister and that Major of hers who doesn’t have eyes for anyone except her. Why, it’s just disgusting, dahhling.” She said to herself, laughing, as she blinked out.
Samantha hugged Jeannie warmly as she and Darrin met her and Tony at the Airport. She stepped back and smiled at them both. “Hey, it’s good to see you both.” She exclaimed.
Jeannie smiled and returned the hug and reached out to shake Darrin’s hand while Tony shook Samantha’s hand. “Yes. It is nice to see you again. How was your flight?” Jeannie asked Samantha while Tony walked along with Darrin.
Samantha sighed. “It was good. Pretty typical as most commercial flights are. The worst is when the flight ends up delayed or canceled.” Samantha said.
Jeannie nodded as both women got into the back of Anthony’s car, while the men loaded the Stephens’s luggage and got in the front. “What do you think of Florida? You will find it warmer here in Cocoa Beach compared to New York. Sunnier for one thing.” Jeannie told her, rattling on. Jeannie had worked hard to make sure the weather was sunny, and not rainy.
Samantha smiled. “Yes, it’s a lot warmer and sunnier, that’s for sure.” She replied. She couldn’t get over the difference in Jeannie. She’d really opened up to her once their secrets were out. She was a warm, caring person when she wasn’t nervous or wary about something.
Tony went over to the bar once they were inside his house again. He smiled at Darrin and Samantha as they stood there with Jeannie and him in their living room. They’d set their luggage down for the moment by the door. “May I offer you a drink? Darrin? Samantha?” He asked them. Jeannie didn’t drink much, and neither did he, but he knew that Darrin and Samantha did sometimes.
Darrin nodded. “Just scotch and soda on a bit of ice.” He replied.
Samantha shook her head. “Maybe later, I had a drink on the plane.” She returned.
Jeannie looked at Samantha. “Would you like to see the guest room? It’s just upstairs.” She told her.
Samantha nodded and looked at Darrin, motioning to their luggage. “Yes, please.” She replied.
Samantha looked around the room and walked into the ensuite bathroom. She smiled at Jeannie. “This is all very nice. Did you decorate this?” She asked her.
“Yes, actually she did.” Tony told her, coming up behind Jeannie and putting his arm around her. “She redid the entire house just before we got married. She looked at different décor magazines and picked out what she wanted. She’s very talented that way.” He murmured softly, kissing her ear.
Jeannie blushed. “Oh, Anthony.” She replied.
Darrin came in just behind Tony and looked around. “No, Jeannie. Tony’s right. You’ve done a great job here.” He told her.
Jeannie nodded and smiled at Samantha.
Samantha nodded and squeezed Jeannie’s hand.
Tony tightened his arm around Jeannie. “Maybe you should start dinner.” He suggested to her.
Jeannie nodded and turned to go back downstairs. “Yes, Anthony. What are your plans?” She asked him. “You are going to film us, Anthony?”
Tony nodded. “Tomorrow morning, I will take Darrin to meet my colleagues. I think maybe you intend to start filming the next day?” He asked, looking at Darrin.
Darrin nodded. “ I hope to have Ryan here by then, yes. He’s not flying in until tomorrow afternoon.” Darrin replied as the men  turned to go back downstairs.
Samantha sighed and smiled at Jeannie. “Care for the help with preparing dinner?” She asked Jeannie.
Jeannie nodded nervously. “You are sure you would not prefer to stay with the men in the living room?” she asked her as they went into the Nelson kitchen.
Samantha smiled and shook her head. “I am not the best at this myself, but I am more than willing to help.” Samantha offered.
Jeannie nodded, still looking nervous.
Samantha sighed. Suddenly, she had a thought. “Jeannie, you don’t usually cook your food exactly, do you?” She asked her.
Jeannie nodded. She giggled. “I usually blink cooked foods and either serve them or reheat them. Yes.” She admitted.
Samantha nodded and smiled at her. “That’s what I thought. Do you have food here? Like meat or vegetables for salads and such?”
Jeannie nodded. “Yes, though I usually take the ingredients and blink it into prepared food.” She explained. Jeannie was amazed at how easily she could talk to Samantha.
Samantha nodded. She sighed. Darrin would have a fit, but it wasn’t their house or their kitchen. She smiled at Jeannie. “Would you show me how you do all that? I’d like to watch.” Suddenly Samantha wanted to know if what she’d do was any different from witchcraft. Samantha found the woman fascinating.
Jeannie grinned and nodded. Quickly she turned around and thought about it. She folded her arms and blinked their main course, now warming on the stove. She blinked a roast lamb, now heating in the oven. She blinked their coffee, their dinner rolls and their dessert. She blinked up a vintage white wine to go with their meal. She blinked again and the dining room table was set for four adults. She turned to Samantha and smiled. “It is done.”
Samantha laughed. “Well done. That was something.” She told her. “Are you able to cook at all?” She asked her.
Jeannie shook her head. “I have tried, but I am not very good at it.” She confessed.
Samantha nodded. She smiled. “Shall we rejoin the men?”
Jeannie smiled. “Yes.”
Jeannie ii popped herself back to her original size after her sister and that woman left the kitchen. She’d been in the living room when all four of them came back to the house. She’d quickly miniaturized herself and stayed hid in the vase on the shelf, and then a coffee cup in the kitchen. She’d heard most of what her sister and the woman, Samantha had said to each other. So they were going to film here in a few days? Hmmm, she’d make sure she was here to thwart things. Maybe a little sabotage was in order. Maybe pretend to be her sister and chase after the husband. Darrin, her sister had called him. But, for tonight? She had a wicked thought. She quickly changed the wine bottle into a dark green color. She changed the white wine into red. She laughed. It will make my sister’s powers go beserk. Also, the woman clearly knew that her sister was a genie. Hmmm. She quickly miniaturized herself again and hid in the vase on the living room shelf. She wasn’t missing this for anything.
Darrin sat back and smiled at their hosts. “Jeannie, that was an absolutely amazing dinner. Don’t you think so, Samantha?”
Samantha smiled. “Oh, yes.” She agreed. “One thing we didn’t do. Jeannie, should we try the wine?” she asked her.
Jeannie nodded. “Yes.” She blinked and opened the bottle. She took the bottle and poured a glass for  Samantha and herself. She drank hers down quickly, not noticing the wine was red and not a white wine. She poured a second glass and drank it as well.
Tony saw the red wine in Samantha’s hand. He looked at Samantha. “ That was the wine in that bottle?” He asked her, pointing to the bottle in his wife’s hand.
Samantha, clearly puzzled, nodded her head. “Yes, why?”
Tony grabbed the bottle from Jeannie’s hand. He looked at her, a frightened look on his face. “Darling, that was red wine.”
Jeannie put her hand to her mouth. “Ohh,  Anthony!” she cried, alarmed.
Tony nodded and sat her down on the sofa.
Samantha stared at them both. “What’s going on?”
Jeannie giggled. “I usually do not drink. Particularly red wine. It can make my powers go out of control.” She explained. “Usually every time I hiccup.”
Samantha nodded, looking at her friend with concern.
Jeannie ii meanwhile, still miniaturized, and hidden in the vase, giggled. Oh, this was getting good.
Jeannie nodded and suddenly hiccups. An ostrich appeared in the room.
Samantha looked at Darrin.  She sighed. Oh Dear. She looked over at the Nelsons. “Is there something you can give her, Tony? Like water or coffee?” She asked him.
Tony nodded. “Maybe the coffee. But, there’s got to be someone else who has been, or who is here.” He told them.
Samantha shook her head. She poured coffee and handed it to Tony, who promptly tried to get Jeannie to drink it, but she wasn’t cooperating. “What do you mean, ‘Is there someone else here?’” She asked him.
Tony took a deep breath and kept trying to get Jeannie to drink the coffee.  
By now, Samantha was on the other side of Jeannie, trying to get her to drink it as well. She looked over at Tony, a questioning look on her face.
Tony sighed. “Because as a genie, she’d know enough not to consume red wine. It makes her powers go beserk. She’d know better.”
Samantha nodded and tried unsuccessfully to get Jeannie to drink the coffee. She was tipsy, and semi conscious. “The wine she blinked was a white wine.” Samantha told him.
Tony nodded. He gritted his teeth. “I knew it! Jeannie’s sister. She’s always been jealous of Jeannie’s relationship with me. She’s always been causing trouble. I’d bet she’s here.” He muttered.
Jeannie giggled. “Massther, where is my sister?” She asked him, hiccupping again. Suddenly Tony was sitting there in just his boxers.
“Jeannie!” He exclaimed and headed for their bedroom.
Darrin looked at Samantha and then looked at Jeannie and the sight of his friend heading to his bedroom. He grinned.
Jeannie ii meanwhile, still in the vase, was giggling hysterically. She covered her mouth.
Samantha suddenly stood up, an angry look on her face. She went over to the vase and frowned at Jeannie ii in her miniaturized form. She remembered Jeannie saying that she could miniaturize herself. She quickly twitched her nose, placing a lid securely on top of the vase. She laughed at the sight of Jeannie ii banging on the top of it as she tried to get out. Samantha shook her head. “Sorry, no dice there. You are trapped until I decide to let you out.” Samantha brought the vase over to a tipsy Jeannie.
Jeannie, who by now had sobered up enough to drink some of the coffee that Darrin was trying to get into her, looked up at Samantha. “Who do you have there?” Jeannie asked, looking at the vase and its contents. “That is my sister!” She exclaimed.
Samantha grinned and nodded. “She got rather loud and I heard her. I put the cover on top. Only I can remove it.” Samantha explained, giggling. “So, she was the culprit?”
Jeannie nodded. She was starting to come to herself again, but she had a major headache. “Yes, apparently so. She always wreaks havoc here.” She told Samantha. She looked at Anthony, who was just now coming out of their bedroom. She saw the ostrich. “What in the? Anthony, why were you in the bedroom?”
Tony sat down with her again, a look of exasperation on his face. “Because you drank the red wine that made your powers run amok. You then blinked up the ostrich and blinked off my clothes, except for my boxers.” Tony replied. He looked into the vase. “Not again,” he groaned. “Get rid of her, Jeannie and while you’re at it, deal with the ostrich, would you please?” Ohh that woman, he thought. He was always dealing with their shenanigans. He grinned. Good thing he loved her so much.
Jeannie nodded and folded her arms and blinked. The ostrich disappeared. She blinked again and Jeannie ii's Master appeared. He stood there glaring at them all. He had Jeannie ii’s bottle in his hand. Jeannie directed him to the vase. “There you are, you naughty genie. Back to Baghdad with you.” He tried to remove the lid and failed.
Samantha smiled and looked at him. “Ohhh, sorry.” She twitched her nose and removed the lid.
Jeannie ii’s Master glared at Jeannie ii. “You! Back in the bottle. Your Master commands you.”
Suddenly there is a puff of blue smoke and Jeannie’s sister disappeared into her bottle. Jeannie blinked and sent them both back to Baghdad. She looked at Tony. “It is done, Master.” She told her husband.
Tony groaned. “Good.” He sighed. “Oh, brother. I swear, Jeannie, that you two will be ---" he muttered.
Jeannie suddenly blinked him standing on his feet and herself high up into his arms. “Kiss me! Kiss me quick, to prove you love me!” She babbled.
Tony looked at Darrin and Samantha and laughed. He chuckled. They were getting a first hand look at his impetuous wife and her sister. Still laughing, he placed small kisses on her face and lips. “Yes, yesss, I love you---" he replied. He set her down on her feet.
Darrin and Samantha were laughing at both of them. They looked at each other and nodded. “It’s late. It’s been a long day, I think  that Samantha and I will retire.” Darrin told them. He took Sam’s hand in his. “I bid you good night. Until the morning.” He added.
Tony held Jeannie’s hand and nodded to Darrin and Samantha. “Good night.” He replied. He looked at Jeannie and grinned. “Come on, it’s past our bedtime as well.” He told her, pretending to growl at her.
“Yes, Master.” Jeannie giggled and happily went hand in hand with her husband into their bedroom.
Darrin looked over at Samantha as they lay in bed upstairs in the Nelson’s guest bedroom. “And what was that business about Jeannie blinking things, like the wine and our dinner? And all the bits about, ‘Master’?” He demanded.
Samantha shook her head. “Oh, I will tell you. But I will wait until you’re up tomorrow, and gone with Tony because you’re going to yell, and it’ll be bad enough when you’re not here.” She explained.
Darrin nodded. He groaned. “Right.” He muttered and rolled over and tried to sleep.
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minny5ca2018 · 3 years
Which Witch is Which part 2
Part 1
The story continues ...
Phyllis Stiofanes stared at Endora; both were on Cloud 9. “It’s been a long time, Endora.” She said.
Endora sighed and nodded. She sipped from her martini. “Yes. I was shocked when I discovered that your son had married my daughter.”
Phyllis looked at her intently. “You’re surprised? Ha! Frank and I were furious. Your daughter shares all the crazy notions that our son has. She will be a terrible influence on him. His determination to live the mortal way all these years has been bad enough. She likely will uphold him in it,” she replied.
Endora shook her head. “More likely he will be the one to fill her with crazy notions about actually living life like mortals do. He’s a disgrace and an embarrassment to the witches community.” Endora told her.
Phyllis glared at her indignantly. “More likely to be the opposite. Your daughter has been wayward, and has been hanging around humans and the human world for years. All my witch and warlock friends have been complaining about her. They’ve even gone to the Witches Council over her behavior.” She replied.
Endora sighed. “True enough. My daughter is troubled. My broken relationship with her father hasn’t helped. Well, they are married. I am not sure what we can do about it.” She replied.
Phyllis nodded. “We will just have to find a way to break it up. Any thoughts?” She asked her.
Endora chuckled. “Leave it to me. He works with mortals, and they don’t know that Darrin is a warlock. If we can cause trouble there, or perhaps with an old girlfriend?” She suggested wickedly.
Phyllis laughed. “Well, there was this woman he was with for years. Her father was a client of McMahon and Tate. Mortal woman, and she chased after him, trying to get him to marry her. He broke it off right around the time he met your daughter. Perhaps we can influence her to create a little jealousy and interference, perhaps? The woman was from Boston, and a complete snob. Yes, you work on your daughter. I’ll work on Sheila, Darrin’s old girlfriend. Together, we can do this.” Phyllis countered, laughing. She looked at Endora and popped out.
Endora chuckled. Yes, indeed, she thought. Maybe a little chat with Maurice was in order. Samantha’s Daddy likely won’t be happy with her choice of husband, Endora mused. She waved her hand and popped out.
Maurice took a sip of his very large martini and smiled at the sight of his wife appearing before him. He hadn’t seen Endora for a while. Most people thought they were divorced, but in fact they were still married. “Well, Endora, my dear, what is the occasion? I haven’t seen you in a long time. It’s good to see you, Endora.” He told her.
Endora glared at him. “Cut the chit chat, Maurice, I am here to tell you something important. Your daughter has married a man she thought was mortal.” Endora began.
Maurice glared at her. “Thought? She married a mortal?” Maurice demanded.
Endora shook her head. “ No, she met a man several days ago. Both of them believed that the other was mortal. But after they married, they both were shocked to find out that they were not. Her a witch, and him a warlock.” She explained.
Maurice smiled. “Well if he’s a warlock, what is the problem? You should be thrilled.” He replied.
Endora shook her head. “No, Maurice, I’m not. She’s married Darrin Stiofanes. Or rather he calls himself Darrin Stephens. Ugh.” She told him.
Maurice swore under his breath. Several bolts of lightning suddenly appeared in the Warlock Club. He glared at his wife. “Darrin Stephens? That son of Frank and Phyllis Stiofanes?” He fumed.
Endora sighed. “Yes. The one who refuses to live our lifestyle, and has lived in the mortal way for years. Yes, him. She married him. His mother is furious. She thinks that Samantha will be a bad influence on him. Oh, Maurice, we have to do something.” She wailed.
Maurice smiled and motioned for Endora to sit down. “Now, calm down, my dear. We’ll figure out something. Sit down and have a drink. Samantha is headstrong, but we’ll find a way.” He assured her.
Endora nodded her head nervously and sat down.
14th century Ireland
Darrin the Bold sat with his wife on the trundle bed in their nursery. He held Serena’s hand and watched their three year old son as he toddled about playing with the man who’d been assigned as his teacher. Serena had found someone from her world, who would work with their son, but would also keep quiet about Darrin jr. He sighed and looked at his wife nervously. She was pregnant again for the second time. Suddenly he was worried about the second child. “He will keep quiet, lass? About Darrin’s behavior?” He asked her.
Sensing her husband’s fear, Serena squeezed his hand in reassurance. She placed it on her swollen belly and covered his hand with hers. She smiled at him lovingly. “Don’t worry, my Lord. Dennis is a good man and a good tutor. As a warlock, he will be quiet about all of this.” She assured him.
He nodded and pulled his wife close to him. “ But, this one lass? Is there a chance that this babe also will be like you? Will be like Darrin?” he asked her. It terrified him that his children showed signs of magic like his wife and her family did.
Serena leaned her head on his shoulder and held him tightly with one arm. She nodded. “A very good chance, my Lord. I love you,” she murmured softly.
Darrin the Bold sighed. He nodded. “I love you, lass.” He replied. He smiled and looked back to his son.
Darrin sat in his office at McMahon and Tate. He gazed down at his wedding ring and smiled. He was married. He chuckled. He had a wife. They’d just got back from a small honeymoon in Reno; they’d spent a couple of nights at the Plaza where they had met. They’d met two weeks ago and fell in love immediately. They’d spent a few days together and married on the spur of the moment. He laughed. He’d thought his wife was mortal, but he soon learned that she was a witch. She, likewise had believed that he was a mortal only to find  out on their wedding night that he was a warlock. In the end, neither one of them cared  -- they loved each other and that was all that mattered. The intercom buzzer quickly got him out of his reverie. “Yes, Betty?” he asked his secretary.
“Sheila Sommers is here. She’d like to speak with you, Mr. Stephens.” She told him.
Darrin shook his head. Sheila? Why would she be here? He’d broken it off with her when he met Samantha. “Very well, Betty. Send her in.” he told her.
Sheila smiled at the sight of Darrin. She’d been furious when he’d ended their relationship. She frowned. She’d had plans, plans that included Darrin Stephens. Through her father’s business associates, she’d learned of his little bride. Well, she thought, we’ll see about that. “Darrin!” she cried. “It’s good to see you.” She said to him.
Darrin looked at Sheila and smiled. “What a surprise, Sheila. I thought you were in Naples.” He’d dated Sheila for a time, mostly because of her business connections, but he’d ended it when he met Samantha. He’d found Sheila to be shallow and superficial. Samantha was everything that this girl wasn’t. Still, because of the advertising agency, he’d better be cordial to her. He father was one of the richest men in the USA. “Sheila, how are you? I thought you were away.” He said.
Sheila shook her head. “No, in the end, my trip was postponed. I hear through the business grapevine that you got married.”
Darrin nodded. “That’s right. About a week ago. We just got back from Reno.” He replied.
Sheila smiled. “That is why I am here. I am hosting a dinner party for a few business associates tonight. Very laid back. Just casual. Sometimes it is black tie, but tonight it is just an informal get together. I wanted to invite you and your new bride to the dinner. At Daddy’s at 8 PM. She told him.
Darrin smiled at her. He nodded. He hated such affairs whether they were formal or not, but such parties were good business for the firm. “Thank you, Sheila. Yes. Samantha and I should be able to come and thank you.” He replied.
Sheila nodded. “Very good, Darrin. We’ll see you tonight.” She murmured.
Samantha looked down at her dress and shook her head. She stared at Darrin nervously. “Are you sure this is casual? This place looks very high end to me.” She asked him. She’d agreed to come with him on the business dinner, but she was uncomfortable about it.
Darrin shook his head. “You look fine, really. Just remember that these people are mortals and are unaware that we are not. Be careful, and please Sam, no funny stuff.” He told her.
He took her hand and rang the doorbell.
Samantha got her own shock when the butler answered the door and looked at them like they were hillbillies. Everyone inside were dressed in formal attire with tuxedos and long gowns. She looked down at her casual dress and groaned. Oh, brother.
Sheila greeted them warmly, and was quick to reassure Samantha that her attire was fine. “Oh, Samantha, no, really, you look sweet.” She turned to her guests. “Look everyone, this is Darrin’s new little bride, doesn’t she look sweet?” she purred.
Samantha shook her head as she sat them at the table. She had Darrin right beside her and Samantha down at the other end. Oh, really, but the woman was nauseating. Samantha restrained her urge to use her powers to make the woman look foolish. She held her breath.
Darrin watched nervously as Sheila kept fawning over him while ignoring Samantha. Sheila was pushing her luck with Sam, he thought. He knew that she would only take so much.
Samantha gritted her teeth as she watched Sheila flirt with her husband. Her friends in their conversations were clearly leaving Samantha out of it and were paying attention only to Darrin. Unable to stand it any longer, Samantha waved her hand. Suddenly Sheila’s hair fell over her face. She continued her behavior with Darrin. Samantha twitched her nose. Sheila’s elbow was suddenly in her soup. Samantha giggled. It progressed until Sheila’s gown was unzipped in the back and her pearls came off her neck. When Darrin tried to help Sheila, he got his own wallop on his butt. He turned and glared at Sam. She smiled. Finally Sam waved her arm and the door flew open. The resulting breeze sent Sheila’s wig flying. She ran, mortified, screaming up the stairs. Samantha sighed. Ok, that was enough. She giggled.
Darrin glared at Samantha when they were back inside their apartment. “Now, look, she deserved what you dished out to her tonight. But these people are my business associates, and they have no idea I am a warlock. Nor do they know that you are a witch. I can’t have you doing this kind of thing around mortals, sweetheart. I just can’t. At times, you will be hosting dinner parties on behalf of my clients. You will have to behave and prepare our food the mortal way. I told you, I don’t condone the hocus pocus.” He said to her. Darrin had been living life the mortal way for years. Their clients for McMahon and Tate were human beings, mortals. He was not going to stand for his wife behaving like she had tonight. He wasn’t going to tolerate the use of witchcraft in his household. Even if he was a warlock.
Samantha nodded and smiled at him. “I know. I got carried away with her. But, I found her so nauseating Darrin that I couldn’t help myself. I had to teach her a lesson.” She replied. She sighed. “I’m sorry, Darrin.”
He nodded and pulled her against him. He bent his head and kissed her. “It’s all right. Sheila deserved what she got tonight, like I said. But I will ask you to do things in the mortal way and avoid the use of witchcraft.”
Samantha nodded. “Bed?” she asked.
Darrin grinned. “Yes, indeed. We can go upstairs and see if you can make it up to me,” he muttered.
Samantha giggled. “ Oh, yes---" she whispered.
Darrin took her by the hand and led Samantha upstairs.
Sometime in the night, Darrin stirred and reached over for Samantha. He began stroking her. He chuckled. Sheila really deserved what she’d reaped from his wife. She was a real spitfire, he thought. She was just the kind of woman who’d go along with doing things the mortal way. To him, things weren’t worth having unless you worked for them. He pulled Samantha closer and continued to stroke and kiss her magnificent body.
Samantha moaned as Darrin continued to kiss and stroke her from behind. “Darrin,” she mewled, “what are you doing?” she ground out. She felt heated and aroused. She pushed herself closer, giving him better access. Gasping for breath, she lost all conscious thought as he continued to make love to her.
Darrin grinned at Samantha’s response as he kept teasing and tantalizing her. He kept kissing her upper chest while stroking her between her legs. He ignored his own needs and persisted in pleasing his new bride while she thrashed about on the bed. He smiled and kept caressing her.
Endora stared down at Samantha as she stood cooking her husband’s breakfast. “Why are you bothering to do all of that the hard way, Samantha? When you can just simply zap it all together in no time?” She asked her daughter, an impatient look on her face.
Samantha shook her head. “Because my husband prefers it all prepared in this manner.” She replied. Samantha sighed. This was actually harder than it looked. It had taken her weeks to get the hang of this. But, thanks to a book on cooking, and a few cooking shows, she’d at least mastered some of it.
Endora rolled her eyes. “I fail to see why you married this man. He will be a terrible influence on you.” She told her.
Samantha sighed. Her mother was impossible sometimes. “I married him because I loved him. Are you staying to meet him, or not? He should be down at any moment.” Samantha said as she finished putting their breakfast on the table.
Endora shook her head. “Not at this time. Honestly, Samantha, you’ll never learn. Your habits with mortals was bad enough before, but now? He will be terrible for you to be with.” She made a face and popped out.
Samantha took a deep breath. Somehow this was not going to be easy regarding her mother. She could only imagine what father was thinking. Shaking her head, she went on plating their breakfast food.
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minny5ca2018 · 2 years
Kindle format ebook - An Outlander Christmas Carol Jamie & Claire fanfiction
Kindle format
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minny5ca2018 · 2 years
Master Copy The Inquisitors ebook link
Second one
Link for The Inquisitors master copy
Kindle format
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minny5ca2018 · 2 years
Another take on if things had gone differently...
Lady In The Bottle
I Dream of Jeannie
Tony heaved a sigh of relief as he watched Melissa and the General walk out the door. He closed it firmly and leaned his tall six foot frame against the closed door. Oh my God. What have I got myself into? If the General and Melissa found out? His name was mud. He was done for. He turned back, exasperated, to the giggling sounds coming from the bottle. Suddenly he saw smoke coming from it as Jeannie reappeared in his living room. She was on the floor in a crouched position, laughing hysterically.
He grabbed her with one arm and pulled her to her feet. “Now look you --" he began only to be stopped cold as she wrapped her arms firmly around his neck and started kissing him full on the mouth. He groaned, meaning to push her away but found himself responding to her kiss as she put her tongue in his mouth. He felt the sudden heat of desire as he felt the warm softness of her harem costume clad body pressing against his. With a determined grunt, he gently set her from him while trying in vain to settle the way his body was reacting to her. Damn but she was beautiful with her silky blonde hair and big green eyes that could swallow a man whole. “Jeannie,” he muttered softly. “This can’t continue. I have a fiancee. I can’t. I just can’t.”
Jeannie looked up at him and giggled. He was so good looking with his dark blue eyes and dark brown hair. She had loved him from the first moment she had seen him when he released her from her bottle. She shook her head. No matter what he said she was not leaving him. Not ever. He kept thinking that he was happy with the other woman, but she knew instinctively that he was not. She was not good for him. She was manipulative and controlling. Jeannie had an innate ability to read people and she was not a good person. Besides, she did not love Tony. She giggled again and tried to put her arms around him again.
Tony reached out and pulled her arms away from him. He shook his head. “No. Jeannie. I said no. I am going to bed. I want you gone by the time I get up in the morning. Understood?” he told her firmly.
Jeannie nodded and giggled as she watched him go into the bedroom. Shaking her head she morphed into the pink smoke and reemerged in the bedroom. She smiled at the sight of Anthony dressed just in his boxers. She reached out and put her arms around him again. She started to kiss him.
Tony shook his head determined and tried to put her from him. He groaned as his body once again responded to the feel of hers pressed against him. “Now. Stop that. Stop at once.” He ordered her. He moaned with pleasure as she started caressing his already hard member. He looked down at her. She’d blinked herself into a pink sheer nightgown that hid nothing from his gaze. He sighed and held her closer in response and began to kiss her back. Oh God he realized… I am lost with this woman…
Tony woke up sometime later and gazed at the  woman pressed against him in the dark of the night. Naked, only her long blonde hair hid her from his gaze. He’d tried to resist her but she was so beautiful and the feel of her softness when pressed against him. Oh God, he’d been unable to resist. He was starting to have deep feelings for a woman he’d just met, for a woman he hardly knew. This was dangerous. He knew that. He’d have to find a way to resist her and not act on this again. He’d made love to her, but it couldn’t happen again. He groaned and pulled her closer to him. He was in trouble and he knew it.
Two months later.
Jeannie smiled as she lightly dusted Tony’s living room and backyard patio.  She was happily singing in ancient Persian while cleaning and watering his plants. Garbed in her harem costume, she was content. She had been here for two months now, and she was content and happy.  Two months since that magical night that she had spent in Anthony’s arms. Two months since he had released her from her bottle on the deserted island. Though he had not allowed a repeat of that magical night, she was content and happy. She had been living in her bottle here with her Master. She smiled. He had ended his engagement at least. She sighed and glanced at the clock. He would be home from NASA soon. He still had not told anyone about her being here with him, although she had managed to wreak havoc every now and then. She giggled. She had something to tell him. She wondered how he was going to react to her news. She smiled and lightly patted her belly.
Tony Nelson smiled at Jeannie as he stepped into his living room. He hung his uniform hat and jacket into the closet and loosened his tie. Sighing he gratefully accepted the cocktail she’d made him and eased himself down onto his living room sofa. He reached out a hand and pulled her down to sit beside him. She’d blinked herself into a light yellow summer dress with a fluffy tie at her neck. Her blonde hair was down and flowing gracefully down her back. Damn but she was beautiful. “How was your day?” he asked her. In the two months since she’d been here with him, he’d gotten used to her being here. She’d slowly become a good friend and companion in spite of himself. She was starting to mean something to him and that made her dangerous. If his colleagues ever found out about her and what she was.
Jeannie smiled. “Just the usual things, Master. I cook and clean. I watch that thing you call TV over there. They do some crazy things, Master.” She replied. She began to softly massage his tense shoulders. “You look tired,” she murmured.
Tony sighed with relief as he felt her soft hands ease the tension from his tight neck and shoulders. “I am. The test flight was today, but it didn’t go well. In the end, they had to abort because of a mechanical problem with the plane. Frustrating to have all that hard work in the planning come to naught.” He replied.
She nodded. She pulled him back until his back rested against her. She held him for a moment and sighed. “Yes. I can imagine.” She returned. Though they had never repeated that night, they still had a quiet intimacy between them. She was like his girlfriend but like she was not. It was weird because Jeannie wanted to be with him in all ways like before. Time, she realized. He would come around. He wanted it too. She could feel it. She loved him desperately. And he loved her. She instinctively knew it. She sighed. She had something to tell him.
Tony eased himself away from her and looked downn into her big green eyes. “What?” he asked finally. It alarmed him at how well he could read this girl’s feelings. “What’s wrong?  You have something bothering you.” He gazed at her. “Spill it, woman.”
Jeannie nodded. She swallowed hard. She gazed up into his eyes. She sighed and looked downward again. “I am pregnant, Master. It seems like our one night has, -- I am going to have a baby.” She told him softly.
Tony took a deep breath and sighed. He lifted her chin so she was looking at him. He stared deeply into her big green eyes. Eyes that could swallow a man’s soul. Genie eyes. His genie and now she was pregnant. “You’re sure?”
Jeannie nodded. “Yes. I waited. I had Mama have our physician examine me, “ she began, “I am scared, Anthony.” She confessed, using his given name.
Tony smiled and pulled into his arms and held her against him. He lightly kissed the softness of her hair, enjoying its sweet smell. “Don’t worry. It will be all right. We’re in this together. That night huh?” he whispered.
She nodded happily against him, tightening her arms around him. “Yes. We were both a little wild, if I remember.” She answered, giggling softly.
Tony laughed. “Yes. I was pretty potent. I hadn’t been with a woman in a while.” He confessed. “I tried. I really tried,” he began, “but I couldn’t keep my hands off you. I couldn’t resist you.” He continued.
Jeannie nodded. “I know. I was the same. I wanted you just as badly.” She replied.
Tony nodded and bent down to lightly kiss her soft lips. “I know.”
Jeannie looked at him warily. “So what now?”
Tony merely tightened his hold on her. “You’re pregnant with my child inside you. We deal with it. We become parents. We’re in this together. Together.” He told her. He put out a hand to lightly caress her abdomen. “Together.”
Jeannie smiled. “But what about your friends? Your colleagues?”
He shook his head. “We tell them I have a girlfriend and that she’s pregnant. Nothing else. The other things are none of their business. I am not about to reveal your secrets Jeannie. Besides they wouldn’t believe us anyway.” He assured her.
Jeannie laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck again. She sighed happily. “You are right. Am I your girlfriend, Anthony?” she asked him.
Tony nodded and kissed her again. “That and a whole lot more. And you know it. You’ve been under my skin since that day on the beach.”
Jeannie smiled and felt her eyes dampening. “I know.” She took a deep breath. “I have loved you since the first moment I laid eyes on you.” She murmured.
Tony felt his own eyes grow moist. “I know.” He pulled her closer and held her tightly against him. He was in trouble. Though not ready to admit it, he loved her every bit as much.
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minny5ca2018 · 3 years
Which Witch is Which
Master List
This is the master list for the fanfiction story Bewitched with special guests from I Dream of Jeannie.
Synopsis: what if the tables are turned on Samantha when she learns that Darrin also is a Warlock?
What if indeed. Some scenes taken from my fanfiction The Widower as well.
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minny5ca2018 · 3 years
Which Witch is Which part 3
Part 1
Part 2
The story continues...
14th century Ireland
Serena was sitting back against her pillows resting in her bedchamber when suddenly Endora popped into the room. She sighed. Good thing that her husband was out in the stables because he hated her family popping in all the time. He was always afraid of the servants seeing them. She smiled at her Aunt. “Hello, Auntie. What brings you here?” She asked her.
Endora sighed. “I need to talk to you a moment about your cousin.” She replied.
Serena raised her eyebrows. “Sammy? Isn’t she still with Rollo?” She asked her.
Endora shook her head. “No. She met a man in New York a couple of weeks ago. She married him, thinking that he was mortal. Only to find out he wasn’t. He, in turn, thought she was mortal, but learned on their wedding night she was a witch. And now, all you know what has broken loose.” Endora explained.
Serena laughed. “Good for Sammy. Thought he was mortal, huh? She’s been hanging around and watching humans for years. Married a man and discovered that he was a warlock?”
Endora frowned at her. “It’s not funny. The man she married is a disgrace to the witches community. He’s absolutely obsessed with living his life the mortal way. He has been doing this for years.” She told Serena.
Serena looked at her, shocked. “The mortal way? It’s not  --- ?”
Endora nodded. “That’s exactly who she’s married. Your descendant, Darrin Stiofanes. Or rather he calls himself Darrin Stephens. Oh, Serena, honestly. How you coming back here has changed things,” she moaned.
Serena chuckled. “I suppose it did, at that. My husband is terrified that this new baby when it’s born will be a witch or a warlock like our son is. We hired a warlock to tutor him because of those fears of being found out. This is not the century to have public displays of witchcraft.” She replied.
Endora sighed. “I can understand that. The mobs here may not like our relatives, that is true. So terrible when people suffer from a lack of knowledge and understanding.” She replied.
Serena nodded. “I don’t know what you can do, Auntie. If they are married, they are married.”
Endora sighed and nodded. ”You’re probably right. I may go talk with Maurice again. I just needed to talk to you and tell you Sammy is married.” She murmured. Smiling at her niece, she popped out.
Serena smiled as she noticed her husband coming over toward her. “You saw some of that, my Lord?” she asked him.
Darrin the Bold bent down and kissed her. He nodded, sitting down beside her. “Yes, I heard most of it. Your cousin has married?” he asked her.
Serena nodded. “Yes, to a person who will be your descendant, my love.” She replied.
Darrin the Bold rolled his eyes. The experience that he’d had since marrying a witch --- oh, brother. “My descendant, eh, lass? Terrific.” He replied. He put his arms around his wife and held her, easing her down further on the bed. He put his hand inside her bodice. It was a good thing he was so smitten with her. He grinned.
Endora popped into Samantha’s kitchen  and stared at her. She was busying herself putting away all the cups, plates, saucers and silverware she’d purchased for her new kitchen. “Samantha, really, why do you persist in doing all this the hard way? When with a simple wave of your hand you could just zap it all away. Honestly, Samantha, that man is a terrible influence on you.” She complained.
Samantha shook her head. “Because this is our new home and Darrin prefers we do things like mortal people do. These are things that we purchased. I want to take my time and put it all away properly. Zapping things with witchcraft is too easy. There’s no fun in it anymore.” She replied.
Endora shrugged her shoulders. “Oh, you’re impossible. Do you even know who you’ve married? She asked her.
Samantha stared at her mother. “What do you mean?”
Endora rolled her eyes. “Your cousin is his grandmother, for goodness sake. Honestly, Samantha.”
Samantha chuckled. Oh, wow. Serena going back to the 14th century had changed their timeline, and changed Darrin into a warlock. Oh my stars, she thought. At least though she’d married him in the end. “Oh, really? Well that’s something.”
Endora shook her head. “You’re just impossible.”
Samantha smiled. “Why don’t you stay, mother? And meet him.” She suggested.
Endora shook her head. “Not likely. I’ve met his ancestor Derwood the Bold; that is bad enough.”
Samantha laughed. “Darrin the Bold, and he is a good man, mostly. He adores my cousin.” She replied.
Endora waved her arms in the air and popped out.
Samantha giggled. Oh, mother, there’s no pleasing you.
Darrin looked over at his mother as she popped into his office. He frowned. “Mother, I’ve asked you, and I’ve asked you not to do that. What if Betty or Armstrong had come in?” He asked her. Armstrong Tate had come into the firm when his brother, Larry was killed a few years ago.
Phyllis shook her head. “I needed to talk to you, and I couldn’t wait. I’ve come to see if you’ve come to your senses and reconsidered this marriage of yours.” She replied.
Darrin shook his head. “No, I have not. I am married. I love my wife. That’s all there is to it. You’ll have to get used to it.” He said, exasperated by his mother’s attitude.
Phyllis Stiofanes rolled her eyes. “Not hardly. That girl is an embarrassment to you and to our family. Her cousin was a philanderer before she got married. I expect that Samantha wasn’t any different. Besides she’s been famous for hanging around mortals all the time. A terrible influence on you, and your own fascination with mortal ways. Honestly Darrin,” she continued.
Darrin shook his head. “Sorry, but I have no intention of leaving my wife. You’ve already done enough when you tried to get Sheila to interfere. Enough, mother. I won’t have it.”
Phyllis scowled at her son. “You’re as stubborn as your father, and as your grandfather was before he died. Unreal.” His grandfather had been mortal, but had married a witch. She shook her head. If he only knew who that witch was, and just who she was related to. She grinned. “She will be a poor example of things. Mark my words.” She replied and popped out.
Darrin shook his head in frustration. His parents were impossible. He looked at his watch. Time to go home to Samantha. He smiled.
Darrin pulled Samantha onto his lap and sat down with her on the sofa. She cuddled against him and put her arms around his neck. She reached up and kissed him. “How was your day?” She asked him.
Darrin smiled. “Just typical. We do have a potential new client, but beyond that, nothing out of the ordinary.” He replied. “How about yours?”
Samantha sighed. “ Nothing spectacular except another argument with my mother. She’s not liking our marriage, nor my determination to do things around here the mortal way. We had a little disagreement over that. She even went so far as to tell my cousin all about it,” she murmured.
“Your cousin?” He countered.
Samantha giggled. “Yes. She was complaining to her about your disgraceful behavior as a warlock acting like a mortal and doing things in the mortal way.” She told him.
“Your cousin knows me?” he asked her, surprised.
Samantha nodded. “Yes, darling. She’s your grandmother.” She explained.
Darrin stared at Samantha. “Serena Stiofanes is your cousin?”
Samantha smiled at him. “I am afraid so, sweetheart. Years ago, my mother sent her back to the 14th century where she met your grandfather. He married her and she stayed.” Samantha explained.
Darrin laughed. “Now, isn’t that a coincidence?”
Samantha grinned. “Isn’t it?” Samantha wasn’t about to explain how Serena’s presence there had caused him to be a warlock, instead of a mortal man. Or how it had altered their timeline. She chuckled. Oh well. At least I am married to him, she thought. Maybe she’d better keep all that to herself, she decided.
Darrin nodded and pulled Samantha closer into his arms. “Do you think our parents will adjust to this?” He asked her. “I spoke with my mother today. She’s still furious about it all and refused to come meet you for herself. She knows your family though apparently.”
Samantha smiled. “Neither will my mother. And yes, they likely do know each other through Serena. My mother is her aunt.”
Darrin nodded. “No doubt. Oh, well. They’ll have to get used to it. I love you and I intend to stay married to you.” He declared.
Samantha sighed and nodded her head. “I feel the same, sweetheart.” She murmured.
He nodded and pulled her closer to him.
Cocoa Beach FL
Tony Nelson stepped inside his living room and shut the door behind him. He put his briefcase on the deacon seat and hung his hat on the hook above. He took his uniform jacket off and set it on the bench behind the fireplace. He looked around for Jeannie. No sign of her. “Jeannie?” he called out. No response. He opened the bedroom door and smiled. She was lying on the bed with the coverlet over her. She was sound asleep. He smiled and lay down behind her, pulling her back against him. He had something to tell her. He sighed. It can wait, he thought.
Samantha smiled at Darrin as he came in the front door. She reached up and kissed him. “Good evening, sweetheart. How was your day?” she asked him.
Darrin led her over to their sofa and sat down beside her. “Not bad at all. I spoke to an old college buddy of mine.” He told her. “It looks like we might have a new client.” He added.
Same smiled.”Oh, really. Who would that be?” she asked him.
Darrin put his arm around her. “The account would be for the government, specifically NASA. My college buddy is Major Anthony Nelson.” He replied.
Same looked at him quizzically. “Major Nelson, the Astronaut?”
Darrin nodded. “Yes. Do you know of him?”
Samantha nodded. “I like following mortal things, remember? So, yes I follow the Space program a little bit.”
Darrin grinned. “You would.  Anyway, he called me today. NASA wants to do a little extra PR and Tony recommended McMahon and Tate. Tony and his new wife are coming to New York in a few days to visit. He wanted to meet with me when they come to discuss the possibility of doing the ad campaign for NASA.” He explained.
Samantha smiled. “That would be a good opportunity for you, Darrin. NASA and Tony Nelson. Wow. We probably should invite them here for dinner, sweetheart.” She replied.
Darrin hugged her and kissed her. “You’re wonderful. That was exactly what I was going to suggest. It wouldn’t be too much trouble?”
Samantha shook her head. “Not at all. Maybe we should even invite them to stay here, but if they are newlyweds maybe they wouldn’t want to.” She replied.
Darrin nodded. “You could be right. I can suggest it to him though.” He told her.
Samantha nodded and leaned back against him. “Have you met his wife?” she asked.
Darrin shook his head. “No, although another friend of mine at the same base in Florida has. He says she’s a very beautiful woman. Blonde hair and big green eyes.” He replied. Samantha chuckled. “Oh, really. Looks like you and the astronaut have similar tastes in women.”
Darrin grinned. “Maybe. Now, he has no idea about my being a warlock or you being a witch, so on guard, darling. No hocus pocus while they’re here.”
Samantha nodded. “Of course. If you’re hungry, dinner is ready,” she murmured.
Darrin pulled her to her feet. “Perfect. Let’s eat" he replied.
Cocoa Beach FL
Jeannie smiled at the feel of her husband’s arms around her. She turned around to face him. “You came in and I never noticed you.” She murmured.
Tony nodded and reached out and kissed her. “I came in and found you in here sound asleep. So I just laid down with you.” He replied.
She nodded. “Are you hungry? I can fix dinner.”
He shook his head. “Not yet, no. I want to talk to you. I have something to tell you.” He told her.
Jeannie smiled and put her arms around his neck. “And what is that, Master?”
Tony grinned. “I have to go to New York for a few days. I need to see someone there on behalf of NASA, but I want to take you with me. If you want to come, that is.” He added.
Jeannie squealed and threw her arms around him, and hugged him tightly. “Oh, Anthony, darling, yes. New York? How nice.”
“Good. We can stay in a hotel there, but I have a college buddy of mine there, who I need to speak with while we’re there. He’s invited us to have dinner with him and his wife.” He replied.
Jeannie looked at him nervously. “Oh, Master, I don’t know.” She began.
Tony held her close to him. “No worries, sweetheart. Just be yourself when you’re with them. His name is Darrin Stephens, and his wife is Samantha. Darrin is a good guy. You’ll like him.  Just be yourself, darling, but remember no magic around them, ok?” He said finally.
Jeannie smiled and nodded.
Tony grinned. “Good. Just be yourself. Everyone likes you because of who you are.”
Jeannie nodded and cuddled against him.
Two days later, Darrin and Samantha greeted Major Tony Nelson and his new bride at the airport. Darrin held his hand out to Tony, and greeted his old friend warmly, briefly hugging him. “Tony! It’s good to see you. It’s been a long time.” Darrin exclaimed.
Tony smiled and returned the warm greeting. “You too, buddy. You too.” He pulled Jeannie, who was lagging behind him, over toward Darrin and Samantha. Tony smiled at them. “This is my wife, Jeannie. Jeannie, this is Darrin and Samantha.”
Jeannie nodded, smiling at them both. “How do you do.”
Darrin smiled at her. Boy, his friend hadn’t been kidding. She was about the height of Tony, with pale blonde hair, and the biggest, most expressive green eyes he’d ever seen. Wow. He turned to Samantha. “Hello, Jeannie. This is my wife, Samantha.”
Jeannie nodded and smiled warily at Samantha. “How do you do,” she replied.
Samantha smiled at her. Darrin was right, she is stunning, Samantha thought. Yet, there was something about her. Something, just something. “I am pleased to meet you,” Samantha replied. Samantha couldn’t put her finger on it, but, something. Jeannie, I am Samantha.” She told her.
Jeannie smiled. “Yes, you too.” Jeannie had a nervous feeling somehow about the woman. She was tall, blonde hair and green eyed like herself. But there was something off about her, Jeannie thought. She had similar vibes about her husband, though not as much. As a genie, she could sense magic in other people, but the level varied with each person. Samantha rated high.
Darrin smiled at everyone. “Well, why don’t we all go back to our house?  I need to speak to Tony about some business for a while and maybe the wives can get acquainted while we do that. It will be a while before you can check into your hotel anyway, Tony.” Darrin suggested.
Tony held Jeannie’s hand and nodded. “Yes, good idea.” He could tell that Jeannie was nervous, but he squeezed her hand in support.
Darrin grinned. “Excellent. I have my car here. Let’s go, everybody.”
Sam smiled at Jeannie as they stood in Samantha's kitchen. Darrin and Tony had gone into the den and she was alone with Jeannie. “I can make us a drink or coffee,” Samantha suggested.
Jeannie nodded. “Coffee would be fine. I do not drink much.” She replied. Some liquors disagreed with her as a genie.
Samantha nodded. “Good. I have sandwiches and small tea cakes that I made earlier. We can have those.” Samantha said to her.
Jeannie nodded and sat down at the kitchen table with Samantha. “Yes. That would be fine.” She replied. Jeannie could not get over her uneasiness regarding Samantha. It made her nervous.
Samantha nodded and tried to make small talk. There was something off about the woman. She smiled and tried to put it aside for the moment. “How long have you and Tony been married?” she asked her.
Jeannie smiled. “Only a few months, but I have known him for years. I was his housekeeper a lot of the time. And then we started just casually dating though most of Anthony’s friends and colleagues did not know until we were engaged.” She replied. Jeannie was always careful not to reveal too much about them.
Same nodded. “I see. Darrin and I have only been married a few months as well. Looks like we have that in common.” She murmured. Samantha sighed. There really was something off about this girl.
Jeannie nodded and smiled back at her.
Tony looked at Darrin's art layouts and smiled. “For short notice Darrin, these are excellent. You have a good idea there with the use of billboards in the advertising. If you intend on using me as the subject, there may be a problem if you want to film us.” He told him.
Darrin looked him strangely. “Oh? Is there a reason?” he asked.
Tony nodded and took a deep breath. “Well, it’s that my wife doesn’t photograph well. She’s nervous, for one thing. The billboards perhaps could be achieved by using a portrait artist.” Tony replied. He could hardly explain that she didn’t photograph at all.
Darrin nodded. “We may be able to work around that. We can start with the paper and billboards. Can certainly use artists for that if needed, yes.”
Tony nodded. “Good.”
Darrin nodded. “Why don’t we join the women? I expect that Sam has prepared a luncheon by now. Also, regarding your hotel. Up to you of course, but Sam wanted me to invite you to stay here. We have a guest room that has a ensuite bathroom attached to it. Again, up to you. McMahon and Tate of course will pick up any cancellation penalty for the hotel if you stay here. We’re old friends, and we’d love to have you as our guests.” Darrin suggested.
Tony smiled. “That would be fine with me, but I better ask Jeannie about it. She’s nervous about people sometimes.” He replied.
Tony smiled at Jeannie as they stood in the Stephens’s guest room. “I appreciate you agreeing to staying here with them, darling. Darrin is an old friend.” He told her. He pulled her closer and kissed her.
Jeannie smiled and put her arms around him. “Not a problem, darling. Maybe we can find another hotel room before going back to Cocoa Beach.” She replied huskily.
Tony grinned. “Now, that’s an excellent idea. Maybe Orlando? And a beach?” he suggested.
Jeannie eased herself closer. “Brilliant.” She murmured softly.
A few hours later, they were lying close together in each other’s arms. Tony kissed her hair. “Having trouble sleeping, sweetheart?”
Jeannie nodded. “Just the strange place.” She whispered. She turned around to face him. “What do you think of Samantha?”
Tony smiled and shook his head. “Not sure really. She seemed nice. They invited us to stay here. Why do you ask?”
Jeannie sighed. “As a genie, I  can sense people, Anthony. I sense a high level of magic to her. Darrin too, but less so.” She replied.
Tony nodded. “Yes, you can read people pretty well, can’t you?”
She nodded. “Yes. I am not sure, but I do sense something. Hmmmm.”
He nodded. He sighed and pulled her closer. “Yes. It’s late. Try to sleep darling.”
She nodded and cuddled against him.
Darrin looked at Samantha as they lay in bed that night. “You seem wide awake tonight, Sam. Can’t you sleep?” He asked her.
She shook her head. “No, my mind is racing. I’ve been thinking about Jeannie. Don’t you find her different, Darrin?”
Darrin sighed. “Different, how exactly? She seems a bit nervous and flighty, but nice enough otherwise.”
Samantha nodded. “I noticed that, but no there’s something about her. You notice her use of English. It’s always full English and never contractions. I find it odd. But, it’s more than that. I sense a magic aura about her. Do you feel it?” she asked him.
Darrin shook his head. “Not really to be honest. Thanks for letting them stay here. It meant a lot to me. Tony’s a good friend.” He replied.
Samantha smiled. “No worries, sweetheart. I like them. It’s just, there’s something.” She mused.
Darrin nodded. “Very good. Now go to sleep.”
Samantha and Jeannie the  next morning were standing in Macy’s department store. They’d spent the morning shopping. Jeannie for once seemed open and friendly to her. Samantha smiled. Clearly the girl liked to shop. She looked at Jeannie. “It’s late, and way past lunchtime. Care to join me for a bite? There’s a wonderful little bistro in Darrin’s office building. It’s just across the street. We can walk there if you want.” Samantha suggested.
Jeannie smiled and nodded. “Yes, I would like that.” She replied. “Yes.” She had spent the morning with Samantha, and in spite of her wariness with her, Jeannie liked her.
Samantha nodded. “Good. We can leave our packages with the desk here. We can pick them up after. Let’s go.” She told her.
Samantha and Jeannie were on the street facing the traffic when suddenly a small child ran out into the oncoming traffic. Alarmed, and to avoid an accident, Sam twitched her nose, sending the child back to her mother on the sidewalk. To her utter surprise, she saw Jeannie folding her arms while she blinked at the same child. She stared at Jeannie afterward while Jeannie was staring at her in the same way. Oh my stars, Samantha thought.
Jeannie looked at Samantha in shock as she watched her move her nose to save the child. Jeannie at the same precise moment had folded her arms and blinked at the same child. Jeannie took a deep breath. ”We better have a talk.” She told her.
Samantha nodded. “I think you’re right. The restaurant is across the street. Come on.” She replied, taking her by the hand. She smiled at her. “Don’t worry, Jeannie. I am not evil. But we need to talk.”
Jeannie nodded and followed her into the bistro.
The owners were friends with Darrin, so it wasn’t difficult to get one of the small meeting rooms. They could talk privately and still order from the menu. Sam led Jeannie into the room and closed the door. “The owners are friends with Darrin. They’ll let us use the room, and we can still order from the menu.” Samantha explained.
Jeannie nodded. She took a deep breath. “You, are not mortal, are you?” Jeannie asked her.
Samantha shook her head. She smiled. “Neither are you, exactly.”
Jeannie nodded. “Anthony would have my head for admitting that. But no, not exactly.”
Samantha nodded. “I reacted to save that child. So did you.” She murmured.
Jeannie smiled and nodded her head. “Yes.” She sighed. “I am not mortal, although I can transform into this form or any other. I can miniaturize myself as well. I am a genie. I am not bad. I would never deliberately harm someone.” She explained.
Samantha grinned. She nodded. “I understand. I am not bad either. I am a witch. So is Darrin actually. Although he’d kill me for telling you all this. I think I would be very fierce in defending someone I care about, but otherwise no, I am not evil either.” She assured her.
Jeannie giggled. “I think that I would be the same. Your secret is my secret?” She asked Samantha.
Samantha nodded. “Done. And likewise Jeannie. Likewise. Now, do we tell the men?” She asked her.
Jeannie nodded. “Why not? It will certainly get their dander up,” she replied, laughing.
Samantha nodded and smiled at her new friend. “Indeed. Now, let’s order.” She told her.
Jeannie nodded, still giggling.
0 notes
minny5ca2018 · 3 years
Series End
Been writing this for a while. Right now it has Jamie and Claire as the leads.
Ultimately I will change it. I may add more in time as well.
Publishing as fanfiction for now.
This was not inspired by Jamie and Claire but rather another series. The idea came while watching that series.
I am being bombarded by fanfiction characters talking to me!
September 15 1995
Jamie woke up with a start. His robe was loose and wide open. His skin felt damp from perspiration. He put a hand to his head, rubbing it in the attempt to soothe the pounding headache. He looked over on the settee where he’d been sprawled across it only a moment ago. Claire lay at the other end. Her soft pj top she wore was partially open. He could see the soft skin of a pert breast as it peeked out. The drawstring of her fleece bottoms was hanging to one side, the waist loose as if a traveling hand had poked down into them.
“Oh man.” He thought. “What have I done in a drunken stupor? What have we done?” Claire was a good friend and a co-star. They’d worked together now for over nine years. Yes, they’d been attracted to each other when they met. They’d felt the spark, the chemistry between them. They’d used it to their advantage to play lead roles opposite one another. But they’d never acted on it. Not once. Tempted as they were, they respected boundaries. She was married and so was he.
He shook his head. Had they suddenly in an alcoholic haze given in to those feelings and desires? He sighed and reached out a hand to tug her awake. “Claire,” he murmured. “Claire. “
Claire shivered as she came awake slowly. She sat up abruptly as she saw Jamie hovering over her. Feeling a chill on her chest, she pulled her pj top close around her, rebuttoning it as she did so. She turned a shade of red when she realized what Jamie had seen in her obvious disheveled state. “Jamie,” she began slowly. “What,?” She remembered they’d finished filming the episode, but she and Jamie had stayed behind. They’d had a drink or two, but she couldn’t remember anything past that. While it was true she’d always been attracted to Jamie, they had never given in to those feelings. Emotion ran high right now with only three more episodes left to film and then the series was finished as the Network had canceled after nine years on the air.
“It’s looking like we had a few drinks, Claire.” He shook his head apologetically. “Beyond that. I’m sorry. I don’t remember.” He had met Claire on the set of this show nine years ago. They’d been good friends ever since. He’d always been professional and respectful with her, in spite of his intense attraction to her. He’d felt it then and he felt it now. He’d never given in to those feelings. Or had he? He wondered, given their disheveled appearance tonight.
She nodded. “Yes, well, given the state of things right now with Frank, it won’t matter that much. He’s gone back to England to get an annulment. He wants out of our marriage. After ten years, he finally wants out.” She felt the tension ease off her shoulders all of a sudden. It felt good to finally tell someone about it. To ease the burden of keeping it all bottled up inside. She shivered, “it’s over,” she sniffed. “It’s over.”
“Hey, Claire. It’s all right. Take it easy. You’ll get past this. It’s ok. “ Jamie murmured softly, pulling her against him in a gesture of comfort. He rubbed her back gently. “It’s ok.” His own marriage to Mary was crumbling before his very eyes. He understood her pain. His own marriage unbeknownst to most people had been a business relationship for years and now Mary wanted out. She was tired of the pretence. She’d found someone. They were getting a divorce. He felt a sudden compelling need to kiss her. For the first time, he wanted to give in to the feelings he had for this woman. He bent and held her cheeks in his hands. He held nothing back, the intense desire he felt for this woman burning in his eyes. “Claire,” he breathed. “Claire.” He softly touched his lips to hers.
Claire moaned at the feel of Jamie Fraser as she pressed herself against him. Her arms crept up around his neck. His kiss was just a touch, softly pressing against hers. She felt herself returning his kiss with equal fervor. She put her tongue into his mouth. They’d kissed on camera thousands of times but never like this. This burned. It smoked with intensity.  She pulled back finally, trying to catch her breath. Her marriage was over. After ten years, it was over. She’d wanted this man ever since they’d met. And now, by the ---, she was going to have him. Here and now.
Jamie started to pull back, trying to desperately rein in the intense desire and feelings he had for this woman. “I’m sorry,” he began, “I’m sorry, Claire. I --- “ To his utter surprise, he looked down as she clutched him to her in response.
“No. Jamie. No. It’s all right. I want you too. I am tired of fighting these feelings I have for you. My marriage is finished. I am an emotional mess true enough, but I want you. Now.” She replied. “But, what about you?” she asked, hesitating slightly. “You’ve got a wife,” she began slowly. “What about you?”
His answer was to bend his head and kiss her deeply. He pressed her against him, letting her feel his desire for her jutting out against her belly. He was tired of keeping his feelings for this exquisite woman bottled up inside of him. He shook his head. “Mary and I are through, Claire. We are getting a divorce finally. We’ve been a business arrangement for years. But, she’s met someone. She wants out.” He explained.
Claire put her hands on his cheeks, cupping them gently. She reached up and softly kissed him. “Touch me,” she murmured. “Make love to me, Jamie. Now.”
He reached out and gently parted the edges of her pj top. He cupped her, feeling the warm softness of her full breast against his palm. He began nibbling softly on her neck, her throat, her shoulders. He took one nipple bud into his mouth and began suckling on her. He chuckled as he heard her moan in response. He groaned at the feel of her hand on his lower back and the warmth of her soft mouth against his chest.
Claire squirmed as Jamie continued to play with her breasts with his mouth while a hand crept down and inserted itself inside the waistband of her pj bottom “Jamie,” Claire moaned, her breathing ragged and heavy. “Soon, Jamie. Soon.” She begged.
Jamie nodded, opening the front of his robe. He began working her pj bottoms down her hips. Grabbing her by the hips, he shifted her to straddle him. He pressed his throbbing member at her entrance. Hesitating, he muttered, “are you ok? Are you protected? I am healthy, but I don’t have a condom---" groaning he pulled back. Just kill him now if she said no.
Claire shook her head and eased his throbbing erection toward her entrance once more. “No. I am clean too. I am on the pill for other reasons. You’re all clear. “ she murmured. In one swift motion she sank down on him.
Nodding, Jamie began gyrating his hips in motion with hers. He kept a steady pace until he felt her stiffen and quicken above him. Grabbing her hips tightly, he began thrusting hard and deep, rocking her to the core until he felt her explode with the force of her climax. Groaning, he cried out her name as he emptied himself inside her until he thought he’d never stop. Oh my God, he thought. I love her. I have been madly in love with my co star all these years.
Claire felt boneless as she rested against Jamie’s chest in the aftermath of their lovemaking. She eased him out of her and eased herself onto his lap and simply held him, enjoying the warm feel of his muscular strength. Funny but it had taken her all this time to realize how she felt about this man. She loved him. She was an emotional mess and about to go through a messy divorce. She had a tv show that was ending. She had no room in her life right now for a new relationship. Rotten timing.
After what felt like the longest time, Jamie gently eased Claire off his lap. He sighed. He was in the middle of a divorce. This was no time to start a relationship. “It’s getting late, Claire. We’d better get out of here.” Jamie told her. He got up and started to dress.
Claire nodded and began buttoning her pj top. She reached down and pulled up her bottoms. She took a deep breath. “Yes, I suppose you’re right.” She replied. She glanced at her watch. “Drat!” she muttered. “It’s too late for transit and a cab is impossible this time of night on the long weekend.”
“Yes, that’s true. I’ve got my car here though Claire. I can drop you somewhere if you like.” Jamie offered.
Claire smiled. “Yes, that would be good. Thank you.” She replied.
Jamie nodded. “You need anything from your trailer?” he asked.
Claire nodded. “Just my handbags. Why don’t I meet you in the parking lot?”
“Sounds good. I’ll park right by the main doors. See you in a bit.” He replied.
Jamie smiled at Claire as she steps into the passenger side of his Jeep. “Where can I take you?” he asked.
“Just back to my hotel in the city. Frank has been staying at the house. He’s moved out but I am going to get the locks changed before I move back in.” Claire answered.
Jamie shook his head in disbelief. “You’re going to stay in a hotel all weekend? That’s not much fun. I am going to my cabin just outside of the city. It’s secluded and quiet. Why don’t you come with me. There’s a huge spare room and a big yard and kitchen. Plenty of space for privacy if you need it. Or spend some time with me if you want company. I’ll respect your decision on that either way. Mary has moved back to New York. No danger of meeting up with her. Come with me.” He urged her. “We’ve been friends a long time Claire. I can respect your space if you need the privacy or offer you company if you want to talk to someone. No strings. No pressure. But come with me. We don’t have to be on set again until Tuesday.” Jamie reaches out and squeezes her hand in reassurance.
Claire nodded and held onto his hand for a second, then pulls back. “All right, thank you.” It would be nice not to be alone for once. Besides, she liked Jamie. Why not? Frank had no say anymore about her life. He was off getting his annulment. She leaned back into the seat, intent on enjoying the drive to the country.
Jamie smiled. “Good!” Somehow he had the notion that she was hurting right now and could use the quiet and maybe the company of a friend. Divorce was painful, he knew that from his own marital situation. He could be whatever she needed him to be. A friend to just listen to her or whatever she needed him to be.
An hour later Jamie pulled into the driveway of his cabin. The cabin was spacious with a large country style kitchen, living room with a fireplace and a huge deck and backyard. It featured a large master bedroom with an ensemble bath suite. The smaller guest room had its own bathroom. Perfect for privacy and peace of mind. Coming around to the passenger side, he opened the door for Claire. “Well, what do you think?” he asks as they step through the hallway into the huge kitchen.  One of the best features was a huge country style table and stainless steel appliances.
Claire looked around the kitchen and living room space. The living room sectional was large and comfortable. It wrapped around a huge fireplace perfectly. “Very nice.” She answered.
Jamie grinned. “Glad you like it. Back deck has a jacuzzi tub. Are you hungry? I can do salads and some steaks. Chilled wine. I’ve even got ice cream. I can fix us a late dinner.”
Claire shook her head. “Too late at night for something that heavy. How about just coffee and salad?” she suggested.
“Sounds good. I can do that. Coming up.” He replied.
“Can I get you anything else?” Jamie asks as he puts their dishes into the dishwasher. “Wine?” he suggests.
Claire shook her head. “No, my head is still pounding a little from earlier. Maybe aspirin? If you have it,” she suggested.
“I have some Tylenol.”
“Yes, please.” She takes the capsules and washes them down with water. “Thank you.”
For the first time, Jamie felt uncertain about what to do. He wanted to hold Claire, but under the circumstances… she’s about to go through a divorce and he didn’t want to push her. “I can show you the spare room if you want. There’s a bathroom that’s part of it, --" he prompted.
Claire took a deep breath and swallowed hard. She didn’t want to be alone. She wanted to be held. Just held. This whole thing with Frank had been dirty and ugly. She wanted human contact. And this man was being considerate and offering her some space, but that wasn’t what she wanted. Maybe past this weekend, that would change – but for now, she wanted to be with this man. Hang the consequences after, but for now…She sighed. “Jamie, I, uhh, that is – I,” she began.
In an instant she was in his arms and he was kissing her hard, his lips grinding on hers. He pulled her against him and let her feel his desire for her pushing hard against her belly. In a swift motion she felt herself being lifted up and carried high in his arms. She wrapped an arm around his neck for balance. She felt the soft down of the coverlet of the huge king bed that he laid her down on. She watched him as he slowly removed his shoes, his shirt and finally his jeans. He stood there in just his boxers. He reached out and pulled back the coverlet and laid her back against the smooth sheets. Claire offered no objection as he removed her top and fleece pants. She was left there in just her cotton panties. She should have felt exposed and vulnerable. But she didn’t care. She loved this man. For this weekend at least, she wanted to be with him.
Jamie eased himself onto the bed beside Claire and pulled the covers over them both. He wrapped his arms around her and held her against him. “It’s late. You should get some sleep,” he murmured softly.
She shook her head and gently pressed her hand against his erection. “But?” she began, confused.
He smiled. “We need rest, Claire.. He can wait. Later. Spend the weekend with me. Be with me.” He urged her.
She nodded in contentment and snuggled into him sleepily. She was tired. She drifted off, feeling safe in his arms.
Jamie looked down at the sleeping woman in his arms. I could get so used to this. Yawning, he let the exhaustion take him and gave in to the need for sleep.
Claire woke to the smell of fresh coffee and bacon. She quickly retrieved her handbag and walked into the Master bath. She always carried extra clothing and toiletries with her as she never knew when she would be needing them in an emergency.
She ran the taps in the bath and swiftly adjusted the temperature and the level of the spray. She stepped into the shower, enjoying the comforting feeling of the hot water as it ran over her from the overhead shower. She could hardly believe she’d agreed to come here, but she didn’t want to be alone this long weekend. Besides, she loved Jamie and right or wrong she wanted to be with him. She turned off the taps and stepped out of the shower. She grabbed a large bath sheet and began to dry her body.
She gazed into the full length mirror and turning around slowly  carefully inspected her body. Not bad for a woman thirty nine she thought. Claire was petite about 5’ 5” with light brown hair and coffee colored eyes. Her body had curves in all the right places. She smiled to herself. Not bad.
She pulled out a clean pair of jogging pants, t shirt and a sweatshirt and underwear and socks. She wiped out the shower and placing her clothing she’d worn the day before into the laundry bag she kept in her oversized handbag. Dropping the bag in the Master bedroom, she went to find Jamie.
Jamie smiled broadly seeing Claire come in to the huge country kitchen. One of the things he was most proud of was this kitchen complete with a chef style stainless refrigerator, dishwasher and large gas stove. He liked to cook and this morning was no different. “Good morning,” he greeted Claire warmly. “Hungry? I’ve got eggs, bacon, sausage, ham and hashbrowns. Toast, coffee and orange juice.” He told her. He’d just sit down with his own breakfast that consisted of a sampling of everything he’d prepared.
Claire smiled and nodded, accepting the plate of food he’d offered her. She went to the coffeepot and poured large mug full of the steaming hot liquid. “Yes, thank you,” she replied, sitting down at the large table beside him. “Judging from this spread, I’d say you like to cook.” She commented, smiling warmly at him. Jamie was a good looking man, tall at about 6’ 2” with curly red hair and deep blue eyes. She sipped her coffee and took a bite of her food. “Hmmm, this is good.”
Jamie nodded. “Yes, I do actually. My aunts always cooked and being around them all the time as a young boy, I picked up the skill.” He replied. He bit into his own eggs and a sausage link and swallowed, washing it down with black coffee. “And, I’m glad you like it.”
Claire helped Jamie load everything into the dishwasher. “There’s only a few here. I could do them by hand if you like,” she suggested.
Jamie shook his head.”No need, really Claire. I’ve lots of dishes and I have pretty much a full load here now. I’ll have enough probably by lunch.” He paused. “Unless you’ve changed your mind, Claire about staying and want me to take you back to the city.” He began.
She shook her head. “No, I’d like to stay, Jamie. Here with your until we have to be back on Tuesday. I do need a few things in a store if you can take me to a Target or a Walmart today.” She replied.
Jamie smiled. “I can do that. I need a few supplies anyway. There’s a Supercenter not far from here. We can do that and have lunch as well. There’s a nice restaurant not far from the Supercenter.” He told her. He sighed. He wanted to kiss her, but he didn’t want to push her if she wasn’t ready. Like him, she was going through a break up and divorce. It complicated things. He held off because of it.
Claire looked at Jamie, puzzled. He looked like he wanted to kiss her, but was holding back for some reason. Well, she was having none of it. She reached up and put her arms around his shoulders and kissed him hard. She put her tongue in his mouth.
Jamie grunted and pulled Claire to him, crushing her against him. He deepened the kiss, grinding his lips against hers. “Claire,” he moaned, “Oh, Claire,” He pulled back finally and looked at her expectantly. “Well?”
Claire gasped, trying to catch her breath. She nodded. “Now! Town can wait.”
He nodded and picked her up and carried her back to his room. He stood her by the bed and pulled her tshirt and sweatshirt over her head in one motion. He bent down and slid her jogging pants and panties off her. He quickly pushed her back until she lay sprawled on the bed. He looked down and stared at her naked body. God, she was beautiful. She had curves where a woman should have them and not these beanstalk types. His gaze burned hot just looking at her. “You are beautiful and you’ve bewitched me. I’ve got to have you, now.” Jamie pulled off his own clothing and stood there nude gazing at the woman sprawled on his bed. His member jutted out proudly from wanting her. “You see him, Claire? He wants you.”
Claire swallowed hard and tried to rein in her own desire for this man. And failed. Miserably. She reached out her arms. “Come here, now.” She commanded.
Jamie wasted no more time and leapt onto the bed. He pulled her close to him and kissed her hard. He reached down and fingered her there between her legs. She was wet, swollen and ready. He could smell her arousal. He moved his head down and began placing soft kisses on her upper torso. He moved to her breasts and started suckling on her nipple, first one and then the other.
Claire moaned with pleasure at the feel of Jamie’s mouth and fingers on her. She burned from the sensation. She reached out a hand and started stroking his member.
“Claire, I need to,” he muttered. He pulled her beneath him and in one swift motion rammed himself into her softness.
She cried out at the feeling of Jamie deep inside of her. She wrapped her legs around him. She dug her nails in the lower part of his back as she felt him thrust into her at a frantic pace. She met him stroke for stroke. She whimpered from the sensations he was creating as he continued to stroke her there while thrusting into her. The pounding. The pressure. It built until she screamed as she exploded beneath him. She felt him jerk with his own orgasm  as he emptied himself inside her.
Jamie collapsed in a heap on top of Claire. Exhausted and out of breath, he shifted and pulled her against him. He bent and kissed her hair. “Now that was something.” He whispered.
Claire nodded. “I’ve just discovered I just made wild passionate love to my co star.” She said softly. She idly played with the hair on his chest. She sighed.”And I’m loving it.” She murmured.
Jamie shifted them until she was on top of him. He pulled her head down and kissed her. “I know.” He replied. “I love you Claire. No strings on it. But I do. I think that I have for a long time.”
Funny, Claire thought, his admission should have frightened her. At one time it would have. But not now. She loved him back. Plain and simple. She smiled. “I love you, too. I never realized it until recently, but I do. I love you, Jamie.” Claire confessed.
Four hours later Claire was sitting on the sectional in Jamie’s living room. She accepted the glass of wine he held out to her gratefully. “Thank you. This has been a wonderful day.” She told him, sipping the wine slowly.
Jamie took a sip from his own glass and sat down beside her. He pulled her against him. “Yes, it has.” He agreed. “You sure the wine, cheese and crackers are enough?” he asked her. “I could do steaks on the grill he offered.
She shook her head. “No, this is fine. I am still full from lunch.”
She replied. In the afternoon they’d found a Supercenter where she’d purchased her items. Then they’d gone to the restaurant he’d told her about. That was over three hours ago. Now they were back at his cabin. He had prepared a tray for them to accompany the wine he’d selected. It had been a long day. She was tired and wanted to relax. She took another sip of wine and relaxed against Jamie.
Jamie held her close and sipped his wine. Claire rested her head on his shoulder. This was nice, he thought. He could get used to having her with him for the rest of his life.
Claire was enjoying the peaceful feeling from being in Jamie’s arms. Before she’d left LA yesterday she’d talked to Charles Grainger about her Annulment from Frank. Charles had represented her for over ten years. His partner in fact was Jamie’s brother, Malcolm. Ironically, she’d been friends with Malcolm before she’d ever met Jamie. Charles felt sure the Annulment would be finalized that day. It was one reason why she came with Jamie this weekend. And part of the reason why she’d given into her feeling ls for him. Frank at the time when he’d asked for the Annulment had been dirty with her, and had accused her of having affairs even though it wasn’t true. Even though she’d loved Jamie for years, she’d never strayed from her marriage vows. Never. Now Charles was calling her, his name coming up on the caller ID on her phone. She moved away from Jamie. “I need to take this,” she told him. “The back deck?” She asked.
Jamie nodded. “Go ahead, Claire. “ he answered, pointing to the patio doors. Hmmm, he’d seen the ID. Charles Grainger. That was his brother Malcolm’s law partner. An entertainment lawyer, he’d represented Claire for years. In fact Malcolm was a good friend of Claire’s and had been for years. Malcolm knew Claire long before he’d ever met her. Malcolm was ten years older than him and resembled their father with black hair and dark gray eyes. He sighed. If Charles was calling Claire, that couldn’t be good.
Claire went out onto the back deck of Jamie’s cabin and took the call. “Charles? Yes. I see you’d tried to reach me before. What’s going on?” If he was calling her like this, it couldn’t be good. Claire pursed her lips as she listened to Charles. “He what? Frank did what? But you said you expected it to be final as of today. Ugh.”
“I am sorry, Claire. We expected it to be, yes. But, Frank has decided he wants more. He’s heard about the settlement amounts from the Network for the leads as compensation. And he wants a portion of it. Before he’ll sign.” Charles told her. “I’m sorry, Claire.”
Claire groaned. This can’t be happening. Frank for months had found someone else and wanted out of their marriage. He’d wanted to go to England and seek an annulment rather than a divorce. He’d cited infidelity and had accused her of having affairs, which wasn’t true. Unlike Frank, she’d been faithful. And now he wanted money. The rat. She took a deep breath. “How much Charles?” she asked.
Charles groaned. “He wants fifty percent.” He told her.
Claire just about had a coronary. “Fifty percent? I'll give him fifty percent, all right, the dirty rotten  --" Claire fumed. She took a deep breath. “Use our liaison to work with his lawyers and try to bring it down. We are back on set Tuesday. Work on it. Let me know. And thanks Charles.” She told him, disconnecting the call. Claire felt tears threatening. The dirty rotten scheming rat! He’d been the one who’d been unfaithful. And now he wanted a percentage of funds she’d earned. Oh the nerve of that man. And now likely by giving in to her feelings for Jamie, she’d likely given Frank ammunition to get his way.
Seeing Claire leaning over the deck railing, Jamie approached her quietly from behind. She’d been off her call with Charles for over twenty minutes, but she’d stayed outside. He gently put a hand on her shoulder. “Claire? Claire, are you all right?” he asked gently.
Claire shook her head slowly. “No. No, I’m not all right.” She began. She wanted to tell Jamie, but right now she just couldn’t. “Jamie, I am very tired. I need to lie down, but please may I stay in the other room tonight? I just need time, Jamie. It’s not you. Or how I feel about you. It’s just other things crashing down on me right now. Please Jamie.” She whispered softly.
Jamie squeezed her shoulders in response. “Of course. I’ll show you the room. There’s fresh linen on the bed and fresh towels. You’re welcome to it.” He led her down to the room and squeezed her hand in comfort. “If you need anything, I am here.” He told her.
Claire nodded. “Thank you, Jamie. “ she murmured. She entered the room and closed the door. She threw her handbag she’d retrieved from Jamie’s room on the bed. She grabbed a pillow from the bed and sitting down beside it buried her face into it and started to cry.
Jamie laid his head on the closed door outside the spare room. She was hurting, damn it. He could see it in her eyes. Somehow he knew that it was Frank Randall somehow who was responsible. He turned back toward his own room and shut the door. He was filled suddenly with a murderous rage that was uncharacteristic of him. Claire momentarily at least had shut him out, but he wasn’t about to give up so easily. That louse had hurt Claire and Jamie wanted to get to the bottom of it. He picked up his own phone and dialed Malcolm.
Malcolm was having dinner with Charles in their studio apartment when his phone rang. He sighed, looking  at the caller ID.  He looked over at Charles. “Two guesses, Charles. Yup, it’s Jamie. I’ll bet Claire is with him,” he told him. “I’ll take it on the balcony. “Hello, brother. What can I do for you?” he asked him.
Jamie grunted. “You know what you can do for me.” He told him. “What’s up with Claire? Suddenly Charles called her and now she’s fallen to pieces.” Jamie asked.
“Ah, so she is with you. Somehow I am not surprised.” Malcolm replied. “I can’t tell you. You know that.”
“Really? Well, you’re going to tell me. I can find out another way and you both know it. Charles called and it upset her enough for her to push me away. Now I know enough to know that Randall has something to do with it. I’d bet it is either financial or he’s doing something to delay her divorce. Now, which is it?” Jamie asked him.
Malcolm sighed. Sometimes his brother was too smart for his own britches. He’d always been like that. “Well, it’s a bit of both really. He wants more money before he’ll sign the final papers. He’s been the one having the affair and yet he’s been dirty and accused her of being unfaithful. “ Malcolm replied.
Jamie swore under his breath. The  dirty rotten piece of #### -- if he ever got his hands on Frank Randall --- grrr. “The rat. She wasn’t guilty of that while they were together. I know that. She’s not like that, ever. But she’s pushed me away, Malcolm. Do I  let her? What do I do? I love her. Loved her for years.” Jamie confessed.
“I know you have, brother. And she loves you. I’ve been around both of you for years. Don’t let her push back. Fight for her. Don’t let her shut you out.” Malcolm advised.
“Thanks, brother. I’ll do just that. Talk to you later.” Jamie disconnected the call and headed back to the other bedroom. I am not going to let her shut me out, he thought. Not now and not ever.
Claire lifted her head from the pillow when she heard Jamie knock on the door. “Yes?”
“Claire, I want to talk to you. May I come in?” he asked her. Please let me in, he thought.
She nodded  “All right. Door is open, Jamie.”
Jamie came in and seeing her on the floor with the dampened pillow and her reddened cheeks and eyes, knelt on the floor beside her. Ignoring her resistance, he pulled her into his lap and held her there as if he’d never let her go. “Now, what happened?” he asked her gently.
Claire burst into tears and put her head on his chest, her arms around his back.
Jamie held her for the longest time, letting her cry, and said nothing until finally she calmed down a little her shoulders no longer shaking. “Somehow this is Randall’s doing, isn’t it?” he asked her.
She nodded. “Yes. The agreement for the Annulment was supposed to be final yesterday. But, he’s refusing to sign it. He wants more money first.” She replied.
Jamie surged with disdain for Frank Randall. He’d hurt her and now the rat wanted more from her. He’d put her through enough pain already the scoundrel. “From the Network compensation package I’ll bet.” Jamie mused.
“Right you are. This entire time he’s accused me of being unfaithful. He’s the one guilty of that, not me.” She told him.
“Yes, I know.”
“Except now, I have.” She murmured.
Jamie nodded. “Well you’re separated, but yes I know what you mean.”
Claire eased herself away from Jamie, just enough so she could look at him. “I haven’t regretted this. It’s just until the Annulment is final, I want to keep any involvement I have with anyone on the down low. I may even want to even after it’s final. I’ve been through so much, Jamie with the series ending and my break up with Frank. It’s just too much. I love you. I want to be with you, but right now --" she began slowly.
He nodded and gently kissed her. “I know. I understand.” He replied. “You want me to take you back, don’t you?”
Claire nodded. “Yes. In the morning, please. I love you and want to be with you, but just not now. But, for tonight, hold me, please Jamie.”
Jamie smiled and held out his hand. “Come on.” He said and walked her back to the Master bedroom.
Early the next morning, he dropped Claire back to her house in the city. He reached out hand and warmly clasped hers. “You’ll be ok, here?”
“Yes. I need to make some calls. I’ll be ok Jamie.” She assured him.
“You need anything, you call me.”
“Yes, Jamie.”
Jamie sighed as he turned to his own parking lot for his condo in the city. They still had three episodes and then a farewell party. Of the last three episodes, there weren’t many scenes with Claire. They’d shot most of them already. He groaned. She was hurting and to an extent was still pushing him away. She was using her divorce as the excuse, but it was more than that. He could feel it. Reporters had been tough on her when they had discovered that she was divorcing Frank. Even tougher when they found out the show was canceled. He wondered if someone was stalking her. He had a friend, a former detective. He may be able to dig a little Jamie thought. He picked up the phone and dialed.
September 25 2021
Claire stirred slightly in her bedroom, waking slowly. She felt the other side of the bed and found it empty. Getting up, she went in search of her husband. She found him in the den at his laptop typing steadily. She smiled and came over to stand beside him. “Here you are. I woke up and found you gone.” She bent down and kissed him.
He smiled back at her and closing the laptop, pulled her down onto his lap. “Hello yourself, wife.” He murmured. “I woke up and couldn’t sleep, so I came in here to work on this.”
Claire put her arms around his neck. “Still the same thing, huh? Our story, as it were, hmmm?” she asked him.
He bent and gently kissed her. “Yup. Maybe someday we should tell the world about us, so I want our story ready, love.” He replied.
Claire nodded and kissed him back. “You mean tell the world that we are not only married, but my two children are actually yours? Oh, the scandal!” she cried.
He grinned. “We’ve only been together and married for over twenty years. Maybe we should confess everything, huh?”
Claire laughed. “Oh, indeed, husband, yes!”
September 17 1995
Robert Haskell looked at the dossier that John Gruber had sent him. It was basically a press report, a small summary on the life of Claire Beauchamp Randall and her soon to be ex-husband Frank Randall. Gruber was a press agent who Haskell trusted. His work was generally thorough and reliable.
Claire and Frank had been married for over ten years. Frank was an English professor originally from the UK while Claire was also from the UK, but she came to the USA in 1975 on a scholarship to UCLA for the Performing Arts when she was nineteen. She had met Randall at the same University. He’d migrated from England to work as an English professor at UCLA at that  time. They’d dated, fell in love and got married when Claire was twenty one. She’d her first break in a film called The Carpenter and after that on Broadway Network’s TV show Moonshine Hollow which ran for over nine years, but now the Network, under different management had canceled the show. Claire had faced a lot of negative publicity because of her upcoming divorce and also the cancellation of the show.
Her divorce was ugly with Randall openly accusing her of adultery. She’d publicly denied his charges, but the show according to what Gruber had determined, they’d put a clause into the compensation package they’d agreed to pay her. The amount offered to her was sizable, but she would only receive it if she agreed to stay away romantically from anyone connected to the show for a period of 24 months. Another stipulation for her to receive the amount was for her divorce from Randall to be final.
Haskell shuddered as he reread Gruber’s report. Gruber had an amazing reputation for being accurate. He always managed to dig the dirt up on every celebrity. Tough world, he thought. He picked up the phone and dialed Jamie Fraser.
Jamie, sitting his condo living room, picked up the phone on the first ring. “Robert? Glad you called me back so soon. What did you find out?” Robert Haskell was thorough and quick. Always.
Robert quickly told Jamie verbatim the contents of Gruber’s report on Randall and Claire.
Jamie swore under his breath. “That dirty bunch of old, ancient  ---" he muttered, referring to his bosses. “They’re all the absolute worst, especially against women. Their thinking is from the Stone Age. And Randall is not much better.”
“You’re right on all counts, Jamie. “ Robert agreed. “That’s all I have at the moment. But if you need more, I can dig further.”
Jamie shook his head. “No, you’ve pretty much confirmed what I was afraid of. Just send my office the bill, as always. And thanks.” Jamie told him. Damn, he thought. No wonder she was freaking out. She was getting it from both Randall and the Network brass leaning on her. Jerks all.
Claire fidgeted nervously as she sat in her huge living room. She hadn’t lived here in over three months and now it was bothering her to be here. She was haunted by too many bad memories.
She had the locks changed, thinking that she could redecorate. But it was no use, the memories were too strong and too painful. Too many fights and skirmishes with Frank. She picked up her phone and dialed Charles.
Charles Grainger picked up on the first ring. “Claire! Where are you? How are you? I still haven’t heard back from Frank’s people. Hopefully I will by tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest.” Charles told her.
“No, I am ok, Charles, really. And it’s not about that. Right now, I am at the house, but I need to speak with a good realtor. I need to unload it, and find a different house or condo. This one has too many bad memories.” Claire explained.
Charles nodded. “Yes. Yes, I see. I know of someone. I’ll have her call you. Take care Claire. I’ll let you know on the other.” Charles told her.
Claire looked around the room after hanging up the phone. I can’t stay here, and I don’t want the hotel room, she thought. It would take a few days to arrange something else with a realtor. She sighed and thought about the ultimatums guiding her life right now. To heck with them all, both Frank and the Network! She wanted Jamie. She looked into her handbag and found the address to his studio apartment. She packed a handbag and called a cab.
Jamie was cooking steaks to have with his salads, and wine when the buzzer went off for his condo apartment. Whaaa, he thought. Nobody knew this address. He’d kept it private. He answered the buzzer. “Yes?”
“Jamie? It’s Claire. May I come up?” she asked.
Jamie buzzed her in. “Of course. Come on up.” He told her. Ten seconds later she was knocking on his door. He opened it slowly, seeing her standing there, two small handbags in her hand. He pulled her inside, and closed and locked the door. He reset the alarm. Seeing the expression on her face, he drew her against him and held her. “Claire. Claire, are you all right?” he asked, rubbing her back gently.
She shook her head. She put both arms around him and held him tightly. She buried her face against his chest. “I couldn’t stay in the house, Jamie. Too many bad memories. I’d let the hotel room go, so the only place I could think of, was here.” She explained.
He nodded, and guided her over to the sofa with him. He sat down carefully and pulled her into his lap. “You can stay here with me as long as you need to. Or the cabin for that matter. I am just afraid of causing you more problems, Claire. I think you’re being pushed from both sides right now.” He reached out to gently stroke her hair.
“You seem very certain of that.” She replied.
He nodded. “I have my resources. “ He countered.
She smiled. “Apparently. There’s just things I need to deal with right now, Jamie.”
“I know. I understand. Use the spare room here for as long as you need it. I can give you privacy if you need it. Just know I am here if you want me or need me. I’ve just did steaks and salads. Are you hungry?” he asked her, pushing them both to their feet.
Claire nodded. “Starving and yes, thank you. For everything Jamie. “ she answered.
Pulling her into his kitchen, they ate in silence. Later he watched as she walked into his spare room and closed the door. He sighed. He wanted to chase after her, but she needed her space. She was frightened by them pushing her on both sides. He knew that she loved him and sooner or later, she’d take the chance. He’d make sure of it.
September 27 2021
Jamie found his wife leaning over the railing on the back deck of their cabin. They’d lived here over twenty years and most of them together. Out of mutual decision, they’d kept their relationship and marriage and children on the down low. They’d simply wanted their privacy from the public. He came up to her from behind and put his hands on her shoulders. He squeezed them gently. “Hey, I figured that I would find you here.” He murmured, pulling her back against the warmth of his chest.
She nodded and smiled. She pushed her bottom back against him. “It’s always so peaceful from this view at this time of night. I remember when Malcolm brought me out here, determined that I should talk to you.” She replied.
Jamie’s arms tightened around her. “I know. You’d been avoiding me. For various reasons.” He mused.
She turned in his arms, tears welling up in her eyes from the memory. She stroked his cheek weathered a little with age, but still so handsome.”I know. I remember it like it was yesterday. “ she said.
January 25 1996
Claire stared up at the sunset from the back deck of her cabin. She liked the location. It was peaceful and away from the city. It was only minutes away from Jamie’s cabin. She thought of him and sighed. She hadn’t seen him for over three months now. If she was perfectly honest with herself, she was avoiding him. She was avoiding the city and the entertainment industry in general.
Her Annulment had been final a month ago. She’d sold her house through the realtor that Charles had recommended. The same woman had found this place for her. She’d moved in here the night of the farewell party for Moonshine Hollow. She’d been at the party, but she’d avoided Jamie. She’d left the party, took a cab to his apartment and picked up her things. She left his place before he’d got home that night. She’d moved in here and had been here ever since. It already was furnished, and her realtor simply sold all of Claire’s things when Claire sold her house.
The money from the Network package, her savings and the money left over from house sale and the purchase of the cabin gave her financial freedom. She hadn’t worked in all this time and hadn’t wanted to.
She’d learned from Malcolm that Jamie’s divorce was final as well. But  Claire hadn’t seen him since the night of the farewell party. She still loved him, and she knew that he loved her, but she just hadn’t had the courage to face him. Taking a deep breath, she looked over the horizon. She wasn’t going to be able to avoid him forever. She sighed. A sudden knock on her kitchen door brought her out of her reverie. “What? Who could that be?” she wondered out loud. Nobody knew of this address. She turned to find Malcolm standing on her back deck.
“Claire!” Malcolm exclaimed, coming over to hug her. “It’s good to see you.?”
“Malcolm!” Claire burst out, hugging him back. “How are you? How did you find this place?”
Malcolm smiled. “From Charles, who else?” he told her. “What gives with you, Claire? You’ve been avoiding people. You’ve been avoiding my brother. Why? He’s beside himself with worry. The fool loves you Claire. And I know you love him. Why are you avoiding him?”
Claire bent her head down. “Because I don’t know how to face him. I mean at first, it was all the trouble with the show ending, and the break up with Frank. Then the trouble with getting the Annulment finalized and---" she explained.
Malcolm shook his head. “But that was all finalized months ago. Jamie’s too. So, I ask again, why are you avoiding him?” Malcolm urged her, not letting up on her.
Claire felt tears well up in her desperation. Honestly sometimes Malcolm was even more stubborn than his brother. “Because I’m pregnant!” she cried. “And, I don’t know how to tell him. At the time, I thought it was fine, but I was on an antibiotic and and that sometimes---" she replied.
Malcolm grinned. “And sometimes it makes for good parents.” He added. “This has gone far enough though Claire. You need to tell him. Now.” He reached out and grabbed her hand. “Come on, let’s go.”
Claire pushed back a little, panicking. “You wouldn’t ---"
Malcolm merely pulled her harder. “I would indeed. Now, come on. I am taking you to Jamie. Now.”
Jamie paced nervously in his living room. Malcolm had promised to go talk to Claire. He hadn’t seen her in over three months and he was beside himself with concern and worry. He hadn’t seen her since the farewell party. She’d even moved her things and had left his studio apartment before he’d got home. Her Annulment was finalized. So was his divorce. The show was over with. And yet, no Claire. He’d wanted to chase after her, but he’d wanted to give her space. He’d wanted to give her time. But as of today, he’d had enough. He called Malcolm. He could only hope that Malcolm could talk some sense into her.
September 27 2021
Claire looked up at him as they both stood on their back deck. “I remember talking to Malcolm that day. He really read me the riot act over everything. He raked me over the coals good. Then he drove me over and pushed me out of his car and toward this cabin.” She told her husband, reminiscing. “I had no choice but to go inside,” she mused. “I came face to face with you.”
Jamie nodded. “I remember, love.”
January 25 1996
Jamie turned around to face the sudden noise coming from his kitchen. “Claire!” he exclaimed at the sight of her there. He came over to her, his first inclination wanting to hug her, but suddenly stopped. “Where have you been? All this time. Where have you been?” he asked her.
Claire took a deep breath. “Not far. I actually own a cabin similar to this one about twenty minutes away.” She replied.
Jamie looked puzzled. “ But, I don’t understand. My divorce is final. Your Annulment is final. The TV show Moonshine Hollow is finished. Why are you avoiding me? Avoiding us?” he asked her. “Why? Or have you changed your mind about how you feel about me?”
Claire shook her head. She came over and stroked his cheek. “No, not ever. It’s just that I found out about something and I don’t know how to tell you. I – I’m pregnant, Jamie. With your child. I was taking antibiotics when we were—and apparently they can ---" she stammered.
Jamie let out a whoop of joy. He picked Claire up high in his arms and spun her around with complete joy. “Can result in becoming parents!” he exclaimed.  He bent down and kissed her hard. He hugged her close. “And, you’ve avoided me over this? You, you, oh you silly girl. I love you. And this? Oh baby. I have no words. Except we’re doing this. “ he said. He sat down on the sectional with her wrapped in his arms. He picked up the phone and dialed Malcolm.
“Malcolm? Yes. That’s right. What we talked about before? Yes, exactly. Arrange it all, please. For tonight. Yes. In this cabin. Thank you.”
Claire scowled at him after he’d disconnected from Malcolm. “Jamie Fraser, what did you just do?” she asked him.
Jamie grinned. “Arranged a little wedding.” He replied.
Claire stared at him wide eyed. “Wedding? Whose?”
Jamie smirked at her. “Ours. You’re going to marry me. Tonight. I won’t take no for an answer. We don’t have to tell anyone right now. We can keep it on the down low for as long as you need it or want it that way. But legally you are going to be my wife. That baby will legally be mine.” Jamie told her.
Claire felt tears dampening for a second time in her eyes. She nodded. “Yes, Jamie. I love you. “ she murmured.
“And I love you, Claire.” He replied.
An hour later with both Charles and Malcolm as witnesses, Jamie and Claire were standing before a justice of the peace. They’d do a Church ceremony later, but for now, Claire was ecstatic when she heard him pronounce them man and wife. She beamed with happiness as she watched everything while holding on to her unborn child.
Jamie sat with Claire in the sectional, his arms wrapped around his new wife. He was feeding her grapes, crackers and cheese and washing it down with carbonated cranberry juice. Both were dressed in silk dressing gowns sitting before the fire in the fireplace. She took a sip of the juice. They’d forgone the wine because of her pregnancy. “Happy?” He asked her.
She smiled and popped another grape into her mouth. “Ecstatic. You?” she queried.
Jamie nodded. “The same. The very same.”
She reached out and kissed him. “You think we can keep all this a secret?”
Jamie nodded. He started to push the robe off her shoulders, bending down to kiss her breasts and the soft swell of her pregnant belly. “We can certainly try, Claire Fraser. We can certainly try. I love you. I’ve always loved you.”
Claire slipped his robe down and nodded. “Yes. I love you, too. I have felt like this since the beginning.”
September 27 2021
Claire settled into Jamie’s arms after their lovemaking. She felt his sweat dampened skin against hers, enjoying the sensation. “And that is how it was, Jamie Fraser. I loved you then and I love you now. You really think we should tell the world?” She asked.
Jamie nodded. “I think perhaps we should.”
Claire nodded. “Whatever you want to do. Whatever you want to do. I am with you all the way. Now and then.”
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