#one of my favorite scenes i've ever written
kanzakiaizen · 2 days
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A/N: I really really love old school romance like we need those back 😭🤍
Warnings: angst, fluff, dramatic rain scene, comfort, 2006 high school era, gojo being ooc, might seem cringe or cheesy but I tried my best 😭
In the heart of Tokyo, in the early 2006s, there was a high school nestled between bustling streets and serene temples. The school, with its old brick buildings and cherry blossom trees, was a world unto itself, where young dreams and hopes flourished.
Satoru Gojo was a quiet, introspective student who spent most of his time in the library, lost in books and music. He had an old Walkman that he carried everywhere, playing mixtapes he'd carefully crafted from late-night radio shows. His passion for music was well-known among his classmates, but few knew the depth of his feelings for a certain someone.
Y/n was the school's spirited and kind-hearted student council president. Her laugh was infectious, and she had a way of making everyone feel included. She excelled in her studies and was always busy with school activities, but her favorite pastime was painting. She often sketched scenes of the city, capturing its beauty on her canvases.
Their paths seldom crossed, despite being in the same class. Satoru admired y/n from afar, too shy to approach her. His friends teased him, calling it an unrequited crush, but he cherished the small moments—her smile when she greeted him in the hallway, the way she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear when she was deep in thought.
One crisp autumn day, the school announced a talent show. Students buzzed with excitement, eager to showcase their talents. Y/n decided to participate, choosing to paint a large mural representing the unity and spirit of their school. Satoru, encouraged by his friends, signed up to perform a song he'd written, a heartfelt melody inspired by his unspoken feelings.
The weeks leading up to the talent show were a whirlwind of activity. Y/n spent her afternoons in the art room, her hands covered in paint, her eyes sparkling with creativity. Satoru practiced his song in the music room, pouring his heart into every note, hoping to convey his emotions through the lyrics.
On the night of the talent show, the school auditorium was filled with students, teachers, and proud parents. The air was electric with anticipation.
Y/n's mural was revealed first, a breathtaking masterpiece that brought tears to many eyes. The audience erupted in applause, and Y/n's smile was radiant.
Then it was satoru's turn. He stepped onto the stage, his heart pounding. As he strummed his guitar and began to sing, the room fell silent. His voice was filled with raw emotion, and the lyrics spoke of a love that was pure and enduring. Y/n, standing in the wings, felt a strange sense of recognition.
When Satoru finished, the audience gave him a standing ovation. Y/n approached him backstage, her eyes shining. "Your song... it was beautiful," she said softly.
Satoru blushed, looking down. "Thank you. It was inspired by someone special."
Y/n's heart fluttered. "Really? Who?"
Taking a deep breath, met her gaze. "You."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, then softened with understanding. "Satoru, I had no idea..."
He smiled shyly. "I've admired you for so long, but I was too afraid to tell you."
Y/n reached out and took his hand. "I'm glad you did. Your song was the most beautiful confession I've ever heard."
From that night on, satoru and y/n's bond grew stronger. They spent their days together, discovering shared interests and supporting each other's dreams.
The weeks following the talent show had been a whirlwind for Satoru & y/n. Their relationship blossomed, and they became inseparable, sharing their dreams and insecurities, their laughter and tears. Yet, as the pressures of school and personal obligations mounted, so did the strain on their young love.
Satoru had always struggled with his studies, and the looming college entrance exams filled him with dread. His parents, strict and traditional, expected nothing less than excellence, and he felt the weight of their expectations pressing down on him. Meanwhile, y/n, with her myriad responsibilities as student council president and her own academic pressures, found herself stretched thin. Despite their deep feelings for each other, their time together became sporadic, their conversations often tinged with frustration.
One gray afternoon, as storm clouds gathered over Tokyo, Satoru and y/n found themselves in the middle of a heated argument. They stood in the courtyard, their voices rising above the din of the approaching storm.
"You're never around anymore, y/n!" Satoru exclaimed, his voice raw with emotion. "It's like you have time for everyone else but me."
y/n's eyes flashed with anger. "That's not fair, Satoru. I'm doing my best. I have so many responsibilities, and I'm trying to balance everything."
"But where do I fit into all of this?" Satoru demanded, his heart aching. "Sometimes I feel like I'm just another obligation to you."
The first raindrops began to fall, mingling with the tears on y/n's cheeks. "You're not an obligation, Satoru. You're the person I care about most. But it's so hard... trying to be everything for everyone."
As the rain intensified, their argument reached a fever pitch, their words lost in the downpour. Satoru turned away, running a hand through his drenched hair. "Maybe we're just too different," he muttered, the pain in his voice unmistakable.
y/n stepped closer, her own tears mixing with the rain. "Satoru, don't say that. We can make this work. We just need to try harder."
He looked at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and despair. "I don't know if I can, y/n. I'm scared of losing you, but I'm also scared of losing myself in the process."
The rain fell harder, drenching them both, but neither moved. They stood facing each other, the storm reflecting the turmoil in their hearts. Then, in a moment of vulnerability, y/n reached out and took Satoru's hand.
"Satoru, I love you," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rain. "I don't want to lose you. Let's not give up on us."
Satoru felt his resolve waver as he looked into her eyes. Despite the storm, despite the chaos around them, he saw the sincerity in her gaze. Slowly, he pulled her into his arms, holding her tightly as the rain poured down.
"I'm sorry," he murmured into her hair. "I don't want to lose you either. We'll find a way, together."
y/n nodded against his chest, her arms wrapped around him. "Together," she echoed.
In that rain-soaked courtyard, amidst the storm and their shared fears, Satoru and y/n found a renewed sense of hope. They knew the road ahead would be difficult, but they also knew they were stronger together. As they kissed, the rain washing away their tears, they made a silent promise to each other—to fight for their love, no matter the odds.
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roguegambitweek · 3 days
Romy Discord FanFic Rec List
In honor of Rogue/Gambit Week, some of the writers from the Romy Discord wanted to share some fics that we’ve written. 
With so much Romy love to share, we hope y’all find a new favorite or rediscover an old one. 
💚💖 Thanks for reading! 💖💚
Takes Two To Tango (or take down a Wild Sentinel) @aldreantreuperi by AldreanTreuPeri [ao3]
Rating: M | Universe: XtAS’97 | Words: 1,521 | Chapters: 1 | Status: Oneshot 
Summary: A battle is as much a dance as anything achieved on a dance floor…and having the proper partner can literally keep you alive… Episode 5 fix-it fic.
But Here We Are by AppleJ @applejacks1552 [ao3] 
Rating: M | Universe: Comics | Words: 32,978 | Chapters: 30 | Status: Complete 
Summary: They never thought this would be possible, but Rogue is uneXpectedly eXpecting. Yet nothing is ever THAT simple in the life of an X-Man. What secret will Gambit discover that complicates their happily-ever-after?
AppleJ says: Hmmmm ... why I wrote that fic in particular: First, because I wanted to make the fan theory that the twins (Maxime & Manon) were Romy kiddos real. Second, because I KNOW it will be a cold day in hell before Marvel ever gives Romy kids in the main 616 (like maybe long after I'm dead & they're out of storylines & they've already split/reunited them 5 times over?), so it seemed like fertile ground (pun intended). And third, because they say to write what you know & I wanted a pregnancy/birth story that reflected the reality that it isn't all sunshine & rainbows & certainty for many of us & that's okay too.
Mighty Thin Ice by Cajun_Hawk @cajunhawk [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: E | Universe: Comics | Words: 138,942 | Chapters: 11 | Status: WIP 
Summary: Rogue is working hard to get her powers under control while she and Gambit have decided to take their relationship to the next level, in hopes of having something normal very soon. 
The Legacy of Dark Cerebro by Chellerbelle @chellerbelles [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Movies | Words: 45,064 | Chapters: 12 | Status: Complete 
Summary: What if X2 had ended differently? What if the X-Men hadn’t gotten to Professor Xavier in time and all the humans had died? Takes place 5 years after this alternate ending (exception of the prologue). 
Chelle says: After much indecision, I decided on The Legacy of Dark Cerebro. The opening scene had a special place in my heart, and New Sun vs Phoenix was on my fanfic bucket list for a long time. 🙂Also, this story seems a bit more “new reader” friendly than some of my other favourites, haha.
Risk and Reward by DayenuRose @dayenurose [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 47,518 | Chapters: 13 | Status: Complete
Summary: There’s an old adage that goes, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. As a thief, Remy LeBeau know full well that oftentimes the greatest risks come with the greatest rewards. When he starts to fall for the enigmatic Rogue, Remy must decide if the risks are worth the possible reward. 
Rose says: This was one of the first Romy fics I’ve written. It was a real entry into Romy fandom for me. Everyone was so welcoming and kind in the comments. And during the process of writing this, it helped me come to a better understand of Gambit, Rogue, and their relationship. 💜
LeBeau’s Eleven by Ilargikat @ilargikat [ao3]
Rating: G | Universe: Comics | Words: 14,182 | Chapters: 6 | Status: WIP
Summary: Planning a heist is not easy, especially when you need special skills to pull it off. The luck of being an X-Men is that the skills are within reach, maybe not people willing to commit a heist.
Once. Now. Before. Always. by lovethelebeaux @lovethelebeaux [ao3]
Rating: M | Universe: Comics | Words: 10,179 | Chapters: 4 | Status: Complete
Summary: Four vignettes from four different time periods over the course of Rogue and Gambit’s relationship. 
Lovethelebeax says: Heehee I've only written like four things so this will be easier for me than most 😅 it's this one, my first in 20 years
The Tailor & The Seamstress by Ludi_Ling @ludi-ling [ao3] [ff.net]
Rating: M | Universe: X-Men |Words: 58,659 | Chapters: 13 | Status: Complete
Summary: Remy LeBeau is the creative lead at a waning fashion house in 1910 New York. Over the street is his employer’s rival, where a pretty and talented seamstress happens to work. Romance ensues, of course - in-between a friendly rivalry, that is. 
Ludi says: It was a tough call on which fic to choose, but I settled on this one because the last fic I write is always the one I'm most proud of, and this is the last one I completed! Last summer @narwhallove challenged me to write a Romy fic that played on my love of both them and of historical fashion. She threw some ideas at me, and I wrote nearly an entire chapter. Then, X-Men '97 starts, and I read back on what I wrote in July '23, and suddenly the rest of the story unfolds before me. I had a blast writing it! And I hope you have fun reading it too 😉
But I Can’t Trace Time by Sandmans_Raven @sandmansraven [ao3]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 8,998 | Chapters: 1 | Status: Oneshot 
Summary: After a battle with the time-traveling mutant-hunter known as Ahab, Rogue is sent into the future. To get back, she must rely on old friends and put a stop to Ahab’s plans. 
Toys by Spaceorphan @spaceorphan18 [ao3]
Rating: T | Universe: Comics | Words: 1,619 | Chapters: 1 | Status: Oneshot 
Summary: Romy catches Remy playing with toy action figures of the X-Men. Shenanigans. Set in the 616 verse, but some fun meta-y references to XM97.
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skitter-kitter · 1 year
It’s two weeks before the PML officially begins. Lear’s collected all the required badges, so he should be spending the time before the competition training his pokémon to be in peak condition. Except, his best friend has been kidnapped by Team Break. Lear would do anything to get Hoopa back. Going undercover to save it from Team Break doesn’t seem like a huge deal, at least not until he finds out who Team Break’s leader is and why he’s so focused on ruining Lear’s life.
Chapter five's out!
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acequeenking · 5 months
Fandom: Tekken
Relationship: Kazama Jun/Mishima Kazuya
Rating: Explicit (this one has sexy times so not for kiddos)
Additional Tags: Reunion, Reunion sex, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Awkward Conversations About Not-So-Accidentally Trying to Murder Your Son and Actually Murdering Your Dad and Kind of Accidentally Abandoning Your Unknown Baby-Mama, Forgiveness, Getting Back Together, Dealing with the mental fallout of Tekken 2 to Tekken 8, which for both of them is...a lot, but they're getting there
"I am not the man you want me to be," Kazuya admits. "But that does not mean the man I am does not love you."
"...Still?" Jun asks, the word the only thing that can quite get out of her throat.
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vulturereyy · 1 year
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Where Chivalry Went To Die - Chapter 3: Resonance
“Sir Hegemol. First of my Great Knights,”  
The water had wet the very ends of his beard. 
“First of his rank; First to gain my trust, ”
He craned his head upwards, attempting to escape the rising tide, only to find his efforts met with the runoff from a new gutter. 
“First Royal Tactician, Right Hand to the King himself,” 
The old knight’s eyes squeezed shut as the rain swallowed them as well, hands bracing on either side of the prison, if only to lift his head just a bit higher. “First of us to fall.”
Hegemol’s mandibles struggled to part as they were seized by the cold, drawing in a desperate last breath before the water claimed his mask.
“First of us to fail Hallownest.”
The city, the lights, the cries from the citizens were drowned out as he found himself swallowed wholly by the rain.
"What say you, to the people you abandoned?"
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laelior · 8 days
Periapsis Chapter 3: Dandelion Fluff
Mass Effect Kaidan Alenko/Beth Shepard Rating: E (eventual smut) Chapter 3/6 Periapsis: The point at which two objects in a binary system orbit nearest to each other. a.k.a., the Shenko shore leave fic that's been plaguing me non-stop lately. Ao3 link
It probably shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Kaidan that Shepard was the type to enjoy risky hobbies. After all, she routinely charged ahead in battle with little more than a shotgun and a biotic barrier between herself and the enemy. She drove with reckless disregard for concepts like gravity or basic safety. It was only natural that she would gravitate toward the kinds of activities even the most fervent adrenaline junkies flinch.
But here he was, heart in his throat as he watched her scale a sheer granite wall with absolutely nothing between her and the rocky, unforgiving ground below. It was a mystery to him how she had even found her way up as high as she had. There seemed to be zero visible handholds or footholds, but she’d ascended the cliff with unnerving ease.
“You sure you don't want to join me, Alenko?” she called down from her perch ten meters off the ground, pausing in her ascent to look down at him. “The view up here is pretty spectacular.”
Read More
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eskawrites · 10 months
sooo last year i wrote my robin gets vecna'd fic as a self-indulgent birthday gift to myself, and seeing as it's basicallyyyy my birthday week again, i think it'd be neat if you give it a read (or a re-read) <3
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newromantics101 · 1 year
“So, Stormfur,” Squirrelpaw begins, “do you have anyone waiting on you back in RiverClan?” All heads swivel towards him, expecting; Feathertail grins.
“I mean, I know Mistyfoot misses us--”
“No, I meant, like, in a romantic way.”
“Oh. Then I guess not?”
“Really?” Brambleclaw asks, and Stormfur can’t fathom why he sounds surprised by that. It makes Stormfur’s pelt feel like it’s two sizes too tight.
“I mean, I don’t think anyone has ever really thought about me like that before-”
Feathertail snorts. Before he can stop himself, he turns to face her with an accusatory look and asks, “What?”
“Ohh,” Tawnypelt drawls. “Feathertail knows something!”
“It’s nothing,” she replies, innocent. “If Stormfur doesn’t want to admit to it, I won’t force him.”
“Lame,” Crowpaw says. “Stop playing coy so that we can all go to sleep, Stormfur.”
Stormfur scowls. “I’m not playing coy. Nobody has ever had a crush on me, at least not in RiverClan.”
His answer seems to physically pain Feathertail. “Stormfur, please. If you’re going to lie about it, at least don’t go so extreme.”
“I’m not lying!” Stormfur cries, his fur fluffed in distress. “If you know something that I don’t know, Feathertail, you’re more than welcomed to enlighten me!”
Feathertail squints at her brother as a hush falls over the group. Then she asks, “Have you seriously never noticed Hawkfrost and Dawnflower fighting over you?”
If the wind would pick up just a little bit, it would be enough to knock Stormfur over.
“Two cats are mooning over you?” Squirrelpaw demands. “I only asked you to share one, and here you are with two!”
“Technically I count three cats because one time Mothwing told me that if she was into toms, she would jump Stormfur’s bones.”
The entire group starts shouting at this revelation, equal parts thrilled and scandalized. “Mothwing did not say that to you,” Stormfur accuses, only able to focus on one thing at a time.
“She totally did. She was all like, “do you think they really jumped each other’s bones?” and I said, “who knows, there’s always tension between those two”, and Mothwing said, “well, good for Hawkpaw, I would jump Stormpaw’s bones too if I was into toms”.”
“When was this?” Stormfur demands. Only a moment too late does he piece together the answer for himself, and then he panics. “Wait, don’t--”
“It was right after Leopardstar basically told the entire Clan that you and Hawkfrost snuck out of camp in the middle of the night to jump each other’s bones.”
Crowpaw inhales such a sharp breath that he begins choking on it. Brambleclaw demands, “Leopardstar did what?!”
“We were apprentices!” Stormfur rushes to defend himself. “And nothing happened! We just-- we wanted to spar, that’s all!”
Tawnypelt eyes Stormfur like he’s personally insulted her intelligence. “Stormfur, do you honestly expect us to believe that you and another cat snuck out in the middle of the night to spar?”
“We were-- you know, hot-blooded and we had a lot of emotions to work through!”
Squirrelpaw cackles. “I’m never going to complain about Firestar embarrassing me ever again!”
Stormfur fixes Feathertail with a glare because this is all her fault. “Traitor,” he hisses.
“You asked,” Feathertail replies with a shrug.
“Wait,” Crowpaw finally manages to speak, finally overcoming his coughing fit. “Who’s Dawnflower?”
“Just a friend!”
Feathertail snorts. “Stormfur saved her from drowning like two moons ago and she’s been head-over-heels for him ever since.”
“Aw,” Tawnypelt says. “That’s sweet. Way sweeter than you sneaking out and getting your bones jumped, Stormfur.”
“Can we please stop saying that?!”
Feathertail raises her voice and agrees, “It is sweet! And then it’s also very entertaining whenever Hawkfrost and Dawnflower have to be near each other to do anything because they just glare at each other the entire time and Stormfur is completely oblivious.”
The wind picks up a little bit and knocks Stormfur over. He lays in his makeshift nest and bemoans, “I can’t believe this.”
“Oh, poor you,” Brambleclaw mumbles. Suddenly he can’t even look at Stormfur anymore.
Feathertail tries to settle into the nest with Stormfur, but he pushes her away. “Make your own nest tonight,” he grumbles.
Feathertail blinks, annoyed. “You know I can’t sleep by myself!”
Crowpaw clears his throat. “I think I made my nest a little bit big--”
Stormfur moves over to make room for Feathertail, shooting her a look that clearly reads, Don’t even think about it. Feathertail rolls her eyes, good-natured, and climbs into their nest. “Thanks anyway, Crowpaw.”
Suddenly Crowpaw can’t look at him anymore, either. Stormfur is perfectly okay with that. He actually wouldn’t mind if nobody ever looked at him ever again. Stormfur wouldn’t mind if everyone just forgot that he existed, even.
Reading his thoughts, Feathertail purrs. “You’re so dramatic. As if you truly didn’t know, fish-brain.”
No, thinks Stormfur. I didn’t.
— devils roll their dice, angels roll their eyes (flesh and bone, c3)
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canibalistic-brownie · 6 months
I have to keep reminding myself that none of y'all know me in real life and even if you think what I'm writing is cringe, its not for you, its for me. But h-h-h-h-holy shit is it hard to get out of that mindset of anxiously wondering what other people will think of your writing the entire time.
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thefallenangelsgang · 2 months
15 Lines Challenge
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well. @fablewritesnonsense strikes again! As always, no pressure, I just really admire these lovely folk's work: @helena-bug @just-another-wasteland-merc @roystory4 @druidgroves @heylittleriotact
(I'm going to be completely honest, I'm working of off 5 incomplete scenes if I just do BG3, so I'm also going to throw in some By Any Other Name quotes. It's technically the same character from a different story. The backstories vary a little but I'm confident the character is still there. By Any Other Name quotes are marked with an asterisk * at the end)
Wynleth Reiden
“Lathander isn’t going to strike me down if I don’t stop and kneel."
“Are you stupid?”
“Of course I’m not going to kill you!”
“And I’m still not sure you are actually what I think you are or just some freak with filed teeth and a biting kink!”
“My faith is entirely a different matter.”
“I am going to drown myself in the Chionthar.”
“It is precisely because you are a depraved beast that you get the juiciest gossip.”
“Yes, good sex!”
“I was married, he died… fifty-four years ago come Mirtul?”
“I- I think I need to be alone for a bit. I need to pray. I need to do something or I’m going to fall apart.”
“Is that why I took up the role of a garden water feature when I tried to dominate it?"
“Becoming a Paladin, beginning a life in politics, was how I could take control back. I never had a connection to Lathander like you did. I didn’t find him when I lost. He was never there for me in my darkest moments. He was forced upon me because it was expected . He inundates every single one of the worst moments in my life. Because of them .” *
"Here, every second of every day is focused on the words and what they mean and it's been like that for centuries. We are like an ouroboros. The dogma is causing us to consume ourselves.” *
"You are a soldier with faith, I am a priest sent to war. They are entirely different things.” *
"I have Saints, Martyrs, Prophets, all manner of Holy Persons in my family line. I was supposed to follow in their footsteps. But I didn’t. Not totally.” *
If you would like to see more of my writing (or some of the incomplete scenes these are pulled from) check out my tag on my account #Jericho Writes
If you are a Legends of Avantris and Edge of Midnight fan, By Any Other Name is a published oneshot about the Chapter 17 memory ritual you can find on my Ao3!
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shoechoe · 1 year
the fact that a large portion of Vento Aureo fans mostly just like la squadra is kinda weird to me. it's like we're looking at the same picture but we enjoy completely different things about it
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jowritesfanfiction · 7 months
Ayyyy a chapter in which Marty and Lorraine get a little break from everything and get to bond over music.
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the-sky-queen · 5 months
I thought I'd post the one scene I have that has Blake in it. :)
Quick context first: This is from my series of fanfics that features Nexus' story. (I haven't posted it yet, because it needs rewriting, but I hope to post it someday.) So this scene isn't from Blake's POV, it's from Shade's. And Shade is coming in right smack dab in the middle of a conflict he has no context for and is very confused. So yeah. Enjoy!
(Ignore any clunkiness please. I wrote this over a year ago. Oh yeah, and by the way, Blake lives in a universe where Shadow runs a big hero agency. Sonic is a part of it and he's a rookie.)
As I’m passing by a jewelry store, it suddenly explodes. I’m thrown onto the street roughly and flaming debris rains down around me.
In a panic, I run a diagnostics check. No major external damage. I’m a little singed, but my built-in shields protected me from the worst of the potential damage. All my internal computers and motors seem to be functioning properly as well.
I hear a low, sinister laughing coming from the flaming shop. I look up.
A red porcupine with flaming spines comes walking out of the fire. He holds a green jewel up to the air with his robotic left arm. He’s got a dangerous look in his yellow eyes.
“Ah,” he sighs. “Yes . . . A Chaos Emerald in my possession at last. And the so called heroes are none the wiser!” He laughs again.
He hasn’t noticed me yet? I scramble away and hide next to a lamp post. I get out of there just in time too. There’s a flash of green, and suddenly, someone’s standing in front of the porcupine!
Wait . . . is that him?!
“Cockiness has caused your downfall many times, Blake,” the black hedgehog says, arms folded. “You really should learn from your mistakes.”
Blake snickers. “So you did notice me, huh Shadow?”
“We’ve been monitoring this place ever since we hid that Chaos Emerald here,” Shadow retorts. “We ‘noticed’ you the moment you entered town.”
“In any case, you’re not the hero I hoped to attract,” Blake shrugs. His voice suddenly changes from arrogant to threatening. “Where’s Sonic?”
Sonic? Isn’t that what everyone was calling Nexus back at the cafe? Wait . . . I’ve heard that name somewhere before. But where?
“Right here, Cactus Breath!” A glowing blue ball of spikes comes streaking towards Blake, hitting him and knocking him to the ground. The force seems to knock the porcupine out. “You’ve seriously gotta work on your defense, dude.”
The ball uncurls, revealing . . . what?! This guy . . . Sonic . . . he looks exactly like Nexus!
Shadow walks over to him. “Glad you got here in time. Good work, agent.”
Sonic laughs. “I’m the fastest thing alive! Of course I got here in-! Uh, I mean, thank you, sir!” He salutes with almost giddy excitement.
Shadow nods and looks at Blake. “Don’t know how he managed to escape again. Let’s get him into custody before the town starts making a fuss. And call Blaze so she can put out this fire before it spreads too much. I’ll get the emerald.”
“Yes, sir,” Sonic nods.
I’m so confused. What’s going on? I need to go tell Aurora and Nexus about this. I need to get out of here!
I’ve barely taken one step before there’s another explosion. I whirl around. Blake is floating in the air in a pillar of wild fire. Sonic and Shadow are staring up at him, prepared to fight.
“You didn’t let me finish! How rude!” Blake says. “I have a score to settle with you, Sonic. Your sweet little hometown will be the first to pay!”
“You jerk!” Sonic yells. “Leave them out of this!”
Blake raises the Chaos Emerald to the sky and begins to quote something. “ ‘He shall come with death. He shall rain fire from the sky. For only when all is ashes can the world be rebuilt anew!’ So it shall be, Sonic! Once you’re out of my way, I’ll rule the world!”
By now, people have started coming out of their houses to see what’s going on. They talk in amazed murmurs. Why don’t they seem concerned about Blake?
“In your dreams, Sparky!” Sonic yells. All at once, Blake and Sonic start fighting in a blur of red and blue and flames and speed.
Shadow runs over to the gathering crowd. “Start evacuating the town. This might get out of hand.”
I pull on the hood of my hoodie to hide my face. I don’t want Shadow to see who I am if he looks my way. That might cause some problems.
I know I should really go, but seeing Shadow for the first time is kinda amazing! He’s keeping everyone calm and he seems to be a great leader. It’s no wonder that-
“You should leave too, boy,” Shadow says, noticing me. I jump slightly in surprise. “It’s not safe here. Go find your family and get out of town.”
“O-Okay!” I nod. I get up and follow the crowd as they start emptying out of the town.
I glance back one more time and see Shadow join the fight as Blake pins Sonic to a wall by the neck. I grimace. I hope they’ll be okay.
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The Midwinter Ball
Two oblivious idiots apologize to each other.  Important things are said.  Kind of angsty? Also kind of cute, though.
ATQH Content Masterpost | Referenced Scenes One + Two
Wordcount: 786
Trigger Warnings: (vaguely) implied neglect/abuse, mentions of alcohol.
Taglist: @enchanted-lightning-aes​ @ink-fireplace-coffee​ @inkingfireplace​ @rose-bookblood​ @italiangothicwriteblr​
Fallon glanced at the door for the tenth time in as many minutes. Around her, a gaggle of nobility chattered aimlessly about something boring.  A baroness’s divorce, she thought it might be.  It didn’t matter.  Her eyes scanned the room, searching for someone who was not there.   Kristopher looked through the archway and into the room of swirling nobles.  He was reminded, rather uncomfortably, of the balls thrown at Westcliff, the disapproving glares and whispers.  I need a drink, he thought, then shook his head.  A drink was what had gotten him into this mess in the first place.  This was a challenge he would have to face sober.  Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the ballroom and was swallowed by the crowd. He’s not coming, Fallon thought, turning her gaze away from the door.  But a flicker of movement pulled her eyes back.  Kris.  He looked dashing, dressed in a jet-black coat with gold embroidery down the front.  His eyes met hers and he began to make his way across the ballroom.  Fallon’s heart sped up as he drew closer, picking his way around the clump of nobles. She looks stunning, Kris thought.  In her floor-length black gown, Fallon stood out among the brightly dressed nobles. The soft fabric of the dress seemed to glitter in the candlelight.  Nervously, he glanced down at his own outfit.  He had rarely bothered to dress up, and the coat he wore now was probably 5 years out of fashion.  He looked back up at Fallon.  With every step towards her, his worries grew.  What if he messed up again?  He couldn’t — not if he still wanted a chance. “Excuse me, Your Majesty.”  Kristopher’s voice was smooth and measured, no trace of the slurred words or desperate anger from the night before.  Fallon turned, heart in her throat.  He extended a calloused hand.  “May I have this dance?” Surely he imagined the waver in her voice as she replied, “Certainly.”  Or did he?  Heart racing, Kris led her to the dance floor.  As they arrived, a new song began, one he had heard many times in Oryn.  This was a dance he knew well, one that he could perform even when drunk.   And he was most definitely sober now.  So why did he feel so unsteady? Up close it was obvious that Kris had put effort into cleaning up.  His stubble was freshly shaved and his hair, freshly washed and combed, shone in the candlelight.  Fallon thought she could smell the hint of sandalwood from the soap he had used.  “You look… well,” She said, and instantly regretted it. The Prince, however, merely smiled and replied “And you, Your Majesty, look stunning.” At first they danced in silence, moving effortlessly through the steps, each familiar with every movement.  I can’t put this off any longer, Kris thought as he watched Fallon dance.  He took a deep breath, trying in vain to steady his nerves.  “Fallon, I-“ “Kris-“ They both froze, mouths snapping shut.  “You first,” Kris said quickly. “No, no, I insist,” Fallon said firmly.  She might have lost her chance, but she was curious to see what Kristopher had to say. “I-“ He paused. “I’m sorry.”  He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.  “I acted horribly last night, and you were right.”  Fallon opened her mouth to protest, but he continued.  “The person you saw last night was the person I was back in Oryn.  The version of me I became, because that was what they expected of me.  You reminded me that I don’t have to be that person anymore, not here.  Not with you.”  He swallowed, glancing away.  “So, thank you.” Fallon stared at him for a moment, unsure of what to say.  At last she settled on “I forgive you.”  It wasn’t enough, wasn’t what she wanted to say, needed to say, but it would have to do. Kris breathed a heavy sigh of relief before fixing his face into a smile.  “Now what is it you wanted to say?” Fallon exhaled slowly.  “I wanted to apologize for yelling at you like that.  No matter how poorly you behaved.”  That made him laugh.  “You didn’t deserve that.  Not when you were already hurting.  Will you forgive me?” Kris pulled her closer as the song came to a close.  “Of course I forgive you,” He said softly.  Taking her hand, he bent down and pressed his lips gently to her knuckles.  “By the way,” he said, slowly releasing her hand.  “My middle name is Odis.  Just in case you need it again.”  With that he turned and left, disappearing into the crowd.  Fallon stood staring after him, heart aching to follow.
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alrightbuckaroo · 11 months
hello!! 7 for the parisian summer romance wip asks??? :)
Hey there!! Hope all's well in your corner of the world :)
7. What is your favorite scene you’ve written so far?
I just wrote it the other day! It's a scene where Carlos finds a poetry book of poems by Frank O'Hara that TK's been reading over the summer. After reading some of the poems, Carlos tries to be poetic and "be all the words that TK loves so much" and it kind of fails, but TK loves that he tries anyways <3
ask me about my parisian summer au!
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divinesouldariax · 11 months
For the Fan Fic Writer Asks:
6 Are there any fics from others that you reread all the time?
17 What’s something you've learned about whole doing research for a fic?
Thank you for the ask!
6. Are there any fics from others that you reread all the time?
Honestly? Not really, I don't have the habit of bookmarking fics (though I'm trying to get better at it), and I have fairly specific taste so most of the time I just end up rereading my own fics fdslkjhfkjd
17. What’s something you've learned about while doing research for a fic?
Most recently, I did a lot of research on swordfighting techniques for a fic that wasn't for CR! But I also did some extra reading on mammalian torpor while writing Winter, though I knew most of it going in.
Send me these?
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