#one of my fav types of villain is one who’s silly about things
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amphibimations · 4 months ago
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I’ve been reading + rereading a lot of discworld books lately so here are some doodles of characters from some of them.
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smeowchi · 5 months ago
Helllllo! Don't mind silly Simple man asking you to ramble abt your fav AU that you created, wanna hear it<3
Or, well, one is more of a story? Kinda? Set between seasons 1 & 2
Either way I love both of em so I’m gonna talk about both of em! ;3c (Below a cut because there’s gonna be. a lot.)
Okay, so first off, we have what I’ve decided to finally name properly (totally not just thought up a cool name as I’m typing this, haha, what, nooo..)
Re: Chipped!
It’s a lot of what I’ve posted about in terms of AUs, and what I’ve gotten built up the most out of the two of em. Essentially, on a very base level, it’s ‘haha what if PAMA didn’t fully leave Lukas and takes over his body again’
You can actually find the first chapter of it here! I’m still working on chapter two because life stuff has kicked me, but yknow! It’s something I adore a good bit, given I both adore angst and such, and Lukas is one of ,y favorites <3 (Sorry, buddy, you must suffer because I like you!)
Beyond just the basic ‘what if’ premise, though, it has a lot more detail. It’s not just the regular ‘oh, PAMA is back, people get chipped again/it gets policed’, nonono. Not only does PAMA study Lukas and learn how to fly under the Radar (quite literally, in one case, haha), but after Harper is called to deal with the situation.. PAMA gains a new directive. Not to mention the fact that PAMA is able to blend in a lot more easily, due to the ‘red eye’ thing.. not exactly being as prevalent anymore. Who knows what’ll happen if PAMA isn’t kept under lock and key. Especially once it remembers Redstonia or the portal hallway from Lukas’ memories..
In terms of my other (and actually proper) AU, Admin’s Pawns, here’s a blurb I typed up on a previous post!
“Have you ever wanted to see what would happen if Season 2 starred all the ‘villains’ from the portal hall arc? Well, now you can! Romeo’s picked up a new set of champions, enemies from Jesse’s past who have been specially trained to catch them off guard and attempt to defeat them. Cassie (+ Winslow <3), Aiden, Hadrian, Mevia, and even a few extra familiar faces make an appearance, as the Admin’s army grows to give Beacontown’s hero an adventure they’ll never forget.. for better, or worse.”
It’s also something I’ve been writing here and there, and will post on AO3 at some point! ;3c
There, alas, isn’t much to share story-wise, given it’s not fully fleshed out, but I can share some character details! Although Romeo had to fight tooth and nail to get the group together in the first place, especially given his powers don’t work as well when not in the ‘base world’. When gathering those who were through the portal hallway, he was much weaker. But boy, oh boy, would it be worth it.
Aiden was trained as a sort of guard. Relying on strength alone whilst fighting, and being able to give blows while tanking some himself, he wields an enchanted diamond claymore.
Cassie is much more stealth-based. She relies on being able to catch the enemy off guard. An assassin or rogue type, if you will. Using a hooded cloak, and a face mask reminiscent of her serial killer alter ego, she’s able to stick to the shadows. Popping out to swing one of her diamond axes through her target before using one of her handcrafted ender pearl throwing knives to teleport away again. (She also does keep Winslow with her at all times, not wanting to risk potentially losing him again.)
Hadrian and Mevia’s roles aren’t exactly solidified yet, unfortunately. But as of right now, they’re more advisors than anything. Not exactly fighting, but doing things behind the scenes. That, or you can also think of them as the equivalent to Statler and Waldorf from The Muppets. (/hj)
Amongst their living quarters, however, there seems to be.. a workshop of some sort. The group has been advised never to open the door, but they can hear the goings on within. Sometimes hearing voices, one of which ringing slight bells to only Aiden. The other, however, remains a mystery. Oh, well. Best to follow the boss’ orders, right?
Sorry, I know this is a lot to read, but if you have questions or wanna know more, feel free to ask!! I’d love to share more about my silly things <;3c (This goes for anyone btw, not just Simple!)
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cloudynyims · 9 months ago
OMG i would love to hear any of your mha g/t thoughts/headcanons!! i’ve been obsessed with giant aizawa lately ahhh
heeeeee he's the best grumpy acts like he doesn't care giant but is actually perfect for caring for tinies! I also think he's perfect for parental g/t because COME ON (the show basically gives us the content for free but wtvs) I'll give some hcs for other characters bc i miss my MHA era lowkey
present mic: love him to death but DAMN would tinies get tired of his voice real quick. he'd get used to tempering it for them though! He's not the type to underestimate tinies ever. Like yes! you climb that counter by yourself! you got it! he's a big tiny enthusiast but isn't over the top about it. Pretty chill to be around once you get past the sheer noise. Invest in earplugs.
izuku: my fav nerd <3 he's always had theories about borrowers existing and teh very first one he meets he'll be overboard with the questions. they're lowkey a bit dehumanizing (You live like this? how do you... you know... keep yourself clean? etc etc he's trying his best) once the borrower explains that they're just a person but smaller he chills out a little. he won't ever stop being amazed by how tiny they are, and is always a little nervous about hurting them on accident. but he's the sweetest ever, always making sure they have enough to eat and rest. protects them with everything he has and they always feel safe around him
mirio: MY FAV IN THE BIG 3‼️ He treats any tiny he comes across like old friends. this is mostly because he phases through things and sees them chilling in the walls and under the floors. he's used to it. He helps them out when he can and the borrowers are pretty chill with him too. It was pretty freaky the first time this happened though... but all the borrowers collectively agree that Mirio is chill. He's perky for sure, but they don't mind having someone to chat with who occasionally brings them food and other small gifts. Lots of hugs. To me, he has this very safe vibe that everyone can feel
Shinso: one time I saw a fic somewhere where Shinso lured a borrower out with his quirk because he thought they were a villain and it was so silly lol. I feel like he'd appreciate having a little borrower friend who he can be himself around. They sort of understand what it's like to be lonely and misunderstood, so I feel like he'd bond with them over that. he'd never ever control them on purpose and makes that very clear because ofc he wants this tiny person to trust him. he doesn't have a strong opinion on borrowers, and if he ever noticed one while walking around UA, he'd probably leave them alone unless they needed help or otherwise.
if these are somewhat ooc that's because I haven't watched in FOREVER... when i have more time this summer i'll probably start catching up on MHA, demon slayer, and JJK because I'll have plentyyyyy of time but this is all I can think of atm :)
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sketchthetofu · 1 month ago
For the ask thingy, i shall give you GoodTimesWithScar :3
MY GUY…. I miss GtwScar (he’s no gone I’ve just been dragged into being completely obsessed with a different fandom- GIGGLES) ima go in and out talking about him as just his character and him as a YouTuber bc that’s how it be-
Favorite thing about Scar is I absolutely love his humor, he’s so silly and just an absolute delight to watch, he’s the 100% the best. Character wise is the same except I also realllyyyy love his scared up design and how he swaps from clumsy goofy guy to Disney villain in a snap <3!!!
Uahhhh least favorite thing is harrrddddd…. It is so fricking stressful watching him play Minecraft a lot of the time LMAO- I’ll be staring at his health bar just HOPING HE’LL NOTICE HES ON TWO FRICKING HEARTS- also most of the time he’s just A Guy in fanart LMAO. Token human hehehehe (minus when he’s wonderfully a vex love that <3!!!)
I gotta say my favorite lines of his rn has to be when he said that Scar the Lion quote after hitting Etho off of a cliff in Wild Life and in Secret Life when he won “How did the guy with no friends win…?” UAGH THAT QUOTE HURTS SO MUCHHHHH AAAAA
Fav bromance has to be Cub and him!!! They are so partners in crime and just- themmmm love the head-canon where they are connected with being vexs in that “the relationship can’t be explained using words or labels” type of deal!
Gotta say I’m such a sucker for Scrian- but I’ve been enjoying it more in the “they are so divorced but obsessed with each other” than it being a healthy relationship type of deal LMAO-
I don’t think I have a pairing I’m super against :D! I’m not a hater of ships, everyone has their own opinions and thoughts on characters so it is what it is :D!!! (It’s also been a little bit since I’ve been in the hermit/life series shipping trenches lol)
Random head-canon is that Scar was in his The Crafting Dead series before finding his way to Hermitcraft :D! So zombie hordes and being alone sometimes dumps him into that old mindset of just surviving ^^ (and why he hates finding himself without a team in the life series >:))
Unpopular opinion is also hard bc it’s been a bit and idk what the Hermitcraft/life series fandoms have been up to- ig I just get upset when people say he didn’t earn his win or when he’s characterized as a weak stupid character? Bc he isn’t, he totally earned his win and he’s strong by himself even if he struggles to keep himself alive in Minecraft lmao, he’s gotten really good at the life series!!! It just rubs me the wrong way when I read something that doesn’t show that he can stand on his own two feet without help :/ (feels ironic to say this but I mean his character and who he is as a character not literally LMAO) now don’t get me wrong, love my hurt/comfort but still :,].
Two songs that I associate with him are “November” by Sparkbird and “Tongues and Teeth” by The Crane Wives (ofc specifically this song being connected to 3rd life and his partnership with Grian bc even now I haven’t left that FRICKING DESERT-)
I can’t find the screenshots people have taken with him next to many burning things but this one is also a fav HEHEHEHE
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Nice to see ya Bloop btw even tho I’ve hopped fandoms! Love GtwScar still even if I’m obsessed over another goofy scared up character at the moment LMAO… Hope ur doing well :D!!!
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shaniacsboogara · 1 year ago
boog what is your fav sk show
I may have taken forever to answer this, but that's because I've been THINKING ABOUT IT CONSTANTLY!!!
In all honesty, I can't pick ONE favourite, but I'll give you a little list (in no particular order mind you)
The first sk musical I ever watched was The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals (probably a few months after it originally came out???) and it will ALWAYS be one of my favourite musicals of all time. It's funny, the premise is unique and inventive, the score is PHENOMENAL, and THE PERFORMANCES??? Corey as Bill made me SOB (and still does if I think about him and Alice's story too hard). Now that the productions rights are out and I'm headed to uni and they have a theatre club there... 👀 (It probably won't happen but a Boog can dream)
I also LOVE LOVE LOVE Twisted. Yeah it's silly, but also absolutely devastating. It would be an understatement to say I'm obsessed with Dylan Saunders' performance as Jafar. Twisted is my Roman Empire. I think about No One Remembers Achmed at least five times a day. AND JEFF BLIM AS FREAKY ALADDIN??? HIS JEKYLL AND HYDE MOMENT??? IS FOREVER ENGRAINED IN MY PSYCHE. And also just the Disney villains montage type thing they do is iconic and wonderful and 'If I Believed' is the only song ever actually.
I also just love The Hatchetverse as a whole. Black Friday was a real treat and I absolutely freaked out when I found out Dylan was in it, and was still absolutely astonished by his performing as Tom. That man is MAGICAL. A lot of people put "what tim wants" and "if I fail you" pretty low in their song rankings but like... They are EVERYTHING to me. Also KIM WHALEN??? A FELLOW GINGER SOPRANO WHO IS JUST SO GORGEOUS AND TALENTED AND I LOVE HER??? Also Jon as Wiggly is HORRIFYING and seeing him go from Paul in tgwdlm straight to Wiggly was JARRING. Linda Monroe is also ✨iconic✨. (I could ramble about this musical forever). It was definitely different in some ways than TGWDLM and was more serious tonally, but I really enjoyed it (and the music is AWESOME).
Trail to Oregon is also great!!! It's so silly and I LOVE seeing Joey Richter scurry back and forth putting on different hats to play almost the entire ensemble. Corey as Cleetus and the grandpa (Titty Mitty in the proshot) was phenomenal, and Lauren Lopez as Craphole is probably one of my favourite roles she's ever played. My absolute favourite moment of this entire musical is Joey Richter playing the baby buffalo whose family is about to get slaughtered. Baby buffalo Joey lives rent free in my mind. Also the best theatre blooper of all time comes from TTO (Joey forgetting his lines in independence my beloved)
NERDY PRUDES MUST DIE. THE SOUNDTRACK. THE SOUNDTRACK. I haven't watched this one as many times as the others, and it hasn't been around for as long so I don't think I've fully grown to appreciate it yet (and that's saying A LOT because I LOVE NPMD). ANGELA AS GRACE CHASTITY??? HELLO??? SHE IS EVERYTHING??? AND MAX JAGERMAN??? All of the performances in this are absolutely incredible. ALSO FINALLY GETTING MARIAH AS A LEAD IN A STARKID SHOW??? AS SOMEONE WHO'S BEEN IN THE FANDOM SINCE TGWDLM??? WE WERE WAITING SO PATIENTLY FOR THIS AND HOLY SHIT DID IT PAY OFF. Peter Spankoffski is everything and Cool As I Think I Am is ALSO everything. And omg Richie Lipschitz. I need to see him again in a nightmare time episode or something because that boy deserved SO MUCH BETTER!!! I think the score for this one was also incredible, and it was a super fun musical!!! It didn't permanently fuck up my brain and ruin my life like I was afraid it would, which disappointed me at first honestly, but it's nice to have a hatchetfield story that doesn't result in the immediate end of the world (although grace is totally gonna fuck shit up let's be honest).
Also I LOVE Nightmare Time. So much. Especially characters like Miss Holloway??? She. Is. EVERYTHING. Killer Track and Time Bastard are probably some of my favourite episodes, and I just think the effort put into the writing and editing and everything about nightmare time is just awesome. Hoping we get more down the line ✨🙏✨
I've also watched some of AVPM but I don't think I finished it. HOWEVER, Granger Danger is a certified BANGER and is also everything to me.
Thank you for coming to my TED BOOGtalk
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steveharrington · 2 years ago
hi sarah! if it’s not too much trouble can you give starter horror recommendations for a guy who feels some trepidation about the genre because i think it’s like, very cool and interesting and have been thinking about writing some horror stories but i’m also the easily frightened type so i was wondering if there’s a way i can ease myself in before working up to the super duper scary stuff?
yes!!! i will try to give you some variety of subgenres/subject matter but if you have like a specific type you’re looking for i can also add more recs based on that! but just in general:
•cloverfield (2008) is one of my all time favs and i think it walks the line of being scary but not like….disturbing. it’s not shield your eyes and grit your teeth type horror, it’s more like adrenaline and putting yourselves in the protagonists shoes and wondering what you would do in their situation. it’s found footage (it may or may not give you motion sickness so if you’re sensitive to rapidly moving camera work maybe watch it on a small screen or skip it) and i get full body chills when i watch it every single time because of how real it feels. despite all that, there’s very little up close shots of the monster and pretty minimal blood/gore.
•scream (1996) due to it being satirical and self-aware, a lot of the scary tense parts are cut by comedic moments and i think that helps a lot. i honestly think the scariest part is the opening sequence, so if you get past that feeling okay you’re probably gonna be fine throughout. there’s definitely injuries and blood but nothing i’d constitute as body horror, and again the movie likes to make little wink wink jokes which makes the tone pretty tame
•the cabin in the woods (2011) basically see above it’s also very self referential and subversive and also just like if you’re interested in horror such an amazing take on the genre, but it’s a little more intense than scream with the gore in certain parts
•poltergeist (1982) is considered a family friendly horror movie and i agree with that assessment <3 the silly little 80s practical effects make it hard to get scared despite the child actors absolutely slaying, and i think as far as horror creatures (villains?) go, ghosts and poltergeists and spirits are pretty chill
•the blair witch project (1999) is very iconic and like laid the groundwork for other found footage films, and luckily it is not very scary until the last like 2 minutes <3 and when it is scary, nothing gory/graphic is shown! for me the real horror of blair witch isnt even the witch, its the thought of being lost in the woods with no way out and the movie is just so realistic that i always start to panic a little on behalf of the characters. some people think its boring though! i dont i love it <3
coherence (2013) is not very well known but its (to me) the coolest fucking movie in the world. i think it has such a brilliant and original premise, and i’d categorize it as horror even though i consulted my mom and she thinks it’s more of a thriller. either way i highly recommend and there’s no blood or gore or anything like.....in your face scary? its more like a sense of dread that builds up over the course of the movie
they live (1988) is john carpenter <3333 and it’s pretty tame compared to other john carpenter movies. it’s horror but it’s also scathing social commentary and kinda action and again it has those 80s special effects so the scary little faces are less scary and more like...party city masks. its also referenced in a surprising number of other things (free guy feat. joe keery for one) and i think its a prime example of how horror can communicate such a wide variety of themes
and you probably already know about this but in case you dont: doesthedogdie.com has a comprehensive crowd-sourced list of potential triggers for every movie. the site does a great job including phobias/triggers that aren’t necessarily common and warning you if a movie has those, so it’s a great resource if you want to avoid certain subjects all together. happy horror watching <3
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anime-grimmy-art · 4 years ago
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Told you guys I’d ramble in due time.
I absolutely adore Bravely Default 2. It came at a really bad time cos I can’t waste 70 hours on a jrpg, but well, it’s too late to be concerned about that now. And as is tradition with me obsessing over a new game / show / whatever, you’ll basically find a fullblown review disguised as ramblings right under the cut. Be aware that I’m gonna talk about EVERYTHING, so spoilers are a given. Some maybe even for the previous Bravely Default games.
Also, if you wanna talk about this game in any capacity, hit me up, I’m DESPERATE to talk more about it.
Just for reference on how long this is gonna be, I made a voice recording while driving to remember all the points I wanna make, and that recording is almost 2 hours long. I did cut it down but still, this is gonna be a lot.
I’ll start off with the things that actually bugged me about the game, since there are only 3 things that really bothered me. First of, I really don’t like that you can name Seth. He has too much personality to be a self insert and player integration is not that big of a part in the game that this decision can be justified. It wouldn’t bother me that much if it didn’t leave a bad mark on the ending. First of all, we were robbed of Gloria desperately shouting for Seth, which makes the impact work less, and it’s just so prevalent that the name can’t be said because you have all the normal sound design going. If they’d just let the credits still play I wouldn’t have batted an eye, but because every other sound comes in it’s so obvious they’re just silently shouting in this scene, which makes it look silly. Like I said, this decision is more a detriment than an addition, and it’s a shame it casts a shadow on an otherwise heartfelt ending.
Speaking about lost potential, the other thing that really bothers me is the lost potential in certain plot points and character conclusions. I mainly mean Adam and Edna here. Both of them have been built up to be these formidable foes but they just, die. If it was just Adam I’d be fine with it, since you expect Edna to backstab him and be the actual big bad of the story, but I cannot fathom why they dropped Edna this HARD. If not Edna herself, I don’t understand why we don’t get more of a reaction from the Fairies and especially Adelle. I mean, Edna was her sole reason she left for her journey in the first place, then Edna dies and that’s it? No part where she grieves for a second? No concern from the others about Adelle? Mind you, I haven’t finished all the Sidequests, so maybe there actually is one in which this is addressed, but I think even just a Party Chat after Bad End 1 would have been sufficient to show how Adelle suddenly feels about the loss of Edna. It would have made Bad End 2 / The Secret Ending even more impactful, because, yeah, of course, you kinda know Adelle isn’t going to turn her back on fairy kind, but one of the reasons she doesn’t leave is because if Enda didn’t get a happy ending, then she shouldn’t either. It would have been amazing foreshadowing if she showed this sentiment before this scene happened. Other than that, it’s a shame that we know so little about Edna, or rather, how she became “bad”. I get she’s supposed to be corrupted by the Night’s Nexus, but how did it even come to this? It can’t have been a gradual thing, after all, Adelle says Edna was always good natured and then just disappeared one day. Really would have loved seeing more of that plot point.
Ok, last gripe I have, some choices in the soundtrack and sound design. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the OST, and I will get to that, but damn, whatever Revo used for the lead instrument in Wiswald hurts my ears. It’s a really good track, but I always have to turn down my volume because these high pitched sounds physically hurt. And for sound design. Dude, the Night’s Nexus is the least threatening, nightmare fueled abomination that ever existed. I get that its growl is kinda supposed to be layered with Edna’s or sth, but it, it just sounds silly. If they went the route of just swinging between different voices or began distorting it from phase to phase, it would have been fine. But the choice they made really made an otherwise creepy design just absolutely silly.
Ok, enough jammering, on to the good stuff. Like I said, there’s going to be a lot, so I’ll try to be brief in each aspect.
I honestly like the new battle mechanics more than the old ones. This individual, turn based system feels way more dynamic and it’s easier to strategies in battles. Because nothing made me more angry than setting up for a heal and the enemy suddenly being faster than me and killing my healer. Now it’s easier to plan ahead a bit.
I also found myself experimenting more with the jobs. Not sure what it really is, but none of the party members leaning more towards certain types of jobs and the job leveling being way faster probably helped.
And I know some people get up in arms because the boss sometimes can be a real pain in the ass (looking at you pope dude), I still found it very interesting getting around counters or even using these counters as a benefit. As an example, I made Adelle my main physical fighter and gave her lots of counter abilities to help her profit from being countered by enemies themselves. Now, she can attack enemies, get countered, automatically evade that counter and earn a BP at the same time. Made a lot of boss fights way easier and fun to exploit.
Ok, I will try my best to be really, really brief, because in my recording this part takes up almost 40 minutes. Anyways, Revo might have just become one of my absolute favorite composers ever. I don’t know what kind of magic he used, but I initially wasn’t that impressed with the OST, but every time I listened to it, I just fell in love harder and harder. Before getting into specifics, I wanna highlight the two things that made me love this OST overall. First of all, this soundtrack almost seems like a refinement of BD’s. While losing some of that fairytale vibe, it sounds even more fantasy now. And in contrast to the original, this almost sounds more balanced? Like, BD’s OST felt high energy throughout, BD2’s on the other hand manages to find a good balance between high and low energy pieces. Like, the character themes or battle themes are absolute hype, but the overworld themes are a lot calmer and easier to listen to while exploring. Second big point that makes this soundtrack amazing is that Revo is an absolute god at using emotional progression/storytelling and leitmotifs in his songs. And heck, do I love myself my leitmotifs. You’ve got some obvious ones, like the final battle theme in which all the character themes and other leitmotifs are integrated. Then you got some maybe more subtle once, just like how the overworld themes are just the main theme, just a lot calmer and using the lead instruments of the towns of the areas.
But my absolute favourites gotta be the character themes and the main theme. I love how fitting the themes for the characters are and in general, each of them is such a bop. At first I prefered Elvis’, because I sure am a sucker for jazzy vibes, but over time Adelle’s became my fav. It’s just something about the trumpets, and how the theme almost sounds a bit melancholic and bittersweet, that drew me in. And considering her story, mostly her bad end, that the bittersweet tone really fits.
Then there’s the main theme. Just like BD’s it shouts “triumphant anthem” and it definitely gives you a very familiar vibe, but I’d argue it has even better emotional progression. Heck, the first time I heard the music start up in the reveal trailer, I didn’t have to look at the screen to know this is gonna be a BD game. Also, the credit song version had me weeping at the true end. I’m someone who’s very easily affected by music (if me shouting about soundtracks on this blog wasn’t proof enough) and just hearing that ending song, getting the after credits scene, just for the second credits to start as a freaking duet. Dude, at that point I just started sobbing, I’m not gonna lie. Just this little part showed how much Revo knows how to put emotion in a song and also write it in such a way that he can elicit strong, emotional reactions from you too. 
People have been complaining how the story is too boring and kinda disappointing in comparison to the last one, but I just think the games tried to accomplish different things here. Since the BD series is a celebration of old, classic jrpgs, “cliche” storytelling is a given. Though, BD did throw a lot of meta stuff in there too. BD2 in contrast just feels like a direct execution of that initial idea. It feels familiar, it feels comfy and it feels safe. Except for the little things with the endings and then overwriting the Nexus’ “save file”, BD2 doesn’t really get that meta, which is totally fine. It doesn’t try to reinvent or innovate anything, it just wants to be a fantasy story, that might be cliche, but still fun and enjoyable in its own right.
I’d also argue that the pacing is a lot better than the old game, because with BD I sometimes found myself skipping through scenes to get on with the story. Not that this game didn’t have me rushing through stuff as well, but I found it kept my intrigue way better than the original.
Next to the music, this is the part that I absolutely love the most. While, yes, they did lose a lot of potential with some characters, mostly with the villains, the main cast is just so much fun. I love these 4 dorks so, so much.
I honestly can’t stand how much people compare them to the original cast. Yes, ofc, I’ve been doing my fair share of comparisons too, but calling these four a more boring version of BD’s party physically hurts me. Because except for some initial impressions, the Heroes of Light are completely different from our beloved Warriors of Light.
While yes, Seth and Gloria give off strong Tiz and Agnes vibes at first, they both grow into such different characters that they’re not really comparable. I think this shows with Adelle and Elvis even more. I do understand how people could compare Adelle and Edea, since they’re both the feisty girl type, but I can’t understand how people can see Ringabel and Elvis as the same character type. While those two are the “suave” party members, they act so differently from another. And that’s honestly apparent the first time you meet them. 
Anyways, I love these 4 so much.
We technically don’t know a lot about Seth at all, but they manage to pull so much out of just the fact that he’s a sailor, that it makes him really endearing, really fast.
I was kinda disinterested with Gloria at first, because again, the initial impression was Agnés2.0, but she grew on me a lot. Gloria is way more hard headed and honestly sassy in comparison to Agnés and I absolutely adore it.
Elvis. Elvis, my man. I love this fantasy scottosh wizard so, so much. He’s such a ridiculous character but so endearing at the same time. You got all this dorkiness, with him setting himself on fire as a student, him doing god knows what for a good drink or just laughing danger and prejudice in the face. But then you got his super empathetic and caring side. Mind you, most of his wise moments come from quoting Lady Emma, but still, as much as he’s hopeless with certain social situations, he’s actually still really good at reading the room and playing things smart. He’s a smart and powerful idiot, which makes him a danger to everyone and himself, and I love him for it. (I also can’t believe they called him Lesley I MEAN COME ON)
And then there’s Adelle. I liked her from the start, but I didn’t think she would stick out to me. I think now she’s my favourite character. Not even talking about all the stuff that happens in chapter 3 and onward, because these story threads are awesome in their own right, but there’s just something about her personality that’s interesting and appealing to me. Like I said, I’m not surprised people compare her to Edea, I did too at first, but while Edea walks very close to the line of a Tsundere, I was really surprised that Adelle is, well, not a Tsundere at all. Yeah, of course she’s putting Elvis down a lot, but that stems more from her preventing his ego from going to his head than her being all embarrassed. No, Adelle is actually really well adjusted when it comes to communication. While it’s hilarious that she and Elvis met with her chucking her shoes at him, the two just got along well right from the start. Adelle in general has this really open and helpful personality, but also doesn’t shy away from putting her foot down, even if that sometimes comes out as an embarrassed sputter. She’s also the mother hen of the group. She looks out for the other three and gets concerned about them real fast. 
I dunno, Adelle just really grew on me over the course of this game, and then her kinda being paired with Elvis too, as partners and as partners, makes me like her even more. Because as much as I like their personalities individually, I like their character dynamic even more. I honestly love the relationships between all four of them a lot. You really feel them grow closer as friends and all the little character sidequests just always made me really happy.
You might not believe me, but I really held back there. This could probably have been 3 times its length. As much as I love this game, it’s of course not perfect. It struggles and flails in some parts a lot and it certainly has some aspects that might turn people off. But for me, it was just a very familiar and comfy game that didn’t necessarily deliver anything new, but that told its story in such a way that it still got me excited to keep going. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing and the conclusion of the story actually got me to cry. While not groundbreaking, this game is highly enjoyable and leaves you absolutely satisfied at the end.
Also, I would like to iterate that I am desperate to get more content about this game, so if you wanna chat about it, hit me up.
Anyways, anyone else felt like having a fever dream when everybody in chapter 2 started talking fantasy scottish? Cos I sure did.
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linkspooky · 5 years ago
Your analysis on shigaraki's worldview is 😍😍😍. Who's your fav bnha character btw, and what kind of manga are you into? (i mean as in genre, but my phrasing is terrible at times so idk how to put it all in the last sentence)
My favorite manga in the whole world are the manga that run in Weekly Shonen Jump. I read almost everything that runs in the magazine from week to week. I know that’s not technically a genre, but let’s not arguen semantics. 
And now because no one asked for it, my opinion on all of the manga currently running through Jump that I read. 
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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba usually manga in shonen jump slowly get worse over time as they try to stretch their stories out, but Kimetsu no Yaiba is a story that continues to develop on itself and improve the longer it runs. 
The art is phenomenal and has a good balance of when to be silly and when to be drop dead gorgeous. It’s more of an ensemble piece tied together by a big brother trying to save his little sister, and because of that almost every character Tanjirou interacts with is fun and really immediately attention grabbing. 
It’s also a pretty heavy story that deals with death, grief and loss and trying to find life beyond a world that has suffering like that. I’m actually planning to make some meta of it soon, especially with the interactions between Domi and Shinobu. My only real complaint is that it’s deep but not too deep. Usually the demons are always bad and the demon slayers are always good in the end, even if sympathy is expressed for some of the demons. Once again though it does so well in the technical aspects of telling the story it wants to tell. 
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My Hero Academia it’s pretty obvious that I like it. The biggest draws for me are the art style and the characters, specifically the villains. Also the idea of a reverse X men world where what are basically the mutants now outnumber normal people and dominate society is a fantastic idea for world building with a lot of options. 
I’ve actually followed Horikoshi’s work for a long time. His two previous works, Oumagodoki Zoo and Barrage both ran in Shonen Jump for a short time before they were cancelled which I find really unfortanate because they both had a lot of potential as well. 
I love both the hero kids and the villains, though sometimes I feel like the villains are more connected to the central conflict of the story than the heroes. It would be nice to see Deku evolve a more radical philosophy then just wanting to save people right in front of him, or protecting the status quo. The heroes should ideally act in response to the villains to create a better world and resolve a problem the villains brought up, but if say the League of Villains were wiped out now another League would be created later because the central problem of the story has not been dealt with. 
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Dr. Stone this is a series that almost got cancelled, but was saved by a main character switch. Senku is really likable and unique as a character, kind of a mad scientist archetype who turns out to be the good guy and the hero of the story.
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He reminds me a lot of Yoichi from the writers previous work, Eyeshield 21. In that they’re both laughing mad eccentrics who seem like they have little scruples for how they use and treat other people, and yet are surrounded by friends and act as the leaders of their team. They also both have a tendency for strategy over brute strength and like to outwit their opponents. 
The only thing I can say about Dr. Stone is that while the characters are a fun little group of oddballs, they rarely get any deeper than that. The most interesting thing is still figuring out the central mystery of the world and what happened to turn everybody to stone, which is why having Senku as a main character was a really smart move on the series part. 
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Yozakura Family This is a new series that I actually really like and hope beats canellation at the two week mark. It’s kind of your basic romantic comedy characters get married in the first chapter promise, but also there’s some really strong character writing with the older brother. He’s one of the few examples of the obsessive and overprotective brother type that was portrayed as actually abusive and damaging for seeing his younger sister that way. 
The premise also reminds me a lot of Katekyo Hitman Reborn, just suddenly getting sucked into the underworld of spies and crimminals when you’re an unlucky loser with no social skills. If the character writing is as strong as it is for the brother I can definitely see a lot of improvement and staying power. 
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The Promised Neverland the smartest written series in Shonen Jump write now with the best ideas. The Promised Neverland is all about theme, theme, theme, theme, which is why someone like me who devours stories for their nutritious value and content loves it. 
While there are only about three major characters with arcs that matter to the plot, Norman, Ray, and Emma they are some of the deepest characters in shonen jump currently and the complexity of their relationship and the way they all foil each other is superb.
It’s a story about children trying to escape a neverland where they can never grow up, and live in a world that never wanted them alive. Not only is it just about them though, it’s also about adults who are still inside the system and gave up at one point or another and decided to just live in the evil world rather than change it. It’s a deep story but it’s also undeniably shonen jump, the central theme is about not giving up even in a world that is determined to deny your existence. 
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Act Age If you’ve read Chihayafuru this manga has a lot in common with that, because both of them are about very singleminded girls with complex emotions that they themselves don’t understand, finding themselves completely enveloped in a niche hobby to the point of obsession. 
Act-Age is a story that’s primarily about storytelling and the nature of stories themselves, with each arc focusing on an adaptation of either a movie made up for the sake of the story or a pre-written play ie, Journey to the West, Night on the Galactic Railroad. However, it’s also bout the nature of stories, as understood by the perspectie of an actor. 
There are only a few major characters but they all get intensely developed in their arcs. My absolute favorite relationship is that of the main character, quiet on the surface but with deep emotions that she uses for her acting talent with her rival an actress that’s much more like a pop star or idol. Rather than having deep talent she instead uses her ability to read people to appeal to them. She is cheerful and lively on the surface, but empty inside. The way they envy each other and learn to grow from each other because each of them has what the other one desires. 
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Jujutsu Kaisen reminds me of really early bleach that was just Ichigo and his teenage friends fighting Hollows. This is one of the manga I definitely reccomend, because it’s one of the lesser known manga in jump currently. The art style has this scratchy look about it which really adds well to the horror aspect of the series. It’s a demon fighting anime with some of the best demon designs, more attention is put on making them look grotesque and scary then in series like KNY where the demons for the most part are pretty good looking still. 
The main trio is very solid, a reckless idiot who swallowed a cursed finger in the first chapter and is continually dealing with the consequences of that, the shadowy, quiet type cool headed one who almost never talks about his past or his true feelings on the matter, and between them the cheerful girl whose a tad on the merciless side. 
Not only are the characters good, but it’s one of the few series where the fights and lore are super interesting. Rather than dealing with demons directly Kimetsu no Yaiba style we deal with curses, which are generated from the human subconscious. 
For exmaple one of the villains Mahito is the embodiment of the fear humans have for other humans, that is the anxieties of life, and the fear and suppressed feelings that go hand in hand with humanity. Because that he’s much like a child curse quickly learning and progressing with a human intelligence. 
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The fights, the powers of characters, they’re all used to further develop a really interesting world of curses and the people who live dealing with them that it feels like we’re only scratching the surface of right now and desperately makes you want to figure out the system they have in place for this entire world. 
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Yui Kamio Lets Loose - I find it to be a really sweet romantic comedy about a stuck up boy obsessed with appearances and what other people think of him falling in love with two sides of a girl, the uncontrollable Yui that beat him up and constantly gets into fights and trouble, and the perfect demure girl who can only ever be helpless and kind and needs to be protected. It has a feel of a lot of classic 80s high school romantic comedies. The only real problem is that it needs to acquire a plot fast, because it’s at risk for cancellation which makes it hard for me to get invested in a series that might end soon. 
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Double Taisei - One of those shonen manga that had a really interesting beginning chapter, but then failed to do anything with it. I think it would work well as a character piece between two personalities who act like brothers in the same body, but the characters aren’t strong enough quite yet to work that way. I do like the character design… 
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Tokyo Shinobi Squad - It looked like a ripoff at first but the main character is actually fairly different from Naruto, and the manga itself is uniquely its own thing. I just hope it learns to utilize it’s cyberpunk setting better, because ninjas fighting in a cyberpunk dystopia is a very tropey premise and the story needs to utilize those tropes in order to work. I do like the fact that the main character starts out pretty powerful so it’s not a typical shonen formula about a main character slowly learning to gain power, instead it’s him taking in and being responsible for a kid. 
Manga I don’t read - One piece, Yuuna of the Haunted Hotsprings, Chainsawman, Samurai 8 the tale of Hachimaru, Beast Children, Miitama Security Busters. 
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charlottec21 · 5 years ago
2,4,9,12,17,18 and 19 for the SW ask :)
2. pairing
Fav -Have a lot but currently romantically it is Han/Leia- I love their chemistry that they have together and the hight difference, they can speak their mind to each other and they care about each other. I have some of the sweetest moments together in the OT, just like when they are hugging or reassuring each other. I also like how their character arc are not completely connect to one another all the time, I never felt that Han became a better man to please Leia and Leia arc was just as much about her commitment to the rebellion than her love for Han. Overall the compliment each other, make a great team and have great soft moments together 
Least - relyo 4. character 
Fav- Too many ( Finn, Leia, Poe, Han, Obi, Yoda, Mando Luke Poe and just so many) but at the top of my head, I have to go with Ahsoka Tano but she is really just one of many. I love watching her grow into a badass, develop her own mind and style, she had great character reactions with almost everyone bring out interesting ideas. It was a great idea to add her into clone wars as an audience surrogate and further create her into a complete 3 dimensional  character. I have so many favs. 
Least - I guess i would say more of a wasted character section, but I would have to go with Hux here. This is more of a wasted potential character but at the start he was really interesting, a character with a sad background but an absolute fascist and unrepentant murder, he could have been a great character and foil for a lot of the heroes but then they made him into a no respect butt of the jokes character who i could not take seriously which was a shame as he is acted well, and he could have been a tarkin like character if tarkin lived passed ANH. On a similar strain Kylo, it goes on my ‘I don’t like this direction’ type of dislike
9. ship 
Fav- I kind of love any of the ships that look old and busted but are loved by their owners, and feel insulted whenever someone insults their ships. They are falling apart up but they are beautiful.
Least - The  Supremacy, it feel silly how big it is and this was after they lost star killer base and they tried to make it out it was more danergous and advance than that, when all it did was follow them it what felt like a really slow car cash
12. moment/scene
Fav- A lot from every era of star wars but again picking out a random one. It would be when the Mando goes to rescue Baby Yoda. The build up to the decision, the increasing unease of something bad happen, to the Mando, slowly taking out the stormtroopers until shit hits the wall and he has to fight everyone to the calvary arrives. I just love it and by the end you feel that he deserved that victory
Least - I was not a big fan of the whole Leia Poppins scene, not that Jedi did the same thing to save their lives but Leia was seemed out for too long and was far way from the ship. If they had to take her out of the film for a bit they could have done it is a less silly looking way or not put her in a coma at all
17. hero
Fave- Another top the head one, but Chirrut. I love him, everything, in the time where the rebellion was a mess and Empire was everywhere, he just had so much hope and faith
Least- Can’t really find one as they are mostly decent by default I would say Cody as he does not get as much development as the over main clones and he does shoot obi-wan but I can really blame him for that either
18. villain
Fav- Hard to say, currently Maul, he has had some interesting stories. From just an attack dog apprentice for Palps, when he returned he was shown to be smart and anger which made him into such a wildcard character. His relationship with his brother, is interesting and sad, as well as his moments of insanity in relation to obi-wan. His death scene gives sympathy for a villain without completely redeeming him or him even seeking it out. 
Least- Tobias Beckett, it not that he is a bad character, he is a long john silver character but I just think he had the same problems as Solo overall had, i liked it but it felt too small for star wars movie. Maybe it solo was done like the series he would have worked better
19. outfit
Fav - I love the mandalorian armor it just as a nice look, and I like how each one has their own uniqueness to them, like sabine painting hers, or Djarin design. Side note I also love how all the clones had paint jobs on their own armor
Least- I did not like Klyo outfit in TLJ, it kind of felt of a downgrade from the rather cool outfit he worn in TFA, also Holdo dress felt a bit out of place, it felt more prequel design than the current designs 
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shinigami-mafia-imagines · 6 years ago
Who are your fav and least fav hxh char?
This is actually really really hard cuz I don’t see any of the characters as Bad in the sense of being poorly written and that’s usually what I base my favorites off of. I’ll probably be giving more explanation through the lists.Favorites:5) Alluka Zoldyck - The reason she’s number 5 is because while I adore her and love her personality, I do agree with some sentiments that she was a shoe-horned character in the Election Arc. She’s obviously important to Killua and his character development, but since we haven’t seen much out of her not only in that arc but anywhere in the series, it’s hard to judge her and truly fall in love with her character.4) Kite - Another one that’s more or less iffy for me. I do enjoy his/their character a lot and how important he was to Gon and his development, but I’m of the mindset that if you want to kill off a character, one that’s very important and that you know will further(or destroy) another character’s development, they should stay dead. And you can argue that Queen Kite and Human Kite are different people altogether, but there’s still the fact that Kite somehow got reborn as an Ant even though, as far as we see, there’s no nibbles taken out of his corpse at all. I guess this could be written off as Togashi not explaining his Nen abilities too well or just yet, since apparently that mace he summoned is only ever used when he wants to win or at least get out of a fight alive. 3) Leorio Paradinight - I adore Leorio just like everyone else but my god I can’t help but feel like he’s more 2 dimensional than 3 dimensional. He’s an all around good guy, he does have his faults, but they’re so minor that they aren’t even brought up beyond the Hunter Exam Arc. He wants to give people a free alternative to medicine and getting medical help and that’s amazing. He goes to college, he studies a lot, great. I can understand the struggles of money, sure, but I’d like to see him actually struggle and show more 3 dimensional qualities other than ‘GOOD BOY’. And since we haven’t seen him at all very much this arc, I don’t think we’ll be really seeing him go through the struggles that we want him to go through. There was the election arc where he wanted to see Gon get healed up, we did see him cry when he saw he was okay. But I want to see him when he can’t save someone, where he feels utterly powerless about something, where even if he has his Nen and can detect tumours and what not, he still can’t do anything to help them. I want to see his morals be challenged, I want to see what he will do when faced with a severe choice, one that will leave someone dead or suffering or not in the right state of mind once it’s all said and done. I just want to see him actually face the struggles the other characters have faced so far and not just be this all around good guy.2) Kurapika - We’ve seen soooo much about Kurapika since the start of the series. We know about his past, we know about his morals(somewhat) and we know what lengths he would go to to reach his goals. This current arc does have me scared for Kurapika and what will happen to him. But this is also the second arc where we’re focusing more on him than the other characters which is totally fine, I get it. His whole character arc does need a resolution and a conclusion. And we’ve seen his character develop really well, where he used to prefer doing things on his own, pushing himself too far(and it can be argued that he’s STILL doing this with Emperor’s Time), even questioning himself during Yorknew(at least in the 1999 version). And now he’s more than happy to have help and partner up with a group or individuals in order to ensure the safety of everyone and figure out what the correct course of action is rather than just letting his rage cloud his better judgement. Of course, there’s still so much more to this Arc that we haven’t seen yet so for what could possibly happen, no one really knows. 1) KIllua Zoldyck - I can relate to Killua the most out of all of the cast and that’s why he’s number 1 on the favorites. Throughout the series, we see him grow and develop into a proper human being. He has his hiccups and he has his moments of thinking he can do things alone for his friends’ sake. But he tries his best and he does his best to be the person that Gon has taught him to be. He moved past his horrible upbringing, overcame a fear that he didn’t even know he had, he stood up to his abuser, he saved his little sister from said abuse and potential further abuse, he has made leaps and bounds to try to help Gon and save him from a certain death only for that special friendship to wind up broken to the point that it may not even be repaired. But he’s made so many more friends and a new family that he adores and can be himself around. No need to be afraid of his family, no need to be scared of his older brother coming to get him in the middle of the night, no being alone, no killing people just because his family said to. He is his own person with his own faults and, of course, his own ambitions now. For someone who’s been abused/currently in a bad situation, he’s an inspiration and very obviously goals.Least Favorites:5) Hisoka - Obvious reasons. He’s a well written, very creepy character that you can’t help but like BECAUSE he’s such a creepy, morally ambiguous character. I just wish, you know…He wasn’t the way he was.4) Illumi - Again, obvious. I do adore him, and I do adore writing him, but being abusive, manipulating his younger brother to the point that he actually is so afraid of him as well as just jamming a needle into his brain is just despicable. He’s just downright evil, though he doesn’t see anything wrong with what he’s doing. I guess you could call him Lawful Evil? Or at least True Evil. And you could argue that he was made that way by his parents, BUUUUT KIllua was raised almost the same way, so that doesn’t really apply to Illumi. I doubt we’ll see any development for him beyond wanting to control Killua and Alluka, though, which really sucks but HEY at least he’s really fun to write.3) Kastro - NOW PLEASE DO NOT BE ALARMED. I ADORE KASTRO WITH ALL MY HEART. What makes him a least favorite is the way Togashi wrote him. I hate characters dying for silly or no good reason. I still stand by the fact that the injuries he got would in no way cause him to die, but HEY. I AIN’T A MANGAKA WHAT DO I KNOW? I love Kastro and he deserved better. I wish we got a little bit of background on him, too. Like where he came from, why he was so interested in Martial Arts, What lead him to going to Heaven’s Arena, etc. I made my own little headcanons for him and where he came from, but those don’t even count. Togashi you let me down. Togashi you are my least favorite character(JK I love you and everything you do, please don’t stop writing and being an inspiration).2) Ging/Genthru - These two are together for different reasons, but I wanted to include them both on this list. Ging is a deadbeat dad who made his son feel like absolute shit because he abandoned him. Because of Ging, Gon has severe abandonment issues and we can see that throughout the series in the way he talks and refers to his dad becoming a hunter. I know what it’s like to have those horrible thoughts spin through my head BECAUSE I was made to think I was a burden and shouldn’t have been born by my own parent. It’s just horrible, especially when he doesn’t even show any concern for the boy during the Election Arc.Genthru is on this list more or less because his character as a whole sucks. Can you remember his motive for wanting to blow up the whole player base of Greed Island? I sure as fuck can’t. And if the reason is ‘Just because!’ well guess what, that’s the shittiest thing a character’s motive could be. If there was a a huge treasure at the end of it, or like just a chance to, I unno…maybe get a card made after you? Then I guess I could understand a motive? Greed is a very strong motive for a lot of Shounen Villains, so that’s not too far off. But otherwise, Genthru isn’t that great of a villain and honestly very forgettable.1) Chrollo Lucilfer - Again, I mostly dislike this character more for moral reasons. I do enjoy writing him and I do enjoy his character and what he brings to the dynamic of certain arcs. But as a person, he’s despicable, too. He’s a True Neutral character, only looking out for himself and getting whatever he wants. He only cares for his Troupe and that’s it. He doesn’t shed a tear for people he’s killed for petty reasons, yet he sheds a tear and becomes enraged when one of his own friends is killed either in battle or suddenly and horribly. He could care less about those around him, and purposefully riles others up just for entertainment(this is speculation). He’s the type of character you dread interacting with in a game/DnD because you know that he doesn’t care if you have to die nor does he care if you did die while going to fetch a treasure for him. YOU are the NPC, HE is the Player. Nothing more, nothing less.
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story-kat · 7 years ago
Voltron Legendary Defender Ask Meme
Tagged by @miyakuli. Thank you, you know how much I love this show.
How did you discover the show?
Just before season 4 dropped I decided to watch it. It had been on my dash a lot and I finally broke down and watched. I’m a sucker for a good action or fantasy story.
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
No, it was not love at first sight. The first few episodes did not draw me in. Partly due to one very annoying character which almost made me stop watching the show completely. I did stick it out and towards the end of the first season when things started coming together more and the writing really took off I was hooked.
Do you have a favorite episode?
The D&D episode was almost perfect for me. I play pen and paper D&D and it was so awesome to see it animated. I did, however, HATE that they chose to do it when Keith was not there. It left it a little lacking for me on the overall aspect there.
For the most part, I don’t really recall specific episodes, more so arcs. I adored season 6. The writing was spot on, I felt that everything flowed well (even if *good* Lotor had to leave us). It was just an all around positive season. I was also a fan of season two, possibly because the writing and story telling took off and drew me in.
Do you have a favorite paladin?
I would have to say Shiro. I just love his gumption, ability to survive (apparently through death even), and how much he truly cares about the world and his people.
Keith is a very close second. I think both of their characters are so well written.
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fav Paladin, why?)
Black, shocking I know. I’ve always liked the alpha types and there’s no bigger alpha than Black. Green is pretty awesome too. I feel like she has attitude.
Do you have a favorite villain?
Lotor. He’s actually one of my favorite characters in the show ever. I love how he is written, his history, his intelligence, his interest in everything around him, his drive and just complete focus on what he thinks is right. I love how he’s set up. YOU KNOW that Lotor would have been one of the best *good guys* ever if he had not been raised by crazy parents in a society that prized violence and power/control above everything else. Sometimes the best villains are villains who never had to be one. That’s the real tragedy of his character, he could have been so much more.
Do you have a favorite Alien Race? (Recurring and/or minor)
Not particularly. I would like to know more about the Altean’s and how they work, same with the Galara.
Favorite side / other character(s)- Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
This is a tough one. I adore Matt, he is just one of the best fun characters in the show. I also like Krolia, she’s bad ass and awesome to boot.
How/Why did you join the fandom?
I *sort of* joined the fandom because I like the show. It’s pretty simple. I wanted to find more people that liked the same thing I did. (granted you have to be careful in this fandom, but overall I have met some lovely people)
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
Other than my obvious ship headcannon, I would say that I love to think about them in the future. I think that they all stay close, they still go on missions and try to make sure good is spread and protected, but really, they just like to be in each other’s lives. Hunk and Keith go out to coffee regularly. Pidge and Shiro team up and pick on Matt whenever they are in the same room together. The Blade of Marmora come to Christmas’s at Keith’s. Lance and Hunk bake cookies for their siblings. Keith and Shiro remain as close as they ever were. Lance and Keith become good, trusted friends. Allura and Coran find a place that they can call home (and I like to think it’s in the same vicinity as the rest of the team, they have to come and spend holidays with the crew and hang out just as often)
What do you think is the best part of the show?
The plot. I love how it fits. How far reaching it is and several seasons later they answer questions or some new piece of the puzzle clicks into place.
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes / seasons?
I would kill for a beach episode with all of them. It has to be the WHOLE team or it does not count. I want to see the show come to it’s logical conclusion. Voltron has to win, that’s just how it goes, it is a children’s cartoon. I want the team to work together more as a unit instead of separated all the time. I am tired of the team angst/discourse. They are all together now (I am going to assume Matt is on his way) and they are strongest when they are together and have each other’s backs.
I also hope the show confirms that Shiro and Keith stay as close as they are. It seems like a silly shipping thing but it’s not. I love their relationship (platonic or romantic), and I want it to continue. They have been through enough, it’s time for them to have peace.
Hunk and Lance need more of the spotlight and I can’t wait to see Lance mature more. That was sorely needed in the first few seasons and they are writing that well so far.
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
As long as the team survives. If one of them actually dies I might not finish it. Again, I realize the environment is dangerous and them all surviving is odd, but still. That’s just how I roll.
Tag your friends or someone you want to get to know better:
@sheithlover2day, @ainiyuku, @brighteststarus, @dancing-on-stars, @sheithify, @softlysheith, @lijau
 If you want to, that is. 
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officialthiamlibrary · 7 years ago
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Welcome to another profile on Behind the Screens, giving you personal insight on who your favorite creators are and what they do when they aren’t wowing you with their creative ability.
Happy Tuesday friends! Today, we have the delightful pleasure in getting to know one of your most requested authors, @formerprincess. Rena, our aforementioned guest, is the writer of numerous works, most notably A Tale of Claws and Fangs, Overslept, and Finding My Way To You. As you’ll come to find out, she’s also so much more, so let’s not wait a second more to dive in.
Rena! To get us started, share something about yourself! And for the twist: the word could should be around the number of letters of the characters in you’re favorite TW rarepair ship.
Erica Reyes + Stiles Stilinski = 25
Shy but it you know me I can be pretty weird. Huge book lover. Disney Fangirl. Big heart. Need writing like air. Wrestling fan.
Woah, really?! A wrestling fan? What got you into it?
I get this question so often haha. Because I appear so shy and innocent, people are always like: What? Wrestling? You? It’s fun.
My dad watched it for a while and sometimes I watched it with him, nothing too invested. But then I learned about Nikki and Brie Bella over tumblr rp and I got really curious about them so I researched online. I love them both, especially Brie, love that they stand for strong women and through them I started to actively watch Wrestling and over time gathered some other wrestlers, male and female, I love to see in the ring. It’s fun to watch them and what they do in the ring is impressive.
From wrestling to Teen Wolf, I dig it! And, how you find your way to the Thiam fandom? What about the two grabbed a hold on you?
That’s kind of a long story. I started watching Teen Wolf because I saw gifs and pictures of it on tumblr. I got curious and wanted to see this show but it wasn’t broadcasted on TV in my country, so I kind of searched online for a way and I watched until the point where Liam was introduced in the series  but then stopped because I lost interest and with work I was too busy to even think of Teen Wolf. And then I was on tumblr and I saw a gifset of the scene where Liam and Theo almost fistbumped and I was like ‘Oh hey, these two are cute together.’ I don’t even know why, I just liked the chemistry they had in the scene, Theo’s soft smile, and all. I grew curious who they were because I recognized Liam but I had no idea who Theo was. Quick online search. Aha, those two are Theo and Liam, Thiam for short. Interesting. The Thiam fandom was so very small at this point, there like five fanfics or whatever, so I didn’t really get much from my little expedition into the Thiam fandom.
I kind of forgot about them again because life and other stuff and all and then I saw something about Theo being evil months after my little encounter with the Thiam fandom and I was all ‘Wait a minute! What? But he and Liam…What the hell is going on?’. I was totally confused and stayed confused until was finally able to watch Teen Wolf again (I watched because I heard about the series ending and felt nostalgic so I gave it another shot). I watched season 4, 5, and season 6A and I was hooked!! And so ready for more screen time of Theo and Liam together, so ready to see what would happen to my boys.Tumblr came in handy again and damn had the fandom grown. I saw what everybody had to offer and the ship itself gave me so much inspiration that I wanted to contribute and put in my own two cents on them. The fandom was so welcoming and friendly, it felt like a family from the start and thus I decided to stay. I met many great people because of Thiam already, it’s really awesome.
What drew me in about them? The unspoken chemistry between them, not only romantically but also platonically. Even when I saw gifsets from them without any context, the looks they shared showed such a connection for me, I was astonished and delighted. And when I saw the whole scenes with them, every episode, I liked how different they acted around each other. I always felt like they got each other to a point no other was possible. That doesn’t mean I don’t like the relationship they have with other characters but I always felt they had this special level of a connection. As if they found their ideal counterpart with each other because they both have this fire inside them and don’t shy away from unleashing it.
Oooh, that last bit is so poetic!
Thank you. It came to my mind while I laid in bed and couldn’t fall asleep. When I thought of this, I sat up and almost yelled “That it! That’s Thiam!” Thank god I didn’t or I would have scared the neighbours probably haha.
Haha, most definitely. What’s another thing you’re passionate about beside Thiam and wrestling?
Being creative in general, not only writing.  I mean, yes, writing is the biggest thing I am passionate about. I view writing as a way to deal with the stress of daily life and I would go crazy if I couldn’t write. I also write poetry sometimes.
But not only writing, sometimes I like to create some picture collage or maybe an outfit on Polyvore. Or I simply create things in my head, characters, storylines, worlds, whatever I can think of at those moments. Sometimes I take my thoughts and try to realize them in my Sims game, it’s fun.
LOL, fellow Sims lover! This is one of my fav things to do! What’s been your favorite characters/scenario to conceptualize in the game? How did the game turn out? Any entertaining stories?
Hey, that’s great haha! I love to do this and I’m currently building some houses I could use as inspiration for my stories. I usually play with original Sims, see them starting a family and see how many generations I can have until it starts to get old or until I’m running out of ideas but I once created Stiles, Lydia, Erica and Derek in the game and the Stiles Sims immediately took a shining to the Derek Sims. It was hilarious to watch because even when I was not telling him to, he was interacting with Derek, followed him around. It was adorable. He tried to make Derek laugh^^. It ended with them falling in love and Lydia and Erica being the bridesmaids.
Aww, natural shipping, sigh. That’s the best. Let’s say you could put Thiam in a similar situation, but with characters of another show. Which would you choose? How’d you think the interaction would go?
I’d chose Shadowhunters tv series and to me, this would be hilarious and awesome at the same time. Theo and Jace would so have this little competition who’s better at basically everything; Izzy would be like an older sister to Liam but without actually treating him like a baby. She would admire his determination and will to protect those he loves, they have this in common. I imagine Liam and Jace siding when it comes to fighting because they are all like: Act first and think later but really just want to protect their family and friends. Alec would roll his eyes and ask himself what he has done to deserve this but come around in the end because is actually someone able to not like Theo and Liam? 
Magnus would be totally amused by the whole thing, especially if Liam and Theo are not a thing yet but he has eyes and he can basically taste the sexual tension okay? And Luke, Liam would not stop asking Luke questions about how he leads his pack and everything because another Alpha, how cool is that??? Also Maia and Liam? Dreamteam! Both struggle with control sometimes and they so would get each other. Imagine Luke and Scott running after their Betas to save them from trouble XD. Theo and Clary, because I love the headcanon about Theo being an artist, would bond over that and probably have a tentative friendship going on.
Before we chat about your works, one more silly question. If you could build the ultimate paintball/laser tag team from any five characters AND one villain on Teen Wolf, who would they be and why?
Liam, Kira, Allison, Theo, Erica, and Kate Argent
Liam because he is very athletic and competitive.
Kira because it surely would fun to have her around and she is just an awesome badass cutie. Also, she has fast reflexes.
Allison because she has an amazing aim and also girl power!
Theo because he is like a mastermind and can come up with the best strategy.
Erica because she is my queen and she would lure the other team out so we can shoot them. She and Theo would be great at making a cunning plan.
And Kate because she is ruthless and would destroy the other team.
Perfect. I still say Theo and Allison would’ve been a sight to behold together–for better or worse. Alright, so we have wrestling, sims, shadowhunters, outfit planning. And on top of all those, writing! If your creative process was a person, what type would they be? What would they do? Wear? Listen to? How do they handle conflict?  
They would be a very chaotic type, all over the place. Somebody you see and wonder how they get any work done because they seem to not be organized at all. They would be that type of person that oversleeps and then bolds into work with their bag hanging off one shoulder, their jacket almost slipping down the other shoulder, travel mug filled with coffee clutched in their grip, and clutching a notepad with lots of notes hanging out from it to their chest. They would not be the one that steps into the spotlight at all but rather satisfies with the result of their work.
Their clothing would be a mix from different styles, Boho but also athletic, sometimes chic. Everything they want to wear, they wear it.
Their taste in music is mixed. They mostly listen to Pop but they also have some rocks songs they are addicted to, some Hip Hop. Whenever they hear something with a good beat, good lyrics, that’s what they like and listen to. Their favorite band would probably be Little Mix.
Handle conflict? That’s a tough one. Hm. They would try to see it from the other’s perspective while at the same time telling themselves they should not explode and yell. They are mostly quiet but if they are peeved, they can lash out. If somebody yells at them they would shy away and close themselves off.
Does your creative process also extend to other fandoms? Pairings? Novels or stories with original characters?
I started to lay down the basics for my own original novel and I can’t wait to start. I wanted to write it for years and now I finally got the right motivation and the right mindset.
Aside from Thiam, I have written some fanfictions for Charmed since that’s one of my favorite tv shows. And I have some Stucky fanfictions started as well as the base for a Malec fanfiction that lingers in the back of my mind.  But Thiam is definitively the ship that inspires me the most and I wrote the most about.
An original novel, that’s awesome! What genre are you setting it in? Also supernatural?
It is a novel playing in this day and age but it’s all about the supernatural world mixed with the normal world of the humans. Think Charmed or Shadowhunters. You have the innocent humans living without actually knowing that demon witches, vampires and such live among them. The supernatural society is still in the focus of the novel.
That sounds awesome. Would you say there’s one trope or situation that somehow always wrangles itself in your stories?
I try my best to use different tropes and situations to challenge myself as a writer but one thing that happens for sure is character A watching character B and marveling around how gorgeous they look and how stunning they are. Just some good old-fashioned swooning. I just like to imagine one person being so completely enamored by another person that they have to stop and stare for a while because they sight is breathtaking. And the other person is either completely oblivious and continues with what they do, or knows exactly what they are doing, smirk at person A and preen at the attention.
And yes, friends to lovers, I’m a sucker for this.
Who isn’t really?! What’s the best friends to lovers story you’ve ever read, either fanfiction or novel? (Or one of the best, since they’re probably so many to choose from)
I guess it’s one of the greatest tropes out there haha. Puh, I read so many great stories and novels about that trope, it’s hard to tell. I remember a novel I once read (I can’t remember the title  or the character names though) where this was one of the main story lines but it really took the whole novel for them to finally become a couple and yet while reading you saw their relationship growing and evolving. That’s what I always try to achieve with my stories. 
I also read a Malec fanfic once where both were human but Magnus was a tattoo artist and Alec a florist. They got to know each other and it was simply perfect, Magnus helped Alec with some things and it was just adorable and awesome and amazing. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the title of this one either. I will search for it and maybe give it a shout out later when I found it again because it was really good
Oh, I’ve read that Malec fic, so good! There’s a fantastic MM novel called Switched—I think—by N.R. Walker that’s friends to lovers and I read it in one night. It’s just something about two people, who know one another in and out, coming together, more sighs.
I’d love to jump into your Thiam works. First, the Raeken Twins and your story, Finding My Way To You. Do you have any twins headcanons/imagines which helped you bring Mike Raeken to life?
I got this awesome ask one day about Theo and Mike from PPL being twins and my mind began to rattle. I thought about Theo, his personality, and began to develop someone who would be Theo’s complete opposite. Pretty Little Liars helped a lot because Mike was a sweetheart there, at least until the point where I stopped watching the show. I absolutely loved the idea of Theo having someone to take care of and protect, being a big brother.
I had a vague scene in my mind where Theo berates Mike for being too trusting and Mike just rolls his eyes and tells his big brother to relax. That was the base on where I developed the Raeken Twins. I wanted somebody who was the opposite of Theo but I didn’t want to go completely black and white and so I carved out Mike’s character more, gave him some rough edges as well.
It is fun to play around with the aspect of Theo having his counterpart who at the same time gets him to a T and has someone he always aimed to protect. He may act like he doesn’t care but it had always been my headcanon that he would do anything for Mike and Mike is that one person who knows everything about Theo and who also knows Theo does in fact care
So, if Mike Raeken was part of the Pack and the TW universe, how would he handle these few scenarios:
a: Who would be his pack allies, the pack members he’d bond with? Who would be his pack friend-enemies?
Mike, just like his brother, would become a member of the puppy pack because Mike’s a puppy too. He’d probably bond the most with Nolan and Corey because they share the most character traits with them being kind of cute and sometimes awkward. Brett would be his crush for sure. But he would also be good friends with Liam and totally root for Thiam.
Friendenemies? Good question.  He’s not as harsh as Theo so he probably would not really have problems with the people around. Unless you come for his brother, then he will end you.
b: In a Supernatural crisis, how would he respond?
That clearly depends on the situation. When it comes to facing an enemy and taking them down, Mike’s a fighter and goes into the full experience. He is fast, he is agile, he is ruthless. But if it comes to protecting the people he cares about, he gets very defensive and worries more about them and bringing them to safety than taking part in the fight itself. He’s not even afraid to charge in and drag the person out of the fight (especially his brother). Mike is pretty level-headed and can stay calm even if times get rough. He checks a situation, makes his own theories about it, but he mostly stays in the background, lets the others talk and discuss, and only interferes when he feels like it’s not going anywhere. But most of the times he is fine with just watching and striking when it’s the right time.
c: One hilarious scenario you think would occur between him, Theo, and other member of the pack?
They would pull a Switch-A-Raeken so often to confuse the pack and get their laughs out of this. Liam is probably the only one who can tell them apart because he pays so close attention to them (mostly Theo though) but the others always get totally confused and the twins love to switch even during a conversation to completely confuse everyone.
One situation I find absolutely hilarious and I will write one day would involve the Sheriff, probably to introduce them as twins. One twin gets arrested, the other shows up to bail him out. Stilinski is in his office when suddenly one of the deputies knocks at the door. He calls them in and they open the door, slightly nervous. “We…uhm…have a situation here with the boy we arrested. You might want to check? He said you surely would love that.” The sheriff narrows his eyes and gets up from his chair. He walks out of his office and there they are. Two identical smirks on their faces and casually leaned against the backrest of the bench in front of his office. “Hey, Sheriff!” One of them says. Stilinski is baffled, moments pass by. He finally finds his voice again. “There are two of them? Because one Raeken wasn’t enough???” He yells, voice cracking at the end. He scratches his neck and grimaces. The twins’ smirks intensify. The deputy ducks away and hides behind the computer screen.
Rofl, I hope you do write it! Are you planning to continue Finding My Way To You too? Any spoilers you can slip us?
I am definitely planning to but I have more prominent ideas for A tale written with fangs and claws and other stories at the moment. I do have written some part of the next chapter still. I love this story and the feedback I received was wonderful. Raeken Twins are a fun thing to write about, so expect more to come.
For a spoiler, I will tell you we will have some drama, much love and yes also smut. There will be a slightly different take on the Dread Doctors spin because I am dissecting the storyline a bit to make it more fitting for Finding My Way To You. There will be a shift in the relationship between the twins as well. For everything else, you need to stay tuned ;D
Well, I suppose we must now haha. Until then, we have all of a Tale of Fangs and Claws to keep ourselves busy. Speaking of….a Tale of Fangs and Claws Time!! (I held out for this long; I’m proud of myself.) For anyone unfamiliar, could you give us a quick synopsis? What inspired the idea? 
Whooo!!  The story is about Liam becoming an Alpha when he least expects it. He and Theo are living in Seattle, are roommates in college, and totally in love with each other but they both feel the other might not return their feelings in the beginning. Theo still joins Liam’s pack and together they return to Seattle. The story follows Liam’s journey in his new role, especially when other werewolves appear and Liam and Theo soon have a pack of their own to take care of. They become a family, face many battles and they all learn more about each other and their strengths and weaknesses, help to find their place in the world.
My inspiration for this came from the sole wish to see Liam as Alpha. I think he would be a great Alpha and would have loved to see it happen at the end of the show as some kind of next-generation thing with the older pack members leaving Beacon Hills and him taking over from Scott. The more I thought about this, the bigger the need for Alpha!Liam became and I started to imagine his pack, created their characters a little bit and searched for faceclaims. It took me a while until I finally started to write the story; until I had a decent enough base to actually imagine turning this into a multi-chapter fic and upload it.  Add me playing around with my basic photoshop program and create some Liam as Alpha manips and the inspiration was there. It came to the point where I could no longer hold back and thus I uploaded the prologue. I never imagined the success it would have and I am still amazed by this.
Wow, and it’s almost 300,000 words long! First, huge congrats on being the longest Thiam fic thus far! Is this the longest story you’ve ever written? Did you originally plan all the chapters or has it reshaped itself? Would you say you have a secret to writing longer fics while also keeping your personal interest high?
It’s crazy! Thank you so much!! I have to say I never expected this to turn out so huge, I still can’t believe it. Every time I check the chapter numbers, it still feels so unreal. When I started, I had no idea how long this would be. I had basic elements and certain points I wanted to have happen but everything else was non-existent in the beginning. It still is nowadays because that’s how I write. I don’t have everything planned out and so my own story keeps surprising me but I love this.  I’m writing a chapter and some things are coming to my mind while I’m writing and I take a break to consider, bring this in a vague timeline, and then continue writing.
 I admire people whohave every little detail plannedout but I’m so not like this and I had it happen to me that I wrote a chapter completely different than I intended to. Because my thoughts didn’t work as good as the thing I had been actually writing, if that makes sense. Sure, I have some scenes I have in mind for a long time and while I have not every word planned out, I have a pretty solid image of the scenes. Theo’s development for example. I knew how I want to have the big moments to happen and I am even more excited than usual when it is time to write it.
The story is indeed the longest I have ever written until now.  Who knows what the future has in store? :D
I wouldn’t exactly call it a secret. Thiam itself inspires me so much and receiving so much feedback from so many people is also a very good source of motivation, not gonna lie. This story, the reactions I got from people, has made me feel better about my talent as a writer and that fueled my passion. I associate so many great things with this story and I got attached to every single character that writing a new chapter feels like coming home. I see them as part of my family, my babies if you want, and I am curious to see how they develop further. That’s what keeps me inspired to make this story longer and longer. I’d say the secret, in general, is creating something you truly love, no matter how cliche this sounds. Create this word that is truly you that brings yourself joy and I’m sure you won’t lose interest.
Yes, I so agree! When I was writing my main Stacksonstory, I fell so in love with the characters and the progress of the story! And then to be able to talk about them with so many people, it definitely kept the thoughts coming, even long after I finished it!
Exactly what happened to me with A tale written with fangs and claws! It is wonderful to have such great response and it’s a great source of motivation. I get so many ideas for this story just by reading comments or talking with people. That’s the beauty of fanfiction I think.
Most definitely! Would you then say any of your original characters are based on people you know personally?
Actually no.  I was more inspired by fictional characters, took some things from them, and created my own individual character. If there are any resemblances I haven’t noticed them yet but hey, maybe I will someday^^
Maybe, who knows what might happen. Not us, certainly. Thinking forward, is there one thing you’re dying to add in the story but you have to write a few more chapter before it comes up?
Liam’s and Theo’s wedding! I am dying to write this since a few chapters and everyone who read the last chapter knows I’m toying around with this thing a bit but I really, really can’t wait to write their wedding. It will happen one day and I am excited about it but it will take some more (a lot more) chapters until we can get there.
Yessssss, we’ll be patiently waiting until then! Before we wind down, I’d love to give you a time to impart some wisdom onto us. Any life hacks or creative wisdom on your mind lately?
It is important to figure out what works best for you and never let anybody butt in, writing-wise and in life too. I had to learn this myself but there will be people telling you how you should do a certain thing and then you need to figure out if this is really the best for you. I’m not saying you should not take advice, you definitely should, but it is okay to change this advice, maybe combine it with the advice you got from someone else and create your own special way to get things done. There might be people who are very critical of how you work, how you handle things, and sometimes it can really get to you and be a bummer but it is important to remember that as long as it good for you, as long as it helps you get something done the way you want it to, it’s the right way for you. Your own opinion and your own wellbeing are more important than what some might think are the right thing for you. Your way is the right thing and great things will come from this, just stay true to yourself even when it’s hard sometimes
Also: Allow yourself to change. What was on your mind a year ago, what you wrote a year ago, doesn’t become less valid just because you changed your perspective. You are ever-changing and there will be moments where you realize that your old mindset doesn’t apply to the situation anymore, not to the person you became anymore. That’s okay. It doesn’t take anything away from the progress you made before, doesn’t take anything away from what you created back then. It simply shows your development as a writer, as a person, and that’s a fascinating progress.
Thank you so much for your honesty and depth. Aww, well, we reached the end of our time, Rena! Luckily, we’ve learned so much about you in our short time together. To end us out, what’s next for you? Any big plans?
I have several projects planned. In terms of fanfiction, I’m planning a sequel to A tale written with fangs and claws if I finish the story, I’m planning on continuing my Mated series, Finding My Way To You will be continued as well, and there are several other fanfictions on the line. I’m also planning on finally writing my first original novel, something I’m very excited about.  Those are the things I have planned, who knows what else is gonna happen? Life is full of surprises.
Good luck with your novel! And all the other bundles of surprises and happiness that are whirling your way. Is there anything else you’d like to share? The mic’s in your hands.
It’s okay to struggle. I sometimes feel like the standards expect everyone to be perfect at anything they do and it can be really frustrating when you feel like you’re not reaching these standards. You feel like a failure and it’s a horrible thing to feel. I had so many moments where I felt like I would never reach the standard for that thing to be considered good or even great and it took me a long time to learn not to always compare myself to others and be proud of who I am, my talents, what I create. I still feel like I’m not good enough sometimes but every time I struggle, I learn new things about myself and that’s what made me realize it is okay to struggle. You learn next to nothing when you don’t struggle and ease everything perfectly on the first try.
Sure, it’s great to have a lift first time you do something, it’s even important to be a natural in some things, but I also know that struggling causes doubts and insecurities because you feel like anybody else doesn’t seem to struggle at all. What I’m trying to say is embrace your struggles as part of your development process on becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. And remember: Nobody has the same story to tell as you. The world needs to hear yours, don’t let the doubts take this away from you. It’s a long and difficult way to go but it’s worth it in the end.
Thanks so much Rena! It was a freaking blast getting to know you and your life, inspirations, and quirky interests haha! 
Thankfully, the conversation doesn’t have to end here. To chat with her about her works, Thiam, Teen Wolf, even Wrestling, you can find Rena at these three places:  
AO3: Former_Princess
Tumblr: formerprincess
Ask Box: formerprincessask
In her words, “It’s more than okay! I love getting asks, messages. I’d even love to get a carrier pigeon. I am a shy noodle myself but I absolutely love to interact with people and have them interact with me. Ask as many questions as you want, send in as many things as you want, you will never bother me and in fact make me very happy. Also - on a non fandom related note - myaskbox is always open for anybody who needs somebody to listen to them.”
She’s also currently accepting prompts, though it might take her a while to get to them–you know busy lives and what not. So, feel free to “send in things, share your thoughts, headcanons, and everything else,” with her. (Also, her words!)
Thanks so much for reading. We will see you next week as we get to know about fandomtrashwhore, aka Marie, our resident Thiam Social Media expert. Until then!
Have a Thiam Creator you fan over? Send us their names. Likewise, if you as the creator, would like to be a part of the Behind the Screens series, give us a shout too! We’d love to get to know you, as well.
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noodlecupcakes · 7 years ago
I was tagged :D
“Since it’s a New Year, we all might be changing some things about us. Let’s find out! I am going to start a new “About Me” questionnaire and see how far this goes.”
I was tagged by these lovely ladies @purplemuse and @jeffreydeanneganstrash Thank you :D
Favorite Food: Pizza
Foods I’d Rather Avoid: Most condiments like mayo and mustard. As well as all types of seafood and a lot of veggies...i’m very unhealthy. 
Favorite Things to Learn About: Mythology and nerd/fandom stuff
Fave Color: Purple/Green/Black/Red/Pink
Best Friends: Real life - @mk-vi. Tumblr - @warriorqueen1991 and @belathora
Favorite Games to Play: I’ve played Huniepop waaaaay too many times thats its a problem. But I also adore the Bioshock series, Far Cry series and Resident Evil series. I also really like the silly Lego video games. 
When I have free time, I like to: Write my butt off, colour (i have a huge stack of colouring books to get through), I can't go a day without listening to music or i’ve noticed i get quite grumpy. Reading is another one (again i have a huge stack to read through) 
Favorite Books: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series, The Wool trilogy, anything by Stephen King and Gillian Flynn
Favorite Movies/TV Shows: 
Movies: Nightmare on Elm Street Series, American Mary, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (American version), Gone Girl, The Breakfast Club, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Wonder Woman, Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy, Star Wars, Marvel and DC stuff
Shows: Walking Dead (I suppose), Twin Peaks, Hannibal, Gotham, RuPaul's Drag Race, Stranger Things
Favorite Holiday: Christmas 
Things I do well: Sing, Write, Read, Procrastinate
Things I need to practice more: Getting more comfortable to sing in front of other people, applying makeup, learning not to give a fuck about who dont give a fuck about me. Take less responsibility for my ‘friends’
Favorite Places to Go: My boyfriends house
Favorite Family Activities: I dont have one because I don't like spending time with my family 
Favorite thing to do outside: Look at pretty landscapes 
Favorite Song: Ok there is no way in hell that I’m going to be able to pick one, so i’ll list a few...or at least try too. The whole Ritual album by In This Moment, Dangerous Woman - Ariana Grande, Doomed and Follow You by Bring Me the Horizon, The Kids Aren't Alright - Fall Out Boy, Circe by Ghost, Coming Down and Young God by Halsey, Off to the Races - Lana Del Rey, Hey Cruel World - Marilyn Manson, Desire - Meg Myers, The whole Death of a Bachelor album by P!ATD...ok I think i’ll stop here before i get too carried away....
A Place I Want to Visit: Italy
Fav Part of Last Year: Walker Stalker London 2017 as I got to meet JDM
Something sad that happened last year: Does the depression count? 
When I get up in the morning, I like to: Try and go back to sleep or check my phone
Fav Drink: White Grape Shloer 
Something new I’d like to learn this year: How to stop giving a shit about those who dont give a shit about me
I tag @warriorqueen1991, @belathora, @multi-villain-imagines
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