#one is a gay necromancer and the other is a straight warlock
feeshies · 9 months
whenever i make a Korean male oc for a fantasy universe, I need to do something other than goth man in a hanbok + gat
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but the vibes are just too good
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creacherkeeper · 3 years
i keep telling myself im going to catalogue all the dnd characters ive actually played over the years so HERE IS A POST for my own reference
disclaimer that most of these characters have been played completely serious but my original conceit in making them is usually to get as buckwild as possible
paladin whose gender is cowboi who is oath of devotion which is in universe just Cowboy Code. goddess of agriculture. no one knows their big anger issue is because they were raised by a clan of barbarian elves and their 1st level is barbarian. main weapon giant scythe. always wearin cowboy hat
extremely powerful wizard named Sir Bramwell Elingston the Elder, noble background. also totally got cursed to be a one year old baby forever. his walking speed is 5 and he gets around by holding himself on a horse with mage hand. his inventory is held in a diaper bag and his arcane focus is a rattle. he is lawful evil
rogue who is a rogue for hippie reasons. doesnt believe in "ownership" so just helps himself to stealing things. very much believes in the cycle of life and our connection to nature so killing people is like, Not a big deal cause we'll just feed plants and shit. about two years into the campaign he developed Anxiety and it went very badly for him. also became a dad much to everyones horror
bard who is a wereboar. she is huge and gnarly looking and also plays a tiny ukulele. she totally murdered her parents but is also Very Shy About It
super old New York Jewish bubbie who is a retired police detective. very late in the game became a necromancer to bring her dead partner back to life but cant stop sniffing out clues
path of the drunken master monk who got raised as an orphan kitchen girl in a castle and then found out she's actually the bastard princess and was like. well!! time to leave immediately and tell no one!! everyone was suspicious of her because she's so friendly. her twin brother played by a friend was a very gay slutty warlock who for some reason had a completely different accent than her
former angel soldier who fell and became a demon after his god left him behind in a holy war. now is trying to raise an army to kill god but he's turned SO many people into warlocks and his demon magic is spread so thin that theyre all incredibly weak. does NOT stop him from going around all the time being like "HEY PAL YOU WANT SOME MAGIC POWERS??" and just being very friendly and flirty and way too overly earnest for a demon
underdark orc war cleric who is also Very Femme. she totally abandoned the main storyline to go on a date with a cute girl that the dm had to make up on the spot
9 year old tiefling boy whos dad is a big time demon and whos mom is a totally regular human woman. he became a ranger demon slayer at a young age to get his dads attention because his dad wont fucking pay child support. wants to be called something super cool like rex knifeblood slayerdoom but his mom is very insistent he go by jacob candor because she thinks its a very nice name
literally actually lady macbeth. tiefling pact of the blade warlock. she was a follow of pale night, a ghostly "female" demon lord whos appearance caused madness. she straight up got smited by oberon at a fae dinner and died
non dnd tabletop characters:
child actress who is incredibly precocious and intelligent who is currently the only one who knows her demon cat is actually a demon so is very much In Therapy (call of cthulhu)
woman in olden times salem, mass. who is convinced another woman in town is a witch and will stop at nothing to prove it while ignoring all other witch activity. Is Secretly Just A Big Lesbian And Doesnt Know It (fiasco)
bug person called The Guide who broke out of their hivemind to become a pyramid scheme cult leader. what religion are they representing? Dont Worry About It Just Take This Pamphlet (starfinder)
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queenofcats17 · 5 years
I wanted to write out backstories for the BATIM characters in a D&D world, so here we go. These are very much my versions of the characters, as well as some of my oc’s. 
I also kind of made a story out of it.
I used this to help me decide everyone’s classes upon first thinking about this, but this is also very helpful.
Thank you to @randomwriteronline and @chaostheparrot for their input and help in ironing out what classes would fit each character. 
I especially loved Random’s comment that the Music Department would be, and I quote, “just increasingly off the shit bards”. 
Joey and Henry meet up and decide to adventure together. 
Original party is formed: Joey, Henry, Norman, Wally, and the bard band
Henry and Joey get into a fight and Henry leaves the party
Shawn and Grant are inducted into the party
Joey’s party passes through Cordelia’s town and she joins as they are in need of a healer
Asmodeus reaches out to Joey and becomes Joey’s patron
Tom and Allison are brought on. Joey explains that they need another healer and Tom has some experience with magical artifacts. He refuses to explain what sort of magical artifacts he wants Tom for
Joey approaches Bertram to make an artifact for him which leads to Bertram and Lacie traveling with the party in order to gather the materials for the artifact
Joey leads the party to defeat a necromancer holed up in a castle, and takes up residence there once the necromancer is defeated. 
Joey starts conducting immoral experiments, occasionally kidnapping residents from the nearby town
Joey turns his attentions to his party members, beginning to experiment on them
Henry gets a letter, inviting him to the castle. Joey has something to show him...
Now on to the backstories. 
Sammy, Susie, and Jack are all bards who have been friends since childhood. Johnny is Sammy’s younger brother and also a bard. They each have their own reasons for wanting to go out adventuring. Sammy because he wanted to spread his music, Susie because she wanted to see the world and sing for people, Johnny because he was not about to let Sammy see the world without him, and Jack basically because he wanted to be around his friends. They’ve formed a band of sorts. Sammy plays banjo (although he can play nearly any instrument), Jack’s on violin, Johnny basically plays a keyboard, and Susie sings. They’ve been run out of a few towns due to Susie and Sammy’s strong personalities. Sammy gets into fights with people about music and Susie squares up when her friends are threatened. Although there was one time someone broke Jack’s violin and he did a number on them. 
Sammy and Susie will flirt with anyone and everyone. They are disaster bisexuals. Favorite targets are Norman, Tom, and Allison. Sometimes Wally, although that’s mostly Sammy. Meanwhile, Jack has kind of a thing for Grant. And sometimes Sammy. He’s a quiet and distinguished gay. Johnny falls in love very easily and it’s hard to get him to move on from them. He had a crush on Susie when they were all little and Sammy continues to tease him about it. Susie thought it was cute.
Joey: Warlock. His patron is Asmodeus, the Lord of Hells. Growing up, Joey dreamed of adventuring. His parents strongly discouraged this, knowing the dangers that came along with adventuring. They didn’t want him to get hurt. Joey, however, took this to mean that they thought he was too weak to make it in the world. It didn’t help that a lot of the other children liked to pick on him due to his small stature and sickly nature. He threw himself into studying magic, being too weak to class as anything particularly physical. His success was rather...mixed. He was alright at magic, but nowhere near as powerful as he’d hoped. 
He ran away from home at around 18 in order to adventure and find a way to boost his magical power. He ended up in Henry’s town and the two became friends. Joey suggested they go adventuring together and Henry agreed. The two set off on their adventure when they were in their 20′s, forming a party with Norman, Wally, and the bard band. Joey's search for power was temporarily forgotten as he reveled in the joy of adventuring with his friends. However, tensions began to run a bit high between him and Henry, who thought Joey was being greedy and pushing the party members farther than they were capable of going. The two of them fought and Henry left the party.
Joey was convinced he could make it without Henry, bolstering the ranks of the party and continuing to press on as though nothing was wrong. However, this was the beginning of his spiral downwards. He began to throw himself even more into trying to bolster his magic. He started dragging his party into even more dangerous situations in order to find a way to make himself more powerful. 
It was at this point that Asmodeus reached out to him. He appeared as a handsome red-skinned young man and promising he could give Joey everything he desired. Joey took his offer, becoming a rather powerful warlock. 
For a bit, things were alright. Joey was happy with his newfound power. He had to perform sacrifices to Asmodeus, which was a little inconvenient given his party’s moral compass, but the party was already killing evildoers. Asmodeus seemed perfectly satisfied with these sorts of sacrifices, though.
But soon...Joey began to wonder. Why did they have to rely on gods for magical power? Why couldn’t they just have it themselves? He’d seen many a warlock fall due to losing the favor of their patron. It was incredibly dangerous to rely on these gods for power when their favor could so easily be lost. If he could find a way to allow humans to have godly powers without the contract, then he could prevent others from falling. And so, unbeknownst to his party, he began to look into magical artifacts and rituals. 
Norman: Ranger. No one knows what his background is and he refuses to give a straight answer as to what it is. His story changes every time he’s asked. In reality, he was part of a rebellion against the tyrannical ruler of his town. The rebellion failed, unfortunately, and in retaliation, the ruler killed those who had taken part in it. Norman managed to escape, but his family and many of his friends died. He doesn’t like to talk about it. Sammy, Susie, Wally, and Tom are some of the only people he’s told the truth to. Prior to joining up with this party, he tried not to stay in any place for too long for fear of being recognized and turned over to the ruler. Initially, he wanted revenge against the man who killed the people he loved. He plotted out exactly how he would do it, fantasized about sticking the bastard’s head on a pike. But he’s been running for a long time. And that fire has long since been extinguished. Now he just wants to be free from that looming shadow. 
Henry: Monk. He never really planned on being an adventurer. He grew up in a small village that was pretty far away from any kind of danger. His parents ran a bookstore. He didn’t have any siblings. He had a pretty boring life. He met Joey after Joey ran away from home and ended up in Henry’s town. When Joey suggested they start adventuring together, he was excited. He’d never left his town before. So he left with Joey and the two of them began adventuring together with their party. Things were good for a while until Henry and Joey began to butt heads about Joey’s leadership of the group. Henry ended up leaving over this argument. Angry and upset, Henry went away to train at a monastery. It was during this training that he met Linda, who was passing through on her own errands. The two of them adventured for a bit after Henry completed his training before settling down together. 
Linda: Cleric. A follower of the Lliira. She came from a long line of healers, and while she wasn’t expected to follow in their footsteps, it was highly encouraged. Luckily, she was interested in helping people. She chose Lliira as her patron as she had little interest in fighting or continuing the cycle of violence in their world. Once she’d reached the appropriate age, and had trained sufficiently with her family, she set off on a journey to bring healing and joy to all she could. She met Henry when she stopped off at the monastery he was training at during her travels. She thought he was rather adorable, especially since he tended to accidentally hit himself in the face with his staff whenever she watching him practice. She was more than happy to journey with and later marry him. 
Henry works as a historian/librarian in their town while Linda is the local healer. A not-insignificant portion of the town has crushes on both of them. They’re both very kind and compassionate and surprisingly buff. Linda may be a pacifist, but she chops their firewood herself. 
Tom: Fighter who dual classes as an artificer. He’s made a bit of a name for himself as an artificer, but more often he’s just called upon to fix things. He grew up in an orphanage as his parents were killed in a monster attack. He made himself indispensable to the orphanage staff by being the best at fixing things. He taught himself to fix just about everything. Chairs, plumbing, wagons, weapons. You name it, he figured out how to fix it. Once he got older, the orphanage directors apprenticed him to a blacksmith. Tom tried to find fulfillment in it but couldn’t. He ended up training himself as a fighter, while beginning to hone his craft as an artificer, and set off wandering. He found Allison when she’d gotten herself into a fight she wasn’t prepared for and helped her get out. He thought she was a nice woman and decided to travel with her. She gave people hope and he wanted to be a part of that. 
Allison: Paladin. A follower of the goddess Istus. Her family are nobles and frankly bastards. She ran away from home at a young age to join a convent. However, during her journey to the convent, she saw the injustices of the world. So, instead of going to the convent, she went to join a paladin order. The paladins were initially a little unsure about whether to take her on, especially since she was the daughter of a noble and they didn’t want to have her father storming their building demanding her back, but she proved she was serious about the situation. After she completed her training, she set out to help those in need. She met Tom after stumbling into a fight she wasn’t prepared for. The two started traveling together after that. She believes that there is always hope, no matter how many times she is knocked down. There are many who take comfort in her unshakable faith.
Shawn: Rogue. He grew up in the slums of a major city, learning how to pickpocket and swindle in order to provide for his family. His mother constantly told him that there were other ways for them to get by, but no matter how many jobs she or his siblings picked up, they never had enough. Shawn saw stealing from the rich as the only viable option. It wasn’t like taking from the ultra-rich of the city would hurt them, he thought. And it didn’t. They just threw huge fits before eventually moving on. He earned a bit of a reputation among the city guards as a troublemaker. Shawn started having a bit of fun messing with them, which led to guards to target his family. He ended up leaving the city in hopes that it would improve his family’s lives if he wasn’t there. He began to travel, becoming a Robin Hood-esque figure. The poor lauded him as a hero while the rich saw him only as a villain. Joey found him in a holding cell after getting caught stealing from a corrupt baron. He continues to send money to his family even now, hoping that he can still try and make up for the mistakes he’s made.
Bertram: Artificer. Born to a well to do family, Bertram was never particularly interested in adventuring. He was, however, very interested in inventing and figuring out how to imbue magic into the things he created. He ended up becoming a rather successful and sought after artificer due to his uncanny knack for figuring out how things worked and how they could be improved. He began traveling in order to expand his business, which is why he hired Lacie. He needed a bodyguard and she wanted to travel. He ended up encountering Joey when Joey approached him to design an artifact for him. Bertram didn’t particularly trust him, but business was business so he agreed to do what he could for Joey.
Lacie: Monk. Kind of like an older, more tired version of Beau from Critical Role. Her family were wealthy and wanted a son, but they got Lacie instead. They tried to force her to be the ‘perfect’ daughter which led to her rebelling quite a lot. She ended up running away to join a monastery. The monks helped her to deal with the anger and frustration she felt, teaching how to channel it into more productive avenues. She stayed at the monastery for many years, gaining a reputation as a competent fighter and a general pillar of common sense, until she was approached by Bertram to be his bodyguard. She’s been traveling with him ever since. She tries not to pick fights, but she will absolutely finish any ones started by other people. 
Grant: Wizard. From a young age, Grant had an insatiable desire for knowledge. It was this desire that led him to begin to study magic. His family didn’t have much but wanted to send him off to a magic academy so that he would be able to study magic. Thankfully, a magic academy did take notice of his aptitude and sent him a letter. Although Grant excelled at his magical studies, he proved too anxious to function as a power player. He had no interest in playing mind games or working in a court. He was better suited to academia, and so became a professor and scholar after graduation. Grant was more than happy teaching others magic and often regrets leaving his position at the school to travel with Joey, especially since Joey doesn’t exactly treat him well. Joey wanted Grant for his vast knowledge and tactical mind, often treating him as nothing more than a walking encyclopedia. 
Wally: Druid. A follower of the goddess Eldath. He grew up in kind of a hippie commune. He has a really big family and the kids were basically allowed to run free in the forest and do whatever they wanted. He was happy in the commune, but he always kind of wanted to see the world. Plus, he felt a bit bad that he wasn’t as good of a druid as the rest of his family. He just didn’t take it as seriously as others did. He left the commune when he was about 16 and started just roaming around. He ran into Joey and Henry and joined their party because they thought he was absolutely adorable and just a little ray of sunshine. He’s not much of a combatant, because Eldath abhorres violence and won’t fight even to defend herself. The few times he’s tried to fight he’s lost his powers from her. It was easy enough for Joey to take him down in the end. Wally would never hurt a friend. 
Cordelia: Cleric. Follower of the goddess Hel. Despite Hel’s less than savory reputation, Cordelia follows her because it gives her comfort to think there is someone looking out for her parents, both of whom died from sickness. Had a rather sheltered upbringing in a small village where nothing much happened. Roy left for adventure when she was about 15. He returned when she was 17, carried back catatonic by a few paladins. She volunteered to take care of him since both of their parents needed to work. This is how she started learning how to be a cleric in the first place. She was 18 when Joey’s party rolled into town, making her want to go adventuring like her brother had. She specifically latched onto the bard band, wanting to be just like them. Maybe even travel with them. Her parents were averse to the idea, especially after what had happened to Roy, but they didn’t want to quash her dreams. They died later that year from a sickness she could neither treat nor cure. She was devastated, shutting herself in her room for days on end. But, upon Roy’s suggestion, the next time Joey’s party came around she left with them.
Roy: Former bard. Formerly a rather successful bard before an adventuring mishap put him out of commission. He got bored in their little village and set off for a life of adventure. Although he couldn’t play music too well, nor sing, he had a charismatic presence that drew people to him. He was part of a rather large adventuring group filled with similarly eager young adventurers. They were all predictably naive and foolhardy, rushing headlong into danger and getting into their fair share of scrapes and danger. One day, they ended up going on a quest that they couldn’t handle. Roy was the only one who survived. He was found, catatonic, by some wandering paladins who managed to get him home. He didn’t say anything for years until his and Cordelia’s parents died and he forced himself to step up and be there for Cordelia. He was the one to suggest she become an adventurer. Despite his own misgivings toward that career, he thought it would do her good to get away from their town and the memory fo their parents.
Esther: Paladin. Follower of the god Tyr. Although she’s not an adventurer, she still takes her job very seriously. She wants to protect those who cannot protect themselves. She became a paladin after Joey ran away. Specifically, she went on a journey to try and find her brother again. Along the way, she witnessed the injustice and cruelty of the world. It horrified her to see the way people treated each other and the abuses that people got away with. When she returned, not having found her brother, she went through paladin training and became the protector of her town. She later met the man who would become her husband, Robert, when he was passing through the town as a traveling bookseller. The two struck up a friendship, which later turned into a relationship.
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mxjan · 5 years
Chilling adventures of Sabrina
I've really been meaning to watch the show, so here's a really long thread while I watch to keep my mind alive. Spoilers ahead obviously.
Okay, so I'm a few minutes in and either the teacher is a witch or she'll die in 2 minutes.
Also Ross Lynch is really cute. I need to rewatch Austin and Ally.
Called it. She's dead and probably a witch. Wait is she not dead? Wtf is happening?
The necromancer cousin seems kinda nice but I have a feeling he might be not nice later. Everyone else seems to want different things for her. But what does she want?
A spirit is going to answer her call when she needs help, yeah?
Is the crow a spy, or a savior? Oh spy. Got it.
She isn't actually going to show this guy magic, right? Their children are going to be 1/4 witch which will be an odd conversation to have. Actually that sounds great! These 2 are either gonna break up soon, or go on until one of them dies.
So she just tells him everything without a shred of proof? Of course he doesn't believe her! And she erases his memory. Nice redo. Very rude though. I have a feeling he didn't forget though.
That's a nice egg trick. I'll have to try that sometime.
The curse drains her sanity, is this eldritch spirit real or false? Awwww she's got a kitty
The cousin seems like the only nice one.
The name of the club is Wicca, and it wasn't the witch that named it? I love that. A bit straight forward though.
I love that the necromancer is the one working in the embalming room.
Of course she never listens to salem. She really should trust them more. Also I don't think she's ready to sign the book of memes. Episode 1 done. I think i might binge this all. Just wish I had popcorn.
When she agreed to the baptism, her eyes had this mischievous look as if she has a trick prepared. Also, it's very ironic that the dark lord stand for free will, and yet she isn't allowed to cancel the baptism or date mortals.
Wait so her dad surpassed his mentor, married a mortal, had a child, and then was tragically killed in a freak accident??? And then his mentor got his job??? Hmmmmmmmm
Awwwww her boyfriend (who's name I can't spell) is so sweet and ignorant but not in a bad way. Also unrelated note, currently panting because I had to do a favor for my bf real quick which involved a bit of running. I need to work on my cardio.
Are crossed fingers that important to witches???
Holy fuck did one of the aunts just murder the other??? Holy hell. Okay so I guess murder is no big deal???
And the dead witch boy had a familiar, so what happened to them? Where was his familiar when he was stabbed? So many questions, so few answers.
Uhhhh they're getting pretty handsy with these jocks, I really hope it's an illusion and the jocks are fucking eachother. That'd be really hot. CALLED IT!!!!!
Also holy hell the birds of erectile dysfunction (never thought I'd say that) was a nice touch.
She just ran from the party and I'm guessing she's either going to leave early, or ross followed her.
Disrobe her? That's seriously not okay. She's 16 mate. Good girl. She backed away. Don't sign!!!
Looks like I totally misread her cousin. He would die protecting her. Good boy.
Also why is Sabrina so important? Best guess is since she's half witch half mortal, her powers won't go away since she didn't sign. Freedom and power.
"I admire your defiance, girl. But you will give me your autograph. You will beg to sign it."
Episode 2 done.
That familiar is gonna be important, yeah?
How does this show go from the devil possessing the principal, to banned books, then to sabrina getting sued in a matter of minutes???
Harvey's dad is SUCH A PRICK!!! I hate him already.
Fucking trashy ass aunt zelda. Fucking trashy ass father spellman. Why sell your child for marriage? Marriage is fucking pointless! Being with someone is worth it, but sacrificing your unborn child's free will for a bullshit certificate is fucking horrible!!!
That fucking lawyer is either really good or really bad and I can't tell which would work better for sabrina.
Damnit I was really hoping for that cute guy at the funeral to be a vamp. That'd be great. A gay warlock and a gay vampire. They'd be a great couple. I'm really glad they hooked up though.
I think this is where I stop. I really enjoy this show and it's putting gaps in the show to type this out whenever something important happens. Go watch the show fool. ❤❤❤
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