#one delisle
suga-kookiemonster · 7 months
I forgot you also like the ATLA series too. I agree with everything that you said, they made Katara so boring but thats the writers fault.
There’s all of things they could’ve done better but I really enjoyed watching it, definitely got a bit teary eyed watching the scenes between Gyatso and Aang.
Now……..….are you Kataang or Z*t*r*?
yes, the writing was poor, but the actors did what they could with what they got! i was teary eyed watching the iroh/zuko scenes, particularly lu ten's funeral and when iroh joined zuko on the boat 😭😭😭 there were parts about the series that bothered me, but overall, i had fun watching it and really hope there's a season 2!
and i've been a proud zutarian on this site since like 2012 lmao 💪🏾 i'm not new to this, i'm true to this 😌
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Bayonetta: Okay imagine this. An alternate timeline where my hair is braided.
Jeanne: Okay.
Bayonetta: And there are multiple copies of me.
Jeanne: Uh huh.
Bayonetta: And one of them is straight as fuck for some reason.
Jeanne: Pffft, AHAHAHAHAHA!!!
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ardenrosegarden · 10 months
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stairset · 1 year
I'm gonna be honest Azula and Darth Maul fall into the same category for me in that they're both among my favorite villains and I keep seeing people insist they should've had redemption arcs because of their sympathetic backstories and that them not being redeemed is bad writing and if you disagree you're a bad person or whatever. And I'm just like okay but the thing is though. Watching them get worse is what makes them fun. Sue me.
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elijones94 · 10 months
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Dyris from “Xiaolin Showdown” is an interesting character. She exemplifies the concept of mermaids being evil in folklore. “The Screams of the Siren” is one of the few episodes of “Xiaolin Showdown” I remember when I used to watch the show on Cartoon Network several years ago. Plus, the episode plays on the theme of “don’t judge a book by its cover” in which Klofange, who is initially perceived as the villain, isn’t really evil. In a shocking twist, it’s Dyris, the beautiful mermaid, who’s the real villain. When in water, she’s in her mermaid form. Unfortunately, when on dry land, she turns to her true monstrous lizard-like sea monster form.
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gothamsgaygirlgang · 6 months
very sick and twisted of DC to give us Zoelina and then take her away like they think they're sooo funny
also, if she doesn't return then I'm officially declaring a Catwoman curse (no one who plays a live action Catwoman in a film will reprise the role)
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ikol-art · 1 year
It's insane to me how in fiction you have characters not recognizing the voice of someone important to them, because I will literally be in the car listening to a radio ad and go 'oh that's the voice of Logan from the dutch dub of Big Time Rush, a series I haven't watched in about 6 years'... you're telling me mister main character does not recognize the voice of their best friend/sibling/nemesis??? Wack
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postgameroutesix · 1 year
i saw rhe mario movie yesterday + i dont think it was like good nor bad but a secret third thing (FUN!!!) but while ive seen positive reactions from mario fans ive also seen reactions that i completely understand bc they remind me of my feelings on scoob 2020. like i imagine my thoughts on the mario movie as someone not particularly attached to mario beyond knowing + appreciating the guy are very similar to someone who occupies that standing towards scooby doos thougjts on scoob 2020
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airyairyaucontraire · 2 years
do you ever stop and assess your outfit based on how easy or difficult it would make things for you if an adventure began today?
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demareth · 2 years
Whenever i or my partner play any video game i like to play a secondary game
Ive decided to call it: Schrodinger's Tara Strong
aka tara strong either voices 13 characters in this game or isnt in it but both things are true until i hear her.
secondary game when playing a video game or watching anything animated: was that Tara Strong or Grey DeLisle?
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brothfan1997 · 2 years
lately i’ve been loving working with the powerpuff girls on in the background. the soothing sounds of tom kenny
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nicktoonsunite · 4 months
I need to ask, did the tigerghost crackship start out because the Danny x Manny naming scheme matched the Timmy x Jimmy one? :P
I literally know almost nothing about most of these characters, but thanks to your art I am now super invested and want them all to be happy and healthy, and I ship characters I didn't even know existed. Thank you for the brainrot XD
you are actually dead on, literally when i started including jenny and manny i thought of pairing dannymanny as a funny haha jab at jimmytimmy, like wow their nicknames happen to rhyme too lol!!! then i started noticing they have a few similarities with the obvious being they both started off as teen heroes with green themed powers, their eyes turn green in their alter egos, they both have a powerful shout-based power (ghostly wail vs tigre roar)(at least manny WOULD HAVE ONE IF HE ACTUALLY LEARNED THE ROAR BUT ALAS THE SHOW ONLY LASTED 1 SEASON i will just assume he does get it eventually when he grows up). and this one is a bit funny more than anything but both Sam and Frida, the main female leads of the show, are voiced by Grey DeLisle lol
then it moved onto seeing how they contrast with eachother too, because they got the fire and ice dynamic going on, literally because manny's abilities have a fire theme while danny's got his ice core. they also contrast with their openness about their identity (danny's was kept secret, while manny being el tigre was public knowledge)
anyways it all went downhill from there need i say more
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tanadrin · 10 days
There is no single “best” temperature scale—which one is most useful depends on context and culture—but there is absolutely a worst one: the Delisle scale, where degrees go down instead of up and zero Kelvin is like 560 degrees.
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redjademilktea · 5 months
Last night's episode of 4 Sided Dive was absolutely wonderful in terms of the amount of insight and perspective we got. Not only the Crown Keepers interlude, but also for campaign 3's themes as a whole.
Specifically what fascinated me though, was the incredible analogy Aimee drew between the Ruidian culture and colonial influence on indigenous/colonized spaces in real life (around the 1h32m mark for reference). It was amazing question to ask and I'll love Aimee endlessly for it because it touches on am interesting parallel between the discourse surrounding the Exandiran gods and what they thematically can represent to us as an audience.
Before I dive into my thoughts, I want to preface this by saying this is my specific perspective as a queer woman of color and daughter of a refugee. While my year-5-in-a-PhD-program brain may just be over analyzing this too much, what Aimee brought up just deeply resonated with me in a way that I don't really see talked about in discussions around the themes of campaign 3. Additionally, the ideas I'll be talking about borrow heavily from Christine Taitano DeLisle's Placental Politics: CHamoru Women, White Womanhood, and Indigeneity under U.S. Colonialism in Guam (2023). Its an incredible piece on indigenous knowledge production and political action that importantly looks to decenter colonial perspectives and history (and more importantly recenter indigenous histories, knowledge, and perspectives in a way that allows us to dislodge the idea that colonialism is something that is immutable and inevitable.)
To quickly summarize Aimee's point/follow up question, she pointed out that the way Ruidians have engaged with, repurposed, and were resentful towards Exandrian cultures mirrors some of the real life experiences of colonized/marginalized communities in relation to colonialism. It was such a powerful comparison to make because in a lot of ways, the struggle of the Ruidian people over the course of the campaign along with the looming question about the gods and whether or not to save them is (intentional or not) deeply resonant with the idea of colonialism and the ways it is deeply ingrained in the even mundane aspects of our life.
In a lot of ways, the Exandrian pantheon can be seen as a colonial force. One that came in and displaced a preexisting order of things and entrenched itself in the new way of being it established. Ashton and Laudna have repeatedly pointed this out throughout the campaign. There was life and existence before the gods. The gods are merely a different mode of being, not the only and inevitable mode of being. Life, society, and being can and did exist without them.
And its important to recognize that aspect of the gods, because it helps us understand their motivations that much better. Aabria in her description of what Opal saw in the Spider Queen as she tried to take Opal as her champion was poignant. Opal did not see an omniscient, unknowable entity. She saw a woman. A woman who was frustrated, angry, and most importantly frightened. They keep Predathos chained away not to protect life on Exandria nor because they feel a moral obligation to do so. They are doing so because they are afraid. Their mortality is at stake. And, as Aabria keenly pointed out, their pride is as well. Every action, every move is out of self preservation. An attempt to save themselves because Predathos demonstrate that not even the gods are a permanent thing.
You'll find (as Anne Stoler writes about frequently) that colonial systems are much the same. They are vehemently intent on self preservation. Any action they undertake and any narrative they create about themselves is solely done to preserve the way things are currently. And that includes narratives that the way things are currently is somehow inevitable. That things were always coming to this moment. Often, this is done at the expense of framing other modes of being as somehow antithetical to the way things are now. That it needs to be this way. And that this way is right and forever.
To me, its important to recognize these parallels. While Ruidians may engage with, adapt, and innovate off of Exandrian ideas, culture, and art, it is only because - as Aimee aptly phrased it - Exandrian culture as a direct result of the gods actions has "sucked all the air out" everything. What is there to engage with, if not the looming orb in the sky that has shaped every aspect of their existence?
It really brings the campaign-wide question of "should we save the gods?" into new light, at least in my opinion. Because its suddenly not about "saving the gods in a morally righteous act to preserve all life." It becomes a layered and complicated network of issues that makes the answer to that question incredibly difficult to answer. Is preserving the status quo because its how things operate now worth it at the expense of the suffering of others? What would saving the gods and the Ruidians look like? Is it even possible to save both? What changes to how things operate would be a result of that? How would those changes be handled?
I bring this up because there is a tendency in some discourse that I've seen to frame questioning the validity of saving the gods as inherently the "wrong" choice to make. When instead, when you see the cast struggling over the question, its because the answer is not straight forward. The gods are not necessary for life. They never were. They just are necessary for life the way things are now. And the question of what disrupting that means is such a fascinating one to engage with.
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rifari2037 · 5 months
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I found this thread on Twitter and it's so refreshing to know that Zutara fandom actually has strong allies.
Zuko - (my captain) Dante Basco
Katara - Mae Whitman
Sokka - Jack de Sena
Toph - Michaela Jill Murphy
Azula - Grey DeLisle
Uncle Iroh - Greg Baldwin
(even) Cabbage Man - James Sie
It's funny because this fact made me suddenly create a headcanon :
Of course Zuko and Katara shipping themselves, they fell in love with each other.
Then almost all the members of the Gaang except Aang (we don't know for sure about Suki) also ship Zutara because they know Zuko and Katara are secretly making out, while Aang denies it because well, you know why…
Sokka as Katara's brother approve their relationship!
Then Uncle Iroh, he must've ship Zutara since stubborn Zuko asked Katara to help him defeat Azula.
Uncle Iroh as father figure for Zuko definitely approve their relationship!
Azula shipped Zutara? She must've known that Katara meant a lot to Zuko, otherwise why would she direct the lightning at her? She know that either Katara would lose or Zuko would sacrifice himself for her.
I can say, that's the way Azula as Zuko's sister approve their relationship!
And the Cabbage Man. This time I didn't expect it. Maybe he really is a Zutara shipper. Maybe he was the one who told the Ember Island player director that the two of them had a special relationship? (I'm making things up this time) 😂😂
Okay, back to Zutara fandom who has strong allies from the ATLA writers too.
John O'Brian (the one who confirming that they talked about Zutara endgame in writing room)
Joshua Hamilton (the one who fight alongside John O'Brian to make Zutara endgame)
I'm sure the list won't end there
I also wont forget that Zutara fandom has great writers and artists with fanarts, fanfics, video edits, meta and analysis, etc., which makes Zutara never boring. Thanks to y'all 💙❤️
They did get canon, but I can still enjoy the victory!
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maxwellatoms · 1 year
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I decided that this week it's Ghastly Week on eBay, and I figured I'd share some stuff over here too!
Up top is (I think) my first drawing of Ghastly after the pilot. You can see some early Estroy sketches and my notes on who I was planning to hire for storyboards.
The rest of the sketches are from the model pack we did for the redesign. And at the bottom, there's the title card image from "The Pie Who Loved Me".
Since ECC was my Saturday Morning Action Cartoon Satire show, I knew I wanted an Evil-Lyn/Baroness type character in the crew. But it always bothered me that those women didn't really have anything going for their characterization. So I decided that Ghastly would basically be a good person. She was really just into science and didn't have any interest in taking over the world. She probably would have bailed on the whole operation long ago if she weren't not-so-secretly in love with her boss' mind.
No one said she had good taste.
She's got the rubber outfit, which was also inspired by G.I. Joe's Baroness. And probably all of the goth clubs I was going to. It seemed funny to me that anyone would choose to wear a rubber catsuit on a hot tropical island.
Since Grey DeLisle was already doing the voice for Mandy, I had some idea of how versatile she was. She'd done a Judy Garland impression for me at some point, and that was the starting point for Ghastly's voice.
I wrote Ghaslty's speech patterns and penchant for calling her boss "Chief" after The Beverly Hillbillies' Jane Hathaway.
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