#one day i'll get to watching all the evil dead movies
stinkman007 · 1 year
Fun Facts:
The Lost Boys
Corey Feldman was told to act like Silvester Stallone and Chuck Norris
Jami Gertz was casted at Jason Patric’s request, even though filmmakers originally wanted a blonde
Ben Stiller auditioned to be a lost boy
David wears gloves throughout the movie to hide the fact Kiefer broke his wrist
The first Jack-O-Lanterns were made from turnips instead of pumpkins
The Exorcist is the first horror movie to be nominated for best picture at the Academy Awards
The color red is in almost every shot of The Shining
The other actors in Scream were never allowed to see the voice of Ghostface (Roger L. Jackson) in person while they filmed
Hanging above the door in the tool shed, you can see Freddy Krueger’s glove in Evil Dead II
Tony Todd had to put actual bees in his mouth when filming The Candyman
Jack Nicholson improvised the line “Here’s Johnny!”
Most of these are horror but I’m watching a horror movie rn anyways. Hope you’re doing good bud
woahhhh very cool very cool thank you bro 👍👍
LOL can you imagine ben stiller as a lost boy. the same guy who does zoolander.😭😭
i am doin great my guy!! what horror movie are you watching ?😮
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ellebakers · 1 year
☆ Too bad | Part one
Ethan Landry x reader
Summary : Ethan hates your new boyfriend. Luckily he has a knife and a phone.
Warning(s) : Death + Blood + Mention of sex.
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You had been lying, naked, under Bradley your boyfriend for six months, his hands wandering along your body when your phone started ringing. Your lips parted and you groaned as you answered.
"Hello ?"
"Y/n, where are you ?"
Your best friend, Ethan sounded annoyed.
"I'm at Brad’s, why ?"
"We were supposed to study together, I've been waiting for you at the library for an hour."
You hit your forehead, how could you forget? But watching Bradley lower his mouth between your legs you remember.
"Damn, I'm so sorry e. Brad needed my help." You gasped when without warning, he thrust his tongue inside you.
Your back was arching, but it was out of the question for you to get licked while on the phone with your best friend.
"Look, the test is in two weeks, we'll study later, bye." And you hung up, or so you thought. But the truth is that in the rush, you didn't check to see if you had hung up.
That's why Ethan found himself sitting on one of the sofas in the library with his headphones listening to you moan.
Bradley continued to devour you harder and harder. Knowing what turned him on, you tugged his hair lightly, making him groan against your pussy.
"Damn. Baby I'm close."
That's when your boyfriend stopped, you were about to ask him why, but he sat down and took you on top of him. "I want you to ride me."
You bit your lip, nodding. "With pleasure."
And in one movement you're impaled on his hard cock. You opened your mouth wide, the pleasure being intense, then you started to move your body, Tommy groaned, took one of your nipples in his mouth and sucked it.
You hadn't noticed, you were so taken by the wave of pleasure that washed over you, but Bradley knew that Ethan was listening, he also knew that your best friend had a crush on you, that's why he discreetly took your phone and put the call into FaceTime mode, revealing Ethan's red face.
Brad smiled at him while thinking show time.
"Sweetheart, you're so tight."
Your moans were pornographic.
"Look at you, all wet. Your nipples are so hard, I could cum just looking at them."
"Brad-I'll-oh shit, I'm going to cum."
"Go ahead baby, cum and scream my name." And in a stronger thrust you cried his name while cumming on his cock. Bradley hung up on Ethan's face, then he cum inside you.
After both of you took a shower, you went home and fell asleep peacefully.
But, it was going to be a long night for Bradley.
———☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ♡ ☆ ★ ❀ ✿ ———
Bradley was watching Evil Dead when his phone rang, without bothering to look who was calling him, he picked it up.
"Hello ? "
"Hello, Bradley."
The voice was deep and unrecognizable, Bradley frowned and looked at his screen.
"Who is this ?"
He sneered. "Y/n ?"
"Oh no, I'm much less hot than your girlfriend."
"So who are you ?"
"I'm a little curious, by the way, do you like the movie ?"
"What movie ?"
"Evil Dead."
Bradley froze. "How do you know ?"
"I know, because I'm at your house."
Bradley paused the movie and went to check that the doors were locked. He brought his phone up to his ear again.
"You couldn't come in without me seeing you."
The persona laughed coldly. "Maybe I came when you were taking a shower after fucking your girlfriend on your fucking couch."
Bradley stopped in front of his bedroom door. "Ethan is it you ?"
He didn't let the person answer and laughed "Damn it's you ! So did you like my little video huh ? You want to know something."
He paused, then whispered. "I fuck her like this every day."
The caller's breathing became heavy.
"You could never fuck her like that. You really thought I wasn't going to notice the way you looked at her. I know you want her but she's my girl."
He wanted to piss off Ethan and it worked, but his reaction was different than he expected, in a soft voice he told him.
"But if I kill you, she'll come cry to me. I'll wait as long as it takes and when she's ready I'll fuck her and believe me she won't have to fake it. With Me."
"Damn! You'll never get it, you're just a little bitch, she'll never want to-" Bradley didn't have time to finish his sentence, Ethan, dressed in ghostface came up behind him and slit his throat. He watches your boyfriend fall to the ground choking on his own blood. He got on top of Bradley and removed his mask, his face dripping with sweat he smiled at his victim and whispered to him. "I'll say goodbye to her for you." Then he repeatedly stabbed Bradley in the face with his knife.
After draining Bradley of his blood he got up and admired his work. Without your boyfriend in the running, you'll be his and his alone.
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skz-bibi · 1 year
note. bold indentations are captions on the scren
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"it's such a nice we should've- we already decided , we asked you four times , you chose it." seungmin interrupted the girl. "um excuse me." bibi scoffed. "don't interrupt me like that."
"hand me the camera if you to are gonna fight." she held the camera away from the jeongin.
[ no arguing they're having a healthy discussion ]
she turned to the camera. "anyways , it's such a nice day today , but we're going to the movies." she explained.
"we're going to the arcade first though , the movie doesn't start for like another hour." jeongin said , holding her shoulders , guiding her through the streets.
"yes , to kill time , we're going to the arcade."
"are we going to get food after the movie?" seungmin asked. "probably , i don't eat popcorn so i know i'll be hungry , so we can get food."
they arrived at the arcade , walking around trying to find a game. "it's been a while since we've come here." jeongin said.
"they changed some of the games , they don't have the game i used to win all the time." she pouted. "let's go to the basketball game." they all followed behind seungmin as he guided them to the game.
"i think she's gonna miss , what about you?" "she's gonna miss it." they teased her from behind.
[ evil maknae line teasing the other maknae]
"shut up." she scoffed , focusing on the basket , throwing it , missing just by a inch.
"you guys jinxed it , that was so evil." she said picking up another , shooting it , making it in the hoop. "i told you!" she exclaimed. "i did it." they watch the girl do a little dance. "do another one." she shook her head.
"that was pure luck , im not gonna make it this time , i know for a fact some else go."
they walked around the whole arcade , taking turns playing different games.
"there's a photobooth , let's go take some pictures." they all crammed into the small booth. "let's do three different poses." seungmin clicked the button. "we have to be quick."
[ they tried many many times ]
after a few tries they finally got the best pictures. "these are cute." she picked them up , handing them the others. "i'm gonna decorate it and it on my bag."
"the movie start soon , so let's do one more thing before we head to the movie." they all wanted to have a go at the claw machine , so they made their way over to the big bright machine.
she watched them both try it , seungmin winning and jeongin failing to do so. "i'll win you one , don't worry." she patted his back.
"i want that one." she pointed to the duck. "that one is coming home with me." she put the money into the machine , eyes dead set on the stuffed animal.
"so focused." they smiled at the girl. "cute." they watched her slam her hands on the button , tongue poking out in concentration.
she lowered the claw , grabbing the duck , but also a extra—a little pokemin toy. "ah oh my god!" she yelped.
[ excited duck ]
"no way!" they both cheered her on as she focused once again , now set on getting both. "no way she gets both."
she slowly moved the joystick. "almost." she let it go , both of the animals falling through the hole. "yes!" she pulled the the animals out , jumping up and down.
"here." she handed jeongin the toy. "thank you." he took the pokemon , smiling.
they had to rush over to the movies so that they wouldn't miss it , making it just in time to order snacks. "we've made it to the movie just in time."
they found their seats , sitting down snacks and stuffed animals in hand.
"we're all in our twenties , we look like kids." jeongin laughed. "it's about to start , so we'll see you soon."
she turned on the camera , quietly waving to the camera. "it's a good movie , it's funny." she whispered.
"they both were on their way to sleep." she said turning the camera on them. "oh well seungmin is already sleep."
[ poor puppy fell sleep ]
she turned to jeongin who nodding off , but he noticed the camera , smiling. "what are you doing?" he pushed it out the way.
"okay that's enough , i'll see you guys after." she waved turning the camera off.
[ the maknaes come stumbling out of the movies ]
"how would you know what the movies was about?" she laughed at seungmin. "you fell asleep 30 minutes in." he shoved her into jeongin who was fixing his hair , rubbing his tired eyes. "let's get some food." he groaned. "you ate like three things of popcorn , but okay."
[ discussing on what to eat , they decided on meat ]
"i'll cook it." she offered. "i don't mind."
she laid the meat on the grill , letting it cook. "oh it looks good." she said , watching it brown before flipping it. "here." she cut it using the scissors so they could eat it , stealing a few pieces herself. "it's good."
she sat down finally , taking another piece of cooked meat.
"today was fun." seungmin spoke up. "yeah , we should do this again , when we have free time."
"i still can't believe bibi actually got two stuffed animals." she smiled.
"why not , im just cool like that." they stared at her. "this is why we can't complement her , she gets a big head." jeongin said.
"well a even bigger head." she glared at the boy. "yah , kim seungmin how many times have i told you about talking about my head." jeongin shook his head. "both of you stop fighting."
[ they don't even hear the poor fox , fox is tired ]
"i don't know why i try."
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imperatorrrrr · 23 days
get to know me
tagged by @jonassiegenthighler, even tho evil Tumblr did not inform me of such. home of phobic, tbh.
Do you make your bed?
sometimes. like on your average day? nope. but like if I'm gonna have company or if I've decided today is the day I'm putting my life in order or if I'm working from home and need to be on camera, I will make my bed.
Favourite number?
I do not have a reason, but its 16. There's no connection between me and that number, but it is my number.
What's your job?
I'm an attorney. Currently, I practice as an eviction defense attorney, so tenants rights.
If you could go back to school, would you?
If it was free and if I didn't have to do homework or assignments or take tests, then yeah probably, but honestly, having done school, university, and postgrad, I am so so so very over it.
Can you parallel park?
Yep! Fun T Lore Drop Incoming. My father is the one that taught me how to drive and we found this like dead end street that no one ever really used and my father bought his own traffic cones with him and set them up and we spent hours every night for weeks just getting parallel parking down.
Do you think aliens are real?
For sure. I fucking hope so.
Can you drive a manual car?
Nah...I like watching people drive a manual car though. I think its super hot, ahahaha.
Guilty pleasure?
Erm? Oh! There are a few songs by artists that have since been revealed to be pieces of shit that I still really like, but I try not to listen to them on main or in any way those artists would benefit.
I have six so far: a lightning bolt for the time I spent in Scotland, an elephant for being Desi, one in Gallifreyan, one from Mad Max: Fury Road, a guillotine, and a Desi mermaid.
I have at least four more planned, at least.
Favourite color?
Favorite type of music?
Honestly, it depends on my mood, but I don't think I have one type that like is preferred over others. Sometimes I wanna be emo, sometimes I wanna listen to rap, sometimes I want some girlypop, and then I need Punjabi beats, like you can't pin me down, baby!
Do you like puzzles?
Any phobias?
I am afraid of snakes and drowning.
Favorite childhood sport?
Okay this is going to be such an American answer, but besides kickball, the one sport I loved to play was hockey on the scooters?
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So you'd sit on these things right and then you'd play hockey on them and those were always my favorite days in gym class.
Do you talk to yourself?
For fucking sure. Its so much fun.
Tea or coffee?
Okay, if I want coffee, I want iced coffee and I need it from like the bodega or the cart because no one else gets my sugar to coffee to milk ratio right. I do not need a fancy cafe, gimme a corner iced coffee any day.
But I'm a chai girl all day everyday. I would have chai like three times a day most of the time. Its been cut down now to when I have time to do the whole making myself chai process. I'll make my own chai hot, but if I want an iced chai, I will splurge on a fancy cafe.
I'm also big into matcha.
And obviously bubble tea.
First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
I think there's historical data (my kindergarten yearbook) which states that I said I wanted to be a doctor, but I think that was just me at five years old giving the answer my parents wanted.
But my real answer is I wanted to be a judge. This was solely because of the OJ Simpson trial which I watched as it was broadcast on television. The plan was always to go to law school to eventually become a judge, it just evolved as I did.
What movies do you adore?
The Oceans Trilogy + Oceans Eight, Robin Williams Movies (Flubber, Jumnanji, Mrs. Doubtfire), Mad Max: Fury Road, Mighty Ducks Trilogy, Heavyweights, the Clue movie, Hasee Toh Phasee, Lord of the Rings Extended Trilogy, The Mummy...I'm sure there's more.
I shall tag my ERod lovers @forgottenflowers and @offside-the-lines and my fellow NicoJack braincell sharers @alpineshift and @solip1386 and @jonasiegenthaler and my new friend @whatthe-puck
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novelconcepts · 30 days
💚 for young Taivan?
💚 true love's kiss / magic kiss / healed
They're eleven when Taissa realizes Van has nowhere to go after school. This is apparently unacceptable.
"I'm good," Van protests, but Tai's already told her parents, and they aren't thrilled with the idea of a sixth grader chilling by herself. For some reason. Van doesn't understand what difference it makes; she's alone at home most of the time, too, and that always works out just fine. What's the big deal about latchkey?
It's a battle she tries to wage for exactly three days, at which point Tai says, "If you come over after school, you can make me watch all your dumb movies."
She pretty much gives up on the war at that point, because A) movies, and B) Taissa's lying about finding them dumb. Taissa loves the movies Van picks, except for the ones that are too scary ("I'm tired of watching the Black character die all the time," she complains, which is fair) and the ones that are too mushy ("Those guys suck, and the girls just marry them anyway? It's so gross," she complains, and--yeah, true on that point, too).
Today's movie is neither scary, nor mushy. It's great. It's one of the greatest in existence, and somehow, Taissa hasn't seen it.
She complains, of course. It's just because she likes watching Van's ears turn pink, and because she likes when Van argues with her by rehashing the best parts while they're still onscreen. Van knows this, because Tai told her as much at a sleepover once. She might have been talking in her sleep, but Van still believed her.
Anyway, complaints or not, Taissa has to admit this is the best movie in the world once it's over. And, as with all the best movies, she agrees to expand on the story with scenes of their own afterward.
"You're Princess Buttercup," Van informs her. "And I'm Westley."
"Of course you are." Tai rolls her eyes. "You just want to be a hot sword-fighting pirate."
"Duh." Does Tai think Westley is hot? The idea burns the back of Van's neck. He's fine, she supposes; better than most leading men, but nowhere near the princess' level.
Doesn't matter. This part does. She fumbles through Tai's closet, digging out a black sweater and a silky scarf. "Can I cut eyeholes into this?" she asks. Taissa shrugs.
"Sure. I've got a bunch."
The effect isn't perfect, but it gets the job done. Clad in pirate attire, with Taissa in a dress she says is mostly just for church, Van flops backward onto the bed.
"Now. I'm dead."
"Mostly dead," Tai corrects. Van bites back a giggle.
"Uh huh. Knew you were paying attention. Okay, so here's the moment you have to kiss me."
"Kiss you?" Tai repeats, bewildered. "What for?"
"Uh, because it's true love's kiss. It's the kiss to end all kisses! It's romantic, man!" She shuts her eyes and sticks her tongue out of the corner of her mouth. "Also because, if you don't, I'll stay dead."
"Mostly dead. This is stupid." Even so, she feels the mattress dip as Taissa climbs up beside her. "When do I do it?"
"Soon. The evil prince is on his way, and I need to be able to stab him to death with my sword."
"You don't have a sword," says Taissa sensibly. Van flaps a hand at her.
"I'll find one. But first, you have to--"
"Fine," Tai scoffs. There's a beat, as if she's considering her angles--or maybe running off and leaving Van to take a nap by herself. Then, so suddenly, it makes Van jump, she's pressing a kiss against Van's lips.
It's warmer than she'd expected. Weird--but not bad weird. She's never considered the shape of Tai's lips before, how different they are from her own. Never considered Tai's breath, either, which still tastes of the peanut butter crackers they'd scarfed during the movie.
True love's kiss is, on the whole, nothing like she'd imagined. Still, it's nice, and when Tai pulls away, Van sits bolt upright.
"I live!" she cries in her best mad scientist voice. It doesn't exactly suit The Princess Bride, but oh well. She leaps from the bed, racing to the foyer closet and digging out an umbrella. "En garde!"
"You," Tai says, laughing, "are so stupid."
"Stupid," Van agrees, "but alive! True love's kiss strikes again! C'mon, grab a fire poker. I can't fight alone."
The evil prince never stood a chance.
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Hey bae, I've enjoyed your lords of chaos fics so far and I really liked the hcs and I just wanted to ask you could make one for necrobutcher? He was so fine in the movie but no one ever talks about him :)
Hello anon happy that you enjoyed my works so far. Pretty cute in the movie but the only voice of reason. So I hope and everyone else likes this little story and as always have fun readinf :)
It's over
warning : fluff, hurt/comfort, mention of suicide
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Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
°The two of you actually met in the supermarket one day. You wanted to buy something for you and your flatmate, who didn't really have anything any more. Almost the same was true for Necrobutcher the bass player and member of Mayhem he was still something like the voice of reason.
°Just as she was going to the section with the muesli and other packaged foods, she saw a black-haired young man. From then on, the two of you got into a conversation, or rather, he made the first move. A bad joke, a little laugh and a question about what all the patches on his jacket were for.
°There was a spark between the dark mysterious basist and the simple medical student. Which is why he not only wrote her number on her hand, but also lied her into the next rehearsal of Mayhem in the dried-out hut.
°She would be lying if she didn't find him attractive. There was something about him that was slightly mysterious, funny, realistic and, from what she had heard, not as evil as the news described all those statists. Which is why she went to the cottage at the weekend.
°When she arrived and went into the old hut, she quickly realised that it had seen better days. ,,Hey, Y/n, come with me, I'll show you the others!" he called cheerfully from the kelelr and wrapped her in a hug before they went downstairs. There she met the rest of the band from mayhem - nice but somehow strange people.
°Sitting down on the floor, she watched the band animatedly. Even though the music wasn't really her cup of tea at first, she soon felt herself swaying and humming along to the lyrics and cheering the band on. Before she pulled Necrobutcher into her arms, slightly embarrassed, and praised him.
°Staying with the band throughout the day, a small partx took place in the evening, where she not only had fun but also sat on the couch with the black-haired man and watched a film to ignore the noise from outside. He had his arm around her and she had her head on his shoulder. A cute moment that ended the evening with them kissing. The first kiss of many that night the two somehow ended up in a relationship.
°She quickly realised how sensitive, emotional and devoted he was. He listened to her problems, hugged her, kissed her and was there for her. He was indeed the most socially normal of mayhem and understood her worries that one day something might happen. Even though they both supported each other.
°But the day came when it would happen. The suicide of Dead and Euroynmou's exaggeration. He had gone too far and exploited his friend's death just for the sake of success. That same day, she got a call from Necrobutcher from a phone box who was more than upset and asked her to pick him up because his bike had a flat.
°As soon as she got into her car and drove off, she was worried. It was bound to happen sometime, she thought bitterly and sadly, before stopping at the phone box a few minutes later and getting out. She held the distraught and almost tearful Necrobutcher in her arms for a moment. She just held him and he mumbled and apologised for something he couldn't do.
°Then they loaded the fahard into the car and drove to him, as his family was not there at the moment anyway. Sitting down together on the couch, he rested his head on her lap and was quiet. But she was also quiet and just stroked his head. ,,It's going to be all right...they're gone, you don't have to go there any more," she said and only saw the brief nod. A moment later he sat down and wrapped her in a grateful kiss and held her hand. ,,Thank you for everything," he murmured and put his hand on her cheek.
°Not knowing that the past would catch up with them both. The suicide was only the beginning, then Faust's murder of the gay man and finally Varg's murder of euronymous. It was terrible, and yet the two survived the time together. They moved in together, helped each other and lived normal, free lives as best they could. Knowing that the horror had only made them both stronger.
@mayhem-things , @bvg-w1res , @beldamama
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
I'd never leave here without you (part 2) kit walker x fem reader
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Warnings: punishment from sister jude, escaping the asylum, mentions of blackmailing, threadson
Part 1 here
A/n: so kit got the most votes in the poll yesterday but don't worry Jeff is next to be posted 😊
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
After being caught by sister jude you and kit were in for it, she ordered you both to come to her office for your punishment the anxiety ripped through you, biting your nails as you and kit walked with jude to her office.
You glanced at him to see he was already looking at you, the look of dread in his eyes as well as yours, you swallowed a lump in your throat as the two of you neared your punishment.
Sister jude opened the door to her office allowing you and kit to enter, the anxiety ripped through you both fearing of the punishment you will receive, "now kit, y/n you both know that what you did back there is not acceptable in this facility" sister jude started as you and kit sat on the chairs awaiting what punishment she was going to settle for.
"It wasn't y/n sister it was all my fault I started it I should be punished not y/n" kit interrupted standing from his seat
"Kit I'm not stupid I saw her kissing you back your both equally as guilty" sister jude smirked pointing her finger at you both, kit sighed at his failed attempt to get you out of the punishment.
You swallowed another lump in your throat as sister jude eyed you both up with the evil smirk on her face before making her way to the closet containing the whips picking one you hated the most.
"10 for you y/n and 20 for kit since he tried to lie for you" she said, you closed your eyes awaiting your punishment bent over the table.
After your punishment you had to watch kit getting punished, leaving the room the backs of your legs aching going to the common room, "I had enough of this place" you winced seating yourself on a comfortable chair, "we're getting out of here y/n" kit whispered so only you could hear.
Kit looked around making sure no one had heard waiting on your response, "how kit this place has eyes and ears everywhere" you whispered back in disbelief that you could actually make it out of here.
"Movie night we go then" he informed all you did was nod waiting till it was more private and secluded to have a proper discussion about the escape plan.
You had been planning for days looking at all the exit points even a hidden tunnel actually leading to the freedom outside, now was finally the time to make your escape, your nerves on end as you managed to make it out the common room down the hallways.
"Wait" a voice startling you and kit you turned around finding shelly running towards you both, "Don't leave here without me please" she begged you knew shelly didn't deserve to be in here because she wasn't scared to say what she liked, you glanced at kit for his approval he only nodded "come on then" he said making our way to the exit.
You cut a corner at there was a guard right there you stopped dead in your tracks eyes wide open, "we aren't going to get away" you whispered in fear the guard coming closer, "I'll distract him you go on but don't leave without me" shelly said waltzing out the corner you heard her seducing the guard keeping a look out for the coast to clear.
You and kit slipped out of the hallway  and into this tunnel like place running as far as your legs could take you, finally feeling that cold wind and rain hit you both that feeling of being free couldn't be a more victorious feeling to you both, "we did it, we did it y/n" kit beamed lifting you up in the air you couldn't help but laugh against his lips peppering his soft lips with kisses.
Just as you were almost out of sight of the asylum you both heard noises strange noises like a beast outside, it scared you, "kit I don't know about this anymore what's that noise" you said your eyes constantly scanning the perimeter around you, the fear and anxiety sending you into panic mode you were free both of you could run as far as you could and never look back.
But something was telling you to go back that there was danger ahead, "kit please can we go back I don't like the noises it's like a wild animal out here or something" you whispered now Clinging into kit's arm for dear life, "y/n we've got this far already no body noticed we're gone yet probably if we just run we can make it to another state change our name start fresh" kit said holding your shoulders trying to convince you that it was a good idea.
"But would that just make them think your even more guilty when you never did anything kit, plus we will be looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives I don't want that for us we will be proven innocent one day I know it" you pleaded with him one of kit's thumbs wiping your tears away.
Just as kit was about to say something a loud growling noise was heard once again only this it it was much closer to you both, "RUN Y/N" kit yelled grabbing your hand both of you running back to the asylum for some sort of safety you tried your hardest not to trip over your own feet with the sand shoes you were wearing plus with how much faster kit ran.
You both made it back to the asylum without being caught and luckily unnoticed by anyone, you were soaked through sitting on the wooden chairs you glanced at kit who was already staring at you, the feeling of guilt and disappointment washed over you if you weren't so scared of those noises you could have been well away by now.
You mouthed a "I'm sorry" to kit he gave you a sympathetic smile and mouthed back "don't worry" to you but that was all you did was worry, sister jude came storming into the common room sending you all to bed you and kit could leave quick enough before sister jude noticed your soaked frame saying goodnight to each other awaiting the next day.
The next day you sat in the common room a cigarette in hand talking with lana, taking a drag of your cigarette you see kit walking into the common room going to seat right next to you, "Hey" he mumbled you offered him a cigarette from your packet which he took from you with a small smile.
"Thanks doll" he said lighting his cigarette taking a long drag letting the nicotine full his lungs, "so are you two like official now or?" Lana asked you and kit never told anyone about you both in fear that someone will tell sister jude on you both, "well yeah we are but you can not say anything to anyone" you said trusting lana with your secret.
"I promise" lana smiled bringing her cigarette to her lips taking a drag, you glanced at kit with a bright smile feeling good that you could actually tell someone about your current status instead of keeping it to yourselves.
A little while later you were back on kitchen duty with kit being given one more chance to work together, "kit I'm sorry about last night we were so close and now because of me we're back to square one" you sighed mopping the floor, "Don't worry doll it's not your fault at all we would probably not have wanted to be near whatever that noise was anyway" kit reassured you placing a kiss on your head.
"We will get out of here I promise" kit whispered keeping you close to his embrace not wanting to let you go, that's when you set your mind to getting out of here if it's the very last thing you do.
Time went on and a big shock to the system happened sister jude was now a patient in braircliff Manor after have a huge breakdown, lana managed to get out of the asylum with Dr thredson but was back as she escaped the now viscous man, that one was a shock to you all you knew from the get go that kit was not bloody face but to find out it was his psychiatrist that was assessing him was infact the killer took the biscuit.
You, kit and lana planed to catch threadson out on his actions wanting justice for kit and his victims, and before you knew it it had all worked threadson was caught and dead lana got out and so did kit but he didn't leave without you, with a little bit of blackmail you were free in the back of a cab kit's arm wrapped around you holding you close.
Finally free without looking behind your shoulder just free to live the peaceful life you always wanted, the taxi came to a halt outside a secluded house you thought it was a very cute house to live in, "here we are home sweet home" kit smiled once you were out of the taxi making your way up those steps.
"I must warn you it's a complete mess in here" kit stated you just smiled and shook your head not minding any place is better than where you spent the last four years of your life, you entered the home instantly hit with the smell of kit making you feel warm inside, safe and comforted.
"It won't take us long to clean this up anyway kit" you said taking in the home whilst peeling your jacket off your body, placing it over the coat hangers at the side of the door, you then felt two arms wrap around your body pulling you close, "kit thank you" you whispered a stray tear slipping out your eye.
Kit turned your body to face him now seeing that you were crying, "Hey you don't need to thank me I did promise I'd never leave there without you and I didn't because I love you" he smiled pecking your lips "I know it's just I'm not used to people keeping promises and the fact that you did and got me out there with you I could never thank you enough" you chuckled as kit wiped your tears away.
"Come on doll let's get started making this place our home" kit smiled and with that the new chapter of your life opened with kit you couldn't wait for what the future held for you both, you finally got what you always wanted freedom, love and a home with kit you felt like the luckiest girl in the world
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phoenixwatchesmovies · 2 months
What I'm Watching: April 2024
Back at it again with Rocky Horror Picture Show, A Knight's Tale, The Exorcist, Doom Patrol, Hard Candy, and Dead Boy Detectives. I did a lot of regular writing this month and it used up words that would have gone into this, so bear with me.
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Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
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A newly-engaged couple have a breakdown in an isolated area and must seek shelter at the bizarre residence of Dr. Frank-n-Furter.
I think I was still riding the very distinct high of Repo! when I decided to throw this on, and I think they'd make a good double feature. Shockingly, this was only my second all-the-way-through watch, and I can't tell you why that is, because I love this movie. I'm familiar with the discourse, but I'm in the camp of "context is everything" and back in the day? This was groundbreaking. Even now, the general celebration of embracing what gives you joy no matter what anyone else has to say about it is nothing to scoff at. And yeah, I cried at the ending. Do something about it. I am, however, ashamed to say that I did not do the time warp this time around...but I sang along, so that counts.
A Knight's Tale (2001)
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After his master dies, a peasant squire, fueled by his desire for food and glory, creates a new identity for himself as a knight.
Kind of at a loss for this one, ngl. This was a combined favorite between me and my brother when we were younger, and we did in fact run through two VHS copies over the years (which reminds me that I still need to get my hands on a DVD). Not only does it hold up, but I think it's even better coming back to it after so long. The nostalgia still hits, and age/experience makes some elements hit harder. But god DAYUM, did it make me bawl. Found family, underdogs beating the odds, and Heath fucking Ledger. I'm still mourning that man, and I will until the day I die. If you've gotten used to me yelling about Mike Flanagan ensembles, then apply any one of those tirades here, because the supporting cast is Excellent™. This is the movie that introduced me to Alan Tudyk, Mark Addy, and James Purefoy, who have yet to disappoint me, and it also kick-started my crush on Paul Bettany. What can I say? I'm a sucker for the snarky smooth talkers who are simultaneously the smartest little shits in the bunch and also cringefail losers. And the soundtrack? Speaks for itself. You can't separate the music from the movie, and to this day I'll hear songs used and still think of this movie before anything else. This was the first place I heard my favorite David Bowie song! (I unfortunately lost my train of thought for the rest of this section, but) If for some reason you haven't watched this yet, I highly recommend it. It's fun, hilarious, and occasionally heartwarming. It's medieval Rocky! What else is there to say?
The Exorcist (1973)
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When a young girl is possessed by a mysterious entity, her mother seeks the help of two Catholic priests to save her life.
I'm also at a loss on this one. Everyone has a few classics they just can't get on board with, and this is one of mine. Maybe it's just that religious horror doesn't do it for me, or that some nitpicks I have with the pacing and editing take me right out of it. Don't know, don't really care. None of that, of course, is to say that I think this is a bad movie, which is the most annoying part. I want to like it more than I do! Believe me! But the stuff that I take issue with kinda blow the whole thing for me. I already made a separate complaint post, so I'll focus on everything else here. Linda Blair and Ellen Burstyn carry this thing on their permanently injured backs (look up the production of this movie if you want to have a bad time) and there's no contesting that. Yeah, sure, the whole question of faith plot is no doubt compelling, it's moving as shit when good triumphs over evil, blah blah don't really care. The strongest aspect of the movie for me is the relationship between the MacNeils. You can't spend so much time establishing how close they are and how much they love (and like!) each other and expect me not to latch onto them. The entire point of that time spent is to make it hit that much harder when Chris breaks down in desperation to help her daughter. Tell me you don't feel something when she's sobbing and begging Father Karras to do something for Regan. Juxtapose that with how detached Karras is from his own mother and his guilt that he wasn't there for her when she needed someone, just for funsies.
Doom Patrol (2019-2023)
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The adventures of an idealistic mad scientist and his field team of superpowered outcasts.
Ok. OK. You've been seeing my meltdowns ever since I started this, but that doesn't even scratch the surface of how weird/fun/cathartic this show is. I knew I loved it as soon as I saw certain casting announcements back in 2018 without knowing literally ANYTHING else about it. I'm just getting into season two, and I've already cried so much over these broken, chaotic, disasterpiece losers. Again, not many words for the roundup, but expect more meltdowns.
Hard Candy (2005)
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Hayley's a smart, charming teenage girl. Jeff's a handsome, smooth fashion photographer. An Internet chat, a coffee shop meet-up, an impromptu fashion shoot back at Jeff's place. Jeff thinks it's his lucky night. He's in for a surprise.
Impossible--IMPOSSIBLE--to overstate how much this movie means to me. Discovering it when I was getting serious about writing changed the way I write. Learning about production changed the way I watch movies. And finding this story of all stories, exactly when I needed it, probably did more to keep me in one piece than we have time to discuss here. THANK. GOD. It still works. This one is right up there with Perfect Blue in that it skeeved me out so bad the first time I saw it that I had no intention of going back to it ever again, but the longer it sat with me, the harder it was to shake it off. The older I get, the harder it is to sit through, and I think that works 100% in its favor. I'm not about to make this standard practice, but here's the trailer, included because it's still my favorite that I've ever seen:
Leaving aside the story for awhile, the whole thing is top notch. Barring maybe fifteen minutes, the entire movie is one location and two characters. Naturally, things have to stay interesting somehow, and the script alone kicks ass. There is maybe one scene that could be cut, but that's it. Everything else builds off of everything that came before. The cinematography stays dynamic, with gorgeous wide shots and intimate close ups, smooth and sweeping movement during quiet moments and frenetic handheld action when shit goes down. The color palette of the set and the editing is harsh and atmospheric. The sound design is *chef kiss* crisp. And the performances pull all of that together. If the premise of 30-something guy and 14-year-old girl meeting online and then in person at his place isn't icky enough, then seeing how Jeff and Hayley interact with each other will do it. Patrick Wilson sells you on the charming groomer, and his casual delivery of some of these lines are, in context, fucking horrifying. Contrast that with Elliot Page, equally charming in the opposite direction, trying so hard to be mature and impressive. Each one knows they shouldn't be meeting the way they are and acknowledge how inappropriate the whole situation is, and with the first line of dialogue you get hit with this sense of dread over what is going to happen to this kid. And then the first twist happens. It's an interesting power dynamic, each trying to get one over on the other and overlaid with this commentary on predators in online spaces, how abuse victims are often dismissed and persecuted, and how the perpetrators of some of the most vile crimes you can think of never have to answer for what they do. It is baked into nearly every scene, and it could read very easily as soapboxy or heavy handed, but Page delivers it with rage and disgust, and paired with Hayley's moments of distress and vulnerability, it paints a very visceral picture that is so. Fucking. Cathartic. If I have to boil this one down to a single statement, it's "how you wish Lolita had gone."
Dead Boy Detectives (2024-)
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Charles Rowland and Edwin Paine decided not to enter the afterlife to stay on Earth and investigate crimes that involve supernatural stuff.
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Amber freeman adores you! (Part 7)
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She loves to see you dance to Jenifer Lopez songs. Songs like 'Love dont cost a thing' and 'If you had my love'.
She loves to hold you tight while watching scary movies such as Evil dead rise and lights out.
When shes at work she'll text you to take you out on a date to get dessert
Like carrot cake and iced coffee
In the morning when you first wake up you love to cuddle Amber on her chest as she holds you in her arms
And you both fall asleep fast
She can hear your soft, light snores and she thinks it's kinda cute
She loves to play basketball against you
You were dribbling the basketball outside she was guarding you acting like she knows how to play defense
"What you doing though?" You asked. "Huh baby?"
"I'm playing defense against you. What's up?" Said Amber.
Then...another ghostface appears outside of the house. Amber smirked.
"You're so fucked now!" Said Amber.
"Alrighty. 2 against one. This gonna be easy for me". You said.
You dribbled the basketball faked left and went right faked right and went left making Amber and the other ghostface slip and fall down.
"Damn". Said Dewey. "How did she do that?" He asked.
"I dont know but- oh! She put the ball in the hoop yay we're free from both Amber and the other ghostface!" Said Sam.
When you and Amber had sex for the first time it was the most amazing experience ever especially for your first time.
Amber loves to call you baby in front of everyone.
Amber will kiss the lips off of you all day because she says you're a good kisser
Amber loves to be the big spoon you love how protective she is over you
She makes you feel safe all the time
In highschool 2 guys made fun of you because of your slim physique so Amber trapped them inside the mens bathroom and used a bread knife to stab them for making fun of you
When Amber says to you "No one will ever make fun of my baby while I'm around!" She means it! She will protect you from everything
And when this girl in highschool and her mean friends made fun of you because you walk funny and your legs and body grew taller Amber
Told the mean girl and her friends she will cut them in their sleep and
If they keep sleeping around with worthless guys with small dicks
All those girls will end up with diseases looking like the evil dead demon character
Amber pointed a fork at them and yelled at them
"Make fun of (Y/n) again! I'll stab the shit out of all of you!!!"
And all the girls got scared and ran away
"Thank you baby". You said to Amber.
Amber smiled. "You welcome baby".
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greypetrel · 8 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @theluckywizard for the tag! It's been fun to compile :3
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 6
2. what’s your total ao3 word count? 356,534 (from last October. It's higher since I haven't upload a lot of ficlets I wrote here, oops)(But! it's my AO3 birthday, yeeeeh!)
3. what fandoms do you write for? Dragon Age, there's a crossover with LOTR/Silmarillion. I don't know if I'll ever write anything solely on Tolkien lore, I tend to reason per OCs in stories and I feel slightly bad in treating other's characters as my own.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos? - Home Was Never On The Ground (CullenxLavellan, long fic)(also known as Monster Fic) - She of Many Names (CullenxLavellan, a Dragon Age and LOTR - crossover) - The Night Before First Day (Some CullenxLavellan but very on the sidelines. it's Solas acting as Santa. And it rhymes.) - One For the Road (FenrisxLavellan, Angst is over 9000, 2 chapters.) - Death and All of His Friends (HawkexMerrillxIsabela, I'll get on with it but everything is on hold because I want to get Monster fic done before the year ends)
5. do you respond to comments? Oh yes, of course! Jumping on my seat and being very happy about it. I'm wordy, so chances are that comments will be answered with more lore.
6. what’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Death and All of His Friends, right now.
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The Night Before First Day.
8. do you get hate on fics? Not that I know of. The worst hate I got in the fandom were some assholes who commented on an adoribull fanart here on Tumblr. I didn't want to learn how to say "F*ggot" in Russian, but I did. They didn't expect me to understand and reply in Russian, and they never got back.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind? … Tried to. I'm self-conscious about my writing, so it never got posted. I don't know if it ever will. It was just to see if I could, but for now I'd rather keep it personal.
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written? Yes! I love making connections between things and fiction and see similarities and who inspired some others. I have She of Many Names, which is a Dragon Age with Lord of the Rings crossover. There's some Silmarillion, but as long as highlighting characters background goes. A person on Instagram commented on one artwork of my Lavellan (miss cinnamon "I cry if you tell me that there are kittens under the rain" roll) asking me if she was Sauron. I laughed so art imagining her as an evil overlady that I HAD TO write it. "It's all a big misunderstanding".
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of.
12. have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't, but I'd love to!
14. what’s your all-time favorite ship? You'll pry HawkexMerrillxIsabela from my cold, dead hands. HawkexFenris has the best ANGST. FaramirxEowyn. Been there since I was 10, will probably die on that hill. I see the fascination of Solavellan, but Cullavellan is there above, of course. And, MaharielxMorrigan. I am surely forgetting something, but it's one case of "I am asked what's my favourite movie and suddenly my brain thinks we never saw ONE movie in our life".
OH OH OH EnjolrasxGrantaire. I SAID IT.
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I have another chapter half blorted down for One For the Road but I'm not feeling it. It's sliding towards a triangle and it's losing all the appeal to me.
16. what are your writing strengths? Oh shit, that's difficult ahahahahahah. As above, I'm self conscious about my prose. I'll try, tho.
Dialogue (been writing my own comics for years, those are just dialogue. I have exercise on that, ahahahah)
… angsty, emotional scenes?
People crying. watches Aisling
17. what are your writing weaknesses? Language and mispellings. English is not my first language, and as every person who speaks more than one, I have a very confused brain. I re-read my own writing again but there's always something missing. I also tend to write prose without a precise plan: I started writing fanfiction after YEARS of not writing prose after some comments that caught me in a moment when I was particularly fragile and convinced me my prose was never going to be ok. In order to ease me back into it, I started writing Monster Fic purposefully without a plan of action or a plotline not to stress myself too much and convince my brain it's just a hobby to relax. It worked, but in long fics I prefer having plans, I read it again and I think it shows that there's little planning ahead. When synthesis ability was being distributed, I was trying to pet a dog.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Uh, English not being my first language counts? xD Beside that: I wrote some SIMPLE lines in wannabe-Latin, some words here and there in French. If it's something long, tho, I'm against it. Personal preference, I'd rather have my readers understand what's being said if it's important, rather than showing that I know more than one language. Personal preference, I also tend not to like movies that are all done in dead languages that nobody speaks, with subtitle. Glad the writer can master ancient Latin, here's a cookie, now what.
19. first fandom you wrote for? … Inuyasha in middle school. I drew small comics for my friends over it. And, I drew a parody comic of the Iliad in my first year of high school, which is the first fandom with a COMPLETED fic.
20. favorite fic you’ve ever written? … Still with the difficult questions AHAHAHAHAHAH. These two because I got to use friends' blorbos and I was so nervous but also had the best of times: - Three Cards Trick [ Maria Hawke becomes the official third Science Sibling. They adopt a skeleton. ] - Saving Grace [ Aisling as a companion for Kerry Hawke in DA2. She refuses to pay for elfroot, but will find a way to acquire "some" from the Templars. ]
- Could be Worse. [ Mahariel, Morrigan, and Aisling becomes Ghost Hunters in modern time New York. It should have been a scam. ] I live for quotations and it set my head on fire and it's yet another modern AU I'll get back to sooner or later.
- Death and all of His Friends. [ Raina Hawke, human disaster but mildly successfull trash raccoon, fucks up royally at the end of Act 2.] Originally prompted by salsedine but I'm linking the polished AO3 version. Raina Hawke won the lottery of having issues similar to mine, and writing her has always some form of therapy. But I did it, I like the three parts, and I completed it and posted it anyway.
- Not the Years but the Mileage. [ Booby traps in the Temple of Mythal. Cullen breaks stuff that should be in a museum. ] And this one because again, quotings. Arbor Wilds (that mission is flawed, but the environment? Not.). And that piece of dialogue where Aisling can't talk and Cullen just understands her mumbling.
- Something Fishy. [ Raina and Garrett Hawke, loyal knights at the court of the Red King of Amaranthine, gets sent on a... Fishy mission.] This was probably the funniest to write, and nothing. I thrive in angst or in absurd crack fics, and this by now is my peak crack.
... I wrote for years and I hope it was remotely interesting.
TAGGING BACK: @shivunin @ndostairlyrium @heniareth @oxygenforthewicked @rosella-writes @scribbledquillz @star--nymph @zenstrike and YOU who are reading.
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teddybeartoji · 10 days
i have a questionnnnn
do you like video games?
and do you know baldur's gate 3 and final fantasy 7?
i got into those during my last vacations and idk why it never occurred to me to ask you even tho i am obsessed with astarion and sephiroth (it's always the white haired guys my taste is so predictable) and cloud but that's another thing
the characterization in both of those games is soooo good especially if you watch almost everything ff7 related like i did (takes a while though)
anyways i felt you could do them justice if you were to write about them, especially astarion. ngl i was very disappointed when i went on socials, as usual, to consume content about the media i just watched and i was very shocked in a bad way
not by the quality, there's just tons of thirst edits for example and while i agree his character is pretty and everything, it kinda hurt cuz it just went against his WHOLE character arc ... i was very disappointed with the fandom haha
same with sephiroth, though i didnt resent as much cuz his story isn't about the fact of being sexualized against his will
anyways yeah i love media in general, series/movies/games you name it as long as there's a story or just one character that i rlly like i'll love it
so i was wondering what games you liked... or media in general at this point, except the movies you posted about
also no pressure but is there a system with asks? are they removed from your inbox if you answer them? are they automatically deleted after some time? just to know cuz i haven't gotten an answer to mine and i'm scared i might've said something bad! esp since i read badly your rules and didn't see a negation and maybe said smth about looking forward to a next part :') smh
HELLOO NONNIEE:3333 I LOVE VIDEO GAMESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i have only heard abt baldur's gate and final fantasy sadly!!!! i have nothing against them they just don't necessarily seem my type of games.. BALDUR'S GATE CHARACTER CREATION SEEMS SO FUCKING FUN THOUGH OMFGGG
and i've definitely seen and heard a lot of astarion!!!!!!!!!! i've also seen some stuff abt him being really overly sexualized right????? his character seems so cool i would love to get to know him better wahh i really do wanna try baldur's gate one day!!!!!!! and unfortunately i only know sephiroth by name too:((( i'm sorry to disappoint u nonnie baby:(((
AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH VIDEO GAMES I LIKEEEE!!!!! my all time favourite is definitely the last of us part 2!!!!!!!!!!!! i am on my like... sixth playthrough on that lmao i'm doing it on grounded so yk wish me luck!!!!! anywayy i ofc like the first one too but man.. the second one hits harder for me tbh. then i really fucking love ghost of tsushima, i'm actually replaying it rn too hehe.
honorable mentions go to rdr2, until dawn, the newest dead space remake, god of war, disco elysium, the resident evil games, assassin's creed (i know a lot of ppl don't like these all that much but idk i think they're really fun!! esp black flag and odyssey)(ok i am biased bc these were like my first games ever lmao), days gone (this is another that most think is rather lame but again.. i think it's really fucking fun i have nothing against it) aaaand death stranding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaahh so many games damn i might've forgotten some but these are some that i really love!!!!!!!!!!!! i have played almost all of them multiple times too lmao that's crazy
for overall media i'd just give a lil shoutout to the 'mindhunter' series on netflix!!!!!!!!!!!!! i absolutely fucking looove that show!!!!!!!! i've seen that multiple times too i love the characters and just the way it's done overall!!!!!!!!! also 'manic' i think that's a netflix one too.. that's a really short one but idk it changed me okay i think it's fucking great
OMGG AND WAAAHHH TRUST THAT I STILL HAVE YOUR ASK!!! I AM JUST REALLY SLOW WITH ANSWERING THEM SO I AM VERY SORRY ABT THAT!!!!!!! and you definitely haven't crossed any lines either, so it's one hundred percent on me!!!!!!!!! the thing is that i get a bit overwhelmed when i have to answer things which sounds ridiculous bc I LOOOOVEEEE TALKING TO YOU GUYSSS my brain just sucks okay i'm sorry
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altraviolet · 8 months
Top 5 Horror Movies? Can be all in the same franchise or stacked together for variety. I need some movies to watch tonight since I can't watch my favorite (Trick R Treat).
What would everyone from The Echo Garden go as this year?
honestly I don't watch a ton of horror movies... these might seem kinda meh to you if you're a big horror fan!
Ghost Ship (2002) 28 Days Later Donnie Darko I was gonna say Hocus Pocus and Nightmare Before Christmas but those aren't really horror, are they... uh... o.o
all I can think of are the movies my friends used to like xD so I'll give you those:
Leprechaun series Thirteen Ghosts Evil Dead
wellllll hope something there is fun for you xD
I answered what Rodimus and Soundwave would be here, sooo lessee...
Movie Night bots take turns being each other, and this year, they finally have someone new to be! Everyone is Soundwave for Halloween. And they look RIDICULOUS
Whirl is Shockwave and he spends the night complaining that one of his arms is even more useless than usual, because it's a gun, hey wait, guns are awesome-
Ultra Magnus is a passage of the Autobot Code with a misspelling (the horror!!)
Toaster is a scraplet (he bites)
Megatron doesn't have a costume but he does have ears. fox? cat? rat? it's hard to tell and no one wants to ask
-Whirl gets kicked out of the party for shooting his gun arm so he comes back as Getaway and gets kicked out EVEN HARDER-
Cyclonus acts like he has something in his hands. when someone in a costume asks him what it is, he opens to reveal empty palms and says "Your dignity"
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wellhalesbells · 8 months
Tagged by @kikiroo - thank you, my darling!!! *friendly shark bites at you*
Last song: Probably either The Man or Anti-Hero by Taylor Swift. I just spent a week with my sister on vacation and she had just watched the Eras Tour movie so she was getting both of those stuck in my head all the time, and then we'd have to listen to them ofc.
Last movie: It was Host by Rob Savage (or at least it was when I started this, lol). I watched it 'cause I saw something on Insta about the Top 10 Scariest Movies according to what the average resting heart rate is for it. I didn't find it very scary (got me at the end though, woo boy) but I did love it - but then I love things that use the pandemic well and this definitely did imo. Plus it's all structured around (and shot through) a Zoom interface so it's only, like, fifty-seven minutes long because that's all you get when you don't pay for Zoom, haha.
Currently watching: Goosebumps, Last Week Tonight, The Fall of the House of Usher, Two Sentence Horror Stories, Our Flag Means Death and Ghost Files and I am half-assing all of it. I've either only started the first episode or only watched the first episode on all of those. I have no staying power these days. Though I am only one ep behind on Last Week Tonight \o/
Other stuff I watched this year: Unfortunately for you guys, I write fucking everything down and it is now the tenth month of the year. I GOT RECS. Well, Meg 2: The Trench, which is a cinematic masterpiece and I will take no questions on that (unless they're Joming related). (Cognizant of the month) Here are spooky things I watched this year and liked a lot: X, The Black Phone, The Menu, Terrifier and Terrifier 2 (this is definitely only for gore fans though), Bodies Bodies Bodies, Cocaine Bear (also a cinematic masterpiece, also not taking questions), Interview with the Vampire, Wednesday, Severance, Evil, The Last of Us, Over the Garden Wall, Magpie Murders, What We Do in the Shadows, and Shining Vale (haven't started the second season yet!). Also really liked: Paddington, Nimona, Barbie, Spider-man: Across the Spider-verse, Vivo, Derry Girls, The Bear, The Boys, Mythic Quest, Only Murders in the Building (I haven't watched the new season yet though but I expect great things), Reboot, Tuca & Bertie, Los Espookys, Barry, Extraordinary, Crashing (I literally watched it three times in a row - watching Sam and Fred fall in love 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻 plus I fucking love Jonathan Bailey - I consistently find him ridiculously charming), Hacks, Avenue 5 (so sad this got canceled when I feel like it just hit its stride), Staged (I've watched it probably six times now), Abbott Elementary, A Black Lady Sketch Show, Ted Lasso, I Think You Should Leave Now (just for that one sketch, you know the one and, if you don't, I am HAPPY to tell you about it!), Unstable (petition for Fred Armisen to be in everything though, right?), Black Mirror, Central Park, Elite (I haven't watched the new season yet!), Reservation Dogs (ditto), The White Lotus, Good Omens, Letterkenny, Minx (what's ditto but for the third time?), Heartstopper, Sasaki and Miyano, and The Other Two.
Shows I dropped/didn’t finish: I'm behind on everything all the time so I'm only going to answer for shows I dropped and I don't think I've dropped any this year?
Currently reading: The Dead Take the A Train by Cassandra Khaw & Richard Kadrey (about halfway through), House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski (I'll be reading this until I die, I think), Cunk on Everything by Philomena Cunk, The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab (nearly finished!), The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith, My Darling Girl by Jennifer McMahon and The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice (decided to do a reread of the IwtV series this year since I never actually finished it and only got to book ten and I read it way too long ago to remember anything that's happening if I just picked it up now).
Currently listening to: My calendar alarm telling me to go to my dog's vet appointment.
Currently working on: getting at least a third of the way through My Darling Girl
Also absolutely no pressure tagging @andavs, @callunavulgari, @piratefalls, @clotpolesonly, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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blogger-yura · 8 months
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Entry #52 Oct 23rd '23
#YurasLife #MovieMonday #HalloweenWeek #Thriller #Horror #Slasher #Gore
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𝐌𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 - This is Halloween~
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This is Halloween~ Pumpkins scream in the dead of night~.
It's that time of the year again! Isn't it just OH, so exciting! If you've been here a while, you might know how much I LOVE holidays ♡ And Halloween, of course, holds a special place in my heart. Wouldn't be able to tell you why, but it's always with great joy that I spend october, and especially the last week, preparing, decorating, and celebrating ~.
Same as last year, to get in the mood this week before the day comes, I've prepared a small list with movies to watch! Some were added to the ranking last time, classics that simply can't be left out–. And some, well, are just here to enjoy and have fun with friends at night (*^ω^)
With nothing else to say, I hope you enjoy this year's selection!
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Monday 23rd
Title: Scream franchise (1996-2023) - Director: Wes Craven, Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett, Christopher Landon
It is not a Halloween movie night if there's not at least ONE Scream movie in there. That's it. That's everything there is to say. Ah, how do you even explain this franchise? To this day, it remains a must watch for any and all horror lovers. There is no further discussion about it. I'm taking the holiday as an excuse! Still need to watch the new drop. So do the same, and if you haven't watched them all, make yourself a favor and sit through them tonight!
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Tuesday 24th
Title: Hostel (2005-2011) - Director: Eli Roth, Scott Spiegel
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟☆☆
Wednesday 25th
Title: Slither (2006) - Director: James Gunn
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟☆☆
Thursday 26th
Title: The Evil Dead franchise (1981-2023) - Director: Sam Raimi, Federico Alvarez, Lee Cronin
It's the hand. It will ALWAYS be the hand. Picture this, you're watching a terribly gore-y, comical horror movie. You can't get past the 1st person POV of the evil spirit sprinting through the woods, trying to take the movie seriously as it's so old. And then, to top it off, a possessed hand wants to end its former owner's life. That's all you need to know to understand why this is here. A comic, a computer game, a movie, a tv show, and a musical. That's the cultural impact of The Evil Dead!
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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Friday 27th
Title: House of 1000 corpses (2003) - Director: Rob Zombie
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟☆☆
Saturday 28th
Title: The Strangers (2008) - Director: Bryan Bertino
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟🌟☆
Sunday 29th
Title: Paranormal Activity (2006) - Director: Oren Peli.
Lets be honest for once. There's only one good Paranormal Activity movie, and that's simply the first one. Maybe it was the fear it induced, the novelty of the idea and the filmmaking, or simply the fact it made it seem like such an ordinary occurrence, like it could happen to you at any time. But it is, undoubtedly, an axiety inducing, terrifying movie. And I am more than convinced it deserves a little spot in todays list.
Personal score: 🌟🌟🌟🌟☆
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Did I pick your favorite movie, or did I miss it? It's always so hard picking so little movies to share and have fun with for these dates! Never know if I want to keep the list old school, modern, psychological, or bloody! Regardless, this is the list I'm going with myself! A bit of everything, I reckon, and I know I'll enjoy it.
If you have your own horror list for the week, what do you have in it? And if you don't like horrors, what do you watch for Halloween? (^w^)
Can't wait for next week to come already! Still have so much to share the next few days, though. I'm super excited, and I hope you are too!
I'll go now, or I'll fall behind on my other plans! But I'll be back tomorrow with more, so don't miss me much! All the love, my little pumpkins~.
Stay safe out there! -Yura ♡
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evolution-ofa-geek · 9 months
31 Days of Horror
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Day 2 - Favorite Slasher Movie
Freddy vs Jason (2003)
Robert Englund
Ken Kirzinger
Kelly Rowland
Monica Keena
Jason Ritter
Katherine Isabella
Brendan Fletcher
Synopsis: "It's been nearly ten years since Freddy Krueger terrorized people in the dreams, and the towns folk want to keep him erased from their memory. Freddy still has one more plan on getting back to Elm Street. He resurrects Jason Voorhees and sends him off to kill. The more bodies which fall to the ground, the stronger in which Freddy becomes. This is until, Freddy realizes that Jason isn't going to step aside easily, and must be taken down himself"
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When it came down to my favorite slasher movie of all time it had to include my favorite slasher of all time. Unfortunately I couldn’t decide between a lot of them so I chose the movie that had two of them against each other.
As many of you know, at the end of Jason Goes to Hell, Jason’s mask is ripped off and lands on a pile of dirt. The camera zooms in on it and we as the audience think there’s going to be one last scare. Instead we get the treat of Freddy’s hand glove reaching for the mask and bringing it back down with him.
Ten years later we get treated to Freddy vs Jason.. I have to include this movie on this list considering I watched it three times when it came out and now own it and even watch it on basic cable when its shown. Its a cant miss. Either you hate it because of the story and the acting and the actors they chose or you love it because its Freddy vs Jason. Two horror icons pitted against each other.
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Years later there were rumors of a second movie, including one with Michael Myers and theres even a comic book which includes Ash from Evil Dead joining in on the fight. Hands down, my favorite slashers and slasher movie.
Freddy vs Jason Kill Count: 35 according to Dead Meat on Youtube
Favorite Kill Scene: Jason stabbing the douche high school boy 8 times in his bed and then bending the bed in half.
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What was your favorite slasher movie? DM or Tag me in your post and i'll include it on the podcast.
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streda · 1 month
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"Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror"
A film that contributed to the creation of today's horror films, a film that changed cinematography, a film that will never be forgotten and that will always be mentioned in the best horror films. This is "Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror".
"Nosferatu" is a cult production of the 1920s and today, everyone has probably heard it at least once. as I have already mentioned, the film changed the face of cinema forever, introduced changes and controversies.
Florence Stoker, Bram Stoker's widow, brought a lawsuit against Murnau for illegal use of her husband's novel. She won the lawsuit, and Murnau had to pay damages and destroy all copies of the film. However, the film survived because several copies have survived, according to various versions, from illegal sources or from other countries where the film was shown. I was shocked when I found out about it, it's quite shocking.
Even though "Nosferatu" is based on a book by Bram Stoker, it differs from the plot of the book, this was due to the fact that they did not have the rights to the book. One of the main determinants is the fact that the characters have different names. the ending is also different - the vampire is annihilated, however, in a different way than in Stoker's book, Ellen offers herself as a sacrifice.
In 1979, the most famous remake of the film, Nosferatu the Vampire, was made by Werner Herzog. Since Symphony of Horrors, Stoker's novel had become public domain, so Herzog borrowed characters from it.
let's get back to the movie. was shot mainly in Germany (as befits a German production), exactly on the Baltic Sea, in Slovakia (Dolny Kubin, Oravsky Podzamok, Vratna Valley), in Sweden (Uppsala University) and in Germany (Heligoland, Lauenburg, Rostock, Wismar, Westfalia ).
Starring: Max Schreck as Count Orlok, after the release of the film he was associated with evil and there were even suspicions that he was a real vampire, Greta Schröder is mainly associated with the role of Ellen Hutter and Gustav von Wangenheim played the role of Thomas Hutter, he is also known for his role in the film "Woman on the Moon" and is associated with communist activities. Most of the actors are associated mainly with this film.
What's also interesting is that Nosfertu has to be poured during the day, otherwise it would die.
Despite the opinions of critics who say that the film is not scary and is an experiment, it is worthy of attention and admiration. At that time, promoting such behavior was quite brave, the fact that Max Schreck agreed to such a risk, after all, after watching the film, it was literally believed that he played so well a vampire because he was one.
The film is a great classic without which horror cinema would not be what it is today, it is worth paying attention to it, much less buying or downloading it on DVD.
Of course, I forgot the most important thing, i.e. mistakes. Strony w antycznej książce o wampirach, opatrzone są nowoczesnymi znakami wodnymi, It's such a small mistake but it changes so much. As Hutter goes to sleep in his room at the inn, in the distance, in the left corner, the hand of a crew member can be seen waving a piece of cloth at the camera. The bite mark on the dead captain's neck does not match Orlock's vampire teeth, his fangs are not that far apart, such distinctive teeth and such a mistake?
the film also contributed to culture. Fragments of the film were used in Queen's music video "Under Pressure" (I'll try to post it on my blog someday). The Metallica guitarist wears a T-shirt with the title of the movie in the 'Nothing Else Matters' music video.
I guess it's time for a summary.
Thomas Hutter (Gustav von Wangenheim) breaks up with his beloved wife Ellen (Greta Schroeder) and goes to Count Orlok (Max Schreck) in order to sign a contract with him for the sale of a house in his hometown of Wisborg. Along the way, people warn him about the count, but the young boy does not believe in stories about the vampire. Hutter reaches the castle, where the bloodthirsty Nosferatu is waiting for him. Thomas is saved from the final attack of the vampire count by Ellen, but she does not realize that she is attracting his attention. Nosferatu sets off by ship to Wisborg.
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